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vexic929 · 3 months ago
Post no no, pick the idea back up, I want to know what it is👀
oooh okay so! the idea is kind of an eowells/cisco au where instead of killing cisco in the day that didn't happen and triggering his vibes, cisco's vibes start earlier and eobard recognizes this and chooses to train and manipulate cisco into being his ally against barry
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purplecyborgnewt · 1 month ago
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shrinkthisviolet · 8 months ago
4 & 6 for the salty ask game, please!
- folk melody
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Nora/Thawne, Iris/Thawne, Cisco/Thawne, Hartley/Thawne, and Barry/Thawne (the last two are strongly suggested by canon, and I acknowledge that—I just don't like reading fics focused on them 😂 as background ships, I usually don’t mind)
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Maybe Hartmon? It's not an OTP or anything, but I see the vision more than I initially did, when I hated it
salty ask game!
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terrie01 · 1 year ago
WIP tag game!
List all the titles of your current WIP
Tagged by @autisticharrywells. Here we go...
That Blessed Arrangement: Harrisco marriage of convenience
Three is the Luckiest Number: Harry and Tess seduce Cisco
Sweeter than Candy: The next story in my ReverseVibe series the CandyVerse.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years ago
for the unpopular/popular opinion thing. . . superhero shipnames can be confusing. especially if there are heroes with the same or similar monikers (i.e: multiple supers, bats, flashes, etc. i hope you get the point). sorry if this sounds weird but. . . but this has bothered me for months, lmao.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I definitely agree, the ship names for superheroes get pretty confusing at times.
So there's WestAllen, which makes sense. Iris West/Barry Allen, just shove their last names together. Very straightforward. Except the comics version of the ship name is NewsFlash. Which I think is cuter for a ship name. While I do like that the show and the comics have separate ship names to make it clearer which version of the characters is being referenced... NewsFlash could easily fit Linda/Wally too. News reporter/Flash.
And WestAllen can easily be confused with Westhallen, which is Iris/Eddie/Barry. They look so much alike my mild dyslexia reminds me it exists.
Then there's KillerVibe - which originated as Caitlin/Cisco because back in S1 everyone knew Cisco would eventually become Vibe and Caitlin Snow was one of the Killer Frosts. Killer Frost as a separate character wasn't even a thing then. So if KillerVibe is Caitlin/Cisco, what is the actual Frost/Cisco ship called? FrostVibe?
Harrisco and Barrisco are another two that make my mild dyslexia squint carefully. Personally I prefer FlashVibe for Barry/Cisco, but that's just me. And, of course, Barrison looks a lot like Harrisco and Barrisco, right? And which version of Harrison Wells is even being referred to for Barrison? Harry? HR? Pre-reveal-Eobard? OG-Harrison Wells??? Harrisco at least is specifically Harry/Cisco, with HR/Cisco being something else I can't remember and Eobard/Cisco being ReverseVibe.
Speaking of Barry/Eobard - when it's not being called Barrison (muddying the waters of that ship name), it's called Eobarry. Which makes sense.
There's ColdFlash. ColdWestAllen. ColdWave. ColdFlashWave. ColdWesthallen. And more. When my eyes aren't cooperating, it takes a bit to parse which one I'm seeing.
It can get overwhelming and sometimes I definitely wish people would just write "Character A/Character B(/etc)" because no matter the order of the character names it's very clear who is being referenced that way. But the ship names can be fun and silly too, so I don't really wish them away either. (Do both? Both is good.) I just wish there was a wiki for this somewhere. (Hilariously, the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom does, in fact, have a shipping wiki for tracking ship names because the ship names for that fandom are pretty wild/have multiple names per ship too.)
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 years ago
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“And one more thing before I go. Whether it’s me, or any of the many Wells predecessors...”
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thenarator · 5 years ago
For the fic title ask (fic can be about anything): the further i get, the closer i am
for you obviously it’s reversevibe, probably something about eobard getting more and more attached to cisco as his plans for going back home hurtle towards fruition. he starts off drawn to cisco, but keeping him at arm’s length because he knows he’ll have to leave him. as time goes on and his plans require more and more outside help he leans on cisco more and more. by the time he’s almost ready to go home, he’s frantically trying to redesign the time sphere so that it’ll hold two people. he’s too close. he won’t go back alone.
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christinewipmachine · 5 years ago
Words: 1,134 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom(s): The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Mature Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells Characters: Cisco Ramon, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells Additional Tags / Warnings: Unhealthy Relationships, Possessive Thawne, Body Worship, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, Character Study
"This boy, with his soft stomach and freckles and the occasional scar or birthmark, was all-natural and 'real.' And truly, utterly unique. Who could blame Eobard for being so fascinated?"
Thawne loves his Cisco and thinks he's gorgeous. That's it--that's the fic.
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purpleyin · 5 years ago
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DCTV moodboards: ReverseVibe for @christinequizmachine.
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christinequizmachine · 6 years ago
Words: 23,162 Chapters: 4/4 
Fandom(s): The Flash (TV 2014), DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Unhealthy Relationships, Self-Destructive Behavior, Discussions of Death and Dying, Non-Graphic Sex
 Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Eobard Thawne, Cisco Ramon/Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells
 Characters: Cisco Ramon, Eobard Thawne, Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Earth-2 Harrison “Harry” Wells, Wally West, Dante Ramon
“I have it on good authority that you’re in need of a speedster who can time travel. One who isn’t afraid of altering the past in order to save an innocent person’s life.”
While still reeling from the revelation that Dante was alive in the Pre-Flashpoint timeline, Cisco gets a visit from Eobard Thawne, his mentor and ex-lover. Thawne’s got an offer that Cisco knows he should probably refuse, but he might just take it, anyway.
Written for @terrie01 for the 2019 DCCW RarePair Swap
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? rate Reversevibe from 1-10 and explain why. rant about Reversepiper. realistically, do you think Supercorp will ever be canon? why or why not?
my FIRST ship if I really wrack my brain was probably Lizzie x Gordo from Lizzie McGuire (so, you know, really showing my age) also baby queer me didn't realize it at the time but I totally shipped Lizzie x Miranda too lol
I'm gonna get hate for this but imo, the most overrated ship is probably DickBabs or BatCat, I do ship both but they just oversaturate the fanspaces from what I've seen, all four characters have other better love interests - even canon ones! - that I think just get tremendously overshadowed
ReverseVibe is around a 6 or 7 for me, I like it and find it incredibly interesting but I definitely ship both men with different people more often, not a pairing I'd probably write but I'll definitely read it
ReversePiper gives me SO MANY FEELINGS, I'm always going on about how great Andy Mientus and Tom Cavanagh play off of each other, I wouldn't at all be surprised if I found out that when learning about their characters they both agreed to play Hartley and EoWells as exes before anything else lol there's a ton to explore in the relationship since they didn't go super deep into it in canon which means a lot of fun interpretation, especially in regards to Hartley's vulnerable state at the time which is excellent angst fodder (and we all know I live for that) and the way Hartley and Eobard mirror each other in personality, it's just SO GOOD
I really, honestly think that The CW is too cowardly at this point to have ever truly made SuperCorp canon but I feel like maybe there would have been a bit more hints towards it in the final season if it hadn't been filmed during COVID, I mean their interactions got increasingly more romantic and both characters' relationship statuses were left open-ended in the finale which feels rare, I feel like every time I watch a series it ends with the main character and company getting a probably straight love interest as their "happy ending"
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purplecyborgnewt · 10 months ago
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years ago
harry/cisco? also eobard/cisco
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More power to y’all who ship it, good for you, and I do love the two of them interacting, but uh…no 😅 sorry. They give off more of a platonic vibe to me
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Their platonic angst absolutely hits, but I don’t like them together romantically at all 😬
send me a ship, and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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terrie01 · 6 years ago
So, horrific AU idea that crossed my mind today. I was thinking about Episode 100, where it was implied EoWells knew that Cisco would become Vibe, either from his knowledge of history or from the season two encounter between Cisco and Original Recipe Thawne. Now, go back to season one and imagine that EoWells viewed Cisco as a valuable resource because of his forthcoming powers.
So, instead of shutting Cisco down over the Cold Gun, he nurtures Cisco’s doubts about Barry. “I’m not saying you’re wrong to be cautious. But he’s our only resource against the other metas right now, and we need to proceed with caution.” He sows doubt after doubt in Cisco’s mind, downplaying the way Barry cares about other people and emphasizing the way Barry can be careless and impulsive, and how that can lead to people being hurt. So that when Cisco starts to suspect that EoWells is behind the death of Barry’s mother, he’s reluctant to go to Joe, because what if it gets back to Barry? He doesn’t trust Barry to be rational about it, and if he’s wrong, it could put “Dr. Wells” is serious danger.
Since he never goes to Joe, they never find out that the real Harrison Wells was killed by Thawne. By the time he finds out that EoWells is the Reverse Flash, he’s primed to stop and ask why, and EoWells spins him some justification of how it was never his intent to harm Nora Allen, that he was there because he was trying to stop future Barry from damaging the timeline and he has such regrets about what happened, and now he’s trying to make amends by working with Barry, teaching him and hopefully curb his recklessness so no more innocent people get hurt...
And Cisco buys it and agrees to help EoWells, training secretly under him, to be what the Cold Gun couldn’t be. A way to stop Barry if he ever got out of control, but one that could never be used by someone else. And the whole time, EoWells is shaping Cisco’s views of his own powers, Barry, other metas... That left uncontrolled by those of a more pragmatic mindset, Barry will destroy those around him with the best of intentions.
Of course, eventually, Barry finds out and attacks EoWells, seriously hurts him, and all Cisco can think of is the warnings of how Barry is ruled by his emotions and that makes him dangerous, that’s why he has to be controlled... And Cisco steps up, sides with EoWells publically, prevents Barry from killing EoWells, breaches them away. EoWells is still the Big Bad that hangs over everything, but now he has Cisco at his side. A Cisco who, if he ever encountered Reverb, would probably blast him across the room and scorn his little speech about being gods, because what our Cisco has is so much more than that.
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astarlitsunflower · 6 years ago
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This love's killing me but I want it to.
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icedteaandoldlace · 5 years ago
Cisco + Harrison Wells: My Life Would Suck Without You
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