#liz's spn stuff
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thegeminisage · 1 year ago
ok, now that i've watched all of tos (none of the movies yet...) i am going to do the top ten worst and best episodes, according to Me. they are as follows:
10. the savage curtain - idk who thought putting abe lincoln in a cage match with the vulcan version of ghandi against like, ghengis khan and space hitler would be a good idea. but it wasn't. i did like seeing the vulcan father of logic though like "im gonna go sacrifice myself for peace" ok king
9. i, mudd - all of the mudd episodes are bad. he's not charming at all whatsoever. however, this one is better than the other one because uhura gets to pretend to sell out kirk and they're SOOO cute about it. her little giggle when he PICKS HER UP BY HER SHOULDERS and tells her how proud he is. PLEEEEASE
8. charlie x - the entire premise of this episode is that the bad guy is just autistic. and then they make him live on a planet without people because he can't adjust to normal life ???
7. shore leave - obvious racism of this episode aside, the faux-irish jig that played while kirk was being menaced by his extremely unfunny old bully nearly drove me over the edge. we DO love a good mccoy death fakeout tho
6. a piece of the action - if i had any interest in gangster films before this it's all gone now. that being said. i loved when kirk drove the little car. he was so bad at it. he was so happy.
5. mudd's women - like he's literally just selling women?? and the plot twist is that secretly they're ugly?????
4. who mourns for adonias - this is just "what if ALIENS build the pyramids bro" except for the 1960s. nail in the coffin for this one was kirk proudly declaring they didn't needs gods - because they already had the One God, thank you very much!
3. the paradise syndrome - WHY WOULD YOU HAVE NATIVE AMERICANS MISTAKE KIRK FOR GOD. WHY. like i know why but Why. i think the very worst part of this episode was that it had an amnesia plot that would have FUCKED if you had simply removed the people. if there hadn't been people in this it would've been in my top 10 episodes. i think this broke me.
2. the omega glory - this is the same as the last episode except there's no amnesia, and also the "native americans" are white cosplayers who worship the american flag and mistake kirk for god because he can recite the pledge of allegiance yes really. if i had a nickel for every time this happened i'd only have two nickels etc etc at least kirk didn't knock anybody up in this one ig
1. patterns of force - why would you make your two jewish leads wear swastikas and then literally be whipped by nazis. i know he's such a bad person but not even william shatner deserves that. number one worst episode everyone says it's omega glory but it's this one
10. plato's stepchildren - this episode is hard to rank because like it's both good and bad. the torture scenes were genuinely upsetting, especially the ones at the end w/ spock & nurse chapel, because they weren't just violence being inflicted on tied up guys, but they were SUPPOSED to be upsetting, like it was literally the point. and also this episode bears the distinction of THEEE kirk & uhura kiss. literally historic.
9. the trouble with tribbles - i feel like everyone's heard of this but it really is as good as everyone says. sometimes 1960s humor doesn't translate to 2020s humor but it was genuinely hysterical start to finish. also, the distinct trilling sound was so imprinted in my brain i recognized it in the 2009 movie where i had never registered it before.
8. the naked time - aside from the KING SHIT george takei pulled with the fencing this episode also contains the "i am in control of my emotions [sobbing]" moment and kirk & spock LITERALLY having a slapfight. this episode has everything. an absolute masterpiece
7. the empath - i feel like this paired with "the world is hollow and i have touched the sky" really made me a Bones Understander. i feel a little bad about that bc everyone says the characterizations in s3, or actually that the season as a whole, is kinda shaky? but i watched without knowing that and i feel like i Get It now. also, this was the only score i went and relistened to on spotify
6. tholian web - the spock & mccoy episode ever. there's so many things to say about this from the death fakeout to kirk's little space suit but what TRULY got me was the instant and totally nonverbal agreement to lie straight to kirk's face to both preserve personal dignity and troll the shit out of him (while chekov and sulu are like also silently laughing as they listen in no less). what this episode made me realize was that it's a good thing they argue all the time and make kirk play referee because if they were on the same side kirk wouldn't stand a chance. like he'd be finished.
5. the city on the edge of forever - ok, so, this episode made me feel like i was having a mental break. the time travel. spock's little hat. when he watches kirk kiss edith and then goes back into their room to pretend he didn't see anything. mccoy and kirk basically hugging at the end when edith bites it.
4. requiem for methuselah - the first time i watched this i was kinda like :/ because how does kirk fall in love with a woman in FOUR HOURS? that aside the ending scene blew my tits clean off. i paced around my house for like 30 minutes going "what the FUCK was that" because i couldn't simply lie down and sleep after seeing it. rewatching the episode with uh. new context made me like it a little better. but even if it had been garbage the last scene shook me so thoroughly it would still need to be on this list. i'm getting wound up just thinking about it. number one most shocking tos moment.
3. the dagger of the mind - look, i understand that this episode was technically just run-of-the-mill stuff as far as everybody else is concerned but they put james t kirk in a little brainwashing machine. and the machine was shaped like a chair. and it gives people amnesia sometimes. i don't know how i'm expected to behave normally
2. this side of paradise - this is the episode where a flower jizzes on spock and gives him feelings. and look: it's really funny, and there's a lot to love about it. but the ending where kirk hurls verbal abuse at spock for a solid 92 seconds WITHOUT STOPPING followed by: spock beating the shit out of him until he gets his logic back. i have rewatched this perhaps 1,000 times at minimum. what the fuck were they doing
1. conscience of the king - this episode got me into this mess. i don't think i can elaborate further without significant self-incrimination. let's just say what happened was i thought "oh i'll just watch this one tos episode for context for the fanfiction" and one month later i'm writing fic about [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT
ok, that's my list. i thought about doing honorable mentions for episodes that had scenes i liked even though the overall episode didn't make it into my top 10. but then i realized that would mean recapping basically the entire series and this post is already too long. i do have to give the pon farr episode a shoutout though because even though so much of it was offputting there was literally a titty window in kirk's shirt. like, it's the pon farr episode. ok NOW i'm done
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ldrmas · 2 years ago
Okay just one more thing
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The Hell
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Are we ReLYING on CHARMS!!?? 
I mean I can sorta understand Mary, her father didn’t want her to get a tattoo. John easy enough to say meh too because he just learned about this literally TODAY. 
But Ada has no flipping excuse! Why isn’t it on a necklace or a bracelet like Mary  Or better yet WHY THE HELL ISN’T IT TATTOOED ON YOU!  Tattooing was a thing in the 70s so why the hell are we relying on charms! 
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kayteonline · 2 years ago
Hey, sweetie! It's so good to see you on my dash again 😊I know it's been quite a while, and I think you've interacted with both of us, but had to let you know, I'm Riz 😁not Liz (she's @jensensgotyoudean). No worries, it used to be in my URL and when I changed it before the SPN finale, it's not there anymore! lol
Riz!! HIII!
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I appreciate the clarification! LOL I think Liz had a similar URL at one point, but I think it might have been on IG, so I thought for a split second it was her! Imagine my surprise! :D XOXO
It's so good to see you still here too and that you're still actively posting fics! I'm headed back that way in my Tumblr re-emergence journey to catch up on the many things I've missed since I've been away, and read some oldies but goodies. I've always loved your stuff! Can't wait to dive back in!
Hope all is well with you lady! <333
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
haikyuu!! + things they were doing on the internet when they were like... 12
a/n: is this also a call-out post for myself and a way to make fun of things i did? yes
Hinata: playing those free to play weird-ass games on y8.com when he’s not fighting over the computer with his sister
Kageyama: watching ‘top ten best sets in volleyball games with slow-motion’ again and again until his sister taught him how to use youtube
Tsukishima: writing long essays that he posts on facebook about how much twilight sucks and how much he hates it. definitely had a twilight phase
Yamaguchi: secretly writing twilight fanfiction and posting them on wattpad. he got pretty famous for them but he’ll never talk about it
Ennoshita: played Feeding Frenzy a lot. like, a Lot. this man was a literal god
Tanaka: MAKING PUNK/EMO EDITS OF HIS FAVORITE CELEBRITIES. his masterpiece was punk harry styles feat. 6 earrings and a neck tattoo
Nishinoya: watching american ninja warrior compilations but the ones with ‘eye of the tiger’ edited over them to make them extra awesome
Daichi: coming up with his own inspirational quotes that are kind of terrible like ‘even though i’ve been beaten down, i’ll always get back up’ and posting them on facebook thinking that he’ll inspire people somehow
Sugawara: watching ‘Hetalia Ep. 25 VIETSUB|SPN|ENG subtitles pt. 2/28′ on youtube. either that or ouran high school host club idk this guy had a phase
Asahi: taking a whole bunch of those ‘what your fashion says about you’ quizzes until he eventually made one himself as well as a polyvore account
Oikawa: reading and writing doctor who fanfiction before eventually getting into sherlock and supernatural. yes, he shipped destiel. yes, the destiel canon thing on november ruined him
Iwaizumi: he was really into looking up random animal videos like ‘tarantula vs. scorpion fight’ and stuff like monster bug wars from animal planet and when oikawa made fun of his search history he figured out how to delete it
Hanamaki: vibing to the Phineas and Ferb songs playlist that he made on youtube (of course the aglet song is his favorite one)
Matsukawa: a true tumblr child and was there when this hellsite was first birthed. he remembers the tumblr wars between the fandom and the hipster blogs all too well
Ushijima: didn’t know what the internet was until tendou realized he didn’t have a skype so he made an account for him. until now, ushijima’s status still says ‘hi, wakatoshi here’
Tendou: watching a whole bunch of minecraft song parodies on youtube before eventually making them himself 
Semi: either learning guitar through youtube videos or looking up ‘how to play lucky by jason mraz EASY VERSION | NO BAR CHORDS’ 
Shirabu: he used only Google+ as his social media and wondered why he wasn’t getting any friends
Goshiki: this kid was blessed to be twelve years old when the lego movie came out so he most definitely just used the internet to listen to ‘everything is awesome’ again and again
Kuroo: definitely a fandom kid, one of those from the six major book fandoms (hp, pjo, hg). used to run a fricking roleplay group on tumblr and his oc’s always have a Dark Backstory
Kenma: youguysaregonnacomeformebut--- SONIC THE HEDGEHOG FANFICTION OKAY BYE
Yaku: playing Pet Society on facebook. is it such a coincidence to see him so decked out and rich now when his pet had the same lifestyle? nO
Lev: playing those papa louie games (papa’s pizzeria, papa’s burgeria, etc) and trying to force the game to crash by serving customers 500 chicken wings
Bokuto: as soon as he got a skype account, he’d pretty much voice call anyone and everyone he saw had an ‘active’ status on but his friends didn’t have the heart to switch their status to ‘inactive’
Akaashi: was the king of making ‘which ___ character would be into you (for girls and gays only!!!)’ quizzes that are very detailed. he’d even make a whole character profile with a ‘how you met them’ at the end
Atsumu: used to secretly watch episodes of ‘boys over flowers’ and ‘meteor garden’ on the computer when he was alone at home. eventually got into girl’s generation and super junior
Osamu: a master at playing poptropica and even had a whole gig making poptropica walkthroughs for other people. sometimes he’d play club penguin and get himself kicked out for swearing just for fun
Suna: looking up ‘demons by imagine dragons with lyrics’ on youtube and just playing it on loop. his desktop wallpaper says ‘don’t get too close, it’s dark inside’
Kita: didn’t know what the internet was until suna and aran took pity on him and helped him create a facebook account. until now, his profile pic is still a picture of his jersey number and he has 99+ unchecked notifications
Sakusa: his cousin introduced him to sims. except, sakusa doesn’t play ‘for fun’ but to vicariously live the average salaryman life through his virtual character (he named him steve)
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):@montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @atsumusdomain​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​ @ah-kaashi​ @guardianangelswings @definitely-yours @amberalisa @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​ @procrastination-lady
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clowningbayern-moved · 3 years ago
i was tagged by @kingkepa, @belenav, and @everybodylovesmusiala thank you besties <333
rules: tag 9 people you wanna know better
favorite piece of clothing you own?: ooh good question mm ok so i need to state for the record i'm not a f*rrari fan but i did buy a vintage f*rrari jacket recently and i am obsessed with it. that or this black leather trench coat i also just bought. in my sexy coats era i guess?
favorite time of the year?: spring!! basically could copy paste everything katharina said here, i love love love the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer and the flowers and how good the sun feels when you're coming out of winter <3 plus fun fact i'm born the day before the summer solstice and i've always liked that, very end of spring
favorite song?: oof. currently? probably slow show by the national. but this changes constantly. my favorite albums/artists stay more stable so that's prob a better indicator of my taste: albums are tranquility base hotel + casino, evermore, golden hour; artists are slade, tswift, kacey musgraves, the killers, the rolling stones
comfort food: sushi! or impossible burgers lol
do you collect something?: nah not really. i used to keep all my old ticket stubs and stuff but moving apartments in new york has meant anything that's not necessary gets thrown out regularly
favorite drink?: beer (esp ipa/lager/pils) for alcohol generally, old fashioned for cocktail, iced espresso for beverages generally
favorite fanfic?: i'm so jealous of liz and mari for not reading fanfic but my answer will be more like katharina's, gotta try to keep this short. my favorite favorite is slow show by ambiguouspace but spacetime invariants is a close second. i also have a lot of favorites for other fandoms (all the young dudes IS as good as they say, ninety-one whiskey & for all you young hockey players out there are my fave spn fics) but i need to stop before this gets too long
I tag @whoretzka @carlopinsoglio @fcsane @cichocicho anddd anyone else who wants to do it? i feel like i've seen everyone get tagged a million times but feel free to do it if you'd like
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destieldailynews · 4 years ago
Meet the Staff!
Here at the DDN we have a lovely crew of hard working hellers devoted to getting you the facts when you need them. We’ve each written bios introducing ourselves which are located beneath the cut. If you’re interested in joining the team, here is a post about what we need.
A note: if you didn’t get a response to your application it is possible there was a typo in your blog url that kept us from reaching out. if you applied and would like to know the status of your application, go ahead and send a DM to @lateral-org.
Hi! I’m Lina, (she/her) and I write the news! I’m actually quite a new addition to the fandom, as I only got properly involved at the beginning of quarantine, but I am already invested enough to be reading a copious amount of fan fiction and writing an essay on the queer representation in the show. My favourite quote has to be “happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it,” and that is why I will never get over 15x18.
Hey! I’m T (@lateral-org), my pronouns are she/they and I’m the main editor for DDN. I used to be obsessed with SPN in 2015 but stopped watching regularly around season twelve. 15x18 sucked me back in, and now I’m invested not just in the show, but all of the stuff going on behind the scenes. I joined DDN because keeping up with #destielgate has basically just become a hobby of mine, and I wanted to make the details more accessible to anyone else who was interested. I’m a deangirl through and through, and my favorite quote is “I have no idea, but what I do have is a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude. I’ll figure it out.” 
Howdy! I’m Jas (@you-changedmedean), she/her, and I’m a researcher/editor for DDN, plus doing a bit of blog maintenance. I’ve been casually around the fandom since high school but in 2018 is when I got emotionally involved. I’m currently in college and I began my Tumblr only this year. I’ve already received so much support from everyone in the fandom and it’s been the craziest ride. Even if S/P/N is over, there’s still so much to uncover from the last season. With future conventions on the way as well as actors speaking up more, DDN will be able to provide relevant and accurate information to the fandom in a timely manner. Favorite character is Castiel and if my username (you-changedmedean) can tell you anything, it’s also my favorite quote. 
Hi! I'm Amber, she/her, (@my-people-skillls-are-rusty) and I am a researcher/editor for DDN. I've been in the fandom since around 2015 but got a lot more active in the last couple of years. I don't really know why I joined DDN, I just had a lot of free time and was very invested in the fandom, so might as well have it directed somewhere. My favourite character is either Dean or Castiel, I can't choose between them.  I also don't have a favourite quote as there are so many to choose from, but as its my user name I will go with 'my "people skills" are "rusty"'
Hey! I’m Ally, she/her (@larandomfangirl) and I am a researcher/writer/editor for DDN. I started watching Supernatural back when I was in 8th grade in 2017, and have remained caught up and active in the fandom since then. I joined DDN because 15x18, and everything that has happened since then, made me even more invested in the show and I wanted to help spread factual information about whatever occurs next. My favorite character is either Sam or Cas (I blame being a younger sibling for that), and one of my favorite quotes is “happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.”
Hi! I am Saffa (she/her) (@castiel-holmeshasthephonebox), and I am one of the writers on DDN! I was introduced to Supernatural by tumblr only a year ago, and since then I have been completely hooked. First, I fell in love with Dean and then I fell in love with the creative side of the fandom, all the fics and edits, and I just tumbled deeper down the destiel hell-hole. My favourite quote is "I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did all of it for you."
Hey! I’m El (they/them)  (@desperately-human) I am one of the writer/editors here at DDN. I only started paying attention to Supernatural this fall (november 5, really) but since then, having every update on #destielgate has been my main hobby. Almost everything I know I have absorbed through memes, liveblogs, and those amvs on youtube. I’ve never actually seen an episode all the way through. That said, upon reflection i believe I am a Cas girl gender neutral term. Cliche but intense, I like “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.” 
Hello! My name is Liz (@bart-ska-mpson) and I am a researcher/writer. Got into SPN in 2014-ish because of superwholock tumblr peer pressure, and whattaknow, it became my favorite of all of them, mainly because of the sheer power of Destiel! I read meta like the morning newspaper back then. I became frustrated by the end of s10 and by the time Lucifer possessed the president I just could not take it anymore (if only I kept watching til Lily Sunder :’(...). But really I never totally lost faith in canon Destiel and  words cannot describe the feeling I had when I heard through Tumblr that it finally happened. I’ve been so obsessed with trying to figure out what's “really happening” so I figured I might as well help out here. My favorite quote is the whole conversation Dean and Cas have when he finds him in Purgatory. “I prayed to you Cas, every night!” “I know” </33333
Hi! I'm Kat (@team-free-memes), she/her, and I'm a researcher and editor here at the DDN. I was internet-pressured into watching the show after seeing so many posts about it online. I've been in the fandom for over a year. I joined the DDN because I've always been an avid Destiel shipper and season 16 has gripped me tight and raised me from sanity, so I want to help clear things up for other fans lost in the sea of conspiracy theories to ensure that the truth circulates. I can't choose between Cas and Jack for the title of my favorite character, but in any case I am definitely Dean coded. My favorite quote is, "Now I realize that there is no righteous path. It's just people trying to do their best in a world where it's far too easy to do your worst."
Hey! My name is Lana (@curvedsphere), she/they, and I’m a part of the research, editing, and blog teams at DDN. I started watching the show when season 11 was airing, but didn’t get into fandom until early season 13, where I fell hard and fast into this community and have been here ever since! It’s also when I started actively and avidly shipping Destiel (I was just a casual shipper before then). I joined the DDN because I’m so truly invested in season 16 - in finding/figuring out as much of the truth as possible about the finale and the rest of season 15. My favourite character is probably Cas, but I love all of TFW 2.0 and Wayward a lot. I have so many favourite quotes that I love, but not-surprisingly I think I have to go with either “Happiness isn’t in the having, it’s in just being”, or “for love”.
Hi! I’m Steph (@stephlovessubway), she/her and I’m a researcher at DDN. I started watching the show in 2007 (on YouTube no less) and then watching live with season 4 in 2008. I have seen the highs (season 4 and season 5) and the lows (season 7) on Tumblr, and took a break for a few years and started back with season 10. I rewatched all the series in the first UK lockdown and managed to witness the wild end of season 15. I’ve shipped destiel from the beginning, mainly because Cas is my favourite character, and have thoroughly enjoyed season 16 on Tumblr. My favourite quote is Cas’s monologue at the beginning of The Man Who Would Be King.
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bluefirecas · 4 years ago
Hi! Rewatch/watch for the first time anon here!
So I had finished the series (I forgot where I was when I sent my last ask, so I've been skipping a few episodes thanks to Liz's Giant Supernatural Skip/Watch List which I highly recommend to see if you're wanting to do a rewatch, especially post s5 cause I'm a s1-5 purist and the episodes after s5 can be a bit dotty).
From the guidance of that watch list, and disagree or agree with me, but I feel like s15 wasn't so great to watch live? (please I skipped a few episodes, so your opinion would be really good) Like maybe it started off strongly but it had a bit of out of character stuff e.g. I feel like Cas, Dean and Sam getting overpowered by demons is a bit out of character especially when Cas is an angel of thee lord. Like I know they didn't know Rowena was there, but it would have made more sense maybe if they appeared at the throne where Rowena was or like maybe Rowena discovered them idk....I can't think of anything, I just feel like they could have written their meet up a little better?
Then 15x18 my beloved, I actually watched the confession in Spanish that way it was more textual rather than subtextual that Dean loved him back (I say textual because Dean said as do I Cas, where as it was more implied that Dean loved him back when he said don't do this Cas and the part where he was crying and couldn't answer the phone - Dean loved Cas back and no one will convince me otherwise OKAY). I may have cried, laughed and puked in my mouth a little (do you get that reference), I did love seeing Rachel Minor back in the show but again it was the empty and not THEE Meg (my favourite demon next to Crowley).
I think overall it was interesting to rewatch s1-10, there were some really good moments (especially cause I skipped the crappy episodes) and interesting as a first time viewer to watch s11-15. I DID however watch deancasnatural so I had some context as to what was going on post s10 beforehand, I don't think I'll watch spn for a while now, just because I have second hand sadness in that you as a fandom deserved a narratively better finale. However its onwards and upwards from here, Jensen will be in the boys and probably have some other fantastical new roles/release new music and such and Misha will be doing more stuff as well and in the end Cas did win cause he got to tell Dean he loved him. I'll say it again but supernatural will always be known as having the gay angel, and god bless Misha for giving us that legacy, the show would literally have been dead 10 years ago had he not stayed on. At least we have thousands upon thousands of deancas fanfics and I follow a few amazing tumblrs such as yourself who I love interacting about supernatural with :)
hola mishamigo! glad you enjoyed your watch and rewatch!!!!
i can't skip episodes its a curse, my one fatal flaw gfhdjhdkjk but thank you for reccing <3
tbh, watching s15 live was amazing because 1) we knew it was THEE END and 2) it actually was crazy? and 3) my mind was trying to connect all the dots and it seemed like they were connecting the same dots as me, you know?
though i do agree, the season got boring in the middle there, post ep 9/10 i'd say. but then it caught up until the dreadful finale ruined every single thing. ugh.
also, getting overpowered by demons - especially cas - IS A PLOT CONVENIENCE rather than character continuity smh. remember season 14 episode 1 ???? cas getting beaten and bound by demons like that? garbage. DISAGREE. spn committed many sins but the biggest one was their treatment of cas.
yes I got your meg reference! haha! was great to see rachel back <3
I have second hand sadness in that you as a fandom deserved a narratively better finale
I will cry again. THEY KILLED DEAN TOO.
and the last part of your ask - so true bestie! also, yep. stay away from spn for sometime. watch ANNE WITH AN E if its your genre! I adore that show!!! I keep reccing it to everyone hoping someone would watch it XDD let me know if you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kiss kiss!
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whatladybird · 4 years ago
Hey Liz, uh I just wanted to come here and say that I've missed your poems and everything you used to do for the spn fandom. I've been following you for so long now it's crazy and I'd never messaged you even when I was donestiel and active in SPN and I think it's so funny how everyone's been dragged back now but I hope you bring back a lot of your old stuff because it was the shiniest prettiest light for me in this fandom and now I'm back here I need it again lol
this is the nicest message omg!! I really want to start being active again bc tbh I feel so inspired!! it’s so good to know that we’re all here again together <3 
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thegeminisage · 4 years ago
one of many reasons castiel spent the first year of knowing dean trying not to strangle him: dean's weird little winchester-only dialect
i’m fucking obsessed with this right now, so buckle in for a meta. a cool fun (horrible) thing about dean's dialogue is that a good 90% of what comes out of his mouth is:
a pop culture reference ("you're just gonna take some divine bong hit, and shazam, you're roma downey?")
references to real life phenomenon ("i don't wanna wake up missing a kidney in a bathtub full of ice" "try new mexico, i hear he’s on a tortilla")
these also often take the form of nicknames, and dean has a tendency to give people nicknames in general or call them something besides their given name, whether it’s affectionate or rude ("easy there, van damme" "so i’m girl interrupted" furthermore castiel = cas, ezekiel = zeke, etc, see also frequent use of "chucklehead" "asshat" and on the nicer/endearments end "buddy" "pal" "sunshine" etc)
an idiom ("a snowball's chance" "if it smells like a duck...")
slang ("drinking the koolaid" "jonesing for some hooch" not to mention the literal endless amount of words dean uses to refer to killing - gank, waste, juice, ice, etc)
a metaphor ("power up your batteries" "fly me back to my page on the calendar")
a euphemism ("cloud seeding" "i'd have given you an hour alone with her first")
sarcasm (his habit of replying "peachy" or "super" when asked how he is)
wordplay (see: the entire "vampirate" and "werepire" debacles)
completely nonsensical (guessing what happened to a magical artifact: "it was dug up by tomb raiders? it was seized by the king of the dead by warlords?")
said at lightning speed - if you pay attention, dean actually talks a LOT, usually a mile a minute (this makes me feel a way when you recall him being nonverbal for a year at age 4 but that’s another post)
slang IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE (casual usage of “guano,” etc)
a lie, a deflection, a joke, etc
or worse, something dean’s NOT saying, deliberately, because he’s one of the most repressed people on earth
the end result of all this being:
dean winchester is utterly infuckingcomprehensible. 
think about this. there's an ENTIRE SECTION on EVERY SINGLE EPISODE PAGE of the spn wiki devoted to JUST explaining dean's pop culture references, because the average viewer won't have seen everything he's talking about either. they have a whole page for this called “hunter’s lingo,” but honestly, it’s not all hunters, just sam and dean’s fucking batshit communication style. even i don't understand dean half the time. SAM gets it, sam speaks it back to dean a lot in the early seasons, but that's because sam and dean are 1. practically two halves of the same person 2. FREAKS. every time we get an episode that involves outsider POV is devoted to them going "what the fuck is WRONG with them?"
enter castiel. technically speaking, the show implies that angels are omnilingual. castiel should understand every language known to man, but knowing the meaning of words doesn't help him understand the following:
pop culture references
references to real life phenomenon
you get the idea.
listen to me. look me in the eyes. castiel cannot understand a single fucking word that comes out of dean's mouth. my guy laid a hand on dean winchester in hell and immediately fell in love with him and has no fucking idea what he's talking about ever. because not only is dean winchester's way of speaking CLINICALLY insane, and sometimes incomprehensible even to other human beings who are not sam, castiel is an angel, and someone prone to taking things even more literally than other angels do
go back and watch and watch seasons 4-5 especially. the reason cas does so much squinting and head tilting is because every time dean opens his mouth castiel has to open up his mental "dean winchester dictionary" and translate entire paragraphs on the fly, because again, dean never shuts up!
what makes this extra hilarious to me is this gem:
Tumblr media
this line is from 5.13. at this point cas has known dean for AN ENTIRE YEAR AND A HALF. what you see here is my guy SNAPPING. cas made an EFFORT in this scene. he asked who glenn close was. he's telling dean that he can't understand him. he is doing his level best to have a normal conversation with this guy he has a crush on and for the life of him he cannot do it (equal but opposite energy to cas blowing up the gas station and motel room in 4.01, tbh)
yes, cas can understand dean's tone. he can use context clues, and he usually gets the general idea. and when cas DOES understand dean's jokes, he laughs at them. the first time we ever see him smile is during their 4.07 heart-to-heart when dean says "it was a witch, not the tet offensive." since cas has knowledge of human history, he knows what the tet offensive is; he got the joke, and he laughed.
but as far as actual dialogue goes, he consistently struggles to keep up. even after metatron gives castiel the pop culture knowledge in season 9, cas struggles to put it to put it to proper use (dean: "you wanna just walk right into the death star?" cas: "what does a fictional battle station have to do with this?"). whenever he asks dean to clarify it's always when he’s most annoyed, like most of the time he knows it would be futile but he's too annoyed to care. (dean: "i don't know who's on first, what's on second!" cas: "what IS second???") i’m pretty sure he spends seasons 4-6 wanting to shake dean by the shoulders and ask him why he is LIKE THIS. 
it takes cas - who, again, is omnilingual - YEARS to begin to acclimate to dean’s speech and start speaking that language back to him. it's season 8 before we start really hearing him use slang, season 9 before he begins to understand wordplay, season 10 before he starts using pop culture references (to other angels, who immediately fail to understand him, which disappoints him immensely), and season 11 before he really gets into metaphors. i don't remember what season he started using "yeah" instead of "yes" but i do know it took a really damn long time. 
and honestly, i don't think cas truly got the hang of it until at least season 11-12. that's something like 7 or 8 YEARS. it’s more than half the time they’ve known each other at the point of the series finale. 
so what's true romance, fellas? it's falling completely and totally in love with the most inexplicable person you will ever meet in your whole 4.5 billion year life, even though you have yet to understand a single thing he's ever said to you. thank you for coming to my ted talk
[spn masterpost]
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all-4-wincest · 4 years ago
10, 12, 19 - for the ask game, 21 - what’s your favourite episode of spn or of your favourite show? :)
Thanks for asking @samisrocky !! Okay, here we go:
10) Characters that deserved worse? Well, there’s a lot, but I’ll tell you my top
Lucifer, Ruby, Azazel, Alistair. They all hurt Sam and/or Dean in unimaginablely horrible ways. I think they all deserved more than the quick death that they got!
12). If you could change one ending of a book/show/game/etc... What would you change about it?
That’s easy!! I would change the ending of Supernatural in a heart beat. I wouldn’t have let Dean die for starters. I’d love to see them grow old together. Have kids and maybe even grandkids of their own. They wouldn’t hunt after Dean’s first child, a little girl, is born. They would take on Bobby’s role.
19). If you could be a part of any story, which story would you want to tag along for?
Oh, Supernatural for sure. I wouldn’t necessarily have to be one or both, 😉😉, of their love interests’. I would love to cook for them, help with the research, that kinda stuff. Dean would probably fall in love with me though. I’m a really good cook and I have 6 pies that I don’t even have to look at the directions to make!
21). What’s your favorite episode of SPN or of your favorite show?
Well, SPN is definitely my favorite show. I followed Jensen over from Smallville and I haven’t looked back since. I have lots of favorite episodes but I’ll just list a few.
S1 E1 Pilot
S2 E14 Born Under a Bad Sign
S2 E22 All Hell Breaks Loose part 2
S4 E1 Lazarus Rising
S5 E22 Swan Song
Those are 5 of my early season favorite episodes. Like I said, I have a lot more but we’d be here all day for that!
Thanks again for asking!
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yououghtaknow · 4 years ago
18 and 20 for the meta asks? also I already commented on clip 3 but fr this clip was so good that was such a good execution of that scene and s5 has been so good and literally brightens my day thank u 💛 i hope you’re doing well
hi, thank you so much!!!!!!!! i hope you’re doing well too <3 <3
i am putting a read more because i am a rambley person, but underneath you will find talks of unused plot points, the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad, and what taylor swift album(s) i believe each season has the vibe of.
tw for discussion of abuse, mental health problems, addiction and eating disorders
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
skam brighton has. so many aus. because it itself is an au of an original work. me and two of my great writing friends have written a great numbers of aus including but not limited to riordian-verse, glee, doctor who, rwrb, trc, a murder mystery au, and many aus based on comfort media of mine that i started on never finished (house of anubis, barbie movies, etc.). and many of them are unironically so good???? @fingersmithbysarahwaters and @nightwing642 are incredibly talented screenwriters. but also i did write a screenplay adaptations of the first two books in the raven cycle series and 2/3s of rwrb for no reason other than fun and autism.
as for skam brighton. oh boy. not many plot points have been changed, but some certain scenes/character moments were changed. for example, the scene in season 2 episode 8 where liz has a meltdown at the shopping centre and she has a heart to heart with mary was originally liz having a meltdown and running into al in the sensory room. but i wanted to hold back on revealing al as a main character until season 3. 
also in the og season 3, jake and al didn’t break up. as i was finishing the season, i was getting ideas for how i wanted the series to develop (james’s crush on al namely) so i thought it would be good for both of their developments for them not to end up together. also in season 3 i hadn’t planned for jake to move house originally, so there was a scene in the finale episode of the lad squad hanging out, but it got cut because it just didn’t make sense. 
in season 4, al and bree were a lot meaner to each other originally, because i love it when it gets busy at the brighton and the gay people get mean, but then i thought about it and decided it was out of character for both of them to be downright cruel. al and bree also had a scene in season 4 that was cut due to just not making sense. 
also, in season 5, the “inner white girl” scene originally wasn’t in the show at all, but one day i was listening to the song, and about a week before the episode came out, i wrote it. also, bree wasn’t written to be a she/they until literally the day of putting the clip out because i thought it would be cool. that’s it :)
also the way i write is that i write the full clip out in a google doc and then edit it in ao3 about an hour before i put it out, so a lot of changes happen there. just small things, like making dialogue flow better, changing certain songs because i just want to, and sometimes adding in new sequences that i just thought of.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
oh!!!! there!!!!! is!!!!! 
personally, my favourite thing to write is little symbolic moments that make me happy because i play 4d chess in my head with myself every time i write.
before i go off, i must say, so many hints and clues have been dropped for season six so far. season six has been my favourite season to write and i’m already planning a spin-off project based on it to write, and it’s gonna be starting sooner than you think.
so a piece of writing i’ve been thinking about lately is the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad. before i begin to go off, these are the characters i think parallel each other the most.
jake - sandy james - bree nick - rori theo - esther al - liz
jake and sandy is quite an obvious parallel to draw - both are football players, both begin the series closeted and having a close relationship with bryan - but their personalities are quite similar. both of them are closer with their mother than their father, both use their relationships as a method of protection, and both are afraid of of societal rejection at the beginning of the series. they also both discovered their sexualities and mental health issues over the course of their seasons, and both of their love interests are more outgoing theatre kids. jake and sandy’s relationship is also so interesting to me - because they start as very awkward friends, and jake tries to help sandy by making bryan break up with her, but outs her in the process, and sandy doesn’t want to forgive him. she takes her time and comes to terms with it on her own and decides to forgive him because sandy’s just a sweetheart - and this also parallels the way jake takes his time to forgive his mother. also, in their friend groups, they’re both the newcomer to them, and we get the introductions to the group dynamics in their seasons, and in the later seasons, they’re both a lot more relaxed as they’re in recovery <3
james and bree are also very similar characters. both have problems with substance abuse, both have promiscuous reputations, both have both mommy and daddy issues. they are both dean girls, to put it in spn terms. they’re both very funny, and use humour to cover up their struggles. both are dealing with a lot of mental illness and, throughout the series, it becomes more and more clear. they’re also both seen as “the hot ones” of their groups, with a lot of the characters canonically having small crushes on them (liz, rori and nick with james; rori, esther and annabell with bree). they’ve also both canonically hooked up with sophie. which i just think is fun. they also played mimi and roger together, which i think shows their parallels as addicts and people (with roger struggling with recovery and depression until the end, when he begins to get help, and mimi living the high life until it all crumbles down around her). they also share a want for independence and both are very sana-esque characters (james being middle eastern and religious, bree being the cool rebel girl in season 1).
nick and rori are both the “fun friend”. they’re both comedic relief in the early seasons, but we do get in depth with them as the show goes on. in grease, they play james and bree’s love interests (which is ironic, as rori and bree get together and nick is in love with james), and in rent, they play angel and maureen, the two main comedic relief characters. both of them struggle to connect their asian identity with their british identity, and both struggle with how the world perceives them (nick with their gender presentation and rori with her eating disorder). they both struggle with toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and use humour to cover up their struggles.
theo and esther are similar in the fact that they’re the squad members we know the least about. they’re both jewish, they’re both the mum friend of their respective groups, they’re both autistic and they’re both quite nerdy. they’re the most grounded member of their respective groups and tend to take charge and help make decisions. they’re also both quite sarcastic and very firm in their opinions. 
al and liz are parallels simply because they are both nooras and vildes. they’r eboth autistic, they’re both the odd one out in their friend groups - liz being a lot more serious than the girl squad, al being a lot more in his own little world than the lad squad. they’re both very blunt and straight forward and say whatever they’re thinking.
also just some of my favourite bits of foreshadowing: nick being bitchy to liz throughout season 2 because they’re in love with james….. al talking about his sister to jake in season 3 and whenever al talks to the girl squad, bree insults him or walks away…… in season 4 episode 1, audrey mentions bree’s cousin is pregnant and then when bree finds out the results of her pregnancy test, oh no by marina plays (i’m now becoming my own self fulfilling prophecy)....... nick and all of his gender stuff throughout the series……. just all of the character stuff with grease and rent….. also just bree and rori’s whole relationship arc because it has everything. queerbaiting. subverting expectations. musical homoeroticism. a little cheating for fun. and they were best friends. honestly bree and rori season 3 is very august by taylor swift…… you weren’t mine to lose…….. 
speaking of, no one asked by here’s each season of skambr and the taylor swift albums they’re most like.
season 1 - debut/fearless
bro sandy is just such a debut/fearless era person. she’s looking for her place in this world!!!!!! she has the teardrops on my guitar energy (quite literally sandy pre-canon voice i bet he’s beautiful that boy she talks about and he has everything that i have to live without about bryan and sophie)..... the fun giggly crush songs that are deeply homoerotic….. esther season 1 voice the entirety of you belong with me. like esther really made a deeper connection with sandy in one month that bryan did in years of knowing her. sandy also is the type of person to stan love story, she just thinks it’s such a fun song and she does yell the key change every time it comes on. 
season 2 - speak now/lover
elizabeth!!!!! liz is the type of person who only liked old taylor and then got internalised misogyny and then got over it and loves taylor again. the story of us is canonically a liz/rori song…. yes i am still a liz/rori subtext warrior….. liz is very never grow up and dear john is a very her and james song in the fact that they both relate to it……. when they bonded over their trauma “don’t you think i was too young”...... also lover is a liz season 2 album because it’s about liz learning that love is the most important thing in the world….. liz voice i want to be defined by the things that i love. also the archer is just a skam brighton song because it is an isaac song. also i’m just gonna say it. i like me! it’s a good song when brendon urie isn’t in it, you all are just afraid of having fun. also though liz in season 5 is very better than revenge because, while her season is about unlearning your internalised prejudices, i believe she deserves to be misogynistic for 3 minutes 37 seconds.
season 3 - red
now this is controversial. this season is about depression, grief and anger, and these feelings are red. literally jake voice so you were never a saint and i loved in shades of wrong we learn to live with the pain mosaic broken hearts….. like treacherous….. holy ground….. the whole country pop vibe….. the bitchy songs mocking people’s perceptions of the singer…..  22 is a lad squad song…. also jake voice i remember it all too well but it’s about his father’s abuse and his mother’s neglect…… like the whole season is just jake getting to the point where he is at “begin again”. also i feel like jake would like red because he spent a lot of time watching taylor swift music videos as a youth both because he liked the music and had crushes on the guys in them, and he feels red is the perfect middle between the country and the pop and the indie and he just really likes being sad.
season 4 - reputation
bree big reputation holland!!!!!!!!! she has it all - the romantic drama, the hatred of men, the fucking homoeroticism. bree stans the reputation tour and they have made the entire holland-fletcher family watch it on their netflix (al fucking loved it because he’s a canon swiftie, audrey had a fun time, patrick was a little confused, but has the spirit). listen bree “i did something bad”. bree “look what you made me do”. bree and rori “new year’s day”. bree voice i swear i don’t love the drama, it loves me!!!!!!!!! like the reason the season has a lot of reputation songs and ends with daylight from lover is a metaphor for bree leaving their reputation era…. also reputation has she/they vibes
season 5 - 1989
1989 my best friend 1989!!!!!!! i am coming out here as a 1989 (deluxe) stan. it’s just a serotonin album for me and it is just so nick. the mocking songs about their reputation…… the genuinely deeply depressing homoerotic songs that have fun upbeat music…… the cars….. also clean is just such a nick song. he is in recovery, he is just so personal to me. also nick voice one night he wakes strange look on his face pauses then says you’re my best friend and you knew what it was he is in love!!!!!!! nick canonically in love with all of their best friends braxton!!!!! also nick feels like a 1989 stan because they just have those fun energies. nick WILL scream the spoken part of shake it off at the top of his lungs. also new romantic is just a skamverse song in general. also just. out of the woods. no reason for me to say it other than it’s one of my favourite songs of all time.
season 6 - folklore/evermore
no evermore is not out yet. yes i am claiming it for season 6. see taylor has said that these albums are all about telling stories/fairy tales and that’s what season 6 is about. i cannot wait until next friday when the main and my plans for the hiatus are revealed…….. genuinely i do not know how anyone perceives skam brighton so i don’t know who people think the next main is, but…… i can only describe the state of me writing this season as the various ambiguous disorder gifs.
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ybcpatrick · 4 years ago
tagged by: @potatoes-n-stuff, @emoviolent AND @toorational skdjsjfjdj. yes i forgot abt this one for a sec. u are all v insistent i'm on it i lov u all
three ships: peterick, destiel and deckerstar 🥺 friends to lovers allllllwaaaaays
last song: famous last words by my chemical romance
last film: i think it was his house? I watched a horror movie with my friend liz over discord last week it was good
currently reading: every spn fix-it fic i can possibly find to satiate my need
currently watching: the clock on my bedroom wall tick, cause it's somehow three hours behind today, even though it was fine yesterday
currently consuming: i literally just woke up so nothing yet
currently craving: coffee so i'm gonna go get it
tagging: @ybcpete @leafyychu @setting-in-a-honeymoon and anybody else who wishes to participate uwu
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cyi-can-you-imagine · 4 years ago
Probable hang-over mushy AMA:
How did you know that your best friend was your best friend? (Current best friend)
oooh..ok. so I guess I have 2 besties.
I have my “IRL” bestie, whom I’ve known for 25 + years. We did stupid shit together in our early twenties and bonded and just...went through some stuff together...she now lives 3,000 miles away, but we talk often and I miss her with my whole heart every day. We have a lot in common, and went to college together, her for nursing and me for teaching...we “grew up” together.
My other bestie is right here on tumblr. @all-4-wincest, Liz! ILYSM! She always has my back and defends me to the death, if needed...(I don’t think we’ve died yet, though, have we?) She puts up with my bullshit and listens to me complain and just...well, she gets me, I guess.
She stuck around after a bunch of shit and never left. (thank goodness!) 
She lives even farther away and someday, we will meet in person!
Both are SPN fans, so I have great peeps I can go to whenever I need.
I don’t deserve either of them, to be honest... 
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janiedean · 4 years ago
What are your top 3 crack pairings for tvd, for spn and for tvd/spn crossover? <3
tvd: idk how crack these might be because with tvd everyone had like basic reasons to make out but i’mma go with ric/liz forbes just bc done parents™ energy, bonnie/nora even if it wasn’t crack but would have been fun, I wanna say klaus/stefan butIT WAS BASICALLY CANON
spn: benny/balthazar [IT WAS MY CRACKSHIP OF CHOICE OKAY], andy/ash, sam/balthazar (idek if it’s crack or not I just vibed with it back in the day kljgsd)
crossover: WELL ofc dean/damon because y’all kidding me if they need their boyfriends for ot4 stuff we’re down with it, balthazar/damon just bc I wanna see what happens and sam/caroline(/stefan) because why the fuck not
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snakeofcookie · 4 years ago
Okay so you know the fictional worlds that exist in your head 24/7? Yeah those.
Does anyone else have like an extra world where that world exists as a piece of media?
Like okay I’ve got this one world and like in my mind it’s a tv show. A network show. The plot is all over the place and totally weird but it’s stupid popular because of the characters and because the actors are really good. And when I say stupid popular I mean STUPID popular. Even if you don’t watch the show if you exist on the internet for any amount of time you know about it. Kinda like spn except you don’t have to know spanish to have gay people. Anyways because it’s so huge and the writing is wack HUGE debates go on about A) is it a good show “the plot sucks!” “what plot doesn’t suck it’s the characters that matter!” ”fuck you!” “fuck you!” and B) do the writers know that their plot sucks. (No, they don’t. They don’t know but the actors got into the writer’s room and they made good suggestions but only about character beats. Also there’s an intern named Liz who DOES know and is actively fanning the flames.)
And then there’s this other thing that’s definitely a cartoon show. But it’s done on youtube. But not by youtube, on youtube sanders sides style where it’s by an independent creator. Because it’s made by a friend group in a basement the art style starts off animatic style. The series gets pretty popular though so the animation gets better after they can actually pay people to help thanks to patreon and stuff. People are torn on whether they like the animation or not but everyone agrees that the final episode where they went all out on the art budget was both AWESOME and HEARTBREAKING.
Then there are two sets of novels. Both are trilogies and it is unclear if they are connected or not. The worlds are veeeery similar but one is normal pirates and one is steampunk pirates. Is it strange technological progression? Did the author just really like their worldbuilding? What? Whenever asked the author just smiles and sips their tea. The fandom is really sweet but whenever someone new joins and asks about the maybe connection between the two series everyone just lets out a collective groan.
Then I’ve got ANOTHER one which isn’t as firmly a this is media thing but if it were it would be a netflix tv show. That would be fun because it’s got a reality tv show as a major plot element so you’d get a cool inception thing going on.
Then I’ve got a movie.
The major box I’ve yet to tick is podcast but I really don’t need ANOTHER world in my head. It’s plenty full as it is, especially with an old world threatening to come back. And that just wouldn’t work as a podcast. Unless..? Hmm.
ANYWAYS, is this a thing you have too? I want to know! And if you read this far I wish you to know that I appreciate you very much. <3
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space-malex · 5 years ago
Roswell's ratings are tanking from week to week. When will shows learn that if you have a huge drawing point like Malex was for so many viewers, you don't shit on it?
I think the dip this week was probably because of losing SPN as a lead in, but yeah idk a lot of people aren’t interested in some of the stuff right now. I do feel bad though bc it was a great episode and had some really powerful moments (especially Isobel’s stuff and the conversation between Maria and Liz). 
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