#live location tracker
thepsmsblog · 4 months
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The FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) industry is an essential component of the global economy, with products like food, beverages, and personal care items being in constant demand. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, sales and distribution remain critical components of success. In recent years, sales tracking software has emerged as an essential tool for businesses looking to optimise their sales operations and stay ahead of the competition.
This article will talk about the latest trends in sales tracking software and take a closer look at the most important ways it can help businesses do better overall.
What is FMCG & Its Important Features
FMCG stands for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. FMCG products are typically low-cost, high-volume items that are sold quickly and consumed rapidly. Examples of FMCG products include food and beverages, personal care items, household cleaning products, and toiletries. Some important features of FMCG products include:
Low Cost: FMCG products are typically low-cost, making them affordable for the majority of consumers.
High Volume: FMCG products are sold in large volumes, with retailers and manufacturers focusing on high turnover rates.
Rapid Consumption: FMCG products are consumed quickly, with consumers often needing to replenish their supplies frequently.
Short shelf life: FMCG products have a limited shelf life, which means that they need to be sold quickly to avoid spoilage or expiration
Strong Distribution Network: FMCG products require a strong distribution network to ensure they reach consumers quickly and efficiently.
Intense Competition: The FMCG sector is highly competitive, with numerous brands and products vying for consumer attention.
The Current State of Sales in FMCG Industries
Traditionally, sales operations in the FMCG industry have relied heavily on manual processes, such as in-person meetings and paper-based record-keeping. While these methods have served the industry well in the past, they are now becoming increasingly outdated in the face of changing market trends and technological advancements. The industry is now shifting towards more automated and data-driven sales strategies that leverage the power of digital tools and software.
Sales tracking software helps businesses to track their sales activities in real time and gather insights into their performance. It FMCG businesses with a more accurate and comprehensive view of their sales activities, helping them to identify areas for improvement and stay ahead of the competition.
Trends in Sales Tracking Software
To enhance their sales operations and drive revenue growth, sales tracking software has become a crucial tool that has become indispensable in streamlining their field sales management. Here are some of the trends in sales tracking software:
Mobile AccessibilityWith the rise of mobile technology, more and more sales tracking software is being developed for mobile devices. This allows sales reps to access real-time sales data and reports on the go, enabling them to make better-informed decisions in the field.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningSales tracking software is increasingly being developed to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. These technologies allow for more accurate forecasting, smarter lead scoring, and personalised recommendations for each customer.
Integration with Other SystemsSales tracking software is being designed to integrate with other systems like CRM, marketing automation, and accounting software. This integration ensures that all relevant data is synced and up-to-date, saving sales teams time and reducing errors.
Cloud-Based SolutionsCloud-based sales tracking software is gaining popularity because it offers benefits like easy accessibility, scalability, and security. With cloud-based solutions, teams can access sales data from anywhere, and the software can scale up or down based on changing needs.
Data Visualization and ReportingSales tracking software is being designed with more advanced data visualisation and reporting capabilities. This allows teams to quickly identify trends and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights..
Customization and PersonalizationSales tracking software is being developed to allow for more customization and personalization. Teams can set up their own workflows, dashboards, and reports, making the software more tailored to their specific needs.These trends are shaping the future of sales in FMCG industries, and companies that adopt these technologies will be better equipped to stay competitive in the fast-paced world of sales.
Benefits of PSM App for FMCG Industries
The PSM app can provide a wide range of benefits for FMCG industries. Here are some of them:
Enhanced Sales PerformanceThe PSM app provides real-time insights into the performance of individual sales reps and the entire sales team, enabling managers to identify areas for improvement and address them quickly. This can lead to an overall improvement in sales performance.
Efficient Inventory ManagementThe PSM app helps companies keep track of their inventory levels, which can help reduce overstocking or stock-outs, and optimise inventory turnover. This can lead to a more efficient supply chain and lower costs.
Improved Customer ExperienceWith access to detailed customer data, sales reps can personalise their sales pitch and provide a better customer experience, increasing the likelihood of customer loyalty and repeat business.
Increased EfficiencyThe PSM app automates routine tasks such as data entry and report generation, saving time and reducing the workload of sales reps. This can help sales reps focus on more important tasks and improve their overall efficiency.
Better decision-makingWith access to real-time data and analytics, sales managers can make informed decisions and adjust their sales strategies as needed to stay competitive and meet sales targets. This can lead to better decision-making and a more successful sales strategy.
New Customer AcquisitionThe PSM app assists FMCG companies acquire new customers by providing insights into potential leads and opportunities. Sales reps can use the app to track customer behaviour and preferences, identify new prospects, and tailor their sales approach accordingly. This can lead to increased revenue and growth for the company.
Meeting Sales TargetsThe PSM app helps sales managers set and meet sales targets by providing real-time data and analytics on sales performance. Managers can use the app to track progress towards goals, identify areas for improvement, and adjust sales strategies as needed to meet targets. This can help ensure that the company meets its sales objectives and stays competitive in the market.
Wrapping Up
Are you ready to streamline your lead management process and boost your sales? Look no further than the best lead management software on the market! With advanced features like lead scoring, automated follow-up, and real-time analytics, the PSM App will help you convert more leads into customers. By streamlining your sales operations with PSM, you can focus on growing your business. Take advantage of the 7-day trial and if you require additional information, our automation experts are available to provide a demo at your convenience. Get started today!
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bytecipher01 · 2 years
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Find Nearby Places by Real Time Location Tracking App 
As we live in a world of mobile apps, there are some solutions available to help you with the amazing feature of finding locations nearby by real time location tracking app LocAR. Explore the comprehensive elements of the best location finder apps that help you in various ways. 
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sadbhawnapaati · 11 months
भारत के चंद्रयान लैंडर के 23 अगस्त को चंद्रमा पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग की उम्मीद
Chandrayaan News Update। भारत के चंद्रयान-3 मिशन के लैंडर के 23 अगस्त को चंद्रमा पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग की उम्मीद है। दूसरी ओर, रूस ने 10 अगस्त को अपना चंद्र मिशन लूना -25 लॉन्च किया, जो 21 अगस्त को चांद के साउथ पोल पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग कर सकता है। इस बीच चंद्रयान-3 मिशन को लेकर भारतीय स्पेस रिसर्च ऑर्गनाइजेश के पूर्व प्रमुख के सिवन ने कहा है कि भारत के मंगल मिशन की लागत बेशक कुछ हॉलीवुड फिल्मों की तुलना…
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etrackingsolution · 1 year
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Best Vehicle Tracking Device
ETrackingSolution offers a wide variety of vehicle tracking devices for big and small companies. Our experienced customer service team is here to help you with organizing your fleet. We offer the best vehicle tracking device for GPS tracking. Visit our website today to find out which device is best for your business.
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gpstrackerworld · 2 years
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GPS Tracker For Cheating Spouse Best Spouse GPS Trackers.  https://www.trackingsystemdirect.com/gps-tracker-for-cheating-spouse/
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trackolap · 20 days
Insights into Rising Revenue Streams with Route Planning & Field Sales Tracker
With increasing advancements in the digital landscape, automated software like field sales tracker is renowned for effectively planning routes to save employees' time and enhance the chances of maximized sales conversations. According to research, one-third, around 29%, of sales reps tend to become efficient, making field visits worthwhile by offering continuous tracking solutions to organizations. 
In addition, optimizing sales routes through field tracking software assists in identifying effective routes from one customer to the next, maximizing overall business revenue. Organizations can navigate and capitalize on varied prospects in high-demanding locations by accessing data-driven reports and monitoring real-time employee movement through geofence features. 
However, when you consider optimizing sales routes, businesses can not only track employee efficiency on the field but also take control of sequencing multi-stops, streamline resource allocation, and consider varied prospects to transform sales potential into successful reps with sales live location tracking software.
Sounds too good to be true, right? In this blog, we will highlight important factors and strategies to help you leverage the right opportunities to maximize business revenue through GPS tracking software for employees .
What is Route Planning?
Route planning refers to optimizing ideal routes between sales visits by leveraging GPS tracking software for employees. In addition, route planning means streamlining routes from point A to point B. This helps save employees' time, enhance timely deliveries, save operational costs, and improve customer satisfaction seamlessly. 
Furthermore, streamlining sales routes aids in seamlessly scheduling customer visits, converts maximized deals, and helps managers access real-time data, whether it is a delay in delivery, inaccuracy amid customer visits, or more prospects, to manage other sales reps effectively and guide employees to achieve better targets. 
Why is Optimizing Sales Routes Important?
The prime goal of planning a sales route through a field sales tracker is to enhance efficiency and revenue. If you struggle with excess travel time, rising transportation or fuel costs, or lower resource utilization, optimizing routes can also help manage operational costs. In addition, sales route planning helps businesses in varied aspects, such as:
1. Enhances Profitability
According to the survey conducted in 2023, 70% of sales executives reported that the budgets were getting audited compared to previous years. An adequate sales rep is when unnecessary traveling is canceled out, which leads to minimizing fuel and vehicle maintenance costs. 
By implementing this approach, organizations can gain more visibility into the team’s movement and leverage ideal opportunities in the sales pipeline, ultimately driving sales efficiency and better revenue through sales live location tracking.
2. Improves Employee Satisfaction
Field employees who spend more time selling quality leads and less time on other manual tasks are more likely to be happy with their jobs. However, managers need to offer a mobile-friendly tool like field tracking software to access instant insights on buyer details before sale visits, which simplifies the lead management process and allows them to improve communication with other team members and customers. 
In addition, organizations can update schedules anytime, provide detailed guidance to employees for innovative sales routes, and help employees focus on the essential sales aspects that truly matter through the robust features of GPS tracking software for employees. 
3. Transforms Customer Services
When sales executives are professional, confident, and well-informed about varied aspects, potential buyers are more likely to pay attention to what they are selling. The relationship between sales employees and potential leads is important as it impacts sales cycles in the long term.
In addition, planning effective routes through sales live location tracking software increases the chances of on-time arrivals and fewer disruptions for the reps due to traffic, weather conditions, or staff inaccuracy on the field. Furthermore, it ensures that every employee is well-versed in updated knowledge to stay relevant with customers and offer better services. 
A Detailed Roadmap to Optimizing Routes
Optimizing the sales route has multiple benefits, but it can be a complex road to walk. It demands defining clear priorities, reliable field sales tracker tools to map the movements, and accessibility to data on diverse sales activities under one comprehensive dashboard. 
Let us understand a few factors that will help you streamline route planning and ultimately drive a better bottom line through field tracking software.
Incorporate sales live location tracking: Train sales employees and other teams to utilize this software and customize it according to your lead management or sales needs. Furthermore, you can set up integrations with CRM and other tools to access accurate data at the right time. 
Allocate location: Utilize data-driven insights from sales reps and continuous monitoring to schedule better sales reps with time constraints. Consider varied types of sales requirements, access to employee performance, location conditions, and other factors to ensure all resources are utilized in the right direction and to improve customer services or leverage sales opportunities adequately. 
Sales opportunities: Prioritize the right opportunities according to the sales targets, the organization’s goals, estimated deal or order size, and lead management strategy. However, managers must consider different aspects before leveraging opportunities, such as lead quality, order size, expertise of the sales team, and overall proximity. 
Align resource allocation and sales priorities: Based on your sales priorities, consider optimizing routes for appointments or sales reps to help employees acquire targets. For instance, if your goal is to minimize travel expenses, consider allocating short driving time or tasks to employees in close locations. To manage new inquiries, managers can opt for sales reps who are nearby as a priority task. 
Eliminate manual tasks: Automate schedules for employees to save time and avoid misunderstandings, enhancing efficiency. For instance, managers can add schedules for entire weeks based on appointments or sales targets. Through sales live location tracking, businesses can re-adjust schedules and strategies by accessing insightful data in real-time under one platform. 
Improve sales reps: Based on the outcomes, data received, and observation through continuous tracking solutions, improve overall sales strategy. For example, assigning tasks to employees with emerging opportunities may increase travel time and fuel usage. So, managers need to identify their priorities and strike a balance to make the most of the sales opportunities. 
Adapt and Implement actions quickly: Through a seamless map view, managers can constantly monitor sales reps and address potential challenges quickly. Issues may arise due to poor road conditions, longer visit times, employee unavailability, or other unexpected reasons. By accessing insights in real-time, managers can adjust routes and re-allocate tasks through instant notification alerts to keep employees informed. 
You May Also Like: Top Insights into Enhancing Customer Experience Through Field Sales Software 
Tips to Streamline Routes for Driving Better Revenue
Whether you are a product or service-driven organization, every business is looking to minimize its expenses and optimize sales reps with a range of robust features of field tracking software. Let us explore a few ways that this software can help you minimize operational costs and enhance revenue in 2024.
1. Enhance Delivery Capability
Along with reducing the cost of fuel usage and other aspects, optimizing routes influences business revenue. Streamlining routes for sales reps enables organizations to increase overall delivery capability without enhancing sales employees by utilizing accurate and short routes, and reducing unnecessary travel time leads to completing more deliveries in less time. High efficiency due to field sales tracker generates revenue-based opportunities and utilizes optimal resources.
2. Foster Data-driven Decision Making Process
A route optimization-backed solution enables businesses to leverage analytical statistics, which includes insights into sales performance, route conditions, sales opportunities, and operational inefficiency. By using insightful data through live tracking, managers can increase efficiency in sales reps and make informed decisions, whether it is allocating tasks for emergency appointments, updating customers with delayed deliveries, or identifying loopholes in the operations. 
In addition, through TrackOlap’s live tracking tool, businesses can utilize insightful data to optimize sales operations, minimize costs, and enhance efficiency to contribute to maximizing business growth over time. These insights help managers save the best routes and identify the patterns that cause delayed arrivals through GPS tracking. 
3. Monitor Resource Allocation Effectively
Sales reps often handle many customer visits or deliveries per day. Hence, businesses need to identify workload and allocate equal tasks to employees. Route optimization can simplify equal work allocation and easily track sales reps activities.
Sales managers can overlook workload by focusing on aspects such as:
Customer’s location to visit per day through GPS tracking
Set alerts to allocate employees to nearby sales opportunities.
Eliminating non-sales times, ide-time on the field, excess travel time
Plan for a backup sales strategy if the appointment is rescheduled.
TrackOlap enables managers to track employee’s movements in real-time and guide them with automated features of field sales tracker. Moreover, this software allows us to identify safe, short, and reliable sales routes. 
Furthermore, optimizing routes allows organizations to leverage benefits like:
Automate manual route planning with practical data
Identify routes with potential opportunities
Streamline varied aspects of sales operation
Build a balanced sales workload culture
Reduce excess cost and drive better revenue
4. Improve Customer Satisfaction & Retention
In a highly competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction is essential for every business. Hence, implementing route planning through field sales tracker becomes a necessity, as it enhances customer trust and loyalty by fostering timely deliveries within a minimal time frame. 
In addition, with enhanced customer satisfaction and retention, you are more likely to get referrals and repetitive businesses, which eventually maximizes overall revenue. 
Maximize Business Growth with TrackOlap
Optimizing sales routes is a strategic solution to maximize revenue effectively in a constantly evolving landscape. By incorporating a field sales tracker with sales operations, businesses can enhance efficiency, gain a competitive edge, optimize resource allocation, minimize operational costs, and drive growth. Contact us to get a demo or learn more about the features!
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trackme · 4 months
Best GPS Tracker - Track Me
Track Me is a GPS tracking service that allows you to keep an eye on your vehicles, assets, and loved ones. With Track Me, the best GPS tracker you can monitor the location, speed, and direction of your vehicles in real-time. The service is easy to use, and you can access it from anywhere using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
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epiales06 · 8 months
Went to my local haunted forest today and was actually surprised when we got haunted. Like girlie we’re supposed to convince ourselves that the supernatural’s real, we’re not supposed to actually experience it!!
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dailyhantnews · 10 months
इसरो ने रचा इतिहास - चंद्रयान 3 सफलतापूर्वक लैंड
इसरो ने रचा इतिहास – चंद्रयान 3 की सफलतापूर्वक लैंडिंग स्थिति #ISRO #Chandrayaan3 #Chandrayaan #India #MoonMission #status . . . . . . इसरो स्थिति, स्थिति, इसरो स्थिति चंद्रयान 3, चंद्रयान 3 अपडेट, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग वीडियो, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग स्थिति, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग स्थिति वीडियो, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग स्थिति गी��, व्हाट्स ऐप स्थिति, चंद्रयान 3 लैंडिंग स्थिति वीडियो डाउनलोड ,…
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codewareltd · 11 months
Track Your Bus Location | Real-Time Bus Location Tracking
The Codeware Bus Tracker is an advanced system that revolutionizes transportation booking. Using GPS technology, it offers real-time bus tracking through a user-friendly mobile app. Commuters can access live bus locations, estimated arrival times, and set personalized alerts. Transit authorities benefit from data analytics to improve operational efficiency. The system enhances passenger safety, reduces environmental impact, and includes accessibility features.
By streamlining the travel experience and promoting sustainable transportation, the Codeware Bus Tracker is a game-changer for modern urban commuting.
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Also passengers can track buses in real-time and provide valuable feedback, leading to continuous system improvements for a better travel experience.
With our Bus Tracking features, you can track your buses’ whereabouts instantly, guide your drivers accordingly, help your passengers track bus locations, and do so much more.
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
any thoughts on the new post that staff went scorched earth on which is now making the rounds abt tumblr live? it basically screenshots all the tos and claims if you've ever opened the app (or in some rbs, unsnoozed live) tumblr has gotten your data. on the one hand i feel like this is fearmongering, but on the other its true that MOST sites have your data as is so its pretty standard. you seem pretty knowledgeable abt data gathering so i was wondering abt your take
This is going to be pretty unkind but watching tumblr users interact with staff and live is a great primer on how conspiracy theories happen.
Nobody on this fucking website knows how to read a ToS, nobody on this website knows how anything fucking works (sorry, this is not a dig at you but how would tumblr "get" your data from you clicking or unclicking live; the only data that tumblr has on you is the data that you have put on tumblr what data do people think that clicking the "new" button is scooping up that is anything beyond interactions or posts or IP addresses which are the things that tumblr already has information about like you do not introduce new information into the tumblr ecosystem by clicking a button you haven't installed anything you haven't changed permissions on your browser if everyone is so goddamned scared about live stealing their data i strongly recommend they stop using anything but public internet through an anonymizer and making sure location data is shut off on all of their devices and anyone who is flipping their shit about the type of data that live is collecting but who is using chrome on any device needs to chill the fuck out about live and flip the fuck out about google)
this is like that post about twitter's content policy that circulated the other day or that post about deviantart's content policy that circulated ten fucking years ago nobody knows how to read legal documents and nobody knows how to read technical documentation and this comes together into unholy matrimony on the no reading comprehension at all moral panic website
live never violated the GDPR it was just rolled out in the US first but the entire userbase decided that because it hadn't been rolled out simultaneously in the EU and the US that it was SO UNSPEAKABLY PRIVACY VIOLATEY THAT THE EU HAD BANNED IT FOR ITS CRIMES with, like, nothing whatsoever backing that up because, again, even at its most intrusive Live collects about as much data as Twitter or Yelp, both of which are *capable* of meeting GDPR standards with that level of data collection (even if musk sometimes makes decisions that violate GDPR).
Live is significantly less intrusive than any facebook product, than Amazon, and than any Google product. If you use youtube logged in, don't worry about live, the horse is out of the barn and tumblr is the least of your worries *regardless* of live. If you regularly use Google as a search engine please god learn how to evaluate and compare risks across platforms because Live is like a coughing baby compared to about a dozen things that most highly online people interact with every single day.
If you don't want to use live don't use live. Clicking the button doesn't magically transfer your secret FBI file to tumblr and even agreeing to the ToS doesn't share anything that tumblr doesn't already have if you don't continue to interact - if you don't interact with live after agreeing to the ToS it's not collecting any data except your non-interaction.
For everyone who is losing it over Live just turn off your goddamned location on your fucking cellphone and turn off your location on your goddamned computers and that's it, you're good, you're fine, relax. If your response to "turn off your location" is "but I need it for _____" then don't worry about Live, whatever "_____" is was already collecting and selling your data.
Do you use an activity tracker? Congrats, you have much, much bigger privacy issues to worry about than tumblr live.
Okay but also I yelled about that post and the very many ways in which it was incorrect in January.
And I happened to take an archive of the page at that time because I'm a paranoid motherfucker.
And if you want my guess as to why staff went "scorched earth" on that post it's probably because if you scroll down to the bottom of the page on the archive, OP calls on everyone looking at the post to send a kind fuck you to the CEO then tagged his tumblr.
If you look at the other posts that went scorched earth in relation to tumblr staff they were also posts that very pointedly directed a lot of ire at a single staff member.
I don't think that any individual tumblr staff members are above criticism and I don't think that staff as a whole is above criticism but part of learning to read a ToS is understanding that someone can be shitty and vague and use TERF talking points and skirt the line and be technically okay under the ToS while someone can have a legitimate gripe about another user being horrible and manage to violate the ToS by accidentally spinning up a harassment campaign or suicide baiting someone.
Shitty people like nazis and terfs thrive on being edge cases. They are very good at finding a boundary and standing juuuuuuuuust on this side of it and going "la la la I'm not violating the ToS, you can't stop me!" and that blows and it leads to a lot of people encountering a lot of shitty stuff on a lot of websites but personally I'm pretty glad that there's a lot of gray area because when you cut out gray area that's when you see things like It's Going Down getting banned as extremist content alongside white supremacists. Please continue to report nazis and terfs, and when possible go deep into their pages to report because a pattern of behavior is more likely to get recognized as hate speech than a single post that gets reported a hundred times. Please block as many people who it's harmful for you to interact with as possible because it's clear that staff is not going to do the kind of work protecting users that users would like staff to do.
However I just can't get angry on behalf of a blogger who got nuked for saying "Hey everyone who hates this feature that we all hate please go tell the CEO to fuck himself at this URL specifically" - that is an extremely clear violation of the ToS because it is absolutely targeted harassment.
So now tumblr-the-userbase is going off on its merry conspiracy way skipping through fields and lacking reading comprehension and saying "users are getting banned for reporting the crimes of tumblr live and its gdpr violations" and ignoring the fact that the post was nuked because the last line was saying "hey everyone, let's all individually tell the CEO to fuck off in messages sent directly to him that are certainly not going to include any threats, exaggerations, gore, etc. etc. etc."
If I were to make a post that had 50k notes and the last line was "and while you're at it, please send tumblr-user-ms-demeanor a personalized message telling them why they're a terrible person so they know what we think of them" it would absolutely be reasonable to say that was harassing that user. And that post did it with the CEO. Who is not above criticism (and I have my criticisms! I don't think he really gets tumblr and that's a problem!), but jesus fucking christ don't tag the goddamned CEO or any other staff member in a call to action asking users to send them messages saying "fuck off" this is literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen a tumblr conspiracy theory coalesce around.
Anyway thank you for giving me a place to vent i've been getting more and more pissed about this for three days. Everyone feel free to kindly tell tumblr user ms demeanor to fuck off.
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bytecipher01 · 2 years
Best Free Location Tracking App 
LocAR is a Best Free Location Tracking App and is your travel companion, yet it offers so many interesting features. With the LocAR app, you can reach your destination hassle-free and even discover new places to visit. Its most unique feature is that you don't need to enter your location every time; simply turn on your camera in any direction, and it will guide you to your desired result.
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thepsmsblog · 1 year
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etrackingsolution · 1 year
Live Car Location Tracker Software
We offer a live car location tracker for truckers and carriers that utilizes GPS coordinates to provide its customers (mostly trucking companies) peace of mind. With our car tracker, you’ll always know where your car is. With our car location tracker, you can find your vehicle’s current location and recovered vehicles free 24/7. Keep track of your car: who, where, when, and how.
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eagleiot · 1 year
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#Eagle_I #carrental Solution comprises of a set of tools for drivers and operators to increase efficiency, safety, and performance in their jobs. It helps #fleet operator to run #car fleet smoothly and make it safe https://avl-ksa.com/rental-and-lease/ #driverbehavior #AVL #IoT #ايغل_اي #GPS #AVL #الذكاء_الاصطناعي #GPS #AI #ايغل_اي #تتبع_المركبات
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trackolap · 2 years
How Can TrackOlap Boost your Employer’s Brand with Efficient Time Tracking?
There is no doubt that the remote workforce model is here to stay. In fact, with the intervention of the hybrid model, remote work culture is widely expanding its roots.But unfortunately, only 40% of managers have the skills to manage a remote team. Now, that’s a big drawback for companies because remote/hybrid is the new normal workforce model.Now, no need to panic! Because TrackOlap has already developed a dedicated remote team management software for Indian companies.
Our remote workforce management software is designed to handle all the remote work challenges, such as:
● Making remote work easy and simple for employees ● Clearly setting remote work rules ● Building a transparent and responsible work environment ● Filling the remote leadership skill gaps ● Improving work-personal life balance ● Setting accountability ● Seamless communication and more Remote employee management is challenging. But having the right tool and skill by your side can make it super easy to run a successful remote workforce model in your organization.
This post will help you understand how you can build an effective remote workforce model using simple techniques and employee monitoring software.So, let’s get started.
#1. Set a Clear Remote Work Model
The very first thing that you should do to create a successful remote work model in your company actually creates one. If you don’t set rules and regulations to work in a remote environment, your employee will have no base to work.
They will have no clue what they are expected to do and whom they should report. So, foremost, you should sit down with your whole team and draft a company’s remote work policy.
For this purpose, you can use our policy management solution to map out a comprehensive remote work policy, including:
● Communicate methods and tools ● Remote working hours ● Performance evaluation standards ● Company goals ● Leave and break time, etc.
#2. Establish a Cohesive Work Culture
The way to a successful remote workforce model goes through a healthy remote work culture. You must put extra effort into strengthening a bond between your team members, despite location barriers.
A company’s work culture can make or break your business. According to a Jobvite survey, more than half of job seekers consider a good work culture before applying for a job.
But how can I create a good remote work culture in my workplace?
Simply using TrackOlap employee monitoring software. Our remote employee monitoring dashboard can help in setting positive work culture in many ways, such as:
● Marking attendance. Despite the location or time zones, your entire remote team can punch in/out attendance in real-time. This way, managers can set the same attendance and leave rules for everyone. ● Two-way communication model. Through a centralized dashboard, remote employees can easily communicate with their subordinates and seniors. ● Instant feedback. Managers can provide real-time feedback to remote workers based on accurate data-driven reports. This allows employees to self-improve and become effective team players.
#3. Adopt Flexible Work Approach
Most traditional workforce management methods fail in remote environments because they lack flexibility. To make remote work successful, flexibility is key.
Although a fixed plan is important to manage your workload, still having some room for wiggle in your remote workflow is essential. For this, you need to put some control in your remote employee's hands so they can make a few decisions on their own, like:
● Decide their own working hours ● Manage their daily schedule, etc.
But, won’t this way I’ll lose control over my remote task force?
No, you won’t because our remote employee management software is designed to give flexibility to remote workers without employers losing control.
For instance, using the website/application usage tracker, employers can check which app or website their employees have used and for how long. This knowledge will allow managers to reduce idle time and boost productivity.
Therefore, you should provide some flexibility to your remote team members but keep on monitoring them in the background using advanced employee monitoring technology.
#4. Track the Overall Progress
The remote work model doesn’t allow you to be a helicopter boss. You can’t ask for frequent updates from your employees or micromanage their schedules in a remote work model.
You simply have to give a work schedule to your employees with proper instructions and a timeline to accomplish it. And sit back!
You should only intervene when your employees ask for, or you find your team struggling to meet deadlines. To make work allocation and management simpler, we have also added a task management solution into our remote workforce management software.
This feature allows managers to assign tasks to individual team members set priorities and timelines. It will also provide real-time progress status so managers can ensure that deadlines are being met.
#5. Delegate Task Effectively
Delegating work has always been a challenge for managers. But, for remote managers, it is a mammoth challenge. Lack of physical connection makes it harder for remote team managers to delegate duties to other team members.
Most managers are worried that their team members will not take the task seriously or complete it on time. Thus, they keep on stuffing everything on their own plate, which only overwhelms them in the end.
Once again, employee monitoring software comes to the rescue. Using this solution, managers can make a person accountable for completing a task. Also, they can monitor work progress in real-time and constantly provide feedback.
So, if you are a remote team manager, ensure that your company has a proper remote management system in order.
#6. Keep Communication Clear and Concise
It is essential for remote managers to have a clear communication line with their staff members. Clear communication helps to set deadlines, solve work-related issues, convey managers’ expectations, manage company resources, define work schedules, and more.
Therefore, managers have to map out the whole remote communication policy in the company. Using the policy management software , they can draft a comprehensive communication policy, including:
● Which communication tools are the best fits in your team culture - email, texts, video chats, etc. ● What is an ideal time to reply back to a message? ● How long will a virtual team meeting be conducted?
#7. Build Connections with Your Team
One of the major disadvantages of remote work culture is isolation and depression. Many workers feel disoriented and alone while working remotely. They miss small talks with their team members during lunch break, brainstorming sessions, and get-togethers after work.
Remote work might have made employees more productive, but it has made them anti-social. So, being a remote team leader, you have to make some efforts to bring social harmony back to your team.
Here are a few things that you can try to make your remote team feel connected:
● Constant follow-ups and one-on-one interactions ● Monitor progress reports finding tell signs of low morale and depression ● Give leniency to set their own work schedule ● Provide regional local holidays ● Build transparent work culture to harness trust and harmony among your team members
#8. Reward and Recognition Program
Managers should look for opportunities to celebrate success and milestones achieved by their team members. They should make efforts to recognize the talented people present in their team. This practice will bring two benefits to your remote work culture
● First, it will boost the morale of talented people to motivate them to keep on working hard. ● Second, it might encourage low performers to buck up.
Besides this, reward and recognition help to build a strong employer brand, which is crucial to attract new talented professionals and motivate them to work for you.
#9. Revamp Your Onboarding Process
Since we are on the topic of hiring new employees, it is vital for remote teams to revamp their onboarding process.
To hire competent remote workers, you have to use the latest HR software to make the hiring process simple and easy for your team members. From onboarding to training remote employees, you need to use a comprehensive platform to hire remote employees.
There is no need to look for the best human resource software anywhere else. At TrackOlap, you will also find a powerful HRM platform to hire, manage and train remote workers.
Let’s Build a Successful Remote Work Model!
Building a remote work model is no longer an option for companies. It is a compulsion that they have to fulfill in lieu to grow in this post-pandemic era.
However, it is not that hard to build a successful remote work model—especially today, when the TrackOlap team has already prepared a complete remote employee management toolkit for you.
From employee monitoring to performance reporting, we have all the right tools ready for managers to effectively run remote team operations. So, all you have to do is book a free demo session with us today and learn how to build a successful remote workforce model.
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