#liv put them in my head and now they made themselves at home
chaosangelmp3 · 11 months
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hi please accept hanleia!ronance please..
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Aus Grand Prix Special
Series Masterlist
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AUS GP, 2025 (two years after the beginning of the story):
You don't you stress until you've tried to wrangle two hyperactive seven year olds into a car. "Liv, c'mon. We're going to see you dad."
For the fifth time, Olivia climbed out of the car. She ran back towards the house for something she definitely didn't need. "Muuuuum," Milo called from the back seat. "Can we go now?"
"One second, Milo," Y/N called as she put their things in the trunk of the car. As soon as she shut the door of the trunk she was back in the house, calling for Olivia. "Liv, let's go!" She called up the stairs.
"But I need my hat!"
When Y/N arrived at Olivia's bedroom she was searching through her drawers. "What hat, Livvy?" She asked as she searched through the top of her wardrobe, where Olivia couldn't reach.
"The one uncle Lando got me for Christmas," she said.
Y/N knew exactly what hat Olivia was looking for. It was custom made bucket hat, made to match Daniels helmet with a 3 on the top. Olivia had worn it for every race they had attended, had almost lost it in the wind at Bahrain.
Y/N knew exactly where the hat was. Olivia had taken it in for show and tell at school and it was still in her bag. She pulled it out of the flower decorated bag and handed it to Olivia. "Ready to go now?"
She nodded and followed her future step-mom down to the car. While Y/N locked the front door, Olivia climbed into the back of the car beside Milo. Y/N climbed into the drivers seat and the three of them set off.
The year before the four of them had travelled to the Grand Prix together. Daniel had driven, singing along to the music Y/N had put on. It was one of her favourite memories. This year he had driven up with Scotty James. She couldn't be mad, she had seen the videos of them having so much fun posted all over social media.
As they drove along, the music stopped and her phone started ringing through the hands free system in the car. Y/N used the button on her steering wheel to answer and Daniels voice came through. "Hi honey, are you guys on your way?" He asked.
"We're about half an hour away, Danny," she called. From the back of the car the kids let out a chorus of 'hi's'. "Are we meeting you at the Red Bull hospitality?"
"Yeah, hun. Max and I are waiting."
There was a quiet hi, from someone Y/N could only assume was Max. "Tell him we all say hello," she said to her fiancé, who quickly passed on the message.
"Baby, I've got to go," he said. "Love you guys!"
"Love you too!" The three of them replied before the call ended.
Just as she had said, they arrived at the hotel half an hour later. They could have stayed home and watched the live coverage, but they wanted to give Daniel as much support as they could, so Daniel got himself booked into a hotel room with enough space for all of them.
He had been there since Wednesday, due to media duties and such. Y/N stayed back to work and get the kids to and from school. But they had all taken the Friday off to watch the first of the practices from the Red Bull garage.
They checked themselves into the hotel room, getting the key Daniel had left by the front desk, and headed to the track. There was no point in driving, and it was close enough that they could walk.
Milo and Olivia led the way to the track. Y/N made sure they all stayed together as they walked. It was incredibly busy as they pushed their way through towards the paddock.
Actually, it was Scotty that spotted them. He waved Y/N over and she moved the kids through the crowd, towards him. With Scotty's help, they got into the paddock. "You have much traffic on the way up here?" Scotty asked as he led the three of them over to the Red Bull Garage.
She shook her head. "Not until this point," she said, keeping one eye on the kids as they led the way once again. They were just too excited, there was no point containing them. "How is he feeling?"
It was Daniel's second year back in the Red Bull, and everybody knew he was nervous. He had seen just how quickly Red Bull had tossed their other drivers to the side. He'd managed to secure a contract for another year, but that could all change with the snap of someone's fingers.
They got to the hospitality unit, where Daniel was waiting outside. He took pictures for fans and signed the things that were shoved in his face. Staff parted the fans like the red sea to allow Y/N, Scotty and the kids through.
Olivia immediately ran to her father. "Badger!" He called as he hugged her.
He held his other arm out for Milo, who joined the hug. "Hi dad," he said, grinning.
Milo didn't realise what he had said, not right away. And Daniel sure wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. It was Olivia who giggled at her future brother. "You just called him dad," she laughed, and Milo's face scrunched up in embarrassment.
"No I didn't," he insisted.
"Yes you did! Yes you did!"
But Milo went running to his mother. Olivia let go of her dad and went inside of the hospitality unit to find her Uncle Max. Daniel turned his attention to his bride to be. "My lady," he said as she stepped towards him.
"Danny." She was aware of the cameras on the two of them as she stepped towards him. Flashes went off, videos were recorded on fans phones as she pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his neck.
The two of them never had much a chance at privacy. There very first kiss all those years ago was televised. They'd tried, to give her and the kids a normal life, but their attempts were futile. They'd given up.
With his hand on the small of her back, Daniel let her and Milo into the hospitality unit. "Are you hungry?" He asked, immediately going to fix her and Milo something to eat. He would have gotten Olivia something, but she was eating a muffin as she spoke to her uncle Max, no doubt about karting.
The family of four spent what time they could together before Daniel jumped in the number 3 Red Bull car for the first practice session. This one wasn't about speed, Y/N had come to learn. It was about testing different set ups, not about setting the fastest time.
FP2 that afternoon was about showing what you could do. And Danny did. Y/N, Olivia and Milo watched on as Daniel set the fastest time in FP2 over and over again. He and Max raced each other. Not in the literal sense, but it was a competition between the two of who could get the fastest lap.
After FP2 they were free to head back to the hotel. Daniel drove them back to the hotel. While Milo and Olivia took turns in showering and getting changed for dinner, Y/N and Daniel laid together. He sat on the bed and she laid against him, her hand against his racing heart. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?" She asked quietly.
Daniel sucked in a breath. The smile that played on his face wasn't a smile at all. It was more of a grimace as he looked up at the ceiling. "Nervous, definitely. But I'm glad you guys are gonna be there to support," he said and leaned down to kiss her.
They had a lovely dinner that night. It wasn't often that all four of them got to go out and do things like this, not with Daniels racing schedule. They had a wonderful time. The kids ordered whatever they wanted, which meant the biggest deserts in the place. Daniel was a lot stricter with what he was eating, considering it was a race weekend.
After their dinner, the four of them headed back to the hotel. Bellies full and incredibly happy, they quickly fell asleep. Daniel held Y/N through the night. He missed her on race weekends like this.
She woke up first. Bile rose in her throat and she struggled out of Daniels grip. As she had every morning since Wednesday, she got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
In the close quarters of the hotel room, everybody could hear what was happening in the bathroom. They all woke up to the sounds of Y/N throwing up into the toilet. Daniel was up and out of bed in an instant. He raced to her and immediately held her hair out of her face, rubbing her back soothingly as she heaved.
"Baby," Daniel said softly as she sat back on her heels and wiped her mouth. Tears touched her eyelashes, as they always did when she threw up.
Daniel opened his arms, but she didn't throw herself into them. Instead she washed her face and cleaned her teeth, just as she had every other morning. "C'mon, Y/N, speak to me," he said softly.
She shut her eyes, steadying herself against the sink. "I think I'm just sick," she said and turned to walked out of the bathroom.
But Daniel stopped her. He grabbed her arm softly and pulled her into his embrace, his hand moving up and down her back. "You'd tell me if... right?"
She nodded her head, letting herself rest against him.
They didn't see the two little heads peaking into the bathroom. "Mum?" Milo called, somewhat timidly. Daniel hadn't heard him speak like this in years.
Y/N and Daniel pulled away from each other. They looked at the kids as they walked into the bathroom. "Is everything okay?" Olivia asked, eyes holding concern.
Both she and Daniel nodded. "It's nothing to worry about, guys. I promise." she said.
They all stayed in the bathroom just a minute longer. Y/N was the first to leave. They all followed her out and crawled back into their beds.
But Y/N and Daniel didn't sleep. They laid there, waiting for the kids to fall asleep before Y/N turned towards him. "I think I should go and get a pregnancy test," she whispered, snuggling close to his chest.
Daniel couldn't hide the way his face lit up.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lily-ann-b @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
HIS GIRL - Roman Reigns
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"I should get going, Joe." Y|N giggled, trying to wiggle out of his grip causing the guy next to her to tighten his grip. "Joseph, let go."
"I don't want you to go."
And I don't want to leave.
Y|N sighed.
Her lips slowly turning upwards into a smile as she unknowingly sunk deeper into his muscular arms.
Just hearing Joe say he didn't want her to leave made her stomach do backflips.
But she knew she had to stop herself before she got too deep in her feelings.
Like who was she kidding?
Joseph's her bestfriend.
Has been her best friend since the day they met when she was the new girl in school.
The first day of seventh grade, to be exact.
It was only recently that they had decided to give in to the temptation that had began lingering over them since their junior year of high school, and had, had sex.
It was Y|N's first time.
Not so much Joe's.
Of course, the man's like every girl's fantasy at school.
But that's beside the point.
Y|N had swore up and down that night she had allowed Joe to take her virginity that she could handle her emotions, and not be one of those clingy girls that all of a sudden wanted more than no strings attached.
Those girls that would ultimately find themselves wanting a relationship.
Wanting said bestfriend to be theirs and only theirs.
When deep down she had quickly became that girl.
All because she wanted her bestfriend to make her feel the way he had made those other girls feel.
It just so happen, Y|N was good at hiding how she felt.
But then there would be times like now, when Joe would say things like 'I don't want you to go.'
Something so simple that would only make Y|N long for something more, even more.
Get yourself together, before you ruin everything.
With another sigh, Y|N began wiggling again. "It's the night before the first day of senior year, Joe. I have to go home and get some sleep."
"Sleep here." Joe quickly replied, with a chuckle as he leaned over to nip at the skin on my neck, almost immediately causing me to close my eyes, and bit down on my lips. "Please."
Y|N shook her head, trying to fight off the urge to moan, as Joe's hand began to slide further and further down her body. "I have no clothes." She quickly blurted out, trying to think of any excuse to be let go.
"Wear something of mines." Joe countered with a smirk as his hand stopped. "You love stealing my stuff all the other times."
"My dads will be pissed." Y|N gasped out, feeling Joe's finger come in contact with her folds. "I'm not about to show up on the first day of my senior year dressed like you. And I know if I stay I won't be getting much sleep."
"Are you serious?" Joe questioned, looking over at Y|N in disbelief. "You really want to go? Right now?" His grip now loosened from around Y|N waist.
"Well..." Y|N stuttered out, rolling over so that she could face Joe. "Maybe I can be a little late. But we have to be quick."
"No promises." She heard her bestfriend say, smirking, as he gripped Y|N's face, pulling her in for a kiss.
This boy will be the death of me.
"Looks like you and Joe had a good time." Trinity said, nudging Y|N with her elbow as she, Y|N and their other friend Liv walked down the hall at the end of school.
"Is it really noticeable..?" Y|N blushed, already knowing her friend was referring to the hickey Joe had marked her with last night when they were going for round two. "I was up at six this morning covering this thing up."
Thank goodness the other three are in a place they won't see, Y|N thought, giggling to herself.
Liv shrugged, playfully rolling her eyes at her friend. "Well, it looks like you need a touch up."
"I'll put more on in the ca-"
Before Y|N could finish what she was saying, a male voice was heard calling out to her.
"Who's he?" Liv was the first to ask, as the three girls turned their attention to the unrecognizable boy calling out to Y|N.
"Oh..." Y|N spoke with a smile. "The new guy, Colby. He just moved to Florida from Iowa."
Trinity laughed, eyeing her friend. "And how do you know all of this?" She asked, taking note of the instantaneous smile that formed on Y|N's face.
"He's in my first and second period."
And before either one of her friends could think of anything else to say or question her about, Y|N had walked off heading over to Colby.
"Is that Y|N?" Joe heard his cousin Jonathan ask as him and Jon's younger twin brother Joshua turned a corner in school, heading for the double doors to leave out the school building.
Joe stopped in his tracks, looking in the direction that his younger cousin was looking.
Seeing none other than Y|N.
And some guy he didn't know.
"Who's that guy she's talking to?"
"Oh, that's the new guy, Cory." Jon answered.
"It's Colby." Josh spoke up, correcting his brother. "He's the new kid from Iowa. He's in first period with me and Y|N."
Joe nodded, his eyes locked on his bestfriend as she was deep in conversation with Colby.
Even when Joe tried to tear his eyes away, he couldn't.
And for some reason, the longer he watched the more his blood began to boil.
Wait, why was his blood boiling?
Y|N's talked to guys other than him and his cousins before.
Hell she's even dated guys before.
She's even been out a few times with guys since they began fooling around.
And Joe's never had a problem before.
But then again, he's never had to watch Y|N talk to a guy other than him, his family and a few mutual guy friends.
People that went to school here knew Y|N was Joe's.
And because of that she was off limits.
So, he most definitely didn't want to start having to watch some clueless ass new guy step on his territory.
Now that he's got a good thing going on with her.
As if someone was controlling him, Joe had quickly made his way over to where Y|N stood, laughing with the new guy, Colby.
"Hey, beautiful." He greeted Y|N, leaning down giving Y|N a sloppy kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth.
That's my girl, Joe thought smirking into the kiss as Y|N almost immediately kissed back.
Y|N slowly pulled away from the kiss, her hand on Joe's chest as she pushed him back.
Where did that come from?
She could feel heat rising to her face as she stood there for a second or two trying to catch her breath after Joe's spontaneous tongue filled kiss.
And 'hey beautiful?'
When did Joe start addressing her as beautiful?
Don't get it wrong, Joe has always been the main guy to call her beautiful or make her feel beautiful but that was maybe when Y|N was showing off a new outfit or you know, when they're having sex or whatever.
But addressing by saying beautiful?
That's new.
She wasn't even sure if he's ever even addressed her as babe, or even baby before.
So why now?
Y|N looked up at Joe for the first time since he came over to her and stuck his tongue down her throat seeing a new emotion that she's never seen before.
Joseph was jealous over something I was doing?
Could he be feeling the things I've been feeling for him lately, for me?
"I'm sorry about that, Colby." Y|N said embarrassingly as she tried to focus her attention on her new friend, while also taking notice of how close Joe was pulling her in to him. "This is Joe."
"Colby." The guy she's only met this morning during class said a smile on his face as he stretched out a balled up fist to Joe seemingly to give him a fist bump.
Joe nodded, ignoring Colby's gesture. "I heard Y|N." He mumbled turning to Y|N dropping his arm from around Y|N's waist. "I'm ready to go."
Y|N nodded taking note of his tone.
It wasn't something she liked considering it didn't seem like the Joseph she'd known since she was twelve.
But at the same time he was her ride home and because of her being unable to say no to a second round with Joe last night, she was on the verge of being grounded by her dads after coming home half an hour after her curfew.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She said to Colby, before turning and walking off with Joe.
Joe walked to his car, an slightly angry Y|N leading the way as she stomped ahead, her arms crossed over her chest.
This is gonna be a long ride.
Seeing Y|N had reached his car before him, Joe used his key fob to unlock the car giving her access.
About a minute later, Joe had finally gotten settled in the car and had thrown his backpack in the backseat next to Y|N's.
"What the hell was that?" He heard Y|N ask, her head snapping in his direction as he put his key in the ignition, starting his car engine. "And don't ask what like you don't know I'm talking about you shoving your damn tongue down my throat."
"I thought you loved my tongue." Joe fake gasped, pretending to be hurt bu Y|N insinuating she didn't enjoy their kiss.
Y|N blushed, rolling her eyes. "I do love your tongue Joe." She replied. "But that's not what I mean."
"Then I'm confused."
"You've never done something like that at school, Joe. That's what I'm trying to say." Y|N tried explaining, hoping Joe was catching on to what she was saying or trying to say.
"I've never had to." Joe replied, glancing over at his bestfriend. "I've never felt like someone was threatening me."
Y|N scoffed. "How was Colby threatening you? All he was doing was talking to me."
"I don't know." Joe mumbled. "It's just everybody at school knows you're mine but here comes some new kid and he's basically flirting with you." He added. "I just wanted him to know you're my girl."
"Really, Y|N." Joe quickly answered, unaware of the way Y|N thought he meant when he said she was his girl.
Joe did mean it when he said Y|N was his girl.
He won't even deny that he's got actual romantic feelings for her to anyone, other than Y|N herself.
But he didn't mean it as he plan to stop seeing his other flings.
After all him and Y|N had an understanding.
And him getting jealous didn't mean much right?
As long as Y|N kept her romances out of his sight and she stayed away from that new kid, this thing between him and his bestfriend was good.
Y|N smiled, while also side eying her bestfriend.
She wasn't stupid.
Which was why she knew Joe hadn't meant that she was his in a way she'd hoped he'd meant.
But that was fine.
Cause atleast now Y|N knew Joe had enough feelings for her that he would get jealous over her simply talking to a guy.
After all he wouldn't have gotten jealous over someone he just saw as a friend who he enjoyed having sex with from time to time...
One thing's for sure Y|N had more hope in this moment than she did last night when they were together.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Legally Yours - Ch. 06
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester tops the list of hottest entrepreneurs 2020 and yet, there’s still something he wants but can’t have because, in order to get that, he would have to settle down and get married. She agrees too quickly because she wants to secure a more comfortable life for her and her daughter. Will she be able to help Dean get what he wants without losing herself in the fake story they spin up to deceive his father and the world?
Chapter Warnings: The dinner is coming up and there’s a little flangst. Also, they are still two stubborn idiots.
WC: 3779
Beta’d by: @deanwanddamons​​​​​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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It feels like she’s been sitting down for ages and she’s worried about Bobby and Liv. Sure enough, Sam sensed her worries and texted her that they are both being taken care of. So at least there’s that. 
Pamela made her slip into the sequin dress after her shower and the woman put some makeup on her face.
“Not too much, okay?” Y/N says, just making sure because she still wants to be herself after all.
The brown haired woman chuckles, “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll just turn up the volume a little, you’re fine the way you are. You have a cute face, don’t want to hide that below too much make up anyway,”
With careful strokes, Pamela shows her how she can apply it herself for her next outings and yeah, Y/N can’t say that she doesn’t like that. Because it seems hideous to always have a stylist at hand, no? She didn’t sign up for this crap.
When Pamela is done, she leaves with a contented smile on her face and Y/N walks over to the floor lengths mirror that’s attached to her closet to catch her own reflection. She wears heels, has to still get used to it because they are way higher than the ones she wears for work. Apparently being fake engaged to Dean Winchester comes with a sacrifice of her feet. 
Her eyes trail up her body from her shoes to her face and it’s weird because she thought that she’d probably not be able to recognize the women who will be staring back at her, but she does. Pamela was true to her word, she just really turned up the volume to Y/N’s boring self. 
Okay, now is the time to present herself, she guesses. Sam had said that they’re waiting in the study. She’s yet to find out where it is, though. 
Sticking her tongue out at her own reflection, she starts to chuckle. She’s living the life she never thought she’d get to experience and god, she hopes she won’t lose herself in it.
With a last look around her new room, she makes her way to Dean’s study.
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  Dean makes his way into his study after having rushed home after the meeting to take a shower. He had been sweating bullets since this morning and it was refreshing to say the least. It would have been better if his dick wasn’t half hard when he thought about Y/N. He didn’t rub himself off, didn’t let himself go there and jerk off to the image of a girl he paid to pretend to be his fake fiancée. He was afraid that it would uncover things he didn’t need in his life right now. 
So, when he pushes the door to his study open, his dick is still semi but Dean thinks it’ll go away soon. Especially when he thinks about the dinner with his dad because that meeting is what nightmares are made of.
Sam’s already waiting on the couch, nursing a drink. He probably had a rough day as well and Dean can’t blame him. He walks over to his mini bar, pours himself two fingers of whisky and sits down with a grunt across from Sam.
“Go on,” Dean says, “I know you have a lot to say,”
The other man just chuckles, “She’s cute and pretty, you didn’t mention that,”
“Is she?” Dean cocks an eyebrow and takes a sip from his drink, “You’re right, I didn’t.”
“You like her, don’t you?”
“Sam,” Dean snorts out the man’s name, “I don’t even know her. She was in the right place at the right time,”
“You were never a good liar. I could always see through you.”
Dean frowns, “What do you mean?”
The other man chuckles as he takes a sip and lets the liquid travel down his throat, “You could have chosen anyone for that. The execs in your meetings, the ones working just below you, yet, you picked her.”
“Are you trying to go anywhere with this?” Dean asks with clear irritation in his voice. 
“Wait for it,” Sam says before he takes another gulp of the brown liquid in his glass and Dean rolls his eyes. Sam grins before he goes on, “All our lives, you have never picked a girl, Dean. Mostly they offer themselves to you, even back at school, do you remember?”
Oh, yeah, he does remember. Sam’s not wrong, but still.
“They offer and present themselves to you or your father picks them for you to bring along to social events and most of the time, you’re a one date kinda guy. You never ever picked one on your own.”
“You say it like women are something you find in a field,”
“Am I wrong?” Sam raises an eyebrow to match Dean’s, “Fact is, you picked out Y/N, even though you could have waited. You could have talked things through with me, wait until Carmen gets back and we could have come up with a plan. You know that she isn’t in for you either, she’s signed a contract and was willing to sign that prenup.”
“I didn’t want to wait for Carmen to come back to me,” Dean’s voice is stern. He really didn’t, he didn’t want people to think he let it slide when she’s been cheating on him. How will it make him look? He’s not a fucking idiot.
“I’m just saying that you’re being hot headed doesn’t help us at all. And the fact is still there that you’ve picked her and that means something in my book,”
“What stupid books are you reading?”
Sam chuckles and ignores Dean’s remark, “Carmen boarded the next plane back, by the way,”
Dean takes a sip from his drink, thinks about Sam’s words, “You can tell her that she doesn’t need to show up. I’m not taking her back when I have Y/N,”
The other man’s grinning from ear to ear and Dean rolls his eyes a second time, “And no, I don’t really like her. I barely know her. I just find her interesting, is all. She’s different to all the women I’ve ever met.”
There’s a laugh coming out of Sam and Dean scoffs annoyingly. 
Just when Dean wants to open his mouth to tell Sam to shut the fuck up, there’s a knock at the door. 
They both turn their heads to see Y/N open the door to his study. Dean feels a rush of blood to his head. How long has she been standing outside? How much did she hear? But before he can think about being more embarrassed, another punch knocks him out when he sees her walking in with her beautiful dress. 
“Sorry,” She says, “Am I interrupting?”
Dean has to clear his throat before he’s able to speak, “No, you didn’t. Come in,”
She nods and walks further into the room. She looks absolutely stunning, a really stark contrast to the look when he met her. It’s not that she was ugly before, she wasn’t — isn’t. He can see that she only wears minimal makeup.
“How do I look?” She asks with a smile as she twists around in her dress and somehow Dean wishes that Sam wasn’t here to see her like this.
“You do clean up nicely,” It slips out of Dean. 
Clean up nicely? What the fuck did he just say? Who says that?
“You look beautiful, Y/N,” Sam chimes in to probably play off the stupidity that Dean just let slip out of his mouth and Dean sends him a grim look. 
But it doesn’t stop there because Sam ignores Dean’s look to wink at her. He’s a little irritated by it, to say the least. 
“So, Y/N,” Sam says, “Do you care to tell me how you two met?”
“Sam, aren’t you late for your appointment?” Dean interrupts.
Sam looks at him puzzled and it takes another two seconds until he catches on, “Oh, yeah. It was a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I’m looking forward to working with you because you’re a delight,”
The tall man stands up and takes Y/N’s hand, places a kiss on the back of it before he leaves and Dean tries his best not to let the feeling of jealousy hit him. He doesn’t know why he should feel jealous anyway. There’s nothing to be jealous about. It’s a business deal. He should be used to it, right? Right.
“My father will arrive in thirty minutes,” Dean says drily, his throat restricting the longer she looks at him. 
“Is there anything I need to know before you feed me to him?”
Dean lets out a small snort, “I’m not feeding you to him. I’m there too and can help out. When I think of it, maybe it’ll be good if we could establish the story of how we met.”
“Oh, I know!” Y/N shrieks out and gets all excited. Dean thinks it’s really cute. “How about I got into the elevators so quick which made you spill the coffee you’re holding over your shoes and pants? Like, the story is really partially true and it would be less hard for me to make it sound trustworthy,”
“Go on,” Dean nods his head, and empties his glass before he sets it down on the table before him. 
Her long legs and the away she sits doesn’t help his state of mind. The dress has ridden up on the couch and Dean tries to look anywhere other than at that exposed flesh that he’d like to sink his teeth into.
“I was afraid that you’d be mad at me so I offered to buy you a coffee to make up for it, but you didn’t want that because you were late to a meeting. But I was persistent and waited in front of the door and asked you so many times if you wanted a coffee and to please let me make up for ruining your suit. And somehow you agreed, maybe just to shut me up. We went on a coffee date every day until we fell in love.”
After her story, she smiled satisfactorily. The smile of a winner if he ever did see one. One he shows too often after a done deal. 
“I don’t really have time for coffee dates,” Dean adds his two cents, knowing that it doesn’t sound quite nice but he just can’t help himself. That’s the way he is. The way people expect him to be.
There’s a little pout on her lips, and Dean’s not prepared for that because it looks too cute, “I mean do you have a better idea?”
“No,” Dean shakes his head, “I like it, I never said I didn’t,”
“Good, but I’ll let you come up with your proposal story, okay? I feel like I can’t pick my brain anymore than I already have. It has been a long day.”
“Right,” He stands up and pats his thighs, buttons up his suit jacket too because he thinks it hides his more than semi hard dick pretty well, “Wait here, I’ll be right back,”
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  Dean leaves the door open and Y/N can hear his heels clicking on the stone flooring until the sound is out of earshot. She wonders what he’s up to, feels a little nervous about it.
While Dean’s gone, she gets up from the couch and looks around the room. The study is spacious, like every room in this ridiculously big penthouse, she guesses. There’s a desk at the far wall, a bookshelf graces the other wall. It’s full of books. She wonders if Dean really reads. It doesn’t seem like he has the time to do so. She wonders if he relaxes at all because he seems so tense all the time. Maybe he only tenses up when he’s around her, at least she can’t help to feel this way.
There’s the group of sofas where she was sitting on but right by the floor to ceiling window is another sofa that looks out over the city. She wonders why that is because the sofa seems a bit out of place. 
Standing by the window, she’s looking out over the city, the people and cars seem so small from up here. She doesn’t dare to touch the glass though in fear that she’d leave handprints all over it. Dean probably won’t be happy about that.
She’s lost in thought, wondering over and over again if she had made the right choice. It was a spur of the moment thing. She does a lot of those, like the time she hooked up with Jimmy for the first time. They were at a frat party and she knew him from her communications class. She let him drive her home, even though he was definitely not fit enough to drive but her head was spinning and she might have had a couple of drags of a joint too many. They didn’t even make it into her apartment, fucked right in the backseat, not worrying about contraception. 
By the time she knew she was pregnant, it was too late to abort, and honestly, she wouldn’t know if she would have. It’s not the baby’s fault. She and Jimmy tried to make it work, even though he was always suspicious if the baby was really his. Jimmy’s parents were loaded and he had a bigger apartment close to campus, funded by his parents. She moved in there because his parents wanted it that way, not because he did. While Jimmy was still enrolled and finished his degree, she dropped out to care for their baby. He eventually graduated but stayed in college to pursue his Master's degree. 
When Liv was four, Y/N wanted to try her chance at the job market as well, but Jimmy was against it. His parents were too, apparently, because they said that she wouldn’t be able to give their grandchild a good future and they wouldn’t stand to have their name dragged into this. She fought tooth and nail to keep Liv and changed the child's name back to her own. And after a long fight, they eventually agreed that she would take Liv, and Jimmy was not to pay a single dime. 
Getting out of the abusive and loveless relationship was probably the best decision of her life up until that point. Jimmy drank a lot and was overall not happy. He would lash out at her and she didn’t know why she stayed. Maybe there was a shred of hope that she desperately tried to cling on to. 
So, when she moved out, she stayed with Bobby for a while until she found the job in Dean’s company, and then it went pretty quick. She and Olivia moved into their own apartment.
A year later, she heard the news that Jimmy’s parents went bankrupt and Jimmy was trying to hold himself above water after he developed a drinking problem. Apparently, Karma’s right there helping her. 
She’s so deep in her thoughts that she doesn’t notice Dean returning, only realizes it when a figure is standing behind her. Startled, she jumps a little as she turns around. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” He mumbles as he steps closer to the window to stand next to her and they look out of the window together. It’s romantic, she thinks, with the backdrop of the city, especially at night.
Looking over to Dean again, she notices him holding a velvet box in his hand and smirks, “Is that a ring, loverboy?” 
Dean sends her a look accompanied by a little frown. Something that says, I have heard it but I won’t say anything because it’s stupid. Well, he might not be wrong.
“Sorry,” She breathes out, “I told you I tend to babble when I’m nervous,”
He sighs and lifts his eyebrow before he opens up the box and it is as if the air has been punched out of her lungs. 
The ring is absolutely beautiful.
Dean smirks and clears his throat before he speaks, “It used to be my mother’s,”
It wasn’t like all the engagement rings Y/N’s seen that the rich and famous women are wearing nowadays. This one is modest, might even be boring and too normal compared to those. The ring has a bigger round diamond in the middle, with two smaller accompanying stones on its side. It’s a gold color ring too, not white gold like they usually are. It looks special and it looks like it has more sentimental value around it than monetary value. Maybe that’s also why she thinks it’s so precious.
“Dean, I can’t possibly wear this ring,” She says, but his hand already goes to her left one, grabbing it and holding it up to slip the ring on her finger.
He pauses to look at the ring, smiles as he sees how it fits. How did it fit anyway? How is that even possible? 
“I was right with the measurement,” Dean chuckles and she thinks that he wants to turn away, but he’s still standing here holding her hand, “I want you to wear it whenever you’re with me, okay?”
She can not do anything else but nod.
“I proposed to you on this rooftop, overlooking the city,” He says and it takes her a while to realize that he’s talking about his proposal story that he’s suggesting.
“Right,” She bites her lips and looks down to the ring briefly before she looks up to meet his eyes again. They are glistening a little, and there’s a hint of a smirk on his face. Right here by the window, his freckles are prominent on his face. 
Y/N’s distracted, feels the urge to count them.
“We were alone and we just had a meal. It was a warm summer night and we took our desserts on the terrace,”
She can picture it clearly and her heart starts to beat faster. 
“I didn’t prepare a speech,” Dean clears his throat, and adds, “And the things I said weren’t particularly romantic,”
“It didn’t matter, because I know that you feel more comfortable showing your actions rather than using your words,” She chimes in, “There’s no romance needed, no sappy words, because you already show me enough how much you love me,”
There’s a sparkle in his eyes after she said it. Somehow she thinks it’s fondness, but then something changes and he avoids her eyes. Instead, he looks down to the hand that’s still holding hers. His cheeks are tinted pink. It’s totally cute how embarrassed he gets. 
“So,” Dean swallows, “The contract says that we don’t touch each other more than necessary, especially not in private. But since my dad will be here, we will probably need to keep up the illusion, don’t you think?”
“Dean, the only one who seems to be uneasy and flinches at my touches is you,”
The pink in his cheeks rises up to his ears, “Yeah, I’ll try to change, okay?”
“I want you to feel comfortable. And please know that you touching me doesn’t bother me. I’m not disgusted or disturbed by it, okay?”
He nods, “I’m not—” He starts, but stops to exhale, and then he tries again, “I’m not disgusted by your touches, I just need to relax, I guess,”
“What would help you relax?” She asks and she means it. Maybe she can help. 
“It would help if I knew that I didn’t pay you,” He chuckles drily, “Dad will be here soon so let’s get this over with,” He pulls her along to the door and her grip tightens around his hand. 
She’s so fucking nervous.
“What if he hates me?” She whispers just before they reach the door and Dean turns around, places a hand where her shoulder meets her neck.
“My father wouldn’t like you even if it was real. He has high standards,”
“That’s fucking reassuring, thanks,” 
Dean chuckles, “It doesn’t matter what he thinks, okay?” He rubs along her arm with his other hand, “Can you pretend to love me for a while, Y/N?” 
“It depends,” She says with a shrug and his eyes widen. She smirks then to ease the situation because he obviously doesn’t get the joke. “Can you pretend that I’m the only thing that keeps you going? Pretend that I’m your first thought when you wake up and the last before you fall asleep, Dean? It’s more challenging for you with the array of women you’ve dated,”
He smiles crookedly, and there’s that glint in his eyes again, “Oh, sweetheart, I’m not worried about my end of the bargain,”
Her face feels hot all of a sudden but she frowns after she catches herself, “Of course you’re not because you have nothing to lose,”
The frown on Dean’s face matches hers from before, “What are you talking about?”
“Yeah well, if I screw this up, I will lose my job and a steady income but you?” She pokes at his chest with her index finger, “You, Mister, will probably get a lecture from your dad, but you’ll be back to dating super rich women and beautiful models, and you can go on with your life as if nothing happened.”
Dean chuckles and he looks kind of amused? Which is not fair at all when she’s all worked up.
He pushes both his hands into his pants pockets, balances back and forth on his heels before he leans down to be on her level, brings down the air with him and she can smell his cologne. It’s intoxicating. 
“Tell you what,” Dean smirks, “If this blows up because of me, if they should see through me or if anyone should question my feelings for you, I’ll buy you an apartment and I’ll help you secure a job. I have connections. Somewhere where no one knows that you were being engaged to me. But,” He darts his tongue out, licks over his lips and she bites down on her own because she knows exactly how they feel, “If you make a mistake and it blows up because of you, sweetheart,” He makes a pause and stands back straight.
“I have nothing you’d want,” She shakes her head.
“There’s something,” He shrugs and he says it so easily too. She can’t help but frown in confusion.
“If it blows up because of you, Y/N. If you fail to convince the world how much you love me,” He grins, and the grin grows cocky, “You’ll marry me,”
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Ch. 07
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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spicy-dunkaroo · 3 years
Stuck by Your Side (Part 1)
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♫Now Playing: “Stuck by Your Side (Part 1)” by Spicy Dunkaroo…♪
❀Word Count: 2.5k
❀Rating: PG 13, 18+, Minors Do Not Interact (please)
❀Genre: Mythology AU!, Kelpie! Tamaki Amajiki, a pinch of Angst, very Fluffy, Maybe Smut (Still not sure yet)
❀Summary: Due to your job, you’re forced to visit a beautiful city in Scotland in order to get some reconnaissance on the locals. While on this trip, you grab a drink with a coworker and return home where you begin to notice strange things happen.
❀Warning(s): Cursing, Mentions of Alcohol use (Characters are aged up), and Mentions of Depression
❀Author's Note: Hello everyone!! This will be my first collaboration with the BNHarem server (Of hopefully many more). I hope that if you enjoy this story that you also go ahead and check out the other talented artists/writers that participated in this server collab here. I am beyond grateful to be working with so many amazing writers and artists that have helped me and inspired me to start writing!! I would also like to ask that if there are any warnings I might have missed, please do let me know. The last thing I want to do is have anyone read my story and get triggered because I didn’t properly put the warnings here.
Without further adieu, I hope you enjoy :)
Birds singing, leaves crunching, and the wind singing in your ears was all you could hear as the tour guide went on with their one-sided conversation of tour around Inverness, Scotland. If it weren’t for your worrisome supervisor, you’d be in the cute little cottage that you rented for the next few weeks, probably playing on your switch or watching Tigtog videos for hours on end. But noooo, they mandated that everyone had to go on this hour-long tour of the city to “get a nice perspective of the city” or whatever the hell they were rambling on about.
Each person was assigned a partner for the tours so they didn’t have to worry about anyone getting abducted or ‘lost’. Knowing better, you visibly rolled your eyes as your partner looked around like a kid in a candy store. Apparently the woman was from the marketing department as well, her name seeming to leave your memory as you squinted in her direction.
“You forgot my name again, didn’t you?”
“Pfft- no- no way!”
“Yea? Then what is it?”
“Uh, erm...It- it starts with a H, I know that!!”
“It’s Hoshi, or if you’d like to continue with formalities, Ms. Tenmei.”
Hanging your head in shame you look away. Getting lost in your thoughts once more, Hoshi taps on your shoulder.
“Hey, no worries! I’m pretty bad with names myself. How’s camera duty going?”
Saying this, the woman grabs the camera from your grasp, turning it back on to see the pictures you had taken thus far. Whistling, Hoshi looks back at you, noticing the lack of enthusiasm that was painted across your face.
“I know this tour is the last thing either of us want to do, but the quicker you get all those pictures for the portfolio, the quicker we can get out of here and grab a drink. It’ll be my treat if you can get all of them before the end of the tour.”
Nodding your head, you grab the camera back from her, beginning to focus it on a nice view of the lake from the bridge the two of you were standing on. Before you can snap the shot, the tour-guide’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as he begins to speak about a more interesting topic.
“It’s said that this lake has a kelpie spirit living within its waters. Although, that can be said about any lake that’s big enough to swim in.”
As most tourists begin to talk amongst themselves, you grip onto the expensive camera once more, hoping to find that perfect shot you had before the man’s shrilling voice had interrupted your train of thought.
“Mommy, what’s a kelpie?”
As the little boy spoke, you took the chance to snap the shot as a bird flew on the lake's surface, leaving a black blur on the perfect shot!
‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’
The tour guide you grew to despise butted into the pair’s conversation to answer the boys question.
“That’s a good question kiddo! It’s said that the origins of the Kelpie were originally told as warnings to women and children alike to be alert at all times when not around their loved ones. Despite this, you can ask any local in the area and most could tell you their story of encountering the supposed myth. I suppose we’ll never know till we see one for ourselves. Though, if you’re unlucky enough to encounter such a myth, there’s the chance that you won’t live to tell the tale...”
The boy trembled as he gripped his mother’s dress tighter in his clutch. Your partner begins to scoot closer to you as she whispers into your ear.
“Psst! Hey, what do you think about those ‘kelpie’ hm?”
“It sounds like some sort of folk-lore they tell all the tourists here.”
“Oh c’mon now, you’re no fun! I’d like to think they might not be as brutal as this guy says.”
Scoffing, you shake your partner’s hand from your shoulder as you look into the camera’s lens once more to take another picture.
‘I’m sure it’s all bullshit. There’s no such thing as a shape-shifting kel-‘
Thinking this, you suddenly feel your body begin to fall forward as the bridge railing suddenly let out from beneath you. Before you realize it, you open your eyes to see the water's surface only a mere foot or two from your own face, the camera hanging by your neck and grazing the lake, your body beginning to be pulled back to its upright position.
Turning around to thank whoever it was that just saved you from having to pay for the company camera, you look to see nobody behind you. Nobody seemed to even be around you as you see Hoshi following behind the group of tourists, leaving you in the dust. You begin to chase after the group as you shake off the entire encounter.
Shuffling your bag off of your shoulder you threw it into the nearby chair, slumping into the couch that was adjacent to the chair. You began to hum to yourself as you felt the effects of the beer contest you had with Hoshi who you now knew was your supervisor. Thinking to yourself you remember losing that contest the two of you set up.
‘It was nice of her to pay for us and to bring me back home even though I lost. I should thank her tomorrow and try to pay her back if I can.’
Suddenly feeling the effects of the liquid courage, you stood up a bit too quickly, reaching your hand out to the couch you were just laying on. Not sure what to do, you reached for your phone to scroll through Tigtog, that was until you began to hear something strange. From what you could tell, it sounded like a voice, though you weren’t sure if it was male or female. Curiosity began to take the lead as you stood upright once more. Looking around, you began to walk around the cottage, seeing if there was anything on that could be making that noise. Eventually you found yourself outside in what looked to be the backyard of your little cottage, swaying side to side as you tried to listen for the voice once more.
“Y/N? Are- are you there?”
Under normal circumstances, after hearing an unknown males voice you’d already be locking the backdoor behind you after racing to that door. Tonight, however, was not the case as you yelled back the best you could of a response.
“yYeaa! Wwwhooo- whoo arre yOU?”
After saying this, you suddenly began to burp, probably due to the alcohol. Despite everything you had experienced thus far, for some reason your fit of burps could not be funner to you at that very moment as the voice spoke once more.
“T-That’s not important r-right now. I just wanted to make sure you made it back home safe.”
The liquid courage that coursed through your veins decided that you wanted to find out more about this stranger and began to walk into the forest. You began to sway as you attempted to find them, calling out to them in hopes of convincing them to stay and hang out.
“OoooOh c’mON now!! Don’t be liiiike that! Wh-wherrrreeee are ya? Le-le-let’s hanggg ouT for a bit! I-I *hic* think there’s cards in the liv-livingg roooom~! We- we can play a gggame of poKER and- and see what’s in the fridge. Man, now I’m hungryyy!”
Despite your lack of sobriety at the moment, you began to hear a few leaves crunch nearby. It appeared that for some reason or another, what you lacked in logic you seemed to gain in your basic senses. This theory proved true as you sniffed the air, you noticed that there was a lake nearby.
‘Since when the hell did I know what a river smelled like?’
Before you can continue on with your train of thought, the stranger responds once more. They seemed a bit panicked as you heard a twig snap, followed by more leaves crunching beneath their feet you suspected.
“D-D-Don’t come any closer! Y-You should go back h-home, you’re not t-thinking rationally.”
Not wanting to take no for an answer, you continue to walk to the source of the sound, hearing what sounded like a cascading river growing louder. Looking through the trees, you noticed a few yards away the river you had just heard. You speak up once more as you begin to walk toward the river.
“I-I don’t want to be alone r-right now… It-it’s stupid I know, I just...I’d just like to talk, just for a little bit. Would that be okay?”
Your vision began to blur as you rushed to the river's edge. It didn’t matter now if the stranger responded or not, your world began to crash down around you as you looked at the reflection on the water's edge. Sitting on your knees, small whimpers escaped your lips out as you covered your face with your hands. Despite the literal lack of sight, your emotions consumed you as it felt that everything around you was losing the light that once shone in your hopeful eyes.
At this point, you couldn’t hear any signs of life as you gripped harder at your face, only the sound of your quiet cries for help being all that echoed through that hollow forest. Assuming the worst, you began to move your hands from your face, dropping them by your side once more as you looked at your reflection once again.
“Y-You said you wanted to talk? T-That’d be fine, just- just promise you won’t cry anymore?”
There's a beat of silence, it seemed that not even the wind could speak as your body froze. Sure, you could convince yourself that you were just hearing things, that you were just acting aloof because you were feeling lonely. If you could get yourself on the couch, you could wake up and even tell yourself that the whole experience was just a really surreal dream you had. What you couldn’t convince yourself was the half naked man that appeared to be standing a few feet behind you, his voice matching his lips as you watched them move.
‘Maybe- maybe I’m just seeing things? That-that has to be right, right?! But alcohol doesn’t cause hallucinations and I’m positive that none of my drinks were spiked. So- so...Who the hell is this!?!’
“Are- are you okay Y/N?”
Your body grew stiff as you heard your name roll off of his tongue. If you weren’t getting clearheaded before, you definitely were cold sober now. Those shy indigo eyes that seemed to stare back at your own off of the river's surface as they brought you back to your senses.
‘There is a strange, half-naked man, who somehow knows you by your name, staring at you- talking to you! He doesn’t seem very intimidating, but then again he is a stranger!! In the best case scenario, he could just be a nice guy who found someone in need. Worst case, he’s a psycho that found their next victim! I can’t keep my back turned like this, I have to do something and get the hell out of this!’
Taking a shallow breath in, you swiftly turn your entire body around, facing the stranger that now made your body shiver in fear as you looked up at him. Despite the appearance of the situation, the man seemed to be intimidated by you as he looked away.
‘He doesn’t really seem like he wants to hurt me. If anything, he’s scared of me? Maybe I can intimidate him to leave me alone? Though, I don’t think I could pull it off seeing as I’m still a bit drunk…’
Looking back at the man, you notice he begins to reach his hand out toward you, slowly beginning to walk toward your crouched form. Worried for the worst, you scoot away as you respond.
“H-HEY!! D-Don’t come any c-closer! If-If you don’t I-I’ll- ACK!”
Speaking this, you only now notice that there didn’t seem to be any more ground beneath you as you felt your body begin to fall into the river.
Before you can process everything that’s happening, you close your eyes in anticipation for the cold water that was bound to drown you. The stranger grabs your wrist, holding your body up above the river, your body mere inches from being submerged in the cold water. Noticing the lack of impact, you flutter your eyes open as you look back at the man before you. Shocked, the man looks down at where he grabbed your wrists. Only now do you notice a purple hue that surrounded both your arms.
“What- what is this?!”
At a loss for words, the man can only look back between your face and where he held your wrist. Confused and scared, you rip your arm from his grip as you stand yourself back up. As you stare at the man, you look around, befuddled by whatever the hell had just happened.
While a part of you would love to ask what just happened, the more logical side of you knew that none of this was worth hanging around to find out. Dusting yourself off, the man speaks up once more as he looks away in what seemed to be guilt.
“Y-Y/N, I-I’m so so-sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to t-touch you- What have I done?!”
Not wanting to wait any longer, you began to shuffle around the man, holding your hands up in surrender as you attempted to empathize with the man. Although, you weren’t sure why he was so worried since he didn’t seem to do anything besides whatever that purple glow was moments before.
“Hey, hey! We don’t have to speak about any of this. I’ll go back and after that we won’t have to ever see each other ever again, okay?”
“Y/N, i-it’s not that simpl- h-Hey, WAIT!!”
Before he had a chance to explain, you sprinted back to your cute rental cottage that you were now wishing you never left. Looking back, you notice the man just stood there as you were almost home.
Suddenly, your body stopped moving. What was even stranger, your body seemed to freeze mid-sprint. Looking around, you noticed that somehow your head was able to move but your arms were stiff as you attempted to force your body to run once more. Just as you were about to give up, your legs moved once more, wobbling as they felt gravity work once more. Not taking any chances, you began to dash once more. Not a second later, your body rolled forward from some sort of large and heavy impact. After your body finished rolling forward, you noticed that you were sitting in the backyard of the cottage, the man sitting on his head as his body laid against the door.
“W-Who or-or What are you?”
The man sighs as he flutters his eyes open, rubbing his head as he looks up at you.
“M-My name’s T-Tamaki Amajiki, and- and I’m a kelpie…”
~End of Part 1~
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 14
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: ALL the characters in Twilight DO NOT belong to me. ALL RIGHTS GO TO STEPHENIE MEYER
“I can see you clear as yesterday Top down, fingers in the breeze Weavin' through the lights in the sky You said, "Baby close your eyes" And I prayed we would all always Hold on to this feeling, stronger, faster Faster.”
Kwamie Liv, Angel Haze: Pleasure This Pain.
I couldn’t remember much of the ride to the airport, nor did I remember much of the plane ride. I was in shock, paralyzed with worry and fear. Not for me per-say but, My dad, the Cullens, they were all at risk. I couldn’t stand the fact that any of them would be killed because of me. I wished my dreams could’ve predicted this, that I had somehow acquired the ability to see the future like Alice did. I could only predict death it seems... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone getting killed. Maybe it was a good sign, we would be fine. Yes, I would convince myself that... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone dying, we would be fine. 
The only thing I could remember was Bella constantly calling mom, she wouldn’t talk to me or look at me. I felt the same tension I always felt when I was around her a few months ago. I was livid with her, not one call to dad... not one. She clearly didn’t give a damn about his safety either, she was ready to abandon him. Throw him into the wolves to save herself... that selfish side to her had never left it seems. I pulled out my phone again, texting dad.
“Made it to phoenix, we’re safe... getting a ride to a hotel now. I haven’t changed her mind yet. I love you and miss you.” 
I read the text again, wishing the contents of it were true. I wanted to be safe, I wanted to be back home. I wish I was sitting across from dad in the diner talking amongst ourselves. I wish I was driving down the forest going to see the Cullens. I wanted to attempt to beat Alice at chess, to joke around with Emmett and Dean. To have heart to hearts with Esme who was more of a mother to me than Renee had ever been. I wanted to be with Jasper, wrapped in each others arms doing random things together. But, I had to come back to reality... I might not be able to do those things... ever again. 
The hotel looked nice and comfortable but I couldn’t stand the heat of Arizona. It was sickening, the hot air struggled to get into my lungs. The rainy weather of Forks sounded wonderful right now. Dean and Alice got us a hotel room and eagerly brought us up to it. I had a feeling they thought we would be fully safe in there. I put my bag down at the side of my bed and clasped on it, my exhaustion was setting in. Bella had sat on the one next to me and signed. She sounded annoyed to me.
“I didn’t want to come here, I wanted to be with Edward.”
I lifted my head and stared at her... I wasn’t going to snap... maybe she was just scared and was lashing out at people... yeah that was it. 
“I’m really sorry this is happening Bella, It must be really hard to be away from Edward.”
“Yeah it is! If you hadn’t said anything...”
“Look this isn’t either of our faults. If we’re going to get pissed at anyone, it’s James.”
Bella looked at, she knew I was right... I could see it in her face. But, she couldn’t admit it right now and just scoffed and went into the lounge area of the hotel room. She was making this more difficult, I wanted to snap at her just as much as she was angry with me. We’re falling back into the dark hole of resentment, it was suffocating. 
“Fleur? Could you come in here for a second?” Alice asked
I groaned slowly raising myself up from the bed, I went into the lounge room, Alice and Dean looked at me sympathetically. 
“How ya holding up?” Dean asked.
“I’ve been better.”
“Look, you’re going to be okay.” Alice said.
“It’s not about me guys, It’s everyone back at home... They could get hurt, and I can’t do a thing about it.”
“They can handle themselves Fleur, I’ve lived with them for decades... the know what they’re doing.” Dean said.
“But what about dad, I know he’s hurting right now.” 
“He’s going to be fine Fleur, I promise besides, Esme and Rosalie will be down there with him as soon as they leads the tracker away.” Alice said
“You guys are right... could we get something to eat, I am absolutely starving.”
“Sure, I’ll order room service.” Alice replied.
Room service had come, the food was devoured quickly. The nerves were still lingering in the back of my mind but I knew I would just have to have faith in everyone back at Forks. We were all sitting in silence, Bella was facing away from all of us, she looked tense. I heard Alice gasp and my heart sunk to my stomach... she had a vision and I knew it wouldn’t be good.
“What’s wrong?” I said.
“What do you see, Alice?” Dean asked.
“The tracker... he just changed course.”
“Oh on.” I said.
Bella’s head whipped around coming to sit next to Alice.
Dean grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. He put it in Alice’s hand, she then started drawing where the tracker was going.
“So the tracker is going to be at a... Ballet studio?” Bella inquired.
“You’ve been here?” Alice asked.
“Yeah, I took lesson as a kid, the school had an archway just like that.” Bella added.
“Is the school here in Phoenix?”
“Yeah..” Bella’s phone began to ring, she went to the balcony and closed the door, clearly wanting privacy.
“If the school is here in Phoenix... he probably going to use the place as a trap in some way.” I said.
“Are you sure?” Alice asked.
“Yeah I mean... why the hell would he go to a ballet studio other than the fact that he was trying to find Bella and I.”
“We better leave then, get Bella when she is done and meet us down in the lobby.” Dean ordered.
“Yeah... I will.” 
The pair then left quickly, going to check out. I had just grabbed my back when my phone had rang.
“Fleur, the tracker... he changed course.” Jasper said, he voice was dripping with worry.
“I know Alice just saw, we plan on leaving soon.”
“I’ll be coming down to find you as soon as I can. Your dad is safe still. We can go anywhere you want as long as it’s safe.”
“My phone’s about to die... I have to go. Love you, please, stay safe.”
“I will, love you too.”
I sat in the room, my body stuck in it’s place. He was coming here... we didn’t have much time to get out. Bella had burst through the balcony door, worry etched all over her face.
“Fleur we need to go, we need to go right now. James has mom, in the ballet studio.”
“Bella, calm down... I think it’s a trap.”
“Like hell it is I heard her over the phone. She kept saying my name she sounds terrified.”
“Think about this Bella... Alice just saw James change his course to that studio... it’s a lure Bella he’s going to kill you.”
“How selfish can you be Fleur!?”
“Excuse me!?”
“Yeah you heard me, this entire time all of this has gone down you’ve been trying to convince everyone you’re right.”
“I said two things Bella, I’m not trying to get people to follow me blindly... I use context clues... It’s been working for me these past 17 years!”
“I mean you just had to butt in that we had to go back to Charlie, you made Edward change his mind about taking me to Vancouver, and now you’re trying to convince me that mom isn’t in any danger at all! How selfish can you be?”
“YOU...” My hands had begun to shake, I pointed a finger at her hitting her in the chest.
“I am going down to that studio whether you like it or not.”  
Before I could get another word in she stormed off. Not matter how pissed I was at her... I couldn’t leave her alone in that studio. I would have to find a way to get there without Alice or Dean noticing me. I snuck my way down to the hotel lobby, I looked around for Bella, she was no where in sight. 
“She moves quick... I’ll give her that.”
Alice and Dean had just made it to the front of the line to check out. That was when I made a run for it. I made out, the sun already blistering my skin even if it was 8:49 PM. I ran to the nearest taxi.
“Hello, where can I take you today?”
“Mimi's School of Dance, please.”
“Of course ma’am.”
I remember the name of that school by heart. I had begged my mother to go when I was younger but, she never let me.
“Oh c’mon mommy please?”
“NO, that is my final answer!”
“Why, Bella gets to go?”
“Because you’re way too lanky, you’d look like a dying deer out there!”
I had looked up at here, tears were spilling down my face.
“Daddy says I look beautiful.”
“Well there’s a reason why I left him... he has no sense to him what so ever.”
“I asked why I couldn’t go... not to get insults hurled at me.”
“Maybe if you’d just keep your mouth shut you wouldn’t have to worry about now would’t you? You’re just like your father... you never know when to shut up!”
“I hate you.” I said. I turned and ran back upstairs, Bella was looking over the corner of the room. A smirk was plastered on her face.
“She’s right you know... you would look like a dying deer out there.”
I didn’t even engage in her conversation, I just slammed my door shut. I didn’t come out for the rest of the day.
I stared out the window, the same mantra going through my mind.
“Just let me get there quick enough, please.”
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dreaminae · 3 years
We All Need The One Friend
Chapter 15
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Sure, distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also drives the brain aloof. Or so, that was Liv's take on her current situation. Almost four weeks went by since the big family dinner blowout where Billy and Jordan learned of Liv's drinking. Four weeks since her father's overwhelming disappointment swallowed Olivia whole with a growing fear of being sent away for help once more. Four weeks since her fear led to Liv, running away for help from the one person who she hadn't been in contact with for months -- her sponsor. And four weeks since Liv was giving a large wake-up call when she found her former sponsor behind bars for attempting to steal from her very own parents.
That night Olivia saw what could be her possible future if she didn't receive proper treatment while she still had the chance. Despite her fear of being sent away, she returned home after hours of dodging calls and texts from her loved ones. She walked into her home ready to accept the help, no matter the consequences. And perhaps that why fate played into her hands.
Fore when Olivia returned home, she found both her parents welcomed her with open arms, simply content that she was alright. Following the long night, Liv was surprised to find her family already with a suitable compromise. Instead of shipping her away, Billy and Laura decided upon an intensive program that allowed Liv to remain at home while she recovered.
Later into that evening, Spencer dropped by for what they both knew would be their last moment together for a long term. Acknowledging that they both had things to work on, they agreed to delay their romance until they were both in a good place to be together for real. They weren't breaking up or taking back the feelings they once declared. No, they were -- as Liv put it that night -- 'playing the long game'. Sealing their goodbye with a heartfelt kiss, they parted ways.
Focused on her recovery, Olivia found a new sponsor and confidant in Nurse Joy. Admitting her dependency upon Alcohol, and accepting responsibility for falling off the wagon, Olivia began her road to recovery. Meanwhile, Spencer centered his time on football and plotting his plan to bring Crenshaw a state championship.
Ignoring their constant desire to be together they cut off all physical communication, choosing to stick to the everyday messages to check in on one another. It wasn't until the night of Jordan's second concussion they were able to be in each other's arms.
Utilizing each other as helping shoulder through damaging announcement of Jordan's future in football, they found comfort in their buried affections. Having each other's back when Simone dropped the marriage reveal, Spencer and Liv supported each other when confronted by Billy and Laura.
The secret marriage only adding to Liv's troubled life as Laura grounded her into the next century for her deceit. Life toppled their trivial matter with the death of Tamika, shaking Olivia's inner social justice warrior to its full-frontal.
From leaking footage of Tamika's wrongful death to protesting for the indictment of the guilty officers, Liv found something bigger to be a part of. Her best intentions leading to backfire as Laura took the heat of alleged bigoted D.A. Learning to accept her mistakes, Liv tried to make the best of a complicated issue.
She and Kia's devotion to cause, sparking Spencer to follow suit, persuading his team to take a knee during their most important game. Inspiring by the Crenshaw team their opponents took a knee in protest. As a result of more football teams following Crenshaw's players in taking a knee, Crenshaw was granted another shot at the state championship.
Everything seemed to play into Liv and Spencer's hands, except the main thing they both desired since summer. It was all in a matter of timing, and they both couldn't help but anticipate when that moment would finally arrive.
So when they found themselves planning a surprise party in honor of Spencer's mom earning her college degree, the anticipation rose to a new peak.
"So no gouging out my eyes?" Liv playfully joked, allowing herself to make a joke of the foolish comments people were making about her online.
Spencer scoffed as if insulted. "What, those pretty eyes? You crazy." His eyes drifted from the direction of her eyes to her lips.
Olivia smiled softly as he quickly shifted back to their original conversation, unsure if now was the right time for them to share that type of moment. "You gon' help me fix this came or what?" He questioned with a crooked grin.
"Yes," Liv replied with a cheeky grin as she hopped from her seat, wondering how long he'd wait to make a move.
The next hour and a half flew by with them baking the cake while making basic small talk to catch up with one another. They discussed Liv's daily meeting with nurse joy and how her recovery was coming. Liv caught Spencer up on Jordan's everyday hobbies since his time away from football, while Spencer tried his best not to admit to Liv that he was aiding in Jordan's desire to return to football. Their topics switched until they circled back to Spencer's upcoming game against Westlake, and how Olivia punishment lifted just in time for her to come see him play.
"You'll be my personal cheering section." Spencer goofed as he iced the bare cake.
"Of course. I'll be decked in your jersey number and sporting Crenshaw colors all night." Liv giggled, imaging herself ornamented in Spencer James merchandising. "I'll be shouting the loudest. Go, Spencer! Kick some Westlake ass!" She shouted cheerfully, causing Spencer to chuckle.
"And what about I finish kicking Westlake's ass?" He wondered aloud. "Do I get a prize?" He inquired with a lifted brow.
"You'll have won the state championship for Crenshaw and saved your school. What more could I give you?" Liv snickered, sipping her lemonade.
"I can think of a few things." Spencer flirted causing Liv's cheeks to redden as she swallowed her refreshment.
The knocking of the front door interrupted their flustered juncture. "I'm should...um..you know..."
"Don't worry, I will still be here when you get back." He chuckled towards her rattled nature.
He frosted the cake as Liv dealt with a package delivery on behalf of the coach baker. Shortly after leaving the package in the living room, she rrutrned. Her reserved nature now contained after she took a moment to compose herself.
She returned to the kitchen with more pep in her step resolved with knowing that the moment she and Spencer both delayed was finally arriving, and all she had to do was lead it.
Eyeing Spencer with a twinkle in her eye she cheekily leaned over close to his direction, dipping her finger in the canned frosting. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" She inquired sassily, catching his attention as she strutted a few feet around the counter.
"Girl, you know I got skills." He responded cockily, earning a snicker from Liv as she shut the refrigerator to from putting leftover baking ingredients.
"Hey, I was thinking that we should have that graduation won't playing at my mom's party," Spencer suggested, humming his ideal tune aloud.
Olivia listened to the tune with a puzzled expression. "Umm, that's the wedding song."
Spencer eyed her strangely, confused as to how he got the two melodies muddled.
Giving him a sympathetic grin, Liv rubbed his arm, comforting him. "Hmm, you'll get it." She laughed as Spencer twisted his face in slight embarrassment. "It's okay." She added jokingly.
Rolling his eyes, Spencer gestured down to the finished cake. "Well, what do you think?"
Liv analyzed the frosted cake, impressed by how well it came out. "It's good." She complimented with growing suspicion. "Like really good." She added, smirking at Spencer. "You've done this before, haven't you?"
"Maybe like once for my moms birthday..." He dragged out, sensing that his cover was blown as he smiled crookedly. "And maybe all of Dillion's birthdays." He admitted, redhandedly causing Olivia to laugh.
"Alright, you caught me." Spencer chuckled, then grew serious. "N'all but, I just wanted to get your mind off everything." He confessed wholeheartedly, hating the low amounts of times he witnessed a real smile from Liv over the last few weeks.
"You did," Olivia assured him, touched that Spencer went found the energy to help her through the day's mess, even though she was meant to be helping him today. "You made me feel a lot better." She added, wanting him to know that his intentions were highly effective.
Spencer simply nodded, content to help in any way he could.
Liv smiled thinking back to how their last few hours together reminded her of the summer they spent together. No matter if it dumb shows or extended time at the mall shopping, Spencer remained glue to her hip just to make Liv happy. If he noticed she was having a bad day, he'd make a stupid joke to make her laugh. When she felt alone and needed someone to talk to, Spencer spent hours on the phone with her. When she felt like crumbling, he was always the rock that steadily held her up.
"You've done that before too." Olivia slipped out, letting her affection take over. Her eyes darted to his with a knowing twinkle.
Spencer observed her stature, finding Olivia in control and sure of herself. She beamed gently with a slight tilt of her head as if waiting to see what he would do next. She wanted to know if he still wanted her, and this was her way of conveying her yearning for him. With an assured confirmation that she was ready, Spencer took this as his cue.
Without saying another word he walked towards Liv, ready to give in to their passions. His head tilted in the opposing direction of Liv's as they both leaned in to close the small space between them.
However, right when their lips were about to meet Spencer's phone buzzed. Spencer grunted under his breath, annoyed by the bad timing, but reached for his phone nonetheless. Liv sucked in a tight breath, frustrated by another halted moment.
Remaining with barely an inch separating them, Liv took matters into her own hands. Literally.
"Spence," Liv mumbled, topping the hand that held his phone with the palm of her hand to gain his attention. His phone continued to buzz, as Spencer gave Olivia his awareness. "Yeah."
"It'll still be there afterward." Liv sighed with an unsure smile, gently pulling his phone out of hand. Her finger dragged across the screen, rejecting the call. "But I'm right here. Right now." She remarked, locking eyes with him, lust emitting from her own. "And I don't know about you but I'm tired of waiting." She snickered sassily, earning a smirk from Spencer.
Liv eyes danced from Spencer's brown orbs, falling to his lips, then back to his eyes. Cupping his face, she brought his lips to hers for a kiss that was weeks in the making.
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demigodreading · 3 years
The Boo Crew
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SVU FALL BINGO! This covers the Trick or Treat square for @storiesofsvu​‘s bino. Full of Rolivia fluff and another chapter for my Ella Alina Benson Series.
Characters: Olivia Benson, Amanda Rollins, Ellan Alina Benson (Original Character), Noah Benson, Jesse Rollins, Billie Rollins
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Amanda Rollins, Olivia Benson x Daughter! Original Character
Warnings: Fluff!
Summary: Ella is getting older now and is trying to enjoy as much of the “college experience” as she can... but there is one thing that she can’t seem to get out of her mind. Trick or Treating with her family
Word Count: 1886 
Noah had been begging Olivia all morning to get into his Spiderman costume. No matter how many times Olivia protested telling him trick or treating was still hours away, Noah insisted that he had to put it on right away. Liv knew that by the time they did go out for the evening it would be covered with any arrangement of the arts and crafts they had for the day and the spaghetti she had planned for dinner. But finally, she just couldn’t take it anymore. When the words alright flew out of her mouth Noah was already halfway into his bedroom to get changed. Olivia braced herself against the kitchen counter letting out a large sigh as the baby monitor in Bille’s room started to go off. 
She reached down, gently putting her youngest daughter into her arms. She kissed the top of her forehead welcoming her from her afternoon nap. Just as Billie had settled down Jesse ran into the room. Olivia smiled at her young blonde daughter as she crossed her arms across her chest. She already was beginning to look exactly like Amanda. It always came out the most when she was about to be sassy.  As Jesse cocked her head to the side, Olivia prepared for Mini Amanda to begin talking.
“Momma,” Jesse began.
“Yes, my love.”
“Why does Noah get to put his spiderman suit on? I want to put my princess dress on!” Jesse asked and then curled her lip into a pout.
“You know Jesse that is a great point. Why don’t you go put your dress on and then we can start making all of those cool pumpkin decorations you wanted? Sound like a plan?” Olivia replied conceding that it was easier to let both of them run wild.
Jesse entangled her tiny limbs around Olivia’s legs, “I love you Momma!”
Olivia returned the sentiment as Jesse rushed out of the room as quickly as she entered. As her bedroom door shut, Bille let out a small babble. Olivia looked down at the grinning child, “Hey, I told your mom I would try to keep them out of their costumes. I tried...for exactly two hours. I think I deserve some props.”
Billie merely gave Olivia a small smirk, “You know she could have helped me but she is out with your sister getting a last-minute costume for this big party she is going to. So it is just me and you against the hooligans for the moment.”
Billie smiled at Olivia and reached her hand up towards Liv’s cheek. Olivia took the tiny hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. Once she had changed Billie and got her settled in a ghost Halloween onesie, they walked out into the living room. Noah was kneeled down on one knee in front of Jesse with everything but his mask on for his costume. In Jesse’s right hand she had what she deemed her magical fairy wand. She gently tapped each one of Noah’s shoulders with the wand declaring him the knight to her kingdom. As Olivia watched she couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.
Ella huffed as they left the third costume store with only two pieces of her costume for the evening in hand. Amanda stifled a laugh as they clambered back into Ella’s Subaru. Ella scrolled through her phone looking for another place they could go to find what she needed after turning her Halloween playlist in the background.
“You know if you had just gone to the store with the rest of us we probably could have found everything that you were looking for,” Amanda told her as Ella finally place her phone in the cupholder.
“I had an exam that day and hockey practice,” Ella reminded her, “Plus Noah would have tried to convince me to be another superhero again with him this year.”
“Oh come on hun you looked great at Storm last year.”
Ella smiled at the memory of holding Noah’s hand walking down the streets of New York knocking on every door with him. Jesse had been attached to Ella’s hip with her large purple jack o lantern candy bucket too young to be walking around on her own. It was one of the many pictures she had hanging up in her dorm room. Olivia and Amanda brought up the rear of the party pushing Jesse’s stroller that was full of all the surplus candy they were collecting. For as long as Ella could remember it was a  tradition for the whole family to go trick or treating together. Except for this year. This year was the year Ella was going to the most popular Halloween party at her university. She was determined to make friends and not be stuck sorting out candy with her younger siblings. 
However the more she thought about it the more guilt started to rise up. She was going to be missing Billie’s first Halloween. All for a party that she wasn’t even sure she wanted to be a part of. As if reading her thoughts Amanda placed her hand gently on top of the one Ella had clutched around the gear shift.
“You know it is okay to want to go out and do your own thing for Halloween? You are almost done with the college experience. Live it up while you can.”
Ella sighed, “I know, Halloween is just my favorite time of year. It is one of the only times that we are all together.”
“Well if you change your mind you are more than welcome to come. You know we would love to have you,” Amanda smiled, “But I will remind you though that your mom is going to throw a fit if you go out in that outfit tonight.”
Ella laughed, “It’s a warmer October than usual! I am almost twenty-one. She will be fine. I’ll make sure I cover up if I go out with y’all”
“If you say so,” Amanda giggled, “I love you Ella.” “I love you too Mom.”
Over an hour later Ella and Amanda were making their way through the front door with a large bag in hand. As they entered the living room Ella couldn’t help but laugh. The large foldable table Olivia had set up was covered in various colors of glitter and paint. Billie was in her rocker silently watching the show but Noah and Jesse were making their presence in the home known.  They giggled excitedly showing their painted hands to the two newcomers. Their costumes were covered in spots of paint and patches of glitter. Olivia looked up from her craft with a sheepish grin, her Shego costume already on.
“Welcome home my loves,” Olivia said standing from the table, “Would you like a pumpkin to decorate? The kids each left you one.”
“But you have to be in a costume to participate!” Noah pointed out.
“Oh and who made that rule?” Amanda asked, eyeing Olivia skeptically.
“We did!” Jesse smiled, causing Amanda to laugh.
“I tried babe. I really did,” Olivia sighed.
“Oh I know you did. They actually are covered less than I had thought,” Amanda replied, kissing her wife, “I’ll go get change and join the festivities.”
As Amanda disappeared down to her bedroom Noah turned to look at Ella. She smiled as his curls bounced around his face. When he finally calmed down he asked the question she was dreading the most, “Are you coming trick or treating with us?”
“Please sissy!” Jesse chimed in.
The two of them together were a dynamic duo that always seemed to get their way. Before Ella could answer Olivia tried to reason with the two, “Loves, don’t forget that Ella is a lot older. She might not want to go out with us. She could have her own plans with her friends.”
Noah’s lips curled into a pout as he looked at his older sister, “Please Ella. You are gone aaalll the time. We just want to be with you.”
Ella did her best to contain her tears as she looked at the curly-haired boy in front of her, “Of course I can come but only to help you get candy. Then I have to go hang out with some of my friends but I’m sure Mom and Momma will help you both sort it.”
With a loud cheer, both of her siblings launched themselves into Ella’s arms. Olivia merely smiled from her spot at the table trying to contain her excitement. She wanted Ella to get the full college experience but nothing beat all five of them together.
“I remember this neighborhood from last year,” Amanda told Olivia as she adjusted the shirt on her Kim Possible costume.
Olivia laughed pointing at a large rose bush that was two houses in front of them, “I sure hope you do because you spent five minutes puking in that rose bush. One kid… I think a pirate almost puked on his mother when they walked by us. She was so mad.”
“Hey! In my defense, I was seven months pregnant,” Amanda said shoving Olivia with her shoulder, “But I am talking about the picture we took before that whole incident.”
Olivia knew the picture well. It was still the lock screen of her phone. All of her kids dressed up holding hands. It was her favorite. Well besides the wedding picture that she kept as her home screen photo. She linked hands with Amanda as she looked at a similar scene unfolding in front of her.
“I think we need an updated picture.”
“Think they will notice?” Amanda asked reaching for her phone.
“Nope, just do it before Jesse decides that she has to give us fifteen different photos and Noah hides behind Ella.”
Amanda and Olivia paused momentarily so she could focus the camera. Walking in front of them Ella had Billie tucked against her hip. Billie’s Tigger costume was a stark contrast to the dark angel costume her older sister wore. Large black wings sprung from Ella’s back. Her arms were covered by a light long-sleeved shirt and she wore a long black skirt that dragged slightly on the ground behind her. Attached to her other side was Noah whose Spiderman fingers were entangled in hers. He had decided to forgo the mask claiming that it was too hot so his curls sprung in every direction. Next to him, Jessie was holding his hand letting his Marvel pillowcase hang in the air between them. Her purple dress sparkled under the dimming light and her crown was cocked to the side. In her other hand, she held her Rapunzel pillowcase full of candy and her magical fairy wand. Amanda took a series of pictures and then turned to kiss her wife. 
“Look at our babies.”
Olivia smiled taking the blonde’s hand as they kept walking, “It’s so nice having them all together.” “We did good Liv. We did good.”
Olivia nodded and then looked at Ella again, “That’s not really what she is wearing out tonight is she?”
Amanda let out a large laugh, “Oh god no. She is basically wearing her undergarments to that party.”
Olivia let out a large sigh before shaking her head, “They grow up to fast.”
“I know my love. I know.”
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madsmazing · 3 years
D.M. Fanfic
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Part Four
“What are you sighing about?” Olive questioned. I wasn’t sure if I should tell them or not. They were my best friends, however, something about me and Draco’s interaction seemed intimate, and I did have a boyfriend. I didn’t want to be judged, but I remembered who I was thinking about. They’ve stuck with me through everything. I decided to tell them, they could at least give me some advice. I walked to sit on the bed next to Ester, crossing my legs in a crisscross apple sauce style. As I was about to start, Kai and Jasper knocked on our door announcing themselves. We told them to come in, and they made themselves comfortable next to Olive.
I started with Harry at Three Broomsticks, which they all took great offense to. “Who the bloody fuck, does he think he is?” Liv exclaimed, slamming her fist on her pillow. “Gross, Liv.” Kai muttered. The same time Ester mocked, “The chosen one.” I finished telling them about my interaction with Draco, which they had all fell silent exchanging glances with each other.
“So, what do you guys think?” I questioned feeling uneasy about this whole conversation.
“You need to break up with Harry.” Liv stated. Ester argued, “No, you and Harry are end game.” Everyone gave her a confused look, had she not been paying attention the last year.
“What would I even say? I’ve never broken up with someone before.” I whined, annoying myself.
“That your into blondes now.” Liv commented, making everybody laugh.
“It wouldn’t make sense to break up with him, before we get matched.” Kai reasoned. “I think you should just talk to Harry about how he’s making you feel.” Jasper stated, “That’s true, he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.” Liv agreed. I nodded,
“Okay, and what about Draco?” All of them shrugged, causing me to put my head in my hands. Running fingers threw my light hair I looked back up.
“Do you have feelings for Draco?” Ester said, and I froze for a second with my thoughts. Did I have feelings for Dray? He did make me feel valued and taken care of. I always had butterflies, and warm cheeks around him. Maybe it was just infatuation though.
I shrugged at them, “I don’t know.” I mumbled.
“Yes, you do.” Liv stated, “And by how long you thought about it, you probably do have feelings and your just scared to say it.”
“Am I a bad person?” I asked them, feeling tears well up in my eyes at the situation. I felt awful, how could I develop feelings for someone while in a relationship. Even if it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, it’s not like he was cheating on me. I almost wish he would cheat on me, so it wouldn’t be my fault for falling out of love.
“No, you are not.” Kai stated automatically. “You’re just in a bad situation.”
“That Harry put you in.” Jasper reminded.
“Just talk to Harry, during your break between classes.” Ester offered, I nodded.
“Thank you, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” I stated, Ester opened her arms in response, and I hugged her, the rest of them quickly followed making us fall on the bed in laughter.
Hermione was right, as always. I didn’t need to worry about boys. Especially when I was going to get matched with one soon. I honestly should just focus on myself. I had my own issues to deal with.
After the guys left, I pulled out the binder and started flipping through the pages of packet one. There were three packets in the binder, all ranging from questions about what kind of home you want to live in to how active you hope your sex life will be. It felt highly invasive, but I suppose it should be. I started filling out the questions on the first page of packet one, there was about fifteen pages on each packet, and about ten questions per page. I put little stars next to ones I wasn’t sure about and continued through the packet. After a solid hour, I started yawning. Putting the packet away, I got comfy in bed. Wishing Ester and Olive a goodnight, a sense of dread filled me as I realized I was going to have to talk to Harry tomorrow.
I woke in the morning with Ester singing, Liv threw a pillow at her that she quickly dodged. “Wake up sleepy heads, breakfast is in ten minutes, and it’s the first day!” Ester sing-songed.
“I could go without breakfast, just let me sleep.” Liv groaned.
“No ma’am, it is the first day. We are starting it off right!” Ester stated, pulling back the curtain around Liv’s bed. I laughed at them rolling myself out of bed and groggily walked myself to the bathroom. I quickly put my robes on and brushed my teeth. Performing a spell to do my hair and makeup. I walked out of the bathroom letting Liv go in and put my books for the term in my bag.
We made our way to the great hall, sitting at the Hufflepuff table. The smell of bacon filling senses, making me let out a content sigh. It was the most amazing breakfast ever, and we quickly ate.
I made my way to potions, which unfortunately, I didn’t have with any of my friends. I walked in spotting a bleach haired boy, and he saw me and patted the seat next to him. His hair wasn’t done today, just messy. I realized he could get more attractive then he already was. Relief quickly washed over me, and I shot a smile his way. I sat next to him, pulling my book for potions out of my bag, and greeting him.
“Hey, Dray!”
“Hey, Darcy.” He only called me Honey B, when no one else could hear. I think he thought it made him sound soft. He shot a smile back at me, and my heart melted the minute I caught his sliver eyes with mine. They were sparkling today.
“Is everything okay today?” He gave me a side glance, as everyone was still chattering around us.
“Yeah, I think it will be.” I knew it would. No matter how Harry responded, I knew I would be okay with the outcome.
“Well, if you want to talk about it, I’m here.” He stated, turning his face towards me this time. I pressed my lips together.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate.” I pressed my fingers down on each other, like I was trying to pop them. A nervous habit I picked up a long time ago.
“It’s about Potter then.” I nodded, as he placed his hand over my fidgeting ones.
“No reason to be nervous around me, unless it’s because you find me attractive, of course.” I laughed at him, pushing his hands off mine.
“Could you get anymore cocky?” I joked.
“If I had you, I could.” He responded quickly. I froze for a second, before lightly laughing it off.
“You’re not very respectful of my relationship, Dray.” I said, opening my book to the page number on the board.
“Why should I respect anyone, but you?” He questioned.
“I’m part of the relationship.”
“Are you?” I stared at him intently.
“You crossed a line, a bit.” I quipped turning back to my book. I was reading any of the words, just trying to look busy.
“How far is a bit? Like am I one toe over the line, two?” He smirked at me, causing me to laugh a bit at his joke.
“Maybe three.” His eyes squinted causing like dimples to form on his face.
“Oh now that’s just too far. How will you ever forgive me?” I laughed, shoving him playfully.
I walked into my common room during my break from classes. I didn’t have Harry in any classes today, I was just going to have to see him during lunch. I spotted Jasper sitting on the sofa by the fireplace and went over to sit beside him. I sat down facing him and plopped my feet on his lap. He shot me a smile looking up from his book. “How are you doing, Angel?” Jasper spoke, using the nickname he has had for me since we met.
“I’m okay, just nervous about this talk with Harry.” I sighed, annoyed at myself for stressing so much. Jasper patted my shin, leaving his hand there to rest on it.
“I want you to do what’s in your heart, okay? I watched you this summer and I know your reaction to how he made you feel. I want you to be with someone that can make you feel valued and cared about.” I smiled at him.
“Can you just be my boyfriend, Jasper?” I teased.
“You’re not good enough for me, Angel.” I let out a scoff and shoved his leg with my foot. Jasper gave me a cheeky smile before going back to his book. I laid my back against the couch, trying to sort through my thoughts.
I asked Harry to meet me by the Black Lake after classes, and he agreed. That’s where I sat waiting for him, he was a few minutes late. Which didn’t help the frustration I felt towards him. I didn’t know what was going to come out of this conversation, and I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to come out of it. I knew my feelings for Harry were basically nonexistent at this point, but I still cared about him.
Lessons went by in a blur today. All I could think about was this conversation, and this Marriage law. I honestly understood the reason why the ministry is enforcing this law. I know that they shouldn’t get a say in our lives and everything. However, we lost so many wizards and I understand the need to repopulate. It wasn’t about us really, it was about the wizarding community. I would never speak on this to anyone else though, they were all so pissed about it.
Harry came strolling up, and plopped down next to me. “What’s going on, Mae? You know I normally have quidditch practice, right now.” I sighed.
“I need to talk to you about my feelings and our relationship.” I stated, turning away from the lake, and facing him. The rocks were cold against my skin and I shivered from the tenseness in the air.
“Well good ones I hope.” He said with a chuckle. Which soon died out as he realized they weren’t good feelings.
“Harry, I feel like we’ve grown apart. At the start it was amazing, and I really appreciate that, but now it just feels forced.” I tried to explain the best I could. With every second passing, the reminder that this was an awful idea grew more persistent.
“Your forcing yourself to be with me.” Harry clarified. I shook my head slowly.
“Not exactly, it’s more my feelings over the last year have died a bit. You’re just so wrapped up with your friends and being the hero. I just don’t feel like I belong.”
“Well I’m allowed to hang out with my friends, Mae.” Harry stated. I sighed, he was missing the whole point.
“I know this Harry. I would just like some of your time as well, is all. I just don’t feel valued or loved by you. We’ve been together two years, I think we just need to get to know each other again.” I suggested, I didn’t want it to be an attack. Although the way, he was acting seemed like he was taking it that way.
“How do I not make you feel valued?” Harry questioned, his voice raising a bit.
“You didn’t visit me all summer, and you haven’t spent any time with me outside of a group setting, and you didn’t even tell me when you left last year.”
“I was with the Weasley’s this summer.” I was tired of this conversation. He was not understanding and I don’t know if he cared to try.
“Harry, I think we should just take a break for now.”
“You’re breaking up with me?” Harry yelled, with an emphasis on the me. I nodded.
“I just think with the marriage law and everything, it might be a good idea to take a breather.” I reasoned, but honestly, I just wanted to be done with this mess. The realization that I just wasted two and a half years of my life hit me, and my eyes started to sting. I felt so dramatic, crying for the third time in two days.
“What if we get matched?” Harry questioned. I stayed focused on the dark water in front of me. The wind caught the water making the breeze a bit too chili to stay out here much longer, not helping my teary eyes.
“Somehow I don’t think that will be a problem.” I stated, not looking at him.
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generalfoolish · 3 years
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Feel The Heat
Part Two: Something More
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OC Juniper Collins
Rating: 18+ (b/c minors shouldn't lurk, it is illegal and not polite.) But this is big fluff, just more exposition and pining and world building. I do curse, so there's that.
Word Count: 4k+
Summary: June and Frankie are big idiots, and they keep bumping into each other in the wildest of places. Again, and I can't overstate this: they’re both MASSIVE idiots.
A/N: Hey babes! This is going a little slower bc I want to give more with each update, I normally keep around 1K and these are little beasts. But I'm excited with the story, some threads are exposing themselves, and there will be more Frankie X OC time in the next part. For now, enjoy this little taste of yearning and pining and overthinking and general angst over meeting a cute new somebody. 💕
Masterlist | Part One | Part Three
June checked her phone as she stirred the pot, and groaned at the email count. More than half were parents who “couldn’t” make the conference, and the rest were from her principal wanting to reiterate the importance of those meetings. She dropped the phone back to the counter, and focused on her pot. She had googled what to do with Brandywines, and had decided on a slowly simmered tomato sauce. It paired beautifully with the fresh garlic and basil she had picked up, and the whole house smelled like an Italian restaurant.
This was her favorite way to use up produce in the summer. She spent hours simmering and canning, and got to enjoy the fruits of her labor in the dead of winter. She knew she could easily gift the sauce made from those beautiful tomatoes, and she had every intention of doing so.
Sundays passed so quickly, she hardly had time to dwell on the farmer, but when she caught a whiff of her stove she had to find something to do. She worked through the emails, sending reminders that the conferences were mandatory, and that if the parents couldn’t make it during the week before or after school, she was available to meet online. She fought the temptation to open her weekends. She was working on work boundaries with her therapist.
June had an easier time fighting off thoughts of the farmer as the day waned on, and she thought, foolishly, that she could just forget the brown eyed grump she had met.
Frankie was having a hard time focusing on anything. Liv was a bundle of energy, and he tried not to snap at her. He had her come help him in the garden, but he ended up sending her to dig for worms after she trampled another vine.
“Ew! Worms are gross.” She argued.
“I know, but didn’t you want to go fishing? Fish eat worms, it’s how we can get them out of the water.” He explained, carefully. She considered him, then bounded off, calling out to the worms. He chuckled watching her, and went back to pulling weeds. With a moment of quiet, his mind flitted back to the woman. He couldn’t help it. He had dreamt of her. She was lounging in the back of his mind, waiting for him to stumble into the memory. Liv was a good distraction, but she only held the woman at bay for so long. He grumbled and wiped his brow. He decided to give it up for now, the woman and the weeding.
“Princess, I think we have some hotdogs. Let’s try those.” He called over to Liv, who excitedly left behind her freshly dug hole.
“Daddy, Mrs. Becka wanted me to remind you about the school stuff.” Liv told him, grabbing his hand as they walked. He exhaled sharply. He had forgotten the meetings. He pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through Becka’s texts. She had sent him the teacher’s number at some point, he knew, the trouble was finding it. Finally, he clicked the blue hyper-linked number and called it. Liv ran inside ahead of him, looking for the hot dogs, and he waited at the door as the phone rang.
“Hello?” Ms. Collins answered breathlessly, and he cleared his throat.
“Ms. Collins? It’s Olivia Morales’ dad, calling about the meeting?” He heard something clatter on the other end. “Is now an okay time?”
“Yes, sorry, Mr. Morales, I was just...it doesn’t matter. My schedule is a little tight, when did you have in mind?”
“Something early, maybe before drop-off?”
“Sure, uhm, let me check my calendar,” She sounded distant, he thought, probably on speaker. “Yeah, Tuesday morning? I know that’s quick, it is all I have though.”
“Yeah, I can be there. Like 7am?”
“Yes, that’s great. See you then.” The line disconnected and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d heard her voice before. He rolled his eyes at himself, of course he had. She was his daughter’s teacher. As if on cue, Liv ran out with a hot dog. He smiled brightly and ruffled her hair.
“‘Kay, kiddo, let’s go catch some fish.” She grinned at him brightly, showing off the hole her first lost tooth had made. His heart caught as he realized she was growing up so fast.
“Monday’s really are the worst.” June laughed. She had her mom on the phone, connected through Bluetooth. “I’m just leaving the school now!”
“I just don’t see why you’re having to set these meetings up now. The kids have hardly been in school for a couple of weeks.” June sighed as she merged on the highway to head home.
“I know, it's just something my district does. The hard part is wrangling parents.”
“Well, if you had any children, you’d know how much they require of you.” June rolled her eyes and exhaled through her nose. Her mom was always quick to bring up her lack of a partner and children. Not that June didn’t want those things, they just haven't panned out for her yet.
“Yeah, Mom, I’m sure you’re right.” She acquiesced, knowing the argument wasn’t worth the effort.
“Have you met anyone? You’re only getting older, you know.”
“Thanks Mom. Uh, I have a date tomorrow night, actually.”
“Well, what’s his name, do I know him? What does he do for work?” June rolled her eyes, and wondered why she had answered the call.
“I don’t know anything about him. It’s a blind date.”
“Not even a name?” June bit her lip, debating telling her Mom the nickname.
“He’s ex-Army, goes by Fish. That’s all I know. Oh, and he’s single. A new teacher sat it up for me.” June explained, hoping her Mom wouldn’t have much to say.
“Fish? Oh, wow. Terrence really messed you up, huh.”
“I’m getting a call from a parent, I’ll talk to you later.” June lied, ending the call. Terrence had really messed her up. Not that that was of any importance to her dating life, or this blind date’s name. She sighed hard as she pulled into her driveway.
“Monday’s really are the worst.” She told the empty space of her car. She grabbed her bag and hurried inside. It had been a long day, and she was ready to polish off her bottle of wine from the night before. She walked in and let her bag drop to the floor, and crossed to the staircase. She groaned as she climbed the stairs. She was exhausted and still had a ton left to do.
June stripped quickly and threw on her yard work clothes. She stopped by the kitchen and poured some wine into a cup with a lid, before making her way outside. The day before she had started a small garden, and she was determined to make something grow out of it. She had no idea what she was doing, though. The wine wasn’t really helping either.
She had been short with a few parents while she was tending the fragile plants. It was a little late in the season to try and start anything, but she had picked up some discount plants that she wanted to help limp along for a little longer. She hoped she hadn’t put any of the parents off, and tried to remember who all had called.
June wiped her forehead with her gloved hand and tried to sort them out. Steven’s mom, Cynthia, was meeting her during lunch. That would be short, thankfully. Steven was a good kid, quiet. Graham and Ginger’s grandma was coming Wednesday afternoon, the parents were out of the country for something. Mia’s dad was going to call during the planning period. Ashley’s mom was coming Tuesday afternoon. And Olivia’s dad was coming Tuesday morning. June felt her shoulders sag, and she drained her wine. That wasn’t even half of the parents left.
She gave up on the garden and stalked inside. She wanted to scare up something for dinner, but didn’t really feel like making anything. She gave in and called the local Indian place. They knew her order, and said they’d be there soon. She grimaced, wondering how much money she had spent on Vindaloo over the years, and decided not to think about it. She had enough time to slip in the shower to wash the sweat off, before the delivery guy knocked on her door. She tipped him generously, and sat down on the couch.
June clicked the tv on and scrolled through her watch list. She settled on some mind-numbing detective show, and ate half of the curry. She put the rest away, and grabbed her bag by the door. The bag was a mess, but she managed to find her red pen and the papers that needed grading, and she settled back in.
Soon, the mindless task paired with a full stomach and the wine had her falling into a deep sleep.
Frankie was pissed. He was giving up the best time of the day for harvesting to meet with Liv’s teacher, and Ms. Collins couldn’t be bothered to show up. His thoughts went back to the phone call the day before, and he gritted his teeth as he realized she had put him off twice. Over something she had wanted to set up. He’d gotten the bundles of paper she had sent home on it. Yet, here he was, and she was nowhere to be found. He pulled his phone out, and considered punching in her number, but stopped himself.
Frankie had to exhale deeply four times before he could lay his phone down. He had gotten here a little early, and it was just now 7 am, and he didn’t have a set schedule. Liv was with Ashley, Becka had insisted on taking them to drop off so he could have plenty of time with Ms. Collins. Not that it mattered now, he thought, dryly. At ten past, he pulled his phone back out, and brought her name up. He was angry again, and had every intention of calling. But before he could press her name, the door swung open, and his heart dropped.
June woke with a start. The birds were singing outside, the light was all wrong, and she was on the couch. Shit, she thought, jumping up. Shit, shit, shit. She had overslept. She hurried up the stairs and threw on something presentable, and didn’t even check herself in the mirror. She could do her makeup in the class. She grabbed up the half graded papers and shoved them in her bag, and ran out the door. She dumped everything in the passenger seat and drove much faster than usual. She was about halfway to the school when she realized she was meeting a student’s parent this morning. She hadn’t had any coffee, and her brain was starting to slow down from the adrenaline of being late, and she could not remember who she was meeting. She parked, and popped her vanity mirror down and grimaced. She looked like she was having a bad morning. She decided to throw her hair up in a messy bun, and grabbed the mess up from her passenger seat.
She basically ran into the building, her flats ricocheting sound off the concrete walls. She swung her door open, apologies already falling from her lips, when she looked at the parent. The apologies died on her lips, and her mouth fell open.
“You?” She asked, dumbly. “Frankie?” He looked like he had seen a ghost, a bitchy ghost, she grimaced.
“You?” He stood now, and started to move to her.
“Uhm, you can’t be here. I’m meeting a student’s parent, and how’d you even know where to find me?” She started rambling, but when the words were out she realized how stupid they were. “Oh my god, you’re the parent?” She barked out a laugh, and dumped her bag on her desk. He grinned, and wiped the back of his neck.
“Liv’s dad. I’m Frankie Morales.” He told her, faltering from shaking her hand.
“Perfect. I’m Juniper Collins, you can call me June, or Ms. Collins, whatever you prefer. I’m sorry I’m late, I...I started a garden yesterday and wore myself out. That’s what I was doing when we spoke on the phone,” She told him, laughing. June had only tried gardening because she wanted a common foot with him. She didn’t want to tell him that yet, though. “Anyway, let’s get to Liv. Liv is a great girl, Mr. Morales.”
“Frankie.” He interrupted, with a small smile.
“Okay, Frankie. Look, Liv is great, she really is. She struggles in class sometimes, though. She is smart as hell, but she seems to struggle. I wanted to give you some information about ADD or ADHD. It presents differently in girls, and is often overlooked. I haven’t known her long, obviously, but I actually was diagnosed much later in life, and I remember doing some of the things she’s doing. Would you be interested in some info on that?” June asked carefully, their relationship was rocky and weird, and she didn’t want to overstep. This was her job, though. It was a little bit not her job, actually. But she always wanted to look out for her girls, especially when they were as smart and incredible as Liv.
“Oh, wow. I had no idea she was struggling.” Frankie muttered, and removed his cap. June sucked in a sharp breath at his light brown, bouncy curls as they spilled out. He was beautiful. She distracted herself by moving behind her desk and grabbing a folder she had laid out for Liv, for this exact reason, and she thanked her past self for being put together. Then she went and sat beside him at the small activity table. She felt comical sitting next to him in the small chairs, he was spilling over his own. She laid down the folder and put a hand on his arm.
“Look, it isn’t a struggle that she notices yet. It’s her recall, her attention span, and her ability to focus. That sounds like a lot, I know, but there’s a simple test, and there are effective alternatives to stimulants. I’m on one, and it really helped me. Life is only going to get harder for her, if she has it and it remains untreated, but she has no idea. She isn’t “different” yet, and she’s doing so, so well in class. She is a model student. I just want to help, that’s all.” She watched his face as she spoke, and by the end, he seemed defeated.
“I should have noticed. I’m her dad. I...I’ve been worried I’m not around enough, and now you drop this on me.” He laughed dryly. She patted his arm.
“Liv talks about you all the time. She loves you, Frankie. She tells us all the time about her pilot dad.” June said it before she had time to think, before she connected “Liv’s Dad” with Frankie, the man before her. And then, her big mouth spit out something she wanted to take back immediately. “But you’re a farmer, right?” He looked up into her eyes, and his face was hard.
“Anything else you wanted to tell me about Liv?” His words were right, but the tone was too harsh. June flinched back from him, and dropped her gaze from his suddenly hard face.
“Liv is a great girl. She’s great to have in class. I have nothing else for you.” June told him monotonically, going on autopilot so as not to cry. She had spent the whole weekend thinking about him, then she had planted a stupid garden to have more in common with him, and then fate brought them back together, and she screwed it up again. She decided it was done, then. Frankie Morales was not in the cards for her. Sure, she might see him again because she taught his daughter, but she was through thinking of him like that.
“Good. I have to get going, next time try to be on time.” He scolded, as he stood abruptly and left without another word. Slowly, June followed and shut the door behind him. Alone, at last, she started crying.
“Idiot. You fucking idiot.” Frankie berated himself in his truck. He couldn’t believe it when she swept into the room. He had found her. Not her, he thought with a grimace, Juniper. The name felt so appropriate. It was an old name, but it suited her so perfectly. He exhaled roughly and tried to rewrite the scene. She was looking out for Liv. She wanted Liv to be happy and succeed. This woman cared more about his daughter than Liv’s own mother. And as soon as she tried to get to know him, he bit her head off and made her feel bad for being late. Jesus, what a dick. He had found her, and in a single moment, he had managed to ruin it again.
He put the truck in drive and headed home. Nothing left to do here, he thought bitterly. He was pulling up the driveway when he remembered that she had started a garden. It wasn’t a coincidence, he realized. She had started a garden because of him. He parked the truck and laid his head against the steering wheel. He had pushed her away at every turn. The market, the bar, and now at the school. He had seen her face before he left, and knew it was done. He had pushed too far, too fast. Of course, she would want nothing more to do with him. He had done nothing but treat her like shit.
He got out of the truck and threw his hat. It didn’t do much except get his cap dirty, but it was all he could do. He pulled his phone out, and pulled her name up. He typed a long message, and erased it. Then he tried again, and erased it again. His pride was getting in the way. He couldn’t tell her about his piloting years. The army, spec ops, Colombia, the coke, or any of it. She could just hate him, and then he couldn’t hurt her anymore.
June paced up and down her classroom. Her face was puffy, still, and she had been struggling to focus all day. She couldn’t meet anyone new for dinner; she wasn’t in the right headspace for a date. Let alone one where she would have to leave a lasting impression. She chewed her thumb nail before heading down the hall.
Samantha's classroom was pretty close to her own, and June was glad for it. If she had had to walk further she would have lost her nerve. June knocked tentatively on the door, before pulling it open. Samantha looked up and grinned.
"Hey girl! Are you excited for your big date tonight?" June’s own smile fell from her face.
"Actually, that's why I'm here. I want to cancel." Samantha's smile pulled down quickly.
"I'm having kind of a bad day for impressions," June told her flatly.
"Well, I couldn't if I wanted to. Santiago is out of town, no reception. I don't have the friend's number." June groaned.
"Okay, alright. Ugh, probably for the best. Do you know anything else about him? I’ve had kind of a rough day. You said, ex-military right?”
“Yeah, Santi doesn’t really talk about that time, and I haven’t pushed it. I met him a while back, Fish. He’s sweet. I think he’ll be your type. You like tan brunettes?” June nodded, laughing and thinking about Frankie Morales again.
“He’ll be perfect. Doesn’t say much and likes beer, that’s all I know.” Samantha gave a small shrug.
“Alright, thanks. I’ll let you finish eating.” June said, excusing herself.
She left feeling defeated. A parent was going to be late this afternoon, she had gotten the email after the Frankie disaster. Which meant that she was going to be late to dinner. She wasn't killing it in the men department so she hoped that despite a military background he wouldn't mind her tardiness. She couldn't handle another horrible scene like the one from this morning.
The rest of the day was uneventful, which she was glad for. Her nerves were on the edge. She tried to ignore how much Liv favored her dad, and how she loudly told the class about their upcoming camping trip. She found herself listening intently, despite herself. And even chuckled at the girl’s memories of the last trip. June’s mood improved with the day, too. She even played a little music in the background while the kids worked on their worksheets.
By the time she had hauled herself into her car, the last thing she wanted to do was go to dinner. But she swiped on her favorite lipstick and drove to the restaurant. If she broke the speed limit, she would only be about five minutes late, and she pushed it. She wanted to drink some wine, and forget about Frankie Morales. Another tan brunette in her life would do her good, she thought happily. She was tired, but she wanted to make the most of it.
Frankie was looking back and forth between the menu and his watch. He couldn't believe that another woman was about to be late on him. He was trying hard to get June out of his mind, and his blind date wasn't making it easy on him. He chuckled when he realized what he was doing. Just meeting a total stranger for dinner. He didn't have much choice in the matter, he thought, remembering how Pope had basically told him where and when, without asking if Frankie was even interested.
She had good taste, he conceded. This was his favorite spot. They made amazing, fresh pasta. He was eyeing the cocktail menu, when she rushed in. He couldn't believe he was running into her again.
It was June, because of course it was. She was flushed, probably late again, he huffed, but she had put on a bright red lipstick that made his heart stutter. He lowered his gaze back to the menu. He hoped she wouldn't see him out on a date, even if he saw her. The hope was short lived because she made her way to him, her eyes glinting with an emotion he couldn't place, and she exhaled deeply.
"Let me guess, your call sign is Fish, right?" His eyes snapped to hers and she laughed while nodding. It was her. He had found her again. The waiter walked over and she told him to bring a bottle of red, and a beer for him. He told the waiter his brand, and raked his eyes over her.
"Sorry I'm late, I had a crazy day." She mused once she had taken two deep sips of her wine.
"Yeah? What is it you do?" He asked, hoping beyond hope that this was their start over. Their fourth, or so, start over.
"Teacher. Yeah, I teach. Most days it's easy, but some days there are parents." She told him, her cheeks flushed.
"Hopefully, no jerks?" He asked, quickly taking a sip of his beer. She held her head to the side before she sighed.
"I don't know what's going on here, Frankie. It's kind of exhausting. I think you're pretty handsome, you grow amazing food, you have a beautiful daughter, but I think we just keep messing up. How about, just for now, we enjoy this meal and the company, and tomorrow we can talk about what it means that we can't keep away from each other?" He searched her eyes. She was tired, he could tell, but she was so sincere. He wanted desperately to know why she sat down instead of just leaving. He wanted to know why they were seemingly so connected. He wanted to know if he'd been on her mind too.
"I'm thinking the carbonara." He answered, and she smiled before looking the menu over herself. The rest could wait. He had found her again.”
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trueromantic1 · 3 years
The Myth of Me and You Is Fiction Turned To Truth
Summary: After the events of both seasons (SVU 22x16 and OC 1x08), Olivia and Elliot find themselves in the unique position of knowing where there love story will end up, but having no idea what exactly will transpire to get them there. One thing they do know? Their love can only grow deeper, and that they’re bound to enjoy the journey.
Author’s Note: For the purposes of this story, SVU 22x16 ended on May 28 (canon) and OC 1x08 ended on June 4 (not canon). This picks up on June 7.
Title comes from Great Ones by Maren Morris. It’s definitely an EO song.
Rating: M, possibly Explicit eventually
ff.net: here
AO3: here
Her phone beeped, drawing her distracted gaze away from the paperwork in front of her. Seeing the text message notification lighting up the screen, Olivia took off her glasses and put her pen down, picked up the phone, and leaned back in her chair with a sigh as she unlocked it.
Can I buy you dinner? There’s news.
She frowned, trying to tell his mood from those few words. Realizing it would be impossible, she glanced out at the nearly empty squad room before hitting the call button instead.
“You didn’t have to call. I know you’re at work still Liv.” Judging by the voices she could hear in the background, he was still at work as well. She knew they’d been dealing with the lawyers and IAB ever since Morales turned out to be a mole and decided suicide by cop was the best way out.
“It’s fine El. I needed a break from the paperwork for a minute anyway. The one thing they never prepare you for is just how much paperwork you do when you’re in charge of a squad. So, what’s going on?”
He chuckled, and she could hear the creak as he leaned back in his own chair. “That’s what dinner is supposed to be for Liv. If I tell you now, what would be the point of dinner?”
She smiled, recognizing his tone as the slightly flirty one she’d been hearing more of ever since what was supposed to be Fin’s wedding. Neither one of them was ready to jump into a relationship, but they’d come to a silent understanding that night by the water. “I don’t know Elliot. We’ve never needed a reason for dinner before. Why don’t you just tell me the news now, and then you can come over to my place later and we’ll get Chinese. Noah’s taking advantage of it being summer vacation and is at a sleepover so his friend’s mom can take them to an early show of a ballet she worked on costumes for. Apparently, they allow friends and family to come for free on Tuesdays, but it’s normally during the school day.”
“Oh, I bet he’s excited. Sleepover during the week and going to a professional ballet performance?”
“Yes, he’s thrilled. It’s all he talked about all weekend. Now quit stalling Elliot. What’s going on?”
“I never could get one by you, could I? Okay. Well, Angela Wheatley woke up earlier today, and is expected to make a full recovery. Bell and Washburn went over to the hospital once they cleared her for visitors. And we’re finally supposed to be done dealing with IAB and the lawyers over this. We still have to wait for IAB’s official report, but I got the feeling none of us were going to get in trouble for what happened. They told Bell they’d already spoken to you as well, so you should be done with them for now too. And then on a more personal note, you remember I told you I was looking at apartments in the city? At Fin’s not-wedding and then that I had some more appointments the rest of that weekend? Well, I found one, and I went down and signed the lease today during lunch.”
“El, I’m glad things are working out with the case, and that IAB will be out of all of our hair. It’s still bothering me what exactly Richard Wheatley was planning with that fake text sending me to the hospital. But I guess we won’t know unless he decided to tell us. But way to bury the lead! El, that’s great! I can’t believe you found a place in just a week. You didn’t just settle for something did you? You need a good place for you and Eli to make a home.” She knew he’d been anxious about getting out of the one bedroom short-term he’d rented after Kathy’s death, so she hoped he’d taken his time to find something he really liked.
“It’s nice, knowing you worry about us. And thanks. Don’t worry, it’s actually a great place. Rent’s a little higher than I’d planned, but I can make it work. It’s about halfway between here and the one six actually. About two blocks from the school Eli will be going to, assuming they’re back to in person by then. And it’s a three bedroom two and a half bath, which I figure will come in handy if any of the kids decide to visit and don’t want to drive home ever. And it’s near a park, in case anyone else wanted to visit. I take possession this Sunday, and Bell gave me Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off so I can get some stuff moved in. I’ve got some furniture scheduled for delivery on Monday.” The calm she’d been hearing more and more in the last few weeks shone through, which she knew was at least in part because he’d finally started talking to someone. But she thought a lot of it had to do with settling back into the city, since he’d confided that as much as they’d been happy in Italy, the energy had just never been exactly right to him.
“I’ll always worry El, you know that. I’m glad though. Now you and Eli have all summer to get settled in. Hopefully he’ll meet some of his future classmates, so he won’t fell so new when school starts back up. And you know, it just so happens, I might know someone who could come help you get things set up. You know, if you were interested.” She made sure to infuse her voice with a hint of suggestion, upping the playful flirting they’d been indulging in just a bit. She mentally patted herself on the back when she heard the hitch in his breath followed him clearing his throat. His next words, voice lowered and with a hint of a growl, proved he hadn’t lost a step either, as she felt herself flush with arousal and a corresponding dampness between her thighs that she was fast becoming reacquainted with that caused her to cross her legs and shift in her seat to try to alleviate the pressure.
“Is that so? Well, far be it from me to turn down someone willing to work up a sweat with me. Why don’t we discuss it more over dinner? I should be able to be to your place by 7, if that works for you.”
She checked the time, then the stack of papers she needed to finish, then glanced into the squad room. Seeing her people were now at their desks, folders open in front of them, she quickly calculated it’d be at least another hour before she could even think of leaving, especially if she planned to take three days off next week. “Make it 8?”
“8 it is. Want me to pick up our usual on my way over, or are we having it delivered?”
“Hmm, better pick it up. You know how busy they get. If you call it in when you leave, it’ll probably be just about ready by the time you get there.”
“Sound good. I’ll let you go so you can finish up all that paperwork. See you in a few hours Liv.”
“Alright. Bye El.” Hanging up, she pressed the phone against her chest a moment, savoring the warm feeling she always seemed to get when she talked to Elliot these days, before standing up and walking out into the squad room.
“Anything you guys haven’t finished by 7, you can leave until tomorrow. Short of a new case, you can all clock out then, since we’re currently between cases.” She turned to head back to her office and the stack of paperwork, but turned back around when Amanda spoke.
“Are you clocking out then too Cap? I know Noah’s at that sleepover. You shouldn’t stay late finishing paperwork anymore if we aren’t.” Her detective’s voice was concerned, and she realized just how much her stress and worry over the last three months must have shown, despite how hard she tried to hide it.
“Yes, he’s already called me to say goodnight, because apparently they will be too busy the rest of the night with sleepover stuff to worry about me. But don’t worry, I’m clocking out then too. Even if that pile of paperwork is only going to grow when you all turn in your paperwork.” She turned again, hoping to make it into her office before anyone thought too hard about her clocking out when she didn’t have to, but Fin’s teasing voice told her she was too late.
“You? Clock out early when you don’t have Noah waiting at home? What’s up? You got yourself a hot date or something?”
She was a Captain. Had been a police officer for over twenty years. She’d had to keep her cool when being questioned on the stand by lawyers all the time. But she knew, she knew, that she couldn’t hide the hitch in her step or the slight wince as he asked his question. Even as she turned back around, her face carefully blank, she knew he’d caught her. “Date? No, I don’t have a date. Who would I even have a date with?” Internally, she winced again as she heard a voice that sounded suspiciously like Elliot Stabler tell her that asking that many questions just made her sound defensive, and therefore all the more suspicious. Registering the varying degrees of shock on the three’s faces, she smirked to herself for surprising them at least.
“Oh, I don’t know. A certain Detective, maybe? I saw you two together at the ceremony, off in your own little world by the water. Almost like old times, ‘cept the flirting was a little too obvious.”
Trying to control the embarrassed flush she could feel, she internally cursed. She’d hoped everyone had been too preoccupied to pay attention to her and Elliot, but knew that had probably been too much to hope for. She knew the rumor mill had picked right back up when he’d returned, and people realized they were talking again. “Alright, yes, I’m meeting Elliot for dinner. But it’s not a date. We’re just going to do some catching up over Chinese. We haven’t really had much time to just talk since he came back.” She ignored the pointed look he shot her, and appreciated that Amanda and Kat at least pretended not to be interested, as she finally made it back into her office. She heard his footsteps though, saw him shut the door behind him as she sat down behind her desk.
“You sure about this? I just don’t want you getting hurt. Don’t forget, I was here when he left.” She could see the worry clouding his face, and resigned to give him the truth. After all, he’d been there for it all.
“I’m sure. We’re…Taking things slow. We’ve talked, and while neither one of us is ready to just jump straight into a relationship, we’ve discussed it, and have agreed that’s where we’re heading. So we flirt some, and we spend time together, and we talk. We’re not defining it yet. I know it sounds like dating, and maybe in a way it is. But what’s important to us is rekindling our friendship, first and foremost. We’ve already talked about why he left, how he left. And I’ve told him not only what it did to me, but I’ve told him what he missed. He was…Devastated. It turns out the whole family was in France at the time, and by the time the kids came back, it had already become old news. He swore he would have come back had he known, and I believe him. I’d always wondered if he’d just stopped caring, but if you’d seen how he looked, you’d have had to believe him too. So yes, I’m sure about this. We’re going to take things slow for now, but we know where we’re going to end up, even if we aren’t sure when that will happen. Speaking of Elliot though, I’m going to take a few personal days next week to help him get moved into his new place. He gets the keys on Sunday, and his furniture comes Monday.”
He still looked a little worried, but she could tell he would take her at her word. “If you say so. I have to say, I’m surprised you guys already talked about that. But I’m glad. You deserve to be happy Liv, and I think he’ll make you happy. And don’t worry, I’ll cover next week for you. And I’ll let the others know you’ll be taking some time, and make sure they don’t ask you any questions.” He turned and left the office, leaving the door open behind him as he went back to his desk, stopping to talk to Amanda and Kat on his way.
Putting her glasses on and picking up her pen, she smiled to herself as she went back to her paperwork. She still had a lot to work through before it was time to head out, though she was hoping the anticipation would make the time pass faster. Afterall, it wasn’t every day she got to head home to a hot meal and an even hotter man, not that she’d tell him that. His ego was already inflated enough.
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shuahoonie · 4 years
you [tom holland] - seven.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! alcohol consumption! a whole lotta fluff on this one yall. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish! also, their relationship is improving yall 🤧
SONG INSPO: harry styles - to be so lonely 
A/N: hiya babes, again, its day n of quarantine. i feel awful that i’ve gone this long without an update. would totally understand that you had to reread this whole series to find out what the hell is going on lmao. also, quarantine life really ruined my general schedule like now, i start my days at 3 pm and it ends at 7 am. obviously, i’m not doing well. 
also, everytime i try to write it’s always like 4 am so there’s prob a lot of errors on this. i also had the initial plan to cut this chapter in two parts but figured you guys deserve this bc i’ve been gone for way too long.  [it was way past 6 am when i finished this]
hope you guys are safe. spam my inbox, tell me what you’ve been up to this quarantine! stay at home and wash those hands!!!!! sending all my love ♡
gif credits: @tomhollandcouk
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | four | five | six | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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You took a look at the girls and sure enough, they were watching the two of you and were whispering amongst themselves. You didn’t know who they were so you were assuming they were on Josh’s guests.
You weren’t one to start fights however, you were extremely petty though. It’s a habit you’re trying to get rid of. “Hey, Tom?”
He hummed in response. “Do you want to finally get them off your back?” You asked him. He stared at you for a moment before nodding.
“I’m going to do something but promise me you’ll forget it as soon as it’s done.” You disclosed, not even knowing why you’re actually going to do it.
“Okay...” You knew he was getting curious. “What-”
You grabbed the side of his face and kissed the corner of his lips. To say that both of you were surprised was an understatement.
Your lips lingered on the corner of his. As soon as you saw the girls with their backs turned against you two, you pulled away.
You could easily see Tom’s ears turn red. You weren’t sure why, but you were too distracted by the fact that you actually did that.
You also felt yourself getting hot. You were sure that your face is burning, however, you were unsure of the fact that maybe it’s burning because of the stunt you just pulled or because of the alcohol in your system.
“It’s definitely the alcohol,” you murmured.
“Sorry, you were saying something?”
Seemingly lost for words and embarrassed, you told Tom “I need another drink.”
If anyone asked you what just happened, you probably won’t have an answer as you were confused as well. That’s why you were practically running to the open bar, leaving Tom on the dance floor, with the look of bewilderment painted on his face.
He turned his head around, looking for who could have possibly called his name. Upon seeing who it was, he greeted her with a huge smile on his face. “Liv, congratulations! It was a wonderful ceremony.” He said genuinely.
“Aw,” Olivia cooed in delight. “Thanks, Tom! We’re happy you could make it.” She beamed.
“Would’ve never missed it,” Tom smiled.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you seen Y/N?” Olivia asked, looking around.
He felt himself turn red, which Olivia noticed but chose not to point it out. “She told me she was getting herself a drink...”
“That bitch never learns,” Olivia murmured to herself. “Tom, can you do me a favour? Can you please keep an eye out for her? She tends to drink a lot at weddings and-”
All of Veronica’s words came flooding back to Tom, knowing that he was supposed to stop Y/N from grabbing another glass. “Right, of course.”
“She doesn’t have a problem!” Olivia quickly disclosed. “It’s just- She tends to do a lot of weird shit while drunk.” She chuckled. “I mean look at where you two are now. None of this would’ a happened if- Oh, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay, Liv. I know.” Tom shook his head, politely dismissing Olivia. “Uh, Liv, if you don’t mind, I’m going to look for-”
“Oh, no, you’re all good.” Olivia smiled. “I have to meet with Josh in just a few minutes anyway.”
Tom congratulated Olivia again for the beautiful ceremony before he left. As Tom was looking for Y/N, he found you leaned against the bar with a drink in one hand and a phone on her other.
“Y/N.” Tom called, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“Holy fuck-” You almost spat your drink. “Jesus Christ, Tom, you fucking scared me.”
Tom chuckled. “’m sorry, darling.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to pick you up,” Tom said as he saw the drink on your hand and grabbed it “and to stop you from drinking.”
You furrowed your brows at him, “Why?”
For a moment, you could’ve sworn you saw Tom shift his eyes over at your lips. That’s when you realized that you were pouting and quickly pressed your lips together.
“’cause you’ve had enough drinks for tonight,” Tom simply stated. “Why don’t I take you back to your hotel?” He offered.
“I’m good, Tom.” You said “People aren’t looking, you can quit acting like you care now.”
Tom chose to ignore the last part and pulled out his phone. “I’m texting Veronica that we’re leaving.”
“Seriously, Tom, just let me be.”
“Y/N, I’m just looking out for you. You’ve had a couple of drinks already and apparently, Zoë needs you to be up and well tomorrow morning.” Tom said, the frustration was getting through him.
“I’m serious, Y/N. I will carry you to my car if I have to.”
All you could do was glare at him.
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“You’ve been frowning for 10 minutes now, your face is going to get tired, darling.” Tom commented as he stole a quick look at you, only to find you with the look of annoyance plastered all over your face and your arms crossed.
“I can’t believe you actually carried me! It was so embarrassing, you dickhead.” You grumbled, feeling shy since quite a few people did see his stunt and found it absolutely adorable.
“I did say that I was serious,” He pointed out as he did a shoulder-check before making a turn.
“Don’t even know why you’re driving me back to the hotel. I could’ve called someone, ‘ya know?” You were coming up with ways as to how you can avoid spending time with Tom, which was undeniably impossible since he is your boyfriend after all.
“Nonsense,” Tom pulled over at the front of the hotel, stepped out of the vehicle to give his keys to the valet and opened your door. “I would rather drive you back and know that you’re safe.” He said as he offered his hand for you to take.
You were reluctant at first, however, you still took his hand. He was being nice and you had to respect that.
Actually, you did notice that Tom was being nice within the past few weeks that you’ve started to date. Him becoming genuinely nice was starting to become a problem, especially when you’re involved with a lot of fake dating stunts.
It pulled your heartstrings in all kinds of different directions and you know it’s wrong, which is why you’re trying your best to put those feelings aside.
“Thanks Tom, I think I can handle myself from here.” You said as you carefully pulled your hand from Tom’s.
He frowned, “I have to take you up to your room, darling. Don’t you know that there are endless possibilities of what can happen to you just from the walk from the lobby to your room? Especially the lifts.”
You stared at him for a moment. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m that paranoid but knowing you would never budge, then I guess you can walk me up to my room.” You said, not really going to fight him off. You already fought that battle earlier and you were left embarrassingly defeated.
The walk to the room was quiet, which was exactly what you needed. You were exhausted from today’s events, not to mention that you also had to wake up extremely early to get ready for your hair and makeup.
God, I can’t wait to take all of these off, You thought to yourself.
After what seemed like forever of looking for your keycard, you finally got to open your door. You turned to Tom who was leaning against the doorframe. He had the sleeves of his white button-ups rolled up to his elbows and he had a small smile plastered on his face, even though his eyes were nearly hooded from what seemed to be an exhausting day as well for him.
“Thanks again, Tommy,” you said softly. “Today must’ve been extremely exhausting for you.” You were starting to feel guilty as you felt like you made him jump through hoops just to take care of you when he had no obligation to do so.
“S’alright, darling.” He said before letting out a yawn. “Well, I best be off then. Good night, my darling.”
Tom had a couple of steps in before you shouted for his name, causing him to halt in the middle of the hallway. He turned to look at you, wondering why you called him.
“Do you wanna stay for a while? You must be exhausted and I don’t think I can live with myself if I let you drive whilst so.” You asked shyly. You weren’t heartless. You knew how to appreciate people’s efforts and right now, you had to swallow that pride of yours to show that you were thankful for Tom and his efforts.
Tom had to make sure that he heard you correctly. After all, you were the same girl who was reluctant to spend time with him for most of the time.
He had a loopy grin painted on his face. You weren’t sure whether it was meant to tease you or it’s because he’s getting sleepy, either way, it was enough to make you roll your eyes at him.
“Why are you smiling like that? Just-” You pinched the bridge of your nose, not knowing that it was possible to feel both annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. “Just stay with me for a bit so you can rest.” You mumbled the last part.
“Are you sure?” He asked for clarification. “Think I can drive for at least 30 minutes more-”
“Tom, just get in here with me.” You said as you took a hold of his hand and pulled him inside your hotel room. “If you think I’ll let you drive for half an hour when you’re nearly about to pass out then you’re dead wrong.” You pointed out as you closed the door.
“Are you getting soft on me now, Y/N?” He teased with a playful smirk on his face.
“No,” You denied, drawling out the ‘o’ as you kicked off your heels and pushed them to a side. “It’s called showing gratitude for being there for me.” You said, trying to sound casual as possible.
“Well,” Tom propped off his shoes and made his way to the bed “I like this side of you, darling.” He grinned.
You gave him a sarcastic smile before you turned your back and grabbed some change of clothes from your suitcase.
As you were in the bathroom to get yourself changed and try to get out of the bridesmaid dress, you’ve come across a tiny problem.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You hissed at yourself as you tried to unzip the back of your dress, failing miserably. “I have already prepped myself for the idea that I would be in the comfort of my sweatshirt.” You said to the mirror, not knowing where to pour the frustration running through you.
You opened the door slightly and found Tom who was sitting on the bed comfortably, his feet propped over the tower of pillows and his back rested on the bed frame.
“Tom?” He looked up from his phone to find where you called him from and when he saw you peering from the bathroom, he had his eyebrow raised. “Can you help me unzip my dress please?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“Sorry, what was that darling?” He asked and when you tried to repeat it again, not changing the volume of your voice. “Y/N, you have to speak up. Can’t hear you from here, darling.”
You sighed and opened the door wider, “Tom, can you unzip my dress?” You practically yelled. “-please.” you added awkwardly.
Tom blinked a couple of times before scrambling his way to the bathroom, muttering soft “yeah”s along the way.
As soon as he reached the bathroom frame, you quickly turned around so you could get this thing over with. Tom moved your hair to the side before finding the zipper of your dress. As he carefully unzipped your dress, you could feel the slightest touch of his fingertips grazing on your skin.
The trails of his touch sent you into shivers. God, am I that touch-starved? You thought. For you, the process was excruciatingly long. In reality? It probably only took like 30 seconds or less.
Shaking it all off, you quickly said your thanks and practically slammed the door on his face.
God, if you’re listening, I know I’m a handful but dying from embarrassment isn’t how I saw myself passing, You practically yelled to your thoughts.
After giving yourself a couple of minutes to change into your oversized sweatshirt and some sleeping shorts and also giving yourself to calm down, you grabbed your makeup wipes and made your way to the bed.
You tried your best to keep your cool and act as if nothing had happened. Act like you didn’t want the ground to swallow you whole.
You and Tom were sitting in silence: him scrolling on his phone and you trying to remove your makeup. The keyword was trying as you barely had any energy left to do anything and removing your makeup and fixing your hair felt like absolute chores.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” You asked, turning to Tom as you continued wiping your makeup off.
“Sure, whatcha got in mind?” He asked, putting his phone down and passing you the remote.
You hummed, waiting for the TV to finish loading the selections that they have on demand. “Ooh, they have Hereditary. I’ve been wanting to see the film for a while and I heard good things about the film.”
“Isn’t that a horror film?” He asked and you nodded. You could see that he was trying his hardest to assess whether he agrees with the film or not.
Of course, being the annoying person that you are, you teased Tom. “Aw, are you scared Tommy?” You cooed.
He rolled his eyes and denied your accusation. “’m not scared.”
“It’s settled then,” You grinned. “We’re watching Hereditary.”
As you were at least twenty minutes into the film, you took a quick look at Tom who was evidently engrossed with the film. You scooted a bit closer to him which he failed to notice, bringing a devilish smirk on your face. You slowly leaned in, just enough for your breath to hit his skin, and whispered “Tom” in an attempt to scare the poor guy.
Your tiny prank worked considering he practically jumped, almost making him fall off the bed. You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop laughing. “That was not funny, Y/N.” He said as he returned back to his spot, only this time, he had his head resting on the bed frame while his back was supported with the pillows.
“I beg to differ,” You said teasingly “Do you want to get room service? I’m kind of hungry.”
He just shrugged, saying that it doesn’t matter whether you want to or not. However, you were hungry and you’re not about to carry on watching the film with an empty stomach.
You quietly ordered room service as Tom was busy watching the film. He looked adorable, if you were being honest. He was hugging one of the pillows and used the same pillow to rest his chin on.
You were debating whether to wait for the food to arrive or fix your hair. Your hair was styled in a half-up braid, tiny flowers delicately placed within the braid, while the ends of your hair were curled. The hairstylist took a significantly huge amount of time to style everyone’s hair which is why you had to wake up at the crack of dawn. No wonder you were exhausted.
You chose to wait for the food instead and settled next to Tom. You two were clearly immersed with the film and you both flinched at the sound of the knock on the door as the scene of Charlie’s head rolls and turns into a ball pops up on the screen.
“Jesus christ,” You swore under your breath as you left the bed to go answer the door.
“Aw, are you scared, Y/N?” He mocked, which you rolled your eyes in response.
“Shut up, Holland. I’m not the only one who’s scared here.” You retorted.
You opened the door and thanked the staff that brought your room service, not forgetting to hand them a tip.
“I ordered strawberry and banana pancakes,” You told Tom with a childish smile.
“It’s midnight and you ordered pancakes?” He asked with an amused smile.
“I was craving pancakes,” You pouted. “We can share, you know? You didn’t tell me what you wanted so I just ordered food for myself.”
“S’alright, darling.” He answered “Don’t worry about it.”
“We can totally share, Tommy. I didn’t expect they’d give me this much so I won’t be able to finish this by myself.” You said as you showed him the huge stack of pancakes.
He just laughed and nodded, giving in because you weren’t going to let him just watch while you ate.
“Oooh, I also ordered tea because I remember that you like tea.”
He hummed as he approached you by the table. You were setting up the pancakes and tea that you ordered. “You remember, huh,” Tom mumbled softly as he watched you carefully set the teapot down.
“’course, I do.” You answered without hesitation. “You practically shunned me for drinking coffee that one time when you visited me on set.”
“Darling, you were on your third cup.”
“So? I needed caffeine.”
“If you needed caffeine, you could’ve easily had tea instead of your third cup.” Tom pointed out as he poured tea on his cup.
“Tea is for the weak,” You mumbled which earned a dramatic gasp from Tom.
“Take it back,” He said in disbelief.
“Tea is for the weak,” You repeated firmly just so you could annoy him even more, a smirk plastered on your face.
Tom pulled you in closer to him and started to tickle your waist, “I won’t stop till you take back what you said, Y/N”
You were squirming away from him, “Tom, stop,” you yelled in between giggles. “I might drop my pancakes, please.” You were trying your best not to tilt the plate and drop your food.
“Not hearing the magic words, Y/N” Tom teased in a sing-song voice.
“Okay, fine!” You gave in, laughing. “I take it back. Tea is great.”
“It is, innit?” He sighed in agreement, making you shake your head in amusement. “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll make you a great cup of tea.”
You started taking a few bites of your pancake before you sat on the edge of the bed, bringing your plate with you and had your complete focus on the screen. You and Tom were still watching Hereditary and you intend to finish the  film, even if the film is starting to creep up on you.
Tom sat beside you, “How can you eat and watch this?” He asked.
You just shrugged. “I’m hungry, nothing can stop that.” You took another bite before you offered Tom the pancakes. “Do you want some?”
“Give me a bite,” He opened his mouth in response, leaning closer to you.
“Do it yourself, you big baby.” You laughed, almost handing him the plate before you realized, “Oh, I don’t think they gave us spare utensils though.”
“I can use yours, I don’t mind.”
You offered him your plate but Tom, instead of grabbing the plate, insisted on opening his mouth, insistently asking you to feed him. “Tommy, why are you acting like an actual child?!” You were joking of course, however, you can’t deny that this whole new dynamic that you two were having was refreshing to the eyes.
“C’mon, darling. Just give it” He replied and had his mouth open once again. “I’ll take the flowers and pins off your hair while you eat-”
“Alright, fair enough.” You agreed since you were getting the higher end of the deal. With the amount of hair pins on your hair? You were hitting the jackpot.
“I’ll do it if you also feed me.” Tom added.
“Eh, whatever,” You shrugged and took another bite of your pancake.
Tom stood on top of the bed so he could sit behind you, definitely on board with helping you with your hair. He sat behind you with his legs crossed, setting a comfortable position for him.
You felt the slight touch of his fingers graze on your neck, as he brought all of the hair to your back. As he ran his fingers softly through the ends of your hair, it was enough to make you yawn. You love it when someone plays with your hair, which perfectly explains why you like going to the hairdressers.
Trying to fight off the drowsiness that was slowly taking over you, you figured you’d cut a piece off of your pancake and feed it to Tom. You sliced a piece off with your fork and hovered it over your shoulder.
Soon enough, Tom generously took the bite and carried on with removing the pins and flowers that were carefully placed on your hair.
The process was going on for a couple of minutes now: you watching and feeding Tom with your shared pancakes, and Tom willingly taking out the pins out of your hair.
It also wasn’t long when another jumpscare appeared on screen, making you jump subtly. Maybe it wasn’t subtle as you thought, since Tom was snickering behind you.
“What are you laughing at? Maybe you insisted on helping me with my hair so you can hide behind me because you’re scared too.” You pointed out, being petty and all.
“Am not,” He grumbled, slightly offended. “Maybe I do wanna help.” He then outstretched his legs, saying that he can feel his leg getting numb.
You started to feel bad, since he didn’t have any obligation to do any of it. “Tommy, it’s okay. You can stop now.” You said, twisting your body so you can take a look at him.
“What? No, you’re fine, my darling.” He said turning your body upright, making you face the television again. “S’alright, you’re alright.” He muttered softly and went back to your hair.
You mumbled a soft ‘okay,’ too shy to say something else. You kept taking turns with feeding Tom the pancakes and taking a few bites yourself. You weren’t gonna lie and tell people that this, this, time with Tom was suffocating because it’s not.
This was the first time you ever felt truly comfortable with him. It truly felt like you were spending time with someone you loved. However, that idea itself terrifies you. The idea made you feel like you were walking on thin ice and you know you’re bound to sink anytime soon.
“Tom, here, take the last bite.”
Tom gratefully took the last bite and said, “Thanks, darling. Now put that plate on the table so we can prop ourselves properly on the bed.”
You obliged and as you did, you heard Tom dusting off the bed. Walking back, you saw him look so restricted with his slacks and button ups made you feel bad. He also looked so exhausted which, obviously, made you feel even more bad.  “Tom, why don’t you just spend the night here?”
“I beg your pardon,” Tom cleared his throat. “Did you just suggest that I should spend the night here?”
“Y-yeah, I mean...” You trailed off. “You look exhausted and it would probably make me worry less if you did stay.”
“If it’s alright with you, then I wouldn’t mind.” He said softly, smiling.
You felt your cheeks burning and you really had to act fast. You remembered you wore your sweatpants earlier, as you were getting your hair and makeup done, and figured maybe Tom could fit in it.
“I’ve already worn this earlier but only while I was getting my makeup and hair done.” You pulled your black sweats out of your suitcase and offered it to Tom. “I’m not sure if it fits but it’s better than sleeping with slacks on right?”
“Are you trying to see me naked?” Tom smirked.
“W-what? No, you shithead.” You stammered. “I’m trying to make you feel comfortable. Also, if you are wearing nothing underneath then maybe keep the pants on and reevaluate why you went to a wedding without underwear?!” You popped off.
“Relax, Y/N, I was kidding.” He laughed, visibly amused at the look of distress on your face. “I’ll try it on. Thank you.”
Tom stood up and began unbuckling his belt. He was about to take his pants off when he gave you a teasing smile, in which you realized that you were staring. You turned around, absolutely embarrassed, and head soft chuckles from Tom.
“Okay, I’m decent.” Tom yelled, which you took as a proper signal and turned around, only to find your sweatpants fit snugly on Tom. “It’s a bit snug, but I think I’ll manage.” He commented as he also began unbuttoning his shirt.
You weren’t going to lie and tell people that you think that Tom isn’t fit. Because he is. He is very fit. His fans know that, you know that, everyone knows that. So, would they blame you if you stared at his fit body, absolutely flustered? Of course not, because they know.
However, what they don’t know is how hard you’re trying your hardest not to stare because, you of all people, know how you don’t like when people stare at your body.
“So, whaddaya think?” He turned around and lifted his bum, asking jokingly: “Too much?”
“Eh, it could be better.” You said, playing along.
“Oh c’mon,” He groaned in exaggeration, “People think I have a great arse.” Tom pouted while he returned to his position. This time he climbed up the bed, resting his back against the headboard, and had his legs spread.
“You know what? They’re right,” You said as you climbed up the bed as well and sat between his legs again. “You do have a fabulous ass.”
“Now, you’re just saying that to flatter me so I can continue removing pins from your hair.” He mumbled softly, feeling the return of his fingers back on your hair.
“Yeah,” you sighed in content. “I’m not letting you go until every hairpin is gone, babe.” You replied, not even thinking about what you were saying. Your eyes widened. Babe? You called him babe? Bitch, you’re losing it.
You heard Tom chuckle, “Oh, so I’m “babe” now, huh?” He teased.
“That wasn’t me, that was the exhaustion talking.” You mumbled shyly, a poor attempt to mask up an excuse.
“Right,” He drawled, obviously aware that you were just making up an excuse for this dubious slip up. “S’okay though, I liked it.” He whispered on your right ear, making you squirm as you found it ticklish.
“Why-” You whipped your head back to face him, “Why would you do that, I’m ticklish, Tom”
“’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Tom laughed, “Can you please call me “babe” again?”
“No.” You replied and just heard him let out an exaggerated sigh.
You two were busy bickering and being distracted by each other, that you didn’t know that the scene you two were watching was the last scene of the film.
“Huh,” You huffed. “Wasn’t expecting that ending.”
“What’s with all the butts?” He pondered out loud.
“I don’t know but I want that image out of my head. Do you have any movie suggestions because I know you don’t like horror.” You asked Tom as you scrolled through the movie selections once again.
Tom peered from behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Oh, have you seen Coco?” He asked in suggestion, seeing the movie from the list.
“The Pixar movie?” You asked and he nodded. “Nope, I haven’t yet.”
“We should watch it then,” Tom said “It’s a great movie. I was in bits when I saw it and I was on the plane then.”
“Is it that sad?” You gasped as you clicked on the movie, waiting for the screen to finish loading.
“Oh, I was full on sobbing, darling.” He confessed, his chin still resting on your shoulder.
As soon as the screen finished loading, you hit ‘play’ and said, “Well, I’m about to let a movie ruin me then.”
You were right. The movie already ruined you and you two were only half-way through. Tom had finished removing all the pins and flowers from your hair five minutes after the movie started, so he had the chance to watch the film properly.
Tom is now lying down comfortably, though he was elevated enough to watch the movie properly. You, on the other hand, are cuddling Tom. You had your head rested on his chest while he had his arm around you, his chin merely touching the top of your head.
How he managed to trick you into this you ask?
“Darling, I think you should cuddle me.” Tom requested as he ran his fingers through your hair one last time. He just finished removing all of the hairpins that managed to cause you pain and suffering all day.
“Why?” You asked appalled, not meaning to ask it with such tone.
“Because I’m shirtless and I’m cold.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have removed your shirt?”
“But it’s uncomfortable.”
“I don’t care”
“Okay, then I’ll just drive back to my hotel then, even though I’m pretty exhausted. I’m sure nothing bad will happen.” Tom sighed dramatically.
“God, you really are an actor, huh.” You snorted. “Fine, I’ll do it. I used to cuddle my friends anyway.”
“Are you friend zoning me?” He gasped, as he laid down.
“You are despicable, Holland.”
As you were half-way through the film, you can’t even remember how much you’ve cried already. You could hear the soft sniffles from the two of you as the movie progressed.
Your sniffles turned into full-on sobs when Héctor’s scene came on screen. He was singing to Chicharrón as a final ode before he passed on with no one from his family that were able to remember him.
“What the fuck is this film,” You commented in between sobs. “Why are they trying to ruin me like this?”
Tom rubbed your arm back and forth on, trying to comfort you. You were going through your packets of kleenex at rapid speed, as did Tom. You weren’t expecting to cry this much but here you are.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he said he was in bits when he saw this film.
“Tom, do you think they’ll room service us some Kleenex if we asked?” You asked him honestly, tears still spilling from your eyes. You knew your nose was red too because it started to hurt as you were continuously wiping it.
Tom laughed softly, crying too “’m not sure, darling.”
You lifted your head to take a good look at Tom, finding his eyes bloodshot red from crying and tear marks still visible from his face.
You used your thumb to wipe the tears from his face, making him laugh. “Why are you crying this much? I thought you’ve already seen the film?”
He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, “’m not too sure. I didn’t expect I’d cry this much too.” He managed to chuckle.
“We really need to call room service for some Kleenex, Tommy.” You sniffled.
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quick side note: i actually saw coco for the first time [as i wanted to stay true to what i was writing] and i was a mess. i wasn’t lying when i wrote whatever the reader went thru bc same. 
@thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter​ @jackiehollanderr​ @sltwins​ @herondalescecilys​ @notjustpenandpaper​ @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ @stxfxniexreads @peruvian-bae​ @hollands-osterfield​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @galacticstxrdust​ @sweartomendes​ @itsjstz​ @muade-mua-de​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @snowxbarryxendgame​ @cxlpxrnia​ @notasofti​
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2731
music: silently by axel flovent, tear in my heart by twenty one pilots
You got tired of driving at around two in the morning. Somehow Kennewick did not satisfy neither of you in terms of sleeping. Perhaps it was the road, nervousness of traveling, and Kai’s indifference about the current situation you got stuck in, but as soon as he snuggled against you at eleven o’clock, you felt all the sleep has escaped you like a butterfly that leaps away. He was already deep in sleep, when you decided you wanted to drive at night, and Parker was sorely unhappy about getting out of bed. While you still had moral high ground as leverage on him, while it worked, you elected to use it. Then, a couple of hours later, the tiredness returned in full swing, and you stopped in the middle of the highway (the liberating truth was that you could now stop at any point while driving, without even thinking) and made him switch seats with you. 
The portable loudspeaker he had manufactured out of a big boombox was incredibly loud and workable, and you prepped it just below the windshield. As you drifted into sleep you were thinking about how practically useful this boy can actually be, and how underrated his skills were back in the real world. Even without magic he was extremely handy. He was an amazing cook, he was insanely masterful with electronics, he was more savvy about the internet than you, the child of the web world...
You woke up because he whispered right into your ear, the most gentle order you’ve ever received in your life,
“Wake up now”.
Your neck ached, crooked unnaturally, but, as you opened your eyes, you saw what he woke you up for. Kai seemed relatively unaffected, probably having seen this a million of times; perhaps there was already an alarm clock in his head going off when it was the time for sunset. It was a first for you, though. You were already in Portland, and the car was lazily crawling along the street as the sleepy houses passed you by. Bright pink and raspberry was blooming in the sky indicating the new day, again. The light was so intense that, when you caught the reflection of yourself in the rearview mirror, you saw the shade of red on your own face. Your eyes looked sleepy and foggy. 
“Are we there yet?”
“Yeah. Are you hungry? It’s almost time for breakfast”.
You looked at the electronic wristwatch you nicked from an Epson store. It was a real nineties neat cute wrist watch, and it had lighting button which drove you insane. 
“It’s not even five yet. You’re always hungry”.
“I’ve been driving for nearly three hours. It’s draining. You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time, but that’s okay, I’ll just avoid the holes, so you sleep fine”, he declared. You couldn’t hold back a chuckle. He gestured towards the speaker.
“That was a good song”.
“It’s my car”, you argued benevolently, feeling very kind after three hours’ sleep. Due to the fact that Kai has been decent enough to just drive the car without waking you up. And the fact he even turned down the music a little.
“I stole it”.
“You didn’t steal it. It had no owner”, Kai replied. 
He stopped the car in a romantic gesture, and you two drowned in the morning silence, ever quieter than it even was before. The wind lay still, and no bugs buzzed in the grass. You left the car just to be in the moment, to step on the ground and feel its matter, and raised your face to the sky. This was all for you and you only, and that was the first time you asked yourself,
why do they even consider this torture?
The Parker house turned out to be more like a palace. Your head swung back and forth comparing Kai with the wedding cake looking family dwelling, trying to picture him on the porch. There was a traditional old oak that yearned swings, and the big lawn, greener than that of the Salvatore’s possession. There was whiteness of the façade and the depth of the invisible basement.
Soon Kai crawled up the stairs, and sighed, in the yellowish glow of the waking skies. 
“Welcome back home”, he murmured. You tried reading his face to see if it’s hard for him, but then reminded yourself he’s been here already, probably many times.
He’s been suspiciously tolerable these first days, you thought to yourself quietly as you wandered wordless through the living room. The first red flag fluttered in your mind when you threw a look at the banisters of the stairs leading up, and saw two ropes tied to them; they hung down, empty, with loops, like dead cat tails.
“Kai, why is it here?” you asked. The boy was already head first into the fridge in the kitchen.
He walked back to you, and sighed knowingly.
“Oh, yes. They kept the house as I left it at night. As a reminder. Go up the stairs, there’s still blood on the walls, and everything. Let’s go”.
He suddenly grabbed your hand with determination, and you sensed, on the run, like he needed to hold it. Not to guide you. You ran up the stairs, and you threw a quick look at the living room, amazed at the normality of it. One would think Malachai Parker’s house would look horrific, but his tragedy was very American. Pretty cover, bloody insides. The living room had two big couches (big family, it used to be), a very curious L shaped coffee table, and a fireplace. On the shelf above, there was a neat row of photographs of the family: everyone but Malachai, of course. They wished to forget he existed, for one reason or another. Kai’s hand led you on and you went into the long, spacious wooden hall of the second floor out of three: the blood on the walls was fresh, it glistened in the first cloud light. The patterns were thick and wide, like Kai’s been deliberately pouring it around; on the floor, there was a faint trace of his bloodied steps and something else, like he was dragging... a baseball bat? with him.
You tried not to step on the blood. The little window at the end of the hall was covered with a curtain, so it was bleak. 
“Here”, he said enthusiastically. It was obvious Kai has been psyched that someone would share the whole thing with him. No matter what part of prison it was: whether the beautiful sunrises of Washington, or the evidence of the massacre he conducted in his own house.
“Wow, whose room was it?”
“The twins. Luke and Liv”, he pushed the door to let you in. The bed was turned on the side, and there was a puddle of blood under it. The wardrobe was thrashed. 
“This is where I stabbed Jo. She hid them from me with the cloaking spell. I made her talk...” Kai muttered. His eyes were opaque, and he was focused on the memory. His sight shifted under the window.
“The-ere it is”, the witch stepped to the dark spot and picked up the bat, wrapping his fingers around the handle. There was blood on the tip of it. He swung the bat in the air in a motion that made you understand he could be a baseball star. Could have been. 
“And the banisters? Who was there?”
“I hung Ashley and Sam”, he said, putting the bat back against the wall. You observed the room. His siblings, they all had names. Ashley, Sam... those who made it to the future, the twins and his own personal enemy, Josette, felt more real because you have met them. You were there when Kai merged with Luke, you witnessed his death. But to think that some of the Parkers were left in the ninety-four, hung down from the stairs, and they were children who had names... Ashley and Sam. You didn’t even know whether Sam was a boy or a girl. You asked him.
“They were best friends, Sam and Ash. Samantha was two years older than Ashley, and she was so uptight I think somebody would have killed her one way or another. She was unbearable. So bitter she didn’t have a twin, she told everybody Ashley was her age, and that they were twins, although everyone in the coven knew they weren’t”.
“She was just a child, Kai. She wanted to be a part of this important thing, too”, you shrugged.
“Yeah, so did I. You wanna see my parents’ bedroom?”
He probably saw it in your eyes that you were slowly growing anxious about the whole murder night replay. 
“What did you do to your mom?”
“I stabbed her in the throat. She had to go first, she was a very powerful witch”, Kai said quietly, watching you closely. He was cruel in a way, leading you deeper into the bleak reality of his, trying you, curious as to how much you can take. 
“I made a mistake with dad. Should’ve stabbed him, too, but I thought I’d be untrivial, and I poisoned him. Which obviously backfired right into my face”.
Kai put his hand through his dark hair, and you realized his eyes are glowing nervously.
“What made you snap?”
“When our birthdays were coming up, I realized they’d never let us merge. Even Jo herself didn’t want it. Just so you understand, merging and even dying, as a Gemini twin, is the biggest event of your life. Even if you lose, you’re not gone. You live through your twin. You give them your power”.
You weren’t saying anything. He went on,
“You think I’m inherently evil?” there wasn’t a trace of indignation in his voice; just sheer curiosity. He never had a chance to ask that anybody. He never had this conversation. He just didn’t know at all. “They always told me I was”.
“There’s no such thing as evil, Kai. It’s a tale created for kids, to make them afraid of giving in to their instincts. There’s only pain and its consequences”.
You looked away not to seem too invested. You wondered how one can let a fellow human go on for nearly fifty years with such a grave misconception about themselves; how one can allow such violence upon their own child. Violence and negligence so intense it makes them act out so aggressively, so loudly. Every single blood stain, every broken wooden thing, every swing of a bat in the hands of now twenty-two year old Malachai, was a cry, not a roar of evil deed. He was so disfigured. He was so wounded he had to inflict pain on others to be heard. And yet they didn’t hear anything except their own screams. 
You wanted to ask him the same question, am I bad for liking you so much? But you knew he had no answer. Kai was very knowledgeable about many things; he understood many things you didn’t, but he knew nothing about the philosophy of morale. He had no deep feelings, he had no deep core in him. It was burnt clean long time ago. 
Am I evil for not feeling sorry for the kids you hung from the banisters? 
Am I bad for rooting for you when you were merging with Luke?
Am I bad for siding with you against my oldest friends?
Am I bad for being the only one who gave you the benefit of the doubt, just for the sake of being the only one?
After all, it takes just one person to keep someone from breaking. But when Malachai finally killed his family, when he reached the breaking point to never be innocent again, you were still a month away from being born. 
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“Take the books outside”, you asked him.
Kai looked up from the table. He was reading diligently, not skipping pages, and watching him got tedious after three hours. While he was on it, you trod through the front and back yard; made sandwiches; studied the pictures of the kids; sneaked into the basement and got horrified at the sight of Kai’s ‘room’ there. 
(Yeah, it became my room for a while, he yapped from the kitchen. He laughed at your eyes, widened in horror, yeah, it was real pain. They kept me there when they had people over... pretended I don’t exist)
His real room used to be upstairs, underneath the roof, but it became Jo’s space eventually, and there was no trace of Malachai there. It was sad how there were so very few signs of the oldest child in the house. No posters, no shoes at the door, no jackets, no used tissues, no sports awards. No clothes, no mess, no boy things, no magazines, no CDs, no skateboard. There was a TV in the basement, and a bed, a nightstand, and a couple of comic books in the drawers of it, and you felt there was a huge chunk of Kai missing, as if they had got rid of all the things reminding of him, as if it was him who died. 
“Take the books outside”.
“I’m tired. I want to sleep. Let’s go into the city, find a hotel or a big house, and you can read there”.
Kai looked around as if saying, isn’t it the house enough?
You didn’t know how to explain to him that staying in this place was terrible. Kai clearly missed this place although you didn’t know what he was holding on to. The family he missed was clearly an illusion. He craved the real bond, the concept of loving community, not the actual Parker people. 
“I want to burn down this house”.
He tilted his head and his mouth twitched. 
“Have you ever done it?”
“Why would I burn my own house?” 
“You’ve spent eighteen years here, and...”
“Look”, he put up his palms defensively, “obviously, you are a very creative individual with a different way of thinking, and I haven’t done half of the things you come up with, while I was here, but if you’re gonna ask me this question every time you have an idea...”
“You know fire is cleansing, right? You should know, you’re able to control it. Isn’t fire an important element of witchery?”
He wasn’t offended by the idea. He was just a little susprised. 
As Kai stepped outside, bringing the last books into the trunk of the (ugly) Buick parked in the driveway, you watched him there on the lawn. Maybe he really was the cancer his family made him to be. He looked like a hyena looking around for a dying animal to chew on. He despised this place, and its lightness, and the fact his surviving relatives thought of the exquisite way of reminding him about what he’s done. And he went around busily, like a bee mama, at the same time.
The house still reeked of blood, and frankly, you didn’t know how he could even think about sleeping here. 
You threw a match on the couch, and another one down into the basement. You knew the house would restore as soon as midnight comes, but by that time you’ll be far away from here. Wherever the books send you to. 
You’ve never seen a house on fire so close. The heat was burning your face, and you knew it burns Kai, too, so you pulled on his hand to make him step away. 
“What sucks the most is that I had every right to merge with her”, Kai said suddenly. You had to step closer to hear him over the immense screech and cracking of the house.
There was deep, pure hatred in his voice as he spoke about his sister. You realized that his bitterness about her betrayal is still fresh, and the merge did nothing to heal it. It was personal. She was his to kill.
“I would’ve shown her if she only had given me a chance. You know? Nobody believed I could win, because I’m a siphoner. But if they only gave me a chance, I would’ve tried my best and I would’ve been a good coven leader”.
“You are already”, you said. Kai squeezed your fingers with his stiff palm.
“Once we get out”, he said, dead eyes staring into you, “there’ll be no coven. I will end every single one of them”.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 27
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch. Other characters belong to me.*
Please do not read if you are under the age of 18. If you do you are consenting that you are over this age. If any of the below warnings affect you, please don’t continue to read.
Warnings: Mention of; sex scandal, drug scandal, prostitution, adultery, death, adultery, murder (past tense). Swearing 🤬
A/N: The first part of this chapter follows on from the previous chapter. Then there is a flash forward (six months). The chapters following on from this one will show certain characters POV’s from the last six months.
Previously: The team all try to piece together the events in Paphos from all those years ago. Drake believes that he has fathered a child after a one night stand after viewing the DNA results- but it’s not as everything seems. Catch up here.
Tags- if you want to be removed/added please let me know 😊: @drakexwillow @plumeriavibes @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @texaskitten30 @nikkis1983 @kimmiedoo5 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @axwalker @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @rafasgirl23415 @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @choices97 @shanzay44 @lovablegranny @gkittylove99
The morning after, everybody arrived at the stadium to prepare for the days match. All feeling the need to cover up the slight hangovers that they had occurred was proving to a difficult task. Adding to their headaches, was the scandal that Drake Walker had caused. A situation that as a group- they was determined to fix. Quickly.
Drake arrived onto the pitch first, needing any excuse to escape his own house. Having another woman stay there made him feel like he was cheating on Riley. Even if she had made it pretty clear that they couldn’t be together. There was an internal battle going off in his mind. How was he was going to inform her about the news that he had received the previous night? Of course he didn’t want the press to find out prior to her, she didn’t deserve that. But then he was wondering how she would react once she knew. Would she completely ghost him? Who knows.
The previous night once she had arrived back at Bastien’s, Riley stayed up the majority of the night researching the Paphos break on google. As a previous WAG herself she knew that events such as these would have been published by the paparazzi. There was no escaping or hiding from them. Her research showed photos of the men arriving at the clubs, hiding their identities as best as they could. But the last article that she stumbled across was based back in Cordonia- or so she believed. The majority of it involved what the Wags were up to whilst their men were away on the ‘lads holiday’ celebrating. Olivia had been for brunch with; Hana, Penelope and Savannah one of the day’s. However, what really caught Riley’s attention was a mystery woman in a nightclub with Madeleine- in Paphos. The two woman were snapped for the majority of the night and seemed pretty close- who was this woman, Riley wondered? If she was a close friend, why wasn’t Madeleine with her the majority of the time now? Zooming into the photo her eyes widened. Amy Amaranth. The name rang a bell for some reason but she couldn’t pin point as to why. It had rattled through her mind all night. Upon her arrival - she noticed Olivier and suddenly a lightbulb struck. Memories flooding back in an instant.
“Hey....” Sounding panic stricken, Olivier looked at her concerned.
“Bonjour belle. Que se passe-t-il?” Hello beautiful. What is the matter? Luckily Riley knew French, not fluently but enough to hold a basic conversation out.
“Amy Amaranth....” Riley didn’t need to elaborate, the look of horror was now painted across the Frenchman’s face.
“That’s a blast from the past...” Olivier hated the woman with a passion - as did most of the footballers. Those that had the sense to not become bewitched by her beauty.
“Sneak away with me for a bit? I need you to help refresh my memory, Olivier.” Nodding, he dropped the ball immediately before making their way off of the pitch. Swiftly.
It was half time. The Apples were beating their opponents- currently they were on a winning streak. Which made Bertrand especially proud. Riley made a beeline for Drake knowing that they only had a short amount of time before the second half kicked off.
“Congratulations, Walker.” Riley had noticed after the two goals that he had scored, he would look in her direction- smile. Then have the need to continue playing with a limited celebration.
“Thanks, Brooks..” Unable to make eye contact with her, he concentrated on wiping his boots.
“How are you?”
“As good as I can be. What about you?”
“Listen, Drake.... there’s something I need to tell you...” Ignoring his prior question, she felt the need to just get to the point.
“Don’t bother, I have an inkling about what it is...” Drake put his boots back on, avoiding looking at his ex girlfriend- he stood up and made his way towards the door. Not really wanting this conversation to continue.
“You do?” Riley questioned, hoping that they were both on the same wavelength. If Drake already knew what she needed to inform him about, it would make the whole situation a lot simpler.
“You’ve begun to see, Berger. Hence why you didn’t want to fight for us.”
“I’m not a slut, Drake!”
“Really? You slept with me when I had a girlfriend. You snuck off with him before. What was it? A quick fuck in the changing rooms? Wishing him good luck?”
“No! About us.... How dare you! It takes two to tango!”
“I don’t want to hear it, Ri. I wanted to marry you. Then you ditch me at the first sign of trouble..”
“Myself and Olivier are friends. We have been for many years. Nothing more, nothing less. You know what? It’s a good job that you never got down on one knee because if I’m so much of a ‘slut’ you’d have regretted it. Don’t bother even talking to me until you can say sorry. I can apologise for apparently ditching you- I wanted for you to have the opportunity to get to know your potential child. You wanted kids. I couldn’t give you that. Why am I even arguing with you? I needed to tell you something important, but you know what- fuck you. When it all ends in tears don’t come crawling back to me.” Barging past him, she decided to not look back. If Drake Walker didn’t want to acknowledge anything that she needed to tell him- there would be no way back for the two of them.
“Ri, wait!”
“Leave her. Drake, what the fuck is up with you?” Liam snapped towards his teammate after overhearing the raised voices. As Riley left, she shook her head and provided a deflated expression. Olivier had explained to Liam about Amy just before the match had officially begun. He was determined to help his friends out- but now was unsure as to how to do that.
“Would you leave Liv if you was in my situation? No, I didn’t think so. The blonde bimbo arrived yesterday with her bags packed. I’m stuck with her. I’ve lost Riley for good even without that outburst.”
“Drake, nobody knows about my true relationship with Olivia. We seem like the ‘Posh and Becks’ of Cordonia. But we have an open relationship. You and Riley are different -that is true love, fate. People are fucking with you both for revenge. Next time she tries to explain something to you, listen to her. Trust me. Trust her.”
Later on that evening, it was like mission impossible avoiding the paparazzi for Liam and Riley. Meeting in secret, Olivier then joined them in a secluded location. Out of the way of prying eyes. Using a rental car, there would be no reason for anybody to follow them. They had one aim- to warn Drake about Amy. The objective, go to the cabin to do this. Debating whether or not to just blurt the information out? Talk in a civil manner? Would Amy still be there too? Whatever was to happen, it needed to be done.
“So you two, did you both prefer it in the UK or here?” Liam asked breaking the silence surrounding the car journey.
“Neither, by the sounds of it Cordonia is as bad as Manchester for the drama. I’m glad I wasn’t here when Xavier was, I’d have killed him for all of what he put you through, Ri. But enough about us, Liam what about you? Would you ever move clubs?”
“Never say never. But at the moment I’m content where I am.”
Shortly after the brief drive, they arrived at Drake’s cabin- but remained in the car for a bit. Rehearsing what exactly they was going to say, creating different scenarios. After a while, they agreed to just be spontaneous. Riley and Olivier walked to the front door, or rather dragged themselves there. Both feeling slightly nervous about seeing the devil again after all of these years. Knocking quietly, they waited.
Drake, please can we talk?... I’m sorry about before, but there’s something you need to know....Drake, I know her. We know her. She’s not what she seems.....Amy can be sweet but she’s a psycho.
Shit. I’ve forgotten what to say.
Hearing the door creak open, Riley’s thoughts were cut short. Initial shock to begin with made her body stiffen and her brain turn to mush- not having the ability to function. That was until she witnessed the woman’s cocky smirk.
“Oh it seems we have the wrong address, Olivier. I must have amnesia- I believed that this home belonged to Drake Walker...”
“Have we been transported back to Manchester in the tardis, Riley? Bonjour, Amy - long time no see. How is your bit on the side, Aleksandr Chernyshevsky? Last I heard from him, he was playing for Arsenal. So why are you here? How is little Jenson?”
“Aleksandr must be missing his son. His son who you accused so many of the premier league players for fathering, Jenson. Including Xavier. My Xavier.”
“How nice to see you both. Again. If I was you, I’d leave now. You think that the last few months or in your case Riley- years, have been a nightmare. If you both carry on interfering it will go from bad to worse...” There was a slight distance between Riley and Olivier- but as Amy threatened this he could sense that his friend was about to do something that she could regret.
“You bit-“ Preventing Riley from continuing
“Leave her. Don’t be silly. You know how her mind works. She’s poison.”
“Oh, Olivier - you do make me laugh. Anyone would think with your words that I’m a snake.” Standing infront of Riley- the footballer had wished that it was Drake who had answered the door.
“Riley, it’s not nice to swear or shout. So...Shhh, Drake is putting his son to bed remember. Goodnight to you both.” Slamming the door behind her, she hoped that Drake hadn’t been earwigging. Sitting comfortable on the sofa, Drake finally came downstairs- pouring himself a drink before joining her.
“He’s fast asleep. This is the last night though, Amy. If that’s your real name.”
“Of course it is. I mean, people call me Amz for short. Why would you even suggest that? You saw the paperwork with both of our details on it.” Drake thought long and hard about the paperwork- to begin with the only information he was interested in was viewing the fathers details. After the initial shock, he had studied it as if it was part of some crime evidence. Something just wasn’t ‘adding up’ - especially with what the young boy had mentioned to him during the bedtime story whilst in a daze.
Mommy is lying about the name. I want to go home.
“I did indeed see the paperwork. Some things just don’t add up- that’s all. Maybe I’m just paranoid?”
“Well, don’t be. I know that you are still heartbroken over, Rachel....” Purposely mentioning the wrong name, she had hoped that this little ‘mistake’ would help with her plan succeeding.
“It’s, Riley! And I don’t want to talk about her with you when you don’t know her...” That’s what you think.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you....” Providing him with an ‘over the top’ hug, she hoped that being affectionate could be the key to his heart. “But I’m always here if you need to talk. We have a son together. Nothing more. Unless you wanted more that is. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Amy... wait!” Pausing for a moment, he knew to trust his own mind. “Do you want a drink with me?” A drunk mind always speaks the truth.
After leaving Drakes, Riley felt like a failure - the men could sense that in the morbidly silent car ride home. Both trying to begin any conversation to get her to respond, with no luck. Olivier had even brought up a story that had always made her laugh. It included how she had tortured him when wasn’t completing his physio correctly. Listening to Spice Girls on a loop.
“Ri, just leave it. Drake isn’t that stupid. He will soon find out the truth. We will bring this bitch down.” Liam said in a determined tone of voice, Olivier agreeing as they arrived at the Rys’s mansion.
“How long will it take us to do that though, Liam?” In all honesty he didn’t know the answer- but felt the need to remain positive for everyone that was involved.
“We’ve all managed between us all to cover up two murders. I promise you, once the truth is out regarding this child - the club will not have anymore scandals. We will remain the best team in Cordonia- and redeem any past mistakes. We’re all in this together.”
“As much as I like Leo...you’d make the better captain, Liam. Thank you for all your help.” Gently kissing him on the cheek, Liam held her tight for a while.
Six months later...
Prison time for Apples player? Can his year become any worse than it’s already been? I’m surprised he is still being chosen to play.
Sex scandal- one of the brunette beauties is apparently pregnant? Who is she pregnant with? She seems to be making her way through the team.
Divorce rumours for one of the Apples ‘golden couples’!
Drug scandal and prostitutes!
Match fixing?
Secret relationship uncovered!
Apples player disappears! Where is he? Why has he gone? What are the Apples going to do now?
Ex WAG dies mysteriously. The third person linked to the team. Who’s next on the ‘hit list’?
What does all of this mean for the Apples? They’ve had a rough six months between them all ever since the love child scandal with Walker. A few of the players are playing in the World Cup friendly between Cordonia and France tonight- I wouldn’t place any money on Cordonia winning which has the majority of the Apples players. It would go down the gutter like the club is.
Bertrand slammed the laptop screen down. Almost smashing it. It was bad enough having the commentators criticism during matches. But now every social media platform was joining in at any opportunity. His team wasn’t the only team to have scandals. In his mind he described it all as ‘tragic’ and ‘unlucky’. For some reason the paparazzi were just attracted to them. Like a bad smell. Focusing his gaze onto his young son, he hoped that Bartie would avoid the footballer lifestyle in the future.
No more scandals. No more shit. Think positive, Bertrand! We’ve had enough of that. No wonder I’m prematurely turning grey. Tonight is going to be a good night.
“Bertrand, are you okay?”
“I’m dandy, Sav. Is the babysitter here?”
“Yes.” Studying her husbands tense body, she really wished that he would and could retire early. The stress that he had was causing issues not only with the team but with his marriage. “You need to calm down, my love. Riley is the same. You’re both panicking but neither of you are involved with the national team. It’s a day off for the two of you.”
“No, but my reputation is. My players who have all caused scandals are playing- minus one because he’s gone awol. Your brother should have done a disappearing act instead! All of this shit happened after his love child scandal. He’s a lia-“ Hearing the familiar voice call for his wife- Bertrand prevented his vicious tongue from continuing. Taking a deep breath- he lead his wife downstairs, where they were greeted by a smiley face. An expression that was cleverly hiding/masking a fusion of mixed feelings.
“Hello, Riley. Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
“I was just going to wait in the car, but I’m desperate for the toilet. May I use it, please?”
“Well I’m not going to allow you to ruin my floor am I? I can order a taxi so you don’t have to drive.”
“Bertrand, I’m fine driving. I’m not drinking and you both know why. So I may as well do it. I’ll be two minutes.” Bertrand began pacing the room, Riley’s ‘two minutes’ seemed to last a lifetime. Eventually she joined the Beaumont’s before making their way towards her car. Riley completely oblivious to the tension between the married couple during the drive spoke positively about the upcoming match. All Bertrand could think about was which person would cause the next possible scandal.
Euphoria echoed around the stadium in central Cordonia. Even with all of the scandals, there was still that slight support from ‘die hard fans’.
In the tunnel, players from both sides were psyching themselves up- it was only a friendly but the French side apart from Olivier were providing snide remarks to their opponents.
“Bonne Chance! Just ignore my brothers. Ce sont des trous.” Olivier said to Drake - hoping that the match would end a draw and finish in a civil manner. Tonight he was playing piggy in the middle- wanting to stay loyal to his national team as well as his current team.
“Whatever, Berger!”
“What he means, is good luck to you too - Olivier. Isn’t that right, Drake?”
“Merci, Captain! I’ll catch up with you after the match...” Watching the French team make their way towards the pitch, Drake turned to his friend as soon as Olivier was out of view.
“Rys! I can speak for myself. I can say what I want. I’d have thought that out of everybody I could trust you to defend me. Not belittle me. These last few months you’ve been practically non existent to me.”
“I’m sorry about that. I’ve been busy dealing with my own shit. Your issues have been self inflicted. Now grow some balls and don’t fuck this match up. Be civil with everyone- including Olivier. He’s done nothing wrong to you. I’m relying on you tonight and so is Bradshaw. You need to redeem yourself. You’ve been given this opportunity to play tonight by our manager- unlike Bertrand who’s kept you benched all of these months.”
“Don’t you think that I feel shit about myself as it is without that wanker punishing me? He may be my brother in law but I hate him. I’ve lost everything. Everyone. I needed you L-“ Before Drake could continue, Maxwell came bounding over. Hyper as always.
“Guys... quick question before we go on to the pitch... Why is Olivier wearing blue and out there with the French team? He’s one of us.”
“Because he’s fucking French you absolute dipstick!” Drake snapped towards a confused Maxwell. Eventually he laughed at himself. At his own stupidity. As Drake was still scowling, and rolling his eyes - Maxwell decided to defend himself. Which was something that he rarely did. “Hey! Don’t take your shit out on me. I forgot. Jesus, Drake. You know I’m not the brightest person. It’s not my fault that you’ve messed your life up. No wonder, Riley doesn’t talk to you anymore. I’m beginning to think about doing the same if you continue to talk to me like I’m a piece of shit!”
“For your information, Beaumont.... Ri has spoken to me. A lot more than any of you have!”
“Oh, really?” Drake gulped as Maxwell asked this in a sarcastic manner. Knowing full well that he was lying with his previous statement regarding Riley- he wished that it was true. That she would talk to him more often. At this moment in time, receiving the odd text from her was better than nothing. Baby steps, he kept reminding himself.
“Yes, she came to visit me in the cell. I didn’t ask her to- but she did. She still loves me, I know deep down that she does.” The two men looked at each other not knowing what to say. Not needing a reason to cause Drake to possibly ‘rage’ again. Maxwell knew that he was already a target for Drake’s mouth to sprout abuse towards- so decided to inform his friend about some home truths.
“When you was arrested... well... she may have come to visit you. To talk to you. But that’s all it was, Drake. Since then, Riley has dealt with a lot. She’s having a good life now- actually dating again. We only know because Savannah let it slip when she was drunk.” Remaining silent, not knowing how to respond- many questions were now floating throughout Drake’s mind. Forcing himself onto the pitch, he looked up into the crowd and immediately spotted Savannah and Riley whispering in each other’s ears. Laughing. Smiling. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had witnessed Riley looking so cheerful. Thinking back to the last words that she had physically spoken to him - he now knew that he needed to get his act together. If not only for his sake, but for everybody.
Forget about the past. Bertrand has tried to sort your shit out. I don’t know if he has succeeded or not. But for now, you need to publicly apologise to the fans as well as the man that you could have potentially killed.
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Intense crush
Just fun and short!
@detective-giggles​ who crushes this intense for an actor? My discord group knows :P
Enjoy xx
Warning: light dirty talk
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“Carisi, Amaro, one of you, I don’t care who, call Barba to get down here, Now.” Liv huffed at them both.
Nick and Sonny made their way out of Liv’s office whispering to each other,
“I’m not doing it, Barba always shoots the messenger” Nick said to Sonny.
“I’ am not doing it. This is the 3rd time she has changed her statement, he’s going to lose it” Sonny muttered back.
They both stopped in their tracks when they saw you sitting at your desk going through paper work not even realising they had walked out, they looked at each other and smiled somehow reading each other’s minds.
“Hey Y/N” Nick said trying to sound charming.
You looked up and saw both men looking down at you, with cheeky smirks on their faces. You lent back in your chair and crossed your arms in front of yourself, narrowing your eyes at them and titling your head to the side.
“You know you’re our best friend right” Sonny smiled at you sweetly, the crinkles  appearing by his eyes.
“What do you want?” You snapped back at them.
“Maddison has changed her statement” Nick put his hands on his hips,
“What? Again? I don’t remember crushing on a celebrity that hard at her age.” you rolled your eyes with a huff sitting up straight in your chair.
“Ah yeah, we need to get Barba down here. And we were wondering if you could call him to come down” they both gave you a huge smile.
“I’ am not doing your guys dirty work” you raised your eye brows at them “You know he is going to lose his mind when he finds out. I’ am going home with him tonight, I don’t need to hear about it all night.”
“Come on Y/N, he won’t yell at you like he will at us” you laughed and rolled your eyes again at Sonny.
“Yeah right Sonny, you know that’s bull. Just because I’ am his girlfr-”
“Just do it Y/N” Nick handed you your phone from your desk, Fin sitting at his desk laughing at you all.
“You both owe me” you looked between Sonny and Nick.
“Put him on speaker” Sonny said to you, nudging Nick in his side.
You unlocked your phone and found Rafael’s name in your contacts, you dialled it and put it on speaker waiting for him to answer,
“Hey Hermosa I was just thinking about you, everything ok?”
“Hey Rafi, yeah everything is fine. I just need you to come down the prescient, now if you can”
“Really Hermosa? Can’t you wait till I get you home? You know the on call room doesn’t have a lock and you can get loud.” Lust filled his voice.
You went all red putting your hand over your eyes, Sonny, Nick and Fin were all trying to hold themselves back from laughing so Rafael didn’t hear them.
“Ah, Rafi” you huffed “It’s about Maddison’s statement, not ah--umm that.”
You heard him sigh on the other end of the phone.
“Let me guess” you could picture him squeezing the bridge of his nose with is thumb and pointer finger “You know now I’ am never going to be able to put her on the stand. Buchanan will tear her apart. How can someone have a crush this intense for an actor? It’s beyond me. Well that just killed my mood Hermosa, I’ll be there soon” and he hung up.
“See Y/N he didn’t yell at you” Sonny smiled to you.
“Really Y/N, the on call room?” Nick shot at you, Sonny and Fin both laughed.
“Don’t you stand Nicolas Amaro and act all innocent. You of all people know full well there is no lock on that door” You stood up so you were eye level with him, he had a big smirk on his face.
“Who knew Barba had it in him” Fin laughed back
“Oh he is full of surprises Fin and at least his office has a lock” you winked at him causing him to chuckle low.
“That’s gross” Sonny shot back at you making you roll your eyes and laugh.
“You both owe me lunch, and you guys don’t let on you heard what he said. I won’t get off that easy if he finds out. Understand?”
“What did he mean by you get loud?” Sonny looked between you all innocently.
“Really Carisi?” Nick raised his brows at Sonny than looked at you shaking his head giggling.
You walked over to Sonny and pinched his cheek, he pushed your hand away frowning at you,
“I’ll explain it to you when you’re a big boy”
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missjanjie · 4 years
For the ship generator, gottlux?
marry you - bruno mars
Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go No one will know, oh, come on girl Who cares if we're trashed, got a pocket full of cash we can blow Shots of patron and it's on, girl
“I can’t believe you won!” Olivia bounced excitedly on her heels as she followed Mik out of the casino. They had wandered off from their friend group on their Vegas vacation, lured in by the bright lights and fun sounds. Neither of them knew the first thing about gambling, but Mik had lucked out on slots, coming away with about two thousand dollars. 
They’d had a few drinks, enough for them to get the most fun out of their night with the right buzz going. “We need to do something fun, we have to celebrate!” she looked around the busy Las Vegas strip until her eyes honed in on one building, a chapel decorated with neon hearts. “Oh my god, Liv,” she grabbed her friend’s hand to get her attention. 
Olivia’s head had been floating to the clouds, distracted by any interesting thing that passed by, but came back to reality at Mik’s touch. “What’s up?”
“We should get married! Look, there’s a chapel right there. Come on, it’ll be so cute,” she was already pulling her in that direction.
Despite her confusion, Olivia didn’t put up any fight, humming happily as she followed along. It was only when they were inside the chapel that a hint of logic reentered her brain. “Are you sure it’s a good idea? What if we wake up all hungover tomorrow and freak out?” 
Mik shrugged, she knew it was a dumb idea, but that wasn’t about to stop her. “Then we’ll burn the evidence and pretend it never happened. It’s cool, don’t worry,” she said simply. “Come on, you know I’ve always had a crush on you. Isn’t the whole point of Vegas to go big or go home?”
“I don’t think I knew that, actually. But like, samesies. Let’s do it,” she concluded with a bright grin. 
So, they put on the costume store veils and picked up the bouquets of plastic flowers. Olivia walked down the aisle first, waiting for Mik to join her. The Elvis impersonator went through the standard vows, then had them exchange ‘placeholder’ rings made of a cheap metal and likely came from a vending machine. 
But it was enough for them. They kissed when they were pronounced wives and tossed their bouquets, then returned the veils and signed the marriage license. It had all gone by so fast, not nearly enough time for them to process it or second guess themselves. 
“The girls are gonna kill us,” Mik laughed when they’d gotten back to the hotel. There were two beds in their room, but they had both gone to Olivia’s. 
“They’re gonna be all ‘omg how could you be so irresponsible’,” Olivia giggled as she kicked off her heels. “Wait, now that we’re married, can we like, you know…”
Mik arched her brow. “You saving yourself for marriage, Liv?”
Olivia scoffed. “I’m not a virgin! But it’s our wedding night, so…” She looked over at her, batting her lashes. 
Mik chuckled and leaned over, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I can’t argue with that, wifey.”
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