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juls-art · 8 months ago
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Playing with fire -- *✧Support me!✧*   *✧Tip me for a job well done! ✧*
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aster-wires · 2 years ago
tysm for the tag @marwhoa !! i wanna get to know u better 2 !!
(i am starting a new one because the other is pretty long)
rules: tag (10) people you want to get to know better ! (i dont know that many people)
tagging: @yulin-chu @tempons @just-spoopy-ghost @undead-livs + anyone else who sees this :,)
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Relationship Status:
crushing on someone ! i’m making moves though and i’m 99.9% sure they like me back
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Fav Color:
nooo don’t make me choose :,) i love pink though it is so girlie pop to me
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Three Fav Foods:
carbonara, filipino spaghetti, andddd not a food but triple choco brownies
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Song Stuck In My Head:
,,,rich flex by drake and 21 savage (21 can you do something fah me ☺️🤞)
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Last Song I Listened To:
party monster by the weeknd, fuck boy songs go way too hard
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Last Thing I Googled:
how to bless food, i was panicking and forgot how to say grace
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Dream Trip:
probably to paris or to europe in general ! but i’d love to go to china as well. i say paris purely for la galerie dior and the dbh exhibit there.
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚. Anything I really Want Right Now:
to run away to the pacific northwest and live my dream life in a lake house in a tight nit town working as a bookshelf restocker
or the ability to travel into my fav medias, since i NEED that escapism
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chromosome23hq · 4 years ago
most wanted fcs comin’ in hot from yours truly!
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adèle exarchopoulos, alicia vikander, amber riley, barbie ferreira, estelle chen, fah yongwaree, frida gustavsson, gemma arterton, gemma chan, greta onieogou, hannah john-kamen, hunter schafer, jamie chung, kiki layne, madeleine mantock, madison bailey, mookda narinrak, nathalie emmanuel, paulina singer, phillipa soo, priscilla quintana, sonoya mizuyo, sydney park, tao okamoto, taylor russell, zoë kravitz
aiden turner, alex fitzalan, alfred enoch, archie renaux, arón piper, austin abrams, björn mosten, bright vachirawit, charlie cox, charlie plummer, chris pine, daniel henney, danny ramirez, deng lun, dev patel, emilio sakraya, emmett preciado, idris elba, jason momoa, jay hernandez, j.d. pardo, keanu reeves, kiowa gordon, kwon hyuk/dean, logan lerman, luke evans, luke pasqualino, michael b. jordan, oliver jackson-cohen, paul mescal, regé-jean page, riz ahmed, rudy pankow, santiago cabrera, sean teale, sebastian stan, sen mitsuji, sendhil ramamurthy, takanori iwata, tyler posey, zethphan smith-gneist
amandla stenberg (she/her, they/them), brigette lundy-paine (they/them), chella man (he/him), elliot page (he/his, they/them), jessie mei li (she/her, they/them), liv hewson (they/them)
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cotestuck · 3 years ago
mental health headcanons- odd numbers for ray
1. Has Nurray been diagnosed with any mental health conditions? If so, what and when was she diagnosed?
"Babe, this heah's Altuhneah. Ain't nunuv us widdout PTSD an' anxieteh."
"Ah lit'ralleh c'ain't teyya just how much physical, mental, and emoshunal trauma we all gotta slog thru t'not die immediately."
"Depreshun's pretteh common too."
"Ah hav all three'a those, Serahtonin Defishunsy Syndrom, an' Ah'm on the autism spectrum."
3. Has Nurray experienced any trauma in her life?
"Did... didja not heah wheyya standin?"
"Ain't a troll hatched onwurld 'at ain't!"
"Ah bin branded w'mah own microphone. Mah ahms ah covahd in mahks frun bein' grabbed an' struck."
"Theyahs a whole prosejur f'hostil big fuckahs Ah get sent to as a prank."
"Ah y'shittin' me?
5. Talk about Nurray's sleep patterns and quality of sleep.
"Ah'm up widda moons an' get pretteh gud sleep. Easiah an' deepah 'f Kahni'r Kai ah stayin' tha lite, but 'tain't... too bad... alone."
7. Talk about Nurray's appetite and how it changes with mental heath.
"Tain't bad. Mah diet's widely varied."
"It gets a liddle hahd t'wanna cuk when Ah'm stressed, but Ah switch mostleh t'raw forage when cukin' ain't a thing."
9. Does Nurray tend to worry more about past regrets or future fears?
"Past's passed, hun. C'ain't un-do et."
"You'n take wutcha luhned witcha inta tha fuchah, but ain't no way t'count f'evreh evenchu-aliteh."
11. Has Nurray ever experienced mania or Hypomania (abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy levey)
13. Has nurray ever expertienced dissociation from her surroundings.
"Few times."
She refuses to extrapolate furrther.
15. What does Nurray feel most guilty about:
"Wantin' t'take Kai on as mah own... acshul pale luv."
"Ah want such gud things f'em.. but tha fact is Ah just ain't ginns liv too long.
17. Has Mental illness ever interfered with Ray's abilities to work or attend school?
"Notchet. Vis'ralleh knowin' what theyah goin' thru helps me find folks theyah wurk arounds."
19. Has Nurray experienced stigma relating to mental illness?
"Ah liv alone an' mask in public realleh well, but about a thuhd'a mah visits ah to folks Ah bin sent to as a prank 'caus'a that stigma."
"Chances ain't great f'me makin' et outta those alive."
21. Has Nurray begun recovery? What are her goals?
"How d'y'all think 'is wurks? Mental illness is manageable with wurk rounds, a gud support system, an' meds f'chemical imbalance. Et dun go 'way."
"Ah manage pretteh well. Th'jobs help."
"Ah just need t'be able t'funkshun in publik."
23. What are Nurray' coping mechanisms? Are they healthy?
"Mah jobs. Wurkin' w'othah folks in tha same p'sishun helps me tweak mah own wurk arounds."
"Ah accept venue invitations an' choose mah sets based offa what Ah need t'express'r feel 'at night."
"Ah keep busy when Ah ain't singin'r expectin'a client. Miyyon liddle chores t'do t'be shur Ah'm prepayah'd f'folks."
25. Talk about you hopes and dreams for the future, Ray.
"Ah... Ah'm livin' most of 'em now."
"Especially as Buhgundehs go? Holeh fuck, Ah cuddn'a imagined gettin' this fah!"
"Hopefulleh, Ah'n keep goin' a gud while!"
"Like t'get more blocks cahved out, 'stead'a just havin' tha wun guest block w'like twenny dif'rent pile opshuns."
"Lukkin' real fahwahd t'gettin' t'know as much 'a Kahni as 'e feels like sharin'."
"Realleh hope Ah'n do anehthin' attall f'Kai bah tha time... Well, that mine runs out."
"Wuddat Ah was coldah... Mah lifespan's gonna be a blip t' theyahs..."
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clydeshq · 3 years ago
any most wanted faceclaims?
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sure thing nonnie! andie and i would love to see a last minute app with any of the following fcs! ayumi roux, lyrica okano, chance perdomo, fah yongwaree, lana condor, samantha logan, alberto rosende, sohan pauge, quintessa swindell, liv hewson and brigette lundy-paine, cha eunwoo, hunter schafer, darren barnett, elliot fletcher, zion moreno & froy gutierrez
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cotestuck · 3 years ago
"An' f'got t'mind th'time so y'wuddn' be stuck." you add.
But protesting verbally seems to be upsetting more than soothing them.
They look so much like they're just gonna fall apart with worry about putting you out that you just can't help yourself anymore...
"C'meah." you purr as soothingly as you're able, tugging them into a gentle one armed hug against your side.
"Ah liv so fah out, et's just bettah t'prepare in case folks 'at visit get caught out by tha sun."
Closed with @cotestuck
t wasn’t entirely clear to you when you started attending this club. It was most likely some day when you were just bored and stumbled upon it, hoping for something to help you think about things besides what…you usually do.
While you didn’t remember why you started visiting it, you did know why you came back. Not only were the drinks and snacks good, but the entertainment was something that you hadn’t been entirely expecting. Live music wasn’t always your cup of tea, but for some reason you found it easy to be drawn to the singer.
She was…gorgeous, for one thing. Stupidly so. Not to mention her voice was amazing. It was calming almost. Tranquil. You rest your chin in your hand as you watch her sing, sighing the softest bit. Sucks you couldn’t do that.
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juls-art · 8 months ago
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revisited another old series of ocs to play round with on the side starting with the twins; Lumina and Liv -- *✧Support me!✧*   *✧Tip me for a job well done! ✧*
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bastsoldtrollblog · 3 years ago
Your ears fall back at the warning growl, but you don’t move or look away.
“Gone in whut way, Kairos? Too fah f'wut?
"What’s 'at wven mean t'you?”
> You part your lips to respond but nothing comes out, and your shoulders sag. Just like that, your annoyance vanishes.
“to liv= with mys=lf...”
> Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“to not f==l lik= i’m wr=tch=d. but that’s not possibl=. i can’t look away from what i am.”
> You rub the bridge of your nose wearily. Your lusii’s ears are still pinned back, and she doesn’t move, as though she’ll spook you if she does.
“not onc= in two hundr=d and tw=nty sw==ps hav= i =v=r b==n want=d. my probl=m is not th= fucking fl==t.”
> You’re practically just muttering to yourself at this point, but this is something of a realization for yourself too.
It had taken some getting used to, sleeping with your dear Intended tucked against your side, under your arm, with his cheek on your shoulder.
He stayed so still.
But so do you, used to being a cuddleplush for your clients.
What took getting used to was wearing the very few underthings you had as bedclothes, when you were not accustomed to wearing any at all.
He was only living with you while he healed, after all...
It seemed crass to just change or go nude in front of him, so you learned to make due with a sheer (but definitely opaque!) silk slip and camisole.
Wanting to disturb him as little as possible had shifted you into a longer sleep cycle that you have come to find deeply restful.
This evening, an alarm on your phone wakes you earlier than you would have chosen to extricate yourself from your temporary hivemate.
Only one of your clients had not been informed of the temporary closure.
Because you never knew when they would need to make an appointment, and you, plainly and simply, were not closed to them, specifically.
"'Kah-ni~" you murmur sweetly, planting the softest of warm, lingering kisses to his forehead.
"Ah need t'get up, shugah~"
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