shiny objects
179 posts
Cranky old fandom broad.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
PSA Regarding Hateful Anons
Tumblr recently made it a requirement for you to be logged in to send asks anonymously. If you receive a hateful ask, don’t publish it - report it to Tumblr. It can be traced back to the user that sent it and with enough reports that person’s account will be suspended.
Share to raise awareness but also to make the clowns who think this behaviour is acceptable think twice before acting brave behind the guise of invisibility.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
Can’t hurt

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
Trowa: Due to enormous personal flaws I refuse to work on, I will be arriving extremely late and with an iced coffee. Please respect that.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
My perfect mashed potatoes
The secret is in the water; literally, it’s IN the water.
See, when you boil potatoes, a lot of special starches and sugars and stuff leeches out into the water. When you drain the water before mashing them, you throw away a lot of good stuff, which is a big part of what makes mashed potatoes “dry” and bland, even when you add large amounts of cream and butter and things.
So don’t throw out any water.
Here’s how you do that:
First, cut your potatoes into smaller cubes than you probably do. (I’ve left the skins on for flavor and also, that’s where a lot of a potato’s nutrients are, like protien and iron and vitamins B and C, just to name a few)
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The reason for cutting them smaller (besides avoiding giant peices of skin) is so that there is less space in the pot between each peice for water to fill, so you use less water to cook them. That’s important because you won’t be draining any water, so you can’t afford to have too much water! For the same reason, just barely cover them with water when they go on the stove.
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But! Before you do that, put the pot on the stove with some butter, garlic, and seasonings; let the butter start to sizxle just a little then put most of a single layer of potatoes in the pan and let the brown and sear. Turn them, brown them on all sides, get ‘em fairly dark (I forgot to get a pic here because I was worried I’d burn the butter).
Ready? now throw the rest of the potatoes in right on top, and add your water, give them a stir. This way, you’re boiling in some of that lovely fried potato/french fry flavor.
Okay, so, as they cook, you may need to add a little water, not too much! ideally the very highest piece of potato will be poking just above the surface. Now, when your potatoes are really really soft, mash them directly into the water. Just pull them off the stove, leave all the water in, and start mashing. Trust me. At first you’ll think there’s too much water. If you get them mashed and they ARE a little too liquidy, just put ‘em back on the stove. You’ll have to stir often or constantly, but they will steam off additional water without losing any good stuff.
Now add some salt, and taste. Right?! And you haven’t even put in any cream or cheese or anything yet.
Speaking of which, you can use like, a third of the amount of butter or cream or anything, and they will still taste better than usual. So they taste better AND they are higher in nutrients AND lower in fats and salts! That’s a lot of win — enjoy your potatoes!
Fuck Columbus! Indigenous Rights! And happy Thanksgiving!
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
Hey, do y’all remember how Tencent said they were developing faceID AI to identify people in riots, and then they suddenly created an AI art generator to turn your selfies into anime?
Do y’all remember that time that someone discovered facial recognition cameras couldn't see through Juggalo makeup, then Facebook had a fun “see what you'd look like with Juggalo makeup” thing, and then facial recognition cameras could suddenly see through Juggalo makeup?
Do y’all remember how, on Twitter, Elon started a tirade against artists who ask for credit when their art is reposted, and he suddenly he created one of the first big art AI programs?
Do y’all remember how AI destroyed the field of translation, despite the inferiority of the machine translations, because people didn’t care about the quality of the translations? They just wanted it done for free?
Do y’all know how companies will see a lot of money going into a New Tech Thing (like, say, AI art apps) and will jump to try and implement that New Tech Thing into their tech? For example, how it felt like every big company and celebrity had an NFT to sell?
Just wondering.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
any australians in the crowd tonight, the national library’s fabulous online resource trove is losing funding next year and if nothing happens to change that it will likely cease to exist. trove is not only a valuable resource for historians like me, it is a national cultural archive that is of great importance to australian society today. it is also completely accessible and free of charge to anyone with the internet; how fucking rare is that! we can’t lose it. i can’t even imagine the consequences.
if you’re as emotional about this as i am, or even if you’re not but love pestering people in power for any reason whatsoever, please contact your local mp and ask them to save trove and commit to funding this invaluable resource beyond july 2023. you can find your local member here. please also contact susan templeman mp, the special envoy for the arts, and tony burke mp, the arts minister.
non-australians, i would really appreciate a reblog. funding needs to be secured for trove and it needs to happen now.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
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(via al7etftkuz4a1.jpg (JPEG Image, 1284 × 1732 pixels) — Scaled (71%))
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
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I mean, he lies about everything, but this is especially vile.
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windsorblue17 · 2 years ago
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windsorblue17 · 6 years ago
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By Isaac Livengood .
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windsorblue17 · 6 years ago
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windsorblue17 · 6 years ago
Duo: You can beat up a skeleton and steal their arms to use as a weapon in the new Zelda
 Trowa: You can do that in real life if you’re not a fucking coward.
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windsorblue17 · 6 years ago
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quake moments (3/∞) ↝ 4x15 - self control
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windsorblue17 · 7 years ago
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what a convenient date đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
Submitted by @goshgay.
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windsorblue17 · 7 years ago
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This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.
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