@littleredridinghayley liked for a verse starter [x]
“How’s the ballet coming?” Wanda asked, her life had been hectic lately with auditions and practice. She’d barely been able to stop for a moment to take account of anything, including her friends. 
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Happy birthday fellow Tonkin fan :D :D
Thank you!
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nutcraccker-blog · 8 years
my five favourite books... oh gosh how can i choose!
the vampire diaries and stefan’s diaries series - i honestly love the plot and it has so little to do with how the show turned out to be like, i just love it!
harry potter series - these books made my entire childhood a lot brighter, okay? okay.
divergent series - idek what to say about these books other than they are epic but the last book is a bitch and nope. not willing to discuss it.
fifty shades trilogy - no matter how people say it’s porn or mummy porn or whatever it suits their opinions, i totally disagree. they show so many different aspects not just of bdsm but how complicated and twisted the life of a millionaire (or famous person) can be. i loved the trilogy. they definitely go down as my faves.
the final choice... maybe... the fault in our stars of the notebook - for OBVIOUS reasons. although i also love vampire academy? twilight? the mortal instruments? someone help me for the love of god. so many to choose from haha.
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prxepxsitus-blog · 8 years
*laughs forever at incest jokes* But anyway. I'd say his guiltiest desire is to be alone at times. He's fully aware that he's surrounded by people who want and need his attention because he's made it that way. But even he gets sick of it every now and again. He never asks for a break because a: he fears losing his control over the group or b: he's just too damn proud.
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ladamedemartel · 8 years
“Tell me"
If you snuck into my room I would:
[ x ] Go back to sleep                 [  ] Kick you out[  ] Cuddle with you                   [  ] Be like “How in the world?”[ x ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[  ] Kiss or hug you back                       [ x ] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No          [ x ] Yes          [  ] Most certainly not.          [ ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[  ] Cute          [  ] Adorable          [ x ] Attractive          [  ] Beautiful[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger          [ x ] Acquaintance          [  ] Ally[  ] Friend              [  ] Love                        [ x ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [ x ] Off no consequence          [  ] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                          [  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [  ] Pleasant company            [  ] Comforting [  ]  Unable to be lived without                            [  ] Trustworthy
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sovietslugs · 8 years
[ @littleredridinghayley continued from here ] 
James held her close, smiling as he brushed her hair back from her face. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked as he pulled her back from the kitchen to sit on the couch, her draped over his lap and his arm around Hayley’s hips. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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the mikaelson couldn’t have got to murphy’s place any quicker if he’d tried.   despite the rioting he was soon at the man’s apartment, not knowing what to think, not entirely sure ludo was wrong.   nevertheless---he had to see her.   with a nod of thanks to the man as bagman let him inside, eyes searched for hayley. 
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ptonkin · 8 years
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@littleredridinghayley replied to your post:Um, As I am active everywhere, I can tell you that...
There are plenty of Klayleys that don’t actually like Hayley. They want Klayley because Hayley is “good for Klaus”. This is subtle, but it’s there. These types of Klayleys tend to amp up as we build towards the season finale until they are being out right derogatory towards her. It happens every year, and has only gotten worse each year. If you haven’t seen it then good, because it’s not pretty, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
this is basically 100% true - and just to be fair, I think it’s the same for a lot of ships on both shows, I’ve seen a lot of HE’ers that don’t like Hayley, I’ve seen quite a few CK shippers who have been awful to Cami since she basically told Klaus she didn’t feel anything for him any more. And then on TVD we have the mess of the fandom that were fighting over SE and DE but spent most of their time hating on E. (The guys never get the blame for any thing ever.. nope)
But yeah, last year when Hayley ran with Hope it was mostly the KH fandom that slammed Hayley for it... and then went right back to shipping it as son as they had their fight scene because clearly Klaus had forgiven her by letting her take Hope so they should forgive her too, I was astounded. And despite what that person in my ask just said, I have seen Hayley being called a dumb bitch etc because of her chat with Klaus last episode regarding C & E
Hayley is a character outside of the ships and if people don’t like her outside of the ship then how the fuck can she be half of their otp??
I literally don’t get shipping where you don’t like half the pairing
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tolcveandlive-blog · 8 years
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       ❝ seems i get dragged back here no matter what i do. which brother screwed up this time ? ❞
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prxepxsitus-blog · 8 years
@littleredridinghayley continued from X
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“Spirited as ever I see, my lady, but it’s understandable given the circumstances.” He quickly wiped at his mouth with his hand to smother a smile. “I can assure the in animosity is unnecessary, and sincerely apologize for the---accommodations, but I wished to speak with you without Elijah whispering in your ear and doubted you’d accept a formal invitation. Perhaps you would like something to eat?”
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carmen-berzattos · 8 years
littleredridinghayley replied to your post “OK that’s enough. You made your point, can you leave now?”
There was nothing fucking wrong with your fic. Block this bitch.
I did. Thank you <3
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nicktortano-blog · 8 years
[ @littleredridinghayley continued from here ] 
Nick smirked and pulled out a crisp twenty from his back pocket and slid it across the stage. “I got whatever you need me to have, if it gets those turned in my direction.”
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imnobodysson · 9 years
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1 4 7 9 22 100
top threes | accepting!
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
Cookie Dough
Cherry Garcia
4: Top 3 places to shop
Ann Taylor
7: Top 3 music artists
Florence + the Machine
9: Top 3 drinks
Straight whiskey
Old Fashioned
Rum & Coke
22: Top 3 spirit animals
Clarice Starling
Veronica Mars
Olivia Benson
100: Top 3 museums you've been to
Museum of Science and Industry
Liberty Science Center
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