#little snowjanus
mr-nauseam · 7 months
Practice 18
Sejanus sits on a lonely bench in the park. He is not surprised to be the only one out of his warm bed; no one in their right mind would want to be drawing while freezing blizzards steal their breath. His hand trembles, unable to hold his pencil steady, so the winter landscape he is trying to capture becomes disfigured.
He has to give up and holds his pad against his chest.
"What do you have there?"
The voice startles Sejanus. His gaze meets Tigris'. They greet each other, somewhat awkwardly. The abruptness of their last meeting still does rock in them. She takes a seat on the bench, and curiously asks him about his pad. Sejanus feels his cheeks turn red, too aware all of a sudden of the man of his imagination whom he has portrayed incessantly for days now.
"They're just doodles, Tigris. It's not important." He tries to clarify.
The young woman doesn't seem convinced by his answer but good manners motivate her not to press for revelations.
"It's okay. You don't have to explain it to me." She places her hand over Sejanus' in a gesture of silent understanding.
And no word is spoken again and no muscle moves until the winter storm sets their skins ablaze. Tigris retrieves her hand to seek warmth in the folds of the old coat she is wearing.
"I actually wanted to apologize to you."
Those are words Sejanus never thought he would hear from her lips. She was one of the few people who appreciates his existence.
Confusion overcomes him.
"For acting so strange the other day. And don't say I don't have to apologize, I know I made you uncomfortable."
Sejanus tries to fight the urge to beg her to forget his comfort.
Instead he says:
"Ah. I didn't think much of it... Just that you looked kind of tense.... I just figured it must have been something about your job that put you that way."
"It was not my job what occupied my mind that day, Sejanus."
  "By Panem, I don't know how to tell you this without you thinking I've lost my mind."
How sad Sejanus thinks, that fear of madness also haunts Tigris, who understands him better than anyone.
Perhaps that's why their connection came instantly.
"When you said how cruel and selfish Coriolanus was. I got really angry with you Sejanus. And all because of some meaningless nonsense."
The mention of the protagonist of the tragedy he has been reading about in class throws Sejanus off balance.
Tigris hugs herself and closes her eyes. Asking for comfort from the one who is no longer there: her mother.
To her belonged this coat. She opens her eyes, and faces it:
"I was not rational because to me Coriolanus is not the name of a dictator from an old tale. That name means something to the Snows. It was my cousin's name."
Snowflakes fall on them at the truth revealed. And Sejanus is overwhelmed.
"Professor Thompson gave me that assignment too, you know? and I was very excited at first. I thought it was a way to be close to my cousin but when I read it, I was horrified. Marcius was a horrible human being. I didn't understand why my aunt and uncle chose that name: My Coriolanus wasn't like that. He was good... Hearing your words brought back that unease, because I heard in them an echo of my own thoughts."
Sejanus knew Tigris had gone to the academy but he rarely thought of her in that red uniform walking the halls with her back erect as the last Snow heiress. Putting on an act, with the weight of a suffocating legacy on top of her. The image was jarring to the woman in front of him whose heart was gentle and her voice free, still he wished naively that he would have liked to have matched her during that hell.
"And I know it was unfair to feel that way about something so trival but I couldn't help it, Coriolanus is his name. It was the only thing that belonged to him besides his death."
Tigris was crying.
She tried to cover her face and Sejanus stopped her, whispered consolations and once her posture seemed more relaxed, he wiped away her tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt, lamenting that he didn't have a handkerchief to give her.
Tigris' breathing calmed and she decided to continue with her somewhat husky voice:
"It happened in the dark days. I didn't find him in time and he froze in the snow... I didn't have him by my side for long but if you could have known him Sejanus. He was a very quiet boy but he was very sweet too and I'm sure if he could have been saved, he would have been a good man." 
Sejanus gives her a smile, small and contained.
He can give her no more. Suddenly frightened by his dreams and what he has seen in them. The coincidences were many and his madness makes him weigh the possibility of telling Tigris everything about it.
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alisaint · 10 months
we need to toxic yaoi it up in the snowjanus tag.
i want to see us talk about how snow's possessiveness would extend to sejanus. i want to see us talk about the rabbit sejanus x serpent snow imagery & dynamic. i want to see us talk about snow getting drunk on sejanus's loyalty, his devotion, his endless gratitude of which snow is entirely undeserving.
i want us to talk about how dislike is not the opposite of love. i want to see us talk about snow battling with his feelings for sejanus, whatever they may be, and turning them into something more palatable, something he can actually parse: disdain, jealousy, and competition. does he want to be sejanus or does he want to be with him? a quintessential queer question. he doesn't know; he never knows, not even once he's stolen the sweet boy's entire life.
desire turns to aggression; the intricate rituals, anything that allows him to appropriately and discreetly touch sejanus, allows him to rationalize this desire to begin with. meanwhile, in the quiet of the night, when it's just him in his room, he thinks of sejanus's warm embrace and doesn't dare question why he can only allow himself to relish the memory when no one is looking.
i want us to talk about sejanus accepting snow's friendship because he thinks that's all he'll ever have. he pushes him toward lucy gray, all too content to just be his friend, his brother, his broken token from the past. tells himself this is more than enough, and it is. the boy he loves has saved his life. how many people can say that? he's lucky. he tells himself that over and over until he believes it, until it smothers that lonesome ache in his chest.
bisexual snow x gay sejanus. snow has more experience but sejanus has to guide him through a "relationship" anyway. they keep it hush-hush; too much of a secret for sejanus's tastes. snow x lucy + other woman sejanus. maybe sejanus finally falls for someone else, but snow isn't keen on sharing, so he inserts himself into sejanus's life again, knowing just how important he's always been to his sweet, sensitive little fool.
let's talk about snow always being so touchy with sejanus, always getting so close that sejanus can feel his breath on his lips, and the one time that sejanus finally snaps and closes the distance. he's always been the braver one, anyway. always acts without thinking, leaving snow to pick up the mess. this is no different.
please, i beg. GIVE ME THAT TOXIC YAOI 🗣
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super-nova5045 · 9 months
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for my freaky saltburn girlies
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thief-of-eggs · 9 months
There’s something about doomed romances that’s so special and dear to me. The ones that clearly won’t work, or are clearly set up for failure down the road. The one’s where even the depths of their love can’t save them, because the world has set them up to fall. There’s something about those ships in particular that I go absolutely feral for.
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 10 months
my head is in my hands. i'm thinking about the themes and motives (coriolanus condemning sejanus and essentially digging his grave the moment he turned on the recorder and regretting it so, so much after) ohhhh man
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tbosasgunsandroses · 6 months
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julietasgf · 9 months
hear me out: a comedy college au where lucy gray started having this situationship with this guy, coriolanus, during summer, and yk, he was handsome, charming. she had very bad experiences regarding men in the past, so she thought this was the one. until she decides to give him a surprise and visit him unexpectedly, and who opens the door of his dorm is a guy. a man called sejanus who claims to actually be dating coriolanus. coriolanus was seeing both of them without each other knowing and now they team up together to make coriolanus' life a living hell (coriolanus doesn't know about this ofc 🫶)
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snowjanuses · 9 months
Is there a Snowjanus discord yet? I want to scream about them with other people. Would people join if I made one?
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pi-mawrth · 7 months
Snowjanus is just the opposite versions of enjoltaire but most of y'all aren't ready for that conversation
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Do you think Coriolanus and Sejanus explored each others bodies? If so, was it in the capitol or did they wait till district 12 🙏🏽
I should’ve expected a Snowjanus ask 🤣
I do not have an answer to this BUT … do I think Snow was stupid as hell for not just becoming a sugar baby???? A trophy husband ??? Yes.
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mr-nauseam · 9 months
I liked that about Coriolanus leaving halfway through the Pure as driven Snow song in the movie because drama but sometimes I'm kind of sad that we didn't get the snowjanus song:
I'll Sell You For a Song 🤧
I always found it telling how the song talks about your partner cheating on you and stop loving you like before (or I understood it that way) and causing you so much pain that to some extent it makes your love turn into hate and contempt enough for you to want and be able to sell them for a song.
Because from this perspective of the ship it is so revealing how Sejanus in Snow's eyes is someone who only brings him heartache and trouble and to some extent he could put up with that because of the love he had for him but everything changes when Sejanus starts lying to his face.
Coryo himself tells us that he never doubted Sejanus' sincerity, he trusted blindly in that trait of his personality until he no longer does and radically changes his attitude towards him.
I think it also says a lot that this happens a little before the conversation about trust with Lucy Gray and I think for Snow himself trust is very important, more than love (they agree on this trait) and it is distrust that condemns his two great loves.
And is that I would not be surprised a part of why Snow betrays Sejanus is not only his desire for self-preservation and paranoia, I think that although he refuses for a long time to admit that it was obvious to send the jabbarjey would condemn Sejanus and he did it expressly with that intention, that's what happen.
Coriolanus always had a desire to condemn / punish Sejanus in some way, for the many crimes that in Snow's delusional head the poor boy had committed, (stealing his life, not making good use of his position, etc). I think highlights the big crime of Sejanus in Coryo eyes is that he become a traitor and he must pay for it.
Sejanus betrayed Coriolanus first from his perspective when he didn't choose him over the rebels or the people of the district every chance he got and he stuck the dagger in symbolically when he started to be dishonest with Coriolanus.
And I think that feeling pushes Coryo to do what he did bc is resentful and like Lucy Gray sadly would show us later, if Snow think u are not worthy anymore of his trust and you put him in danger / do something he didn't like, he is going to fucking kill you 😭 (yeah we didnt't know Lucy Gray fate but I think we can agree that Coriolanus did not want to have a civilized conversation with her lmao).
Thanks for coming to my ted talk about how twisted is the little brain of Snow
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softie-rain · 5 months
I just found out the author of my favourite snowjanus fanfic follows me on tumblr hello????? I followed them this morning and found out we're mutuals 😭
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mitsuki91 · 6 months
Okay so, for the snowjanus au of the female!Coryo au, I have one snippet for you 💖
Also, I suppose the title will be "Hunger of love".
Enjoy! Let me know if you like it, it's mostly fluff 😂 also you can find the death 🔵🔵 blue stare, and some Cat Behaviour ™ from Coryo 😂
Something must have escaped his self-control because, two days later, during recess, Sejanus heard Clemensia ask Corinna: "Listen, did something happen with Sejanus?"
He froze, terrified, and, seeing that he was behind them, he immediately looked away from Corinna and looked out of the window. His ears, however, remained focused on them.
"Hmm? What do you mean?"
"No, because he looks at you..."
"What a novelty. Everyone looks at everyone, Clemmie."
Sejanus could almost feel Clemensia's glare at that sentence.
"I mean he looks at you differently. Strange. Intense..."
... And now he could almost see Corinna frowning, and the thoughtful look she was surely giving him at that moment, her gaze burning into his back. Sejanus continued to watch out the window and fervently hoped he wasn't blushing, or he wouldn't be fooling anyone as he pretended not to hear.
"What are you insinuating, Clemmie?" he heard Corinna say, though he had to try very hard because she had lowered her tone of voice.
"Oh, you know," Clemensia blurted out, "Have you two gotten together yet?"
Sejanus heard Corinna snort, irritated, and his heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
“Sejanus is not my boyfriend,” Corinna replied, through gritted teeth, in a tone so final and hostile that it hurt him. As if she had even decided to step on him after breaking him, not satisfied.
... But deep down he knew. Sejanus knew that Corinna would never see him as a possible boyfriend.
She had never mocked him, but she had never defended him either. She talked to him, sure, but Sejanus was always the first to seek her out, the first to impose himself in her life with his presence. He did not even know why she continued in that charade of coming to his house three times a week. Was he really so pathetic that she felt moved to pity?
Corinna and Clemensia had moved on, and Sejanus was left alone with his snack, looking out of the window. All the happiness he had felt just a few moments before burst like a bubble, leaving him in blackest despondency.
In the canteen he did not sit with them but decided to stand alone at one of the empty tables in the corner. That way at least Clemensia would stop getting strange ideas, and Corinna would not again be subjected to jokes and teasing just because she spoke to a boy from the Districts.
That way at least, perhaps, those who had not yet realized his obvious unrequited crush would stop pestering her for having to put up with his pathetic being, just because Corinna was too nice to tell him once and for all to leave her alone.
And, at the end of class, Sejanus immediately left the school, without waiting for her, freeing her from having to spend yet another afternoon at the Plinth house.
Only, he could feel her blue eyes burning into his back. The sky had clouded over, threatening rain, and no matter how fast Sejanus walked, the feeling of being followed would not go away.
Finally, surrendering, he stopped in the middle of the street, sighed and turned to face her.
And there she was. Eerie blue eyes and cascading blond curls. Staring at him with her usual steady gaze.
“... It’s Friday,” Corinna finally said, after a few moments of silence.
"It's Friday," agreed Sejanus.
Corinna advanced a few steps towards him, then grabbed his wrist and continued walking, forcing him to turn and follow her.
"Let's go, then."
Sejanus, at first confused, began to smile.
She had grabbed him. She was touching him. And she was leading him towards his home; the place where she was used to spending Friday afternoons, where she wanted to be.
With him.
The black depression that had seized him that morning vanished as if it had never existed and happiness broke through him again like sunshine through the clouds; even when it began to rain and Corinna let go of his wrist so that she could run faster than the rain and Sejanus grabbed her hand instead and squeezed it, running with her.
And she, without a word, without even a brief glance, returned his grasp, not letting go until they were safely in the doorway of the Plinth house.
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snowsonlylove · 7 months
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coriolanus snow p links
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stepmom!reader and coryo
peacekeeper!coryo cumming inside district!reader after a night at the hob
even the president of panem has to tame his brat sometimes
coryo fucking his pretty little brat
fucking his frustrations out on you
his curvy dick pistoning in and out of you
fucking you hard
the president's secretary helps him relax after a stressful day
morning sex w/ coryo
secretary!reader helping distract coryo from those idiot district ministers
snowbaird x you
snowjanus x you
sucking coryo and sejanus's dicks
ceo!snowjanus x sex worker!reader
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spideyhexx · 9 months
sub!snowjanus x dom!reader where she finds them doing it together without permission and punishes them. maybe bratty!coryo idkk. ALSO I LOVE YOUR WRITING -(🍒 anon (IF ITS NOT TAKEN YET))
also ty to @goosita and @floralcyanide for talking through this concept with me and making me write this tonight instead of tomorrow <3 I popped off with this.
Coryo was well aware you told him and Sej to not fool around or even touch themselves this next week. You were busy and you wanted to have some excitement to look forward to at the end of a long and stressful week and this was the way you thought you'd get it; having a night or even a day of pleasure with your two lovers who have been built up all week. It sounded like a dream.
But Coryo is an evil little shit. You knew this. Sej knew it. Coryo knew it. But he's never attempted something as risky as this.
With only half the week gone by, he's losing his mind. He's gotten so used to your and Sej's touches that now he's spiraling without it. He doesn't even think to jack off, knowing it wouldn't feel the same.
Coryo has a different plan.
One night, he gets Sej to invite him over while you're still working. Sej is no fool. He can see it in Coryo's eyes. The way he lingers his hand on Sej's arm or how he kept bumping his knee against Sej's own as they sat in bed, talking.
While Sej usually had a lot more self-control, he has to admit to himself the week has been torturous for him too. Ever since Coryo joined your relationship, the need to satiate his desires has only heightened.
So it's no surprise that when Coryo leans in to kiss Sej, his hand moving from the boy's arm to his thigh, Sej gives in. Coryo is surprised at how quickly Sej leans into the touch, his kisses more urgent than he's ever felt them before. "She's gonna be so mad," Sej mumbles as Coryo's fingers make quick work of undoing Sej's pants.
"She's not here right now," Coryo says, in almost an irritated tone. His brow is furrowed and he smiles against Sej's lips when he wraps his hand around Sej's length, stroking it in slow, painful movements until Sej breaks, pushing Coryo down onto his back in bed.
"We have to be fast," Sej mutters, only pulling Coryo's own trousers down enough to get his cock out as he lays over the boy, pressing himself flush against him and grinding their dicks against one another.
Coryo's smirk etches deep into his face at the feeling, letting himself moan out, "fuck, finally," and Sej laughs, burying his head into Coryo's neck as he rocks his hips against Coryo.
This feeling, his blood rushing only to his dick as he gets harder, the ache burning deep within him as he feels Sej's sweaty body trembling above him, both of them so desperate after only a couple days without a release. The way Coryo was rolling his hips up against Sej to make the boy moan into his neck and the light little kisses that Sej would leave on his skin. This feeling makes it all worth it.
Even when the door opens and you're standing, your jaw about to drop at the sight.
Coryo sees you first, patting Sej's shoulder gently and he turns, going red in the face when he locks eyes with you. Coryo still has a smirk on his face and that is all you can focus on.
Without a word, you put your bag down, your coat following, and then your shoes. You take your time, knowing both of them have sat up and Sej is the first one to speak, "I'm sorry, doll, w-we were so worked up and I...we missed being able to-"
"I know baby," you coo at Sej, moving near him and cupping his face in your hands, giving his forehead a light kiss, mumbling against it, "but you still broke my rules." You feel him try to nod in your hold and his eyes shine big at you. "I'm s-sorry," he says in a hushed whisper and your eyes dart to Coryo who's sat back against the pillows.
"Sej, baby, can you go get the ties from my closet?" His eyes trail up and down your face before nodding and you let go of him, beckoning Coryo to come closer. He obeys, to your surprise and you give him a soft smile.
It almost makes him lose his demeanor because he knows by now you're not thinking of anything soft. "I take it you started this?"
He nods, not afraid to admit this to you, "What was I supposed to do? We wanted to fuck around, so we did. Your rule was pointless."
You raise a brow, a little surprised by his confidence, something you so rarely see from him in bed. "Honey, if you want to be that way-"
"What way?" His head is held high as if he's challenging you, wanting to see exactly how far you'd go.
Your smile drops a little and you lean closer to him, kissing the corner of his lips, "If you want to be a brat, I'll treat you like one. You haven't learned this yet, but I don't take these things lightly, honey." You kiss the corner of his lips again before backing away and nodding over to your desk chair.
"Go sit down there." Coryo takes a moment to listen, his eyes a little wide at your words and you can practically see the gears turning in his head, his shoulders slumping into submission, but he holds his head high again, getting up from the bed.
"Oh, and take all your clothes off?" You smile sweetly at him, it almost sickens him.
You help Sej undress after he brings the ties out for you and you lean to whisper in his ear, "Can you tie Coryo's hands tight behind his back for me? Behind the chair,." Sej follows your instructions and while Coryo scoffs, he lets him do it.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You ignore him, sitting on the edge of your bed and undressing yourself.
Full-heartedly, Coryo thinks you're gonna be down on your knees for him any minute now. Almost every time he's in your desk chair, you're sitting between his legs on the floor with his cock down your throat, so his mind naturally wanders to that being your course of action.
Sej on the other hand has been at the mercy of your punishments before and he has a faint idea of what you plan to do to the blonde boy now tied to your chair.
"Sej, come here," you say, your voice soft and it's throwing Coryo for a loop. "You know he broke your rules too?"
"I know, honey, but I also know that you're the reason he gave in. So just sit there and look pretty, okay?" You give him another one of your sweet smiles and Coryo takes a deep breath, already starting to squirm against his restraints. You tug Sej onto the bed with you, pushing his head down before he can kiss your lips.
"No, baby. You gotta earn that back." Sej nods obediently, trailing kisses down your chest to your tummy. You lay back where Coryo once was, Sej parting your legs and looking up at you, "will this let me earn it back?"
"Mmm, yes. Good boy." He lets out a shuddered breath and kisses your inner thigh. Once. Then twice, nipping at the skin and urging your thighs to spread more. Sej repeats the same kisses to your other thigh, biting a little more against the skin and you tangle your fingers into his curls, pushing his head closer to your core.
"Enough of that," you grunt, Sej's hands rubbing from your knees up to your thighs and gripping them tightly as he presses his nose to your clit, as if he's savoring, taking in your scent. You let him hold your thighs apart, the feeling of his warm hands against your skin was too alluring, too perfect.
You told yourself you wouldn't even spare a glance at Coryo, but you do. His gaze is laser-focused on the two of you and you smirk as you see his hardened cock resting up against his tummy, his teeth seemingly biting into the skin of his inner cheek.
"Do you..." you trail off in a moan as Sej's tongue plunges into you, licking into you like you're his last meal. "Do you have something to say, Coryo?"
"I-I want to touch you," he says and you chuckle, tilting your head back with a groan as Sej presses his nose to your clit harder, your hips bucking up to grind into his face. "I don't care what you want, honey," you breathe out through little gasps, Sej's tongue fucking into you with a skill that he's only improved on every single time.
You hear Coryo hold back a whine, your cute little nickname for him sounding so filthy on your tongue as his own head tips backward in frustration. He tries to see if he can get out of the ties, but he can't. No tug or pull or twist even lets up the tightness a little bit.
"Sej, baby, you're doing so good for me, f-fuck." Sej moans against you and as his eyes meet yours, you feel yourself come undone on his tongue, his hands holding your hips down so he can lap up all of your release without you squirming too much.
When Sej moves his mouth away from you, you're tugging him up and kissing him. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, pulling his body flush against yours, cock resting, aching against you.
Coryo audibly groans, his hips squirming at the sight and he wants to lash out at you so bad. He feels it on the tip of his tongue, something mean, something so angry that he isn't even sure what you or Sej would do, but he can't say it. All he can do is watch, mouth parted as you guide Sej's dick into you, coaxing the man on top of you to bury his head into your neck, just like Coryo had done earlier.
"That's it, baby," you purr into Sej's ear as his hips slowly begin to roll into yours, the thickness of his cock inside of you starting to turn your brain into pure mush, but you regain your focus, massaging the back of his head as he groans into your neck.
"You're doing so well for me, so perfect, you just needed my cunt didn't you?" Sej whines, nodding and you feel his teeth sink into your shoulder.
"P-please," Coryo gasps out. You hear him, but don't reply, kissing the spot beneath Sej's ear and pushing his hips into you deeper with your legs.
Sej is losing his goddamn mind just as much as Coryo is, despite him being the one that gets to feel you, warm, wet, and snug against him. He wants to move faster, but his hips move easily, languidly as if he's trying to get to know every part of you all over again. He also knows you're loving leaving Coryo ignored. He can tell by the way your lips quirk against him when Coryo lets out yet another whine.
His whines feel purposeful like he's trying to make them sound as sad and needy as he can, but there is a shift that tells Sej they're becoming real. Sej longs to see how Coryo looks all tied up right now, but he forgets about that when you bite on his ear, "I know you wanna fuck me harder, baby. You earned it."
He lets out a shaky breath, keeping his head down, too afraid if he looked at your face, he'd bust on the spot. He ruts into you with more force, starting to set a frantic pace that he doesn't let up.
His pent-up desires unfold completely as he fucks into you, your legs holding him so tight, so deep.
"B-baby, please," Coryo begs a little louder, his own hips bucking up into absolutely nothing. He rarely called you that, so you spare him a look.
His cock, drippy and the tip so red makes you want to give in, but you can't. He has to learn. "Coryo, h-honey, please what?" It's hard to talk to him as Sej pounds into you, but you make do, making sure to tug at Sej's curls when he starts hitting the right spot.
"I n-need to cum so bad, please," he whimpers, his hips still moving on their own accord. That's when you see the shine of a few tears on his cheek. "Are you crying?"
He whimpers again and nods his head, closing his eyes. You laugh. A full-on laugh and Sej smiles into your neck. "Oh, my poor, honey. You can't cum."
Coryo starts to plead with you, "N-No no...I need to cum, baby, please...I need it so bad, you don't understand..."
But you shush him, "Be quiet, Sej's gonna make me cum."
You feel Sej groan, as his pace begins to falter and you feel his arms push under you, holding you so close to his body as he spills himself inside of you. You squeeze around him as your own release washes over you, your moans higher than before and you pull on his hair. Sej keeps thrusting into you as you both ride out your orgasms he leaves wet open-mouthed kisses from your shoulder, up your neck to your cheek.
He gives you a lazy smile when your eyes meet and you return it, ruffling his hair. You're lost in a daze with your lover until you hear a choked-out sob from the other end of the room.
Sej pulls away from you, his cock slipping out of you and you're met with the sight of Coryo.
His chest is heaving, his forehead sweaty and his cheeks wet as his eyes glow bluer from the tears still pricking at them.
His tummy is coated in his release, some of it still dripping down his cock and onto his balls. His dick is hardening again as soon as you make eye contact with him, crawling to the edge of the bed and standing up and Sej's release starts to drip down your thigh.
Coryo sniffs, looking up at you as you stand in front of him, "please," he whispers, his lip quivering. You run your hand through his sweaty curls and he moans at the touch alone. "I told you that you couldn't cum, honey."
"I-I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop it, I tried so h-hard. Please, believe me, I tried so hard," he rushes out his words, as a tear falls from his eye.
You look down at the cum pooling on his tummy and your chair, then look back into his eyes, "you look so pathetic, honey."
Coryo's jaw clenches and he holds in whatever noise he is about to make. "Actually, you don't look pathetic, you are pathetic." His cock throbs against him at your words and Sej chuckles from his spot on the bed.
Coryo sends him a glare and you quickly kneel onto the chair, your knees on either side of his thighs and you hold yourself above his lap.
"Don't look at my baby that way, he took his punishment." This time Coryo does let himself scoff and roll his eyes, "What punishment? Not being able to k-kiss you? How is this fair?"
His tone comes off harsh but the way he sniffles after it and the way another tear falls from his eyes has you smirking. "You needed to learn, honey. And I'm not done with you." His eyes close at that, his brow creasing, trying to think of what else you could possibly do to him.
You ghost your fingers on his cock before holding it and Coryo's hips buck up. You let him, his tip, leaking already, just shy of prodding at your entrance. "If you want to fuck me, you gotta do it yourself," you taunt, biting on your bottom lip as you lower down just a little so he can easily fuck up into you.
He stares wide-eyed and sees Sej shaking his head in amusement. You cock your head to the side, "well? Are you gonna do it, honey? It's what you wanted, right?"
Coryo whimpers, still sniffly, and nods, pushing his hips up, his cock sliding into you with ease. He's so loud, letting out strained whines and sobs, his cock so fucking sensitive and needing to release again.
He applauds your own self-control as you stay still for him, moaning when he's able fuck up deep into you. But Coryo didn't take into consideration how tiring this would be. With his hands still tied, his leg and hip muscles began to strain, already exhausted from his first orgasm. "My pretty boy, maybe if you hadn't finished before, I'd help you," you coo at him, your hands so close to touching him, but you keep them on the chair.
You don't give in at all and Coryo lets out a frustrated groan, his bottom lip between his teeth as he desperately tries to thrust his dick up into you but he can't find a decent rhythm.
"y-you're so fucking mean," he sobs, and you almost take pity on the way he's starting to cry more.
You ignore his words though, watching him with admiration as he tries to fuck you. Even though the stimulation is weak, you do eventually feel his cock twitch, and his tummy tightens, but before he can even release you lift your hips up.
"f-fuck! B-baby?" His cries were tempting still, but you were determined. You kiss his cheek, the salty taste of his tears on your lips, then move your mouth to his ear.
"If I find out you've made yourself cum over the next four days, I will do this again, maybe even meaner. I won't even let you be in the same room as me and Sej when he fucks me better than you probably can. And you and your pathetic cock can be alone and untouched for even longer. Do you understand me, honey?" You tangle your fingers in his hair and turn his head to look at you.
His eyes are glazed over, lips parted and he nods, "y-yes." You could almost feel Sej's proud look at how well you've taken control.
"good boy," you whisper and give him a gentle kiss on the lips, realizing just how much you missed kissing Coryo.
let's chat about coryo, sej, or both, here :)
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tbosasgunsandroses · 6 months
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snowjanus week, day 1 : first meetings
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