#little red riding hood and like there’s already so many people that do that i’m not doing it too
vacantgodling · 1 year
hate that i have just groups of ocs where i want to use them so bad but no plot
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itskattkm · 1 year
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New York New Rules | pt. 1
Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I’m using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a long story
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
You sat thoughtfully at your desk and looked out the window. You got the apartment a few months ago and were very lucky with it. You didn't feel like living in university anymore. You wanted your own four walls in the center of New York. With your part-time job at the pizzeria, you were able to save a good sum and were lucky that your boss rented several apartments. So it was almost fate as you like to say.
The lights lit up the city and the sounds of the moving cars and the large groups of people were more intense today than usual. You wonder why? Well... today was actually your favorite day of the year. Halloween. However, you have few friends and remain one of your own bubble. You never go out, never drink and never date. You didn't want to have anything to do with such a thing after the events of last year.
At the moment you are trying to concentrate fully on yourself, because your psyche was not the most stable at the moment. But you could always play that over like a pro. At university you were always the quiet but also nice y/n but you also knew that you didn't let any people get to you and are very careful.
You couldn't get around it and got your phone. You watch on Instagram what everyone else did. They all had fun and were at a party at the Frat House.
"What does Mindy do?" You asked yourself and looked at her story in the next moment. If there was someone you got along with and would call him a friend, it was Mindy. Just like you, she loves movies and has the same courses at university as you. So since you met you guys have always worked on most of the tasks together.
"Sweet" you whispered quietly when she had posted a picture of herself and Anika. Next came a selfie on which she, Anika, her brother Chad and Tara were on it.
You couldn't help it and had to smile when you saw Tara. She just looked fantastic. Whenever you saw Tara. You had this reassuring feeling in you. Something about her was so attractive and exciting. You had the feeling that you could let go with her.
When you realized how quickly you were lost in thought, you turned off your cell phone and thought. Pull yourself together Y/N you didn't even say a word to her.
Suddenly your cell phone vibrated. Surprised, you had picked it up and saw that you had a message from Mindy. When you clicked on it, Instagram opened. In your chat you could see that you liked her stories.
„Well shit…“
But that's how it was and in this case it only suited you.
"Hey y/n! You absolutely have to come by. The party is pretty chill. Could be something for you"
You had to slightly grin. Mindy knew exactly what you didn't like about parties. Maybe she was right? You quickly turned around and looked at the wardrobe. You didn't have a costume. What could you wear?
You got up from your chair and started rummaging through the closet. You had some fishnet tights from last Halloween. A red big cape...
"Why not?" Quickly you were looking for a withe dress that you could wear underneath. You didn't have so many, but your choice was limited. So you decided on the tight-fitting dress that was almost too short. You would only feel comfortable in it with your black shorts.
So the next moment you put on your tight black shorts and pushed them so high that they wouldn't look out from under the dress.
You have already been on the streets of New York as a new and sexy variant of Little Red Riding Hood. The smell of the pizza in your hands was so soothing that you didn't worry about what to expect at this party. And if you're already going there, then not empty-handed. That should be a thank you to Mindy and maybe you could get Tara's attention.
When you arrived at the party, you were easily overwhelmed. Either Mindy had misjudged the situation here or it had changed rapidly in the last 45 minutes. The music was almost too loud for you. You hated it when she was too loud, so you could understand almost nothing and no one, but you always tried your best.
When you arrived in the living room of the Frat House, you looked around again and there she was. She sat on the couch with Anika. When Mindy's gaze met yours, she smiled broadly and you had waved at her as if packed. You quickly sat down with the two of them. "You came?seriously?!" She asked stunned and hugged you as a greeting. You had to laugh and said "how could I have said no, I love Halloween" you briefly hugged Anika as a greeting and put the pizza box on your thighs. "Did you really bring pizza?" Mindy asked with big eyes. You nodded and couldn't do anything about your grin anymore "I couldn’t comhere empty-handed... above all, I know such parties. You're always starving"
Anika looked at you in amazement "for the fact that you are only stuck in your apartment, you are always prepared for everything" you opened the pizza box and the scent of a classic pizza salami blew towards you. It was like a drug to you. You loved it. And the others, too. "Where are the others? I got them for all of us," you asked and hoped to meet Tara right away. Mindy showed with her find to the left "Chad and Ethan are busy with dancing and girls".
You notice how Anika errates next to you "and Tara seems to make a big mistake right away" your looks follow that of Anika. Your heart unconsciously began to beat faster. There she was. She seemed a little bit drunk, you noticed the way Tara moved. But her eyes also spoke for themselves.
"I'll take care of it," said Anika and stood up. You both are watching the situation. The way Tara's eyes flirted with Ricky drove you crazy. Damn you had wished she would look at you like that but even if she would. You would be far too shy and just break the moment.
But wait... that was Ricky. That dude really wasn't good for Tara. We noticed that Anika's help attempt went wrong. For this reason, Mindy got up and said "I'm going to get Chad" I nodded to her, closed the pizza box and went to Mindy to help her.
What happened next went too fast. You didn't know what to do. You had felt so out of place and regretted going to this party. But to summarize what happened. Frankie became slightly tangible towards Tara. But then Chad came and intervened. There was almost a brawl and then suddenly Tara's sister was there and Frankie was tased in the balls. Now we were standing in the park of the campus. Tara and Sam had argued. I looked back and forth in panic. Tried to hear away. I didn't belong to their group and didn't have the right to see this. I was just a friend of Mindy's. I was so relieved when Anika held her arm under mine and held me tight. Together we stood a little away from the others and hoped they would get back together. Thanks to Anika, I felt like I wasn't so lost here anymore. I was so busy with myself that I didn't realize how a group of students almost gave up on Sam and poured a drink over her. Tara used the situation and walked away, the others followed her. Anika tried to follow them, with me in her arm tangled. But I decided to stay.
"Take the pizza with you... they gonna need it later" Anika looked at me slightly confused but still gave me a cute smile when she went after the others. You ran past Ethan and gave Sam a pack of tissues out of the bag you had with you. She looked at you silently for a moment. You could see frustration in her eyes. She sighed and nodded. "Thank you" came from her quietly when she took the tissues to dry herself. You gave her a sad smile and said goodbye. You didn't feel like following the others and because you weren't part of the group, you didn't want to interfere there either. So you were on your way home.
"The evening was worth it"
Did you say to yourself and hoped to lie in your bed soon and just sleep.
First chapter 👀 more coming ✌🏻
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meteor752 · 8 months
This is Halloween
We’re just a few days away from the new life series, and judging by the status of a server I’m on and Trafficblr as a whole, none of us are quite ready
But I do what I gotta do, and the spoopy season is upon us, so here we are
I said I would be making Halloween costumes for the kids a few days ago, and I’ve slaves away all night and day preparing this presentation
No but fr, I had fun. Hope you like em
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Liana as Mumbo Jumbo
We’re starting out strong boys. Liana considers Mumbo her biggest financial rival, so their relationship is very, well, rivalesk. At least on her end. Mumbo’s still confused. She probably spent the entire Halloween night imitating him the best she could in a half mocking manner, and both her dads found it hilarious
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Wes as a cat burglar
Because what is Halloween without someone in a tight latex cat suit? Wes was 100% forced into this, and as much as he’s a little uncomfortable, he also finds it kinda fun. Jassy def tried to make him wear heels as well, but his balance is shit. He also managed to talk his way out of the tail, since he already has one.
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Gertrude as a mobster
Well, she is a king, might as well expand on the brand. Absolutely slaying too, I need to put her in more suits. She probably spent the entire Halloween night sitting mysteriously in some corner, “smoking” her fake cigar.
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Johnny as an angel
Cute ironic costume. This was actually suggested by someone in my dm’s, so I thank thee for the idea. The little wings were probably hand crafted from chicken feathers that my lad spent months on, and he’s very proud of them. He’s using the wreath crown to hide his horns as well, they ruin the angelic look. The lyre was borrowed from Novo as well, and he absolutely does not know how to play.
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Jassy as a ghost
Can you just put a sheet on your head and call it a day? Yes. But is that any fun? Fuck no. Chains will be rattling all night, and she’ll be throwing them around left and right. The white makeup is probably crappy af too and will start to come off after like, half an hour, but she still looks pretty fucking cool. Will try to scare as many people as she can.
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Jekiv as the real monster
A lot of Cleo designs incorporate the classic stitches across the skin, and Jekiv does have that as well on some places where his skin has just come off. But dressing as “Frankenstein’s monster” would be too easy. No, let’s go for the true villain of that story, Viktor Frankenstein himself. It’s a bit fitting too tho, since Jek is a necromancer. He’s just a lot nicer to his creations, amongst other things
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Novo as little red riding hood
His gf is a wolf, and the reasoning for his costume ends there. Very disappointed that Gert didn’t want to go in a couples costume, but oh well. The red hood is strangely comforting to him as well, what with his mom and all. He’s girlbossing
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croszukis · 20 days
Obsessed with the 726 pairing… thanks for bringing it to my attention it’s all I will ever think about now 😭😭✌🏽
you're very welcome, i think about them at least once a week too
also i dont think i ever posted this mini fic of them here? for the prompt blue collar
so pls enjoy
Johnny hopped out of his truck once it was in the bay of the mechanic shop in town his dad always used. It was a familiar sight by now, but he was kind of sick of it. The smell of motor oil that must be stuck in the walls of the shop just reminded him of money leaving his account. Arber must’ve heard him roll up because he popped out of the back office in his usual pair of work coveralls that had streaks of grease on them. 
“Johnny, what’s up?” He greeted him with a nod. He wore the red hat with the shops logo on it backwards and Johnny hated how hot he thought Arber looked with it. It was so cliche to think the mechanic was hot. Okay, he knew Arber outside of the shop (their mothers were friends) but he was still a little ashamed of it.
“It’s my piece of shit truck again.” Johnny sighed. He didn’t want to sound pathetic but he was already so late to work and he’d have to figure out how to take the bus to the job site and bum a ride from one of his coworkers home. 
“Uh oh, don’t let her hear you talking about her like that.” Arber placed a hand on the roof of his truck’s hood, like he was soothing her. It. Fuck. He could not start sounding like him, too.  
“The engine light’s on this time.” Johnny scrubbed his hand over his hair out of frustration. That was getting long too, but with what the repairs were going to cost him he’d probably have to skip a cut for another month, unless he convinced his sister to try cutting it again for him.  
The look on Arber’s face confirmed Johnny’s feeling that it was not good, especially based on what Arber already knew about his truck. “I’ll take a look at it.” 
“This is my third visit to the shop this year already. I really can’t afford a new truck right now.” 
“I’ll just charge you for parts. I can do the work for free, after hours.” Arber rested his hands on his hips and Johnny was distracted, staring at how big and rough they looked like always. Johnny wondered what it was like to watch him scrub clean at the end of the day. 
“Arber, I can’t ask you to do that.” 
“You didn’t ask. I’m offering.” He grinned and Johnny wondered how many people, the ones who were intimidated by him or thought he was scary based on his size or where he was from or whatever other ridiculous thing, saw this look on him. 
“You can pay me back a different way.” 
“What? Like how?” Johnny didn’t have much to offer. He could cook enough to get by, but probably not a special baked good or dish to gift him. “You have some construction work you need done?” 
“No.” Arber laughed, his arms were crossed over his chest now. The sleeves of his coveralls were rolled up, showing off the thick muscle of his forearms, the kind of muscle that shouted manual labor. Johnny knew because he had the same ones from his hours of swinging a sledgehammer. “You can let me take you out.” 
Well, that broke Johnny’s brain. “Um, sure.” He wasn’t against the idea though, not at all. 
“Yeah?” Arber was smiling now, a full one not just a grin, and it was stupidly endearing. 
Arber picked him up, since his truck was still out of commission, and Johnny had waited for him out on the curb outside his apartment. Johnny didn’t know anything about cars but Arber’s seemed nice, he knew he had fixed it up himself. 
He pulled up to the curb and when Johnny opened the passenger door he was greeted by country music he couldn’t hear while standing outside of the car. Arber looked good—he had on a clean pair of blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and his silver chain sitting on top of it. He didn’t have a hat on for once and Johnny looked at the weird almost mohawk thing he had going. It’d never work on himself, but of course Arber pulled it off. 
He had one hand still on his steering wheel, drumming his fingers on the top of it. 
“Hey.” Johnny greeted him finally, after he’d buckled in. 
“You look good.” Arber complimented him, twisting around in his seat so he was facing Johnny. “Nice to see you outside of your usual construction clothes.” 
He wasn’t wearing anything special, just jeans like Arber and a plaid shirt. “It’s kind of hard to look fashionable in high-vis green and a hard hat.” 
“Oh, I didn’t mean that you didn’t look good in your work clothes too. Trust me.” His eyes were sparkling and it mad him look mischievous. Maybe Johnny should be worried, but he just wasn’t. There was something familiar about Arber, whether it was their similar backgrounds or being from the same town,or understanding each other’s work life, but it was nice. It was different than what Johnny was used to, with other people he’s dated.
“I think we might both have a thing for that actually. I caught you checking me out in my work coveralls.” 
“Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.” 
Arber just laughed, the sound was loud in the closed space of the cab even over the sound of his music, and he put the car in drive, ready to take them to whatever he had planned. 
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
Casting My Opinions Into The Void: d20′s Neverafter ep 1+2
this is the first d20 campaign im going to be following live and i am excited enough to do a lil post each week or so about it. mostly bc recycling and adapting and retelling and retranslating old stories that “everyone knows” is my whole shit. like i got a degree in the study of ancient greek and roman civilization (classics). my whole thing is reading old myths and plays that “everyone knows” how they go and seeing what each author/translator brings to the table.
anyway i watched episodes 1 n 2 and i am excited and my observations are below
(like if you were really into the Sisters Grimm series as a kid and are similarly excited for this lol the modernized fairytale characters in that series are literally called “Everafters” and its because it’s really good shorthand for the audience. i see you brennan i see you)
normally ppl who do the whole ‘dark/horror/thriller fairytale’ thing fuck it up bc they think it’s about the shock value, or about seeing how nasty you can get with it, so I usually avoid them, but after bingewatching a kadrillion d20 campaigns, I trust brennan to do it right. you have to find the core value/crux of what is horrifying about the story and tease it out, and play with the symbolism and icons of the original story to reflect that. and brennan fuckin delivered.
ep 1
folks, give a hand to the people who put detailed yet non-spoilery content warnings in the description. tbh dropout shows are setting the standard for sensitivity and inclusion in media. it’s so lovely to see a show w content warnings or pronouns put up onscreen and it just not be addressed. i am forever spoiled for any other kind of media tbh
at some point in the past, brennan found out he could make a really good realistic choking/gagging noise, and he has used it in every campaign since.
i appreciate the ‘scare off the meek early’ approach of it all.
th. the briars. the concept. the dead princes - UGH good backstory yall
i very much like the idea of becoming a ranger out of necessity, and because plants obey you on account of that whole feeding-on-your-blood thing
puss in boots using ‘pib’ as a nickname instead. of ‘puss’ or ‘boots’ - inspired
also zac is using his ‘smart little shit’ voice like he did w lapin and i am v excited.
look ill say it - the little red hen did nothing wrong and thats on that. i read that one when i was very little, it was on electric company or sesame st or between the lions, and i’ve always liked it.
so......anyone see how mother goose’s husband has the last name hubbard? like old mother hubbard lol
also there really is a Jack in so many stories, i’m glad we’re addressing this. little shit gets up to so much trouble
it feels like I have seen so many tired rewritings of little red riding hood, even though I can’t think of any off the top of my head. it’s usually a sort of surface-deep ‘girl power!’ situation. i’ve never seen one like this. i LOVE it. it was terrifying. the fact that we all just sort of accept ‘barbarian’ as a normal dnd class is kind of wild tbh, i like exploring that rage and its source.
Ep 2
saying the actual nursery rhyme in the context of being the nursery rhyme is so powerful. i fully didn’t understand what was happening to nat king cole (v powerful) until he was gone.
also, herr drosselmeyer - fantastic get. you have to talk about the sugar plum fairy at some point and they already went in hard on her in acoc so i love that they were like you know what, it’s weird uncle time.
(context: herr drosselmeyer is clara’s eccentric uncle with a bunch of automatons and he gives her the nutcracker)
also every production ive seen has his drip immaculate. 
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my gender is this man’s cloak
Murph is the fucking ball again
“Please tell me how you’re a monster too so I don’t feel so alone” - Jesus Christ Emily Axford
Almost getting distracted by a bird instead of picking up v obvious plot hooks: pt 2
Brennan really looked at K’s finale scene from mismag and went “how DID the mice get lithium?”
The POV of the mice - simplifying it makes it sound ridiculous, but if you really dig into the idea of the mice as sentient beings it’s horrifying.
Dude the symbolism…stepmother eating her kids bc they were always either a tool or an obstacle to her, of course they would be a sacrifice to her hunger for power.
i’ve always liked endings that have the stepsisters reconciling w cinderella bc in the end they were also victims of abuse and it wasn’t the same or the same degree of abuse as cinderella but they were still constantly on thin ice
can you tell that i rewatched d20 live recently and sobbed at adaine and aelwyn’s ending?
Cinderella stabbing the fairy godmother with the broken heel of the shoe that symbolizes both the ending she was meant for and the life that she was forced into. Turning that into glass armor. dude.
The pumpkin carriage rotting bc the fairy godmother is trying to make the happily ever after stay exactly how it is forever but nature decays and time passes and she can’t acknowledge that without realizing both that her role is in the story is over and not only does cinderella not need her anymore, cinderella doesn’t want her anymore, and maybe never wanted her in the first place. 
When puss in boots was asked what he wanted in life and he just said ‘to be comfortable’ #relatable like I know all this is gonna end with him realizing the value of love and friendship over material goods and I 100% agree with that but i feel like this goal or some variation of it are v common today and not often addressed in stories like this
Pinocchio swearing - 10/10. Also how the fuck is Lou doing a Pinocchio voice that perfectly straddles the line between hilarious and annoying. It’s ridiculous enough to always be funny, but sustainable and varied enough that it doesn’t grate on you.
i think we’re getting into “all the princesses in all the stories are all sisters” territory and i for one am THRILLED
"mirror, mirror.......leaned up against the wall”
we learn in this adventuring party that the OG concept for lou’s pinocchio is that he snapped off his nose so he would be able to lie, which is AMAZING. i fully did not put that together.
i am v excited for this battle, and v terrified.
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rockybloo · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions!
Please give this a read, or at least a skim through, before sending in an inbox question!
Q. Why didn't you respond to the question/message I sent into you inbox?
Reasons vary but often it's a question I've already answered, the answer is a spoiler, or I don't have all the lore ready yet so to avoid flooding my blog with a bunch of "I dunno" responses I just don't respond. Other times it's personal reasons like I have no response to a comment, I don't think a joke made was funny, I feel uncomfortable, or I don't vibe with the message. Don't take it personally if I don't respond to you, I'm just a random person on the internet and I can be pretty picky occasionally.
Q. What programs do you use?
I use a lowkey glitchy Huion Kamvas 13 and Clip Studio Paint Ex (it lets me sort through comic pages way easier)
Q. Do you take commissions? Requests? Art Trades?
I don’t do commissions anymore, I do not take any requests (including people asking me to make a specific OC, draw more of a specific OC, or draw more of a specific story), and art trades are friends and mutuals only. 
Q. Do you have any boundaries?
I have a boundary list that you can read over here. Please respect them.
Q. Are you ok with fanart and if so, what kind?
I LOVE FANART! Fan art, fan songs, even inbox messages of people saying a specific thing reminds them of an OC of my makes me happy.
I’m also okay with people having their own OCs interact with my own (so long as it stays platonic tho Husky is an exception to this rule) . I only ask that you keep my OC couples (Red Beans, Licorice, Blackberries, etc.) together.
I used to be fine with fanfics but have since changed my mind on them due to personal reasons.
Q. Can we make fancharacters for your stories?
I am totally fine with fan characters, so long as no one pressures me into including them into my stories. 
When it comes to Glitter and Guilt, I ask that you do not make any fan characters if you aren't 18 or older due to the more mature content in the story.
Q. Do you have any Webcomics? 
I have TWO that I primarily update on Comicfury
Beanstalked , which follows a farm boy named Jack who lives on Lore, a world where a celestial centennial event assigns people with the roles of fairy tales from our world, and his life after discovering he is part of the newest generation.
A generation that is especially unlucky when a petty ink fairy decides to mess with the natural order of things.
During the struggle, characters run into the conflict of deciding if their happy endings are worth the sacrifice compared to the happy lives they’ve made for themselves while off the story paths assigned to them. In Jack’s case, he winds up falling in love with a lupine girl in red known as Nana who has been assigned Little Red Riding hood, actively going against the predetermined ending of his own story.
⚠️For the second, Glitter and Guilt, I preface that this story will touch on more mature themes such as violence, gore, and sex so keep that in mind before you continue reading.⚠️
Glitter and Guilt , which follows Sweetheart, a 20-something magical girl in college, who’s dealing with working solo as a hero while coping with the guilt of her team breaking apart during high school after the death of their team member, Angel.
Life has been super stressful as the landscape around being a hero has shifted until one day, her old arch nemesis and secret childhood friend and crush, Bitterbat, returns after years of being separated from her due to a barrier placed between their dimensions.
After a heartfelt reunion that escalates to a one night stand, the two wind up picking up their relationship and dating in secret.
Q. How many OCs do you really have in total?
TBH way more than toyhouse has listed but not all of them are super active. The ones that are the most active are the Beanstalked, Bondwidth, and Glitter and Guilt crew.
Q. How many stories do you have?
I have 3 that I really spend the most time on (which are the top 3 listed) with the others being stories I occasionally work on. I do just have little OC concepts floating around that have their own tags but are more for fun and less for story. 
Glitter and Guilt
Bride of Bats
Sharks and Kisses
Star-Crossed Lovers
Anvil Wings
Corroded Treasure
Q. Do you have any LGBTQ+ OCs
All my OCs are Bi or Pan as I am a Bi disaster that desires for my own food. 
I like writing them flexibly and from my own experiences so I myself can focus more on their adventures and dynamics
AND I struggle taking the unique experiences of every OC that live in a fictional and fantastical version of our universe and applying labels to them as someone who truly struggles with their own in OUR universe.
I just know for certain I am Bi and Nonbinary so I have a lotta both in my line-up as  prefer writing from experience. An experience where I tend to have to squint just to acknowledge gender because an enby be forgetting sometimes. 
If you want a more specific answer, ask me for a specific OC and I can give a run-down about them, their experiences, and their preferences.
Q. Do you have any Neurodivergent OCs?
Similar answer to the above question. Ask me for a specific OC and I will give a run-down. Chances are, many are open to interpretation as I just be writing them and giving them the same quirky behaviors as me…and lord knows whatever I am. 
Q. What stories take place where?
All my stories take place in a single universe I have dubbed “The Rockyverse”, meaning there are points characters make crossover and lore may over lap. They do take place on different worlds though. 
Stories taking place on Earth
All are located in fictional locations
Glitter and Guilt - Decking City
Star-Crossed Lovers - Safe Haven
Anvil Wings - Unnamed Town
Sharks and Kisses - Unnamed beachside town
Stories taking place on different planets
Beanstalked - Takes place on a planet called Lore parallel to ours
Bondwidth - Takes place on a manmade planet
Bride of Bats - Takes place on a Halloween-Based planet
Corroded Treasure - Takes place on a toybox-based planet
Q. Do you have any voice claims for your OCs?
I have a list of all voice claims right here.
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withlovewriting · 2 years
Mixed Drinks and Smoke Rings 7: Kill The Wolf
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Chapter Seven: Kill The Wolf
Is this the start, the start of something? Out of the dark, born out of nothing, Oh, what a rush, I didn’t see it coming, Is this the start, the start of something?
Summary: New to town, you didn’t need a friend, you needed a dealer. Thankfully, a girl from your Narcotics Anonymous meetings knew just the guy.
Characters: Fezco (euphoria) x Non-descriptive Reader
Words: 4,250
Chapter Warnings: Comments referring to drug use, thinly veiled threats, reference to attempted suicide
Series Warnings: Addiction, sexual themes, cursing, abuse (various), smut, drug use, teenagers being fucking idiots. 18+ only, minors DNI
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter:
taglist: @iamasimpingh0e @chelseagirl77 @zeida
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Daniel's Halloween party was the first party in East Highland that you'd properly attended.
You didn't count McKay's, solely because you'd spent the majority of the night passed out on too many benzos, and although you hadn't planned on staying stone-cold sober all night, you knew that Rue was struggling with her sobriety. Especially since she was trying to herd a 2-drinks-too-drunk Jules -- who never normally drank like this, apparently -- around the crowded living space.
You'd offered -- albeit lacklusterly -- to help her, knowing Rue wasn't equipped for the shock of being the sober one.
Rue had assured you it was fine. She didn't expect anyone to stay sober around her just because she couldn't control herself, but you shrugged anyway and handed your cup to another student who passed you.
Begrudgingly, you wouldn't let Rue do this alone. She was doing so well with her sobriety, and quite frankly, you cared more about hers than you did your own. So instead, you filled a new cup with water and cheers'ed her, pushing your way through the crowd, finding Jules on the dance floor, and joining her.
You were used to parties like these. Hell, a year ago you'd have been in your element; some kind of drink in your hand, some kind of pill under your tongue, and some kind of powder up your nostril. You really weren't fussy.
Yet as you pushed your way through the crowds, Jules now dancing with another girl, a part of you was begging to go home. Heading outside, you needed some fresh air to try and soothe the headache that the thumping bass was giving you. It was much easier to ignore and even enjoy when you couldn't see straight.
You saw the cloud of smoke before you'd seen the man himself, almost like a signal. X marks the spot, right?
You slowly made your way over, watching as he spoke with Rue, the two seemingly making up from whatever fight they'd recently got into. Rue -- who had noticed you first -- said something, causing him to turn in your direction, before returning his attention back to her, continuing a much lighter conversation. You decided, now they'd both acknowledged you, it was safe enough to head over and join them.
You less than gracefully threw yourself onto the sofa next to Fez, the man puffing away on a joint, as if it was the last one on Earth, "Rue already told me 'bout your little pact. I said I wouldn't-"
"I'm not here to try and convince you, don't worry. I'm here because I'm sober."
"Whatchu mean?" He questioned, watching the people as they stumbled around.
"I don't have the patience for drunk people."
You couldn't even bring yourself to glare at him when he'd chuckled. It sounded ridiculously hypocritical to yourself, too, "You don't remember much of the last party, do you?"
"Not at all. And it was much more fun," turning your attention to Rue who was standing by the side of the couch, you sent her an apologetic smile, "No offense."
"None taken." She smirked.
"Nice costume," Fez said, his eyes trailing from your shredded skirt to your red, glittery face, "Little red riding hood, right?"
"After she slaughtered the wolf."
Rue squinted at you for just a moment, "I don't think that's how the story goes-"
You waved your hand, cutting her off mid-sentence, not all that fussed in the fairy-tale lore. Patting the cushion next to you, you watched Rue as she finally took a seat, "You look good, Rue."
"Oh, thanks."
You brushed some dirt off her shoulder, fixing her lapel and sending her a small smile, unaware of Fez's watchful eye.
"So, she kills the wolf in your story then?"
You turned your attention back to Fez, a devilish smirk gracing your lips, "I don't need some strong, handsome man to save me. I can skin the bastard myself. Even get a nice new rug out of it."
"That's fuckin' sick," he chortled, nose scrunching up a little.
"Bloods a bitch of a stain to get out, but I think it adds to the design."
He shook his head, but his attention was quickly pulled away by Jules, who had drunkenly stumbled right into the pool, "Yo, ain't that your home girl?"
Rue sighed, both a little annoyed and a little concerned with Jules' behavior. Forcing herself up, she made her way to the pool area, ready to drag the girl out.
Fez watched them for a second before the hand that held his joint moved towards you, offering it up on a golden platter, "I won't snitch. Promise."
Your eyes looked between him and the offering, and you'd wanted nothing more than to accept it and smoke the whole damn thing. Fez had good drugs, but even better weed. Probably why he smoked it all the time.
Yet as your eyes darted towards Rue -- who at this point would honestly have no idea if you took a hit or two -- you turned your head, meeting his blue eyes, "Promised her I wouldn't. I don't wanna go back on that when she's been trying so hard."
Fez shrugged as if it was nothing, before placing the joint back to his own lips. His cobalt eyes, however, still observed you.
"How long you been doin' this shit for?" Turning your body to face him a little better, your quirked brow made him explain himself, "Drugs."
You were quiet for a moment, and he could only assume you were trying to calculate.
"Not that long, actually. A couple of years, I guess. How long have you been doing it?" You asked, watching as he stumped out the roach.
"Dealing? Shit, I dunno. Feels like forever."
"And it's just you and Ash, right?"
He took a little longer to reply this time, as if thinking through his answer, "Uh, yeah, kinda. My Grandma still lives with us, but-"
"Oh shit, really? And she's like... Cool with you dealing and shit?"
Fez couldn't hold in his chuckle, "She's the one who taught me how. Man... My Grandma was the best fuckin' dealer you'd ever meet."
Although you could tell Fez clearly adored his Grandmother, his voice was tinged in a type of sadness you were unaccustomed to, "So why isn't she dealing anymore? I mean, no judgment here, like at all. But leaving you and Ash who's what, like 14, to deal with the drug side? Seems a little-"
"She ain't really have the choice. Had an accident a couple years ago. She's uh... Not really how she used to be, you know?"
You'd never seen, or even heard a peep from his Grandmother any time you'd spent at Fez's, not that you'd remember either way. But you did remember the door that was cracked open. Was she... Was that her room? It felt too private to ask him.
"What's her name?"
Fez licked his lips, taking a sip from his beer before answering, "Marie, but everyone called her Kitty."
"Kitty. I mean, why the fuck not. There's already a Fezco and an Ashtray, at least hers is normal." You nudged his side gently, the man sending you a smirk in response, "And what about your parents? They not around, or..."
Fez's face turned stoic, the smile quickly dropping from his lips, and you could see his shoulders tense slightly. Clearly, it was a pretty sore subject to him.
"Dunno my mom, and my Dad's a piece of shit. Not much else to tell." Rubbing his hand over his head, he sent you an apologetic smile, "We're both way too fuckin' sober for this conversation."
You were both quiet for a moment, enjoying the slight thumping that could be heard from the closed door, "What about you? I mean, I know your dad's around, but where's your Mom?"
If Fez's shoulders had tensed at the mention of his family, yours damn well locked up, "She uh, she packed up and left a couple of years ago. That's why my dad's the way he is-"
"What, a piece of shit-"
You turned on him quickly, eyes full of fire, "Don't, alright? You don't know what he's been through. You haven't got any fuckin' right to judge him."
He knew he could fight you on this, and maybe he should've fought you on it, but the look in your eyes... Shit, he knew that look, and it was one he'd never be able to wear down, let alone win against. Fierce, unyielding loyalty wasn't an easy thing to crack, and now wasn't the time to start chiseling. If he’d go to war for Ash as a brother, he could tell you’d go to war for your father as a daughter.
So instead, Fez placed his hand over your thigh, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze. A silent apology.
Untwisting your figurative panties, you sent him a quick smile, watching him for a moment before sipping some of your water.
A splash from across the garden pulled your attention away, both you and Fez watching as a now drenched Rue pushed herself from the pool and forced her way back inside through the throngs of people. You went to stand, but the hand on your thigh squeezed gently once more, causing you to turn your attention back to Fez.
"She's alright. She just gotta get used to being on the other side of the problem."
"I still don't think she should-"
Patting your thigh, he sighed, "Go if you want, but she need'a go through this. She's probably more upset knowing this was how she acted than anything else."
His words hit you right in the chest, making it a little harder to breathe. 
Leaning back in your seat, you placed your own hand over his that was still settled on your thigh. It felt much warmer than your own.
"I don't think I ever said thank you for that night at McKay's. You didn't even know me, and I was a total bitch to you, but you still made sure I was OK. I don’t know many people who would do that. So, uh... Thanks."
He remained quiet but nodded in acceptance of your apology. But you'd opened your mouth and now you suffered from a serious case of not being able to shut up,
"And shit, everything with that Mouse guy. I had no right to even come around that day, and it was all my fucking fault, and you kept me safe and shit. I probably cost you so much money and you're letting me pay it back by literally sitting in the store for a couple of hours a day, and I'm damn sure that it isn't paying you to have me there and-"
  "Ay, ma?" You stopped, your wide eyes turning to him, cheeks feeling warm with embarrassment, "It's aight. Really. Shit happens, ain't no point crying over spilled milk, right?"
Watching him for a moment in total awe, you didn't know how to thank him properly, or if you ever could. He could sense your nerves as your fingers vacantly toyed with his own, feeling the expanse of the back of his hand, 
"I have never met a dealer like you before. Shit, I don't think I've had a friend like you before-"
"Oh, we friends now, huh?"
Your brow wrinkled as he let you stew in confused, anxious silence for a moment, "Thought you didn't need a friend, jus' a dealer?"
Swatting his chest as a relieved smile crossed your face, you couldn't help but smirk, "Yeah well, I'm sober tonight. A dealer ain't gonna do shit for me. So I guess a friend will have to do."
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You sat outside with Fez for a while longer, enjoying the cool breeze that passed through every once in a while, minding your own business whenever he'd attend to a deal. Or at least, until one annoyingly familiar voice put the first crack in your peace.
"You sell pre-rolls, man?"
Looking up, your eyes watched the boy with disdain as he merely smirked down at you, "Hey there, stranger."
He paid Fez the money owed, the older boy watching him closely when he walked away, eyes glancing back at you every so often.
"Old friend?" He questioned, watching as the younger boy sat across the garden on a lounge chair, his weasel-like little face still turning every now and then as he sat with the McKay twins.
"Not really," Placing your cup of water down on the floor, you sent Fez a small smile, "I'll be right back."
Although you could feel Fez's eyes on you as you walked over to the younger boy, you refused to turn around, and instead, you held eye contact with the boy ahead, "Wes. A word?" 
The McKay twins turned, watching the encounter as Wes blew out a puff of smoke, "Whatever you say, sweetheart." 
When it was clear he wasn't going to move his ass, you grumbled, grabbing him by the ear and quite literally pulling him away from his friends. When you were far enough away from their nosy little ears, you turned on him.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I was invited-"
"By Daniel? I'm pretty fucking sure you weren't."
"No, by Troy and Roy. Shit, did you have to drag me away like that." He moaned, attempting to soothe his sore ear.
"Look, Kat's here, and I know damn well she wouldn't want to see you. The shit you pulled? You're fucking sick, man."
"Shit, send a girl to public school, and suddenly she cops a conscious? It's like I don't know you anymore," he smirked.
He might've only been a junior, but damn did you want to backhand the little prick, "Get your shit and go. Seriously, before she sees you."
Turning to march away, his voice stopped you dead in your tracks, "You know, Liam asks about you sometimes. My cousin said he still bangs on about you every now and then. I thought I recognized you at the last party. Drugged out on someone's sofa... Definitely your style, right? But I wasn't sure. What I am sure of, is that Liam would be very interested to know you're here, not even an hour away."
You were certain you could feel the blood in your veins thicken and chill, slowly crawling through your veins and causing your heart to somehow both beat erratically and stop altogether.
Spinning around, your eyes flashed with fire, "This isn't a fucking joke, Wes-"
"I'm not fucking laughing." He told you, stepping closer, forcing himself into your personal space.
His eyes darted behind you before he quickly stepped back with a sardonic smile, his eyes taking in your body before he spoke,
"It was nice to catch up. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again."
You watched him with bated breath as he made his way back towards the McKay twins. 
"Everythin' good?"
Fezco's voice was soft, almost as if he was scared you'd flee like a scared animal. When you didn't respond, he placed a hand on your back and gently led you to the sofa.
"You sure you don't wanna hit? I don't even know where Rue is no more."
You wanted to rub your hand over your face but stopped just in time to keep your make-up intact, "I don't think weed is gonna do shit for me tonight, Fez."
He remained quiet for a moment, fully aware that the tone of the night had changed. Your eyes kept darting towards the group of younger boys, rowdy and loud as they puffed out clouds of smoke.
"That your sworn enemy or somethin'?" He joked, lighting up another joint.
"Hmm?" Snapping out of your thoughts, you turned to Fez, eyebrows raised.
"You been starin' at him like you tryin' to set him on fire with your mind."
Sending him a feeble smile, your fingers began to toy with the hem of your skirt, "His cousin went to my old school. He was uh, good friends with an ex."
"Oh shit. It bad?"
Watching the smoke that fell from his mouth, you took a moment to really think about it. The world wasn't black and white, and neither was your previous relationship. It was full of grey, too.
It was good. Sometimes. Especially in the beginning. But isn't that always how the story goes? That's how people like that get their claws in you. Because if they were an asshole from day one, you'd never entertain them in the first place.
But the bad times?
Holy fucking hell, they were bad.
"I mean, he's an ex for a reason, right?" You mumbled, inspecting your fingernails.
Fez said no more, his eyes soft as they watched you fidget. Placing his hand over yours to halt their movements.
"My Grandma, she uh... She always told me not to fall in love, you know? Said it's the one instinct you can't trust."
Cocking your head, you blinked a few times, taking in the words he'd said, "Surely you don't believe that?"
Fez shrugged his shoulders, "Never really had anyone to prove her wrong."
"So what, you just... Don't date? Just on the off chance you'll fall in love?"
Even in the low light, you could see Fez's cheeks burn a bright pink, "I mean, I ain't never really had time for it, you know?"
You watched Fez as he continued playing with your fingers, both your hands resting on your lap. He only looked up once your hand squeezed his.
"You doin' well tonight," Fez peered up at you through his long lashes, clarifying when your brow furrowed, "The whole stayin' sober thing. It was nice to actually be able to converse wit' you at a party for once."
"Yeah well... Don't get used to it." You sent him a feeble smile, suddenly feeling bashful under his denim blue gaze, "I'm much more fun when I'm unconscious."
 He let out a huff of laughter, watching as your eyes twinkled in the low outdoor lighting, "You really not enjoying tonight?"
A loud laugh from the other side of the garden pulled your attention away, and Fez watched as your smile dropped, watching the group of kids from earlier smoking a joint as a group of girls joined them, "I was."
"Yo, you uh... you wanna get outta here or somethin'?"
Turning your attention back to him, you sent Fez a timid smile, "Sure. Let me just go find Rue, make sure she's OK first."
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You pushed your way through the crowd, eyes darting around as you tried to find Rue. Eventually, you spotted her, standing next to a panic-stricken Jules, the two staring out into the crowd. Before you could make your way over to them, a large hand clamped down on your shoulder,
"Hey, can I have a word?"
Turning, you lifted a brow at Nate, unsure of why, or how he was at the party. Especially with Maddy standing only a few feet away sipping on a drink. As you tilted your head towards the girl, she dropped her eyes, refusing to make contact with yours. Unsure of what you'd done wrong, you returned your attention back to the boy and nodded, allowing him to maneuver you through the waves of people.
He walked you towards the end of a hallway, past some people who were waiting for the bathroom, and into an empty bedroom. 
"What's up, Nate?"
He stood, leaning against the closed door for a moment, watching you in silence. Although you'd both seemingly put any hostility behind you, you couldn't help but feel yourself cower slightly under his cold gaze. Any understanding between you both had seemingly vanished.
"Maddy told me you'd spoken to her."
Shaking your head a little, you tried to recall the conversation you'd had with the girl, "Uh, I mean yeah... I don't understand why-"
"You're right, you don't understand. You've been here what, a couple of months? You don't know me, or Maddy, or anything about our relationship," Nate pushed off the door, moving into your personal space and backing you up against a chest of drawers on the other side of the room, "For everyone's sake, I'd butt out."
"I know you think you have some kind of hold over her, but one day Maddy is gonna realize that you're a piece of shit, Nate." You did your best to hold his eye contact, but you couldn't help the tremble in your voice.
A malignant smile pulled at his lips, his dark eyes raked over your face, "It's sweet that you're trying to look out for her, really. But I think the last thing Maddy needs is advice from some pill-popping junkie, who got kicked out of private school because she was so high she tried to throw herself off the roof."
"You don't know shit." Your chin wobbled as you tried to keep from crying.
"You know, you private school kids are all the fucking same. Offer up some drugs, and they love to fucking squeal." Tucking your hair behind your ear, Nate’s other hand was placed on the drawers next to your body, caging you in.
"If you don't want your business getting out," Nate's hand dropped from your hair, grabbing your jaw as he turned your face up towards him forcefully, "Then I suggest you stay out of mine."
His face was so close, you could smell the alcohol on his breath and you finally couldn't hold in the tears any longer. He pushed off you, finally making his way out of the room.
Your chest heaved, feeling like you hadn't been able to take a real breath since you stepped inside the bedroom.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you pushed the door open, shoving your way through the crowd, your previous attempt at finding Rue now far from your mind.
She'd found you, though.
She was unsure of what happened between Jules and Nate, but the moment the blond saw him strut into the party like his shit didn't stink, her whole demeanor changed. Rue didn't know what was wrong with Jules, she'd been standoffish lately, but she knew whatever was running through the girl's mind was about more than just her.
Before she could question the girl, the bedroom door swung open again, and Rue watched as you high-tailed out of there, tear stains down your cheeks as you forced your way through the dance-floor, and although Nate was now standing with Maddy again, his eyes were trained on you, a haughty smirk as he watched you leave.
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Fuck Nate Jacobs.
Fuck Nate Jacobs, fuck Nate Jacobs, fuck Nate Jacobs.
He knew. Maybe not everything, but if there was one thing you'd learned about this shit-hole of a town it was that somehow, everything got out.  Whether it was the truth, or not.
You could feel yourself spiraling. Vomit was crawling up your throat and that shitty voice inside your head that you'd managed to force down all these months was now loud and proud at the forefront. 
The one telling you that you weren't good enough.  Because if you were, your Mom would've stayed, right? Your father wouldn't fucking hate you, forced to  find solace at the bottom of a bottle just to get away from his disappointment of a daughter.
A pill-popping junkie. An addict.
That's what everyone thought of you, right? The moment you passed out on the couch at McKay's party, the rumor was set in stone. But it was happening long before then. Pills were the least of your worries.
So if they already had this preconception of you, who the fuck were you to disappoint?
Pulling out your phone, you dialed a number that you'd unfortunately never forget. No matter how desperate, or high you were at the time.
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Fez had grown tired of waiting for you to come back and had decided to just go find you himself.
At first, he was worried maybe something had happened between Jules and Rue, and that's why it had taken so long to say goodbye, but when he saw the two of them together, Jules seemingly sobered up, a frown settled on his face.
Gaining Rue’s attention, he'd asked her where you'd gone.
"I uh, I'm not sure. I think she left."
Rue wasn't sure why she didn't tell Fez exactly what she'd seen. Maybe she was still trying to comprehend it in her own mind. In fact, what had she seen?
Either way, she was a little too distracted by Jules' sudden shift in disposition to concentrate on more than one person at a time.
"Ay, what's her number? I'll try to ring her."
And he did. Multiple times. Each and every time, your phone simply rang and rang, until he was connected to your voicemail.
He tried not to worry too much; you were stone-cold sober and able to make a conscious decision. Maybe the night had just taken its toll, and somewhere between trying to find Rue and pushing your way through the crowd, you'd said fuck it and left. You didn't have his number, so he tried not to take it personally.
As he took one last look around the crowded room, his eyes met Nate Jacobs. He sent Fez a cocky smile, watching from the other side of the room, but shit... That wasn't any of his business.
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fr0doswagggins · 2 years
Untitled Jason Todd fic
A/N: this is a little something I started working on a while back ago and the original ending I had planned for it didn’t feel right so I kind of left it as is...plus it’s already quite long so I’m ok with it as is. Also this was written with a fem!reader in mind but I went over it and there’s not much description about the reader so it works for any pronouns :)
warnings: kind of annoying reader, slightly ooc Jason, smutty, lot’s of making out, Jason’s scars
You’re finishing up the last touches of your look when the limo arrives at your door. You quietly hop in the limo and ride in silence the twelve miles it takes to get to Wayne manor right outside Gotham city.
You arrive at the lavish building, admiring the architecture as well as the large crowd made up by some of the wealthiest people you’d ever know. You’d hate to admit it, but you were actually quite nervous. This was your first gala after all, even though by this point you’d been working with Bruce (or should you say Batman) for over a year.
You step out of the limo, straighten your clothes, and head for the fancy row of steps leading up to the entrance.
It would be an understatement to say that you’d met Bruce at a weird period of his life. You were a small time vigilante in Gotham and accidentally got mixed up with the wrong people. You were never supposed to be caught by the Batman, and yet you were. He told you to shut down your little operation, but you told him you really didn’t want to. You had to beg him to let you continue, refusing to give up your vigilante life. You explained to him that it was the only way you felt you were making a difference. He understood where you were coming from, and he reluctantly took you under his wing. And that’s how you got to know him. You worked together on so many missions that you ended up becoming one of his closest friends (or at least it was more like he had enough trust in you to know his secret identity and have access to the Batcave).
You cross the threshold into the house. You’d been there before but it was a whole different scene when it was full of people. You made your way through the crowd, trying to find a drink to calm your nerves. You made it to the bar and ordered a martini. As you sipped your drink you looked around the room. Your eyes widened when you made eye contact from across the room with a tall, handsome dark haired man with the slightest streak of white hair at the front of his head. That must be him. You immediately knew. That must be Jason Todd. You’d only ever heard stories about him, but you’d never actually met any of the bat family (except for Alfred of course).
The truth is. You didn’t know a lot about Jason. Just the most important parts. The haunting Robin suit displayed in the cave always caught your attention, that, and the gravestone out in the yard. Bruce refused to comment on it for the longest time. What you learned from him was just that he’d somehow been involved in his death, and he was extremely guilt ridden. You could tell it took a toll on your friend. You had to ask Alfred about it, but it also took him a long time to open up about it, and you essentially got the same story from him. His “Master Bruce” blamed himself for his son’s death and the reason he’d been so hesitant to take you in was because he was afraid of something happening to you. You had the gist of Jason’s story, though. He’d died, come back to life, and now he ran around the city terrorizing criminals as Red Hood.
You broke eye contact first, but you’d clearly caught his attention as he made his way towards you. His tall figure towered over you as he leaned over to the bar to order a drink. He wore a velvety red blazer that beautifully complemented his dark hair. You could tell he was muscular under the jacket as the seams looked like they were about to rip.
“Hello. You must be Y/N.” He says with a smile.
“How do you know my name?” You inquire. How would he know you if you’d never met? Did Bruce talk to him about you? How come he rarely talked about Jason to you?
“Well silly Y/N, my dad’s the world’s greatest detective. I have learned some skills from him you know.”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
“What, like you don’t know my name?”
“You’re right about that, Jason. I do know your name. And I also know that you’re a royal pain in the ass, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to go enjoy this party now.” You walked away as quickly as you could and hoped that he didn’t notice your shaking hands. That was not the experience you’d ever expected to have with the mysterious boy wonder, but his presence was intimidating you, and you were really struggling with your social interactions. You decided to go find Bruce.
“You know Y/N, it’s quite rude to assume things about people. We’ve only talked for two seconds and you’re already making judgement calls on my character?” You heard him call from behind.
“Yes. And for your information, I’ve heard enough about you to know that you’re a major nuisance to Bruce. You act like he doesn’t care about you, but I’ll have you know that he does. Bruce is my friend and I every day I have to see how much the guilt eats away at what little is left of him. So, forgive me for saying I don’t find your presence enjoyable.” You say it, but you know it’s a lie. So much curiosity about him and you finally had him right in front of you, but the only thing you can manage to do is bring up Bruce.
“Oh please. Seriously? Bringing up how Bruce was affected by the situation as if MY OWN DEATH wasn’t traumatic for me?” He’s inches away from your face.
“Fine. You’re right. That’s a fair point. However…” you trail off.
“However what?” He asks coldly.
“That doesn’t make it ok to murder people, Jason.” You say quietly.
Jason scoffs. “You clearly have been well indoctrinated by Bruce.”
You stare at him blankly. “Why does it matter if- “
“You know what, Y/N? I really don’t want to have this conversation. Enjoy the party.”
He starts to walk away from you, but you grab his arm, placing your grip right on his bicep. “Jason, wait!” You plea. “I’m sorry. I would like to get to know you. Genuinely. I apologize for my bluntness. Could we start over please?”
Jason takes a deep breath. “Fine.” He looks down at your hand that’s still holding his arm. You immediately let go.
“Nice to meet you. My name is Y/N.” You say shyly, staring at his green eyes.
“My name is Jason.” He holds out his large hand for you to shake. You grip it tightly and give it a firm shake, in spite of the fact that your hand is basically enveloped by his. You blush.
“So how did you know my name? Bruce tell you about me?”
“In all honesty? No. I did some of my own digging when I noticed [vigilante name] and the Batman started spending a lot of time together.”
“Oh wow. So, you stalked me?”
“No, I didn’t need to stalk you. I just pulled up Bruce’s file on you on the bat-computer.”
“He has a file on me? I knew it. That fucker.”
Jason smiles at you. You smile back at him and casually grab his hands. “Can I be completely honest with you?” Jason nods. “Bruce hasn’t really told me much about you either, and this might seem extremely nosy of me but I’m quite intrigued by what the real story is. Would you feel comfortable telling me about it? It’s ok if not, I totally understand.”
Jason stares at you for a moment, trying to read your face. “I think you should get me a few drinks first and then we’ll see.”
And with that you’re off to the bar. You make casual conversation first, telling him things about your life and sharing stories about Bruce. How much you’ve been sat at the bar is unclear, but you’re at a point at which he’s finally started opening up about what happened. The missing pieces of the incomplete story you’ve always wanted to know the truth of, finally falling into place. Your heart breaks for him, but you get the feeling he’s not one to ask for sympathy, so you do your best to not let it show. You just hold his hand however, and he surprisingly doesn’t let go for the whole thing. Not until he’s done telling you the last detail.
“And that’s why I don’t tend to come around the manor anymore. It’s not really the same anymore.” He says solemnly.
You give him a sad smile, unsure of what to say. You want to say thank you for sharing, but that hardly sums up how you truly feel. Instead, you reach up to cup his face, slowly. If he pulls away, you’ll take it as sign that he doesn’t want your comfort. Your hand reaches his face, and he does not pull away from you. You look at his eyes and he stares at you quizzically, unsure of what you’re trying to do. You start to lean into him, and he continues to stay still, but his eyes dart down to your lips briefly. He places his hand over yours and leans into your touch. You meet his lips, and he allows you to kiss him softly before returning the kiss to you. When you break the kiss, you’re still unsure of what to say. You silently search his eyes for answers, but he just continues to stare at you.
“So you wanna show me around the house or something?” You ask to break the tension.
“Um sure yeah. That’d be good.” he says, scratching the back of his neck.
You both start down the nearest hallway. It’s covered in paintings that are nearly as tall as the walls. Once you’ve gotten far enough away from the party you turn to kiss him again. You catch him off guard, but he leans into your touch once again. You place your arms around his neck to hold yourself closer and brings his arms around your waist. When you’re out of breath you break the kiss, leaning your forehead against his.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” He asks.
“Yes.” You say, looking up at him. “I’m sure.”
You kiss him again, and this time more passionately. He reciprocates the kiss, running a hand through your hair. You let out a sigh at the feeling. He brings his hands down to your hips and you place yours on his firm chest. As his tongue runs along yours, he pushes you up against the wall. You kiss him fervently, running your hands through his hair as he picks your legs up and puts them around his hips. You sigh out his name. He begins placing open mouthed kisses down your throat. You pull at his hair, and he lets out a quiet moan.
“Jason we should at least go in a room” you whisper in his ear. He hums against your neck.
He kicks down the nearest door and tosses you on the bed. Once the door is locked his lips are back against yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and open your mouth to let his tongue in. You let out a muffled moan and he squeezes your waist. Jason takes his jacket off and you use this as a chance to undo your shoes. You grab his neck tie and pull him down on the bed along with you. You kiss his jaw as you undo his tie and toss it to the side. You begin kissing down his neck as you undo the button on his collar. His places his hands on yours and moves them to cup his face. You give him a deep kiss and you could swear you heard him let out a soft moan. You use this opportunity to catch him off guard and straddle his hips. He doesn’t seem to mind, since his hands move to your waist, and he continues to place kisses down your neck. You run a hand through his hair and let out a soft hum. You begin to try to unbutton his shirt, but his hands stop you once again. You gaze at him questioningly. He doesn’t meet your eyes, so you place a soft, gentle kiss against his cheek. He blushes at this, and it makes you smile a little. You cup his face place another soft kiss to his lips. He puts his hands over yours and kisses you back.
“You okay?” You ask.
He nods.
“Do you want to keep going? We don’t have to if you’re not sure.”
He hesitates. “No, it’s fine. Let’s keep going.”
“Are you sure?”
He meets your eyes. “Yes, I’m sure.” With that he places your hands back on the collar of his shirt so you can continue unbuttoning it. As you worked away at the buttons, you could start to see the Y carved across his chest that he’d told you about from his autopsy. You could see him get embarrassed at this, cheeks flushed, refusing to meet your gaze. You begin placing kisses down his scar, starting on the right side. You place slow, soft kisses until you get to the middle of his chest where the lines meet. You look up at him and he’s blushing, looking down at you, mesmerized. You make your way back up his chest placing kisses to the other side. Once you finish, you place another soft kiss on his lips. Jason tangles his hands in yours and rests his forehead against yours momentarily, smiling. You smile back at him.
He begins to feverishly kiss your lips once again, so you decide you want to let him take the lead and lay back down against the pillow. You part your legs and Jason understands your silent invitation....
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lily-drake · 3 years
Jason: holy shit- she's so tiny!
Dick: *agitated* Jason, focus, what do we do??
Jason: *coos at the baby Marinette* I haven't seen her this small in forever.
Dick: we need- Jason! Focus! what do we do???
Jason: *shrugs* wait it out? I don't know.
Inspired by @bambicambi
Annoyance coursed through Marinette’s veins as she saw the new Akuma of the day.  Of course it happened when her family came to visit.  Looking up to the sky and praying for strength she turned her back to the chaos, something she would soon regret.  Her brothers were asking her what the heck was going on, and as she opened her mouth a baby pink ray of light hit her, and Marinette poofed and in her place sat 4-year-old Marinette Wayne.
Jason and Dick stared at the small child on the ground in shock and after the moments were over Jason eagerly picked her up and spun her around.
“Holy sh*!  She’s so tiny!”
Jason called out as he held the small giggling girl to his chest.  Dick, was rightfully frustrated and walking in small circles and quickly said,
“Jason, focus, what do we do?”
Upon hearing Jason making cooing noises, he swiftly turned to look at Jason.
“I haven’t seen her this small in forever!”
He exclaimed, nuzzling his nose against the small Marinette.
“We need-Jason!  Focus!  What do we do?”
Jason shrugged as he held Marinette against his hip.  She giggled and tugged at his jacket.
“Wait it out?  I don’t know.”
Dick opened her mouth, but stopped when Marinette began to speak.
“Jay-Jay!  Ride!  Ride!”
Jason’s grin grew and gently set her down while holding her hand.  He squared down and carefully released her hand.  He could not express the pure amount of joy he felt when she climbed onto his back and wrapped her tiny hands around his neck.
“Jason, have you just forgotten the weirdly dressed flying child that not only turned Marinette, but all of Paris into kids?!”
He…had forgotten.  But can you blame him?  Marinette was so tiny when she was a kid, and he hadn’t seen her like this in forever.
“Look, contact Zatanna while I keep her safe and distracted.”
Dick sighed in relief replying,
“Alri-wait a minute.”
Jason was already running with a giddily screaming Marinette.
“No fair, I want to cuddle my baby sister too!”
He sighed in frustration, and no he was not pouting.  Quickly pulling out his communicator he dialed Zatanna.
“Hey, so I’m in Paris visiting some family, and this flying kid in really weird clothes is going around de-aging people.  Could you come see what’s going on please?”
“Pardon, but what?”
“Yea, it sho-“
Dick quickly ran through the streets dodging beams that were now directed towards him.  Why did stuff like this always happen when they traveled?
A few moments later a portal opened and he had never been more relieved to see Zatanna in his life.  Zatanna looked around and looked at the villain.  As she studied it and was about to jump in, a neon butterfly mask appeared over the child’s face and she realized what this was.
“I can’t do anything, sorry Dick.”
“What?!  Why?!”
“This is ancient magic, probably the most ancient magic in the universe.  There should be others…, see,”
She said pointing to a cat-like figure in the distance.  Dick stared in confusion, what was happening?
While Dick was trying to figure everything out Jason was having the time of his life with Tiny Mari.  He was especially thankful that when she was blasted that her clothes were transformed into a white t-shirt and overalls with lions stitched throughout them.  He had taken so many pictures of them.  We’re people running around everywhere scared, yes, yes they were.  But that didn’t stop him from enjoying as much time as he could with his tiny sister like he used to.
“Jay-Jay!  There’s a fairy in my pocket!”
“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”
He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!
“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”
Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!
“Marinette, you need to help Chat Noir defeat the akuma?”
“Akuma matata!”
Marinette called out with a giggle.  Jason would have laughed, if it weren’t for the flying bug thing talking to his sister, who was currently 4, telling her to help someone defeat the crazed villain.
“Woah!  Are you insane?!  Look at her?!  How do you expect her to fight?!”
The thing looked conflicted before sighing and saying,
“Well, do you want to fight it?  You just need to wear the earrings, I can run you through what you need to do!”
Marinette screamed.
“I want to be like you and daddy!  It’s my turn to help people!”
“Marinette, you're too young.”
Tears began to well up in the small child’s eyes.
“I-it’s no fair!  You al-always say that!  I want to help!”
She finished stamping her foot definitely with a sharp glare.  Jason sighed in exhaustion and turned to the floating creature.  He mumbles under his breath,
“Can’t believe I’m letting this happen.”
He knew by the way Marinette was gripping at her ears and the definence in her stance.  He could easily take them by force, but he didn’t want to hurt her or make her angry and feel betrayed.
“Can you assure above all else that she will be completely and utterly safe.  I will join as well in my hero suit to make absolutely sure.”
“Yes, she has a partner as well who will watch out for her.”
He sighed in relief at that, but there was a new and very heavy weight on his chest that wouldn’t leave until this event was over.  He listened to the fairy tell Marinette what she needed to do and almost smiled at the determined face she was making.  Her cheeks were so chubby and-no, focus!  He pulled out an extra domino mask he always carried with him and zipped up his leather jacket.  When he turned around there was a burst of pink light and where Tiny Mari once stood stood his sister in the cutest outfit he had ever seen!  It was similar to his old Robin outfit, but closer to Tim’s as she thankfully felt that there needed to be pants.  She had small wings on her back with a black cape with red bottom edges that shielded them from view.  And in her hands was a tiny yo-yo.  Before anything else could happen, he quickly pulled out his phone and took pictures.  He wanted to show this to Bruce and brag, sue him.
Soon after that they both left to the rooftops.  He was honestly surprised by how easily she maneuvered around the roofs and how easily her yo-yo grappled and released from things.  They soon landed next to a Cat Woman knock-off who turned to look at them in surprise and exhaustion.  When Marinette saw him she quickly turned to him and tugged on his sleeve.  Jason crouched down and Mini-bug leaned close to his ear and whispered,
“Does Selie have a son?”
Jason snickered and glanced up at the kid.  He seemed to have heard them if the ears twitching and confused look said anything.
“No Pix.  He was just inspired.”
“Oh, okie-dokie!”
“So, I’m assuming you two know each other and she was hit out of suit?”
“Yep, basically.”
“Right.  Well, we just need to break the wand, but I can’t get close.”
“Little Lady, cast your charm.”
Mini-bug puffed up her cheeks making her old —and most adorable— thinking face before yelling out while throwing the yo-yo into the air,
“Lucky Charm!”
“A red and black spotted rubber bullet dropped into Mini's awaiting palms.  Jason promptly took the bullet and loaded it into his gun, it was the perfect fit.  The hideously dressed child flew over to them and flourished her wand creating the opening Jason needed.  With one quick shot the bullet flew through the air and hit the wand causing it to snap.  A black and purple butterfly began to fly out and mini quickly caught it.  She quickly released it bouncing on her heels in pure joy as a wide smile grew onto her face.
“Told ya I coul’ do it!”
“Yes you did, good job Pix.”
Chat Noir, who they hadn’t noticed disappeared, came back with the bullet and handed it to the small girl.  She threw the bullet into the air jumping up as well and yelled out,
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Millions of Ladybugs flew through the air repairing damages and Turing people back to normal ending with Ladybug herself.  Ladybug looked around confusedly and saw Chat on her right and Red Hood on her left.  Memories of the past hour flashed through her mind and she promptly hid her face in her hands and a deep blush bloomed across her face.
“This is a disaster, a complete disaster.”
“I don’t know Bug, was it?”
Jason asked with a crap eating grin.
Came her mumbled response.  Jason laughed and ruffled her hair, Marinette was too miserable to care.
“We should go make sure golden boy isn’t panicking too much, don’t ya think?”
Marinette sighed tiredly and nodded, I guess so.
“Sorry Chat, I promise I’ll explain later.  Bug out.”
And as quickly as she could she swung away with Red Hood laughing and not too far behind.
“B is going to hate that he missed this.”
He called through the air causing a loud groan to escape her lips.
“Don’t show him!”
“Too late Pix, already sent them all to the group chat.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you to Babybug.”
Marinette groaned again and Jason laughed all the way to where they found Dick and Zatanna talking in an alleyway.
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess @buginetye @miraculouslydumb @aurcad123
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Secret’s Out
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Bruce was looking at his emails when Y/N arrived at the table.
She was breathing heavily and her hair was a bit messy, just further proving she had rushed to get there.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she huffed embarrassingly. “My shoot ran over and every one was moving so slowly.”
Bruce smiled. “Y/N. Relax.”
Then he stood up to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
The two of them hadn’t seen each other in over a month. Y/N had been traveling for work constantly. And between the vigilante life and Wayne Enterprises, Bruce was running on 2 hours of sleep on the daily.
“I need a drink,” Y/N finally sighed after she got situated.
As if on cue, their waitress dropped Y/N’s favorite drink in front of her.
Y/N eyed Bruce with surprise.
He just shrugged.
Sometimes Y/N forgot how much her father noticed literally everything.
“Thank you,” she told the waitress.
“You’re overworking yourself,” Bruce said with a disapproving look.
She rolled her eyes. “Really? You’re not one to talk, Bruce.”
“You deserve a vacation. I’ll pay for it. Pick wherever you want. Bring Jason. Or some friends.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Bruce…”
It was a warning.
From the very start of their unconventional father-daughter relationship, Y/N had made it clear that she could not be bought. And Bruce spoiling her made her extremely uncomfortable. Even now, she still tried to at least split restaurant checks with him. Bruce always won those battles though.
“I’ll take a vacation when you do,” she finally countered.
That sure shut him up.
“Hey, I actually brought you something,” Y/N changed the subject as she reached for her bag.
A moment later, she lightly placed a manila folder onto the table.
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he reached for it.
As soon as he opened it, he froze.
“I had to clean out some stuff and put things into storage,” Y/N explained. “I found all my mom’s photos. I figured I could make copies of some childhood photos for you.”
Bruce’s silence made Y/N nervous.
“If you don’t want them, that’s totally fine.” She started to reach for the folder out of Bruce’s grip with awkward embarrassment. “It was stupid–”
But Bruce quickly pulled the folder closer to him and stopped her from taking the photos from him.
“Thank you,” he announced.
It made Y/N quickly sit back in her chair, caught off guard by his sincere reaction and how he’d immediately become protective of the photos.
Bruce awkwardly cleared his throat. “Thank you, Y/N.”
He repeated to make sure she understood how thankful he truly was. And Y/N suspected the throat clearing was to hide his emotions.
Now she watched as Bruce slowly went through every picture. He took in every detail with a soft smile.
These weren’t just photos. These were all of Y/N’s memories that Bruce missed, that he could never get back. And he was savoring all of them.
Then Bruce paused and was fully smiling now.
“What?” Y/N asked.
She didn’t know why all of this made her so nervous.
Bruce didn’t say anything as he lifted a photo and flipped it to show her.
It wasn’t from her childhood.
It was a black and white photo of Jason. A candid from when he had escorted her around the slums of Gotham for her most recent gallery show.
After months of thinking about it, Y/N finally had decided she wanted to frame it and hang it somewhere in her apartment. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped with embarrassment and she ripped it from his hands.
“I was developing some photos at the same time as I was making the copies. Must’ve gotten mixed up in those,” Y/N explained too quickly, unable to meet Bruce’s gaze.
It made Bruce happy to know that Y/N didn’t have the same inability to love someone and let people in like he did. It was a relief that she didn’t isolate herself from it like he had. If her mother was still alive, Bruce would thank her for it. But if Y/N’s mother were alive, he would’ve never known about Y/N in the first place.
Their entire dinner was spent with Bruce looking at the old photos. He had at least two questions for each one. Some of them Y/N didn’t remember being taken. But most of them came with stories or a loving memory.
Y/N talked for most of the meal. But that’s exactly what Bruce wanted.
Furthermore, Bruce had nothing of value to update her on. Batman business had consumed his life as of lately, and he had made a promise to never involve Y/N in any of it. And Jason seemed to be on the same page when it came to his other life as Red Hood. 
Both men seemed determined to keep her safe and away from it all. 
Two hours later, Bruce was paying the check and helping Y/N into her coat.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” he muttered as they started walking out.
Y/N had learned by now to give up on those small battles. Jason was the same way when it came to making sure she got home safely.
As they made their way to the exit, Y/N caught a few stares from other patrons who were still eating.
“Do you ever get used to it?” She asked her father in a low voice.
“Get used to what?” He asked, genuinely unaware of what she was getting at.
“People gawking at you.”
Bruce glanced around and unintentionally glared at anyone who was staring at Y/N.
“It’s good that I’m seen in public…for obvious reason,” he hinted in a quiet voice, obviously talking about needing the cover to continue his life as a masked vigilante.
Once they were outside, Alfred was already waiting at the curb with the Rolls-Royce. He greeted Y/N with a hug and a kiss to her cheek before opening the door for her and Bruce.
When they got to Y/N’s apartment building, she said her goodbyes to Alfred. And Bruce walked Y/N all the way up to her door.
Even though Y/N insisted it was overkill and she could get up the stairs on her own just fine, Bruce had seen too many terrible things in this forsaken city. He could think of thousands of things that could happen to Y/N between the car and her front door.
Once Y/N realized that Bruce’s paranoia came from experience, she stopped trying to stop his chivalry and overprotective ways. She finally understood that Bruce had seen things that would prevent her from ever sleeping again. So if walking Y/N to her door gave him a little peace of mind, she wasn’t going to take that away from him.
Y/N turned to Bruce when they reached her door. “Thanks again for dinner.”
“Of course. I’m glad we could spend some time together. Thank you again for the photos.”
Y/N didn’t realize that Bruce was about to hang every single one around Wayne Manor. 
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Get home safe.”
Y/N woke up wrapped strong arms, her body overheating slightly.
When she had come home from dinner last night, Jason had already left for patrol.
He hadn’t woken her up when he got back home, just proving how exhausted Y/N had been these past few weeks.
But it was the continuous buzzing vibrations of her phone that woke her up. When she brightened the screen, she saw that she had dozens of text messages and three missed called from Bruce.
“What the fuck,” Y/N whispered as she started opening them.
But they were all about the same thing.
Everyone had sent her similar articles from various gossip websites or news outlets.
All of the headlines were joined with photos of Bruce and Y/N having dinner last night. Apparently other customers at the restaurant had snuck photos of Bruce greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Y/N could see how it would be misinterpreted as romantic and not familial or platonic. But it still made her sick to see the photos twisted in such a way.
Then there were paparazzi photos of them getting in a car together. Of course there were none of Bruce dropping her off and them going their separate ways. That would be just too convenient for the two of them. 
Y/N’s stomach dropped with panic.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she gasped without realizing it.
Jason immediately woke up. “What is it?”
Y/N ignored him and called Bruce.
“I’m handling it,” was how Bruce answered her call.
“Handling it? How exactly?” She challenged. “We can deny the rumors all we want. But everyone is going to keep tabs on us now, and they’re going to see us together again.”
Jason grabbed his own phone.
One of his brothers must’ve sent him a similar article because he rubbed his face in annoyance, finally understanding the situation. 
Nothing like your girlfriend being rumored to have a relationship with her father, who was also your mentor and adoptive father. 
“Y/N, it will blow over. It always does,” Bruce tried to calm her down.
“So what happens when I get photographed with Jason? Huh? They’re going to just say I’m cheating on both of you with each other or some fucked up shit like that.”
Bruce was silent, because they both knew she was right.
Y/N glanced at Jason, who was already waiting for her gaze.
She took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Maybe we should…Maybe we should just tell the truth.”
“You’ve never wanted that, Y/N.” Bruce tried to argue.
And he was right.
Y/N was terrified of being associated with the Wayne family. People would start believing she secretly built her career off of nepotism that no one was aware of. She also didn’t want that type of attention from the media and the upperclass of Gotham.
“I don’t think we have any other choice,” Y/N finally answered.
Jason reached for thigh and gripped it, trying to offer her some sort of comfort.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked slowly.
“No. Not at all. But I’d rather not have the public think I’m dating my biological father.”
“OK,” Bruce sighed. “I’ll talk to my publicist today.”
“OK.” She bit her lip before adding. “Just…tell them the whole story.”
“Y/N, if you’re worried how it will make me look, don’t.”
“But I am worried about it, Bruce. They’re going to drag you for being an absent father. And none of that is true. They’re not gonna understand.”
“I’ll call you later with an update,” he told her softly before hanging up.
Y/N tossed her phone to the foot of the bed in frustration.
Jason watched as she buried her face in her hands.
“You OK?” He asked as he rubbed her back.
“No,” she answered honestly.
“Come here.” Jason pulled her into his chest.
There was no fight from her as he cuddled her tightly.
“This is a fucking nightmare,” she groaned into his shoulder.
“I know. But maybe it’s for the best,” he tried to reason with her.
“And what happens when they catch wind that I’m dating my father’s adoptive son? Huh?”
“We’re not actually related, Y/N.”
She pulled her face back so she could glare at him. “Yeah! We know that! But you do understand that people are going to see it that way, right? Like we’re gonna look like some fucked up incestual couple to them.”
“I don’t really care,” Jason finally told her.
“You don’t care?” She scoffed.
“No,” his answer and confidence didn’t waver. “I don’t give a fuck what people say about us, Y/N. If exposing the truth means we don’t have to think twice about going to events or even just going out to dinner, then I’m all for it. I’m sick of hiding our relationship.”
Y/N blinked. She never considered that their subtle relationship bothered him in any way. She was always a strangely private person, so it felt normal to her. But clearly Jason had been wanting to be a bit more public with their relationship.
“What if this changes everything?” Y/N whispered, not meeting his eyes.
Jason smirked at that and gripped her chin, lifting it up so she would look at him. “Some paparazzi and trash tabloids aren’t going to change how I feel about you, Y/N.”
Y/N laughed lightly at that.
“Maybe we should leave Gotham for a bit,” she offered. “Bruce won’t shut up about paying for a vacation for us.”
Jason nodded. “I think that sounds like a good idea. You’ve needed a break for awhile now.”
“Well…where do you wanna go?” Y/N asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me. As long as you’re there.”
She rolled her eyes and hit Jason in the face with a pillow. “God, you really are a sap.”
Y/N appreciated Jason always being able to make her feel better and feel supported. 
But even he couldn’t stop her from wondering...
What would life be like as a Wayne?
Father of Mine – Bonus Content
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sereisstuff · 3 years
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 // Suguru Niragi
Warnings - Swearing, mentions of blood. Implied violence, mentions of bullying. The reader kinda has a savior complex.
word count - 3k
Italics + bold in the beginning is a flashback. Anything beyond the keep reading sign is present tense.
Also this was a first attempt, it’s somewhat what I could come up with at the moment, I was having mixed feelings towards Niragi because of the controversy surrounding his character and fan fictions but he is a fictional character, I’ll leave it at that.
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“Leave him alone” 
You screamed bloody murder, watching as tears cascaded down his dewy cheeks running down towards his blood coated collar, baring the harsh texture of a softball plumbing against his broken nose. You witnessed his pleas and the pitiful cries he broke into for someone to help him, it was heart-wrenching.
Your voice broke their trance of hatred towards the poor boy, making you their focus of humour. The boy who seemed a year or two older than yourself coughed taking advantage of the situation to relish his tears onto the floor whilst grasping his stomach in pain. A moment so awful could only bring entertainment for the crowd. 
“Or what princess, are you gonna beat me up for it?” he scoffed, pointing towards Niragi grimly. His lips slithering into a deceitful grin and you swore, a glint of evil was shining behind his cowardly eyes.
You clenched your fist tightly feeling the silver rings bare against your cold hands, this seemed to amuse the group of them as a harmonious wave of laughter flooded beneath the bridge “How cute, a feeble thing like you challenging me? just like a little red riding hood” he muttered, his large feet padded across the cement, advancing towards your figure.
You felt your heart race in anticipation swiping a quick look towards the harmless boy shaking on the floor, angering you to your core. Like the swindling wind, your mind was running in chaos, calculating his every step with a cold glare strung to his eyes. You could almost feel your own body shaking but not in fear, no. In rage. 
“Look at her, she’s afraid of you” one interrupted with a grin, simply ignored his assumption with a raised brow. You were somewhat tall but he still stalked over you like a tree. Rooting your feet into the ground, you spoke “I’m not afraid of you, or any of you for that matter. I’m afraid of what will happen if you touch him one more time and trust me, I won’t be the one shaking in fear, that’s a promise. So go ahead, keep calling me princess, I dare you” your threat was taken lightly although the fear was evident in a few of their eyes once they witnessed the honesty in your eyes. 
A promising advance.
“You're funny, isn’t she funny? How about we make a joke out of you?” He threatened baring his teeth at you.
Your neck craned to meet his eyes, daring him to do as he pleased. One of his members gripped his hand in an attempt to pull him away “just let it go, we can get him next time” 
But he didn’t budge, ripping his friend's hand out of his own and raising it mighty in the air with a subtle hope of destruction lingering between his finger tips. He snarled out his reply “No, I’ll show her what you get when you don’t mind your own business”
You laughed, mocking his accusation, pushing him towards his wits end “That’s it you bitch” 
His hand came crashing down only stopping once you caught his wrist, twisting it around behind his back so he could squirm in pain. The others with slight moral decency, cowered in surprise, backing away from their beloved.
“You like that, huh?” You laughed, now it was your turn to become the heartless monster they awfully played “Does it feel nice being thrown around” you mocked him once more, kicking him into the floor with a nice swing of your boot covered foot, harshly connecting with his stomach so he pummeled in absolute pain.
“Your pathetic, the whole lot of you”
You rested your leg against his soon to be bruised stomach, glaring at everyone of them “Get out of here, before the same happens to you” your tone was stern and clear, sending them a threatening message they received. Although some hesitated but followed like little sheep in a herd, you bent down to their leaders face gripping strands of his hair and pulling his face to meet yours.
“Run along little lamb, watch your herd follow you” 
You made sure they were out of sight before you came back to the realization of the poor boy lying in his own puddle of tears and blood, advancing towards him in a state of worry, you bent down in front of him, arms to your sides in hopes he would understand you were no threat to him. He lifted his head slightly, his left eye of his frames was cracked and his other eye was forming a purplish bruise, you would have done a lot more than that if only you had the time.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you” you whispered softly grasping his attention, beneath his dampened strands he peaked up, a murmur of pain could be heard and beneath his hisses he gradually spoke “Th-thank you” 
“It’s fine, what they did was terrible. I hope you realise that you don’t deserve that” he had no strength to smile and only nod in understanding and suddenly it dawned on you. You had bandages and wipes in your bag, hanging out with a group such as yours you always had to be aware of any bruise and injury, what came with the mix of people you had was prone to wounds and you always came prepared for tragic things.
“I’ll be back” you spoke, standing up with a slight buckle in your knees and the pulsating pain in your fists, you so effortlessly ignored the more wounded. You gripped the straps, throwing it around your forearm and running back to him. You pulled out the bandages and the alcoholic wipes as you tapped his shoulder so he could look up from his dissociation.
“Do you mind?” you asked carefully, tipping your head towards his open wound on his cheek.
He looked at you, knitting his brows in thought. Processing what you said as he weighed out the idea that you were in fact being kind, he nodded looking into your eyes as you almost crumbled at the sight. The pain and hurt hidden behind those doe eyes was painful, you could almost hear the pleas again and you couldn’t bear the thought of that ever happening to you again, so you touched up his cuts with a hiss here and there until he spoke.
“Niragi…...my name is Suguru Niragi” 
Your eyes were blindfolded, fear seeping through your clothes, you didn’t know how you got here only to the point where you suddenly couldn’t breathe, you clawed against the callous fingers wrapped tightly around your neck until you couldn’t anymore.
“How long has she been here?” You heard piquing your interest, your head tipped in surprise hearing multiple voices jump to their question.
You had accepted your fate of death multiple times before this one but something told you to continue, to persevere past your inability to continue. So you did, in an attempt to relish your curiosity and fear, you spoke “Where am I??” silence was your given reply, amongst the void of people you weren’t aware surrounded you, a stern voice spoke with demand “We don’t treat future members like this, take her blindfold off” 
The void you’d been getting used to was finally ripped from your sight and you could suddenly feel the warmth of sun melting into your frozen complex, just as much as you could feel, you also saw. It was unlikely to enjoy such small things like this but in a world of torture, not even people could bring you peace, not anymore at least.
“She seems tattered, this wasn’t our doing wa-” before he could finish his sentence, someone interrupted 
“it’s you?”
 A voice you could recognise anywhere spoke with excitement, his laugh echoing through the room as it bounced off the walls, that didn’t sound like him. That sounded like someone who loved to live in an immoral world chasing sheep after sheep, until you fall into a pit never to come out again.
“How wonderful! I see you two seem well acquainted. I don’t suppose it was from the games?” Niragi shook his head with a grin, he seemed relieved to see you but you couldn’t say the same. You could tell by his appearance he seemed less empathetic, he had just as much reason too but it seemed edging. 
His piercings added to his already threatening look, somewhat seductive to the eye and appealing, far beyond his student years.
“Not at all hatter, me and y/n go way back, don’t we? My little red riding hood” he asked, finally staring into your stern orbs. You felt threatened, the gun leaning against his broad shoulders slid down his arms as he gripped into, pointing it towards your bitter face, his aim was reckless but it didn’t mean it still didn’t shake something in you, you flinched at the sight.
“Oho that seems to catch your attention, should I do it again?” He threatened lightly as he connected his intense gaze with your own, your lips lifted feeling a wave of bravery and keeping your face stern and fearless“I’ve known him since high-school” you spoke plainly masking the fear you hid behind your voice, he definitely wasn’t the warm boy you met that night, his fear nowhere to be seen as he reveled in his own power.
“Fascinating, how a game can bring even the furthest of acquaintances together” Hatter’s crazed dazed rested on you, his jaw clenched as if he suppressed the words he spoke although he spoke as if all the freedom in the world rested on his shoulders, unlike many. Hatter had a free spirit, you could tell by the clothing he wore and how he portrayed himself, although the creator had all the power he seemed unafraid of what was to come, like his own creator.
“What is this place?” You asked.
The hatter walked leisurely around your seat, taking his place behind you with a threatening glare venomously biting at him from Niragi, his soft hands placed against your bare shoulders, massaging them as if to make you seem well enough to become comfortable but once he felt your tensed shoulders, thrash in his palms, he took a moment to pause. 
“Welcome, new comer. To the beach, the utopia, your own personal home of freedom” Once again, the hatters voice was lost in daze.
“The what?” you asked again, that seemed ridiculous.
“The beach, A home I created, a home for those of us to feel our freedom, to bask in it’s warmth. No rules, no governed led law, just three absolute rules that every member of the beach must follow” The hatter rested a palm on your shoulder using it as a stool for his posture.
Amongst his rant, you mellowed out his words. Losing your train of thought in Niragi’s eyes, so much discomfort rested in your own he could almost feel the anger seeping from your bones, angered due to the unruly sense of it all. You either lived or died, a way out was always on your mind but the only thing that kept you running was living, making sure that when the moment came, you would still be here to leave.
Niragi, along with his powerful facade basked in its potential and he made it known to the world with his appearance, the way his voice pitched higher as he stared at your pitiful state, the enjoyment flooding his mouth with a taunting expression, you didn’t notice who that was, who he became but you knew better, deep down. He was still Niragi, the one you saved and comforted, the one who brought you food when you were so deep in school work you couldn’t bear the thought of switching positions, not even for your well-being. 
You were brought back to the world when the touch of a cold barrel met your temples, a loud click followed soon after.
“You're really starting to piss me off, little red riding hood. Do you think we’re dumb, you look at the hatter like he’s an idiot, why would you do that to your saviour” Niragi spoke tauntingly, daring you to cross those barriers you put in place for your own protection, he’s seen you angered once, he’ll see it again.
“Do it” you proclaimed with a straight face, your voice calm as a tideless sea. Niragi scoffed, the corners of his mouth stretching widely and increasingly slow, too slow for your liking. He searched your eyes for fear, wanting the succulent delight of seeing your despair. 
“Or are you scared? I know fear isn’t unknown to you” You hissed back at him, your venomous fangs digging deep into his caged memory, withstood by his own barriers. He locked those memories and threw that key into a bottomless pit but despite that, it was almost like you stood, knocking against the safe he locked his pitiful self in and he was holding the knob with shaking hands, you were resurfacing the past and he vowed to only ever live in the present.
His fingers lingered against the trigger, feeling the power of his hands against the weapon. He was a god in his own eyes but before him rested something more valuable, something he cherished in a past life. He couldn't do it and the hatter noticed this, speculation threw him in and he watched as Niragi pulled the gun away from your head, pointing it towards the roof and letting his pale fingers press the trigger with an anomaly of amusement. 
The power shot from his weapon, creating cracks in the roof as the crumbs of his doing fell in front of your eyes and you released a small breath in relief. 
"untie her, she's going to be with me from now on-wards" Niragi demanded, he was bearing a threat towards the hatters authority. 
Hatter smiled in delight, worry never once tipped his harsh features but you couldn't speak for the others, who not once faltered at your treatment, now seemed worried for your entire being. 
“Do as he says, he clearly knows our fellow members. Therefore, he should do the honors” Hatter demanded, he had a clear distinction for his choice of clothing, making it apparent that his name bore a meaning. Colorful expression distorting his position with his other executive members, freedom per se or maybe it was merely just a coincidence.
Your thrashing was unnoticed in his lock, he ripped you from your place roughly as if you had no meaning to him and it was probably true. Niragi hoisted his machine to the nape of his neck, tugging you in the other hand with what he demanded.
He couldn’t believe his eyes the moment he laid his on yours, it wasn’t often that he met people he once knew without shooting them right where they thought. Ruthless, the capacity for violence he had was uncanny but not unseen for his peers, they knew not of his past and he kept it that way, his psychotic doings sparked a mutual fear within those weaker than him and that was plenty.
“You stick with me or by me from now on, you leave my side for any apparent reason and you're dead, anything you’ve done. I’ve done worse, so I don’t think you want to play with me” in contrast to his previous behavior, he now was in a craze of success. You clenched his hand in an attempt to make him whine in pain just enough for you to run but he surprised you, locking your hand in a harsh grasp that made you bite your lip in pain.
“You should have just killed me when you got the chance, it’s not like you're the same anymore. You’ve changed” You mumbled, ceasing a breath. You relaxed your body and let him lead your way, it’s not like you feared him. As someone you once knew, you often reminded yourself in the moment that he didn’t harm a fly, that was no excuse for him now but in order to keep your sanity at bay, you did just that.
“Why would I do that when I could have fun with you instead?” He laughed.
“As if I would give you the chance too” you retorted.
His steps halted, as he stared forward with a grin. He liked the challenge in your tone, if it was anything. Niragi never once let a challenge get the best of him, he meant what he said and he would make sure more than once that he would get his way.
“Is that a challenge?” he asked, delightfully. Once a friend turned stranger, you stared at the back of his tied hair, the strands falling against his shoulder blades until you caught the sway of his head leisurely turning to face you with a snake like glint in his eyes, the horror of the unknown was creeping up your spine but you weren’t going to back down like a coward, you never did and that wont start today.
“I could warp you into my little pet, do you like being called a pet my little red riding hood. Whatever version of myself was projected onto you, you can forget because the one you're witnessing shares no mercy, not even for you. So thrash and whine as much as you like” Niragi began taking small steps towards you, you backed away in fear still grimly leaving the distaste for his actions lingering on your lips as you threw a look of utter disgust his way.
You managed to walk safely, feeling the brief tender touch of an untouched wall hit your frame, watching him tower over you “Because no one will help you, in fact, I have full control over you, I own you” You scoffed, looking away for a short lived moment before you felt his slender fingers grasp your chin harshly, forcing the contact between you two.
“You must feel so big right now. So utterly powerful, your need to pick on the weaker isn’t a new concept to you, right? In fact it should be so deeply engraved in your brain that not even a rock to the head could erase that, I see. Warp me all you want but I’ll always know you for who you were, my best friend” The words that left your tongue were hot, burning your throat as you held back tears from the countless memories. 
“That’s bullshit, your best friend? That was my need for repayment, that person is long gone now” He screamed, but his face didn’t gleam in despair, no. It shone in glee. The fight was racking up all his pent up anger and he was more than happy to dump it on anyone near, that so happened to be you. 
“Why? Why do you do this. You wouldn’t even harm a fly, the Niragi I knew was soft and caring, he hated violence” you almost screamed, baring your teeth at Niragi, the shine of the dagger he held didn’t even surprise you, his grasp of it against your neck was so close that even the tiniest gulp would have blood seeping from your throat.
“He died, a long time ago” his voice was now emotionless, you could see the shine leaving his face as he reminisced. His stoic features returned but his hold tightened, he grasped both of your hands, casually but sharply holding both above your head with his knife in the other, his body inched close to yours and you felt the texture of his clothing against your body.
“I don’t want to hear you bitching about how you miss what we had, that’s nothing now. You're nothing now, you're not special to me. Just someone I refuse to let go, you know that old saying? Snitches get stitches? Well if you tell anyone about how we met, what I went through, they won’t have any part of their body to stitch back together”
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tennessoui · 3 years
You kind of already did 31 but pleaseeeeeeee
these ficlets keep getting longer ffs this is 2k
31. One is a sex worker, the other is a client AU
anakin's had his turn as a sex worker in my writing so it's Obi-Wan this time, paired with Vaderkin and i made it more dark than I thought would happen whoops but. warnings are: probably bordering extremely dubious consent even though no sex happens and this is just the lead up. a brief reference to underage sex work, though absolutely nothing comes of it. and vaderkin being a bit creepy.
There is a saying among the workers at the Establishment: if the imperial palace calls for you, you should hope the person that is displayed next to you is prettier.
Obi-Wan has never bought into prayers of any kind and this saying is only ever said with something akin to a worshipful dread. Still, when Ahsoka drapes a cloak of red around his shoulders and whispers those words to him—“May the others be your betters”—he thinks for a second about the nature of prayer and of hope and the futility of both in this galaxy.
“Don’t worry, little ‘Soka,” he smiles from under the cloak’s hood. “I’m sure it’s just a mistake.” He is, after all, one of the oldest workers here, makes most of his money these days tending bar and running the front desk, called in to serve mostly for virgin customers who want a gentler and more experienced hand to guide them in the art of pleasure. He doesn’t think any of the words could be used to describe the Emperor Vader, can’t see the imposing black-suited man interested in the art of pleasure.
Ahsoka can’t look him in the eye, but she hugs him tightly as he boards the shuttle that will take him to the Palace.
The ride there is quiet. Obi-Wan tries to avoid as many glances from the other people as he gives to them. Most of them are young, human. He seems to be the only male above 40. His chances are good.
Maybe he hadn’t been lying to Ahsoka. Maybe, truly, his name being included on the list had been a mistake
Something inside him hesitates though. He’d been out in the Upper levels a week ago, making his way home after one of his rare appointments with an old client turned friend. A child had fallen into the path of a small parade of speeders. A correctional officer had raised a whip. Obi-Wan had reacted on instinct, catching its lash with his forearm. The child had run off. Obi-Wan had stayed. He’d raised his head just enough, eons later, to see the durasteel outside of the largest speeder pass by his prone form, just enough to see the Imperial crest on its hull. Just for long enough to see a glint of a yellow eye from the window.
Bacta had treated his wounds, but his mind had not allowed him to rest easily, caught up in the memory of that eye--had he imagined the interest? Had he imagined it all?
And so to hear his name called tonight--the first calling since The Incident--had felt like the confirmation of all of his most unfounded fears.
Would tonight be the night he died? He had lived a long life. A rough one. Perhaps it is time.
Still, in the back of his head, a selfish, utterly human part of him whispered, may the others be your betters.
Those chosen do, often, come back. Sometimes they do not. Mostly they do. Obi-Wan has never truly decided which of these fates is the worse one. Those who survive don’t say anything for days on end, their eyes blank as they stare forward. Their bruises, if they are there, are easy to heal. But something is always wrong with their minds afterwards. And those who don’t come back...well. It’s hard to say what happens to them, where they go. Far away or down below.
Obi-Wan is forced to his knees in between a moderately aged female Togruta and a fairly young teenager. The boy is shaking. He can’t be more than sixteen.
They’re in the Entrance Hall. Obi-Wan has never been here before, but he supposes it makes sense. There will be one person who ventures further into the Palace. The rest will be dismissed out the doors that just shut. No need to bring the scum further in than they have to.
Distantly, like a funeral drum, Obi-Wan can hear the sound of feet falling, making their way closer. Just a single pair. He wants to look up, to watch the Emperor--because it has to be the Emperor--approach, but there’s a Guard behind him, holding his head down.
The footsteps are close now. There’s only ten of them--sometimes, Obi-Wan has heard that there can be as many as twenty or thirty--so the line is short. Vader paces quietly from the first to the last person, before stopping in the middle. Obi-Wan can just see the black of his boots if he flicks his eyes as far as they can go to the left. The boy next to him lets out a muffled sob. Obi-Wan wishes he could offer the kid some sort of comfort, some sort of reassurance that the Emperor will choose one of the other workers, a body more desirable than either of theirs, but there are no words to describe the guilty relief of a suffering passed onto someone else.
On some sort of invisible signal, the Guard behind Obi-Wan wrenches his head back by the hold he has on both the silken hood and his own hair. It’s far from comfortable, tilted so far back. The message is obvious. Submission is not optional. Respect will be shown through any means necessary.
Obi-Wan tries to keep the hulking form of Vader in his eyesight, even though to see ahead of him he has to close his eyes almost completely because of the angle. It’s impossible to see anything from the chest up, but he can still hear. Loud, mechanical breathing fills the halls. Vader stops at each person for no longer than five seconds before he continues down the line. Obi-Wan holds his breath, waiting for his turn. Does he turn his head as much as he can, to try and accentuate the gray at his temples? Does he lower his eyes?
He doesn’t, in the end, do either. Vader is wearing a mask, completely covering his face. He doesn’t even look human, except for the way he cocks his head slightly as he stares down at Obi-Wan. He feels flayed, just under the single look, but he can’t turn away either. He glowers up at him. Five seconds pass. Vader should be moving on by now. The fact that he hasn’t fills Obi-Wan with the sort of fear he’s only felt a handful of times in his life.
“This one,” Vader says through a voice modulator. Obi-Wan closes his eyes in defeat, thinks of Little Ahsoka back at the Establishment, thinks of what she’ll think if he doesn’t make it home.
But the boy next to him bursts into sobs and Obi-Wan opens his eyes to see that Vader’s hand isn’t pointing to him at all, but instead just to his right.
But Vader’s face is still pointed directly at Obi-Wan though, head still cocked. The question is as clear as if he actually spoke the words aloud. What will you do about this?
What will he do? What can he do? It’s the street from a week ago all over. A child is in danger. How can Obi-Wan ever live with himself if he doesn’t at least try to throw himself on the blade?
“No!” he says before he can think it through. The Guard behind him jerks his hair back roughly in punishment, but the monster in front of him runs two gloved fingers down his cheek, the pantomime of a lover’s caress. “Me instead. Choose me.”
“Quiet,” the Guard hisses to him, making him wince with the ferocity of the yank he gives his hair. Obi-Wan pants open-mouthed as he tries to think of an argument, of a single reason why the Emperor should not get what he wants, should settle for a washed up whore instead of a younger model. All he can think of is the moral justifications of it, and he’s not sure Vader would care for that line of reasoning.
“I’m asking,” he blurts out. The fingers pause from where they’ve been absent-mindedly touching his beard. “When has anyone ever asked?”
The Emperor takes a step back and seems to consider Obi-Wan, what he has to offer. He tries to preen, to throw his shoulders back and sit back on his heels to show off his body, but it’s hard when the Guard hasn’t let up on his hair. In fact the grip gets even tighter as the man behind him snorts a common insult.
A second later, the hand and the pressure disappear. Obi-Wan falls forward automatically at his sudden release. He scrambles away instinctively, even if that means closer to Vader. Vader who has his hand raised out in front of him clenching his gloved fist tight. Obi-Wan looks behind him at the guard who had held him. The man is scrabbling at his throat. Obi-Wan knows already it will be a futile effort. With Vader distracted by his execution, he turns to check on the boy. He’s looking down, refusing to make eye contact.
Probably for the better.
The Guard falls to the floor. The other nine Guards don’t move at all. Obi-Wan supposes there’s no room for loyalty in a galaxy like this.
“Come,” Vader says, running a hand through his hair. It’s a surprisingly gentle touch, seeing as that hand just took someone else’s life.
Slowly, Obi-Wan rises to his feet and follows behind him, through the twisting halls of the Imperial Palace. He thinks anyone could get lonely here if they have no one to keep them company. It’s so big. Obi-Wan shares his room with three other people, and he frets if one of them is still gone by the time he falls asleep.
This much space would drive anyone mad for another’s touch.
He blinks at himself, incredulous. Is he actually trying to feel compassion for the Emperor? Is it actually working?
The Emperor flings open a pair of elaborate doors without touching them, and suddenly Obi-Wan’s in the bedchambers of the most powerful man on the planet. And to think, he’s wearing mismatched and terribly darned socks.
He resolves to not ask Vader for permission to do anything with his own body for the entire night. He sits on the edge of the bed and watches as Vader takes off his cape and his gloves.
“Would you like to know my prices before or after?” He asks as cooly as possible.
“Your price is that it’s you here and not the boy.”
“Would you have wanted the boy?” Obi-Wan can’t hide the disgust in his tone.
“No,” the Emperor says succinctly. “But I did want to know what you would do. If you really were the same man as the one in the street.”
Obi-Wan’s breath catches in his throat. “Why would you want to know that?”
“There’s so little good left in the galaxy. It’s fascinating that so much is concentrated in you.” Vader reaches up to unlatch his mask. A cascade of golden curls falls out.
He huffs. The Emperor of the Galactic Empire thinks there’s not enough good in the galaxy. It’s at the very least ironic. “It’s a greedy galaxy, your Imperial Majesty--”
The Emperor turns around to face him, helmet still held in his hands. Obi-Wan is surprised to learn he’s just a man. An attractive man, certainly, young and almost pretty with a perfect arch to his lips and a roguish scar cutting through a thick eyebrow. If he had been one of Obi-Wan’s workers, he’d have taken him under his wing, tried to protect him from the clients who would have paid extra to rough up that face.
He was saying something. Obi-Wan had meant to say something else. Oh. Right. “Good cannot be bought.”
The man in front of him--was it really Vader?--smiles, but it doesn’t reach his yellow eyes. “No,” he purrs, discarding his helmet and stalking forward. “But you can.”
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imagine-nation20 · 3 years
Sunshine and The Art of Picking Your Battles
Summary: “I wasn’t planning on rescuing anyone today, but it looks like my plans just changed.”
Requested By: Anon
Request: “I wasn’t planning on rescuing anyone today, but it looks like my plans just changed.” for Jason Todd (with the reader being kidnapped by any villain you want)
A/N: Jason Todd will forever and always be the best robin and I will not take criticism. Also I love writing established relationship with superheroes where one doesn’t know the other is a vigilante, so enjoy some reader having no sense of self preservation, and Jason outing himself as the red hood.
You hated Gotham. Or rather, you hated the criminal underbelly of Gotham, which wasn’t so much an underbelly as it was a very obvious toupee on the top of the head of the city. Gotham was built on crime, and it would probably crumble under the weight of crime. Most people who lived there were either involved in crime, or involved in the vigilante justice served by the masked crusaders.
Running a bar in Gotham was bad, running a bar in the crummy part of Gotham was worse. That is, if you could claim any part of Gotham wasn’t crummy.
Still, it was a better job than some of the other options. Who could blame the owner of the place appointing you manager and fucking off to his apartment in the only part of Gotham that could afford working deadbolts.
So it was no wonder that you got jumped on your way home after a particularly grueling shift.
Three men dressed in suits too nice for the area. It was pretty much common sense to learn some form of self defense if you were going to live in a city like Gotham, however, three against one wasn’t exactly fair odds.
They tied your wrists, dropped a bag over your head, and then hit you with something heavy and blunt that was probably going to leave permanent damage.
Waking up was a headache, to say the least. Your head pounded like a drum, the blood rushing through your ears sounding like the waves against the harbor. Or maybe that really was the harbor.
It didn’t really matter, because you had a bigger problem to worry about than whether or not the ‘whooshing’ in your ear was blood or water. 
A man, dressed in an expensive suit, stood a few feet away. His head was covered in the dark, slightly shiny material of a mask, shaped like a skull. Beady eyes peered through, staring you down.
“So, what is a bartender like yourself doing associating with the Red Hood?” Roman Sionis was easily recognizable, and his identity was not a secret to the citizens of the city. He seemed almost proud to lord the fact that everyone knew who he was, but couldn’t put him away for anything tangible.
Unless of course that person was Batman or one of his many disciples.
“What the fuck are you on about?” You slurred. You cursed yourself internally for your inability to keep your mouth shut. Most of the time you were okay, but you were tired, and in pain, and this was the third time this week you had been assaulted, so you were over it. Criminals and crime lords were a dime a dozen, and despite his very intimidating reputation, you could not care less about Black Mask.
He laughed, and it almost sounded genuine, “I’m talking about the fact that I have on good word that Red Hood has been in your shitty little bar almost every night for the past week.”
You were going to kill Kallista.
You avoided associating with vigilantes, but your coworker, and the woman who worked most night to day shifts, was known for giving vigilantes free drinks when they dropped in. Now, it seemed you had been mistaken for her. Serves you right for having the audacity to pick up her shift when she was sick.
You had seen a few of them drop in on your way out, but never Red Hood. She probably told him not to catch you, since you would have reemed her for it. Red Hood wasn’t a criminal, but he was known for incurring their wrath like no one else, and that usually ended up in situations like this.
Yes, Kallista was going to die… so long as you made it out of this.
“Listen pal,” you started, glancing around the room for a way out. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You weren’t a bad friend, and you certainly weren’t going to sick Roman Sionis on your friend. Even if she did get you in this situation in the first place.
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” He yelled, taking quick steps towards you. You winced back, hearing the flick of a switchblade, and feeling the cold press against your cheek.
“Listen, if I was associating with the Red Hood, I would have told you by now.”
“For some reason, I just don’t believe you.”
“Well well well, look what the cat dragged in,” A voice echoed through the warehouse. From above, you could see the familiar brown leather jacket, and bright red helmet of the Red Hood. He was reclined against a support beam, legs dangling off the one he was sitting on. “I’m going to be honest with you, I wasn’t planning on rescuing anyone today, but it looks like my plans just changed.”
Hopping down from the beam, he landed, knees bent, feet light. It was almost impressive, the way he could silently drop. If you weren’t so tired, you might have taken the time to marvel at the way his pants bunched and stretched. Kallista was right after all, there was a certain appeal to the vigilantes in uniform.
Roman shifted around you, knife going to your neck. You took in a sharp breath, glaring at the Red Hood as he faltered in his pace.
“Take another step and she dies,”
“I was gonna say thanks for coming, Hood,” You glared, “but you’ve kinda made the situation worse.”
You could almost see the tick of annoyance through the mask. His fists clenching slightly, he grumbled, “This is the thanks I get?”
“I’ll thank you when I don’t have a knife to my jugular.”
Black Mask tightened his grip on you, knife digging in a slight bit. You didn’t think it had pierced skin yet, but you couldn’t be sure. 
The next few seconds seemed to go by in an instant. The shattering of glass, the whizzing of something through the air, the knife nicked your neck, then was gone, and so was the grip of Roman Sionis.
Red Hood moved towards you, gloved hands untying the ropes that kept you bound to the chair. You looked to the side, seeing Black Mask passed out on the ground, a strange arrow sticking to the outside of his helmet. You could have sworn you saw little strings of electricity still moving over the black material.
The masked vigilante hoisted you from the chair, his arms slipping behind your back and beneath your knees.
“Seriously?” You deadpanned, “I can walk, you know. My legs aren’t broken.”
It didn’t seem like he cared, as he scoffed, “I still haven’t heard a thank you.”
“I didn’t think heroes were so egotistical.”
“Not really a hero, sunshine,” you could hear the smile in his voice, even through the strange effect his helmet gave off. You went stiff at the name.
Jason faltered mid step, and you knew you had him. Spewing a flurry of curses, you wriggled out of his hold and onto the gravel below. The rocks bit into your skin, and Jason moved to crouch and help, but you were already up and slapping at his arm.
“You son of a bitch, Jason,” you whisper shouted, “you’re so stupid. How long have you been the- no, I don’t want to know.”
“Don’t you sunshine me, Todd,” you growled, “You didn’t think to tell me you were a fucking vigilante? And moreover, you were getting free drinks from my coworker while she ranted to me about your thighs?”
“What?” Jason asked, shaking his head. “No, no, I wasn’t… I was looking out for you! I was trying to make sure you got home safe! What about my thighs?”
You paused, mouth hanging open. You hadn’t known Jason for very long. He had come in during one of your shifts with a busted lip and a dazzling smile, and left with your number and the promise of a date. You should have guessed back then, if you were being honest, but you believed him when he said he had gotten jumped. Maybe he had been telling the truth, just not the whole truth.
Stalling so that you didn’t give in to his guilty look so easily, you glanced around. So it had been the ocean you were hearing. You turned back around, trying and failing to hold the vicious glare.
“You better have a ride back to my apartment, cause we are about to have a long talk about impulse control, honesty, and the art of picking battles.”
“You sound like my dad.”
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buckttommy · 3 years
sterek fics that make me go feral
So a couple weeks ago, @apollosfirstborn asked me for sterek recs, and since wolf man and little red riding hoodie have all but consumed my brain, i have many recs to give! <3 hope you enjoy!
50,000 - 100,000
Play Crack the Sky - WeAreTheCyclones
[122k | Rated M | Jack's All Time Fave]
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.” Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments - DevilDoll, Rahciach
[77k | Rated E]
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Pack Up; Don't Stray - the_deep_magic
[55k | Rated E]
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
Oh baby give me one more chance (to show you that I love you) - LunaCanisLupus_22
[54k | Rated E]
“You like Derek,” he says slowly. “Derek Hale.” His father grimaces at the accusation there. “Look, Stiles it’s complicated-" “So when I was married to him,” he continues, voice rising. “He wasn’t good enough. He was taking advantage of me. ‘He’ll never be able to love you like you want, Stiles’. That’s what you said-" Or the Sweet Home Alabama AU that nobody asked for.
10,000 - 50,000
Better Fortunes - SmallBirds
[39k | Rated E]
When a group of sinister men attempt to kidnap Stiles Stilinski from the Brooklyn apartment he shares with his stepsister, Lydia, Stiles is forced to activate a spell that translocates him to where he'll be safest. Derek Hale isn't sure what to do about the soaking wet young man he finds wandering down a Beacon County roadside during the middle of a thunderstorm, but he feels compelled to help him. There's something about Stiles that Derek finds fascinating, and before long the two become embroiled in each other's lives. Despite the threat to his life and the sudden upheaval of everything he's ever known, Stiles is having a hard time feeling too upset about that.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) - crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
[30k | Rated T]
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously. (He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
Hide Of A Life War - Etharei
[26k | Rated E | Jack's All Time Fave]
“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...” The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
Start Small, Like Oak Trees - SmallBirds
[24k | Rated M]
The months following Allison's death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he'll just fade away. He isn't sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn't seem so awful. He's not sure what he'd been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski's spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn't it.
The Price - theroguesgambit
[18k | Rated M]
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Living for the Right Now - Lissadiane
[13k | Rated T]
An unfortunate incident at a petting zoo leaves Stiles unable to keep his child safe from the hunters that have been looking for them for months. Desperate, he returns to the one place he swore never to step foot in again -- Beacon Hills. But just because Derek has managed to turn himself into a decent Alpha while he's been gone doesn't mean Stiles is willing to forgive him for everything that happened six years before. Besides. Wererabbits, as far as he can tell, don't need Alphas anyway.
love always wakes the dragon - hoars
[11k | Rated E]
“If you could only protect one person, who would it be?” “Derek.” “What would you do to keep him alive? What would you give up?” “Anything. Everything.”
The Division - traveller
[11k | Rated E]
They recruited him right out of high school. He doesn't know why he accepted, he. He just did. Maybe because at eighteen he'd already seen more death than a lot of people did by eighty, and maybe this was a chance to get around it, get ahead of it, put an end to it. Some of it. Death itself can't be stopped, not without something worse. Maybe he thought they'd show him how to be the something worse.
1,000 - 10,000
Where to Search for Snow - suburbanmotel
[8.9k | Rated M]
Stiles and his Gigantic Repressed Feelings accidentally affect the weather. A lot. Like. A lot. // “It’s snowing, Stiles,” says Derek. Stiles looks up. He nods. “Yeah. Yeah it is.” Derek looks at him. “It’s snowing, Stiles. In your bedroom.” //
The Pretty Things (are going to hell) - FaeryQueen07
[4k | Rated E ]
“You have something of mine,” Stiles says, and he reaches for his hood, pushing it back to reveal the rest of his face. Lips curled up in a smile promising pain and eyes like death, he says, “And now I’m going to take it back.”
in the practice of my calling - kellifer_fic
[2.7k | Rated T]
For the tumblr prompt - Nurse Me
New Morning - Captain_Loki
[2.7k | Rated T]
Stiles was caught in the Supernatural crossfires and ends up in the hospital, a protective Derek is dutifully at his side, despite the Sheriff's concerns.
When Everyone Else is Gone - entanglednow
[2.1k | Rated M]
Scott doesn't get there in time, Derek loses an arm.
Kill For You - bloodwrites
[2k | Rated M]
Kate Takes Derek. Stiles snaps. Or, the one where Stiles embraces his inner sociopath, and Kate doesn't stand a chance.
Scratchy, Sharp and Stub Pens - KeriArentikai
[1.8k | Rated G]
When Derek leaves, Stiles wants to make sure he's not dead.
Piece of Mind - rufflefeather
[1.1k | Rated G | Jack's All Time Fave]
Derek goes to say goodbye to Stiles before he leaves.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content not yet released in EN! 🍒
These calls accompany Gavin’s Judgment Date!
[ First Call ]
Gavin: You’ve woken up? I’ve bought dinner, and am bringing it over now.
MC: Ring ring beep beep beep boop boop!
Gavin: ...are your earpieces broken?
MC: Cough cough, they aren’t broken. Hello, Mr Gavin. You have reached the line of a different world. This is Miss Operator. May I know what your request is?
Gavin: Is this a special Halloween role?
MC: It is. You’re the first human who has called this number today. You can ask about anything. For example, how people in this different world celebrate the festival, how they eat, and how they express their feelings.
Gavin: I don’t have any questions. But I’d like Miss Operator to transfer my line to someone. Is that possible?
MC: It is. Mr Gavin, who are you looking for?
Gavin: I’m looking for a girl.
MC: Could you be a little more specific? What kind of a girl is she?
Gavin: A little more specific? She’s... a girl who belongs only to me. She often has bizarre ideas. For example, pretending to be the Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween, or an operator from a different world. Many times, it’s because of her that my life is filled with unexpected happiness. That’s the kind of girl she is. So, could I trouble you to transfer my line to her?
MC: Your request has been received, and you are now being transferred. Beep beep beep. The transfer has failed. Mr Gavin, it looks like your girl is currently working. May I know if you'd like me to convey a message to her?
Gavin: Mm... in that case, help me ask her if she’s hungry after sleeping for an entire afternoon. I just bought fresh orange buns for her. They won’t taste good if they are left for too long.
MC: ! She says that she’s incredibly hungry - so hungry that she can eat three orange buns! She also says that she has leaped out of bed and is ready to welcome you!
Gavin: There’s no need to hurry. I’m already here. Open the door, Miss Operator.
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[ Second Call - begins at 01:47 ]
Gavin: Hello?
MC: Gavin Gavin, my house has been pretty abnormal recently. I think there’s a strange energy around.
Gavin: Strange energy? What’s going on specifically? Tell me about it.
MC: When I was working earlier, my cup fell off the table!! And last night, I think I saw a shadow floating in the direction of the bathroom!!! Do you think I should buy some white sage and hang them at the door? I heard that white sage is able to purify strange energy!!!!
Gavin: I don’t think there’s a need. Sometimes, you might unintentionally take up space when you’re too engrossed in work. That’s how the perfume bottle was “sacrificed” the previous time. And the shadow from last night - didn’t I “guard” the door for a while once I came back? There was nothing there. I think you’ve been playing too many games recently and sleeping too late. Your brain has become a little messy when handling information.
MC: Mm... now that you mention it, it does seem that way. But I still feel scared...
Gavin: If you’re scared, why don’t you come over to the STF? Didn’t you say that the STF is the light of justice? If you experience the rays of justice, all sorts of strange energies will disappear.
MC: That’s a possibility. Let’s change things up today - I’ll pick you up from work at the STF, and also experience the light of justice!
Gavin: Sure. In that case, I’ll be in the office getting the light of justice ready for you in advance.
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Gavin’s Post: Experienced an art exhibition about the Middle Ages. What left the deepest impression on me was the little town filled with bellflowers.
MC: If you like it, buy it! (proud.jpg
Gavin: I liked it even more because I saw it with you.
Gavin’s Post: Experienced an art exhibition about the Middle Ages. What left the deepest impression on me was the little town filled with bellflowers.
MC: It’s probably because the most pleasant scenery was documented.
Gavin: Mm, and we were very fortunate to see it.
Gavin’s Post: Experienced an art exhibition about the Middle Ages. What left the deepest impression on me was the little town filled with bellflowers.
MC: Actually, we also get to see beautiful sunsets on the path home together!
Gavin: The path we take home together has always been really beautiful.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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