#little pistol by mother mother my Beloved.
hahniana · 12 days
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something something da chapter im working on atm
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faxaway · 15 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
thank you for the tag, @peskellence !!! certified bangers B)
my all-time favorite:
no screamable lyrics, but i scream-sing anyway:
the Ol' Relatable:
the 'it's 3 am but my neighbors hate me anyway, might as well turn it up':
and animal cannibal my beloved (both this version and the original):
no pressure tagging my beloved followers!! i just feel like you guys have good music taste @scribeofred @drp-bean @murraystrikez @bluhjeans @criminalizeheterosexuality @real-w1re @mannka @trashmakersblog @komarik-lmao @pls-explodingstars-pls
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theplottdump · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you
(p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
First off- Bless you anon for spreading so much love. You're seriously a joy and I can't believe you're getting flack for that. I'll see if I can slip some more of these into some more inboxes for you.
Secondly- AHH like A LOT OF STUFF wehh I'll stick it below a cut cause its dumb, specific and I'm not going to be normal about it and also old spoilers for past arcs!
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Leanne's lil transition from- 'there's a man watching you' to 'oh you know him' 😏😏😏
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Throughout their first confrontation I slowly had the boys get closer and closer together as they spoke.
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I converted, cleaned up and retextured this pistol for this arc and I have used it incessantly since as my main spy pistol. I wanted a vintage WW2 pistol similar to the one Lupin the Third uses.
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LOL at tiny background Val and Leanne being dramatic creeps
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Leanne jumpscare that scared the pants off me in real life taking these pictures. She had an action queued up to talk to Chad so whenever he wasn't in the middle of an action she'd get steadily closer like a FNAF animatronic
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but from her perspective ^
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this sequence is actually a giant dumb animation I made, the first one I ever tried! I wanted to do a soft lil yearning scar touch.
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I had to handpaint every shot this ring appears in at the beginning cause the accessory I had in was sooooo thin and shitty (before and after ^)
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Chad mentions Poppy needs to stop telegraphing her moves so clearly after they have a conversation about UNIT always getting the leg up on them.
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I liked this final shot as a transition into the main story as well as a way to highlight the principal cast for the arc! (Also like, so many hand placed pins. AND Chad and Poppy's sexy calendar (which should be set to feburary but the feb swatch has her mother on it sakjdkajd))
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Shots with both sets of characters in them my beloved. ( I never ended up using that last one tho rip )
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When Poppy mentions she has some errands to run you can see the UNIT building in the background of the shot.
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Val mentions thinking he's losing his mind because he swore he smelled Chad's cologne the day before the party- because they were in the same elevator minutes apart!
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Not only is the Starlight drop dead gorgeous and a whole chunk of @doctorsimcraft's soul, I also made a custom animated sign, portraits, ceiling lightbulbs and room numbers for it.
Oh god I ran out of picture space. I'll probably do a part 2 then ahh- theres still some fun stuff. SEE I TOLD YOU I WASN'T GONNA BE NORMAL ABOUT IT
PART 2 👈
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Dunwich Record (Fanfiction)
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*This short story is a fanfiction for the Dunwich Horror by Hp Lovecraft, which is now a public domain. I must say I both love and hate Dunwich Horror, first because my beloved son is this in this story and second is because Lovecraft nerfed him… So I decided to write my own version for my own AU. There are a lot of adaptations in this fiction, so if you are interested in the original story, please go check it out. 
Warning : I'm not a professional writer. There might be some plot hole and may not make sense. And English not my first language, it would be broken, I'm sure...
Since the very beginning, apart from my mother and my grandfather, no one has ever truly loved us. As soon as I stepped out of my house, those disgusting eyes stared at me. The voices of those stupid dogs kept barking at me as if they had never made such a cry in their lives.
Of course… 
Before them was a monster born from man and something that was above all else… Wilbur Whateley, the goat boy that everyone loathed. They did that because they were afraid… Afraid of something they didn’t know and didn’t know how to deal with… Isn’t it pathetic?
Ever since I was born to this world, not only did four-legged creatures not want to get close to me, but the villagers happily gossiped about my father, who they called “stupid” for falling in love with my mother, who was unstable in their eyes.
They should be thanking her. If it weren't for my mother, perhaps the hatred and contempt they had for me would have driven me crazy and shot them with my pistol instead of those dogs. Those four-legged creatures didn't welcome me at all, and sometimes they seemed to take advantage of me when they saw that I wasn't doing anything. Once, they ran up to me and bit me directly. And yes, I always had them line up with pure lead bullets for breakfast. The sound of the trigger had become soft and familiar to me when I was learning magic. To be honest, as I got older I started to collect guns. Not for hunting or anything, I just enjoy collecting them. but when something went wrong I would always use them.
I have a twin brother. At first, he didn't have a name because when he was born, his body was invisible and couldn't be seen by the human eye. My mother once told me that only I could see him because when we both were born, I was holding my brother's hand tightly. When she touched him, she realized that there was a body there.
Later, Adam named him ‘Ortis’ after a character in Homer’s Odysseus. I’ll just call him Ortis.
Ortis’s body I saw at that time was like a cloudy jelly that looked like a soap bubble in another way. He had three bright red eyes that looked strange and contrasted sharply with the white of his skin. But with that body, he couldn't go out and meet anyone. To be honest, he looked more like a monster than me with goat legs and a tail with a mouth. This little trouble maker had a big eater. The cows that my grandfather bought for him to eat were gone very quickly. He also seemed to grow faster than me, even though they were twins. It wasn't long before he had to move into the barn that my grandfather and I had just repaired.
It sounds like he was grounded even though he did nothing wrong, but it was really necessary… otherwise he would definitely go out and eat people. On the other hand, he had his own room, and it was a whole barn. Sometimes I envied him because of that, but I still went to see him. At night, when everyone was asleep, I would bring the books out and go straight to the barn to read them to my brother. 
Even though I often heard siblings fighting, to me, Ortis is like my own reflection, he is my twin, and I don’t want to lose him. Because in this world, there might only be the two of us who are monsters, and no one can save us except ourselves. So I love and care about him very much.
My little brother was learning as fast as I was. He could read and talk very quickly, at least that helped him communicate with the people in the house, telling them where he was and what he was doing. But because he was getting bigger and bigger, we still met at the barn quite often. Many times I would fall asleep while reading with him and Mom would come in and wake me up for breakfast.
I used to wish that everything would stay the same, or sometimes I wished that something better would come into my life. For example, my father… I knew who he was even though I had never seen his face.
Yog Sothoth
The Key And The Gate
The All In One And One In All
His details came from the Necronomicon that our family had. It had been eaten by termites over time. No matter how much we repaired it, it would not be as good as getting a new one. However, whenever I asked about my father, my mother would always tell me about him without hiding anything. She would always be happy when she thought of him. Her purple eyes sparkled beautifully like the starry sky at sunset. It was so beautiful that it engraved in my heart. It must have been the reason why I wanted to bring my father back to us, hoping that being with him would allow me to see her happy like this more often. I started studying the Necronomicon that had become worn out by termites and learned from my grandfather, who was known as Old Wizard Whateley. Later on, I became skilled in magic and started performing rituals on the hill all the time. Of course, it didn’t work at all…
There are many times when thoughts have run through my mind when a ritual has failed or nothing has happened even though every step was done correctly.
“Why doesn't he come?”
“What was wrong with it?”
“Or maybe…”
“He has never cared about us at all?”
Over the years, it had all failed and failed. And it was even more hopeless when I found out that Grandpa was sick badly. I dragged Dr. Houghton into the house to try to save Grandpa's life. Mother was crying, and those whippoorwills were screeching like a banshee waiting to take his life. I didn't know how to express my feelings about this. I just looked out the window and listened to those birds. But in the end... they flew away, along with Grandpa who passed away…
“They didn’t git him,” I said with a laugh of relief, but it shattered like shards of glass.
Before grandpa had gone, he told me to take good care of Ortis and to take care of the barn after him. Of course, I accepted it even if he didn't ask me to. Who else could take better care of him than me? He also mentioned summoning my father... Page 751 of the Complete Necronomicon…
Of course I don't have it. Our books have all been eaten by termites. Let alone, even if they didn't eat them, they wouldn't even reach page 700. So the only way I can make it happen is to borrow the complete book from somewhere else.
Many letters were written one after another to many universities and libraries asking to borrow the book, but no one thought to reply. At that time, it was even utterly mystified. I tried to go out to find books in general stores, but most of them were incomplete and contained only content that an average person could read. And it wasn't that detailed. I tried going to the city library, but it wasn't what I had hoped for. Moreover, people's eyes look at me with fear and disgust... It made me crazy…
"Stop looking at me…!" I screamed in my mind as I walked home.
It was so overwhelming that even though I knew how to make my wish come true, the one thing I needed most was missing, and I couldn't find it. Every evening, I would come back to my room, filled with piles of letters trying to write all over the state to find that damn book, and then fall asleep from exhaustion.
By the time my hopes were finally answered, it was after my mother passed away. I had run out of options, from my grandfather who was no longer there to teach me, to my damaged books that I could never replace, and then… my mother… Ortis ate her when she brought him Halloween candy, but he seemed so hungry that he ate her. He had no idea what he was doing… and I, who knew everything, was going crazy.
Until now, he still doesn't know that he ate her, and I don't brave enough to tell him the truth. I tried to forget about her death, but in the end, seeing Ortis's face made me realize that she was still inside him…
A letter from Miskatonic University came to me after that. To be honest, I didn't have much of a mind to do anything else after mom passed away. But what kept me gritting my teeth and going forward was my only younger brother, Ortis. I decided to summon my father back so that we could be together in a dimension beyond human perception. Or, if possible, I would like to send my younger brother there. But if possible, I would like to open a dimensional portal to summon the other gods to Earth and create a place where Ortis can live without having to hide.
Because this is not our place, and we were not welcome here from the very beginning…
Dr. Henry Armitage was the one who replied to my letter. He looked very old and could die anytime soon, just like my grandfather who had just passed away. But in my current appearance, even though I was 15 years old, I looked as old as a middle aged man. Maybe that’s why he didn’t treat me like his students in the university. But at least he let me see the complete Necronomicon that I had been looking for a long time and yet he let me copy it. Everything would have been fine if that old geezer hadn’t stood there watching me write like a nosy old lady in the neighborhood. Do you know what privacy is?! And what’s worse is that he wouldn’t let me borrow the book or even take the copy back.
Once again, I wanted to tell him to thank my mother because if it weren't for her raising me, I would have punched him to death with my bare hand. I took a deep breath and immediately asked to leave.
On the way back, the sky gradually darkened until it was dusk. It was like me, no longer had any hope. I wanted to cry right now, but I couldn’t… No one was there to listen to me anymore. Grandpa, Mom, or Ortis who didn’t know anything. I couldn’t tell anyone anymore. But even so, my tears still flowed when I entered the village.
Father… Why?
Why does it have to be like this?
Don’t you love us?
Don’t you love Mom?
Many questions gradually came rushing in, and my knees buckled in front of the door. Then I noticed a white envelope tucked under the door.
It was very strange, apart from the letter from the university, none had been sent to this house. I carefully picked it up before being surprised by the smell of fragrant wood on the paper, along with the sweet smell of icing sugar. I paused for a moment before starting to put my nose close to sniff it again. It was a strange smell, it must be something you can't find in this area. It must be from someone from another place. Without waiting, I started tearing open the envelope to read the letter from the sender.
The cursive handwriting appeared before my eyes. It was as beautiful as a typewriter and as graceful as cursive. It was a letter from a writer named Adam Alderidge.
"Dear Wilbur Whateley, We've heard from people that you're looking for a copy of the Necronomicon. If you don't mind, we'd be happy to lend it to you."
That was the content of the letter. Without hesitation, I turned and ran out of the house immediately, heading straight to the destination the writer had mentioned, which was Adam's house, it was quite a distance away. Because of my inhuman body, I arrived at his mansion in the early morning of the next day.
Perhaps the reason I came this early is because I began to have hope. The hope that appeared when we had nothing left. It was like a miracle that the Lord of mankind often spoke of.
At the front of the Alderidge mansion, which was quite a distance from the nearby town, I walked straight to the gate, feeling exhausted. Then I pressed the doorbell before I heard an old man's voice calling back from the answering machine, his voice not very pleasant.
"Who's that?"
"Greetings, I'm here to see Mr. Adam."
"I asked ‘Who is that?’"
"... I'm... Wilbur Whateley. Mr. Adam wrote me a letter."
I replied, just as irritated as the old man himself. Maybe it was because of that geezer Armitage? But he let me in anyway. I opened the gate softly before walking inside, arriving at the door in no time.
The old man who had spoken opened the door for me before he was startled when he saw my face, which looked no different from a beast in human skin. He immediately moved away from the door. I looked at him without feeling anything towards his rude behavior, just sighed and looked away. I was used to this kind of thing anyway… 
"Where's Mr. Adam?" I asked.
"He's in his gallery. Go to the right and then turn left. He's at the end of the hall."
That was all the old geezer said, and he led me, seemingly reluctantly, because he didn't even want to get close to me. As we walked through the halls of the luxurious mansion, I caught a glimpse of the paintings hanging on the walls of his house. It wasn't often that I saw such paintings, and it excited me and made me feel hypnotized.
I used to draw before, but it was charcoal drawings that I had collected from the stove, and they weren't that pretty. It was strange to me to see such colorful paintings.
"Do you like it?"
A soft voice of a man asked, as if to wake me from my deep thoughts. When I turned to look at the owner of the voice, I saw a rainbow of light reflecting in my eyes. He was a small, albino man, dressed neatly and formal, but he looked  comfortable. His body was slightly stained with those colors. I guessed that he was an artist and had just come out from his working room. He gave me the same feeling as the paintings hanging there when I looked at him. He looked more elegant than a human being. Especially his eyes, which were white and sparkling with rainbows like opal.
"You... Mr. Adam?" I asked him after I came to my senses.
"You don’t have to be formal with us, Wilbur. We're all brothers. Just call us Adam."
"B-brother? What do you mean?" I asked, and the young man giggled innocently. 
"Oh... that's right. We just met. How about we talk in our room? We'll explain everything."
Mr. Adam smiled at me as he invited me to his room to talk. He had already prepared tea. I had never done anything like this before, and I felt really nervous. But looking at Mr. Adam made me feel like I was in a trance again, just like before.
"Here," he handed me a cup of tea.
"... Actually, there's no need to be formal. I just want to borrow your Necronomicon."
"We know, but it's our first time meeting our blood brothers. That's why we want you to stay and talk."
"So what do you mean by that?" I asked, but he just smiled and said, "Oh, son of Yog Sothoth. Go on and try to guess what it means. It's not beyond your ability."
How did he know I was the son of Yog Sothoth? 
Don't tell me…
"Son of Yog Sothoth too?  Are you asking that?"
He could read my mind?
"We were created from a part of his knowledge, but now we're using the body of our friend Adam as our vessel." Adam explained with a smile as he slowly sipped his tea.
“So… is that why you could send me a letter even though we didn’t know each other…”
“Hmm, we’ve known you for a long time.”
“Then why… Did you just send it now?!”
As soon as I shouted like that, Adam fell silent, and his hair and eyes turned gray immediately.
“We can explain that, but will you accept it?”
“No? Isn’t it?” He smiled sadly.
“Please… tell me. I want to know…”
Adam was silent for a while before he started to explain everything.
“In human language, it’s a fate that has already been determined, and we, who are just his children, have no right to change it unless it’s himself…”
“Wait a minute… If that’s the case… Grandpa and Mom’ dead… It was all determined by our father?”
He nodded sadly and continued.
“We know you’ll be angry. ‘Why? Even though you could have made things better, you just ignored it and let it happen?’ If we had to make an excuse, no matter which way, if it was clearly determined, It will always be like that. There is no solution. And to speak ill of him, he didn't care about this from the very beginning and didn't want to do anything about it either."
"... Then... All these years I've done it... What was it...?" I asked.
"Even though I'm sure that I've done the ritual correctly, he never replied... Is it because he didn't love us from the beginning?"
When I learned the cold truth, I started to cry. It was true that the old ones saw humans as just dust in the universe, but... When that perspective came from my own father, it felt like the whole world was falling apart.
"We can't tell either. Even though we are a part of him, sometimes we can't understand his thoughts..."
Adam explained, taking a sip of his tea. While I was lost in my thoughts, I took a sip of the tea in the beautiful glass. But then it was like I was pulled back to reality. My eyes widened slightly in surprise. It made the pale-skinned young man smile.
"Do you like it?"
"I've never drunk anything like this before."
"Margaret bought it for us. You can take it back."
I put the cup down and looked at him.
"I'll say it again. I want that Necronomicon... "
"Even if you know the whole truth?" he asked back.
"It's not for him to come back now," I replied.
"Since I can't call my father back, then I'll send my younger brother to live with him instead. I have no one left but him. My grandfather is dead, so is my mother. And he's the only one I won't let anything bad happen to him."
I replied in a firm and serious tone. That made the albino man in front of me go silent for a long time.
"We're sorry. Adam stole it once and we returned it. Plus, the one we had is no longer here."
"What did you say?"
"We know you want it, but it's no longer with us."
Then why did you call me here in the first place...?!
"Watch your language, Wilbur."
"... Sorry..." He answered what I was thinking in my mind, so I couldn't continue. Then I cleared my throat to relieve embarrassment a little, and continued,
"... Then I came for nothing, didn't I?"
"No, we can help you."
"Don't tell me you remember it?"
"Of course we remember its details, but you have to do something for us."
"Of course, what is it?"
"Talk to us."
It was like he was provoking me. If all the gods were this difficult to understand, I couldn't even imagine what my father would be like. I frowned slightly in annoyance before slowly regaining my composure and accepting his request.
"How's your brother?"
"He's fine, but he's eating a lot these days. And after he ate your mom, I didn't dare look at him anymore."
"But you never left him."
"That's true, because he's my only brother right now."
"What about us?"
"... Is it okay to call you like that?"
"You don’t like us?"
"You're a god..."
"Why? Do you have a problem with it?"
"...No... But I..."
"Wilbur, listen."
Adam got up from the couch and walked closer. It made me jolts. I've never looked at anyone this close before, except for my family. Once again, the rainbow light reflected in my eyes. Adam knelt down and stroked my cheek with both hands.
"If you've studied, you'll know. We treat everyone in this dream as a friend. But you're different. You're our sibling, which isn't very common. That's why you're important to us. The reason we want to talk to you is because we want you to know how much we care about you."
I didn't reply to him, but slowly raised my hand to touch Adam's hand and stroked it gently.
"Your hand is soft... like my mother's..."
"Is that so?"
"... She's stroked my cheek like this before. I remember it..."
Adam gave a faint smile before standing up and walking to a nearby bookshelf to get the Necronomicon.
"Wait a minute... You said..."
"It's not the one we're talking about. This one was written by Adam when he called us. The other one isn't really with us anymore."
I widened my eyes when I saw him holding the book I wanted. My body trembled with eagerness. I wanted to take it right away, but I had to control my emotions when I slowly took it from Adam’s hand. But I was shocked.
"No... It's... It's not complete..."
"Let me see." He took it out of my hand and looked at it page by page.
"We haven't opened it for a long time, so we  haven't reviewed it. Let us add more details."
"... Why are you helping me?"
"Siblings should help each other. That's all."
After he finished speaking, the young man walked over to pick up a pen to add to his writing. I just stood there, staring at him silently, without saying anything, but my heart was beating so fast that it was going to explode from my chest. After a while, Adam handed it to me, which I humbly accepted and opened to check the details before looking up at the young man in surprise.
"Is it complete?" He asked.
"It's... complete. How did you remember it? When I copied it, it was so much!"
"We are part of Father's knowledge, have you forgotten?" He smiled and cocked his head slightly as if to show his pride. It made me smile. Finally... it came true…!
"I'm relieved." He smiled and rubbed my shoulder when he saw that I was starting to tear up.
"Thank you... Thank you so much."
"You're welcome, Wilbur. You can come here anytime."
"I think I'll come to you all the time... yeah... bring him with me… My brother, that gremlin would be happy to know that we have another brother."
"Great, we'll wait."
I smiled back at him as he giggled, then excused myself from the room, feeling much better than before. Maybe it was the first time I didn’t feel so alone. That geezer who was standing outside the room jumped when he saw me rushing out of the room. I shouted goodbye to him and jumped out of the building through the open window.
This is amazing!
I’ve never felt this good in my life.
It was like a whole mess had been lifted off my chest.
It was like my body had never weighed anything before.
Can this be called “high”?
Since childhood until now, I never thought that God really existed, and he was my brother.
Adam! Thank you!! Thank you very much!!
My vision started to blur as I ran back to Dunwich with all my might. It was because the tears streaming down my face were not of sadness, but of joy. I got the Necronomicon I wanted! I could call my father! Now, Ortis and I could finally get out of here!! Or even if that geezer didn't care about us like Adam said, I still had my brother like him who would be with us.
Goodbye to this world, the world that called us a monster, the world that didn't accept both of us. We could finally get out of here!! I jumped around and laughed like a maniac the whole way. It was a good thing that no one was around, or else people would have looked at me strangely. But who care?! It didn't matter anymore. If I could, I would have shouted at those idiots!!
The distance between Adam’s mansion and Dunwich was quite far, but with my strength that was greater than a human's, it would only take a day to get there. But when night came, I saw lights shining from the valley of Dunwich.
It's impossible.
Why did a village so far away from civilization have such lights shining out?
Or is it-
It was as I thought. At the end of the village, the house in my memory was burning. The smoke was thick and the sky was dark with ashes that fell like snow. In front of them, there were many people holding torches. I tried to break through the path to go straight to the house.
"Wilbur! That's Wilbur!!" The villagers shouted before trying to grab me.
What happened?! Don't tell me it's because I borrowed the Necronomicon?! It was that old Armitage's work?! How did he know?! Because of what I copied?! How could you know that much?! I pulled out my gun and shot anyone who tried to get to me. I finally made it to the house. No one tried to follow me, which was good. I ran up to the second floor, which was rapidly collapsing. I saw Ortis sweeping things onto himself. He cried out, but when he saw me, he ran over to me.
"Brother!!" He shouted.
"What happened?! Why did they do this!!" He asked.
"There's no time to explain. We need to get out!!"
In addition to the burning sound, I could hear the barking of dogs outside. It made me shiver, but there was no time to be scared. The safety of my only brother came first! I picked up Ortis and rushed out the window. Then I jumped into the deep forest behind the house and stepped on a branch. It seemed that someone had noticed that we had escaped. We had to race against time!
I jumped from one branch to another. At least those stupid dogs wouldn't be able to hurt me if I didn't step on the ground. The branches broke off one by one. The villagers' voices and the bullets chased after me. I tried to quicken my pace. The hill was getting closer and closer, but I noticed that there was a light on the hill itself. It wasn't a torch, but a flashlight. The full moon shone down on the hill. I saw a man in formal clothes standing there. It was that old geezer Armitage and his group.
I stopped in front of them. In their hands were a shotgun. My pistol definitely wouldn't be enough. They also had magic powder and Necronomicon. Don't tell me they knew how to get rid of the old one?! And then there were the villagers who were chasing after me along with the dogs. We were cornered... We were cornered.
"Old bastard..." I gritted my teeth in anger. I didn't think that an old man close to death like you would be able to stop me.
I couldn't open the book because I was holding Ortis. Even if I used my tail, it wouldn't be in time. It would take only a split second to deal with them before they shot me with a shotgun. But if I could deal with them, the approaching dogs would definitely get the chance to attack me. And if I ran, we wouldn't have a chance to perform the ritual. This place would be destroyed when they found out our entire plan! Either way, we'd die or turn into jelly.
This is bad!!
This is bad!!
"B-Brother, these people are-"
"Ortis..." I hugged him tightly, trying to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. Thinking that this would be our last moment, I couldn't accept it anymore.
"I love you... I'm sorry we didn't get to see our father together."
"What did you say?!"
I threw Ortis away from me as far as possible, then picked up the Necronomicon to summon my father. At least if I died, Ortis would be with him. As soon as I opened the book, it was at the same moment that the librarian's group aimed to shoot me. The book was pierced with many holes by the bullets. And at such a close range, my body must have been torn apart. I saw my own blood splattering and everything gradually darkened.
Humans are afraid of death because they cannot escape it. Ortis and I, being creatures that never aged, were curious about that. Until the day my grandfather and mother passed away, I understood how scary it was.
I was scared...
I never thought that darkness could be this scary.
I tried to open my eyes.
I tried to move my body.
But it didn't work.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't control my body.
This must be the same as the day my grandfather passed away. He was lying lifeless and motionless on the bed. Am I going to be like that too? I don't hear any whippoorwills around here. Does that mean they won't get my soul?
What about Ortis?
Will he…
"You're awake now?"
That voice is…
"Good morning, my dear brother."
The first light of dawn should be the sun, but I see Adam's light shining in. At first, I thought I was dead, but when my sight was clearer, I found myself in a clean bedroom. It was definitely not mine, and this wasn't my house either.
"What happened? This is..."
"Our mansion."
"H-huh? W-how is that? Ortis? What about Ortis?!"
Adam pointed to me with a smile. When I looked back, I saw Ortis lying next to me, but his body had shrunk to the size of a child, and my body had also been healed. What happened? I turned to Adam in confusion.
"Ortis helped you escape."
"Last night, he held your body and successfully escaped. His body got smaller because he spat out what he ate to buy time. And as you can see, he brought you here and waited until you woke up."
"How long did I sleep?"
"Two days."
This is a miracle.
A complete miracle!
We both survived and were rescued!
I found myself smiling. How long has it been since I smiled like this? It must have been after my grandfather passed away and my mother... Adam slowly got up and hugged me while lightly stroking my back. It made me cry.
How long has it been since I felt this tenderness?
Adam let go of me and said he would prepare food for me and Ortis to rest comfortably and I did that because it was the first time I felt safe and warm after it was just me and Ortis. I lay down and lightly stroked his hair before saying goodnight to him and falling asleep.
After that day, news about Dunwich Village appeared in the newspapers, saying that someone had attempted to perform some ritual in the high valley of Dunwich, which was the rural village of Arkham. The culprit escaped, but Dr. Henry Armitage had gone insane and had to be admitted to the asylum. The others in the village had fled the area, thinking it was a curse. I think the reason that old geezer went insane was because he saw the real form of Ortis after using the magic powder. It serves him right because he puts himself into this mess in the first place.
We continued to live with Adam after that. Everything was fine until that old man,Graham, passed away, and Adam decided to sell the mansion to travel. Of course, I had no problem with this. As long as I was with him and Ortis, I am ready to follow him anywhere.
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yzeltia · 1 month
Weird West AU -U'rahn-
Title: The Original Adventurre of Rrhan the Ridin' Lion Featuring: Desert Walkers AU by @scrollsfromarebornrealm , @saesama 's Klynt Gohtawyn Characters: Rhan Chai (U'rahn Nuhn), Dulia-Chai, Brother Themis, Fordola Lupus, Arenvald Lentinus Notes: Thanks for letting me play with everyone!
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Rrhan’s eyes narrowed as a suspicious man wiped a cowpie off his boot on the front of the Saltlick Saloon. His fingers twitched, dancing over the airspace over his pistol, ready to draw should the man continue to disrespect the beloved town landmark. He hesitated though, thinking the man could possibly just have not had the privilege of good parentage and townfolk to raise him better. Still, he followed the man into the good establishment unable to shake the bad feeling crawling in the pit of his stomach. His gut feeling was right. He hated that.
         “Whiskey, two fingers. And the nimblest lass you got,” the man ordered as he took a seat at the bar.
         “This ain’t that kind of establishment,” the madam said, leaning over the counter with her brow furrowed.
         “I beg to differ,” the man said, leaning back and brushing his jacket back to show off his heat.
         The proprietress’s eyes widened as she stepped back in fear. The music stopped. Her staff gasped, some of the women folk even fainting at the sight of the man’s weapon. The men just tilted their hats down, not wanting to draw attention to themselves in case the villain got trigger happy and wanted to make an example.
         Gritting his teeth, Rrahn stepped forward, hand resting over his pistol as he starred daggers into the man’s back. “The madam said this ain’t that kind of establishment,” he growled.
         The man turned on his stool, then cracked his neck before standing up. “What’s a little kitty cat going to do about it,” he taunted before thrusting his hand down into his holster, quick drawing his gun.
         “This,” Rrahn answered in turn, outdrawing the other and firing into his shoulder.
         Silence fell over the room as the shot rang out. The villain dropped to his knees, cursing loudly as he started to spurt out a little blood. Soon the room was filled with applause and hootin’ and hollerin’ in praise of their hero who simply gave a slight bow and a tilt of his hat.
         “Thata’ boy Rrhan,” Kemakka praised, wandering in from outside and clasping his hand tightly on the young man’s shoulder before striding in to handcuff the bleeding man.
         “Drinks are on me,” the madam praised, “For our hero Rrhan Chai! The Ridin’ Lion!”
         “Rrhan! Rrhan! Rrhan!” the patrons started to chant.
         Rrhan beamed as he was praised, nodding his head to each of the patrons as his named echoed about in his ears.
         “Rrhan! Rrhan!” they continued.
         He’d never felt soon seen. So appreciated. Coming into the saloon, his good priest friend smiled and in a fit of passion, Rrhan dipped him and stole a kiss before beaming at him as he lightly touched his face.
         Rhan jumped as he found his face drawn in toward an old mop, his mother’s voice calling at him from the road. He turned, finding her glaring at him as he stood near the window of the Saltlick, having been outside looking in. As he went to protest, the madam stomped out, rag dolling the man he’d followed up the steps by the scruff of his shirt before giving him an effortless chuck into the horse trough. “Come back when you learn yerself some manners,” the proprietress said before turning to head to see Rrhan standing there with a mop.
         “You ain’t supposed to be up here,” she said before looking at Dulia-Chai as she strode forward to the porch to grab her son by the ear.         “Oi Oi! Mom! That hurts,” he hissed as he was pulled away.
         “Madam Gohtawyn. I am terribly sorry my darling boy is interfering with your establishment. He seems to think him so much more grown than he is,” Dulai apologized before starting to tug Rrhan down as he whined in embarrassment, catching a group of his peers watching from across the way.
         “Ain’t no thing Mrs. Chai. If he’s itchin’ for work though seems he found himself a mop and is ready to go. I could put him to use,” Klynt mused.
         “Oh, there’s no need for that. I’ll see that he keeps himself busier with schoolwork and helping Brother Themis at the chapel,” Dulia answered, shaking her head as she pulled Rrhan back toward their carriage.
         Klynt beamed at Rrhan with a knowing grin. “I think he’ll find his time much better spent on his knees with the good priest then. I do hope you’ll come with the good Mayor soon though. A round will be on me!”
         Rhahn’s face erupted into crimson as Klynt chuckled at him while his mother paused. “My husband you say. I should just go see how he’s doing. Well Rrhanald, you heard Miss Gothawyn. Off to the church with you. I’m sure Brother Themis can put your idle hands to work. I need to go find your father.
         Rrhan stumbled away, rubbing his ear as he turned to head toward the old chapel on the far side of the town. “Y-yes ma’am!”
         “While you’re there be sure to tell ‘im all your impure thoughts and ask forgiveness. Mine too for that matter,” Klynt called out with another laugh before returning to her business.
         Rhahn hurried away, running straight for the church less his mother or Klynt found another way to embarrass him further. Arriving at the old chapel, he let himself in then found a pew to collapse back into, arms behind his head.
         “Rrahn? Are you hiding from your mother again,” Themis’s voice asked in its unusually deep timber.
         Rrhan opened his eyes, finding the other’s intense blue eyes gazing down at him. He swallowed, the priest’s hand extending to brush over his cheek then brush his hair from his face. “Are you alright? Your face is red, and you feel a bit damp. Wait here and I’ll bring you some water.”
         Rrhan had opened his mout to correct the other, but as usual Themis was quick to act. Before he knew it, the priest had returned and moved to sit beside him to help him up and force the water into his hand. “Thank you,” Rrhan said smiling before downing the glass then wiping his chin. “Nothing happened though. Just got caught up in my daydream is all.”
         “I see. Pretending yourself to be the town’s hero again?” Themis mused in more of a statement rather than question. “I am sure if you would just ask Kemakka he would take you on as a deputy.”
         Rrhan lowered his ears. “Yeah, but…My folks would never let me do that. My mom would worry about me getting hurt or worse and then bother my dad about it until he did something about it.”
         Themis sighed then reached over lightly to take U’rahn’s hand into his own, lacing their fingers together. “Well, you should trust that the Zodiark will guide you to the right path. There are more ways to be a hero.”
         They sat in silence a moment, Rrhan nodding a little as he gently stroked his thumb over Themis’s knuckle. “Well, yeah. That Ridin’ Lion is doing some good work with the Night Pride,” he said, turning to look at Themis.
         Themis shifted, frowning a bit as he looked back at his friend. “And there are worse ways too. As grateful as the church is…Ill-gotten money might draw it unfavorable interest. Not to mention if anything happened to…to the Ridin’ Lion. I would feel personally responsible.”
         “No no. You shouldn’t. Don’t ever worry about him ‘cause nothin’ will stop him from coming back to you, er…to help the church,” Rrahn assured him.
         The two stared into one another’s eyes for a moment before letting them start to close as they drew in close. As their lips met, the doors to the chapel flung open, causing them to part immediately and look away. Behind them, Fordola pushed Arenvald inside, the latter clearing his throat. “There you are Rrahn.”
         “If you’re done harassing the priest, we’ve got a job to get ready for,” Fordola huffed, already starting to turn Arenvald about in preparation to leave.
         Rrhan’s ears and tail flit upward at the proposition. “Really Really? Another already? Let’s GOOOOOO!”
         Themis laughed then stood before getting up to give the trio a little bow. “Please be careful with Rrahn. He came to me looking a bit flushed. May Zodiark watch over you.”
         Fordola and Arenvald looked to one another then gave Themis a nervous smile, neither one for the religious sort, especially that of the forgotten god. “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him. I’m sure if I can’t, ‘Dola will.”
         “I’ll return him to you more or less in the way you’ve left him with us,” Fordola shrugged before starting to push Arenvald out of the chapel. “C’mon Rrhan.”
         “Right right! Just uh- Gimme a sec and I’ll catch up,” he called out as his friends wheeled off ahead of him.
         Themis recoiled a little as Rhan turned, stepping forward to take his hand again. “You shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
         Rrhan nodded lightly then drew in close again. “Well…you see. We did it again. Y’know…smoo-“
         “Rrhan. You really shouldn’t keep them waiting. If your mother catches you before you get out of town I doubt you will be able to join your friends in whatever business you’ll be getting up to this evening,” Themis interrupted, squeezing Rrhan’s hand before letting go.
         Rrhan frowned lightly before feeling the priest’s lips on his cheek before he pulled away. Swallowing, Rrhan backed away, tilting his hat toward Themis before hurrying out the door after his friends, excited for the evening’s adventure to come.
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sinful-morningstar · 1 year
Spartober day 17 Gunslinger (VerDante)
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Author's note: Sorry i didnt post last night something came up but i managed to write this while recovering from a hangover so its kinda short and sweet and as per usual i canr write about Dante without Vergil and i cant write about Vergil without Dante (or Nero..or Sparda...) anyways Enjoy todays (Technically yesterday's) prompt! Prompts by whatsanapocalae1 (I use a combination of SparTober and Devil MayTober Prompts ) 17: Gunslinger (VerDante) Vergil and Dante stood in the underworld fighting off the monsters that came their way, slaying them all down one by one, back to back the Sparda twins did their best to defend themselves and each other.
The older Sparda twin couldn't pry his eyes off of Dante who used a swift mixture of the Rebellion and his beloved pistols Ebony and Ivory, an odd name for such weaponry but he admired the way Dante moved and how he would say a clever quip while taking the monsters down.
Their eyes met as a dust of pink showed up on their cheeks; they both had a knack for showing off especially to one another in an odd attempt of not just competitiveness but also a form of flirting this duel of wits and weapons clashing together while they worked together as a truly dynamic duo.
As the battle raged on in the dark and fiery realm of the underworld, Vergil and Dante continued to stand back to back, their trust in each other unshaken by the relentless hordes of monstrous creatures. The scent of sulphur and brimstone filled the air as they unleashed their formidable powers against the unholy forces that assailed them.
Vergil couldn't help but admire the grace with which Dante moved, his long, Silver hair swaying in the heat of battle. With each swing of Rebellion and each bullet fired from Ebony and Ivory, Dante made it seem like a lethal dance, his movements both fluid and deadly. The playful quips that rolled off Dante's tongue only added to the charismatic flair he brought to the battle, and it was impossible for Vergil not to be captivated by his brother's bravado.
Dante, too, found himself drawn to Vergil. His elder brother's stoic determination and precision in combat were like a finely crafted masterpiece. The way Vergil effortlessly dispatched foes with his Yamato sword and summoned arcane magic left Dante in awe. He admired Vergil's brooding intensity, the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence that could silence even the fiercest storm.
Their eyes locked again, sparks of unspoken words passing between them. The dusty pink blush on their cheeks deepened as their playful banter continued, a symphony of flirtatious teasing.
"You know, Vergil, I thought you said you'd handle the tough ones," Dante quipped as he shot a line of demons with Ebony and Ivory.
Vergil smirked, his voice cool and composed, "I merely left them for you as an appetiser, little brother."
Dante chuckled as he executed a daring flip to avoid a charging demon, "Always keeping me on my toes, aren't you, big bro?"
Their laughter mixed with the sounds of battle, a unique harmony that only the Sparda twins could create. They were, after all, cut from the same otherworldly cloth, each born of their demon father and human mother. The competition and camaraderie between them were as much a part of their nature as the demon blood that coursed through their veins.
In the heat of the battle, their flirtatious sparring with words and glances continued, and it was clear that they enjoyed this dance as much as the one with their weapons. They were a formidable duo, not only in terms of combat skills but also in their ability to draw strength and support from each other.
As the last of the monsters fell, Vergil and Dante stood victorious, their eyes still locked, and their smiles revealing more than words ever could. In the underworld's fiery glow, they knew they would always be each other's greatest rivals and closest confidants, a Swordsman and a Gunslinger whose bond was as unbreakable as the weapons they wielded.
They met in the middle as they stood toe to toe, their eyes locked on one another while they drew in closer. Dante’s hair falling in his face as he let out a fond chuckle, Vergil humming with amusement in turn. The tension between them was prominent with each step they took moving closer their hearts beat as one.
Dante's fingers brushed a lock of his unruly hair back, revealing his mischievous grin. "You know, Vergil," he mused, his voice a low rumble, "I think we make a pretty good team."
Vergil's eyes sparkled with a rare warmth, his lips curving into a half-smile. "Perhaps. But don't let it go to your head, little brother."
With a slow, deliberate movement, Dante leaned in, his breath warm against Vergil's cheek. "You've got to admit, Verg ," he murmured, "we're unstoppable together."
Vergil's breath caught in his throat, a surge of something electric coursing through him. He met Dante's gaze, his own eyes holding a fierce intensity. "Indeed, little brother," he replied, his voice a low, intimate murmur, "we are."
The pair leaned in close, letting their weapons rest to the side of them clutched in their hands, they were mere inches away from each other, their breath ghosting on one another’s lips.
“Dante~” Vergil purred sweetly, his tone soft and gentle.
Dante sighed as he moved closer “Cmon Vergil..just once…” he pleaded with a whisper.
Time seemed to stand still as they hovered in that charged space, their worlds colliding and merging in a way that felt both inevitable and right. As if pulled by a shared gravity, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a moment of sweet surrender, a testament to all that had brought them to this point, a promise of what was yet to come.
In that fiery realm of the underworld, the gunslingers stood united, their hearts beating as one, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next. They were a force to be reckoned with, a pair of kindred spirits bound by more than blood, destined to conquer whatever trials came their way, together.
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cerezzzita · 1 year
Info dump about your OCs bestie!
Hey, Sylvie! Sorry for the late answer btw, and in advance, I wanna say that the info dumps here are mostly about Millie and Evangeline, and they came from a talk I had with someone a month ago and is slightly edited, but ahem! Let's see it!
When I firstly wrote Evangeline, right after joining the DMC fandom two years ago, she was more like a counterpart of Dante than her actual own character, but thank god I changed that; she still can be considered his counterpart, though, since she's born from a angel with a human woman and he's born from a demon with a human woman. Anyways, Evangeline is more on the calm, serene side, usually being descript as that mature friend that you can always rely on because they'll always try to help you or comfort you no matter what. She is also very patient, collected and a bit childish — not the bad kind of childish, y'know, it's just that she was raised a bit far from mundane things and when she sees them for the first time she mostly gets excited and amused, and she have a thing for simplicity. Evangeline never asks too much, she just want to love and be loved, she cares and want to be cared, and trust me, she does loves Dante very much (right after their mutual pining, by the way). After all, he was her first in mostly everything related to love/mutual feelings field. Evangeline's also the smooth, silky type of flirter, she always knows how to make Dante go goo goo eyes for her and vice-versa. She's genuine, and hates any kind of betrayal. Her younger self also had a difficult time speaking of her feelings, gladly that changed as she matured. Evangeline's family is everything for her, she values them with her full heart and soul, her daughter Evelynn is her most beloved treasure, because she sees her more than just a being she and Dante concieved; she's her and Dante's second change to make things right.
Evangeline's also a Devil Hunter, and her kit is pretty similar to Dante's: she owns two platinum-like pistols named Grace & Glory and a spear (sidenote: angels, in my concept, don't really like or see the need for swords, they rather prefer spears) named Adamant. She also owns very diverse types of Devil Arms, they're still a wip, by the way.
Now for a bit of her past, Evangeline was born and raised in a far but stunning city named Caelumia — mostly known for the wealth and for the status of "The Doorway to Heaven", because, secretly, the city it is the angels' doorway so they can enter the Human World, but only a few can pass through. Her surname is Celiath and came from her mother, Rachel, a single human woman, and her father is named Hamaliel, a high-class angel. Yeah, I could say more buuut you'll have to read my future fic!
Now, onto Millie. Her real name being Millicent, she's more that laid-back, relaxed friend you have, y'know. She mostly appears to not give a damn about anything, so much that she's indifferent with the fact that demons exists and was kinda surprised but didn't made a big deal when she discovered that Dante was a half-demon. Pretty much like Evangeline, she's calm and usually don't let her feelings get the best of her, since her work as a pawner can and will be stressful enough depending on the customer she has; and yes, Dante's her favourite. Why? Because Millie have a thing for the "occult", and as said before, she doesn't give a damn about demons, she rather like to have things from them, and she makes sure Dante will always bring her some Orbs or even little bottles with demonic fluids. That girl is crazy, I tell you that. She also is the best in her line of work and always knows how to gain and keep money, a ironic contrast with Dante, so that's why she decided that he and she should be friends; and even that the both of them are full grown-ass adults, they tend to behave like two teenagers. Millie really cherishes his friendship because she doesn't let most people close to her (for tragic backstory reasons), he's an exception. She may be kinda tough on the outside, but she's a softie on the inside.
As stated above, Millie owns a pawn shop that is basically located in the end of the street where Devil May Cry shop is, and it came from her grandparents. Her shop is known for not being a regular one, since you mostly finds there itens that are related to Devil Hunters, and in fact they look for her shop so they can find something of their use. She's not a good body-to-body fighter but her aim is impeccable and she owns a kit with shotguns and rifles, when she have to deal with some not pleasant client.
And I guess that's all, for now! Thank you for stopping by!
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karskarmen · 1 year
Snippet Of Red Tree's "Burn The Bodies"
"A Father Does as Told." (Quinn's Story)
Triggers: Blood, gore, infection (zombified), death of wife, domestic violence, etc.
Note: I WILL WARN YALL NOW.. This is not SFW, and it is the most depressing thing I have written. I promise, he gets happy in the end, but just a fair warning.
My family wasn't stable when I was growing up. Too many traumatized faces, too many traumatized minds. I'd be lying if I hadn't been one of the faces bloodied and bruised, I'd be lying if I said I didn't do the same. He was bigger than me, stronger, but it didn't stop me from taking my anger on him after what he did to my mama.
It's why when we had a military ball I refused any alcohol. It's why when I got married to my first wife, I refused to take a hit at my bachelor's party. I had seen what it done. I had seen the monster it created out of my step father. And I made a promise to my wife, to my mother, that I wouldn't touch the honey liquor on the shelf of forgotten wisdom. I kept that promise.
Until now, staring down at my wife. Or who use to be my wife. Her face is bloody, thick spurts of pus that came from nowhere and landed at my boots. They told us it wasn't this bad, they told us to just take them to the hospital, but she refused to go.
"They'll hurt the baby." Bethany pleaded, everytime I mentioned that the sores and the veins were getting worse. She was blue and purple, thick red veins that now swelled and hurt her more when she walked. She was already swollen full with baby number three, another little girl. They had sent me home, told us to watch over our kids, keep everyone well and safe.
But this had gone on for too long. This wasn't some damn little sickness, this wasn't even a damn pandemic. This was something worse, something that tore the body inside out and into balls of flesh. Something that made them hungry, made them feral like bears. For the most part, I thought this was a nightmare. I wondered if it was the movies I had watched recently, or maybe the flashbacks, but this... It was so much worse. She's still clawing at my boots, swollen belly sliding along the wooden floor of our small cottage housing. There's blood, every corner there's more and more blood. I tried to deny it. I tried to deny that the monster clawing and wheezing at my feet is my wife. But the ring on her finger doesn't lie, neither does the baby that made her bigger in the belly.
"Quin... Ton..."
I want to puke. I can't breathe, the air thick with the stench of blood and iron. She calls me, and I feel like I'm going to faint. I looked down at her again, watching as her fingernails dug to my boot, but they'd never pierce. I swallowed back the bile, raising my pistol down at her again. They were waiting for me. The other two. My babies, my beloved little girls being pushed into the closet when their mother attacked me.
This isn't me. This isn't a nightmare. This isn't my wife. There's something stirring in the top of her head, folding it forward as she lets out a breathless groan. I laid my finger on the trigger, a breath leaving me.
"...I love you, Beth."
She doesn't respond, eyes wide and bloodshot as her fingernails continue to try and squirm. She's stuck to the floor, body smearing the wood with whatever else had come out of her. All I could do was let my ears ring, a familiar feeling as I watched her slump to the floor. Her wrists landed on the toe of my boot. She's gone, my wife, my baby. All gone.
I turned, slowly, watching as my oldest peered from the closet. She's holding her sister like she'd lose her next, looking between her mother's body and the gun in my hand. There's no excuse I can make. There's no time.
"We need to go."
"We have to go."
She doesn't protest, though the look on her face is more than fear. Her father had murdered her mother and her new sister all in a moment. Does she understand? I don't know. I don't want to know. She steps from the closet alongside her younger sister, slapping a palm over her eyes so she wouldn't witness the scene before her.
"Is mom-"
"She's not fine, sweetie. Just..."
There was nothing I could say. There was no excuse, there was a new burden, there was nothing I could fucking do. I stuffed the pistol in my pocket, picking them both up with an adrenaline filled ease before I walked out of the cottage. I put them in the car, strapping their seatbelts and putting the youngest in her car seat. There's a sickening silence. Heavy, dreadful that had me nauseous all over again. I couldn't forget her face, the veins, the blood.
What would've happened if I let her continue? If I didn't shoot her? What would've happened if I had gotten her help? I should've. I didn't care.
"Daddy?" My oldest asks again, watching as I strapped myself in the front seat and turning the keys. The engine comes to life, and I lean back to watch my blind spot as I pulled from the makeshift driveway. But I can't leave her hanging, not for long at least. It isn't until we're a couple of blocks away until I decided to answer her. "..Yes, baby?'
"Is mommy going to be okay?"
'...Sure, sweetie. We just.. Need space.."
Just space for now..
0 notes
popsicle-parfait · 2 years
Spontaneous Pantalone Headcannons
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Theme: Pantalone with a Snezhnayan Reader!
CW: slight (?) yandere themes, mentions of guns
Requested?: Nope!
A/n: I wanted to make more posts so I decided to do this! Also I'm making these up as I go so bear with me!
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When taking a loan from the local bank for your mother, that's when you saw him.
Your nose was red and you had a basket filled with pastries, trying to keep them warm from the harsh everlasting winter.
At first you didn't seem to mind his presence back then, especially because you didn't know him then.
But one thing that caught your eye for sure was the gaze he held, it was one filled with knowledge; and power.
You didn't think anything of it until you kept meeting up with him during financial excursions, once was a coincidence but 5 times? That was a pattern.
What you didn't know was that day when you locked eyes with the harbinger, he just knew you were different
You weren't the average passerby that would quake in his sight or question his presence, no your being screamed intelligence and poise.
At first he would notice little glances of you every now and again, nothing noteworthy--at least, that's what he thought.
You weren't aware of it, but there was a time where you had a small discourse with some foreigner in an empty street.
You told the man that you refused to give him your valuables, he obviously thought you were an easy catch and continued to push your buttons further.
Then, that was when it happened, you had a vision. Your hidden emblem hanging from your fur coat shined brightly as you pulled out a small pistol before firing a warning shot past the foreigner's head.
Realizing his almost death, the man ran away in terror after apologizing vigorously.
Pantalone was entranced, that look you had on your face, it was ice cold; and that, my friend drew the harbingers attention.
Ever since that encounter he's wondered what it would be like to melt your frozen walls, to be the only one who you show your true feelings to.
Oh how he longed to waltz with you under the moonlight and kiss your skin as the violin rang through the room.
It may not have interfered with his missions, but he did think about you; there was never a moment where he wasn't.
He wondered what it would be like to see you smile, to whisk you away from your somber village life and give you one full of elegance and luxury.
And as time moved on, you finally gathered enough ambition to move the first chess piece
The conversations you two would have always left him wanting more, and it made you feel wanted in the same.
Little meet ups turned into dining at fancy restaurants and subtle laughs turned into enchanting gazes with eachother.
Your cold heart melted when he'd call you "dear" or "beloved" and his eyes shined with satisfaction when you blushed in slight embarrassment
Long walks along the terrain were very common with you two, especially during the night when the stars glistened above.
You'd visit him while he worked on his financial services, helping ease the workload little by little as the two of you found the atmosphere comfortable.
Cuddling together and sharing each other's coats were the little things you two enjoyed when you could.
And if you two ran into trouble along the way? Well, let's just say that their body no longer exists.
You would do anything for each other, even dancing upon the graves of your enemies when it comes down to it.
Pantalone never gets jealous, simply because he knew just how much organs sell in the black market; and because you'd never let them get away far enough for ruining your time together.
Your relationship was like a tango with ice at your feet, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
After all, he is a harbinger.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I read evil!bridgertons trying to backstab each other and kill each other, imagine their spouses manipulating them so they can escape them. Like, they all team up subtly due to being prohibited to talking to each other and let the Bridgerton’s deal with their politics or matters. Every fail attempt of their siblings trying to kill them, the bridgertons grow paranoid and the closer the spouses get to their freedom because sooner or later… the siblings will kill each other.
note that the post anon is talking about is this one
I'm going to be honest here. The Evil Yandere Bridgerton au has two ways of ending.
The Bridgertons either kill each other because their spouses manipulated them into turning on each other. Which I don't see happening, with the state of Gareth and Phillip's brainwashing, and Penelope, and Lucy's level of enjoyment in the game the Bridgertons play
or the original ending, which was supposed to be the theorized full circle on how Violet became the Bridgerton Matriach.
Which is Kate finally snapping after too many years of Anthony's loving mind games and taking a shotgun to Anthony's legs to cripple her beloved husband for life. And either installing herself as the new leader of the family or systematically hunting down the other 7 Bridgertons with the help of the 3 kids of hers who could hold a pistol.
Benedict and Daphne are the easiest because Kate doesn't need to do much convincing for Simon to open Clyvedon and for Sophie to stand by and let her go full 'aim to cripple not kill' on their significant others. Kate leaves Daphne somewhat physically impaired but still functional enough to show a nice smile to her children. While the work in My Cottage consists in simply handing Sophie a shotgun of her own and doing a practical demonstration on her guards. Sophie keeps telling Benedict how romantic it is, now that all she has to do now is nurse him back to health...every day... for the rest of his life...
Eloise is definately a difficult one and the most likely to seek revenge, so Kate had to maybe silence her voice and writing skills the way Benedict silenced his servants, and leave her to Phillip to deal with. He's dealt with one bedridden wife before, he knows his plant based painkillers and hallucinogens, what's another indisposed wife to add to the collection?
Colin and Penelope were nice enough to give up a right to combat before Kate and little Edmund raised their pistols. Actually, it was a friendly conquest because Colin and Penelope are too obsessed with each other to care who holds the Bridgerton purse strings and Kate didn't want to fight them anyway. Same with Francesca and Michael, also too obsessed with each other to care about liberating Kate, much less if she took a gun to Anthony's legs and took over for the Viscount. As long as all the siblings were technically alive, Francesca and Michael live by the no interference rule.
Hyacinth did try to make Kate into an obituary, with Gareth to help. But at that point of the carnage even little Edmund and Miles were okay with taking care of things for their mother. So Hyacinth had to join Daphne in Clyvedon for some much needed...recuperation, under a lot of heavy kindly drugs supplied to Gareth and Simon by Phillip's greenhouse.
Finally, Gregory and Lucy. Actually I'm sure it was Lucy who thought it would be fun to leave Anthony's gun cabinet unlocked and in plain sight of Kate the night everything started. Lucy likes Kate. Nothing wrong with helping a sister out right?. So Gregory? he came out on top of the whole ordeal. Kate practically finished raising him after all. He loves Anthony but who would he be if he didn't support Kate's bid to follow Violet's footsteps and kill the Viscount.
So sad really, Gregory and Lucy were aiming to see Anthony brought down permanently. But oh well, one cannot have too much fun these days.
So yeah, my evil Bridgerton au? that's how it ends. With a uno reverse card. But it's okay...nobody dies. what would be the fun in that?
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Scenario Prompt: “B hearing A sing for the first time and being surprised at how good they sound.” Requested by: @lost-girl-of-onceuponatime
Pairing: Joshua Faraday x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of guns (cleaning them).
Word Count: 1.1k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394 - Let me know if you want to be added.
*The song lyrics are from a song called "The Meeting of the Waters". It written in 1807, first as a poem, then it was set to music.
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Faraday groaned as he climbed down from his horse, the ride from town was a bit longer than he'd like. He wasn't sure why you had all chosen a safe house so far away. But he wasn't one to complain about a roof over his head and a bed under his back.
He grabbed the bags from his saddle and moved to take them inside. He had noticed that all but one horse was gone. He was the first to get back.
The others had split up, there was a possible job to take up in the next town over. Goody, Billy and Chisolm had gone to talk to the townsfolk. Vasquez, and Jack to learn more about the gang, and Red to scope out the town and surrounding area. Faraday was left to get supplies, while you stayed behind to clean and prepare the guns and other supplies.
After he put everything inside he wandered back outside, wondering where you had gone too. As he stepped off the porch, he halted in his step when he heard something.
A light breeze was blowing towards him, and it was bringing with it an unusual sound. Music? He stopped and listened, holding his breath. There it was again. Coming from the nearby barn.
Faraday walked over, taking quick but quiet steps. He stopped just outside the barn, as the words he had been hearing before became clear.
Yet it was not that nature had shed o’er the scene Her purest of crystal and brightest of green; ‘Twas not her soft magic of streamlet or hill, Oh! no, — it was something more exquisite still.
Faraday almost felt his heart stop. He knew this song. He had heard it before as a child, his mother had sung it before. It had been a long time since he had heard it last.
Faraday peaked around the corner, his eyes landing on you as you sat on an overturned bucket. Your gun was in your hands as you carefully cleaned your pistol.
Your voice was smooth as it came out, and if Faraday didn't know better, he'd of thought you'd been trained to sing.
‘Twas that friends, the beloved of my bosom, were near, Who made every dear scene of enchantment more dear, And who felt how the best charms of nature improve, When we see them reflected from looks that we love
You continued the song, and Faraday's heart beat heavily in his chest. He leaned against the doorway, having forgotten that he had previously been sneaking around. He was caught up in the sound of your voice, surprised at how good you sounded.
Sweet vale of Avoca! how calm could I rest In thy bosom of shade, with the friends I love best, Where the storms that we feel in this cold world should cease, And our hearts, like thy waters, be mingled in peace.
Faraday recited the words in his head, unaware that his lips were moving along as well. His eyes stared at your profile, and he found himself seeing you a bit different than he had before. He knew you were attractive, flirted with you relentlessly, but now, as he watched you, heard you, it felt a bit different. As if he was really seeing you. And he admitted, he really did like what he saw.
Faraday hadn't realized that the song was over, until you looked over at him. His body seemed to stiffen as he felt like he got caught doing something bad. He expected you to get embarrassed, chastise him for spying.
But you simply smiled at him. "Hello Faraday." You greeted calmly.
Of course you wouldn't get embarrassed, your voice was good, and you probably knew it.
He cleared his throat as he stood up. "Well I didn't know we had a little songbird in our gang of gunslingers."
You rolled your eyes lightly as you put down your pistol, reaching for another. Your heart was beating a bit heavily. You pushed down your anxiety. You hadn't realized Faraday had been there, watching you.
"I wouldn't say I'm a songbird." You said softly.
Faraday sat down on a hale bay nearby, "Hell, I haven't heard anyone with a voice like that in years. You could be a professional."
You smiled a little. "That was originally the plan. Or at least, my parents plan." You spared a look at him, and saw surprise on his face. "I loved to sing ever since I was a child, but when someone takes something you love from you, forces it upon you, and tries to use it to make money, you lose your love for it."
Faraday watched you as you spoke. There was a hint of heartbreak in your voice, as well as malice. He didn't know much about your past, but he was glad you felt comfortable enough to share something.
"So I don't sing for people anymore. Just myself usually." You continued.
Faraday nodded lightly, "Well I wont tell no one." He said with a soft smile. "But I wont complain if you ever wanna sing again, within earshot I mean."
You met his eyes and smiled in return. He looked down at his feet and the spoke again. "My mother used to sing that song when I was younger. She had come from a family of immigrants, from Ireland. I was surprised to hear it."
"I heard it from a Gleman that came into town once. I loved the words so much I asked him to write them down for me." You paused for a moment, unsure if you should pry. "Did your mother sing a lot?"
He nodded, "Yeah. Almost every day, or night, to help me go to sleep. It was a nice memory to come back."
You heard the hint of what sounded like gratitude in his words, but you did not push for more.
You both looked up at the sound of hoof-beats, someone had returned.
Hearing Vasquez call out, Faraday called back. As he stood up, he looked down at you and smiled "Don't worry songbird, your secret's safe with me."
"Wont be for long if you keep calling me that."
He chuckled, as he began to leave the barn, before he began to hum the tune of the song. Spinning around as he left, he winked at you once before disappearing.
You smiled to yourself as you began to pack up your guns. You began to hum under your breath as well. Feeling a once familiar joy of music coming back to you. Maybe it wont be so bad to sing for someone again.
xx End xx
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taxolotl · 3 years
okay i just saw the tags on the spotify artist post aND YOU HAVE THE BEST MUSIC TASTE oh my gosh, what are some of your favorite songs rn?
anon TYSMMM this ask made me so excited these are some of my faves!!
Razzmatazz - IDKBTFM: i've been looping this one for WEEKS the energy... i'm obsessed. i really wanna draw something inspired by this one day
Sex, Drugs, Etc - Beach Weather: I LOVE THIS ONE SMMMM FAVE FAVE FAVE i have the best of memories associated w this one
Poplar St - Glass Animals: ga has this way of creating songs that send you to an alternate plane of reality via Vibes. other ga faves are Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth, Dreamland, and TOSOP
all of Pebble Brain, AYA, Maybe I Was Boring, literally any wilbur music: wilbur/lovejoy music brings me sm happiness ^^ they're all on my walking playlist
Taro - alt j: i loveee alt j's singing style like it's incomprehensible to me. but it Jams (also Breezeblocks my beloved)
Dangerous - Big Data, Joywave: i found this through an anime edit last year LMAO it's a banger
Little Pistol - Mother Mother: mmm yeah hahaha (also i love Burning Pile)
Dark Red - Steve Lacy: this one is so calming... it's like hugging a fluffy cat
It Will Come Back - Hozier: god i fucking love hozier
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 4
Chapter 4: You Didn’t Get to Heaven But, You Made it Close
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Language, Fighting, possible typos, hospital scenes
-Words: 4.6K
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Chapter 4: You Didn’t Get to Heaven But, You Made it Close
Words: 4.6K
The night was a typical one at the Holland household. Earlier that night, Rosie helped you cook dinner, spaghetti and meatballs, a Holland family dinner favorite. Dinner was quiet, Tom had been ignoring Parker for multiple reasons, mainly the ultimatum but also he was still angered by the recklessness of his son the other night.
Only the sound of slight flickering of the chandelier candles, could be heard. It was a deafening silence that consumed them. No one wanting to speak up and risk and argument forming. Dinner ended quicker than it began and everyone excused themselves.
Tom and you sat by the fire in the living room while their kids closed themselves off for the night. Not giving another thought to their kids. Little did they know, Parker had a date that night. And after dinner ceased, planned his escape.
“Tommy, I think it’s about time we turn in,” you said.
“Y/N, I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Tom whispered with a somber voice.
“About what baby?”
“Parker. The threat. Everything,” Tom was beyond stressed at the moment.
“Shh, we’ll figure it out. We always do,” you said rubbing the back of Tom’s head and Tom nodded in response
“Now come on, why don’t I put your mind at ease,” you whispered seductively.
“Are you talking about some good lovin’?” Tom inquired moving his eyebrows up and down.
“You’re such a dork. I was, we’ll see now.”
“Aww don’t be like that, you’re such a tease.” “Oh you love it,” you said. “Yes, I do,” Tom shouted following you up the stairs.
“I think I’m going to take a shower, care to join me?” You exclaimed cheekily.
“Love, you don’t have ask me twice” Tom said. How could you be anymore perfect? The day ended even more perfectly.
After they showered, you both changed into wannabe pajamas, for you, a tank top and some shorts and Tom wore a pair of boxers. They were all set to watch a little TV and hop under the covers when tiredness overcame them, falling asleep in each others arms. Absolutely content with everything in your life, everyone in the family was safe, nothing had come of the note yet.
“I love you, darling,” Tom whispered pressing his lips to your hairline.
You were already fast asleep. How did he get, you, this amazing woman to fall in love with him? The night soon fell into pitch darkness, however Tom’s phone ringing, startling him out of his deep sleep.
“Hello?” Tom answered it with a groggy voice.
“Is this Mr. Holland, father of Parker Holland?” A woman on the other line spoke.
“Yes, this is. Who the fuck is this?” Tom said rather rudely just being woken up.
“Sir, I’m calling from Kingston Memorial Hospital. Your son has been involved in an accident.”
“Fuck, I’m on my way.” Tom muttered as he hung up
“Angel wake up, something is wrong with Parker,” Tom whispered, shaking you awake.
“Tommy, what? What’s wrong?” You muttered as you stirred awake.
“Just get dressed.” Tom said.
Driving like a madman and disregarding all traffic signals, they all eventually arrived at the hospital. Not giving anything else a second thought.
They all piled into the Rolls Royce. Tom drove, for the first time in a long time, always having someone drive him. You sat in the passenger seat, clutching Tom’s hand and hoping to god your baby boy was okay.
You hadn’t even bothered to wear proper clothes, you wore mix-matched shoes, shorts, a tank top and an overcoat to stay warm. Rosie was like her mother, only wearing a hoodie and pajama bottoms. Tom on the other hand was more put together, wearing a regular t-shirt and pants along with the same pair of shoes, unlike, you, his wife.
Barging through the sliding doors, Tom made his presence known.
“Parker Holland, where is he?” Tom screamed as he marched up to the receptionist.
“I’m sorry sir, hold on a moment,” the nurse clad in light blue scrubs said.
“NO! Fuck this. Parker Holland, tell me where the fuck he is before I blow your brains out.” Tom shouted and flashed his pistol.
“Alright Sir, just please put the gun away,” the nurse pleaded.
“He is in room 202,” she concluded.
“Thank you, come on Tommy,” you replied, pulling your husband away.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion, the moment you saw your baby boy lying unconscious in a hospital bed.
“I’m sorry, are you family?” asked the doctor as everyone funneled in the room.
“Yes, we are his parents,” Tom concluded
“I’m his sister,” Rosie spoke up, trying not to be forgotten.
“Good. Parker has a mild concussion, a few broken ribs, and he came in with a ruptured spleen which was taken care of during surgery. The anesthesia should be wearing off any moment now,” the doctor explained.
“Parker? Baby? It’s mommy. Please wake up,” you whispered to your son while petting his head, trying not cry at his busted lip and swollen eye.
“Mr. Holland? Sorry to disturb you but, the police would like to talk with you” a nurse informed Tom. Tom nodded with a blank expression, not letting his eyes stray away from his son.
“Follow me, sir,” the nurse concluded as she led him out of the room.
“Mom, is Parker going to be okay?” Rosie inquired. “I hope so” you responded with a hoarse voice from crying. Rosie wrapped her arms around you, comforting you,
You were so used to you being the one waking up in a hospital bed. At first, dating Tom and eventually marrying him, put a huge target on your back. Never experiencing the crippling fear of losing the one you love most.
Meanwhile, Tom was conversing with the cops who were on the scene. “Sir, your son was a victim to an assault that happened earlier at The Luxe, a nightclub downtown,” explained one of the cops. They stood tall, attempting to act macho but failing. The notorious mobster scared them. The stories, alone, spread on the street was enough to make a grown man soil his pants.
One of them was a man around age 45, looked like he had a pension and drove a hybrid car. Old but tried too hard to be young again. The other was a woman, rather young, possibly new to force. Both of them oblivious to man they were questioning. Unaware of Tom’s business and status. “What? I don’t understand.” Tom was puzzled, he knew his son snuck out, but to a nightclub, why? “It seemed like the moment it was made known that he was a Holland, they let him in,” interjected one of the officers. “Alright, anything else? If you don’t mind I would like to get back to my family.” Tom concluded, bothered by their pestering. “Your son wasn’t alone?” “What?” “There was another body found at the scene. A female about 16 years old, her ID labeled her as Charlotte Owens. She was shot in the abdomen and found dead at the scene,” the officer informed Tom. “Did your son know this woman?” asked the first officer, holding up her driver’s license. “Nope. Never heard of her. I’m sorry to hear about her, wrong place wrong time I guess.” Tom couldn’t tell them the truth, he only needed to protect his family right now and if that meant blatantly lying to the authorities it was worth it. “Your son really had no connection to Ms. Owens?” asked the second policeman.
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Mr. Holland, when we found your son he was covered in blood, not his own.” “What… are you accusing my son of murder? I’ll have you know I can have both your jobs in an instant,” Tom yelled, astounded at such an accusation.
“Sir, are you threatening us?” said the cops growing defensive. “No. Just making you aware of the situation. Tell Captain Reid I, Tom Holland, says ‘I’ll call him tomorrow, if you guys can’t do your jobs and leave me and my family alone”” Tom knew what he was doing. You don’t get to be the most powerful man in London by not having the police Captain in your pocket.
“We’re sorry sir, it won’t happen again,” the cops said, realizing they might have just made a very powerful enemy.
“I should hope so, if you have anymore questions here’s my business card and I suggest you don’t bother me again,” Tom concluded.
“Yes, sir. Have good rest of your night,” they said but Tom ignored them as he made a call.
“Tom? Do you know what time it is?” Harrison answered after a few rings, probably consumed by deep sleep.
“Haz I’m at the hospital.” Tom spoke with a somber voice.
“What? What happened?” Haz said all panicky. “Parker snuck out and got beaten up. A hit had to be on him. He was with his girlfriend. She didn’t make it.” “Jesus Christ. I’m on my way. Is it Kingston Memorial?” Harrison inquired. “Yes, also bring Henry I have a feeling Parker is going to need some moral support.” “Alright, be there soon mate.”
Parker was coming out of his deep sleep. His body begged for it, desperately needing to heal. He took quite a beating.
“Woah, woah. Where am I?” Parker asked, confused by his surroundings.
“Honey you’re at the hospital, don’t move you’ll hurt yourself.” You exclaimed. Parker soon realized everything that had transpired that night.
“They killed her,” Parker whispered as his eyes went cold. Every moment flashing before his eyes. One minute she was dancing, full of life and the next lying his arms dead.
“What? Who, honey?” You asked just relieved that your son was awake. “Charlotte.” Tom said walking in as you burst into tears at the vocalization of Charlotte’s name.
“What? Parker you need to tell me what happened. I thought you were in your room,” you pestered, only concerned about her son’s well being.
“I snuck out and my girlfriend got killed. What more is there to tell?” Parker said raising his voice and showing off his beloved Tom’s temper.
“I’m sorry. Charlotte just wanted me to be there to celebrate her birthday. I’m so sorry. If it weren’t for me she would still be alive,” Parker explained, tears slipping from his eyes.
“Shh baby, you can explain later. Just get some rest,” you concluded and Parker nodded in response.
“Mom, I’m gonna get some air,” Rosie said, wanting to be sick at the thought of Charlotte’s demise. She walked aimlessly around the hospital, making her way outside by the ambulance entrance.
Her breathing rapidly increased, she was hyperventilating. “Oh my god, oh my god,” she whispered to herself.
Collapsing against the wall, she sunk to the ground and brought her knees to her chest. Parker being the older sibling, knew more of the family business and tried to shield Rosie as much as possible. Not wanting to see her dad littered with blood after a hard day’s work.
“Rosie?” Henry asked with concern, seeing her sitting on the ground with tears streaming down her face.
“Hey, hey, hey. I got you. You’re okay. I got you.” Henry whispered bringing her into his embrace.
“Henry. I’m so glad you’re here.” She said, not letting go.
“Roo, you gotta tell me what happened? My dad wouldn’t say anything.”
“Parker got hurt when he snuck into a nightclub with Charlotte and she—“ Rosie bawled, her voice cracking and not finishing the sentence.
“It’s gonna be okay. Parker is okay right?” Henry asked and Rosie nodded in response. “Charlotte though, she…” Rosie having trouble finding the words. She knew the words but, the moment she said them they became 10 times more real. “Come on, Rosie, spit it out.” Henry said, trying not to alarm her. “She’s dead. She’s dead and I was awful to her.” Rosie stammered. “Oh my god. How?” Henry gasped, trying to wrap his head around the news. “She was shot. I know it’s not my fault but I can’t shake the feeling that I had something to do with it.” “Rosie you can’t think like that. It was an accident,” Henry whispered, comforting the trembling girl beside him. “Hey come here, I got you Roo. You’re safe with me.” Henry whispered pressing a kiss to Rosie’s forehead. She was actually starting to grow fond of the nickname, only when it was Henry who said it.
“I know this is a bad time, but I have to tell you something,” Henry whispered, trying to find the guts to tell this amazingly perfect girl the truth. “Yeah,” Rosie responded, eager for his response. “Rosie, I…” Henry tried to say but was soon interrupted with Rosie’s lips on hers. The kiss was soft yet full of passionate. Their lips melded together like two puzzle pieces. Both their eyes fluttered shut as euphoria consumed them, finally breaking away to breathe.
“I like you a lot, I have for awhile,” Rosie said, shying away from his face.
“Rosie, I really like you too,” he whispered, bringing his hand to caress her cheek.
“Really?” Rosie asked dumbfounded. “Yeah, what’s not to love,” he said and brought her into another chaste kiss. This time lingering longer as his lips brushed against hers. This was everything they both desired.
In the Parker’s hospital room, Tom and Harrison were conversing. Stuff was happening right under Tom’s nose at the estate and he was fed up with it.
“Who do you think it could be?” Haz asked, trying to get to the bottom of this before it blows up. “God knows who, I have countless enemies. Barnes, Roberts, most likely Carson,” Tom said, trying not to alarm, you, his sleeping wife or son. “Alright, I’ll inform the others to be on high alert,” Haz concluded. “We will have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning, I want everyone there.” “Yes, sir.”
“Enough Haz, you don’t need to be formal” Tom chuckled. “I know it just makes you laugh sometimes and you need that right now,” Harrison said, being the comic relief in times of crisis.
“Dad?” Parker whispered, coming out of his deep sleep.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” Tom exclaimed. “It’s fine. Can I ask you something” Parker inquired.
“Mmmhm,” Tom acknowledged. “How’d you deal with all those times almost losing mum?” Parker inquired.
“I won’t lie to you, I was a wreck” Tom explained. Seeing his son like this, brought Tom back to the time you were kidnapped and tortured. You two had only been going out for a year at the time and it was a huge turning point in your relationship.
At the time, Tom was in the middle of a turf war with James Graham, another mobster who predated Tom. You and Tom had just moved into together. Everything was smooth sailing up until that point. It was the night of your anniversary, going to the restaurant you went on your first date. You were dressed in a red, Tom’s favorite color not much of a surprise there, satin dress which hugged your figure perfectly. You had made your way to “Casa Nostra,” the little Italian restaurant that was very dear to your heart.
You sat down at your usual table with your usual drink, a gin and tonic, and fell in love with the ambience. Once in a while glancing at your watch, Tom was late. It was puzzling because Tom was everything and of those things was punctual. Tom was currently, stuck at the “office,” swamped with paper work.
“Vincent can you call Y/N? Tell her I’m sorry for being late and I’ll be there in 30 mins,” Tom asked one of his men. “Yes of course boss,” Vincent concluded as the phone suddenly rang.
“Oh, what’d you know, its her right here,” “Thanks Vincent, I got it from here,” Tom said grabbing the phone and dismissing him out of his office.
“I’m so sorry love. I’ll be there in 30 mins tops. Order what every you want to start with, may a suggest a bottle of Dom Pérignon. I promise I’ll be there. I love you,” Tom exclaimed hoping you would understand.
Who was he kidding of course you would understand. You were always so kind and considerate of everyone else’s feelings, he knew you wouldn’t be mad.
“Oh, no worries. I’m fine, just enjoying a few drinks. See you when you get here. I love you too. Remember don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you replied.
Drinking gin and tonic one after the another to pass the time, you had gotten up to make a phone call. 10 mins had past since you entered the establishment and your driver had dropped you off and stayed in the parked car. You made your way to the bathroom. Coming out of the stall having finished and washed your hands. In the reflection of the mirror, stood a tall figure one who looked like he could break your neck with one snap.
A gasp exited your lips as the assailant lunged toward you. Launching towards the bathroom walls, banging you head against the wall and the tile once your body hit the floor. All you heard were muffled screams you assumed belonged to the other patrons of the restaurants. Followed by several gunshots before you fell into complete and utter darkness.
You woke up to mind-numbing pain and throbbing pain to your head, your wrists fasten to a metal chair and wet, thick liquid dripping down the side of your face.
“Glad to see you are awake. Could I get you anything, water maybe?” Graham inquired tauntingly. “Fuck you, Graham. What the fuck am I doing here?” You yelled as you tried to escape your restraints.
James Graham had been a rival of the Hollands for decades. Always craving more power than there was to go around. The Holland’s enjoyed their freedom at the top of the food chain.
They were and are the most dangerous predator out there. When one of the less powerful predators gets a taste for blood, they won’t stop til they have decimated the rest of the population.
“Wow, who knew such a pretty girl like you would have such a mouth on her,” he quipped.
“Tom’s gonna come for me and when he does he will show no mercy,” you said, your voice tainted with hope.
“Oh, I’m counting on it,” he chuckled. “Why me? Why didn’t you just go after him yourself?” “I suggest you shut your fucking trap before I put a bullet through your skull,” He barked, slapping you straight across the face. Leaving a small imprint of his hand. Right before, he yanked your hair back, entangling all your strands in his fingers. All the pain caused tears to fall.
“I guess that seemed to shut you up. Better hope, your man hurries or he is going have to carry your decaying body out of this hell hole,” Graham taunted. “Why are you doing this?” you asked. “Your corpse would make Tom shatter. To get to him, I have kill you. You are his weakness. It will be the end of him, the end of Tom Holland,” he spoke with a tight grip on your jaw, leaving tiny bruises.
“Well, better get started cause one way or another you’ll be dead by sunrise.” He said, delivering a swift punch to your stomach. One after the other.
“I’ve had my fun. Boys, do you want to get a few licks in?” “It would be my pleasure, boss,” his men snickered as they made their way over to you. Alternating who punched and when. “Have your fun, but no guns. Tom needs to see the pain she felt. I’ll be upstairs.” Graham explained while leaving you alone with his men.
Meanwhile, Tom was finally free of work and on his way to enjoy a lovely night with you. A year spent together was really testament. He already felt so guilty for ditching you for 30 mins, he had some ideas of how he would make it up to you.
He arrived to a massacre at the restaurant. Not a single soul was found alive anywhere, they had all been shot. Searching for you, along with the other casualties, you were nowhere to be found.
Only explanation, you were taken by Graham. The lack of gravitas when it came to killing led to one person, James Graham. You were the only thing on his mind right now and Graham was behind it all. He quickly pulled his phone out and dialed the last person he wanted to see tonight.
“Oh Tom, what do I owe this pleasure?” Graham said cheekily. “Where the fuck is she, Graham?” Tom barked, not fucking around. “Sorry Tommy, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. Who?”
“Graham, I swear to fucking god if you hurt a hair on her head there will be hell to pay,” Tom gritted his teeth.
“It’s a little late for that.” Graham stated. “TOM!” You screamed in the background. “Let me talk to her,” Tom pleaded. “Alright, I’m not a monster. Hope she has some good last words for you now.” “It’s for you,” Graham said, holding the phone to your ear. “Y/N? Are you okay? Where are you?” Tom said with concern. He blamed himself for you being in this position. Sure, you had come from a mob family but, nothing like this happened. It was because of him. He was in love you, which made you his biggest weakness.
“I’m fine, don’t listen to him, I’m sorry we didn’t get our second date,” you said, trying to put Tom’s mind at ease. “You mean anniversary date. Oh… Baby, I’m going to find you. Trust me” “I do, I love—“ the conversation soon ended when Graham pulled the phone away and pummeled into your cheekbone, causing red to seep out. Only winces from pain and quiet sobs were heard on the other line.
“Aww, did you say your fucking marriage vows or shit? Too bad you’ll never see her in a wedding dress,” Graham snickered. “Graham, I’m coming for you and for your sake, I suggest you fucking run like the pussy you are,” Tom threatened as he hung up. He knew where you were thank to you subtle hint and he desperately needed backup. How could he go in there guns blazing when it’s just him.
“Haz, Y/N has been taken. Gather all the men I know where she is,” Tom said into the phone. “What? Where is she?” Haz inquired “She’s at the marina, our second date.”
Tom drove to where your second date was, the marina. He needed to know you were okay, the phone call didn’t give him much to go on. Haz and the other men soon arrived all in black SUVs.
“She’s in there. On my count. 1, 2, 3!” Haz said, instructing the soldiers. Tom let Haz take the lead on this one so he could focus on you.
Busting through the doors, guns went off a split second later. Flooring most of Graham’s men. Tom and Haz found you looking half dead strapped to a chair in the middle of the room.
“Love we have to get you out of here” Tom said, trying to run up to you until he was stopped by sound of a gun cocking against your head. Tears slipped as your came face to head with the barrel of a gun.
“Come any closer and she’s dead. Now drop the gun,” Graham shouted.
“Do you think I’m playing around. DROP IT!!!” Tom slowly put his gun on the ground, trying to stall enough for Harrison to be behind him.
“Duck!” Tom yelled, hitting the deck as Haz fired 3 shots. Striking Graham right between the eyes, and the chest twice. A thud soon followed and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Tom rushed over to you, cutting off your restraints.
“Y/N. Oh darling, I’m so sorry,” Tom cried.
“It’s ok, you got me now, that’s all that matters,” you said growing more weak in his arms “We gotta get you to a hospital come on,” he said, wrapping his arm around you shoulder as he walked.
This was the first time Tom had brought you to the hospital. Who knew it would be the first of many instances. He hated hospitals, all the sickness that lingered in the air.
You had been in surgery for an hour, the doctors were in the process of fixing your internal bleeding. All those punches, ruptured one of your kidneys. Now you were resting in your hospital bed with Tom attached to your side, refusing to let go of your hand.
Tom had been a wreck, sure it was only two hours but the most dreadful two hours of his life. He knew you would be okay, but all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms.
“Hi Tommy,” you whispered, beginning to wake. “God you scared the fucking hell out of me, please don’t ever scare me like that again. I need to know you are okay,” Tom exclaimed. “I’m okay, I promise.” “Yes and you will be from now on…. Tomorrow Jared, my driver, will help you gather your stuff from the house. I’ll have someone else take care of the furniture. Do you have a place to stay?” Tom explained.
“What? Why are you doing this?” you said, confusingly.
“I love you Y/N, this is the only way I can guarantee your safety.” “Tom, don’t push me away.”
“None of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for me. You wouldn’t be lying here half fucking dead. You should just forget about me,” Tom pleaded. “Hey, look at me. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not,” you said, standing your ground. “Y/N, I’m damaged goods. This your chance, go live the your life without getting blood on your hands.”
“Tom, I think you forget that I already have blood on my hands. There is nothing you can say or do that would ever make me leave you.”
Tom knew in the moment, you were his and one day he might regret your words. Thank god you stuck around or he wouldn’t have the family he has today. You and Tom even still make it a priority to spend your anniversary at Casa Nostra.
Parker needed reassurance, just like Tom did when he asked you to leave him, after your kidnapping. Tom never wanted himself to be the reason for your demise. He could never forgive himself.
“Dad, I just don’t know how to move on from this. It hurts so bad,” Parker pleaded.
“She’s dead because of me. All I want to do is hold her. She didn’t deserve any of this,” Parker cried. “I know, it wasn’t your fault though,” Tom reassured.
“How is it not? The men specifically asked for me, I’m the reason she is dead!” Parker exclaimed.
“How do I make the pain go away?” he said, desperate for a quick remedy. “It will eventually, you just need time,” Tom explained to his devastated son. “No, what I need is revenge,” Parker said forcing a shocked expression upon Tom’s face.
“I’ll do it, dad” Parker concluded with a new found confidence.
“Do what, P?” Tom inquired.
“I’ll be the next you, be the next Holland that strikes fear.”
“I’m in, teach me to be the best fucking mobster this world has every seen.” These were the words Tom was wishing his son would’ve said a week ago, but there’s no time like the present. “It would be my pleasure. I always knew you had it in you,” Tom said rather excitedly.
“This is the only way I can avenge Charlotte. They won’t know what hit them.” Something in Parker changed. A switch had flipped in his brain. The innocent boy was now a shell of person, demanding revenge. He was out for blood.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
Author note: Feel free to be asked to be added to the taglist if you want :)
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
OC Interview: Vielcos
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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INTRODUCTION Can you introduce yourself?: "Sure! Vielcos, Spymaster of the Pact and Champion of Nykai."
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?: "Well- Sylvari don't really use the same terms as other races. We don't really... Care? But I guess... what are the terms... Demiromantic, bisexual woman. And I'm taken." She winks to someone behind the interviewer. "By my incredible beloveds."
Where and when were you born?: "The Grove, dead of night, uhhh... 15 Scion 1320, I think. Sylvari don't really... Pay attention to that. It's the year that matters and really not that much."
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: "Really, that depends. If I'm alone, I'll be using my staff-" she taps the shaft with a finger, "and paying close attention to dodging enemies. If I'm not, I'm somewhat closer with my pistols or daggers."
Lastly, are you happy?: "I- That's a... Um..." She turns her attention away, brow furrowed. "I-I guess I am..."
FAMILY AND FRIENDS What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?: "Oh, I have a massive family! I have my papas- Bran and Malomedies, my aunts and uncles, my dozens of siblings-" She stops midsentence. "Oh, I should explain. Sylvari don't have families like other races. Bran and Malomedies are more... father figures to me than actually being my fathers in the terms of other races. And- I love them! I love all of them!"
Have you ever ran away from home?: "I- ... Yes." Would you consider marriage or having children?: "Sylvari don't really marry, we don't have a ceremony but more of a promise between the ones that would be the... bride and groom? And I do have children! I have several!"
"Sayeh says that largos do have a ceremony, but she's fine bypassing it since I can't get to her House."
Do you secretly hate one of your friend?: "What? Why would I hate one of my friends? That makes no sense, why would they be my friend if I hated them?"
Which friend knows everything about you?: "Uhhh, if you're not counting my beloveds... No one. Caithe probably knows the most but my relationship with her is... complicated." ASKED BY FANS Are you literate? Have you been to school?: "Sylvari don't have school! I was taught by papa Malomedies and other mentors- but mostly him, I had... really bad emotional struggles as a sapling. He taught me a lot of what I know about the stars, but I woke knowing how to read and write Krytan. And a little bit of Ascalonian too!"
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: "Hmm... Not counting the visions Nykai's sent me? That a noon bloom that had come with us- I was a sapling at the time- on a field trip. He was being reckless and saying we should explore a cave nearby while our mentor wasn't looking. He led a group in and... didn't come out."
"I had said, when he was trying to pull more of us, that the cave would claim anyone who went in. I just said it trying to get them to stop..."
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: "I- There's way too much. That the warden was trying to hurt me? That Nykai was keeping people locked in time for his defense?"
Do you have mental health or physical issues?: "That's a- personal question, isn't it? My- my mental health is mine to know! And... It's common knowledge that I have a hard time moving for long periods- running or swimming even- causes me extreme pain from a tear in my stomach. I think humans call it a hernia?"
What is your current main goal?: "Protect Tyria. Help Nykai realize all he can be... Share the love the Pale Mother filled me with before I woke."
CHOICES Drink or food?: "I'm a big food sylvari." she laughs softly, "I love eating! Especially when Cor cooks it!"
Cats or dogs?: "Can I say both? I love animals in general."
Early bird or night owl?: "Night owl. I'm a night bloom after all."
Optimist or pessimist?: "Um... I try to be optimistic but sometimes it's hard... And when I'm doing serious Pact things I sometimes am more of a realist..."
Sassy or sarcastic?: "Me or my beloved? Canach is both, I'm more sarcastic."
HAVE YOU EVER Been caught sneaking out: "Nope~ I'm a thief, and a night bloom. No one catches me unless I want to be caught."
Broke a bone: "Other peoples, yes. Several, I'm sure. But not my own since I... don't have bones."
Received flowers: She brushed a hand through the lilacs on her shoulders, "You mean these? Yes, I receive them every spring! And every time I'm extremely happy!"
Ghosted someone: "What?"
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get: "That happened a lot at first with Tybalt... And even more with asura and norn. They have weird jokes."
I tag (if you want to do it) : Everyone I would tag has already been tagged so... unless you wanna do it with a different character, ignore this <3
@thoseofuswhoblossom @salad-tales @dumb-dumb-mander @uselessidiotsquad @griffith-and-co @kerra-and-company <33
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rochiomaru · 3 years
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The two brothers faced off, one not trusting the other long enough to look away for even a fraction of a second. Doflamingo had never felt so conflicted, and though his exterior was as calm and cold as ever; internally his mind was screaming in agony with his beloved brother’s betrayal. Whenever he looked at Rosinante, all he could see was the little boy he fought so hard to protect when they were young. Who had twisted his lovely brother’s mind so much to cause him to bare his fangs like this? The answer came a few moments later.
“Marine Code 01746. Commander Rosinante of the Navy Headquarters. Donquixote Family captain Doflamingo, I have been undercover to prevent a future tragedy of your doing.” Rosinante couldn’t help but to smile as he finally revealed the truth he had held so close for so long. It had been such a burden to remain undercover and pretend to be a monster like his brother. Now he was finally free to be himself. His only regret was that Law could hear him, and he knew how much the young man hated the navy. He had hoped to show the child that his world view was inaccurate, but now the blond knew it was too late; he knew the pirate in front of him would now end his life.
Rosinante grit his teeth and began to bang his head against the treasure chest he was leaning on to get Law’s attention. He knew that it was his last opportunity to say anything to him before his so-called brother attacked. Everything he had ever heard or seen about the man indicated that a violent response is all he could expect. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn't want you to hate me."
Doflamingo watched his brother, and it felt as though the wind had been knocked out of his chest. Other than when his mother died, he couldn’t remember a time that his heart truly hurt so much. He didn’t even realize that there was anything left in him to be hurt like this. Ever since meeting Trebol, he had placed so much importance on growing powerful and being above human emotions. Quick to act, Doflamingo is the first to admit how cruel he could be. He loved his family, but he still ruled with an iron fist. How had he allowed himself to become so weak?
His brother’s apology caught him off guard, but something inside him screamed it was a lie. Perhaps it was the way Rosinante didn't meet his eyes. Gladius shouted that it was too late for apologies while attempting to attack the injured man, but Doflamingo stopped him. It was his brother, and he would deal with this himself. His face darkened and he practically snarled as he fought to keep the rising bile from coming up his throat. As his world shattered, maintaining control was crucial. “Stop telling those insipid jokes…” he managed to spit at the man before him. 
He then asked about Law and the Ope Ope no Mi, causing Rosinante to become almost smug in his answer  “The boy has eaten the fruit and is now in the custody of the Marines.”
The very same bastards that had stolen his brother, now have the boy Doflamingo practically considers his own son! He could hear the blood begin to pound in his ears and his chest tightened to an unbearable degree. He ground his teeth back and forth, and instinctively readied his strings for an attack. At that moment, his other children called out to him to confirm a boy was taken into custody.
Doflamingo took a breath and went into action. He gathered more information from his children, and then called out orders to the other family members. Law is his main focus right now and he will get him back no matter what. 
From the moment the young one sought him out, Doflamingo saw himself in the boy. They had not lived quite the same lives, but the same pain dwelled within them. He saw so much of himself in the thirteen year old, and had spent the last three years considering the boy as his own son. To lose him now would be unthinkable. ‘Perhaps Rosinante knew this and intended this to be the twist of the knife in my back?’ he thought to himself. He closed his eyes against the hot needles that pricked against his eyes. He hadn’t cried since his mother died, and be damned if he’d give this traitor the satisfaction of seeing him break now!
Instead, Doflamingo reacted in the way Trebol had taught him. He clenched his teeth as the scowled deepened on his face and reached inside of his coat for the gun he’d carried for the last 15 years; the gun Trebol gave him to take back his power from those who betray him.
Rosinante watched as his brother appeared conflicted for a few moments, but in all honesty, it was hard to read him with his eyes covered behind those ridiculous glasses. ‘Perhaps the pirate is just considering how to kill me?’ he wondered to himself. However, once the older blond pulled his gun, the marine knew it was time for the final confrontation. He took one last drag of a dying cigarette before tossing it to the side, and then stood slowly to his feet. He kept his own pistol aimed at his brother’s head, his finger firmly on the trigger, but inside he knew he was not a killer. He was not a criminal like Doflamingo. 
The snow continued to fall around them, each brother lost in his own thoughts. Doflamingo was first to break the silence. “I know you can’t shoot me. You’re too much like your father.” 
He then ordered his crew to begin gathering up the treasure and head back to the ship. It was time to go find Law. Doflamingo turned away from the traitor when he heard the hammer click as the other blond prepared to fire.
“He won’t obey you, Doffy. He’s not the same Law that came to you that day, who lost track of himself and came to visit a crazy pirate!” the marine hissed. Rosinante knew he had to do whatever he could to stop Doflamingo from tracking Law down. He had to allow the boy a chance to be free from this nightmare. Perhaps he could just end it now? If he could just gather the strength to pull the trigger, though he knew his brother’s crew would kill him in an instant, at least Doflamingo would be dead and Law would be free.
It wasn’t the sound of the gun preparing to fire that stopped Doflamingo from leaving. It was the acidic words that poured from his brother’s lips. At last the truth was evident. This was beyond betrayal. ‘A crazy pirate? That’s all I am?’ Somehow those words seemed to lodge themselves deeper into his mind more than the thought that the navy had used his biological family against him. 'Perhaps family is just the ones you find in this life,' he concludes with an inward sigh.
Now, more than ever, Doflamingo was determined to find Law. The boy was his son in all but blood, and Rosinante had proven that blood was worthless. He had thought that somehow life had given him a second opportunity to build a life with a member of his precious biological family when his brother had returned to him after years of being separated. Doflamingo wondered when it was that he had lost his brother’s love. ‘Was it when I killed that man, or did he ever love me?’ he thought to himself while he turned to look at the marine.
“Why do I have to kill another member of my biological family?” Doflamingo lamented aloud while he prepared to fire his own weapon. He had planned to walk away from the confrontation, but it seemed as if the Commander was not simply going to allow him to go. His mind began to race, as if to match the racing of his heart in his chest. Despite the freezing temperature, Doflamingo was burning hot and felt as though he couldn’t breathe. It took everything within him to keep a cool facade as he aimed the weapon at his brother’s chest.
He knew he was at a crossroads in his life. It was a defining moment of life or death, heaven or hell, balance or insanity. Whatever he chose would rule his existence from this point onward. As flashes of his life crossed through his mind, that hated burning behind his eyes threatened to overwhelm the pirate again. However, he would not yield and would not cry, no matter what the cost.
As he watched Rosinante’s face, Doflamingo remembered the times from their shared past. The first time he saw his baby brother in his mother’s arms while sitting on his father’s shoulders. The time they walked down the streets of Mariejois, eating candy and laughing at funny birds hopping along the windowsills of the buildings they passed. Covering his brother’s body with his own as the villagers beat them for stealing some bread, and trying to protect him from the majority of their blows because Rosi was so small and he was the big brother so that’s just what you do…
It was then that Machvise grabbed the chest from behind Rosinante and caught both of their attention from each other. Rosinante seemed to panic slightly, causing Doflamingo to tilt his head in a considering manner as he looked at the chest. ‘What is so special about this one?’
Rosinante swallowed back the impulse to snatch the chest with Law inside. As much as he wanted to take the boy and run, he knew he could never get away from these animals. Law had a much higher chance of survival on his own. ‘All I have to do is keep Doflamingo distracted, and give Law that opportunity to escape,’ he thought while attempting to keep his expression blank.
Yet it was the blank expression where hatred had been before that Doflamingo found the most intriguing. Something about this wasn’t right and he was going to find out. This traitor was plotting something else, and he refused to allow it to come to fruition! “Machvise! Stop for a moment. I want to see what you have there. It may be a trap.” He gave his brother a cold glare as he called his subordinate over.
Rosinante broke into a cold sweat and it felt as though icy fingers clutched his chest, making it difficult to breathe. He watched with apprehension as the rotund figure approached the madman of a pirate, and Law came closer to being discovered. Previously, it had seemed as though everything was going to work out in the end, almost as though some deity was going to ensure Law’s safety, but now Rosinante knew he must move quickly to rescue the boy before it’s too late! He closed his eyes and began to fire.
Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and leapt to the side while using his strings to deftly dodge Rosinante’s attack. However, as he turned back towards the other man, he saw that he was no longer the one being targeted. The gun was aimed straight at Machvise’s head.
Rosinante then pulled the trigger again. The only thought in the marine’s mind was getting Law away from them before he could be discovered, no matter what the cost.
After a quick assessment of the situation, Doflamingo made two moves simultaneously. He threw his strings in a web out to grab Machvise out of the path of Rosinante’s bullet, and he fired his own shots, three in rapid succession. Two of the bullets hit his brother in the back of his thigh, the third in the small of his back. Rosinante screamed and fell to the ground, where the snow began to bloom scarlet beneath him as he desperately attempted to stand. Chocolate-colored eyes widened in shock and terror as he realized one leg felt like it had been set on fire, while the other leg had no feeling at all.
Everything moved as if in slow motion from that point on. The marine watched as his brother pulled his crewmate out of the way, but the larger man dropped the treasure chest. As it fell, it became low enough in the moment the bullet passed that a hole appeared in the chest. Time seemed to stop and he was sure he might even lose his mind. He watched as the chest fell to the ground and the top fell open. Gold, jewels, and finally Law rolled out into the snow. No one moved for the briefest of moments, until Law landed a few feet from the chest. Blood poured from a wound in his right shoulder and he was unconscious.
Both brothers dropped their weapons and screamed for the boy. If they could have taken their eyes from him and looked at one another, perhaps they would have seen the mirrored expressions of fear and concern. However, the moment passed and Doflamingo ran towards the fragile, pale child to gather him in his arms. Pica, Vergo, and Gladius heard the pitch of his cries and immediately dropped what they were carrying to race back to their captain. It was not a tone Doflamingo was known for having.
When they arrived, they found him on his knees, holding Law tightly to his chest while murmuring softly in the child’s ear. He had one hand held over the boy’s shoulder, but blood was soaked through the cuff of his shirt and jacket, making the dark colors jet black. Gladius growled with rage at seeing the young master so distraught and went straight for the traitor, kicking him in the face. “What the fuck did you do now?!” he demanded, kicking him a second and third time in succession without really giving him time to answer.
Doflamingo looked up at the sounds and called out, “Leave him. We must get Law back to the ship immediately.” He slowly began to rise while still cradling the boy gently in his arms. Was he always this light? Law had always been so full of anger and strong. It seems strange to the ito-wielder for him to be so fragile now.
“But, young master! He betrayed you! Look at Law! Look at what he's done!” Gladius screamed in anguish, giving Rosinante another kick. Doflamingo bit his lip as he watched his brother curl inward to protect himself from the blows, but as he looked down to the boy in his arms his resolve solidified. He pulled his coat from his shoulders and gently wrapped it around the pale, trembling boy to help ease his chills. He then used his strings to grab up the revolver he had previously dropped. Gladius was right. Commander Rosinante was marine scum and a traitor. He had done enough damage to their family.
The blond closed the distance between himself and the other man lying prone on the ground. Rosinante looked up at his coming death, and attempted with every ounce of his remaining strength to get up to grab Law from the pirate, but whatever was wrong with his legs wasn’t allowing him to stand. Instead, he was only able to manage to roll to his back and prop himself into a sitting position so he at least would not be on his belly like a worm when death came to him.
As Doflamingo approached, with Vergo and Pica flanking either side of him, Gladius stepped back from Rosinante. He was glad that the young master had listened to reason and was going to take action against this bastard.
Doflamingo stepped up to his brother and pointed the barrel of the gun towards the other’s chest. The sound of the hammer locking into place was almost deafening in the silence, but then he felt a tug on the lapels of his jacket. Doflamingo looked down into a pair of bleary, golden eyes that were filled with tears.
“Please don’t do it,” Law whispered in a small and broken voice. The boy appeared to be struggling to keep his eyes open and his hand was shaking as he kept hold of Doflamingo’s clothing.
The older male licked his dry lips while looking into Law’s eyes. For the first time since he had met the boy, there was emotion reflected within their depths that was not rage, nor was it hatred. In fact, the pirate had a difficult time comprehending the softness of the gaze until the younger broke eye contact to turn his head in an attempt to see where Rosinante was. Once he spotted the man sitting on the ground, the faintest of smiles edged the corners of his lips for a fraction of a second before he closed his eyes and turned back towards Doflamingo again.
Tears began to roll down the sides of his face into his black hair, leaving streaks in the dirt and blood on his face. When Law opened his eyes again, he looked directly at Doflamingo and pleaded, “Please let him live. He means a lot to me.”
The ache in Doflamingo’s heart grew at the boy’s words and he dropped his weapon for the second time. Bringing his fingers up to Law’s face to brush back his hair, he ran his thumb along a swollen bruise over his right eye. The frown deepened on Doflamingo’s face as he made note to have a private conversation with Vergo once they were all safely back on the Numancia later about his treatment of this child.  After a few more moments passed, he looked over to where his brother was panting on the ground, still clutching his injuries. 
“Let’s go. Gather the treasure and get back to the ship. The marines will be here soon.” he ordered his men as he turned away from the traitor for the last time. It hurt too much to look at him any longer, and he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep from killing him if he didn’t walk away. As much as he hated what had been done to himself, he knew he could do this favor for his son.
“But, young master!” Gladius began to protest while looking at Rosinante with disgust.
“I said, let’s go! I should not need to repeat myself!” he shouted in return while grabbing the man by his coat and tossing him unceremoniously towards the bay. Gladius stumbled a few steps before catching his balance and then he shoved his hands in his pockets while stomping through the snow. He would obey his captain, but he didn't have to like it.
Doflamingo pulled his coat a little tighter around Law's body to help keep him warm, but the child struggled weakly against him. The feathers blocked his view of Cora and he needed to tell him something. Once the teen was sure he had the other's attention, he gathered what was left of his strength and called out in a loud voice, "Thank you, Cora-san! I won't forget you!" Law then collapsed against Doflamingo's chest, gasping slightly as he fought to stay conscious.
Rosinante felt his heart skip a beat at the boy's words, and in the back of his mind he wondered if perhaps Doflamingo hadn't killed him after all and now he was in hell. When he had started this journey, it had been to keep a child from becoming another monster like his brother. Along the way, he had come to know the child and had learned how truly lost and broken that boy was, and how much he really just needed someone to love him.
As the realization set in that he had failed that child, Rosinante couldn't stop the burning ache that filled his chest. The dark hopelessness consumed his very soul and he felt like he was drowning in the despair of it all. "I'm so sorry, Law! Please forgive me!!" he cried out as he fell forward into the bloodied snow. There, Rosinante continued to wail as his heart broke, and he grieved for the child he knew he had just lost to a pirate that was more demon than man. 
It took everything in Doflamingo not to turn back as he heard the cries behind him. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists while holding tightly onto Law. All he could think of was how much his brother sounded as he did after the death of their father. It was the final proof that he was nothing to his brother and family consists of the ones who choose to be there, not those that happen to share the same blood.
As he stepped onto the deck of his ship, Doflamingo swore vengeance on those responsible for this. He would be sure to recompense double for what the Marines have done to his family, and the Heavenly Demon always pays his debts.
In the distance behind him, his revolver lays forgotten in the snow.
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
when you go under you will never go back up (3/4)
Chapter Summary: Vi and Caitlyn grow closer and go talk to the Council, while Powder confronts Silco. || for my beloved @el-gilliath 🖤🖤
Start from the Beginning on [AO3]
Chapter Excerpt:
Light pours in through a space big enough that it falls across Vi’s face, making her wrinkle her nose and turn her face away from it.
She’s lying on a bed that feels like it’s made of plush silk and presses the side of her face into a pillow that feels like it’s been stuffed with clouds and smells like the same kind of flowery perfume that Caitlyn smelled like.
Vi blinks her eyes open and the first thing that she sees is Powder, lying down beside her. She has one arm tucked beneath her head, her fringe covering her eyes from the sunlight, and one of her braids is wrapped around her other arm, the hand lying down close to Vi’s own hand, as though she’d been holding on when she’d fallen asleep.
If she was actually asleep, because she snored, a little wheezing sound when she slept on her side like that.
Before Vi can investigate further, she hears a metallic swishing sound, a light sound that she would have missed if it wasn’t so silent.
She turns and frowns, feeling curiously as though her shoulder should be in more pain, but she’s somehow detached from it.
She lifts her right hand to her left shoulder, and feels the rough material of bandages, but when she prods gently, she feels the touch, but it’s dulled.
“It’s the anesthetic,” Caitlyn says, voice low and quiet. “The effects should last a couple more hours still.”
She turns towards Caitlyn’s voice and sees her sitting on a plush, ornate armchair, legs thrown over one arm, head hanging off the other as she twirls around a pistol absentmindedly in one hand. 
She’s looking up at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought, but she turns to look at Vi, and gives her a half smile.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, settling the hand with the pistol on her stomach.
“Surprisingly, not like I got shot,” Vi answers, sliding her hand down from her shoulder and settling it on her stomach, turning a little to mirror Caitlyn who turns a little as well, crossing her legs and pressing her cheek against the arm of the chair.
“Good,” Caitlyn answers. “Wouldn’t want you to be in unnecessary pain.”
Vi scoffs a little, shaking her head, “That’s just a part of life.”
Caitlyn hums, but doesn’t respond as she starts tapping her fingers along the barrel of the pistol and Vi just stares at her for a second, wondering why she doesn't feel more scared over the fact that she's holding a pistol in her hand, probably because she looks more like it's a nervous habit, messing around with a pistol than a symbol of her power over Vi at the moment.
“You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind, Cupcake.”
Caitlyn huffs out an annoyed breath at the nickname, which makes Vi grin.
She stays quiet for a long moment before she starts to speak.
“My mother is on the Council,” she says, fast, like she just wants to get that out of the way as soon as possible. “And from the way that she’s talking, some of the Council members feel that war with the Undercity is inevitable.”
Vi personally thinks that war was always inevitable, especially with Silco leading the charge. But she still remembers Vander’s words, and she’s not prepared to lose Powder over this. If it really was going to come to that, then maybe they needed to leave.
Vi isn’t really much of a planner, but she does have plans for that if it comes down to it.
Continue Reading on [AO3]
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