#klynt gohtaywn
yzeltia · 1 month
Weird West AU -U'rahn-
Title: The Original Adventurre of Rrhan the Ridin' Lion Featuring: Desert Walkers AU by @scrollsfromarebornrealm , @saesama 's Klynt Gohtawyn Characters: Rhan Chai (U'rahn Nuhn), Dulia-Chai, Brother Themis, Fordola Lupus, Arenvald Lentinus Notes: Thanks for letting me play with everyone!
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Rrhan’s eyes narrowed as a suspicious man wiped a cowpie off his boot on the front of the Saltlick Saloon. His fingers twitched, dancing over the airspace over his pistol, ready to draw should the man continue to disrespect the beloved town landmark. He hesitated though, thinking the man could possibly just have not had the privilege of good parentage and townfolk to raise him better. Still, he followed the man into the good establishment unable to shake the bad feeling crawling in the pit of his stomach. His gut feeling was right. He hated that.
         “Whiskey, two fingers. And the nimblest lass you got,” the man ordered as he took a seat at the bar.
         “This ain’t that kind of establishment,” the madam said, leaning over the counter with her brow furrowed.
         “I beg to differ,” the man said, leaning back and brushing his jacket back to show off his heat.
         The proprietress’s eyes widened as she stepped back in fear. The music stopped. Her staff gasped, some of the women folk even fainting at the sight of the man’s weapon. The men just tilted their hats down, not wanting to draw attention to themselves in case the villain got trigger happy and wanted to make an example.
         Gritting his teeth, Rrahn stepped forward, hand resting over his pistol as he starred daggers into the man’s back. “The madam said this ain’t that kind of establishment,” he growled.
         The man turned on his stool, then cracked his neck before standing up. “What’s a little kitty cat going to do about it,” he taunted before thrusting his hand down into his holster, quick drawing his gun.
         “This,” Rrahn answered in turn, outdrawing the other and firing into his shoulder.
         Silence fell over the room as the shot rang out. The villain dropped to his knees, cursing loudly as he started to spurt out a little blood. Soon the room was filled with applause and hootin’ and hollerin’ in praise of their hero who simply gave a slight bow and a tilt of his hat.
         “Thata’ boy Rrhan,” Kemakka praised, wandering in from outside and clasping his hand tightly on the young man’s shoulder before striding in to handcuff the bleeding man.
         “Drinks are on me,” the madam praised, “For our hero Rrhan Chai! The Ridin’ Lion!”
         “Rrhan! Rrhan! Rrhan!” the patrons started to chant.
         Rrhan beamed as he was praised, nodding his head to each of the patrons as his named echoed about in his ears.
         “Rrhan! Rrhan!” they continued.
         He’d never felt soon seen. So appreciated. Coming into the saloon, his good priest friend smiled and in a fit of passion, Rrhan dipped him and stole a kiss before beaming at him as he lightly touched his face.
         Rhan jumped as he found his face drawn in toward an old mop, his mother’s voice calling at him from the road. He turned, finding her glaring at him as he stood near the window of the Saltlick, having been outside looking in. As he went to protest, the madam stomped out, rag dolling the man he’d followed up the steps by the scruff of his shirt before giving him an effortless chuck into the horse trough. “Come back when you learn yerself some manners,” the proprietress said before turning to head to see Rrhan standing there with a mop.
         “You ain’t supposed to be up here,” she said before looking at Dulia-Chai as she strode forward to the porch to grab her son by the ear.         “Oi Oi! Mom! That hurts,” he hissed as he was pulled away.
         “Madam Gohtawyn. I am terribly sorry my darling boy is interfering with your establishment. He seems to think him so much more grown than he is,” Dulai apologized before starting to tug Rrhan down as he whined in embarrassment, catching a group of his peers watching from across the way.
         “Ain’t no thing Mrs. Chai. If he’s itchin’ for work though seems he found himself a mop and is ready to go. I could put him to use,” Klynt mused.
         “Oh, there’s no need for that. I’ll see that he keeps himself busier with schoolwork and helping Brother Themis at the chapel,” Dulia answered, shaking her head as she pulled Rrhan back toward their carriage.
         Klynt beamed at Rrhan with a knowing grin. “I think he’ll find his time much better spent on his knees with the good priest then. I do hope you’ll come with the good Mayor soon though. A round will be on me!”
         Rhahn’s face erupted into crimson as Klynt chuckled at him while his mother paused. “My husband you say. I should just go see how he’s doing. Well Rrhanald, you heard Miss Gothawyn. Off to the church with you. I’m sure Brother Themis can put your idle hands to work. I need to go find your father.
         Rrhan stumbled away, rubbing his ear as he turned to head toward the old chapel on the far side of the town. “Y-yes ma’am!”
         “While you’re there be sure to tell ‘im all your impure thoughts and ask forgiveness. Mine too for that matter,” Klynt called out with another laugh before returning to her business.
         Rhahn hurried away, running straight for the church less his mother or Klynt found another way to embarrass him further. Arriving at the old chapel, he let himself in then found a pew to collapse back into, arms behind his head.
         “Rrahn? Are you hiding from your mother again,” Themis’s voice asked in its unusually deep timber.
         Rrhan opened his eyes, finding the other’s intense blue eyes gazing down at him. He swallowed, the priest’s hand extending to brush over his cheek then brush his hair from his face. “Are you alright? Your face is red, and you feel a bit damp. Wait here and I’ll bring you some water.”
         Rrhan had opened his mout to correct the other, but as usual Themis was quick to act. Before he knew it, the priest had returned and moved to sit beside him to help him up and force the water into his hand. “Thank you,” Rrhan said smiling before downing the glass then wiping his chin. “Nothing happened though. Just got caught up in my daydream is all.”
         “I see. Pretending yourself to be the town’s hero again?” Themis mused in more of a statement rather than question. “I am sure if you would just ask Kemakka he would take you on as a deputy.”
         Rrhan lowered his ears. “Yeah, but…My folks would never let me do that. My mom would worry about me getting hurt or worse and then bother my dad about it until he did something about it.”
         Themis sighed then reached over lightly to take U’rahn’s hand into his own, lacing their fingers together. “Well, you should trust that the Zodiark will guide you to the right path. There are more ways to be a hero.”
         They sat in silence a moment, Rrhan nodding a little as he gently stroked his thumb over Themis’s knuckle. “Well, yeah. That Ridin’ Lion is doing some good work with the Night Pride,” he said, turning to look at Themis.
         Themis shifted, frowning a bit as he looked back at his friend. “And there are worse ways too. As grateful as the church is…Ill-gotten money might draw it unfavorable interest. Not to mention if anything happened to…to the Ridin’ Lion. I would feel personally responsible.”
         “No no. You shouldn’t. Don’t ever worry about him ‘cause nothin’ will stop him from coming back to you, er…to help the church,” Rrahn assured him.
         The two stared into one another’s eyes for a moment before letting them start to close as they drew in close. As their lips met, the doors to the chapel flung open, causing them to part immediately and look away. Behind them, Fordola pushed Arenvald inside, the latter clearing his throat. “There you are Rrahn.”
         “If you’re done harassing the priest, we’ve got a job to get ready for,” Fordola huffed, already starting to turn Arenvald about in preparation to leave.
         Rrhan’s ears and tail flit upward at the proposition. “Really Really? Another already? Let’s GOOOOOO!”
         Themis laughed then stood before getting up to give the trio a little bow. “Please be careful with Rrahn. He came to me looking a bit flushed. May Zodiark watch over you.”
         Fordola and Arenvald looked to one another then gave Themis a nervous smile, neither one for the religious sort, especially that of the forgotten god. “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him. I’m sure if I can’t, ‘Dola will.”
         “I’ll return him to you more or less in the way you’ve left him with us,” Fordola shrugged before starting to push Arenvald out of the chapel. “C’mon Rrhan.”
         “Right right! Just uh- Gimme a sec and I’ll catch up,” he called out as his friends wheeled off ahead of him.
         Themis recoiled a little as Rhan turned, stepping forward to take his hand again. “You shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
         Rrhan nodded lightly then drew in close again. “Well…you see. We did it again. Y’know…smoo-“
         “Rrhan. You really shouldn’t keep them waiting. If your mother catches you before you get out of town I doubt you will be able to join your friends in whatever business you’ll be getting up to this evening,” Themis interrupted, squeezing Rrhan’s hand before letting go.
         Rrhan frowned lightly before feeling the priest’s lips on his cheek before he pulled away. Swallowing, Rrhan backed away, tilting his hat toward Themis before hurrying out the door after his friends, excited for the evening’s adventure to come.
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