#little leviathan to hug and pet
tranz-regent · 1 year
juzt remembered a pozt that waz worm merch and zuggezted the gold morning zymbol az a pin or zmth. which iz cool. but you know i want? i want endbringer pluzhiez
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enoe-of-noen · 4 months
An Mc who is warm
It’s cold down in the Devildom, why wouldn’t those closest to Mc use them as their very own portable heater?
☞ Established relationships, lots of words
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Taking full advantage.
Steals Mc away on certain exhausting nights when the breeze is harsh. The scratching of branches raking the glass.
Loves to have you on his lap for maximum warmth.
Maybe, after he’s done with this pile, can you join him in bed?
Please take the offer. He won’t ask twice, but he really needs it.
When Mc finally agrees, after a bit of teasing, they’ll gladly snuggle in the eldest’s arms.
During the day, Lucifer makes it a point to have his hand on Mc whenever they see each other.
Whether it’s a holding theirs for a kiss, a hand on their shoulder, a hand in their hair, a hand on their cheek, etc.
Since he wears gloves, he finds it most effective to hug them briefly before leaving them to their activities.
He’s grabsy
“My human!”
Mc is always stolen away by him at any. Given. Moment.
They’re never safe from his grasp.
Mammon’s hands are all over Mc!
In their hair, under their shirt massaging their back, on their cheeks, on their thighs, on their hips, whatever he feels like
He loves hugging Mc from behind
“Mmn, warm, warm for me.” He cooes
“Mams. I have to go.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Fym nuh uh?!”
Mc will not be leaving his grasp any time soon~
Wow! Humans are really warm!
“Mc, Mc! I hope this isn’t too much to ask but, can you…sit here, while I game tonight?”
Levi pointed at his lap, blushing furiously.
This is embarrassing, isn’t it?
Is it too much?
Is it too weird?!
He won’t worry too long though, it is pretty chilly tonight and Mc is down to cuddle <3
Loves feeling their hands on his cheeks, squeeze them a bit if you wanna~
Hisses softly whenever he feels their warm hands, always accompanied by a cute smile
Hides his face under Mc’s chin, having easy access to their collarbone
Prefers Mc touching him rather than him touching them most days
Lets him know he’s loved and that Mc wants to be there for him
In public, he’ll always be holding their hand
Kisses their palm whenever they go to touch his cheeks.
Feel free to use him as a chair, he absolutely loves the warmth and attention.
Pets Mc like a cat, playing with their hair.
“Just a second longer, dear,” he hums.
“You said that 30 minutes ago,” Mc grumbles, feeling stiff.
Satan laughs whenever you complain.
Doesn’t stop his arms snaking their way around your waist though.
“Good book, at least?” Mc looks at the book in Satan’s free hand.
“Very much so.” He grins.
Otherwise around in the Devildom, Satan always lends a hand for Mc to hold.
His hands get chilly easily~
Y’all already know~
All over you, all the time!
I mean, who wouldn’t be down here?~
Your hands are easiest to access of course.
You have such nice hands to hold, hon~ <3
Loves it <33
Surprise hugs! Tight ones, might I add.
Humans sure are cuddly, I love it!!~
No moment together is spent apart by any means.
Hands, hair, hips, arms, cheek-to-cheek even!
You’ll never feel alone with Asmo around, that’s for sure!
Definitely gives Mammon a run for his money
Best hugger around totally not biased
Loves when Mc is able to face him, that way he can feel their breath
A little reminder they’re alive
Besides, gives him easy kissing access which is also warm in temperature
Always at Mc’s side; they radiate heat in the cold, dark Devildom
Loves resting his hand on their stomach, it’s the second warmest part of their body!
Whenever they’re sitting on the couch, Beel makes it a point to get between Mc’s thighs
It is so incredibly warm
He doesn’t care that he gets stares, it’s too comfy not to do
His naps have transcended
He is blessed to have Mc down in the Devildom with him
Uses you more like a weighted blanket sometimes
Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles
Always slumps over Mc’s shoulder in public or when he’s too sleepy
Instant smile on his face, even if for a split second
“You’re warm.”
Free head pats for being cute! That’s a win for Belphie!
His hands often travel
Maybe too much
This devious little shit
“Dearest Mc!”
Makes it a habit to ruffle your hair whenever he passes by.
You emit so much heat that he can feel it just by petting your scalp.
Humans are fascinating!
Whenever Mc gets to stay over at the castle, he adores resting his head on their lap.
Mc admits the slight bedhead he gets from it is adorable.
Big arms give big hugs!
Get hugged at the most unexpected moment, Mc! Hahaha!
Always catches Mc off guard (unlike with the brothers)
Busy man, unfortunately. Not many opportunities for him to appreciate your warmth.
However, when he does, his hands travel.
Skillfully removing his gloves desperately.
Your skin is soft under his.
“How about a massage, Mc?” He’ll offer.
Easiest way of feeling your warmth without too much creepiness.
Such a calming atmosphere.
How can one resist the temptation?
It was difficult moving from the Celestial realm to the Devildom at first.
Until, of course, he met Mc.
Gloves on, gloves off, doesn’t matter.
Holds hands, hands in hair, hands on shoulder.
Seems to instinctively lean on Mc.
Mc found it weird but more endearing the closer they got.
Touches go both ways, Simeon giving way more access.
Surprisingly, having come somewhat recently from the Celestial realm, Mc also feels warm back.
A win-win situation!
A little sappy to admit, but your warmth makes him feel so…human.
Reminds him of times he’d relax, longing for human interaction.
He’d gone so long without it, forgetting he was one himself.
Tears up when the thoughts get him late at night.
He’ll always have an arm wrapped around either your shoulder or waist.
Please keep close.
You give him so much just by being warm, his heart pounds.
No matter if his facade of being the all powerful wizard crumbles slightly, he’ll be human with you.
He is human with you.
Luke is clinging onto you everywhere!
Like a cute little koala
Holding onto your leg (if you’re tall enough)
Loves being carried by you (if you can), gets to snuggle real close
Holds your hand like a child being led by their parent
Reminds him of the warmth in the Celestial realm
Easily got close with you, no questions asked
Just a little bundle of joy!
Despite not being seen around together often, Raphael makes an effort to offer his touch.
Being quite new and unfamiliar with the Devildom, he’s also unfamiliar with its coldness.
“Hello, Mc. I know this is an odd request, but may I hold your hand?”
If he absolutely needs it, he doesn’t see the problem with calling upon his heavenly spears.
Watch yourself, Mc.
Ah, Mc.
Whenever he sees you around, he enjoys the heat you radiate.
Oh, come closer. The students here are quite dangerous.
That’s a ploy.
He just wants contact. You’re very warm, you know?
Flamboyantly steals you away, as any great trickster would!
Never a quiet moment with her, whether it be her inventions or her rambles, you’ll love it
If not, she can take a hint
Touch, touch, touch! Blush, blush, blush! You are now her big fat crush!
Be honored, human, hahaha!
Can’t believe humans could be so warm!
A treasure to hold and keep!
Often has to fight for it
Which is totally worth it when she wins
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Don’t know the last three well, so yeah. Hope you enjoy. This took way longer than it should’ve.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
how the brothers show their fondness towards you
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: some implied violence in asmo's part
he doesn't mind having you in his office while he works, you may do your thing on the couch as long as you don't bother him too much
lucifer will never admit to it but having you there takes some of the stress away, so he actually prefers your presence
also he'll invite you to some random stuff, he could approach you after breakfast and go 'we have dinner with diavolo tonight, dress nicely'
the more shy he reacts to you doing something nice for him, the more he likes you (same goes for how dumb his excuse for getting shy is)
one time you walked into his room and found a wallet labeled 'mc gift money'
mammon will also try to impress you, for example if he cooked a nice meal he will brag about it to you non-stop
he's more comfortable talking about his interests with you when you're close, like he'll go over fan theories he made up and show his fanmade characters
also levi for sure made an avatar for you in his life simulation games
if you have any pets he'd like to introduce them to his fish henry 2.0 and hopes they become good friends
it's hard for him to get mad at you, if one of his brothers accidentally knocks over his cup he will get angry, but if it's you his first concern is making sure you're not hurt
even if you don't like books satan will try to find some you might enjoy (and you're allowed to enter his room for books any time)
also if he notices you don't understand certain rad lessons he'll explain it to you
you basically share your wardrobes, anything that's his, you're allowed to steal, from shirts to necklaces to hats
plus you are the only one allowed to use his bathroom other than himself, he even put bottles of your shampoo there
if asmo wants to go somewhere, you are the first person he asks to join him
also if asmo ever found out somebody hurt you or anything he will make sure they learn why he's considered high ranking demon
he always orders something for you whenever he gets takeout and he lets you steal his food (he will get mad at anyone other than you for doing this)
if you ever get beel a bracelet or something he will never take it off, he'll even sleep with it
despite being a terrible artist he made you a painting one time because he wanted you to know he deeply appreciates you
he will do little things that show how much he thinks of you
for example, if your favorite color is blue he'll get a ddd case in that color
also he'll join you in any activity you'd like, anything is fun when it's with you (even if he'd rather take a nap)
speaking of naps, if you take one together he will hug you close and you will not he able to escape his grasp unless he wakes up
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Hello!! Can I have a request for MC would turn to sheep form when they detected the brothers are. In the mood and try to comfort them (let the brothers hold them and maybe cry for) please? I love your drabbles, but you have the right to not write this, all up to you!
Also, can you fold your fic by use the keep reading between the paragraph please? Ot would helpe more to reblog them and won't cause other people have to scroll down whole fic if they're not the fan of OM. Thank you and wish you have a good day.🍀
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's (you are here), Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Hello! Thank you for the request! If this isn't what you had in mind feel free to request again! I am going to write it in a different style like you requested but I might not write everything like this! Might have some angst but its mostly comfort! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Lucifer's reaction:
Finding Lucifer upset or crying is a rare occasion. It's a side of himself that he doesn't let others see often, if at all. Lucifer takes pride in being seen a certain way, so he may yell or try and scare anyone who sees him crying off. He may even claim he wasn't crying at all. If Mc and Lucifer are together Lucifer won't be as bad about pushing Mc away when he's crying, but there may still be occasions when he tries to get Mc to leave him to cry alone. He just doesn't want Mc looking down on him or looking at him differently.
For this little scenario lets say this is the first time Mc finds Lucifer crying. Mc was probably just trying to bring Lucifer some coffee or tea, they had become so used to stopping by and checking on Lucifer that knocking just slipped their mind. The sight Mc finds is one that suprises them, Mc didn't expect to find Lucifer sitting at his desk crying, his gloved hands cover his face partially but Mc can still clearly see the tears streaming down his face. Everything seemed to happen in a haze, Lucifer didn't even look up from his hands, just started yelling to 'leave him alone' or 'go away' as he turned his chair so he was facing away from the door.(I've never written about Mc's sheep form before, so this may be a little off, just bear with me) Mc didn't even mean to, but suddenly a *poof* happened, there was a bunch of smoke and Mc was in their sheep form.
The tea Mc had intended to give to Lucifer dropped to the ground and spilled everywhere when Mc transformed into Sheep Mc. Lucifer didn't even turn the chair, figuring the person dropped whatever they had in a hurry to leave his study. What Lucifer didn't expect was to hear tiny taps on the floor to his study, the taps seemed to get closer to him, causing Lucifer to turn his chair in the direction of the sound. Lucifer's cheeks were stained with tears but his crimson eyes were as intimidating as ever, his eyes bore anger, but after seeing Mc tiny and small in their sheep form, Lucifer's expression turns soft. No words are spoken, even though Sheep Mc can talk, instead Sheep Mc climbs onto Lucifer's lap. with Lucifer's help.
Sheep Mc places their tiny arms around Lucifer, hugging him gently, treating him with care. Lucifer hold's Sheep Mc close, not even trying to stop himself from crying anymore. Lucifer doesn't say anything, he just hugs Sheep Mc until the tears stop falling down his face, he may even occasionally pet Sheep Mc in attempts to calm himself. Once Lucifer has calmed down and is no longer upset, he will quietly thank Mc. If Mc chooses to stay in their Sheep form he will gladly allow them to continue to keep him company. Having Sheep Mc in his lap while he works and deals with his brothers just makes everything better. Lucifer doesn't ever tell Mc why he was crying, and Mc shouldn't ask. Its just an unspoken rule, if Mc doesn't ask questions Mc can comfort him. He doesn't need someone to talk to, he needs someone to hug and care for him, his pride would never let him admit that though.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry this feels rushed and short! I will be posting the other brothers reactions as well. & I'll try and make the other brothers versions a bit longer! i'll add the links to the other drabbles once they are posted! Please be patient!! More content is coning, I promise so stay tuned! Stay safe! & Stay healthy loves!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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tikitsune · 1 year
I've had this sitting on a docs for a while and decided to finish it on a rehearsal day because why not and math sucks.
Obey Me Pack Mark Placements: Brothers
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- Man would deadass give a full tattoo sleeve but he can’t so he puts it on the inside of the left wrist.
- He puts it on the inner wrist so it’s clear who you belong to.
- He absolutely loves it is when you cup his cheek and caress his face.
- He will grab your arm and kiss his pact mark.
- If you thought him rolling up his sleeves was hot, he thinks when you roll your sleeves up, you are the hottest thing in Devildom, and that's staying something.
- Him being the Avatar of Pride means that he is kinda easily jealous. Like if it's around his brothers, the undateables or Thirteen, Raphael and Mephistopheles (someone tell me the trio name please) he's fine. He's also fine with like the students of RAD. But if it's with someone of higher power, like a noble, they can get pushy.
- Let's just say it won't end well for both parties (*ahem* the opposing side)
- Back of the neck, just where the bottom of the hairline is.
- Due to his ego, he put it where it can be hidden if there was enough hair.
- When he is sad, he will back hug you and bury his nose where his pact mark is.
- He would love it if you would wear your hair up or split your hair so it shows whenever you are with him.
- He is one of the more jealous brothers. Like the eldest, he is fine around the normal crowd, but around the students and everyone else, he is a bit insecure.
- Give him hugs, kisses and pets on the head as reassure that he's yours, and you are his.
- Under the ear 
- He likes it there because it’s personal to him, and can once again be hidden by hair, but can be shown if the hair is pulled back. 
- Levi is also the jealous type, he doesn't get out much which means he doesn't know if you are being hit on.
- On the days he does go outside, he is stuck to you like glue and will only release you under certain circumstances.
- Give the boy love but not too, much or Levi.exe will stop working.
- Across the shoulder blade.
- His own little intimate place that can be shown if MC wants.
- He would love it if you show it off, even just a sliver but he won’t force you to.
- He be a good boy like that
- In terms of domesticity, he loves it if you wear something that shows off your shoulders, even if it’s just you and him
- He can and will kiss all the way across you're shoulders
- A ring around your hip
- He may be the Avatar of Lust but that doesn't mean he wants to have sex all the time. He's just generally attracted to you, as his is to you.
- He absolutely loves it when you wear low-waisted things
- He would love it if you showed it to everyone but if you are uncomfortable with low-waisted things, he is perfectly content with seeing it when it's just you and him
- It is a pleasure/soothing point.
- On the tongue
- Bickslow style
- Honestly, out of all of the pack marks, you can't hide it if you tried. 
- It might be for the best because as sweet as he is, he is the ragey jealous type. 
- He has the build for it as well, so make sure your relationship is known. 
- I'm not saying he is insecure or anything but if you get uncomfortable he will do what he sees fit to make it not so. 
- On the collar bone
- He is a lazy bitch so he just puts it in the most "obvious" place.
- He, like his twin, is a ragey jealous type of person but he has more triggers
- If you cuddle, chances are he will have his head right near your collarbone or on your chest as an assurance that you are indeed here and you are his.
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leviachansbaka · 2 years
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kissing your cheek
headcanon, all characters x gn ! reader, fluff
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Lucifer has been watching you for a while. You've been working so hard lately, trying to help the Student Council out, keeping up with classes, and looking after everyone. Isn't it tiring? After you accidentally fall asleep in the living room, Lucifer approaches you quietly, covering you with his coat and softly placing a kiss on your cheek. Lucifer finds your sleeping face soothing. He could admire you forever.
Mammon can't stand you hanging around others so much at RAD. It's clear they're interested in you, but you keep insisting on giving them the time of the day. And by now, it should be clear to everyone that you're his and only his. Before going back to the House of Lamentation, Mammon shyly kisses your cheek. He loves you dearly and wants you to pay more attention to him from now on.
You're the best friend an otaku could have. Leviathan loves talking, playing video games, and watching anime with you. To be more specific, he loves spending time with you in general. Your presence brings him a sense of peace and acceptance, something that he would never say to your face. After finally clearing a pretty hard level, Levi excitedly kisses your cheek. He panics and goes completely red after noticing what he just did.
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It was a beautiful day outside, and Satan invited you to go on a walk searching for cats with him. Satan loves talking to you throughout the way, regardless of the subject. Your voice is music to his ears, and Satan appreciates you lots. After petting and feeding the cats, the demon surprises you by kissing your cheek. The way you look at his feline friends is so cute to him.
When is Asmo not kissing you? Well, anyways... If you're studying, Asmodeus sneaks behind you and places a soft kiss on your cheek. If you're washing the dishes, Asmo puts his hands around your waist and gives you another peck. If you're scrolling down your cellphone for no reason, Asmodeus pushes you close to him and softly kisses your face. You're probably getting 50 kisses a day, Asmo can't get enough of you, and he has tons of different lipsticks to put to use.
Beel loves you so much, and sometimes he doesn't know how to put his feelings into words. When this happens, he tells you how much he and his brothers appreciate you and makes small loving gestures, such as holding your hand or asking for a hug. One day, after eating Spicy Rainbow Pizza, Beel feels its scent on you. He showers your face with little kisses, hoping to taste what's gone. But he keeps kissing you, since your skin feels very nice to him.
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Belphie is always snuggling up to you. He finds you so comfortable to use as a pillow. Every time Belphegor wants to annoy or tease you, the lazy demon showers you with kisses. And when he wants you to keep laying around in bed with him, he holds you close, whispering sweet things into your ears while taking breaks to place gentle kisses on your eyelids and cheeks.
Making you join the Student Council was one of the best things Diavolo has ever done. This way, he could spend a little more time with you. He loved hearing your opinions as a human, and how your voice sounded was enough to give him the motivation to finish his work. Once no one else is around, he excitedly kisses your cheek when you're expecting the least.
Barbatos was used to tending the Hell's Garden by himself, but having you around to keep him some company made everything much better. It was nice seeing how you reacted to seeing different Devildom flowers for the first time. After all, your curiosity never failed to amuse him. He couldn't help but give you a small peck on the cheek.
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After spending the whole day helping Simeon look after Luke (and Solomon, grandpa is unhinged), Simeon goes to prepare some tea while you rest in the living room, accidentally falling asleep. Once he's back, Simeon admires how peaceful you are. Simeon places a gentle kiss on your cheek. He'll let you rest for a little longer.
No matter how powerful Solomon is, he'll never get tired of asking you to join or help him with his magic experiments. He adores having you around and sharing his knowledge with the human he loves the most, especially when potions, curses, and spells are involved. The Sorcerer mischievously kisses your cheek every time you're not looking.
Joining Luke in his baking classes with Master Barbatos was one of the best things you could have done. Besides spending time with them and entertaining yourself by watching their father-son dynamic, you also got to eat delicious sweets baked by them, isn't it heavenly? Luke excitedly places a small kiss on your and Barbatos' cheek. After all, dogs and kids love to spend time with their families.
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Everything was an accident, and it wasn't even your fault, but Thirteen was so mad! How come you were walking by when she was trying to kill Solomon for the 5th time today? Can't you see where you're going? Now your faces are too close and- Watching Thirteen turn into a blushing mess was fun, but now you'll have to worry about running away and staying alive.
You challenged Mephistopheles to kiss you in exchange for some funny photos of Lucifer. It was possible to see the blood rushing to his face, though it was hard to tell if this was happening because he was angry or embarrassed (maybe both?). He quickly kissed your cheek and tried his best to fake a disgusting expression afterward.
Solomon cooked something *special* and gave it to you as a gift, isn't it wonderful? After you stared at it with a soulless expression for 10 minutes, Raphael's stomach grumbled. The angel wanted a bite of whatever Solomon created, and you offered it to him. Though Raphael is not very expressive, he was pretty happy about the meal and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek as thanks.
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lucidreamer-uwu · 1 year
Hi! Can I request headcannons for cuddling with the om brothers?
Cuddling with you
Would most of the time be the big spoon. Times when you'd be the big spoon is when he passes out before you even get to the bed.
Loves to burry his face snuggly in the base of your neck.
Cuddling with him would always involve a little teasing.
Praises you through sweet whispers in your ear.
The way he holds you makes you feel safe and the kisses he plants on your head lulls you to sleep soundly.
Completely encases you in his arms.
Likes to have his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat and hug your abdomen.
He tells you about his day and asks about yours as he holds you. Most of the time he rants about his day while you hug his head dearly. And you'd both fall asleep like that.
Might hug you a little too tight sometimes.
Has drooled on you multiple times before.
Has squashed you multiple times before.
Will definitely give you pouty kisses.
Due to his naturally possessive nature, he'd give you zero personal space. He'd be clinging on you for hours if you were cuddling.
At first he'd be VERY conscious about even touching you but would eventually get used to it.
When he does get used to cuddling with you, he'd crave it every now and then and at the most random times.
Doesn't matter where you were, he'd need his cuddles ASAP.
At RAD? He'll pull you away from the group and literally just hold you in his arms in an empty hallway or classroom.
In someone else's room? He'd YEET you out of there, not caring what his brothers say.
You aren't around? He'd blow up your phone just to ask for cuddles.
The best cuddles he gives though is whenever he's jealous. Yes. When he's jealous after seeing you give anyone a hug, you'd be cuddling hours on end. He'd be so clingy that he even carries you to the kitchen to restock on his food and drinks supply for his room.
He will always be the big spoon unless you want to be or when he's in a pouty/grumpy mood and you have to cheer him up.
He sometimes sings you songs. Other times he tells you his favorite stories that he's got memorized.
Talks about his day and asks about yours. It would often start with him ranting about something, but would always end in fluff and him purring.
One arm wraps around you and the other rests on your waist or hip is his favorite default cuddle position.
Weirdly likes to hug certain portions of your body at different times.
Sometimes likes to hug mainly your arm, sometimes your leg, other times your head. Something like a koala bear.
Loves to play with your hair, style it, comb it with his fingers, tuck it behind your ears/mess it up.
Rubs his cheeks on you.
Pets you a lot.
Says your name while he sleeps with a happy expression.
When you cuddle, he always makes it a point to hold your hand — to intertwine your fingers together.
He wants you over him most of the time just so he's sure that he wouldn't squish you.
You cuddle facing each other and his hands are behind your back, securing you completely.
He often sniffs your hair and kisses your head afterwards. The smell of you drives him crazy, not because he has the urge to nom you, but because he cherishes you do much.
He almost always demands that you hug him with you entire body when you cuddle.
He'd be lying on his side and you'd be hugging his torso so that your head is just under his chin.
Your legs must straddle his abdomen too. He loves it when you're as close to him as possible.
Lays his chin on top of your head and kisses your hair everytime he wakes up in the middle of his naps.
Sorry for the late answer but here it is anon! Hope it isn't trash :")
Tag List: @mcx7demonbros @gojohater101 @my-names-angel-but-im-not-one
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witheringwidgetwrites · 11 months
May I request the demon brothers with a s/o who has stretch marks? I swear these things make me feel so insecure and I'm not here for it. Not trying to be all sad here but everyone I see has such beautiful clear skin but, then there's me with my pale ass skin with stretch marks 😌 anyways, have an amazing day ! 💚💚
Felt this nonny. slightly suggestive in some parts. I will be super honest, this was a little hard to write because I don't see them caring very much? but i tried
Lucifer doesn't bring it up for a while. A long while. The first time it comes up is when you sleep together for the first time. You awake to find him tracing a particularly large mark on your hip/stomach area, and you immediately cover up out of shame. He furrows his brow. "I'm sorry Luci, I'm just kind of insecure about them I guess?"
"There's no need, MC, I think every part of you is absolutely stunning."
Overally, he does not care at all. He does relate in a way though, he feels like his wings and your stretch marks are both places of slight shame for you.
Mammon is one who notices fairly early. You're reaching up to put something away after you've been transported to the Devildom, and he panics for a moment, "woah, how'd you get all those scars, MC?" He doesn't realize how insensitive the question is, but he feels like an ass when your immediately tug your shirt down.
"They're just stretch marks," you shrug him off, quickly going back to putting things away, more careful this time to not expose yourself.
They end up being one of the main reasons you put off having sex for the first time, and it takes some confrontation from Mammon for him to realize what's up. He asks you if you're just not ready to have sex or if you're not attracted to him. "Of course I'm into you, Mammon! I'm just, honestly, I'm insecure about the stretch marks all over me..."
"Treasure, that's ridiculous! You're gorgeous. I love you, all of you. And they're cool."
Leviathan doesn't notice until you point them out. He was talking about his insecurities and you we're like, "yeah, I kinda get it. I have these stretch marks all over! It's embarrassing!"
"Wha? Lemme see." Thankfully you're close enough at this point for human contact, and he's pretty amazed. "Those are so cool though! I-I, I like how the skin changes texture." He gently touches one on your stomach, before retracting his hand and apologizing.
Generally he actually loves the tactile stimulation from them. He adores being able to trace your skin and feel you. The emotional connection and physical are something he thrives from.
He absolutely adores them! Asmodeus is in love with all of you, ever part. He first notices one day while you're out shopping, trying on clothes, and you try on a crop top of sorts. He's aware of what they are and doesn't say anything, until you bring up how it shows them. "You should show of your tiger stripes more, MC! Rawr!" He makes a paw like a cat and giggles at you, smiling. "All jokes aside, you look absolutely lovely and I love this on you!"
Overall, he will go out of his way to show some love to them. He'll kiss them while you make love, or he'll give your belly a squeeze in general to see you jump!
Satan first notices when you're at a cat cafe, you leaned over to pet a kitty and he notices a particularly red mark. "Oh, MC, did a cat scratch you?" He leans towards you, nudging your shirt up. "No, that's just a stretch mark." He notices how you avert your gaze and tug your shirt down. He doesn't bring it up again.
It gets brought up again about a week later when things are getting steamy, and he's grabbing at your body, and you yelp. "Did I hurt you?" His brow is furrowed, he looks so guilty. "No no! I'm just, I'm just a little insecure is all. I'm sorry."
"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I'm interested in every part of you, MC. And, I think they're interesting."
Beelzebub and Belphegor first notice at a fanghoul game! Beel is hugging Belphie, and next is you, and Beel sees your shirt ride up.
"Mc, what's that? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" Beel freezes where he stands, his brow furrowed.
"No, Beel, those are stretch marks. Some humans have them. Can we go home now?" Belphie answers for you, and you're thankful, as well as a little embarrassed.
Beel gives you a 2nd apologetic glance before moving on, and you all head home.
Overall, Beel does not seem to notice them most of the time. though he does like to grab onto your tummy when you have sex, and he will kill the stretch marks where he grabbed afterwards.
Belphagor is another who likes to trace your stretch marks as he dozes off. You always feel the tip of his finger grazing along the sensitive thin skin.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Meeting Your Family Headcanons
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• Excited to meet your family
• No doubt in his mind he’ll make a great first impression and boy does he
• Dressed to the nine, everything about him is impeccable
• He speaks like he does around nobleman and treats your family like royalty, showering them and the home with compliments
• Offers help wherever he can and the rest of the time doesn’t leave your side
• Your family immediately loves him
• Super awkward. Wants to seem cool but keeps messing up
• He keeps tripping over his words and then cursing and then cursing about accidentally cursing
• Stays away from the shiny things to keep him impulses under control
• Squeezes your hand when he gets nervous, you squeeze his when he needs to stop talking
• Accidentally overshares and everyone thinks he’s just joking while he’s sweating bullets
• If he becomes somewhat comfortable he shakes your parents’ hands and hopes he made a decent impression
• If anything, the impression is unforgettable
• Incredibly shy.
• Can’t stop stuttering and when he’s not stuttering he’s speaking a little too loudly and panicking about it
• Its very obvious to everyone he’s uncomfortable
• Tries to hide his face when he gets embarrassed or is complimented somehow as he’s not used to it
• Tries to show how much he loves you by not leaving your side, but it’s mostly his coping mechanism for socializing with the people that will become extremely important to him
• Great with first impressions—good manners, fake bright smile and all
• Wears his jacket properly for once
• Firm handshakes and looks your family members in the eye trying to see their reactions to him
• Always has an arm around you.
• Easily and politely inserts himself into family conversations with his own tale or quip
• Very agreeable with family whether he actually agrees or not, just wants them to like him
• Acts a little too perfectly—its kind of suspicious but easily explained away as nerves
• If you have a pet, he drops his composure and talks to them in his baby voice, giving them all the love he can
• They weren’t sure he was a guy at first
• Dressed very fashionably, did his hair and makeup hours longer than usual, probably didn’t sleep the night before in preparation
• Talks and acts very sweetly and cutely
• Lots of affection, hugs from behind you, face nuzzled in your hair, sweet little whispers
• He hooks his eyes on you when he’s nervous or doesn’t know what to say
• Your family adores him.
• If anything fails he’ll just charm them into forgetting that happened but it’s unlikely it’ll come to that
• Very nervous so he speaks very little and mostly nods
• His handshakes are a little too firm
• Blushes a lot, especially when he isn’t sure what to say
• Sounds like he’s mumbling most of the time, because he’s pretty nervous.
• You have to squeeze his hand or hug him frequently to calm him down.
• His stomach does a lot of the talking and he tries not to eat too much in front of them but once he does he becomes very friendly and cute
• Your family will love him by the time he leaves
• He used to be super obsessed with humans and their culture so he isn’t too worried
• The cheeky brat is great at posing as a human and deceiving them so he doesn’t make a bad impression
• Hides his sleepiness by smiling and nodding along to most things
• Compliments everything
• Five second cat nap when no one is looking
• Hides behind you when he needs to disguise a yawn
• They end up liking him and he laughs to himself about it, though he is genuinely happy
• An old man trying to relate to the younger crowd. He did a lot of research about the time your parents grew up in and remembered what he could about the era
• He isn’t nervous at all and happily engages in conversation with everyone about anything at all
• Whether they’re talking about pets, sports, cars, fashion trends, constriction, anything at all, he can join in and give insight a normal human couldn’t
• Everyone will be under the impression he’s extremely smart as they already believe he’s mentoring you
• He offers to cook next time and talks passionately about his food. You have to tell your family after to absolutely never try his food or let him help no matter how happy he seemed about it
• He is incapable of making a bad impression
• A literal angel, he acts that way in front of them and to them
• It wouldn’t be surprising if they reveal some hidden trauma and he gives them sagely advice
• if they don’t believe in angels then they will by the time he’s gone
• He helps with the cleaning and dishes and always refills your water and asks what you might need
• Your family absolutely love him and refer to him as angelic
• He speaks to them he would as an angel appearing before them
• Quotes verses at every opportunity and tries to make it seem casual, doesn’t talk too much otherwise
• At your side protectively like a guard
• If he sees a loose thread or anything the needs to be stitched or sewed he’ll offer to do it and will gladly show off and talk about his needlework—though in his case it’s still not a lot of talking despite his excitement
• Helps clean up after dinner and offers to help with anything
• Is introduced as your friends’ kid brother and invited to stay for dinner
• He’s very sweet towards your family and is excited to get through one day without being called a chihuahua
• Helps cook for the family
• They can’t help but pat his head and smile when he excitedly talks about baking and Michael who they assume is a family member
• Your family offer to hire him for catering any time and might cry when he offers to bring food for for free whenever he visits
• Very nervous
• Dresses as nicely as possible and brings a few inventions to show off when she can’t find something to talk about
• Kind of clings to you or hides behind you
• Holds your hand for support and keeps whispering you questions on what to do
• She’s still not very used to humans, especially ones that don’t know she’s a reaper—normally like other reapers shes very antisocial
• Gets really flustered and starts talking loudly and trying to make herself seem amazing in an attempt to impress them—gets embarrassed she did that later on
• Probably comes off a little smug but he’s trying
• Never in a million years did he think he’d date a human or like one enough to meet their family
• Tries not to show his surprise at everything your family does or says. He’s used to being around the wealthiest in the realm so he’s certainly not used to any rooms “so small” or not being served and attended to by servants
• He makes conversation the best he can but somehow it always comes back to his equestrian riding and the horses he cares for
• Brags a little bit, wants to look as good as possible though in the end he doesn’t care how they feel about him unless it effects you
• He might impulsively serve your family like a butler should, he’ll need to be reeled in a little
• He doesn’t leave your side and his silence may come off a little strange but he’ll add to the conversation on occasion
• He brought food of course, he doesn’t cook much human food so he sticks with Devildom food that won’t have any bad effects on your family, or contain any strange ingredients
• He’s so polite it’s almost unreal
• He isn’t quick to accept any help or compliments and finds way to compliment you and your family instead
• Probably blushes a little when they compliment him—theres no way this man won’t be complimented about something
• He’s practically bouncing, he’s so excited to meet your family
• Big smiles and firm handshakes when he meets them
• So happy to be in a family environment since he’s never had one
• Doesn’t attempt to hide his wealth as he’s wearing top brand name clothes, an expensive watch, and the food he brings over he mentions was made by his amazing butler
• Very excited to try their food and loves asking questions about their professions and hopes to overhear some fun stories about you
• Gets along great with everyone especially the guys of the family who want to know how he got so muscular
• He hugs you a lot but as a royal has sworn off PDA
• Hopes they don’t recognize him as the CEO of Corvo Hotels
• He’s beaming afterwards, your family loves him and he can’t stop talking about them to Barbatos when he gets home
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doggobreebree · 11 months
Caregiver!Obey Me X Little!Mc
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The prompt: They are your caregiver. (You are gender-neutral)
∘₊✧──Luficer──✧₊∘ ~ He is very strict with the rules he set up for you; making you go to bed on time, making sure you eat and drink water, not letting you eat sweets before bed, etc. ~ He will take time off of his schedule to make sure you are happy and taken care of. ~ When he is working he will set up coloring books, puzzles, and toys for you to play with so he can work. ~ Doesn't let his brothers know that he will cuddle with you until you fall asleep while in and even sometimes out of little space to make you feel small.
∘₊✧──Mammon──✧₊∘ ~ He would spoil you with everything you wanted as long as it wasn't too much Grimm, even stealing small things for you. He would even buy some small things for himself without telling you or his brothers. ~ He would take you out for ice cream and a day to the park and any demon that would look at you weirdly, he would try to scare them off without you noticing. ~ He would help you annoy Luficer while he is working and get away with it for the most part since you are in little space, but sometimes he gets in trouble for it, but never in front of you. ~ He would get you head pats and hugs as often as he can without making you uncomfortable since he wants to show love but only when you two are alone. He doesn't want his brothers to know how much he cares about you. ∘₊✧──Leviathan──✧₊∘ ~ He would let you sit in his lap as you two watch kid-friendly anime shows way past your bedtime inside your pillow blanket fort the two of you. He would even let you pick the anime from the list, even if he didn't like it that much. ~ He would print out game and anime coloring sheets for the two of you to color while listening to anime music. If he got done before you he would let you watch him play Minecraft or Frogger while you finish coloring. ~ He would preorder different stuffies and onesies for you and him as well as any new good kids' books that come out. ~ He would play dress up with you all the time and didn't care if he had to wear a dress since it made you happy. He also will drink angel milk with you before bed.
∘₊✧──Satan──✧₊∘ ~ When the two of you are alone he will let you curse in little space all you want but won't curse himself. If the two of you are around his brothers he won't let you curse at all. ~ He gives you cat stuffies, coloring books, toys, and even ears to wear. He even lets you bite on his arm. He even puts on the cat ears when you ask him to. ~Just to make his brother Lucifer mad, he lets you eat ice cream before dinner unless he is the one cooling that night. ~ When he takes you out, he holds your hand and stays very close to you, getting you small things you want and taking you to cat cafes and petting zoos. ∘₊✧──Asmodeus──✧₊∘ ~ He would play dress up with you but unlike Levi, you two would put on a ridiculous amount of jewelry and he would do your make-up. You two would go out like this and even if people stared at the two of you, he would tell you it's okay, they are just jelly, making you giggle. ~ He would brush your hair and give you a bath with a pretty bath boom, candles, music, and toys while he plays kid shows from his D.D.D. ~ If you started crying he would hug you softly and start to hum lightly to try to calm you down. He would then wrap you in a blanket, give you some ice cream, and give you your favorite stuffed animal, talking to you as if he were your stuffie and moving him as if it was alive to try to cheer you up. ~ He would be the one to design your paci with glitter and charms on it. ∘₊✧──Beelzebub and Belphegor──✧₊∘ ~ Beelzebub would make you food that you wanted and would even share some of his food with you. He would make sure your bottle/sippy was full and that you ate and drank water every day. ~ Beelzebub would carry you on his back everywhere the three of you went as well as give you hours back rides around his and Belphie's room. ~ Belphie and Beelzebub cuddle you every chance they get, you have normal nap times and Belphie loves watching kid shows with you and loves watching you play games with Beelzebub. ~ Belphie is the one that normally wakes up to your nightmares and helps you calm down by singing you a song and Beel wakes up and joins him, sending you straight to sleep again. They try to make sure you sleep and eat well. Should I do Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon next?
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Obey Me Masterlist
an asterisk * means NSFW
if you like my writing feel free to send in a request on my What Dost Thou Want? tab:]
The Brothers/General
• Horror movie headcanons
• The Brothers + Their Love Languages
•Familiar Reader AU Drabble (slight NSFW? not really but still marking it.) *
•The brothers teasing and bullying Familiar!Reader*
• Pet Names with the brothers
• “Can I ride you until I feel better?” (Brothers x Reader, separately)*
• “Can I ride you until I feel better?” Part 2*
• “Can I ride you until I feel better?” Part 3 (Dateables)*
• An Attempt, A Failure, A Moment Of Forgiveness (Brothers x Reader)
• The Brothers with a partner who likes to carry them/pick them up
• Reader saving the brothers from capture
• Brothers react to Familiar!Reader getting comfortable in their lap
• Brothers taking care of a sick MC
• Things the brothers would do that would give me the ick
• Lucifer and dry humping (Lucifer x Reader) *
• Good morning (Lucifer x Reader)
• Lucifer with a partner who has sharp teeth (Lucifer x Reader)
• Favorites (Lucifer x Reader)
• Lucifer comforts you while he takes your virginity (Soft!Lucifer x Reader)*
• Lucifer and dirty talk (Lucifer x Reader, some Lucifer x Diavolo)*
• Satan x Reader x Lucifer idea drabble*
• Lucifer reacts to familiar!reader “presenting”*
• Lucifer and punishment (Lucifer x Reader)*
• Lucifer comforts you while he overstimulates you *
• Soft aftercare with Lucifer after a rough session (Lucifer x Reader)*
• You Are Loved Here (Lucifer x Reader)
• A Little Bit Of Praise (Lucifer x Reader)*
• Apology, With Tears (Lucifer x Reader)
• Goodnight, Darling (Lucifer x Reader)
• One Must Stake His Claim (Lucifer x Male Reader x Diavolo): Prologue Chapter One
• Hugs and Kisses (Mammon x Affectionate Reader)
• Mammon with a partner who has sharp teeth (Mammon x Reader)
• Mammon with a partner who takes him too literally (Mammon x Reader)
•Mammon reacts to familiar!reader “presenting”*
• Mammon and punishment (Mammon x Reader)*
• Ask game: Is Mammon Vocal?*
• Leviathan wants to be submissive, but he’s too shy to ask (Leviathan x Reader)*
• Leviathan’s sensory heaven
• Anything Can Happen in The Woods (Naga!Leviathan x Reader)*
• Leviathan has a wet dream while laying on your lap*
• Leviathan reacts to familiar!reader “presenting” *
• Leviathan and punishment (Leviathan x Reader)*
• Leviathan loves over the top dirty talk *
• Satan x Reader x Lucifer idea drabble*
• Satan reacts to familiar!reader “presenting”*
• Satan and punishment (Satan x Reader)*
• Inexplicably Needy (Asmodeus x Reader)*
• A Helping Hand (Asmodeus x Reader)*
•Asmodeus reacts to familiar!reader “presenting” *
•Asmodeus can be cruel (Asmodeus x Reader)*
• Asmodeus and punishment (Asmodeus x Reader)*
• Yandere Asmodeus Headcanons (Asmodeus x Reader)
• Beel with a partner who has sharp teeth (Beel x Reader)
• Beel reacts to familiar!reader “presenting”*
• Beel being gentle with you*
• Beel and punishment (Beel x Reader)*
• Belphie reacts to familiar!reader “presenting” *
• Belphie and punishment (Belphie x Reader)*
• Diavolo likes to carry you (Diavolo x Reader)
• Diavolo and dirty talk (Diavolo x Reader, some Diavolo x Lucifer)*
• MC flirting with Diavolo (a bit suggestive but no NSFW)
• Diavolo is a pussy bully *
• One Must Stake His Claim (Diavolo x Male Reader x Lucifer): Prologue Chapter One
• Ask game: Barbatos’ most depraved kink? *
• Ask game: NSFW Headcanons?*
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blosssombunnny · 2 years
𝓞𝓫𝓮𝔂 𝓜𝓮! 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓗𝓒𝓼
Warning: Mostly fluff (a little angst in mammons kinda? Nothing too sad) but there is nsfw in very small amounts!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lucifer definitely loves acts of service. Both giving and receiving (hehe). He’s a subtle man when out with others. He will do little things for you. Opens the car door, holds your hand delicately when you walk on stairs. He will give you his coat.
“MC stop it. I’m not cold. Put it on right now.”
The only time he will ever beg you to put more clothes on ;) Of course he will love some service in return. Whether you choose to do that by straightening his collar when it’s uneven or letting him face fuck you after a really stressful day ;3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mammon is very fond of physical touch. Sure he also loves gifts and spending time with you… but nothing beats your gentle and kind touch. Sometimes he winced just ever so slightly when you reach up to touch his face. This poor (literally lol) baby is head shy.
“Tch. Of course I didn’t flinch. Just… keep t-touching me…”
He deserves someone that will be there to give him a hug and let all of his stress melt off. Sometimes when he has his head on your shoulders, you’ll find little wet spots from his eyes. He will say it’s just allergies, but, he never feels safe enough to cry anywhere else. Sometimes it just slips out. When you notice you tell him
“Mammon. Please let it out. I will hold you until you are ready for me to let go.”
Here come the waterworks. He wont be able to hold back. Your shirt is soaked. Your sleeve is a tissue. But it’s all worth it to see him smile and know he is ready to do the same for you when you need him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Leviathan loooooooves quality time. There’s nothing he’d rather do than just curl up with you, his tv, and a stack of games. In between games, levels, etc. you will likely end up talking for an hour. He loves hearing about your experiences in the human world. If you have any cool anime or game related stories please tell him.
“Y-YOU MET THE VOICE ACTOR FROM I fell from heaven and became a shut-in, and now I’m in love with a human who is my master?!?!?!!!!?”
He’s so jealous. If you don’t like video games he might whine a little and try to find a game you would like. Saying “you just haven’t found the right game for you”. If you still don’t find anything he would be happy to watch DevilTube with you or watch a show!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Satan is another quality time lover. Ideally he would love to sit in front of a cozy fire with his love, both reading the same book. With a cat curled up on his lap if possible. If you aren’t a fan of reading he would welcome you to lay in his lap as he reads.
“MC? Would you like to do a puzzle with me?”
I don’t know he seems like a puzzle man. He likes the challenge and the methodical nature. If you don’t want to do that he would definitely have a long list of other activities to do. And if all else fails he will suggest going outside to try and capture a new pet cat.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Asmodeus of course mainly deals in physical touch. He just loves feeling your soft skin, your delicate hands. Tracing your curves and just generally needing to have some contact at all times.
“MCCCC can I style your hair? Can I paint your nails? Can I dress you up??” If you refuse, “Ohhhh you’re just being stubborn. How could I not dress up a perfect doll like you~” (not like you’d refuse anyway)
He will brush your hair and give your shoulders and neck some love too. If it tickles that’s even better. He loves to see you squirm and blush ;)
He will always hold your hand, link your arms, or have an arm around you in public. He wants everyone to see the cutest couple in the universe room :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Beelzebub loves gift giving. Whether it’s a dainty necklace he saw that “would look so perfect on you” or a bite of his burger, this man loves showing you his love with little gifts. In his mind, he sees sharing his food as the ultimate signal of “I love you”. He doesn’t do this for anyone. Just for you. You tell him you don’t need gifts to know he loves you.
“I know… I just think about your smile and eyes… and I know it’ll look good on you… so I buy it.”
He’s a big goofy boy. A bit of a himbo in the best way possible. He looks rock hard on the outside (heh) but you can’t see how he melts inside when you smile and light up at certain things. And he gets to see that every time he offers your a bite. (Of his food of course)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Belphegor loves to give and receive endless amounts of affirmation! He needs to be reminded he is worthy of love and happiness. Most of the time the compliments he gives are in a sleepy haze. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. He truly means every word of it.
“Mmm-MC… You are just the most… yawn perfect pillow everrrr. Your body is perfect…”
He’ll definitely have his face buried in either your chest, shoulder, or hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Diavolo is definitely a close tie between quality time and affirmations. But in my humble opinion, quality time wins. Because what happens during quality time? Compliments, sweet talk, and affirmations. Hehe. He has it all planned out. He’s genuinely a very lonely character. He desperately wants to have fun with friends. Be carefree and not worry about strict schedules. But that’s not the life that was given to him.
“MC… this week was so tiring. Please, will you come to the castle tonight? I want to… see you…”
He’s always a little embarrassed to act so needy. But he loves when you indulge him a bit. Once you arrive he will immediately pull you into a hug that will last at least 30 seconds. He just takes in your scent. He will quickly pull you away to his room or office for some privacy. He will have his hands all over you once you’re alone. He just missed you so much. Once he calms down it will be a nice night of love and relaxation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Barbatos = Acts of Service king. He always seems to know exactly what you need. If you are thinking ‘hmm. I’m a little thirsty’ he will likely ask if you need anything to drink in the next five minutes. It’s amazing.
“You must stay hydrated. I did not read your mind. I just know what’s your body needs. Sometimes even more than you do.”
Did that sound a little… weird? Ehh probably not. That’s only one of the many ways he surprises you. He loves to massage you and make you feel good. In return he loves to be babied a bit. He would absolutely never admit this. But. When you let him relax and get off his feet. He begins to relax instantly. Just hold him, let him lay on top of you. Pet his hair, tug on it gently, rub his shoulders and back. Small things like that really mean so much to him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Simeon is the affirmation master. He knows exactly how to make you blush and smile. He can always find the right words to calm you, pick you up, or just make you smile a little more.
“Are you sure you aren’t an Angel in disguise… it’s uncanny how much you resemble our kind. You even feel like one… So beautiful.”
He will always make you feel like a million dollars. In return tell him how well he’s doing. After all he is in a land that’s not his home, dealing with stressful entities all day. He needs reassured that he’s doing ok.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Solomon will always give you the most thoughtful gifts. He will take the time to find out what you like and dislikes and begin to give you the most wonderful gifts. He is conservative with how often he gives you something. Mostly because if two reasons. 1. He wants it to be more special and exciting. And 2. He’d go broke otherwise. Some of the stuff he gets you is not cheap.
“Anything for you. It’s your birthday. That only happens once a year. Of course I had to go big!”
He will wink and hold you tight against his side as your birthday party (that he organized) goes on. He just loves to spoil his cute apprentice.
Thank you for reading!!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
the brothers crying in front of mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: angst, crying, lesson 5 and 16 spoilers (from og obey me), missing a pet, death
you know it's bad when lucifer cries, and you know it's extra bad if he cries in front of someone
it was just a lot of stuff going on at the same time that got him, work, feeling like his brothers hate him, all that stuff
you walked in at the worst possible time and you expected him to send you away but that didn't happen
he just held you in his arms as if protecting you, mirrorring what he craves but can't ask for
it would take something really heavy happening to get him to actually cry from sadness
and mammon is kind of embarrassed to let the tears flow in front of somebody, honestly especially you
but his need for comfort is stronger than his shame in that moment, so he lets you hold him
mammon will explain to you what happened when you hold him
he sometimes cries over 'little' things like an anime figure being sold out or a new volume of tsl coming out, those cries are pretty short
but this time levi started crying in front of you during game night, because there was a scene in the game that reminded him of his former pet snake
he was ashamed, but one second after being hugged by you he realised it's okay to need comfort
satan crying is a rare sight
sometimes he gets extremely angry, but he never cries in all of his rage
and honestly you never thought you'd see him cry until today when you walked in on him crying after he wasn't at dinner
satan probably won't tell you why he's upset but he'll let you comfort him (and as long as you don't tell anyone you saw him cry)
he'll instantly cheer up a little if you got cat videos or pictures on your ddd
you've seen him cry before but it wasn't very serious, more like some fake sobbing to add life and emotion to his words
so you were kind of shocked when you walked into his bathroom to retrieve your robe but instead found asmo crying
and he does not like it when people see him cry one time solomon found him crying and he wiped his memory, but asmo fully trusts you
he'd like it if you were just there for him, he might not tell you what happened though
he did cry over food before because it was so good or akudonald's ran out if cheeseburgers
but you knew it was serious when belphie was at your door at 6am asking for your help to calm beel (and maybe himself a little) down because he couldn't do it
turns out he had a dream about lilith and he got upset because she's not here anymore
there's not much you can do but having you and belphie around is a huge comfort
belphie crying is a rare sight as well, so you were shocked when he knocked on your door in tears
he was trying to sleep but all that was on his mind was the incident, the guilt was eating him and eventually he decided to come see you
you've never seen him so vulnerable, asking stuff like 'do you really forgive me?' when the incident happened long ago
he'd like to stay close to you until he's calmed down a little
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's, Mammon's (you are here), Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Mammon's reaction
In game Mammon cries a couple of times, probs more than a couple. Mammon cries over movies or TV shows, or he cries over getting in trouble and being hung from the ceiling by Lucifer. That doesn't mean that Mammon doesn't cry over more personal things. No matter what he's crying over Mammon will get angry and argue if called out for crying. Our tsundere (ive been spelling that wrong for however long now so my bad) will deny crying with his life- "The Great Mammon doesn't cry! I just have something in my eyes. That's all!!" Or "I'm not crying! It's fake! Its just water! I pranked yah' guys!! *running away to cry somewhere in peace*" poor Mams If Mammon and Mc are dating Mammon will eventually calm down and go to Mc for comfort when he's upset, but he'll still respond aggressively if Mc teases him over crying. Not in a beat someone up aggressive more of a passive aggressive being angry way.
The first time Mc finds Mammon crying was by accident. Mammon had been out doing things for the witches, running errands that sort of stuff. When Mammon came home Mc and him were supposed to hang iut and watch a movie. So when Mc knew Mammon would be home they went to his room and barged right in, he doesn't knock and they we're excited to hang out. They didn't expect to see Mammon sitting on his bed sobbing into his hands. Mammon hadn't noticed Mc entered his room until the door shut behind Mc, Mammons head flew out of his hands and his face went red with embarrassment when he saw Mc standing there. Mammon freaks out, he throws pillows in the direction of Mc as he frantically trys to wipe his tears and hide from Mc. Seeing Mammon so dejected made Mc feel sad. Then suddenly *poof* Mc was in their sheep form, without even meaning to be. Mammon immediately stopped throwing pillows and freaking out when he say Sheep Mc. It was less embarrassing crying in front of a sheep, and Sheep Mc is just so cute who can throw pillows at them?
Mammon settled down, sitting back down on his bed, he sighed and placed his face in his hands again. Sheep Mc wandered over to Mammon, placing their tiny trotter (that's what they call sheeps feet) on Mammon's knee. Mammon removes his face from his hands, and even though tears still stream down his face, Mammon smiles at Sheep Mc, finding their adorable kindness to sweet to not smile at. Mammon picks Sheep Mc up gently, pulling them into a hug, he buries his head in Sheep Mc's fluffy wool. The softness of Mc's wool soothes Mammon's feelings, eventually he stops crying. He just sits there hugging Sheep Mc until he explains quietly why he was upset- "This witch l've been running errands for had this pup... Sweet little guy made my day seeing 'em... Ran an errand for that witch today...found out the pup passed a couple days ago.." Mammon's voice is barely above a whisper, and his voice cracks as he talks about it. Mammon doesn't lift his face from Sheep Mc's wool while he talks, causing his already quiet voice to be muffled making what he said almost go unheard. Lucky for Sheep Mc, Mammon's face is burried in their wool on the top of their head, so they were able to hear what he said. Sheep Mc hugs Mammon tightly, telling him it's alright to cry and other comforting things. Sheep Mc lets Mammon pet their wool and they let him hug them for as long as he needs. When Mammon finally calms down he is hella embarrassed. He's going to be on edge and defensive so Mc has to be careful with what they say and do. Staying as Sheep Mc is probably the best option, it makes Mammon feel less embarrassed and he finds comfort in the softness of Sheep Mc's wool. So Mc stays in their Sheep form, Sheep Mc and Mammon watch the movie they had planned to watch and Mammon is his normal self by the time they both head to bed for the night.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Mams just seems like an animal lover to me tbh. The other brothers reactions is coming soon so Stay tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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delusionalwings · 2 years
I have a quick suggestion for your fics, MC finally breaks down and starts crying for being in the situation they’re in, just a suggestion
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― synopsis -> when you finally break down and cry
― characters -> lucifer, solomon, leviathan, diavolo
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content, not comforting, cruel
― a/n -> you didn't mention the characters so i just chose on my own :^)
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He watches you calmly with a smirk plastered on his face for a while before boredom sets in. Listen, he enjoys tormenting human beings just as well as the next demon, but there are finer distractions in life. How long are you planning to cry? He is a busy demon, you know? It's fine to moan and whine when he gets mean, but know when to stop. Now, he can't really have you getting traumatized and broken and dehydrated and hell knows what happens to that fragile body of yours. Who will he play with then? You are quite convenient to tease, quite the intelligent little pet he loves to amuse himself with.
So, he scoops you up in his arms and sighs disappointingly. He expected better but it's fine. It's his responsibility to train you to always please him. Once in a while, he can indulge you and take care of you too. He lulls in your ear in perfect coordination with your sobs. It would have been sweet if only he cared for you, and if he hadn't torn you apart from your loved ones.
He moves as far away from you as possible. Fear overtakes his limbs till he feels that he can't breathe on land. Oh, you wretched noob! You know that he can't work under pressure. Why should you break down in front of him? N-N-Now you are shaking like a baby. He w-w-wants Hell to open up and swallow him.
"[Name], d-d-don't cry. I will cry with y-you otherwise."
It's supposed to be a warning but in your delirium, you pay him no mind. You just can't. So, he begins crying too and somehow your bodies come nearer followed by him hugging you. Your warmth calms him down, your scent makes the world a worthwhile place to live in so he tries to pat your back.
He sniffs, "I-It's g-g-going to be fine. I w-w-will take care of you like you took care of me. So p-p-please stop crying."
Shhh, little one. When he hears you sobbing, his delicate heart shatters. Nevermind that it is partly his fault. It is always his fault, just the tiniest bit but he doesn't focus on that. With a flick of his fingers, he can make your situation better but no. Watching over in a neutral capacity isn't enough either. He needs to make it worse. Human beings are so fragile - he was one too a long time ago - that he can't help but be amazed at their portrayal of emotions. He wants to own every tear, every smile that you bless him with. You are his to make and break, just like his social experiments. He wants all of it, to comfort you, to look after you after he had made you cry. Surrender yourself to your master. Now, he coos in your ear.
"Little bird, don't cry anymore. Shh, I am here. It will be fine as long as we are together."
There will be more instances of you crying in the future. Solomon just likes to be the reason behind your mood.
Oh, marvellous! What grand tears fall from your eyes! He has never cried in his life, well not publicly, so he is more curious to know about your experience. Without approaching you, he stands in his spot and admires your shivering body. It's very unbecoming of a noble but that doesn't matter. You are his lover, so he can just be his true self. You will feed his curiosity without considering him cruel, won't you?
When you try to cocoon yourself in a corner, mostly because you feel his hungry eyes on you, he sulks. He wants to see the expressions that you make. Don't rob him of the delight. One would think that you were in the wrong for feeling pain. The Devildom can be indeed cruel, and the prince even more so.
The sad part is that Diavolo knows that he should be there to make you feel better, and he mostly is, but sometimes, his curiosity gets the better of him and he just likes to stand there and watch you. Watch you till your sadness morphs into discomfort.
The questions are resevered for when you feel better.
Later, to make up for his behavior, he likes to light scented candles (learned from Asmo) to help you relax and buy you whatever may comfort you.
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skyeslittlecorner · 8 months
Tails for all! - Avisos edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Nilfheim | Abaddon | Paradise Lost
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No one has any idea what his real tail looks like. They say he either doesn't have it, hides it like Leviathan or the prosthesis is built directly around his own. Of course, the visible part is a prosthesis that looks exactly like Beel's tail.
The most common rumor is that he lost his tail while protecting Beel. When you asked Amon about it, he didn't answer. Beelzebub said he didn't remember, but something in his expression tells you he knows much more than he’s willing to tell you.
It's just the mechanical equivalent of a real tail. Stiffer, less agile than Beel, uncomfortable to sit with. Its appearance is perfectly reproduced, even poisonous, but Bael hates it and intends to get rid of it along with the crown and glasses as soon as Beel returns.
Sensitiveness 0/10. 
At the base it has four metal plates that are used to screw and hold this tail. You also saw that for a moment there was only the upper part of the prosthesis next to the body, that the tail base is larger than Beel, and at the bottom there was a small gap with a black soft… material? 
When you touched it, Bael jumped back and almost ripped your arm away. He was as scared as you were. So, maybe the real sensitivity is 10/10?
Suddenly you're even more motivated to put Beelzebub's ass in the office.
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 A snake's tail, gray and thick as three fingers. Three tails to be precise, although it's easy to get confused because he usually keeps them all braided together.
Dark gray, very similar to his horn. Black thin stripe on the back. Supposedly he can slide blades out of it like his king, but no one has seen it yet.
They are so flexible and agile that he can braid them and use the three ends like three fingers or a gripper. Interestingly, each of them can handle a pistol alone. 
However, he can't hold a pen or documents. At all. Nuh-uh. Suddenly limp. 
He only unbraids his tails when he has the opportunity to mess up. Pull Stolas by the coat, steal Nabe's glasses. Reason? Who knows, he's probably bored.
When Bael shouts at him, he wraps two of his tails around his legs, pretending that he's so sorry, and with the third one, he tease Bael’s tail because he's just his friend, not the king.
Sensitiveness 6/10. If you manage to wake up this lazy devil, you can count on miracles in bed. He will hold your arms and legs, cover eyes, put ends in your mouth, explore under your clothes, and overall will be very creative.
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 If you were expecting a dog's tail, you almost got it. His brown tail actually resembles his own three Cerberus tails, but it is longer and fluffier, as if all three had to fit into one.
An ankle-length cascade of soft fur, a little more flexible than a dog's, but just as enthusiastically flapping when he's happy. What a good boy!
He usually keeps it curled up like a Shiba. It also has similar lighter fur underneath and a black tip.
Even though it looks like a dog at first glance, its tail is prehensile enough to handle a gun. However, he prefers the bazooka. It is larger and more handy. As you can see, his tail is quite strong underneath that cute fur.
Stolas says that when Nabe gets angry, his tail fluffs up like a duster.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 7/10. He will let you play with it, but only when you are alone. You can pet him, hug him and kiss him as much as you want. It is fluffy and warm.
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Feathered bird tails are very rare, and Stolas has a beautiful owl tail. He's not too happy about this, totally would prefer a weapon-type tail like Beelzebub's.
This tail is not large, only half-thigh long. When he folds it, it's barely visible. He wanted the same prosthesis as Bael, but he was banned from doing so by Beel himself.
To sweeten what Stolas considers a shortcoming, Beel gave him a special piercing at the base of his tail. But it's even harder to show than the one on the chest.
He sometimes bet on tail feathers instead of money. Due to how rare these tails are, it is believed that their feathers bring good luck and clothes or jewelry with such elements have magical properties.
If Avisos has some business in Tartaros, Bael sends Stolas there because Bimet has a soft spot for him (or rather his precious tail). Or at least that's what they did until the stolas started a fight in the street. And because once he came back plucked.
Nabe says that when Stolas gets angry, his tail fluffs up like an angry chicken's.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 4/10. His feathers are mostly ticklish, but he likes to be scratched at the base.
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