#little guardian reminders
nagaparadise · 1 year
As a worshipper of the Forest Guardian, you wanted to show your appreciation for him however you can, but you began to feel that your usual offerings weren't enough to convey your admiration. On your next visit you decided to offer yourself, slowly stripping until you revealed your nude body. You weren't sure where the Forest Guardian was watching from, but you made sure to walk a short distance around the altar, putting your body on display for him and him only. Luckily, the Forest Guardian was attentive and absorbed in your performance, carefully slithering around the trees as he followed your movements, careful not to make a sound. A small gasp escaped his lips when he saw you sensually bend over the alter and expose your ass, a display he would normally consider disrespectful, but took delight when he watched you. Once you had climbed on top, you turned to lay your back on the altar, the cold stone sending shivers through your body. You closed your eyes and allowed your hands to roam over your body, pretending that they were your beloved guardian's hands instead. You caressed your neck, shoulders, and nipples, then slowly moved towards your thighs where you purposefully spread your legs, revealing your arousal to the entirety of the forest. With one hand trailing between your thighs and chest, the other worked on your throbbing sex, fingers stroking the warm skin that quickly became slick with your juices. As praises for the Forest Guardian slipped from your tongue, the Forest Guardian watched in the trees above, savoring the full display you've given him as he stroked his cocks in time with your fingers, wishing that he could give you the satisfaction you crave. A warm energy coursed through your body as you worked yourself up to your climax, and you were unable to control your hips as they jerked into your fingers. Your hushed praises become cries of delight, and the Forest Guardian successfully kept his moans hidden by biting his lower lip, but your name echoed loudly through his mind, dangerously close to spilling from his lips. You and the Forest Guardian reached your peaks simultaneously, your body violently twitching as your juices spilled over your fingers and the altar, while the Forest Guardian's honey-like cum flowed from his cocks. As your body began to relax, you felt a warm fluid descend over your chest and slowly run down to your bellybutton and groin, then a second drip over your nose and lips. Your eyes slowly unfurled, and though you saw nothing above you, you quickly noticed a honey-like substance drizzled over your torso. While still lazily stroking yourself, you use your other hand to wipe the juices off your naked body and face and pop a finger in your mouth, savoring its sweetness the moment the juices hit your tongue. The warm energy returned to your body, and you look forward to your next offering.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Just had the sleep-deprived idea of combining my Cryptid Batfam Au with @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au into a combo au, some distant timeline where the two combine and meld into one thing.
Honestly would be slightly body horror probably, maybe with Bruce starting with building wings and then it... escalates. There's a reason that people don't go down in the caves under Gotham, and Bruce is incredibly lucky that It welcomes him. Perhaps welcomes him too much, what with it seeming to build him another body each time he gets injured, even if it's just bruising. Not to mention that another is forming when he takes Dick in, and then another when Barbara joins them.
There's something not quite the same the first time he wakes up in a body that is his but not, something organic but not. Testing on it is fine, small tests that is, anything larger and his head starts to pound and ring. It's easier to just accept the shadows' gifts than question it.
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Honestly I like to think the body is something between inorganic and organic, like veins of flesh and fur wrapped around bones and metal. Like a flesh puppet of sorts, starts all skeletal and mostly metal and wood but the veins of black and red start to grow over time as the whispers about the Bat spread.
Honestly I also like to think it's more animalistic than the original possessed doll au, the wood easily mistaken for things like chitin, especially with the segmentations. Combine the chest cavity with the harness that the kids cling to, and you have a back cavity lol. The 'Spine' seemingly splitting open to hide things inside. Bruce probably does have clothing for the body, but I wanted to figure out the general body first lol.
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llondonfog · 10 months
This is such a weird, RANDOM, and long ask (more like a rant tbh), but I wanted to say something because I can't get it out of my head.
Before you boo me, I COULDN'T HELP IT. I just, can't get it out of my brain.
Like, Lilia just wakes up one day, sees this mini horror in Silver's bedroom, and freaks out before realizing that IS Silver.
Everything he knew about Silver's parents is a lie.
Then, Silver transforms back, but part way, so he has these cute little wings with soft, white feathers, and Lilia just MELTS.
He's freaked out, amazed, confused, but he wants to comfort Silver, who is both confused and possibly in pain from the transformation. Growing wings seems painful.
Like, he had 6 wings (3 sets of 2) in the horror-fest form that is a Biblically Accurate Angel (I both encourage and warn you against searching that up lol), and now he has 2-4 wings (possibly with the feathers attached to his head as Seraphim Angels have. I think). Compared to his default human body, that's a big difference, right?
Anyway, I wanted to share this with someone. You don't have to do anything with this, or even respond, but THE IMAGE. I love Silver and he's already angelic, so might as well add a Horrifying version of that, AND pretty wings in the more "normal" version. I just can't write or draw my vision LMAO so I have to cope with sharing it instead.
BABY SILVER WITH BABY ANGEL WINGS!!! oh they are so soft and fluffy, like dreams and clouds and silk all at once!! the imagery of him draping them over lilia while they nap or simply shielding him from the sun with one as he gets older....my heart!!!
And then considering the imagery of extremely pissed off biblically accurate silver protecting his loved ones against any who would seek to bring them harm!!! Absolutely terrifying to behold!! I don't know why I'm partial to the specific one of the large eye surrounded by countless wings but that's what I think of!! All those wings to sweep up and protect his loved ones, and more to deal out powerful blows of damage, with one dizzying aurora-hued eye that can seem like the most gentle gaze that allows you to simply bask in unconditional acceptance or the most horrific choking sense of inevitable judgement for what you've done against the word of good.
on the other hand, the thought of lilia being in such awe and wonder of his child, this pure and innocent being who has been granted to him, who loves him unconditionally and uses his powers to make lilia's life kinder and easier as silver tries to take away the aches and pains and nightmares... I could see it verging into a cult of two territory; lilia being very protective and possessive of his son, the thought of throwing himself into service to protect the boy?angel?savior? at any and all costs, to be his knight in shining armor to keep him safe and unsullied from the world. silver becoming like this odd forest deity creature who pours his magic so willingly into the woods and gives freely to those that need his kindness, and his father is only too happy to kneel to him, renewed in his purpose to serve his benevolent, angelic son...
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angeltreasure · 2 years
Remember, don’t name your guardian angel.
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marinecorvid · 8 months
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1.20.24 - assorted scar map + maybe some time skip headcanons of the girl
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cloudbattrolls · 3 months
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A creature, just chilling. First time I’ve drawn Arty’s bare legs, I think.
I like doing the little patches of freckles, since of course it adds all those intentionally. Does it take more time and extra pigment? Yes. Does Arty consider it important? Absolutely.
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maraeffect · 1 year
okay so idk if any of my followers are into kink culture at all. but my fiancee and i used to be very active in it. and before we got engaged, we "collared" one another. up until a couple years ago, we both wore our collars 24/7!! but now we're in a different place and we are more comfy without them (sensory needs).
however!! i finally splurged and got myself an "eternity collar" (stainless steel, able to be worn 24/7 vs leather and Brahma web collars). so!! we're about to do an intimate little collaring ceremony in the forest 🥺💖
autumn is my favorite time of year, and autumn (my fiancee) will be seeing the leaves change for the first time this year!!!!!! we're going to have a little picnic at the park and take in all the trees. maybe do little vows 🥺🥺
i want so badly to actually marry her, but i can't bc of financial and SSI reasons. so this will hold me over in the meantime 💖💖💖
anyway i've never done a ceremony before, so this is really really important to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i'm so excited for it !!! it's something so special and so bright, which is a welcome change from the dark months i've had ❤️‍🩹
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jayswing101 · 2 years
Y'all. I have just finished reading one of the most incredible fics I've ever read in my life. It was so good and hopeful and moving and thoughtful and I just. I don't know really how to describe it, or explain how I felt while reading it or how I feel now after having finished it, except to say that the world feels a little less grey, a little less lonely, and a little more hopeful.
The fic is a Guardian fic, and it's the story of Shen Wei's life told from the perspective of people who have helped him along the way. It's in seven parts, from the perspectives of seven different characters, and the whole thing is written from the pov of those characters looking in on what parts of Shen Wei's life they can see.
It's set in drama-verse and does follow the canon ending of things, but just like how the drama ends with that hopeful little promise to meet again, this fic also ends on a note of hope, even after everything that happens.
And it is told from the pov of several OC's which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea, it usually isn't mine either, but it's done so well and with so much care, that it genuinely feels like those characters were there all along, that they were always meant to be there, and the author integrates them so well that you can see how those characters could've influenced Shen Wei. Like, they weren't present in the show, their names aren't mentioned anywhere in the wiki page, but you can still somehow see where their hands have guided and supported and healed Shen Wei.
The fic is 68,662 words long, split over seven chapters, each chapter being a different part of Shen Wei's history and told through the perspective of a different character. The author is good at providing specific warnings before the start of each chapter, but please check the tags and archive warnings as well and keep yourself safe!!
Anyways, 100/10 would recommend!! Genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read, and also one of the best stories (or rather, collections of stories) I've ever read too. I will be thinking about it for days and weeks to come, and will be reading it again.
Title: a hand within a hand (holding light)
Author: @forerussake
Summary: Shen Wei doesn’t remember the face of every single person who’s ever helped him. He tries. He really does. Shen Wei tries to remember, but he doesn’t always manage. Perhaps it’s cowardice, or perhaps it’s his mind’s own way of trying to protect him. There are only so many memories a mind can store before it starts to fray around the edges after all. So he remembers the truly important faces. He dreams of them sometimes – Fu You, Ma Gui, Kunlun, not his own parents though, somehow never his parents – and others have faded away with time.
No, Shen Wei does not remember the names and faces of every single person who’s ever helped him, but he remembers some, and they remember him in turn.
or, a catalogue of unassuming strangers and their stories of helping Shen Wei.
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pinky-in-blankets · 1 year
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"I see, and I know. I know how much it hurts.. but also know that I am here with you. And it will get better. I promise."
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moonlitlunas · 1 year
it's actually so so soo cool to me that miguel's suit is a hologram and performs like an LED screen on his body; i love that they added this detail bc it gives so much depth to his suit that would otherwise be lost like it makes the meso american inspired patterns on his suit such an enagmatic glow and makes his suit so cool to look at!!! just a million stars glowing on him !!!
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#i just think he's neat#little fuckin nerd miguel trying to make himself a cool looking suit after he literally expanded to twice his previous size lol#he has the pantone app open on his monitor#“lyla change the red from DF1F2D to B11313”#my personal hc is that he for sure added the mesoamerican influences much later on bc he had a spidey moment with a little latine kid#saved a kid downtown from those public eye goons and the kid looks up half scared/half in awe at his stature#the kid's guardian yells something in spanish while running towards them#so naturally#he squats down to be eye level with the kid and says something along the lines of “everything's gonna be alright kid” in spanish#and he swings away#but just out of his peripherals he sees the kid lose their mind#he picks up a faint gracias or other term of gratitude and lets a small smile escape his lips#and then he starts to notice just how many spider ppl have incorporated their heritage/nationality into their costume#and he's reminded of that kid#how excited they were to share something as binding as their mother tongue with thee spiderman#now all of a sudden he's spent the next 16 hours trying to incorporate traditional mesoamerican patterns into his costume's design#maybe it's lyla's idea to make them golden looking so they're endlessly shifting in a stunning contrast against the red#my miguelito#yeah#im totally normal abt him btw#idgaf actually#spidey#i can fix him#miguel o'hara#atsv miguel#miguel spiderverse#miguel spiderman#spiderman 2099#spiderman atsv#spider verse
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
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Silence the voices in my head
I picked my poison, now I'll drink it to the bitter end
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gamoraswonder · 2 years
so does that make you my sister?? Mantis... that’s the greatest christmas gift i could ever get
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harurio · 7 months
guardian ep4
i just started new meds and am overcome with the need to be horizontal at all times so we're gonna watch some more guardiannnn @oneiro-nautical please lmk if the tagging gets annoying tho lol
and right away shen wei, who has clearly never done anything wrong in his life, is getting arrested. look at him. that man's never even rolled through a stop sign
'your confidence and composure reminds me of someone i know' do lao chu and shen wei have a past? i'm interested now
so is this face remover like. flaying these women? is it magic? how gory is this about to get? (edit: okay it's fine)
lmao see i thought shen wei was just really gentle and solemn, like a lan xichen type of person, but here he is bothering chief zhao smirking up a storm. maybe he's truly just a little shit. love him
look at them walking like they're attached at the hip!
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look how much space this man is choosing to ignore in favor of letting his arm brush against zhao yunlan's sometimes. shen wei baby i see you
i like how the running gag so far has been situation occurs, shen wei is somehow involved, situation escalates to levels that would injure or kill a human being, shen wei is neither injured nor killed, and zhao yunlan arrives just in time to say are you okay? and shen wei just says im fine :) and you can hear chief zhao go HUH. in his head. progressively louder each time
idk if there is an equivalent of a bedside manner for interviewing suspects but zhao yunlan's is........ not great lol
poor guo changcheng. ma'am do you realize you're flirting with a whole baby
OHHHH so he's stealing the faces and she's putting them on! i see
zhu hong is gorgeous!!!
'don't you know you could get TETANUS' ohhh zhao yunlan your tough act isn't fooling nobody!! you care about him!!!!
awww ik xiao guo is a nepo baby but i'm glad he's starting to find his place on the team (edit: team quit bullying him dear god)
see this is so interesting. before watching this i thought zhao yunlan was a kind of wwx character, really lighthearted, fiercely chaotic good, and he's both those things but he's got an edge on him too. he's not afraid to be mean for the sake of efficiency. whereas i thought shen wei was very lwj, very solemn and hard to read, but he's so damn gentle and he's got such speaking eyes he really reminds me of lan xichen. so far at least
awww chu shuzhi shielded damn cat from the blast. he's just a big ol teddy bear isn't he
i love dramatic conversations held in normal tones of voice between two people facing away from each other standing at least eight feet apart in the great outdoors
ancient!yunlan NAMED HIM??? and (if i've been spoiled correctly) shen wei kept that name for ten thousand years waiting to see him again? just in case that name sparked even the ghost of a memory of their connection? STOP
at least this episode didn't bring me perilously close to tears. though i did feel bad for that kid with the dead girlfriend and the revenge molotov. he was annoying but he had a good heart i think. it's sleepy time for me now
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malmagmafr · 2 years
Crazy how often you find older dragons at cheap prices. I snatched up these two for a breeding project! The guardian is 3 years old and the imperial is 4!
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honey-tongue · 3 months
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(I'm finally continuing my atla rewatch)
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midoribai · 1 year
Nishi look at this
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I have so many perler beads
Im gonna see if I have the colors to make Midori
what!!!!!!!!! thats so cool!!!!
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