#little Men
besotted-with-austen · 4 months
Amy might not have reached success or pursued an artistic career, but she never gives up art.
After getting married, Amy and Laurie become patrons for young artists (especially poor ones). They personally help them making their way into the world or to at least be able to live off their craft if they don't have the required talent to make it big.
The first (or second?) chapter of Jo's Boys opens in The Parnassus (clear nod to the mountain Apollo and the Muses reside in), the Laurence's house, specifically in Amy and Bess's workshop: Jo and Meg find them both focused on a new sculture, surrounded by busts of Beth, Marmie, Papa March and Mr Laurence.
This shows us that 1) Amy still likes to get her hands dirty for her art, 2) she kept working on something that was difficult for her in her younger years, 3) she has transmitted her passion to her daughter to the point that it's an activity they like to do together and lastly 4) it's her personal way of giving tribute to the loved ones that passed away.
Their daughter Bess, who Amy calls fondly their greatest work of art, will actually become a famous artist in her own merit. She will get to walk down the path Amy had once desired but that in adulthood she doesn't regret leaving behind.
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croholz · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Book 6 Spoilers Ahead!
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Idk if people still censor spoilers but I thought I would anyways
Tbh I wasn’t really into this ship until I read chapter 6
I thumbnailed a whole 2 comic pages covering the whole interaction of his hair turning white
Anyways behold!!!
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Riddle’s side profile took ages I don’t want to think about how it looked before I finished
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The thumbnail looks much looser than the finished product but oh well
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nerdyrevelries · 6 months
Castles in the Air
I'm extremely excited to announce that the game I've been working on for the past 4 years is coming to Kickstarter! Castles in the Air (CitA) is a tabletop RPG inspired by the novels of Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery. Players start as children with boundless dreams who will change over the years based on the relationships they form and choices they make. I think it's a really special game, and I'm looking forward to being able to share it with everyone.
For more information or to sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches on May 14th, please check out the game's page on the Storybrewers Roleplaying website. If that name sounds familiar, Storybrewers is the company that created Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG. I feel very honored that they reached out to me about publishing Castles in the Air. While Castles in the Air is a standalone game, its mechanics are inspired by Good Society, and if you like Good Society, I think you'll like CitA too as it allows you to tell similarly compelling stories.
I will be creating some blog posts talking about the literary inspirations for different parts of the game in the weeks leading up to the Kickstarter and during its run. I will be using this as a master post to keep track of all of them, so make sure to check back here or follow my blog if you are interested.
Blog Posts
Meg March: The Nurturer
Jo March: The Pragmatist
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bloodandwhump · 1 year
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Little Men (1998-1999): S01E10 Blame
Part One - Part Two 
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whenthegoldrays · 3 months
Do you ever think about the Little Men series killing Friedrich off in the first scene of the first episode and want to commit violence?
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biblioartsbyemma · 1 year
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A few of Louisa May Alcott’s books.
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litandlifequotes · 2 months
Love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year, and blessing those who give and those who receive.
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott
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clarythericebot · 3 months
Curious--does anyone in the Little Women fandom have any thoughts about Bess/Dan? It's been very long since I've read Jo's Boys (which, honestly, I liked least of Alcott's work) but Dan being in love with Bess was a plot point that stuck out for me.
I feel like they would have made a pretty interesting pair. There are 3 reasons they didn't end up together if I remember correctly, which were: 1) Dan had killed a man (in self-defense + defense of another person I think?) and he is still laden with guilt + Jo herself thinks of him as 'sin-stained' 2) Jo thinks Amy would not approve of the match and low-key warns her to distance her daughter for a while 3) Jo thinks that Bess is too cool and maidenly(?) something along those lines to return the affection.
#2' definitely true, and I can see why Jo warns Amy away (it's completely reasonable even if there's part of me that dislikes her for it--if her parents were okay with letting her marry a poor professor twice her age and with dependents, why can't she and Amy entertain Bess being with one of Jo's best students?). But #3 really is an outright assumption, and we don't have enough of Bess to confirm what she would have felt either way, I think. There really might have been a chance--they both appreciate beauty and admire the goodness in each other in different ways.
And #1 is just an interesting conflict. Dan is sorry. I think he even confesses to a priest. It reflects on him that the death weighs so heavily. But I don't like that Alcott keeps him like that, potentially forever (I suppose this is a separate though related thought from his relationship from Bess). He doesn't find peace and that makes me so sad. And again, I was very much bothered by Jo calling him in her head sin-stained when he is clearly trying to atone. It felt strange of her character.
Dan/Bess would've been interesting, both character-wise (I think Dan would have appreciated Bess' gentle nature and enlivened it, and Bess could've made Dan softer and directed his protective instincts) and thematically (of course you can be forgiven--true goodness can see your sin, embrace you in the midst of it, and accompany you to your salvation).
Buuut that's just me. Curious if anyone has any thoughts on this.
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thebeautifulbook · 9 months
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LITTLE MEN by Louisa May Alcott (Boston: Little, Brown, 1901) Illustrated by Reginald Birch. (1924)
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bookguide · 9 months
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“…while your hand gains skill, let your head grow wiser, and keep your heart as innocent and warm as it is now.”
— Louisa May Alcott, Jo’s Boys
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leos-fever-dream · 11 months
what is it about scruffy-ass, unshaved men that just makes me giggle and kick my feet and blush
like dr cox from scrubs (great show) when he lost 3 patients and started trying to drink himself to death was fine as FUCK
also mads (mr. mikkelsen) with his scruffy little beard and messy hair just makes me want to twiddle my fingers and turn red as ed sheeran's hair
what is it about the scruffy men guys i'm so scared
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joandfriedrich · 3 months
Hello! I’ve never read Little Men or Jo’s boys and I was wondering if they are worth reading after Little Women? Are they strictly about Jo and Friedrich? I don’t mind if they are, but I do wonder about how life is for Meg, John, Amy and Laurie after the end of Little Women.
I would recommend to read the two books. There is lots of Jo and Friedrich since they are the main couple, but you do get to see lives of the other couples too. Esp. in Jo's Boys there are quite lovely descriptions of Amy's and Lauries life together.
There are also some heart breaking moments between the other couples, I don't want to spoil you, but yes I would definitely recommend to read them.
You can read chapter "Sunday" from Little Men together with me and AnnaBelle
-Niina/Little Women Podcast
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caddyxjellyby · 2 months
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batbathing · 1 year
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justo two boys
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bloodandwhump · 1 year
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Little Men (1998-1999): S01E10 Blame
Part One - Part Two
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Title: Little Women
Author: Louisa May Alcott
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 1868
Genres: fiction, classics, historical fiction, romance
Blurb: Tomboy and author-to-be Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy are united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War.
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