#Bess Laurence x Dan Kean
clarythericebot · 3 months
Curious--does anyone in the Little Women fandom have any thoughts about Bess/Dan? It's been very long since I've read Jo's Boys (which, honestly, I liked least of Alcott's work) but Dan being in love with Bess was a plot point that stuck out for me.
I feel like they would have made a pretty interesting pair. There are 3 reasons they didn't end up together if I remember correctly, which were: 1) Dan had killed a man (in self-defense + defense of another person I think?) and he is still laden with guilt + Jo herself thinks of him as 'sin-stained' 2) Jo thinks Amy would not approve of the match and low-key warns her to distance her daughter for a while 3) Jo thinks that Bess is too cool and maidenly(?) something along those lines to return the affection.
#2' definitely true, and I can see why Jo warns Amy away (it's completely reasonable even if there's part of me that dislikes her for it--if her parents were okay with letting her marry a poor professor twice her age and with dependents, why can't she and Amy entertain Bess being with one of Jo's best students?). But #3 really is an outright assumption, and we don't have enough of Bess to confirm what she would have felt either way, I think. There really might have been a chance--they both appreciate beauty and admire the goodness in each other in different ways.
And #1 is just an interesting conflict. Dan is sorry. I think he even confesses to a priest. It reflects on him that the death weighs so heavily. But I don't like that Alcott keeps him like that, potentially forever (I suppose this is a separate though related thought from his relationship from Bess). He doesn't find peace and that makes me so sad. And again, I was very much bothered by Jo calling him in her head sin-stained when he is clearly trying to atone. It felt strange of her character.
Dan/Bess would've been interesting, both character-wise (I think Dan would have appreciated Bess' gentle nature and enlivened it, and Bess could've made Dan softer and directed his protective instincts) and thematically (of course you can be forgiven--true goodness can see your sin, embrace you in the midst of it, and accompany you to your salvation).
Buuut that's just me. Curious if anyone has any thoughts on this.
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
My thoughts on Jo’s Boys: Chapter 4: Dan (DanxBess)
After my first reading of Jo’s Boys, I wasn’t a fan of the DanxBess ship. They come from radically different places and have radically different interests and ideas for the future. IMO, there was no way they could have make it work.
Bess, obviously comes from high society. Amy and Laurie raised her to be a proper lady. She is an artist, especially a sculptor and plans to go study to Rome for years. Moreover, she prefers to stay at home working on her art, rather than spending time outdoors. The only reason why she goes out is because Laurie asks her to do it. And she expects a gentleman to be her husband, as her parents.
Meanwhile, Dan is all about adventure. He has traveled the world and lived in the wilderness. He made friends with an Indian community. He is a good, hard-working, kind man, for sure. But it’s not enough to fit in Bess’ world.
One of them would have to follow the other, and sacrifice too much in the process. Basically, they would have to become someone else to fit into the other’s world, which reminds me of JoxLaurie.
And yet, looking at some of the lines I highlighted in the book I noticed this:
In chapter 4 Dan, there’s this exchange between them.
'I am going to Rome to study for years. All the beauty and art of the world is there, and a lifetime isn't long enough to enjoy it,' answered Bess.
'Rome is a mouldy old tomb compared to the "Garden of the gods" and my magnificent Rockies. I don't care a hang for art; nature is as much as I can stand, and I guess I could show you things that would knock your old masters higher than kites. Better come, and while Josie rides the horses you can model 'em. If a drove of a hundred or so of wild ones can't show you beauty, I'll give up,' cried Dan, waxing enthusiastic over the wild grace and vigour which he could enjoy but had no power to describe.
'I'll come some day with papa, and see if they are better than the horses of St Mark and those on Capitol Hill. Please don't abuse my gods, and I will try to like yours,' said Bess, beginning to think the West might be worth seeing, though no Raphael or Angelo had yet appeared there.
And this:
Bess was mourning about it [the boys leaving] today, though as a general thing she doesn't like boys unless they are models of elegance. She has been doing Dan's head, and it is not quite finished. I never saw her so interested in any work, and it's very well done. He is so striking and big he always makes me think of the Dying Gladiator or some of those antique creatures.
So, maybe Bess did have a crush on Dan? Amy and Laurie show their affection through their art. So it’s only natural that their child would do the same. 
Now I’m thinking of an AU where Bess went to Rome, came back and became part of an American movement such as the Hudson River School. Her art would focus on the incredible American landscapes.
Of course, Dan would have to see the real Bess, cause he always idolized her, more than anyone else. He had her on a pedestal. And that’s also one of the biggest problems between them. Also, this doesn’t take into account what happens later in the novel.
It’s a long shot, but it could be a nice fic!
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