#literaly love when they have to team up
minzart · 2 months
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Guess who just read "the second richest duck" :D
And oh my God these two would have been perfect friends if only they weren't insufferable old man whose life was spent chasing a fucking title instead of actualy enjoying life
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
So next episode, we have eddie, buck, Tommy and marisol at the restaurant. So who Is looking after Christopher? All of Eddie's baby-sitters are there!
But jokes aside this is wild like literaly the episode ended with bi buck reveal and straight away (bad pun I'm sorry) we have the promo that starts with Eddie high jacking the date. Like this has been approuve by the team not just PR like it has to have been approved. And if they didn't want buddie they wouldn't do it like that, heck if they didn't want buddie the bi reveal would not have included eddie and we definitely wouldn't have eddie interrupt the date (I know it's been said before but that is fanfiction territory and just wild!). I'm repeating all the points that shows that they aren't against buddie and that shows that we have a line following them in this journey and all the interviews and all cause im terrified they'll just not make buddie canon and only have eddie being BFF ally eddie but it would be cruel of them to taunt us like that and leave us hanging cause that is a lot like never seen before in any other show a lot!
Fr - this is how Chris is at a sleepover can still win🤭🤭
I love bad puns 🫡
Yesss totally like they’re having the very major moments (and whole storyline in 7x04) be VERY heavy in the Eddie involvement and that’s supposed to be subtle? Nooo they KNOW what they’re doing 10000%
I highly HIGHLY doubt they’d pull the straight best friend thing with Eddie and buck because they KNOW how committed the fandom has been
I totally agree they are DEFINITELY not against buddie (as you said in all the interviews things are looking really good for us) and if I’m 100% honest I do think they’re only being vague still to try to keep us guessing
Like I mentioned this before 7x04 aired but buck and Tommy kissing could make buddie becoming canon less of a shock to the fans so I think that while they kinda needed to do it that way to better communicate to the new audience and GA, sorta to set the scene, they’re kinda now trying to still maintain as much build up and shock for when they do make buddie canon if you get what I mean?
Also that last point of yours EXACTLY like buddie would be monumental, like I don’t think I can name a single queer ship like it and we are SO close
Also yes the fanfic territory is WILD Tim minear tell us your ao3 account 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
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astroyongie · 2 years
oooh I love this post!! can you do one for ateez? thank you so much <3
Ateez Reaction Of Making Their S/O Cry
He will be very mixed about the whole thing
because if you are crying it's mostly because you guys got into an argument
and he is torn between getting you on his arms
and keeping the argument because he isn't done
that's one of the bad things about Hongjoong is that when he is like that he has a hard time controlling his impulsiveness
he probably lets you for a while so he can calm down
but he would come back to talk it out
and mostly to fix things
he probably does acts of service for you to forgive him
This man
he is the defintion of cry baby
he sees you cry
he will cry with you
like literaly
the way he will hate himself for making you cry
ugly crying really
he will hate himself and beat himself for the rest of the year for making you feel like that
although he will try to use the emotional side t make you forgive him
he really sees himself as a piece of crap
he will want to hug you
he will spend the rest of the day being physical and very connected with you
because he would be scared of you not loving him anymore
A little more stubborn than this one
San can't admit it's his fault
so he probably doesn't apologize for making you cry
although he understands what he did wrong
he still thinks what he did was necessary
or was it just that way
so it's complicated
still seeing you cry might make him feel bad
so he will still try to be touchy with you
grab your arm while you try to look way
push agaisnt his chest as he sighs
he holds you close until you calm down
eventually, he will fix things
Despite being an ass sometimes he feels things deeply
and seeing you cry will terminate him
he can hear his cry break
Seonghwa however is very silent
he doesn't trust himself to say anything
because he really wants to yell at you for crying
for making him feel like shit
he is unable to say sorry
Seonghwa is too impulsive
and he hates himself for it
so he will probably walk away and give you time
and come back later once you are ready to talk
or you are ready to move on from whatever happened
Another one on the team "you cry I cry with you"
because despite everything he hates hurting people
and when he does he really feels guilty
and he tales responsibility for it
he doesn't hide his emotions
wooyoung will want to talk about it
he would want you to be honest about his feelings
so he can understand them and rebuild the trust you both have
he won't leave your side until this matter is closed and forgiven
he will give you time after that if you need space
or else he will do whatever you ask him for, provide anything to make it up to you
Honestly he can be extremely not empathetic
and yet Yeosang would feel terrible if he made you cry
because it definitely wasn't his intention
he might use that emotional manipulation to make you stop crying
and to make you forgive him for what he has done
But deep inside he kinda feels like a crappy person
because you didn't deserved that
he will try to talk it out and be a decent person for once
definitely helps you set new boundaries
so this type of things don't happen again
Listen Yunho is complicated
because although he understand why you are crying
he doesn't believe that he did something wrong
however, seeing you cry might play tricks on his heart
and he hates seeing people he cares for in such a state
so he will talk to you about it
he will validate your emotions
and try to make his own emotions heard
after that Yunho will try to make it out for you
snuggling with you
just staying there and talking about anything and everything to rebuild trust between you guys
kisses and just lots of hugs and him apologizing
He will feel very guilty
and terrible
he is the type of guy that will cry if he makes his partner cry
and he won't forge himself
like really
he really doesn't go forward with that because it goes against what he wants to be
Jungho will try to fix things on the spot
like his partner can't leave him until they fix things
he apologizes
he gets very emotional as well
they probably end up talking about a lot of things until they both are their heart cleared
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i just read the whole of existencial cricis mode (IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!) and now i NEEED more peter/jason so i would apreciate recs if you have any :D if not or u dont wanna share thats fine!!!! i also did just wanna say how much i love ur fic!!!!! ive literaly been thinking about it ALL DAY
🥰Thank-you!!!!! I've been having such fun with ECM and have got some FUN things planned 😈 Glad you've been enjoying it!!!! ❤️‍🔥
*coughs* mmkay so embarrassingly, I've actually not read a huuuge amount of Peter/Jason fics. Considering they're only in double digits on AO3 is pretty shameful!! But my recs are:
Caught by PoppyColfax
Jason Todd is just trying to do his best for Crime Alley while managing his criminal enterprise with his team. He wasn't expecting to invite the cute, wickedly smart new tenant to work with him, but, well, his life has always been a series of surprises.
Short and cute! Peter is an enigma to Jason which I enjoyed!
Where could I go? by know_where_usa
When Peter lands in Gotham City, the Joker finds him first.
Peter gets put through the wringer! I'm looking forward to seeing where they're taken though.
I will hear you call by UnderscoreIsCool
He didn’t know how he ended up in Gotham, but damn was he sure gonna try and make things work. At least he was making friends? Also known as: How the fuck did Spiderman end up in Gotham in late November dressed in t-shirt and shorts, and why are his dreams so weird?
This one's soooooo good but I'll be honest I had to take a break on this because pathetically, I can talk the talk (write savage angst) but I can't walk the walk (read other people's angst) because I am in fact, a big baby. It's good shit though!!!!
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
hey. I’m taking your hands. come with me. come watch fenixe insta-kill me with one perfect line. the type of moment that makes me put my phone completely down and walk in a circle around my living room. my entire tumblr is a shrine. see if you can take a wild guess what knocked the wind out of me completely
the context is! Loki cuddled with Maci and Tory admitted for once like a fucking grown up that he didn’t feel well (“what’s hurting you!????” “…emotionally.”) When they asked him how they could help him feel better, a question that genuinely baffled EeL, Tory took him out to the courtyard in a cute little quiet date moment, where they discussed the palace kids, the roses in front of them, and their pending baby, including the baby’s SITUATION THAT’S STILL A SECRET ON THIS BLOG but that’s not suuuuuper important right now. One thing led to another— to Loki’s worries about the baby’s safety as usual, to discussing right here the ways the mortals had referred to Jör in legend. AAAAND SCENE—
formatted for the main blog here cause I want this in the eyes of all of you and. idk I feel like it has to be fancier on here lmao. a ✨canon convo!!✨
Loki: “I suppose it couldn’t have made much of a difference to their terminology if they’d had… A serpent of such size and potential wouldn’t have settled their imaginations. Surely they’d only have seen a beast.
Certainly seeing him as a babe hadn’t helped anyone else, even in the eye of my own f—”
Loki: stops. swallows.
Tory: “You’re among beasts here, at least.”
Loki, faintly: “Right.”
Tory: “We keep Epi around. Nightmare incarnate.”
Loki: a distant nod
Tory, sighing: “And I won’t stand for people treating him poorly for what he is.”
Loki: “Right.”
Loki: the longest, quietest, faraway pause… setting his jaw, and,..,
Loki: “…When Sleipnir was taken from me, I…
I swore— swore. With every sinew and fiber of my being. That I would never let harm come again to any of my children. If I could bear to have any more after my first, that I would never again feel them wrenched from my arms.
I failed.
Once again— twice, three times, in one fell swoop. And after even then, my love and my rage weren’t enough to truly save…
I failed each of them, not once more but five times.”
a cold sneer— “I find your optimism inspiring. I’m glad you’ll be able to save this one. Do let me know what the secret is.”
Tory: “It’s family.”
Loki: falls silent
Tory: “The secret, it’s having your whole community ready to throw down and get feral if something threatens your kid.”
Loki: ,,quiet
and… blinking tears.
Tory: “I pulped the god of death and ate him.
Loki: wiping his eyes
Tory: “No one fucks with my kids.”
Loki: and the shakiest exhale
Tory: “No one fucks with my wife, no one fucks with my consorts.”
Loki…… who despite this all literaly can’t resist, mumbling: “Technically I did the death god pulping for you first, ‘twas my powers that exploded him into your portion sized bits.”
Tory: “Team effort.”
Loki: “I’ll let it slide, I understand. Best not to negate the gravitas of your actions of loyalties.
…Sorry, you were saying. Tch, your consorts, I suppose you consider me formally within the scope?”
Tory, patting the fUCKIN BABY HELLO: “I think you fit the bill.”
Loki: a small nod. and a pause and… he leans into Tory, quiet.
Tory: “It means you’re family.”
and Tory tucking his arm around him; Loki, swallowing thickly, lip wobbling overwhelmed—
forget Loki how about me, I was a fucking puddle— I still AM (Loki nearly wrecking the moment cause he can’t NOT take credit for things fgkfkgkgk)
Instant KO though anyway gestures wildly to this post and this post. do you see. do you understand. it. ITs…. AHHH
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r8cs · 7 months
My perspective of Adrien Agreste changed completely
I just saw a post in idk where that mentions it's wrong to think of Adrien as "loyal" just bc he stopped flirting w/ Ladybug when he found out his feelings for Marinette.
No wonder for a moment in the show I forgot Adrien was seeing Kagami, to My mind never felt something was off on how he acted.
But seriously.
Can we talk about how, bc of his reputation, some of his Bad actions just, disappear from the public scrutiny? (The storyboard team have their shared guilt tho)
(The public being us, by his actions anoying Ladybug. But it could also happen inside the show in the future, being the young male representation of perfection for so long has to mean something for a public figure like him).
And You know what? I would love this to be portrayed in the show.
Would'nt it be interesting if Adrien took advantage of the prenotions society has on him for something? Like a diverssion.
P.d.: I say it bc i want marinette and Adrien to cheat on eachother with themselves and bc of guilt they decide to break up WOULDN'T THAT BE SO ANNOYINGLY HILARIOUS
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12romy · 1 year
Good old sebchal pls
I'm back to the prompts you guys left me, thank you so much for all those wonderful ideas!
So, I decided to start with this one cause it's been a while, and anon, let me thank you, because I took your prompt literaly and I LOVE the way it turned out!
Once the kids and the grandkids - they're starting to have quite a lot of those - are gone, the house feels a little empty. It was nice of everyone to come to Switzerland for the weekend. They don't often get to see them all at once other than for Christmas.
But Charles supposes you don't celebrate thirty years of marriage very often.
He hopes it was worth the trip.
He finishes to load the dishwasher, grimacing as he feels the usual pain in his back waking up with the mouvement, then goes to the living room. The Beatles are playing, softly, in the background, but their audience isn't listening. Sebastian fell asleep in his armchair again. He tends to do that more often these days, not that Charles can blame him. He sits on his own armchair next to him, sighing in relief as he feels his back relax. Turning his head away from the sundown, he watches his husband sleeping.
His hair is fully white, now - although he jokes about dying them some funny colour, or bright blond whenever he spends more than five minutes with Lewis. Charles prays he will be to lazy to actually do it.
He's got more crinkles, too, a lot at the corner of his eyes. He's proud of it, and Charles preens everytime Sebastian tells him they're here because of him, because he made him smile so much during his life.
One thing that hasn't changed through the year is his sense of fashion. He still wear his horrid shorts, flannel shirts and sandals with socks, and completely embraced the grandpa vibe ever since their first granddaughter was born (which was eight years ago, already. Crazy how time flies). Charles has had years of marriage to get used to it, anyway. At least, he stopped wearing overused team gear.
Charles likes to think himself hasn't changed all that much. He might be in his sixties, his hair a bit grayer, but Sebastian keeps telling him he ages like fine wine, so it must be true. He does need glasses, now, but so does Seb.
Talking about glasses, Seb's ones are slowly slipping from his nose, and Charles is afraid it might wake him up if they fall. He gets up from his comfortable armchair again, regretfully, and gently takes Seb's glasses off.
He can't resist the urge to push a curl of hair away from his face, and it's a mistake. Seb blinks awake, yawning.
"Did I fall asleep?" he asks, voice heavy with fatigue. "Charles, this is bad, I'm turning into an old man!"
"Mon chéri, you were already saying that when we met, and you were barely thirty," Charles rolls his eyes. "Plus, you are nearing eighty, you are old."
"Don't you call me old!" Seb clicks his tongue, fakely annoyed. "Young people, I swear, so disrespectful. I'll show you old."
Charles yelps, amused, when Sebastian puts his hands on his ass to pull him half in his lap and kiss him.
"Alright, alright, I get it," Charles snorts. "Still as insatiable as you've always been."
"I just want to celebrate our thirty years wedding anniversary properly, Liebling," he says, kissing him again.
"We're taking this to the bedroom then. I'm past the age of having sex anywhere other than in a bed, and you're a bitch when you complain about your knees hurting."
"Fine, fine," Sebastian grumbles. They both grunts when they get up a little too quickly.
They're leading a fairly happy life, but they could really do without joint pains.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
4 Hounds deep dive
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Alright, so basically after hearing so many times and too many times that the Hound are failed sympathetic villains, I decided to take matters in hands, and to clear up the big misunderstanding about those characters. That’s right, they are misunderstood characters BECAUSE... they aren’t supposed to be sympathetic villains, who on earth gave you the idea you were supposed to feel sympathy for those twisted puppies ?! I mean, aside from Marni and obviously Mauvier, Zephia and Griss are irreedeming villains : their backstory isn’t there to make them more sympathetic but to explain their motivations...look, I know that with 3H we got used to villains never explaining why exactly they want revenge and all, but that’s literaly all there is to it.
As for them being a “family “I feel like there is also a misunderstanding on how they works because if Engage is a tale about new found family, there is actually nothing surprising that the bad guys have a relationship that drastically differs from the postive message our characters on the good side are trying to tell. 
I won’t surprise you if I tell you that what were are shown of the Hounds are a group that has family only the title and barely deserves it seeing how Zephia is an abusive feminine figure in pretty much everyway however, there is indeed one way to say that they are family. If you compare them to Sombron’s family that is, because it turns out to be EXACTLY that, the Hounds are an abusive family, disconnected in pretty much everyway and what is actually tragic about them is that they were all so deluded they didn’t even noticed that they weren’t a true family and yet left us with one scarred invidual : Mauvier. And by that token, I think it actually make sense that we don’t have the sentiment they were family since... they actually weren’t. At all. They were just a bunch of inviduals with all toxic and distorted view on love anf family. In fact, I think that the fact that their counterparts from a reverse universe where Timerra is vegeterian, the 4 Winds, have an actual family relationship and feels like one SPEAKS WORDS. But before that, I just give my thoughts on Sombron’s army in general cause I think people are really weird againts them;
Sombron’s army are excellent villains, they are doing an amazing job at being thorns in Alear’s path. They managed to kill Lumera in chapter 3, they lead succeful attacks on many villages, they manage to steal ALL of Alear’s ring in chapter 10, and when they fail, they got consquences and choosing to make this particularly cruel characters a “family” works with the whole commentary about abusive relationships. It is obvious that those people aren’t the one to believe in comradery, frienship, love, caring for one another etc... the EXTREME opposite of a familial environement !!  
I mean, what better way was there to portray Zephia as an evul lady then having her killing her subordinated for failing in their tasks (cough, cough Nelluce) and beats the sheet out of everyone when they fails or get in her way ?This obviously come at the cost of depicting her as a loving mother figure.. which the game don’t really try to nor wants to do anyway, the developpement of Zephia being that the more she appears on screen, the more violent and cruel she gets which makes up for a developpement as an abusive mother figure and that’s where you see how twisted the Hounds relationships is : they aren’t a family, they are a regular group of co workers for the Evul Papabad guy who are all incredibly egoistical and entitled indivuals that won’t hesitate to back stab each others for the sake of their plans and to kill their comarades as a punishement for messing up, a scenario that makes up for an average evil team but that is made 1000% more messed up by the fact the game creates an analogy with family, making that Engage compare abusive family environement to an evil subordinate/evil general dynamic. What they are doing is horrible, but it’s made worse by the fact that those inviduals are all more or less broken and yearning for a family which leads them to fall into a deluded mindest of them “being a family” and it’s what makes their leader, Zephia, a monstruous villain since her idea of family corresponds to THIS. 
Now from what I noticed, there is no debate in understanding how their character’s work, pretty much every Engage player could be able to sum up all the long dive I made for them in a few sentences, but despite all of that you somehow will still find fans thinking the game wants us to sympathetize with them even though their main victims literaly says THAT :
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And no, I think that the support Mauvier and Veyle has with the Winds aren’t there for humanizing them, nor making them sympathetic. 
In short, I have broken down every member of the Hounds to show exactly why some aren’t reedemed nor should whereas others are and could have been. I also went aboard to explain that they aren’t “yes they were evul but they were just a luving family that could have stayed together if it weren’t for different convictions uwu” but “they weren’t a true family, just a bunch of broken individulas clining into that word without understanding the meaning of it and acting as a cruel abusive family because being the bad guys means back stabbing each others”
So it will goes in that order : Mauvier, Marni, Griss and Zephia.
I also saw critiscim about their backstory being kind of dumpt here and not explored further but I think it keeps in line with the idea of “yes they were once victims but now they are abusers and no ammount of sad backstory can justify this” and the fews line we got still managed to explain the whole psychology of an indivdual. Realistically speaking, Alear and Veyle were not there for the whole unpackage. Zephia just alluded to the idea before them without explaining it further, they leaved before Griss could speak of his for little he shares, and the main detail are in the supports between Mauvier and the Winds which both Alear and Veyle remains unaware of. So while I don’t disagree with it, I feel like it was not necessary to expand unto it this much since it already explains reasonably enough their motivations and purposes, and it aligns with what we are shown of them. Moreover, it aligns also with the fact that at least 2 of the Hounds, Zephia and Griss, had a somehow genuine bound and that’s only when it’s the 2 of them that they are able to be true to themselves compared to character like Marni and Mauvier being unable to read into them. Much like I think that way about Sombron himself since the villains in Engage are motivates by the EXACT same things as our heroes. 
But regardless here I start and I will be linking this post to the one I will make in the future
Part 1 : Mauvier
Part 2 : Marni
Part 3 : Griss
Part 4 : Zephia
By the way, from now on I am calling this game Fire emblem emotional Damage. You’ll see why.
Edit : something I though I could add but if you ever listen to the 4 hounds theme song it’s very unsettling and a bit cacophonic and disharmonious which i think not only illustrates that they are actually threatining and scarry individuals but also emprison their inner twisted minds as well as showing their disharmonious and twisted relationship
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n41r · 7 months
I saw the tags on the last ask but EXCUSE ME, NINE of those Dark Matter things?!?!?! Isn't that way too much than needed, hello!? Culann really got it bad after being forced just one (I'm really sorry if I ended up referring him in a bad way- T^T), but why nine times the amount?! Ouch... My bad on it getting to me by a lot, but I like both Tanta and Ares because the former's my first monster to get while playing and the other being the one that kept me curious about the game itself.. Aaaaaa, I hadn't been keeping up lore wise other than from watching gameplays alone but the big bad of chapter 4 just gives me bad vibes all over him, I think Laphroaig or something was his name? I swear if the personal theory of mine on Laphoraig is wanting a blank replacement that's like him or worse if he himself is gone was the right guess, it's gonna be vengeance time- Hdhahahbdsj, please let Oreca Battle be updated soon so I can beat Laphoraig with Purgatory Emperor Ares in the team!
Aishhh... Um, l-let's try to put that away for a bit, at least something just for me to do. Speaking of Culann, do you have any headcanons you can share? Kinda curious on which hero he's obsessing over in his 4☆ form, with his 3☆ form is literaly the positive polar of a defensive tanker instead of going on offensive. What happens in that one frame though, where he's being held back with Balt at the corner?
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Yup, nine pieces of those Dark Matters on his headpiece- And interestingly enough, it's only apparent on the second version of Purgatory Emperor Ares Which described in the JP Fanwiki, is when any traces of who he was as a passionate warrior have gone and replaced by the purgatory emperor persona
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Also, your theory might have not been far off Because from the description on Phantom Laphroaig's JP fanwiki page, his intention to invade the kingdom persist even without physical form
And now, to answer some of your questions about Culann
I'll put it under the cut, because this answer might go so long because of the images-
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When Culann was first corrupted by Dark Matter in Demizu Posuka's manga, his obsession was to get stronger And in that state of mind, turning into a hero is the method he knows of to get stronger
But since "Sign of a Brave Hero" rejected him, he went on a blind rampage-
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And this is a piece of my own headcanon, but if the Dark Matter that's inside Culann were not destroyed in this fight, the hero he is going be obsessed to, without a doubt, is going to be Tanta-
But since his obsession started with wanting to be stronger and/or anything related to a hero, he might also go berserk if he were to encounter other warrior with Hero in their title, such as Kurt or the elemental warriors on their 4★ evolution This one is only my headcanon, tho-
Other than that, my other headcanon for Culann is that,
4★ Culann is much more expressive with his emotions, while 3★ Culann is much more reserved (This was influenced by my mutual's tweet who points out the difference in fighting style between 3★ Culann and 4★ Culann)
4★ Culann might randomly freeze in place and needed time to regain himself again (This is just me referencing his losing line, which is "What in the world am I?!")
This one is just my own personal HC, but I love to think that Culann have a strong fondness to sweets- And I like to think that this little quirk of his is one of what still remained while he is corrupted by Dark Matter-
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awkwardtickleetoo · 9 months
Okie okie I would love to yell at you about headcannons!! I super super love the way you write dynamics with the Dream Team. In One Sided Tickle Fight we kind of get a little peak into Sapnap and George’s relationship with tickling each other and I want to know sooooo much more!!!
("George, I am the only one who's stopping Sapnap from absolutely destroying you right now. So shut the fuck up or I'll let him do whatever he wants." )
Do they tickle fight often?
Who usually wins?
Is it totally different from how they are with Dream?
Literaly anything else you’d like to tell me about this lovely pairing. That line from your fic has stuck with me since I read it ahaha~~
(I want to see Sapnap absolutely destroy George ngl)
omg if i remember correctly i think this might’ve been one of the first asks summer ever sent me??? like one of the first times we interacted??? that’s so crazy oh my god hi summer
also this one is deffffinitely almost a year old bc one sided was posted in january of 2023 😬😬 whoops….
but either wayyy let’s get into it finally LMAO
do they tickle fight often - oh my GOD yes!!! of course!!!
they are absolutely inseparable, pretty much attached at the hip, and they can never ever keep their hands off each other to save their own lives. that combined with their playful bickering and how much they love making the other laugh?? they absolutely absoLUTELY tickle fight often. it’s practically a daily occurrence for dream to hear screaming from one of them and then walk past and see the other on top of them, digging his evil little fingers into the other boy’s ribs or sides or tummy or wherever he can reach just to get the best reaction
who usually wins - i think it’s pretty 50/50 honestly??? they both pounce on each other like kittens and attack wherever they can/want, and i feel like they’re both pretty determined to win until they’re rendered completely helpless by the other. plus they’re both equally wild and untamed when they need to be
i think it depends on who’s able to get the upper hand and then keep it– like who’s able to get the other pinned the best way to render them useless, or who’s able to get to a spot on the other that does the same thing
however, i do think they both have sure fire ways to take them down, which they both know perfectly well.
for george: getting his wrists pinned really does a lot to get him down for the count. he does a lot with his hands during tickles in general, but especially while playfighting, always pushing and hitting and jabbing and poking, and when sap gets his wrists pinned down secure enough? he loses a lot of his fight and coordination focusing on trying to get them free instead of fighting back, it’s all he can think to do. he does kick a lot, but they’re weaker bc he’s less coordinated :))) poor thing
also stuff that gets him down pretty quickly, grabbing at his thighs/knees, grabbing at his ribs, and grabbing at his hips. any spot that makes him panic like that when it’s grabbed so suddenly helps, because it kinda makes his brain short circuit and all he can do is squeal and shoot his hands down there, and it’s pretty easy for sap to get him all pliant and pinned after that.
for sapnap: getting him pinned on his tummy makes it WAY harder for him to recover and win the fight. similar to george with his wrists, getting pinned face down like that makes it way harder for sap to get his coordination back, and he’s usually too focused on trying to turn back around to escape properly. he tried his hardest to twist around, to kick, to flip his hips over, to reach behind him aimlessly to grab at george and yank him down, and sometimes it works!!! really it does!!! but most times all it takes is george digging in once and that takes him out fully
as for spots, grabbing at his hips and calves/ankles always makes him panic a bit and lose composure, as does shoving into his underarms, even if george doesn’t do anything yet <3
(also, most of the time george turns him back over anyway after he’s fully incapacitated. sometimes he gets right into it, but he likes to see sapnap’s face while he wrecks him, partially bc he’s adorable and partially to tease the life out of him <333)
george gets all mad and growls and yells when sapnap wins, but eventually devolves into giggles bc he loves the silly fighting so much that it just makes him really happy. sapnap gets growly too, but he gets more embarrassed when george wins, because no matter HOW many times he and george have tickle fights, he’s still convinced he’ll win every time because he’s “soooo much stronger than george so it’ll be so easy to destroy him”, which george teases him about each time he wins
is it different from how they are with dream - i think so!! i think it’s a little different tbh
i think with dream they can both be either really soft or really rough, but i think there’s less of an actual fight when dream is involved. don’t get me wrong, tickle fight DEFINITELY still happen with dream, just less often, and they usually happen more when dream is the lee in that situation, seeing as he’s so much bigger and stronger and more tactical with it. obviously there’s more nuance to it than that, but this is already so damn long of a response, so i think that is generally true whether it’s dreamnap, dnf, or all three of them, ler!dream or lee!dream alike
(and don’t worry. i am always thinking about george being absolutely destroyed by his ler– sapnap especially, of course)
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Dude I’m telling you right now if you ever try to get with Rudy or Alejandro you won’t be able to just be with one of them. If you’re with one of them you’re gonna be with the other as well. Them two are LITERALY in love and if you ever become their s/o they will secretly try to fatten you up and make you gain happy weight.
Rudy probably is always cooking when he’s free and when he does he purposely puts more on your plate than what your usually make for yourself and would want you to eat all of it because it means you like it! He will even try to get you seconds. He’s so low key about it and if you ever find out what he’s doing and jokingly call him out for it or ask him he’ll get so flustered and embarrassed by it! He loves the thought of his s/o’s (including Alejandro who will happily gain some happy weight if that means Rudy keeps making his good ass food. He doesn’t know what he’s doing to it but he’s gotta keep doing it) gaining weight because they feel so happy and safe with him makes him so happy. Especially when he sees Alejandro getting little love handles and a bit of a pudge to his belly. Rudy’s form of love is cooking, he could cook for hours and clean up afterwards with no complains cause it’s the easiest way to show love for him. He makes such lavish meals and won’t let neither you or Alejandro in the kitchen while he cooks cause he doesn’t want you to see! It’s a surprise! When he does want help it’s because he wants everyone close to him. I feel like he’s kind of awkward when it comes to being affectionate so doing things like this helps him show his love to the people he cares for. He will always cook some type of dessert every night after dinner AND will expect you to at least try it. It’s always so good!
Alejandro is always trying to hint at having babies- like ALWAYS. Everyone and their damn mama knows this man wants a FOOTBALL TEAM FULL OF BABIES and he’s the man you’d want to have kids with. He will provide everything you and said babies need no matter what and will spoiled the fuck out of everyone. When you three go out shopping he always points out the baby section with a smirk and will pick up little baby shoes saying he’s gonna need to get these soon for the son he hopes he gets for his birthday. He’s of course just joking. Does he want kids? Of course but only when you are comfortable and 100000% ready. And don’t think Rudy is innocent in this either. Any time their s/o playfully slaps Alejandro’s arm saying they are in public after he makes “pumping out babies/ giving you babies” jokes he always throws Rudy under the bus. He always point back at the trailing man who is pushing the cart and saying how he is trying to get them all fat and round cause he likes his s/os chubby. He also has a dream coming home and seeing her just as round with twins and to come home from missions to see her waddling around bare foot with a bun in the oven or see Alejandro playing with their children or sleeping in his recliner with their kids asleep with him.
Rudy would be so embarrassed and yelp while trying to throw something at Alejandro to get him to shut the hell up that they are in public every time it happens and it always causes the man to laugh loudly.
The two of them together is such a funny mess tbh.
This is so cuteee
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profilozof · 6 months
Can we have more headcannons of your one AU with Ruby and Isha?
Sure, so:
1. The whole au takes place over 7 years in the garden, or 7 miliseconds before Mortarion briefly kills mister Robust Govenor and Big E sets Nurgle's garden on fire.
2. Isha entering materium and Ruby being her saviour quite literaly echos across the galaxy, as in roses became a great way to stay off the plague, some Eldar who are actually good people being freed from Slaneash (we will talk about it later), Harlequins sliping during their performances, the harmful mutations going down significantly, Ynnead becoming more active/aware/born, the shards of the shards of Eldar Pantheon becoming recoverable, Big E nose no longer iching, etc.
also they exit on the battlefield that Guliman and Mortarion were dueling... With an crusade worth of people including...
3. Leman Russ, who is also first L in RILL(lilly) who also was stuck fight on the doorstep of Nurgles mansion, not captured but also not being able to move forward. He also can turn into giant wolf deamon form, kinda like Corvus. He basicly carries the team when Ruby is spent.
4. Our divine and semi divine trio picks up the [REDACTED] before the full team frees basicly every single person that was stucked in Nurgle's garden i.e. a 2 craftworlds worth of eldar who wanted to free mom, the space wolves who followed Leman, a lot of unfortunate people who got droped there during the warpstorms including the regiment from the Rebelion of the Men of Iron and Zwei.
5. I decided to make Isha fight Nurgle during the final battle at the gates of the garden, because while Ruby is busy melting said gate with her silver eyes, Leman and [REDACTED] are busy fighting off 6 of Nurgles Exalted Greater Deamons and comabined force of man and eldar are desprertly to slow down 66% OF ALL NURGLE DEAMONS, Isha is showing that she is the Veteran of the War in Heaven and firstborn daughter of Khaine. Imagine said fight as pro Souls-like player fighting the final boss, naked, with first level character. All of that buys Ruby enough time to break the gate and free everyone
6. AND THEN SLANNEASH apears and tries to eat exhausted Isha to which Ruby responded by setting her whole being body and soul on fire and light up like a silver astronomican for a briefest of moments causing She who thirst to hasitate, thus making sure that Isha will have time to flee. Isha decided to not abandon Ruby and decided to risk her whole existence to save her daughter saviour and Slanneash looked her in the eyes and flinched (and with that lost her claim on those eldar who were similar to Ruby i.e. exodites, craftworlders who weren't dicks).
7. Isha healed Ruby via adopting her, as in Ruby becomes the same being that OG Eldaneash and Ulthanesh were (in this au, semi divine twins of Isha and Kuranos). So basicly Eldari primarch except love by their divine parent and geared for the WiH and not Great Crusade. Ruby is not a full fleadged diety (yet), but she is an ironicly asocieted with mental health to Isha's physical health. Among other things.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
I struggle writing for like the mainstream version of “lee!”, but I literaly can’t get this hc out of my head so I figured maybe I could shout it at you and you could enjoy it or ignore it or whatever. You wanna do. So like…lee!George, lee!Sapnap, and ler!Dream.
Sapnap and George going to Dream for tickles, but both their styles of tickling that works for them/what they like is wildly different.
So Dream has both of them down and he’s going back and forth tickling his two best friends. With all the knowledge in the world to what exactly makes each of them tick.
Sapnap is all soft. Light little squeezes, finger fluttering, soft kissys everywhere…soft soft soft. He is an absolute puddle of squeaks and giggles.
Then there’s George. He’s getting it rough and mean. Red-faced, screaming, dying. Dream rubs his knuckles into his ribs and kneads his hips, shakes him by his sides, he flops and squirms in vain. Completely hysterical.
The duality of Dream Team or something.
Maybe maybe George and Sapnap can’t help but tease each other during it and it only flusters them further.
“Such a wimp!”
“You’re a maniac!”
…..u have opened up something within me oh my gOsh.
okay so the trope of lees asking lers for tks is so insanely flustering and GOOD!!!!!! i love this trope sm, bc the lees get so flustered and nervy and embarrassed and the ler either immediately knows, pretends they don’t, or are truly clueless (which in my opinion is the most flustering bc then u actually have to explain)
so george and sap going to ask dream for tks ): ): ): oh my gosh, they’re the sweetest lil things ever. and sometimes dream likes to pretend or tease them and really make them work for it, but the two are being so adorable he can’t help but immediately go soft and cave for them ):
your concept about sap loving soft tks and george loving rough tks????? it is LITERALLY the exact thing i hc!!!!!!! i think they do love both but they definitely have those preferences. and normally when people write dream getting them both it’s kind of around the same thing going on for both people, BUT!!!!! but but but!!!!!! the idea of dream doing specific tks for each boy is just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with sap he takes his time, gliding fingertips up and down strong shoulders and muscled arms. he drags his nails along saps tummy and sides just to hear him erupt with raspy giggles. he gently squeezes his thighs and knees, and makes sure that he doesn’t forget to give a few lighter pokes to sapnaps hipbones. dream would be so careful and delicate with saps feet and ankles, knowing how incredibly sensitive they were. the whole time just so so soft and gentle and kind. sapnap is giggling and squealing the whole time, dream just giggling along with him
with george???? oh my poor angel kitty baby. that poor little doofus. he is so screwed, isn’t he? he loves the tks to be rougher and dream knows this. and he can’t tell if he loves or hates that dream knows. so he’s cackling and wailing when dream knuckles into his ribs. he squeezes his eyes shut so hard that tears begin to stain his cheeks when dream decided to squeeze at the back of his thighs. dream holds his arms up above his head and wiggles tkly fingers into the hollows of his armpits with purpose. george prefers getting absolutely destroyed. he loves the playfulness of the banter and the games and the tks
and you are absolutely correct about them teasing each other. george would be absolutely ruthless in his teasing when dream was tkling sap. he’d be cooing at him and calling him a baby and just teasing him for how sensitive he was. and george, being the actual baby, all the sudden can’t handle when sapnap turns around and does the same exactly thing while george is being wrecked. they’re both messes and at the end dream decides to give them both fluttery side tks to tire them out completely
(george and sapnap obviously decide that even though the asked for the tks, there should be some revenge planned 😈)
(expanded on this idea here!)
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keruworld · 1 year
Why you should love Azuma Michinaga!
Actually Im not trying to convice anyone to like him. In fact if you hate him... go away plz XD... or if you want to read what I have to say... stay. OwO
I also im doing this because there’s a lot of unjustified hate towards him, that makes me wonder if we have watched the same show.
This is just my feelings about Michi... because it have been an experience to like him. He’s definitely not the type of character that I usually love, but here I’m loving him a lot. Shipping aside he’s definitely the best character in Geats for me. I will not cover shipping preferences in this because that could be another topic XD and you know... let’s be real, no matter who your fav ship in Geats is, it will never be canon. If Geats production team is pushing the AzuAce agenda is just marketing, they know very well that sells (and Im buying it XD).
I will also counter the usually speech of people that hate him: He’s evil, he kills people, he dont deserve redemtion arc... etc, etc... Excuse me? Have you pay attention to the show? Or we have not watched the same show?
So... let’s go to see why you should love Michinaga as much as Ace does:
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Those that knows me or know this blog... know already that I hated 01! I was prepared to hate Geats the same way that I hated 01 just because Yuuya Takahashi (the main writer). I didnt expect to enjoy this series as much as I do now. Moreless to love a character as Michinaga: A tsundere boy, self centered with anger problems, revenge and the desire to crush all Kamen Riders. The boy sound exactly like everything that I could hate. X,D
Michinaga was my fav from Geats pressconference... why? because he looked like a Kamen Rider Blade character... in fact he looked like the combination of Kenzaki and Hajime. (and I still have my head canon that Michi is their son X,D But that’s for another post X,D).
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So yeah my like for him in the beggining was just something totally unrelated to the show. Was just his looks. I didnt care at all for him in the first episodes... in fact I didnt care for anyone in the show. Nor Ace, Neon, or even Keiwa seems like good people to the heart in the beggining. Entering this DGP to fulfill their dreams and go with it without really asking why? how? and when? Ofc, this is what this story is about, specially with a main protagonist that we know nothing about.
Michinaga was an average character (may be annoying yes) till the moment he die in early episodes (ep 15 I believe), the scene of him dying in Ace arms was really significant, specially because is the first time we see the boy being true with his words, saying to Ace: Give me a reason to believe on you. before pass out.
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 Before the episode, every interaction of Michinaga and Ace have been interesting... because indirectly Ace have been advising him, with words: if you dont give up the chance to win will came. Surely... in those episodes Ace didnt see Michinaga as a rival at all... may be just like an annoying lad. But everything change when he returned from the dead. And this is where Michanaga character turn to get interesting for saying the least.
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This point is where Michinaga turns into what we call an antihero. He returns from dead to know the other side of the coin of the DGP. He was almost killed by Niram. He was picked up by Beroba like a playing toy without escape from the womans hand (she literaly says: join me or I kill you right here). Michinaga was pushed between the sword or the wall, something that haters tends to forget, he had no option to join to Beroba’s side (he didnt enjoy any of that).
I was totally amazed by Michinaga’s guts. The boy survived Niram deadly attack, like an annoying insect that wanted to survive. Then Michinaga state: FUCKS the DGP. He stated he wanted to crush the DGP now that he knows more than the facade. And I was: GO KING, TOTALLY DO IT, even if it destroys you!! TTATT
I became a fan of Michinaga’s guts. It was the begining of the arc 2 of the series, and I was annoyed that the series totally forgot about the mistery of the DGP and Ace and the others decided to go along with all the DGP rules. So I was all go Michi go Michi, even if he looks like he was suffering because the buckle. TTATT
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In this point we could say that Michinaga changed. Even his primary objective of revenge changed. And I was puzzled like Ace was XD because I truly didnt know what to expect from Michi. He was bad?! What he wanted to do? What the fuck is he thinking? Why he didnt join forces with Ace and others?. Deep down inside I wanted to believe that Michi was a good person even if he was converting in a Jyamato, because he didn't enjoy any of it, he didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he even had to overcome the shadow of his friend, and he did in the most cold way possible.
We could safely say that Michi fighted to the top of his position to be consider Geats rival. I believe that by the end of the JGP, Ace totally considered Michi his equall, his rival. It’s character development at his finest.
Now, since the bullgame that Beroba trampled (because she always got in the way of the true intentions of Michinaga, but he go along with her just for reach his objective) we start to know that Michinaga is not all EVIL, he even did the Bullgame for stop the casualities. And everything starts to fit together like a puzzle.
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Michinaga became the biggest hypocrite, he won even if costed him everything. And now he has the power that he wished for (and is using it for good, even Ace knows, thanks sukiyaki scene of ep36) and to this point he have joined sides with Ace to get down the DGP. I truly LOVE IT. Michiniga embodies what a Kamen Rider is to it’s core: fight evil with the power of evil.
About Michinaga being the biggest hypocrite, I just have to say that there’s no better thing than a hypocrite that knows that is hypocrite. You know... everyone in Geats is a hypocrite to a degree, even the goodest boy Keiwa, after all Geats goes by the premise: trample on the desires of others to achieve your desires.
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That Michinaga don’t deserve redemption? Why? The boy havent been bad and evil, he didnt have any option than join Beroba’s side, he didnt kill people, and all the people that died in the heaven or hell game was casualities, like any other DGP game before it. Kamen Riders couldn’t save all the people in the DGP games, there have always been people that died (like Keiwa’s parents for example). The better that our Kamen Riders could do now is to get down the DGP, Ace and Michi knows... and its only matter of time that Keiwa joins them.
Now I could truly say that I’m enjoying Geats and all it’s cast. We still have time for the power ups and for all the boys and girl to act as true Kamen Riders.
It’s a shame that Geats is not the best, but is not the worse either. I’m aware of it’s faults, may be there have been too much focus on Michi (and haters gona hate X,D)... but come on he’s great, and it’s obvious that his spotlight will have to tone down this last part.
Now there’s a lot of tiny details to say about Ace and the others (Keiwa, Neon) and also about the production, but probably I will write about it till Geats ends. We still have the last quarter to watch, there’s still things to happen. So I will wait till the end.
Thank you if you have read till here. Let’s all love Michi, because he’s more than a tsundere boy with anger problems. He’s a good boy to the heart, he’s a good little bull! U3U And like Ace, Keiwa and Neon... he deserves to be happy and smile from the bottom of his heart. TTATT
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Radha Krishna Jhanki Group in Panchkula Haryana
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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Any religious theme song or song related to God is refers to Bhajan which literaly means "sharing". No specific set or rules are describing for Bhajan, it is a free form of singing based on the devotee how they conduct it. According to Hinduism Bhakti, Kirtan and Bhajan all these three are connected with the vedic era specially Samaveda. Semaveda is meant to sing like a musical score which should be heard. The main motive behind conducting this Bhajan Shandya is to receive blessing of God's. Bhajan also helps to maintain possitive environment around one's selves and wish to get all their dreams fulfilled. In this singer sungs the religious song which gives the feeling to connect everyone with the God. Bhajan has been done generally at the evening time which takes max to max 3 to 4 hours. Pooja has been done by the devotee and the first stage and after that Aarti takes place and at last prasad has been distributed at last, with all this we came to the end of the Bhajan
With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
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calimera62 · 1 year
Du coup, je continue de bombarder : César/Astérix (je connais la réponse mais ça m'amuse XD ) , Pitch/Anna, Anakin/Padme, Luke/Hans/Leia, Holmes/Watson et Basil/Ratigan 😁
Césastérix : the pair I never expected to ship, AND YET. I should have seen it coming. Even when I was a kid, when I was reading the comic, I loved their interactions, I loved the pair they made as hero and enemy, maybe I shouldn't have been surprised to end up shipping them and not just because I love the "enemies to lovers" trope. They're both smart and stubborn. I love the snark between them and the mutual respect they have toward each other. If they were forced to team up for a long period of time, I genuinely think they would do well as a team and appreciate the other's cleverness and sense of humor, and even sympathise to some extent ("The village didn't believe me when that fake soothsayer came. All I wanted was for them to listen to me for once, is that too much to ask?" "I hear you, everyday I'm surrounded by idiots...")
Pitch/Anna : this is a ship I never even considered! I can see the appeal of shipping a lord of darkness with a pure cinnamon roll, but I don't go there. Good for you if you do, thought!
Anakin/Padme : I don't mind them, they're cute together and how can you not like them when they created perfection (aka Luke and Leia), and I do love seeing fanarts of them, but I'm not invested in this ship. Mind you, I don't care much for the romantic ships in this fandom, I'm much more invested in the platonic ones ^^ However, I find this ship much more interesting if you see Padme as feral as her husband. Remember, she's as much a disaster as him! As prone to attract danger as him! She's the woman who saw this beautiful disaster of a Jedi and thought "I WILL peg him", who sees danger and run toward it, who wore white clothes to the big battle at the end of AotC and a sexy dress just to tell Anakin they can't be in a relationship. My girl is feral and I love her for this. Her children aren't reckless just because they got their father's genetics.
Luke/Han/Leia : I don't know if you mean as a romantic or platonic pair, but I love them a lot. They're my precious space trio, my favourite found family. They complete each other, can't be without each other. Luke and Leia looked at Han and said "I WILL adopt him", Han saw the twins and said "FUCK, I'm not immune to their powers", and I think that's beautiful.
Holmes/Watson : I love them, as friends or as lovers, because no matter the nature of their relationship, you can't deny how important they are to each other, how they complete each other. I can't see them without the others. They're each other's constant. They don't need a label of friends or lovers, they're just... essential to each others. They make me so soft. I see them and think of decades of devotion, of adventures, of them growing old together, of sacrifice, of bees and writing and cases, reading by the fireplace, walking together on the streets of London with their arms entwined. I love them so much your honour.
Basil/Ratigan : fun fact! I don't ship Holmes/Moriarty in any form or media, but I. Will. Go. Down. With this ship. Literaly one of my favourite Disney pair. They genuinely hate each other but I do believe they can't live without each other. They provide each other a challenge, they spice each other's life. They could have been friends and maybe they were in the past but their career of choice ended what they have, and its makes their relationship more interesting!
Send me a ship meme
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