#literally the most rouxls post
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idiocytheater · 8 months ago
Hey! Regarding your last post about the Deltarune theories you have, please scream them into the void of the internet. I wanna know, and even if I can't find your account, it's still gonna interest somebody. And if in the case scenario that it doesn't, literally, who cares? You have nothing to lose about posting them. So please do it. (I have no idea if you're going to take it nicely I have no bad intentions I swear-)
(Also, I'm French, so if my English is bad, sorry!)
Hello! I am on and off the internet sometimes so if I'm silent for a while then don't worry, please. Also your english is fine, it's my native language and I mess up all the time!
Rouxls Kaard, he is always on my mind. He has so much about him we don't know, and what we do know makes him that much more interesting! he is literally the rules card, therefore he must have some reality bending abilities (akin to Jevil or even Gaster). He has to be over-powered because of this, plus: we never see him fight! What's more is that he has something to do with the main gimmick of the next chapter (or so we've seen): in Chapter 1 Susie had to throw Ralsei to hit a certain point on an enemy, Chapter 2 that's exactly what we had to do with the werewires. In Chapter 2 his main gimmick is the house. (More under the cut)
Ralsei... regarding him. What's his deal? What is he? And is he truly a prince? All questions I'm sure some have asked, though I don't have the answers I can give theories. Ralsei is often depicted at the flowers in the trashcan in the house, or Kris' headband (I will not refute though the flowers seem unlikely). I don't truly think he is the prince of the legend either, what do we have to prove that he is? His word alone. I think Lancer will the the prince of the dark as we have evidence for that. I also think Ralsei will be an antagonist later on, no particular reason other than we know he's hiding something.
The Angel. It's Noelle. I will believe nothing else. Many people shut this down due to the Hometown's Angel, but we can assume that the Darkener's beliefs are based on Lightner's actions (The Knight). With that I assume that The Angel will be a Lightner as well. Noelle is the most likely to go to church (Kris canonically doesn't, Susie probably doesn't, Berdly is Berdly), and with the religious imagery around her (Being directly called angel, Ring of Thorns, saying "I'd grow big, white angel wings", the "wings" she does have on the snowgrave route, the robes, and being the most likely to go to church).
That's all for now!
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loathemetc · 6 months ago
Deltarune Theory: Another Weird Letter.
God okay, pulling out this again. My track record with Deltarune theories has been... Bad? Like okay, I don't have any crazy long-held beliefs that have been debunked, but I tend to rush to put out a theory right after new info drops based on my first thoughts and then literally disagree with what I came up with like, a day later as the information settles. I still thought Gaster and the Knight were the same guy right off the heels of Chapter 2 before thinking about it for a minute.
So fuck it, let's do it again, we got another weird letter!
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So the first noticeable thing is that this doesn't really resemble any other mysterious characters (or characters we know of's) text. I mean, there's not much to pick up on, the only defining feature here is weird spacing, and a decent amount of commas. Which is also true of the weird valentine from earlier in the year, but this text lacks the caps lock and whimsical personality. The weird valentine also never broke line without punctuation. And if the weird valentine didn't match Gaster's text, this matches even less.
Now, as kind of an aside since I forgot to ever make a post about this, but I believe the Valentine was from the egg man behind the trees, and therefore the egg man is not gaster. There's a video about this but it only gets to the point like 30 minutes in so here's a quick chart.
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So, if the prose style itself only tells us that it's not Gaster or the egg man (Or Spamton or Queen or Rouxls or-), then what can the actual contents of the text tell us?
Well, first it raises the question of if this is even a tease for Deltarune at all. It is Undertale's anniversary after all, and the mentions of best friends, 999999s, nothing being able to hurt you anymore, and laughing flowers with scary faces do paint a very "Asriel and Chara" kind of picture. Especially with the earlier damage font 9 gag evoking Chara in the newsletter. It's certainly a possibility, one I won't dismiss, although there are some odd things about it. If it's from Asriel, he never picked laughing flowers with scary faces, considering he was one. (See Addendum for correction) And it seems less likely to be from Chara, as they seem like the one who would like the number 9 in that way.
I could just leave it at that, (AND I SHOULD HAVE) but we should examine what it would mean if this was in fact a tease for Deltarune, and, if I'm right, Chapter 3 specifically. You can't really get more Asriel and Chara vibes in Deltarune than Asriel and Kris's house, after all, so of course the vibes are similar. I do feel like this paints a very deliberate picture. Where would we expect to see laughing flowers with scary faces in Deltarune? The trash can in the Dreemurr house of course, more accurately it's dark world variant. The flowers in the trash have often been speculated as a Chapter 3 secret boss since Chapter 2 released, although here it seems more like we're getting the perspective of a character who has surrounded themselves with these flowers, and perhaps this is our secret boss instead. Who's to say, as while this letter is shrouded in the mystery you'd expect from a secret boss, so is most of Chapter 3 right now. The mention of good memories definitely fits the vibe of the sadder aspects of the dreemurr home Chapter 3 may touch upon. I think it's probably safe to say this is a chapter 3 character that we might find in an area representing the trash can, but isn't the trash flowers themselves. Maybe something else that's been thrown away?
What's less safe to say is who this character is, so this last part is a lot more speculative based on things we already know. People have tried to place the mysterious character "Mike" in any role you can think of, so I might as well try here too. We know Spamton knew someone named Mike, who he seemed to be on good terms with. If the letter was written by Mike, then Spamton is definitely someone you might expect to enjoy high numbers.
Let's take a look at something else Spamton said too (featuring another Liss cameo in one of my theory posts.)
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If you're not caught up, we can assume the Cathode in question is Tenna, the TV boss of Chapter 3. Whatever Tenna and Mike's relationship may be, Spamton seems to want them far away from each other. So, given the contents of the letter, maybe Mike is hiding in whatever trash can equivalent area Chapter 3 may have among the flowers, to lay low and keep off Tenna's radar? That's about as speculative as I'm willing to get for now.
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The way this is written made it hard to parse for me but it seems more like it's not be about laughing flowers with scary faces but rather Chara's laugh and scary face. The wording kind of fucked with me there.
So it really does just seem like it's about Chara and Asriel. See what I meant about my bad track record?
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theslotherin18 · 2 years ago
As a follow up to the rouxls post I made, I want to explain how rouxls kaard looks out of place compared to the other card characters.
So, to start, our of all the 52 cards that are in a standard deck(not including jokers or rules cards) we only see a small handful. However, of those few, plus with the original concept art (which includes the 4 queens, which are not shown in the game) we can see there is a general trend in appearances.
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Spades are some sort of round mammal like creature(like a hamster), diamonds are snake-like, clubs are cats and hearts are hearts…(maybe slug like idk but they don’t look human).
Rouxls looks out of place by being arguably the most human looking of them all with hair and all that.
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His sprite in the light world is also inverted in comparison to lancers (but to be fair we can only compare one with the other and we see no other card this close up in the light world
(Also if I may add if you invert the top image of rouxls you see someone very very familiar, not saying he literally is him just pointing it out)
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This could just be an oversight and I am just looking into it too much but if it was on purpose it could mean something. It could be that
He may not be originally from that specific deck and could have been added, created or replaced to the deck
He is Gaster’s horcrux
Could still be from the original deck but since rules cards aren’t playable cards like everyone else they tend to vary based off manufacturer and version hence being off theme(most likely answer)
May be the rules card from a different game, idk tarot cards, jenga, deltarune etc
Idk he just feels off theme which is probably intentional
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ask-the-determined-river · 5 months ago
Booths sound nice, let's sit there.
*Sits across from River. Attempts to eat without looking weird*
I probably should have practiced basic stuff before using this form. The food is still as good as I remember, though. Looks like the dog squad is still out. Really don't want to deal with them.
By the way, we should probably get a story straight of how we met.
(If you need to draw her, right now she will look similar to Ceroba but with brown fur. When she is human, she will look like your Frisk just with purple eyes, which are always open. She is wearing a black dress with a star pattern)
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River Person takes a few bites of their burger as they think of a story, they speak quietly so no one overhears.
"...Hm.. . . there are many monsters in Hotland's capital, it is a busy place, perhaps you only lived there for most of your life and want to venture out and see the rest of the cave system? And asked me to take you on a tour?"
"...Or does that sound............silly?"
They are then caught off guard by the sight of Ice Wolf-
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The sight of him reminds River Person of their special Wolf friend, but before they can even consider saying 'hi'-
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River Person jumps in surprise, looking up at Rouxls Kaard, completely baffled.
In fact, so are the rest of the monster villagers...HOWEVER, no one seems to take the other hooded person's advice to run.
And then there is Grillby, who is furious at the loud stranger for knocking down his door- he throws a warning fireball at Rouxls Kaard's shoes.
Red Bird: "....Uh, I'm pretty sure he wants you to pay for that...you loud jerk,"
River Person looks at their counterpart eagerly: "Tra la la! I have no idea if this is part of the correct timeline or not, but this is exciting!"
Mun: @askmistaketalesurgesans surprise! I changed my mind, we're going with your idea.
I still very much want to keep RP's boat above water though, please, and thank you.
And @here4fanfiction ...you literally sent your message right after I finished making this post, so I squeezed it in just in time, thankfully I've gotten into the habit of drafting things before posting. Also, your mystery Ice Wolf is giving me Death vibes from Puss In Boots 2.
I'll wait for everyone to respond.
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eksvee15 · 2 years ago
I have been working on a theory regarding all of our repetitive smiles. All the weird smiles we don't know the meaning of in Undertale and Deltarune? That theory attempts to solve this mystery.
I call this theory, the Cheshire Smiles Theory, or the Consequences Theory. Bear with me on this one because it'll be a wild [Ride Around Town].
Disclaimer, this theory bases itself off the "Chara is the consequence, not the villain" theory, the "Kris hates us" theory, the overpopular "MysteryMan is Gaster's sprite" theory and the whole shtick of the secret bosses seeking out freedom. This theory also bases itself around the concept of Consequences a LOT. If you don't believe/like any of those theories, read at your own risks and don't get angry at me. I warned.
What is a cheshire cat's smile?
Smiling like a cheshire cat, as defined by google, goes as follows : "The Chesire Cat grin is an expression made by The Trickster who's up to something, and 'something' never bodes well for the person they are smiling at. Usually, it involves their total humiliation - occasionally it involves mortal danger."
Alternatively, a cheshire cat smile can be compared to the very literal meaning of it : The smile found on the enigmatic Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The peculiar traits we'll focus on here will be the enigmatic smiles behind which he hides, as well as its ability to disappear and appear at any time.
In Undertale and Deltarune, however, smiles are relatively common. Happy smiles like Papyrus and Undyne's, embarassed smiles like Alphys', fake smiles like Rouxls Kaard's, hopeful smiles like Asgore's and Asriel's, evil smiles like KING's and somewhat Queen's? But most notably Flowey (the absolute king of evil and fake smiles here). This leaves a type of smile : The type of smile found on Chara, Spamton, Jevil, Sans to an extent, MysteryMan/Gaster, Spamton NEO, Kris in the Ch1 ending, and the TV's smile in the Ch2 ending. Those, are which I'll refer to as cheshire smiles, and I believe they come from a specific cause : Consequences. Those smiles that seem to appear and disappear when we least expect it? They're all thanks to the consequences of actions. Ours, theirs, actions overall. And I'm going to explain why.
Undertale's Cheshire smiles
The most obvious cheshire smile I think about here is Chara's. Chara, the demon that comes when you call its name. You only see their smile upon completing either a No Mercy run, or a Post NoMercy Pacifist run. Chara is the literal embodiment of the consequences of our actions, here to delete our world regardless of our choice after a No Mercy run, here to remind us of our actions if we try a Pacifist afterwards. Chara is there. Chara remembers. Chara reminds. Chara is the consequence we deserve. And their smile is engraved in our game, as a consequence of making the underground go empty. And it will be there every single time.
Chara here is the whole basis of why this theory exists. A smile that we don't expect, a smile that randomly appears, and a smile motivated by the consequences of our actions. The perfect place to start. Chara is going to be our standart for what a Cheshire smile means in Undertale and Deltarune alike.
Our next candidate in Undertale will be Sans. Although Sans doesn't constantly seem to fit the description of cheshire smile, he is actually one of those that fits the BEST, both based on Cheshire Cat standarts and Chara standarts. He appears and disappears at will, has an unforgettable smile, is a literal judge, is silly and lazy (like a cat) but also, the Sans fight is the most memorable consequence of doing the No Mercy run. Sans' true smile, different from his smile in the textbox, only appears in the ending of a run most of the time, be it in the True Pacifist ending, or the No Mercy ending, we will be faced with that smile, possibly for dozens of times over. I don't count Papyrus, because Papyrus' smile is always innocent, happy, cheerful, confident. Sans' smile never shows emotion, he's a pokerface. Yes, I know, he appears shocked when we hit him but come on. This doesn't disprove it. Sans is peculiar also in the sense that he is very much depressed. Be it through the HP is Hope theory, or just by Undertale lore standarts, it's obvious Sans is depressed and his smile isn't there for himself. Which WOULD qualify him as a fake smiler if the whole rest of the explanation didn't matter, and if the Sans lore wasn't as complicated as it is. It's obvious something happened to make Sans stay like this, he's not just keeping it up for the image. We've yet to discover why, though.
The last member of this list will be MysteryMan/Gaster. I know he's relevant in both games, but his first real appearance is in Undertale plus his lore is in Undertale, so I'll put him there. Gaster is similar to Sans in his cheshire traits, in the sense that he is incredibly mysterious, basically can disappear at will, and his smile seems frozen on his face. A trait also similar to Cheshire Cat is that he doesn't seem real despite being in front of us. However, Gaster has no relevant appearance in the game for us, why would his smile be cheshire if there's none of our consequences? Well that's it, the consequences aren't OURS. They're HIS. His smile is frozen like this, frozen through time and space, because his ambition caused him to fall into his own creation. He was his own downfall, and as a consequence, he is stuck like this. Once again, a smile caused in consequences.
One could argue OMEGA Flowey's smile is a cheshire one, given the entire embodiment of consequence that he is. However, that's the only trait he has, a consequence that's not even caused. It's a decision he takes, the only consequence is that he looks like that after taking the souls, nothing more. OMEGA Flowey, much like Flowey, has a smile stuck in the Evil Smiles cathegory.
Mad Dummy and Mad MewMew don't count here, as their smiles are either malicious or, in No Mercy, genuine happiness. While the latter comes from a consequence, it isn't nearly relevant enough to be cheshire, and has no implication aside from "I finally became myself".
Deltarune's Cheshire smiles
With the Undertale part out of the way, time for the big bit of this theory : Deltarune. And oh boy do I have a lot to talk to. Bear in mind, Chara's smile is the standart Cheshire smile portrayed by Toby Fox.
Our first contestant here will be Kris. Kris? But they never smile!. . . They do, once to our knowledge. In the Chapter 1 ending, Kris flashes a menacing, yet.. Familiar smile to us. I believe this smile is the consequence of us, the soul, possessing them and making them do all of this, and their smile here as well as their actions is their way to fight back. It's to send a message to us, that consequences are coming. This smile is VERY reminiscent of Chara's own smile, which shows up at the end of the run and reminds us that our actions WILL have consequences. This is exactly Kris' message here, I believe. Small note here, this will be the one smile that barely doesn't fall out of cheshire. It's WAY on the fronteer, but given how relevant Kris' smile is in this scene, it barely makes it in.
Next up is Jevil, our good ole' jester of the deck himself. Jevil is probably the character that smiles the most in Deltarune, as he never gives it up. Even the Devilsknife is smiling, to quote him, and he IS the Devilsknife. Jevil has the silliness, and the ability to disappear to reappear, while also having the dangerousness and most of all - being optional. The consequences here, again and much like with Gaster, don't come from us. Seam (a smiling cat..how peculiar and conveinient.), Jevil's friend, gives us insight and story on Jevil. Evidently, Jevil found himself behind bars due to his false belief of being free to do anything, and going rogue because of it. Jevil broke, and his insanity lead him to where he is today as a consequence. Jevil is stuck smiling in his little freedom in the end.
We've been to one end of the freedom scale, let's go to the other end : Spamton G. Spamton. This guy has probably the biggest amount of consequence events in the entire Deltarune yet. He was a salesman, got a phonecall and as consequence his smile was everywhere, the phonecalls left so he fell to the dumpster and now he's just a smiler puppet craving ..something. The biggest reason I bring him to the table is because HE IS LITERALLY A COPY PASTE OF CHARA IN THE SNOWGRAVE RUN. He gives us the weapon of the kill, tells us how many left, and he is the overpowering force you meet at the very end of Chapter 2's dark world if you do Snowgrave. In parallel he calls out every single action you've taken. He literally does Chara's job in Deltarune Chapter 2's weird route, in which he becomes the embodiment of the consequences of our actions. In the normal route, as himself, he's a broken man trying to escape the situation his own consequences put him in. Spamton NEO is his own worst invention, an award losing smile to lose it all. Another thing that shows the cheshire in Spamton would be the way he seems to be everywhere. Check any dumpster, it'll have a pillow inside. Spamton lives everywhere. Even the LoadedDisk item smiles in your hand, like Devilsknife with Jevil.
Finally, the TV at the end of Chapter 2. I think it's going to be a prelude to a cheshire smile, it has the design for it already and with all the smiles we've encountered so far, this feels very much like Kris' smile. A prelude to danger, a message. We know one thing for sure : it's here because of a bad consequence. Kris opened a dark fountain, despite Ralsei's warnings. As a result, this smile comes into play to tell us things are about to go south. I think this preludes a Cheshire smile for the character this is supposed to foreshadow, especially considering their entire smile will be a reminder of Kris' actions in opening that fountain to begin with. If it's Mike's smile? We'll probably see it everywhere.
One thing I didn't mention is something I said at the very beggining. The cheshire cat's smile is prelude to danger and a bad message, which Jevil, Spamton NEO and the TV's smile all represent.
Similar to previous examples, Ralsei, Susie and Lancer are no cheshire. They're not a consequence, and Ralsei's smiles are of utter kindness, Susie's are usually positively mischievous or just genuine, and Lancer. . .is Lancer.
Important to note here that Mike essentially humiliated Spamton, which feeds even more in my theory of Mike's smile being cheshire-esque.
There you have it. My entire theory on the hidden types of smile through both games. I believe this will probably amount to something in the end of Deltarune if my theory prooves true, and if it does, then the ending of Deltarune might really change as a consequence of finding all of those secret bosses. But that's a theory for later.
Thanks for reading, I'd love your input in this and PLEASE take care of yourself, 'cause someone really cares about you :)
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abyssembraced · 1 year ago
Me explaining the abilities Rouxls has as the Rules Card has been long overdue, so here it is now! Better late than never, I suppose.
Rouxls has two separate powers at his disposal, the first and simplest of these being his teleportation. He, of course, does this several times in-game, and is capable of transporting both himself and other people (though teleporting other people takes more effort and energy than it does for himself, and teleporting multiple people at one time is the most difficult). Rouxls can teleport himself to anywhere he has physically seen in-person and knows the general location of.
His other ability is far more interesting, though, and is the actual focus of this post. I call it "House Rules".
More info below:
With House Rules, Rouxls is able to use the magic he has as the Rules Card to create his own rules for himself or other people. Hence its name! He's quite literally creating his own house rules for the world and game that is Deltarune.
Rouxls has a certain number of "spell slots" available to him to create House Rules with, and the amount of slots an individual rule takes up varies depending on how difficult it is to enforce. He doesn't need to "recharge" these slots like you would for spell slots in D&D—it's just a limit to the amount of House Rules he can keep active at one time (so it works more like Charm Notches in Hollow Knight). I haven't decided exactly how many spell slots Rouxls has though.
The exact "cost" of a single House Rule can also fluctuate based on the people affected by it. If everyone involved agrees to the rule, then it takes less magic for Rouxls to keep it up. On the other hand, though, if Rouxls tries to create a rule that nobody else wants, then it'll be extremely hard for him to keep it active. He might still be able to force it into existence if he really wants to, but depending on the House Rule's "base cost" and how opposed to it everyone else is, it might take all of Rouxls' spell slots just to uphold that one rule. Similar to when you're playing with house rules in a real card or board game!
Rouxls keeps this aspect of his ability tightly under wraps, though. After all, if his opponents knew they could influence his House Rules and potentially shut down anything he tries to do, then that leaves him basically helpless and unable to do anything beyond just teleporting away. Most people don't even know that Rouxls can create House Rules at all. As of the end of Chapter 2, the only people he's told about the ability are the King of Spades (since that's why he hired Rouxls), Lancer (just from spending a lot of time around Rouxls), and possibly Queen (maybe Rouxls tried to impress her with his powers in the hopes of getting her to hire him). And nobody knows about the "opposing the rule makes it harder for Rouxls to create it" part of it.
In order to create a new House Rule, Rouxls must 1) Activate his magic in some way with the intent of creating a new rule, and 2) Verbally state the rule that is being created out loud. Because of the activation requirement, Rouxls will never create a House Rule by accident just by speaking normally. Deleting any of his existing House Rules can be done silently, on Rouxls' command at any time he pleases.
For example, Rouxls' ability to float is not actually something he can naturally do—he's granted himself that power using his House Rules. It's something he keeps active pretty much permanently, since this rule in particular hardly costs any of his magic.
While in the Cyber World in Chapter 2, Rouxls has one other House Rule active: one that makes him immune to the statue-fication that is supposed to occur from being in a different Dark World. This is why he takes so much longer to turn to stone compared to Lancer (and never does fully turn) in the normal route, and why when it does start to happen, it's instantaneous. Upholding this rule is, of course, extremely hard to do, given that it goes directly against how the Dark World works. That one House Rule takes up practically all of his power, with just enough left to let him keep his floating ability. At the end of his fight, however, he tries to use House Rules yet again, in order to show off his "REALE Power". Of course, all of his spell slots are already full, forcing him to dismiss the statue-immunity rule to make room for the new one (which he did without thinking about the consequences at all dgdgshf). By that point, enough time had already passed that the only thing keeping Rouxls from becoming a statue was his House Rule, so with that gone, he started turning to stone immediately and rapidly. Luckily for him, he was able to at least preserve his head by cancelling the other House Rule (and perhaps also his floating one out of panic, which is why he crashed to the ground soon afterward) and reactivating his immunity one quickly enough, which he kept activated until he was returned to Castle Town.
Generally, when creating House Rules that directly affect a person (be it himself or someone else), he can only impact them physically, not mentally or emotionally. For  example, Rouxls would able to change someone's stats during a battle. But, he can't do something like "New Rule: Swatch now wants to make me Butler Supremeth!". He's got rule-making abilities, not mind control dgshshsf.
Also, as you could probably guess, different House Rules can have similar effects, but notably different costs to maintain them. For example, it is much easier to uphold a rule that claims "I, Rouxls Kaard, now have 5 additional points of defence", compared to a rule that says "Kris now has 5 less points of attack", since Kris has a much greater ability to reject a rule that directly affects them. So Rouxls has to be smart with the House Rules he creates if he wants to be efficient with his spell slots (and he usually is, since he's had these powers all his life and is accustomed to how they work).
So yes! Those are the two abilities Rouxls has. As you may have noticed, that means that he isn't capable of any sort of offensive magic. House Rules makes him an extremely useful support unit—likely one of, if not the best at it among all Darkners. But, that's all he is, and he's pretty much useless in a fight if he doesn't have some sort of ally or weapon that can do damage for him. That's why in Chapter 1, he summons a buffed up K. Round to fight Kris and co. instead of doing it himself. And in Chapter 2, the Thrash Machine is the one actually attacking most of the time. The one exception to this is the box attack Rouxls uses, but those aren't made of magic at all. The sprites are exactly the same as the puzzle boxes he has in the overworld. He's just throwing regular-ass boxes at you because there's nothing else he can do lmao.
I was planning on including my thoughts on what a secret boss-type fight against Rouxls would be like, but this post is already super long so I'm just gonna make that its own separate post. And that one'll go up... Eventually dgsgshs
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lancerious · 2 years ago
I know your not big on shipping, so I wanted to ask,
What are your favorite strictly platonic relationships in UTDR?(besides Lancer and Susie obvs)
Ooooh, this is an interesting question! I haven't thought too much about it, but there are some platonic relationships I do like. These aren't in any particular order :P.
First is Susie and Kris! I really like seeing Kris and Susie slowly bond together over time. At the beginning of the game, Susie bullied Kris to no end, but they're honestly legitimate friends by now, and I'm sure their friendship will only increase the more the game progresses.
Next is a bit of a controversial one, but I really do like the relationship between Kris and Spamton. Sure, Spamton tries to kill Kris and their friends by the end, but for some time, Spamton was a silly little man. Did Spamton have malevolent intentions? Yes. But Spamton doesn't try to outright harm Kris until he turns into NEO, at least from what I remember. For a while, Kris is just interacting with a desperate and corrupted salesman.
Another platonic relationship I like is Noelle and Berdly, and by extension Noelle and Kris. Noelle is honestly a character who gets along with everybody, and I really respect that. Berdly seems like the type who doesn't have many friends, so being buddies with a kind and patient person like Noelle is definitely positive. And Noelle and Kris have known each other for quite some time! They used to hang out a lot from what we know. Some more background on their friendship would be cool to see!
This next relationship isn't really positive lol, but I LOVE how Swatch and Rouxls Kaard get along, or should I say DON'T get along. Most of it is due to Rouxls Kaard's arrogance and silly nature. I don't think we've seen those two characters interact directly--again, at least from what I remember--but boy, I would REALLY like to see that.
Another controversial platonic relationship is Jevil and Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. Jevil was definitely dangerous and certainly could have killed those three--I for one had to spend hours to get through his boss fight--but I don't really believe it was of purely malevolent intent. I think Jevil was trying to show them the truth, was trying to help them be free. Jevil had long since been insane, and his perception of right and wrong was twisted. And in the end, if you battle him the right way, he warns you about Queen before any other character. Nice!
Sticking with Jevil, I REALLY like his backstory with Seam. I can't say for certain if Jevil and Seam were legitimately IN a relationship--hello, Seavil fans--but for the sake of this post, I'm going to assume they were just friends. Close friends maybe, but friends. The pain of having to lock Jevil away must have been soul-crushing for Seam. Those two worked together, and knew each other really well. It's a shame their friendship had to end in such a somber way.
Rouxls Kaard. Rouxls Kaard and literally everyone. No, I will not elaborate.
This is more of a "hoping they become buddies later on" platonic relationship, but man, I really like the dynamic of Spade King and Susie. I really think Spade King is similar to Susie personality-wise, and they could genuinely get along if not for the current...issues put in place (Spade King despises Lightners, Susie despises Spade King, etc). But even now, seeing those two go back and forth is still refreshing with every playthrough.
This is definitely another controversial one: I really enjoy the dynamic amongst Spade King and his citizens in Chapter 1. The Darkner citizens fear Spade King to no end, and most are forced to attack your party. Well, all of them are forced, but not every Darkner outright attacks you. We even see a Rudinn who refused to fight get imprisoned later that same chapter. It's super sad, but incredibly interesting at the same time.
And for the final few platonic relationships, we have the one and only Lancer! I won't mention Lancer and Susie again, but I will mention other platonic relationships.
Since I've already mentioned this before in my Lancer document, I'll simply state it here: Lancer and the Darkner citizens in Chapter 1 has got to be one of the saddest dynamics ever. It's even making me sad thinking about it :(.
Lancer and Kris/Ralsei. Lancer may like Susie the most, but he gets along with Kris and Ralsei too! Both Kris and Ralsei do their best to treat Lancer well and be as kind and friendly to him as possible, and I really like that. Lancer deserves those three, for sure.
Lancer and Queen! What interests me most about this particular one is the fact that Queen...doesn't really know how to be a parent. Queen's a computer, while Lancer's not. They're both very different characters. It'll be interesting to see how they get along as the game progresses!
Okay, I know I already mentioned Rouxls Kaard, but I need to mention this specific relationship. Rouxls Kaard may be the king of goofing up, sure, but he does legitimately try to be a good father to Lancer. He might complain about Lancer from time to time, but he does care and wants to do his best. Part of it may be because of Spade King looming behind the scenes, but honestly, I think that's a minor reason. Rouxls Kaard seems to be a character with a lot of heart, even if he messes up a lot.
And finally, last but certainly not least, Lancer and Spade King. What can I say about this father/son relationship that I haven't said already? Spade King may be a...questionable parent, at least from what we know, but he does care about Lancer. He wants what is best for his son, even if his methods for showing it are highly controversial. And seeing Lancer care for his dad after everything he's done is so heart-warming. I really want these two to establish a proper, genuine, healthy father/son relationship by the time the game ends.
Well, that's everyone I can think of! This list ended up being longer than intended lol. I guess I had a lot to say.
Thanks for the question! I enjoyed answering it :)!
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str4y-c4t-strut · 3 years ago
The Little Prince Theory (Deltarune)
So, after hearing some comparisons of Ralsei to the story of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery, and The Little Prince himself I feel that the course of Deltarune is following a similar pattern of narrative development. So, I don’t think Ralsei is inherently evil or good, I believe he’s a neutral party and that our next Dark World bosses (not the secret ones) will follow the course of The Little Prince.
Ralsei is introduced to us under the title of the ‘Lonely Prince’ who ‘has no subjects’ and appears to live in Castle Town completely alone. He tells Kris that “I've been waiting alone here... Um... My whole life for you two to arrive.” Ralsei superficially resembles The Little Prince with both of them being mainly dressed in green, and most interestingly a line from the novel states "Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself, and who had need of a sheep . . ." Ralsei lives in the supply closet of the school, a very small area objectively, and resembles a goat which is similar to a sheep in appearance. More importantly, keep in mind that the prince’s planet was hardly any bigger than himself (the planet was himself, he was his own home) and Ralsei was living alone (he is his own home in an empty world). 
Now I’m going to transition to something wildly different. The Little Prince travels through seven different worlds, the seventh being a desert upon earth. Deltarune has seven chapters in total, implying possibly six different Dark Worlds, and the final being The Roaring. Each world has an adult inhabiting it that the prince talks to. On the first world he meets a king who says he rules over everything but in reality he rules over no one and nothing. Similarly, the Fun Gang meets the ruler of the Card Castle, King. King has fired all his puzzle makers, and the guards he employs hate their jobs, his only willing servant is Rouxls Kaard, a card that never participates in the game, thus is literally ruling over nothing. King has an extremely weak force of command that is immediately shattered when in True Pacifist all his subjects rebel and overthrow him, protecting the Fun Gang because they dislike their ruler. 
On the second world, The Little Prince meets a conceited individual who only sees himself. “But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise.” We see both Ralsei and Kris are the most unacknowledged characters in the presence of Queen in Chapter 2. Queen, although her drinking tendencies are glaring, has another much more broad issue. She is obsessed with herself. Vases have her image on them, the Mona Lisa has her face pasted overtop, there’s a giant robot version of her in the centre of her mansion, there are cleaning posters with her endorsing the product pasted around the Trash Zone, shops have images of her modeling, the very entrance to her mansion is in the shape of her face. Queen only sees what benefits her or praise that claims she’s entertaining. 
So far, in Chapter 1 and 2, the Fun Gang have met two adults of Dark Worlds that are selfish, immature and poor role models. This is a smaller aspect of my theory that leads me to believe that the next major antagonist of Chapter 3 will have the same issues the third adult The Little Prince meets does. The third adult is a drunkard who is full of shame and has no self-respect. Note that: “This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection.” In post-Undertale, it is known that Toriel has a penchant for drinking to the point of getting drunk, especially out of despair. We also know that Flowey took care of her during, from what we know of, at least one of those binges. Toriel, being in the vicinity of this Dark Fountain, is likely going to get sucked in with Kris and Susie. From the observations of how Kris interacted with Queen, especially during the “Toast” ACT, where they made their own toast and Susie comments in surprise “(Why did they make it so emotional?)”. Likely Kris helps their mom with her drinking binges in Deltarune, and perhaps if Deltarune continues to follow The Little Prince route, our next antagonist may end up being Kris’ own mom and her drinking habits, resulting in Kris plunging into a deep dejection over it. Now why did I equate Kris to The Little Prince’s reaction in this third world when I first compared The Little Prince to Ralsei? Well, here’s why.
I believe that Ralsei is a projection of Kris. Toriel mentions that Kris used to wear a red headband with horns all the time as a child before it went missing. Kris before that would always ask when their horns would grow in, thinking they were the same species as their parents. As Kris grew up in Hometown, I have no doubt that as a kid they played in the school, probably in the old classroom and entered the supply closet where they lost their headband playing pretend or daring others to go in because it was spooky and dark. That headband was the culmination of what Kris thought they would become, the culmination of belonging. Ralsei, a lonely prince, reflects Kris’ own loneliness in Hometown where their brother outshines them and they are the only human as well as ‘the weird kid’, likely a product of feeling alienated and alone. Ralsei in the acid tunnel reflects that he’s not quite sure what being ‘Ralsei-like’ even is. Ralsei has a lack of identity or understanding of himself other than his purpose to serve Lightners. Ralsei likely has this servitude mindset because if Ralsei is the headband, then his whole purpose was to serve as a piece of Kris’ identity, although confused in what being ‘Kris-like’ even means when Kris is a human, not a monster. Kris, at the point of time where the headband was lost, likely had the same confusion over their identity. 
Ralsei seems to be the personification of what Kris thought they were when they were younger and what they desired to become. However, Ralsei also holds the lack of self-realization that Kris still holds, with an empty bedroom, social outcast life, no desire to be religious like their parents (and maybe Asriel) – Kris has hobbies but they are either chided by their mother over them (eg. making bath bombs and doing weird experiments) or ignored and overshadowed by Asriel’s hobbies. Notice Kris, when they examine Asriel’s side of the bedroom, list all of their brother’s interests but none of their own, we learn their interests through Queen’s personalized search history room and the hospital piano as well as other characters. Ralsei giving Kris in Castle Town the side of the bedroom that resembles Asriel’s is likely a reflection of what Kris at the time of losing the headband wanted to become (looking up to their golden child of a brother) and perhaps in a way still desires. 
By extension, I also believe that Ralsei is acting as the guide to Kris’ coming of age in Deltarune, and that Kris and Ralsei are two sides to The Little Prince coin. Undyne, when Kris tells her about the Dark World, laughs them off like it is just child fantasies. When left without a project partner their mom babies them, saying that she can help with the project, leading Kris by the hand into the school like a lost child. "The grown-ups are certainly very, very odd," he said to himself, as he continued on his journey.” This line in The Little Prince sums up how I believe Kris feels about the adults in their life. Ralsei takes Kris through these Dark Worlds with various adult caricatures to help them learn about love, friendship, mercy and compassion. Kris thus processes the oddities of the real world through this fantasy and comes to form their own sense of autonomy and identity.  
This is another aspect to my theory that is not explained through The Little Prince, but rather how Toby Fox may extend and complicate that narrative through his inclusion of the secret bosses. I believe that if the major bosses reflect immature adult aspects Kris’ encounters in the external world that they come to process in the Dark World - an internalization of their character development - then the secret bosses represent Kris’ reactions to those external adult aspects. 
Jevil is the polar opposite to King in that King believes he has total control and Jevil relinquishes the idea of control in favor of the idea of chaos and rebellion. We see that Kris, when out of the Player’s control, often does things contrary to what is expected of them. Instead of being Asriel-like with track and field, awards, a broad social network and community participation Kris opts for having no extracurriculars, satisfied with their average third-place in class, essentially had no friends and mostly acquaintances, only attends church for the juice and routinely makes experiments their mom disapproves of. They are known to be mischievous just like Jevil, scaring Noelle with cryptid tales and the like or spreading rumors about the bunker. Hell, chaos bombs, bath bombs stuffed down the toilet - results are the same with destroying something for kicks. 
Spamton, on the other hand, is a little more difficult to explain in his core opposition to the Queen because on the surface they both seem obsessed with themselves. However, what I think a lot of people miss that is integral to Spamton’s identity (or lack thereof) is that he is a puppet - he is almost a carbon copy of the Addison mannequin we see in the blue dress. A mannequin, or puppet, is a projection of other people’s desires. They have no identity of their own and are not supposed to as they are manipulated by external forces into what is desired for the purpose of their existence. I have a theory I posted a while back that Spamton was never a white Addison, but rather a regular Addison downloaded into a mannequin for ease of control and desirability. Spamton, as a mannequin manipulated by Mike and the ‘mysterious person on the phone’, comes to represent an inherent lack of self. He is a projection of what others expect him to be - a salesman and an ad. Where the Queen is full of herself, Spamton completely lacks understanding of his own desires. He only wants what was expected of him, to make lots of money, sell lots of stuff, influence (manipulate) others through ads and constantly aspire to be a ‘big shot’ in order to reproduce the means to do the previous things listed. A ‘big shot’ has the influence and money to sell more stuff. Spamton has been a doll, a plaything for others, to the point that he is only obsessed with expectations of him rather than what he actually is - thus his egomania is less born out of his own self-obsession, but rather the programmed expectations he has been forced into for a majority of his existence (ie. be a ‘big shot’ to make that money through that influence of popularity and reputation). Spamton’s predicament resonates so deeply with Kris because they are both literally puppets on a string, performing actions not on their own account but solely to exercise another person’s desires, as well as Kris being constantly compared and held to the expectations of their brother. Kris is used to having a lack of identity, wearing the red headband is the epitome of them trying to fit into the role they are inherently not - they aren’t a monster. Kris is constantly, subtly surrounded by expectations of them being just like their ‘big shot’ of a brother. Spamton and Kris both seek freedom from this predicament. 
Kris both rejects the ultimate control of adults and feels forced to pretend to be something they are not, resulting in deep identity issues. These internal conflicts show in-game why the secret bosses are so much harder to beat since they are essentially Kris fighting against themself and being forced to recognize their own reactions in an uncomfortable act of self-realization. It’s easier to recognize others’ problematic actions, but it’s much harder to recognize your own and overcome them. And this is where I believe Toby Fox furthers the narrative of The Little Prince where Kris doesn’t only see the odd actions of immature adults, but also comes to see the odd actions of their own and develops accordingly. 
Ultimately, I believe the existence of the Dark Worlds is a reflection of Kris dealing with internal and external conflicts in their life through an exercise of imagination in order to develop as a person. As The Angel’s Heaven comes about in the legend, with three heroes appearing at the edge of a desert strongly resembles the final planet the Little Prince visits - Earth. He lands in the Sahara desert and believes Earth to be devoid of existence except for four creatures he stumbles upon - a snake, a fox, a flower and the narrator (a pilot who crashed their plane in the desert). The narrator, through hearing the Little Prince’s tales, comes to realize their own childlike imagination as a gift and that the practical, material aspects of the world that adults are supposed to be obsessed with are meaningless and immature. There are some strong parallels between Deltarune and The Little Prince that I cannot put together coherently:
The Little Prince’s rose and their rejection then final reconciliation that their rose loved them and they did not understand that (also that they protected their rose with a glass) vs. Asgore’s collection of SOUL coloured flowers and the roses he gives to Rudy in the hospital and that all those flowers are protected with a glass covering (Rudy also mentions a short joke relating to Beauty and the Beast  and the roses - having love connotations)
The Little Prince dying at the end of the novel after being bitten by the snake and falling down soundlessly as his body was too heavy to carry to his planet, with the final pictures being him dying under a star and then a lone star in the night sky as it shines over the desert vs. the Darkners turning into stars when reverting to items or falling from Kris’ pockets as stars in Castle Town
Who the snake, the fox, the flower and the narrator could represent in Deltarune, if Toby Fox chooses to incorporate those ideas
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the long post and if you have any additions or ideas please feel free to share!
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rubsjuice · 2 years ago
1, 5, 22. go salt!!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
swatchton but very specifically when they're an uwu lovey couple. I literally don't get it why would you take a past relationship with such an interesting dynamic with so much juicy drama you could explore and turn them into generic perfect pairing who grows old together number 534. Like they're never at odds, they never have hardships, they're so understandable of one another (or at least Swatch is and Spamton is just being mentally ill all over him). That's so boring?? They deserve to want to kill each other and be conflicted because they think the other one is just too sexy to kill. They deserve to be both understandably angry with each other for much different reasons and then never solve those issues
I saw a post recently about boring ass m/f ships and how people who hate hetero ships aren't actually upset about them being m/f, but by them being boring. Replicating those lazy writing tropes with m/m ships don't actually make them more interesting, it just makes the m/m ship boring.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
dirkjake but mostly because dirkjake shippers boringfy a perfectly good juicy past relationship drama dynamic by making them both mellow and therapized. Easily the same issue i have with most swatchton explorations people do. I was never into dirkjake as a ship but I definitely saw its potential with the resolution it was given in canon, and then I go on twitter and look at people pointing at perfectly normal or borderline weirdchamp interactions between them and go "they are so in love they are going to live in a cottage with a yorkie and do therapy together and heal through the power of love" and I have to go "?"
I wouldn't say swatchton got ruined by fandom for me because I like to do my own thing with them but man is it disheartening to get into a discord to talk about how much these guys sucked for each other and how interesting that is and have to look at people saying "aww spamton neo tossed the dead stone-turned carcass of rouxls kaard in front of the color cafe to block passage to protect swatch he still loves him after all 🥺🥺" like dude
22. Popular character you hate?
i hate ralsei so fucking much hes so fucking annoying
alphys too but to a lesser degree. She's really nice and her character arc is amazing and relatable but I wish there was a mod that allowed you to put your phone on do not disturb when you're walking around hotlands so her notifs don't show up when you're just trying to get through the place
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mymarifae · 3 years ago
already seeing people post "see berdly isn't mentioned in toby's post so he is irrelevant" and I'm like can't I have a tiny bit of excitement for seeing the cringe gamer child again PLEASE
are people already being like that? ghdsjgfdjkg. don't let them kill your excitement, dear! because berdly is pretty much guaranteed to be a relevant main character. literally there is just too much unique work put into him for him to be a one-off "irrelevant" character. (and i think delegating utdr characters in terms of being relevant or irrelevant is kind of. idk. it rubs me the wrong way. i just feel like so much of these games depends on the contributions, actions, and emotions of even the most minor character... these stories are not limited to just the "main" characters, whoever you deem those to be. they are about everyone in the whole world, all at once. you get me? everyone is important.)
that aside, i think it's noteworthy that he has a voice! something that a lot of pretty Relevant characters don't have, like rouxls, catti, jockington, the original starwalker.. also he's noelle's best friend - if she gets dragged further into everything that's happening, which everyone seems to unanimously agree on, then it's pretty fair to assume that he will, too. also looking at his sprite sheet, he has quite a few unused sprites. which i think all the characters do. and isn't necessarily indicative of anything more than a few deleted scenes, but why leave them in the game if they're really never ever ever ever EVER going to be used? or if they're truly irrelevant / something toby wouldn't want us to see and start thinking about, even if they're not used in game? because he Has to know that one of the first things utdr fans will do whenever he releases content is dissect it and pour over the strings and game files. and that's why he leaves things like the mysterious calls for help in there... (looking very hard at the unused sprites showing susie bleeding for this reason.)
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like. i'm pretty sure these never got used. especially the ones on the right what the hell is he even holding. ok anyway. another thing is, a lot of his sprites are doubled: one version where both of his arms are okay, and one with his injured arm. i think this indicates that even if That happens, he'll still end up going back to the dark world :] 90% of character sprites are not unique and are reused in several scenes so it's like. making those reusable sprites all at once so they're finished and can be used wherever they're needed. laying the foundation for the game and so forth
and berdly is actually already included in that sentiment of not wanting certain types of merch made for certain reasons, because there have been previous statements about toby not wanting plushes made for any of the lightners. i'm pretty sure the demand is highest for kris, noelle, and susie rn, and that's why he specified them. so um!! i hope that makes you feel better ^^ 💗
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shazos · 4 years ago
Rouxls is Hiding Something Big: A Deltarune Theory
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FORENOTE- For some needed context, it may help reading my previous Deltarune theory here for important details that I will cover in this post. (My previous theory provides notable evidence on why Gaster is indeed the “Knight” figure talked about by multiple characters in Deltarune.)
Now, this is going to sound crazy. But after much time of poring over and analyzing Deltarune, I have come to a conclusion. One that I’ve been convinced of for awhile now. Something that’s been lying right under all of our noses without many of us even realizing it. We have all been bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Tricked. Why, you may ask?
Because the comically stupid and inept Duke of Puzzles is actually... not an idiot. No, he’s the complete opposite. He is a downright mastermind.
As collective players, we are all falling into the same trap once again. Putting faith into a character’s preconceived personality !
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When their true personality turns out the complete opposite of what we expected...
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It is here, my evidence for this claim begins—and we delve into the true identity of Rouxls Kaard. Buckle up everyone, cause this one’s gonna be a fun ride. 👀
So, to spill the beans up front, and get it over with. I believe Rouxls Kaards identity... is none other than W.D. Gaster in disguise.
Now. I didn’t immediately become invested in this theory—I was skeptical at first like everyone else. But, once I began examining Deltarune and all of its characters a bit closer...things weren’t exactly adding up about the Duke of Puzzles.
Point #1: Anagrams
I initially began to become suspicious of Rouxls Kaard because of his odd name. Sure, it is a play on the words of the term, “Rules card”. But it is spelt in such a peculiar way. If it were just simply a play on words, I think that there would be a much better way of going about spelling it rather than just jumbling a bunch of random letters together. There is a very intriguing reddit post found here that goes more into depth about his name that ties well into my theory. The thing that stood out to me in particular, is that Rouxls’s name is actually also an anagram for “A Dark Soul RX”, (with the left over RX typically being used in terms relating to doctors/medicine.) Not only is Gaster a Doctor, but he’s also always associated with darkness and the research of souls. Toby loves his anagrams—so I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if this was intentional. But it doesn’t end there.
I’ve noticed that Toby Fox has a tendency to tease certain things about his games through merch. And wouldn’t you know it—he has in fact, a particular item on fangamer of a “dark heart.” One which description describes the Angel’s Prophecy. Hm...
But let’s back on track onto my second observation, shall we?
Point #2: The Physical Resemblance to Gaster
Now, there seems to be some interesting foreshadowing related to inverted colors in Deltarune. Before Ralsei takes his hat off, he appears black. But once he takes his hat off, voila, his colors are inverted, and he is revealed to actually be a white goat highly resembling Asriel.
In addition, the entire Dark World is literally just. An inverted version of a normal world.
The Dark World could have hypothetically been the created world/experiment that Gaster had fallen into in the first place. After all, his experiment had to do with “darkness”, and “negative” photons--AKA the Dark Fountains, and the negatively/inverted landscapes of the Dark World.
And how does Rouxls Kaard appear inverted anyways? Well, he looks like THIS.
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He even has the strange dangling lip thing—which another character said to directly resemble Gaster, Seam, has as well:
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In addition, if you look at Rouxls’ text-box profile very closely, his eye colors are actually mismatched which is a rather interesting detail!
Point # 3: His Accent is Extremely put on.
I think anybody that has read any sort of Shakespearean/Old English writing, can instantly realize that Rouxls is as bad as imitating an Old English accent as a high-schooler reading Hamlet for the first time. Rouxls absolutely butchers it. He practically adds eth, and est at the end of any word he chooses, and calls the job done. What is even more interesting though, is when he gets nervous or panicked, he drops the act all together and talks normally.
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Point #4: He is Pretending to be Dumb; His Puzzles are Actually Impressive!
I found it intriguing how there are countless puzzle traps in all the forest areas and in the Card Castle prison that were actually very well done. You have to flip the spades, diamonds, hearts, etc to unlock doors, and open secret chests. They require a decent amount of thinking skills, and are actually competent. But who made them?? Oddly enough if you observe one of them in the forest areas, it appears that Rouxls Kaard vandalized one of the puzzles to make it harder for the player to beat it—which further implies that he actually indeed made those puzzles himself. This shows that Rouxls is much more competent than only being able to make a single box shove puzzle that is comically easy. Where else do we see a place full of plenty of rather well made puzzles + traps seen? All throughout the Core in Undertale—a place which Gaster himself created!
Point #5: Rouxls IS Aware the World is a Game--AKA DON’T FORGET TO READ NPC DIALOGUE FOLKS!
I think it is well aware by now that Rouxls likely wants us as the players to underestimate him--and deem him a fool so we wouldn’t bat an eye at what he’s actually up to. But the most biggest give away to this is something that I have surprisingly seen no one mention at all. And oh boy, it is the most damning evidence that Rouxls is no idiot to be trifled with.
To the left of Seam’s shop, there can be found a little group of former puzzle-makers that used to live at Card Castle, until they were fired and replaced with Rouxls Kaard. They are now all out of a job, and are just barely scraping by since the Spade King didn’t give them any severance pay. However, Rouxls Kaard offered them a way to get money--by selling the tutorials he made.
These tutorials go over TP, stats, information about Susie, Ralsei,  and Kris. Rouxls Kaard has never once met any of the players yet--and he knows everything about them. He knows about stats. He knows the world is a game.
In addition, when you talk to Rouxls in his shop, he calls you three the Heroes of Legend. He is well aware of the Angel’s Prophecy. He knows.
Whenever any character in the world of Undertale & Deltarune knows that the world is a game, it is an instant red-flag. It goes to show that they know much more than they let on. Flowey and Sans are big examples of this in Undertale. Pure hearted, dorky idiots that we trust earlier in the game--but wind up seeing the real side of them later on.
...So why should we treat Rouxls any differently?
Point #6: The “Control Crown”
Something that I immediately thought was kind of weird, was the fact that Rouxls Kaard was able to control the K. Round with a “Control Crown” device. If he is so stupid, how was he able to create a full on mechanical device that can brainwash a life-form into being violent/cause it to triple in size?! That is genius material right there!
But things start to take on a much darker side when you begin to look at the subtext of this realization, which I will get to in a moment...
First of all, Seam claimed these exact words.
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The remaining king was the Spade King-- as the King of Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs are seen to be locked up in the Dungeon. Therefore, the Spade King put the Knight, and his strange son into power. IF it were the Spade King in power, the dialogue box WOULD have said “himself”. Therefore, the Knight, and his strange son were put in place to control the kingdom. And who are they?
Gaster/Rouxls Kaard, and Lancer.
Evidence to back this up:
Lancer calls Rouxls his “Lesser Dad”. And Rouxls calls Lancer, his Strange little darling/son.
The Spade King is not in charge. During his boss-fight, he states that he obeys the word of the Knight.
If you observe more of Lancer’s dialogue in the scene right before the gang enters Card Castle, he states that his dad, (Spade King), recently forced his troops to listen to Lancer instead. Therefore, Lancer is by all respects actually second in command to the Knight.
One of Rouxls main interests is...Lawmaking. Even though he is just supposedly an innocent Duke of Puzzles.
Another one of Rouxls main interests is...Cages, and long strolls in the dungeon... 
There are innocent puzzle-makers locked up in the Prison who are terrified--they were arrested for the simple act of making a puzzle without a license. HM, I wonder who could have possibly locked them up? *Wink wink nudge nudge*
And what ties this all together, is perhaps the most obscure, tiniest detail that no one would have likely observed on a first play-through. If you go to the first floor of Card Castle and click the description tablet next to the elevator to the Prison, it claims that the Prison used to just be a Basement Which Just Happened to Have a Lot of Cages. This is backed up by the caged animals in the basement, who say that they miss the “good old days” when they used to be the only ones there in cages, and not a bunch of people behind bars.
In summary, Rouxls is locking up a bunch of innocent people, and playing nice to our faces. He IS the knight. And he is not to be underestimated.
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Point #7: Rouxls’ Plan is Already Set in Place
The part where this theory gets a little dark, ties back to my mentioning of the control crown earlier.
If you observe the throne room, it looks like it was recently torn apart in a sort of...conflict.
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Why was the Spade King the only king left un-caged to begin with? Why wasn’t he locked up too?
Well...Rouxls Kaard needed someone to put him in charge. But not only that—he needed a scapegoat. Someone to blame. Someone to be “The Bad Guy” for the Heroes to fight.
The Spade King...is actually innocent. He is obeying the Knight, because he is being controlled by a Control Crown. The throne room is in ruins because the Spade King likely fought against this at first, but Rouxls won and successfully put the Spade King under his command. I thought it was strange how the King was so...violent. So irredeemably evil, and even murderous toward his own son Lancer. Yes, it could be argued that this is indeed his true personality, that he is a complete, abusive jerk. But, the whole ending battle of Deltarune chapter 1 feels so...set up in a way? It feels so starkly good vs evil, black and white. Almost like a play.
And oh boy. I think I was onto something.
If you pay close attention to the fight with the Spade King, there is a brief moment at the beginning where he is completely shrouded in shadow. Except. For. His. Crown. It glows stark white in comparison to himself. Like a Chekov’s Gun if you will.
And even more interesting, in the supposed good/pacifist ending, the Spade King is locked up in Prison, the other three kings are still locked up in cages, everyone else is freed, and Rouxls and Lancer now have full control of the kingdom...
Guys. We just played right into Gaster’s hands.
Point #8: Seam Knows that Rouxls is the Knight...
The final observation that genuinely makes me convinced in this theory, is a small detail I noticed at the end of the Pacifist run of Deltarune. Once you have beaten the game, and all of the prisoners are freed, everyone comes to celebrate at Card Castle for your victory. Everyone, except for Seam. That is because Seam knows what the “Strange Knight” did to Jevil. He knows who the Strange Knight is. And he knows what the Knight’s true intentions are.
Point #9: Extra Tidbits I noticed:
When compared to the other denizens of card castle, Rouxls seems out of place. He is the one vaguely humanoid character among a bunch of card and chess themed Darkners. 
His puzzle is... too easy.
Rouxls is oddly excited about overthrowing the king/taking his place. 
Rouxls is well versed in calligraphy of all things. (Relation to fonts + letters.)
Rouxls “sparkles” have an odd resemblance to the shining save states...?
He makes pop culture references, such as ones seen here and here. Could just be random throwaway jokes, but often times more “aware” characters such as Sans and Papyrus are keen on breaking the fourth wall at times/making references to relate with the audience.
His hair looks strangely out of place. Especially the hairline which is really receded to an unnatural degree on the left side. It’s a wig guys...
He gets a suspiciously new position for no reason at all. In any normal situation, he would be extremely unqualified for it if he were as stupid as he makes himself out to be.
Rouxls is literally wearing armor, akin to a medieval knights.
If you pay close attention, Rouxls has a few very subtle similar speech patterns to Gaster. They both occasionally repeat words twice. They both use the words wonderful and truly a lot, etc.
When Kris and the gang beat the K. Round, Rouxls said it was just to test their abilities.
Rouxls theme has leitmotifs from Gaster’s theme.
End of discussion. Deltarune’s finale is legit going to be Gaster getting his wig snatched.
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everysongineverykey · 3 years ago
so i'll try to go in order here. uhhhh... there's a LOT i have to say. first: toriel giggling sprite my beloved
ralsei's, uh... kinda sus. the whole "recruiting" thing REALLY sketches me out. and he looks kinda... smug, all the time, like he knows what's going on.
so before i entered the city there was that pre-city area? that looked very much like the city? except it had different music? and i thought they'd cut welcome to the city and i was SEVERELY disappointed. but then they didn't! just something i wanted to mention
throughout this game i went from despising berdly to feeling bad for him to not really liking him again, but not hating him as much as before. he'd better stay the fuck away from susie though
the queen is the best villain. she's the kind you love to hate! she's literally so funny AND her boss battle is actually tough (rip to the king but he just. wasn't a formidable enemy at all lol)
the puzzles in this chapter were genuinely really impressive! i especially loved the word search puzzles and the ice-ee undertale word search reference💙
that being said. the mouse puzzles were SO fucking infuriating. i caused poor noelle a LOT of grief with those and i feel bad.
SPEAKING OF NOELLE!! the scene where she and kris are walking through the puzzle, the one that spells "december", and she's talking about when they were kids, how she loved sneaking out? beautiful. the cinnamon tography <3 also i guessed dess's full name was december a while ago and while i guess it was obvious, it's nice to have that confirmed!
also, i love that susie and ralsei are real friends in this chapter! he taught her a healing spell!!
ugh. fucking berdly. so smug and pretentious. i love queen's desire to be as far away from him as possible though
i also like his backstory. it gives his behavior, even if it's still annoying, at least some context. i get the feeling of feeling like if you're not smart, people will forget about you, and that's scary.
anyways. time for me to talk about the only thing that matters in this world: suselle. i mean, did the gays win in this chapter or DID THE GAYS WIN IN THIS CHAPTER?? THEY RODE A HEART-COVERED FERRIS WHEEL AND HAD A HEARTFELT, TENSION-FILLED CONVERSATION!
"did you ever wonder why the real susie never picked on you? well, maybe it's because... when you were both new to class, you lent her one of your pencils, like... maybe a dumb one with candy canes on it or something, and... even though it didn't actually taste like candy, she... remembered your smile." okay god thanks toby it's not like i needed my heart or anything
SERIOUSLY. TOBY "i'm gonna give the gays everything they want" FOX IS BACK WITH ANOTHER BANGER LADS
the way my heart BROKE when lancer turned to stone good god thank GOD our boy's okay
also!! kris and ralsei's little moment on the swan boat💙 i wasn't a kralsei shipper before but uh... that may be starting to change
it's hard because ralsei's still suspicious but at the same time i love him and want him to be happy. i don't know how to feel
also, if darkners outside of their dark worlds turn to stone after a while, why didn't ralsei? that's, uhhh... VERY sus. very weird. mr fox i need ANSWERS
seriously the thing that peeved me about ch1 was that the last save point was on the battle stage and if i wanted to play the epilogue again, i had to. do that entire battle all over. BUT NOW THAT'S BEEN FIXED!!
on that note: "looks like a car. this one has a man in it. he waves at you happily." AND THEN THE MAN'S GONE??? HEY TOBY???
and yes yes i KNOW kris slashed toriel's tires. that was extremely troubling. but THEY MADE PIE TOGETHER!!
"leave the chalk alone, kris" TORIEL!!
sans and toriel making egg puns and asgore running in and going "don't forget me, your eggs-husband!" is the FUNNIEST sitcom moment type thing ever. GOD.
on the other hand sans let me meet your brother god dammit i'll kill you
RUDY... "who got you these flowers?" "is it weird for a married man to get flowers?" "so your wife did?" "oh, no! kris's dad did!" "...not even gonna try to understand this..." TOBY STOP ITTTT YOU'RE GIVING THE ASGORUDY SHIPPERS FALSE HOPE. YOU KNOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA KILL RUDY. YOU'RE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND!
seeing kris repeatedly they-themmed by multiple characters makes me so happy <3 poor kid... "college summer vacation when" "you opened the door with your eyes closed. you saw nothing" kris....
the staticy tv appearing in the dark and a toothy smile slowly fading into view in the center and lingering there ominously for far too long >>>>>>> every hollywood horror movie ever god. GOD
snowy and monster kid checking out the red door. implying there's something in there. something that kris knows about. knowing we won't get any more deltarune content for 5+ years does NOT fill me with determination
also. gaster's symbolic theme being mus_smile. and the final image in the game being a smile. god. gaster's COMING lads.
onionsan hears a song at night... a familiar song... memory, perhaps? or maybe a certain... four-note arpeggio that's hidden in a sound test room in undertale? who knows? guess we'll just have to wait for chapters 3/4/5.
this concludes my ramblings for now, but don't get it twisted- this is FAR from the last post i'll make about ch2. this whole chapter was absolutely amazing! brilliant! showstopping!! i'm genuinely soooo super impressed and excited for the chapter 3/4/5 bundle!!!
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fusulyesheep · 3 years ago
I know im posting too much about deltarune this last days but ima do it again
If last week i was losing my mind, in this week i dont have a mind anymore
Im still questioning WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED
[under the cut if you want to see someone slowly losing it]
First, ralsei randomly changing form. i know we saw this last chapter but now its more uncanny. How did he get taller (also the fact he can just appear in other dark worlds and not turn into stone but this isn't that important)
Rouxls Kaards and Seam being extra suspicious, because Rouxls head doesn't turn into stone and he was stopped from using his real power whatever this is, and seam apparently knowing what are the shadow crystals and being able to take one from your different save and talking about a boss harder than Spamton and Jevil
Spamton basically confirming the influence of gaster in this universe, apparently knowing about jevil who probably also got crazy because of the man who talks with hands, and also his crazy talk about freedom and the chilling way he just breaks when you win against spamton NEO
Noelle having issues with the word "december" alluding to the fact Dess has disappeared and that's why asgore was sent out of the police force and toriel end up divorcing, and noelles mum's acts weirdly AND NOELLES DAD IS JUST WITH A UNKNOWN DISEASE THAT IM SURE WILL TIW INTO THE PLOT (and also what is this between rudy and asgore RUDY YOU ARE NOT DIVORCED YET)
You can manipulate noelle into killing literally everyone just because yes, so you traumatize her and now berdly is dead
And also she may be or at least have connections to the angel
And just
who are the titans?
aren't we gonna talk about the fact that there are literal GODS most likely going to appear at the same time asriel comes home?
Ha ha i needed to get this all out of my throat,
sincerely, a random deltarune fan who is now insane
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years ago
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I posted 28,856 times in 2022
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28,626 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 12,472 of my posts in 2022
#deltarune - 4,221 posts
#toh - 1,485 posts
#tiktok - 604 posts
#undertale - 587 posts
#toh spoilers - 586 posts
#cats - 555 posts
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#lancer - 385 posts
#rouxls kaard - 369 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
“why does darius look so sad in this one” and darius being immediately worried when he hears hunter is also in trouble... is doing things to my brain
1,702 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
i totally missed it until my second watch but the cut on Phillip's nose starts to widen after he broke open that palisman, and you can see it further extending over his face (diagonally) in the shot where he's talking about the collector - not only did lilith break his nose, she's also responsible for that huge rotten gash across his face. go girl go
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1,735 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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you literally don't understand how long i am going to be thinking about this
if this birds name is waffle or something i am going to scream
2,568 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Owen Dennis, creator of Infinity Train, posted a newsletter explaining what he currently knows about Infinity Train's removal from HBOMax. Key notes:
He was assured Infinity Train is NOT part of the tax writeoffs, and as it stands, will not be removed from the pay-per-view/per-season websites like iTunes and YouTube
These shows were supposed to be removed next week so the companies could have time to talk to the show crews, this did not happen.
The cuts were a direct order from Discovery
Discovery was warned not to do this because it was unprofessional and would hurt relationships with their talents, and did it anyway because “they clearly do not care what any of this looks like publicly, much less about how we [the crews] feel about it. “
What little residuals they make on these shows go to the unions to pay for their healthcare.
Nobody has been able to contact any of the “higher ups” at any of the merging companies for days due to, well, the merger. Everybody’s contacts are gone or scrambled around.
Owen thinks this is, ironically, the best bit of advertising the show has gotten, because it’s drawn up so much attention towards the show and how much people love it. It’s been trending on twitter for three straight days and is topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes with how many people are buying dvds and virtual copies of the seasons.
And most most importantly...
“Is the Show Gone Forever?“
I don’t believe so. As I said, it’s apparently still available on those sources listed above, though I do not know for how long. The problem is that I can’t be entirely sure if the information I’m getting is truthful or if it’s just to placate us so we’ll stop pestering them with so many questions. They certainly haven’t earned anyone’s trust with the way they’ve handled all this, so obviously take all of this with a grain or two or a million of salt (though I’m sure you’re feeling plenty salty already). In the meantime, I’ll be working with my management team on figuring out some other kind of fate for the show
There is more, but these are the most important points concerning the most distressing parts of all of this. It’s a must-read for everybody concerned about this situation.
3,416 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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19,884 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yougainedlove · 3 years ago
Since you've finished chapter 2 and its been out for a bit, I've got to say that Rouxls as a pirate was great.
I both love the worm man and have a fascination with pirates so them being combined was great and it's giving me ideas of him doing his whole pirate thing with his s/o going along with him, and also the chaos he caused before that as well.
oh man I totally feel u! I’m a complete POTC Davy Jones fangirl and I love learning about pirates so I’m right there with you
and Rouxls in chapter 2 was FREAKING HYSTERICAL... my puzzle man!! wacky and over the top as always!
have some headcanons cuz why not!
AHAHAHA, any enemies shouldst prepare to be boarded and plundered post-haste-eth!! Look at him. Look at you. (Now look back at him and… NO, NO, NO, never mind, you’re much better to look at!) Well, no matter who an enemy is looking at, they have to be able to see that the two of you make a perfect team, don’t they? Oh, yeah. You’ll shiver some timbers no matter where you go. He’s pretty confident of that.
Though, speaking completely honestly? This is actually good for his ego. Not that… his ego needs any more boosting, but, he thinks it’s enjoyable to play a part like this that’s so different from what he usually does. Within reason. He’s still got the puzzles, or so he thinks. The pirate shtick is just pretty outside the typical ‘Duke of Puzzles, very royal and proper, utmost in elegance’ persona he puts on. Pirates are a little more vicious, a little less proper, inelegant and just plain fun. It’s sort of like acting. And with you by his side, it’s even more of a good time.
You’re kind of stuck cleaning up his messes, though, because this absolute mad lad has no fucking idea what is and isn’t copacetic in the Cyber World. He tries to pay the Swatchlings with worms as a bribe to make him Butler Supremeth, and when he’s thrown out of the Color Cafe, it falls to you to apologize. Of course, that’s assuming Swatch doesn’t throw you out as well for guilt by association. And trying to flirt his way out of having to FIGHT Tasque Manager to get past her? You’re literally going to be shoving him out of the way so you can FIGHT instead. (At the very least, he’s decent enough to sheepishly apologize, knowing that was maybe a bit insensitive to your feelings.) And who even knows where he found that pirate getup?? You’ll have to physically stop him from digging in the trash for things.
For the most part, his little ‘battle’ against Kris and Ralsei is more a game than anything else. Much as he wants to test his new puzzles and everything, he knows he’s not really serving Queen. As long as he knows there are no true consequences for failing to detain Kris and their party, why not at least have some fun with it? Kris and Ralsei almost actually amused at what the two of you are doing, particularly if they ran into you in Castle Town as well. They exchange a look and a silent conversation of, “Oh, boy, it’s Rouxls and his S/O playing pirates”, which makes the whole thing even better.
If you call him, like, Captain of Puzzles or something along those lines, the man is going to spontaneously combust. Go in 110% with the pirate theme just as much as he does and he’ll be one very happy former duke. Who knows? Maybe this can be your new thing… the pirate couple! Maybe… maybe not. Jury’s out on that one.
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cortlandkaard · 3 years ago
idk i ahvent made an original post in years so here
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these are in order from most to least recent so yea the last drawinfs are old but not rlly????? idfk just have them (i might reblog with some more older art later bc i'm proud of it a little)
(most likely will b 10 drawinggs of rouxls mbc my url is literally rouxIsroux but)
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