#literally the majority of hozier's songs im like
trillgutterbug · 2 years
tagged by @malewifemanhunter ty!!
name: trill q gutterbug, the q stands for queer
star sign: who knows or cares
height: 5'10, which means i can definitively say coffee doesn't stunt your growth, even if you start drinking it age 4
time: 9:38am 😓 i do NOT want to be awake rn but the rest of my family is gone atm so the grisly burden of letting the chickens out at ass o'clock fell to me. (eta it is now 12:13 bc i fell asleep for two hours before posting this)
birthday: the day laura ingalls wilder was wed
favorite bands/artists: of montreal, why?, clipping., and nine inch nails are the eternal faves i can't get sick of, but im also tremendously partial to kendrick and lil nas and hozier and mcr and twenty one pilots and the like. also i listen to a lot of chillhop and electroswing, because im a good person with good taste
last movie: i think mad god, which was fantastic and completely incomprehensible. i don't usually have the attention span to sit through a movie if im watching it alone, so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (eg, the way i still have to finish everything everywhere all at once, which i got an hour into last week, enjoyed tremendously, then got up to walk around and listen to a podcast and play a video game and jerk off or whatever the fuck, and just haven't gone back!)
last show: i believe the latest ep of what we do in the shadows.... or maybe sunny? or euphoria? whatever it was, i was watching it with jackie im sure!
when did i create this blog: idk where to find that info, but im p sure 2014, after LJ shat the bed and i dipped from active fandom for a couple months and when i came back it was like.... owo where'd everyone go?! here, apparently.
what i post: constant thirsty nonsense about a rotating string of fandom obsessions, shitposts, sometimes a bit of tumblr-brand anarchism and socialism bc even the junkfood buffet churns out a smidge of healthy caloric content every once in a while
last thing i googled: i don't use google but the last thing i duckduckgo'd was........ where's wade wilson from, bc i saw something that said vancouver and one of the movies implied regina but i swear to GOD i know it's winnipeg from some other source. results annoyingly inconclusive.
other blogs: @truelevelb1tch, my rick and morty side, which is going to pop off again in a MONTH (!!!!!!!!!) when s6 starts dropping 😱😱😱. i do not apologise for the person i become when r&m occurs, fair warning
do i get asks?: not enough to worry about, thank goodness
following: idk where to find that info either, but it's probably a few hundred, the vast majority of which are inactive at this point. i probably see <50 blogs on my dash??
average hours of sleep: like eight, which is NOT enough for me, but it varies wildly between 5 and 10 depending on what im doing for work on a given day/whether i have to get up early for animal-related reasons/if im up reading fic until 3am/time of year/blah blah
instruments: flesh flute....,,,
what i’m wearing: nuthin
dream job: I Do Not Dream of Labour
dream trip: i hate travelling! but i am partial to visiting my cousins' farm on the reg, so let's say that
nationality: canadian
favorite songs: the trapeze swinger by iron and wine has been my fave song for about ten years. it's almost ten minutes long and if stats across various laptops and ipods and phones could be collated, it would show a playcount in the thousands lol. i first heard it as the closing music on the amazing podfic for the inception fic presque vu and it gutted me on the spot. ode to the mets by the strokes is also on the same trajectory. otherwise, my fave songs come and go in the usual way, by liking something and listening to it repeatedly until i can't stand it. (eta: just went into my music app to see if i'd forgotten anything, and literally the only thing on my "most played" list is the trapeze swinger, so...)
last book i’ve read: currently reading (aside from the massive eternal stack of ww2 ref books) the half life of valery k by natasha pulley and grimscribe by thomas ligotti. most recently before that i read borne by jeff vandermeer, the kingdoms by natasha pulley, blood meridian, the d&d 5e player's handbook, and some postapoc scifi thing that was so forgettable i genuinely cannot conjure up the name of it or its author!!
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: idk, they all seem uniquely bad in ways that do not necessarily improve upon the unique ways in which our current universe is bad. but to be sporting i'll say star trek of course, anything jared harris is in bc i want to fuck him more than im afraid of space terrorists or freezing to death or nuclear radiation, and the fictional universe i've been manifesting in my imagination for years where we never invented agriculture and i died at birth for simplistic umbilical cord-related reasons
lowkey tagging @kaasknot, @collapsinghorizons, @mollynoble, @twobrokenwyngs, @pohjanneito, @lingua-mortua, @sloppyplanetary, @alakeeffectgirl, and @quiescentire
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metaphysical-cheese · 2 years
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I was tagged by @goosemixtapes to post my nine favorite albums! Some of ours are the same but that’s just bc we both have great taste I guess
In no particular order:
Cures What Ails Ya, The Longest Johns: Me when the seas are shantying. This album goes so hard and contains such a variety of vibes while preserving the slappage of all of them. 10/10 would go a-fishing for the whale again
Ceremonials, Florence + The Machine: GOD it was so hard to pick one of hers. I almost put Dance Fever here but I feel like it’s too early to say that yet. I think this album has the highest concentration of my favorite songs of hers so <3
Go Farther In Lightness, Gang of Youths: Okay okay this is my favorite album of all time. It’s not even about the music (though that does go incredibly hard) it’s the way the lyrics so consistently make me feel like I’ve been punched in the gut /pos. I limited myself to one album per artist but major shoutout to Let Me Be Clear also
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812: Literally would not be the person I am today if it were not for my intense obsession with this show, and subsequently War and Peace, for two solid years. Thanks to this album for a major part of my personality.
Strange Trails, Lord Huron: The woods <3 Literally so true besties. I don’t have much clever and intelligent to say about this album except that it goes so so so hard
Ruin, The Amazing Devil: Shoutout to Rook for introducing me to this one. Every song on this album is incredible and I have no idea how they manage to consistently put out the best music on planet Earth.
Wild World, Bastille: I can’t even explain to you what I like so much about Bastille’s music but it scratches an itch in my brain. It’s also vaguely nostalgic, because Bastille was the first artist I decided to listen through their discography. Good decision past me.
Eurus, The Oh Hellos: EVERY SONG IS SO GOOD. Every one no exceptions. I really love the general sound of The Oh Hellos, and this album has a concentration of my favorite things about their style. Also it has one of my favorite album covers ever. The Eurus/Notos/Boreas/Zephyrus art is gorgeous.
Wasteland, Baby!, Hozier: Hozier my BELOVED. This album has such a good vibe to it and I really adore the style of music. I could listen to Hozier forever I think
I’m tagging @narratorstragedy @plague-on-both-your-houses @sofyarostova @silvercatarts if yall want to do it :) or if you want to do it and I didn’t tag you (sorry im tired rn) consider yourself tagged
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ladydaemon · 3 years
May I get a 🚨 because I’m really curious
okay so literally any hozier song ever I think of you because I think I remember you saying you listened to him a lot? idk
but to me you just embody (think I used that word right) that time between fall and winter where there’s frost and no more leaves but not quite winter yet?
and speaking of weather and this is probably because of your theme any time there’s fog in the mountains I think if you. and given that I literally live in the valley of a lot of major mountains and i walk to school early enough theres a lot of it, especially curling around the tree.
and to me you are always kaz because his fics are what made me follow you - also surprisingly enough bridgerton simply because you’re the only person I know (not saying much) that likes / writes fics for it
and on the topic of characters you just give of pure Leonard McCoy vibes im sorry-
also the names henrik and cillian belong to you. you own copyright to them.
dogs. its weird but just dogs are ✨you✨ in my mind
anyways yeah :)
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
1, 5 und 6 für die fanfic writer questions?
~ sehr-wohl-die-herrschaften ✨
You didn't specify for what story, so I'll be answering this for my ao3 Harry Potter fanfiction. Sorry not sorry, even though this is a D3F blog. I'll try my best to answer the question for D3F too, but I can't make any promises that they'll be good.
This will be a long post, so I'm placing a cut.
1. If you had to create a soundtrack for your story, what songs would you choose? Why?
Okay, das ist meine Lieblingsfrage aus dem gesamten Post, also THANK YOU SO MUCH! Tatsächlich plane ich das innerlich schon ein bisschen mit, während ich schreibe, wenn ich mir Playlists zusammenstelle.
Die Drei ??? - Auxiliary AU: Aus irgendeinem Grund habe ich Jelena schon immer mit Billie Eilish verbunden. Keine Ahnung warum, aber das hat sich einfach in meinem Kopf so festgesetzt, und weil die Geschichte aus Jelenas Perspektive ist, wird also mindestens ein Billie Eilish Song vorkommen. Womöglich ist der erste Song von ihr, an den man bei Jelena denkt "bad guy", oder "you should see me in a crown" oder etwas Ähnliches. Gute Idee, aber nicht ganz. Billie Eilish steht bei mir oft eher für Jelenas emotionale Seite. Also wäre ein Lied im Soundtrack "i love you". Ich glaube, die Titel erklärt den Sinn dahinter schon ganz gut. Andere Lieder wären "Woman" von Kesha, "Brother" von Kodaline und "Chasing Cars" von Snow Patrol. Ein sehr obscures Lied ist das "Whack World Medley" von Citizen Queen. Keine Ahnung wieso, aber die Vibes stimmen irgendwie. Natürlich wären auch ein paar russische Lieder drin. Angemessene Covers von Kalinka könnten sowohl als Hintergrundmusik zu einem kleinen Kampf, als auch die Musik von einem Flashback sein, je nachdem welche Stelle man nimmt. Es gibt aber ein paar perfekte Lieder, die definitiv rein müssten. Pianistec auf YouTube hat die Drei ??? Intros gecovered. Perfection. Eins davon ist sogar auf Spotify. Sollte in jede D3F-Playlist rein.
Harry Potter time! Obviously, Harry Potter already has a soundtrack. But that would take away all the fun, so... First of all, "Woman Like Me" by Little Mix. It fits the sassy personality and later persona Asteria takes on. Fitting to that, "Teen Idle" and "Oh No!" by MARINA. You can interpret your own reasons into that. "Battlefield" by SVRCINA for Deathly Hallows. "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery for the relationship between Percy and Asteria, but it's not meant in a romantic way. "The Night Is Still Young" by Nicky Minaj, maybe for a victory party after a quidditch game, or just for a nice evening with Fred and George. "8TEEN" by Khalid for... something. Just. I like it. "High Enough" by K.Flay for something that I can't tell you what it is without throwing spoilers everywhere. Let's just say the kind of twisted vibe is fitting for it. Could be more twisted. It gets more twisted if I tell you that the song would not be about a person in that case. It wouldn't be about a twisted version of being in love, but about an obsession. A mania even. That's why it fits. Arctic Monkeys in general also would fit the story. "Judas" by Lady Gaga. "Everything At Once" by Lenka. It sounds innocent, right? Well, in this case it's about wanting to be perfect for everyone at once. "Mr Loverman" by Ricky Montgomeryfor Asteria's heartache in later years of the story. "Positions" by Ariana Grande and "Detention" by Melanie Martinez for the vibe. "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" for a cheesy slow dance between Fred and Asteria because obviously they would. But THE most important song of all, which is why I saved it for last: "Arsonist's Lullaby" by Hozier. No explainations given, you'll have to read and find out yourself.
5. What makes your main ship so compatible? Or, what makes them so incompatible? What do they see in each other?
Mein main ship im Auxiliary AU ist tatsächlich Peter/Jelena, auch wenn das eigentlich gar nicht so rauskommt. Peter und Jelena passen zusammen, weil sie sich ergänzen. Man könnte auch sagen, Gegensätze ziehen sich an, aber sie haben auch was gemeinsam. Peter ist ängstlich und vorsichtig. Jelena ist ziemlich rücksichtslos und aggressiv. Man könnte meinen, dass das absolut nicht zusammen passt. Tatsächlich sorgt das aber für eine relativ gute dynamic. Wenn Peter Angst hat, passt Jelena auf ihn auf und wenn Jelena etwas Unvorsichtiges tun will, hat Peter vergleichsweise gute Chancen, sie davon abzuhalten. Peter bewundert Jelena für ihren Mut, macht sich aber auch ständig Sorgen um sie, weil sie so unvorsichtig ist. Jelena findet Peter richtig liebenswert, wenn nicht fast schon niedlich. Sie hat es sich als Ziel gesetzt, ihm endlich mal die Aufmerksamkeit zu geben, die er braucht, und sich um ihn zu kümmern. Deshalb sieht man die beiden oft zusammen und Jelena hält seine Hand, wenn er Angst hat. Das geht mittlerweile schon längst ohne Kommunikation.
Actually, the story doesn't have a main ship. Or at least it's hard to name one and I don't want to say something wrong because I don't want to claim knowing anything about what polyamorous relationships are like and what you call which kind of relationship. Essentially, Asteria, being the main character, is in a relationship with both Fred Weasley and Oliver Wood, though she only starts dating Fred when Oliver has already graduated and the two of them are just friends. I guess I'll answer the question for both relationships and try to keep it short.
I'll start with the relationship that has been going on longer, which is Oliver/Asteria. Oliver loves Asteria for her sense of right and wrong and for the fact that she might just be the only person on the entire planet not to get annoyed or bored when he rambles about quidditch for hours on end or spends a lot of time training or at practice. He's amazed with her understanding for his passion. Asteria, on the other hand, thinks it's exactly his passion that makes him so wonderful. He's not afraid to show it to literally everyone. She also thinks it's adorable how he gets so excited over it every single time someone mentions the subject, no matter how many times he's talked about it before. She never gets tired of listening to him. Another big reason for her to love him is how he reacted to her illness (I won't say here which illness, read yourself). She just thought it was the sweetest thing ever. He also makes her feel safe, which is rare.
Now, Fred/Asteria. A dangerous relationship. A Weasley and a Malfoy. Both of them know that and it's a big factor why others might deem them incompatible. But, actually, they go very well together. Fred and George are the biggest pranksters of the entire school, everyone knows that. Asteria, on the other hand, is a trickster. She breaks almost as many rules as them, but she does it very sneakily. Nobody has ever caught her. Asteria is amazingly good at lying and deception and she enjoys tricking people. So while Fred does the big pranks that are just for fun and sometimes also for revenge, Asteria tricks people mostly for revenge or to follow along with her view of right and wrong. Fred admires Asteria's abilities when it comes to rule-breaking and trickery, but also her craftsmanship and inventive mind. He's essentially forgotten that her last name means that they should be enemies and has completely detatched her from her parents in his mind. Something else he appreciates is that Asteria grounds him and gives him advice when he's about to do something that he'll most likely regret in the future or that will have major consequences. Asteria admires Fred as a person, but also for what he represents through his family - love, acceptance and protectiveness. The kind of family Asteria wishes she had. Fred cheers her up when she is down and makes her worry less. Unlike Oliver, he doesn't make her feel safe. At least not in the same way. But that's exactly what she loves about Fred. He's unpredictable and wild, something that Asteria's childhood was very much lacking. He's supportive of everything she does that other people would call her mad for. Whatever "crazy" or "stupid" thing she wants to try, he does it with her or has already done it and can show her how to do it right. But no matter how dangerously crazy their adventures get, he watches out for her. They're a chaos couple, but also very intimate. Lots of people are confused that their relationship can be both chaotic and calm at the same time.
6. How do you feel the environment your character(s) grew up in shaped them as a human? How does the environment they’re in now shape them currently?
Jelenas Vater ist sehr streng und emotional eher distanziert. Das hat sie natürlich beeinflusst. Einerseits hat sie es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Regeln zu brechen. Sie ist ein Rebell, weil sie diesen Käfig, in den ihr Vater sie gesetzt hat, hasst. Gleichzeitig hat sie aber ihre emotionale Distanzierung von ihm. Als Kind hat sie natürlich immer noch versucht. Kinder sind eben deutlich emotionaler. Aber spätestens mit dem Tod ihrer Mutter war ihr Vater emotional gesehen nur noch eine Steinsäule und Jelena ist selbst emotional kalt geworden. Sie ist es einfach nicht mehr gewohnt, mit irgendwen über ihre Emotionen zu reden. Musik ist ein sehr großes Medium für sie was das angeht. Es hilft ihr, die ganzen aufgestauten Emotionen einfach rauszulassen. Ihr extremer Beschützerinstinkt und die Einteilung von Leuten in Gut und Böse kommt vom Tod ihrer Mutter - und womöglich aus Filmen, die sie in der Richtung nach dem Tod beeinflusst haben. Schließlich ist es in Filmen normal und sogar gut, dass der Hauptcharakter böse Menschen bekämpft, verletzt und womöglich tötet. So ähnlich verhält es sich mit Jelena. Sie selbst zögert nicht, jemanden zu verletzen, wenn er ihr oder anderen droht. Aber wehe jemand kommt ihren Freunden zu nahe. Seit sie mehr Zeit mit den Jungs verbringt, hat sie sich definitiv zum Besseren verändert. Sie hat endlich jemanden, mit dem sie über ihre Emotionen reden kann - zumindest theoretisch. Die Jungs haben es auch geschafft, sie zumindest etwas aus ihrem aggressiven Kampfmodus zu holen und ihr dabei geholfen, den Tod ihrer Mutter endlich richtig zu verarbeiten.
Growing up a Malfoy will always shape a character. But that's especially the case with Asteria because of her illness and the fact that she's two years older than Draco. This means that she was born during the First Wizarding War. Her illness was clearly visible and known at birth, so she immediately became an unwanted child. This was always a big factor in her childhood at Malfoy Manor. She was locked in the manor for most of her childhood and whenever she went out, she had to take potions to make her appear normal. Still, she had her parents' blood purist beliefs, so she thought this was the right thing to do, even if she suffered under it. However, she soon breaks out of these prejudices during her first two years at Hogwarts, seeing with her own eyes that blood status does not matter. Hermione finally gives her the final push in her third year. Now, Asteria has practically turned fully against her parents and is taking Draco with her, even when he is still mostly trying to keep up his snobbish bully persona. This position of hers becomes stronger and stronger as she becomes close friends with Fred and George and starts dating Oliver. It's hard to say where "growing up" ends and where "currently" starts, so let me just say: Asteria is under constant influence from the outside and inside, wether she wants it or not, especially with Voldemort's return. Things spin wildly out of her control.
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gleamglows · 3 years
first of all, CONGRATS ON 500!!! i’d like 💐🪵 if you’re fine with both ahahah. im a 6’0 girl with brown hair, who loves reading, art and journaling. im also a major hozier and arctic monkeys stan lol ✋ hope this was useful, I’m not that interesting lmao
💐 ~ give me a description of yourself and i’ll ship you with a harry potter character!
i ship you with sirius!
oh my gosh i can’t explain it i can just see it! i think you’d look real cute together definitely definitely!! also sirius would literally love hozier and arctic monkeys are you kidding
🪵 ~ describe yourself and i’ll associate you with a song i love!
you remind me of mirrorball by taylor swift! the vibe of that song is just so good i love it and i think it matches you! :)
celebrate 500 followers with me!
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jerrydevine · 4 years
the rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better 
tagged by the SWEETEST! ara @amielaurie mwah!!
nickname: omg. my friends from back home call me helen and my friends in college call me helly
zodiac sign: taurus & it’s SO obvious
height: 5’8
hogwarts house: ravenclaw! i retook it recently and got gryffindor but idk her
last thing i googled: sofia bryant bc i wanted 2 show my roommate a pic of her in ianowt
song stuck in my head: literally listening to rumour has it right now so prob that jhfkjghsd
following and followers: 71 / uhh i don’t remember
amount of sleep i get: 7.5/8 hours 
lucky number(s): 3 & 5
dream job: no thoughts head empty but! a policy analyst
wearing: a shirt my brother had before he put it in the wash and it shrunk 2 sizes & sweatpants that my brother also has.. bc apparently im dressing like a teenage boy today
favorite songs: SO many good lord let’s see strawberry blonde by mitski, one and only by adele, nothing’s gonna stop us now by starship, video killed the radio star by the buggles, HEART OF GLASS!! by blondie, denis by blondie, wake me up before you go-go by wham!, stay open by ms maya hawke, canyon moon!!!!!! by harry styles, work song by hozier, like real people do by hozier, wouldn’t it be nice by the beach boys, as good as new by abba, hey, hey helen by abba & uhh sweetest devotion by adele!
instruments: i played clarinet all of middle school & literally could have been first chair clarinet in high school but i hated marching band & everyone involved in the band department so i quit to do theater lol
random facts: i have been study spanish for 7 yrs now & i’m majoring spanish in college! me encanta la lengua pero no tengo mucha certeza sobre mi habilidad, así que no hablo el español mucho aquí.
aesthetic: late 70s to late 80s dyke whose only goal is to dress however she wants, has an abundance of care for 80s pop, and WILL make u listen to whatever floats thru her head. like a passionate & loud wham! & abba stan who thinks you aren’t paying enough attention to shitty movies.
i’m just gonna tag whoever comes to my head it may or may not be 17: @hanbroughrights @peachpdf @seokin @89tozier @halleycomets @beboycowbop @gentlepeople @thevuhvitch @drunktext @radioh @stilliii @jesusrichie @chuckhansenisalive @wutheringheights1978 @dunkindonutsfanclub @stanslettermp3
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rietveldbrothers · 5 years
ask gameeee
thank you to @wafflesandkruge for the tag it’s been a hot minute since I did one of these
rules, answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
1. Nicknames- Kat, Kathy
2. Zodiac Sign- Leo
3. Height- 5’4
4. Hogwarts House- slytherin
5. Last thing I googled- sunset time
6. Favorite musicians- LANY, Hozier, Ed Sheeran idk lots
7. Song stuck in my head- La La Land Bryce Vine
8. Following- 91
9. Followers- 4,693 on this blog
10. Do you get asks- on occasion, less than i’d like
11. Other blogs- yup
12. Amount of sleep- never enough (last night about 7 hours)
13. Lucky number- 14
14. What are you wearing- a bikini (i’m literally on the beach calm down)
15. Dream job- yikes... ya girl is a senior in college and is too concerned about having a job at all
16. Dream trip- a deserted island where i don’t have to do anything or worry about anyone
17. Instruments- I can play Hedwigs Theme on guitar but that’s it
18. Language- English, enough spanish that I can tell when the subtitles are wrong but not that good at actually speaking
19. Favorite song- Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier, Malibu Nights by LANY,
20. Five random facts
1- I have 3 younger sisters
2- I have had the same best friend since I was 11 years old
3- im a big obnoxious soccer (or football if ur not in the US) fan and the reason I don’t plug my twitter here is cause it’s purely soccer rants
4- my major is biological anthropology
5- I hate and am terrified of spiders so aggressively that it’s ridiculous
21. Aesthetic- messy bi? frat boy but make it chic? idk man i’m a wreck varies by day
i’m too lazy to tag other people and also about to go swim so like... sorry
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imsusx · 5 years
Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Simon and Garfunkel, The Mamas and the Papas, The Who, AC/DC, Janis Joplin, The Tragically Hip, Aerosmith, Johnny Cash, Madonna, oooooops so many sorry hehe 🥰💓
Omg babe you really went out I love it yes!!! Thanks for asking my love🥰💜
Led Zeppelin: 4 turn ons
Romantically it would be:
-Humor/ laughing: someone laughing with me it’s the best thing ever
-Good conversations: I love when someone is able to talk about anything and just the conversation flows and it doesn’t feel forced
-Listening and empathy: When someone you like wants to listen about your day, or about you feel, and wants to help you out it’s the best ever. Basically genuine attention.
-Petnames!!!!!!!!!!!! (Baby, my girl, my love, or anything with “my” in it) makes me feel extremely special and with my IN IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE YES IM ALL YOURS✨
Sexually it would be:
-When someone that you like touches your inner thigh MMMMM shits good
-tiddies and BOOTY🙈
-The thought of any sexual activity with the person you like makes me wet ok
The Doors: 2 places you’d like to visit
Australia and USA!
Jimi Hendrix: Name 8 things that make you happy
-Alannah, aka you,the sunshine of my life🥰
-my doggy!
-Food!!! I love food soooo much
-Music! All kinds of music make me happy I can dance and enjoy anything
-My friends! Without a doubt I LOVE them so much and I’m so happy they are in my life, each and everyone of them is special and lovable in their own way🤧💜
-Traveling!!!! Love love exploring new cities and enjoying their own stuff
Simon and Garfunkel: What song(s) help you get through the day?
Lover by Taylor Swift, Cuz I Love you by Lizzo, DINNER and diatribes by Hozier, The Cure by Little mix (that one has a special place in my heart) Graveyard by Halsey, Anything of Rihanna and Beyonce tbh, Anything of Queen is great too of course, Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day and Don’t call me Angel by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana del Rey!!! (I think that’s it)
The Mamas and The Papas: Describe yourself in 5 words
Well.. this is hard lmao
Im funny? I’m a bitch too, I’m a foodie, I’m a feminist and a plus size queen what can I say LMFAO
The Who: 2 of your favorite foods and 2 foods you hate
Pizza and Lasagna: my faves
(but I also love Chinese food and Thai and Spanish food omg I can’t choose IM so sorry food is my biggest love)
Broccoli and most veggies omg I hate them I wish I liked them but it’s hard
AC/DC: Name 7 things people do that piss you off
-when people talk over you without respecting your voice or opinion
-people that eat with their mouth open. WTF IS THAT ABOUT CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BITCH
-When men start talking about what a woman should do with their body. Hello? No uterus, no opinion thanks
-When people slut-shame women. Let her fucking live
-People that think feminists are crazy. Bitch we just want equality the fuck
-People that don’t get excited or get happy about you when you have good news or are in a good mood. LikE WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE U SUCH A HATER
Janis Joplin: In your opinion, what was the greatest time or era in music?
Honestly I kinda wanna say 80s,70s, but at the same time I wanna say now. Let me tell u why. Basically 80s are great, all those rock legends that I love are out there wilding. But I wanna say now, because we are able to enjoy the great music we have now and the one from back then!
The tragically Hip: 6 things you want to accomplish
-get skinny and try to understand my body and love myself, all in one pack
-Travel and meet all the wonderful people I have to meet.
-Date u 🌚
-Finish highschool and get to university
-Finish my major or whatever it’s called when I get to Uni
-Be more independent: aka my own apartment, my driver license and my car blabla
Aerosmith: Favorite celebrity? Least favorite?
Well fave celebs maybe any of the Kardashians? I really like them honestly and like they are actual celebs. If we talk about singers and all that stuff we entering my idols and I’m not sure if the question is about that lmao
The ones I don’t like is Chris Brown, what he did to Rihanna it’s just not okay.
Johnny Cash: Are you a religious person?
I mean I am but not really. Basically I have a Christian family and all that but we are not into it as some other families are. We just kinda go with it.
Madonna: Describe your crush
Warning I’m about to get sappy🤧💜
She is one of the most beautiful girls ever, inside and outside. She has this cute reddish hair and blue eyes and the cutest laugh ever. She is tall which makes me h*rny. When I see her or I get a notification my heart goes: 🥰☺️💜💗💖💗💗💘💘💕💓💓💞💕💞💕💓 She is funny, she is sweet, she has brought a light to my life when times were really dark. She is literally the sunshine of my life. It’s funny how life works, she is in the other side of the world but for her I would travel in a heartbeat. I can’t wait to someday hug her, kiss her and give her everything I have, which I already try to do. She makes me feel so amazing, so loved which I’m trying to get used to. Coming from a dark time thinking I was unlovable and now getting this it’s wild. I love her. I really do. Distance can suck my dick. She makes me the happiest and I honestly hope I make her happy too. I’m so thankful for her to be in my life. I’m so happy that she wants to talk to me and enjoy this mess that I am. She is the cutest. She is the owner of my heart. The one that comes to mind when u hear all those love songs. We connected so fast and it’s so amazing. We can talk about everything, we basically are communication queens. I never thought my first love would be so far away from me, but I’ll do anything to fight for it. Thank you Alannah for being in my life honestly. I love you, babygirl 💜🥰
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rosymiel · 5 years
1-100.. bitch
oh FUCK you (im jk.. i love you..)
The meaning behind my url: i love french, and so i wanted to spice up my url and have it not be sims related from the get-go (my previous url was ughplumb). at first i wanted my url to be “cherry wine” in french because my favorite song of all time is cherry wine by hozier, however the url was already taken. i settled for rosy honey, hence rosymiel
A picture of me: honestly just look at my tag “kyla has a face”! i don’t have any new selfies of myself aside from what i’ve posted.
How many tattoos i have and what they are: i only have one, and it’s right in between my shoulder blades on my back. it’s of my family’s crest, which says “miseris succurrere disco”, which basically means to help people in need.
Last time i cried and why: last night because i was watching queer eye
Piercings i have: i used to have my ears pierced, but i hated keeping track of my earrings so i just let them close up. i wish i never let them close up, and now i also want to get my nose pierced 
Favorite band: i don’t really listen to any bands, just artists!
Biggest turn offs: burping and chewing sounds. chewing sounds legitimately anger me so much, i don’t know why
Top 5 songs: Cherry Wine (Hozier), Rain On Me (Joji), IDFC (Blackbear), I Love You (Billie Eilish), The Night We Met (Lord Huron)
Tattoos I want: OHHHHH MY GOD i want so many!!!! i just honestly want my body to be covered in flower tattoos to the point that i’m just a walking garden!! i really want to get a pair of watercolor roses or lilies right under my collarbones!!
Biggest turn ons: good cologne. i don’t know why, but cologne makes me go insane, i love it so much
Age: 18 going on 19!
Ideas of a perfect date: relaxing at home and cuddling with my boyfriend while watching our favorite show
Life goal: oh god this is super deep and i’ve sat on this question for a fat minute and all i can think about is how much i want to be content with myself, so i guess that’s my goal
Piercings i want: nose and ear piercings, babie!!!
Relationship status: happily taken!
Favorite movie: oh god, probably across the universe. i’ve loved it ever since i was a kid
A fact about my life: i’ve been in choir almost all my life
Phobia: the dark. when i was a kid i used to see faces on my walls when my room was dark
Middle name: marie
Height: 5′5.5 (basically just 5′6)
Are you a virgin?: yessirree 
What’s your shoe size?: 7
What’s your sexual orientation?: i’m pretty straight, but i think i’m heteroflexible. i’d definitely get down and nasty with a girl, but i’ve never felt any romantic attraction towards females
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?: no, my parents smoked cigarettes for most of my life, and my dad regularly smokes weed. the smell of weed makes my head hurt and makes me feel nauseous, so no thanks.
Someone you miss: my boyfriend. he’s been on a family trip to cuba, and he hasn’t contacted anyone (including me) in almost 10 days. i miss him so much that it genuinely hurts.
What’s one thing you regret?: not learning to love myself sooner and finding comfort in feeling depressed because it’s something familiar
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: zendaya 
Favorite ice cream?: i don’t eat a whole lot of ice cream, so i guess cookies and cream
One insecurity: my teeth. my two teeth next to my front teeth are pointed, and i used to get called a vampire when i was young. i was always bullied for it, and for most of my life i would cover my mouth with my hand whenever i laughed or smiled. a recent incident that comes to mind was sophomore year in high school in my english class. i sat next to my friend mooney (i called her by her last name because we met in gym), and one day she was talking to the guy infront of her about how pretty she thought i was, and how she thought that i could’ve been a model. the guy who sat in front of me, who’s name was tristan and was also in my choir the previous year, said that i’d be pretty with me if my teeth weren’t so fucked up. 
What my last text message says: “god this fan feels so nice”
Have you ever taken a picture naked?: :)
Have you ever painted your room?: no, but i’ve tried painting the bathroom with my mom
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?: nope
Have you ever slept naked?: yeah?????????
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?: i can’t dance, so absolutely not
Have you ever had a crush?: yeah??!??!?!!? ofc. i had a major crush on my current boyfriend, and he had a crush on me first before we started dating. it’s actually a really cute story
Have you ever been dumped?: yeah, twice. my last one was really brutal, but not because of how he dumped me.
Have you ever stole money from a friend?: nope
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?: nope
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: nope
Have you ever snuck out of your house?: nah, i’m a goody-two-shoes
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?: oh HELL yeah
Have you ever been arrested?: nope, and not planning on it!
Have you ever made out with a stranger?: nope!! 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?: not in a sexual or romantic way, no
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?: nah
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?: i don’t think so??
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?: i ditched my nesika (which was like homeroom, but only two days of the week rather than daily) to go to a coffee stand with a friend
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?: not in a sexual or romantic way
Have you ever seen someone die?: no, and i really don’t want to :^(
Have you ever been on a plane?: yup!! i love it
Have you ever kissed a picture?: maybe…………… :’^)
Have you ever slept in until 3?: oh my GOD no. i fall asleep relatively early and wake up early, even on my days off.
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?: yeah??? lowkey this question is phrased in a weird way
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?: oh my god yes, it’s so relaxing
Have you ever made a snow angel?: yup!!!!
Have you ever played dress up?: oh HELL yes i have!!!
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?: okay does anyone remember doing the stock market game in freshmen year/middle school in history class? my friend and i looked up the answers online and cheated. we were rich that day in that class.
Have you ever been lonely?: i’m lonely right now
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?: maybe for 10 seconds, but no
Have you ever been to a club?: nope!
Have you ever felt an earthquake?: i don’t think so, no
Have you ever touched a snake?: SDKJGBSD NO!!!!!
Have you ever ran a red light?: nope!
Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope!!!!
Have you ever had detention?: i had lunch detention for saying “stfu” to a guy who was bugging me in 5th grade. i thought i was the shit for that.
Have you ever been in a car accident?: nope!
Have you ever hated the way you look?: 100%. i’ve always had huge insecurities surrounding my body or how i look.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?: bruh i literally stole a pack of gum from a store when i was 4. i COMMITTED a crime. in my defense, i stole it for my mom to make her happy. i got yelled at
Have you ever pole danced?: nope, but i would love to! it looks like a really good workout!
Have you ever been lost?: i got lost just last week
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?: nope!!! i don’t travel much
Have you ever felt like dying?: yes. i used to be suicidal
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: hell yeah babie!
Have you ever sang karaoke?: i sing karaoke on youtube almost every single day. not only that, but on the first day of practicing for my high school graduation i stopped by my choir class before it began (seniors got out earlier than everyone else), and i sang karaoke with them.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?: 100%
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?: NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?: no
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: how can u kiss the rain. bruh.
Have you ever sang in the shower?: i sang in the shower earlier today
Have you ever made out in a park?: nope!
Have you ever dream that you married someone?: yep!!!!
Have you ever glued your hand to something?: i don’t think so????
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?: no, but i got my tongue stuck to one of those metal low monkey bar things.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?: no?????
Have you ever been a cheerleader?: no, but my childhood friend and i wanted to be cheerleaders in high school before i moved to a different state
Have you ever sat on a roof top?: nope
Have you ever brushed your teeth?: who are you, my mom?
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?: oh my GOD yes
Have you ever played chicken?: nope!! im a pussy
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: nope!
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?: not that i’m hot, but i’ve gotten many compliments from strangers
Have you ever broken a bone?: nope!
Have you ever been easily amused?: i used to be one of those kids that would laugh before they could finish a joke
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: i’ve laughed so hard that i’ve pissed myself. so yes.
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?: i mean????
Have you ever cheated on a test?: i cheated on a 2nd grade spelling test. who knew that i would end up actually being great at spelling shit
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?: oh my god i have the worst memory and i’m terrible with names
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?: my boyfriend :’’’’^)
Give us one thing about you that no one knows: a couple friends know, but when i’m too lazy to throw on shoes or socks to walk around the house i just pull my sweatpants legs a bit over my feet and just wrap it around my feet. it’s weird
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Tagged by: @kimchi-fried-ice (feel free to say hi whenever! I LOVE your blog, and you seem very nice I’d love to be friends!:))
Nickname: it’s practically my actual name, but it’s tidge. When I was little my basketball coach would always say my name as tish lol. Then my family started calling me that because they thought it was hilarious, and my mom said it in front of my theatre friends and they started doing it too. It’s honestly grown on me, and I let just about everyone call me tidge BC it usually leads to me telling them where it came from. Also I think it’s cute:):)
Height: 5’5?? 5’6? People always say I should know this but I just never do🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️.(side note: if you’re taller than me and also a girl who likes girls HMU😚)
Hogwarts house: I’m like the only one of every person I know who’s consumed 4 Harry Potter things( read first book, watched first 3 movies) but I took a quiz and got slytherin? Sounds about right from what I know lol. I’m nice, but I’ve got major RBF and I’m ALWAYS down for a little drama
Last thing I googled: “where to catch dreepy in Pokémon sword” that elusive motherfucker has a 2% chance of spawning in the wild area and I almost exploded after 2 hours of running in and out of like 3 different tall grass areas. Didn’t find one BUT I found it’s evolved form, which was fine because looking any longer may have killed me
Song stuck in my head: From Eden by Hozier and high five by Sigrid. They are both bangers in their own respect, and the are playing ln my head at the same time right now. It’s kinda nice!
Following:253! Though a few of those are inactive now, I’ve had this account since middle school
Followers: 27 total but 10 are inactive, and I’m pretty sure one is just a spam account that was VERY convincing
Amount of sleep I get: I try for 7-8 and get it most of the time, but some nights I get hit with that good self hate™️™️ and stay up later because why not? Or I’ll be up till 3 in fugue state trying to finish homework/ projects that I procrastinated on lol. I take lots of naps too BC they are soooo great
Lucky number:13! I have no basis behind this, other than because I want it to be, and because people say it’s bad luck. So far it’s been pretty great to me!!
Dream job: 😬😬😬 welll over the past 2 years, especially since I transferred colleges and had a bit of an unexpected major chance( technical theatre> studio art) My career path has been pretty unclear and I’m still not really sure what I wanna do. I’d love to get back into something theatre related because I’m pretty good at it, but lately the art I’ve been doing makes me very happy and gives me a personal sense of accomplishment that theatre never gave me. I’m hoping to find some sort of intersection between the two, so I can be able to make something for either a play or musical, then when I’m done just go chill somewhere for a little while and take a nap. Or like make some cool painting or drawing, make some money from it, then take a few weeks off of doing sutff, repeat. So I guess the short answer is: make art that I enjoy, get paid, not work every day:)
Wearing: what am I wearing?My, my, how sexual!! Just kidding;);). Black boots, high waisted skinny jeans, an button up shirt with a stranger things demegoron pattern, tan cardigan, and a little trans pride pendant I made to remind myself I am valid, and to signal other trans people!
Favorite song: (TAZ balance spoilers) idk if this counts but any version of lucetia’s theme from taz, written by one GRIFFIN TEAR MY HEART OUT ANDREW MCELROY. It’s just so beautiful, and it always makes me feel such strong emotions because every time it plays on the podcast there’s like a major plot development or moment of growth for lucetia, and I JUST. I literally ascend when it plays during the finale when she’s about to stop the hunger, just ugh so good
Instruments: I played the baritone for like a year in middle school. To summarize how that went: I was not very good:/:/
Random fact: I’m always telling myself that this probably isn’t something I should be so casual and open about, but then I tell people anyways. When I was 3-4, my sister was getting on my nerves and we were both on the kitchen counter for some reason. So to get her to stop, I took a knife and cut almost completely through her finger. Needless to say that got me in a bit of trouble with my dad, and to this day most of my family gets on edge when they see me with a knife. Which I find funny because In my teen years and now, I’ve gotten really into buying knifes and swords like some sort of blade gremlin. All of that probably made me sound very unstable, but I promise I’m not, just like sharp things. Im like 30% unhinged at all times AT MOST.
Aesthetics:????? I’m really into symmetry and matching colors of that counts as an aesthetic. My room is probably the best example, because everything in it is organized in a weird messy kinda way. I know where it is but it’s not where you’d think(ex: The sword I have hung next to my window) again I am very much a gremlin girl, and while I keep a lot of weird stuff, Im also very organized and creative so I end up using some broken things to make something new(ex: the bow and arrow I made out of a walking stick, some rubber bands and a 5 mechanical pencils). This description is probably also a good example of my aesthetic, which is to say messy, and slightly incoherent, but prepared and practical. In terms of clothing, it’s a sliding scale between “ For all intents and purposes I was not planning on leaving my room or being perceived physically by others today, but a friend wanted to hang out, and I love my friends so here I am looking like this” And “ I am an ethereal being of pure beauty and elegance, but watered down a bit so I’m still very well dressed, but minus the elegance, and plus a lil slut and probably some black boots”. It should also be stated that my gayness is part of both of these in varying degrees of intensity
I tag: @rosebudyke @negative-ghostriderr @sunshine-nb @severedned @seraphlesbian (y’all don’t have to if you don’t want to tho,but if you want message me! You all also seem very nice☺️)
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violentviolette · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @sociopathheart thank u gorgeous
1. Name/nickname: jack
2. Zodiac sign: pisces sun, cancer moon, sag rising
3. Height: 5’2
4. Hogwarts house: slytherin, as if that was glaringly obvious lol
5. Last thing I googled: mr krabs lmfao i was at work and drawing spongebob characters with chalk outside with the girls because theyre 6 so theyre super into spongebob. i got through spongebob, patrick, squidward, and plankton before i had to google what someone looked like tho so i count that as a win
6. Favourite musicians: rn its probably hozier. love that wild haired bog man.
7. Last song I listened to: something by billie ellish, i downloaded her album last week so ive been going through it
8. Song stuck in my head: nothing right now surprisingly
9. Followers: 1,239 which is genuinely insane to think about because like. i should not have that many ppl that voluntarily sign up to hear my garbage thoughts.thats nuts
10. Following: 477
11. Amount of sleep: i try really hard to get over 6 hours, it doesnt always happen but it definitely makes a difference and i pay for it if i dont.
12. Lucky number: 4 and 17
13. What I’m wearing: boxers and a tshirt that says “please not today.” im also sitting under a blanket patterned like sailor moons bed sheets and its so. fucking. soft. 
14. Dream job: absolutely nothing. i dont want to work and there is no for profit labor that i would ever enjoy performing. i want to live in my house and do what i want when i want with my very limited time in this existence. i dont care about making money or being successful. i dont have a passion that i would ever be happy monetizing like my art or my craftsmanship. i want to exist without having to “work” in a traditional capitalist sense, my dream job is no job.
15. Dream trip: anywhere. i love traveling and ill go anywhere at the drop of a dime. im always in for travel, my go bag is perma packed
16. Favourite food: cheese, literally anything with cheese in it i will eat. ive survived on cheese for weeks (not recommended but it will keep u alive) and like i could legit never get sick of it. which has been my biggest hurdle with the whole IBS diet changes. hard cheeses are still okay in moderation but i cant even smell goat cheese anymore and i used to eat that shit on the daily. alas. just another thing on the long long list of ways my body has betrayed me
17. Instruments: i used to play the flute in high school because of fucking course i was that asshole gay guy in the flute section, but i doubt i could still play now. at the very least the lip ring would be a major mechanical issue and i dont think the tongue ring would help things either
18. Languages: english, spanglish, and like, the tiniest bits of japanese and german
19. Favourite songs: taste of ink by the used, dark star by james young, it will come back by hozier
20. Random fact: i really love the water and im a fairly decent swimmer. i was on my schools swim team as a kid and did some competitions before realizing i wasnt at all competitive and that i fucking hated pressure and proceeding to never do that again
21. Aesthetic: lots of teeth, wings, long pointy black fingers, messy hair, garbage trash punk, 90′s grunge, nyc, raccoons
i dont even think i know 21 ppl so like im just gonna tag as many mutuals and followers as i can think of in this moment but hey if u see this and wanna do it just say i tagged u
@willowenigma @of-suns-and-guns @seanicus-prime @captainkiwitheboobian @h-oney-b-ones @azonus @sappholactone @manie-sans-delire-x @sternbeere @ukrainyan @coffin-bird @foxy-mulder @rococokara @gunpowderecho @chubby-elf-hux @anamorph-marco @ayghe @nogitsunewraps
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outofthewoods · 7 years
alright girlies here it is my first impressions (whatever I wrote down after the SS plus a few notes I made when it dropped) I AM LITERALLY....QUITE LITERALLY SHAKING....MY WIG: IS ON MARS 
READY FOR IT: At first I was kind of like…. :/ about this song but it’s actually a really good opener and a banger. Not sure I would’ve picked it as the second single but it goes all the way off. The bass has me shook Line: “he can be jailor burton to this taylor”
END GAME Very…..the weeknd vibes right ladies ?????????? this is like…..taylor’s Instagram baddie moment It is still SO WEIRD To me to hear rapping and Taylor swift in one song. Even tho we have the bad blood remix Im still….shook by Future and Taylor together ??????????? I really like this, it’s not one of my top 5 I don’t think but it’s so different from what I would've thought of for another ed/taylor collab Ed is giving me some don’t vibes..i’m into it…ed talking about the fourth of July is really iconic. Taylor telling the story of how this came about was really iconic too…I can literally picture her and ed getting drunk and being like HOWWWW COOL WOULD IT BE TO COLLAB WITH FUTURE????? LOL and then it actually happening I love her like. talk/shout/singing when she says “big reputation…” Line: “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me” Her runs in the last chorus THANK GOD…..I NEEDED THESE VOCALS…..
I DID SOMETHING BAD THIS SONG HAD ME FUCKING QUAKING IN THE SESSION…… “If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing” THE CHORUS BANGS…..IM LITERALLY……MOUTH OPEN SHOCKED I CANT BELIEVE THIS….THE M.I.A. PAPER PLANES MACHINE GUN SOUNDS…. This is so……blank space but……..fucking darker you SINNERS “If he drops my name I owe him nothing, if he spends my change then he had it coming…” The chorus is here again Im bopping so fucking HARD WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW I’M……….CRYING AT THE VOCALIZATIONS OF THE HOOK. I’m pretty sure she said this came to her the same way she came up with “STAY!” in AYHTDWS The bridge ladies LIGHT ME UP!!! GO AHEAD AND LIGHT ME UP YOU FUCKING HEATHENS!!!! THIS SONG MAKES THE WHOLE ALBUM WORTHY OF A GRAMMY Im literally shaking like my skin is quivering….that 2000’s fade out……Please kill me
DON’T BLAME ME This is the hozier…take me to church….taylor swift version The chords are her vocals and that. Is revolutionary, Einstein found dead in Miami Line: “I would fall from grace just to touch your face, if you walk away I’d beg you on my knees to stay” The like…..wopping of the chorus is really just…..gold Her falsetto at the end of the second verse. Wig on mars This is the stoner Taylor swift song we didn't know we needed but are so thankful we have VOCALS IN THE LAST CHORUS….I NEEDED SOME RUNS AND THE PRERELEASES DIDNT GIVE THEM TO ME BECAUSE SHE WAS SAVING HER DESTRUCTION OF EVERY OTHER PERSONS VOCALS FOR THE ALBUM
DELICATE This is very Imogen heap to me…… like the layered robotic vocals. It’s very interesting…..a really good segue from DBM It’s got like a deep house….tropical feel to it that I am really enjoying girlies “my reputation’s never been worse, so he must like me for me” why does that line have me crying Taylor swift you are literally sunshine THIS IS THE CHORUS I REMEMBERED….the is it cool is it chill etc…….that’s what I thought CIWYW was after the SS for some reason ???? “do the girls back home touch you do like I do?” SECOND VERSE LYRICS Got me feeling some wildest dreams type of way she looked at me so much during this song I’m emotional, I was bopping to the chorus and she was laughing at me and winking when the beat comes in during the chorus Not a standout from the album but very cool very different good vibes man
LWYMMD Obviously a bop. I see why it’s in the middle of the album and when Taylor explained the progression of the songs this really makes a lot of sense. I’m just feeling fragile bc Taylor swift grabbed me by my cheeks, pulled me towards her, grabbed my hands, and danced with me during this song. Wow BABY I GOT MINE BUT YOU’LL ALL GET YOURS!!! We literally screamed this in each other’s faces it was so……amazing I will NEVER FORGET The video…..do we even need to remind ourselves of how fucking iconic it was When I first heard this I was so confused I had just woken up in Ireland at 6am to listen and I was like . What is this But the chorus goes all the way off tbh This is like a parallel to shake it off….the themes and messages of……being yourself and rising above what other ppl think of you…..
SO IT GOES… Ok I literally blanked this song from my memory at the session, I think bc it was right after LWYMMD and me and Taylor having our first proper moment of the night “Back against the wall….tripping when you’re gone…” This album is so bass heavy. I’m loving the studio instruments, I thought I would miss the live guitars etc but I really don’t because it doesn’t fit with the album “I’m so chill but you make me jealous” Sis we have learned from 10 years of music from you that you aren't chill al;ksdfnjksdhifbknsdfdkjf I love you mom I love the way she says so it goes! In the chorus “You know I’m not a bad girl….but I do bad things with you…” WHOMST “SCRATCHES DOWN YOUR BACK NOW…. Taylor you've done several numbers on me I stopped counting 8 years ago the whispered 1..2….3……WOW VOCALS….AGAIN……….SCRATCHES DOWN YOUR BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHES REALLY WILDIN OUT HUH
GORGEOUS This is such a cute song. For me it seems like one of the ones I like less, but at the session I remember being so happy listening to it because she pointed me out and called me by name when she was passing out the new merchandise….so I was chillin Also she kept winking at me during the DINGS!
GETAWAY CAR Queen of whisper singing I wanted to leave him….I needed a reason SUDDENLY I WILL ONLY EVER DRINK OLD FASHIONEDS. IVE NEVER HEARD OF ANY OTHER DRINK Okay in my mind I was like this song is :/ but it bangs to be honest! I love the chorus Should've known Id be the first to leave….this song is full of tea ladies This song to me seems like it’s about a rebound relationship that wasn’t so serious/was just a way to release pent up emotions from something awful “X marks the spot….where we fell apart…..” the pre chorus is really out here doing that sweeties The bridge has an interesting modulation that i don't know how to feel about….this whole album is like full of surprises/polarizing musical techniques so this is cool This is Taylor Swift fleshing out a metaphor/concept masterpiece to her full ability. Queen of literature who is Shakespeare I’ve never heard of him Said goodbye….in a getaway car……. The ends of the songs are so interesting on rep…….this one goes off
KING OF MY HEART “I’m better off being alone…” Miss Taylor I’m so glad that you’ve stopped thinking this because you are really….the most WORTHY person of love in the whole wide world… This is probably my least favorite song on the album. It has some remnants of getaway car in it I feel……she’s cute but getaway car is sexy and sexy destroys cute It’s a little repetitive but I appreciate it’s placement on the album………..you move to me like a Motown beat…..alright Miss king of my heart redeeming herself My broken bones are mending……….taylor I love u………why are u drinking beer when u could be having an old fashioned tho…..beer is gross
DANCING WITH OUR HANDS TIED Thank you piano I love a live instrument The story behind this song is so heartbreaking and knowing that makes….the song so much more impactful to me “You had turned my bed into a secret oasis, people started talking putting us through our paces” here’s a big fat FUCK YOU to the daily mail Again the chorus comes in and is so….huge and sprawling compared to the rest of the song…..shaking us to our very cores! I love that you can hear the frantic/anxiety she was feeling throughout the song….like the rushed vocals and drawn out lower notes…..then the chorus just coming in with GLORY I LOVE the instrumental of the chorus so much…..it’s so beautiful and a little 1989 to me. Like very eighties synth heavy We also have some VOCALS! In the bridge and last chorus! the runs are giving me life
DRESS This song is like a …… I’m kind of drunk in the meatpacking district running from bar to bar with someone I love in the cold with big coats on….tea to me The falsetto. Queen Taylor has really been expanding her vocal register and I’m FUCKING here for it “Everybody thinks they know us” circling back to the overall theme of the album. We know what she chooses to let us know and beyond that we’re just fucking guessing sinners This song is like a …… I don't really care what they think of us I just wanna really…………see your dick and I don't care what anyone thinks of that ! THE HAIR BLEACHED LINE……SHE IS LITERALLY THE QUEEN OF SELF DRAGS I CANT SHES SO SELF AWARE ITS UNBELIEVABLE…….she’s like being humorous but also referencing a time in her life that was really shitty for her so. Queen of duplicity “I woke up just in time…” this line says so much about where she was when she started seeing Joe
THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS Oh girlies…..I have been so excited to hear this again since the session. She spilled some major fucking SCALDING tea before playing this so my ass was fully ready to be sloughed The alarms in the beginning…..a champagne sea…..my dream…… This is so fucking tongue in cheek about what everyone said about her #squad “I have to take them away” DEAD this is why she stopped having 4th of July parties klsadjidfnksdfd “Stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand….” Oh no…………WHO WOULD DO THIS TO MISS TAYLOR!!!!!!! “I took an axe to a mended fence….” The mhhhhhmmmmmm………. IF ONLY YOU WERENT SO SHADY SALKJFSDNKFJGM,DFLKNJGIDK WHY IS THIS SONG ABOUT ME SITTING ON TWITTER DRAGGING PEOPLE LEFT RIGHT AND CENTER Hard knock life………..TEA……during the fucking BANGER of a chorus….this is going to be so fun on tour…..SHE BETTER BE A SINGLE!!!!! hE sAiD shE saID!!!!! Here’s to mama…….yes miss Andrea here’s to u queen of the world THE BRIDGE…..SDFLSDMFJKNDNDSLJFKNFDJDSFNSD THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE!!!!! NICE!!!!! THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant even SAY IT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE Heres to my REAL FRIENDS! WOW….just wow ladies this is the future liberals want
CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT In my personal onion this is the most vulnerable song on the album. The first verse really has me out here crying in the club The chorus is so cute, this is a low-key banger and I wanna see her flying across the crowd during this song on tour
NEW YEARS DAY So here it is girlies….the most hyped song on the record…… Live piano. Minimal production. The concept behind this is so adorable “Candlewax and polaroids on the hard wood floor….” the most Taylor swift thing I have ever heard This relationship really seems like its forever my dudes she’s in it for the long run. She has never been so confident in a relationship that she’s CURRENTLY IN. She’s opening up DURING a relationship which is like……basically unheard of for her I love how subtle this is….the harmonies on the second chorus….crying in the club again “Hold on to the memories they will hold onto you…..” she said she's had that line ready to go for a while but couldn't find a place for it and here it is being adorable and wonderful also the line “Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I can recognize anywhere” Can I just speak on that line again….it is so beautiful and simple and shows how much she’s been through and the pain she has dealt with….and the sadness she KNOWS………..but she’s okay enough to talk about it. Im crying in the club 3.0
INITIAL RANKING: I Did Something Bad Don’t Blame Me Call It What You Want Dress Delicate Dancing With Our Hands Tied This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Look What You Made Me Do Getaway Car …Ready For It? End Game New Year’s Day Gorgeous So It Goes King of my Heart
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faemothra · 7 years
Tagged by: @finechinaghosts
Tagging (you don’t have to do this if you dont want to): @mischeaveous-and-random @gengarprotectionsquad @ahuicoyo @disneyfastplay @princessmalachite @glubglubog @societyrejected @pitchiner @yourownidentity @daisies-mixtape
Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: Lins
Gender/pronouns: genderfluid + they/them but im okay with whatever
Star sign: aquarius
Height: 5′0″
Time: 8:06 AM
Birthday: February 5th
Favorite bands: florence + the machine, daft punk, glass animals, caravan palace, mother mother, the aquabats, mountain goats, ajj, bastille, purity ring, haim, chromatics, arcade fire, and some others i cant remember rn
Favorite solo artist: st vincent, carly rae jepsen, grimes, hozier, lorde, regina spektor, fka twigs, gazelle twin, uhh theres probably more but yeah
Song stuck in your head: for some fuckin reason Every 27 Years from the It ost
Last movie you watched?: the last jedi
Last show?: astonishing legends
Why did you create your blog?: honestly idk but ive been here for way too long
What do you post?: literally anything plus the occasional personal post
Last thing you googled?: “who put bella in the wych elm”
Other blogs: my su blog @jasperhell
AO3: Don’t have one
Do you get asks?: like, once every couple months
How did you get the idea for your URL?: i like malachite and i also like kaiju and shes technically a kaiju i guess
I follow: 614 blogs, the majority of them a mix of art and shitposts
Followers: 1,241
Average hours of sleep: 7 or 8
Lucky number: 4
Instrument: i dont know how to play anything rip
What are you wearing?: pajamas
Significant other?: no one :’)
Dream job: ideally a storyboard artist or character designer but idk anymore
Dream trip: space (even better if i dont come back lmao), visit all my friends on here bc i lov yall
Favorite food: seafood, practically any dessert
Last book I read: It by stephen king
Top 3 fictional universes: adventure time, star wars, transformers
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suteshiro · 5 years
1-30 truths and 1-30 dares. ;3c
I don’t think that’s how that ask meme was supposed to work kfjvskjfv
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
Truth: Uuuh I don’t think I’ve had any celebrity crushes really?? And if I have I don’t believe I could tell you who the first one was
-Our lady of the underground (Hadestown)
-Take me to church (Hozier)
-You spin me round (Like a record) (Ninja Sex Party cover)
-Miss Jackson (Panic! at the disco)
-Looking like this (Lyre Le Temps)
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash.
Truth: I don’t have that much memory, pal
Dare: done!
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
Truth: uuuh,,,
I think my hair looks really nice when I am able to care for it,, I also like my eyes. They’re nice. I’m very Fuzzy I like that too
Dare: I’ll be honest I looked at my tumblr crush list and didn’t recognize many of them so uuh nah
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
Truth: @gaysaiyaman called me “a literal fairy of a person” once
Dare: I’m not on mobile so nah
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
Truth: I don’t wanna think about that,,
Dare: uuuh @biteghostblogs @tiarasnteakettles I can’t think of anyone else..
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
Truth: Really nice pens!!!! I love them!!!!!!!
Dare: I’ve never thirst followed anyone skjvnskvf
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
Truth: Like 6?
Dare: done
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
Truth: I don’t wanna answer that
Dare: done
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
Truth: @feycreature messaged me bc I’d reblogged pictures of his ocs and he was like “oh wow”
Dare: she doesn’t have a selfie tag so f
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
Truth: Bold of you to assume I know who I was five years ago?? Let’s say Evanescence
Dare: @araeph
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
Truth: Literally all of them were gifts
Dare: “I must don my floppy ears and become their queen again”
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
Truth: Aurora, Lucina, Minerva, María, Magnolia - Dante, Apollo, Ariel, Sirius, Cygnus
Dare: “Does he know what he did?”
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
Truth: I don’t feel like saying
Dare: only one that comes to mind is @masayoshihazama. very nice selfies
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
Truth: dress pants. guns ‘n roses tshirt. plaid shirt on top. black shoes. hell ya
Dare: @zuramaru has rlly nice taste
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
Truth: lots of lacy stuff,,,,,, those shirts that are almost transparent except for beautiful patterns that seem to just be hugging the skin,,,, really sexy
Dare: nah
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
Truth: Writer,
Dare: Not on my phone
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen.
Truth: my familys place,,,,,, terrible
Tumblr media Tumblr media
im maybe a little in love
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
Truth: i haven’t yet, and uuuh. part of me wants to be kissed Right Now, part of me isnt particularly interested
Tumblr media
Pressed enter a bunch until everything looked blank bc thats Spoilery Writing but ya i was writing a thing for a character
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
Truth: I don’t remember Shit
Dare: @gaysaiyaman keeps putting 10 posts in a row in my dash of whatever the interest of the Moment is and @the-carmevore and i are Same Hyperfixation mood with a campaign we’re in
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
Truth: It’s a bit messy ngl,, 
Dare: Nah
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
Truth: all I can think about rn is my oc Ruby
Dare: Not feeling up to anything with pictures bc that implies phone usage
22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
Truth: I’m not feeling really like looking forward to anything rn,, got really depressed all of a sudden
Dare: nah
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Truth: I don’t feel like giving too much information to unsuspecting people but like if ur curious and wanna dm me or ask privately im not a secretive person
Dare: “Freeze your brain / Swim in the ice, get lost in the pain / Happiness comes when everything numbs / Who needs cocaine? / Freeze your brain”
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
Truth: Computer, phone, im gonna put stationery all in one category, controller, ps4
Dare: Nah
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
Truth: I don’t wanna talk about that!
Dare: nah
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
Truth: I watched like 40 minutes of The Godfather. before that I think I watched Inside Out
Dare: nah
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr.
Truth: I like that I actively try to be nice,,, I like my voice,,, I uh. like that ive kept myself alive?
Dare: see above in relation to Camera Roll im a lazy bastard
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
Truth: probably cold, definitely sweetened to death, but i never take coffee by itself honestly
Dare: nah
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
Truth: not a habit by itself but rather my inability to form positive habits and try to take control of my life and do the things i wanna do,, ya
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
Truth: I’m keeping a Bunch of secrets bc dnd. mostly from @the-carmevore bc Sovereign Stars,, Control
Dare: @vampfucker666 @masayoshihazama @feycreature uuuuh ill leave that there
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