#literally rip jason
yendts · 3 months
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doodles of my boy jason with lyrics from i think there’s something you should know by the 1975
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 4 months
Damian's panicking.
It was idiotic the moment he saw Grandfather enter Gotham he should have called Father, or Richard even Todd but instead he went on a one man sucide mission.
He knows that he has nothing to prove he didnt have to track Ra's down egaged him in a fight that he can't win.
Especially when he isn't fighting to kill even back in the league trying his hardest he never measured up, his Grandfather has been and will always be untouchable.
He's down katana lost somewhere down below it's almost fitting another Robin dangling off the top of Wayne enterprises. Pearched at his throat a Katana ready to tear through blade sharpenerd that even with only the slight pressure a drop of blood has already rolled down his neck.
He will die again at the hands of another member of his family he seems immortal until it comes to another Al Ghul.
Tears start to slide down he hears grandfathers cruel laughter at how pathetic his grandson is he closes his eyes he doesn't want to see.
A sharp gasp reaches his ears and than a pained moan.
His eyes snap open.
Ra's Al Ghul stands a blade protruding from his heart that is quickly ripped out as he drops to his knees.
Damian's forces his gaze to move from his grandfathers bleeding corpse to the figure holding the blade.
His brother stands in nothing more than his suit he can't help the relieved sob as he pulls himself further away from the edge and throws himself into Tim's waiting arms.
"How did you find me, how did you get here so fast," he forces out through the sobs that's are starting to hurt his chest.
Tim pulls away enough to force Damian's head to gaze up.
"Oh sweetheart, Dami your literally on top of my building, Nevermind that kiddo I'll always find you."
He collapses back into his brothers arms burrowing as far as he can into his chest he doesn't have the energy to do much else other than cling.
He feels Tim shift him so he's carrying Damian as the adrenaline runs out. He doesn't try to fight sleep as he dozes off feeling safer than he ever has with the brother who saved him.
His brother who must have run from whatever meeting he was in without any armor to rescue his little brother. He wasn't saved by Red Robin but by Tim Drake and for once he can't imagine how he ever wished for a different one.
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skarmoree · 3 months
I won’t be who he is (I will be who he is)
testing smth bc I think tumblr nuked my initial post of this so if you saw it twice no you didn’t
pls listen to drivers seat by madds buckley and experience batboys brainrot. gif vers:
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seulgishaku · 1 month
RIP Jason Grace instead of going to school you should've went to therapy but that's ok I got a diploma for the both of us 🙏
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mistergreatbones · 19 days
Jason thinks bruce is so cold to him because he hates him when in reality his death shook bruce so bad it fundamentally changed his personality
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kermitthesog · 2 months
spoilers hehehehehhhe (pjo + toa deaths)
literally stop. literally stop. stop. stop. stop. i can’t. I was just reminded of how there literally is no main character privilege in pjo other than for percy, annabeth and idk grover? LIKE STOP. you cannot trust rick riordan like other authors because guess what? One of the main characters? Like in the Titan’s Curse with Zoe? nope. dead. Luke? No returning to the good side, no! had to kill himself to stop kronos. Dead. STOP IT. Jason, who was there for a whole series? dead! Silena who was there the whole series and was a secret spy for kronos but redeemed herself by sacrificing herself? oh yeah also dead. Beckondorf who was also there the whole series and helped percy so much? oh you liked him? that’s funny. dead. And yeah you could argue that, at least in that particular series, that character might not be a “main” character, but come on.
it just hurts so much more when you’ve gotten a backstory, personality, fears, motivations, growth, even a redemption arc of a character and you have to watch (well, read) them die. and when that character was so well loved by the other characters and the audience. when the character dies and you have to endure everybody’s reactions. when you cry because someone is screaming out in pain for them like piper for jason, screaming he’s not dead. when they describe their anguish like clarisse with silena. when a character has to walk away after the other sacrificed themselves like percy and beckondorf. when they have to cope with them being forever gone.
i cannot deal with the fact that there are so many deaths of important people. and they still weigh so heavily on everyone else. they made an impact. want some examples?
Zoe: percy still thinks about her.
Luke: he made an everlasting impact on everyone who met him or fought against him.
Jason: the whole rest of the series after the burning maze, apollo/lester dedicates his actions to jason and promises to be human like jason had pleaded for.
Beckondorf + Silena: Are fought for in the end during the final battle against kronos.
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
literally love when jason is just so oblivious. everyone's like i need to be with him and jason's like wow everyone is so nice to me i love having friends. bitches are like grabbing his arms and being like wow you're so muscular haha and he's like yeah do you wanna know how to bulk up i think it works well if you wanna get jacked. bitches are like you're so hot haha and jason's like not really i think i'm actually a pretty average temperature and they're like no you're attractive and he's like oh yeah i'm p much an electromagnet. he has no clue
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tainted--sorrow · 1 month
Not beating the Jason Todd stan allegations
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
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wow a lot of these are about jason lol
now to actually go to sleep, it's much too late for me to be up ily bye!!
for chapter 9 of cetbwa
#cetbwa#danny phantom#dp dc#dp x dc#batman#literally just finished reading your comment and how you werent doing memes until later#which would have been absolutely fine please dont feel like you have to meme straight away on my account (you do have to meme tho haha)#and i go to put my phone down and see a tumblr notification with MEME TODAY lmao#ilysm bestie#i am very spoiled today thank you so much!!!!#these are fuxking quality too like holy shit - literal laugh out loud funny#the fucking jason office one had me in stitches its so funny#thats exactly the way jason is feeling rn - and i was so in two minds about how long to keep danny pretending to be damian for!!#like on the one hand its not exactly the right way to start off a relationship,but on the other hand.... it absolutely fits into the batfam#also i had this funny little phone text conversation thing mocked up between tim and jason that i was gonna put in the notes but rip me#i have no idea how to do that lmao i tried so hard and for so long but it just kept coming up blank 😔😔#it was gonna be like 'thanks for telling me he's identical i almost outed red hood!' and then tim would be like#'wow red hood's gay??'#it was funny#BUT NOT AS FUNNY AS THESE#oh fuck i made it big again by accident how do i keep doing that#oH FUCK I FORGOT TO TAG YOU AGAIN FUCK ME#tellmeabtspinos#the butterfly one 'is this a normal undead man?' because thats a sentence normal people say - danny has such a skewed view of normal lmao#also you very much are a psychic with your kitten drawing,apollo really socked you because next chapter 😽🥺#damn these are all so good like#hope you have a good sleep and thank you again so so much!!! love you bby you are incredible and funny and so so creative ilysm ❤️
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pteropodidaes · 1 year
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nari-writes · 9 months
I KNOW THIS IS JUST BRAIN ROT. I know it. Judge me not!!!
I saw a summary post of the current Batman arc ((Gotham War)) and my brain is full of bunnies so the panel of Jason having that panic attack (<- litcherally went to go find fic of this concept immediately after because HELL yes I want to see Jason suffering. Messed UP, Bruce!!!!!) BUT. The concept of a chip that makes you afraid whenever you feel adrenaline. Oh my god. Oh my god ❤️ fear toxin is already amazing. BUT THIS?? SO good. My tags have jason fic rambles but unfortunately I am Currently a Tim Drake stan first and foremost so my brain went:
Huh, Fake Anxieté? 👀 and was like concept: young!Tim's parents find out about his forays into Gotham and his slowly expanding Lack of fear to consequences (he's faced scarier in Gotham simply walking home from school! He's a teenager now and no teenager is able to understand their own mortality it's a literal Thing!), and thus he is Not being a Good and Obedient Young Son. They will Fix This. And so Tim gets chipped (oof don't think about the dog and leash metaphor in this thank you :)) and I like the angst of him not realising it. Having to deal with this sudden influx of anxiety, barely wanting to leave the house because he's started to get panic attacks when he goes out to photograph things, the human brain tries hard to protect itself. If you're constantly getting flooded by adrenaline and fear your neurological pathways adapt and tell you everything is bad.
And it's. He knows this isn't normal. Tries to get his parents to help, gets assistance from online pysch self-help, struggles so hard with it, and then Jason dying 👀 Tim deciding he has to do something even if he's terrified of the outside world. Using every trick he can to get Dick back in the game and when Dick scoffs and does that (I can't remember it verbatim) but the vibes of well if you think he needs a Robin so bad why aren't you volunteering? line. Bro. The angst.
ANYWAY because this is an au (even if using more fanon!tim characterisation 'cause. Chip) I'm also like. Make him fight scarecrow as his first bust.
...Tim literally stuck here in: I can't mode, but if he doesn't, Batman and Nightwing die- it's not even adrenaline that gets properly triggered by his chip anymore, as soon as any of it starts he just gets flooded with fear and his brain makes it so much worse. Alfred watching him have a total breakdown 🥰 <- bad. Being like Hm I think something is Wrong With This Child. And managing to help enough that Tim - who has spent YEARS battling his (fake, thanks parents) anxiety - powers through and then shakily collapses when he's home.
Also this is when Tim is like okay. This is so not normal. I just had a three day hallucination. And Also that felt a LOT like fear gas. Figuring out adrenaline is the trigger and trying to suppress it...oof. And the coping mechanism he uses to get through Robin is just. Completely shutting down. It is CREEPY to everyone else. There is a subsection of mooks terrified that Batman bought the old Robin back to life through his dark magic and that's why he goes from bubbly poking-Batman to Completely Silent and Darkness.
Alfred like: this young man has an anxiety disorder
Tim: something is greviously wrong and I can't bring it up with batman yet because this is an InternshipTM until Batman is able to function on his own but as I get better at being Robin I'm sure I'll figure out why my brain is so weird and Also how it is that I'm immune to scarecrow's gas (that's weird right?)
Nightwing: this kid is a wreck how on earth is he managing Bruce's mental health so well- oh yeah wait nevermind he probably has lots of help with his own. Hm. Let's make sure he doesn't get hurt- why on earth does he go through missions like a robot this is supposed to be fun and adrenaline inducing does he not like FUN????
Batman: Jason 😔
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angelsdean · 8 months
probs won't hit post limit bc i spent a good chunk of the day watching smallville
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multifanritz · 2 years
a man on tiktok is rlly trying to fight me rn saying i cant be a woman and like batman. like huh???? babe ive been in the fandom for the past 8 years u need to leave. hes saying "blah go watch she-hulk or wanda." uhmmmm no. ill keep writing my essays about jason todd being a complex character and bruce wayne being a depressed father byeeeee
i know im acting funny rn but thats cuz im livid and trying not to scream. im so tired of having to PROVE im a "true fan" just cuz i have tits. like wtf. just cuz im a woman doesnt mean im only in the fandom to simp for the men. do i find jason todd attractive? fuck yeah. is that why i like him? FUCK NO.
i like superheroes cuz of their stories!! i love the characters and the things they go thru! i love the love and the hate and the happy and the sad and the good and the bad. i love the heros and the villains and the sidekicks and the side characters. i love the movies and the shows and the books and the fanfics.
i am a woman and i love dc and marvel. and i dont have to play 20 questions with men to fucking prove that im a fan.
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mikewheeleronlyfans · 2 years
the way that some one said there would be 5 deaths and we just ran around expecting the absolute worst
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disdaidal · 2 years
Jason is also such a useless addition. They introduce characters, have them learn nothing and kill them off. Jason should have faced consequences for his actions. Ugh the Duffers frustrate me so =_=
Exactly. I don't hate Jason as much as I probably should because in a way, I understand his feelings over his girlfriend's death. But at the same time, he went totally insane and did things that he should've been punished for. Or just like you said, he could've at least learned something from his mistakes. But just like Billy, he was killed off as a villain, with no consequences, nothing to learn from. Except Billy had actual depth and that's largely thanks to Dacre.
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
thinking about how jason almost fucking died and while it happened he was still just thinking about nico and nico probably sensed jason dying and yet when they saw each other again nico didn't even think about it
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