#literally recently started reading ut fanfics
anartisticdreamer0 · 3 months
btw me saying “oh stars” instead of “oh god” is both because i wanted that post to be universal and because i was an undertale fan and have never recovered
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Skam Fic Love Fest Day 1: Comments
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@evaksbinder arranges this lovely challenge, Skam Fic Love Fest 2018, and I love, love, love the idea. As always, I've planned this badly, and it collides with thousand things I've got going on right now. Still, I'll try to post a thing or two during the week!
Today's prompt is comments. 
I feel like I forget to comment on fics all the time, and lately I’m been too busy, too. So today I have commented on some recent fics and I will give them a shoutout here. Check out  Vivo (estas) Nun by Bewa,  Og opp til hodet by imminentinertia,  Scrim by eiqhties,  What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been by XioNin. I also commented on  The One That Got Away by cami_soul,  Synchronicity by XioNin and once more on  Masters of their own domain by evakuality. The comments got a little short today, because I’m in a hurry with some boring adulting things. However, a little is better than nothing, right?! 
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As a writer I have gotten so many lovely comments, and I really can’t get how I deserve them? At all? But I cherish them all anyway, of course. It makes me so happy to see that others actually want to read the things I write and enjoy them, too! Here are some of the commenters I really appreciate.
One of the first comments I got was this one from Strangetowns / @canonicallyanxious on Don’t leave me (alone):  Aw, this is really lovely! And such an interesting start to what's coming up. I love the histories you've constructed for the two of them, like it's different from canon but also feels totally plausible and realistic with what we know of them as characters? I love the alternating pov, i think you pull it off really well and it helps create a more balanced dynamic between the two of them which is super lovely. I love that even though this fic happens in the course of one day, the development of their relationship feels quite natural. It's very believable why they would be so attracted to each other so quickly, especially considering their shared history! Anyway, I'm really enjoying this so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes <3
I really love this comment from Livet_er_naa on the same fic that actually mentioned something that didn’t quite work and that I could fix. I appreciate to get both positive feedback and concrit. This is the only concrit comment I have gotten from others than my beta readers, so it has a special place in my heart:  Tror du trygt kan utnevnes til master i lange kapitler ;) Bare en ting jeg stusset litt over - på slutten av delen som heter "Even - The gift". Først ser det ut som det er Isak som sier :" – Fy faen, he whispers. – Jeg elsker deg." (eller er det Even som sier det? Ble litt usikker). Bare noen setninger senere sier nemlig Isak "I love you", og av måten de snakker om det på virker det som det er noe han sjelden sier... Og det stemmer jo ikke hvis han nettopp sa det? Ble bare litt forvirret her, håper det er greit at jeg sier det, det er jo egentlig bare en detalj. :) Du skriver at du har strevd mye med kapittelet, men det merkes ikke når man leser i hvertfall. Og du fikk med mye fint fra sesong 4 også. Fint avslutningskapittel dette da! :)
@coolauntskam gave me this enthusiastic comment on The Very Personal Shopper: Ahhhh!!! You already know how much I love this fic. So sweet and funny and hot. It's still hilarious to see my grocery ordering adventures immortalized in fanfic. LOL. I'll never be over it. Thank you for this entertainment, haha!!And you had me laughing out loud with the lightsaber stuff. xD Oh, and OF COURSE Isak prefers Han over Luke. That's my boy! <3 Thank you for writing this, Camilla. It was delightful. :-D
On  Different, but same, I got some surprisingly lovely comments. Surprisingly, because the fic is a little strange and there are some consensual issues with it. Still, @rogueleader1987 , KT, wrote me this fantastic comment:  GIRL YOU KILLED ME!!!!!! that was so fantastic <3333333 i am feeling so many feels! ily. And later,  Flatfootmonster / @becsfannibal  attacked me with this comment when I needed it the most:  You are far, far, far from useless love. Seriously, one of my favortie writers sadi something like "Grammar, spelling, plot, playout, characters... these things can always be improved upon, because they are skills, but you have to have the talent to tell a story; that's the only prerequisite" and thank god he said that, cos lord my grammar is terrible now but it used to be appaulling. But I keep working on it and writing. YOU can tell a story, don't give up <3 I really felt a whole dizzying array of emotions from your words and that was beautiful. Thank you, I know fanfic writing can be a thankless task sometimes but remember the positivity <3
Im_a_bird  left me this amazing comment on Drunk on your colours: Only you can feel what you feel...except when you can also feel what everyone else feels too. This is such an interesting idea that they both have special abilities that set them apart and give them insight into other people. I would think Even's gift could be more painful than Isak's since Even is getting a real-time signal boost of their current feelings. It seems like it would be overwhelming. I want to comment on a thousand things from this chapter but I don't even know where to start. Oh wait! I do! That kiss...ahhh. Isak wanted that for so long and then finding out that Even deepened the kiss because he could feel how much Isak wanted him made it that much better! First year Isak and third year Even fics are especially my favorite! I love that Isak hasn't shrugged on that angry brittle protective shell quite so much at this point. He's just a little more open and innocent than he was by his second year. When he says he will change, I hope those aren't the changes he plans to make. This is so, so good!
arindwell/ @arindwell gave me this amazing comment on the same fic: I think I told you this already but I loved the positive feedback loop they had during sex, where Even felt Isak's emotions and got more turned on, and Isak saw/heard/felt Even get more turned on, and they just fed into each other. It's nice that they can get something fun out of their powers, not just the serious aspects (which are fascinating.) I really liked that when they finally got together it was light and not too angsty, which they deserved after pining over each other for so long. It was sweet (and sad) that Even could still think Isak would want someone other than him! I enjoyed this story so much. You always surprise me with your plots, as it's never what I'm expecting, and I love that. Thank you!
OceanOfInfinity always leave me lovely comments, and here’s one she left on The Cuddle Snuggle App:  I am all in in this one! Based on the premise, it might become my favorite of your app series. It's unique but based in reality. Can't wait for more!
Amfelia wrote me this amazing comment on Trollbundet/Spellbound: Spent the entire train ride to and from work reading this. Can’t begin to tell you how difficult it was not to do some stealth reading at work in between meetings, but I managed. Absolutely loved this, I think it is my favorite soulmate-fic, the way you used the bond as symbolism for how it sometimes can feel falling in love. And the tension, Even pulling back, Isak letting him do that. It was just so clever. You are clever.
On the same fic I got this comment that really picked me up when I was feeling a little down:  Amethystus wrote: Camilla <3 Been saving this gem for when I'd have better time, and which time could possible be better, than my first week of summer vacation! 
Where do I start? I haven't read many soul bond fics, so I don't know what's considered right and wrong, but I love what you're doing with it. Like, they're not forced to stay together, and they still have to work on their relationship, this is just some kind of magical matchmaking, like a nudge in the right direction. So beautiful!
The setting is perfect. I mean, meeting your sweetheart at a music festival, it's so realistic, even if it's literally Enchanting! All the little nods to s3, like "stay here with you forever" and kebabs (albeit moose kebabs) as comfort food, it's just so adorable. And I love the isfolket-ish chapter titles <3 Now I know you like playing around with different types of media, so you've probably thought of a soundtrack for this little darling already, but I thought I'd let you know that I listened to Jennie Abrahamson's "Into Deep" while reading. Check it out if you want to! Kudoskudoskudos and love!!!
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I could have mentioned so many more, but this was what I managed in a hurry. Right before midnight, lol. Thank you, all of you! All these comments and so many more made me forget my worries and keep writing! ❤️ 
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kimtanathegeek · 4 years
Comic Sans and Papyrus
I recently discovered the game Undertale, and during quarantine I found several fan comics on Pinterest and DeviantArt. I’ve perused fan comics before, from fandoms like Detroit: Become Human and Harry Potter. But there’s something about the nature of Undertale with its multiple endings, interesting lore, and hidden secrets that makes fan comics an amazing addition to the game world itself.
Admittedly, I have not ventured into Undertale AU territory (Underfell, Underswap, etc). I’m sure it’s amazing and people have developed it deeply, but I have been sticking to the original Undertale universe—which in itself has multiple universes because of timeline differences.
I gravitate towards comics about Sans and Papyrus because I love their brotherly bond (I am a sucker for brotherly love relationships, i.e. Fullmetal Alchemist). They are my favorite characters of the game. Papyrus has been my favorite since I started watching people play Undertale on YouTube (as I have not played it myself). However, the more I understand Sans, the more I see my own self in him, and he’s grown on me to become my second favorite.
Since the game came out in 2015, and I’m always late to the party, there have been TONS of fan comics created by amazing artists and storytellers. What I found out early in my reading-spree was that many Undertale fan comics, despite being incredibly good, have been abandoned. I was reading one particular comic that had stunning art and a story that was utterly fascinating and was heartbroken to find that the artist had cancelled the comic. That burned me for days since I was dying to see where the story went and I’d invested over a week of binge reading. I had been disappointed to reach a dead end to a comic before, but this one really hurt. Since then, I’ve tried to make sure the comics I read are either completed or ongoing (hoping that they don’t also cancel before completion).
I was extremely stunned to find that people are still making fan comics even though the game has been out for 5 years. Three of the best ones I’ve been following and highly recommend are:
Handplates by Zarla – The art style is simplistically beautiful, but the story itself is excruciating as Sans and Papyrus go through intense suffering and torture. It’s sometimes hard to read, but I keep hoping for a happy ending despite their painful past. And if you want to completely destroy your emotions and want to cry every time you see Papyrus, Zarla’s Dust Jar is incredibly powerful and UNBELIEVABLY sad. My gosh, I’m literally tearing up just thinking about it. You’ve been warned.
Timetale by AllesiaTheHedge – A gorgeous story that is an AU with all the same characters, a few twists, and different backstories and relationships. This AU is faithful for the most part to UT, and the blue-gray coloring gives this comic an amazing look. I like the idea of Sans the scientist, and Papyrus’ design is adorable.
DeeperDown by Zeragii – A fascinating epilogue to pacifist route that poses the question: what if humanity isn’t as keen on accepting monsters as Asgore thought they would be? But the bulk of this story is an amazing original villain that makes Flowey look like a pansy. I read 500 pages (yeah, that’s not an exaggeration, that’s the actual amount) in one night and was intrigued by the artistic evolution of the characters.
I’ve even started drawing the skelebros myself. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve drawn, and I was never good to begin with. But I’ve been practicing because I want to attempt my own fan comic to illustrate a storyline I’ve had in my head for a while. Unfortunately, I’m not even close to being able to start a comic as I am still trying to get a consistent design for Sans and Papyrus.
Here’s a few sketches I’ve done over the last few weeks when I wanted to do more than concept art. Yes, I know, they’re horrible, but it’s better than when I first started.
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This was the birthday card I made my brother:
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So as you can see, I’m not going to be doing a comic any time soon. ☹ My brother said I should write fan fiction since he thinks I’m a decent writer, but I don’t know if anyone even cares about fanfics anymore. But he might have a point. I can at least start out by writing the storyline, and if I ever get better with my art, I can illustrate it. But I’m still not sure, as I feel like visual comics are more impactful than written words in this day and age.
Hope you guys enjoyed my “fan art,” and that those of you who are artists are encouraged that your stuff is loads better than this stuff. And if I do end up writing a fanfic, I’ll let you guys know.
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