#literally miss me with the business major shit
monsterhugger · 2 years
“elevator pitch” “stakeholders” “value proposition” shut UP girl I wanna rip and dismember
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saerotonins · 6 months
actor!yuuji & actor!sukuna headcanons
ft. itadori yuuji and ryomen sukuna 
content warnings: fluff, itadori twins au, overall cuteness, implied x reader (separated), jjk manga spoilers, characters are aged up to 20+
wc: 2.3k (jesus christ lol)
note: i miss my little actors so much lol. also, i think this is a bit too long, my bad 😭
jjk actor au masterlist
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as twin actors:
believe it or not, jjk is like one of the roles that had them cast together 
both of them usually like to play different roles in different shows because they just don't want to be known as each other's twins
love that for them, they're so real for that
but when they were cast, they accepted it since the script and plot were interesting 
yuuji is a sweetheart inside out and sukuna is the quieter one between the two, sukuna is soft for his brother though so don't get fooled by his tough persona
yes, he is the older twin LOL and always holds it against yuuji just to be petty
"dude can you get me that can of soda?""why are you ordering your older brother around? have some shame"
yuuji just rolls his eyes but before he gets up and get it himself, sukuna will wordlessly stands up and does it anyway
checks on yuuji whenever he does intense fight scenes
both of them do the stunt themselves since they ate both so physically active
education wise, yuuji graduated as a marketing major and sukuna has a degree in physical therapy 
which explains why him and his brother always practice fight scenes together and he helps yuuji with his stance and warm ups!
it's adorable really and he's so tsundere about it too
"no not like that, put your legs this way dumbass" like that typa stuff
sukuna started off as a model but was later on casted because casting agencies thought he has that great villain face
yuuji started off as a side character and really likes acting (he is the theatre kid between the two and sukuna is the quiz bee kid, their mom is BOOKED and busy) and later on recognized because he's just THAT good
yuuji is usually a romance lead or 2nd lead and a slice-of-life guy so when fans found out he will be in an action show, they are excited!
sukuna on the other hand has been casted as a tsundere in romance shows, sometimes a bully and an antagonist in action shows, but a villain that is literally so powerful??? that is so new so his fans are anticipating 
both of them usually arrive on the set together (sukuna is the one driving btw and yuuji just sleeps during the trip)
yuuji prepares both of their bento boxes btw
sukuna loves it
he can cook, but that's it LMAO
he won't admit it but yuuji is the better cook
lowkey a picky eater so yeah
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sukuna is the intimidating one (obv) so when him and the other casts first met + the first few readings, it was sooo awkward 
turns out he's lowkey a goofy guy
has fun with his costars and helps them with fight scenes too, gotta put that physical therapy degree into good use
both him and nanami have this silent bond because whenever they're together they just don't talk and bask in the silence as they sit, they just peace amidst their crazy schedule
also an avid toji fan so when this guy found out he's in the same show with his idol he's almost shitting bricks
let out a really loud cheer when he found out and only yuuji knew about it LOL
has a deep-rooted respect towards him and it's sooo obvious whenever toji is around
he is such a fucking fangirl
he just thinks he's so badass and feels so honored to be casted in the same show as him
feels bad that he has to beat up almost everyone 😭 he is also a sweetheart deep inside
deep inside, he's such a caring and protective brother for yuuji because even though he doesn't have any scenes to be filmed, he still joins him on set whenever time allows him
he may not show it but he's sometimes lowkey terrified about fans tearing him up into shreds whenever he kills their favorite character 
imagine sukuna dripping big sweats by the time THAT episode with [redacted] aired oh my GOD he was so fucking nervous considering their fanbase is so big
yuuji has never seen his brother THIS nervous before and he's enjoying it
luckily though, not much hate happened and most of the time it's just memes and playful banter
his ass is barely on social media LOL
in the years of his instagram existing he only has like 90+ posts or even below 😭 usually it's just promotion, being an ambassador, magazine shoots— very lowkey 
doesn't have much digital footprint and i love that for him
whenever he posts, his fans are EATING IT UP since it happens every once in a blue moon lmfao
as tough as he looks, he actually can be quite clingy, just behind closed doors though
lowkey feels bad when he has to beat up children (LMAO) and his co-actors and asks for cuddles from you for comfort
it's actually kind of adorable 
sometimes if his schedule doesn't allow him to have time to visit you, you'll get messages like "babe i just beat up megumi :(" 
since he's not active on social media, he knows some stuff online through you or yuuji
kind of a sad reason why he doesn't go online as much is because as tough as he looks, he's just a guy scared of the hate he's going to have just because he plays a villain or antagonist most of the time
he knows it's not his fault, he just knows that some people just don't know how to separate reality from acting
especially when that scene where he had to off a certain jujutsu sorcerer actor with a huge fanbase
oh boy was he so fucking scared and ran into your arms for comfort :(
he's a softie deep inside ok
when they have to go out of town or even overseas to film, he gets incredibly homesick and misses you so much 
expect a lot of "i miss you" messages, including selfies and candid pictures that he took around the set to
practicing his lines with you is close to impossible, this guy gets all blushy and shit because you're in front of him
and since most of his lines are mean as hell, he just doesn't want to be mean to you
he wants to impress you so bad but when you're around he just becomes a little high school boy with a big crush LMAO
he's such a sweetheart deep inside oh my god
when he decides he wants to post a new photo in his ig, you're the first and only person he'll ask for opinions
so this just means that most, if not all of his posts were handpicked by you
wears your matching stuff like accessories on set and gets sad when he has to take it off while filming
when he learned that his character would have face tattoos, the first thing he did was come home to you with his face makeup on (he had to ask his makeup artist to let it stay) and imitate it on your face
i have this headcanon that sukuna knows how to draw (and is very good at it) so it takes almost no effort to draw the tattoos on your face
you two then have a mini photoshoot (aka just taking a lot of selfies) with the both of you with sukuna marks on the face
it looks so cute that he made it his lock screen
he's lowkey such a sap don't let the character he's playing fool you
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he is literally a sunshine in or out of acting
so polite and so kind it's hard to hate him (not that he is even worth hating on)
so naturally, everyone on set loves to work with him!
unlike his brother, before acting, he doesn't really know a lot of fighting stance (he's a marketing major ffs lol) BUT ever since he was casted, he doubled up on his working out routine with the help of sukuna
even invested his time learning boxing which later on paid soooo much
can literally make everyone on set "aww" whenever his script requires him so cry or even witness a gruesome death scene *cough* nanami and nobara *cough*
during breaks, him and nobara do tiktok challenges and even those kpop challenges all the time and the crew enjoys watching them do it and the fans like it too
he does it too with choso and todo
this guy literally has 3 older brothers who are protective of him it's so cute
this man is so talented, he can cook, sing, dance, act, and is pretty smart too during his university days, it's so hard not to be in love with him
the greenest of the green flags (just like nanamin!) the girls the guys the folks LOVE him so much, literally the standard 
just like sukuna, he was fangirling so hard when he found out he's going to be in the same drama with THE nanami kento
he's such a big big BIG fan 
has a fan account of him on twitter that is pretty popular but you didn't hear that from me
it's so cute when they're together because they're literally THE father and son duo EVER
has the time of his life whenever he visits nanami and his wife's house and just chill there, sometimes brings his first-year trio besties too (both nanami and his wife don't mind at all)
aside from sukuna, he sometimes practices fight scenes with nanami too!
he is so active on social media 😭 interacts with as many fans as he can and posts all the time on ig and twitter 
has a lot of cute interactions with fans too
by extension, his account is sukuna's behind the scene account LOL
since his brother doesn't post a lot, sukuna's fans tune in to his posts and stories of sukuna behind the scenes or even just some pictures of him that he doesn't post
some of it are just pics of the brothers chilling or going out
yuuji is literally the sukuna fan's saint because of the amount of sukuna content he's giving them LOL
ok but don't get fooled by yuuji's sunshine personality, because he knows how to bite too
whenever he saw hate tweets his brother is getting for playing a villain, he is quick to respond and defend his brother
lowkey a nightmare for the PR team but they know where he's coming from
and despite sukuna telling him to just ignore it, he appreciates his little brother more than anything 
one word: ANGEL
he's literally so lover coded oh my goodness
leaves you some post-it notes on the fridge every single day before he leaves to film
if the trip goes on for days he will leave at least three long love letters for you to read when you miss him and he's busy
creates personal vlogs JUST FOR YOU so if the both of you can't facetime, you'll still know what he is up to
when he was contacted to be the main character of the show, he confided in you whether or not he should accept the offer
don't get him wrong, he is beyond grateful the people think he's capable enough to be the main lead but it makes him nervous 
this is his first main character role and the pressure of it all is heavy on his shoulders 
he asked for his brother's opinion too but he trusts you enough to talk about his feelings regarding this
of course, when you said that you'll be there with him in every step and support him all the time and do everything to keep the communication between the two of you going despite his soon-to-be hectic schedule, his heart is finally set on accepting the role
you are so proud of him! your baby finally getting the recognition he deserves? hell yeah
his busy schedule was never a barrier between the two of you, yuuji never forgets to update and call you whenever his time permits and he always appreciates every cheer you have given him
type of actor boyfie to show you off his social media platform!
he posts your dates and even hangouts with each other
his fans find it quite adorable and is in love with your whole relationship 
likes to do those couple tiktok challenges with you and post them online, you guys even have shippers lol
of course, if you're the lowkey type, yuuji would respect that and will only include you in his online shenanigans when you feel like it or allow him to post it
practicing lines with you is always exciting but never productive LOL
you both just end up giggling and laughing 
in the end you just both opt to cuddle instead (or even make our LMFAO)
yuuji just feels so lucky to have his ever-supporting partner along the way
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000-pawz · 28 days
mission p.s.h is a-go! (p.sh) ˚ · .
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park sungho x fem!reader (she/her), college au, art major! reader, art major!sungho, reader is so lovesick, sungho is a nervous wreck, ft. lovingly-bothersome sidekick jaehyun + mom friend roommate yujin, shy extrovert sungho, not so shy extrovert reader <3, mutual pining, puppy love, first kisses, jaehyun has a lot of piercings because why not, the world is your wingman, a story about friendship and first loves!!!!, romantic comedy
warnings: suggestive scene (mdni pleek), some sex jokes, cursing, drinking
wc: 11.3k+
playlist ⋆。˚ "a girl like me" by flowerovlove, "wishlist" by txt, "stylish" by loona, "blooming in the morning" by spool, "serenade" by boynextdoor
a/n: i have been working on this for.... forever..... >3< but it's finally here!!! <3 happy bonedo first anniversary to all who celebrate! also tysm for 100+ followers!!! ^___^ ur support means everything to me. i had so much fun writing this and i hope you guys have even more fun reading!!!
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11:44 a.m | weather: partly cloudy
dear diary,
so today has already gone to absolute shit!!!! i missed my morning lecture because i forgot to put my phone on the charger so it fucking died in the middle of the night and then i realized that my period started 4 days early and i ran out of pain killers and i didn’t have any time to stop by the health center and get some but even if i’m physically dying and rotting away, i HAVE to get my usual chai tea with three pumps vanilla and 1 pump brown sugar but THEN i dropped my chai tea with three pumps vanilla and 1 pump brown sugar in the middle of the courtyard and i was already late to my next class so i didn’t have time to go back and get another one and then i finally make it to fucking studio arts and my usual spot is taken by some sleeping rando who ISN’T EVEN IN THIS CLASS. WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE??? so then i was forced to sit in the back of class and use that stupid squeaky easel that literally wobbles when you BREATHE on it and all of this happened BEFORE 12 O’CLOCK!!!! now i’m—
“watcha writing?” an all too playful voice sounds right behind you, way too close for comfort and you don’t even bother to look up—you already know who it is by the irritating jingle of his dangly jewelry and the snicker that bubbles out of his throat at your annoyed expression.
“fuck off, jaehyun,” you mumble as you continue to recount your horrible day while you wait for the first layer of paint on your easel to dry, the obnoxiously hot pink pen in your hand scribbling ferociously against the white page of your diary. you hear another irksome laugh leave his body before the chair beside you squeaks as someone pulls it out.
“shh, don’t disturb her. she’s poetically releasing her emotions...” out the corner of your eye, you see yujin glance down at your page before slightly wincing, setting her watercolors down on the table slowly. “or something…”
jaehyun takes a seat at the table in front of you, sitting backward in his chair to take a closer look at what you’re writing—any semblance of privacy was long dismissed once you became friends with the two at the beginning of the school year. freshman move-in day had been possibly one of the worst experiences of your life, all thanks to the maltipoo puppy jaehyun tried to sneak into the residence hall and yujin’s immense fear of dogs. you guys have been inseparable since. 
trauma bonding, you think.
jaehyun flicks some of his brown hair out of his vision as his face contorts into something sour. “woah, when did the grinch take over your body?”
yujin scoots away and jaehyun raises his hands in surrender as you suddenly slam your diary shut, mentally rolling your eyes at their antics. 
“woah, when will you learn to stay out of my business?” you shoot towards jaehyun with the straightest face ever, his lips frowning as you slide your diary off of the table and into your bag. 
“hey, don’t take your anger out on me, grumpy pants.” 
and that just so happens to be your final straw—like those mundane moments where you’re having the worst day known to man and then all of a sudden your key doesn’t want to fit in the keyhole and now you want to rip your door off of the hinges—and jaehyun is now that door. you lunge at the pierced man, going straight for his jugular, but yujin is quick to wrap her arms around your waist, pulling you back down into your seat as she shushes you. 
“breathe, y/n, breathe,” yujin speaks in her exaggerated yoga instructor voice, the deep one that makes her sound like she’s high on shrooms. you close your eyes, forcing yourself to think of kittens and rainbows as your shoulders slowly untense. “there we go. smell the tulips and blow out the candles. that’s right. smell the tulips and blow out the—”
“why can’t they be roses?”
your eyes immediately snap open like a vampire at the smell of blood, meeting jaehyun’s highly entertained and highly aggravating expression.
“jaehyun, we talked about this. tulips smell better than ro—”
yujin’s voice is drowned out in your ears once a tall, raven-haired figure strolls into the studio. everything in the background fades to a blur as he makes his way to his usual sketching table, just a few seats away from where you reside. from here, you have a perfect view of his side profile, the sunlight streaming through the open windows lighting up his face heavenly. 
any anger in your body dissipates on the spot.
he’s wearing a baby blue knit sweater—the same sweater he wore on tuesday last week (...not that you remember or anything!)—with baggy light-washed jeans that adorn a little eevee pokemon charm hanging from his front belt loop. the black converse on his feet match yours and you try not to squeal at the slight prospect of a couple's outfit. slung over his body is the green satchel that he seems to take everywhere with him, filled to the brim with notebooks and art supplies. 
his black hair is messy and a little longer than the last time you have seen him. it curls over his eyebrows and down his neck, some tucked behind his naturally flushed ears. his eyelashes are so full, and even though his eyes are slightly obscured by the thin, circular glasses that sit on his nose, you can still make out the delicate shadow they cast onto his doughy cheeks. you wonder if he has a skincare routine from how smooth his skin looks, almost picture-esque as the sunrays illuminate a halo above his head. you swear a chorus of angels begin to sing in your ears.
he’s taking out his sketchpad now, and you watch the way he adjusts his glasses ever so slightly before lining up his charcoal pencils in order of point size next to his page. you’ve never gotten to see his art up close, but you’ve picked up on the fact his medium has always been a pencil of some sort—let it be graphite, pigmented colors, carbon—and you crave to see what his nimble fingers can create. his lips are pressed into a thin line as he completely submerges himself into that little bubble you notice he goes into when he starts to draw. 
you think he looks the most handsome when he’s immersed like this.
you don’t realize you’re staring until you blink and register that park sungho, aka the man of your dreams, aka the most gorgeous person to ever walk these streets, aka an angel from above, is staring directly at you. with this new angle, you can fully see his pouted heart-shaped lips and slightly puffy face—he must’ve just woken up. he’s so perfect, in every way possible. your heart nearly crawls up your throat as he sends a tiny smile your way, his eyes bunching up cutely at the corners. you almost raise your hand to wave back before a voice cuts through your dazed state.
“hey, sungho!” jaehyun calls, waving his hand frantically, the many bracelets on his wrists jingling with the movement; and said sungho waves in response, contained and shy, before turning his attention back to his sketchpad. while you’re slightly disappointed that sungho hadn’t been looking at you, you mentally thank jaehyun for saving you from could’ve-been detrimental embarrassment. 
you slightly deflate, slumping back down into your chair with a tiny huff—and jaehyun watches you from beginning to end, a knowing look in his eyes. 
“look, y/n’s upset her little boobie bear didn’t—”
this time, you grab your barbie-esque pen and chuck it squarely at jaehyun’s nose, the plastic clinking against his nose ring. you hear yujin giggling from beside you, jaehyun shooting her a hopeless look of betrayal.
“you set yourself up for that one, myung,” she speaks before she gets up to fill her paint cup with water. jaehyun rolls his eyes with a scoff, quickly turning his attention back to you—much to your dismay.
“you should try to talk to him. he’s really nice, trust me,” jaehyun suggests with a little wiggle of his eyebrows, not-so-subtly nodding his head in sungho’s direction. your eyes can’t help but trail back over to the tall man’s frame, nearly swooning at the way he pushes his glasses up his nose with his pinky finger, squinting his eyes slightly despite the lenses as his pencil glides across the paper like a ballerina. 
fuck, he’s so cute. you want to die.
“i don’t even think he knows my name,” you sigh, almost dreamily as you spectate from afar. the way he readjusts his grip on the pencil every few seconds, and the way his knee bounces unrhythmically under the table, his pokemon charm shaking with the movement. his bottom lip is caught in between his teeth now and you’re sure you might pass out as he reaches up to run his fingers through his hair, the fluffy locks falling back into place slowly as they nearly defy gravity. 
oh, park sungho. you don’t know how perfect you are.
“girl, you look like a stalker,” yujin appears beside you once again, multiple watercolor brushes knocking against each other as they swim in her now water-filled cup. it’s your turn to glare this time, crossing your arms over your chest as you manage to slump even further in your seat—you aren’t sure how you haven’t fallen to the floor yet.
“i can’t help it! just… look at him,” you whine pitifully, trying to keep your voice down as you glance at him one last time. yup, still gorgeous.
jaehyun groans loudly from his spot, his bracelets clanking as he grips his hair with both hands.
“i am going to bash my head into this table if you don’t speak to him. i don’t know how much more sungho mushy-gushy talk i can take,” he complains, his eyes wide and faux-crazed as he lightly tugs his hair. he looks stupid as hell—you’ve always thought jaehyun resembles the annoying orange.
“that’s if sungho doesn’t decide to run away before she can even open her mouth.”
and there it goes. the real reason why you’ve never gotten the chance to speak to your puppy-love crush. 
it’s a strange phenomenon actually, the way park sungho seems to avoid you like the plague. at first, you thought he was just incredibly shy. maybe he had chronic social anxiety, in which, you wouldn’t blame him at all—you were the exact same way before you got to college, so it would make perfect sense. he’s just a shy, shy guy who doesn’t intend on making small talk; and that would’ve been just fine with you.
but then you saw him interact with like… everyone else in the entire world, and decided to rule out that option because—what? he shows up to every single birthday party he’s invited to, says hi to all of his friends as he passes them on campus, and he even complimented your brooding english professor’s tie once! so there’s no way park sungho doesn’t know how to interact with other humans.
it’s just you. he doesn’t want to interact with you.
not to be selfish and arrogant or anything, but it’s truly a huge blow to your pride. you’ve always considered yourself to be a pretty likable person—maybe a little off-kilter, but not to the point where it literally makes people pack up their things and leave as soon as you enter the room. and yes, sungho has done that before. 
so now you’re stuck in this predicament where you can’t go one night without falling asleep to the idea of holding park sungho’s lovely hand and kissing his squishy cheek and touching his luscious hair, when—in truth, horrible, horrible truth—this exact park sungho doesn’t even want to see your face.
once snapped back into reality, the realization rebirths all of your anger—at the world, at yourself, at sungho “loml” park. yujin mumbles out a little half-assed apology that you completely dismiss and jaehyun snickers as he rises to a stand, throwing something over his shoulder about how he all of a sudden has a sculpture he needs to get started on before he disappears from your sight.
he doesn’t even know how to sculpt.
when you look up, you see jaehyun giving sungho a little goodbye pat on the back, in which sungho returns with a little “see you later” and a smile that bunches his cheeks up like bread rolls. damn you park sungho and your adorable, adorable cheeks.
this is definitely going in your diary tonight.
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
or at least you thought it would be going in your diary tonight.
because currently, as of 7:28 pm local time, you can’t seem to find that sparkly pink journal anywhere. 
you checked your tote bag, yujin’s bag, jaehyun’s giant pockets, under your seat in the art studio, the cafeteria, and even asked around hoping someone’s heard of it through word-of-mouth—and yet, nothing. no sign of your journal at all.
if you were thinking rationally, you would have maybe thought to check your dorm room. you did end up having lunch in there with the blinds closed after your shitty day and the overwhelming need to disappear from society. or, you might have left it in your french language class because you had pulled it out mid lecture to complain about your horrible view from the very back row. it might have even fell out on your bus ride to the small dimsum restaurant located on the outskirts of your campus. 
but you have been on the edge of snapping since the very moment you woke up this morning, and if you thought jaehyun’s little quips earlier brought you to your limit, then losing your diary now broke the meter.
you glumly take a seat on an unoccupied bench outside of the arts building, trying your best to hold in your tears at the absolute wreck this day has become. no chai tea, early period, squeaky easel, park sungho not even knowing your name—
“um, y/n?”
as soon as the first tear rolls down your cheek, your hear that all too familiar voice in your ears, a tall shadow blocking the slight rays of the moon in the distance. everything feels unreal, almost hallucinatory as your lift your head to see the man of all your dreams standing right in front of you with a shy smile on his perfect, perfect face.
as soon as he locks eyes with you though, his smile falters, his lips turning down into one of the softest frowns you’ve ever seen grace such an angelic face. snapping yourself out of your mini daze, you reach up with the sleeve of your jacket to quickly wipe your eyes. 
not now tear ducts! the love of your life is in your vicinity! and he knows your name!
“hey, sungho! hi,” you rush out in one breath, hoping your voice isn’t too shaky. 
“are you…” sungho’s question starts off as a small mumble, but he quickly cuts himself off with a tiny shake of his head.  “n-nevermind. i just wanted to give this to you.”
you watch him as he digs around in his green satchel for a second before pulling out something bright pink, the street lights reflecting off of the sparkles. you feel your heart leap in your chest at the sight, jumping up from your seat.
“my journal! oh my god, thank you! where did you find it?” you quickly speak as sungho passes you your journal.
“it was in the art studio. i promise i didn’t read any of it so… yea.” 
his fingers lightly brush yours for a split second and the end of his sentence falters a bit. you try not to read into it, but this moment is definitely, for sure going in your journal tonight. your first ever, longer-than-30-seconds encounter with the love of your life. totally disregarding the fact that he saw you crying… 
you clutch the notebook to your chest as you give him a bright beam, trying to keep all of the squealing and fawning locked away in your mind. sungho looks incredibly gorgeous in the low ray of evening lights, strands of his shiny hair tucked behind his ear and falling over his forehead. as the wind blows, you’re able to get a whiff of the sweet cologne he always wears, vanilla and another hidden tone that mixes perfectly.
“thank you, sungho. really, thank you.” your voice is soft as you meet his sparkling eyes; they’re deep and mesmerizing, glittering with stardust as he mirrors your smile. he nods ever so slightly before gripping his satchel strap with both of his hands.
“um, yea. it’s no problem,” he speaks through a small puff of nervous laughter. you’re surprised you haven't melted to the ground in a puddle of love-ridden goo yet. “have a good night.” 
“you too!” you say a little too enthusiastically. sungho simply nods again before he turns on his heel to leave towards the direction he came in. suddenly, he stops, turning back around to face you.
“i… my dorm is that way,” he rushes out before speedwalking past you without giving you a second glance. you hold back a giggle at his cute slip up, covering your mouth with your hand.  
he. is. so. cute. you want to scream the words to the sky. as soon as sungho disappears around the corner, you wip out your phone, your heart pounding in your chest.
to: dumb and dumber
guys. you’ll never fucking guess what just happened.
6:15 a.m | weather: clear skies
dear diary,
i dreamt of him. again. please kill me already.
“...and then i was like what? because that was the same guy i hooked up with last week!” yujin spills as she dramatically reenacts her encounter at some party she went to last night. you’re having lunch with your friends in the courtyard, the chatter of students, bikes, and overhead planes mixing with the warm breeze.
“i told you he was a fuckboy. and then you called me an annoying virgin,” jaehyun deadpans as he takes a bite out of his sandwich, shrugging his shoulders. you laugh at their bickering from the other side of the table, looking back down at your journal where you are currently doodling the scene in front of you, but with yujin and jaehyun as cats.
yujin rolls her eyes, opening her mouth to rebuttal, but she stops herself as her eyes catch onto something over your shoulder. you watch as her eyes widen toward you, immediately catching onto what that stare means.
‘park sungho incoming. act normal!’
you sit up straighter, trying to act nonchalant as sungho strolls up to your table. as naturally as possible, you lift your gaze toward him, your breath catching in your throat as soon as your eyes lock onto his figure.
today, he’s in a simple white t-shirt, zip-up, and jeans with his classic green satchel, but to you, he looks other-worldly. the sun shines brightly above his head, casting a spotlight onto him as if he were standing solo on a stage. you envision red rose petals falling around him in slow motion as he blinks, his long eyelashes tickling his cheeks with the movement. his skin is slightly flushed from the humid air, his lips full and plush as a smile stretches across his perfect face. 
he’s going to be the death of me, you think, holding back a dreamy sigh.
“i brought those references you asked for,” sungho directs towards jaehyun with his silky smooth voice, reaching into his satchel to pull out a blue folder of papers. you get deja vu, recalling the way his fingers brushed yours last night (and yes, you recapped the moment to yujin and jaehyun at least three times since then.)
“oh, thanks bro! i totally forgot about these,” jaehyun speaks, grabbing the folder from sungho’s perfect hands. “hey, are you still going to riwoo’s party on saturday?”
“yeah, i’ll be there. see you then?” 
“yup! i’m dragging these two along with me.” sungho nods with a small smile before his eyes catch onto yujin.
“your shirt is dope, yujin. i love that band,” sungho compliments and yujin quickly jumps into a recap of how she went to their concert last week. sungho says something about him also being there with a friend and all of it goes through one ear and out of the other. “anyways, i’ll see you guys around.”
sungho gives your table one last smile, his eyes catching onto yours for a split second before he merges off into the crowd of students. the table is silent for a few beats and both of your friends turn their eyes to you, just waiting for you to say something. you sigh as you stare off into the direction sungho disappeared in, resting your cheek in your palm.
“is he avoiding me? he has to be avoiding me… like he talks to you guys but pretends like i’m not even there!” you speak through a dejected pout. yujin eyes you with something akin to pity, completely contrasting jaehyun whose face is decorated with an annoying smile. 
“it’s ‘cause he’s afraid that if he looks you in the eyes, you might eat his soul.”
you completely disregard jaehyun’s comment, running through all of the possible explanations for his behavior in your mind. does he have a secret partner? or maybe he doesn’t like the smell of your perfume? what if he thinks you are butt-fuck ugly and a pain to look at? no… it’s definitely not that. you remind yourself to give your reflection an apology when you get back to your dorm. 
your eyes slowly increase in size as you sit up, a eureka moment taking over your train of thought. the gasp that leaves your lips is a little too loud for a public, communal space, but it doesn’t even register in your brain. 
you’ve got it all figured out.
“guys…” you start ominously, smiling widely at your friends as you brace your hands on the table. “i think he’s playing hard to get.”
jaehyun and yujin stare at you half-incredulously and half-amused, a puff of laughter even passing through jaehyun’s lips while yujin has to turn away to muffle her giggles.
“yu, i think she’s finally lost it.”
you shake your head quickly. “no, no, guys, it all makes sense. i caught him staring at me in class once—”
“anyone would stare if they saw a free-roaming demon in a college art course.”
“jaehyun, i will literally cut your tongue off.”
jaehyun pouts his snakebite-accented lips, turning to yujin with pleading eyes as he gestures towards you on the other side of the table. “did you hear her? that’s actually a threat this time. a real threat.”
yujin sighs, half-heartedly patting jaehyun’s shoulder twice to console him before giving her full attention to you. 
“y/n… i think it’s time to have ‘the talk’.”
you blink blankly at yujin before glancing over at jaehyun who is nodding along to said woman’s words, a playfully solemn look on his face.
“what ‘talk’?... look, if this is about sex, i already know how babies are made so…”
“no, no, not that talk. the park sungho talk,” yujin explains, reaching across the table to place her hand on top of yours. this feels like some weird group therapy session, and to be honest, your best friends are really starting to creep you out in the way that they seem to communicate silently through their eyes.
what the fuck is going on?
“let me explain it to you in simple terms,” jaehyun sits up straight before dramatically clearing his throat. “park sungho plus girlfriend equals no-no. nada. never happened. park sungho plus crush equals ‘AHHHHHHHHH! THE WORLD IS ENDING!’. park sungho see you. park sungho ‘AHHHHHHH!!!!’”
jaehyun shouts in a high-pitched girly voice before doing a little running away motion, covering his eyes as he pretends to tremble before going back to normal.
now it’s time for both you and yujin to stare blankly at jaehyun—the latter looks incredibly proud of himself nonetheless, his chest puffed out confidently after his little performance. you slowly turn your gaze to yujin’s figure, motioning towards jaehyun next to her.
“can i get a translation or something…?”
yujin sighs before flicking jaehyun’s nose ring, resulting in a drowned out complaint about the both of you “teaming up on him” or whatever. you both don’t pay him any mind though—you have bigger things to worry about, such as—
“basically, what he’s trying to say is that sungho has a crush on you, but he’s scared because he’s never had a girlfriend before and he freaks out around you. so he… flees like a little baby rabbit when you’re near him,” yujin concludes with a bright smile, clasping her hands together.
this is not what you were expecting to hear during your wednesday afternoon lunch break. everything you’ve ever known, everything you’ve forced yourself to believe comes crumbling down all at once. 
park sungho has a crush on you.
park sungho has a crush on you.
“and no one has thought to tell me this until now?” you breathe out, your eyes as wide as saucers. jaehyun shrugs, picking up his sandwich to take a bite.
“well, it’s kind of something we found out like today,” jaehyun speaks through a mouthful of lettuce and bacon, yujin nodding along next to him. 
“you know han taesan from our literature class?” yujin asks, leaning towards you as she lowers her voice. you search your fried brain for any familiarity, humming in thought for a second before it clicks.
“the one who dresses like a wannabe kurt cobain?”
“yes, him. so basically, sungho confessed to him about his crush on you. and jaehyun and i, who were magically sitting behind mr. han, just so happened to accidentally see their text messages. so. yeah,” yujin explains.
the silence is loud.
“so what i’m hearing is you guys violated someone’s privacy and now you’re telling me their classified business?” you speak, blinking blankly between then.
“...yes?” jaehyun replies slowly with a guilty smile. you look at them for a few seconds before reaching your hands out for highfives. 
“i knew i could trust you guys,” you affirm as you double highfive them both, jaehyun letting out a little woop woop. “so, what do i do now? i obviously can’t just walk right up to him and ask him out. i’m gonna need a plan if i’m ever going to get him to willingly talk to me.”
“oh, i’m already ten steps ahead of you, babygirl. mission p.s.h is a-go,” jaehyun declares, pulling out his phone. you tilt your head in pure confusion and you’re sure the crinkle between your brows is apparent. 
“mission p—what?”
jaehyun sighs with exasperation—as if you were the cause of all of his troubles in the world—before placing his phone on the table. “mission park sungho. come on, let’s use our head, idiot.”
“i will smash your head into—”
“you will do none of those things,” yujin interrupts with a stern motherly glare before turning to jaehyun. “now can you explain this mission park sungho thing because…?”
jaehyun rolls his eyes before leaning back in his seat with a sly smile on his lips.
“i began working on it last night and i was going to show you guys when i finished, but we’re in a dire, dire situation.” jaehyun sends you dramatically sympathetic eyes and you stick your tongue out at him in return. “it’s simple, really. we just set the bait, and like the little baby rabbit he is, he’ll bite the carrot. then, once our handy work is done, y/n and sungho will live happily ever after in their fairy princess castle. it’s foolproof.”
jaehyun concludes with a triumphant smile before he slowly slides his phone over towards you like a suspicious dealer. you raise a brow at him, but take the phone anyways.
“phase one, get his attention. so just like… get him jealous?” you ask, cocking your head. jaehyun nods quickly in response, his hair bouncing like an overly excited puppy.
“mhm, yup! i know a guy who’s perfect for this.”
“that sounds… sketchy… but a good idea nonetheless.” you squint your eyes a bit as you continue reading the almost illegible notes app ramble. “and then phase two…”
“get him alone. he’s going to be at riwoo’s party, right? right?” you and yujin nod in response. “so we find a way to get him and y/n alone so they can… you know…” jaehyun does some weird, obscure motion with his fingers and yujin gently places her hand on top of his to stop it immediately.
“this is literally phase two, myungjae. slow down,” yujin chastises before turning to you. “what do you think, y/n?”
“we may need to tweak phase two a bit, but this looks… surprisingly safe…” you mutter as you read through the plan once again. “why is phase three just a bunch of question marks and thinking emojis…?”
“i didn’t get to finish it. i had more important things to tend to last night,” jaehyun smiles menacingly. yujin gags and you groan, rolling your eyes.
“i don’t even wanna know,” you say, trying to clear your mind of whatever the hell he meant by that. 
“i guess we’ll just figure something out when we get there?” yujin suggests, looking between you two for approval. you nod in agreement because, well, you’re running out of options here. sungho is one of the world’s most desirable bachelors! you can’t just wait around for another girl to come by and woo him. you need to get to work asap.
“don’t worry. i’ll come up with something. they don’t call me myungstein for nothing,” jaehyun runs his fingers through his hair cockily, trying to subtly flex his nonexistent muscles.
“literally no one… no one calls you that…” you trail off but keep the rest of your words to yourself. you owe it to him for making up this plan in the first place.
at this point, you’re going to run out of pages in your journal before the year ends.
PHASE ONE: GET HIS ATTENTION (easy enough, right?)
11:37 a.m | weather: sunny with a nice breeze
dear diary,
i’ve decided to listen to myung jaehyun for once. i apologize in advance to my future self. i’m desperate okay?!?!?!
“remember what we practiced?” jaehyun whispers to you as you stand outside of the campus cafe where sungho works. yujin is already stationed inside of the cafe to make sure everything goes well. through the big glass window, you see her sitting in the corner with a comically large newspaper and sunglasses sitting low on her nose. not suspicious at all.
“yes. flirt with that guy with the luscious hair and make sure sungho hears,” you recite the exact words jaehyun had told you on your walk here. jaehyun gives you an affirmative hum, dropping his hand onto your shoulder.
“okay, let’s practice right now. pretend i’m luscious hair guy,” you open your mouth to argue, but jaehyun is already getting into character, dramatically running his fingers through his hair, slipping a cartoonish shmoulder on his face. “hey, pretty lady.”
“jaehyun, that’s gross. no.”
“who’s jaehyun? is he your boyfriend? of course a beauty like you would already be taken,” he speaks in a low voice before biting his lip in the least seductive way possible.
you try not to gag at his words, shrugging his hand off of your shoulder. “i’m going in now. bye.” 
drowning out jaehyun’s objections, you open the door of the cafe, the little bells above the door jingling with the movement. your eyes scan the cafe for a second before they land on a familiar figure making small talk with some guy as he serves him coffee. he looks so handsome in his work uniform, a white button-up and brown slacks with a matching brown apron. his hair is a little curlier than usual and he has on his glasses again today. 
you definitely wouldn’t mind seeing this every day. maybe you should come to this cafe more often.
you try to calm the frantic beating of your heart as you give yujin a curt nod. she gives you one back before ducking behind the newspaper again. it’s go time.
it doesn’t take you long to spot “luscious hair guy”, seeing as he’s currently working the front register. he’s tall and attractive, the perfect bait. honestly, you have no idea what jaehyun bribed him with to get him to go with your plan, and honestly, you don’t really want to know. 
you quickly adjust your clothes as you walk up to the counter. luscious hair guy’s eyes lock onto yours and you offer him an affable smile.
“hi!” you greet brightly before leaning in to quickly whisper the code word “p.s.h”. luscious hair guy nods quickly in recognition before the both of you get into character.
“hello! what can i get for you today?” he asks with a glimmering smile, leaning forward in interest. you pretend to think, tapping your lips as you glance up at the menu.
“hm… i’ve never been here before… what do you recommend?” you ask with a (hopefully) flirtatious smile. just then, you notice sungho slip behind the counter to put some dishes away, his eyes widening once he sees your face. it takes less than two seconds for him to duck his head away, turning his back to you as he frantically begins organizing some mugs. 
“the vanilla caramel latte is really good,” leehan suggests, shooting you an award winning smile. someone get this guy a oscar!
“then i’ll get that,” you dramatically glance down at his name tag. “thanks, leehan.”
over the tall man’s shoulder, you notice sungho inconspicuously walk over to the front counter, his eyes flickering over to the both of you for a split second. he busies himself by adjusting the pastry display, but you can see him definitely listening in on your conversation.
“i’m sorry if this sounds odd, but you have a really beautiful smile,” leehan compliments shyly, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. you gasp before letting out a small giggle.
“wow, thank you!” you breathe out, blinking up at leehan coyly. “you’re pretty cute yourself.”
“that means a lot coming from a pretty girl like you.” in your peripheral, you see sungho slightly tense up, his entire body stilling for a moment. “i’ll get that right out for you.”
at those words words, sungho abruptly stands up, nearly slamming the display shut before going to wipe down tables. leehan smiles at you once sungho’s back is turned to the both of you, trying to hold in his laughter.
“he’s upset,” leehan mouths, nodding his head towards sungho who is currently aggressively scrubbing an already stainless table. perfect.
you head over to a vacant table, a few away from yujin, but still close enough to whisper “i think it’s working”. yujin lowers her sunglasses with a manicured nail, glancing over at sungho who is aggressively scrubbing another table; his lips are pouted and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. she turns back to you with a knowing look, nodding her head.
you scroll on your phone for a bit, making sure to update jaehyun who had a presentation this afternoon. you’re sure that if he were free, he’d be in a wig and spectacles, adorned in a trench coat and briefcase right there with yujin. maybe his absence is for the better.
a few minutes later, you hear that all too familiar, lovely voice flow through the quiet buzz of the cafe. you look up from your phone to see leehan moving to plate your order with sungho hot on his heels.
“leehan, i can take that order for you,” sungho speaks, his gentle voice a little sharper around the edges. you see leehan brush him off with a warm smile, adjusting the mug on the tray.
“oh, it’s okay, i’ve got it,” he says, but sungho quickly cuts him off.
“no, no, i insist. really.” sungho gives leehan a tight-lipped smile before shooing him off to take another order. your eyes widen, quickly turning toward yujin who’s wiggling her eyebrows at you over the newspaper.
“it worked!” she mouths. you hide your smile behind your hand as you nod quickly before looking down at your phone to text jaehyun.
to: dumber
the fish has landed in the hole. or however that goes
when you finally look back up, sungho is making his way over to you, his bottom lip cutely caught between his teeth.
“oh, hi sungho!” you greet when he stops at your table, awkwardly holding the tray in front of his chest. 
“hi, y/n. uh, here you go.” sungho gives you a shaky smile and you resist the urge to coo. he’s so cute, in the way his hands shake slightly as he lowers the mug and a slice of strawberry cake onto the table.
“oh, i didn’t order the cake!” you say, meeting his eyes. sungho nervously laughs as he tucks the now empty tray under his arm.
“it’s… um, it’s on the house,” he messily motions towards your table before gluing his arms back to his sides. “everything is.”
“really? you’re so sweet, sungho. thank you.” you think you are going to float out of your seat. he quickly looks away from your gaze after your compliment, redirecting his eyes to his shoes. his ears are slightly blushed on the tips, his circular glasses slipping down his nose slightly.
“don’t mention it,” he mumbles, his cheeks dusted an apple red that match his ears.  “also, your um… your outfit is really nice.”
yup. you’re definitely floating.
“thank you so much! you look nice, too. i mean, you look nice in everything,” you giggle, watching the way sungho’s wide eyes shoot up to yours. he looks like a surprised kitten with the way his black curls fall into his face at the sudden movement. you get the sudden urge to gently brush them away, but you remind yourself of proper etiquette and keep your hands to yourself.
“that’s… that’s not true, but thank you,” he speaks quietly. you open your mouth to rebuttal, but sungho simply gives you a quick nod and scurries off back to the counter. you can’t even be disappointed this time—that little interaction was enough to feed your delusions for the next month and a half.
as soon as sungho makes it back behind the counter, you see him drop his head into his hands in embarrassment, shaking his head. leehan comes up behind him to give him a pat on the back, trying to hold in his laughter. the luscious haired guy gives you a thumbs up over sungho’s shoulder and you shoot him one back with a wide smile. mission accomplished, you guess as you take a bite of the fluffy cake. 
so sweet.
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
5:14 p.m | weather: ANGELS SINGING FROM ABOVE
dear diary,
park sungho wrote his number on the napkin. i have park sungho's number. he gave me his number. we're sooooo back.
PHASE TWO: GET HIM ALONE (and not in the creepy way!!!)
if there was one thing about your best friends, it would be how hard they party. it’s not like you were a prude or anything—definitely not that—but these two took parties to a different level. you aren’t sure how long you’ve been dancing in between jaehyun and yujin, squeezed between other sweaty bodies as the music thrums through your veins. jaehyun’s hands are on your hips and yujin’s arms are wrapped around your shoulders as you laugh with your head thrown back, letting loose. there is no room to be shy when it comes to partying with them.
your friend riwoo went all out for this end of the semester party, it seems. he rented out a beach house that sits right along the shore and you’re pretty sure he invited more than half of your entire university. you already greeted the host with hugs and small talk before you went straight for the drinks. as the song playing through the speakers comes to an end, the dj announces that fireworks are going off at the beach at 2 a.m, so people start stumbling and filing out of the house to see the pretty lights and colors.
“you wanna get another drink?” yujin shouts into your ear and you nod quickly. you definitely aren’t drunk enough—especially for what you guys have planned tonight. phase two.
“i’m gonna go find sungho,” jaehyun manages to say in his already drunken state before disappearing into the crowd, greeting at least 3 people as he makes his way through. you grab yujin’s hand to tug her toward the nearly vacant kitchen. most of the drinks are outside at the beach, but this is all a part of the plan. you rummage around in the fridge hoping to find anything to calm your nerves.
“calm down, y/n. you look like you’re going to explode,” yujin laughs from behind you, leaning against the marble island.
“because i am. i’ve never been alone with him before. what if i say something stupid?” you whine, still searching for anything that isn’t soda or juice.
“...like you always do?” yujin quips back quickly. you pause to give her a tiny glare over your shoulder before you deflate, turning back to the fridge.
“...fair. but still! i really don’t want to mess this up,” you sigh. as if the fridge itself has begun to pity you, you end up finding something tucked away near the back, though you’re freaking out too much to even read the label. with a shrug, you uncap it and drink straight from the bottle.
“you got this. remember, he already likes you. i don’t think he can be saved at this point.”
“you’re right,” you say, looking down at your heels, but once her words fully process in your tipsy mind, your head snaps right back up “wait, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means that all you have to be is yourself. we’re all rooting for you!” yujin rushes over to plant a kiss on your cheek before patting your head. “now, i have an appointment upstairs, so i’ll see you later! keep me updated!”
“wait, yujin!” you call, but she’s already slipped right through your fingers. you huff as she disappears around the corner, her menacing giggles fading into the music like an evil villain. whatever. you have more important things to worry about right now—such as sungho entering the kitchen not even a beat later looking otherworldly.
your fingers nearly slip on the neck of the bottle as your eyes lock onto each other’s. sungho looks good. and by good, you mean you-want-to-jump-his-bones-right-here-right-now good. 
his usually messy hair is pushed back and out of his face, a few strands falling onto his forehead. he’s ditched his glasses and his eyes look even more sharp and enticing like this—as if he’s staring straight into your soul. he’s wearing a cropped black tee with jeans, adorning multiple silver necklaces that shine against his skin. his soft lips are glossy from the drink in his hands, his cheek slightly flushed from the alcohol.
you’ve never seen him look like this before. the cute park sungho you’re so used to is somewhere dead in a ditch right now. god.
you can’t even speak as he shoots you a smile, his eyes softening with familiarity.
“hey,” he says, his gaze flickering to the bottle in your hands. “you alright there?”
you look down at your hands, quickly moving to place the bottle on the counter behind you with a guilty smile.
“yeah—yeah, no, i’m great. perfect, actually.” you find yourself stumbling over your own words. if you thought you weren’t drunk enough to handle this before, now you think you are too drunk to even process the sight in front of you.
“why’re you in here alone? everyone’s heading down to the beach,” sungho says as he rounds the island. 
he has to be drunk, if not for the way he so boldly rakes his eyes over your body without shame. you swallow, blinking up at him. you can see him very obviously checking you out, his eyes running up the expanse of your exposed legs to the hem of your mini dress. he’s not too close, but you can still smell his vanilla-and-something-secret cologne with the proximity. you feel yourself grow weak in the knees, reaching back to hold onto the counter behind you. 
“i could be asking you the same thing,” you shoot back, trying to regain your confidence as you catch his eyes. sungho lets out of a puff of laughter, dropping his gaze for a second before looking back up at you. you feel your heart catch in your throat at the way his eyelashes flutter so beautiful, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip absentmindedly.
“i guess i was looking for you,” he speaks quietly, so sincerely that you aren’t sure if he knows the effect he has on you right now. 
“well, i’m here now,” you mumble back. 
“yeah. you are.”
the silence in between you guys is incredibly heavy, dripping with unsaid words and you can’t seem to find any of them. they all feel stuck in your throat as sungho’s eyes flicker in between yours. for once, he’s not the first one to break eye contact—and you even watch as he takes a few steps closer to you until he’s standing directly in front of you. 
“y/n…” he whispers, leaning down so only you can hear him. his hair tickles your face and you find yourself frozen, unable to move. “can i… can i kiss you?”
okay, he’s definitely drunk. but so are you, so you have nothing to lose.
“yes. please,” you whisper back and he’s on you before you can even blink.
sungho’s lips are as plush and sweet as you imagined them to be. he tastes of the fruity alcohol that sits in his now abandoned cup,your stomach flipping as he gently works his lips against yours. one of his hands comes up to cup your cheek, and you notice his fingers slightly shaking against your skin. even when he’s like this, he’s still so cute, it drives you crazy.
you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you until your bodies are pressed flush against each other. you tangle your fingers into his hair and at your actions, he softly sighs, falling into you even more. you swallow all of his noises as you swipe your tongue across his bottom lip for permission; pliantly, he parts his lips for you, a quiet moan leaving his lips when you slightly tug on his hair.
you feel his strong arm circle around your waist, his fingers splayed out against the fabric of your thin dress. you’re wrapped up in his scent, an all encompassing mantra of sungho, sungho, sungho filling your brain. he handles you gently, but so desperately as he licks into your mouth, his teeth grazing over your lips.
you can’t help the noises leaving your mouth as he subconsciously slips a leg in between yours, holding you impossibly closer to him. you can feel his rapid heart beat through his shirt, and you’re sure your own heart is pounding just as fast. he’s addicting in all sense of the word, your mind growing foggy as you grind up into him. he guides you with his arm, his other hand rubbing soothing circles onto your cheek. it’s everything and more, and when he finally parts for air, you find yourself chasing after his lips desperately. 
“is this—is this okay?” sungho stutters through a whisper, referring to the position the two of you are in. 
you nod quickly, biting your lip as you look up into his eyes. his pupils are fully blown out, his lips bitten red, covered in a thin layer of your saliva. his chest rises and falls quickly as he looks down at you and something akin to pride fills your chest at the sight. you made him like this. he’s so perfect. 
“fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he breathes out before capturing your lips again. he’s a little more feverish this time, moaning against your lips as you grind against his leg. he seems to be getting off on you getting off, and the thought alone is driving you crazy. 
you don’t even think about how you both are still in plain sight, right up against the kitchen counter where anyone could walk in at any time. and the little bubble that the two of you have built comes crashing down as a familiar voice breaks through your muddled haze.
“i’m gonna puke. need water,” jaehyun shouts as he runs into the kitchen before getting dizzy, moving to sit criss cross on the floor with his head in his hands.
“oh my god,” you groan as sungho hesitantly pulls himself away from you. “i’m so sorry, sungho.”
he’s clearly disheveled, his shirt slightly riding up exposing the smooth expanse of his lower stomach. his hair is a mess from your fingers, his lips are bruised, and it’s almost impossible to not notice the obvious bulge in his pants. despite it all, he’s still an angel, offering you a gentle smile.
“i’ll get him water, don’t worry,” sungho says, his face flushed red as he goes to grab a cup. you turn your gaze to the shitfaced jaehyun on the floor—you hold back any and all urges to cuss him out because 1. he’s incredibly drunk so the words won’t hurt him enough and 2. sungho is right there. 
you walk over to crouch down in front of jaehyun, placing a hand on his shoulder. “keep it in, myungjae, or i swear…”
jaehyun mumbles some incomprehensible gibberish and you sigh quietly. as much of a cockblock as he is right now, your friends’ wellbeing always comes first.
“here,” sungho says from above you. you look up to see him holding out a cup of water to you with a tiny, awkward smile on his lips. 
you already want to kiss him again.
“thank you,” you reply softly, returning the smile. “myung, you awake?” you shake jaehyun’s shoulder a few times before he finally slurs out more gibberish. “i’m gonna need words, hun.”
“i think… i think i’m drunk…” he mumbles before groaning again, slumping forward against you. 
“yeah, no shit,” you deadpan. you place the water down next to you so you can lift his head up with both hands. jaehyun’s cheeks squish together like a chipmunk as he sleepy blinks at you. “wake up. where’s yujin?”
“she left with someone… i didn’t see…” he trails off before slumping forward again. “i’m gonna puke.”
“no, you’re not. drink this.” you try your best to help him drink the water, even though most of it spills onto his shirt. whatever. “i’m taking you home.”
jaehyun doesn’t respond other than a hiccup and another incomprehensible mumble.
“do you need some help?”
oh, right. sungho is still right here. you feel half-embarrassed and half-disappointed at the prospect of leaving him high and dry right here, but jaehyun needs your help right now. you wave sungho off with a small laugh and a shake of your head.
“i got him. we’ll call a driver.”
“are you sure? i can go with you guys.”
“it’s okay! enjoy the party.” you insist, trying to get jaehyun to drink more water. sungho nibbles on his lip in thought, watching the scene in from of him.
“i’ll wait outside with you guys at least.”
“you really don’t have to…” but sungho cuts you off with an insistent look and you find yourself giving in all too quickly. “okay. can you help me get him up?”
with much struggle and some extra hands from angel sungho, you guys manage to get jaehyun on his feet. you throw his arm over your shoulders and wrap your own around his waist to hold him up straight. sungho helps you steady him from the other side and you mentally thank him a thousand times over again because you’re sure jaehyun would’ve already crushed you by now if he wasn’t here.
“carry me like a princess,” jaehyun mumbles, lolling his head to the side, his entire body complete jelly.
“i’m not carrying you like a princess, jaehyun,” you speak blankly as you make your way to the front of the beach house.
“sungho, carry me like a princess.” all sungho does it laugh lightly and take more of jaehyun’s weight from you. 
“come on, myungjae. left foot, right foot… there you go. you’re actually walking now, good job.”
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
sungho waits with the both of you on the steps, jaehyun half asleep on your shoulder. what a way to end your night. sungho is eerily quiet as he watches the party-goers in the distance, the fireworks painting the sky in an array of colors and light. it’s beautiful you think, and as you turn your head to gaze at sungho, the lights reflecting in his dark eyes, you think he’s even more beautiful.
“are you… are you sure you’ll be okay?” sungho suddenly asks, turning his head to face you.
“i’m sure. i don’t want to ruin your night,” you reply with a small smile, though sungho frowns at your words.
“you could never ruin my night,” he says so seriously, you think you might’ve misheard for a moment. sungho’s gaze is heavy on you and you’re at a loss for words again, your mouth clamping shut. you feel your stomach do flips at his words, so simple yet so perfect. everything he does makes you fall for him even more.
you don’t speak for a few minutes after that and you don’t need to. the silence is calming this time. of course, there are a million things you want to say to sungho, but now doesn’t feel like the right time. not when jaehyun is a zombie next to you, mumbling in his half-asleep daze. sungho seems to be keeping his words to himself as well, glancing over at you from time to time. 
finally, a black car pulls up in the driveway and you get a notification that your driver is here.
“i—i think that’s our car. thank you for your help, sungho,” you speak as you go to shake jaehyun awake.
“yeah, it’s no problem,” sungho sheepishly smiles, tucking his hands in his pockets. “um, y/n…?”
“hm?” you ask over your shoulder as you help your mumbling best friend to a stand. sungho watches the scene in front of him before shaking his head.
“...nevermind. get back safely, okay?” when you meet his eyes again, they’re sparkling with something unsaid. and somehow, you know exactly what he’s trying to say.
“will do,” you affirm with a small smile before shushing jaehyun as he begins to whine about needing to puke again. “goodnight, sungho!!”
“goodnight, y/n.”
your clingy, drunk best friend drops his head onto your shoulder again as soon as you manage to get into the car, cuddling up to your side like a koala. with a sigh, you gaze out of the window and back toward the house. none of this feels real yet, but you’re sure it’ll all hit you once you’re completely sober.
as you begin to drive off, you notice a figure with black hair softly banging his head against the front wall of the house before regaining his composure, making his way back down to the beach. 
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
12:47 p.m | weather: chilly
dear diary,
we kissed. we actually kissed. but he was drunk, so i don’t know what any of this means. did he mean to kiss me? does he regret it? he hasn’t texted me, or called me. should i text him first? i’ve never been this nervous over anything before. maybe because it all feels too real now. i like him a lot. i don’t want to ruin this.
also jaehyun puked in my dorm last night. great.
PHASE THREE: UH… NOT SURE YET (never let myung jaehyun plan anything)
you usually aren’t one to bed rot, but it’s been two days since riwoo’s party and you’re sure that you are absolutely done for.
you had finally gave in and texted sungho asking if he got home safe that night. he replied with the driest message you’ve ever seen, and left you on delivered after you asked him what his plans were for the week. 
and yes, you called for a best friend night so you could cry and tell you friends everything that happened. yujin had suggested that maybe he just needed some time to process things—it wouldn’t be out of character for him to avoid you in the first place, but you really thought you had made some semblance of progress that night.
jaehyun suggested that maybe he realized you are a bad kisser and never wants to see you again. you chose to flick him on the forehead and proceed to attempt suffocation with a pillow (which did not work. sadly.) 
now you’re laying in your bed hugging a plushie as you sadly scroll through your timeline at 4 p.m on a sunny sunday afternoon. yujin is out probably seeing the world why you are here hoping to disappear from it. you would’ve never thought that being ghosted could hurt you this bad—probably because you have never liked anyone as much as you like sungho. 
your heart physically hurts, but you try your best to not think too negatively. maybe yujin was right. maybe he just needed to sort things out by himself first. jaehyun, on the other hand, can go to hell.
you continue to scroll through funny cat videos until you suddenly get an incoming call from “p.s.h <3”.
the speed that you sit up at could beat lightning, your eyes comically widening as the caller i.d fills the screen. your fingers answer the call before you can even run through the possibilities of delusion and hallucination, pressing the phone to your ear.
“hello?” you speak, trying to sound as normal as possible. there’s a bit of shuffling on the other end of the line before sungho’s voice flows through.
“hey, y/n. are you free right now?” sungho asks, his voice half-unsure and half-hopeful. you bite your lip to suppress the smile creeping onto your face.
“right now…? i guess i have some time,” you exaggerate. what? he ghosted you for two days! you can’t seem too available!
sungho lets out a breath from the other end of the line, shuffling around again. “um, sorry if this is sudden, but can we meet up? i… i need to see you right now.”
you have to physically clutch your blanket in order to stop yourself from jumping with joy. park sungho wants to see you. park sungho wants to see you right now! it seems as if all of your wishes have been granted. fuck you, myung jaehyun!
“yeah, we can meet up. where?”
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
you notice sungho’s messy black hair as soon as you turn the corner to the flower garden situated in the middle of the large park across the street from your campus. he’s wearing a black long sleeve and jeans with a belt, his green satchel resting on the bench next to him. his glasses hang on the edge of the nose and he seems to be sketching something, his brows slightly furrowed as he focuses intently on his page.
those familiar fluttery feelings fill your chest when he looks up at the sound of your footsteps in the grass. his gaze softens when he meets your eyes, closing his sketchbook as you near him.
“hi,” you start with a shy smile. you suddenly feel self-conscious with his heavy gaze on you, looking down at your shoes. you realize that you’re both wearing converses again today. 
“hi,” sungho says before motioning to the empty spot on the bench next to him. “sit, sit.”
you nod once, cautiously taking a seat next to him. your heart pounds in your chest at the close proximity, which is ridiculous considering the fact that you two were much closer just a couple of days ago, but for some reason, everything feels a little different this time. 
late spring flowers bloom around you, pinks and yellows mixing with the green shrubbery. it’s sunny out, but a a cool breeze combats the bright sun rays. it’s a perfect day and sungho looks even more perfect. he’s back to his usual self it seems, unable to meet your eyes as he clears his throat. 
“so, um… i just want to start off by saying that i’m sorry.”
you make a small sound of confusion, tilting your head at him. “sorry about what? you didn’t do anything wrong…”
“no, i did. i haven’t spoken to you since the party and i just… i don’t know. i got stuck in my own head,” sungho explains softly as he peeks up at you. his leg is bouncing slightly with nervousness and you want to reach over and comfort him. “i thought that maybe you only kissed me because we were both drunk. or maybe you felt pressured to… i don’t know. it’s stupid.”
he shakes his head before looking down at his lap, wringing his hands nervously. this time, you actually do reach a hand out, your fingers resting atop his. his hands immediately still as he lifts his head to find your eyes. they’re completely vulnerable, all of his guards lowered around you.
“it’s not stupid. i didn’t feel pressured to do anything. i kissed you because that’s what i’ve wanted to do for a whole year now.”
sungho’s eyes widen at your words, his mouth dropping open a bit in shock. “a whole year?”
“sungho, i have liked you ever since that introductory art class in freshman year. i thought that you didn’t like me,” you finally confess. sungho frowns at your words, his fingers calmly moving to lace with yours. his hands are as soft as his gaze on you and you feel yourself settle at his touch, relaxing a bit as his thumb brushes against the back of your hand.
“i’m sorry that i made you feel that way. i just get really nervous when you’re around, as you can see,” he laughs, looking down at his bouncing leg. “i don’t know why it took me so long to say this, but i’m not going to wait any longer. my friend, taesan, kinda knocked some sense into me yesterday.”
you mentally thank kurt cobain, trying to conceal the sun-shaming smile threatening to appear on your face. sungho looks incredibly nervous as he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second—and when he opens them again, they drip with so much sincerity and affection, you feel all of the air leave your lungs.
“y/n, i like you. i like everything about you, and i’m sorry i’ve been such a coward this whole time. i guess i just never thought that someone like you, someone so beautiful, and talented, and sweet, would like someone like me,” he speaks, laughing a bit at himself at the end. you quickly shake your head, squeezing his hand.
“you’re also beautiful, talented, and sweet, though…” you mutter through a pout because—how could he ever think he was anything but all of the good things in the world! 
“i’m also an idiot for waiting this long,” he adds and okay, that you can agree with, but…
“i guess i am too, then,” you respond through a tiny smile. this moment is all you could’ve asked for. “sungho, can i kiss you?”
the words leave your slips before you can catch them, but sungho gives you no time to back track. with a small smile and a tiny nod, he reaches up to cup the side of your face and you get deja vu as soon as his skin touches yours. 
“please,” he whispers with pleading eyes.
you are so down bad, it’s insane.
this kiss feels like your first some reason; the your heart flutters as he delicately presses his lips to yours. now that you’re fully sober, you’re hyper aware of everything.his fingers tremble with nervousness and you smile into this kiss. there’s no reason to rush as you take him in, all of him, from his vanilla cologne, to his careful hands. 
his entire body melts as you rest a hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through the pads of your fingertips. you can’t help but giggle a bit as you feel just how fast his heart is beating, somehow even faster than last time. sungho slowly pulls away, looking at you with pink dusted cheeks.
“why are you laughing?” he asks cutely, cocking his head like a curious kitten.
“you’re just so cute. i can’t help it,” you smile before quickly pecking his lips again. sungho’s cheeks brighten at your words, reaching up to cover his face with his hands.
“you can’t just say things like that!”
“oh? i can’t?” you ask teasingly. he drops his hands and shakes his head at you with a pout. “what about if i were your girlfriend? can i say it then?”
“only if i get to be your boyfriend,” sungho says back, a tiny smile climbing onto his lips. you pretend to think for a second, tapping your finger on your chin.
“hm… sounds like a fair deal to me.”
“then a deal it is.”
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
“guys. guys. it was so amazing. we confessed to each other, and then we took a walk together and held hands, and then we got lunch together before his class, and then we…” you ramble on about your day with sungho as you sit with your best friends on a blanket in the field, sighing dreamily as you reminiscence about his soft lips and cute smiles. he’s so perfect, in every single way. you can’t believe you can call yourself his girlfriend now.
“were the flowers pretty?” yujin asks from where she’s laying on her back, looking up at the multi-hued sky. jaehyun chuckles from his spot in between you guys, his arms folded behind his head as his eyes follow a passing bird.
“of course they were! and they even—wait. wait… how did you know i was at the flower garden?” you ask, looking in between the both of them with accusation. they give each other another one of those classic communicating-with-eyes looks before turning to you with knowing smiles. “oh my god. you guys planned this, didn’t you?”
“yup! i perfected it last night,” jaehyun smiles, throwing an arm over your shoulder. "phase three? let nature take its course. i managed to get some help from kurt ‘taesan’ cobain yesterday.”
“you are actually insane,” you speak dumbfoundedly. there’s nothing else you can say though because at the end of the day, sungho is now yours and you are his. albeit, the way you got here was a little iffy.
“myungstein, i’m telling you. the nation’s #1 matchmaker,” jaehyun speaks cockily, folding his hands behind his head as he turns to you with a cheeky smile. 
“nope. still not calling you that.” you roll your eyes at his antics, but you can’t stop the smile from slipping onto your lips as the three of you watch the sunset. you’re content, the soft breeze drifting across your cheeks, the scent of vanilla and blushed cheeks soothing your mind.
。‧˚🍞⭒₊˚🍎˚ · .
5:51 pm | weather: clear skies
dear diary,
park sungho is my boyfriend now :) <3 yay
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reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3 x
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sixeyescurseuser · 6 months
Teachers Satosugu
Thinking about adults Satosugu who become Jujutsu Tech teachers together. They’re married too. In their late 20s, they’ve found sweet domestic bliss in the dangerous yet meaningful life they’ve created for themselves. 
Geto still makes sure to praise Gojo for all the work he does; often surprising Gojo with his favorite sweets or a trip down to the street vendors, saying: “Thank you for your hard work, Satoru” and “Come on, let’s eat something special, you deserve it.”
Gojo still goes on his one hour rants about topics that fascinate him, and Geto listens without complaining. Even if this is the third time digimon has been brought up this week. 
Geto stays at the school to teach for the majority of the time. He only takes missions if they are emergencies and avoids interacting with the higher ups. Thankfully, Gojo is more than willing to deal with that side of work. 
While Geto is involved in both physical training and classroom lessons, he’s more hands-on with the latter. Compared to the Kyoto students, let’s just say that the Tokyo students don’t put in a ton of effort when it comes to their academic scores. 
Geto is fated to be the hardworking but disappointed teacher. 
(Geto: “Nobara, Yuji, c’mon, I am begging you two to study more.)
The thing with Yuji is that he is smart in that he can memorize things and write well, but not being exposed to the sorcerer world from a young age has put him really behind. 
(Geto: “Hasn’t Satoru told you all about Sukuna’s origins and what not? Given you books from the library?”
Yuji: “Oh the library! I forgot that existed!”
Geto: …
Yuji: “Also no, Gojo-sensei didn’t tell me anything yet.”
Geto: 💀💀)
Additionally, Gojo isn’t the best when it comes to structured lessons in the classroom. He’d much rather skip over the boring stuff and show his students the real excitement out on the field.
This is where Tokyo students surpass Kyoto students in fighting abilities. Plus, getting lots of first-hand experience of what sorcerers actually deal with helps them quickly adapt to situations and strategize how to outwit their opponent. 
But book-smart-wise? Megumi carries. 
Once, Yaga gave the first years a firm reprimanding because of the missing past three mission reports. (Excluding Megumi.) Turns out, Gojo didn’t inform the first years about filling out mission reports at all. 
That night, Geto scolds the shit out of Gojo. 
Gojo: “Hey Suguru, isn't that your job? I just help them train their fighting skills, no?”
Geto pinches Gojo’s side - who lets out an undignified yelp - even though he knows Gojo is just joking. Besides, Gojo does try to teach the rules better after Geto’s scolding. Gojo just needs reminders, that’s all.
It doesn’t help that Gojo is literally a prodigy and always does things his own way. 
(Geto, shaking his head: “Lord knows these kids need all the help they can get with you as their teacher.”
Gojo: [jaw open, betrayed]
Cue Gojo decisively turning the other away in their bed. 
Geto: “Oh, did I upset the baby?”
Gojo: “Worse. You upset your husband.”
Geto guffaws.
“My husband can take it.” Geto moves so he’s spooning Gojo.  “Isn’t that right?”
Geto’s breath tickles Gojo’s ear, making Gojo shiver.
What were they talking about again?)
Gojo might be busy as hell but Geto will be there to protect their students from the higher ups. 
That mission where Yuji died for a short while after switching with Sukuna to face that special grade? It would never have gotten that bad. Geto would’ve been with his students and protected them.
Geto is anxious to the point where he designates certain curses for specific people, mostly to look after his students. This way, he can be there if his students are in serious danger, preventing more young sorcerers from dying due to the higher ups' negligence.
Of course, Geto’s rainbow dragon has always been assigned to Gojo. 
Gojo will often take Yuji on rides on the rainbow dragon, either for missions or just to be up in the air. When this happens, Geto’s orders for the rainbow dragon consist of: “Only listen to Satoru’s reasonable orders” and “Protect Yuji from Satoru’s recklessness.” 
On another note, Geto’s curses would have intercepted before Todo and Mai could beat the shit out of Nobara and Megumi. Geto himself would show up quickly after, furious when he sees the Kyoto students trying to take out his students. 
(Geto with his murderous glare: “As far as I know, the competition hasn’t started yet. No one should be picking fights with each other, hmm?”
Mai and Todo, quietly: “Of course, Geto-san. We’ll be taking our leave.”
Geto stays standing in front of Nobara and Megumi until the Kyoto students leave.)
Even as teachers, Geto and Gojo are incredibly competitive with Kyoto. Of course they’re going to talk shit during the goodwill exchange event. They’ll watch the broadcast of the competition and loudly cheer their students on. They’ll also whisper to each other in the most obnoxious way. 
Utahime is about to bust her blood vessels. She still throws her tea at Gojo when he makes a snarky comment that pisses her off; the tea bounces off of Gojo’s infinity and splashes all over Geto, who groans. 
Well, that shut the pair up for now. 
When Nobara spilled coffee on Gojo’s shirt, Geto had been the one to catch them first. 
(Shaking his head, Geto says: “You guys really did it this time…”
Nobara: “We could just replace it??”
Megumi: “It is 250,000 yen.”
Geto: “It's also Satoru’s favorite white shirt.” He pats Nobara’s shoulder comfortingly.
Yuji: “Geto-sensei, please help us!”
Geto: “And spend the precious money I earned with my own hard work? I don't know, Yuji-kun, I gain nothing from helping you.”
Nobara: “He’s your husband”
Geto: “And he’s your sensei.” He turns to Megumi. “Slash father”
Megumi: 😩😩
Moments later, Gojo enters the room: “Iijichi-kun said you guys have my newly laundered shirt-“
He sees Megumi with two breast bumps.
Gojo: ??
The others laugh as Nobara pulls out the stained shirt, causing Gojo to let out the most horrified, dramatic gasp. 
All the students find it hilarious, but Geto laughs the hardest. He's bent over, hands on his knees, straight up cackling. When Geto somewhat catches his breath, one look at Gojo’s stricken face sends him into another fit of laughter. 
(They are so married.)
Geto walks over and slings himself over Gojo. 
Geto: “It’s okay, Satoru, you can just get another one.”
Gojo: “That was my favorite one, you know this, Suguru~~”
Geto: “Satoru...you’re rich-“
Gojo: “My clothes are important, they aren’t so easily replaceable. Imagine if I had tried to replace you-“
Geto: “Did you just compare me to your inanimate white shirt?”
Geto begins to pull back, but Gojo immediately latches on to him.
Gojo: “Noooo, I didn’t mean it. I love you~~”
They proceed to act out a mini-drama, which ends in Geto leaving with faux-disappointment and Gojo chasing after him.
Consequently, Gojo forgets about his stained-beyond-repair 250,000 yen shirt.
When formation B occurs in response to Megumi being “hit on,” Geto watches from afar, disappointment deep in his veins. 
We’re too old for this, he thinks when Gojo reveals Megumi has to master twinkle twinkle little star. 
Having had enough, Geto steps in and tugs Gojo away. 
“Baby, come here, you forgot to take your pills this morning,” Geto says. Gojo gasps in offense. 
“SUGURU, SHUT UP! I'M NOT MENTALLY ILL!“ Gojo cries, but now there’s no way he doesn't look crazy.
Geto has his arms wrapped around Gojo’s waist while Gojo flails to escape. 
“Satoru, stay STILL- NO you are not going back!”
They end up making a bigger scene. Megumi wants to d-word. 
(“With this treasure i summon-“)
Gojo doesn’t care who hears or sees, and is now screeching for Geto to let him go. Left with no other choice, Geto bites Gojo’s shoulder. He also tries to shove his fist in Gojo’s mouth - anything to shut him up.
Geto is going all out like they’re teenagers again. 
(Nobara at Geto: “YEAH GET HIS ASS!”)
Geto eventually becomes aware of the small crowd that has gathered and rethinks his actions. He ends up dragging Gojo by his collar. 
“Ok, we’re leaving,” Geto calls to their students, leaving no room for argument. Megumi immediately follows, dragging Yuji and Nobara in tow.
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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mrsevans90 · 7 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 4
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 4,633
Warnings: Pure SMUT. Literally, its porn with a plot. Protected P in V, oral sex (both male and female), fingering, squirting, cum swallowing, hickeys, tit worship, major size kink (he's just so big in all aspects that I can't help myself!), Naughty words,
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 3
Every bit of blood in my body rushed straight to my dick. Here we are sitting in the parking lot of the family owned Italian restaurant in town and I am so achingly hard I could barely breathe. I turn to Emma, grab the back of her neck and smash our lips together in a zealous and indecent kiss. Her hand rests on my thigh so she can pull herself closer and deepen the kiss. Our tongues caress and massage each other sensually disregarding the fact that we are in a public space. We swap dirty kisses across the truck console for a minute or two before pulling back.
“Shit, sugar. You can’t say things like that outside of the house where I can do somethin’ about it. I feel like a teenager trying to hide my hard-on.” Emma giggles knowing exactly how much of a tease she’s being as she reaches over and presses her hand against the bulge in my jeans. I grunt and wrap my hand around her much smaller one on top of my erection. I’ve gotta get her alone even if it’s just to keep kissin’ on her.
“Would you be opposed to coming back to mine for a little bit? I’ve got Mills in a crate and even though he hasn’t had any accidents yet, I don’t want to push my luck so early on.”
“Absolutely.” She says and I lean forward to peck her lips again.
I put my arm out behind her headrest so I can back up the truck and feel her instinctively lean closer towards me. Her teeth graze over her kiss swollen bottom lip and I almost growl.
I somehow make it home safely and park in my driveway in record time. I hop out and lock the truck so she can’t get out while I run around and open the door for her. She shakes her head while smiling and takes my hand to jump down. I intertwine our fingers as I walk to the front door. I need to get my garage all cleaned out from excess building materials so I can park inside the next time I bring her here in case it’s raining or too hot, I think to myself.
I let her inside the house and head toward Mills’ crate so that I can let him and Aika outside. Aika slowly and methodically stretches with a gentle tail wag as she greets us whereas Mills’ tail is wagging so hard he’s about to fall over as Emma crouches down to see him. The sexual tension between us is not as heavy as it was in my truck, but it’s definitely still there.
“Hi baby. I missed you too! Let’s go outside to potty! I don’t need you having an accident on the floor. Come on cutie pie.” She says to Mills before reaching out to Aika, cooing at her and giving her some head scratches. We follow the dogs outside so I can make sure Mills doesn’t run off and I reach over and pull Emma into my arms. I slowly stroke up and down her back as she wraps her arms around my neck and bashfully smiles.
“No pressure, remember? I can take you home any time just say the word.”
“I know Austin.” She says quietly before reaching on her tiptoes to kiss me. It’s a simple kiss that doesn’t hold even a quarter of the lust that our car kisses held. It’s more intentional, it’s trusting. As if I didn’t feel the emotions that she put into the kiss, she spoke them aloud. “Even though I just met you, I trust you more than I probably should.” I kiss her once more before responding.
“I trust you too.” She smiles at me as I stare into her ocean eyes. She runs her soft fingertips through my course beard as we kiss again.
A few minutes later, I whistle and the dogs head right back to the door. I’ll have to take them on a hike tomorrow to let them exercise but tonight I had other plans. Mills is chomping at the bits to get out some energy but he’ll be alright for tonight.
We got back inside and I directed the dogs to their beds. Mills was still learning but catching on to my different commands pretty quickly so he only needed a few redirections.
I looked at Emma and wrapped her into my arms as I pressed her body against mine. “Couch?” I asked while motioning with my head to the old leather couch in the living room and she shook her head no.
“Bed.” She whispered with a look like she was undressing me with her eyes. I grabbed her hand and started leading her to the staircase before I dipped down and picked her up over my shoulder. She squealed and smacked my butt and I playfully smacked hers in return as I hauled her up the stairs. After I opened my bedroom door, I slid her body down my front feeling her curves and breath against my neck. Once she was on her feet, she swallowed loudly before she ran her hands under the edge of my t-shirt. I leaned down to start kissing her while holding her jaw as her hands became braver and she let her fingers explore further up my torso. Her nails began lightly scratching across my abdomen under my shirt when I felt her smirk into our kiss.
“Finally gettin’ those belly scratches.” She joked and I grinned back at her. I reached down and grabbed her ass cheek in her shorts and replied, “I’m about to start drooling just like Aika.”
I pressed her tightly against my body before reaching behind my neck and pulling my shirt off and throwing it in the floor.
“Mmm..you’re so sexy, Austin.” She whispered as her hands roamed over my pecs and abs and I smiled widely. Before I could reply, she stepped back and pulled her top over her head and I saw a little belly button piercing that I didn’t know she had which made me lose my train of thought.
“Fuck me” I grunted under my hand as I ran my hand across my beard looking at her in her strapless black lacy bra. I reached to run my thumb across her belly piercing and she ran her arms up and down my biceps.
“I like this very much.” I told her gruffly.
She smirked, “College cheer squad all got them done together my freshman year. My dad almost had a stroke when he found out 3 months after I got it.” I grinned at her confession.
“Mmm.. you’re so beautiful.” I told her as I lightly kissed her neck. She gasped softly as my beard scraped the delicate skin below her ear. I felt her hands start opening my belt and shorts and I helped her slide them down my thighs so I was just in my black boxer briefs. I’m sure she could see everything I was packin' as my cock strained against the fabric. I reached down and unbuttoned her white shorts and she shimmied out of them before reaching up to kiss me again. I loved feeling her soft skin against my chest but if possible I got even harder as she stepped back, reached behind her and unclasped her bra before tossing it on the floor beside her. She stood there and self-consciously played with hands for a moment while letting me soak in the view.
“Goddamn, sugar. You’re the most exquisite woman I’ve ever seen.” I grumbled. I’ve always been a tits man and I’ve just been presented with the most beautiful pair I’ve ever gazed upon. Her perfectly round swells looked like they would fit flawlessly in my palms. The smooth skin decorated with pale pink nipples that strained and peaked from either her arousal or the coolness of the air. Her hair fell in soft waves around them as she watched me eye fuck her form. I bit my lip and with a grunt grabbed her hip bones and pushed her warm breasts against my chest. I groaned at the feel of her against me in nothing but a lacy black thong.
“You feel so good against me.” I murmured against her neck before catching her lips again with a sensual kiss. As we kissed, I walked her backwards to my bed and laid her down on her back. I ran my hand along her side before I reached and cupped her breast in my hand and groaned in approval. I began kissing and sucking down her neck until my mouth made it to her breast where I sucked Emma’s tit into my mouth. It didn’t escape my attention that she clamped her legs together in an attempt to create some friction, but I didn’t want to skip steps and rush through this. You can never redo your first time with a new partner and I didn’t want to be hasty. She deserved to have her body worshipped and I had every intention to do so. After paying sufficient attention to her right breast, I switched to the left that I had been massaging with my hand.
“Please, baby. Do something.” She whined as I continued focusing on her chest.
“Uh uh, let me take my time with you. I want to worship every bit of you tonight, sweetheart. You deserve for me to take my time.” I replied as I kissed, suckled, and tweaked her nipple before sucking a hickey into the top of her breast. She gasped and arched her back essentially pushing herself further into me. Once I was satisfied with the love bite, I decided the other one needed one as well. I sucked hickeys on her chest and stomach before making my way to the waistband of her panties. After I kissed each hip bone, I looked up at her asking for permission.
“Can I take these off, sugar?”
“Yes.” She whispered and lifted her hips for me to pull them down. I was greeted with the world’s most perfect pussy right in front of me. She instinctively pulled her legs back together and although I wanted to rip them apart to get a taste, I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Darlin’, please let me taste ya?” I asked while rubbing her thighs gently.
“You don’t have to do that, Austin. I know men don’t like it.”
“Men don’t like it? I don’t know what little boys you’ve been fucking with but eating an impeccable little peach like this is my idea of paradise. I want to, if you’ll let me. You smell amazing.” She blushed bright red and nodded.
“Words, darlin’. I want there to be no question that I have your consent.”
“Yes, Austin. You can taste me if you really want too.” She whispered and I grabbed her thigh and began leaving a gentle trail of kisses along it while massaging her other leg. When I got to her core, I placed a closed mouth kiss on top of her mound before peppering kisses along her other leg. I spread her legs open and damn, what a sight. She was clean shaven so I could see that her petals were glistening with her sweet arousal. I inhaled deeply and she squirmed as I placed a hot, wet kiss directly to her clit.
“Shit! Oh my god!” She said as her arms flailed out beside her and fisted the comforter.
“Just relax, sugar, and let Sy take care of you.” I licked down to her opening and back up to her clit with my tongue flattened wide. I lapped at her sweet essence greedily before sliding my middle finger into her tight channel.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good Austin…Don’t.. don’t stop Sy.”
“You taste divine, angel. Never tasted anything as good as you. So sweet.” I murmured against her heat and the vibrations of my voice stimulated her clit. I quickly slid my ring finger inside her along with my middle finger and curved them upwards as I felt around for her g-spot. I knew I found it when I heard her whine.
“Ahhh, right there baby. Right there!” I fight to refrain from humping my erection against the bed like a horny dog to relieve some pressure. Hearing her moans and watching her squirm while tasting her on my tongue is the most erotic thing but I need to focus.
“Mmm is that your sweet spot, babygirl? Did I find the spot that makes you extra tingly?” I grunt against her clitoris.
“Yes! Oh god, I think I’m going to cum. It feels different but so good. Please don’t stop!”
“I ain’t stoppin’ sugar. Not until you cum. Cum on my tongue, let me have it.” I say and moments later Emma’s entire body seizes up and her back arches. She moans so loudly I can barely keep from cumming in my boxers just at the sight and sound of her. I feel her hands reach down to my buzzcut as she tried to find something to hold onto and I made sure I had her hips pinned to the bed with my forearm. I continue lapping at her and am a little surprised when her juices splash against my face and chest. I double down and keep doing exactly what made her cum while swallowing up all of her arousal that I can. When she starts gently squirming away, I realize that she’s probably extra sensitive now so I gently kiss her thighs, hips, and belly. I place a kiss on her belly ring before I wipe my beard with my hand and slide up beside her. Emma’s arm is covering her face and her body is heaving as she catches her breath. She removes her arm from her face and I am greeted with her beautiful eyes staring up at me with exhaustion and possibly adulation.
“Holy shit. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.” She says and I chuckle before I lean down and kiss her lips.
“Yeah, never squirted before?” I ask smugly.
“I SQUIRTED?!” she yells with a look of terror and embarrassment.
“Sure did, sugar, and I drank every bit I could catch in my mouth. It was fucking glorious.” I wagged my eyebrows at her proudly.
“I’ve never.. I mean, I knew it felt different and I was really wet because it was so much more intense. I didn’t realize my body could even do that. Oh God, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t you dare be embarrassed. It’s my goal to make sure you have those type of orgasms as much as you possibly can. I almost came just from doing it to you.” I tell her truthfully.
I lean over and pull her into a filthy kiss. She reciprocates the kiss before pushing me on my back and kissing down my chest.
“Can I take these off?” She asks as her hand slides under the elastic waistband of my boxers.
“Sure can, angel.” I say as I help her pull my boxers off.
“Fuck, you’re huge. There’s no way that will fit without ripping me in half.” She says quietly while she wraps her little fist around my girth. Her thumb swipes across the bead of precum on the head and massages it down my shaft. It looks better than I imagined it would be having her hands on me. I know I’m likely a bit more well-endowed than most men, but I never get tired of hearing it. I grin at her with a wink.
“Nah, we can make it fit and take it slow and gentle if that’s what you want darlin’. I promise I won’t hurt you. We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t comfortable with it.”
“No, I want too! The men I’ve been with before are like pencils compared to you though.”
She startles as I laugh boisterously at her comparison.
“Well, I’m glad all of those pencil dicks are in the past sweetheart.”
“Me too.” She giggles before leaning forward to kiss me as her small, cold hands start pumping my rigid, heated cock. Her breasts brush against my chest hair and it feels indescribable.
Emma starts kissing down my neck and chest before she gently bites one of my nipples and I jolt from the unexpectedness. She glances at me and smirks with my nipple in between her teeth and her hand on my cock. It’s incredibly sexy seeing how confidently she is exploring my body.
“You little minx. You have no idea what you do to me, do ya?”
Emma sensually and slowly shakes her head no as she licks further down to my happy trail. She pecks all around my trimmed pubic hair before she starts to kitten lick my cock.
I’m torn between throwing my head back while screwing my eyes shut tightly to keep myself from blowing my load already, and watching every move she makes so I don’t miss anything. I take a deep breath before opening my eyes to look back down at her where she looks straight into my eyes and takes me into her mouth.
“Fuckkkk sugar.” I groan and her hand works the base of my cock and her hot, wet mouth sucks the rest of me. I push a strand of hair from her face as I watch her. She pulls back with a pop before she spits on the head of my cock. Her other hand begins to softly massage my balls. Jesus, this image is better than any porn that could ever exist. She uses her hand to lube up my dick before taking a deep breath and shoving her mouth as deeply onto my cock as she can. I feel her throat constrict as she slightly gags around me and her eyes tear up. I pull her hair out of her face as she goes down on me again and hold it like a ponytail. I start to squirm each time she takes me in the back of her throat. I look at her and see tears in her eyes. I help her pull back a bit and she pulls off all the way with a pop and takes a deep breath.
“Baby, don’t hurt yourself now.” I tell her gruffly as I wipe her tears.
“I want to make it good for you.” She responds.
“Sugar, anything you do is good for me. You have no idea how difficult it’s been since you kissed me in the car to keep from blowing my load. You are so unbelievably beautiful and sexy darlin’. I’m trying not to come in ten seconds like an inexperienced teenager.”
“Mmm, but I want to taste you. Cum for me, Austin. Don’t hold back.” Emma says sexily and I groan as her hand still lazily strokes me.
“Yeah? Well, I’ll give you anything you want. Just don’t hurt yourself.” I tell her and guide her back onto me. The foreplay early on has me antsy and everything she is doing is making me see stars. As she has essentially given me permission, I grunt as I’m seconds away from exploding. “I’m bout to..” I manage to grumble out before I moan loudly and cum in her mouth only after another minute of her sucking me. She swallows each spurt as it shoots out of me. My head tilts back as my orgasm washes over my body and Emma keeps working me through it. I still have my hand loosely in her hair as I help her off of me and kiss her desperately. She seems shocked that I’m kissing her after I just came in her mouth so I kiss her even more intensely. I can barely taste myself on her tongue and if anything, it turns me on more since she was willing to do that for me. I’m not a spring chicken like I was once, so I’ll need a minute or two if she’s wanting to continue to the main attraction. I don’t want her to feel pressured though so I just lay back and continue kissing her as our hands roam each other’s bodies. I grab a handful of her ass and she whines as she slowly starts rocking herself against me. I push my thigh between her legs and she keens as she involuntarily grinds against it. She’s wet and hot on my thigh and my cock is readying itself to go again. I pull her flush against my thigh and flex my leg muscle and she moans. “Your sweet little body feels perfect against me. That’s right, baby. Grind your sweet little cunt on my thigh. Does that feel good?” I utter against her neck. She exposes her neck to the side to give me more access.
“Mmm hmm..” She hums.
“Tell me what you want, sugar.” I tell her.
“Be specific. What do you want me to do?”
“Fuck me, Sy.”
She nods and I kiss her breathlessly. I turn to hover over her as I lay her on her back.
I reach over towards my nightstand and rummage through looking for a condom before I finally find one.
God, she looks ethereal laying under me. Her hair fanned out across the pillow, big blue doe eyes looking up at me above her. Her breasts rising and falling quickly as she breathes heavily from anticipation of what’s to come. Her sexy little smirk as she sees me taking in her beauty. I try to take a mental picture so that this image stays in my head forever. I watch her slide her delicate fingers slowly down her breasts and belly to her clit and gently circle it as she bites her bottom lip. Little minx knows exactly what she’s doing. I growl and rip the condom packet open with my teeth and pull the rubber out before tossing the foil package on the nightstand. I look down and Emma reaches forward to pump me a few times with her delicate little hands. I grunt and then slide the condom on before reaching down and making sure she’s still ready for me. I immediately slide two fingers in and she moans as I scissor my fingers to gently stretch her out. She’s still so wet and feels incredibly tight and warm.
“Austin, I need you. Now.” She moans as her hands grab onto my biceps.
I lean down and press a dirty, lustful kiss to her mouth before guiding myself to her entrance.
She moans with pleasure as I press the tip of my cock into her weeping hole and begin to slowly inch myself further into her heat.
“Fuck, Emma. You feel so good. So perfect.” I strain to say as I’m halfway inside her.
“Mmm. So big baby.” She replies.
“Am I hurting ya?” I ask just to be sure.
“No, keep going. Feels good. Just go slow and gentle.”
“Alright, just relax. Imma take good care of ya.” She is absurdly tight. I swear it’s like fucking a virgin and if she wasn’t wet there would be no way I could ease in without hurting her. She looked mighty fine being split open on my cock, though. I groan with pleasure when I finally sink all the way into her, my balls tight against her ass. I force myself to stay completely still to give her time to adjust to the intrusion. I lean down and kiss her.
“Jesus, you’re so big. M’all full.” She says breathlessly. I gently rub my hand across her belly where I can see the slight protrusion of my dick inside of her.
“Yeah, ya feel this?” I take her hand and press on her abdomen and she clenches. “That’s me sugar, all the way up here inside of ya.” She purposefully clenches down on me and I groan.
“Move, baby.” She commands and I don’t hesitate. Slowly I pull almost all of the way out of her before gently pushing back in. After a minute or so of gentle, methodical thrusts she wants more.
“Don’t hold back. Fuck me harder, Captain Syverson.” She breathes against my neck and my hips stutter for just a moment at my title before I excitedly pick up the pace. Her arms wrap around my neck as I piston in and out of her and her soft pants of pleasure are right in my ear. I’m going to cum before she does if she keeps that up. I quickly pull out of her and I see a brief moment of worry flash across her face before I flip her over and pull her perfect round ass in the air. I hadn’t given myself the opportunity to look at this sweet ass earlier so I admire it for a moment. I knead her cheeks before smacking the meat of her perky ass. I quickly reinsert myself into her warmth before running my calloused hand down her smooth back and grabbing her hair. I gently pull it towards me which causes Emma to arch her back in the sexiest way.
“Oh fuck yeah!" She cries and I grunt and set a methodical yet satisfying rhythm. I reach down and start rubbing her clit as she turns and looks at me over her shoulder.
“Like watching your Captain while he fucks you hard, Sugar?” I grunt with a smirk and she nods enthusiastically.
“Mmm taking Captain’s cock like a good girl. My good girl.” I rumble and she clamps down even tighter on me which makes me groan. I fuck her like this for a several minutes as she gets closer to her climax before I decide to turn her back over.
I toss her back onto the bed, throw her legs over my shoulders, and push back into her.
“I could feel you squeezing on my cock and I didn’t want to miss watching another orgasm wash across your beautiful face.” I tell her as I pound into her. I stick my thumb into her mouth and she instinctively sucks. I pull my thumb back out and reach down to rub gentle circles on her clit with it as I watch her breast jiggle with each thrust.
“Oh my god. You feel so good inside of me, Cap.” She moans. Her eyes glaze over as she bites her lip and grabs her breasts with her hands gently tweaking her nipples.
“Let go for me, sugar. You’re clenching on me so tight. I’m not far behind you.” I tell her between ragged breathes.
I force my eyes open to watch her as her orgasm course across her body. Her back arches and she lets out a sensual moan as her legs begin to twitch and shake against my shoulders. Her eyes roll back in her head and I watch the goosebumps form across her skin as her nipples are peaked and her chest is flushed. She’s so wet that I can hear the squelching as my balls smack against her ass and then my eyes slam shut when I’m thrust into my own euphoric climax. I slam into her three more times before stilling and filling the condom with my spend. I’m out of breath and covered in sweat as I lean over her but don’t put my weight on her petite body. Emma reaches up and gently scratches the back of my buzzcut as we catch our breaths. After a moment, I pull out of her, tie off the condom and toss it to the waste basket in my bedroom. I dump my body over to the side of her as my breathing regulates and I place my arm protectively across her waist.
Part 5
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal@kingliam2019@syversonswife@identity2212@starfirewildheart@hannah9921 @wa-ni @kneelforloki @cutedoxie @summersong69@enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @geralts-yenn @courtlynwriter
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znitsamluv · 1 year
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 . Pt.1
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐳 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 <3
Warnings : some swearing ig ?
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° Mikey is usually busy with his business with Bonten and is hardly home but when he is there he makes sure he is giving his full attention to his family especially your son .
• It was dinner time and Mikey noticed you and s/n exchanging looks before you started talking.
° " s/n wanted to ask you something since last week but you were busy " the look you were giving Mikey made him immediately know that if he refused what was going to be said he will be in deep shit .
° " I have a big game tomorrow and I wanted you to be there to watch... But if you are busy I understand" Mikey's heart sank the moment he saw s/n eyes look slightly sad as if he was expecting a rejection, Mikey had an important meeting with Bonten tomorrow but he won't risk losing any more time away from his family.
° that's how Bonten ended having the meeting in the Stadium of the match 💀 They all wore normal clothes and caps but that didn't cover for the fact that they were literally talking about criminal business beside normal citizens .
° whenever s/n score Mikey would smile warmly and clap elegantly and then side eye his colleagues to see if they were cheering along with him .
° the proudest father ever .
° better believe s/n is getting hella presents the second the match is finished.
• Sanzu
° loud af in the competition hall .
° might even bring a banner with your daughter's name to show his support while your daughter is melting from embarrassment 😭
° would get hella side eyes from families beside him from his funky hair color and obnoxious behavior but they all don't have the guts to say anything.
° a mother complained about his inappropriate language and ' abuse of swear words in front of innocent souls ' so Sanzu had to be held back by you and was petty af that he started swearing louder 😭
° He heard a mother call your daughter a crazy bitch after your daughter rocked her son's shit in the taekwondo match, he excused himself to the bathroom and spotted them and immediately held his gun to them .
° " call my daughter a crazy bitch again and I will show you who she got her craziness from , if I saw you again better believe you will be six feet underground, .... Consider this a promise "
° once the competition ended he was the first to run to her and pick her up to spin her around while telling her how amazing she did .
° would rub it in Ran and Rindou faces the day after in the office telling them how badass his daughter is and brag about her for the rest of the day.
• Kakucho
° Kakucho has all of your son's timetable in his office so he doesn't miss any moment even if he was busy he will squeeze a 20 minute between the work to at least drop your son off to his training.
° He loves asking his son how training went everyday and even though Kakucho is tired and his eyes are red from overworking and lack of sleep he still sit and listen to s/n rambles about how tiring the training was and how a teammate of his was rude .
° he asks Mikey for a free day before your son's important match everytime and he is always the first one to arrive at the match hall .
° the other families really like you and your husband and how you both raised your son so expect lots of greetings when you both arrive .
° before the match starts Kakucho excuses himself and goes to your son to give him some encouraging words .
° " Hey buddy , no matter the result me and your mother are very proud of you, you trained hard and I believe you will do amazing, as long as you play fairly I know you will win . Now go and show everyone who is s/n Hitto "
° Kakucho usually stands in a corner the majority of the match where he has a better vision of the match going on , he is always on the run if s/n falls or get hurt .
° Once your son scored the final goal that sealed the match he claps and proudly says with his whole heart for everyone to hear " That's my son!"
• Koko
° Koko is usually busy so he tries to at least be included in any way so he buys your daughter any training clothes she likes or equipment that will help her better , no matter the price he is going to pay .
° since your daughter plays tennis she has a bad habit of breaking her racquet after losing so Koko has a whole room full of expensive racquets so she can replace the one she broke .
° " The moment you see the one you are playing against is crying from losing make sure to take a pic for me "
° Koko has a whole album on his phone of your daughter posing while her rivals are crying in the background.
° He once had to take the rest of Bonten with him because he couldn't miss your daughter's important competition but he also couldn't dump his work .
° Better believe the whole place was filled with cheers and screams of encouraging words just for your d/n ( Koko told them whoever cheers the loudest will get a money raise ) .
° D/n was going to play against a boy so as an elegant girl she is she wanted a handshake for good vibes yk before the match.
° but the boy gave her a smirk and looked her up and down before laughing.
° Koko was boiling with anger but remained calm and crossed his legs watching his prideful daughter do what he told her " don't leave him till his is crying"
° D/n didn't have mercy she literally dominated the whole match not even letting them score a single ball , to the point he started crying and begging for an early end of the match.
° taking out her phone she snapped a photo before sending it to Koko who was in the crowd clapping proudly.
° Let's just say D/n was the main talk in the building of Bonten and in meetings for the next few weeks .
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bloodredfeathers · 1 year
Drabbles about how I think the Savanaclaw boys would kiss because I'm in need of some major fluff with my favorite dorm rn
Characters: Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi
⚠Gender neutral reader, Leona gets a lil frisky towards the end, slight swearing in Jack's part, also Jack's is really long I'M SORRY I COULDN'T HELP IT HE'S MY FAVORITE HGKFHKFHD, absolute tooth rotting domestic style fluff with Ruggie
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Leona Kingscholar
You missed him.
You missed him a lot. You hadn't seen Leona the whole week due to the heavy workload you had been assigned before the weekend. Crewel really didn't know when enough work was enough.
Nonetheless, you used seeing Leona as a reason to get your work done, and you did. It was Friday, every last piece of work turned in, and you were on your way to see your favorite beastman.
"...mmmmmwhat...?" You could hear Leona growl from inside his dorm room after you knocked. Opening the door slowly, you were met with drawn curtains, creating a dimly lit room and a sleep enticing atmosphere.
"Oh my King," you knelt down and began speaking as though you were in a fairy tail. "Please forgive me for intruding upon your sacred private quarters. It is merely I, your beloved, here to see you-"
You looked up to see Leona, crossing his arms and staring down at you. His emerald eyes practically glowed, even in the dim light of his bedroom.
"Get up herbivore," he groaned. "If you're gonna be on your knees, at least make it for a good reason~"
"LEONA!" You stood quickly, face heating evidently. His arms enveloped you and you felt him rest his chin on your head.
"I'm kidding, herbivore..." He said sleepily. "I've missed ya..."
You smiled from where your face was buried in his chest and reciprocated his embrace, squeezing him tight and sighing contently.
"I've missed you too..." You murmured. Leona grabbed your chin with his hand, forcing you to look at him. He smirked and let out a quiet, amused huff. You pouted.
"Nothing," he grinned, shaking his head. Leona tilted your head upwards, lowering his own to meet you in a long, slow, deep kiss. It had you shivering and melting into him, leaning your whole body against his broad figure. Breaking the kiss, you panted and gazed into his eyes.
"Ohhh I don't think you'll be leaving this room anytime soon, herbivore~" Leona teased, leaning down to kiss your throat. "I wasn't kidding when i said i missed ya. Now whaddaya gonna do about it, hmm~?"
Jack Howl
"Deuce, have you seen Jack?" You had searched the grounds of Night Raven College at least three times over and still couldn't find your wolf anywhere. Deuce shook his head.
"I haven't seen him since our Flight class," Deuce said. "He told me he was going to look for you after school, but judging from what's going on right now, I'm assuming that didn't quite go as planned."
You rolled your eyes.
"No shit, Sherlock," you muttered. You scanned the crowd and couldn't see Jack anywhere. If he were there, it wouldn't have been hard to see a 6'3 bulky, tanned skinned, white haired wolf beastman that literally EVERYONE knows. You groaned aloud, deciding to give up searching, until...
"Wait, his dorm!" You nearly yelled. "I feel so damn stupid...why didn't I think to look for him in his dorm?"
You ran as fast as you could to the Savanaclaw dorm, huffing once you got there. Some student looked at you weird, whereas others minded their own business. You searched for anybody familiar when you saw-
The hyena turned and smiled as he saw you.
"Hey! What brings ya here?"
"Where's Jack?!" Ruggie put his hands up in defense, chuckling.
"Relax, he's up in his room. I think you came at a good time, he came back looking like his favorite cactus just died."
You quickly thanked him and ran to Jack's room, knocking on the door. No response. You slowly opened the door to see Jack sitting on his floor, playing with a little potted cactus, tail limp and ears flat, a sad scowl on his face.
"Jack?" You called softly. His head shot up and his eyes widened, ears alert as he stared towards you. You stepped inside and shut the door behind you, turning back around to be almost knocked over in a bone crushing hug.
"Jack if your tail wags any harder your homework is going to fly out the window-" You warned him.
"Don't care," he said, face buried in your neck. "Can't help it, I missed you too damn much..."
Out of nowhere, jack picked you up and tossed you onto his bed (gently of course) before climbing over you and laying down on top of you. You giggled and pet his hair, rubbing his ears as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
Jack raised his head to look at you. You smiled at him and cupped his cheek with your hand. Laying his hand over yours, Jack leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. His lips were soft and warm, and he smelled like cactus flowers.
Once the kiss was broken, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes closed, savoring the shared warmth between you two.
"I love you, Jack," you said breathlessly, eyes still shut tight and forhead still resting against his. Jack breathed shakily before running a large hand down your side, gently but lovingly caressing you.
"I...I love you too..."
It was moments like these where Jack knew he didn't have to have his guard up, where he could finally relax, because he knew he would always be safe to be himself with you~
(Lol can you say self indulgent-)
Ruggie Bucchi
"What was that for, huh?" Ruggie stared up at you from where you leaned over him. All he wanted was a little peace and quiet, some time to relax and lie in the cool grass beneath his favorite tree. Why was it his favorite? To keep it simple, it kept the grass beneath cool because it provided a lot of shade.
He was lying in the grass with his eyes closed when out of nowhere, you had decided to show up and give him a quick peck on the forehead.
"Nothing really," you grinned. "I've been looking for you all day, and I missed you! Also, you looked super cute, all relaxed like that~!"
Ruggie grinned, grabbing you as he began to tickle you to death.
"RUGGIE STOP!" You squealed as his relentless hands continued to attack your most ticklish spots.
"Never!" He giggled boyishly as he eventually calmed and brought you to sit between his legs, your back against his chest. His arms encircled your torso as his chin rested on your shoulder. You reached up to pet his hair and Ruggie sighed happily, closing his eyes.
"You know," Ruggie said softly. "I came out here to get away from people, to relax and be alone for a bit. But honestly, this is so much better..."
You smiled softly. Ruggie was young and fresh faced, some even saying he looked younger than he was. But he was a very responsible man and a hard worker. He deserved a break every now and again. He shouldn't have had to sneak away.
"Well whenever you need a break from things, especially from Leona," you gazed into his eyes, cupping his cheek. "Just hit me up, I'll always be down to help you unwind!"
He smiled cutely and pulled you in for a quick kiss, pulling back to look at you before going in for another, this time slower, longer, more passionate.
"I love you, Y/N. I always will, please don't ever forget that..."
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Also I kinda tried to associate their name colors with their eyes (Leona was green, Ruggie blue and Jack orangy yellowy amber idk-)
I hope you enjoyed, stay tuned for more, extras~
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itsbansheebitch · 2 months
More thoughts
I get both sides, but I feel a little confused they couldn't find four people in their +25 employees
Data analyst (Are you seriously telling me you couldn't personally email or even just HIRE matpat's team who do data analytics as part of Theorist Media to help??? The man would be overjoyed to help???)
Editor (Put the first $6 towards a can of coffee grounds, dude)
PR Team (Even, like, a single person, please, for the love of god)
Business Major (Or literally anyone that has taken a home ec/budgeting/personal finance class)
First, the Dish Granted series was started when gold leaf burgers were novel, now it's seen as tone deaf (for obvious reasons) it should have shifted to something like interviews with people who make that kind of food or local businesses (like parmesan cheese shops in Parma, Italy) or the history of food (like talking about the history of modern Native American slavery on Californian wine vinyards). Not to mention the untapped potential of Food Fraud topics. Either shift it, or scrap it. Any data analyst or chronically online person could tell you that.
Second, why did you keep "anyone can afford $6 a month" in? Are the editors asleep at the wheel? Are they overworked? What is going on? You know damn well to not make generalizations about what people can afford. That's NEVER a good idea, especially when you KNOW (because YT gives you analytics) that most of your viewers are young (16/18-30/35 range, I'd guess) who probably, either 1, are still in school and either arent paid well/dont have jobs OR 2, arent paid well and tired of people's shit, like people who own businesses talking about "tough financial decisions." To them, Watcher isn't going to look different from the other people talking like that, because this was so sudden, with no input from fans, and in the video you hear shit like "anyone can afford [X]." To be frank, it wouldn't really matter what the amount is, because that generalization goes against the message they have stood by for years. THAT is a slap in the face.
Third, what are yall doing with the budgeting? Every artist has a right to make art that they are proud of. Every artist deserves to have their work seen if they so choose. Every artist deserves to make a living. HOWEVER, there are MANY options online when it comes to making money, especially on YT. You could get into marketing, data analysis, expanding your demographic, looking at what people are interested in right now VS what will stand the test of time (not gold leaf burgers), etc.
You have to either have these skills, develop these skills, or hire someone to do it for you. It's understandable that you would want a team behind the production, but I find +25 employees to be WAY too many people, especially in LA. Bailey Sarian has a Dark History section on her YT (and Spotify podcast) where she has hired historians to help make sure her episodes are as accurate as possible. You've caught heat before from Puppet History's missing & incorrect info, you should do the same. She has about three (3) "intermissions" per episode for ad breaks. I never see anyone complain. People WOULD listen to yall talk for that long (+1 hour videos), tbh, though that's not necessary.
Why are yall out here with Teslas, expensive food, new gear, scripts (where there weren't scripts before, PH is different, that makes sense), and "better than TV" level sets??? I need to put your accountant in this week's church prayer list what the actual hell??? Ya'll, this video is literally the meme:
Guys help me budget:
LA Rent: 2K per month
Videos: 100K per vid
+25 Employees: God only knows
New stuff for videos: Don't get me started
Like, are you serious?
You have a right to do whatever you want with your art. You have a right to charge whatever you'd like for that art. You have a right to make a living from your art and you have a right to ask your fans for money.
Your fans have a right to be angry when they've been supporting yall for, what, almost 10 years? They have a right to choose when and where to spend their money even when you've made an impact. They have a right to feel betrayed, especially when there are better options (like Nebula or consulting with Theorist Media).
Fans DO NOT have a right to be racist to any members of Watcher, now that they have made a decision they do not agree with.
I personally, think this is a really silly decision and could have been solved (haha solved) with a simple YT poll, but apparently we had to get... this. I respect their decision, I just don't think it was a smart one. I wish them the best, and I hope they find a better solution. Any further comment from me will depend on what steps they take next.
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minisugakoobies · 11 months
Paradise Chapter 14 - Teaser | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: smut, neighbors to lovers (not quite friends but not quite strangers), love triangle, Stripper!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Teaser Warnings: reference to blow jobs
Teaser Word Count: 859 (actual chapter TBD)
Disclaimers: None, other than obviously I don’t own BTS - they simply inspire me
A/N: Helloooooo… sorry it's taking so long for the next update. Here's a little peek at how the chapter begins. Can you believe we're coming up on 2 YEARS since this started?? 😳 Wild. Thank you for hanging on! 💕
(This chapter is still in progress, so this is subject to change!)
Paradise Main Masterlist 💜 Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
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Turns out that impulsiveness looks pretty good on you. 
Or so you think to yourself, catching your reflection in the mirror of the men’s room as you leave Jungkook to collect himself after giving him the best blow job of his life (your words - although, based on the look on his face as you’d swallowed, you might not be far off). 
You hadn’t planned on dragging him into the bathroom like that, but upon seeing him walk out onto the terrace in that grey belted suit, looking like an absolute dream, well, you simply could not help yourself.
You also hadn’t meant to tell him you missed him last night. But you had, because you did. God, when had you turned into this - this massive simp? It was only yesterday morning that you’d woken up in Jungkook’s embrace. You’d barely spent 24 hours apart - so why were you so desperate to get back into his arms?
Of course, none of this matters right now. There are only minutes to go before the ceremony begins, and you need to pull your head out of the clouds and get back to Jennie and the others. Starting by escaping the men’s room sight unseen.
Or not.
As soon as you close the door, you hear Jin’s voice calling to you. He’s standing at the other end of the little hallway, near the entrance to the reception room.
“Hey,” you reply, trying to be the most nonchalant you’ve ever been in your life, as if you weren’t just gagging on Jungkook’s dick in a public bathroom. 
Jin smiles as you approach, but there’s a gleam in his eye that makes you nervous, and you’re so busy trying to come up with a valid excuse for why he saw you emerging from the men’s room that you apparently forget how to walk, trip over the hem of your gown, and crash directly against his chest. 
“Easy, tiger!” he laughs, arms locking around your back as he helps you stand back upright. “I’m used to ladies throwing themselves at me, but only you’ve taken it literally.” 
You roll your eyes, but you’re pretty sure he’s not lying about fighting off admirers, given that he looks like a supermodel in his crisply tailored tuxedo. His bowtie is a little crooked thanks to being squashed by your face during your ungainly landing, so you gently fix it, and Jin thanks you with a soft grin. 
“I left my glasses at home, so tell me - did I just see you leav-” Jin suddenly stops in the middle of his sentence, his gaze drifting over your shoulder. “Oh. Nevermind, I see.” He takes a step back, arms falling from your waist.
Another hand slips into yours. 
Jungkook didn’t wait very long before following you out of the restroom. He squeezes your hand as you glance at him, but he stares directly at Jin, nostrils flaring slightly, eyes narrowed, lips pursed tightly as if - as if -
Oh, shit. 
“You left this behind, jagiya.” Jungkook turns to you, his face shifting into a softer expression as he produces your clutch like some sort of trophy. You must’ve left it on the counter. “Did you want me to hold it during the ceremony?” 
Your brain is lagging severely at the moment, trying to process two major facts at once. Fact one: Jin obviously realized that you were with Jungkook in the bathroom. Fact two: you completely forgot to tell Jungkook that Jin would be at the wedding. Which, given the events of the last 24 hours, it’s understandable that it slipped your mind, but this isn’t how you’d expected to officially introduce them. 
On top of that, Jungkook has asked you a question. And is now waiting for an answer, while Jin watches in polite silence. 
“Um. Yes. Sorry, yes, can you keep an eye on it for me?” 
Jungkook nods, tucking the clutch into his jacket and patting it lightly. “Of course,” he says, nodding solemnly, as if you’d just asked him to protect precious goods and not a cheap bag full of tissues and mints. 
Jin clears his throat lightly. 
“Oh! I’m sorry, Jin, this is Jungkook, Jungkook, Jin.” 
Of all the ways for these two to meet, this might not be the most embarrassing, but it’s definitely up there. There’s still a bit of Jungkook’s taste lingering on your tongue as the two men shake hands, Jin wincing slightly. 
You try to quickly fill Jungkook in. “Jin’s the best man.” 
“Sure am.” Jin grins. 
“He and Yoongi grew up together,” you add, ignoring Jin’s little interjection, knowing that Jungkook didn’t miss it based on the way his jaw flexes violently, as if he’s gnashing his teeth. 
“Nice to meet you, Jungkook. That’s quite a grip you have there.” Jin slides his hands into his pockets. “YN’s told me a little about you.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” Jungkook replies, inclining his head slightly. His hand returns to yours, fingers locking firmly. “Wish I could say the same, but YN never mentions you.” 
You try to control your face as you look at Jungkook. What did he just say?
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© 2021-22-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Please do not repost or steal.
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You Don't Love Me Anymore?
Words: 4139
Warnings: angst, references to sex, breakup, hair long enough to run hand through?
STRANGER THINGS Masterlist Main Masterlist
I almost named this "Like We're In Love?" because of Steve saying it to Nancy in Season 2 and this was lowkey based off of it.
Can be read as a Part 1 for I Still Love You (Part 2) and 1,000 Yellow Daisies (Part 3)
This also was originally written for my OC Drew Henderson (Find info on her/original story on this account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters )
I also know that this isn't that well written, it was done on my phone when I was *lowkey* overheating in my moms car while driving to my friends DCI competition last Friday (the 15th)
Steve and other characters are PROBABLY OOC (as I suck at not being able to keep them from being OOC)
Anywho, enjoy
Y/N rolled her eyes at Robin’s comment on the Return to Oz. “Yeah, it was ‘scary’ and ‘off putting’ but that’s what I liked about it Robin.”
“Y/N, the evil-lady literally took her head off. How the hell is that not horrifying enough to not watch the film?”
“Robin, let us remember that I actually enjoyed The Black Cauldron. Unlike the majority of audiences.”
“Sometimes I seriously wonder how you and Steve get along. You two like completely different things it seems like sometimes.”
Y/N glanced over to Steve, who was checking a customer out. “Yeah...so do I.” 
“Hey,” Robin’s voice was full of concern, “I know it’s like, none of my business, but are you and Steve okay? Things have seemed tense between the two of you lately.”
Y/N looked back at Robin and shot her a small smile, “Yeah, everything’s fine!”
And she could tell that Robin didn’t believe her by the look on her face, but Y/N chose to ignore it. “Okay, if you’re sure Y/N.”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, I am.” She looked at her watch and cursed as she saw the time. “Damn, I have to go Robin.” She placed the movie in her hand where it was supposed to go quickly and quickly ran into the break room to clock out for her break. She grabbed her jacket and keys and raced out the door, but as she did, she gave Steve a smile, “I’ll be back in like an hour with Dustin.”
Either he didn’t hear her or he ignored her as he didn’t make any acknowledgement to her comment. She tried to ignore the sting it caused her to feel as she opened the door and ran out, trying not to slip on the snow ridden ground. She ran to her car and unlocked the door, she plugged the key into the ignition to start it. After turning the heat all up, she tossed her jacket off and left the parking lot of Family Video and made her way to the High School.
By the time she finally made it, she was nearly an hour late. She was meant to pick him up between 3:10 and 3:20 and it was nearing 4 o’clock. She groaned as she saw her brother standing with his friends in front of the school. She pulled up in front of them and opened her door, got out, and walked over to them.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up. I know I’m late. I got sidetracked and completely missed the time!.”
“If you would’ve been a few minutes later Elder Henderson, I was going to kidnap your brother.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and Eddie’s comment, “Oh and I’m sure that Dustin would have loved it.” She turned to her brother, “I’m seriously sorry. A bunch of people decided to return their movies today so Robin and I were stalking the shelves.” She gave Mike and Lucas a smile, “You two good? Have a ride home and then to Hellfire?”
“Actually, Nancy’s sick, so could you take me to Hellfire?”
Y/N ran a hand through her hair, slowly becoming aware of the cold air around her. “Yeah, yeah I can. But I can’t take you home beforehand.”
“I don’t mind staying in the back of Family Video!”
She sighed, “As long as you’re sure.”
He nodded, “I am.”
“Then you two get your shit into the car.” She looked at Lucas, “You good, Sinclair?” He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, “Alright. Follow the other two.” And as he went to put everything in the back she looked at Eddie. “You didn’t have to stay with them.”
Eddie shrugged, “True. But what kind of idol would I be if I did?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Besides, it’s fucking cold outside. Didn’t want them to freeze to death due to someone's negligence.”
“Well that someone has a fucking job.”
He lifted his arms up in defense, “Didn’t mean to upset you.”
She sighed, “You didn’t, Munson.”
“You seem stressed. Everything good? Need anything?”
She rolled her eyes at the last comment. She had already known Eddie before Dustin joined Hellfire. Bought some weed off of him her Junior and what would be his first fail at a Senior year, a few years ago.  “I quit that, Munson.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “But I’m good. Just tired and shit. Y’know, the holidays and things.”
Eddie nodded, “Well, need anything, I’m open Henderson.”
She gave him a soft smile, “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” He looked behind her, “Probably should let you go. Don’t kill my protége with your driving.”
She rolled her eyes and she began to walk away from him, “Yeah, I would be killing my brother in a car crash. That is not how I plan on killing him.” She dropped into her car, “See you later, Munson.”
He smiled at her, “See you later Henderson. And you too Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair. Don’t be late tonight.”
And on Eddie’s final words, she pressed the gas and drove back to Family Video. She numbly listened to her brother and his friends talk about Hellfire and the end of their recent campaign being tonight. Her thoughts were more focused on what Eddie had said. Was it really that obvious that everything with Steve has stressed her out from hell? But what showed it? She knew that her makeup hid the dark circles that she had gained due to the lack of sleep from worry. And the tear stains weren’t visible because of the makeup, once again. And he hadn’t thought that she had lost much weight from barely being able to eat. But maybe she was wrong. Maybe that was it. Maybe she looked smaller than normal.
She found it funny. She was perfectly healthy. But if Junior year her were to have seen what she looked like and weighed, she would have had a heart attack. Would have said she was ‘overweight’ and that she had to run to the bathroom. It sucked. And it was ironic that Steve was who helped her. He always did. That was how he was. Always helped her when she needed it. 
She felt like shit. Just like she did 3 years ago, just before her Sophomore year. When she lost Steve. God did she just hope that this feeling would go away and that she wouldn’t feel this way forever. And that nothing bad was going to happen with her and Steve. That everything would be okay.
But God did she know that would be a lie.
The second she pulled into the parking space she knew she was gonna get yelled at. She went 5 minutes over her break time. But she honestly could care less. She knew full well that they weren’t gonna fire her over that. She made Dustin grab her jacket as she shut her door. When they all entered, she tried to hide the pain when she saw the large smile on Steve’s face when he saw Dustin.
She sighed and walked to the back, but when she went to clock herself back in, she saw that she already had been. She turned back and walked over again. She was going to ask what happened since it was only her, the kids, Steve, and Robin in the store, but she saw the look on Robin’s face. She shot her friend a grateful smile and mouthed ‘thanks’. To where her friend merely shrugged.
She walked over to the kids, “Alright, backroom children. Don’t wanna get in trouble cause of y’all. I get off at 6. So I’ll take you guys back for Hellfire straight after.” She ignored the protests from both her brother and boyfriend and gave Dustin a look that literally told him to listen or else he wouldn’t like what she would do. As the boys exited into the backrooms, she smiled at Steve. “So I was thinking, we get off at the same time, and I’ll have time before I’ll have to pick them up after Hellfire, what if we rented a movie ourself and have a little movie night?” She pushed a strand of hair from her face, “We haven’t done that in a while.” And she tried to keep the pained look from escaping when he flinched away from her hand that was moving to touch his arm. “Steve?”
“I--probably not. I have things that I need to get done when I get home.”
“Oh,” She tried not to sound disappointed, “Right. Yeah. Um...what about Christmas? Are you gonna come over?”
He shrugged, “Maybe. Not really sure.”
She nodded, almost numbly. “Okay...well I’m gonna help Robin finish stocking the films.”
He didn’t even acknowledge her final comment and she just nodded and walked away. She tried to keep the tears in her eyes, but couldn’t help that a few fell as she silently restocked the rows. Thankfully it wasn’t enough to mess with her makeup, but it was still enough that it messed with her mood for the rest of her shift.
But even unknown to her. The three Freshmen sitting in the backroom saw all of that. Lucas turned to Dustin, “Is everything okay between Y/N and Steve?”
Dustin shrugged, “I don’t know. He hasn't been around as much, which really sucks. Plus, she’s rarely on the phone with him, which is weird! I’m used to them being on the phone until mom yells at her to get off of it cause she either needs to use it or it’s getting late.”
“Did they break up?”
Lucas looked at Y/N as she placed the movies on the shelves, “I don’t think so. I mean, y’all know how it was whenever Max and I did. This is different.”
“I love Steve, but if he hurts her, I will not hesitate to murder him.”
And on that note, Lucas and Mike stopped talking about how tense everything between Y/N and Steve were. And for the last hour and a half of her shift, Y/N did all that she could to avoid looking at Steve. She talked to Robin some, but not much. The most she spoke was to a customer asking which movie she should rent for her and her kids to watch over Christmas. Of course Y/N suggested A Christmas Story. That movie had a soft place in her heart. Her, Jonathan, and Nancy took their siblings (plus Lucas) to see it when it came out 2 years ago.
But when she looked at her watch and read that it was 6, she quickly walked into the backroom and clocked out. She didn’t even tell the kids that it was time to go. They just knew from her walking in and grabbing her keys. She waved goodbye to Robin as she exited the store. She unlocked her car and just like it was when she left earlier, she made sure the car warmed up and made her way to the school.
After she dropped her brother and his friends off at the school and made sure they made it inside, she drove home. She noticed the lack of her mothers car in the driveway, signaling that she still wasn’t back from her work trip yet. She sighed as she unlocked the front door and was instantly greeted by the angry meows of Tews. She leaned down and pet the cat affectionately as she shut the door.
She dropped her keys in the key bowl and walked into the kitchen and silently made Tews his supper. One she did that, she walked into her room and shut the door. She clicked the power button on her radio and the sounds of Christmas songs began to fill her room. Currently it was the middle of Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. She dropped down onto her bed and buried her head into her pillow. 
She had no idea how much time had passed when she heard the shrill ringing of the phone. She groaned and leaned over to grab it. “You’ve reached the Henderson household. This is the daughter Y/N Henderson speaking.”
“Hey, it’s Steve.” 
And any inattentiveness quickly faded away and she made sure she was fully listening. “Steve. Babe. Hey. What's up?”
“Could you come over?” His voice sounded slightly desperate.
“Thought you were busy?”
She heard him sigh over the phone, “That was a lie.” She heard shuffling, “So, what do you say? You gonna come over? I just wanna talk.”
Talk. Oh God. He was going to break up with her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “Y-yeah. I-I can. Just give me a few and I’ll be over there.”
“Okay. Good. See you in a few.”
“Yeah, see you in a few.” And after a quick second she began, “I love--” But was cut off by the sound of the other line being dead.
She ignored the pain she felt and sat the phone back down on the receiver. She got off her bed and as she exited her room, turned off the radio and the light. She shut the door and walked into the living room. She rolled her eyes at Tews, who was sitting on the couch. And muttered a “Lazy cat.” as she grabbed the keys to her car and her wallet. 
So once again, she was waiting for her car to warm up before she left towards the Harrington home. She hummed along to the songs playing on the Radio. She drove extra carefully due to the snow falling from the dark sky onto the already slick road. The normal 10 minute drive turned into a 30 minute one due to her caution. 
As she drove up the driveway, Last Christmas by Wham! was playing. Which should have told her enough to just turn back around and not do this. But she ignored it and turned off her car and got out. Immediately cursing herself for not bringing her jacket with her. She quickly ran to the door and knocked. Jumping from left to right in an attempt to not freeze to death. 
When the door opened and revealed Steve in the soft blue sweater that she had bought him last year for Christmas she smiled. But not a fake, forced one. A genuine one that she didn’t realize had grown on her face until it was there. 
“Y/N, get in here before you die of frostbite.”
She had forgotten how cold she was due to the warmth she was feeling from seeing him. “Oh right.” She slipped past him but stayed near as he shut the door. She placed her keys and wallet on the little table next to the door. She turned back to him and the two stood awkwardly in the foyer. 
He coughed, “Wanna go upstairs?” She nodded silently and as he turned to go to the stairs. She instinctively reached for his hand. And this time, when her fingers grazed his skin, he didn’t jolt away. No. In fact, he flicked his hand to slip it into hers. The warmth from her body never fading. Any hint that she was just freezing from just being out in the snow, was gone as her hand laid in his and they walked up the stairs to his room.
Once they made it to his room, she acted out of instinct and sat in his bed. And God had she wished she missed the look that had flashed over Steve’s face. The look of someone who was about to do something incredible stupid. The look that someone would give if they knew that they were going to regret what they were about to do. 
But she still ignored the pain in her chest. Screaming at her to leave. Screaming at her that if she stays, she needs to do it first. The warmth that she had felt moments ago, it was still there. But it was slowly fading away and she was struggling to grasp onto it. 
And now it was her turn to cough in order to stop the tense and awkward silence. “So what did you wanna talk about, Stevie?”
He sighed, “I don’t think that this,” He motioned back and forth from him to her, “Us, can work anymore.”
She tried to hide the hurt, “What do you mean, Stevie?”
He looked at her desperately, “Please Y/N. I know you’re not dumb. I know you know what I mean.” She refused to look at him now. She dropped her head and stared at her hands. She felt the bed dip and soon saw his hand reaching for hers. She flinched away and ever so slightly moved further away. “YN, please. Say something.”
The tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. “This is bullshit.”
Either he actually didn’t hear her or he needed to hear what she said again since he asked her, “What was that?”
Her voice, barely louder, spoke again. “This is bullshit.”
“What is?”
“You doing this.” She finally looked at him again. “You, pushing me away for weeks on end, calling me that you want to talk. Open the fucking door wearing a different fucking shirt than you were at work. You-you wearing the fucking sweater I bought you for Christmas last year.” She sniffed, “It’s fucking bullshit.”
He looked away. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired of pretending, acting as if we were in love.”
Any resolve she may have had to fix them faded away. That warmth she had clinged to following it. “As if we’re in love?” She stared at him. Hurt, betrayal, and pain was all that could be seen on her face. “You-you don’t love me anymore?” He said nothing. But she knew from the look on his face that he meant it. And she tried as hard as she could to keep her voice from cracking. “How long?” He stayed quiet. “How. Fucking. Long. Steve.?”
And now his own voice was barely above a whisper. “Since around Thanksgiving.”
She nodded. Since their stupid fucking fight. “So you haven’t loved me for nearly a month now?”
“No? You haven’t? Has it been longer? Have you never loved me at all?” Once again Steve stayed quiet and she stood up angrily. “Or do you not know?”
“No. I don’t know.” And as she went to walk away he spoke again. “Not that I didn’t love you! I did! I-I did love you! I just don’t know when I stopped.”
She nodded and walked over to his bedroom door. Her hand floated above the doorknob. She turned back to him as the tears finally falling from her eyes. “Fuck you, Steve Harrington.” She opened the door, “Fuck you.” And she slammed it behind her. She ran as fast as she could down the stairs. She went so fast she didn’t even register that she forgot to grab her wallet. 
She felt like fate was against her cause the moment her Radio turned on, Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney was playing. The same fucking song had played a year ago when she gave him the fucking sweater he was hearing. 
Y/N laid her head on Steve’s shoulder. Their backs against the couch. The sound of Wonderful Christmastime playing in the background. She smiled as Dustin opened the gift she got him. It was a new DnD dice set. One he had been begging their mom to buy him. He smiled at her and attacked her in a hug. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.
“Now that Dustin got all of his presents.” She turned to Steve, “It’s your turn.”
He smiled, “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
She smiled as she grabbed the small wrapped box. “Yeah, but I wanted to.” She handed it to him and he carefully unwrapped it. Once he got down to the box, he took off the lid and she spoke again. “You mentioned how you needed a new sweater. And I was out with Nance and I saw it and thought you would like it.” She bit her lip nervously, “Do you like it?”
He smiled and kissed her. “I love it babe.” He pulled away from her slightly. He looked around, her eyes ended up following his. Dustin was already on the phone with someone and her mom was asleep. He kissed her again and she smiled into it.
This time when they pulled away, they laid their foreheads against the other. And the words fell out of her mouth before she could even think. “I love you.”
She felt herself biting her lip the second she realized what she had said. He brought his hand up and ran his thumb over her lips, lightly pulling her teeth off of them. “I think,” He looked into her eyes lovingly, “That I love you more, sweetheart.”
She smiled and kissed him again and then whispered against his lips. “I highly doubt it.”
She was confused as she opened her bedroom door. When had she gotten home? She shook her head and went to the phone and dialed the number for the Wheelers.
It rang for a few minutes before she heard Nancy and Mike’s mom’s voice over the phone. “This is Karen Wheeler.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Y/N. Dustin’s sister.”
“Y/N! Is everything okay? Is Mike alright?”
“Yeah, I-I think so? He was when I dropped him off for Hellfire.”
She heard the elder woman let out a sigh of relief. “Then what do you need dear?”
“I really hate to do this, but do you think you could bring Dustin home when you pick Mike up? I’m not feeling well, I might’ve caught whatever it is that Nancy has.”
“Oh! Of course, dear! Does he have a key?”
“He should.” She sighed, “Thank you so much Mrs. Wheeler.”
“Of course dear. I hope you feel better. And don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. I understand that your mom is out of town.”
“Of course, Mrs. Wheeler.” Y/N ran a hand through her hair. “I’m gonna go now. Probably sleep some. Have a nice night.”
“Yes, get rest. I’ll pick Dustin up and make sure he gets in safely. Get better soon.”
Y/N didn’t even mess with saying anything else and just dropped her phone back down. She didn’t even change and just closed her eyes, falling asleep fully clothed. Completely tired of everything that just happened
Tired that she had basically just wasted the past month hoping that he would get over their stupid fight. Tired that she shouldn’t have ignored her gut. Tired of being tired.
Y/N groaned as she heard a knock on her door. “Y/N!” It was Dustin, “It’s 3! Aka when you were gonna take me to get presents for my friends!”
Her eyes snapped open and she turned her head to glance at her clock. Sure enough Dustin was right. She stumbled out of her bed and opened her door. “Give me like, 30 minutes, got it?”
Before she was able to close her door, he spoke again . “You look like shit.”
“Wonderful observation.”
“Like you’re hungover. Wait, are you hungover? Is that why Mrs. Wheeler picked me up yesterday?! You got drunk?!”
“I did not get drunk, Dustin. I was dealing with my own fucking shit.”
“Like what?”
She sighed, “It’s none of your business, Dustin.”
“What? Was Steve here and you two slept together or something?” She felt the tears prick her eyes when Dustin mentioned Steve’s name. She saw the look of surprise on his face. “Woah! You okay? Did something happen? Are you pregnant or something?” His face turned to one of horror. “Oh please don’t be pregnant. I’m too young to be an Uncle.”
She shook her head and wiped away the tears. “No. I’m not pregnant.” She wished she was. That would be easier to explain than the truth. “Steve um...Steve and I broke up.”
“We broke up last night, Dustin. It...it was mutual.”
“Sure as fuck doesn’t seem like it.” He placed a hand on his hip, “I may love Steve, but I’m gonna best his ass for this.”
She laughed at her brother's comment. “It’s okay Dustin. I knew it was coming anyways.” She gave him a small smile, “I’ll go get dressed and then we can go out.”
“No! I’m calling Robin. You two can have a...girls day?”
She laughed again, “Nah. I’d rather spend the day with my little brother.”
His mouth broke out into a large smile, “Really?!”
She nodded, “Really.” She started to shut her door, “Give me an hour, tops.”
“Yeah, yep!”
She smiled as she shut her door. Yeah, she was heartbroken over Steve, but at least she had her brother to cheer her up.
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
hoshi being a lil shit • k.s.y.
Pairing: kwon soonyoung x fem!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), established relationship
Warnings: swearing, literally hoshi being a lil shit but reader snaps back, biting, oral/fingering (f. receiving), use of babygirl/woman/wife/etc, mentions of a daughter and slight mention of breeding/impregnation/birth but nothing major, I'm tired lmk if i missed anything
WC: ~3.2k
A/N: this was a request but it got kinda long so i just decided to keep it as a separate post (thanks to nova for agreeing i should just keep the title of my draft it really is true sjdkfj.
Soonyoung's standing over the sink, casually minding his own damn business as he goes about doing his nighttime routine. He'd just turned on the faucet when a noise from the bedroom causes his ears to perk up. 
The loudest moan he's ever heard you make.
He freezes in place, elbows bent and arms tensed as he stares with disbelief at his reflection in the mirror. Soap-suds drip down and start burning his eyeballs, snapping the flummoxed man out of his trance. Rapidly splashing water over his face, he's mildly relieved not to hear the sound again and thinks he's imagined it all.
Until another blissful gasp of yours cuts through the sounds of him brushing his teeth. Spitting harshly in the sink, he shoves the toothbrush back into his mouth and stalks into the bedroom to see you curled up in bed.
"What are you doing?"
Your eyes slowly open, squinting at the sudden brightness of the vanity lights shining into the bedroom. "'m trying' to sleep. Why, do you need something?"
"I need you to be quiet." 
"You're being the loud one between us."
Soonyoung's grumbling noises only contribute more to his unnecessary noisiness. You scoff and roll over, only for another delighted groan to escape that halts your husband in his tracks.
"What in the world are you doing?"
The sigh of exasperation you exhale at his repeated question definitely isn't as pretty as the previous ones. "What are you doing? Just get your ass in bed so we can sleep, babe."
He huffs. Stomping back to the bathroom to shut off the light and very aggressively shakes out his toothbrush with obnoxious taps against the side of the sink. When he returns, you expect him to slide into bed next to you as usual but instead, you feel a fierce stare boring holes into your back.
You roll over and try to meet his gaze in the dark. "What?"
"You've never moaned like that for me."
"That's why you're throwing a tantrum like a child?"
"My pride is ruined! And I am not throwing a — "
"Your pride is fine, babe, you'll feel better after you get some rest."
"No, don't 'babe' me, we need to sort out this very serious issue. You can't expect to coerce your husband into sleeping while you get off without him."
"Soonyoung, my god. How did you even reach that conclusion? I'm just laying here trying to sleep!"
"You're not… masturbating?"
"No? Why would I be?"
"Well, that's good but why're you making those noises then?"
Sleep seems impossible at this point. You sit up with a huff, barely making out Soonyoung's shirtless figure with the sliver of moonlight peeking through the shades. 
"Did it ever occur to you that our bed is so comfortable that I love getting all cozy under the covers at night?"
"Our bed?"
"Yeah, especially when you're not in it first."
"… Especially when I'm not in it?"
You make grabby hands in his direction. "Yeah 'cause it's nice and cold so get your annoying yet somehow cute butt in here finally, please."
It's a relief that he forlornly acquiesces and goes to his side of the bed. You flop back down happily and wiggle in place after pulling the covers up, enjoying the silence, and close your eyes to —
"I can't believe it. Getting into bed gives you more pleasure than me?"
"For fucks sake, Soonyoung!"
"You have to understand where I'm coming from. I mean, c'mon! I could hear you over the water running and I swear on my tiger plush collection that you have never been that loud for me. Ever."
Certain he's wearing a scowl on his handsome face, you turn and place a hand soothingly on his cheek. "There's a difference between sexual and simple pleasures. And you know that we need to keep it down out of politeness for our neighbors with how thin the walls are."
"Do we?" Your husband ignores the warning tone of his name, quickly shifting so he can hold himself above you, placing a knee on either side of your lower body and caging you within his arms. "Or am I not doing a decent job of pleasuring my wife? Forgive me, love. I suppose my stroke game has been too weak for you."
"It's not that you goofball!"
"Let me make it up to you?" he questions and waits for your response.
"I mean there's nothing to really make up for but if it'll make you feel better, then by all means go ahead." You weakly gesture toward the lamp on your nightstand. "Lights?"
"Oh, darling," Soonyoung's head lowers so he can whisper directly in your ear, the feeling of his hot breath on your neck causes tingling to shoot straight down to your core. It doesn't help that his hips press down to grind just a little so you can feel how worked up he already is from your unintentional, lovely little noises earlier. "I already know very well how gorgeous you look, but tonight I want to hear how pretty you sound."
You gasp — slightly scandalized yet somehow flattered — and he's pleased enough to start kissing below your ear, fingers playing with the bottom of the thin cotton shirt you wear to sleep. He pushes it up so he can slip a thumb underneath the waistband of your panties and trace circles across your hip. The soothing, familiar feeling makes you let out a content sight until he pulls away.
It's a little strange for your husband to be shielded from your view by the cover of night's darkness during sex. But Soonyoung doesn't need to see to know your body. He has it memorized by heart. Ingrained in his soul. You whine at his sudden distance though, reaching out for him and he chuckles.
"Let's make one thing straight though, love."
"I'm not doing this to make myself feel better, I'm doing this to prove you wrong."
"That doesn't make any sense, prove what — "
He cuts you off, diving back down to wrap his mouth over your left-clothed breast. The unattended one is granted the warmth of his hand as he cups it lightly and squeezes. Meanwhile, his tongue is at work, easily dampening the shirt's material as he circles it around your nipple. Encouraging the nub to stiffen takes not even a second and when he's satisfied by the way it pokes up, he bites down. Hard.
You squeal and then slap a hand over your mouth to muffle it. "Soonyoung!"
He smirks, knowing you're glaring at him accusingly. He wishes he could see it and the wet spot on your chest but what he wants, in the end, will be all the more rewarding.
"Here's the deal. Every time you try to stay quiet, we'll stop and chat a bit, okay?" 
"You're kidding me."
"Don't make me tie up your hands, babygirl. You know how I like them all over me, just keep them like that and we'll have zero issues." You sigh at his statement and do as he says, lightly running your nails along his muscular back. He shivers. "Oh yeah, just like that."
He lets you push his head back down to your chest and resumes suckling on your tits, opting to lather the other one with his tongue and pinch and pull at your tender, bitten nipple. You're already starting to write underneath him and he's only just begun. 
"Patience, lovely."
"You're the one that wants to prove a point. I'm just going with the motions and waiting for you to fuck me silly then."
"Mouthy aren't we?" he mumbles against your breast.
"Isn't that what you want?"
"As nice as it is to hear your words, I think your moans would be a lot better."
"Then get to it?"
Making you beg would be pointless. Soonyoung's already whipped hard enough to give you whatever you desire and who is he to deny your request? He abandons your chest, taking the covers with him as he maps a kiss-filled path along your body. Down he goes, sliding until he's lying flat on his chest, close enough to feel the heat on his face that radiates from the center of your spread legs.
"Wait," you gasp out, startled because your panties are still on, "let me help — "
He silences you, pressing a kiss against your thigh before nuzzling at your clothed pussy. Tongue poking out to teasingly run up and down your covered slit, your arousal and his saliva mixing together and rendering the fabric wet enough that the feeling is electrifying.
Your hips jerk up to follow his lips as they move away but a hand gently rests on your abdomen to keep you still. He places another kiss above your clit and just when you're about to grab his hair so he can stay where he is, his teeth graze your hip bone.
Intentionally, you whine loudly to try and encourage his return back to your throbbing pussy. Unable to anticipate his motions in the dark, you're unsure what he's even doing almost until it's too late. With some incredible level of skill, Soonyoung pulls down your panties with his mouth alone. You swear you can almost see his eyes glint in the darkness like a predator stares down its prey. Although it's only an illusion — you know he would never harm you and the thrill of guessing what his next move will be makes your spine tingle.
An appreciative grunt when the center of your panties is the last to part from your body, seeming to stick around your cunt from his ministrations. You obligingly lift one ankle at a time when you feel him tug them down far enough, mouth agape. 
"Fuck, that shouldn't be as hot as it was…"
He's pleased by your breathless whisper of awe, chest swelling in pride as he gloats. "Yeah, baby? You liked that?"
"Shaddup, you're annoying."
A light chuckle rumbles in his chest as he sits back on the back of his heels. "And we both know that means you're enjoying this. You can't fool me anymore."
"Fooled you earlier."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a smarter man now."
"Is that so?" Soonyoung hums in response to your question, quiet shuffling as he repositions himself to your side. Your nimble fingers reach out to find the smooth skin of his stomach only to snort when he coyly flexes his abs. Lifting your leg, you hook it around his hip with the intention of pulling him closer. "You sure about that?" 
But he whispers hotly once more in your ear "I am" before grabbing your thigh to halt your motions. Warm fingertips graze the skin underneath your knee, traveling up… up… and up until they brush against the outer lips of your pussy the same time he starts pressing kisses onto your neck.
His lips trail down your upper body in the same direction his fingers dive into your cunt. Kissing the valley between your breasts, he slides into your warmth and purposefully avoids the spot that usually has you seeing stars. Your husband takes his time exploring, stroking your walls and gathering up your wetness so it coats his palm and starts to drip onto the bedspread. He nuzzles your stomach lovingly, placing a smooch on your belly button and you can feel his smile at your airy giggle.
"It's unfair that every sound you let out is just as pretty as you are."
"What if I burped?"
"Then I'd think you were the sexiest woman ever." Soonyoung's a kisser — placing another one on your clit that makes your hips buck up. But you scowl at him despite it. Because he's also an ass-kisser sometimes.
"I thought it was Cheol's fault that Jangmi has no table manners but looks like her daddy's guilty actually."
Your daughter was at Jihoon's place for a sleepover with her best friend — another reason why the two of you kept it down normally but could possibly be loud tonight. Keyword: possibly. If the two of you could shut the fuck up for a second.
You can feel the way your husband's mouth curves down as he pouts against your inner thigh. "And her mommy's mentioning another man in bed even if daddy is right here."
"Honest to god, Soonyoung," your fingers grab at the strands of his hair, "you're the clown I married, am raising a child with. Who cares who I mention in passing when you're not doing anything?"
His response is muffled completely by you dragging his mouth right onto your core, grinding right across his lips for good measure. He chuckles in defeat, letting you lead the show once you've interlocked your ankles behind his neck for support. 
He pulls away slightly, "I better be able to hear you loud and clear even with your thighs around my head, baby."
"Get to work then, handsome."
Soonyoung does his best to stay quiet in spite of how much he wants to moan in delight. Not only does he find it insanely hot when you lowkey use him to get off but he'll never tire of the way you taste on his tongue despite your protests. He stiffens the muscle and occasionally curls it upwards to flick at your clit or simply twists and turns around to tease your inner walls.
You, on the other hand, are just as loud as he wanted you to be. Even with your thighs trapping his head in place and tightly encasing his ears the closer you get to reaching your climax, he can clearly make out your pretty sounds. Mouth open without restraint, fingers making a mess out of his hair with how tightly you're gripping at it.
Just as that wave of pleasure washes over you, threatening its impending peak, Soonyoung manages to pull away. You're undeniably frustrated but let him be, assuming he needs a break to breathe. But he's still the same playful man he always is and suddenly he's disappeared.
"I'm here, baby… I'm still here," he reassures although truthfully aware that you might potentially slap him if he doesn't hurry. He stands up and slides down his sweatpants in relief, hustling back to the bed only to let out a rather unsavory, loud curse.
You sit up rapidly in concern at the way the bump caused the bedframe to shake upon impact. "Are you okay? Did you break your dick? Tell me you didn't, it's okay right?"
"Jesus, I'm fine — thanks for asking. My dick's perfectly fine too but my toe sure isn't."
With a sigh, you turn on the lamp on your nightstand. Trying not to giggle at your husband's sniffling, slightly comical with the way he's hunched over. 
"And this is why we keep the lights on." He scowls at your comment. "If you had just gotten into bed like a normal person from the start, your toe might still be attached to your foot."
"For someone who just had their orgasm denied, you're in an awfully chipper mood."
"What can I say, the love of my life is making a complete and utter fool of himself as usual as payback."
"And yet we're still married."
"And yet we are," you echo and take off your shirt, tossing it onto the floor. Leaning back and spreading your legs, one hand tweaks at your exposed nipple that's still sore from his love bite while the other trails along your lower abdomen. "As long as you finish the job you started… if you're up to it."
Brown eyes flash at the challenge you didn't really intend to spark. "Who says I'm not?" He recovers quickly, scrambling to get on top of you with a toothy grin as he braces himself with his arms caged around you once more. "You really doubt my performance game, huh?"
"I sincerely was worried that you broke your dick or maybe the pain killed the mood."
"Don't worry, love," Soonyoung gives his cock a few strokes before lining it up at your entrance, "we still need to give Jangmi the little brother she so kindly asked us for."
Your despondent sigh blends into a satisfied one when you feel his tip poke and part your pussy lips, easing himself inside where it feels like home. You willingly give him the long-drawn-out moan he's enthused to hear while he works on bottoming out. Kissing your lips with a fond peck, both of your foreheads meet as he starts moving. Alternating between shallow and fast thrusts that cause your mattress to squeak or slow and steady glides where you can feel every vein that runs along the length of his cock, dragging your nails lightly down his toned back to match each rhythm.
It, of course, does not take much time for your orgasm to build up again having nearly reached that exhilarating climax already. Soonyoung won't last that long either, you're well-accustomed now to how excited he gets — already more than halfway approaching his own release by the enticing stimulus of the actions prior — paired with an insanely rapid refractory period. He could get off to your sounds alone… which started this whole ordeal anyways.
"You gonna cum for me, darling?" Your answer is another resounding keen of pleasure, wrapping both of your legs around his waist just like you did with his upper body before. He smirks, picking up the pace. "That's my good girl, c'mon — I can feel you clenching so tightly around me, relax and let go, baby."
You can only do as he commands, throwing your head back with a shout of his name as he peppers kisses on your clavicle and up to your ear. Mumbling praises in your ear, he continues to thrust into your wet warmth that spasms around him, setting off his release with a growl.
It's quiet for a while, peaceful despite harsh pants as you both try to come down from your high. Staring into each other's eyes that shine with the warm glow of the light by the bed and are full of so much love it's almost gross if anyone could see you right now. Just as Soonyoung's about to pull out and flop down beside you, a startling bang from the other side of your wall causes the two of you to flinch and freeze in place.
"Would y'all shut the fuck up?! No one needs or wants to hear your nasty sex!"
Your husband scoffs in disdain at your neighbors' complaints and shouts back before you can stop him. "Not my fault I can make love to my wife better than you could even dream of fucking yours!"
The couple falls silent and you smack him lightly on the shoulder even as you bite your lip to try and keep the laughter at bay. "Babe, I told you they would say something!"
Soonyoung can read you like a book and shoots you a smug smile, shifting his hips teasingly because he is still deep inside your cunt. "What do you say, baby, you up for giving them another show? We have all night after all." He gloats at your gasp when he pulls a little bit out, the mixture of your releases creating a filthy squelch even your neighbors could probably hear. "And I had a point to prove to you anyways, didn't I?"
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yutafrita · 11 months
Jaehyun x Witch!Reader/ Warlock!Mark x Witch!Reader
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Thank you @markleelately for the request <3 I hope you like it and that it was worth the wait!
WC: 3.1K
Genre: Angst, Fantasy, Thriller/ Mystery
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, missing persons case, references to the police, food, alcohol, mentions of psychological abuse, occult references and imagery, toxic relationship behaviors. Please read at your own risk.
The fortune teller tapped the old oak table three times, her eyes closed. Well, she wasn’t so much a fortune teller. She was just witch with a small amount of clairvoyance, but you had gotten desperate over these past three years. Rosé recommended her to you, and every other door had been slammed in your face.
“Hm… he’s alive,” the teller stated, her hand now twitching and her eyes moving rapidly under eyelids. You held back a groan. This was something you already knew- every spell you had done to see if Jaehyun was alive showed that he was alive- but no locator spell had proven successful. The human police force in this country had turned up nothing besides his engagement ring (he insisted he wore a small band with you while you were engaged), and everyone in the magical force was perplexed and unhelpful.
The magical force was also none too elated by you caring so much about a human, but you gave up on giving a shit after the first year Jaehyun disappeared. 
“He… that’s strange,” her eyes snapped open, and she hunched over to bring something onto the table. Tarot Cards. You were going to kill Rosé. The fortune teller placed a major arcana down. “He’s stuck,” she muttered before she looked up and pointed to the card, “this is the tower reversed. It means-.”
“I know what it means,” you cut her off. You were over this game. “Averting disaster, fear of change.”
She wagged her finger, “typically, yes. But,” she placed her hand over the card, “for you, for us witches, this means something else. It means he’s quite literally trapped and afraid.”
You furrowed your brows. This was a new development. You had been told he was probably devoured by a creature, that he was obliterated, or even that he simply ran away from you. But to say he was trapped was something different. 
“Trapped where?” you pressed, your stomach filling with nerves.
She sucked her teeth, her eyes meeting yours again, “I can’t see that. Someone far more powerful than me has placed a spell over your human companion.”
You blinked, “another witch has him trapped? Why?” you bit down on your thumb nail, trying to think. You hadn’t told Jaehyun that you were a witch, let alone for him to willingly go with someone who had magic abilities. The only other witch he had ever met was Rosé, and she wasn’t exactly interested in keeping him hostage.
“All I can tell is that there was quite a bit of jealousy put into this spell, it’s riddled with envy,” the fortune teller swatted the air around her as if she could feel the green monster itself.
“You’re not fucking with me,” you didn’t ask, but rather stated this.
“I don’t fuck around with other witches,” she chuckled, “I don’t want whatever the hell is going on with you to happen to me.”
“Great,” you sighed, digging through your bag to take out your wallet. Her hand wrapped around your elbow and you looked up.
“It’s… on the house sweetie. Here,” she extended the tower tarot card to you, “keep this. I need to get rid of this set anyways. That energy is bad for business.”
You entered your small studio apartment later that evening, the card still in your hands. You had been living in this country for three years, but still had unopened boxes strewn about. You didn’t mean to move here, but after Jaehyun went missing during your trip, you refused to leave until you could find him. 
If only you did things differently that night-.
You refused to wallow and blame yourself again. You needed to focus. 
Your phone started ringing and you quickly answered.
“Why did my fortune teller call me crying?” Rosé asked. You shrugged, forgetting she couldn’t see you. This was your everyday disaster, you couldn't fathom a random witch with a small clairvoyance gift being so saddened by it they called just to cry.
“Well, she said the energy was so foul it brought her to tears,” Rosé then lowered her voice, “this sounds like some serious shit.”
“Rosé, the love of my life has been missing for three years. It’s kind of always been serious shit to me.”
 “No, of course it is. What I mean is- whatever is happening, this magic is some serious shit.”
You sighed in defeat, a tear sliding down your cheek in frustration, “I know. I… I’ll talk to you later Rosé.”
She was quiet for a moment on the other end of the line, “I… you should come home.”
“I’m not doing this again. I’m not leaving until-.”
“Until he’s back I know but… I miss you. We all miss you,” you could hear her voice shaking, and for the thousandth time, you felt you heart break. You needed to find Jaehyun, but you knew in the process the other people who loved you were in a pain of their own.
“I know, I’m sorry. I have to go,” you hung up before she could reply, and you broke down crying. How many more nights would go by with you sobbing as you tried to figure out how he disappeared? Your tears were stinging your cheeks as you held yourself. 
You missed Jaehyun. He always knew what to do to brighten his and everyone's spirits. Just being around him made the room brighter. His goofy sense of humor coupled with the sweet little dimples he had with his permanent smile… you couldn’t fathom never seeing him again. 
Another day passed. Another week. Another month with no updated on Jaehyun.
You were able to pull some strings and get a job at the country’s Magical administration. You got it after the first few months of Jaehyun’s disappearance since your savings had run dry.
On this particular week at work you were walking to your next meeting when a faerie approached you.
“I’m taking you out on the town,” Lisa stated this as if it were a matter of fact. She was flying a foot off the ground, making it difficult for you to move around her in the crowded hall.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes! Please? I have a friend visiting tonight that I haven’t seen in forever and I’m scared of it being awkward,” she pleaded, the glitter from her wings flicking off and making you cough. “He’s gonna bring a friend- he says it’s a warlock!”
“I’m not interested in being set up, Lisa.”
“You’re not being set up! He’s from where you’re from, so I thought it would be cool!”
Now this piqued your interest. There weren’t a whole lot of Witches to begin with, and even less warlocks to speak of, so for there to be a warlock from the same place as you meant you likely knew them.
“When and where?” you sighed. Lisa cheered and landed back on the ground as she told you all of the details, finally allowing you to go to your meeting in peace.
Jaehyun was the spontaneous one. You knew he would be happy you somewhat made last minute plans, even if you were just curious as to who it was that was friends with your coworkers friend.
You and Lisa later walked across the street to the bar, her wings concealed under a bulky sweater as she chatted wildly about her old college faerie friend.
“Ten is interviewing for the admin tomorrow but I promised I’d meet with him before,” she explained. As much as you liked to pretend moving here wasn’t lonely, that was far from the truth. Lisa was bubbly and affectionate, and has made you feel welcomed from the first day you met her- her friend, Ten, was just the same.
It was who Ten brought with him that made you surprised.
“Oh, wow!” Mark leapt up from the bar top, rushing over and hugging you. “I haven’t seen you in years!”
“Three, to be exact,” you forced a laugh as you and Lisa sat across from the duo. Mark had grown up in the same town as you, Rosé, and Jaehyun. He was the only warlock in town, and you three would often meet once a week to practice your magic abilities. Warlock’s were naturally less powerful than witches, so growing up Mark was often behind compared to you two witches. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s the funniest thing- Mark and I are roommates and we both somehow got job interviews tomorrow for the administration.”
“Wow, what kind of luck is that?” Lisa laughed, and you forced a smile. You looked over to Mark and he sent you a wink, confirming your suspicions- he used a small luck charm to make it so they interviewed the same day. No luck charm would be strong enough to do more than that, but it still surprised you that Mark was even able to manage this.
Mark scored the job, of course. After speaking with him that night, you learned that he had been training non-stop and was able to compensate for his lack of natural magical ability with his sheer knowledge in all things spell casting. He ended up in your same department too, and oddly enough moved into a building close by, so you ended up walking to work together most days.
“Why do you walk to work instead of just teleporting in?” Mark asked one day. You didn’t know how to explain it- but doing a mundane task of just walking two blocks over helped remind you of Jaehyun. He loved morning walks, and even though it meant waking up an extra ten to fifteen minutes early, you loved them too. 
“I just like how simple it feels,” is what you settled on. Mark shrugged. You knew he knew of your engagement- you wore your engagement ring as a necklace- and that he knew of Jaehyun’s disappearance, but he never asked about it. Mark was very open about his distaste for your human partner before you moved.
While it wasn’t exactly uncommon for a witch to marry a mortal, it was still deeply frowned upon. 
“Yeah, Mark and I are going to the bowling alley tomorrow night,” you told Rosé one night as you poured over your notes. You were going through any spellbooks you could find to try and see about a spell as powerful as the one supposedly keeping Jaehyun to no avail.
“Oh, a date? That’s-!”
“Date? Absolutely not,” you couldn’t hide your laughter. “We’ve known Mark since we were all kids, he’s more like… an annoying brother.”
“A hot annoying brother.”
“Admit it- he is hot as fuck.”
“I mean,” you paused, giving it thought before shaking your head angrily, “so what if he is? I’m engaged.”
Rosé was quiet again on the other end as you repeated yourself, “I’m engaged. Jaehyun’s alive.”
“Honey… he’s alive. Sure. But… wouldn’t he want you to I don’t know, live?”
She was right. Of course she was. Jaehyun was Mr. live-life-to-the-fullest- that’s how he went missing. However, you knew he wouldn’t want that to stop you. He’s so human, so sweet and positive. 
So, when you went bowling with Mark, you pounded two shots of vodka to help quell your fears. 
“Do you still have a crush on me?” you stupidly asked him after he beat you in bowling. His eyes went wide before he burst out laughing, his smile wide and his ears red with embarrassment.
“Why are you asking?” he asked through his laughter. You shrugged, looking away as you mulled through your thoughts.
“Do you still hate humans?” you asked rather loudly, completely disregarding the humans in the bowling alley now staring at you. Mark stood up, a nervous smile on his face as he wrapped an arm over your shoulder to walk you away.
“I don’t… hate humans. I said all those things because I had a crush on you and felt like you owed me something… I was wrong obviously and I’m sorry. And… I’m sorry about Jaehyun,” Mark looked you in the eyes as he apologized. It felt sincere.
“You said he wasn’t worth the gum at the bottom of your broom,” you reminded him. 
“Yeah, and that was fucking wrong.”
“Yeah… well… we were younger and dumber.”
“Oh, for sure,” he laughed, and you joined in, ignoring the stares you got in the street.
“Hey, I have that board game we used to play.”
“Oh, witches brew? I haven’t played that in forever,” you chuckled at the memory of beating Mark almost every game.
“Yeah? Do you wanna come over and play?”
You followed Mark to his place and stayed the night, never at any point touching the board game.
You and Mark got engaged a year after you started dating. He was smart, organized, and easy to be around. You didn’t have to think much around him- he knew exactly where everything in the chaotic mess of your studio apartment was, and even helped you move your stuff into his apartment with a randomly specific spell you had no idea even existed.
All this, and you still missed Jaehyun. You wore the ring Mark gave you on your left ring finger, and still wore the ring Jaehyun gave you on a chain over your heart. You had to get a new chain after Mark accidentally broke your first one, but you were fine getting one that poked out less.
The cops had officially called Jaehyun’s case a cold case and the fortune teller hadn’t offered anything new. 
“Rosé will be here next week,” you told Mark one night after work.
“Oh yeah?”
“She insisted on helping me look for a dress.”
“I wish I was allowed to join,” he poked your arm, hoping for a change in your decision. He had taken over most of the wedding planning, but the dress and the wedding date were the two things you refused to budge on.
“You’ll see on the wedding day,” you offered, leaning in and dropping a kiss on his cheek.
The wedding day.
You were alone in your bridal suite, pacing up and down. You squeezed Jaehyun’s ring, your fingers trembling. You stopped in front of the mirror, staring at yourself. 
Jaehyun proposed to you the day before he went missing in the forest. You two were on the trip you had been saving months for- a national forest that was beautiful and quaint. You remembered the feeling each payday of shoving a hundred bucks into the mason jar, and how excited you both were upon your arrival.
It was quiet, just the two of you, alone. It was a three night camping trip, and after Jaehyun’s proposal, you two spent that second night staring up at the stars through the tall trees.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered for what felt like the hundredth time.
“It sure is,” Jaehyun whistled. His hand moved to grab yours, “but you’re still more beautiful.”
“Corny,” you teased.
And then, he said, “we should play hide and seek.”
You sat up, “are you a child?”
Jaehyun sat up too, and with only the moonlight you could still see his bright smile, “you make me feel like a kid- if that counts.”
You should have berated him. It was stupid. You agreed to stay within shouting distance, especially since you didn’t have signal on your phones. You should have said no.
But you didn’t. And you searched for hours. The cops searched for hours. 
And now, on your wedding day, it’s been five years and a day.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you held back your tears, and moved to remove your necklace. It was almost time-.
“Beautiful,” the voice made your heart stop and your eyes open. This wasn’t real. You turned around, refusing to believe that he was here. You were trembling all over now, trying to decipher what you were looking at. 
It was Jaehyun- exactly as you remembered him. In that same long sleeved shirt and cargo pants. His hair is no different in length or color either. He had been bleaching it blonde, and it didn’t even look like a single root had grown in all these years.
“You’re not real,” you whimpered. Without warning, Jaehyun rushed forward and wrapped you in a tight hug. You could feel his heartbeat pressed against your chest. He smelled as sweet as you remembered. His skin felt warm. He was real- this was not some figment of your imagination. You didn’t feel any magical illusion coming off of him. This was Jaehyun, somehow, in the flesh.
“I was so scared,” he whispered, his face burrowed in your neck. You gently moved back, having to force yourself to break apart from his hug.
“Jaehyun… what happened?”
He gulped, looking over his shoulder at the shut door before he took something out from his back pocket.
“I… He…” it was a tarot card that he handed to you. The tower.
“Who is he?” you were terrified, seeing that the card was ripped down the center.
“Who are you getting married to?” was Jaehyun’s response, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Mark… there was no way he alone could have this power you thought.
“Rosé,” you spit out her name as soon as you heard your maid of honor answer her phone, “your powers.”
“You really want to talk about magic right now? I’m headed to your dressing room-.”
“No, do not come here,” you hissed, “Rosé… your powers are almost gone, aren’t they?”
The rustling on the other end stopped. You felt like a fool for only now noticing the change in your friend. “I… I can’t say anything.”
“It was Mark,” was what you replied with, and you heard a small whimper on the other end of the line. “He stole your fucking powers to trap Jaehyun in the tarot all those years ago, didn’t he?”
“You have to go before he finds out,” she was whispering into the line now, and you felt your stomach turn. “Please. I can keep everyone in the chapel for twenty minutes, but you two need to go now.”
“Thank you, Rosé.”
“Go!” the line went dead, and you looked back at Jaehyun. 
Mark had kept Jaehyun in a frozen, petrified state in the card for five years. It seemed that, according to Jaehyun, that yesterday he just found himself back in the forest. You had made it out of town as he explained what he knew, an ache still in your chest.
“I just… knew I had to come to the chapel,” was what he said. That night, in the forest, right before he was trapped, Mark had appeared and was the last thing Jaehyun saw all those years ago. The terrible envy that filled Mark was enough to allow him to still Rosé’s powers, and he likely planned to steal yours as well if not for your friend’s warning. 
“You’re not scared of me being a witch?” you asked Jaehyun, the engagement ring he gave you back on your finger where it belonged.
“I could never be scared of you.”
You knew you would have to face Mark again one day, and make him pay for the terror he had caused, but for now, you were more than willing to steal a moment of happiness with Jaehyun somewhere where Mark couldn’t find you two for a while. You two deserved that much.
Permatag! @nini0620
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thirstydiglett · 9 months
@badly-drawn-doflamingo asked me for some Corazon x male!reader like a month ago and I SWEAR it was just gonna be a little thing but it got out of control and anyway here it is
————————NC17 minors DNI———————
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To Know, To Not Be Known
Summary: You’re a new Ensign at headquarters, fresh from the Academy but not nearly as strong as your fellow Ensigns. Thankfully your kind and very handsome Commander is here to help you train and work on those deep rooted self esteem issues of yours… but only if you muster up the courage to let him in.
Characters: Marine!Donquixote Rocinante, male!reader, Bellemere and Sengoku get cameos because I love them
Pairings: Rocinante x male!reader obivously
Warnings: Graphic violence, minor (original) character death, major character injury, small amounts of homophobia, discussion of trauma especially starvation, sex with an authority figure, oral sex, rimming, minor cum play, anal, Diglett has a size kink so that’s in here too, I think that’s everything but I might have missed something pls let me know
Word Count: 14k hahaha what is wrong with me
“See ya later, Bellemere!”
You adjusted the collar of your uniform, inspecting it for any stains, and walked out of the dining hall. You waved to your best friend as she bussed her tray and headed the other direction. It would have been nice to have her, you mused, especially today of all days. Frustratingly, you and Bellemere had been put into different squadrons after graduating the academy. There, you’d been attached at the hip, The only two queer (or at least openly queer) infantry in your graduating class.
But now it was a whole new world, and everything was different. Marine Headquarters. Who would have guessed they’d place you here of all places? True, you had a devil fruit and that was interesting, but you’d never worked particularly hard back at the academy. Too busy goofing off with Bellemere and having crushes on boys who invariably turned out to be straight, in all honesty. You’d always done decently despite your slacking off, but never in a thousand years would you have guessed you’d end up at Headquarters. Fucking Headquarters.
Bellemere, on the other hand? That girl deserved it. She was up at 4 every morning to work out before morning workout. She could recite marine history from the end of the void century up until fifteen minutes ago. And her sailing skills? Top notch by anyone’s standards. All while getting more pussy than most of the boys you knew.
When you found out both of you were heading to headquarters together, you’d almost asked if she had pulled some kind of string to bring you along with her. But no—they’d requested you specifically. How the hell could you deserve to be here, with the elites?
Well, you were about to find out. Day one of training with the big boys was about to commence.
As you headed over to the training grounds where your squadron was scheduled to meet—6 AM on the dot—you couldn’t help but be in awe of the men and women around you. A man with hair at least three feet tall was deep in conversation with—holy shit, was that Monkey D. Garp?? And you could have sworn you just walked past a literal giant…This place was going to take some getting used to.
Arriving at your squadron’s assigned training fields—a grassy expanse littered with boulders and submerged in a thick early-morning fog—your heart leaped to realize that everyone else was already there and standing in ranks. Oh shit, were you really late on your first day? Frantically, you glanced at your watch. Nope, still 5:59. Then why…?
“Hey, recruit!”
A truly huge man was staring at you from the field, his coat around his shoulders. Your breath caught in your throat as you met his gaze, and not just because he was glaring at you with a vengeance. The man was truly… well, gorgeous. Tousled blond hair fell over his forehead, partially obscuring large, lidded red-brown eyes. He stood with his hands in his pockets, his white shirt barely obscuring his well-defined musculature. You could feel your jaw drop a little as you took him in.
Oh shit. You should probably say something back.
“Uhh—y/n l/n, reporting for duty, sir!”
You jogged over and fell into line, saluting the man who was clearly to be your superior officer. He slowly walked in front of you, towering over you as he glared into your eyes.
“And you’re here thirty minutes late because…?”
You flushed. You couldn’t deny, the way his eyes bored into yours was sending lightning bolts through your stomach. “I, um, I was told to be here at 0600 hours, sir!”
“And unlike all the other ensigns, you didn’t get the memo I sent to the barracks last night that I wanted you here at 0530?”
You gulped. You’d actually snuck into Bellemere’s room last night to smoke the weed she’d snuck in and watch old cartoons on her visual Den Den Moshi. And you hadn’t gotten back until almost 1, far too late to receive a message.
“I was asleep, sir!” You blurted out, the lie slipping between your teeth with surprising ease. The man staring down at you raised an eyebrow.
“Asleep, eh?”
Oh, shit. He doesn’t buy any of this, does he? Am I about to get killed on my first day? Yeah, this guy looks like he could kill me…
“Be here on time tomorrow.”
The man turned and walked away without another word, leaving you stunned. Did I… Did I just get away with that?
Facing the line of ensigns, most of whom were barely hiding their snickering at you, the man raised his hand. With a quick glance at you and a—was that a smile?— he snapped his fingers.
The world went silent.
Out of nowhere, the voices of the other ensigns were deadened. The sound of the wind, the grass—holy shit, even your heartbeat—had completely disappeared. The ensigns looked around at one another, baffled and frightened. Suddenly, a voice cut through the dense silence.
“Calm down. It’s my devil fruit.”
You and the other ensigns looked up to see your superior officer watching you, a small smile on his face.
“I’m Commander Donquixote Rocinante. I’ll be leading this squadron. We’ll be working here to start with, but we may be going to sea on missions within the next year or so.
The powers that be want me to tell you that you all are here because you’re elite, the best of the best that the academy has to offer. Personally, I think that’s a load of bullshit. You’ve yet to prove you have anything to offer on the battlefield and you certainly haven’t proven that you know anything about executing Justice.
It’s my job to keep an eye on you, and if I see any shit I don’t like, you’ll be up for reassignment in a heartbeat.” (Oh shit, was he looking at you when he said that?)
Rocinante snapped his fingers, and with a gentle woosh the sound returned to the world.
“Now, let’s get started. Ensigns, give me 100 push-ups!”
The peaceful morning shattered as over two dozen of the Marines’ finest dropped to their hands and toes, yourself included.
The first three weeks of training passed in a blur. Commander Rocinante pushed your squadron hard, working mostly on hand-to-hand combat skills and marksmanship, Rocinante’s two specialties. Everyone else was obviously in the right place—your compatriots were strong and tough, pushing themselves well past their limits for their commander.
And he paid them back in kind. Commander Rocinante was proving to be a surprisingly charming, supportive superior. He often bought the squadron drinks after a long day of training, and his goofiness and clumsiness off the battlefield put everyone at ease. While fighting, like many of the Marines, he was serious and intense—moving quickly and elegantly and using his power to sow confusion and cripple the enemies’ senses—but as soon as training ended Commander Rocinante was the kindest, most open-hearted (and admittedly the most disaster-prone) leader that anyone could ask for.
Except he appeared to hate you specifically.
You knew why—you were by far the weakest member of your squadron. You worked hard, sure, but you couldn’t quite do as many pushups, run as many miles, dodge as many punches. If you were Commander Rocinante, you would have been annoyed too. Of course you would have. But he was just so—so cold to you.
He greeted the others with nicknames, arms around shoulders, jokes about whatever was in the news. You got a chilly nod; you weren’t even good enough for him to call you by your name. After training he was quick to call out the other ensigns for their hard work and improving skills with swords or martial arts. You got a criticism or you got nothing at all. Other ensigns ragged on the commander for his famous clumsiness and he laughed right along with them. You cracked one joke when he tripped on a rug and got nothing more than a dead-faced scowl.
It wasn’t like you didn’t get it. But still, it hurt like hell to be the only one who didn’t have some inside joke with him, the only one who he didn’t personally invite to sit with the squadron at meals, the only one who was this weak and useless and—
“Ensign! Keep your head up!”
At the sound of Commander Rocinante’s voice, you shook yourself out of your thoughts with just enough time to dodge a kick aimed at your left ear. Henri, one of your fellow ensigns, cursed as he barely missed you. “That won’t happen again, y/n!”
You swallowed and tried to clear your head. Maybe this was why you were always fucking up during training—couldn’t stay focused to save your life.
You returned Henri’s kick with a right hook, but he ducked before you could hit him. Losing your balance, you were left wide-open, and Henri used the opportunity to strike at you with his short sword. The tip of it brushed your skin as you leaped back with a shout.
“Come on, Ensign!” Commander Rocinante shouted from the sidelines. “Block him! Don’t just dance around like an idiot!”
Your stomach twisting at his insult, you unsheathed your own sword. What the fuck is his problem? Why can’t he cut me a break? With (frankly uncharacteristic) aplomb, you swung hard from overhead. Henri reached up to block, but your strike still had enough force to knock him back several feet.
“Yes!” It was your first solid hit of the fight, and the cheer came out before you even realized it. You glanced nervously back at Commander Rocinante, eager for his approval. Sure enough, the blond man’s lips were curled ever so slightly upward into a smile.
You grinned despite yourself. Finally, you were doing something right. Maybe now you’d feel his hand on your shoulder at the end of training today, instead of watching it touch someone else’s. Now all you had to do was—
You grunted and stumbled back again as Henri swung back, the flat of his sword hitting you hard in the face. Tripping backward with the force of the hit, you felt your legs collide with something very solid—one of the large rocks that littered the training field. You lost your balance and fell onto the rock hard…
And your sword flew from your grip.
The next part happened in slow motion. You watched, upside down on the boulder, as your sword careened through the air, spinning as it did so. You watched its trajectory as it pointed downward and finally landed…hard…directly in someone’s foot.
Your face turned green when you looked up to see that the foot belonged to none other than Fleet Admiral Sengoku.
“Da-I mean, Fleet Admiral! Are you alright?” Rocinante was there in a second, helping Sengoku over to a rock to sit down. What the hell is he even doing here, anyway?
You were close to being sick with fear when Sengoku took a look down at his foot—and started laughing.
“There’s always one, isn’t there, Commander?”
“Fleet Admiral, we need to get you to the sick bay right now,” Rocinante said frantically, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull in panic as he stared at Sengoku’s wound. “Ensigns Aleppo, Kingston. Help the Fleet Admiral there immediately.”
The ensigns, a short girl with bright green eyes and a barrel-chested young man with a thick beard, obeyed quickly. As they positioned themselves underneath each of Sengoku’s massive arms, your commander turned his attention to you. With the most withering glare you’d ever seen from him, the huge man all but snarled—
“Ensign y/n. Be in my office in five minutes. Understood?”
Swallowing, you nodded. In the distance, you could hear Sengoku laughing as he was helped away.
“I remember when it was you, Rocinante! I remember when that was you!”
The silence—broken only by the sound of the clock on Rocinante’s wall—was palpable, so thick you could almost see it hanging in the air. Rocinante stared down at you from the other side of his desk, head resting against tented fingers, his expression unreadable. You could feel the sweat beginning to form on the back of your neck.
Finally, you could take it no longer. “Commander, I am so, so, so sorry—“
Your voice cut off suddenly. You hadn’t known Rocinante could do that—just shut off your sound like you were some kind of Den Den Moshi.
He stared at you in silence for several excruciating moments, watching you squirm in your seat. Finally, the blond’s lips parted.
“Ensign y/n… What the hell is going on with you?”
You blinked. Not what you’d expected him to say.
“They send you to me and tell me you’re one of the most promising ensigns we’ve ever had. Put me in charge of training you because for some reason they think I’m the man for the job. And this is the kind of shit you pull?”
You visibly gulped, still muted from Rocinante’s silent. What the hell was he talking about, ‘promising’?
“I’ve trained ensigns like you before, ones the Academy calls its best and brightest. They’re always cocky, arrogant little shits who put themselves before their missions and the people they’re pledged to protect. But you…” he leaned across the table, pressing his folded hands to his lips. “You’re clearly smart, strategic, yet you can’t fight to save your life. I can’t figure you out.”
Your face flushed. Him, spending his time thinking about you. The image of him lying on his bed, thoughts full of you, his hand perhaps unzipping his white jeans and —fuck, stop it y/n. Stop wanting stupid shit you can’t have.
You opened your mouth to respond, and mentally kicked yourself when you remembered that you were still muted.
“Oh!” Rocinante laughed suddenly. “Sorry about that.” With a sheepish grin (goofy and endearing despite the tenseness of the situation) he snapped his fingers. “Go ahead and speak freely, Ensign.”
You sighed. You’d felt your frustration building since the beginning of your conversation, and finally it began to spill over.
“First of all, rude putting me on mute like that.”
Rocinante looked away, traces of a smile still present on his face. “Sorry about that.”
“Second of all, what the hell do you mean calling me the best and brightest? I was like, a C student at best at the Academy. I have no idea why they sent me to headquarters of all places.”
Rocinante blinked, his expression shifting into one of surprise. “Did they… did they not tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
Rocinante bit his lip, as though trying to decide something. Finally, he appeared to come to an answer.
“Ensign, you scored higher on the intelligence test than anyone has in the last three years.”
Your mouth dropped as he fixed you with that intense stare.
“I’m sorry, what??”
“Problem solving, pattern recognition, navigation, strategic planning… you scored almost perfectly in all of them. People don’t just get that kind of result unless they really are something special.”
“I…” your mouth opened and shut dumbly, like a fish.
Rocinante waved his hand dismissively. “I don’t care about any of that one way or another as long as you show your worth in my squadron. Your fighting skills right now aren’t up to par, and you know it.”
Your eyes were beginning to feel hot, and you detested yourself for having such a childish response to all that was going on. Fucking hell, you were supposed to be a Marine.
“Commander—I can be better.”
“You will be. Get to the training grounds an hour early starting tomorrow.” He scowled and looked away, gritting his teeth for a moment. “I’ll be—uh—training with you privately in the mornings from now on.”
You felt yourself flush from head to toe. Private training with Rocinante? Every fucking day? You tried to ignore the image filling your head of your tall commander bending you face down over one of those boulders, filling you up with his surely massive cock, his hand tangled hard into your hair. Calm down, y/n, Jesus. The guy fucking hates you anyway.
You swallow, returning your attention to the man in front of you.
“Yes, Commander.”
“Good,” Rocinante said curtly. “Go get lunch. I’ll see you at our afternoon duty.”
You stood up, stumbling a little, unable to believe everything that had just happened. You hadn’t even gotten in trouble.
“Oh, and Ensign y/n?”
You turned back to look at him. “Y-yeah?”
“Those tests weren’t wrong. The-“ he bit his lip—“the intelligence ones I mean. Just because you’re not fighting yet doesn’t mean you’re doing poorly. Even the other ensigns can see it.”
It was all you could do to make it out the door.
Leaving your Commander’s office, your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts about him. The way he’d laughed kindly one minute—rich and melodic, like water filling a stone bowl—glared at you the next. His claims about your intellect; his judgement of your failures. Why couldn’t you get a read on him? God, why did that only make you want him more?
Sitting on Bellemere’s bed that night, you were even less sure.
“So he really didn’t even reprimand you for stabbing the Fleet Admiral? And you’re still convinced this guy hates you?”
“You don’t know what he’s like, Belle-chan!”
“I’ve heard stories about him. Everyone has. He’s supposed to be a pretty good guy. Didn’t he, like, get his promotion to commander because he helped smuggle a whole town’s worth of people off an island that was being destroyed or something?”
“And then he fought to grant them asylum and Marine protection, yeah. I’ve heard the story too.” You pursed your lips, looking down. “What I mean is, you haven’t seen what he’s like around me.”
Bellemere chuckled. “Ah. Yeah, fair.”
A moment of silence—silent like Rocinante silent like that impenetrable bubble around his office silent like his footsteps on the training field silent like his—passed before she spoke again.
“You like this guy, don’t you?”
Your pulse quickened. “What the hell are you even talking about?” You snapped, more aggressively than you intended.
Bellemere bursts out laughing. “That’s exactly what I thought.
“Look, y/n. The way I see it, you have a golden opportunity here. Personal training, every day, from a guy like Rocinante? I’d kill for that. Work hard. Be a better fighter. Show him he was right to give you the second chance he gave you today. Maybe he’ll respond to that.”
“And maybe he won’t.”
“So who gives a shit?? At the very least you’ll be way stronger than you were before. I thought that’s what you wanted.”
You didn’t know what you wanted anymore. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Bellemere tilted her chin up playfully, giving you her trademark cocky grin. “I’m always right.” She turned to look at you. “Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“Are you gonna ask me about my crushes like a ten year old at a sleepover again?”
“I’m just wondering if…like, if you’re trying to be stronger… why aren’t you using your devil fruit?”
You frowned immediately, turning away. “You know it’s not safe.”
“Maybe not at the academy. But here there’s people who might be able to help you hone it. Maybe even… Commander Rocinante?” She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly to emphasize his name.
“Look, I just can’t, ok? I already accidentally hurt someone today, I don’t want to do it again.”
Bellemere shrugged. “Alright. Work harder not smarter then. Your funeral.”
You laughed despite yourself at the face she made. “Nothing wrong with doing it the old fashioned way.”
“I guess. But if I had a devil fruit you’d bet your ass I’d be using it.” Stretching, Bellemere put her feet up on her desk. “Anyway, you wanna hear more about this girl on my squadron? We had a drunk makeout session two nights ago and I haven’t even gotten to tell you yet.”
Smiling, you shook the thoughts of Rocinante and devil fruits from your head, at least for now. “Do you care if I open this sake I brought while I listen?”
“Bitch you had sake this whole time?? Give it here!”
The next morning, despite your slight hangover, you somehow made it to the training grounds fifteen minutes before Commander Rocinante asked you to be there—the ungodly hour of 4:15 in the morning. Between sips from your thermos of coffee, you stretched, twisting your arms above your head, bending from side to side. You were completely bent over into downward dog—Bellemere had gotten you into yoga recently—when you heard the sound of a throat clearing behind you.
Whipping around (and nearly falling on your face as you did so), you see your commander towering over you, an uncomfortable blush on his face, his eyes directly on your… fuck.
“I’m, uh—glad you got here early, Ensign.” Rocinante bit his lip awkwardly, turning away to look anywhere but at you. “Let’s—let’s get started then.” He jogged toward the middle of the training field, making it about three steps before his foot caught on a rock. He went down hard, directly on his face.
Why the hell was he so bumbling and weird all the time? You pondered to yourself as you ran over to help the hulking man to his feet. He shrugged you off immediately as you touched his shoulder, flinching away from your touch. “I’m fine, Ensign. Go grab one of the weapons I brought from the armory.”
There were several different types of weapons for you to choose from, a mercy you were grateful for. Headquarters was so insistent on every Ensign being able to use a sword, but you’d always preferred something smaller, something for closer quarters. Picking up a pair of short-handled broadaxes on a whim, you followed Rocinante out onto the field.
He smiled a bit when he saw your choice. “An axe man, eh? Why didn’t you go for the halberd?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s too big. Too hard to hit someone, I guess.”
“Not that you’ve been doing much of that anyway…” Rocinante chuckled.
“Hey! I hit someone yesterday, didn’t I?” You couldn’t help but grin along with him.
Rocinante laughed out loud. “That’s the most impressive thing you’ve done since you’ve gotten here. Sengoku is fine, by the way—you barely scratched him.”
“So he’s not gonna discharge me or anything then?”
“Nah. To be honest, we’ve seen recruits do worse than that.” Rocinante unsheathed his broadsword, examining it habitually for sharpness and cleanliness. “If you’re gonna fight with a weapon you like, I’ll fight with my favorite weapon too.” He set the sword down on the grass beside him, then cracked his knuckles.
Your stomach dropped. It was well-known that Rocinante was almost as deadly a martial artist as he was a sharpshooter. Crouching nervously, you balanced your weight and prepared to fight.
Rocinante struck first, a hard roundhouse kick aimed at the left ear. You just barely managed to duck, his black loafer skimming the top of your head. You swung one of your axes at his stomach (considering Rocinante’s height, this was about as high as you could reach) but Rocinante grabbed it, twisting it hard and throwing you off balance.
You hit the ground with a thud. One of your commander’s massive shoes rested on your chest, pinning you. Already??
“Get back up. Let’s go again.” He offered you his hand, and you took it, letting him pull you to your feet. His hand was broad and very rough—years of fighting and sailing mapped in calluses across his fingers and palm—and you suppressed a shiver as you noticed how small yours was in his.
“Fighting stance, Ensign.” Rocinante prepared himself to battle you again. Shaking off your momentary reverie, you picked up your axe.
Here we go.
The first week’s training was full of many, many losses for you. The axes were definitely an improvement to the short sword, but not enough of one to make any real difference against an opponent like Rocinante. It amazed you how agile he was, how he attacked fluidly from all sides, how he dodged your blows so effortlessly.
How he tripped and fell flat on his face the second he was no longer in attack mode.
Hard to figure out, that man.
It went on like that, day after day of waking up at the crack of dawn, heading to the training fields to invariably get your ass kicked. But oddly, you didn’t mind. Rocinante was beginning to get more and more friendly toward you, letting that indecipherable guard of his down bit by bit as the days blended into weeks. Once he even cracked one of his terrible dad jokes about an admittedly unfortunate pair of shoes you’d chosen to wear—and you laughed despite yourself. Even if you weren’t getting any better, at least you were finally forming some sort of connection with your commander outside of the suffocating tension you were used to.
It was nearly a month into your personal training sessions that you finally had your breakthrough.
Rocinante was challenging you today. Keeping his distance, always slightly out of your range. At first it had been smooth and elegant, but at this point he was basically just teasing you—sticking his tongue out at you, taunting your attacks, giving you a hard time. You were finally starting to see that goofy side of him that everyone else loved, but you were so frustrated that you couldn’t enjoy yourself. You’d been getting faster. Why couldn’t you hit him even once?
“Ensign, think,” Rocinante advised you, continuing to duck and dodge around your attacks. “Find a way to hit me from a distance.”
Oh god. He wanted you to…
“I, uh, I don’t throw things. Like ever.”
“Bet you’ll be wishing you did when you’re dead on a battlefield.” Rocinante remarked. “Come on, show me what you’ve got.”
“I said no, ok?”
“Fine,” said Rocinante with a somewhat childish smirk. “Then we’ll resume training as soon as you’re willing to do that for me.” And with that, he straightened up and walked over to a nearby boulder where he proceeded to sit there, staring at you, head in his hands. Fucking asshole.
With a sigh, you dropped your weapons to your sides. “Look, Commander, I… do you not know about my devil fruit?”
Rocinante blinked. “Your what now?”
“It, uh… should’ve been in my file.”
“Trust me, I read that thing cover to cover. The Academy must’ve forgotten to mention it, especially if you don’t use it very often.”
He read my file cover to cover he read it cover to cover “I, uh… I never use it, actually.”
Rocinante gestured to the boulder beside him Holy shit he wants me to sit next to him what if he puts his arm around me I will die I will truly die and you came over, dropping down beside him with none of the grace you were hoping for.
“So what’s the fruit then?” Rocinante asks, his tone not unkind.
“It’s called the Pitch-Pitch fruit, sir.”
“So I imagine it has something to do with throwing?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Wanna show it to me?”
“No, not at all.”
You turned to look at him, your mouth dropping open. He’d never called you by your name before, not without “Ensign” in front of it.
“I was terrified of my devil fruit when I got it. I was just a kid, and at first I hated the silence. When there’s no noise, your brain kinda fills in the blanks with whatever sounds you’re most afraid of. It was horrible for a long time.”
He’d never spoken to you so candidly before. Hell, you weren’t sure if you’d ever heard him speak to anyone so candidly before. While the commander was friendly and kind to all, you had to admit that you couldn’t recall a single time he’d ever spoken about his own past. Why to you?
“But my da—I mean, Fleet Admiral Sengoku—helped me turn my power into something good for me.” He chuckled and looked up, reminiscing. “I was almost a worse fighter than you are back then. Used to be as clumsy and awkward on the battlefield as I am off of it. He showed me how to use my fruit in combination with observational haki to give me a huge advantage.
“Now when I use my power, I can feel things with that haki to ‘hear’ all the things you miss out on when there’s sound. Everything from the energy of my enemies to the energy of a beetle digging a den five hundred feet away. I was so afraid of using silent for so long, but it turned out to be the thing that made me into a powerful fighter.”
You sat wordlessly for a moment, watching the towering man be more vulnerable than you’d ever seen him. It was strange. But…nice.
Finally, you spoke. “So what you’re saying is, if I have this power…”
Rocinante nodded. “You should use it.”
You swallowed hard, then rose to your feet. “Alright.” Picking up one of your axes, you added, “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Taking a deep breath, you squeezed your eyes shut. Please, please don’t let me hurt anyone. Lifting your arm, you tossed the axe as gently as you could in the direction of the large hill that stood at the edge of the training grounds.
With the whooshing boom of the sound barrier breaking, the axe flew from your hand so fast that it was completely invisible. A moment later, a rumble and a huge crash echoed from the hill as the axe flew cleanly through it and out the other side.
You turned, cringing, back to Rocinante. “So anyway, that’s the Pitch Pitch fruit…”
Your commander’s jaw was nearly on the floor, his eyes bugging out of his head. “Y-y/n… you’ve been able to do that this whole time??”
“Like I said, it’s really dangerous…”
“Yeah, you throw an axe at an enemy like that and you’ll kick their ass, no questions asked! Shit, I kinda wish I could do that…”
“So you think I should keep using it then? Even during training?”
“Hell yes I do! It’s the coolest thing ever!!” Rocinante’s eyes were lit up like a little kid watching a wrestler or a mecha battle on TV. “We’ll have to get you something lighter to throw during training, that should help mitigate some of the damage…but you should be proud you have that ability, Ensign y/n.”
You blushed. For the first time, you actually felt kind of… ok with your power. Rocinante was the first person to tell you it was anything but a nuisance at worst, a death trap at best. Looking at the massive hole through the hill at the other end of the field, you had to admit—maybe the man was onto something.
“Can you believe it, y/n??”
You flinched as Recruit Aleppo squealed into your ear, appearing from somewhere behind you.
“Jesus, Aleppo, I know! First mission, very exciting. Can you maybe not make me go deaf next time?”
“Oh, yeah,” the young woman giggled. “I guess that’s kind of our Commander’s job, isn’t it?”
You said nothing, instead choosing to gaze out onto the endless sea before you. It had been nearly six months since you’d been on a ship—the last time being when you’d arrived at Headquarters—and you’d forgotten how much you loved the smell of salt in the air, the strange quality of the breeze that seemed to carry adventure on its tongue.
“Crete-de-Vague Island is supposed to be super rich and fancy, yknow,” Aleppo was babbling on blithely. “They make the world’s finest furs there! Coats and shawls and purses… ooh, maybe we’ll have time to go shopping!”
You nodded briefly but otherwise ignored your fellow recruit. You were too busy reflecting on your conversation with Rocinante from that morning.
“I don’t think I’m ready for this,” you’d said as he helped you load weapons and supplies onto the boat.
“Trust me, y/n,” Rocinante had grunted, lifting a box onto his shoulder, “I wouldn’t be taking you along if I didn’t think you were ready for this.”
“This just seems like a big step, y’know? We haven’t been training for that long…”
Setting down the box in the cargo bay, Rocinante walked toward you. What he did next had nearly made you swoon.
Slowly, he’d knelt in front of you, bending his knees until his eyes had aligned with yours god the shades of red in those eyes… And then he had smiled—that big cheesy grin of his that he’d only very recently started sharing with you. Throwing up a peace sign, he had loudly proclaimed—
“I believe in you, y/n!”
The high was more than enough to carry you through the morning’s tedious preparations to set sail.
So he trusted you enough to send you on a mission, then. Finally, after so much time, you were beginning to break through into him, be a person Rocinante could put his faith in.
You wouldn’t let him down.
It took you all of five days of sailing to reach Crete-de-Vague, where you’d been asked to clear out some pirates who had taken over and started stealing those famous furs. A straightforward enough mission, it would seem.
In between training sessions and briefings on the pirates you were preparing to fight, the squadron’s attitude was lively. There was no small amount of alcohol consumed in the evenings, with your commander often at the center of the festivities.
He really was a wonder to watch, that man, the way he made every person on your squadron feel valued and seen and heard. As ridiculous as he could often be—tripping over his own feet, cracking terrible one liners—every single one of you looked up to and adored him.
One night after everyone had gone to bed, you found yourself on the deck, a little drunk, looking out again onto the black and eternal sea that had captured your attention so thoroughly in recent days You were so captivated by the soft rise and fall of the waves that you hardly noticed the gentle footsteps approaching you.
When Rocinante leaned against the half-wall next to you, you jumped. “Jesus, Commander, warn a guy next time!”
That sheepish grin of his again, and he spoke, words imperceptibly slurred. “M’bad.” So he was a bit drunk as well, but then you weren’t particularly surprised. There’d been a lot of sake floating around tonight, and you’d watched him go head to head with Recruit Keiryo to see who could drink more (the commander had won, of course, being twice the size of both Keiryo and everyone else on the squadron).
“Yer not seasick, are you? First time I sailed more’n a few days, I was in the sick bay more than I was out of it,” Rocinante chuckled as he lit a cigarette, his eyes on the sea.
“Oh, uh…nah, I’m good. I have a pretty strong stomach. Didn’t have a lot of food as a kid, had to eat what we could find. It sucked at the time, but now I never get sick,” you commented thoughtlessly.
You regretted the words as soon as they’d left your mouth. Not even Bellemere knew the extent of what you’d been through before joining the Navy. The pirate boss who’d controlled everything leaving and entering your island, the droughts that had left your family’s little patch of farmland barren as bones, the way you and your mother had had to pick pirates’ pockets just to feed yourselves and your baby sister—oh god don’t think about her don’t think about your baby sister—the way you’d eaten your devil fruit because it was the only food you could find. No one here was ever supposed to know any of that.
But Rocinante turned to look at you, an expression you’d never seen before on his face. “So… y’know what it’s like to be hungry too. Figures. I knew there was a reason we got along.”
Your face was burning, heart beating fast. How the hell did this man keep burrowing his way into the bottom of you, pulling out the truths you were most scared of admitting and holding them up to the light to watch the beams shine clean through them? First the stuff about the intelligence test at the academy, then your fruit, now the stuff that woke you up in cold sweats at night. This strange need for me to know him, this stranger need for him to never know me…
“M’brother and me spent around two years havin’ to dig through the garbage for food.” Rocinante said abruptly. When you didn’t respond, his face turned pink. “Just, like… somethin’ you and I have in common, I guess.”
Eager to turn the conversation away from yourself, you replied. “I didn’t know you even had a brother. He in the Marines?”
Rocinante laughed out loud, partially from relief that he hadn’t offended you. “No. My brother… I don’t think he’d be caught dead in the Marines. But we haven’t talked in a long time, so… who knows, I guess?”
“Why don’t you talk?” You ask, somewhat distractedly. You’d just noticed how close the commander was standing to you. You could almost feel the energy sparking from his arm that rested mere inches from yours.
“Oh, y’know. He’s a terrible person.” Rocinante shrugged and looked away from you again, his face now bright red. It was clear that was the only explanation you’d be getting. “What about your family? You close to them?”
As he spoke, the commander gently rested his big, callused hand over yours.
Why were the two of you sitting here, having this conversation that it was clear neither of you wanted to have? Why couldn’t you just walk away? You could feel the irritation rising in you. After all this time, now he was trying to be close to you, now he wanted to be your friend, now he wanted to do…whatever the fuck he was doing touching you like this, like you’d desperately wanted, like you were furious to admit you enjoyed in this moment.
“Look, Commander. It’s frankly none of your fucking business, ok?” You yanked your hand out from underneath his large one and turned away, walking quickly back toward the barracks. “‘M going to bed.”
“Hey, Ensign?”
Great. Pulling the rank card on you.
“What?” You all but spat at him, wheeling around. The look on his face almost melted you. Soft, slightly disappointed but much more full of a strange sorrow you couldn’t quite place. Later you would realize it was sympathy.
“Whatever happened to you… I’m sorry.” He said, so softly it was almost a whisper. You felt your eyes welling up as you turned away and stormed back to the barracks.
You took one of Ensign Henri’s sleeping pills (idiot, just leaving them out like that) when you got back, stripping down and getting into bed in record time. Thoughts pounded through your head as you waited for the drug to hit you, desperate for the release of sleep. Why do I want him so bad? Why is he so insistent on knowing me? Why do I care? Why do I want him? Why do I want him? Why do I want him?
The last thought that you remembered before the haze of pill-induced sleep took you over echoed through your head like a ghost in a very old house.
What am I so afraid of?
Aleppo hadn’t been wrong. Crete-de-Vague was beautiful.
As you hopped off your ship and walked into port, you couldn’t take your eyes off the town that rose above you, built into the hillside. Flowering trees grew everywhere, sending bright red petals and an aroma reminiscent of persimmon scattering onto the breeze. Huge Tudor-style houses, packed closely together by the necessity of city living, lined the steep cobblestone streets.
But the dock was nearly empty when you’d arrived. Strangely silent for a port. No workers to help with your cargo, no other ships to give you a sense of who was present in the city.
Well, except for one.
A massive barquentine ship, built from dark mahogany, floated hulking and foreboding in the dock beside yours. The sails were a deep shade of black, and the flag flapping above the crows nest was unmistakably a Jolly Roger.
The tension was blanketlike over the squadron as you all followed Rocinante past the docks and up the hill toward the center of town (minus Rhys and Hidalgo, who were guarding the ship and keeping the cannons manned). No one said anything about the other boat.
“Don’t forget, ensigns—they probably already know we’re here,” Rocinante was warning you as you approached the first buildings. “When pirates take over an island like this, they usually put eyes everywhere. Be ready to fight at a second’s notice.”
The buildings that had looked so glamorous from the port were beginning to bely evidence of a struggle as you got closer. Smashed windows, boarded up doors, smoldering cannonballs embedded in walls. It was clear that whatever was happening here had been hard on the citizens of Crete-de-Vague.
You could feel nausea setting in as you got deeper and deeper into the city. Not out of fear at what you were about to do—Rocinante’s proclaimed belief in you had seemed to get rid of that, even if you were a bit irritated with him at the moment. No, these houses with their busted support beams and rubble on the doorstep were burying themselves uncomfortably inside your memories of childhood. The way you and your friends had played on top of rubble from a statue blown to bits. The way you’d had to bolt if the pirates were around and hope to god some neighbor was kind enough to let you in. The way they’d broken down your door in the middle of the night and taken the last of your dead father’s pension and hurt your mother and oh god your baby sister
You were starting to feel dizzy on your feet, the edges of your vision beginning to blacken. Just as you were sure you were about to collapse, a massive hand rested on your shoulder.
���You’ll be all right, Ensign. Breathe.”
And while you shoved his hand off your shoulder
asshole trying to act like he knows my business
and walked ahead of him, you did breathe. And it helped.
As you approached a flat expanse between the buildings toward the top of the hill—ostensibly the square, although it had seen much better days—Rocinante used his baby Den Den Moshi to radio in to Sengoku, his commanding officer (you weren’t even going to pretend like you knew how that worked). “Yeah, we’re here. You said the mayor was supposed to meet us?”
Sengoku’s voice, crackling over the receiver and out of the snail’s mouth. “That was the plan, in the town square. How’s the damage to the city?”
“Looks pretty bad. There’s no people around either.”
“Yes, the person who reported the pirates said that folks there were afraid to leave their houses. I’m surprised the mayor isn’t there yet, though.”
“Yeah, we haven’t s—“
A dull thud, like a bag of sand, broke the silence of the empty square, echoing just behind you and the other recruits. Rocinante stopped speaking immediately, silencing his Den Den Moshi with a click and putting it into his pocket.
Slowly, you all turned around.
There, on the ground, in a position like a broken marionette, laid an older man—or at least the body of one. Blood drenched his white shirt and tie. Getting closer, it was easy to see that his throat had been cut—or rather, ripped open. An expression of pleading terror was frozen on his creased face.
The squadron was painfully, excruciatingly silent.
Then a high pitched voice from somewhere above you broke the taut quiet—“Don’t worry, the mayor made it on time after all! Didn’t he, boys?”
At least thirty additional voices shouted out cheers from somewhere on the rooftops.
You could feel the pall as every marine’s stomach dropped out at the same time.
Rocinante, however, seemed to have no such fear. His eyes were glowing with a breed of fury you didn’t know was possible from the normally easygoing man. He was staring at a nearby chimney with intensity—his haki must have clued him in to where the first voice was coming from.
“Squadron, prepare to engage.” He spoke, gritting his teeth, never taking his eyes off the chimney. Obeying your commander, the ensigns took fighting stances and drew weapons. You pulled two axes from your belt (you’d been carrying six at a time since you’d started using your devil fruit more) and got ready. This was what you’d been training for. This was your chance to show what you were truly capable of.
“Let ‘em have it, boys!” The voice behind the chimney roared. Stepping out from his hiding spot, you caught a glimpse of the man who’d been terrorizing Crete-de-Vague all this time. Skin so pale it was almost translucent. Long black hair twisted into a hundred tiny braids. Wiry build, sharp jaw, heavy shadows surrounding his protruding collarbone and shoulders.
Torrez Diego.
He almost would’ve been hot if he weren’t so scary.
But your chances to ruminate on your enemy’s fuckability were cut short as close to forty pirates poured down from the rooftops into the square, cutlasses drawn, guns at the ready. You watched a muscular middle aged woman with a mole on her chin fling herself at Henri, laughing as he frantically blocked her attacks. Rocinante was fighting two men at once, dancing between their kicks and blows (and quite frankly kicking their asses). Kingston ducked and barely avoided having his head shot off with a…holy shit, a fucking bazooka. These guys weren’t fucking around.
But you knew your directive. You stayed still and watched Diego closely. He was dodging the occasional shot from Ensign Parvati, your squadron’s best sharpshooter, which she was barely managing to fire in between rounds of grappling with a massive, rotund man who seemed to be excellent at throwing his weight around. You waited.
And when Torrez Diego suddenly smiled and raised his left hand, you grabbed your axe tightly and bent your legs, preparing.
When he shouted, “Seam tear!” You flung it as hard as you could.
Two things happened at once, as if in slow motion. First, your axe shot at impossibly breakneck speeds through the air toward Diego, booming through the sound barrier as it prepared to knock him through the next three buildings. Second, Diego’s devil fruit power—his seam tear— began to take effect. With the sound of a thousand pieces of paper tearing at once, a massive rip began at Diego’s outstretched hand. It traveled down the building he was atop and into the square, splitting the ground itself beneath your feet. The ensigns dove into chaos, leaping out of the way of the massive chasm that formed within seconds; the Torrez pirates simply laughed as they took cover on either side of it.
Meanwhile, your axe flew and flew through the air.
And missed.
Diego felt the axe whiz by his right ear and turned back, watching as it flew through three buildings before finally embedding itself in a steel wall.
A miss, after all this fucking practice, a miss. What the fuck is wrong with me?
And his attention turned to you.
“Well look at that! It’s not often you see an ensign who’s a devil fruit user!” Diego grinned, showing long yellowing teeth. Never mind about the hot stuff… “Why don’t you take me one on one, and we’ll see whose fruit is better, eh?” With a chuckle, he climbed off the roof of the building in a single jump and began walking toward you.
You weren’t a hand-to-hand fighter. Sure, you could hold your own with the axes, but not against someone like this. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…
Rocinante grabbed your hand out of nowhere, pulling you along with him. With a surprisingly graceful leap forward, he tapped Diego quickly on the shoulder.
You watched the now familiar blue shimmer of energy as it enveloped Diego, leaving him completely deaf and mute. His face paled as he touched his ears frantically, his eyes widening in shock.
It gave you just enough time for Rocinante to pull you into a side street. The two of you hurtled down it as Diego shook his head, finally coming to his senses, and began to pursue you.
You could feel the man’s presence behind you, sense his haki—something you were slowly learning how to do—but you were unable to hear his footsteps, his breathing, his furious jeers. The effect was jarring as you and your commander plunged deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine side streets of Crete-de-Vague.
“Commander, I let you down. I’m so sorry.” You managed as the two of you ran, Rocinante pulling you in what felt like random directions. Was he trying to throw Diego off?
“Don’t worry about it, Ensign. Happens to everyone. It just means we have to—he grunted as he yanked you hard to the right and up a small flight of stairs—“rethink our battle strategy a bit is all.”
“What about the others?”
“Y/n, our squadron is tough as nails. I have no doubts they’ll beat those pi—shit.”
A dead ended alley.
Desperately, you and Rocinante glanced around for doors, for something you could climb on to get over the wall, for anything.
There was nothing.
You could both feel Diego’s haki, getting closer and closer to you, and the man surely had only blood on his mind.
You were fucked, if neither of you could…. Wait.
You chided yourself mentally as you flung an axe at the wall before you. A terrific boom, and the two of you suddenly had an instant pathway right through the building and out the other side! …Even if it was a bit covered in rubble.
Rocinante laughed out loud. “Wow, very impressive, Ensign!”
You couldn’t help but grin back at him as the two of you continued forward. But as you looked behind you, your stomach dropped.
You had lost too much time on the wall, and Torrez was right on your back. Reaching for you, his lips curling to form the words. Seam tear.
A rip shot out from the man’s fingers, aimed directly at your commander.
“Rocinante!” You shouted, trying to alert him. Your commander turned back, and as if in slow motion he
Saw Diego.
Saw the rip.
Dodged it.
Coming in with the worst possible timing in human history, midway through his dodge to the left Rocinante’s foot hit a loose cobblestone. It sent him flying to the right somehow, too far, and you watched in sickened horror as Diego’s rip hit Rocinante hard and climbed up his inner leg, a spray of blood accompanying it.
“Commander!” You could barely even recognize your voice as your own as Rocinante went down, hard, his head slapping the pavement. You were at his side in a second, squeezing his hand (god why were you squeezing his hand after everything) as Rocinante groaned, tried to stand up, fell.
Diego was grinning at you, baring his long yellow teeth like fangs. He spoke, but no sound came out—but you didn’t need to hear him to know he was telling you all the gruesome ways he was going to kill you. If he would just let his guard down, you could throw an axe, but his attention was laser focused on you and your (bleeding semiconscious really very badly injured) commander.
And you remembered something you’d learned about the man in your briefing. He was known to be a sucker for flattery.
Thank god you’d actually paid attention.
“Commander, I know you’re hurt, but can you turn off his silent? Trust me.”
A snap of his fingers—he must have been just aware enough to hear you—and Diego’s voice boomed into focus.
“—plenty of things my crew can think of to do to little queers like you, and—“
“Jesus, you almost killed him! That’s a marine Commander! How did you do that?” You interrupted, looking up at him, cringing at your own bad acting and hoping to hell you weren’t being too obvious.
Torrez Diego paused for a moment, looking down on you appraisingly. Then he smiled.
“I’m the strongest pirate this half of the sea, kid. Bounty of 35 million, in case they didn’t mention it at pansy navy boy school. I’ve killed men twice as strong as your Commander here.”
You leaned forward, eyes wide. “You’ve killed others?”
“You’d better believe it. In pretty fucked up ways too, just ask my crew.”
“Would you, um…” you blinked innocently, pushing your ass out just slightly. Might as well play the game if you were gonna play the game. “Would you tell me about some of them?”
Diego grinned, clearly checking you out a bit in your new position. Wow. This guy was a fucking moron.
“You wanna hear about the time I keel-hauled a woman for cheating on me?”
You nodded, feigning excitement. “Grab that crate and sit down. Tell me everything!”
“Even the little baby marines are impressed by me, the greatest pirate in this corner of Paradise.” He chuckled. And he
With lightning speed you grabbed an axe from your hip and flung it hard. The alleyway was too tight quarters for you to miss again, and the weapon hit him right in the back, digging in so deeply that the blade protruded out the other side. With a sickening groan, Diego fell to his knees, touching the axe sticking out of his chest softly. He turned white-faced to look at you, opened his mouth as if to speak… and collapsed.
It only took a moment until the man was still.
“Rocinante!” You all but screamed, turning to your commanding officer on the ground beside you. He was attempting to sit up, his legs splayed out awkwardly in front of him, one of his white pant legs torn and irreparably stained with blood.
“Jesus Christ y/n, you really saved my ass with that one. You ok?”
“You need medical care, Commander,” you spluttered, face turning red at how casually he spoke to you in the face of such a severe injury. “Look, I’ve got my field medic kit and you know it’s one of the few things I’m really good at. Let me take a look at it.”
Rocinante hesitated, then nodded. Indicating the war-torn building to your right, he remarked, “Pretty sure that place is abandoned. Let’s do it there.”
You put one of his massive arms around your shoulder (so close he’s so close), using all your strength to hoist him up enough to make it to the door. Locked. You went to grab an axe, but Rocinante suddenly knocked it off its hinges with a kick from his good leg, leaning on you to keep his balance.
“Jesus dude, you’re fucking injured!”
“I haven’t been any help whatsoever today. Let me do something at least!”
You could feel his grin behind you. Trying to make you laugh, you knew. Keep the mood light so you don’t freak out about the fact that he might be bleeding to death. As annoying as it was, you could feel your stomach warming. Kind, that man.
You lay Rocinante down on a slightly moldy-smelling fur rug, one of the only signs anyone had ever lived here. The rest of the house was empty and covered in dust.
Quickly, you pulled your pack off and grabbed your medic kit, pulling out disinfectant, a roll of gauze, a needle with surgical thread.
“Ok, I—I’m gonna have to take your pants off, Commander.” You blushed deep red as you realized what you were saying. Sparing a peek at Rocinante’s face, his was somehow even redder than yours.
“Oh, I can—“
“No, let me do that part.”
“Fuck, ow, a little slower, y/n.”
“Sorry, sorry…”
Through an extremely awkward working dialogue, you managed to get Rocinante’s pants unbuttoned and slid them down to the floor until he was able to kick them off.
Just looking at his muscular thighs—scarred from what you assumed was years of training and battles—was enough to send blood flowing from your red face to a very different part of your anatomy. And the slight gap between those thighs and the hem of his boxers…
Fucking shit, y/n. Focus.
Swallowing hard (and hoping to hell Rocinante didn’t notice the sudden bulge in your pants), you moved to his right ankle, where the rip started. The injury was surprisingly not as bad as you’d expected it to be—instead of a leg torn in half, what you were looking at was simply a very long, very deep cut traveling up Rocinante’s inner thigh to his…oh fuck, it went nearly to his groin. This was something you could actually handle medically. It would remain to be seen if you could handle it for other reasons.
“Commander, how the hell did you avoid getting your leg completely torn to shreds here?”
“Armament haki. I’ll show you some stuff sometime.” Rocinante sat up to watch you as you examined his wound, supporting himself on his hands.
“That’s cool, Commander. I’d like that,” you said, smiling at him. He’ll be ok, he’s gonna be ok. “Ok, bite your sleeve or something. I’m putting on disinfectant, it’s gonna hurt.”
Rocinante nodded and did as he was told, grunting in pain as you splashed a liberal amount of the stuff up and down his leg, closing your eyes and thinking about anything else when you reached his upper thigh.
“Ok, I’m gonna start sewing you up. No anesthetic, but hold on, ok? Let me take care of you, Commander.”
You were almost embarrassed of the words coming out of your mouth—needy bottom shit—but you couldn’t deny how relieved you were that your friend and commanding officer was ok. And that you got to be the one to help him heal…
“You already saved my life once today, y/n. It’s kind of you that you’re willing to do it again,” Rocinante said with a grimace of pain as you began to stitch him up.
“Yeah, well… you’re kinda my mentor, so I didn’t have much of a choice.”
Rocinante grinned. “You think of me as your mentor??? Y/n… that’s so sweet!”
Your heart stuttered at his warm response, emotions swirling in your brain, unable to decide if you liked this or didn’t like this.
Rocinante continued. “After that fight we had the other night, I wasn’t sure you even liked me.”
“I like you. I just don’t like people bothering me about my past. I’m trying to move on, ok?”
Rocinante was quiet for a long moment, only the nauseating sounds of needle through flesh sounding in the room.
Finally, he spoke. “I know it doesn’t feel like talking about it will help. But I promise you it does.”
“What would you know about it? Other than you and your brother dumpster diving for a few years or whatever.”
Rocinante’s face was serious. “My entire family were treated as pariahs. My mother died because people wouldn’t give us medical treatment. We got attacked by both children and adults almost every day. Sometimes they’d sic dogs on us. Once they even tried to burn our whole family at the stake. And then in the end, my brother murdered my father in front of me.”
Your jaw dropped, and you stopped stitching, looking up at your commander with your mouth agape.
Rocinante suddenly smiled. “Wow, it feels so much better to talk about it! Ok, now you.”
“Now you tell me yours!”
You spluttered. “It doesn’t work like that! What the fuck do you mean your brother killed your father??”
Rocinante smiled. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
You’re glared at him. “Not gonna happen. Now hold still so I can finish.” You had almost reached your commander’s groin, and while your hands were sweaty and your heart was racing, you weren’t about to quit with his wound half stitched (even if he was annoying the hell out of you right now).
In silence, you finished stitching your commander’s wound (your hand brushing excruciatingly, temptingly close to his cock as you did so) and bandaged his whole leg, neither of you speaking.
Finally, Rocinante broke the quiet. “Whatever it is, I’m really proud of you for becoming the man you are today despite it, y/n.”
You look up at him, the compliment kinder than anything you’d heard since your mother passed.
“…I’m checking your eyes for a concussion, dipshit.”
Wordlessly, you straddle him and push up onto your knees, pulling his head down to look into the taller man’s eyes. You can smell him—a mixture of blood, good tobacco, and better cologne—and you’re aware of the intimacy of the position. If you lowered yourself, you’d be sitting on his…
Don’t think about that now.
Think about the disarming reddish brown hue of his eyes. Think about the beads of sweat on his temple. Think about his hair, his golden hair that must be so soft to touch… think about…
“You’re an incredible marine, y/n,” Rocinante murmured. “An incredible friend. And a—“ he hesitated, but did not break the eye contact— “a really beautiful man.”
Your breath caught in your throat. Rocinante never looked away from you, but his hand gently touched your knee.
Don’t do it. No matter how much you want it. Don’t do it. Don’t let him in. Don’t.
Your lips crashed into Rocinante’s with a vengeance, your hands tangling up into that yes I was right it’s so soft golden hair, and he grabbed you and tugged you against him, moaning against your mouth as you clung to him.
“Y/n…” Rocinante gasped, his hands sliding up and down your body, under your white marine shirt to caress the newly developing musculature of your chest—all that training had been kind to you—and you should care you should stop him but you didn’t, you couldn’t, your tongue was in his mouth, your fingers were plucking at the buttons of his shirt, Rocinante, Rocinante….
“Wanted you like this for so long, y/n…” Rocinante was panting as he broke off the kiss to breathe into your ear. “I know it’s wrong, I know you’re my subordinate, but fuck, y/n… every single fucking day during training, every single fucking night when I couldn’t sleep… you’ve been stuck in my thoughts like one of your fucking axes sticking into a target…”
Raising your eyebrows, you glanced out the window at the axe sticking into (and through) Torrez Diego. Rocinante followed your eye and laughed embarrassedly.
“Ok, maybe not the best metaphor.”
“Commander, please don’t talk. Please just… take me,” you said softly. Your shirts were both off now, and you were caressing the stunning, well defined muscles of his abs and chest, your cock achingly hard in your pants. Scars—cuts, burns, long ropy deep ones of uncertain origin—littered the broad expanse of his torso, matching the ones on his legs. So he hadn’t been lying about his childhood.
As you pulled yourself closer to him, gazing up into his eyes, feeling his (holy shit it’s massive) hardening cock pressing against your ass, you couldn’t help but ask. “I didn’t even think you were into men. In fact, I’ve seen you on dates with women before.”
Rocinante shrugged, his hands sliding up and down your body, fingertips sending lightning bolts into your groin. “Gender is made up anyway. Anyone can be hot, don’t you think?”
“Eh. I’ll leave the women to you.”
Rocinante chuckled. “That means this man gets to be all mine.” With that he grabbed your ass hard with both hands, yanking you so close to him that you could feel his heartbeat reverberating through your chest.
“Fuck, Commanderrrrrr…” you groaned as he squeezed and caressed your ass, every motion sending a drop of precum leaking from your achingly hard cock, staining your standard issue uniform.
“Don’t call me that, don’t call me Commander,” he murmured roughly. “Call me Roci, y/n.”
Roci? You’d never heard anyone but his very closest friends call him that. You tried it out slowly. “Roci…”
His smile was like none you’d ever seen before from him, and it sent chills of want shimmering through you from head to toe.
“Fuck me, Roci!” You finally managed, grinding your hips desperately back and forth on his cock, trying as best you could to be careful of the new stitches but needing him inside you so badly that it hurt.
Wordlessly, Rocinante grabbed you by the waist and flipped you over, landing you back-first on the fur rug as he leaned over you, his face flushed, one hand sliding up to caress your cheek.
“Jesus, Roci, be careful—you’re still injured, y’know!”
He glanced down at his leg. “Eh. I’ve fucked people I wanted less with bigger wounds than this one. And besides, you won’t mind if I have to…readjust occasionally, will you?”
Smiling, you shook your head. “Not in the slightest.”
“Good,” he said softly. Leaning down, hand still on your cheek, Roci kissed you with a warmth and tenderness you’d never experienced before. Loving, gentle, sweet.
You knew it was a bad idea, but you couldn’t help but return the kiss—and the absolutely smitten gaze he gave you afterwards.
“Can I take these off?” Rocinante’s big hands were suddenly playing at your belt, and you felt your cock twitch hard at the proximity.
“Yes, jesus, yes,” you arched your hips up to allow him to remove the garment, biting back your moans as the fabric slid over your rock hard cock.
“And the underwear?” He asked, a note of hesitancy in his voice.
Not that he needed to hesitate. You nodded eagerly, hooking your fingers into the waistband of your boxers right along with his and sliding them off, discarding them on the dusty floor. You lay naked on the rug in front of him.
“Fucking hell….” Roci breathed as he stared at your cock. “Please, y/n… please let me touch you…”
You grabbed his hand yourself and moved it to the base of your cock, not breaking eye contact. You couldn’t believe you’d ever denied to yourself that you needed this. Holy shit. You NEEDED this.
Rocinante gripped you gently and slowly began to stroke your member, bowing his head to kiss your hipbones and exposed stomach as he did so. You knew what you were working with was pretty decent—plenty of guys had complimented you on your dick before—but you couldn’t deny that in your Commander’s massive hands it looked positively small.
Not that either of you minded.
The sensation of him gently squeezing your cock as he slid his hand up and down your length was enough to make you physically dizzy. Your head fell back with a moan as he caressed you.
“Please, Rociiiiii….”
When he gently swirled his tongue around the head of your cock, you were finished.
Bucking your hips up, you wailed, gripping the soft fur rug beneath you as your commanding officer took your member into his mouth.
Gently, Roci bobbed his head up and down along your length, sucking it deeply into his mouth, sliding his tongue along the underside. He followed the motions of his mouth with his hand, stroking you, his spit as lubricant. The room was filled with obscene noises as Rocinante positively worshipped you, soft hums of pleasure vibrating against your cock as you covered your mouth and tried not to scream.
He paused a moment and glanced up at you. “This ok?”
Your vision was blurred, your head spinning. You could barely manage to nod your head in response.
“Tell me.”
Your eyes snapped open to see Rocinante smiling at you, the tip of your cock still touching his lips, a twinkle in those red-brown orbs.
“Well, Ensign? How much do you like having my lips wrapped around your cock?”
You moaned in response, unable to form words. This was maybe the hottest thing that had ever happened to you.
Rocinante sat back, the friction of his hands and mouth on your cock suddenly achingly gone. “Tell me, Ensign. That’s an order.”
You couldn’t help yourself any longer. You bucked your hips desperately forward toward him. “God, Roci, it’s so good, it’s so good, fuck, I’ve needed this so long, please don’t stop, please, please…” you were babbling now, anything to get his lips on your dick again.
Finally, Rocinante obliged. Leaning up to kiss you quickly, his mouth led a trail back down your chest and stomach, following your happy trail to your cock. Briefly, he bent deeply and swallowed you completely, sucking you into his mouth hard enough to make you cry out in a mixture of relief and pleasure.
“Roci…” you managed to gasp, tangling your fingers in that soft, wavy golden hair of his. Your lover slid his mouth from your member with a wet pop, catching your gaze for a moment before he trailed his tongue lower. Pushing back your legs slightly, he slid his wet muscle along the seam of your balls, down lower, lower, ghosting across your perineum, and finally flicked it across your hole. Nuzzling his face softly against your inner thigh for a moment, he dove in and began to devour you.
Roci’s tongue moved in eager, hungry circles over your star, lapping at it ravenously, occasionally pushing his tongue inside you just to hear the moans you made when he did it. Softly, continuing to lick and suck at you, he gripped your cock in his hand and gave it several slow, deliberate strokes.
Your balls tightened, and before you even knew what was happening you were cumming, thick spurts of white-hot cum shooting over your stomach, your legs, your commander’s face. He grinned and closed his mouth over the head of your cock, swallowing what he could as you bucked and whined against him.
When you collapsed after several excruciatingly wonderful moments, Roci pressed a soft kiss to your hip bone before climbing back up to gaze at you. Your cum still dripped from his exquisite cheekbone as he smiled, looking down at you with an expression of nothing less than total adoration.
“You ok, y/n?”
Catching your breath, you nodded. “That was incredible.”
“I’m not finished yet, at least not if you don’t want me to be.”
Weakly, you brush your hand against his. “What did you—“ pant, pant. “—have in mind?”
Rocinante took your chin in his hand, enveloping you in a deep kiss. You could taste your own cum on his tongue, enough to make your spent cock twitch again.
“I seem to recall you saying something about wanting me to fuck you?”
You gazed up at him. If the cheeky smile on his face didn’t tell you everything you needed to know, his positively throbbing cock resting on your thigh certainly did. You almost lazily brought your hand to Roci’s cheek, wiping your cum off him with your thumb. He popped the digit into his mouth without breaking eye contact, sucking every last drop of you from your finger with an eagerness rivaling your own.
“Please, Rocinante…”
Releasing your thumb from between his soft lips, your commander leaned down and kissed you deeply, lingeringly. When he broke away, he was smiling.
“Mind lubing me up a bit first?”
Breathlessly, you nodded, your heart skipping a beat as he pushed two of his own fingers slowly into your waiting mouth. You sucked as eagerly as he had moments before, sliding your tongue over the rough pads of his fingers, tasting the salt and leftover gunpowder on his skin.
“Perfect.” Roci smiled as he watched you, slowly removing his fingers, the dim light glinting off a thin stream of saliva that he twirled around his index. “God, everything about you is so beautiful…” he breathed. “I hoped so badly that you felt this way, y/n. That you wanted me the way I want you…”
You felt your face redden as he smiled at you, touching his forehead to yours as his wet fingers trailed lower and lower. Brushing his lips against the tip of your nose, he reached your hole and slowly began to massage around the perimeter, causing a groan to escape you. “Roci, I need you, fuck…”
“My y/n,” your lover smiled, nuzzling his nose lightly against your cheek. As he did so, he slid one big finger slowly inside you. Your back arched against him as he pushed deeper and deeper, then gently added a second. You felt yourself stretching around him, a soft wail escaping your lips as he scissored his fingers inside you, watching your reaction, precum leaking from his big cock onto your leg.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
“S-so…good…” you barely managed to stammer, too love-drunk to even notice the pet name, bucking your hips against his fingers, trying desperately to fuck yourself on them. God, you didn’t know what this meant or what this was but you didn’t care in the slightest, you needed him so bad…
Roci leaned in and kissed you gently as he slowly began to slide his fingers in and out of you, sending you moaning into his mouth as he finally pushed deep enough to hit that spot (Jesus Christ and how he hit it) far inside you, sending a frankly very un-Marinelike cry from your lips. Your lover twisted his fingers, massaging you, chuckling softly as you writhed, dug your nails into his wrist, begged him with your entire body. More, more, more, please god more…
And then slowly he was withdrawing them, leaving you painfully empty beneath him. “Roci… please don’t stop…”
“Shhh. Relax, Ensign. Gotta take these out before anything else can go in. Although… I might need you to lube up that ‘anything else’ for me a bit as well?”
You were up and on your knees in front of Rocinante in a second, practically drooling as you finally got a good look at your commander’s dick. It was massive, easily 8 inches, and thick—you couldn’t help but worry a bit about how the hell it was going to fit into you. It curved up slightly at the pink tip, oozing drops of precum.
Rocinante noticed your apprehension and blushed. “I know it’s kind of a lot, but we can go slow…”
You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, never taking your eyes off it. “I don’t care what speed we go at as long as I get to have you inside me.”
Rocinante brushed his fingers through your hair. “Let me know if you need to stop, ok?”
You nodded, and slowly licked a long stripe from the base of his dick to the tip. Roci positively shivered, his hand tightening in your hair. “Fuck, y/n…”
Gently, you continued to lick your Commander’s cock, covering it in your saliva, tasting the salt on his skin. When you flicked your tongue up over the pink tip, lapping up the drops of precum leaking from his slit, Rocinante’s hips bucked forward involuntarily, pushing himself into your mouth.
For a moment you sputtered, unprepared for the sudden invasion, and Roci quickly moved to pull back out. But you weren’t about to let that happen. Following his hips, you eagerly took more of him into your mouth, feeling your throat stretch as it filled with him. He was huge, so huge it almost hurt to have him so deep, and you had to fight to control your gag reflex as he gazed down at you, his face flushed.
“Holy fuck, you’re good at this, y/n…”
You smiled as best you could with his cock filling your throat and slowly began to suck him as he had you, coating his dick with your saliva, your own cock already rock hard again just from the feeling of him in your mouth. Bobbing your head, you couldn’t help but moan at the taste of him—a little salty, a little musky, a little sweet. Delicious didn’t even begin to describe it.
You were beginning to find your rhythm now, a slow pattern of in and out, deep but not too deep—but Roci suddenly pulled out, his cock bumping your cheek as you released it. You were almost disappointed—sucking him had been like nothing you’d ever experienced—but that flew out the window when you caught his eye.
“Come sit on my lap, y/n.”
Wordlessly you nodded your head. Your mind was swirling. Holy shit, you really were about to get fucked by your commanding officer. Holy shit, holy fuck…
Roci sat back on the soft fur of the rug and you climbed atop him in the position you were in before—achingly, breathtakingly close. His cock twitched as he pushed it against your soaking wet entrance.
“You ready, sweetheart?”
You could only reach up to kiss him in response.
Slowly, so slowly it made your head spin, Rocinante pushed the head of his cock into your tight hole, both of you groaning in pleasure as it began to slide into you. It was so big, holy fuck, Jesus it was big, and as it stretched you wider and wider you couldn’t help but wince.
Roci paused immediately. “You ok, y/n? We can stop if this is too much…”
“No! No, please don’t stop, please don’t stop, Roci,” you managed to gasp as you adjusted to him, your nails digging into his back as you pressed your face to his muscular chest, needing him like grass needed water, like seabirds needed wind.
Gently, he ran a comforting hand over your back and pushed deeper, helping you to sink down onto his cock until it was sheathed entirely inside you.
“Fuck, Rocinante..” you hissed into his chest as he filled you. Gently, almost experimentally, you raised your hips and slid up and down Roci’s dick once. The sensation was nearly enough to have you cumming again, and Roci himself let out a long, low moan as your muscles clenched tight around him.
“Let me do it, y/n… I promise it’ll feel so good…” your Commander gasped, gripping your hips. Slowly, he began to guide you up and down his cock, brushing that spot inside you again and again. You were vaguely aware of a trail of drool running from the corner of your mouth as Rocinante pumped a little faster into you, and you dug your nails into his back as he held you close.
The two of you were well and truly fucking now, your ass bouncing on his cock as you moaned against his chest, praises and needy begging slipping indiscriminately from your mouth as Roci filled you, hit that wildly sensitive spot over and over, harder and harder, as he made you his.
You managed to briefly look up at your commander, desperate to see that he was enjoying himself as much as you were. Your heart skipped a beat at the way he gazed down at you, his eyes almost wet as he held you, fucked himself in your tight hole.
He was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.
“Y/n… holy fuck, y/n…”
Suddenly Rocinante’s thrusts were getting harder, rougher, his grip on your hips getting strong enough to bruise, his breath coming in little gasps.
“Y/n, i’m so close…”
Your own cock was twitching as well, begging for a second release, and you slid one hand from around his waist to jack yourself off hungrily.
“Cum in me, Commander Rocinante,” you begged, staring into his eyes as you stroked your cock, eager to paint his abs white while he filled you.
And with a strangled wail, fill you he did, his cock twitching as it pumped spurt after spurt of hot cum deeply into your hole. The sensation of his seed splashing against your inner walls was enough for you to follow, burying your face against Roci’s pectorals with a long cry as you shot another load onto him.
“Baby, baby, baby, baby…” Rocinante gasped, pulling you so close you almost suffocated against his body as he finished, his hips bucking against yours with a vengeance until finally he collapsed, muscles relaxing. A moment later and you collapsed with him, and Roci lay you both back against the soft brown fur of the rug beneath you.
A moment of silence passed, Roci playing with your hair as he gazed at you, one his arms still around you.
“My y/n,” he finally purred when he caught his breath. “My sweet y/n.”
“I can’t believe we finally did that,” you laugh, nuzzling yourself against him, happier than you could ever remember being.
“I can’t wait to see what the other Ensigns will think when I tell them I have a boyfriend.”
You sat up, an indignant blush creeping up your face. “Boyfriend? Who the fuck said anything about boyfriends?”
Rocinante didn’t flinch. “I mean, I think it’s pretty obvious where this is heading, don’t you?”
“No!” You stood up, wobbling a little on your post-orgasm legs. Jesus, this man is going to crack me open no matter what I do, isn’t he? “Fuck buddies, or friends with benefits maybe, but not boyfriends!”
Roci just laughed, which you found very annoying. “If you say so, y/n.”
“Commander! Y/n!!”
The voice of Ensign Parvati suddenly echoed from outside the window. “Are you guys alive? …We beat back the Torrez pirates! …Hello?”
Rocinante’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, I forgot about the rest of the squadron.” Frantically he looked around, grabbing his shirt and pants, crashing into everything that wasn’t bolted down as he quickly put on his clothes. “Christ, I am such a bad commander…”
It was your turn to laugh as you stood up, grabbing your own clothes. “You’re fine! Parvati said we beat them.”
He turned to smile at you, affixing his Marine cap to his head. “I can’t say I regret getting so distracted, to be honest.”
“Jesus, you’re corny.”
“You love it.”
You couldn’t help but grin back at him as the two of you finished getting dressed, ready to find your squadron and celebrate your victory.
And although he was not your boyfriend, although he did not know you—you would never let him truly know you— although he was simply your commanding officer who happened to turn lover, nothing more and nothing less—as you walked out the door, you pulled him down to you and very gently pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Maybe next time you and Bellemere smoked weed and watched old cartoons, maybe you’d see if he wanted to come along.
God DAMN do I love writing me some slow burn 😍 This is my first time writing mlm so please let me know if there’s anything I can improve on!
Did I invent an entire island with a fur industry just so I could make my characters fuck on a fur rug? You’ll just have to decide for yourself 😏
I think there’s enough here to warrant a part 2, if anyone wants to hear it. I had a lot of fun playing with the idea of a character trying to grapple alone with their trauma and self esteem and meeting someone as incorrigibly healing as our darling Rocinante. If this gets notes, who knows what could happen…?
Also, shoutout to my real Torrez Diego, I sincerely hope you never read this fic but you’re cool and deserve to have a scary pirate named after you 💚
As always, thanks for reading!
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gravesphillip · 1 year
mommy valeria smut please? 🥺🙏
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Mommy Valeria NSFW Headcanons // Valeria
warnings: SMUT, mommy kink, f!reader & m!reader, bottom!reader, fingering (f!reader recieving), cock rings, edging, tit jobs, lactation, alot of teasing, pussy smacking, spitting, degrading, dumbification. if I missed any lmk!
an: please mention next time if the reader is gn, f, or m. I love valeria sm brooo she's so hot. if the person who requested the graves fic is seeing this, your fic will be done this weekend.
F!READER Headcanons:
no matter what, she's dominant in every aspect.
likes dumbifying you to nothing, makes you easier to control in bed. bonus points if you're being a brat.
the biggest tease EVER. you guys can be working around literally your whole team and she'll slide her hand around your waist. pulling you in closer to her, your back to her chest.
MAJOR MAJOR edging kink. feeling you reach your high for the 4th time of the night, just for it to taken away by Valeria. instead of hearing her sigh in pleasure of seeing you release, you now just hear laughter directed towards you.
going back to if you were to be a brat, she'll easily tame you. manhandling comes in play when she needs to teach you your place.
loves having you on her lap when she's making important calls, sometimes slipping a free hand down to your inner thigh.
of course, she enjoys you calling her mommy. especially when you're asking her to do something with your aching cunt. "please.." "please... what? c'mon use your words, Estimado" "this is so fucking embarrassing.. please fucking touch me, mommy. god please."
gives your cunt small little slaps when you misbehave, like touching her when she told you not to during sex.
gets really fucking sadistic in bed, calling you many degrading names. you two have a safe word JUSSSTT in case shes too rough.
uses toys on you when she's too lazy/busy to use her hands, "stay put for mommy while she goes and does something.. alright?"
you're obsessed with her tits, just like a little fucking child. always begging to touch them whenever you can.
M!READER Headcanons:
restrains are her best friend, constantly keeping your hands tied whenever she touches you. especially if you're a bigger person than her, she makes sure you can't abuse that power.
cock rings. the vibrating ones. keeping it on, your hands restrained as you sit there miserable while she finishes her work. it's remote controlled, fyi.
milks u absolutely fucking dry, you'll be below her, screaming her name, 'mommy'. begging her to stop riding you, your cock says otherwise, perked up inside of her. she's addictive.
worships your cock so well, but only does what you speak out for her. spitting on the reddened tip, dragging a finger down as you jump.
gives you tit jobs, making you an absolute whimpering mess. begging to cum on her face.
suffocates you with her cunt, pleasing her own self on your melting face. your nose completely soaked after she's done.
into that type shit where she applies pressure with her boot onto your clothed dick, teasing your pathetic ass self.
"Te ves tan jodidamente feo como este.." she whispers, tightening the ropes bounded to your bare chest and ever growing bulge.
completely ignores you while you rut into her from behind like a crazy fucking animal as she looks completely unphased.
valeria rubs a hand up your back while at work, coming up behind you with a familiar remote in her hand..
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
can i request headcanons?? if so i’d like to request for baker!reader with their own bakery with post time skip osamu <33
I wasn't sure if you wanted meet-cute/first meeting or established relationship so I tried to do both :) ty for the request!! writing it as I enjoy some carrot cake hehe <3
{sweet and savory- m. osamu HCs}
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warnings: none, just fluff!! lots of fluff. also me not knowing shit about business despite all the business majors I know.
gn!reader, baker!reader
okay so
when you first opened up your bakery, you were not expecting to be located right next to another young restaurant owner
you were a bit intimidated before actually settling into your new space
you had only ever been in the area to scope out the location and make note of the surrounding shops
so you had assumed the neighboring restaurant you observed to be extremely popular would have been around for years, or family owned, perhaps
but no. you were wrong. and you found this out a week after officially opening
after greeting your employees and opening up shop, the first customer through the door was the most attractive man you had ever seen in your life
you stared at him from behind the counter for a good ten seconds before he shifted uncomfortably and dinged the bell at the cash
you snapped out of it and sheepishly went to greet him
"good morning, sir, how can I help you today?"
"are you the owner? I'm miya osamu, I own the onigiri shop right next door."
you blinked. once, twice and then a third.
he was the owner of the crazy popular restaurant next door?
someone who didn't look much older than you?
you gaped at him and he laughed a bit
"I wanted to come in durin' yer opening ceremony, but some things came up that I couldn't miss, and this is the first chance I'm getting to properly congratulate you on openin' up shop."
"oh! that's very kind of you. and to answer your first question, yes, I'm the owner," you smiled "I wasn't expecting there to be another young business owner right next door. and for such a successful one, too, wow!"
he grinned and rubbed a hand behind his neck. "thank you... but um, part of the reason I wanted to welcome ya personally was 'cause I wanted to let ya know I'm here if ya need anything. starting up can be rough sometimes, but havin' a friend who's sorta in the same boat would be nice for both of us."
"that's so kind, thank you!"
and from there your friendship blossomed
for about a year you guys would visit each other on your breaks, bounce ideas off of each other and hang out outside of work
it did eventually grow into more, and soon enough you started dating
(he asked atsumu how he should ask you out and then did anything BUT what he suggested, he told you later on)
now onto your relationship~
at home dates consisted of cooking/baking lessons for each other and movie nights
sometimes you'd surprise him with your cooking and he's show up with a poor attempt at a baked good (but you gave him kisses for trying anyway)
eventually you moved in together
and waking up was rough because you opened your bakery early in the morning, so when you had to head out for work and leave him in bed, he was so tempted to just pull you back in
getting used to the new schedule was rough in general actually
bc you opened early and closed early, he opened later and closed later
but since his restaurant had been running a little longer at that point, he didn't always need to stay late, he had a bit more freedom as the owner
which means when he came home early, he was greeted with the sight of you with batter on your clothes and flour on your face, totally focused on the new cake recipe you were putting together
you would always turn around when you noticed him and grinned, pulling him to the counter and making him taste test
and of course you act as a test subject for his new recipes as well
atsumu literally worships the ground you walk on because you always give him the test batches that went slightly wrong for free
you tell him that they won't taste as good as the good ones and you'd be happy to let him have a free sample from your actual shop when he visits but he insists the ones that either have too much baking soda or too little sugar are more than fine
but whenever he does go to visit osamu, he always ends up in your bakery a bit longer for the amazing sweets anyway
you trade stories about osamu and he finds this out one day when he walks into your shop and sees atsumu stuffing his face with cupcakes
you nearly had to break up a fight in your cozy little bakery that day
you also had to promise osamu that you'd give him more cupcakes than you gave his twin
anniversaries and holidays are amazing bc you bake stuff for him as gifts, he literally cannot get enough of your baking, he is such a sweet tooth
he probably also comes up with really sickeningly sweet pet names for you that are bakery/pastry related ://
he unironically thinks its cute but you have to beg him to stop calling you his little strawberry shortcake in public
obviously he picks up on your dislike for it but that only fuels his fire more (only when he wants to get you riled up ofc)
will walk into your bakery when he knows you're at cash and say very loudly
"hello there my sweet pumpkin pie, how has your day been?"
now you were almost the cause of a fight in your cozy little bakery.
"'samu I swear to every higher power there is if you don't stop-"
there would also be late night talks of how you could both grow your shops further and expand
all in all he loves working right next door to you and having you in all other aspects in his life as well <3
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I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!! sorry for the long wait. and if anyone has trouble with the pink text, let me know!! I can change it back to black, I just wanted to try something new :)
pls consider liking and reblogging <3
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self-awared · 1 month
How do you think the Akademiya would react to a creator who's an engineering major (broad term ik, but I didn't want to get too specific) & also loves to draw in their free time?
This made me think of Kaveh. My obsession with him knows no end.
Characters included: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Scaramouche/wanderer, (can I add Dottore? IDC, I'm adding him anyways because hes so cunty) Dottore
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Discovered your drawings by accidentally walking in your room, thinking it was his.
You weren't home, so what harm was there in taking a few. Surely, you wouldn't notice, right?
Jokes on him, you notice every minor detail, including the fact that some of your drawings were missing. Mainly some unfinished blueprints that you had just drawn because you felt bored.
Needless to say, you got them back. Kaveh doesn't want to say that you would help him with some assignments if he gave them back.
When he saw you drawing in a sketch pad Alhaitham bought you, he was surprised to see many drawings of him and Alhaitham. WAIT WHY ARE THEY KISSING IN THAT ONE-
He asked if he could have the drawing, and you reluctantly and VERY CAREFULLY (it literally took you almost five minutes) to tear it out of the sketchbook.
He now routinely watches you draw various things. But, he would burn that book if you drew more images of him and Alhaitham..
Doing things.
Like a tsundere bitch, he "wouldn't care" about your drawings. Of course he likes them
He discovered them while you were lounging in the Akademiya's library, drawing away.
Peered over your shoulder for about half an hour before you noticed. He had already memorized everything you drew.
He got a book thrown at him for scaring you.
When you drew him, he acted like he didn't give a shit, but still stole the drawing.
Often spies on you as you draw.
Once caught you drawing a picture of him and Nahida being just fluffballs. He stole that one too and showed it to Nahida.
She wasn't very proud he stole, but she couldn't be mad for long when she saw the drawing. Now, she routinely asks to watch you draw.
Much like Scaramouche, I feel like he wouldn't pay that much attention to your drawings.
However, I feel like he would still be appreciative if you drew him or talked to him about your thoughts.
He wouldn't go as far as to ask to watch you draw, the man is too busy.
I think he would just accept a drawing you gave to him, and would pin it to a wall in his office like a proud father.
When people ask about it, he'd casually say, "Oh, Their Grace drew that." And proceed to get bombarded with questions about you and you drawings.
If you were around while he was at the Akademiya, I feel like the two of you would be close.
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS, if I remember correctly, Zandik was an outcast at the Akademiya. So, if you went out of your way to draw him and help him with things, I have a strong feeling that would place you at the top of his favorite people list.
If you were there when he got expelled and sent to the desert, I feel like with your knowledge, you could create some things to help him survive until whoever found him finds him. (I forget if it was Capitano or Dottore)
I feel like while he was becoming a harbinger, you would help him along the way. Hes running out of people to experiment on? You used your influence to send people towards Snezhnaya. He needs funding? The Northland bank just got an anonymous tip, so Pantalone couldn't refuse. But, he definitely knew it was you.
If you only appeared after he was expelled, chances are you would run into him with the traveler and Nahida.
Basing this off myself rq, I'm an absolute simp for genshin villains. Arleechino goes by Father? Nah, she daddy. Same with literally any other harbinger. So, I feel like you would say something stupid while simping over his like 5 voice lines. (He needs more screen time)
A/N: How does Dottore's part match engineer!Creator!reader? Idk. I kinda strayed from the request on his part a bit.
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