#literally just remembered that I can sew and also do whatever I want
vanivenivici · 1 year
what if I just... made a femkechi cosplay with the seifuku... Detective Princess Seifuku Supremacy real.......
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embarrasingmf · 2 months
what an idiot
PAIRING: Dean Winchester x reader
SUMMARY: you don’t listen to Dean after he gives you an order, and now he’s smug about it.
WARNINGS: a little bit of swearing, not beta’d so there may be typos…
A/N: I had no idea what to make the title ugheklekwjfj. also would’ve loved to write more but I couldn’t think of anything 😭😭
prompt/idea requested by @0ffwiththeirh3ads !
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“Y’need to listen to me next time.” Dean chastised you. He had been doing so for the last ten minutes.
All because he had told you not to waltz on into the vampire nest like you owned the place.
For context, you and Dean were hunting down a vampire nest.
Well, aspiring vampire nest considering there was really only four vampires. And you thought you could take them all on your own.
You remember Dean’s words so clearly: “Don’t go running in there without me.”
Of course you didn’t listen, you practically bolted in there while shouting “Who made you the leader?” after him.
Now that you think about it, you should’ve listened to him. Because now you were stuck with Dean patching up your injuries from trying to take on four vampires by yourself.
You could just feel the smug aura coming off of him in waves. He was fucking enjoying this. He was enjoying the fact that he was able to scold you for not listening to him.
In your defense, he wasn’t the actual leader of whatever Godforsaken team you, Sam, Castiel, and Dean had named Team Free Will.
Dean probably just gave the title to himself, because he was the oldest. Well, oldest physically considering Castiel was a literal angel.
“Will you listen to me next time?” Dean’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you looked over at him.
He was currently knelt down by your side so he could get better access to the deep gash on your torso as you sat on an uncomfortable motel chair.
You cleared your throat, shrugging your shoulders. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
Dean tsk’d, shaking his head. “‘m gonna need a more definitive answer than that, sweetheart.”
Dean called everyone that. But he used it more on you to get under your skin.
And it worked, it worked so well.
You felt your head fall back, finding the popcorn-textured ceiling much more interesting than Dean all of the sudden.
You could feel his green eyes on you as he waited for your reply. You groaned before muttering a weak “yes,” under your breath.
“What was that? Didn’t quite hear ya.” You grit your teeth, you could hear Dean’s smirk. You didn’t even have to look at him!
That reply was much better than before, at least according to Dean it was, as he let out a small hum of contentment.
“Good,” He grinned, suddenly tugging on the makeshift stitch he had created to sew your wound tight.
You jumped in your seat as the sudden pain that shit through you. “Jesus Christ-!”
Dean chuckled, shaking his head. “Nope, just me.”
You wanted to slap him. You wanted to slap some sense into him so bad.
“Fuck you…” You grunted under your breath, Dean didn’t reply as he kept working on your wound. His touch much more gentle now.
You averted your gaze from the ceiling and looked over at Dean’s hands deftly stitching your gash closed.
It would definitely scar, but hey, at least it would make a cool story to tell in the future.
After about five minutes, Dean patted your leg before standing up.
He stretched, his back and knees popping from kneeling down and being hunched over.
“I think you should get me some pie as a reward for actually patching you up.” Dean teased, crossing his arms.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Nah, you can get that yourself.”
Dean pursed his lips together. “Oh c’mon, just do it!” He insisted.
“Fine!” You relented, shoulders slumping a bit. “But you owe me then.”
Dean raised his hands in the air as you pointed a finger at him. “Okay, I owe you a favor then I guess.” He chuckled, patting your back as a sign for you to get going and get him his pie.
“Better be back before I fall asleep, wouldn’t want to eat a cold pie in the morning.” He commented before you walked out of the room.
reblogs and feedback r appreciated! they keep me motivated <3
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milkweedman · 3 months
hello! need help learning how to do a thing and it's your area of expertise so im squirrelling into your ask box (dad joke, sorry.) ANYWAY
i have a lot of jeans that i really really like. however, my most worn jeans tend to, uh. rip in the seat after some time. either near the ass, or at the crotch. this is super irritating, and i don't like tossing the jeans just because of that but i have no idea how to fix them or what to do about this.
i vaguely remember you posting on here about jeans wear and tear as well. sorry if im asking you something that you have already answered, but just wanted to know - what's a good way of mending jeans ripped in the crotch area?
better yet, how do i reinforce my jeans that are showing the warning signs of ripping at the crotch?
My jeans literally just ripped a couple days ago and ive been wearing sweatpants to work out if laziness, so you have good timing 🐿
There might be many ways to do this (and there's definitely NEATER ways to do this) but here's how I fix mine:
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They just sort of wore right through. Luckily I was able to catch it before they started ripping too. The sooner you catch a hole the better--and noticing before it rips is best.
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You will need a sewing needle (for jeans I like the shortest sharpest needle with a small eye but use whatever needle is comfortable), scissors, a strip of scrap fabric, and some thread. Ideally thread in the same color as your jeans, but I'm using one that will stand out so you can see the repair. Also, nobody will see this later so it doesn't really matter. Pins will also help keep things neat but aren't strictly necessary.
The strip of fabric should be big enough to cover the entire area that wears out, doubled over, on this leg. You can of course just patch the hole, but then you'll grow a new hole a centimeter to the left, so its less work to just do this now.
For preventative measures (sewing a patch on before there is a hole) the process is exactly the same. Just patch the area you know will wear out.
Step 1: turn the pants inside out. fold your patch and pin it in place. We want a doubled patch because a single layer might wear through as well. If you don't have pins, you can use a spare needle or just set it over the repair site.
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Like so. If you want these to look nice, keep everything neat and straight. I just want these mended and don't care how it looks one iota, so mine will be messy.
Step 2: thread your needle with doubled thread. A single thread can and probably will wear through here.
Step 3: put your non dominant hand down the leg you're fixing. Your hand should be under the patch supporting while you sew. If you have an embroidery hoop or something leg-sized to put there to hold things taut, that's even better.
Step 4: start sewing the patch down. First we just want to secure it before we do any reinforcing. You could use any stitch here ( whipstitch would probably be good, backstitch is good as well) but I just use a simple running stitch. Go around the entire patch, removing pins if present as you go. Keep your stitches loose here, or at least not tight.
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Step 5: reinforcing ! This part can be done on either side, and the front is going to look way neater than the back. If this is in matching thread I'd go ahead and work on the inside because the messy outside won't be seen. If it's contrasting thread you may want to work on the outside, so that at least you have a good pattern. I don't care either way, so I'll work on the inside as it's a little easier. Like I said, this repair really won't be seen when wearing the pants, so the aesthetics aren't very important imo.
To reinforce, I will stitch plus signs/x's over the entire patch. You can do them one at a time or sew all the horizontal lines, then sew vertically to intersect. It's up to you, I like doing them one at a time though.
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Yes, they're very bad. Yes this will still extend the life of these pants several months at least. Yes it would be even more effective if I took the time to be neater.
On top on the right image is the patch I did on the other side when they started shredding 5 or 6 months ago. The fabric on the front is only just now starting to fail again, so they will need another round of mending. I will probably extend the patch down the leg a little but mostly just sew more. When you add a layer of thread over fabric, now you have to wear through all of the thread before you start wearing down the fabric again. That's largely how these patches work.
A much much neater and more aesthetic form of this basic idea is sashiko sewing. It's a great way to mend things like jeans (I just don't care about my jeans being anything other than usable so I save my effort and creativity for where I will enjoy it).
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Here's the front. I highly doubt anyone will ever see the yellow but I sharpied it black (can also do blue on most shades of blue jeans) and now it stands out less.
One last thing--if, when you look at the front again, you see there are some damaged areas standing proud, sew over those until they have compacted back down and are smooth again. This is important--whatever stands the highest will wear first. So your repairs should be sitting on top, standing higher than the damaged fabric. Otherwise this is all for naught.
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Some tips:
A canvas fabric is better. Go for something thick and with some weight to it if you can--immobilizing the repair site will also help some with how long the repair will last.
Similarly colored thread will render this almost invisible. Almost invisible means hard to work on... so make sure your patch is a different color so you're not mending like black thread on black fabric. Save your eyes.
Smaller stitches are better if you have the time/coordination. Large stitches can snag in the wash and also aren't as effective here.
That said, chicken scratch looking garbage will absolutely still make your pants wearable again, as you can see.
If the physical act of moving the needle is going terribly, it's because it's the wrong needle for the job. For jeans, you want a short needle as thin as possible with a small eye. I switched halfway thru this mend because I found a better needle and it was way easier after that.
That's all I got, good luck with your pants ! I usually can double or triple my jeans life this way
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gilverrwrites · 6 months
Hello could you please do some captain boomerang headcanon fluff, I don’t see enough of it on here.
AN: I can and I will. Good fluffy vibes only today, however, if you would like a reality check, please watch the video linked at the end.
Rating: General (however, wanting for swearing)
Please remember: Everything you're worried about, is going to turn out ok.
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Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Request Info
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He’s not much for texting, much prefers sending voice notes. These can range anywhere from simple good night/good morning notes, the longest, most pointless, probably drunken rambles, jokes he stole came up with, or professions of love.
When he texts, it’s always in 90s/early 00s style and full of emojis that don’t quite mean what he thinks they do.
Cn’t w8 2 c 👀 u 🫵l8r 👄❣️🪃 X 🌫️ Gud nite mu 🫥 u4e lol 😜 🩵🪃 xXx RUOK 4 d8 l8r??? 🌷💦 CUL ❤️‍🔥🪃 X
Has your name saved in his phone as the most ridiculous nickname you can think of, probably also with a bunch of emojis.
Dependant on your personality, petnames would include a few of the following: Darl’, darlin’, babs, babes, baby (pronounced bah-bee), sweets, hon, peachy, lovey, peanut, or doll.
Whatever your least favourite is, he will use the most cause he loves winding you up.
Swears at you, a lot. But its affectionate.
He’s not used to people doing things for him, so he is massively grateful when you do like menial domestic labour for him.
You sewed up the hole in my jacket? You’re THE best, I can’t believe you would do that for me. You did my laundry? WTF? You didn’t have to do that (he’s been wearing the same unwashed boxers for 2 weeks, someone had to) how can I ever repay you babes? You cooked for me? (It’s literally a pot-noodle) You’re an angel, I’m not welling up, shut it.
He’s really good at like, enhancing 'easy' food. He’ll add egg and chives and stuff to his packet noodles, makes the best cheese and vegemite toasty, knows just how much oil and extra cheese to add to a frozen pizza, and has mastered box mix cupcakes. His favourite is chocolate.
Uses a 5 in 1 shower gel, if and when he showers, and you cannot tell me he doesn’t blast lynx africa and/or paco rabanne 1 million so he smells woody and spicy.
However, if you have fancy smelly products of you’re own, he will use them. Gonna treat himself with a good scrub and some large helpings of your shampoo and conditioner (this one’s got multiple products for their hair, posho!)
Doesn’t matter if you use products intended for a specific skin/hair type, it’s getting used.
As a nice bonus he likes doing it cause it means your smell lingers on him when you’re not together.
Won’t admit it but he also really likes it if you burn candles and/or incense.
If you’re close enough in size, he will steal your clothes. Especially socks cause he is always wearing holes into his own.
Gets all gooey and excited when you wear his clothes, especially if you’re small enough that they look oversized, and are visibly his.
If you’re inclined to wear flowy summer dresses, he’ll go feral. Also, a big fan of linen shirts/blouses and short shorts.
When he’s dressed causal he lives in shorts and filp-flops, even in the midst of winter. Or if he’s not leaving the house he’ll just wear his boxer shorts.
Is gone for long periods of time (prison, hiding out etc) so is very clingy when you’re back together, and doesn’t really have boundaries.
Will walk in on you in the bath shower to use the toilet, or to just sit and talk to you. If you ask him nicely, he will wash your hair. Might not do a good job, but he will do it. Has his arms wrapped around your waist at all times while you’re trying to do chores or are out shopping. If he wakes before you (a rare occurrence) he will just lay on his side, watching you sleep. Might get impatient and attempt to subtly wake you by gently brushing your side or nose, or gently shaking your body.
Normally sleeps way into the day, and snores, loudly. Often wakes with a hangover. And will practically beg you to make him a bacon an egg.  
Loves almost any and all brekkie food, bacon, egg, hash browns, pancakes, you name it.
Is not a cuddly sleeper. Like he can fall asleep cuddling, but he will start rolling around, splaying his arms out, kicking his legs. Huge bed hog.
Says his favourite films are action, gangster, or like bro style comedies. Think like: Road House, Indian Jones, Kill Bill, The Gentleman, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Hang Over.
If you put on a horror, drama, or rom com, he will not watch it with you.
But he will find things to do in the general vicinity. Or straight up do the dad thing of like standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. If he’s not sat with you, he’s technically not watching it.
So like, which one is actually her dad? They don’t tell you but the writ- No no no, don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out, Don’t go in the basement, there’s never anything good in the basement, oh she’s only bloody gone and went in the basement! But… Barbie doesn’t love Ken. I’m not cryin, I just got allergies, shut up an’ watch your dumb girly film.
Has a stolen tattoo gun,wants to get matching tattoos, has pro for everyone of your cons. Ideally, he just wants names/initials in hearts, but will settle for more symbolic tattoos. Like a boomerang to represent him for you, and something similar for you.
Keeping any gift you’ve ever given him for life.
I made you a friends ship braclet. Eh, ya know its not my normal kinda jewellery. You don’t ha- No, fuck off, I’m gonna wear it forever.  
Would still love you if you were a worm. Hasn’t the foggiest what he would do with you. But he would love you.
Obviously gonna teach you how to use a boomerang. Even if you already know, he’s gonna show you the right way. Gotta make sure his bab is protected. (Don’t tell him that you find them impractical and are unlikely to ever use one when in need, he will sulk.)
Aforementioned video.
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aceofwhump · 2 months
Hi Ace! Any advice for this newfound adult? (18)
ALSO ALSO I love your page so much its literally one of the bestEST!!! In my eyes you're like a whump celebrity! 😀🔥
Asdfghjkl omg thank you so much!!! You're too kind! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! And hello! Welcome to the adult world! It sucks! lol sorry. I'm not the best at adulting at all but sure I can share some advice. Some things I've learned since turning 18:
Other adults are just as dumb as you feel. We're all drowning and have no idea what we're doing so it's okay to feel like you have nothing down and don't know what you're doing. Cause we all feel like that. We're all just kids trying to make our way in the world.
Work should not be the center of your world. Work is supposed to be the place you go to make money so you can live your life. Don't let it take over your life. Don't let the frustrations of work destroy your mental health. No job is worth that. If it gets to be too much and it's affecting your health, it's time to find another job.
Maintaining friendships can be harder as you reach adulthood because schedules get crazy and people move and such but it's so worth the work. It won't be as easy as it was in high school because you're not gonna see people every day. You have to work hard to make time to see people and remember to text your friends every now and then even if it's just a "hey I'm thinking about you" or sending them a funny gif or video. Make the effort. Reach out to people you care about. Tell them you care about them.
Now I don't know your home life but as someone who still lives with their parents and has never moved out, THAT'S OKAY TO DO. You are not required to move out as soon as possible just to say your an adult. Life is hard and expensive and sometimes it's nice to have people to come home to.
Don't worry about what others think of you. Wear what you want, enjoy your hobbies whatever they may be, eat what you want, live you life for yourself. Not for others. You'll be happier. Trust me.
Go out there and try things!! You're young! Do things! You never know what you might find until you look.
Learn how to budget but remember that it's okay to spend money on "stupid stuff" that makes you happy. Go ahead and buy that stuffed animal or toy you've wanted since you were a kid.
Lists are very helpful for keeping track of important dates, chores to do, bills to pay. Makes lists. Keep them up on the fridge or a bulletin board above your computer.
Take care of your health. Brush your teeth, try to eat healthy, go outside for a walk, etc.
The best advice I got concerning credit cards was this: use one for big purchases but only use it when you have the money in your bank account to pay for the item. So like, go buy a chair with your credit card and then as soon as you can, pay the credit card bill with the money you should have in the bank. That way you don't end up going into massive credit card debt because you're spending money you don't have.
Be patient.
Be open to new things and meeting new people.
Be kind but take no shit. You never know what the other person is going through and we all handle stress and fear in different ways. It never hurts to just be kind when you can. When you can't be kind? Take no shit. Don't let someone walk over. Stand up for yourself.
Wear sunscreen!!!
Find a hobby. And I mean something you do just for yourself that has nothing to do with making any money. Create something. Learn to crochet or knit or make things with wood or draw or build legos or sew or cosplay or write or make movies or photography. SOMETHING that lets you use your hands and that you do just for yourself because it makes you happy. It's also a great way to meet people. Most of my friends I've met through my hobbies. Hobbies are great for your mental health
Put the phone down sometimes and just be in the moment. Just enjoy life for a bit without thinking about taking photos for social media.
Work hard but don't kill yourself. It's good to work hard and have a good work ethic but remember to take a break and don't push yourself beyond your limits.
GO THRIFTING!!! I can't say that one enough. People tend to look down on places like Good Will, Savers, and thrift stores but I can buy a brand new couch for like 30 dollars at these places. I have bought an entire wardrobe for next to nothing. Go thrifting. You'll find some really great things for cheap.
Ask for help when you need it. It's not shameful to ask for help. And that's for everything. Don't understand something at work? Ask a coworker or manager. Not sure how to cook something? Ask a friend or family member if they know how. Struggling with your mental health? Ask for help from a friend or family member. ASK FOR HELP
And finally, there is no deadline or boxes you need to mark off to be considered an "adult". You don't have to get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. to be successful at adulting. Live your life how you want to live your life.
Good luck nonny!!!!
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ashtonisvibing · 11 months
"I dare you to..."
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Alternate Universe: None
Ship(s): Intrulogical
Character(s): Logan Sanders, Remus Sanders
Warning(s): Dissection, mentions of cannibalism, possible actual cannibalism (depends how you look at it)
Originally Published: Nov. 15, 2023
Author's Notes:
wowowow, sanders sides! i've finally added them to my roster, wowie!
intrulogical fanfic cuz i love my favorite lab rat x mad scientist couple :}c
side note, the cannibalism tag is on a technicality... and also as a "just in case". you'll understand when you read, but if it doesn't ACTUALLY count as cannibalism please let me know!
also... i have no idea how a dissection works, only time i dissected something was during biology when we dissected rats, and i barely remember how we did that. but hey, i think a messy and improper dissection is perfect for these freaks (affectionate)
pronouns check:
logan - he/him
remus - he/it
if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!
[plain text: if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!]
Full Story:
The squelching of blood and organs mixed with Remus' mindless chatter was always a mix that Logan enjoyed during their "dates", if one could consider cutting into your boyfriend and dissecting him a date. The duke was talking about his most recent idea to prank Roman, arms gesturing around as he tried not to interfere with Logan's careful slicing of his skin. The last time he accidentally got in the way he nearly lost a finger. Not like he hadn't caused himself to lose more than just that before, placing his dismembered limbs around the Mindscape was a real treat when he heard Patton and Roman's terrified screams.
"So, what surprise do you have for today's escapade?" Logan interrupted his boyfriend's endless chatter, having made the incisions and waiting to get any sort of hint for what could be under the nearly deathly pale skin. It was always something new with their dates. One time the duke had replaced everything inside of his chest- bones, organs, even the veins and muscles and blood- with globs of clay. The nerd's first sign that something was amiss should have been the fact that no blood had surfaced when he inserted his scalpel into the skin.
Remus simply gave a chuckle as he looked up at Logan. "What, you really think I'm gonna tell that easily?" He then made an attempt at wiggling his upper body seductively. To anyone else it would look awkward, the laying position he was in certainly didn't help. For Logan and his visibly blue with blush cheeks it did the trick quite well. "C'mon Mr. Scientist, crack me open and rearrange my insides like you did last night~" And that blue blush was quick to become the nerd's blue face, to which Re cracked a smirk. It wasn't hard to fluster his boyfriend, he had learned how to make his innuendos obvious enough for Lo to understand while still being able to have fun with the wording.
Logan cleared his throat as he adjusted the goggles on his face; he insisted on wearing eye protection, just in case he was splattered with any sort of substance once again. "The difference here being that I may have to gag you this time if you keep speaking like that." Dating Remus certainly had its ups. The innuendos and suggestive flirting was something that had rubbed off on him. And the duke absolutely loved it.
"Aww, don't threaten me with a good time, sir~" Remus laughed. "'sides, I know you can't resist all the sounds I can make~"
"Do you want me to literally open you up or are we doing something else now?" The nerd hummed as he looked at the man below him. Admittedly he didn't want this date to switch over to anything else so quickly. While it might not be obvious to anyone else who didn't know him well enough, Lo was excited to see whatever surprise awaited him in the chest cavity he had created in Re. He didn't want to have to sew his boyfriend up without even getting to see anything. Remus was honestly the only one who knew Logan well enough to see that excitement in the other's almost midnight blue eyes. How could he possibly pull his boyfriend away from this just for some sex, especially when it was obvious that he wasn't in the mood.
The duke gave a smile as he set his hands on either side of his abdomen, as if he was presenting whatever was in there to the nerd. "Open me up, berry. Think you'll be surprised by this round." He chuckled softly.
On that command Logan grabbed a couple pairs of retractors to pull the skin flaps back and hold them in place. And what he saw in the cavity was... Quite normal. Heart, lungs, liver, nerves, everything seemed to be there. There wasn't any discoloration, no weird textures. Everything was as red and pink and fleshy as it all should be. Lo raised an eyebrow as he looked around for anything that could be out of place. Maybe bugs were about to start crawling out from who knows where? Maybe a strange creature would pop out Alien style? But nothing happened. "Is this it?" Logan finally asked as he looked at his boyfriend's face. He couldn't help the bit of disappointment in his voice, Re's strange antics were why he loved these dates.
Remus simply shrugged in response. "Eh, not feeling that creative today." Before the nerd could retaliate the duke kept speaking. "How 'bout we play some truth or dare while you look around in there?" He let out a giggle. Now Logan was even more confused.
"Truth or dare..??"
"Yeah!" Re's giggle turned into a laugh as he nodded, his hands shooting up into the air. "That's what can be different this time! Playing a fun game together! Please, berry?"
Logan could never resist when his boyfriend pulled those puppy eyes, they made him completely melt. How could he not when the other looked as cute as he did? So he gave a sigh and nodded, picking up a scalpel to begin his dissection. Might as well do something while they played truth or dare. "Alright, alright. Who's going to start?"
"I will, I will!" Remus continued to laugh as he clapped his hands over his head. "Truth or dare?"
The nerd took a second to think his choice over. "Truth."
"Is it true that you looooove me~?" Re's question was ended in a snicker as he looked up at his boyfriend, cheeks a slight green. He was rarely ever corny with his flirting, preferring to be more sexual and gross. But he had his moments when it was just the two of them. And those moments always managed to bring a smile to Lo's lips and a flutter to his heart.
"I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't love you, you rat." Logan chuckled softly as he not-at-all carefully broke off one of Re's ribs to get a better look at it. He was still convinced that he would find something unusual about the other's insides. It happened with every other dissection. Why was this time any different? "Truth or dare?"
"Hmmmmm... Dare. Gimme a good one, a real... Creepy one." Remus chuckled softly, his arms crossing behind his head to prop it up a little.
Logan set the rib on a separate table beside him, where he'd keep anything else he'd pull out. They'd be placed back inside his boyfriend later. "I dare you to pull your eyes out."
Re's response was to blow raspberries at the nerd before easily pulling his vibrant green eyes out of their sockets with a comical pop, a black ink-like substance now oozing from the holes. He didn't seem very pleased by this dare. "C'mon Lo, pulling my eyes out is the oldest trick in my book! I did this a couple'a days ago to put them in Virgin's soda! Should've seen the look on his face, if he was Patton he would've vomited right then and there!" He gave a triumphant laugh before putting his eyes back where they should be, and the black substance stopped dripping. "Shame he's got a stronger stomach, but he went even paler than even my skin!"
"Apologies, I would have given something more horrifying, but..." The nerd drew out his sentence as he cut and pulled out one of Remus' kidneys, showing it off to his boyfriend. "I'm occupied with something else, as you can tell." The pair shared a chuckle - from Logan - and a laugh - from Remus.
"It's fine, berry. Just try to gimme something better." The duke smiled, taking his own kidney from the other to hold it in his hand and get a closer look. "Ain't nothing too gross for the Duke of the Macabre!"
"Of course, how could I forget?" Logan chuckled again, taking a pause from his work to take one of Remus' hands into his own, placing a soft kiss on the back of it. He couldn't help his smirk when he looked over at his boyfriend's face and saw the other's cheeks were a bright green. Some may think it hard to get the duke to blush and become flustered considering his crude and smutty way of flirting. Lo knew that all it took was gentle affection and the duke was putty in his hands. He just had to make sure no one else was around, but he was fine with keeping such moments private. It was his own precious secret.
The pair went back and forth with their little game for a while, the truths and dares getting more and more wild as the rounds went on. Until Logan asked for a dare, a shift from his truth preference, and Remus gave one
"Dare you to take a bite out of my intestine ya got there."
Sure enough, the nerd was holding his boyfriend's small intestine in his hands. The cavity was nearly empty by now. Only the heart, lungs, and small intestine having been left in. Logan did know that logically Remus would be able to survive without his heart and lungs, but he was still hesitant to take them out lest something go wrong this time.
The dare made him take quite a pause as it registered in his brain. He glanced at the organ in his hands, then at his boyfriend, then at the organ again. "Are you suggesting cannibalism?"
Remus gave a simple shrug in response, his eyes closed and arms once again crossed under his head. "Cannibalism, having a little snack, call it whatever ya want." He then snickered as his eyes opened to look at the other. "C'mon, don't chicken out now. No one else is here, they'll never know. We're technically not even real so, like, it's not really a crime, right? Don't gotta worry about infection, either! Promise I wash my insides every other day!" He then propped himself up by his elbows as best as he could so he could be closer to the other, those vibrant green eyes full of their usual mischief and chaos. "'sides, you're really gonna tell me you've never thought of it? What it might taste like? If it might gush with blood the moment you bite down into it, or how tender it might be. I'm not Janus but you can't lie to me. You're dating the Duke of the Macabre after all, you've gotta have some fucked up thoughts sometimes."
It honestly wouldn't be a lie to say that the thought had crossed Logan's mind a couple of times before. Of course Remus of all things had eaten human flesh before, mostly as a prank. Last Halloween he had tried to set out a bowl of assorted dismembered fingers and eyeballs and even tongues, and to try to prove his point that his bowl should stay among the actual candy, he pulled out one of the fingers and just ate it like it was a chicken leg. And while everyone else - save for Janus, the only other person besides Logan who was used to Re's antics - was utterly horrified, Lo couldn't help his thought of joining Remus to see just what it might taste like. Knowing the duke there was a chance that the bowl wasn't actually filled with body parts, only food made to look like such. But... Maybe they were. He now would never know, until now. He could satisfy his curiosity.
And so, after a surprisingly short think over, the nerd closed his eyes and bit into the intestine in his hands.
"... Blueberry-?" Logan spoke with the biteful still in his mouth, and with his eyes now opened he could see that... The intestine had turned blue, and had a gummy-like appearance to it. And sure enough when he started chewing, it was just like chewing a giant gummy worm. There was confusion written all over Lo's face that made Remus erupt with laughter.
"And that's the surprise! Gummy insides!" The duke sat up and reached over to the table where the assorted guts and bones sat, and all of those had turned into different colored gummies as well. He took a now orange stomach and bit into it with a happy smile. "Mmm, citrus... Think it might be grapefruit, can't quite tell." He shrugged before taking another bite, this time speaking with the candy in his mouth. "Figured I'd make this round more surprising by revealing it later." He swallowed his bite before continuing to speak. "Though I'm surprised, you didn't think over your dare that much before you took a good bite. Maybe you really are as fucked up as I am." He snickered.
Lo continued to stare at his boyfriend with that intended surprise before chuckling, hopping up onto the operating table. "Well, I am dating you after all." He took out the other end of the small intestine and handed it to Remus. "I'm sure I have to be... Fucked up, as you put it, to date you." Remus' smile grew more as he took the other end. Eating his gummified small intestine Lady and the Tramp style with his boyfriend wasn't a prediction for today, but it was certainly something he'd welcome with open arms.
"And that's why I love you, berry."
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thatonebabybat · 2 years
I always see people who are interested in alt fashion ask goths where to get good clothes (that aren't overpriced) so here's a few good places from my own experiences: - BANDCAMP. Not all goth bands have merch, but the ones who do always have incredible designs and they can be fairly inexpensive! The smaller the artist, the more likely their merch will be affordable, and the more they need the support. So go do some digging~ (I find a lot of niche bands through playlists, Never Resting Soul on youtube has some good ones and so does Obscura Undead) - Thrift stores. I know this one gets talked about a lot but I see people say "My thrift store just has granny clothes" and I just want to say... It's about the way you search and the way you style pieces. I like to beeline towards the black sections since my thrift store is sorted by color but yours might be different. After that I usually like to look at reds and purples, but green or even white can also be pretty cool if you style em right. See what calls to you. Look for good fabrics. Lace, velvet (or fake velvet), leather (I'm vegetarian so I hate to say it, but fake leather kind of sucks ass and crumbles apart within a few wears most of the time. Look for real leather if you want to buy it), or normal fabrics with interesting prints. I'm plus size and I've found some really good items doing this. Also, sometimes something that looks like a "grandma" piece on its own looks stunning when you pair it with the right accessories. Invest in some good belts and jewelry and you can make the most basic black t shirt and jeans or skirt look super alternative and pretty. - DIY. A lot of people assume you need some decent sewing skills to do this and while that's certainly helpful for more complicated DIYs, I'm here to tell you: You can just bullshit things with paint and safety pins and fabric glue and cheap craft supplies. Want a chain belt? the crafts section of walmart has chains you can throw on literally anything if you have a will and some safety pins (which you can also buy at walmart) and I hear hardware stores have longer chains way cheaper. You can also write things with that puffy paint you probably remember from when you were a kid. or use a cheap paintbrush to actually paint with it if you want. If you have patches you can fabric glue them or safety pin them (seriously those things are lifesavers) or both for good measure. Key rings are also great for projects that have a lot of chains or other hardware on them. you can make a chain with them or you can attach chains together with them or just like throw em on any piece of black clothing you want or honestly like 50 other things I'm probably not thinking of rn. Of course, you can also just shred tf out of things if that's more your style. Tights, denim, shirts, whatever. Distressed clothes are always an easy mention. (shredding denim is weirdly therapeutic if you have pent up frustration, try it out sometime) You can also draw or write on colored things with markers for a cool effect. I have a whole playlist for alt DIYs if you're looking for some inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK4LkzpKtOvIFkJadZDUnfN4ntztkU70q - Finally, and I hate to say it, but.. Fast fashion. I don't recommend it if you can avoid it, but sometimes it's all you got and I don't really judge anyone for buying it. I got my current pair of combat boots at target and there's plenty of pieces you can style in alternative ways there. Lots of good basics and they usually have a pretty decent belt selection. They also have combat boots for around $20 last time I checked. (Don't buy from shein if you can help it though that shit is toxic and I don't just mean it in the metaphorical way.) You can also get good pieces for DIY projects like I mentioned above, or you can find cool tights to pair with your outfits.
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
The Rain Code x Warriors au no one asked for nor will receive an explanation for
What's up I'm still doing bad and feel my last year's mystery stress sickness is coming back and none of my drafts are anywhere remotely close to getting finished anytime soon because of that how are you are you interested in cat
(picked the TPB timeline because it makes the most sense and has the most fitting characters, but I might cheat or bend it a little, we'll see)
Yuma Kokohead -> Rusty/Firestar
Main boy :) because of course he is. Yuma's now an orange cat. Firestar was the name of Number One, and Rusty (canonically Fire's old house cat name, I'm not calling them kittypets I'm sorry) was the name of the trainee he very politely borrowed his identity for.
Makoto Kagutsuchi -> Scourge
In wc canon, Scourge is also Firestar's half-brother (but they don't ever knooow) and they both kill each other + he's canonically stated to be VERY short like one of the smallest cats in the series. After the cloning, Makoscourge painted his fur completely black except for a one white paw (for the aesthetics. or maybe I'll just give Fire a white paw as well, kinda like Yuma's and Makoto's lil ahoges), started wearing the "OwO" mask, the dog tooth studded shrimp color collar, the fucking blood dyed amv bangs, the dog tooth reinforced claws........ The former CEO took him to hot topic for the first time in his life and he was fucking MESMERIZED none of them knew what they have brought upon themselves by this single act. He is a very silly man, lost in the whimsy. When his mask gets pulled off in the Mystery Labirynth, his face is just not dyed at all and it's just ginger with green eyes just like Rusty's/Firestar's/Yuma's/whatever.
Shinigami -> Spottedleaf
In canon, Spottedleaf does infamously end up haunting Firestar's dreams as a ghost to send him cryptic visions and furiously make out with him in front of his pregnant wife, he did have a crush on her before she died and I'm pretty sure she was retconned into reciprocating it was real bad and then they double killed her so Fire won't have to choose between her and his wife in heaven it was REAL bad uhh. I still like her though. I can get you out of the narrative girl just take my hand.... She can be the weirdgirl incarnate she was always meant to be. I wanted to say something else but then I realized holy shit I'm just tweaking her into Bonefall rewrite Spottedleaf am I... What can I say it IS peak Spottedleaf.
Yomi Hellsmile -> Tigerstar
Also extremely obvious. He is evil and has immaculate sexual tension between the protag whoops sorry I forgot literally only me and like 2 other people here ship Yuma and Yomi uhh anyway. While it does fit I'm a little dissapointed that Yomi/Tigerstar is gonna be losing so much of his cringe charm..... Like, say goodbye to deeply unserious insecure prettyboy toothpick Yaoi with silly little insults such as "umbrella sewing machine man operating hand hook car table" and how do I even describe all of this in less than 3 paragraphs. Say hello to broad-shouldered muscular extremely intimidating 100% serious and competent fascist built like a fucking brick shithouse with very broad-shoulders that doesn't need a henchman boytoy to handle all his numerous murders, have I mentioned his massive fucking broad shoulders, Firestar sure did do that a lot. It's like, where's the fun..... Whatever.... I guess...........😔😔😔
Martina Electro -> Leopardstar
Now for an assigned role I'm way more cool with >:)))) for an outrageously long while I had trouble with whether Martina should be Sasha or Goldenflower, fool I was, until I remembered Leopardstar fucking exists. She is literally perfect like I cannot state this enough. AND canonically she was later retconned to have feelings for Tigerstar but I hate to acknowledge it how dare you massacre Lep like that. She can still be his gf alongside vice director though, she's just engaging in acts of deceit whilst putting opioids in his food and trying her darndest to convince herself she's actually 100% in control of the situation before she's dragged to the cube dimension and has a brief "are we the baddies" moment. I don't think she still resigns from being a peacekeeper though Leopardstar 100% would take that fucking promotion the moment she's offered it and a year later when she' done feeling guilty regresses back into being a violent asshole she has learned NOTHING❤️
Fake/Hitman Zilch -> Darkstripe
So many dissapointments happening here sigh..... This one was obvious and honestly the only valid option for FZilch aside from maybe Nightwhisper or Blackfoot? Anyway, the downsides: one, Darkstripe will never be as cool as fake Zilch he thrives on being a cringe mistreated lickspittle. Two, he's definitely not one of Tigerstar's "closest advisors (🏳️‍🌈)" whilst Dark is pretty obsessed Tiger does not give a shit and considers him a looooooser boooo lameee fuck you *canonically swats him away with his tail that one scene*. But, I mean, at least the toxic yaoi became an entire new category of toxic.
Swank Catsonell -> Brokenstar
Pure vibes. It just fits. He employs small children and makes them fight to the death in his office for glory
Seth Burroughs -> Longtail
In canon, another one of Tigerstar's lackeys that didn't know about his crimes and when he found out he immediately left. I thought he was not evil enough to be Seth at first, but it kinda fits and he does make up for it in his cringe value and being noted to be a coward, though that may have been just Fire's opinion. Also, with all the bunny Seth Burrows jokes, I'd like to mention Longtail got his eyes clawed by a rabbit so hard he went blind so do with that what you will
Guillaume Hall -> Russetfur
Aaaand this is where I started having trouble with the remaining peacekeepers. Eventually I settled on Russetfur & Blackfoot/Blackstar for Guillaume and Dominic, because I like this danger duo I and some of the fandom completely made up about them. It's okay, the authors don't know you like we do...... While Blackstar did have a higher rank and Russet was his deputy, I do think she still had at least an equal amount of power as him, they're buddies pair bonded for life Blackstar is nodding respectfully to whatever incomprehensible wisdom she's sharing
Dominic Fulltank -> Blackfoot/star
In canon, started out as a murderous henchman of two major equally murderous evil dictators, before they both died and he finally got that boss promotion he always wanted, then he got ruined by the, you guessed it, retcons, but I don't like to be reminded of his atrocity of a novella. I always imagined Blackstar as like, unbelievably jacked holy shit the muscles on that cat, (and honestly most of the fandom does too so. lmao) and he does indeed canonically unflinchingly do the dirty work of all his bosses such as killing and maiming and destroying an
You get the point. He serious'd. Darkstripe wishes he could be him. And I'm pretty sure that was even canonically implied in the sixth book lmaooooooooo. Loser <3
Dr. Huesca -> um. Goosefeather?
The looks definitely fit, Dr. Huesca indeed bears striking resemblance to that tortured feline. However, while sometimes an asshole, Goose is definitely not evil... But he could be. He deserves to be. As a treat. Also: old man pride
Kurumi Wendy -> Cinderpaw/pelt
Easy, get Cinder'd idiot. They even have a pretty similiar energy too, I feel. This is where I got a bit tired, uhh...It's 11pm. Anyway I love Cinder and I love Kurumi say anything bad about them and I'll start scream crying on the floor
Halara Nightmare -> Yellowfang
Halara gets the old beam. They're now in their fucking 60s or something perhaps 70s. Yellowfang, on the other hand, gets the non-binary spec beam. She already gave off massive butch vibes in canon already, whatever. I don't think I can uhh in short terms explain Yellowfang's whole deal rn but the gist of it she's a very snarky grandma figure to Fire that gradually warmed up to him while she was- my cat vomited. While he was assigned to take care of her while she was taken prisoner into ThunderClan camp. Her personality's pretty funky. And she does seem cool enough in order to deserve to be Halara Nightmare.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt -> Graystripe
I think I'm taking a break and coming back to this tomorrow actually after all. Hello this is tomorrow Jasper. In canon, Graystripe is Fire's silly goofy boybestie when they're young, then he starts secretly dating Silverstream - hold on i can't fuvking take tjis im making myself hot cocoa again bye. Ok it's done let's see if that makes me feel something. As I was saying he's dating this cat and she's from a rival Clan so that's illegal forbidden love and then she dies during childbirth and he leaves his own Clan for a while to raise their babies there but then he gets exiled and goes back to his own and then his kids almost get publically executed for being half-clan so he and his buddies rescue them. And then he gets abducted by humans and meets this new gal called Millie and they start dating and then she gives birth to his new babies and then a tree falls on one of them. I'm pretty sure Fire was also pretty gay for that guy. Uh, anyway. I think he fits the bill because of his goofy charm but also it's pretty disturbing to imagine any iteration of Desuhiko actually getting bitches
Fubuki Clockford -> um. uh. Silverstream?
Silverstream, in canon, is the only daughter of Crookedstar, the leader of RiverClan, and is (implied to not having a problem with) getting various privileges because of this. Fits with Fubuki's rich timelord parents, plus light blue aesthetic, and a few other things which are hard to articulate. Only thing is that she's generally way more headstrong and impulsive than Fubuki showed to be, could "bend her father to her will with little effort", and disrespects the law if it's stupid to her which, queen shit. I think she'll play a lot of little pranks with her time powers, and devote her free time/time with YumaRusty when he's accused of terrorism crimes (but that's just unrestrained summer fun anyway) to absolutely decimate any peacekeepers they come across with some looney tunes shit
Vivia Twilight -> I'll be honest I have no fucking idea
Zero fucking idea. Literally NOBODY in this arc fits for the 5D chess of a character Vivia is. I'm not even sure if in any of the books. Help me. But also I don't really care because I don't even like Vivia at all anyway he freaks me out get him away from me.
Yakou Furio -> Bluestar?
Protag mentor figure except Bluestar is actually doing a good job at that until she loses her marbles after her mid-arc torment gauntlet and has a corruption arc until she drowns and gets healed of all her issues momentarily before fucking dying. She has a dead husband, dead mom, dead sister, dead baby, dead deputy, dead deputy #2, dead bestie, holy shit that's a lot of motives for suicidemurdering Huesgoose. Btw Goose was her weird voice of god hearing uncle in canon (and he was also dead) but I'm probably taking it out unless. Anyway she's kinda too good for Yakou but. They're also both blue like that is a blue cat
And for some side characters, keyword some:
Aiko -> Littlepaw/cloud
Aetheria's now not an all girls school anymore sorry I cannot do this guys. Littlecloud was Cinder's/Kurumi's good buddy and I like their friendship. Unfortunately, you know what that means.
Karen -> Swiftpaw
Originally was supposed to have Aiko's place before I remembered Little exists. In canon his most notable moment was dying brutally, which I mean also fits the Karen quota. Plus, while not an asshole per se he does have a more fiery/overall angry personality and he did try to impulsively take on a pack of dogs to prove himself and fucking died, if under enough pressure I'm pretty sure he could smash Aiko's/Littlepaw's head in with a brick too👍👍
Yoshiko, Waruna, Kurane -> Brackenpaw/fur, Thornpaw/claw, Brightpaw/heart?
Siblings in canon and two of them are guys so no murderous yuri I guess :(( But I mean I don't have to follow canon to a T anyway lmao so we'll see. In canon, basically the other three remaining apprentices along with Swiftpaw and the ashfern siblings, plus they do function as a trio via just being sibs. Plus some notes from the books: Cinder is the fourth sibling. Brightpaw follows Swiftpaw in his quest to slay the doggy and while he dies she survives but gets her eyeball and half of her entire face's fur torn off.
Real Zilch -> Redtail
He's very dead. Very, very dead. His most iconic moment was dying abruptly and tragically via murder rip in rest
Kei Colan -> Snowkit
He is a child. That's a little boy
Yellowfang, signing back in swagful motions: and how much cash does your mama have on her currently
Jiei Colan -> Speckletail
Snowkit's very old mama. Looks like she could kill you but genuinely does not have a body count. Yet.
Ramen Stand Owner -> Ravenpaw
Ravenpaw in canon hit the bricks and ran away from the Clans due to being in danger there, and lived out the rest of his days on a farm with his cowboy boyfriend Barley mostly free of drama. I'd say that fits lmao. We can make his old name Rusty, not a problem.
Margulaw -> Pinestar
90 year old voice "yeah so uhh my fucking son grew up to be a dictator now. When he was a newborn ghosts were yelling at me to kill him because he'll grow up to be a bad man otherwise and of course like any sane kanaiwardian father I said "fuck that" and had to leave ma' family behind run away from the company so the demons would shut up. And y'know little buddy... Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I just can't help but. Y'know. Anyway. Sigh."
Do you get my vision did that sound comprehensible
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nepticmancer · 7 months
Shout out to The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle by Avi.
First chapter of Witch Rose with the ship scene is based off whatever I remember from when I read it.
(Quick word to those of you only interested in this post for the just dance tag, most of this post is actually about The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle until the last paragraph before my sign off)
(And to those of you who want to read The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle, this post contains HEAVY spoilers for the book, you have been warned)
It’s still one of my favorite books, I finished it in a few days and then half my class tried to murder me because I knew whether or not one dude dies and who murdered the other guy. I love that book so much oh my goodness gosh gracious. I want to get back into writing sailors and pirates and I would be interested in learning more. So if I come out with some random project on sailors, it’s going to be because of Charlotte Doyle. I actually disliked Charlotte at the beginning for her actions but with a new mindset it’s easy to see why she did everything she did. She was a scared teenager who’s status made her a bit distrustful of the crew and Jaggery used that against her.
I also have to mention my love for the round robin. It’s a circle with names on it that sailors sign to agree on overthrowing their captain after harsh and unfair treatments. The reason for it being a circle is so that it’s unclear who’s name was put first or who is leading the rebellion.
Some other characters that I feel I gotta mention because I adore them so much.
The first mate, Mr. Hollybrass. I love him so much. When he had his verbal dispute with Jaggery resulting in his demise I was so happy. Not because he died but because he was pissed off at Jaggery for being a rash dumbass. Bro got stabbed in the back, literally. I actually did a writing from his perspective and it was so fun, my teacher liked it too. I actually had to trade my paper to get Hollybrass but it was so worth it.
Rebellion man, Mr. Cranick. I don’t have much to say really since he died early on but I still loved him so much. I know captains are meant to be harsh on crew but Cranick didn’t deserve to be beaten as badly as he was by Jaggery.
New Captain, Mr. Fisk. Once again, not much to say but I love him all the same. I’m so glad he became captain and I know he’s such a big step up from Jaggery. I believe whole heartedly he’s going to be a strict captain but I think he makes a much better captain seeing as, he’s was a member of a Seahawk crew and he’s been through it quite a bit along with his crewmates.
Mermaid lover, Ewing. He was such a nice change from the rest of the crew to me. The crewmen are all understandably a bit distrustful and cautious of Charlotte but Ewing just talking with her whilst sewing was sweet. Now, I know he can still be distrustful of her but it was still a sweet scene.
Main character, Charlotte. Ok, I wasn’t going to do a review on her but, she’s got a very powerful arc. Her story is about a young girl finding freedom and taking her life into her own hands and making her own choices and I love her for that. She was so dislikable at times but I would’ve made the same choices as her. Her defending Zachariah from the whip after not trusting him for so long and then hurting Jaggery instead, even by accident. I applaud her. When she couldn’t turn to Jaggery anymore she turned to the crew who hated her just as much but still gave her a chance. She climbed the rat lines to prove she was sorry and genuine about her wanting to be a crew member. She’s so dedicated and I really admire her character for that. And the end when she tried to befriend her servant and then ran away from her house right back to the place that truly felt like home made me so happy.
And how could anyone forget Zachariah? Honestly, he was not the character I was expecting when my teacher first mentioned him but he is a great character. Him protecting and defending Charlotte? Kind of a fatherly move if you ask me. He made Charlotte a captain after Jaggery died and did most of the work. And his reunion with her was sweet. And let me mention that dagger, that was most likely his only weapon and he wanted Charlotte to use it to protect herself. He saved her too when she nearly fell in the storm. e how he puts her over himself so much and
Everything in the book was so worth while, a great read. I’m so glad to have read this book and have it help me write not only the storm scene in Witch Rose but also some short stories and I even wrote a short sequel that while unfinished was still so fun. It really helped me figure out what books I had an interest in, I would love to write more on sailors and maybe even involve those themes in Just Dance fics as well. I hope you didn’t mind my rambling on this book that I haven’t read in a year.
Much love,
Neptic Mancer<3
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mrsvercetti · 1 year
Hiya! Can I have a matchup with the turtles?
I’m 5’4 (and a half!) and I’m 19. I work as a writer and work with firearms and blacksmithing in my free time!
Currently studying religion in university. I graduated from high school at 16 and LOOOVE learning about the earth, who formed us, how the heck we got here, the makeup of plants and space!
I’m super outgoing and love everyone! Although I’m an ambivert- I love socializing but I also love spending 5-6 hours writing in the dark about God and space theories. I’d rather work alone than in a team because I feel like I’m the only one who can specifically articulate what I mean. Also I like listening to music and spending time by myself in my head with no one to bother me. I have many ideas but sound like an idiot when I talk about them so I just make myself look stupid, everyone underestimates me!
I am super creative and love science and technology but it all goes right over my head. I can’t remember the biological makeup of the plants I love to study, I wanted to study neuroscience but my math skills are that if a 6th grader. I have horrid math anxiety. I can tell you how to hack into a telemarketers computer but cannot do it myself. I have so many ideas for cool tools… but I feel kinda useless.
I’m creative and artistic but I can’t draw. I can’t get out any of my ideas out in paper so I’m just stuck,
writing about them.
thank youuu!
I match you with...
Tumblr media
This man....This sweet little angel
He would NOT STOP thinking about you.
Like to him, EVERYTHING about you cannot be described by words. That's how perfect you are to him.
You and him both love learning and you guys bond over that.
He wanted somebody who would understand his intelligence. How special he is.
When you came to his life, it was like a God’s blessing.
He would always talk about you to his brothers. He can slightly annoy them but his brothers are happy that Donnie is happy y’know?
Personality wise, you guys are opposites.
He’s shy and you’re sociable and outgoing. You guys fit like a puzzle.
He would have you as his lab partner as soon as you guys get together as a couple.
Would teach you whatever you want to know. If he doesn’t know, he’ll spend hours doing research. Because he loves you and wants you to know everything.
He would let you work alone if that’s how you want to work. But the only condition is that you need to stay close to him. What if you get injured? He needs to protect you.
He doesn’t find you stupid or underestimate you in any way. He loves listening to your ideas and would love to cooperate with you to make those ideas a real thing.
This man will help you with biology if you have hard time remembering it. He’d also help you with math. This man will literally help you with anything.
If you are with him, he will never make you feel useless. He’s a gentle ninja who loves to give people what they want.
Creativity is what makes someone infinitely attractive in Donatello’s opinion. So, your ideas are never ignored or criticized in any way.
He’s not much of an artist. But would totally love to practice it with you.
If you wrote something like a short fanfiction, he’ll read it even if it is not finished. He wont judge you and will help you write the rest.
Also LOVES reading your theories. And will encourage you to write more.
Definitely will indulge himself into studying Religion with you.
If you are anywhere, Like in his lab, on the streets, on the living room watching T.V with his brothers, he will constantly flirt with you.
He will also bring you gifts that he made. He spent days to make it perfect so be very thankful, okay?
Will also be a bit of a tease. He’ll tease you about the height different you both have.
If you get upset about it, then expect the worlds greatest apology. Flowers, gifts, cuddles etc.
He’s also the type to sew you a dress or any type of clothing that you like.
Your name on his phone is this “😘🥰💕❤️Babygurl😍😊😚💗”
He’ll call you pet names all the time! “Honey”, “My Beautiful Queen”, “Baby girl”, “My cute kunoichi” (Because he will teach you ninjutsu), “Bunny”
Very clingy and wants to be with you all the time.
He's a sensitive baby so please don't be harsh on him if you get upset or angry.
He also gets insanely jealous if anyone flirts with you. He'll also get sad if the person who flirted with you seemed to be better than him. You need to reassure him that he's the only one for you.
Also, you get along with his brothers so that's a plus point!
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selfshipping-central · 4 months
Okay okay okay *inhales deeply*
First of all: I'd like a male character, if platonic or romantic is irrelevant to me and I'm leaving that up to you.
So my personality is pretty bubbly I'd say, I can talk a shit ton and keep a conversation going as long as I'm interested in it, if I'm not you'll most likely notice bc I'm not good at hiding my non exited interest in things (and I don't want to hide it either). I'm out going, I love to meet new ppl - both irl and online. But I can also listen. Like sitting still and keeping eye contact is not something I can do but I can stare at a wall and listen to people for hours - I forget most of it the second they end their sentence but that's bc my short term memory is trash (thank you social media, you ruined my brain for good)
I love art. No matter what type of art. Poetries, stories, painting, music whatever it is I love it. I also love my hyperfixations and will teach you the lore of whatever it is that's stuck in my head - I usually send like 10 minutes voice messages to my bestie just rambling about whatever's going through my head. I love to watch the stars, out of my friend group I'm the star (my childhood bestie is the moon, my other bestie's the moon) so that only makes sense ig
My personality type is ENFP if that helps idk.
My hobbies are bouldering, skating, painting, writing uhhh going on late night drives w das homies. I design and sew clothes, I create OCs (sometimes) I'm super interested in fashion bc that shit's simply my thing. I know how to style stuff to make it look good (my friends literally ask me for advice sometimes which makes my lil fashion heart bloom, I love to channel my inner Velvette)
I'm pretty self reflected and self aware, I curse a LOT (trying my best to not write "fuck" or "fucking" in every sentence, it's hard) I am confident mainly bc idc what ppl think about me, like fuck em who r they to judge?
I have short, messy brown hair, green eyes and fucking pale skin (basically a vampire at this point) before I get tan I get my skin burned bc my skin's sensitive af. I do have freckles though they're more visible during summer. I'm 5'3 ish, dress like your typical skater punk and love to wear eyeshadow (brown eyeshadow simply looks good on me)
People say I'm funny so I'm gonna say I'm funny. Uh I think that should be it.
Fandom: Helluva Boss
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Blitzø!! (Romantic)
After knowing you for a while (not enough we must be friends for life shawty) we are very Blitzø coded.
Which is why you need him to be your partner in crime!!
100% rants to you about his love for horses
Will get all lovestruck when you take him horse riding!!
"I had no clue I could fall in love with you anymore. But holy fuckin' hell babe... I'm going to suck the shit outta your dick tonight."
Your personalities mesh so well together!!
He's your hype man!!
And you're his!!
"Yeaaa!! You get him babe!!! That's my boyfriend you know. Did I mention I suck his dick every night? Fuck him up danger dick!!"
Both of you forgetting literally everything. It's so bad please take either Millie or Moxxie with you when you're on missions.
This is the both of you -> (´・ω・`)?
"Wait what were we gonna do?"
"I don't remember."
"Fuck- Moxxie what are we doing?"
Adores all forms of your art. Thinks your patchwork is so sick!! Your painting and writings too!! He loves all of it!!
"Holy shit- You made that jacket? Babe. Can you make me one?"
He finds your sense of fashion so hot. The whole vibe is so hot to him. Just watching you walk around all relaxed and confident has him all black in the cheeks and flushed. (Cause they have black blood see what I did there hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )P )
"Fuck. Your outfits make you look so hot..."
Doesn't mind listening to your ramblings but he must have his turn to ramble too!! ♪(^∇^*)
"Wait so the British man- kills kids?? Slow down- start again what is this about a robot bear-"
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Seeing as me and him have the same MBTI type (ENTP gang pull up) You will get along just fine with him.
Please please please please I beg of you get into debates or arguments with him, spice up your life. I'm saying this with personal experience that if you don't jokingly bicker with each other shit gets so boring so fast.
Besties that are dating vibes.
Thinks that your skating is so cool too.
"Do a flip!! Oh shit he did a flip-"
You swear a lot? He swears a lot. Don't worry about it.
Wants you to do makeup on him but is too scared to ask.
Steals your clothes I don't make the rules.
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
Little bit of a different post:
So, I've gotten an ask while my anon is off, and they asked to remain anonymous, so I'm going to answer here and then send it to them, but I think it's a good post to make, and I would love to hear any input anyone else like @safety-pin-punk has.
Hey so like, I never got to look the way I wanted when I was younger in terms of fashion, and in the past few years that's been changing and I'm coming into my own but something I've noticed is that it's really hard finding alternative fashion for larger men. I'm ~250 lbs and 5'6", and it's pretty discouraging that the only punk fashion I tend to see of guys my body shape is the bear community which I totally love but don't myself identify with. I've never been good at sewing and leather working skills, I'm much better at cooking, carpentry, and computers, so I was wondering if you or your many followers had any resources for guys like me? Etsy shops or something. I don't know, I feel like I can't be the only big guy who wants to look punk in addition to being punk.
There definitely is a skinny white majority you see in the punk scene along with honestly, I feel, like any other scene.
The bear community is great! But it's also just that- a community. And with any community that means that a lot of people are looking/dressing/acting very similar, so if you don't really relate to that then you don't relate to it.
But, a big part of the punk movement is also thrifting! There's this post I remember seeing on here that was criticizing a TikTok of someone being like "I bought these ugly giant pants at a thrift store and tailored them to look cute!" and they took like 3XL jeans to fit them (skinny). But that's what you can do! Go to a thrift store, get a pair of jeans that fits you, and start just making patches for them or whatever. Throw on some safety pins. Etc. My battle jacket is actually a 3XL biker jacket I got from the thrift store. I took some of the patches off and I painted over them to make my own. It was actually really easy to find that biker jacket, I'm really lucky, but I mean even just sweatshirts and sweatpants can be altered easily! That's what the whole punk movement is about! I have a shirt I found that was exactly what I was looking for at the thrift store my grandma works at to make a cryptid patch shirt for.
Etsy shops are great for getting the additions you need, like spikes or if you want someone else's patches, or if you want some button pins that aren't from Hot Topic, etc. Etsy is great for when you want to support independent, often minority creators with accessories for your own clothes, but thrifting is a great way to get plus-sized cheap clothing.
I feel like I myself even don't fit into "punk" the way I really want to. Not so much from my size but just how I really don't feel like I even come close to passing as a guy. I'm also very isolated (rural North Carolina) but I work in the city, but like even in my store I definitely don't fit in. I don't know anyone else punk geographically close to me except one trans guy in my art class who ended up dropping out. And he like. Passed way better than me and was way hotter than me. Does that matter? Literally no but I understand not feeling like you fit in both with "normal" people and with other "punk" people because I just don't feel... attractive enough? Like trust me I KNOW how stupid that sounds but especially in a gender sense when I look at punk guys I'm like damn I wish I looked like a dude but oh well.
Anyway I hope some of this was helpful and I'm sure Key will have something a lot more insightful to add. And I'll be sending you this post as well.
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10hourshift · 1 year
Stupid/silly rant abt something that probably only I care abt xd
(god i spent so much time on this)
So, for the last two days I've tried to make a redesign of the shadow-magical-girl chica outfit
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This one ⬆️⬆️
And it literally sucks so much* that it leaves me with no idea to redesign it without changing everything from it
*in regards of design according Ann's Character, not if the outfit in itself, that is actually really cute*
So I'm just going to point out some things that bother me and mention what I think it would work instead
The outfit as it is
Look, i know this might be a personal bias, BUT magical transformations should be fun!!The excuse of "it's magic, it can do whatever it wants" gives us the opportunity to make cute outfits and stuff!!
Look, the dress is cute, alright, but adding a little bit more of details can really seal the deal here, maybe a bow in there, or some chains if we are going w a more "edgy" design, or adding a few markings on the boots to make them less flat. (Look i know that the design also can not be overly complicated bc the model would be hell to animate, but this girl needs accessories!)
Look, if you added a few random things over the original design it would make it a little bit more interesting, you could call it a day, right? Well yes, but that's what takes me to my second point...
This design is nonsense!!
Look, magical transformations are usually based in a certain theme or idea surrounding the character. Here are some examples
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So, with that in mind, what can get get from chica transformation? (That story wise is supposed to show her growth as a person bc it shows that she accepted "her shadows"*)
*what are the shadows anyway, opposite personalities, their biggest fears or just ~bad vibes~?)*
Well, nothing, being the look so basic, and even with the long hair, something that is uncharacteristic of chica, she doesn't look like herself (you can edit the eyes and say it's joy, and it would look more credible) and it's only a problem for Ann, because both Freed and Bonnie have transformations that show their characters
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This one is more of a fusion of Freddy and Fred, with the school uniform for Freddy (being his most recognizable look), and the vest for Fred (i want to remember the outfit that Fred uses in the wolf in sheep clothing has a black vest, this one could be representing that but idk)
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This one does a Great job, because shows a lot of Bonnie personality (his love for the guitar w the pick, the characteristic hairdo that he does when playing, even the outfit is more "rock" idk how to explain)
So, how did this happen?
Well it's really simple, Chica doesn't have any personality of her own, or things she's recognizable for.
Both Freddy and Bonnie have things that they are known for (Fred and the Yaoi guitarist), that are used in the transformation, Chicago on the other hand isn't recognized for anything else beyond being The Girl™ of the band, in that sense, the transformation does a nice job representing that.
But Chica is more than that
In the series we see different aspects of her, she likes having and supporting her friends, she likes sewing and making clothes, she's the last one to give up on anything, she started a band with the trouble kid, an apathetic dude, a micro niche celebrity and the strange new kid, and somehow she made it work! So there's really no excuse to have her as basic as that.*
Oh hey btw i did make a design for her, but as I said before its really different from the original, and then I realized it kinda looks like @cinnabundolly12 Design--- this one that is waay cooler than mine, so I gave up and made this strange rant
*to be completely fair, Chica has a lack of troubles or conflicts of her own, most of them are related to the whole group, she has a little self doubt one chapter and then sings her song and that's it, she's also very bland as a character xd*
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I just put the drawing here bc i liked how the body came out and I will probably delete the file from my phone later
I based the design from here
And it just follows a star theme, i used that bass I found on Pinterest lol. Also I did try to implement some elements from the original but lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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acutiewithagun · 1 year
I'm A cutie with a gun. Or Dani, or Gun, or Cutie, or really whatever nickname you want to bless me with. I use all pronouns, and post random shit on the Internet.
I'm turning twenty-one on November sixth. My top four favorite colors are pink, green, orange, and yellow. The last two constantly move up or down spaces depending on the day.
I have been diagnosed with autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, anxiety, ADD (I know it has a new name but I can't remember it), and pre-mature menopause. That last one doesn't matter as much but I can shove the fact my body thinks it's fifty in people's faces. Oh I used to have absent seizures, however they went away when I was 16.
My hobbies include, but are not limited to: Singing, writing, song writing, drawing, reading, sewing, knitting, crocheting, telling jokes, making random content, making other people smile, baking, cooking, and learning anything and everything to do with turtles.
I have been described as kind, sweet, and a good person. Which is bull, I can be mean when it is necessary. But I won't because it's a waste of my time. But I am not a good person, I am simply a person who is living and breathing.
I am a people pleaser, so I don't say no often. But I am working on it. As much as I hate to admit it, I have abandonment issues. So I'm a clingy mother fucker. If you know me irl I literally am the most huggable person in the world. Like any chance I get I'm hugging people and cuddling.
I'm tall, I think I'm 5'9 now. I weigh like, 131 pounds, I checked five days ago. I have three siblings, one older brother, one younger brother, and a younger sister. By that's all I'll say about them to keep their identities safe.
This is just basic information about me you could find anywhere. I'm plain and ordinary, completely human. Nobody asked for this info, but it's here. Also discord: acutiewithagun
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beatlesforsale · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers. (please don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want too) :)
Hey Felix! Tysm for the ask, hope you've been well!
Ah man hard to put in 5 things but I'll try :) 1. Atticus, my most favourite bread shaped corgi. He always makes me feel so happy and I always miss him when he goes to my parents but he gets so excited to come over to my house and see me and my partner. He's 10 next month and I'm so excited to celebrate with him by spoiling him rotten! :3 2. Music. I always have to have music on and even though it flows with my mood mostly I'm so glad I'm able to have a constant rotation. Also helps that @duke-and-acceptance has helped curate my music tastes a bit the last year or so 😅😅 (sad rap was literally my top 2nd genre for Spotify Wrapped and that's his fault lmao) 3. Sewing. I've been pounding out cross stitches in time for Christmas and It's such a relaxing hobby for me. I'm so glad I was re-taught by my mother, it's so good to do something with my hands! 4. Being able to travel. I've been really lucky to have travelled around the world from 6 months old and not being able to travel during the pandemic was really rough! Going to Germany this year really rekindled my love for exploration and I am so excited to see where I go next! 5. Revelling in the small stuff and rebuilding my mental health. I've long struggled with my anxiety/depression and I'm finally trying to take it seriously with regular therapy. I hope I can get on top of it and be the best version of me I can be. Being able to enjoy the small things like someone remembering something about me that I like or even just sharing something with me makes my heart so, so full. I'm glad to have my health, my friends, my partner, and most importantly myself to fall back on. I'm so incredibly lucky to have the circle I do around me. I don't take it for granted.
Thank you @lostspacepunk!!! 💘💘💘💘💘
Bonus: Atticus sleeping in whatever position this is.
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ipsen · 1 year
"Go on. Ask" is the most lovely and slightly intimidating ask box title I have ever seen and I'm happy to have a chance to mention it now ALRIGHT 1, 4, 10, 14 for etoken and 15. Hopefully that's not too many, I love hearing your thoughts.
I came up with it last second! I was gonna go with an egregious misspelling of "question" but remembered that English is the most cursed language on the planet and chose something else.
Character ramble: Eto
Wouldn't do anyone else.
This fucking bitch. Love her so much. She writes about tragedy, about loneliness, about being barred from the thing you want most. Each thing she has written, even the comedies, is the only window into her soul that anyone will ever get.
She inflicts suffering on the people who remind her of herself too much. People who are weak, angry, and down on their luck. And glass mirrors are so easy to shatter. So, like what she wants deep down (imo), she "saves" them. She sews suffering onto their skin, either with her words or literally sewing onto them.
She founded Aogiri, a militant ghoul organization that got tons of people killed, including its own members. It is responsible for so much violence and suffering in the world, barely putting itself above the likes of the CCG by never directly targeting civilians.
And yet, in the muck of sadness and sorrow and bloodshed, there are little glimmers of love and light to her. Little diamonds created from the pressure created by the corpses at her feet. Let's see:
Aogiri housing children is something that can easily go over your head. Is it ideal? No, but they are protected by some of the strongest ghouls in Tokyo, which is the primary objective. Can't have a world for ghouls without ghoul children to live past the adults.
She values life. It's actually one of the first things we learn about her, when she asks Tatara how many lost their lives in the 11th ward after the original Aogiri arc. She hates wasteful, purposeless death, which is the primary thing she is fighting against.
She is cruel to people who remind her of her, but there's a caveat to this. She is cruel to people who remind her of her who are also liars. Take Nashiro and Kurona, for instance, who are convinced they're Awesome because of their kagune and their survival of Kanou's process. They are not special, and Eto is aware of this, so she berates them for it, showcasing her overwhelming strength and cutting their delusions to pieces in a few short minutes. Cut to Hinami, who is very similar to Eto (orphan with every reason to hate the CCG). But Hinami doesn't lie to herself; she knows she weak and has to get stronger. And who is Eto to deny her the chance?
She has every reason to want to destroy everything. It's something Haise catches when he describes her writing: this desire to break it all. But that's not what she's doing. Because if she did, she wouldn't exist in the narrative; she would have died a long time ago. But instead, she's fighting against a system that works fueled off of people like her. To add to that, she wants "a world for ghouls" despite everything. To that end, she'd give her entire life and legacy for that world, one way or another.
One of the angriest, saddest, most self-hating characters in the TG's universe fights out of love.
4. What character do you (the asker) remind me of?
You are this strange amalgamation of Takizawa (profile), Furuta (your Content), and a sprinkle of Koori Ui (by assocation with Furuta). There is an understanding here.
I don't have anything else to add.
10. Hypothetical ghoul quinque
Lemme just remind myself of every single ghoul kagune in the series, no biggie...
Aha! Banjou. Why? Because he heals. Quinques are only ever seen inflicting copious amounts of violence on whoever or whatever is standing on the other side. Let me see some support roles!
And imagine the legendary "Healer Quinque". The advancement in medicine... Don't need iPS cells from no stupid "Dragon" kakuja. The answer's right in front of you!! Shinohara would've woken up in two weeks, I'm telling you.
14. EtoKen song
Fall Out Boy's "Just One Yesterday" is an absolute delight for the two of them. The lyrics are a wondrous mix of lost love, self-awareness of toxicity and self-hatred, and just hatred (which is just more self-hatred tbh) toward the other in general, with a healthy edge of violence that Tokyo Ghoul is famous for.
Also, it's a duet, and they're singing about the same thing. Also, I love duets.
Favorite lyrics from the song include:
If I spilled my guts The world would never look at you the same way And now I'm here to give you all of my love So I can watch your face as I take it all away
(sound familiar?)
I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way
(SOUND FAMILIAR??? The chorus is particularly good for them)
I don't have the right name or the right looks But I have twice the heart
(it's this specific tittering on the line (i love you, but i really fucking hate myself, but I see myself in you?) between hatred and love that defines the ship)
15. Favorite manga panel
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This panel. Drives me insane. Every single time. It altered my brain chemistry in the best way possible. TWICE. Once when it premiered, and again when I reread this whole series on a whim. This is the most gentle/intimate Eto will ever be with someone, and he doesn't even give a shit. It's the perfect encapsulation of her entire life, in three short panels.
As for the original TG:
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This was the wildest fucking thing when it premiered. I lost my goddamn mind at this chapter.
There's three (3? III.) meanings behind this WILD dialogue. It's a fakeout is the obvious one, and the second meaning is that it's actually metaphorical while being pseudo-literal.
But the THIRD meaning is theory territory. As always, I gotta bring up my favorite little sweetheart, Eto. She was Arima's original quinque; her being the original candidate for OEK makes way too much sense, and here, Arima is officially putting this new toy (Kaneki) on trial to be a replacement. This later comes full circle when Kaneki breaks the Owl quinque and solidifies his position.
WHEW. What a loaded post. Thanks for asking!
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