#literally have never been interested in amiibo
folansstuff · 10 months
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25 Days until Tears of the Kingdom Release. Is it really? Haha the smaller the number gets the more I doubt reality. I've just been waiting for this game for so long that even with all the marketing and the trailer analysis it's hard to believe its actually happening.
Spoilers under the cut for the last batch of screenshot trailer analysis.
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So this tear has the recall chicken symbol on it. I checked. Zelda also has the Master Sword with her. Either she's fixing the sword and that's something only she can do or Zelda is in the past so the sword isn't broken yet and she is leaving something there for Link.
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Ganondorf, mummy version I'm assuming, spewing red malice stuff but much brighter red this time. I wonder if Malice is just Ganondorf's version of fuse. Link gets green glue and Ganondorf red. After this there is a shot where the red stuff hits the sky and starts summoning monsters. The trailer transitions it to make it look continuous but once we get into the game we'll most likely find that it's separate cut scenes or different parts of the same cut scene but not continuous. Honestly, I think this might be where Link and the Master Sword get attacked but I'm still not giving up on the possibility that the malice emerges from the Master Sword outwards as Fi looses control on Demise.
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I'm pretty sure I mentioned the lack of lynels in the other analysis I did. Welp here they are with their massive antlers (oof on the damage those things will probably cause) and the sword looking thing sticking out of one of their heads. I wonder what fusing Lynel horns to shields, swords, or arrows will do. I think I'll fight some just for that.
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What else do I have to say? It's the main man, Ganondorf. I can't wait to kick his ass again.
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Never seen this enemy in any of the Zelda games I've played. However, I will look forward to this boss fight/mini boss fight and whatever skill or item we need to defeat it. Maybe ascend or some ice weapon? I heard that ascend works on certain enemies and I'm very curious about which ones. It'd be interesting if this enemy tries to swallow Link and Link just ascends through the roof of its mouth.
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This is Hylia or some version of Zelda from the past (yeah I'm aware that Hylia is technically a version of Zelda but whatever.) I think she's very pretty, super amazing, and very strong considering she laser beams a bunch of Molduga with no sweat.
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RIJU!!! Look at my girl double wielding swords (Can we do it too as Link? Nintendo?? I wanna duel wield.) Riju appears to have grown into her own and mastered her lightning powers without needing the Helm. I'm so proud of her and I can't wait to fight along side her.
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I can't tell you how cool it is to see that Link will be working and fighting alongside other citizens of Hyrule. The resistance in Twilight Princess walked so that TOTK NPCS can run. At least that's my hope. Also neat looking sword Link.
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Now this part of the trailer nearly gave me a heart attack. I was like no freaking way will the new champions literally fight besides Link and not just in a cut scene. How sick is this? Of course, I heard some people say co-op but I don't think that's what's happening. You see the blue glowy stuff on Sidon? Yeah it was on Tulin too. I think the new champions might be like summons, automated companions. I think Nintendo took the wolf link amiibo and the Yunobu follow quest and beefed it up. I'm very excited about it.
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So Riju doesn't have a tear that we can see and they haven't shown Yunobu but Tulin and Sidon have different tears. I'm very curious about what these things do. I'm also amused that Sidon got blue and Tulin green considering the colors of Mipha's Grace and Revali's Gale. I'm not sure about the symbols on them since I don't think they correspond to any of the abilities icons unlike recall. Anyway, it's just another thing that can't be answered until the game is out.
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Giant fire gleeok or three headed evil dragon or whatever it's called, it's a sick looking boss that I can't wait to fight. Also the weapon that Link is using looks so other worldly. It's got the shape of a wing and its probably ice related. I wonder what enemy Link got it from but it does remind me of Naydra so maybe it's a dragon part? Nintendo really popped off with the Fuse ability.
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So Ganondorf is most likely what this mural figure represent but look at the Hylian (i think it's a hylian, could be a Zonai) beneath him. I think the figure with its hand raised represents either Link or the person who owned the ancient hand and sealed Ganondorf.
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It's a bit hard to see but see these four warriors? I think they might represent the four champions since these guys are the only warrior figures in the middle of the horde of monsters. The warriors that aren't yet in the midst of monsters must represent the other NPCs, the citizens of Hyrule that are also fighting back. I think the mural is neat and I wonder where we might see it in the game.
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Lastly, Zelda holding the Master Sword and saying "You must find me Link." The first time I watched the trailer I went "Zelda?? If Link has to find you then where the heck are you??" And that's where time travel to the past is looking like a more and more likely theory. The only other theory I have involves realms/alternate worlds since A Link Between worlds exists and so do the Twilight and Silent Realms. But again, I think we'll just have to wait and see what the game has in store.
Thank you for coming to the end of this analysis with me. I'm ecstatic to have my questions answered on May 12, 2023.
Edit: It has been brought to my attention that Riju does in fact have a visible tear and I even posted a picture where it is visible. Guess my brain was so focused on how badass she looked while duel wielding swords that I missed it. Welp that's three for three tears so I'm expecting Yunobu to have one.
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enigmaticfossil · 1 year
Something irking me in this fandom is the constant arguments over Link’s age. This series has been my special interest for a good 25 years so I guess I feel like rambling a little.
There are massive discrepancies in the logic of supposed “canon” references. And even Nintendo, for example, through interviews and written word has said that Link was 9, 10 or 12 in OOT (adult link still qualifies as a child in my eyes since his body was aged 7 years, not his mind).
(Small addition, though I’m aware LOZ is fictional and the world is fantasy, Japan has had a law stating the age of adulthood as 20 since 1896, only recently changed to 18 this year. It does beg to question the concept of “adulthood” in this fictional world and how the people of Hyrule see age. Especially with the longevity of many races.)
Or if you look at Wind Waker, where it states in game his character is the age of the legendary hero which, at the time of release, seemed to reference OOT, we assume he’s one of those ages. But both the amiibo & a statement from Nintendo said he was 12 years old.
Okay—so OOT Link is 12? Still fits, since he hasn’t reached his teens. BUT also, the WW timeline takes place after Link defeats Ganondorf in the 7 year time skip—which he appeared to do as an adult between 16-19, as that is what he is legendary for. And he “disappeared” because he went back to his own time so he wasn’t there to stop what happened.
And again, if their timeline is correct, The Adventure of Link takes place 6 years after OOT, chronologically. Nintendo claims he was 16 in that game.
Making the 9/10 year old OOT Link supposedly accurate, despite the WW claims. Especially if we consider Majora’s Mask Link is the same or, at most, year older than his OOT counterpart.
In ALttP Zelda is 16, and since Link is typically “close” to her in age (it has never said the same age) we can assume he’s anywhere between 16-18, even then 16-17 seems more likely. Which says that in the follow up games he’s around that age too, probably aging up a year or two.
And while we can use things like Toon Link’s model to guess he’s the same or similar age in all Toon Link games, making the 12 year old hero predating OOT in Minish Cap, the “on model” solution doesn’t work for the 5-6 year time skip of BOTW-TOTK. In BOTW we can GUESS that Link is close to Zelda’s age, but that can still range from 17–18 years old at least, depending on what Nintendo deems as “close”.
And according to yet ANOTHER source, Twilight Princess Zelda is 20, and based off of an interview, Link is 17…so what does the unwritten “Link and Zelda are always close in age” rule imply?
Interviews, guides, the games and even the Historia conflict over and over again. These are just a handful of examples that I remember and poked around to verify again.
I’m not saying there aren’t canon instances of Link being CLEARLY a child or CLEARLY an adult or adult-adjacent (what Nintendo deems as adult in these games is convoluted sometimes), and those are important factors. But he’s also meant to be an immersion from player to the game.
Nintendo retcons nearly everything they’ve said or done, and theorizing by following one answer or another is fun, and having Zelda gives us a range to often put an age that’s close to accurate for him. It’s even more interesting to dive into these discrepancies that are just going to exist, Nintendo wrote the stories as they went and that’s okay! It’s fun that they’re trying to tie them all together, inconsistencies or not it’s still an amazing story.
Link is a character many of us literally grew up with, saw or ourselves, as we opened whichever game sparked our interest to start our adventures into this crazy series of wonderful, and magical games!
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neoyi · 1 year
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Last-minute panics to do a task is real; it's a constant habit of mine and something you should, on a general note, never, ever, ever, EVER do.
I am, of course, talking about buying up any of the 3DS games I wanted before the eshop closes (as of this writing, tomorrow.) So the last two or so weeks have been a mad dash as I tried to fill my l'il handheld with whatever game that piques my interest. I can only hope I'll enjoy them!
So in fashionable alphabetical order, they are... under the "Keep Reading."
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Attack of the Friday Monster! A Tokyo Tale: Just the sound of exploring everyday mundane life in a small-time quiet, rural Japanese town was enough to draw me in. The Kaiju battles that happens every Friday was just incidental.
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BoxBoxBoy/Bye-Bye Box Boy: I already owned the first one and though I never finished it, I didn't feel particularly guilty about it. The whole series is one of those pick-up-and-play-for-a-few-minutes kind of puzzlers, so it'll still be there waiting for me whenever I feel the urge to return to its monochromatic world. I'm just relieved I don't love Box Boy that much to invest in the far-too-expensive Japanese exclusive amiibo.
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Bravely Default: "You gotta play Bravely Default!" "If you like Final Fantasy, play Bravely Default!" "Hey! When are you gonna play Bravely Default?" "Are you gonna get Bravely Default?" "YOU GOTTA PLAY BRAVELY DEFAULT!" Jesus Christ, alright already! I got goddang Bravely Default! I swear, this had better be the JRPG equivalent of ambrosia. (Exaggerated joking aside, I do love JRPGs and am always on the lookout for any intriguing potentials from its massive library.)\
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Crashmo: I mean, I already got Pushmo. I did pick up Stretchmo, but I'm not going to waste more money buying the packs that come with it. These are enough and like the Box Boy series, they're games that'll do on a whim.
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Dillon's Rolling Western: Honestly, I don't care about tower defense games and even though this is one of the rare, new Nintendo IP (well, "new", this game came out a decade ago, which says a lot about Nintendo's reliance on tried-and-true franchises nowadays), I don't particular find the artwork or setting (I can take or leave westerns) appealing. I guess I'm getting it since it's a digital-only game and I'm not confident I'll see any of these ported or remastered to newer consoles anytime soon. Who knows, maybe I'll dig it. I'm also kind of kicking myself, because when I purchased Dillon, I thought I got the first game. What I accidentally bought was its sequel (The Last Ranger), and me being a stickler to try and play the very first game whenever possible, double dipped to get Game 1. So I guess I have two Dillon games. I guess. :/
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Dragon Quest VIII: I have no excuse for this one. I have literally played the PS2 demo before it first came out almost twenty damn years ago, impressed as hell, and dead set on buying a copy when it came out. Then I got lazy. Then they announced the 3DS version and I was dead set on getting that. Then I got lazy. And now, both physical copies of the game went soaring up in price. Only now have I finally moved my ass and fulfilled a promise to my nineteen-year-old self to get this goddamn game. I've only played the DQ Builders series, so this will be my first mainstream DQ game... unless I get to DQ11 first, which I got for my Switch a while back. In any case, I couldn't pass up on entry number 8, the one that people cite as "one of the best in the series." Which... well, I can't compare since I'm both Dragon and Questless, but I am looking forward to a fun role-playing experience.
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Ever Oasis: My criteria for getting most of these games were, "Will it be difficult to buy on ebay that it's just better to get the cheaper digital version because no one has heard about this hidden gem?" Hence Ever Oasis.
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Fantasy Life: Ditto this, too. I've been told Fantasy Life and the one before, Ever Oasis, are JRPGs with farm/town management and I'm moth to a flame for both genres, but even more so when combined.
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Kid Icarus: Uprising: Generally, I try to play at least one major Nintendo franchise unless I reaaaaaaaally don't care for its aesthetic or genre (Yeah, I'm good, F-Zero.) The bar is admittedly low for Kid Icarus since prior to the 3DS game, the series only had two games from nearly thirty years ago and I just do not have the time or patience nowadays to play a lot of 80s-era games. I'm fine if my only Kid Icarus exposure is the new version that comes with a hat.
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Picross 3D Round 2/Pokemon Picross: My other criteria is to find the digital-only 3DS exclusive that may or may not ever come out in other consoles, such as the Picross series. I didn't buy all of them because there's like twenty dang versions. I picked up Pokemon Picross because it's free and Picross 3D because it looks neat and different from the 98% 2D versions out there. I fucking love Picross.
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Pocket Card Jockey: I wasn't going to get this game because it supposedly came out for phones, but I couldn't find the damn thing in my android's store. So I just got it on the 3DS. I like Solitaire. And it was seven dollars. *shrugs*
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Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology: It's a JRPG that uses time travel as its gameplay gimmick, 'nuff said. I should play Chrono Trigger again.
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Rhythm Heaven Megamix: I've never played a Rhythm Heaven game before, but I've been told if I didn't buy at least one, Rhythm Heaven will personally come into my apartment and break my kneecaps.
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Rhythm Thief: The Emperor's Treasure: I've heard the game has some issues, but it's a Lovable Rogue thief wearing a sharp as fuck suit wrapped up in a theater's kid rhythm game. It was a thousand times designed for me and my aesthetic.
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Rusty's Real Deal Baseball: Honestly, I think I just want it for the novelty than anything else. I'm aware this game will be totally useless come the 27th, but I don't wanna buy its micro-transcation-before-micro-transcation-were-a-thing mini-games, so I guess it'll remain forever in my 3DS as the little oddball that it is. I'm alright with that.
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Yo-Kai Watch: Boy, I'm gonna really regret it if I only bought the first game in the series, end up liking it so much, and then crying because the physical copies of its sequels are currently forty billion dollars on ebay. I got to admit, this carries some serious Dubbed-By-4kids energy, which either means it's gonna be annoying or charmingly cheesy. But also, I kind of bought it because the game's art style got me nostalgic for 90s-era anime. It certainly looks fun for that alone.
I also got Demos for Chibi-Robo: Photo Finder (just to experience at least one Chibi-Robo game), The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes (I've been told you can play by yourself, it's just not recommended, and since I'm a single-player kinda gal, I might as well test out the demo and see how clunky the solo session supposedly is), Bravely Second (sure, why not), and Puzzles and Dragons: Super Mario Bros Edition (suuuuure, why not?)
There are other 3DS games I'd love to get, but those are going to be physical hunts later down the line. Some I know will still be easy to nab (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds), others probably shovelware that I can find in a bargain bin (Doctor Lautrec and the Forbidden Knights), and others ebay is selling at a higher price than normal, but I still might want (Warioware Gold), etc etc.
Regardless, I feel like I picked out a nice selection of games that will tide me over whenever I get the chance to play them. I guess it was, ultimately, a happy hunt for me. Buy physicals whenever you can. Don't be like me, who has to resort to digital-only for these games because I waited till the last damn minute.
...WiiU? What about the WiiU?
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omamervt · 2 years
It's kind of wild to me. I know Nintendo is aware they're making a kids' game with Splatoon and even with their mobile apps apps, while they're not above predatory behavior, they keep it to a minimum and will add parental warnings about in-app purchases etc... but Splatoon 3 is kind of a glimpse into what old online multiplayer experiences used to be like. It's not perfect, with the rank-based matchmaking, lack of voice chat (no complaints on that one tbh), no offline play with bots for the main gamemode, it has a battle pass in the form of the catalog (luckily not split into, like, free vs premium) etc, but... yeah. It's designed to thrive more on its own merits than it is coercing you to play. I'm a fan of online experiences for the most part, but I haven't found one I've felt like sticking with since, like, 2014 because past that point, mechanics that were designed to encourage you to play at least once a day started to be geared more towards making you (me, at least) feel like you were gonna miss out on something important if you missed even one day. What would inevitably happen is my autistic ass would feel too pressured to play and then, just one day, not be able to get past my anxiety about opening the game, skip playing it that day, and then literally never open it again. This has been an ongoing cycle with basically every online game I've tried since Overwatch (yes I know that was 2016, that was the first AAA game I remember trying that didn't even have a server select screen). And I'm not talking all games with toxic communities, or that are barely even fun if you ignore the social/competitive aspect. I'm talking things like Dauntless, which was FUN, especially with friends, and even still with strangers. And I mean yeah, of course it was, it was a free to play monster hunter clone. But I missed 2 days one time which meant I'd never earn enough points for a certain pirate outfit and then gave up trying and, yep, never looked back.
Meanwhile Splatoon 3 is over here, not having a premium currency (which even $60-90 games are having for some reason these days), lets you buy nearly any outfit in the game, even if it's not currently available at the store, so long as you see another player wearing it, with the exception of things like amiibo outfits or certain splatoon 2 transfers.
Like... It makes me think of games like Halo on Xbox 360 where yeah there were things unlocked through gitting gud at online play but there was plenty of ways to customize if you exclusively played offline in your living room with the neighbors and your older brother who always somehow got to the spartan laser first and you ignored the deathmatch rules because someone figured out how to play soccer with the tanks. AND LIKE, EVEN THAT! You can't do it on one device in Splatoon, but it supports play for 8 people through local wireless. You can easily have "matches" with your friends irl where nobody can make you take the game's rules seriously. It's not quite the same but it's not... gone. It's refreshing to see a game like this where I don't feel pressured to keep playing just because that's the only way to "keep up" with some arbitrary internal standard, I keep playing because I just... want to. Because the game is fun and the world's interesting and dynamic and the characters we get to interact with are delightful and that's enough to make it worth coming back to.
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opalite-craft · 4 years
NFC Tag Spell ideas + Research
I remembered that I had a bunch of blank NFC Tags I originally bought to make my own Animal Crossing Amiibo cards and never did, and then I saw a post from @marsign about using NFC Tags for spells, which I think is a fantastic idea and I’ve been doing some brainstorming on expanding it!
What are NFC Tags? NFC stands for near field communication, and if you own a smartphone or a Nintendo Switch, there’s a good chance you’ve used it at some point! An NFC Tag is a small object (often a small disk, card or sticker) you can write data on that will interact with smart devices when in close proximity to them! They’re very similar to Amiibos, Skylander figures (if you remember those), and I even have some Tamagotchis that are NFC-enabled! Wild, huh?
Writing NFC Tags You’ll need an NFC-compatible smartphone to write them. Most modern Android phones can do this, and according to my research, any iPhone model from the 7 and above should be able to as well, providing they’re running iOS13. There are many apps that you can download to write information onto tags. I’ve chosen ‘NFC Tools’, which is available on both Android and iOS. For Android, there’s also an App called ‘NFC Tasks’ which might be something interesting as it can write things that will control your phone (such as putting it into flight mode, turning wi-fi and bluetooth on/off etc).
What you can write to the tag NFC Tags are not storage, so they can’t hold files locally on them. So anything that you want to have it link to will need to be hosted online or stored locally on the device you’re using it with (if you’re only using it on a single device)
Some of the stuff you can put on the tag:
- URL: Website, Youtube video, hosted image, that kind of thing. Could also be used for things like Discord invite URLs and Pinterest boards, too! - Plain text: This could be good for affirmations, mantras and written spells. - Contact Details and Social Media profiles: Not super witchy, but good if you run a business. -Wi-fi network settings: If you’ve got visitors over, you could store your wi fi settings in the tag and use the tag to transfer the wi fi details to their phone! Good if you’re like me and frequently forget your own Wi-Fi password, heh. - Shortcuts and automations: Do you use your phone for spellwork? If so, how about an amulet you can scan to turn your lights down, hit play on your ritual playlist, and bring up your spell directions? If you’re running iOS14, this is something you can learn to do with the Shortcuts app (and the right kind of lighting)
What to do with tags - Use them to store spells on (via text, or maybe link to an image or pinterest board with all the spell components), then scan them to charge or cast the spell! 
- If you get ones that come in inkjet-printable cards, print cool artwork on them, or collage over them! Make sleeves to store them in your grimoire or book of shadows! - Speaking of physical books, fancy adding some AR (Augmented Reality) to your book of shadows? Get the little sticker kind and put cut-out images over the top of them and bam! You’ve got a nifty hidden something only you know how to access! super secret! - Digital Sigils! ... Digils? - If you get the disk-type of tags, you can use them in jewellery and amulets! The tags I have are 25mm in diameter, so I’m currently looking at bezel settings of that size! I figure I could print out a nice design to go over the tag and fill it with resin or a glass cabochon. On a similar note, if you’re into wax seal amulets, you could easily hide an NFC tag in one and only you’d know it was there! 
And this is literally what I’ve thought of in about an hour- I’m sure there’s way more uses for them! 
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BOTW Challenge Ideas
So, I made a giant list of botw challenges. They’re under the cut, because trust me, it’s looong.
I might add more, I might not. Didn’t do it on a google doc because google docs look horrible on mobile. Please note that challenge runs are for fun and you don’t need to adhere to these exactly, if you have an idea, or like one of these, but want to tweak it slightly, it’s your game, you should have fun with it. I’m not gonna hunt you down or anything. Anyway, I recommend you give it a look over anyway because I added in-universe justifications for Link acting this way and some of them are funny.
The more indents they have, the more difficult I think they are. Then again, I haven’t attempted all of them, so I don’t really know. Italics are the “rules”, Bold is the name, and normal is the in-universe justification. Idk if Tumblr actually did justice to my formatting, so you may have to ignore this entirely.
This took several hours to make, and several more to put into tumblr, because tumblr hates Quotev’s formatting.
Edit: Formatting is fine, but only for the desktop version :(
Limited Teleportation: Purah dared Link to do it, not thinking that he’d take her seriously. You pick 5 shrines, and those are the only ones you can use to fast travel.
No Teleportation: Fast travel makes Link very queasy, so he’s not going to use it. No fast travel.
Only Foot Travel: Link’s allergic to horses, and fast travel makes him want to throw up, so he’ll stick to the tried and true method of walking and running. No horse, fast travel, or bomb launches.
Random Limited Teleportation: Purah dared him to do it. She has the names of each of the shrines and randomized them, she didn’t think he’d actually do it. Input all the Shrines into a randomizer, the top five are the only ones you can use to fast travel to.
Horse Only: Link loves horses very much. They don’t make him want to throw up, and they’re faster than walking. Sure it may be a hassle to drag them up mountains, but he always has a friend, so it’s fine. No fast travel, get a horse as soon as you can, you must have a horse beside you at all times (excluding the desert or other areas where your horse is literally blocked from entry)
My Best Friend!: Link thinks it’s cruel to have a lot of horses and pay very little attention to them, so he decides to keep one horse so they can be best buddies! You get one horse and it needs to be by your side until you defeat Ganon (once again, excluding the desert), try to keep it alive, you only get one horse and I hear the trip to Malanya will take quite a while without your best friend. (Bonus points if you name the horse Epona) If your horse dies, you must go to Malanya IMMEDIATELY and abandon whatever you were doing. No fast travel! (Teleporting horse is yours to decide though.)
Farmboy: Link and his horse have befriended a wolf! Link decides to officially name it Wolfie, and they’re a trio of best friends! The above, except add the Wolf Link Amiibo to it. Same rules apply, keep them with you at all times unless they are forbidden from entry.
I Do What I Want Old Man!: Link is honestly just doing it to spite the old man for leading him on for so long. The Plateau isn’t even that tall, he can climb down! It was only the fog that made it look scary! No paraglider. That's it. Have fun.
Limited Upgrades: Turns out, the Great Fairies have limited magic, even with him supplying the materials. That’s fine though, He doesn’t want them to waste their magic on him when they need it for themselves. You can only upgrade 3 outfits (9 articles of clothing) though you can upgrade them to their maximum.
Restricted Upgrades: Turns out, he can’t find the last two fairies. He feels bad, but it’s fine, he’ll just restrict his upgrades to repay them. It’s not like they’ll ever find out... You can only upgrade 5 articles of clothing, and only half-way.
No Upgrades: What are Fairy Fountains? Link doesn’t know! He’s too busy looking for memories to chase rumors. Fairy Fountains are not to be used for upgrading clothing.
Limited Clothing: Link thinks the clothes are cool, but he doesn't want to waste money on them when he has a perfectly good doublet and perfectly fine pants. He'll have a backup pair, but anything more is just excessive. You get 2 Armor sets and that's it, you can mix and match, but you can only have 2 pieces of headgear, 2 shirts, and 2 pants.
Small Wardrobe: Several travelers have given him the advice to "pack light" and "only bring as many clothes as you need" but a girl also said that "mixing and matching clothes is the worst thing ever" so he'll play it safe and pack lightly but avoid mixing two different outfits together. They’ve been in this world longer than him, so surely they’re right? You get two clothing sets, no mixing and matching
It's My Favorite Outfit: Several travelers have said to pack lightly, and some even said that it was only worth it to bring the pair of clothes that you wear. Smell apparently doesn't matter if you're a wanderer, which is good to know. You only get one clothing set, and if you plan on getting Vah Naboris, you know which one it'll be.
Birthday Suit: Link doesn't like clothes, they chafe and they get in the way. Underwear are the minimum he needs to be decent apparently, so he can't completely get rid of clothes. Someday though, he'll do it anyway. No clothes. Period. I don't recommend combining this with No Meals.
Restricted Clothing: Link figures that "packing light" would mean that he only has one set of clothes. If he plays it smart, one set is all that he'll need anyway. You only get one headpiece, one shirt, and one pair of pants. Mixing and Matching is allowed
I don't like pants: If he's being honest, Link hates pants. He likes the breeze on his legs and the grass, or rocks or sand or snow, beneath his feet. Pants also restrict his movement more than a loose shirt does. He's far more flexible without pants. You can only wear shirts.
This is my favorite shirt: Link doesn't like pants. He also got attached to one specific shirt. He loves it and he's not changing. Sure, he'll take it off to wash it, but he won't put a different shirt on or anything. You can only wear one shirt. Choose wisely
Aren't I beautiful?: Link doesn't like clothes, but headpieces are fine. A lot of them look really interesting too! People keep saying they'll look better with clothes, but his comfort is more important than looking good to other people. He looks good to himself, and that's all he needs. Only headpieces are allowed.
Safety First: Link doesn't like clothes. They're a waste of time and they feel weird. He doesn't really like headpieces either, well, except for one specific piece. Only one headpiece is allowed. (The name is a reference to Hard Hats.)
Shirtless Chad: Link can admit that he likes the attention when he goes shirtless. He isn't particularly muscular, but he's made more than one person blush, and he counts that as a win. If it means he's less restricted when using his bow or a weapon, well that's just a plus. Become that one buff guy that never wears a shirt. Pants only.
I don't smell!: Link doesn't like shirts, and he doesn't like anything on his head that might pull on his hair or block his vision. Pants were a bit of a compromise, until he realized how painful it was to step on a rock barefooted. Still, only one pair of pants is actually comfortable for him, and he rarely takes them off. One pair of pants, choose wisely.
No Shops: Link...doesn’t like asking for things. It makes him feel stupid or greedy, so when he found out that there was a whole profession where people gave things to you if you asked, he didn’t want anything to do with it. Even if it was technically a trade, it made him feel bad. You're not allowed to purchase anything from any shops or wandering merchants.
No Gifts: The king said not to trust strangers too much, and after his first encounter with the Yiga, he understood why. He doesn’t know if they’d try to poison him or use money to lure him into a false sense of security, but he isn’t going to trust it. He’ll be polite, and then immediately throw it away once their back is turned. He isn’t going to let his guard down. If an NPC gives you something, you ain't allowed to keep it or use it. If that thing is rupees, spend them on bugs and set the bugs free.
No Selling: Link didn’t know you could sell things to the shop owners, and even if he did, he’d feel greedy and stupid for trying to sell a shopkeeper bugs and plants, so he’d probably avoid it anyway. You're not allowed to sell anything to get money, if you want money, win it from a mini game.
Wiser the Miser: Link doesn't like spending rupees, so he doesn't. If he can steal or get something for free, he will. Someone gives him rupees? Their loss. Who needs to buy things when there's a world full of resources? Don’t buy anything. If you want exceptions, like getting into Gerudo Town, it’s your call.
No Selling or Shops: Link doesn’t like stores. They make him uneasy. Enclosed spaces where people ask for your stuff? No thanks. You’re not allowed to buy from shops or merchants, and you’re not allowed to sell anything either.
No Selling, Shops, or Gifts: Link doesn’t trust anything that people give him. Maybe it’s paranoia, but it’s entirely justified. Shops are the same, people asking for his stuff when he has more important things to do than barter. Shops are honestly a waste of time when he can get everything for free, except maybe goat butter. If an NPC gives you something, you must drop it, or, in the case of a food item, use it at full hearts/full stamina and if it has an additional effect you will stand in the middle of an inn and wait for the effect to wear off. You’re also not allowed to sell or buy at shops or from merchants.
No Chef Here: Link can make a good elixir, but he can’t cook and he’s not even going to attempt it. He’ll make do with raw apples and meat and whatever else he can find. He’ll be fine. Elixirs are fine, apples and stuff are fine, cooked food is not.
What's a Cooking Pot?: Link doesn’t know what the giant bowl thing is, so he stays away from it. If people give him stuff to eat or drink, he tends to throw it away, because he’s smart enough not to risk being poisoned. If it requires you to use a cooking pot, you ain't allowed to ingest it. This includes gifts from NPCs because we all know not to take candy from nice strangers
Don't Eat Raw Food!: The king warned Link against eating raw food, so he isn’t taking any chances. If you want to eat something, you need to cook it first.
No Meals: Link doesn't understand why people waste time eating. Nor does he understand the whole hunger thing. Maybe it's a Shrine of Resurrection thing? Essentially, you aren't allowed to eat or drink anything, including elixirs.
I Can't Cook: Link thinks his cooking is pretty good. Sure, he thinks it's weird that people eat Moblin guts and wood, but who is he to judge, he doesn't really know anything, and he hasn't died yet, so it's fine! No elixirs or proper food, only Dubious food and Rock-hard food.
Insomniac: Link wants to sleep, but he can't, not when there're so many things he needs to do. He can sleep after he saves Hyrule. No beds, including the one in your own house.
No meals or inns: Link doesn't need to eat, and it's unsafe to sleep in a room full of strangers. Mipha has his back, and Hylia does too, if he rests, he'll do so where there aren't any strangers or wild animals to stab him in the back. You can only heal via Mipha's Grace, Heart Containers, or buying your own home.
No Meals or Beds: Sleeping wastes time, and he doesn't need to eat. He needs to save Hyrule, and he can relax when that's done. You can only heal via Mipha's Grace and Heart Containers.
No Meals, Beds, or Heart Containers: Link uses all of his Spirit Orbs for Stamina, because anything that makes him faster will also help him save Hyrule faster. He does wonder why Purah freaked out and tried to force him to sleep when he admitted that he hadn't slept since he woke up, or eaten for that matter. Eh, maybe Zelda will know, and the only way he can ask her is if he saves her. Only Mipha's Grace and three hearts, have fun!
Ew: Link refuses to drink elixirs when he knows exactly how they're made. It disgusts him, and he's not letting them anywhere near his mouth. No elixirs/tonics.
Normal Hylian: Link isn't some sort of god, he can't just freeze time in the middle of battle to heal or change his clothes or grab a new weapon. He can only heal or change after a battle and if he breaks his weapon, he can take cover and switch out or he can just use bombs. Like a normal person. No changing clothes or healing during battle, no flurry rushes or bullet time. If you break a weapon, take cover and get a new one, or use bombs.
Actual Normal Hylian: Aside from not being a god, Link also needs to eat and sleep. Sure he can go without for a day or two, but eventually he'll just crash. And whether it's five raw apples or a five course meal, he needs something to eat. He also needs to stay hydrated, but that's what rivers are for. Try to make him sleep in a bed once every three days at least, and make him eat one meal a day (it doesn't have to be cooked, but it is generally preferred). Also, let him go for a swim every once in a while to stay hydrated, because I doubt he's carrying around any water. (This one adds on to the one before it, though not combining them is totally your call!)
Carnivore: Link got messed up in the Shrine of Resurrection, and now he can't digest plants. You can eat it raw or cook it, but you can only eat meat. Inclusion of Elixirs is up to you
Herbivore: Link gets queasy when he has to kill innocent animals, so he's doing fine just eating plants. He refuses to drink Elixirs too, knowing what they're made of. No meat or elixirs.
Liquid-Only Diet: The Shrine of Resurrection messed up and now Link can't ingest solid food, he also happens to be lactose intolerant, so no milk for him. Elixirs only.
No Map: Link doesn't want to waste time climbing the towers, he'll figure it out. Don't get the towers (except the Great Plateau), you have to use your surroundings, get a feel for the land. Use of Minimap, Divine Beast Maps, and Teleportation is Allowed (No Hyrule Castle Map though)
No Map PRO: Link doesn't want to waste time climbing the towers and realistically, he doesn't have a HUD in the corner of his vision telling him where North is. No Map+Pro mode, so have fun with that. You'll be very reliant on Death Mountain and Hyrule Castle. Divine Beast Maps are still allowed
I'm Lost: Link promptly forgot about the fast travel function and he really doesn't want to climb the towers. You can get the shrines, which are recommended for the spirit orbs, but you aren't allowed to teleport and you must be on Pro Mode. Divine Beast Maps are allowed. You can get the towers if you want to waste time, but you won't be looking at the map, so it's not recommended
The Legend of Zelda: Link has no idea where he's going, but he figures he'll be able to figure it out the more time he spends awake. He feels like he's forgotten something though... We're going back to the NES days! No teleportation, no horses, no bomb launches, and absolutely no map! Have fun getting lost just like the good old days where tutorials didn't exist and maps were reserved for dungeons. And, like dungeons, Divine Beasts do have maps and you can in fact use them.
No Retreat!: Link isn't a coward and he's stubborn. He isn't running from a fight even when he probably should. If you hear the battle music, you can't run away.
No Rest for Heroes!: Link doesn't need to sleep and he doesn't really care that it's dangerous at night. He'll beat whatever stupid monster picked a fight in the first place. You can't sleep through the night to avoid monsters, and you must stay and fight if you hear the music. You have bombs if you run out of weapons
I'm Not Failing Again: Link is guilty and angry. He is Hylia's hero, Protector of Hyrule, it's high time he did his job. If you happen to be near a monster, attack it. Monster camp? Destroy it. It doesn't matter if they don't see you. If you see them, you kill them. Simple as that. No intentionally avoiding monsters either. Best paired with No Map, but I'm not your minder.
FOR THE FALLEN!: Link is the Hero of Hyrule and he will do his job. Sure, he has a problem with rushing into battle, but really, what hero didn't? It's essentially the same as I'm not failing again, but you aren't allowed to do Stealth Takedowns, you see a monster, you run in and do melee combat, bows are allowed if you're close range and the battle music is playing.
Boss Hunter: Link doesn't like boss monsters. Taluses especially are literal death traps for travelers. He's sure he'll get a reward too, they're called Boss Monsters for a reason, right? Kill every boss monster in the game.
Lynel Hunter: Link knows they pose a threat to the people of Hyrule. At least you can run away from most boss monsters pretty easily. For the safety of Hyrule, he will kill every single lynel.
Limited Weapon Slots: Link never meets Hestu. No Koroks to expand your weapon or bow slots.
Spears Only: Link didn't feel comfortable using a sword because he felt like he didn't live up to who he used to be. But the claymores and other two handed weapons were bulky, and he was horrible with a bow. And then he found a spear, and he's never regretted grabbing it. The only weapons you can use are spears, no bombs either. Have fun getting a spear in the first place. (The Korok Limitation does not apply to the rest of these unless you want it to)
Elemental Spears Only: Link likes spears, but elemental spears are way better, in every way. He's never going back. Spears Only too easy? Well now you can only use spears that have an elemental effect.
One-handed Weapons Only: Link's muscles have atrophied from the time in the Shrine. He'll have to make do. What it says on the tin, only use one-handed weapons.
One-Handed Swords Only: Link would rather not use a stick, he's been trained with a sword so by Hylia he will use a god dang sword! One-handed swords only.
One-handed Elemental Swords Only: Link hates that he can't handle larger swords because these elemental ones are great. They just seem way harder to come by than the bigger ones. These disappear the further you get in the game, so have fun with that I suppose. Rationing is going to be your best friend.
One-Handed Elemental Weapons Only: Link loves elemental weapons, but he still hasn't built up enough strength to use the big ones, and he wasn't great with spears or the bow, but the Wizzrobe rods are fun too. One-handed too easy for you? Have fun with this. Options are the Wizzrobe wands and the small elemental blades, the further you progress, the less of the weak blades that'll pop up, and the stronger ones are two-handed weapons, so you'll be killing a lot of wizzrobes if you want to keep a good supply.
Rods Only: Link doesn't really like swords or bows, or really any other weapon. He couldn't really pinpoint why. Until he grabbed a wizzrobe's rod. Power that he didn't know he had coursed through him, and he decided that he wasn't using anything but rods from now on. Only use wizzrobe rods. If it's easier, use any weapon until you find your first wizzrobe, whatever works for you.
Boomerangs Only: Link didn't like getting in close, but he also sucked at archery. Then he found his first boomerang. His aim was good and it came back! It didn't break upon impact, it was perfect! Boomerangs only
Two-handed Weapons Only: Link feels inferior to his Before-Calamity Self whenever he wields a one-handed weapon. Because BC Link was trained with a sword, so there's no way Post Calamity Link can ever compare. To get rid of that feeling, Link only uses two handed weapons, weapons that he's pretty sure BC Link was never trained in. Use only two-handed weapons
Claymores Only: The king, upon Link's inquiry, said that he used a royal claymore. In an effort to remember him, and an irrational fear that he'll forget everything again, Link decides to wield a claymore. Even when he finds out the less than stellar parts of the King's personality, he's too used to the claymore to give it up. Claymores only.
Korok Leaves Only: Link doesn't like swords or traditional weapons, and the Wizzrobe's rods are a bit too...hostile? Yeah, hostile. But the Korok Leaf's magic is quieter and more serene. It also seems...familiar, but he can't pinpoint why. It's also pretty hard for him to break, so he's fine with using it to blow opponents away. Korok Leaf Only, have fun beating Ganon, though Dark Beast is impossible with only a Korok Leaf.
Bow Only: Link likes the bow. He likes it very much. Past Link was good with a sword, but Present Link is not Past Link, Past Link is never coming back and Present Link will grow to become his own person. What better way to distance himself from Past Link than to specialize in a weapon that knights rarely use? Bow only
Normal Arrows Only: Link does not like the sensation he gets from using elemental arrows, and really, they are much too expensive, he'll stick to his normal arrows. Bow only, with only normal arrows.
Elemental Arrows Only: Link finds them very effective, and very fun to mess around with. He kind of forgets that boring normal arrows exist. Bow only, only elemental arrows.
Bomb Arrows Only: Link likes explosions, and the ones he gets from bomb arrows are much more satisfying than the ones he gets from plain old bombs. Sure they're expensive, and sure the rain keeps them from exploding, but...really, after being killed and resurrected, he can afford to give into a few whims, right? Bow only, bomb arrows only
Ancient Weapons Only: Robbie said they were more effective, and Link'll be the judge of that. He'll have to scavenge a lot of dead Guardians, but it'll all be worth it for these supposedly more efficient weapons! Ancient Weapons only, go to Robbie's immediately after the Plateau, I don’t think you actually need the quest, until then, all weapons are allowed
Master Sword Only: Fi is calling out to him, and Link will get to her as quickly as possible. Get thirteen hearts without weapons or using bombs as weapons, then go straight to the Great Hyrule Forest to retrieve Fi. Fi is the only weapon you're allowed to use as a weapon. Other weapons can be used to cut down trees and such, but if they damage a living creature or a monster, then you must reload your previous save.
Trial of the Sword: Fi is weak, and Link hates seeing her like that, so he wants to help her as quickly as possible. It shouldn't be hard for a chosen hero, right? It’s essentially the above challenge, but you also do the Trial of the Sword immediately after getting Fi. Weapon rule is obviously exempt for the duration of the Trial.
Wooden Weapons Only: Link doesn't like the sound of clanging metal. He only uses wooden shields, bows, and weapons. He doesn't care if it makes Death Mountain difficult, his poor ears don't like the sound. Only use wooden weapons, shields, and bows, if it attracts lightning, it's not allowed. Korok leaves or other non-metal but still non-wood items are also banned.
Metal Weapons Only: Link doesn't like splinters, he'd rather be a lightning rod. He also doesn't really trust the durability of wooden weapons, so he'll avoid them like the plague and use only metal shields, weapons, and bows. Only metal weapons, shields, and bows are allowed, if it attracts lightning, it's good to go.
Nuzlocke: Turns out, Link forgets how to use weapons once he breaks them. It's an annoying little quirk that means Link can only use each weapon once. You break a stick? You can't use another stick for the rest of the game, same goes for all weapons, bows, and shields.
The Moon's Curse: Every Blood Moon, Link loses all of his weapons, shields, bows, food, elixirs, and items. He only keeps his clothes and the special items. Link thinks it's Ganon trying to stall his inevitable defeat. Every Blood Moon, clean out your inventory, your hands must be empty, whether or not you count clothing is up to you, and you can eat meals to get rid of them.
Tech Mage: Link....has forgotten how to use weapons. It's a bit unfortunate but the king told him to collect the runes for a reason right? And the Wizzrobes' rods just need to be waved around, no training needed, so he'll be fine! Runes and Rods only.
Techie: Link...doesn’t really know how to use weapons, which makes it hard to kill anything. But, he does know how to use the runes. He did just learn how to after all. He doesn’t...really need weapons...right? Runes only, no weapons, shields, or bows. Well, allowance of shields can be personal preference, since Guardians will probably be a nuisance until you get Daruk’s Protection, if you allow use of the DB Powers.
No Shields: Link finds them bulky and useless, he'll just go without. Simple as that, no shields.
Fragile: Link doesn't really find the need for heart containers when he's mostly running around. Besides, it's just more incentive to get better at fighting. No Extra Heart Containers. Divine Beast Heart Containers can either be kept or traded in for stamina at the Hateno statue.
Asthma: Link can deal with not being able to run for long periods of time. What he can't deal with is how fragile he is. If he hadn't had that fairy, the Moblin would've killed him in one hit! No, he needs to be way more durable than he is now. No Extra Stamina Wheels.
I Don’t Need A Goddess’s Help: Link looked at the statue once, and saw it as a waste of time to pray. He's failed once, he doesn't need a goddess's help to do what previous heroes did alone and on their first try. No praying to statues, so no extra Heart Containers or Stamina Wheels.
Zero Deaths: Link isn't immortal, Mipha's magic isn't as powerful, and fairies don't work on him after the Shrine of Resurrection, so Link has to be careful. He won't get a third chance if he dies again. Disable Mipha's Grace and don't collect fairies. If you die, it's over. Ganon wins.
Sorry, Your Gifts are Worthless: Link appreciates the thought behind the champions giving him their powers...but he can't actually use them. He's not a trained medium or anything, and he needs to communicate with them to make the powers work....soooo.... Don't use the divine beast powers.
I'll Be Quick: Link never got the memo that he was supposed to help the Divine Beasts, but, well, Zelda was alive and the champions aren't, and the only one actually causing any immediately dangerous issues was Vah Ruta, but the Zora will be fine, they're fish people. Defeat Ganon without the Divine Beasts.
Time for Fun: Link is bored, then he remembers all the mini-games around Hyrule. Get the best score on all the mini games.
Photogenic: Link likes taking pictures and getting information for things. It's a fun pass-time that also helps out Symin and Purah. Take a picture of everything, it doesn't matter if you fill your compendium, but you must take a picture if you see something new (obviously only starts once you get the camera rune)
Everything Breaks: Link finds breaking things fun, and if it keeps him sane, might as well indulge his urges. Make a list of all the breakable items in the game, and then break every single one. Maybe you'll defeat Ganon, maybe not. Vandalism is more important.
Economist: Link doesn't really know how to hunt, or which fruits are safe, so he collects things, sells them, and proceeds to buy things that he knows are safe. He buys all his clothing and food, weapons are perhaps the only things he can get for himself. He helps out NPCs too, on the off chance that they'll give him something. Once a city boy, always a city boy. If you pick it up in the wild, you can't use it unless it's a weapon. Sell everything you pick up, and instead buy all your food and clothing. Elixirs too. If you have a picture of a recipe from the stables, you can use those, but only those.
Eventide Challenge: Link is a bit of a completionist, but he also hates back-tracking, so, using the towers as a measure of his progress, he decides to do everything he can in one region before going to the next. You do all you can in one region, or as much as you feel like doing anyway, then you collect the next tower and get rid of all your food, weapons, shields, bows, meals, and clothes. You must make your way directly to the tower if you leave the region, collecting shrines or fighting monsters before collecting the tower is sort of cheating. (You can decide for yourself if previous regions are off limits or not. If they are, I recommend planning out which region would leave you in the best position for Ganon. If not, just have fun!)
Reverse Dungeon Order: Link expected the Divine Beasts to get harder as he progressed, but they got...way easier... Vah Naboris, Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh (people say Rudania is the easiest, and I can't even get past the puzzles, so...maybe Fireblight is easier, but Rudania kills me via my unintelligence and I did Vah Medoh in less than five minutes, just go for the hardest ones first and the easiest one last, since I guarantee someone found Vah Medoh to be challenging and Vah Naboris easy. This one is probably the most customizable.)
I'm Not A Hoarder!: Link doesn't like using his resources, because he might need them later and it's such a bother to backtrack and get more if he runs out. He collects things because he might need them later. And really, it's better safe than sorry. You see something, you pick it up. Don't sell anything, try to eat or use as little of it as possible, actively seek out more rupees via mini games.
I may have a problem: Link acknowledges that it isn't exactly normal to have so much of everything, and to immediately restock upon using some, but...he can't stop. Max out all your inventory space. 999 of everything. Max out your rupees while you're at it.
I'm Actually Not A Hoarder: Link doesn't see the value in wasting time picking up useless crap. He has bombs, and he doesn't need to eat, he'll be fine. Don't pick something up if you don't intend to use it immediately. Keep your inventory as sparse as possible. Only collect rupees if you intend to use them for something.
Speedrun: Link has a task he needs to get done, and he needs to do it quickly. Pick a speedrun category and do it. Don't compare to the world record, compare your time to your previous times and measure your progress that way. World record doesn't matter, only having fun does.
Where does this go again?: Link is currently in a pickle and has no idea where the blue flame is. He found one in Akkala and decided that it was the one Purah was talking about. He couldn't find it again when Robbie asked, but he did find the one in Hateno, so he used that one. Use the Hateno Blue Flame for the Akkala Lab, and the Akkala Blue Flame for the Hateno lab.
Impaired Senses: There has to be some consequences for resurrecting, and only losing his memories is a very light consequence. A blindfold is the most obvious one, though you can also turn off sound, which still has a little bit of impact, though it isn't as drastic.
Auto Saves Only: Link is subject to the whims of the goddesses. What it says on the tin, no manual saving for you!
Hunger Games: Link has the rules of the game outlined to him by a goddess. He can do nothing but submit, fearing her wrath. Pretend that towns and stables don't exist (avoid them like the plague), Master Mode, Only Foot Travel, the only time you enter a village is if you intend on completing the Divine Beasts and/or Memories for Impa. If you see an NPC don't interact, only wear clothing sets without set bonuses or special effects, if you see a Yiga, kill them, the Yiga are the only NPCs (aside from the Main Story NPCs) that you are allowed to interact with. Interacting with Koroks and Great Fairies is fine. Every blood moon, you choose one tab at random and completely empty it (special items tab doesn't count, Master Sword and Hylian Shield are exempt from this), and every time you collect a tower you can scan an amiibo, try to ration them.
Pacifist: Link doesn't like killing. Never has, never will, and he avoids fights like the plague. There's no need for excessive loss of life, he'll defeat Ganon and save the Champions, but that's it. Only kill the blights and Ganon and any other mandatory fights for the true ending (Like, I think Kohga is mandatory.)
I'll use this until it breaks!: Link doesn't see the need to stockpile weapons, not when almost anything can be used as one. He'll be fine. Essentially, you pick up the first weapon you see, you use only that weapon until it breaks, when it breaks you, again, pick up the first weapon you see, rinse and repeat. Master Sword is allowed, since Ganon’s going to suck without it.
100%: Link is going to do everything. He has no memories, and he's been dropped in this giant world. He's doing everything and nothing will stop him. You know exactly what this entails and I don't recommend it unless you're speedrunning, and even then, it's a bad idea.
Don't get hit: Link's stubborn, he doesn't like getting hurt, so he won't. Take no damage, even a quarter of a heart means you failed. Doesn't matter if it's a golden heart or not.
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ivycrossing0101010 · 5 years
100 Days to Animal Crossing Challenge!
In the spirit of the countdown to New Leaf (remember when? :’) ), and to help  wile away the days, here’s 100 questions for every day until New Horizons is here! Enjoy!
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? I always name my villager after myself. I go for the immersion!
2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? I used to reset for layouts, until I started hacking. In New Horizons, I'll just be resetting for fruit!
3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? I would look for guides. Even with hacking, it's easier to just start with the face you want.
4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? My favorite town name that I've seen so far is Lunaire. I don't want to share my town name just yet. It's nothing revolutionary or anything but its personal I guess?
5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? I will be having my own island! My husband will have his own island as well. He says we'll spend most of our time in my island though lol
6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? T E R R A F O R M
7. Favourite fruit? Peaches!
8. Least favourite fruit? Pears!
9. Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) My favorite place was the wishing well in ACPG. So cute and sweet. As much as I loved the plaza in ACNL, it's got nothing on the original!
10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? I like to put my house near waterfalls, its relaxing and good for fishing! I could never get my house near the water in older games, so it was a nice change in ACNL.
11. Favourite grass pattern? Personally, I never really notice the grass patterns!
12. Least favourite grass pattern? See #11 :v
13. Favourite villager/s? My fav villagers are Skye and Punchy 💕
14. Least favourite villager/s? I hate Elise the Monkey
15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? I used to find them a pain as a kid but I miss them now. It was so much more engaging!
16. Favourite NPC/s? My fav would have to be KK. He's such a cool dude, he's just full of nostalgia for me.
17. Least favourite NPC/s? I don't really have a least favorite? I guess Katie's mom, her lipstick is tacky imo
18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? With hacking, I use clover paths so they're easier to see on the editor. I can't wait to have real paths, though!
19. Favourite feature from an older entry? The festivities! The neighbors were so much more engaged in ACPG, ACNL is sorta boring in comparison.
20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? My first was ACPG, the gamecube one!
21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? Fishing was always exciting AND relaxing for me
22. Least favourite activity? Fossil hunting, but only because I don't get immediately results and I'm impatient lol
23. Favourite bug? Even though I don't like these irl, snails hehe
24. Least favourite bug? Scorpions and tarantulas, only because I've almost never encountered them in ANY game
25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? Agonizing
26. Favourite fish? It's not actually a fish, but I like the softshell turtle!
27. Least favourite fish? The napoleon fish, that big blue one -.-
28. Favourite fossil? The ammonite!
29. Least favourite fossil? Don't really have one lol
30. Favourite furniture series? I've always liked the flower set you get from Leif and the mush set, so cute!
31. Least favourite furniture series? The holiday specific ones, they're so tacky and boring!
32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) Gamecube for sure
33. Least favourite soundtrack? Honestly, ACNL. Don't dig the steel drum
34. Favourite wallpaper? The ivy wall hehe
35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? I didn't really have too much interaction with the community until recently! I just gained a bunch of followers and it's super flattering lol I want to become more involved!
36. Least favourite wallpaper? Cheese...
37. Favourite carpet? I personally love the old board flooring, so simple and rustic!
38. Least favourite carpet? CHEESE
39. Favourite furniture item? The fairy bottle from the Welcome Amiibo update!
40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? I'm trading in my old switch for the slick new Animal Crossing Switch!
41. Least favourite furniture item? The ultra things that you can get from Redd, so useless!
42. Favourite flower? Carnations!
43. Least favourite flower? Cosmos!
44. Favourite hybrid? Blue roses for sure
45. Least favourite hybrid? Any cosmos
46. Favourite shirt? The denim shirt, long sleeve
47. Favourite dress? I like the raincoat
48. Favourite accessory? Silver frames!
49. Favourite hat/helmet? The keroppi pins
50. Halfway there! How’s the wait going? Pretty numb!
51. Favourite shop? Dream Suite! So much fun visiting towns!
52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? I have all the amiibo cards are all my fav neighbors, and about have of the total amiibo cards that exist. Idk if I'll use them right away and get all my favs or if I'll let my town naturally fill up and then switch folks out yet
53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? Fishing Tourney, I like fishing more
54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? I used to, but ACPC made me appreciate the already made in game clothes
55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I don't get much use out of it nowadays but I would always come back from conventions with a full showcase when I was younger
56. Favourite villager species? Cats!
57. Least favourite villager species? Monkeys
58. Favourite nickname from a villager? I don't really remember the nicknames I got
59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I also always hated them!
60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? Bits and pieces for sure
61. Favourite villager personality? Normal and lazy
62. Least favourite villager personality? Jock
63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? During my first playthrough of ACNL, I didn't. Then I started doing it when I learned about it. Then I started hacking!
64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? ACPC sorta spoiled that stuff for me, they're still very much appreciated though
65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? Spring!! 🌸🌸🌸
66. What’s your favourite season? Spring again hehe
67. Least favourite season? Summer, kinda boring
68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? Ones that are actually engaging with you and the neighbors
69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? Days like solstices, which just served as "Isabelle is unavailable" Days
70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? When ACPG came out, I was about 6. I had a DVD with those lame live action commercials and I was ENAMORED with them! Obsessed! I begged my parents for the game and they would hem and haw "well there's a lot of reading... you'll have to get better at reading... we won't always be able to help you read it..." and I swore up and down that I'd learn and practice reading. Obviously, nearly 20 years later, I'm still completely obsessed
71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? I like both but for different reasons. The live versions are nice and nostalgic and the air checks are closer to the aesthetic that they're actually trying to portray
72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? Farley and Serena!
73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? None in particular, everyone is pretty well designed imo
74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? I once saw a cute bento box with pics from the movie, my soul died knowing I may never find it to buy anywhere
75. Only 25 days left to go! How’s the wait? Still numb!
76. Will you be downloading the game, or getting a physical copy? I'm getting a physical copy and my husband is getting a digital, so he can't be tempted to sell it!
77. Do you like coming up with your own town tune/flag, or using what the game gives you/something from a book/tv show/other game, etc? I like doing a sort of japanese "end of school" bell for my town tune, only for the town clock. Idk how I'm gonna do it in this game though...
78. Do you play every day, or every other day/when you feel like it/other? I used to play ACNL everyday, then it got a bit boring. I'm gonna play ACNH literally everyday forever lol
79. Are you the kind of person who starts over after leaving their town for a really long time, or do you try to get right back to it? I tend to restart a lot, but I recently decided to leave my ACNL town with no regrets so I hacked the crap out of it without feeling tacky or cringy
80. Do you remember how you got into the Animal Crossing series? It immediately caught my eye as a 6 year old and its had its grasp on me since
81. Do you like to make up a story for the town/character when you play, or do you just play as yourself? I play as myself but I sorta make a bunch of headcanons for myself and my neighbors and stuff to make it more interesting for me. Sometimes its embarrassing and sometimes I need to tell the people!
82. Favourite dream address / “theme” for a town (pastel, fairytale, forest, horror, etc)? My favorite town has always been Pastelia, although the mayor's name is escaping me atm >m<"
83. Do you like to have your house fully upgraded/paid off, or do you like keeping it smaller/having fewer rooms? I used to fully upgrade my house all the time but my current ACNL house only have 4 rooms and that's IT
84. Favourite hairstyle? The one with the middle split and it goes behind the ears
85. Least favourite hairstyle? The three ponytails, rip ACWW me
86. Favourite hair colour? I go either pink or my natural brown
87. Least favourite hair colour? That bright green...
88. Do you prefer wearing in-game clothes, or custom designs? In game clothes!
89. Favourite hourly track? 2 pm from ACPG
90. Just ten more days! How’re you feeling? Half paid off my new switch, so ready!
91. Least favourite hourly track? I don't think I have one!
92. Do you prefer to know all about the game before designing your town/island/house, or do you like to wing it? Bro, I've been glued to my phone since the direct came out
93.  Another nice Animal Crossing memory? ACNL came out around the time my husband and I started dating, almost exactly at the same time. Now its 8 years later, we're married, and we're gonna play another animal crossing game together finally!
94. Are you excited about same-system multiplayer? Its gonna be great for a lot of people, kinda useless for me though
95. Five more days! Are you going to trade/use amiibo to get your favourite villager, or wait for them to move in themselves/make a new favourite? I think I'll put in my 2 top favs, and then see what comes. Maybe after a few months I'll put everyone in
96.  Favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? I don't really like his jokes, but my fav emotions to use are the bashful ones
97.  Least favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? Not a fan of his dopey dance
98.  Is there a feature you’d like to add to Animal Crossing? I wanna be able to decorate for my neighbors so badly!
99.  Is there a feature you’d take away? It kinda seems like a lot of issues were solved in ACNH, I guess we'll see what's leftover as an annoying feature
100. Final day! Any more thoughts? Midnight release at my local gamestop! Gonna be there with a bunch of DOOM fans too! Can't wait!!
3 notes · View notes
eggoreviews · 6 years
Nintendo Direct Feb 2019 BREAKDOWN
So, that direct was pretty okay right? If you missed it or even if you didn’t, I’m gonna be taking a look at everything announced and giving it a vague excitement rating! Enjoy!
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Super Mario Maker 2
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This was a pretty great way to kick off this direct. With the promise of a host of new features coming in this entry to build upon the first, including the introduction of slopes (finally) and a new texture pack based on Mario 3D World, I reckon this is definitely one to mark in the calendar. Mario Maker 2 is slated for a, gratefully soon, June 2019 release.
Excitement Rating: YEEHAW
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
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The long awaited third entry in the MUA series, to the surprise of many, is in fact a Switch exclusive. For those who don’t know, this is a hack-and-slash fighting game, of course tied heavily to Marvel comics. This entry seems to be riding in off the back of Infinity War, with Thanos and the Black Order showcased as central villains. Honestly, this game looks like it could be fun, especially with friends, though I don’t think it’ll turn out to be anything special.
ER: Sure, why not!
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This adorable little puzzle platformer is making its debut on Switch this spring, with the promise of local multiplayer and more levels than ever before. Looks to be a goodun for fans of cute, minimalist art design and box-based puzzles and the like.
ER: Cool! Those boxes can move!
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Ver. 3.0
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Nintendo sort of slapped us in the face with a lovely, welcome announcement of a new Smash update! Oh boy! New features! And then they turn around and say they aren’t gonna tell us what they are.
Kind of makes me question the point of putting this in the direct a little, but I’m sure whatever they’ll add will be cool! On top of that, a tentative release window for Joker was given (before the end of April this year) and we got a cheeky look at some of the new spicy amiibos, being Snake, Simon and the Pokemon Trainer lot.
ER: Yay?
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Updates
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Here’s one that definitely caught me offguard, but I’m more than happy with it considering I just picked up the game. Part of the new Captain Toad content is free, adding in proper 2 player co-op where you can both play as Toad. The paid ‘special episode’ stuff struck me as a little odd, considering this game was already a Wii U port that’s now getting even more paid DLC. Regardless, it’s not too pricey and you can even pick up the first DLC course now, with the rest coming March 14.
ER: That’s cool! 
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
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This not-quite-Castlevania game could easily be mistaken for a knock off of that franchise, but seems to have some defining elements of its own. The art style is bold enough to make it unique and the game seems to have an interesting variety of puzzles and side quests to make this more than just a run of the mill 2D platformer. An obvious choice for those with a Castlevania shaped hole in their hearts.
ER: You go bouncy vampire lady
Dragon Quest Builders 2
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What is basically just Dragon Quest Minecraft with a story mode apparently, this oddly charming sandbox game was seemingly popular enough to warrant a sequel. And I won’t lie to you, it got me a little excited. As a fan of Dragon Quest its art style and general building-ness, I think I might have to pick this one up. And it’s got a cool retro map!
ER: I’m not excited, you are
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age: Definitive Edition
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In case you hadn’t guessed, I literally adore Dragon Quest. The bright colours, the developed characters, the expansive world, awesome monster designs, great soundtrack and lame sense of humour, it all just gets me. It just sort of sucks I already own this on the PS4, where I can’t access all this new content. Oof. But yeah, pick this up if you can. You won’t regret it if you’re a JRPG fan.
ER: More like echoes of an exclusive age amirite
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival
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I won’t lie to you right now, nothing screams ‘soulless’ to me more than small Disney plushes with all the personality taken from them being stuck into totally random minigames. Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney (mostly through Kingdom Hearts but that’s besides the point) but I don’t think this elicited much excitement in anyone.
ER: I guess this exists, huh?
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Spring Update
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This was another one that surprised me. Considering how mind meltingly badly Starlink bombed, partly down to its odd reliance on the whole ‘toys to life’ craze that died out in 2013, I really didn’t think there’d be any further support for the game and they’d just sort of slip it under the rug. But nope, we’ve got some more Switch exclusive missions involving some more Star Fox characters, as well as the introduction of Wolf’s buddies. Honestly, I think Nintendo needs to do themselves a favour and just release a new Star Fox game.
ER: Great, if for some reason you bought this!
Rune Factory 4 Special & Rune Factory 5
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Here’s a series I’d literally never heard of until last Wednesday, but the only way I can describe it from what I’ve seen is it looks to be a cross between Animal Crossing and kind of also Dragon Quest. You cook stuff, you farm stuff, you fight things and you can get married if you want, so definitely cool if you’re a fan of the series. But also cool if you’re someone who wished Animal Crossing was a bit more JRPG. Alongside the announcement of a remastered Rune Factory 4 later this year, as well as confirmation of Rune Factory 5 sometime in the future.
ER: Cool! Plants and stuff!
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An action RPG with an intriguing premise and a rich, dark colour scheme, Oninaki seems very eager to set itself apart from other JRPGs on the market and still manages to stand out just a bit, even in a direct that’s basically been packed with JRPGs. Oninaki explores themes of reincarnation and grief, following the story of one grey-haired dude saving lost souls from a place called the Upside Down the Beyond to stop them from turning into monsters. Another one to add to the list if you like edgy RPGs!
ER: Edgy and cool
Yoshi’s Crafted World
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Another update for this adorably cardboard entry into the long running Yoshi series, we’re finally getting close to actually being able to play it. Nintendo showcased some of the more interesting variants of gameplay, with the use of rafts, cars and planes definitely making this seem that there’s some substance here to go with the style. Alongside this, a demo released on the eshop so go play that if you haven’t already and decide if it’s for you!
ER: Wow, this game has a Labo costume! I’ll definitely grind for that!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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Finally some more info about Nintendo’s latest instalment in their anime Game of Thrones series Fire Emblem, we got a big ol infodump about some of the stuff to do with the game. While the video itself will explain everything better than I can, this time players will be able to interact with three kingdoms and three main protagonists, all of this centralising around one academy the game is set within. Overall, this game certainly looks interesting to play, but one I’m not quite sure I’ll be picking up just yet. Basically, if you’re unfamiliar with the games but love a tactical RPG, this one is a no brainer.
ER: Edelgard’s design is pretty cool. If one of them has to get into Smash, I hope it’s her.
Tetris 99
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The game many have been calling Tetris Battle Royale, this is the very first Nintendo Switch Online exclusive offering and it’s totally free if you’re a member. It’s Tetris and you have to win against 98 other people, also playing Tetris. Nice!
ER: Tetris block for Smash
Dead by Daylight
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As a game I got for free through Playstation Plus, it should be fairly obvious that this port isn’t one that excites me greatly, especially after seeing the quality of the graphics in the trailer the direct showed us. While the concept of an online match with several survivors and one killer sounds good on paper, it seems as if the quality of this port may leave a lot to be desired. But still, this could still only be early development footage and we really have no idea how it’ll look by the end.
ER: Tentative
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Undertale is one of my favourite games of all time, so of course it excited me to find out I’d finally be able to play the sort of sequel, Deltarune, which Toby Fox has taken in the interesting direction of splitting the game into chapters. The first of these chapters will be free (yay I like free) and it certainly seems like the same abstract sense of humour and charm present in Undertale has been carried over to this sequel. Definitely one to watch.
ER: Always excited about cartoon doggo
Daemon X Machina
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This mech-fighter has been floating around in various Nintendo directs for a fair while now and it’s encouraging to see the game come close to release. In a commendable move, the producer of the game has offered a free demo of the game allowing you to pilot your own custom mech and experience a boss battle in the demo known as ‘Prototype Missions’. The aim of this to gain feedback from potential players in order to make the game as good as it can be, which is amazing! It’s honestly a bit of a dream world where every game developer and publisher is as open and transparent as these guys, so kudos to them. As well as this, the game looks pretty heckin’ fun so it’s definitely worth picking up the demo off the eshop and giving these guys your feedback!
ER: Big ol’ robots hell yeah
GRID Autosport
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As of yet, the Switch has lacked a realistic racing game. Enter Grid Autosport, which seems to be packed with a variety of cars, tracks and game modes, including all DLC from the original release of the game. Not one for me, but I’m sure there’s plenty of Switch owners out there whose racing fix isn’t quite satisfied by Mario Kart.
ER: V big if ur a car person
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
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This game was notably created in collaboration with neurologists and those who experience psychosis in order to properly portray the main character and her mental health struggles. Following the quest of Senua as she fights to save the soul of her dead lover, this game created a huge wave through the industry when it first launched and won major awards for its artistic design and performance. While this isn’t one I’ve had the chance to try yet, it certainly looks as if it provides a brilliant, emotional experience from beginning to end.
ER: A lot
Mortal Kombat 11
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This was one everyone basically already knew about, but this direct gave us a reminder of the release date and various features such as custom characters. For fans of this long running, brutal fighting game, get April 23 in ur brains.
ER: Cool
Unravel Two
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This adorable puzzle platformer sees you and, optionally, a friend take control of two little creatures made of yarn as they navigate a colourful world and help each other pass various obstacles. For those fans of platformers like the Yoshi series, Unravel is definitely one to consider.
ER: Cool
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered
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This is the iconic stealth fighting series Assassin’s Creed’s first outing on Switch, but if this footage is anything to go by, it’s not looking brilliant. While this once again could be put down to unfinished development, the first look at a game is often the most important, and a slow frame rate shown during the direct could mean this game isn’t what fans want it to be.
ER: Tentative
Final Fantasy Release Dates
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For fans of the legendary and slightly intimidating JRPG series, several games in the series both new and old will be coming to the Switch in 2019:
Final Fantasy VII on March 26th
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! on March 20th
Final Fantasy IX is out now!
ER: Cloud is my favourite twink
Astral Chain
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Admittedly, at a first glance, this title in a brand new franchise didn’t particularly excite me. But after having another look, I can definitely see where all the hype is coming from. This looks to be a hack-and-slash sort of action RPG with all the edgy story elements and setpieces of that ever so popular steampunk genre that players seem to love these days. With all these mechs, explosions and edgy voiceovers, it makes me think that Xenoblade Chronicles and Deus Ex had some kind of torrid love affair. On top of this, with a dev team that has Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101 and NieR: Automata under their belt, this is a game that will almost certainly impress when it finally comes out on August 30. Platinum Games might just have another winner here.
ER: Big yes
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
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oKAY, let’s be real, this is the one that really knocked it out of the park. At least for me it did. As the final reveal, this made me scream a little tiny bit. I think we’d all heard the rumours of a 2D Zelda coming to Switch, but I was highly skeptical to say the least. But a wonderfully charming and artistically bloody P E R F EC T remake of Link’s Awakening?? HHHHHH. They even kept all the Mario enemies for some reason! Oh boy, whenever they release this in 2019 apparently really can’t come soon enough.
That was all for this direct! I hope you enjoyed my silly, unplanned breakdown of all the cool things that happened. Til the next direct!
Oh and if you’ve got a craving for more game news, be sure to check back on my blog March 1st for the second ‘issue’ (lol) of my monthly viddy game mag!
Stay hydrated my dudes.
9 notes · View notes
taenys · 4 years
have you considered talking to tom and letting him know how you feel regarding him still keeping contact with his ex?
I assume you follow me on twitter and saw my dumb emo tweets last week :/// but yeah, I have actually in the past. Well, kind of. He brought it up before in like August or something last year after he noticed (I’m sure more than once) that I got weirdly quiet and awkward when he’d say something like “I was talking to insert ex’s name here about blah blah blah” and I’d sort of just “uh huh” and shift uncomfortably. She’s his friend though, so for him he’s just sharing an anecdote of a conversation he had with a friend, not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. He’s a smart dude though, and I’m terrible at hiding my emotions anyway so it was fairly obvious I wasn’t totally cool with those little anecdotes so after a couple times of that, he finally brought it up. He asked if it bothered me that he was still friends with her. I went into a sort of panic mode and shut down and gave him a weirdly cold answer because I didn’t know how to articulate the 5000000 words that were running through my mind. I needed time to process how I wanted to answer that because it was much more layered than what he was probably thinking. 
Anyways, I went on here as soon as I got home, my safe space to vent in really long essay format about my feelings LMAO, and wrote this massive thing explaining how I felt and why I felt the way that I did (which if you don’t have time to read THAT essay on top of THIS 2k one, then the tl;dr version is essentially: I strongly dislike her because I feel like she was very toxic and just generally a pretty shitty girlfriend and he sacrificed so much and gave so much to her and that relationship and got very little care and love in return . And that damaged him and soured his entire outlook on love and dating, namely his ability, or maybe his desire, to love someone as profoundly and selflessly as he had in that relationship). 
So after writing that whole thing I thought, “okay I need to communicate this to Tom now, but how? Wait another week until I see him in person? Let him think I’m just a petty brat who doesn’t want him talking to his ex because I’m “jealous” or some dumb shit like that for that whole week????” Absolutely not. So I sent him the link to that huge essay (yeah, I sent him a link to my blog here, so I’ve been exposed!!!!!) And he read it and thanked me for being open and honest. And that was the end of that. It was never brought up again. From then on, I had assumed that meant he would no longer say things like “I was talking to ---- the other day…” or would at least be more considerate about it knowing it made me feel…sad and uncomfortable. But then last Friday a few hours before he was going to pick me up to stay at his place, he brought her up and it felt like a punch to the gut. 
So Animal Crossing has been my thing since it came out recently, I’ve been addicted like a billion other people are, and he’s been watching me play it since the beginning, keeping up with my progress and whatnot. I show him the goings on of my island, he sees me freak out over cute character interactions with my villagers, etc. I literally talk about it all the time with him and send him giddy texts and pictures updating him on my adventures and stuff because he’s my best friend and I want to share that stuff. I even named my island “Higgins” after his cat. He also knows that I love the villager Pietro to death (because I whine and mope about it all the time to him) and am DYING to have him on my island. So much so that I was considering spending up to 60 dollars on an official amiibo card to get him on my island, like a complete nutter.  
However, there are other ways to acquire a specific villager in that game, one of which requires making a “fake” amiibo card with a special chip and an android device with some specific apps. It’s cheap, and seemingly easy, but I hadn’t actually done any research on how to do it yet. I don’t actually feel like I have time to worry about that and it’s not high on my priority list right now. But anyways, the reason I’m sharing all of this is because Tom texted me that Friday saying that his ex was going to make her own fake amiibos and offered to make me one for Pietro. That’s really nice, isn’t it?! Yeah, it is. Except it made me feel really fucking shitty and depressed. Why?! Why though. Why do I have to CARE about shit that doesn’t matter anymore? 
Well, for one just seeing her name typed out tends to activate instant sadness and discomfort for me (I won’t use the word “trigger” but you get what I mean). But then it morphed into “Wait, why is he talking about me with her? Why would she offer that? Did she just casually mention she was making those and he then asked if she would make one for me? Or perhaps during whatever conversations they’ve had about the game, seeing as he doesn’t play it himself, he only had my experiences to share with her and that’s how she knew about what character I wanted. What else does she know about me, my interests, our relationship, etc? Has he ever...complained about me to her? Does she know that I don’t like her? And if I say “no thanks” to her offer (which is what I ultimately did say) will she think I’m being weird and immature? Will Thomas think so too? Does he already? 
These were all questions that began flooding my mind, making me feel worse and worse. Chronic overthinker, I know. I cried, out of frustration with myself for reacting this way. I was being irrational and ridiculous. And I knew this, which is why I chose to let it go. I let myself be sad about it for as long as I needed to be (which was luckily really only like a day and a half). But I let it go. Because it’s not actually a big deal. I was overreacting and overthinking and I knew this so I didn’t bring it up and I hoped to FUCK he wouldn’t either. I let myself be sad about though, because suppressing shit doesn’t help, but I just got through it. I worked through it internally. I felt like I owed it to him to try. And I felt better soon after. And even more so now being able to write about it in detail like this. Very cathartic and good for me to express it openly without judgement in writing. So thank you for allowing me that freedom.
It would honestly make me uncomfortable to know that Thomas is divulging personal snippets of my life, personality, interests, quirks, and our relationship with her just as small talk or whatever. I don’t want her to know me (or more than basic surface level stuff about me. maybe that makes me shitty). The same way I don’t want to know her. I already feel like I know TOO much about her (which is completely my own fault of course lmao). But I know and respect that Thomas has every right to share whatever information about his life he wants with her (and all his other friends, for that matter), and I’m a (significant) part of his life so naturally I’m sure to come up. He was just thinking of me in that moment when he sent me her offer, I’m sure. Thinking how happy it’d make me to have that character FINALLY, but not realizing my complete disdain for who I was receiving it from would ruin it for me completely LMAO. Yeah, I want Pietro but not THAT bad. Maybe that does make me petty and immature. Whatever.
I will never ask Thomas not to be her friend to talk to her. Never. One, because I don’t ever want to be that controlling and manipulative. And two, because I understand what she is to him. She’s basically...his ex-wife lmao. That’s the simplest way I can put it. They’ve been friends for a long time and lived together for five years. He moved to Oregon for HER. Marriage was in discussion near the end. I mean, they probably could have gotten married if certain circumstances had been different (though I doubt either of them would’ve been happy in that marriage). They adopted a cat together. So she’s basically his ex-wife with whom he shares a “child” with (the cat), and he will therefore always have an important connection with her. She’s likely always going to be his friend and part of his life. I accept that and respect that completely. 
But for me, I will always see her as someone who was toxic and damaging to Thomas when they were together, and they were together for a long time. I understand that now they’re just friends so there’s no more toxicity in their relationship, and enough time has passed that he’s likely forgiven her and perhaps she’s even apologized to him for the way she was, but the effects from their relationship will always be there internally for Tom. I’m in a relationship with a Thomas who no longer lets himself get intensely attached to his romantic partners. I believe there is a wall no one will ever penetrate that keeps him safe from ever getting truly heartbroken or hurt again. He will likely never love me with the fervor and selflessness that I love him with because he cannot or does not want to give himself to a person like that anymore (this is all assumption of course, I don’t know the inner workings of his heart as well as he does and maybe I’m wrong). And that’s all because of that relationship. 
He will love and care for me as much as he can, will be firmly loyal and devoted and good and honest and kind. And that’s all I could ever ask for and want. I must emphasize this! I am not saying that Tom isn’t “good enough” or isn’t “giving me enough.” He loves me in his way (I can’t ask him to love me in MY way, that’s not how love works), and that’s all I’ll ever need. I love him unconditionally. But his whole concept of “love” and relationships has never been, and likely never will be, the same again for him. She really was his “one true love.” He’s “I’m not looking for anyone to ‘complete’ me” Thomas now, not “hopeless romantic, giving up everything and moving across the country for someone” Thomas anymore. I’m not saying I want Thomas to do something grand and dramatic to prove his love for me, or that I think he’s broken and needs to be fixed. I love him just as he is and would not change him in any way. He is perfect to me just as he is. 
My point is that he loved all he could love with her, for five plus years, and she drained him until there was hardly anything left. And as a result he (likely) decided he should never love someone that much ever again. And that crushes me completely. And I blame her for that. I’ll always blame her and always resent her for that. THAT’S the reason why it bothers me when he mentions her. She had selfless, devoted, hopeless romantic, emotional, vulnerable Thomas and she...didn’t care. She just wasted all of his love. How anyone could do that, I’ll never know. She never loved him as much as he loved her. He deserved better, and I’ll always be hurt by that. 
And so for all for all of that I…don’t like her. And I don’t want to try to like her. I don’t know if I ever CAN like her. And I hope he never demands that I do get to know her or become her friend or something because she’s really THAT important to him or whatever. God, I really hope that’s not a deal breaker for him or something but I feel like he would’ve mentioned that back then when it was brought up the first time. Maybe someday I’ll care less, I’ll get over it, I’ll forgive her too, but for now it’s still something that I can’t look past. I can live with it, I can accept it, but I don’t enjoy being reminded of it. 
I hate her for hurting the person I love. That’s all it is.
also I AM EXTREMELY SORRY FOR WRITING 2K+ WORDS ON A QUESTION THAT REALLY ONLY NEEDED A YES OR NO ANSWER SDJKLFDJKLDFJLKDFJKL; I just REALLY had to get this out of my system, and also need it for future reference in case it DOES come up again in the near future I want a sort of guide on how to express myself because I’ll likely be too emotional to articulate it verbally properly so it would be nice to have like an outline of things to touch on...if that makes sense. 
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christhehoff · 7 years
Direct Hit?
Nintendo Direct 9/13/17 Thoughts & Notes
The latest Nintendo Direct has come and gone, and it delivered pretty much what I expected, if not slightly more. Given the timing of the presentation, this was Nintendo's best opportunity to push its fall and holiday lineup, and it did just that with new information on Super Mario Odyssey, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and a smattering of others. Anyone expecting big reveals set themselves up for disappointment; this was about selling the games hitting in the remainder of 2017 first and foremost. That's not to say there weren't surprises; not only were new first-party games announced, but so were third-party titles, new hardware variations, and even an unexpected blast from Nintendo's past. Here are the top 15 notable moments as far as I was concerned.
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1. Super Mario Odyssey The more I see of this game, the better it looks. Nintendo has obviously been holding back information on this game since E3, showing only a handful of environments, enemies, and abilities, but the curtains opened a whole lot more during this Nintendo Direct. Sure, we expected Mario standbys like an ice world, a water world, and a jungle world, but it's nice to see them with our own eyes. As with previous looks at this game, the new footage displayed a world bursting with imagination and unparalleled creativity: running on water, controlling an adorable flying dinosaur, racing against Koopas, and engaging in a 2D Donkey Kong homage. The classic outfits tug at my Nintendo nostalgia, and the photo mode opens up a lot of fun creative possibilities. The best part is I think we've still only scratched the surface of this game. Well, the best part for some might be topless Mario's nipples, but I guess that's a personal preference. The Switch bundle that includes red Joy-Cons and a Mario carrying case is pretty snazzy too.
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2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 The new footage of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 really emphasized just how vast and beautiful the world is. The living, breathing environments, built on the backs of massive creatures, look absolutely stunning and, like in previous Xenoblade games, simply beg to be explored. The Nintendo Direct presentation - evidently narrated by a bored, genteel British grandfather - was absolutely ridiculous and probably didn't garner many new fans, but it didn't negate my enthusiasm for this anime-influenced RPG. The special edition - including a music CD and a 220-page artbook - is somewhat tempting too, but maybe not for $100.
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3. Project Octopath Traveler Even though it's not set for release until next year, Nintendo put a heavy emphasis on the ludicrously named Project Octopath Traveler for Switch. I know it's supposed to be a temporary name, but hopefully it finds a better one sooner rather than later. More exciting than the presentation was the release of the playable demo, which lets you sample the game as two of the eight protagonists, Olberic the warrior and Primrose the dancer, each with unique special skills. The inclusion of eight protagonists gives the game a Saga Frontier feel, while the retro graphics feel like a throwback to 16-bit Final Fantasy games. This one has a lot of promise.
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4. Nintendo Arcade Archives This came out of nowhere. Hamster, the company responsible for publishing a ridiculous number of Neo•Geo games on Switch, will now be delivering Nintendo's classic arcade lineup in pixel-perfect form to a console for the first time ever. Nintendo should have tried something like this with arcade Virtual Console on Wii, but it didn't; now, at long last, the original versions of these seemingly lost arcade games will finally be playable once again. While the differences between the arcade and NES versions of these games aren't huge, they're a captivating piece of Nintendo history, and hardcore fans will love picking up on the subtle differences in games like Mario Bros, Vs Balloon Fight, Vs. Ice Climber, Vs. Pinball, and Vs. Clu Clu Land. For me, it's all about Vs. Super Mario Bros and Punch-Out!!, but if the price is comparable to past Arcade Archive offerings ($8 or so), I'll probably buy the whole lot.
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5. Doom & Wolfenstein II I'm not a big FPS fan, so these aren't games I'll likely buy personally, but I love the fact that the Switch is diversifying its lineup and seeing more support from Bethesda in the form of these popular shooters. Hopefully other publishers will do the same.
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6. Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon I loved Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, and I want to say the same about Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but the latest footage shown of these games didn't really inspire. Whereas Sun and Moon were exciting and refreshing, it looks like Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are going to retreat an awful lot of the same territory. The Pikachu Park and new beach areas look nifty, as do the new Ultra Beasts, but I was hoping for a lot more.
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7. New Nintendo 2DS XL Hardware On the other hand, the Poké Ball Edition New Nintendo 2DS XL (coming Nov. 3) looks amazing. I have to believe this will be one of Nintendo's most in-demand hardware variations yet. And the new white-and-orange New 2DS XL (coming Oct. 6) looks perfect for fall as well.
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8. Kirby: Star Allies It's bright, it's colorful, and it's full of multiplayer action and crazy copy abilities - it's definitely a new Kirby game. We still don't know much about this previously untitled Kirby game that was revealed back at E3, but it's sure to be a blast when it hits in spring 2018.
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9. Mario Party: The Top 100 With a November 10 release date - less than two months away - this one came out of nowhere as a surprise announcement. But is Mario Party out of ideas? This 3DS release curates the best 100 minigames from past Mario Party titles and compiles them into one game. Mario Party games have a reputation for being very similar, but in this case it literally reuses the ideas from the past. Hopefully it has compelling boards to tie it all together.
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10. Kirby: Battle Royale Taking a break from the usual Kirby formula, this is a four-player Kirby fighting game for 3DS. There's a single-player mode, of course, and several types of competitive play, but it's kind of a bummer that there's no stereoscopic 3D.
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11. Dragon Quest Builders Essentially combining elements of Dragon Quest with Minecraft, this one was released on other platforms some time ago, but I'm glad to see that it's coming to Switch in North America.
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12. Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition It's hard to believe there wasn't a 3DS version of Minecraft until now. This game probably would have had more impact if it were released a year or two ago, but better late than never, I guess! The digital version is already available for download, and a physical version will be coming down the road.
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13. Snipperclips Plus The original Snipperclips was a tad too frustrating for my tastes - perhaps I needed better co-op partners - but it's nice to see it returning with an expansion, and with a physical release. You can grab the full package at retail for $30, or if you already own the original digitally, you can add on 30 new stages and other features for just $10.
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14. The Alliance Alive Other than the fact that it's a traditional fantasy RPG featuring nine protagonists, and that the story focuses on humanity rising up against demon conquerors, little has been said about this one. But Atlus rarely steers us wrong with role-playing releases, and one of the writers of the early Suikoden games is involved, so I'm definitely interested.
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15. Amiibo Release Dates If there’s one thing I love, it’s amiibo. And I can't wait for the latest releases, all of which now have release dates. Koopa and Gooma hit Oct. 6 (the same day as Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions); Chrom and Tiki hit Oct. 20 (the same day as Fire Emblem Warriors); and the Champions of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Mipha, Revali, Daruk, and Urbosa) hit on Nov. 10. Who knows? Maybe the second batch of BOTW DLC will hit around that time too. Of course, the Mario, Peach, and Bowser amiibo hit alongside Super Mario Odyssey on Oct. 27.
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feather-dancer · 7 years
Tagged by @chantillyxlacey
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
1) Favorite Fairy tale? I’ve always been more of a fables person but I love crack versions of Red Riding Hood where the wolf isn’t a dick.
2) First book that made an impression on you (comic book, fanfic are also acceptable) Firebringer dear god. I’m a sucker for animal pov stuff (Like I’m a massive Animals of Farthing Wood fan) but that was brutal and I hung on every word and likely started my thing with deer. The author did another book following wolves called The Sight and a sequel, Fell. Damn that set me on roads let me tell you.
3) If you could be any established superhero, which one would you be and why? Can Lara Croft original count? Before my health started getting worse I wanted so bad to be able to do that crazy shit and was partly why I took up gymnastics in primary.
4) Do you collect anything? (books, figurines, movies, video games, etc.?) My desk is surrounded by a mixture of plushies that are game related, purrmaids and other, Amiibo and a ton of other tat if that counts? Though videogame soundtracks are my jam.
5) Favorite thing to do on a day off? Art, watch stuff, game. Before I was forced out my job my days off were literally recovery time and I was so stressed and exhausted 24/7.
6) Favorite Monster? Dragonz
7) Coffee, Tea, soda, or cocoa? Tea. While I do have pop every so often tea is just a safe bet.
9) Current mood? Exhausted and still stressed out about the artwork that will miss my original deadline.
10) Favorite song at the moment? Human - Rag n Bone Man as I got listening to it again.
11) What do you like to dress up as? (halloween, cosplay) I do have half an outfit of my Mobster!Vivi if that counts?
So, my 11 questions are as follows:
1. What was your first ship, even if it was before you knew what shipping was?
Sonadow crack all the way.
2. What was the first video game you ever played?
Bubble Bobble / Prince of Persia on the Commodore 64.
3. What was the first video game you ever beat (all by yourself even)?
Spyro 1! I printed out a faq to help me find the hidden shit.
4. What was the first fanwork you ever created (stories/drawings from childhood that have never seen the light of day count)?
Pokemon that I’m aware of at least.
5. Describe your favorite and/or most outlandish pair of socks
I am boring and have no favourites.
6. What is your favorite thing to cook, when you have the time for it?
Nothing really, getting me to eat is hard enough so I just make sandwiches.
7. What is the oldest book you own?
I have a book from 1957! I forget the title without looking but it was gonna get ragged so I nabbed it.
8. What is the most interesting item you own? What’s the story behind it that makes it so interesting?
Probably of all things a peacock tail feather. Despite them being sold, I was given this one for free and it has a complete eye it looks amazing.
9. What was the first dream career you wanted as a child?
Unfortunately the expectation not to live that long stomped that idea and I never have one.
10. Who is/was your favorite pet, past or present?
Can’t pick a favourite they’ve all been important to me, even the grumpy shit that keeps tapping the thermometer atm.
11. If you got free plane tickets to anywhere in the world right this instant, where would you want to go and why?
Either meet up with Marshy somewhere (Though would need to sort the passport issue) to cause havoc or hit the states to give friends heart attacks since I have my address list.
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cviperfan · 7 years
E3 2017: Ubisoft Conference
-"HOW TO TELL YOUR FAMILY YOU WANT A JOB IN VIDEO GAMES!!!1!! :D" me: *stares into the camera like on the office* -Well after like 3-4 years of running poor Aisha Tyler through the ringer they just tossed her away well GOOD she deserves better than this shitshow lmao -"Let the games begin! The hunger games that is now all of you look under your seat and you'll find a random weapon--" -I don't like the new Ubisoft Logo it looks like someone split it in half in PS and then tried to put it back but it didn't line up exactly right and then were like ‘well it’s probably fine’ Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle -WELP ITS REAL Y’ALL OWE LAURA KATE DALE AN APOLOGY -I CANT IMAGINE A WORSE MASCOT TO TEAM NINTENDO UP WITH OUTSIDE OF POSSIBLY THE MINIONS LMAO -OH GOD THE COINBOX VORED HIM -stfu Yves you've never ever wondered that -FUCK YALL WHY ARE YOU APPLAUDING FOR THIS LITERALLY NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS -MIYAMOTO holy shit -see the reason they all have guns now is bc they killed Samus McMetroid and ate her corpse to absorb her power -BILL LMAO -God I fundamentally dislike this but god I can't dislike Miyamoto for it im trash -....oh my god that awkward silence -"Representative Director, Creative Fellow" -well it sure is a Mario game that's never been made I guess -THREE YEARS?????? -'tactical adventure', Switch exclusive -I gotta say the art direction is honestly really strong -Peach is gonna murder that fucker lmao -turn-based strategy -FUCKING CHEST HIGH WALLS IN MARIO I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS -Okay but this is MARIO XCOM which... that's interesting tbh -LIke... idk the rabbids tie in is....bad but mechanically it looks sound? IDK -Figurines?  Not amiibo then? hmm AssCreed: Origins -if they were smart they'd use Roundabout for the soundtrack on the trailer just sayin' -jeez has it REALLY been 10 years -so if they're going to the origins of the lore are they eventually gonna bring the Future Past Space Gods back cuz that shit was actually interesting -a nice trailer tho tbf ubi has been good at making trailers for a while -"hey here's a teaser of gameplay on a off-angle monitor that's way darkened lmao" -GOD I didn't even think about it but the eagle is literally just the carry-over of the drone bullshit they've had in half their games over the last couple years -LIKE UBI REALLY HAS JUST GOTTEN THEIR ONE GAME FORMULA EVEN CLOSER TO A SCIENCE LMAO The Crew 2 -WHO IS THIS WEIRD FUCKER -Inception: The Tie-In Racer?!?!?!!? -...what exactly *is* this -so is there like a weird narrative now or..... -Ubisoft stop you don't know what Iconic means -oh because you don't drive planes, boats or bikes right -IDK Formula 1 racing is pretty intense -"excuse me my car is stalled or something i can't get out of this donut" South Park: The Fractured But Whole -well Fuck South Park but it looks like they at least added the option to play as a girl so enjoy that i guess Transferance -ELIJAH WOOD?!?!?!?!?!?! -?????????????? -IS THIS SOME FUCKIN FMV SHIT?????? -That's.... actually kind of cool -OH GOD THIS IS MY SHIT THO Skull & Bones -"something really, really unique that happens to use the money saving baseline of our established Pirate Sea Battle Engine from AssCreed" -Anne Bonney? -OH DAMN THAT PIRATE CAPTAIN LADY IS FUCKIN SICK -...hmmm -hmm so it's a deeper take on the pirate mechanics of AssCreed 3 and 4 then -"shared systemic world" mmmn - so it sounds like a more simulation-oriented version of what Sea of Thieves is going for - god I hope this isn't a full-on multiplayer thing -aww so is boarding purely a numbers thing that sucks -"the world of skull and bones is one that evolves" doubt.jpg -.............WAIT WHAT -okay sea monsters makes that a little more interesting Just Dance 2018 -YEA OBLIGATORY UBISOFT DANCE NUMBER -Man sub-zero's new costume is a little weird -welp Ubi takes E3 I guess -I like how they don't even bother to really *talk* about these games anymore it's literally just now "hey new one's out" South Park: Phone Destroyer -....k -it's literally just the turn-based system from the other ones transferred to mobile Starlink: Battle for Atlas -"Atlas.  Jewel of the Pleiades" oh yea sure -Let me guess was it an evil scary alien race yup -Oh that art direction is pretty cool -*switch controller* ...wait WHAT -WHAT IS THIS -Modular toys-to-life? ...Interesting -Like i mean you missed the boat on the fad by literally a couple years there but hey -huh so it looks like it's designed to work with *all consoles* not just the switch hmm -like honestly that might not be a bad strategy of building the toys-to-life gimmick around a game that's 'friendlier' to older collector types -"I grew up in the 80s" OH GOD  -"massive open living star-system" *jefferson voice: uh huh* -Oh okay so you can get the same content digitally you don't have to track down specific toys necessarily so... that's something actually. the price point is key though Steep update -wow that's kinda nuts they've gone a whole year without an expansion tbh -so it's an Olympic update?  makes sense actually Farcry 5 -I'm way less interested now that some plot details have been revealed that really makes it easy to "other" the White Nationalist Religious Cult tbh -still there's some value in its intent i suppose even if it's largely courting controversy for attention -"a place where people don't even lock their front door" oh god -OKAY GRACE ARMSTRONG IS GREAT I ALREADY LIKE HER -YEA tactical doggo -I can appreciate the response to all the whining from Not-Racists,Honest types complaining about """racism""" being a montage comprised entirely of murdering white nationalists :) Beyond Good and Evil 2 -Did Guy Ritchie direct this????? -YOOOOO SHES COOL -What is this if the game plays anything like it looks im down -I'm super curious about thie strong south asian influenced aesthetic -FAITH?!?!?! -....WHAT -WHAT -NO WAY -I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS IS REAL -Michel Ancel finally released from the UbiSalt Mines -DAMN FUCKIN RIGHT -I CANT BELIEVE THIS CHRIST -Prequel (oh so it's literally the explanation of why there are anthro characters in BG&E1) -HEY LOOK SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS WHAT CYBERPUNK IS ACTUALLY ABOUT :)))))) -Okay honestly this sounds like Infinite Space IM DIGGING IT -Online multiplayer -....huh -yea I would fully expect It's Gotta Have Multiplayer would have been the One Condition Ubisoft would have attached to allow this to exist
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dandelliongirl · 6 years
It’s May!
And I’ve been so sick.
So basically it started on the 16th of April when I went in to get a mole on my back looked at. I thought they were going to just examine it and we’d book a different time for the actual operation if it needed to be removed. Well, they said they’d remove it immediately and it wasn’t until the knife was on my back that the doctor cared to mention that I couldn’t move my back for 2 weeks until the stitches get removed. Well, I had a bunch of ballet rehearsals and a recital and my own students had their recitals so yay? Obviously I had also gone to the doctor’s office by bike and with a backpack so coming back was quite difficult. I managed to make my way to work for a few hours until the local anesthesia wore off and it started to hurt a lot. I cannot believe how people go through liposuctions or breast lifts and live to tell the tale.. I only had a tiny 5cm scar with a few stitches and it hurt so bad. I also didn’t want to take painkillers because I was afraid I would tear my scar open if I forgot about the pain. Anyway for the next four or so nights I had to sleep on my stomach and that wasn’t great.
I guess the stress from the mole removal combined with the lack of sleep made a flu flare up. I had a practical training for understanding and supporting motor development difficulties the next day and that was also interesting with an aching scar on my back. On Wednesday I started getting fever aches but had meetings and work to do so I relied on flu medication and kept going despite feeling miserable. Naturally that was a horrible idea since my flu kept getting worse and it dragged on for almost 2 weeks. On Sunday the 22nd I lost my voice completely after teaching my dance classes. I know I’ve “lost my voice” in the past but that just means you sound croggy and your throat hurts. This time literally nothing came out of my mouth even if I tried to scream. Naturally I had a job interview the next day and with gargling salt water, steam breathing with herbs and eating honey with a spoon I managed to cough out a few words for the interview. Probably won’t get the job though but at least I got interviewed out of a total of 80 applicants - which is amazing considering my age and experience. Regardless after that interview I had to go bring some printouts to a course that was starting and make sure everything was okay with them, and after that I cancelled everything for the rest of the week. I didn’t go to ballet on Monday but had to go on Tuesday because I’ve already missed 3 weeks of spring recital rehearsals. I had to cancel a meeting and office work from tuesday, another meeting from thursday and a substitute gig from thursday evening. I stayed in, drank insane amounts of ginger tea and laid on the sofa feeling miserable. On Wednesday me and mum went to visit grandmum in the hospital because she fell and fractured her spine.. Luckily she can walk and everything so no mobility was lost but she’s in a lot of pain and obviously the quality of physiotherapy isn’t great over there and she’s already old and has a hard time moving around so it isn’t looking too great.. If only she managed to keep moving despite the pain and didn’t get completely stuck in bed. I brought her some of my favourite books to keep her company while she recovers.. Poor grandmum ♥
I spent my birthday on Thursday the 26th silent and miserable but at least I had a friend come over to play ACNL with me for a bit. Needless to say other than that it was a pretty sad birthday..
On Friday I had my voice somewhat return but that only gave way for an insane cough and a near continuous nosebleed. My friend came over again to play ACNL and I had ballet in the evening. The entirety of Saturday was spent at our dance recital for the international day of dance. I went to buy groceries in the morning and then we rehearsed our staging and lights at 14:10, had a dress rehearsal at 15:00 and a show at 17:00. We had to stay until the end because we all got a rose and had to wait for that. We also satyed behind to take lots of pictures so it wasn’t until 8-ish at night that I was back home. And yup, the recital was bad because of my cough but I managed and had fun with my friends.
On Sunday my 7-9 year olds performed their Waltz of the Hours from Coppelia. I tried to save my voice in the mommy and me class before that and somehow managed to address the parents of my little ballerinas and wish everyone a happy summer. It all went surprisingly well though and one of my two groups is now on summer vacation. My other class performs next Sunday.
As my cough started getting better and there was less snot coming out of every orifice of my body the gums on top of my bottom right wisdom tooth got insanely inflamed and sore. It hurt all the way to my jaw bone and I couldn’t swallow or make any facial expressions. Even coughing hurt a lot and I had to constantly be on painkillers. Sunday through Tuesday was very painful but now it’s subsided into a dull ache that flares up when I eat or open my mouth. I just want to be healthy again and this experience has been really eye opening in regard to those with chronic pain or illnesses. I’m this miserable and weak from 3 weeks of stitches, a damn common cold and a tooth ache so my heart really goes out to those people who have to suffer day in and day out...
I woke up early on Monday to wash my toilet and vacuum the house because I’ve had to neglect everything during my sickness. then I went to get my stitches removed and I thought that would mean that I’m in the clear with my back but nope. Obviously now that the stitches are gone it’s at a high risk of ripping open and I still have to spend a couple of weeks not bending my back or lifting heavy stuff. I also need to apply a silicone cream on it for 90 days to help the scar so that it forms normally and doesn’t become a keloid scar since my body tends to do that. Anyway I spent the rest of Monday with my (pretty much only) university classmate and my friend who came to play ACNL with me and go shopping for May Day (Labor day) in the evening.
May 1st was spent celebrating. My tooth hurt real bad and the weather was cold and rainy so that we couldn’t go out for a picnic this year. I didn’t even wear my graduation cap or student overalls, which is kind of sad since it was my last labor day as a university student (unless I go back in for a PhD).. Anyway my ACNL friend and two other friends from high school came over, we made pizza and played Amiibo Festival. We also played some card games and finished off the evening with some awesome cards against humanity shenanigans. I had a lot of fun even though it didn’t really feel like May 1st because of the weather. Spring is super late this year.
Today I’ve written a job application (like I tend to do at least once a week..) and paid my rent. I’m trying to get back into playing the piano and I’m enjoying it a lot. I just feel like I need to revise a lot of my scales and chords because all my favourite songs tend to be in C major and I’ve pretty much forgotten everything else. I also have very little patience for learning new songs which sucks. I keep learning the start of a new song and then getting bored. I want a job so that I can afford a piano tutor or classes again... I want to get better. My guy’s little sister is an insanely talented singer and she plays the guitar really well and so I wish music could be an even bigger part in my life as well. I admire her a lot but at the same time it makes me sad knowing that I have no talent for such (or for anything else for that matter) and even if I did learn something cool I’d never want anyone to hear. It’s like I want recognition but I’m terrified of people knowing about me and this is a bad combination. Anyway for now I just want to play because it’s fun and it makes me feel accomplished.
I’m attending a website training for work tomorrow morning and going to the office after that. I’m a bit scared since it’s been a couple of weeks and I bet there’s a ton of stuff that’s been piling up. I just have to think about the money, especially now that I won’t get paid from my summer job until the end of June, and I need something to pay June’s rent with... Overall this is a pretty chill week and I’m happy about that. I need to make this a chill month since it’s practically my summer vacation.
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c7thetumbler · 8 years
WiiU Games Retrospective
Now that the WiiU is on the way out, I’m going to go through my entire collection and give my opinions and recommendations on each title as I remember it today, regardless of my playtime. This is both good because I’m not viewing it from hype/rage and bad because I have shit memory.
Should be interesting. Let’s get the
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... We’ll go alphabetically. Also I won’t be including any non-exclusives that don’t do anything interesting with the gamepad. It’s not really worth the trouble
Also it’s pretty long, loads of pictures. I have bolded my final 1-2 sentence long opinion/recommendation after each game for TL;DR purposes, and have a summary on my whole opinion on the WiiU’s library at the end.
Bayonetta 1 + 2
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(Note: NA did not actually get this cool box because NoA is butts)
So unfortunately I’m lending this out right now. This is a weird one to start out as; I personally don’t mind this kind of game at all, but it does some design choices that turned me off of them both. I never actually got to 2; basically my experience was getting about halfway through 1 before I got really tired of being told I suck at the game after every fight and level. The final straw on the back was failing a quick-time event in the cut-scene, which INSTANTLY kills you and therefore gives you the worst award at the end of the level, making it feel like I just lost all progress despite them putting a save point just before the cut-scene for what I’m assuming is that reason.
Basically the gameplay is fun, but not for me. Recommended that people give it a shot first before a full purchase, but honestly I can respect it being a fun game
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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
This is a fun little experiment; basically you play a game where the goal is to the star at the end of a very compact, clever puzzle level without jumping at all. It stems from Super Mario 3D World (we’ll come to that later) and honestly it’s a pretty fun title. There’s unfortunately not much here in the way of thrills, and it does get kind of repetitive, but it’s good for a few hours of light puzzling fun.
If that sounds good to you, I would recommend a purchase, but not for much more than $15-$20
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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
So Retro Studios and Nintendo were given a lot of flak for putting resources into making another 2D platformer DK game instead of like StarFox or Metroid. This flak was misplaced; yeah, DKCTF wasn’t going to (and clearly didn’t) ship consoles, but it is probably one of the best 2D platformer I’ve played in a long LONG time. Retro knows game-feel, they learned what DKC needs to feel right, the level design is top-fucking-notch, and there’s so much content there for what looks like an easy game to make. A lot of love went into this game, and it shows as you swing your way through.
I highly recommend this game to anyone who has a WiiU; It’s well worth it.
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Game & Wario
This game was supposed to be a compilation of mini-games that effectively showed off all the little uses the Gamepad could be good for in designing new games. Instead it showed us a bunch of potentially good ideas that were ruined by a silly, unnecessary gimmick. Somewhat poetic really.... But yeah, the platformer mini-game was ruined by blind jumping between screens, the bullet hell was ruined by bad motion controls, the micro-game compilation was ruined by having to stare at the wrong screen, etc. etc. Its only redeeming factor was that some of the multiplayer mini-games were pretty fun, but not at all worth it.
Avoid this game, it will only bring frustration
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Hyrule Warriors
So this game is available, and from what I’ve heard is even better, on 3DS. The problem is, it runs like crap on not n3DS’s and I don’t have any intention of getting one. But this game is too much fun to leave alone. I actually dumped at least 200 hours into this thing; It’s pure, mindless fighting with a variety of interesting characters and challenges and I love it. Yeah, it gets repetitive and obscenely hard and grindy at points, but honestly? I love playing it. There’s just something cathartic about taking your favorite Zelda character and saying “I’m going to annihilate all 200 of the clumped up bad guys right in front of me”. And then doing it, of course.
Recommended for people who are fans of mindless arcade combat with a lot of content to boot, but if you have a New 3DS, check out that version first.
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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
This game’s gorgeous. I will give it that. It’s also pretty fun. But unfortunately I’ve played Canvas Curse, and this is basically Canvas Curse lite. Unless you are one of the people playing as players 1-5, you wont ever get to see how pretty the game is since player 1 (Kirby) should be staring at the gamepad AT ALL TIMES. It’s a fun gimmick game, but ultimately it’s not really found it’s place in my heart.
I don’t recommend this, but I don’t knock it too bad either. Good for a few hours with friends, but doesn’t stand up unless you’re really into it.
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
This is better than the Wii/GC version in almost every way. I remember having a few nitpicks with it at the start, and I would still argue that this game didn’t really need to happen, but it’s still a really solid title since it did. The controls are better, the game looks good, and while they didn’t really change my main issue with TP (it kinda teetered off at the end and a lot of the tools are used once in a dungeon and then twice outside of it, then completely ineffective otherwise), TP is still a pretty fun game. I’m going to rail on this less because they handled collectibles and new content better.
You like Zelda? You’ll like Twilight Princess HD. You know what you want.
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The Legend of Zelda: WindWaker HD
So the story behind this is that it was made in 6th month to test out HD shaders for Breath of the Wild. That’s nice. In the meantime they also streamlined some of the more annoying parts of the original game (which I will say is one of if not my favorite Zelda game).
But the thing with this is... It’s a pretty poor HD remaster. There’s not really anything new here, and they took out a core feature, the tingle tuner, and replaced it with something pretty bleh. Additionally, WW was famously rushed and had at least two entire dungeons cut, if not even more, so to see that they didn’t at least add something more in to make it more appealing to those who had already played it was pretty cash-grabby in my eyes. In their defense they had to get this out quicker to help end the launch-game drought, and the dungeons that were supposed to be used in WW have since been reused (TP had one or two dungeons that felt Windwakery) so it would’ve felt cheapened I suppose. Regardless, Jabun still giving you the pearl, the Ice and Fire islands, and the triforce piece quest are still there, but improved. 
If you’ve played the original WW, you’ve played this but less pretty. If you haven’t this is the definitive version and I would recommend it.
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Mario Kart 8
The best Mario Kart if you take off nostalgia goggles. It’s well balanced, there’s a lot of variety in vehicles, the new gravity mechanic is fun as fuck, and it’s just beautiful. The only complaint I have is character variety; everything else just makes it a really solid title, and the DLC is pretty fun too. The item system had a lot more thought put into it this time around, and they struck a good balance between skill and those crazy moments where you get Mario Kart’d on. You know what I mean
The essential Mario Kart, and therefore an essential WiiU title. Probably the best WiiU party game as well
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Mario Party 10
This one’s pretty obviously fallen victim to a number of massive problems. For one the closest thing to a classic Mario party it has is the amiibo mode, which requires you purchase an additional thing in order to play all the content on the Disc, and is itself needlessly tedious as it requires you to scan you amiibo every time a player needs to move. Secondly the modes it does have, Normal and Bowser Party, suffer all the problems Mario Party 9 and even Wii Party game modes had: a heavy, HEAVY reliance on unpredictable and unalterable luck that makes it completely unfun. Sure, that’s always been a huge part of Mario Party, but there’s really no way to even tip it in your favor with most of the games. Additionally Bowser Party is fun in concept, but really it also boils down to luck. Unless you’re Bowser. In which case, just kill one guy and the rest should come easily. The team movement thing makes literally no sense.
Avoid. If you’ve ever played another Mario party, you’ve likely played a better one than this.
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New Super Mario Bros. U
This game got more crap than it deserved, and only because Nintendo made the massive mistake of releasing NSMB2 on 3DS earlier that same year. While NSMBU falls into the same criticisms of being an uninspired Mario game with the same environments, the level design is all there, and it’s still a pretty fun game to play with friends. Hardcore players will also find a decent amount of challenge in it as well. The crap it gets for being a cheap cash-in is a bit undeserved though; love went into at least a few of these levels and you can tell.
Recommended for fans of 2D platformers. Not a must-have, but a fun title to keep in mind
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New Super Luigi U
NSMBU’s little brother, NSLU is either DLC or a standalone purchase because it takes every level in NSMBU and re-does them to be short-and-quick challenges. The gimmick is you play with Luigi’s controls, and you only have 99 seconds to complete each level. And just like Mario’s Little Brother, NSLU is basically better in most ways; sure, it can get stressful, but at the end of the day if you’re looking for a unique spin on the modern NSMB, this is it.
Well, outside of Super Mario Maker, but we’ll get to that shortly.
Quality purchase for 2D platformer fans of all kinds, though it is a bit more challenging than most modern Mario Platformers. I believe it’s still cheaper as DLC.
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I only ever played the first (there’s two) but honestly as a long-time Nintendo fan, this scratches that classic challenge itch. It’s basically a collection of NES games that have been split into multiple challenges, and then some of them are twisted to have mechanics from other games or slightly different tweaks to make them interesting. It’s a really fun and interesting idea, and I loved going back and playing old games I used to enjoy in small doses with fun little zest added to challenge myself. my only criticism is some of the games they picked; I’ve yet to meet someone who genuinely like NES Open Tournament (Golf) or Ice Climbers (Glitchy as fuck)
Recommended for those who like to challenge themselves, or nostalgia. Both or either; it can stand on its own.
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As the launch title that was to showcase the gimmick, this game stands out pretty well honestly. Some of the mini-games are bleh, but if you have a friend willing to play co-op Pikmin, Zelda, and Metroid missions there’s a lot of content and fun to be had. Most the pure single-player mini-games are pretty bland, but the pure multiplayer ones are good for some fun if friends come over. Really, this should be pre-installed on every WiiU given its purpose, but regardless it’s a good time.
I can recommend this title as an essential one to the WiiU experience, and it has a decent amount of both multiplayer and singleplayer content to revisit if you’re a completionist.
Wow, you made it halfway!
Lotta reading at once huh? Time to take a break.
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Or continue, I’m not your dad. 
But by now you’ve probably noticed a trend. I’ll expand at the end of course, but this is a long post and I needed to put another “keep reading” button somewhere. I won’t blame you for stopping now either, but who doesn’t love nerds talking about video games they hardly remember on the internet?
... Wait you can only have one of those per post?
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Paper Mario Color Splash
I actually just got this and am playing through it.
It’s Sticker Star 2. Yup. That’s basically it. The visuals look great; they nailed what they were going for... But they did in Sticker Star as well. Honestly the only praise I can give it is the writing is a lot better, but I can’t overlook the mechanics actively encouraging you to avoid the main battle systems enough to recommend this.
You like Sticker Star? Sure get it. You never played Sticker Star? You don’t need to; avoid this.
EDIT: Upon starting this up to continue playing, I came to an incredibly badly designed minigame gauntlet that punishes you so severely for failure, yet has safeguards immediately after it so you can try again over and over, meaning they knew it was bad. I’m changing my “recommendation” to “DON’T FUCKING BOTHER”
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Pikmin 3
Everyone who knows me knows my opinion on this. It’s the best controlling Pikmin game in the whole series, and anyone can start with this and get a good grip on what the series is about. For the longest time I would argue this made the best use of the Wiimote + Nunchuck + Gamepad combo, as controlling the map and captains through the pad while using the controller to move around the world felt right with it. My main complaints with the game is the lack of proper save files (it’s not a minor onel: these games are supposed to be highly re-playable) and the game was entirely linear. In the first two Pikmin games, you got access to all Pikmin types about halfway through, which allowed you to plan your days better. This one however you find a new Pikmin type per area you unlock until you get to the final boss area. Otherwise a great game.
I won’t pretend Pikmin’s for everyone, but I can’t recommend this game enough if you got even a little enjoyment out of it or are looking to try out a game in the series.
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Pokkén Tournament
I spent an hour with this game. Granted; I’ve never been a fan of traditional fighting games like this, and I know this tried some new things with that formula.... but it just wasn’t for me. It’s not friendly to new players to the genre, or even the game itself, and the UI even user experience on the whole just felt unpolished. Sure, the game itself i pretty, but I don’t know what the fuck half the shit it’s presenting me with means, and the VA for your trainer sure sounds like she doesn’t know either.
I’ve heard good things from the fighting game community, but as a casual to that myself, I’d give this a pass.
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Rayman Legends
I’m still pretty mad at the stunt Ubisoft pulled with this one; screwing over fans multiple times before release is just bad. However, the Murphey Mechanics (I think that was his name?) is best done on the WiiU, which is why I’m even putting it on this list. Other than that, it’s a really solid platformer and really creative as well. Rayman really shows what you can do to keep 2D platformers fresh and interesting
I highly recommend this title. WiiU version over the rest, but really you shouldn’t miss out period.
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Rodea: The Sky Soldier
I played this on stream- Well, the Wii version at least. Not sure if you can even get that anymore. It’s an alright concept; spiritual successor to NiGHTS basically. Apparently the Wii version was closer to the director’s initial visions, but they had to release a WiiU version by the time it was actually complete. All-in-all, not a bad game, but it didn’t hit the right notes for me. Kinda clunky controls, but then again I didn’t sink too much time into it.
An interesting experiment; there might be something here for NiGHTS fans, but for me personally it didn’t strike the right notes.
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Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
Not much to say about this other than it’s a really fun and satisfying racing game. It’s hard not to draw a comparison to Mario Kart, but once you get a grip with all the items and controls (doesn’t take long) it’s super fun and stands out much more than just “Mario Kart 7 clone”.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this, if not for WiiU than any other platform besides 3DS it’s available on.
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Sonic Lost World
What happens when Sonic Team gets their hands on a working formula? They toss it out and start over for no reason. There’s like 2-3 levels in the whole game that make good and interesting use of their new engine and mechanics. The rest are poorly designed gimmicky exercises in frustration and repetition. Not worth the time, money, or effort.
You want to play a good Sonic platformer? You won’t find one on WiiU.
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Nintendo’s first step into online competitive multiplayer shooters. And it’s glorious. Had SO much fun playing this game, and while it looks like it may die soon due to Spla-2-n (You better use that pun Nintendo) being right on the horizon on the Switch, this is a multiplayer experience that is ESSENTIAL to any WiiU collection. Single Player is pretty fun, albeit short. My only complaints were how amiibo were handled and some growing pains as Nintendo tried to work out balancing stuff.
I highly recommend Splatoon, but its multiplayer community has a high chance of dying out soon so you may have to gather some friends to play with since that’s where the bulk of the game is.
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StarFox Guard
This is Miyamoto’s tower-defense prototype from E3.... 2014 I believe? I forget, but yeah. It’s weird; what I like about TD myself is being able to strategize the best towers and placements and watch my creation get to work while I do some minor cleanup and adjustments.
This isn’t that. Which isn’t bad, exactly, but it’s not really fair to call this much of a Tower defense, since you have to micro-manage every tower and do all the shooting yourself. It’s an interesting concept, but one that just doesn’t tickle my fancy.
If you can find a way to demo it first, do so before buying. It’s not for everyone, but that doesn’t make it not worth it.
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StarFox Zero
And another controversial one. I’m just be blunt; the motion controls are bad and completely unnecessary, creating a boundary between people who are willing to tolerate them and those who just want to play the game, or an audience that Nintendo seems to forget exist, the ones who can’t use motion controls at all. Am I against them as a whole? No; Splatoon did them amazingly. In this game however they needlessly complicate something that just worked before into something that you needed to split your attention to use properly and constantly readjust as well.
I’ve been told I’m just flat-out wrong on this. Look; if you get a kick out of it, that’s great. All power to you. But after unlocking all the missions about 10-12 hours in and still arguing with the gamepad, I just can’t like this game. Controls are something you absolutely must get right, or else they stick with even the most devoted players throughout the entire game and make the experience a chore. In my eyes, they failed with SF0. I could talk about all the other flaws, but ultimately that’s what did it for me and I’m trying to keep these “short”
I can’t recommend this. If you’re really curious, borrow it from a friend, but it’s just not there.
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Super Mario 3D World
Is this the 3D Mario Platformer I was hoping for? Eh, not really; I enjoyed the open worlds of SMS and SM64 more, and even the Galaxys’ world hubs and linear-ish levels felt better than just a translation of 2D Mario design into 3D. Does that mean it’s a bad game? Not in the slightest. It’s fun, challenging, and looks great. Music is really good as well, and multiplayer is good for kicks.Of course, it’s not ACTUALLY 3D as its predecessor SM3DL was named, but we’ll chalk that up to Nintendo poor recent naming habits.
Recommended to any Mario fan, 2D or 3D. Basically the WiiU Mario Game everyone should have if they own the console.
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Super Mario Maker
This is the 2D Mario game to end all 2D Mario games. Basically every good Mario level ever made, and even more that would never have been made, can be created and therefore found in this. It’s really robust, there’s a ton of tools to use, loads of content, and it’s just all-around a good time. My only complaint is that they’re still back in 2006 when it comes to online functionality.
Basically everything you’d want in a level-creation game and a 2D Mario platformer rolled into one. Do not consider the 3DS version; it’s the WiiU version but without proper level sharing.
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Super Smash Bros. for WiiU
Personally I think the multiplayer, which is why my people buy it, is probably the best in the series if only for its diversity and ease-of-use (I don’t have to study advanced glitches techniques to get good (until you get very high-level, that is (bidou)))... But I’m weird. I don’t necessarily buy Smash for the multiplayer; sure, I get my money’s worth out of it for that, but I loved all the challenges in every previous smash, and adventure modes as well.
Those are gone. Smash Party or whatever it is takes its place, and like every recent Mario Party, it’s not worth your time. Custom moves are fun, but an absolute grind to get because they’re all random drops, and coins can only be used to purchase trophies. amiibo were interesting but ultimately unnecessary tacked on price tags, and the stages selected all have some ridiculous gimmick that makes them unpredictable or unfun to play if you’re just looking for a pure skill match. Thanks, Sakurai.
I recommend this, but obviously only if you’re interested in the Multiplayer; there’s nothing much for you here otherwise, but I mean that’s why you would buy smash anyway so it’s fine.
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The Wonderful 101
God, I despise this game. I’ve spent a good 10 hours trying to get into it over the course of the past few years, but I just can’t. Everyone who likes this game has told me you just have to get used to the controls, but honestly? It’s the camera. The things you need to tracks are tiny, and everything else is spread out. It’s very common to be attacked from a charging enemy you couldn’t see off-screen, or the camera isn’t looking at the place you want, and it comes back down to memorizing enemy attack patterns by getting wailed on for a good few failures, ultimately suffering from the same “You won but you suck” score system that turned me off of Bayonetta
I’ve heard if you like Platinum games a whole lot you’ll love this once you master the controls, but honestly I just can’t personally recommend this game.
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Xenoblade Chronicles X
This is the spiritual successor to Xenoblade Chronicles, a game I would highly recommend on Wii (and n3DS if you have one). Does it live up to its predecessor? In story and gameplay.... nah. In sheer scale? It surpasses it greatly. There’s a metric shit-ton more to do in X, and the combat’s in the same vein as Xenoblade Chronicles. I’m like 50 hours in and I still feel like I can’t give a fair assessment though because I still haven’t gotten skells (the giant robots), which are heavily featured in all promotional material. It’s also incredibly grindy and the world could’ve been better laid out for progression, but that kind of adds to its charm? It’s hard to explain.
I can recommend this for action RPG fans and fans of the first XC, but if neither of those are your cup of tea, it’s probably passable. 
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Yoshi’s Woolly World
It’s Yoshi’s Island but with a new aesthetic. It’s pretty fun, and the levels are well designed enough. There’s also more than enough content for completionists out there, but I would say it doesn’t really do much for 2D platformers other than be another example of a well-polished game.
I’d recommend this, but a 3DS version is coming out soon that looks basically better in every way, so keep an eye on that.
So where does that leave WiiU retail games
You’ll notice that my collection mostly consists of 1st party titles or IP’s. There’s a reason for that, but what’s really interesting is how a lot for these games either play it completely safe or are niche titles. Most of my recommendations are 2D platformers or what you would find on every Nintendo Console.
Does that mean I didn’t have fun with the WiiU? Obviously not; I had at least a little fun with most of the games on here, even if my reviews don’t sound like it. But ultimately the WiiU banked on a gimmick it didn’t properly utilize, and didn’t cater to the audience it needed to to compensate for that. 
On the whole, it’s hard for me to recommend a WiiU. I can’t say everyone will find something on it, because the truth is they might find one or two games, but I can’t recommend a console without saying there are more than enough games for everyone to get a library of their favorites. I think it’ll likely go down like the Gamecube did in a way, if all the titles don’t get ported to Switch or 3DS first of course. 
0 notes