#listening to some of their music makes me insane man gives me chills
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wanderingmoonmen · 3 months ago
for my classical music heads
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inkpot909 · 1 year ago
The Stardust Crusaders’ Picks for a First-Dance Wedding Song Headcanons
↳ Gender Neutral Reader. Joseph Joestar is excluded.
A/n: A chill list of headcanons that came to me at 6 in the morning. Jokes aside, I loved putting this together. Although I admit I am a bit biased since I’ve always loved retro music. I did my best to pick music that coincided with the music the characters each canonically listen to (at least, as far as we’re told).
Warning(s): None.
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Jotaro Kujo
-> As the World Falls Down
David Bowie
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn’t too much fun at all
But I’ll be there for you
As the world falls down”
Canonically speaking, Jotaro’s favorite musician is Toshinobu Kubota. It’s admittedly a rather interesting choice for a man who was a dedicated delinquent in high school.
But music tends to touch people in a special, often times sensitive, manner. And despite looking and acting the way he does, Jotaro’s music preferences are no different.
Yeah, sure, he’s definitely a “whatever’s on the radio” kind of guy, but he has taste.
Separated from others, when he’s in control of the music he’s listening to, his choices give the impression of a casual listener that somehow always has the best picks seemingly with no effort put in at all. Perfectly on brand for Jotaro.
Therefore, he’s likely going to have an unexpected pick.
Therefore, he picks a sappy ballad from an under-appreciated 80s movie. Not because he’s even seen The Labyrinth by any stretch of the imagination, but because he just… likes how it sounds.
He likely heard it one way or another, completely detached from the movie itself, and decided he enjoyed it. Something about the slightly cheesy yet instrumentally enchanting tune gets stuck in his head in a really good way.
There is a reason past “oh, it just sounds nice” as to why he picked it but let’s be honest… he’s going to get a little embarrassed annoyed if he has to explain to you in full detail.
The title pretty much speaks for itself, in his opinion.
Noriaki Kakyoin
-> Every Breath You Take
The Police
“Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you”
Good god, he’s certainly the Sting fan.
Whether or not you actually like Sting it’s hard to argue against the fact that Kakyoin likely has an overall shit taste in music. Why is this the case? Because he’s been alone the majority of his life and didn’t have any friends to bully him over it.
Not having anyone around him to say “what the hell is this” or just a simple “no” will and has effected him.
He’s the type of guy who claim’s “this album will change your life” before putting on some of the worst pieces of music you’ve ever heard.
Not that he isn’t trying, keep in mind.
This man will stress about what to suggest for days on end. He’s going to take the longest compared to the others in how how much time it takes him to pick. It’ll eat away at his brain, threatening to take every bit of his sanity unless he can think of what he deems as the perfect song he can choose.
And still he manages to not only choose an extremely predictable wedding song, but an insanely creepy one as well.
It’s weirdly charming, in his own odd Noriaki way.
He likely didn’t know what he was doing at the beginning of the relationship due to inexperience, and it’s probably heartwarming to know some things never change.
And it’s completely possible the stalker-ish lyrics of the song didn’t click inside his brain. Not because he doesn’t understand the lyrics per se… but because the poor guy hardly had a grasp on what was actually considered romantic when you first met.
Please, for your own sanity, don’t let the song played at your wedding be one that he picked (with hindsight he’ll probably thank you for it too).
Jean Pierre Polnareff
-> The Air That I Breathe
The Hollies
“Peace came upon me and it
leaves me weak
so sleep, silent angel, go to
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you”
Polnareff’s favorite musician isn’t ever canonically specified, but it’s made pretty clear he’s likely a fan of The Beatles. And considering he went through puberty during the 70s, he’s likely going to lean into that era of music.
Generally speaking, he’s got decent taste. Sure, he’s got the music taste of a white suburban father, but his picks are usually pretty agreeable.
That said, he’s definitely a little high and mighty about it.
He won’t go off on the subject too hard whenever you’re around, but he thinks very highly of his preferences. Polnareff’s a huge victim of nostalgia, and a part of him feels a little elitist for having grown up in the time period that he did.
He has had the song for his first dance picked out in the back of his mind for years, swearing that it would be played at his wedding at some point or another.
Hell, he’s probably got a full roster of music in mind for the reception.
For such a monumental occasion, he’s sure to pick a ballad that starts off slow but crescendos into the chorus- easily the type of romantic tune he’d prefer.
And unlike the others, you may get pushback from him if you don’t want that as your first dance. He’s quite stubborn, generally speaking, and this is no exception to that.
Ultimately though, he would eventually cave and do just about anything you want.
But as stated before, he’s had his mind set on this one for literal years. So certainly expect this to be a somewhat tough conversation to have with him if you prefer something different.
Muhammad Avdol
-> I Love How You Love Me
Claudine Longet
“I love how your eyes close
whenever you kiss me
And when I’m away from you I
love how you miss me
I love the way you always treat
me tenderly
But, darling, most of all I love
how you love me”
Avdol’s music taste is left as a complete mystery in canon.
However, because he runs his own shop, he’s fairly attached to the calming instrumentals he often keeps on at the store. Avdol understands atmosphere well and takes it very seriously.
When he’s not working, it’s not very often that he finds himself listening to music.
But when he does, it’s usually music with soft or ethereal overtones (you cannot tell me he doesn’t listen to Enya). Throw in some charming oldies from the 50s and 60s, and Avdol’s in his element.
To put it simply, easy-listening tunes are his freaking jam.
He also enjoys listening to music from all across the world. Avdol is likely well-traveled, and is undoubtedly knowledgeable on other places and cultures. So the preference comes naturally to him.
He’s going to pick something very romantic and slow. A song that, even if you maybe haven’t heard it before, upon the first time listening you just know it’s meant to be played at a wedding.
And, unlike the others, it would take him less than 24 hours to have made his choice. It’s not that he doesn’t put care into the decision, he just doesn’t like making you wait. He’s quite efficient when it’s something this important.
Regardless, he’s the most flexible of the group when it comes to your tastes, so anything you want is perfectly fine with him.
That said, it has to be a ballad. That’s his main request. Avdol’s eager for your input, sure, but he’s going to want to slow dance with you more than anything else.
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valiantphantomangel · 1 year ago
The best Christmas ever.
"Reindeer Games!! the lights have to be at least six inches away from each other!" Tony shrieked as he nearly ran into Steve who was carrying in another christmas tree with Bucky.
The sixth christmas tree in the freaking living room!
"Calm down man of iron" Loki grumbled as he pulled the lights further apart with the help of Natasha.
"Do you not know how to hang ornaments"?! Iron man freaked as he turned the small ball a few degrees the other way "go you disgust me"! He yelled at Sam before chasing after him with his small note book.
"Yep he's definitely gone insane" Natasha said with a nod as she and Loki climbed down from the ceiling where the lights hang.
"I have to agree with Lady Natasha" Thor mused while he made sure the lights were secured tightly.
"Who even put him in charge?" Rogers asked as he pushed the christmas tree upright.
"you did Cap" Clint said with a laugh from the vents where he was keeping watch so you wouldn't walk in on them decorating yet.
just then Peter literally fell from the ceiling with a shriek leaving Loki to catch him and put him back on his feet "Y/N is in the elevator to this floor"!!
Since it was a surprise that they were decorating the tower to give you the best Christmas ever, Loki quickly cast a spell to make all the decorations go invisible and they all dived into a hiding spot.
Somehow Sam managed to dive almost on top of Bucky who let out a groan and shoved him off "Damm it Samuel"!
Everyone shushed him and stayed hidden just as the elevator doors opened, you walked out with your headphones on listening to music and walked into the kitchen to grab some left over pizza.
"we need to distract her until we are done" Nat whispered to Loki as they sat crouched behind a couch.
"I'll distract her, you guys finish decorating" He whispered back with a grin, being the God of mischief and lies gave him quite the advantage on knowing your ticklish little secret and he was more then happy to finally use it.
Loki stood up and walked up behind you, tapping you on the shoulder and successfully making you jump in fright.
"Jesus Christ Loki! You scared the living daylights out of me" You said with a hand on your heart as you took off your headphones.
"My apologies, i simply wanted to ask if I could retrieve my book from your room?" He said hiding his grin.
"Yeah of course, I'll show you where it is" you said with a nod and walked off with your plate of pizza after kicking the fridge door shut.
Loki trailed behind you as you both stepped into your room, but before you could utter 'abracadabra' he tackled into your bed and pinned you underneath him.
"Loki what the hell" you said confused which quickly turned into a surprised giggle when he traced your ribs.
"Sorry for the scare darling, it's just that I heard some interesting information about you" He said with a mischief smirk as he continued to trace your ribs and tummy.
"And what would that behihihi?" you giggle nervously.
"Sargeant Barnes told me about your little ticklish secret" Loki mused as he ghost tickled your tummy which sent chills all over since you were incredibly sensitive.
Your eyes widen before bursting out in giggles as you trashed around, he dug into your ribs and softly traced your tummy at the same time, driving you into madness.
"NOT THEREHIHIHIHIHI" you screamed in laughter as you arched your back to escape him which only gave him more access to your sides.
"Then I'll just switch places love" Loki grinned as he scratched lightly over your neck before suddenly blowing a raspberry on your tummy.
"GHAHHAHAHHAHA" you laughed loudly until your laugh turned silent and he let up, pulling you up to lay your head on his chest.
"Shall we watch some movies for the rest of the afternoon love?" He asked as he played with your hair.
You hummed in agreement as you settled against him, curling up content.
And that's how the afternoon went, every time you tried to get up to grab something from the kitchen Loki latched onto your sides and reduced you into a giggly mess to keep you in your room.
When it got dark Steve and Tony walked in, smiling when they saw you two.
"Come on kid, we have a surprise" Tony said as he pulled you to your feet and guided you out of the room with his hands over your eyes, the other two quickly following to make sure you didn't fall.
After an interesting walk downstairs (Tony almost walked you straight into a wall and got his head smacked for it) you arrived in what you believed was the living room.
Tony took his hands from your eyes and you gasped.
The entire room was full with lights of all colours and in every corner stood a christmas tree, which was decorated to perfection with presents underneath it, you looked up and saw even more fairy lights around the ceiling. It was absolutely stunning.
A smile made its way to your lips as happy tears gathered in your eyes, you felt a pair of arms around you and soon you were engulfed by the team.
"You guys did all this?" You asked as you wiped your tears away.
"Of course we did, we wanted to make this your best ever christmas" Nat smiled as she threw her arm around your shoulders.
"Because we wanted to make you feel at home, loved and happy, we knew how much christmas means to you" Clint said as he appeared next to you.
"Well you guys certainly made that happen" you chuckle as you still looked around in wonder.
"Merry Christmas Y/N" Bucky said with a soft smile.
"Merry Christmas, you guys are the best family I could've asked for" You smiled brightly and you were once again engulfed by the team.
It was safe to say that this was the BEST christmas ever!!
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honoviadakai · 1 year ago
Rating the Hazbin crew based on how much I trust them to drive me places 🚗 😈
(This idea comes from @not-just-another-hazbin don’t think I didn’t see your reblog my friend, it’s been making me cackle for a week now 🤣)
Charlie 🏨🎶:
Oh this is the SAFEST person you could get in a car with
9 times out of 10, she’s probably not the one driving
It would be Razzle and Dazzle
That being said
When she DOES drive, you’re guaranteed to get from point A to point B in one piece
She’s a little too safe though….
She follows all traffic laws to the letter
And that wouldn’t borne a problem…if you guys weren’t in hell
Traffic laws in hell are a suggestion more than anything else
So more often then not, people are yelling slurs and insults at you two
Also, she’s lowkey a s low driver
She refuses to go above 30mph unless absolutely necessary
And that’s usually never with her
So if you have an appointment at 4pm and she’s the one driving you
No you don’t
It’s at 2pm
3pm at latest
She honestly gives off massive “trying to be the cool mom” vibes when driving
But her some slack, it’s the daddy issues that make her give that vibe
Vaggie 🦋🗡️:
She’s pretty ok at driving tbh
She’s gonna keep you safe and she’s more than capable of navigating you through the hellscape of hell’s roads
But her road rage is insane
Like you’d think someone like Husk has horrible road rage right?
It’s Vaggie
She genuinely might actually start ramming into people if they’re being truly unreasonably unhinged and threaten your safety
She truly just wants to keep you safe so that’s exactly what she’s gonna do
Just keep your seatbelt on…please
She’s also just not gonna let anyone eat in her car
No exceptions
Why…oh why in the ever loving FUCK would you get in a car where the RADIO DEMON was behind the wheel!?!
Get out of the car!
He’s gonna cause an accident on the freeway on purpose!
And god help you if you say you’re in a hurry!
He’s gonna grove even slower than Charlie!
Like 5MPH kind of slow!
Angel Dust🕷���💕:
He’s an average driver tbh
When he’s being chill/sober
He’s pretty good at staying out of trouble and getting you from point A to B in the time you need
Now if he’s having a manic episode or had too much coke….
Please for the love of god buckle up
He’s speeding so fast it makes Sonic the Hedgehog look like a tortoise
He’s there for a good time, not a long time and he wants to see some shit get wrecked
But tbh he might not let you in the car if he’s doing this
He doesn’t care what happens to him
But you?
Your safety matters so much to him…
Thankfully he hasn’t done stuff like that in a long time so for the most part, he’s a good person to go to if you need a ride
He’s got the soul of a grumpy old man and he drives like one too
First of all
He’s gonna complain when you ask him to take you anywhere
He’s gonna drive you ofc
But he’s gonna act like you took him away from something important
It was booze
You took him away from his quiet drinking time
How dare you
He’s gonna get you from point A to B as quickly and as safely as he can
Nothing crazy, he just wants to hurry back home with as little chaos happening as possible
Low key I feel like he plays country, blues and/or rock music from around the time he was alive
It’s mostly sad music if you really listen to the lyrics
He honestly doesn’t care if you eat in the car but if you make a mess, he’s making you clean it
It’s honestly like getting a ride from you’re very tired and jaded uncle
Absolutely not
First of all
Look at her
She’s like 3 ft tall
How is she supposed to reach the pedals or look over the steering wheel????
Even if she was tall enough to drive properly….would you honestly get in the car with her???
The best way I can explain her driving….
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And even then…I think she’s 1000 times worse than this guy
She’d tumble it hard enough to make it explode while you’re both still inside
And she’s laugh gleefully….
Just get a cab…it’s much safer
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
I know he’s capable of piloting his war machine
But piloting a ship and driving a car and very different for him
Ships are easy for him
But cars????
It’s like reading a foreign language to him
You’ll eventually reach your destination sure
But the town you just passed through is somehow on fire
And so is the car
And it’s only being held together by duct tape and prayers…
Just walk
Your chances of coming home in once piece is much higher that way
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artisticmenace · 7 months ago
Suburbia remix-
I can tell what he changed but its still such a classic. plus the things he added. MWAAAH. CHEFS FUCKING KISS.
2econd 2ight 2eer remix-
shes still awesome. i can kinda tell the difference but still awesome. its like he sanded it down.
Laplaces angel remix-
holy shit the name LMAO. still shredding the fuck out of the trumpet. sanded down like a nice antique table god damn. i like whats been done with the backup vocals. the effects are giving it more of a mystique and i really like it.
I/Me/Myself remix-
holy shiit. the demo was awesome soooo. this sounds better than the og. william woodiam you know your stuff and im so so thankful. these have sounded polished so far. like when they wax the floors at school. still the same just with a new gleam to them. he even kept the whispers at the end HELL YEAH
...well better than the alternative remix-
this is so so good. i like the vocals already. ooh the claps heck yeaah. the flow is better. ive been noticing the drums in some of these and holy toledo yes yes yes. also the ending. STUCK.
outliars and hypocrites remix-
AGAIN WITH RHE TITLE. "i lied about the apple thing" LMAOOO. GOT FUNKY EITH THE GUITARS FUUUCK!!!! THESE BACKGROUND SOUNDS ARE SCRATCHING MY BRAIN AND THE BACKUP VOCALS HELLLLLL YEEEAAAHHHH!!!!! she still has the bounce and punctuation. and THE DRUUUMS AGAIN YEESSSS. im a sucker for harmonies if you couldnt tell.
blackboxwarrior remix-
i almost didnt recognize her its been so long since ive listened to it. OH SHES GOLDEN. hes just tossed in cinnamon sugar where it needed it ok. the music is just MWAAAH. and the vocals are beautiful as always. this makes me want to write something strange and enchanting, good god. MY THERAPIST!!!!! dancing rn. wheres bonejangles from the corpse bride i need him here. shredding on that fucking trumpet.
marsha thankk you for the dialectics remix-
title, sir. loving the keyboard smash ok. shes flowing like wine from the taps in italy. DRUUUMMMSSS. VOCALSSSSSS. EVERYTHING. shes still her but shes got a dash if something she was MIIIIISSING before. WOAH GUITAR. WOAH BACKUPS HELL YEAH. PIANO MAN, LOVING YOU! these vocals....
Love Me, Normally-
i think he said he didnt bother changing this one bc shes already perfect. not his words but this one stayed the same. i have to agree. the vocals are still chilling. the piano still beautiful. and i can still sing/say every word.
Memento Mori remix-
HOLY SHIT. again the drums, the instrumentals. god damn. shes swinging just a bit more than she used to and god she needed it. BACKUPS AGAIN GOD LOVE EM. SING US A SONG WILL BECAUSE GOD DAMMIT YOURE THE PIANO MAN! background sounds scratching my vrain again i live for it. HELL YEAH! ONE DAY IM GONNA DIE!!! he kept the insane cheering 💙
he fucking DID IT!!!! he gave this album a polish. some cinnamon sugar. some tumeric. garlic. and shes still herself. its the normal album with what she was missing the first time. I LOOVE.
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obsessivemusicfr3ak · 5 months ago
10/18/24 12:00 AM
1:Ok fr tho already heard first song from single its aight (better than i remember now that im listening again) ((theres also no lyrics out yet so im not gonna mention those at all))
2:Second song titled "nu nu meta phenomenon" is fucking INCREDIBLE the sound design and awesome drums continue the awesome trend of live instrumentation mixed with glitchy elements that leads to a heavenly experience!
3:Glitchy goodness continues on the third track, which has some amazing synth leads that are just a fucking amazing vibe. The ending is great aswell! A nice build up and climax to some CRAZY noise.
4:The standout element of this album is definitely the drums. The groove you get from them is exemplified perfectly on this track. Pretty nice track although ill have to let it grow on me a bit ngl.
5:This track is completely unique from anything else ive heard on the album. (I cannot get over the fact that the first verse uses the same flow as your favorite martian on mr douchebag.) The sound design continues to be otherwordly, legitimately so on this track sounding like music from outerspace. The latter half of this track is a lot more smooth and enjoyable than the first half.
6:Ohhh my god this interlude is amazing. Super ambient yet creepy vibes. Just a really nice relaxing track im definitely coming back to a ton.
7:Ive heard this song before. Absolute peak. Easily top 3 machine girl songs ever released, imo. Perfect blend of awesome electronic drums and live instrumentation in the more "punk rock" sections. The idm sections have an awesome groove and the transitions to the punk rock sections are just SO good. When this first dropped i was very surprised by it, but hearing it in context it makes perfect sense and fits snuggly as the center of this album.
8:Super cool track. Awesome drum grooves with some really unique vocals. Overall this is just a really fun song, with the high pitch really "bright" sounding instruments. The switch up later on brings a really nice element to this track aswell. Will be returning to this track many times i can tell. Not much to say here its just really good lol
9:The high pitch vocals really make this track for me. Super (again) groovy feel and awesome sound. The chaotic ending gives this track a good feel that makes it stand out from the rest of the tracklist
10:Living up to its name, "Grindhouse" starts with super dark feeling, as if you are in a house party on acid in a movie. This track just gets me moving man its so dancable! The second part of this track blends themes of house and techno with the experimental dark sound going on here, machine girl style with crazy sound design and distinctly machine girl vocals. This song just has a bounce to it that i love.
11:Another great interlude that sounds like a radio transition on a bad trip.
12:Transition into this song was amazing. The vocals already are captivating me with this aphex twin drukqs synth vibe, similar to cock/ver10. Vibing hard to this crazy ass track, just loving this switchup midway through, suddenly switching to a nice chill beat that still somehow sounds cracked out. AND IT SWITCHES UP AGAIN! Holy this song is so fucking good... the bass synths going loud in my ears and insane sounds im hearing definitely makes this track sound exactly like its name, "schizodipshit". The glitchyness adds to it aswell, and the cut back to reality with this simple beat right after omggg this song is phenomenal!!!!!
13:This was the third single for MG Ultra, and i love this song through and through, from the starting section with amazing drumming and superb chorus. I know the lyrics by heart to this song already i love it so much!! Its super relatable to me with it being about being belittled in small ways adding and not feeling respected by your peers. With lines like "psychic attack, when you're talking shit behind my back, psychic attack when i fall and hear your laughter" reveals this theme. Amazing final track that is a perfect closer for this just amazing album.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This album is the start of a new direction for machine girl, one of punk rock influence and more live instrumentation which I am really excited for! This keeps the same crazy energy and wild sound design and mixes it with punk rock groovyness. A must listen for machine girl fans. They have outdone themselves with this record. 10/10
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pretentious-art-love · 4 months ago
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Album Reviews #76 - The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails
So full spoilers, this is not going to be a positive review. However, there are some nice things I can say about this record.
Now, I think this album expresses very thoroughly the nature of a lot of self destructive behaviors. I was mentioned about what this album is about and it explains to me a lot how this album is special. Many songs feature contradictory or at least confusing statements, dialogues between a divided psyche, and oscillations between hopelessness and megalomania. If you've ever been depressed and hoped that your suffering or own toxic actions were actually unlocking a superpower or spiritually enlightening you, only to know deep down that that would be too easy of a way out to be real, this album will speak to you.
In this album there are a lot of things mentioned, like drugs, sex, and a sense of superiority towards society itself and organizations they see as corrupt, but the beautiful part about music is that to you it could be anything that could make you feel more powerful but you know that it is hurting you in the long way, whereas its drugs, sex (like in the albums lyrics), or just letting yourself go to very strong emotions in the worst times, it could be just extreme rage itself. Edgy music can usually go "I want to kill everyone!" but in The Downward Spiral the speaker is generally both excited and horrified by such thoughts, which makes them incredibly relatable.
Aside the rage and excitement, the songs also cover numbness. You can think you couldn't care less about what it is happening to you, but you are only becoming more and more numb. The speaker in the record knows it's all hollow, but they also also don't think they can stop going down this path. They know they are losing their mind and a part of them thinks they can trick themselves into this being a good thing if they give into it. Aside the rage, the numbness, and hedonist and wishfully carefree attitude of these songs, the album also depict sadness and hopelessness when the speaker see who they have hurt and how they end up committing suicide, at the final statements of the album leave a sense of ambiguity about if they fill they would have ended up the same way if they did it all over again, or if its a feeling of acceptance about their whole selves.
All songs conform a cycle about the excitement, the horror and loss of the sense of itself caused by a extreme pain that break the mind of the speaker, and reflect on one kind of insanity that a lot of people could end up relating to. Personally I am not a lyrics person myself, if you think this is a lyric focused album, you could call it as such, but all songs represent these emotions and feelings properly. Mr Self Destruct and Big Man With a Gun reflect that sense of megalomania and power with energetic and intense melodies. Piggy has a sense of carelessness and nihilism with their chill beat, confident vocals and scary samples repeated on the background. Heresy and March of the Pigs put you on that sense of confrontational grandeur towards others. Closer is kinda catchy, I guess, and almost sexy, it is a song about pleasure, but there will always be dissonant samples that make you uneasy. Ruiner, The Becoming, I Do Not Want This, Eraser, and Reptile are dark, bleak tracks with dissonant samples that allow you to feel horror, pure horror, and songs like A Warm Place and Hurt which are deeply sorrowful and carry a lot of self pity. My favorite track for sure is the title track, that, in a way, captures all these emotions all at once, colliding, spiraling out of control, it is an ineffable moment. If the whole album would have been like this, it would have been a masterpiece.
With all that said, half of the songs are really uninteresting and a lot of the album has this sound I find very pristine and bland.
Don't ask me to listen to it more or wait for it to grow on me, I have 322 scrobbles on this thing of all the times I tried to drill it onto my head, and it didn't work. It might be conceptually brilliant or whatever but Trent's electronic sound palette is as interesting as passing your bare teeth through paper and the songs are so tight fit that they make me feel like I'm wearing some suffocating jeans. I hope you can see I really, really wanted to like it, but if something sounds like shit there is nothing that you can do to make it work. I'm done.
Custom Tracklist (With the tracks I like)
1 Mr. Self Destruct
2 Piggy
3 March Of The Pigs
4 The Becoming
5 Big Man With A Gun
6 Eraser
7 The Downward Spiral
Runtime: 27 minutes
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melit0n · 4 months ago
In no particular order, (or in order, if you can rank them) what are your top 5 Ethel Cain songs? 🎤
Oh Tonee, this is like opening up one of five music based Pandora boxes for me 😭 please forgive the rambling.
Family Tree from Preacher's Daughter
This song drives me MAD. I could talk about her vocals in every song, but her voice in this makes me buzz. The bass throughout is ominous and incredible: same can be said for the SFX. I'm a sucker for when artists add in extra things like that. The flies put me on edge (which links it to Ptolemaea and eventually Sun Bleached Flies) and the bell ringing out during the first chorus makes me feel like I'm attending a funeral. Literally 'for whom the bell tolls', which kind of foreshadows her death later on in the album.
I genuinely think the lyrics are the closets I've come to a religious experience. "They say 'Heaven hath no fury like a woman's scorn', and baby Hell don't scare me, I've been times before." Insane. Ate and left not a single crumb. Her dead tone on "I've killed before and I'll kill again", being a callback to Two-Headed Mother's "I've loved before, I'll kill again" is just. Ugh. I can't even describe it.
+ Special mention to Family Tree (intro). I haven't, and will probably never, get over "Jesus can always reject his father, but he cannot escape his mother's blood."
Televangelism from Preacher's Daughter
There's very few songs, to me, that encapsulate a painful yet quiet death well, and this is certainly one of them. It's a solemnly comforting tune. Considering lore wise, it's meant to represent Ethel's soul coming out of the basement after she's been killed, it makes sense.
The first half genuinely sounds like something the pianist in my Catholic School used to play before prayer started. The fact that it was entirely improvised is absolutely insane, too.
Plus, the incredibly smooth switch from August Underground to this is brilliant.
Ptolemaea from Preacher's Daughter
Literally every part of this song is amazing (pretty much all of Preacher's Daughter is a work of art to be honest). It's definitely one of the few songs that genuinely unnerves me; still has the same creeping, fearful effect after the hundreds of time that I've listened to it.
First, off: The title is a reference to the ninth and final layer of Dante's Inferno: betrayal. Ptolemy commits treachery (a betrayal of trust), which lands him in the ninth circle, hence its name. This is what Isaiah does to Ethel. It's a somewhat niche reference that I love.
Secondly, Death's monologue (some people also interpret this voice as Isaiah, the man who kills and cannablises Ethel by the end of PD, but I'm just generalising it as The Grim Reaper) is so, so eerie. The repetition switching between "Heard you, saw you, felt you, gave you" to "Need you, love you, love you, love you" with Ethel screaming and asking for him to stop in the background always gives me chills.
Thirdly, all the lyrics go hard in this one. "Calling me the one, I'm the white light: beautiful, finite", "Even the iron still fears the rot" and "I am the face of love's rage" are some of my favourites.
Honestly? The entire song puts me on edge. Listening to it, I feel like I'm millimetres away from the sharp point of a knife. The build up to her screaming "stop" is full of panic, but cathartic.
Two-Headed Mother from Inbred
The distorted guitar at the start mixed with her vocals itches my brain so well. Her tone and dictation in this is really 'soft' too, and more spoken than sang, which I adore. It sounds less like a song and more like being hummed an eerie tune as you drift in and out of sleep.
Overall, despite the topic (of both the song and album in general: it's called Inbred for a reason) the beat is an absolute groove. Never in my life would I have expected a song about trauma passed on from a mother so a daughter to have such a blend to it.
On the note of the topic, just, hello?? It mixes a mother's hatred and love and passes it down to a child who sees it in every man she sees. Let alone paints her lover in a horrible image in order to remove guilt from how badly she's treating him. Just how her dead mother still has dictation over her, she exerts the same amount of control on her lover. She knows very well that her two headed mother brought her here and can send her right back.
Head in the Wall from Golden Age
This one just encapsulates so, so much religious based anger and debilitating depression. Every single lyric oozes with pain and I always have to like, sit down when this comes on.
Growing up a Catholic kid, in a not so nice religious environment, yeah. Just yeah. Misogyny was rife and "It's always my fault: girls will be bitches, and boys will be boys" resonates with me a lot. I could say a prayer wrong and be told to sit outside in Winter to do my work for the rest of the day, and a boy could chase me around the playground, pull my hair and try to punch me and it's still be my fault because boys will be boys.
The whole song just illustrates a very depressive mindset, being more angry towards yourself, and then moving on to environmental factors to try and shift blame in an attempt to stop feeling shitty. For those reasons, I don't listen to Golden Age or Carpet Bed all too much because they sucker punch me right in the chest a little bit too painfully, but HITW is still a favourite.
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joesalw · 1 year ago
all these attacks on joe have really cemented for me that him and all of her exes are literally just some guy. She sings about them like they are evil super villains who all plot against her and can’t bare to see her be successful. Joes got a target on his head and he’s still just chilling, always was. Tbh even back when we’re never getting back together came out and Harry styles’ biggest flaw was apparently being 18 and listening to someone else’s music I knew she was off the rails. She likes to punish people for having interests outside of her. Those self admitted punishments are fights, her cheating, sending fans after them, talking shit in interviews. She’s been bringing others down to make herself seem better for over a decade and I’m so tired of fans falling for it.
Literally lol, when i used to be a swiftie i would hate all of her exes thinking they are some horrible human beings, because she portrayed them in that way in her songs. for example jake gyllenhaal never deserved this kind of harassment for breaking up with her. People have their own flaws but nobody deserves to have them exposed to public like this and then being harassed by the media and her insane cult. Dating taylor means dating thousands of her fans and breaking up with her means having to deal with thousands of insane people who will start to treat you like their ex too. She always punishes her exes by making it crystal clear about which song is about whom. Joe by far is getting the worst treatment ever but thankfully that man doesn’t give a fuck.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 1 year ago
reading roundup: February 2024
I literally completely forgot I needed to do this oopsie poopsie
Rouge (Mona Awad, 2023) - listen. there are some very cool ideas in this book, and it's definitely big creepy in places. some of the childhood flashbacks, in particular, had me shrieking with pure dread. but ultimately my issue with this book is the same as my issue with Awad's most well-known novel, Bunny: I would just... kind of like to understand what's going on? like even a little bit? at literally any time? you don't need to explain everything, but man, give me something. vibes alone do not make a meal, and I left this book not really feeling fed.
Our Share of Night (Mariana Enríquez, trans. Megan McDowell 2023) - god, this book makes you WORK FOR IT, but I'm glad I stuck it out. Enríquez has written a fucking doorstopper of intergenerational drama, about an Argentinian family deeply embroiled in a cult that worships something otherworldly and... hungry. perpetually sickly Juan is the Order's prized prophet, but after his wife's death is orchestrated by her own mother he becomes determined to get their young son, Gaspar, away from the Order's control by any means necessary. a wrenching read that swings through every kind of horror, swinging from the supernatural to Argentina's military dictatorship in the 70s to the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and 90s to an absolutely brutal ending.
Red String Theory (Lauren Kung Jessen, 2024) - some of you may recall that Lauren Kung Jessen wrote Lunar Love, one of my favorite romance novels of last year thanks to a zodiac-obsessed protagonist who's (unintentionally) giving major Rebecca Bunch pre-diagnosis in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vibes. Red String Theory also has a female lead obsessed with mythological matchmaking, so I was really hoping for another unhinged queen, but please don't make my mistake: everyone in this book is devastatingly hinged, and the only real conflict is two characters who like each other from the jump repeatedly coming up with unsatisfying excuses for why they can't date each other. my least favorite was "we'll only in the same city for A YEAR," which is absolutely hogshit wild. "only a year." get out of here. I hate you guys.
Drinking from Graveyard Wells (Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, 2023) - a tiny short story debut by Ndlovu, a Zimbabwean sarungano. one of my very favorite genre of short story collections is "women having a bad time taken up to 11," and god does this deliver. Ndlovu writes about the many indignities heaped upon Zimbabwean women at home and abroad, weaving together tight stories about misogyny, war, poverty, and immigration with restless spirits, bored gods, ignored wise women, and unsatisfactory afterlives. there's a story about a near future in which diamond miners are purposefully set up and sacrificed to an angry underground god to create more diamonds that was so fucking clever, and the final story - the titular Drinking from Graveyard Wells - was just... an absolutely perfect short story. suspenseful and eerie and just enough of a hint of explanation to really chill you. chef's kiss.
It Happened One Summer (Tessa Bailey, 2021) - shout out to all of my patreon supporters who voted to make me read another Tessa Bailey book; you truly wish darkness and despair upon me. here's the insane thing about this book: if you just completely ignore the actual central romance, it's just a sweet book about an infinitely likeable young woman unplugging from her shallow socialite life and finding a new niche reviving her deceased father's bar in a tiny fishing town in Washington. it's like, you know, the plot of a pretty okay disney channel original movie? it's no Minute Men or High School Musical, but it's cute. it's a solid Dairy Girls or Princess Protection Program. but then there's the love interest, who's just a fucking tool all the way down. reader, I kept wishing he would get swept over the rigging of his own crab boat and die ingloriously at sea. this guy sucks so bad. also the sex scenes were identical to the ones in Unfortunately Yours and they did not taste any better reheated. fascinating treatise on cishetero gender norms, rancid romance. I wrote a whole thing about it on my patreon if you're into that kind of nastiness.
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kaunisbaby · 1 year ago
✨ giulia's adventures in blorboland ✨
man i don't even know where to start 😭😭 helsinki was beautiful and i loved everything!! it was so quiet, the fish you can eat was insane, the people were amazing and everything was so clean and well organized and aaaaaaahh
so the first night we (i was there with my best friend) went to the riff because obviously we did. it was perfect, the music was like right out of my playlist, the alcohol was great and i feel in love with lonkero, we made many many friends and talked to a lot of people!! which i genuinely didn't expect. finns are super friendly and kind!! we also saw hannes kett from shiraz lane chilling out with his friends lol of course we didn't bother him but it was so cool
the second day we went sightseeing. and then in the evening we tried finnish sauna at allas sea pool!! man i love sauna so much, it relaxed me like nothing. ngl i was kinda scared after trying some sort of steamroom here in italy, where the temperature was lower (like 63 degrees) and it was much moister... that one didn't exactly feel too good, i couldn't even speak and i couldn't wait to get out, but the finnish sauna... man i love everything about it. if i had finnish saunas in italy i'd be there so often
third day we went sightseeing some more, then sadly i happened to have a panic attack at the market by the market square, probably due to the fact that i had been super anxious the days prior before i left rome and i was finally letting go of some tension, and it was really really bad... thankfully my best friend is an angel and she helped me manage it. i didn't feel like doing much in the afternoon and we went to a shopping mall to just chill. then in the evening i was feeling okay again and we went to the riff one more time. the second time the music wasn't as good as the first and i avoided alcohol as it always makes my anxiety worse, but it was a chill and pleasant night to hang out just the same. there were more tourists there than finns that day for some reason
today we sightsaw (?) one last time, i had my last salmon soup at the market and then we left!
so in conclusion. pros and cons of helsinki and the trip.
perfect and amazing i will keep on romanticizing this place until i die (listen everyone needs a distant place to romanticize don't @ at me)
the fucking salmon
lonkero and salmiakki are GOOD
i love everything
the moomin shops were so cute!!
the parks were so green and so full of beautiful flowers!!!!!
a damn seagull stole my reindeer sausage at the market square 😡 now i understand joel
my dog wasn't there with me
my brain that gives me panic attacks when im having the time of my life
thank you for coming to my ted talk 🖤
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mistressofthedark033 · 1 year ago
A long true story dedicated to my precious Heisenmoots 💖 (@vodkafolie, @crowtrobotx, @imthegreenfairy86, @margaretoakgrove)
So I was at the subway station, writing my first draft for my fanfic as I went along. I was listening to Hozier as usual to give me some motivation and inspiration, which luckily worked and therefore made me write more and more until I saw my subway arrive.
I put my phone away before I got in, because I didn't really want people to see what I was writing and I just went back to listening to my songs instead. I took a seat almost nonchalantly in a row of mostly empty seats and since I didn't remember the name of the next stop, I decided to look over to my side to check out the map that was a bit too far away from me.
And that's when I noticed this man sitting next to me. He was literally just like Karl Heisenberg and when I mean literally, I mean it quite literally. The reason why I say this is mostly because of his looks and his outfit, because it looked exactly like something Karl would wear if he lived in the modern world.
At first, I noticed how he was wearing these black leather combat boots that he definitely had for a while now by the looks of it, but as I observed him for a few more seconds, I realized just how uncanny the resemblance really was.
With his gray hair that was held up by a small ponytail, his light stubble, his rugged cowboy hat, the glasses that covered his eyes or even just how tall and broad he was compared to me. Let me tell you, the similarities were absolutely insane.
And don't even get me started on his outfit, because this man really did have style. I remember that he had this huge black leather jacket with matching leather bracelets on each wrist and he had these huge metal rings probably made out of stainless steel, including the ones that had a skull and a wolf on them, which was oddly even more in character for Heisenberg once I really thought about it.
Luckily he was reading a newspaper, so he (hopefully) didn't notice how much I tried not to smile as I looked away from him. I was mentally freaking out and screaming in my head while I managed to stay calm on the outside. I felt so many emotions all at once.
The music that was playing through my headphones did help me out a bit to chill out, but there was indeed a moment when he looked at me for a second, however I didn't notice that until I turned to see him again and our eyes met. We stayed like this for a short time until he just looked away with a kind smile and went back to reading his newspaper, which didn't help my situation at all, in fact it only made it worse. So much worse. My heart couldn't stop beating any faster after that, I swear to god.
I couldn't really believe this was actually happening to me and it still feels unbelievable to even recall this moment as I'm typing it out here. Just the memory of how this man looked at me makes me smile uncontrollably right now, so I wish him nothing, but the absolute best, because he was the highlight of my day and he probably doesn't even know it.
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kovajean · 1 year ago
As someone whose favorite movie (second only to Whiplash) is Karate Kid III, I’ll never understand people that think it’s a bad movie.
Although my reasons aren’t entirely objective, it’s still worth writing about. It’s crazy how nearly tailor-made this movie is for me.
The over the top villains in Mike and Silver are perfect, because they have hardly any motive. I love simple shit like that.
Why is Silver doing this? Because his best friend was embarrassed. Why is he doing it in this way? Because he’s evil. Why is he evil? Because he is. Let’s also not forget the fact that he’s a corrupt oil barren. That shit’s hilarious. He’s also hot as fuck and I, as a gay man, am allowed that as a reason.
Why is Mike doing this? Money. Why is he doing it this way? Because he likes beating people up. Why does he like beating people up? Because he does. Who cares that there’s no deeper meaning behind it? I certainly don’t. I like when villains are bad because they like to be. I don’t want anything different. And I especially love that Cobra Kai didn’t retcon his insanity, like they’ve retconned other people’s wrongdoings...
The dialogue is both great and fucking awful at the same time. Here are some of my favorite lines from the movie:
“They made you suffer, so I’m gonna make them suffer—and suffer, and suffer, and when I think they’ve suffered enough, then I start with the pain.” (This line fucking SUCKS LOL)
“When I'm finished with that kid, he'll be begging me to be his teacher. And you know what he's gonna learn from me? Pain. In every part of his body. And fear—in every part of his mind. And here's the kicker: He's gonna thank me for it.” (This is probably my favorite line ever from any movie. It’s so good. The first time I showed this movie to my ex-boyfriend he would quote this shit at me every single day.)
“Johnny, by the time that little twerp steps into the ring to defend his title, I’m gonna have him thinking he’s invincible. Then he’s gonna find out what pain and fear really mean. Right in front of a thousand people.” (This line gives me chills. So good. Would be better if he used something less Disney bully than “twerp”, though.)
“It’s okay to lose to an opponent—Must not lose to fear!” (This along with the majority of Miyagi’s lines are great. I don’t need to go through them all. This is just my favorite one.)
The thing about these movies is that each one has varying levels of dialogue quality. KK1’s dialogue is fucking awful. But at least some of the lines are funny enough to laugh at. There are some good lines in there, but that’s just it. Good lines. Not memorable. Same thing with KK2. The dialogue in that movie is just good. That’s all. I can’t recite a single line from that movie. Because the lines aren’t memorable. Except for, of course, “honk”. Do not get me wrong though. I'm not saying this movie is the best Karate Kid movie. No way. It's just my favorite, and it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
The score had me looping it for 3 months straight. I'm not even hyperbolizing here. The whole of it is just wonderful. The reused and remixed songs like Kata Training are great. But when I get to Silver’s theme, that’s a whole different thing. Listen to this shit:
How is this real? I’m a huge classical music fan, and I could not stop playing this song over and over and over again. Listen to this one:
Did you know that this song wasn’t even used in the movie? This is an alternate version of Terry’s Next Move, which plays over the Kreese and Silver phone call as well as the Mike Barnes Magazine Car Ride. The one they went with certainly works better for the scene, but I love, love, love this one. So much more. 
I never thought I’d be hooked on a series of songs from a Karate Kid movie composed by the same guy who did Rocky, but here I am. 6 months strong, too. I was in a high school theater production when I watched this movie for the first time, and every free moment I had backstage was spent looping each piece with any bit of Terry’s theme in it (such as Terry Silver, Terry’s Next Move, Terry Sneaks In, and Daniel Submits. I also had Terry Owns Daniel on loop occasionally, but that song doesn’t have any real instances of Terry’s theme in it–it just sounds similar. And yes, these are the official names of the songs in case you weren’t aware.) I also listened to these songs on loop while doing an art class project (which was of, you guessed it, Karate Kid characters).
I love Daniel in this movie. Love him. More so than any of the other movies. He’s exponentially sillier, he becomes best friends with a girl instead of dating her, he demonstrates color theory, and his irritability and sass are on full display. I also like that he's not super skinny anymore, and that he actually looks his age. (My love for him may also be aided by the fact that I relate most to his personality and appearance in accordance with this movie versus the first two).
I LOVE JESSICA! You will never meet a bigger Jessica fan than me. I love her so, so dearly.
She brings out the good in Daniel.
She shows us that Daniel is good with rejection. When she tells him she has a boyfriend, his opinion of her stays the exact same. He doesn’t push her. He lets it go, and they immediately become best friends. All because she told him that she hadn’t made any friends yet.
I like that Daniel is protective of her despite the fact that they’re not dating. He really cares about her, and he doesn’t expect anything in return. He’s not spoiled. But I also like that Jessica gets mad at him, because he went way too far. She doesn’t let him get away with it or treat him like a hero. She gets upset. Because Daniel just assaulted someone who hadn’t done anything deserving of violence (yet). And when she leaves, Daniel recognizes his mistake. He recognizes all of his mistakes. All because of Jessica. I can promise you, had she reacted positively, the movie would have ended differently. She was the step he needed to snap out of his power trip. And I love her for it.
She also trains with Daniel! None of his love interests did that!
I’m saving the color theory section for a separate post where I will go over every Daniel outfit and what they mean for the scene because I have the free time to do so and dammit I’m not hyper fixated on Karate Kid III enough already so I might as well let myself get worse. You feel me?
Despite the fact that Daniel's clearly nervous around Silver, he’s still a piece of shit during their training sessions. I respect that. He’s also incredibly snappy towards Mike and his gang even though he knows he shouldn’t be. His morals are also on full display if you think about it. He’s mean to mean people, even if being nice to them will work out better in the long run. Because he refuses to be nice to people who don’t deserve it. As well as vice versa. Except for when he snaps at Miyagi. Hmm, I wonder why he does this? Perhaps, is it maybe, the fact that he’s being manipulated to use anger as a coping mechanism?
People go on and on about how whiny Daniel is in this movie, but they don’t seem to consider why.
Daniel is assaulted over and over again by Mike and his gang, and his new best friend gets roped into it. He stores this anger because he has nowhere else to put it. Then he meets Silver, someone who gives him an outlet for it. He finally has something to do with this pent-up rage, until he’s given mixed signals by the people around him when he uses this newfound coping skill. Miyagi gets upset, Silver praises him, Jessica leaves him. How is he supposed to know what to do? Of course he has a mental break. He rants to Jessica about it, then to Miyagi, and he thinks he has his problems fixed. Then, to make matters worse, he finds out that Silver was tricking him the whole time. Now he has to relearn Miyagi-Do. That fucking sucks. I’d go crazy too. This, along with the fact that he wanted to compete in the All-Valley so badly that he brought it up to Miyagi on multiple occasions, was shot down every time, finally gave up, and then was forced to care again? AND Miyagi refuses to train him even though it’s hardly his decision anymore? How Daniel kept going in this movie is beyond me. He’s not whiny, he’s livid. He can’t catch a fucking break.
I’d say his anger is accumulated throughout the movies. This one year has been more eventful than the rest of his life was prior. Everyone he meets seems to want his head on a stake and there’s literally nothing he can do about it. He just wants to be a normal guy, and no one will let him.
He’s also certainly not weaker in this movie in comparison to the second. He’s been broken down by everyone trying to fight him and he’s at a point where he’s trying not to care. He’s trying so hard, but when Mike shows up it’s difficult for him to keep pretending. The fact that Daniel loses to him is meant to show you that Mike is strong, not that Daniel is weak. Anyone that can defeat Daniel after Daniel’s torment in KK2 deserves to be feared. And don’t forget that Mike had the ability to kill Daniel in the bonsai scene. The only reason he’s less threatening than Chozen is because his acting is bad.
If you want to argue that he’s weak throughout the entire movie, then you’d be half correct, I guess? He’s a different sort of strong for the last half of the movie. This is because Silver teaches him different moves. Daniel stops using what he used to know (the style of Karate that we’ve seen him use up until this point), and is now using exclusively this new style. And when you consider that this new style only has 3 different moves, of course he’s going to look weaker. The All-Valley scene Daniel also isn’t weaker if that’s your argument, because there is genuinely no other way he could have beaten Mike than with Kata. Mike is immune to Miyagi-Do. That’s why Daniel never beat him in any of the scenes leading up to the All-Valley. Daniel is also overcome with fear thanks to Silver. The ineffectiveness of Miyagi-Do on Mike and the lasting fear of the manipulation he dealt with is not a good combination. He beat Mike with Kata because he caught Mike completely off guard. That’s how you beat him. We know that’s how you beat him because it’s the first time we see him genuinely lose, other than when he lost to Miyagi multiple times, which is another instance of Mike being caught off guard and losing, because why would he expect an old man to be that good at Karate (and also, it’s Miyagi, of course he’s gonna lose to Miyagi. He’s not comparable to Daniel). Can you assume that Silver told Mike to be wary of Miyagi? He’d never seen the guy fight.
Anyways this movie has been on repeat in my brain since March and nothing I can do can stop it so why not indulge in it, huh? Just a look into my dark and twisted mind
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bardy-boy · 2 years ago
Who Is Who Within The Mystery Gang and Bad Kids Mash Up?
Disclaimer: none of these mash ups are identical. These are just the closer comparisons that I believe to be correct. And yes, for an even number I had to include Scrappy. I love the person that I paired with Scrappy so there’s no hate to that character. Also, I realize that the intrepid hero’s have many characters. I chose the bad kids because they are the most like the mystery gang, not because I don’t like other seasons. I love other seasons. Now hear me out, gang.
Fred is Riz. This probably has to do with the autistic boy swag I get from both of them. They both are so passionate about mystery solving and charismatic, although not always great with people. Though neither of them are natural born leaders they manage to keep the group with a focus on mystery because these dudes really truly love mystery. They’re passionate and cute and terrible at reading social cues. While neither of them are necessarily prone to romance, they are filled with love. Their friends are one of the most important things in their life and they have a complete dedication to them.
Daphne is Fabian. Both of these two come from a rich and privileged life style. They’re not super accustomed to norms and can sometimes struggle with understanding their privilege. That being said, they are protective, caring, and willing to learn. Both of their love languages is gift giving which is great coming from someone with such amazing fashion sense. They can be easy to over look, but in reality they are so kick ass. Either of them could easily kill a man and look hot while doing it. They are more than just looks and money, they are fiercely loyal and insanely active!
Velma is Adaine. This is something we can all agree on. They’re the smarts, yes, but they’re also soft and nervous. Each have a need to be perfect, to strive for the best. And as nice as they are, you do not want to get on their bad side. There is a deep buried rage in there. They both love their friends, but also enjoy time to be alone and recuperate. With all the chaos of a big group it’s okay to need moments to calm yourself. This is very different from loneliness which (I think) both have a deep fear of. Without these group members, the rest of the group would fall way off track. Sometimes taking your time and slowly solving the puzzle is the best move. Velma and Adaine already know that.
Shaggy is Gorgug. This lanky loser can fit so much love inside of them. They are both very low key and chill on the outside. Neither of them are great at expressing their feelings (albeit in different ways) but they know just how to comfort someone when they are down. Maybe neither of them are the brightest in the bunch, probably because all that metal music they listen to at full volume blew out some brain cells. Also, each of these dudes are so awkward when it comes to romance, but that never stops them from trying. These dudes are a glue in the friendship. You just can’t find anyone who dislikes them.
Scooby is Kristen. I know this one is weird, but hear me out. This clumsy idiot would die (and in both cases (if you know where to look) has died) for their friends. Each one is always down for a joke and uses humor to cope with bad situation. And, out of the group, talks the most about food. Even though both of these characters don’t come from great situations (in the majority of Scooby media, Scooby was a misunderstood stray before the gang) they go through life happily and with love. They choose worship as a form of love (food vs a deity) and are both attracted to dogs. THE lovable goofball.
Scrappy is Fig. I know this is going to be controversial, especially since I hate Scrappy and love Fig, but when I’m right I’m right. The sheer amount of confidence and chaos displayed within these characters make no sense, but you love to see it. They get the rest of the gang in so much trouble. As naïveté as both of these guys are they do it to protect their friends (and show off a little bit). Although there has been a change of writing for the mystery gang, the original group loved and was dedicated to scrappy no matter what. Yes, they make mistakes but both of them look up too and honor their friends so much. They love a good joke and to encourage others to put themselves out there. Maybe they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but fuck everyone else. Those who like you are the only people you should care about. Also they both love the word fuck.
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judeiscariot · 1 year ago
ive been thinking abt that post u made abt will’s line delivery in sinner…… do u have any other favorite line deliveries specifically, not necessarily lyrics??
im so glad you asked i actually have a whole list but here’s some highlights:
- yeah like you said the ‘she’ll open her mouth and eat me alive’ at 4:14 in sinner gives me chills
- the ‘i love you i love you i love you’ at the very end of the ballad of the costa concordia always gets me, he says it so softly :( also the ‘i give up’ refrain right before that last verse is so good
- the whole refrain in the second half of beach fagz but especially the ‘i wish i was a kid with an adult boyfriend’ at 4:40 into the ‘i wish i was dead / i wish oh i wish’ refrain all the way through the end
- the ‘i am love / i wanna sleep naked’ part in the live version of cute thing!!!! and the ‘like some excommunicated priest casting demons’ part at the very end
- the second pre chorus in destroyed by hippie powers, very specifically the live version from their pitchfork music festival performance
- every ‘i feel so haaauuuunnnnteddddd’ in boxing day
- the ‘i hate you’ refrain in kid war. enough said.
- sooo much of the gun song but esp the ‘i want you to fuck me in your sleep / it’s the only way i’ll ever knowwwwwwwww that you love me’ and the whole ‘i remember i was walking around outside talking to you on the phone’ verse
- the ‘i will go to heaven / you wont go to heaven / i will go to heaven / i wont see you there’ and ‘it’ll be alright (FUCK)’ parts in cosmic hero
- THE BRIDGE OF TIMES TO DIE….. especially the ‘hey man we listened to your demos’ in the background at 3:11 and 3:20 good god
- the ‘i don’t want to go insane / i don’t want to have schizophrenia’ and the ‘there are lots of fish left in the sea there are lots of fish in business suits’ parts in beach life-in-death
- the ‘we gotta go back’ refrain in famous prophets (stars) starting at 3:12 the way the vocals mount in intensity and the yell at the end is orgasmic to me. also the whole end part starting with the ‘descend into cliche / if you’ve found your holy grail’ verse and ending with the last ‘did they tell you / did they tell me’……… the way he uses polyphony is one of my favorite parts of his music and this is such a good example. ANDDD the screams starting at 13:24 omg. like i can literally taste the catharsis
- the ‘they were connected / at the back of the head’ part at 3:20 of twin fantasy (those boys). also the whole ‘when i come back you’ll still be here’ part but an absolute all time favorite is the ones in the background at 5:39 and 5:47 . makes me feel physically sick every single time no matter how many times i listen to it
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greensagephase · 10 months ago
Okay, so! Part 14? Amazing oh my god… Am I picking up that Harry might’ve played a roll in some previous parts or am I crazy? Stay tuned. Anyways, AAAA I love these two so much. Even the little hint about Peter looking at them almost like a family. You put so much imagery and psychology into these chapters and I eat it up every fricken time!!!
I was going to ask to possibly make a few suggestions for music to add to the playlist. Obviously music is subjective but like… Hear me out 🥹
Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier:
So in the case you haven’t listened to this song, absolutely give it a go. It’s about a man slowly falling in love with someone who reminds him of an ex or a past lover(?) and how good it feels to slowly be himself again. Lowkey I relate this song to Y/N because there’s just certain aspects about Miguel in this fic that also align with their universes Peter. Especially the whole staring thing mentioned in this chapter, how Miguel always looks at Y/N like Peter did, and Y/N smiles the same way that they did with Peter about Miguel. These lyrics especially!
The same kind of music
Haunts her bedroom
I’m almost me again
She’s almost you
I wouldn’t know where to start
Sweet music playing in the dark
Be still my foolish heart
Don’t ruin this on me
Ghost of Chicago by Noah Floersch
So I feel like this one once it’s listened to kinda speaks for itself but it definitely kinda sounds like how I would imagine Miguel would feel falling into this friendship / situationship / relationship. Because it starts off as that slow and staccatoed tempo before building up to tempo and suddenly it’s like he sees this person everywhere, not literally but metaphorically. Being able to associate this person with so many little things in life.
Francesa by Hozier
Last one, and currently it’s a bit of a stretch. However, hear me out. This song if you don’t know (and I apologize for explaining so much but I wanna be thorough, I’m sure you’ve listened to Hozier but y’know) Is about a man being so in love that he would endure the struggles in life all over again if he could be with his lover once again, and that their love is so powerful it is not meant for a place like heaven. This to me is a perfect ending song for Miguel x Y/N because! There has been so much of a build up, in this whole process I feel like by the end of it, Miguel would absolutely live the life he was given once more if it meant being with Y/N once more. Every single tragic event would be worth the pain because of the sheer love he would experience in the end.
Anyways I’m done, this is way too long but AAAA I love you and your writing and I just had to yap about it 😭🤍
Hi, Rue!!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed part 14!! 🥹 About Harry… I can't say anything, but I'm seriously loving everyone's thoughts on him, hehe! 🤣 Omg, I'm glad you've mentioned the part where Peter B. looks at Miguel and reader with Mayday!!!!! I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD PICK UP ON THIS!!! For a few seconds, Peter B. definitely saw them as a little family - maybe a potential future 😌- and I just, AHHHH!!! It was one of my favorite scenes to write for sure from part 14!! 😭 I want them together already but I have to control myself!
About the music - Rue, you killed me with these songs suggestions and I LOVE that two of them are Hozier's!! It's actually insane you've suggested songs by him because the other day I was literally thinking about looking into his music to discover new songs for the fic since I know he's recently dropped new music. I'm not a hardcore fan but I enjoy a few of his songs and I LOVE his voice and he seems like a really chill and sweet artist, but anyway, I got very busy last week and never got to it, so this is perfect!!!
I listened to them and can I just say I absolutely LOVE "Almost (Sweet Music)" ?!? This one is def so fitting for Y/N in regards to her past love with Peter and the parallels between him and Miguel, and the way Y/N herself will slowly show these little parallels like smiling at Miguel the way she used to for Peter, too! And then the part,
"I wouldn't know where to start Sweet music playing in the dark Be still my foolish heart Don’t ruin this on me"
This fits both of them so perfectly - I won't say much but you basically put it together based on your thoughts on "Ghost of Chicago" 😭😭 anyway, I LOVE THIS SONG and I've added it to the future songs playlist along with the other two (in my nonpublic personal Spotify account which is just growing longer each day with the new music I find lol) and be assured that they'll show up in the official playlist when the time is right!! 😌
And the last songs!!!! Yes, yes, yes to your thoughts!! I can't wait to use these songs for our future Miguel in which he loses sleep no longer because of nightmares, stress, or overworking, but rather because of matters of the heart and that's all I'm going to say about that!!
Thank you so much for making these song suggestions, Rue!! If you have more, send them my way! I love listening to songs you guys relate to the fic - it's one of my fav things ever seriously!!
I hope you're doing well and thank you for sending this wonderful ask!!! 🤍🫶🏼
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