#listening services
bongboyblog · 1 year
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The art of Kotha and Citro, in this digitalized world why not make gifting digital as well with the touch of the old days?
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With our digital painting services, you can store your precious memories in the form of art filled with any colors you like.
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Not everyone can express themselves through words, and we heard you - our poets with their cascade of words and expressions can help you with personalized poems for special occasions for their special ones or simply for their own enjoyment.
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In this rat race world where it is hard to find time for oneself and where we are always trying to reach the tip of success - we tend to lose human touch and become robots. Give yourself some time and speak your mind with the help of our listening services- we at kothacitro hear you and can understand you.
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Visit us at: https://kothacitro999.wixsite.com/kothacitrostore
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
if i were an extremely wealthy owner of a television network i would shrimply pick up all the successful shows netflix and hbo and disney cancelled that ppl made petitions abt and the creators said they have more written for
and then make more seasons of them and my network's ratings would be wildly high and also it'd be baller pr or w/e
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ato-dato · 10 months
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The adventure of Muriel Part 1
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niekiddo · 4 months
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Now I think I know What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will
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amielot · 2 months
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Uno Reverse
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@arialerendeair keeps giving me ideas to springboard off of XD
final image was referenced from Calvin and Hobbes :3
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chaichai-draws · 1 year
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Sometimes a family is a put out Earth Kingdom Captain and his three teenaged bullies
Go Team Steam! I’m running out of chapters in @lovelyelbowleech ‘s fic War Crimes…
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ohsleepie · 7 months
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The prince and his Physician. A role-reversal au based on a dream I had that I wanted to draw something for. More ramblings under the cut
In this au, there is a kingdom of men where the briar valley once stood. Silver, the heir to this kingdom, has been the only member of the royal family for centuries, the result of a curse that causes him to die before he's old enough to ascend to the throne and reincarnate days after his passing. Silver's immortality was once a symbols for the kingdom's permanence, but the repeated death of their monarch every two decades or so has left the citizens with perpetual, generational sorrow with seemingly no solution as no one besides Silver was alive when the curse was placed.
A few centuries after Silver was born and it was believed the last full-blooded fae in briar valley had either abandoned the land or died, a draconian fae child is found in the brambles. This fae, given the name Malleus, was brought to the kingdom at the request if the prince and raised as part of the royal court with the express purpose of becoming the royal physician/chemist. It is believed that Silver's curse, as everlasting as it seems, was placed on him by a fae with extreme magical prowess and if anyone has a chance of breaking it, it's another fae. The kingdom believes that Malleus will be able to break the death curse and allow Silver to become their immortal king.
However, Silver has other plans for his chemist. From an early age, Silver requested that Malleus use his talents to find a different kind of solution to his curse that he can never tell anyone. He wants Malleus to find a way to stop his reincarnations entirely and let him unburden his people with the monarchy. Whether to fulfill the request of the kingdom he calls home, or the prince that took him in is in Malleus' hands.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months
imagine being a rando civilian ds9 resident trapped behind forcefields as the station slowly ratchets up to blow itself to pieces in civil defense and then you look up and see the local tailor powerwalking irritably towards ops while the lockdown parts for him like the red sea before moses. and he's presumably caught in a permanent eye roll over every ATTENTION BAJORAN WORKERS as he goes
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kindlythevoid · 10 months
Friendly reminder that Merry knew about the Ring before Bilbo even left. Friendly reminder that all of Frodo’s hobbit friends were spying on him through Sam to make sure that he was alright and that he wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye. Friendly reminder that Merry and Pippin knew about the Ring and its importance to the Enemy and still decided to go with Frodo. Friendly reminder that Frodo wasn’t going to ask them to leave the Shire. Friendly reminder that Fredegar Bolger was one of Frodo’s close friends and knew about the Ring as well, but stayed behind in order to keep Frodo’s disappearance a secret for as long as possible.
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marisatomay · 11 months
i think that after covid (i know it’s not over don’t be a pedant here you know what i mean) we all should have been required to take mandatory social etiquette classes before we were allowed back into society like a driver’s license test but for things like “hold a door for people behind you so it doesn’t slam in their face” and “don’t be a prick to service workers” and “get off your fucking phone if you’re watching a movie in a theater”
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baalzebufo · 1 year
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big fan of the funny pizza game
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marvelsmostwanted · 6 months
This is sad but unfortunately I think this is just going to be the norm for the next few years as streaming services die a slow death.
HBO Max should in theory be able to make money from a show that was at one point the top new series in the US. At the time, David Jenkins said "This is what happens when a major media company invests in inclusive mainstream stories" (agree!) but unfortunately that major media company, like all streaming services, has a terrible business model that can't support that investment.
This is an interesting article about how streaming services are losing money and scrambling to make it back by trying to convince people to buy cheaper, ad-supported options or bundling with other streaming services. Unfortunately for them, I think that's like... all of the options? At some point they're just going to continue to lose money. Making shows is expensive and very few consumers are willing to pay more when they could just cancel and use a cheaper service (or, you know. 🏴‍☠️)
This is also a good article that was written after Shadow and Bone was cancelled by Netflix about whether it could be saved:
"The problem is that while saving shows used to be plausible, at times, the cost of Shadow and Bone combined with the fact that streaming services are really, really starting to cut back on spending means that this would be an extremely tough sell. WB Discovery’s Max is being lambasted for killing finished projects for tax breaks to chip into its massive debt. Disney Plus has done the same thing and has said they will cut back on things like expensive Marvel shows. Amazon Prime is mired in expensive creator deals going nowhere and throwing insane amounts of money at projects they are realizing are not panning out. Paramount Plus losing $500 million a year. NBC’s Peacock is losing $650 million a quarter."
TLDR; Streaming services have reached such a dire point financially that they have to cancel some of their most popular content (Marvel shows on Disney+???? These have seemingly been very successful; it's wild to read that they're "cutting back") in the desperate hope that a new season of something that's cheaper to make will get more attention.
What I gathered from these articles is that steaming services are dying a slow death and sadly, a lot of good shows are going to go with them.
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autistic-ranpo · 26 days
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heartscrypt · 1 year
every day is like hell for jamil. ruggie's chilling though
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the face of a man who presumably has been trained to withstand actual torture but who can't stand to listen to another second of this shit
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alwaysbewoke · 1 month
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