#listened to some fuckin awesome music
avatar-aaang · 1 year
the festival was so much fun
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sphericalgears · 2 years
dune 1984 is a youtube clip compilation of a movie, it just skips over so much. It lacks any sort of emotional weight, the characters who remain are stripped of everything that made them interesting. Sting from music was there. I'm just left feeling mad
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wtftarot · 5 months
How can you navigate your life from here on?
Thank you, @lifeofaie for suggesting this reading, I really loved the idea.
Listen, I fuckin love a good road trip, ok? And navigating on a road trip ain't that different from navigating your life. Great music and shitty snacks. Wrong turns and detours that end up being half the fun and the whole story later. Arriving later than you planned or having plans changed entirely. How it always seems like the more you try to plan and control things the more they go off the rails. What do you need to keep in mind on this road trip called life? (yes I know how dorky that was, nope I don't care, yes all of these are gonna be heavy on road trip metaphors) Consider this reading, stopping and asking a local for directions and I promise not to lead you to the den of a serial killer. What is your inner compass saying? Is it time to make a rest stop? Let's fuck around and find out.
as always this reading is for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity. Remember, use common sense, and don't be a dumbass.
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Pick either the Road Stretching On, The Road to Anywhere and Nowhere, or the Road to Ol' Kentucky and head on to your reading
The Road That Stretches On
The Tower, Seven/ Swords Rx and the Magician on the bottom of the deck.
This reading is HEAVY. Some of y'all who came to this reading are dealing with some heavy mental shit. I am not a mental health professional, please seek one out. Tarot is awesome and helpful but it is not therapy.
Take a breath. I'm so fuckin serious right now. You need to breathe and clear your mind even for a second. Don't ya just love how many people come to readings and then ignore the simplest advice given? To just take a breath? ( I love y'all, but some of y'all need a lil call out every now and then) The reason why I'm pushing y'all to stop and breathe is cause y'all's mind never. fuckin. stops. does it? Never. I had to restart this reading three times, cause I just kept getting wrapped up in y'all's anxiety spiral. And, I know it's hard but if you never make a conscious decision to try and slow down and give yourself a second, it's not gonna happen. Human brains are mostly auto-pilot and if you don't try and take the reins every once in a while it'll just keep doing what it's doing. Y'all are incredibly overwhelmed by making decisions for your future. It's like you see your future like the picture you chose, a road stretching on forever that can lead to anywhere depending on the turns you make but for you there's something that could be lurking in each turn. Something you're not seeing and that is terrifying to you. Now the main contender here looks to be anxiety about the state of the world, climate change, wars, pollution, famine, natural disasters, and on and on. Like y'all seem to be thinking what's the point, everything's going to shit. Listen, I'm gonna try to be gentle but when I tell y'all I'm very passionate about this, I am downplaying so fuckin hard. A lot of people fall into this overwhelm, it's not your fault. Governments and corporations put a shit ton of effort into keeping us feeling overwhelmed, cause overwhelmed people are too drained to put up a real fight. The point of trying is you being happy. That is worth it. The point is you can spread that joy. The point is to make a difference while you can. The point is that yeah, the world may be going to hell in a handbasket and you're just one person but you are a whole ass person. Who doesn't have to take this shit lying down. You want to live your life but are terrified of what might happen if you do. You feel like the world is a scary place and it can be sometimes, but you're so scared of truly stepping into the world, you never let yourself be or do much. It's like y'all are super fuckin excited for the road trip but are so scared of what may be around any turn, you just keep going on the same road letting it take you wherever it does. To get anywhere you want to go you have to make some choices. Yea, they may not always turn out how you planned but here's the thing: You will be okay. What you need to do to navigate your life? I'm sorry, y'all are gonna hate this advice but trust yourself. Sweetie, you are so much more capable than you give yourself credit for, hell you may not have any knowledge of your full capabilities cause you've never let yourself reach them. Tarot readings can help you navigate, but all the readings in the world won't help you get anywhere if you never put your foot on the gas.
random ass vibes: I dunno if y'all forgot to eat but like I've been ravenous this whole reading, The cartoon Roadrunner, venus, tea, sunburn, flowers, 666
Like this reading and wanna enable me doing readings to put-off doing my laundry? Leave me a comment on how you liked it or a tip with the lil thing at the bottom of the post!
The Road to Anywhere and Nowhere
The Star, the Five/Pentacles Rx and the High Priestess on the bottom of the deck.
Listen, honey. You can handle this. And you know you can. You're listening to your intuition, learning to trust yourself if you don't already. Y'all are navigating your life, you may have rough moments as we all do but y'all are learning to handle those moments with grace. I'm not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out why y'all are even at this reading, seems like the topic of this reading ain't something y'all need help with. And it ain't, y'all are killing it in this area. The reason y'all are here? Y'all need some encouragement. Maybe need is the wrong word, cause y'all are doing fuckin awesome either way. Deserve. That's the word. Y'all deserve some encouragement. The road you're on may be unconventional or the people around you very strongly disagree with. Or maybe they just strongly disagree with you, your identity as a person. (I dunno where "strongly disagree" is coming from but it keeps popping up in my head?) I feel like y'all have actively had people put you down and were able to power through and encourage yourselves, so you may not need others to encourage you. BUT we all deserve to be encouraged, just cause you can power through without supportive voices doesn't mean that you should have to. SO GET READY FOR SOME CHANNELED ENCOURAGEMENT MOTHERFUCKER! Y'all have been doing a fuckin amazing job moving away from shitty past situations and are not fucking giving yourselves enough credit. Yes, even if it was "just" some mental blocks. Oh, "just" a mental block are you kidding me? Do you know how hard getting over your own mental bullshit is?? Y'all are over here, learning to parkour over your mental bullshit like a goddamn ninja, acting like it's no big deal. Sweetie, that's huge, you do realize that? To be honest with yourself, call yourself on your bullshit and then do something about it? Step fuckin one of that is daunting. And I'm hearing that y'all were able to get through faster than even your guides were expecting. Honey, how powerful are you? Not only that, but y'all are learning to argue with your self-deprecating thoughts. Asking them, who gives a shit what they have to say? And taking all the energy you used to put into pushing yourself down and using it to build yourself up. That's SO fuckin badass, y'all! Talk about fuckin alchemizing shit. Y'all saw how much time and energy it was taking to keep yourself small and hurt, thought: Wonder what would happen if I used that to build myself up instead? And then you went and did it and ITS FUCKIN GORGIOUS. The blessings are gonna start rolling in with this new energy, but you already knew that. Cause motherfucker YOU are the blessing! Y'all are really embodying your own power and strength and are KICKING ASS. The last message is to let yourself rest, y'all are doing a lot. So give yourself a break, let yourself sleep in a bit later. Set aside time to just chill, you won't lose your progress while you sleep.
random ass vibes: receiving roses, worms, gardening, astronomy designs on clothes, 18, hide and seek
Like this reading and wanna enable me doing readings to put-off doing my laundry? Leave me a comment on how you liked it or a tip with the lil thing at the bottom of the post!
The Road to Ol' Kentucky
Shout out to all my fellow Kentuckians! How y'all doing?
The Moon Rx, The Queen/Wands, the Page/Cups Rx and the Five/Wands Rx on the back of the deck
Y'all are being called to really embody yourself and your power moving forward. It seems like y'all not only have it in your head that you're a Page when you're a Queen (queen energy, not gender). You're wrong about the whole damn suit. Others may have convinced you you're being sensitive when they're being an asshole and you're pissed about it. (As if letting people talk shit about you is "weak" right?) Y'all think you're the negative aspects of the Cups: Overly emotional, flakey, manipulative, disorganized, and self-centered. When the truth is you're the positive aspects of the Wands: Passionate, creative, driven, confident, and strong-willed. Y'all are really fuckin hard on yourselves, okay? Others may have been intimidated by your strengths and convinced you they were your weaknesses. If y'all have been feeling stuck, this is why, alright? You are stuck cause you've been told that the way to get unstuck IS the reason you're stuck. Think of it like this, y'all are an airplane, convinced by cars that flying is your biggest weakness, trying to figure out why you never seem to get anywhere. Airplanes can roll around, sure but they're MADE to fly. It's time to do some hard thinking, probably back to when you were a kid. What were the things you loved and pursued, how did you pursue them and what bullshit did others say about it? Like, did you get super focused on an activity you were doing, forget about choirs or some shit, and then be called irresponsible and lazy? When you wanted something, were you the type to push and work towards it, then be called stubborn or relentless or annoying when others decided they wanted you to do something else? Because there are some good qualities y'all have that are how you're supposed to show up in the world that you're not letting yourself embody. To be clear, I'm not talking about being told you're acting like an asshole when you were, in fact acting like an asshole. I'm talking about strengths you had that were demonized to you and in an effort to be a better person you stopped using. Now they've atrophied and you've gotta work them out to get them back. Cause, listen the typical way of navigation ain't gonna work for you. Y'all can continue to roll around and try to get where you wanna go, but it's gonna be slow and a billion times harder. You ever seen an airplane trying to go down a road through town? Think a sec on on how hard that would be. Cause that's you, right now. There are no road maps for the sky, ya know? Y'all are charting your own path. You need to stop trying to make yourself follow the road map for life that others are using. It's not gonna work for you, cause it was never meant to. Y'all are on an unconventional path, the only way forward is to embrace it.
random ass vibes: Back To The Future, coffee, night owl, finding your people, reds oranges and yellows, clouds, libra, cats. Thelma and Louise
Like this reading and wanna enable me doing readings to put-off doing my laundry? Leave me a comment on how you liked it or a tip with the lil thing at the bottom of the post!
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
dw abt crazy detailed posts, just have fun writing!! i like reading all of them, short or long :D besides goth gfs 🔛🔝
what abt kayn when his goth gf, who‘s usually confident abt her style, suddenly starts questioning herself bc of her parents? n she spiraling, barely participating in band stuff, and even wanting to avoid kayn bc of it all
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At first, Kayn assumes you're just feeling a little off. Who doesn't, every now and then? He tries to help you cheer up the only way he knows how—bothering you. Kayn blows up your phone even more than normal, shows up at your house at all hours to take you out "because he's bored", and is practically glued to your skin whenever you're together. Maybe he's not the best at all that conversation stuff, but his antics will be enough to get you back to your old self...right?
When that doesn't work, Kayn's attitude takes a turn for the worse. He assumes that the reason you're withdrawing is because you're finally fed up with his shit and can't handle him anymore. It's a slap in the face, and he's more upset than he'd like to admit. After all, you were supposed to be different! He would never have let you in if he thought you'd just ditch him.
Kayn does a little spiraling of his own, which obviously makes the situation ten times worse. Surprisingly, he doesn't immediately lash out at you. He's too confused about his emotions to do much other than give you an uncharacteristic cold shoulder. But his bad attitude during rehearsals, general irritability, and the scowl that darkens his face whenever anyone drops your name clues his friends in that something definitely happened between you two.
Thank god for Ezreal, because he just gets it and takes it upon himself to talk some sense into Kayn. He approaches Kayn bringing his favorite energy drink, hoping to give his sulking friend a reality check without getting something thrown at his head. Ezreal listens as Kayn gripes that you must be sick of him or something, but it's whatever, he's totally fine—
"Kayn," Ezreal cuts him off, not bothering to hide his eyes rolling behind his candy-pink sunglasses. "Talk. to. them. You're crazy about each other and it honestly just sounds like they're going through something. You need to be there for them instead of doing this whole hot-and-cold asshole routine."
Kayn grudgingly considers Ezreal's words. Yeah, maybe you could be going through something. But why wouldn't you just talk to him, then? He's still not convinced, and he's still a bit pissy, and he's still dodging your phone calls.
But then you show up to his apartment wearing a beige t-shirt and Kayn knows something is up. The goth baddie he knows wouldn't be caught dead in neutral tones. He snags your hand in his, makes a pit stop at the fridge to grab a can of your favorite drink (he writes it on the grocery list every week to make sure Yone keeps it in stock for you), and drags you into his room.
"Okay, my lil' batty," he sighs, sitting you down on his bed. He squishes your hand reassuringly. "No more acting weird, it stresses me the fuck out. What's up with you?"
Kayn's fuming when he finds out that your parents are putting you down. In his own strange, aggressive way, he gives you a pep-talk about not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. You're awesome and hot, why should you let anyone make you doubt that? He bumps your shoulder with his arm and gives you his signature cocky smirk. "I'm supposed to be the problem, remember? Don't ever let any-fuckin'-body convince you that you're less than perfect."
From then on it's Kayn's life mission to piss the hell out of your parents. Whenever he picks you up from your house, he shows up ten minutes early so he can smoke in the driveway and blast his music so loud it makes the front door rattle in place. He "sneaks in" at night, but always leaves the toilet seat up and muddy boot-prints in the hall so your parents know he doesn't give a shit about your curfew. And, if they have the nerve to confront him about it? Oh, boy... let's just say he has no issues making his opinions known, and he tells them exactly how fucking stupid it is of them to put you down.
Knowing that you're struggling with your confidence right now, Kayn makes extra effort to lift you up. He demands a selfie every day, and blasts you with a hundred drooling emojis and thirsty comments when you flash a peace sign in the mirror and show off your outfit. If he notices makeup or clothes you might like, he doesn't even stop to look at the price tag—straight into his bag it goes. Most of all, he tries to get you to stay with him as much as possible. If your parents are going to pressure you, well then, fuck your parents. You can sleepover at his place whenever you want. If it's privacy you want? He doesn't mind splurging on a studio apartment for you, just so you can have your own space away from your parents' negativity. (Just be warned—if he does pay for your apartment, he's gonna be crashing the place all the time. Make sure you've got his favorite snacks and an extra set of sweatpants on hand, because your couch is basically his second home.)
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tastefulstars · 2 years
He's With The Band
You intimidate Steve a little but that doesn't stop him from wanting you.
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steve harrington x f!reader (best friend!eddie x reader)
warnings: 18+ only mdni. eddie tries to be a good wingman but doesn't really manage it. r thinks she's too out there for steve and steve thinks r and eddie are together. unprotected sex. car sex. dirty talk. oral (f receiving). floor sex. switch steve i guess (more sub steve than anything). not proof read.
w/c: 4.4k
You were excited, nerves fluttering in your stomach. Anxiety always ate at you before a show, no matter how much you enjoyed yourself. Putting the finishing touches on your makeup, you give yourself a once over in the mirror and grin. Your tartan print pants fit your legs and ass beautifully, chains hanging and tinkling as you walk, and your shirt was ripped and faded and you knew that everyone would probably get a glimpse of your cleavage at some point.
You look good.
Your friends and band-mates, Alex, Sean and Tony, call out for you and you rush over to them. You wrap your arms around them, creating a little huddle and you bounce on your toes.
“I’m so ready!” You cheer, “Are you ready?”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Let’s fuckin’ go, baby!”
"I was born ready" Sean laughs, accented voice filling the space.
You laugh and as you all hype each other up, giving each other a gentle squeeze before breaking away. You grab your guitar and walk onstage.
You step up to the microphone, take a deep breath and pluck the opening notes to your first song of the night.
You belt out songs, loosing yourself in the moment and by the end of your set, you're covered in sweat and breathing hard. You always loved the thrill of it, riding the high long after you'd left the stage.
All you wanted to do was have a couple drinks and relax but you also didn't want to leave the boys to have to pack up your equipment. Your arms ached as you lugged the guitar cases to the van, you groan as you place them inside.
You hear loud laughter and you grin.
"Hey, I'll be back in a tick" You tell Alex and he waves you away dismissively, rolling his eyes.
You almost run towards the laugh, beaming.
"Hugs incoming!" You laugh and launch yourself at Eddie.
He opens his arms and catches you, spinning you around squeezing you tight. You hold onto his shoulders as he places you back onto your feet.
"I didn't think you were coming tonight"
"Don't be silly" He laughs, "I'll always come to your shows. I even managed to drag my friends along"
He gestures to the people lingering around him, watching you both curiously. You turn slightly, wrapping your arm around Eddie's waist as you beam at them and wave.
"Ah, thanks for coming"
"Not gonna lie, half of them only came because I told them that there was a girl fronting a rock band" Eddie teases and you roll your eyes.
"This is Robin, Nancy, Steve" Eddie gestures to each of them as he introduces them, "Erica, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, El and Mike"
"You guys were awesome" Dustin says.
"You, um, really put on a show" Nancy says, and you laugh.
"Ahh, I know our music isn't for everyone. Did you have a good time, though?"
"Oh absolutely" She says, nodding her head.
"I didn't think that I would enjoy it, to be honest" Robin starts, "But it's kind of refreshing to see a woman fronting the kind of music Eddie listens to"
Eddie snorts at her comment and rolls his eyes, leaning down he loudly whispers to you.
"Robin thinks it's just noise, not real music like Cyndi Lauper"
You laugh loudly at the disgust in his voice and you see her flush with embarrassment, you shoot her a soft smile to let her know you don't mean any harm.
You laugh as they chat, cuddling into Eddie and enjoying his and his friend's company. You glance over at Steve a few times and see him quickly look away each time you catch his eye. You can't help yourself, dragging your gaze over him, enjoying his soft eyes and fluffy hair.
"Hey Egg!" You hear Tony shout from the van, "Quit slackin' off and come help us!"
You groan and hug Eddie harder, burying your face into his chest and he laughs as you cling to him.
"No!" You shout back, your voice muffled by Eddie's shirt. You feel his chest shake with laughter.
"Go on" He says, "I'll hang out for a bit and we can catch up after"
You pull away, pointing at him sternly.
"Don't go anywhere"
You say as you start to walk backwards before you turn around and head back to the van, continuing to help load the equipment into the van. You glance over every few minutes to check Eddie and his group were still there.
Once you slide the van shut, you immediately start walking back to Eddie. Alex, Tony and Sean following behind you. Eddie smiles at you and you slot yourself back into his side, his arm resting around your shoulders.
"Hey man" He greets your band-mates, "Good show tonight"
"Thanks Eddie" Sean says.
You tune out a lot of the conversation, eyes drifting back to Steve every few moments. You turn slightly, squeezing Eddie and peering up at him as he looks over to you.
"Yes?" He raises his eyebrow and you purse your lips.
"Is, um" You lean in closer and whisper, face flushing, "Is Steve like, seeing anyone?"
A big smile slowly spreads over Eddie's face and he wiggles his eyebrows, making you groan and scrunch your face up.
"Forget it" You pout and he shakes his head, stepping away from the group and pulling you along with him.
"We'll be back in a second" He throws over his shoulder.
Eddie leads you to his van, offering you a smoke. You lean against the side of the van as you light it, side flush with his.
"From what I know, Steve's not dating and not wanting to get involved with anyone" He tells you as you inhale the cigarette, you pass it to him.
"Why do you wanna know?" He asks and your stomach flips.
"Um. I, I dunno- guess I wanted to know if I had a shot"
"Hmm. Look - to be completely honest with you and I'm not saying this to hurt you or anything okay? But I don't think I've ever seen Steve with anyone who isn't the Good Girl Next Door cookie cutter type. Go for it though honey, if you don't at least ask him you'll never know"
Something curls deep in your stomach and you sigh, knowing that a lot of people had passed on you because of the way you dress, your way of life, your Take No Shit attitude.
It wasn't the first time you'd been told something along the lines of 'if only you weren't... like that".
"Thanks Eds, I guess one day I'll find someone who likes me for me"
You laugh awkwardly as the two of you pass the cigarette between each other.
"What are you talkin' about, I'm right here" Eddie says hands flapping around himself and you laugh, rolling your eyes.
"You know what I mean" You groan.
"Ahh, like someone who wants to get all up inside you?" He laughs and you shove him.
"We could never work" He sighs dramatically, "We'd be too powerful"
"You mean we'd crash and burn real quick" You tease.
It's not like you hadn't thought about it but you just couldn't see Eddie as someone you wanted in that way. You wanted him to be in your life, be in his life for as long as you could. He was one of your soulmates, your closest friend and someone you could count on for anything, but it was all platonic.
You chew on your lower lip, you sigh and push off the van.
"Better get goin'" You mumble, holding your hand out and wrap your hand around his.
You can't help but feel a little disappointed and you know your smile fell a little short when you reached the group. Tony raises his eyebrow at you and you scrunch your nose slightly.
"Well, it's been great meeting you all but we should probably head off" Tony says.
You say your goodbyes to Eddie's friends, disappointment filling your throat as you reach Steve. You give Eddie another big hug, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.
"See ya around, baby doll"
Eddie's loud, bark of laughter follows you to Alex's van. You climb in the front, glancing over to Sean and Tony squished in the back amongst all the gear.
"You okay, Egg?" Tony asks, "You looked a little upset when you and Eddie got back"
"Yeah" You sigh, looking out the window as Alex starts the drive to his home, "Just sucks hearing that someone wouldn't give you a chance 'cause of the way you dress"
"So which one of Eddie's friends do you fancy, then?" Sean asks and you groan, hating how well the boys knew you.
"Not telling" You pout, not wanting to give them any more ammunition to tease you.
"I bet it was the girl, Robin was it?" Alex muses.
"Nah, it was totally Nancy" Tony shoots back.
"You lot are mad" Sean laughs, "She was clearly checking out Steve the entire time"
You huff, crossing your arms over your stomach and turn to face the window much to their amusement.
You hate that you can't get him out of your head. Images of his warm eyes and his kissable lips and his fluffy hair flash behind your closed eyes, driving you insane with want.
You're so worked up that you get yourself off multiple times over the weeks to fantasies involving Steve. You imagine him fucking you hard and fast in the dirty bathroom of the club, imagine sliding your way down his body and sucking him down your throat and listening to the noises he makes, imagine him pressing you against the door of a dressing room and burying his fingers inside you.
You let your fantasies run wild and you almost hate yourself for it and it certainly didn't help that you see Steve everywhere. Heading to work? Steve's running past. Pushing your cart at the grocery store? Steve's coming around the corner. You're dropping off some equipment Eddie asked to borrow? Steve's spread out on his couch.
There's a Corroded Coffin show tonight and you decide to dress your best, let loose and maybe go home with a a cutie. You feel great - black band shirt loose around your torso paired with a short black skirt and your leather jacket. You pull on long boots that sit an inch or so over your thighs, teasing a flash of skin between them and your skirt.
You take your time styling your hair and doing your makeup and you carefully slide rings onto your fingers. You looked sexy and felt it.
You didn't expect to see Steve there, wearing tight jeans and a loose shirt that had the sleeves torn off. You got an eyeful of his strong arms and chest, your mouth floods with saliva and your cunt gushes, clenching around nothing and you ache.
"Hey!" He smiles warmly at you when he spots you, speaking loudly and leaning close so you can hear him over the music, "Eddie will be glad you're here"
He stays close to you throughout the set, making your skin burn. You try to ignore it but your eyes dart to him every few minutes and you don't know if you want to throw yourself into the crowd and loose yourself in the music or grab Steve and plant a desperate kiss on his lips.
The show wraps up all too soon and you find yourself leaning against a table, Steve next to you. The two of you sip on your drinks while you wait for Eddie to pack away the gear and the people to slowly leave.
"Eds always puts on a great show" You say into your glass, eyes flicking to Steve.
"Yeah" Steve says, turning to face you, "Never thought I'd like it so much but I do"
"Not a big metal head, huh?"
Steve laughs and shakes his head, he lifts his glass and your eyes fall to his fingers. You swallow hard and force yourself to look away, to not watch as he presses his lips against the rim.
You squirm and press your thighs tightly together, feeling the wet slickness soaking your undies. You almost whine when his tongue darts out and licks at his lips.
"There you two are"
Eddie stands between you and Steve, forcing his way into the small space and throws his arms over both your shoulders. You groan and push away from him.
"Fuck off, Ed" You say as you shove at his arm, "You're so fuckin' sweaty"
"Oh" He lets go of you to press his hand against his chest, "You don't like my sweaty musk?"
He stares at you with wide eyes and you screw your face up.
"I'm hurt"
"Good" You shoot back and he drops his arm, laughing.
Steve's glancing between the two of you like he's trying to work something out.
"You want a drink?" You ask Eddie.
He smiles at you and you move to the bar.
There's still a number of people milling about and it takes you a little longer to get the attention of the bartender than usual. You carefully carry Eddie's drink back to the table and see him deep in conversation with Steve.
Eddie glances at you as you approach and beams, thanking you as you place the drink in front of him. You feel a little awkward, like you're intruding and focus on drinking and people watching while they talk.
"Right" Eddie says loudly, startling you, "I'm going to mingle with my adoring fans"
You snort at him and he gives you both a look. Steve rubs the back of his neck, eyes darting around the room.
"So, um- ah, how long have you been in your band?"
"Oh, a couple years now. Met Eds not too long after at a gig"
"That's cool" He says.
"How 'bout you? How'd you and Eddie meet?"
"We, um, met at school - Dustin, Lucas and Mike were all in a club Eddie ran"
"The Hellfire club?" You laugh and Steve nods.
"Yeah, he tell you about it?"
"Mhm, heard all about the campaigns and everything"
Steve looks over to you, laughing and eyes sparkling in the low light and you feel your heart flutter. You bite your lower lip and Steve's eyes drop to your mouth, he swallows hard.
Hope blooms in your chest and you slide a little closer to Steve, you don't miss the way he shifts nervously.
"How, how long you and Eddie been together then?" His voice is rough and he's staring at the people dancing.
He glances at you and sighs.
"Aren't you and Eddie, like, dating?"
"God no" You say as you pull a face, "Don't get me wrong, I love him but no"
Steve's eyes go a little wide and his lips part, he breathes a soft 'oh' and you shake your head. You lean in closer and don't miss the way he flushes.
"Tell you the truth?" You murmur, "Eddie isn't my type"
"No?" He breathes, eyes flicking between yours and your lips.
"No. I like soft, pretty boys with warm brown eyes"
Your stomach flutters painfully as you watch the flush spread over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
"You, uh - um" He stutters , "The night we met, at your show. You, you looked like you could beat the shit out of me and um, turns out I'm really into that"
You let out a giddy laugh.
"I think I could take you"
Steve licks his lips, eyes dragging up to yours. His pupils are blown out and he looks so, so hot.
"Yeah?" He breathes and you nod slightly.
"Mmm you want me to manhandle you a bit, huh?"
You love the way his face slackens and lips part, his eyebrows pull together slightly and you want to just press him against the table and lick your way up his neck. Steve flushes deeper.
You shift, pressing into his space and bury your fingers in his hair. You hesitate, glancing at his lips before looking him in the eyes. Steve doesn't make you wait, hands wrapping around you and pulling you flush against him as he presses his lips against yours.
Steve pulls back slightly, far enough that you both can gasp for air before you lick at his lip. Steve whines softly against your mouth and you feel your insides shake.
The noise of the bar disappears as Steve holds you, his lips against yours.
You're not sure how long the two of you stand there, clinging to each other and making out but you start feeling like your nerves are exposed. Raw need eats at you and you're aching so badly, your cunt hurts.
You think you might go insane if he doesn't touch you soon.
"Steve" Your voice is shaky, "If we don't go somewhere else right now, I'm gonna cry"
"We don't want that"
He teases you as his strong hands grip your hips and gently tug you towards the door as he walks backwards.
You think you hear Eddies voice saying 'fuckin' finally' but you're too focused on Steve to pay much attention to it.
You press Steve against the side of his car, fingers winding around his hair and pressing a fiery, desperate kiss against his lips. You slide one of your legs in between his and grind down on his thigh. He groans softly and grips you so tightly, you think you might just melt into him.
"Fucking hell" Steve groans, throwing his head back and rocking against you.
You pant as you feel his cock hardening and you whine a little, feeling every thick inch of him pressed against you. You shove your hand between you and grip him through his jeans, Steve shudders and thrusts sharply against your palm.
You suck at his neck and curl your fingers, pressing firmly.
"Baby, we should. We should, go" You murmur as you lick his skin.
He fumbles and pulls his keys out of his back pocket and you peel yourself away from him. Steve clumsily unlocks his door and you climb into his car. Your hands don't leave him, you paw at his thighs and rub his chest as he drives.
"You takin' me home?" You purr and Steve clenches his jaw and his knuckles go white as he grips the wheel.
He grunts and pulls off, coming to a stop on the side of a quiet road. He pushes at you as he climbs into the backseat and you almost throw yourself over the seat.
You climb onto his lap and slam your lips onto his, Steve's hands gripping hard on your hips and pulling you down onto him. You bury your fingers in his hair and reach down between you, unzipping his jeans and tugging his cock out.
"Fuck, Steve" You whine as you stroke him, "Need you inside me"
Steve whimpers softly and you pull your undies aside, lowering yourself down on him. You moan loudly as his cock stretches you, the pleasurable burn as you sink down overcoming your senses.
"God you're so fucking wet" Steve moans, head tilting back and thumping against the headrest.
You lift yourself and slam yourself back down, riding him in a steady rhythm. Steve holds you and rocks up to meet you. The only noises filling the car are your combined heavy breathing, moans and the squelching of your cunt.
You chant his name as you work yourself on his cock, moaning and whispering into Steve's mouth.
"You feel so good, so big. Wanna come all over your huge cock, baby"
Steve presses his fingers between you, circling at your clit and you whine.
"You gonna come with me?" You breathe against Steve's lips, sharing air.
"Yeah, yeah" Steve whines, "'m close. You're so tight"
You both move faster, harder. Focusing on reaching your climaxes.
"Oh, god" You moan, "Don't stop, ah fuck, Steve"
"I'm gonna-" Steve grunts and you cry out as your own release slams into you.
Fire burns under your skin and you shake, pure pleasure coursing through your veins. You clench and flutter around Steve, milking his cock and making him groan.
You mouth at Steve's neck and sigh softly as he holds you tight against him.
"God damn" He breathes and you chuckle, pulling back and cupping his cheek. You kiss him softly.
"Better still be taking me home"
Steve laughs and pepper kisses over your face.
"As soon as you hop off me, gorgeous"
You pout and raise yourself, whining as Steve's cock slides out of you along with his fluid. You push your undies back into place to catch it all and climb off Steve, pushing the door open and stumbling out on shaky legs.
Steve follows you and you both fall back into the front of the car, Steve lets a small noise as he pulls back onto the road, speeding his way to his home while you whisper the filthy things you want to do to him.
The both of you practically fall out of the car, tripping over yourselves in your rush to get inside.
Steve presses you against the door as soon as you step inside, kissing you. His hands wander over your body, slipping under your shirt and gripping at your skin.
You hum and tip your head back, leaning heavily against the door. Steve kisses his way down your throat before dropping to his knees, pressing your legs apart.
He runs his palms up your boots, traveling up your thighs and pushing your skirt up until it bunches up around your waist. You peer down at him and moan as he stares up at you from under his lashes, face slack with desire.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your undies and pulls them down, letting them drop down your legs before he presses his mouth against your cunt.
Your eyes flutter closed and you bury your hands in his hair, pressing him firmly against you. Steve moans as he licks his way into your folds, his thumb sliding over until he can press it against your clit.
You shift, raising a leg to hook over his shoulder. You whine as he tilts his head in order to press his tongue into your entrance, pushing it as far as he could.
"Fuck, Steve" You moan, rocking your hips up into his mouth, "You- ahh, you're so good"
Your praise spurs him on, making him press himself harder against you and devour your cunt faster.
"So good to me" You whine, fingers digging into his scalp and tugging on his silky hair, "Gonna make me come again"
You feel his moan vibrate through you and you shake, core tensing and you can feel it building. Moans slip past your lips as Steve almost desperately eats you out, nipping and licking and sucking at your cunt until you can't take it anymore.
"Ohh, Steve"
You shake against him, vision blacking out and stars bursting behind your closed eyelids. Your knee buckles and Steve carefully lowers you down until you're pressed between the door and him. You pant harshly and tug at him, slamming your mouth against his and licking your own juices from his lips and chin.
The kiss turns filthy quickly and you pull away, tearing his shirt off his body before you pull your jacket and shirt off. Steve's hands immediately go to your torso, feeling your skin and palming at your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty" He whines, "Wanna fuck you"
"You can fuck me, baby"
You sigh, trailing your fingers down his torso and hooking your fingers into his jeans, popping the button and slowly dragging the zipper down.
"You gonna fuck me here on the floor?"
He turns you, laying you down on your back as he slides your boots off your legs before pulls your skirt off. He kisses his way up your stomach until he reaches your lips.
"You want me to fuck you on the floor"
You bite your lip and flush.
"Yeah" You whine, "Come on, baby doll. Fuck me like you mean it"
He drops his head and groans, furiously shoving his jeans down his hips. He kicks them off his legs and grabs your hips, pulling you close to him and wastes no time pressing into your soaking cunt.
Your back arches and you moan softly, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist and clinging to him.
Steve fucks you hard and rough, focused entirely on his own pleasure and you feel a thrill go through you at the idea of being used. Steve's groans and grunts fill the space as he thrusts into you. The push pull of Steve's thick cock fills you with ecstasy and you revel in it.
"You're so fucking tight" He groans into your ear, "So perfect for me"
You feel your cunt gush around Steve's cock at his words and you dig your nails into the soft flesh of his back.
"Ah fuck" Steve's soft groans, "God, so perfect. Perfect pussy"
Steve's babbling mindlessly as he rocks into you, spearing his cock deep inside you and making you squirm under him.
You pry your eyes open and gaze at Steve - his eyebrows drawn up in pleasure, lips parted and face flushed. You clench down on him and watch as his face contorts in pleasure.
"Come on, baby" You breathe, "Come on"
Your encouragement is all it takes for Steve's hips to stutter, slowing until he's gently rocking himself through his orgasm.
He collapses on top of you, his face buried in your shoulder and you feel his panting breath against your hot skin. You hold him close and stroke his back and his hair.
"Good, honey?"
He shifts and leans over you, gazing at you sweetly before leaning down to press his lips against yours. He rocks against you softly and you whine.
"Want you to fuck me until the only thing I remember is your name"
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pipeymuzzle · 5 months
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“I know you’ve heard the tune before”
Hiya all sorry for the lack of anything for the past while, I’ve been dealing with some mental health issues as well as a shit ton of art block, I’m mostly fine now dw :>
Anyways today I bring you all a piece of art that is inspired and parsley traced (I’m trying to get out of art block I’m allowed to do that) by the music video of the fnaf fansong “TERRIBLE THINGS” by AXIE, this song has not left my head for days now and it’s kinda really awesome, it is based on The Handsome Devil’s song “Charlie’s Inferno” and I kinda fuckin love it despite not even being that big of a fnaf fan, y’all should go listen to in right meow :3
This was very fun to draw and I’m really proud of how it turned out, anyways I’ll try draw somethin again soonish (no promises artblocks a bitch) I hope y’all a great rest of your day or night, take care all <3
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Crying because I sent a good 10 minutes trying to figure out how to word it/hj
(For the skelemen you usually write for, the main one please :33)
S/O is a very sweet person, as well as very soft spoken.
But s/o is also in the music industry, mainly writing about their past struggles and mental being. As well as maybe a love song or two.
They have great control over their voice to the point that they can almost convey any emotion needed for a song part. To the point they sound a little too realistic.
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stare...(go listen to them if you haven't, they're super cool and match the energy this person has asked)
Sans : Are... Are you okay? He went to the studio with you just to hang out and nap, and decided "hey, why not listen?" so he put on some headphones and listened in on recording. You happened to be singing a song talking about your not-so-great family, screaming. He was uh... shocked, to say the least. Was rattled even. When you come out of the recording booth, he's staring at you with those empty sockets of his. He's worried, and you're getting wrapped up in a blanket when y'all get home.
Papyrus : So cool! He thinks your ability to sing is amazing, and he's so jealous! But.. how realistic that pained tone is, it worries him. Are you okay? Do you need comfort? If you reassure him that you're fine, he'll brush it off as you putting up an act or dramatizing events, in which he's here behind you. Still, if need any kind of support, he'll happily help you.
Cobalt : Surprising or not, he's not too big on music. He'd support your passion, definitely, 100%, but it's not really his thing. Although, the vocals are insane bro. Drink water.
Honey : He thinks vocaloid is pretty cool, and he likes listening to a wide array of singing and music, so he was pretty excited to hear you sing. Although, once he did, he was even more pumped. You're awesome in his eyes already, but adding the singing on top and you're literally the coolest person in the world. Besides his big brother, of course.
Red : Coolio, he can play guitar in the background. He fuckin' kills on the electric guitar, and would be amazing to have play with you. He likes hearing you sing, so he's a constant appearance whether at practice or in the recording studio. Best duo ever.
Edge : It's not as surprising to him as you'd think, and if anything, he enjoys your singing. Sometimes you'll hear him humming your songs, and if you question it, he'll deny it completely. Like, what, psht, no, you don't know what you're talking about, go sit down and eat your lunch.
Nox : He listens a bit too closely too the lyrics when you're silently practicing them in the living room, humming the words on the couch next to him. He keeps asking if you're okay and if you need help with anything, looking confused when you say that you're fine and that's he overthinking it.
Rus : Snooooreee, c'mon, let's go to Wendy's or somethin', he needs food. You tell him he doesn't need food, he just likes it. You tells you that that is irrelative and that he requires food. Yeah s/o, stop splitting hairs. Plus, your vocal cords could appreciate a Frostie.
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nevercrowned · 3 months
4 3 2 fuck you
listen up yall this shit is ironic striders beats r best suited to trolls hooked on phonics
karkalicious definition makes terezi loco she wants to know the secrets that she cant taste in my photo dyin just to know the flagour i aint doin her no favours no reason y i tease her flush just comes and goes like seadons im jarkalicious so delicious no i dont do kismesis and if you read any fanfics all that shit is fictious i blow kisses mwa dont matter if were just moirails trolls be libiing down the veil for a chance to fill a pail so delicious super sweet so delicious fuckin g adorabloodthirdty so delicious even egbert wants a puece of me im karkalicious l l l l like candy candy karkalicious def karkalicious def goddammit doc scarych stop fucking around with my mic karkaklicous definition makes the shippers crayz neoetss always squealin cutesy pet names like karkitiy im the k to the a r k the a the t and the majority of paireingd had better include me im karkalicious so deliciiosu my body stays viscious all the highblodis ceeling nervous cause im doijng some fitness zahhaks my witness bet that ahip curls neoewtsa ntail and hell be needing all the towels cause imma make him sweat pails so delciiosu suepr sweet so dleicious fuckjgn adorabloodthirdty so delciiosud even egbergg want s a piece of me im karkaliicous now you nooksuckers hold the fuck yp check it iut baby baby baby if you really want me homey get some oatience maybe then youll get a taste i’ll bd tastu taysy ill be laced with lacy its so tasty tasty itll nake you crazy t to the a to the s t e y fucking tasty t to the a to the stey fucking tasty d to the e to the l i c i o u s to the d to the e to the to the ill just soell it out for you all the time i turn around trolls gather round always sniffing at me wanna guess the colour of my blood i just wanna say it now i aint tryna round up any drama little fucker i just dont want you to know and i gueds im ocming off as just a little insecure although i keep on repeatingn how the secrets fuckkng awesome but im tryna tell its a secret i just dont want to tell terezi says i smell delicious so dleicious no i dont do kismesis and if you read any fanfics all that shit is ficitious i blow kisses mwa dont matter if we’re ejust moirails trolls be lining down the vail for a chance to fill a pail my body stays vicious zahhaks feeling nervous cos i got down to business nepeteas my witness meow ill evern let her first ship sail just watch that kiytne be the first in line to fill a pail so delicious ERIDAN SEEEEEE so deliicous YOU CAN TRUST MEEEEEE so deliicous ILL HELP YOU BEEE IM KARKAICIIUS L L LIKE CANDU CANDY Its so delicius ay ay ay ayyy so deliccious ay ay ay ayyyy so delicous ay ay ay ayyyy im karkalicious SHE SAYS MY BLOOD IS LIKE CANDY CANDY T to the a to the stey fucking tastu t to the e to the s t e y fucking tatsy d to the e to the l i c i o u s t to the a to the s te y fucking tasty t to tje a to the to the to the to the d to the e to the e l c i o u s to the d to the e to the e l c i o u s to the d to the e to the e l c i o u s to the d to the e to the now wiat just a mitherfuckign second do j seriously have to spell this shit out untik the end of the ficking song i mean whoever even wrote the original never had access to spellcheck i guess because t a s t e y does nawt spell tasty!!! was this fergie douchemuffin illiterate or something what do you mean human rap artists are the only ones brave enough to something something call it music what even is will smith doing he doesnt thtrow down sick fires anymore fuck this dhit i quit
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rhodesrider · 2 years
Her First Gold -P2-
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Bloodline x Wrestler!Black! Fem Reader
SFW! 18+! Minors DNI!
Part one is here!
“I’m such a fuckin idiot…” Y/N sighed out as she realized what she’s done. She was at the private gym on a treadmill chatting with Liv and Asuka walking along. She sighed stressed from the situation she put herself in. “Oh we know.” Asuka stated in her thick accent laughing. “I mean look at the-“ “I swear to god if you say the bright side of it imma beat yo ass, there is no bright side to this liv. I’m gonna lose…” she turned off the mill and got a break with some water. “Y/N, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just bianca.” Asuka said as she just scrolled on her phone. “Y’all don’t understand. It’s not just Bianca, what if I do lose thou? I don’t wanna leave. I don’t wanna go back to NXT and do all that work again.” Y/N was worried about her career and her boys. “I don’t wanna fail my boys…” Liv and Asuka looked at her and smiled getting off their treadmills. “Hey, you are not gonna lose.” Liv said giving eye contact. “Yea! You work so hard Y/N! And on top of that,The bloodline has your back.” Y/N smiles at her friends words. “Besides…you’re a heel right?” Liv smirked. “Well yea I am.” Y/N understood her look and smirked too. “Then be a heel.” Y/N nodded and she hugged her friends getting a text from Roman saying that he was outside. “I’ll see y’all later.”
In the car, she looked at Roman smiling but so her thoughts came over her. “You had a nice workout babygirl?” He asked kissing her cheek as he started on the road. “It was ok, I’m just worried about…next week…” she said biting her nails. “Come on baby stop that. U want me to put bandages on your fingers like ur spy kids?” He asked smirking. She shook her head no and stopped putting her hands between her thighs. “Baby you are gonna be fine. You’ve been working so hard, yes this moment is a bit risky but you are gonna do great.” He smiles as he drove towards the house. “Baby would you be mad if I lose…and I had to go back to NXT?” Roman sighed and looked at her some. “Baby, me or the guys could never be mad at you. You are our princess, our little royal. And we will support you no matter what. Even if you went back to NXT.” Roman smiled as he peeled at Y/N as she was wiping her tears away. “I don’t wanna embarrass you guys. I wanna make y’all proud.” “And you will.”
The night has finally come and Y/N paced in the locker room with her custom gear on. She fixed her puffs sighing listening to music getting pumped. She got a text that the boys were coming down and she took her earbuds out soon hearing knocks on the door. “Come on in!” The boys came in rushing her for a hug for luck. “You’re gonna do great mamas.” Jey said kissing her cheek. Jimmy went to fix her hair helping out some and solo presented her with her bloodline wristbands. She smiled at the honor and she let solo put them on. “Baby you’re gonna be awesome, you’re gonna get that belt.” Roman said hugging her close, she nodded and she walked out with him. Roman is gonna be on ring side with her. “Let’s party.” She sighed.
Bianca came out first, in a beautiful pink custom gear wear, the crowd cheering her on, her music blaring around the arena. The WWE universe in the palm of her hand, that’s what Y/N wanted. The music for Y/N came in as a bloodline remix, she walked out with Roman a bit nervous, but gained her confidence seeing how he just glared at the crowd that acknowledged him. Y/N walked with him slow with her gear, red camo, her hair bouncing, she felt like the moment. “They aren’t just cheering me on babygirl.” He said in my ear as we made it to the ring. Y/N listened in to the crowd, she felt supported hearing her name.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled to one fall, for the WWE Women’s Championship!!”
The announcer begun, Y/N leaned in the ropes watching bianca.
“In this Corner, we have our current WWE champion, miss ect., Bianca Belair!”
The crowd went wild and she smiled skipping around some winking at me taking off her jacket.
“And her opponent, the royal of the bloodline herself, Y/N!!”
She smirked getting a cheek kiss from Roman and smirks at Belair. The announcer left out and the ref signaled the bell. Let’s go.
She was thrown against the ropes growling at Belair sighing tired. Bianca was getting there too. Amazed how long she’s lasted, it being 15 minutes in the ring, about two specials on her , yet shes still standing. Bianca hit the ropes coming in hot but y/n opened the ropes making bianca go out the ring hitting the floor. She sighed needing a breather but she smirked. The words echoing in her ear. ‘Be a heel.’
Liv is right. She is a heel. Smirking as Bianca she speared her hard, giggling, seeing her flat on the ground. She was able to pin her and soon the bell rung.
She won.
Y/N soon heard the crowd cheer, she couldn’t believe it. She won. She has her title. Her boys ran out excited and hugged her close. They were so proud of her. Soon Roman pointed at Bianca, looking at Y/N smirking. “You’re not done are you?” He whispered chuckling. Something came over her, she shook her head no, Jey smirked handing her a black metal chair. “Get em baby.” He encouraged. Solo kisses her cheek feeding into the evil deed that need to be done. Y/N raised the chair and started to hit Bianca with it. Hearing her cry out in pain, it fueled her. Y/N tossed the chair to the side seeing a defeated Bianca, former champion. She got her belt from Roman, he kissed her hand helping her out the ring and they walked away. She felt this power, she liked this power.
“You will be acknowledged. Just like I do baby.” Roman said smiling. Y/N nodded and walked to the lounge with her Boys.
The new champion.
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syn4k · 3 months
fic ask game: 2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 17, 19, 24, 27, 30
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tom fuckin syndicate, baby!!! and also tucker ii_jeriicho_ii to a lesser extent. im enjoying myself here
number 5 has already been answered!
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tom. lol
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(i'll tend to the flame, you can worship the) ashes. no contest there. theres so much id love to explore with the aftermath of that universe that i didnt get to fit into the fic itself
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divine visions
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uhh im gonna be honest usually i dont really Have one. i normally slam down a draft, reread it a few times to catch spelling and grammar errors, post it, realize while reading it again on ao3 that i missed a glaring mistake, repeat that process a few times, and then its done when i stop fiddling with it
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one time i scrolled various wikipedia articles for deserts for three hours to accurately describe the climate of one. i actually had a really good time it was awesome
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usually when i dont want to make things it's because i Physically Fucking Can't. aka burnout. so i listen to music or read poetry or watch some yt videos or pet my cat or whatever to chill out and give my brain a breather
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seeing a work come together. like when you reference something you wrote earlier later in the fic. its the most beautiful thing on planet earth its like carefully matching wires together in a supercomputer
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i'm gonna share a few of 'em here since i can't pick just one:
(i'll tend to the flames, you can worship the) ashes
the world is gonna end (so i may as well make this count)
this loser hasn't even studied politics
seeing things
Split Lives and Crossed Wires
The Copper King and the Copper Architect
Xisuma Beats Everyone* At Guitar Hero
mists in the dog-days
What's the Letter that Starts the Alphabet (Ayy!)
enjoy! :]
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formula-fun · 2 years
I listened to every song named after current f1 drivers (so you dont have to)
Max: some of these are hype songs a la pitstop boys, and most of the ones that aren't are pretty odd lowkey. A couple are literally just his entire life story rhymed and set to a beat which gives me Homer vibes so that's kinda cool. Some are...kinda weird. 6/10 Special mention to Max verstappen by Abad 33. Man wrote a biographical rap, amazing
Checo: the same 3 bands that write all the max stadium chants are also writing checo ones which is kinda sweet! a lot of these are directly about him rather than namedropping him--he has a higher ratio of these than other drivers. Also not just rap/dance tracks, some are more traditional Mexican music which is awesome. Overall no skips here, 9.8/10 Special Mention: Checo Perez by Alan Y Roberto
Charles: most of these are along the lines of "im sexy and fuckin cool and i feel like charles leclerc" but the vibes are there. have heard at least 3 that reference Max or make ver-stop-him type puns. Also several modern epic poetry vibes and a few kinda slow ones, very him. 8.2/10 Special Mention: Charles Leclerc by SAE. The one by Alexander Lewis is also kind of a mood but a little more hype
Carlos: some really lowkey beats here, kinda chill not too aggressive. The only issue here is I can't tell if theyre about him or his dad and they're more namedrops than bios so it's hard to tell. 6/10 for that reason but special mention for Carlos Sainz by teme
Lewis: can confirm Lewis Hamilton by geezy is a mood lowkey but based on the line "swear i drive like a ferrari, I'm all about the wins" I think maybe geezy does not watch formula 1. These are good though! Lot of bops in here. a LOT of songs abt this man. 9.5/10 Special mention for being the only one on this list to have a song he sang in, shoutout to Pipe feat XNDA
Pierre: he actually has a couple but some of them are weird as hell. Weirdly enough every one I've found is in English, maybe because Gasly is really easy to rhyme in English? not sure. 7/10. Special mention to Pierre Gasly by FeldaLeaf, featuring the classic line "Pierre Gasly driving the Tauri, bitch I'm the alpha I got people coming for me"
Lando: actually thought he'd have more but he only has a couple. One is a hype song and the other is his roller coaster one. Overall fun but not hits. 5/10 Special mention: Let's Go Lando! by Pitstop Boys
Valtteri: has quite a few which all have car noises and radio clips and are pretty heavy/hard rock. These feel like they maybe came from the Mercedes era because they're just generally full of rage but i kind of love that for him. 7.6/10 Special Mention: Bottas by Arcangel, which is only slightly about him but is heavy as hell
Fernando: please just go listen to El Nano by Melendi, this is the happiest fucking song ive ever heard in my entire life. It's from the Renault era and it sounds so 2000s and i had to translate the lyrics but theyre SO cute. when he gets in his renault? Magic alonso!!!!! <33333 he honestly has the best music so im giving him 15/10 hands down but please know its mainly because of El Nano
anyone who was not listed isn't on here because I found no songs named after them, very sorry (parody songs written from the perspective of certain drivers not included). Takeaways from this exercise: there is a lot of bad self-produced rap on spotify, some of it is pretty good, and in general people are writing music about this sport like its the fuckin Iliad or something which I think rules. In conclusion, thank you for reading and please stream El Nano
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kieselsteinn · 1 year
which csh albums to listen to in order in my Opinion umm I wrote this for a friend and I’m not gonna reread it LMAO um there’s probably stuff in there that only caters to her
1. START at teens of denial it’s very cool there’s some long stuff and some short songs it’s a nice introduction to csh and it’s just like a very chill but emotional!! destroyed by hippie powers and drunk drivers / killer whales are the most emotional and in my brain I think they’re short and sweet but no they’re 5 and 6 minutes long ermmm that’s funny!! this is actually the album that kinda launched csh into the mainstream and got them on the tonight show with jimmy fallon along with twin fantasy. nice solid rock album.
2. if you want more emotional stuff, twin fantasy (face to face)!! I FUCKING LOOOOOOVE TWIN FANTASY!!!!! it’s very emotional and the end is fucking fantastic it’s like the telling of a story of teenage love that went oh so terribly wrong!! kind of umm yeah it’s really really good my personal favorites are beach life in death and bodys !! bodys is super electric and such a fun track it is so awesome I fuckin love that song!! beach life in death is so emotional and LONG (13 minutes) This album is actually a like redraw of the mirror to mirror 2011 version of this album (THAT I BOUGHT THE VINYL OF!!) that old version of the album is shorter and has shittier production quality but it has far more raw emotion. becuase that album was made while that shit was happening to will and not just to redo the music
3. teens of style umm if you want more cheerful stuff!! it’s super nice I don’t like it personally as much as like the original songs but it’s still great!! teens of style is like a compilation album of some older car seat tracks from monomania and my back is killing me baby!! my favorites are probably strangers, and something soon!! something soon is probably one of my favorite csh songs of all time I won’t lie I kinda prefer the mbikmb version ermmm you could PROBBALY relate to the lyrics it’s a very very good song!! strangers is also a fun Energic song that’s easy to get stuck in your head 😜😜 it’s also a nice way to introduce (prepare) yourself to some of the songs that are on this next album!
4. MONOMANIA. HOLY FUCKING SHIT MONOMANIA. Ummm well this album is a very sad emotional roller coaster. it’s very electric and experimental music wise. this is basically the continuation of twin fantasy (mirror to mirror) I would actually rlly recommend listening to them back to back!! these songs are absolutely fantastic ohh my god misheard lyrics kinda sucks BUT THE MEANING IS GREAT!! my favorites are los borrachos and Maud gone they r fantastic music wise (the drums on Los borrachos R SOOOO FUCKING GOOD) and I actually know maud gone on guitar teehee!! two tracks on here that are absolutely fucking soul crushing are souls and anchorite. some of the first csh songs I listened to!! Ahaha ohh my god 🙁 yeah they r really really really sad souls is like bodys but HEARTBREAKING!!!
6. how to leave town!! not a personal favorite! Really good though! it’s got more electric synth stuff on it and the first track is so fucking long Jesus Christ they did not need to make a SIX MINUTE LONG INTRO?? yeah this album is kinda forgettable but it’s got some real good shit! I really like hey space cadet (who doesn’t it’s absolutely fantastic) and beast monster thing umm itw as hard to choose favoirtes bc I rlly like some of these tracks!! this album is just really relaxing and then all of the sudden you’re sobbing uncontrollably and calling up a therapist dear lord
7. living while starving! kind of like an interlude to the csh albums it’s just a nice short ep with five songs I really like every song on there umm except devil moon and I hate living pls I swear I like them but they’re kinda forgettable !! this album has the best version of oh! starvibg i fucking loove it sm!!!! will’s redone taht song THREE different times but this is the best version I swear 🙏 this ep actually has their second most popular song! it’s only sex! which is really good but im not gonna talk about it 😊😊😊😊
8. nervous young man. THE BEST CSH ALBUM HOOOLY FUCK ITS SO GOOD!!!!!! There is a lot of variety in these tracks and some long ones, some short ones!! My favorites are I wanna sweat and fuck I can’t choose I’m just gonna list off like a ton of songs I like umm so some strange angel, knife in the coffee, big jacket, dreams fall hard, burning man, crows, the gun song (SO GOOD), jerks, and Boxing Day!! the gun Song and Boxing Day are so long (15 minutes each) but oh my god they are so emotional I love them so so so so much umm the reason this album is so far down on the like,, csh path is because IT IS TWOO HOURS LONG!! GOD it’s soo fuvking good though I actually made art based off of I wanna swear and I’m working on a. Dreams fall hard piece it’s soo yum
9. my back is killing me baby!! just a like 47 minute long album of a lot of short and sweet songs this is actually a super old album so the production quality is shitty to say the least! Umm I absolutely love every song off of this one except lawns because it’s soo 😭 unserious hes literally just complaining about picking up garbage?? every song is super upbeat and catchy and always fucking stuck in my head
10. MAKING A DOOR LESS OPEN! this album is really good you just have to be a big csh Fan to like it LMFAO umm it’s very experimental! it’s all electric stuff I really like deadlines hostile and life worth missing! this is very much so. Acquired,, taste but I swear it’s great! deadlines hostile is actually one of the first csh songs I listened to and it’s a great starter I won’t lie
11. twin fantasy (mirror to mirror) umm oops idk why I put this so far down I kinda forgot about it LMAOOO umm well it’s sooo strangles will toledo it’s very soul crushing compared to face to face. face to face feels more hopeful and cheerful but this version is soo sad dude oh my gof!! I actually like these versions of bodys, sober to death and nervous young inhumans more teehee they’re just better! these tracks just feel more personal I guess? like will Toledo is younger and he was making this album because this is what he was feeling at the time, but the newer version is just some really great retellings yk! I love the raw emotion and want to give this album a hug
12. 4 & 3 I put these in their one little group together bc they’re both pretty short and like,, they’re the numbered albums. These aren’t on any streaming services I don’t think besides youtube! And band camp! Soo I recommend 4 before you listen to 3 because 4 is just nice and a. Lot like my back is killing me baby! Some nice catchy stuff my favorite is probably that daniel johnston song idk I haven’t listened to the album in a while,, umm 3 is soo. EIEUGEVATWU that’s one album to cry to! beach funeral and beach fagz are fucjing soul crushing oh my god they are so sad esp the outro parts um don’t look up the lyrics to beach fagz tho and if you do don’t,, don’t ask me idk either man 🙁 3 is my favorite numbered album and I actually listen to it like regularly I fuckin love that album sm
13. BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO 1, 2, AND LITTLE PIECES OF PAPER WITH NO WRITTEN IN THEM LISTEN TO DISJECTA MEMBRA! it’s basically some outtakes of nervous young man and where the outro of the face to face version of famous prophets came from!! the songs on there are really good but I put it so low because it’s so deep in the rabbit hole. this album was only accessible if you bought nervous young man for a certain price on band camp back in 2013, so it’s literally ONLY on YouTube. I really like the song sinner it’s yum and also really sad Ermm DRUNK ON A WORK NIGHT IS ON THIS ALBUM I TJINK THAT SONG IS SOO FUVKING FUNNY!! YOU WERE ON METHBTHE WHOLE NIGHT?,!!,????
14. 1 and 2 these are soo,, what was going on man! um the production is shit because he was recording on a tape recorder LMAOO I like the emotion in these he does an awful lot of screaming. The original version of big jacket from nervous young man actually comes from 1 and that’s pretty cool I guess! I like the song where he goes THE FUCKING COOFFEE HOUSE I don’t remember which one it is umm I need to relistento these,, KID WAR IS ALSO RLLY GOOD
15. little pieces of paper with no written on them. Umm these songs has no written on them for a reason! this album is just basically Will releasing a bunch of experimental tracks he scrapped to the public because they’re still good,, the best song is I CAN TALK WITH MY EYES SHUT and it’s actually,, dare I say one of the best early csh songs DONT TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT THO
16. go to therapy
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wackpedion · 8 days
Four, three, two, fuck you
Listen up y'all, this shit is ironic
Strider's beats are best suited to trolls hooked on phonix!
Karkalicious definition makes terezi loco
She wants to know the secrets that she can't taste in my photo
Dyin' just to know the flavor
I ain't doin' her no favors
No reasons why I tease
Her flush just comes and goes like seasons
I'm karkalicious (so delicious)
No, I don't do kismesis
And if you read any fanfics
All that shit is fictitious
I blow kisses (mwah!)
Don't matter if we're just moiraills
Trolls be lining down the veil for a chance to fill a pail
(Four, three, two, fuck you)
So delicious (super sweet)
So delicious (fuckin' adorabloodthirsty)
So delicious (even egbert wants a piece o' me)
I'm karkalicious (l-l-l-l-like candy, candy)
Karkalicious def-
Karkalicious def- (goddammit, doc scratch, stop fucking around with my mic)
Karkalicious definition makes the shippers crazy
Nepeta's always squealin'
Cutesy pet names like karkitty
I'm the K to the A, R, K, the A, the T
And the majority of pairings had better include me
I'm karkalicious (so delicious)
My body stays vicious
All the highbloods feelin' nervous 'cause I'm doing some fitness
Zahhak's my witness
Bet that ship curls nepeta's tail
And he'll be needing all the towels 'cause I'ma make him sweat pails
(Four, three, two, fuck you)
So delicious (super sweet)
So delicious (fuckin' adorabloodthirsty)
So delicious (even egbert wants a piece o' me)
I'm karkalicious (now you nooksuckers hold the fuck up, check it out)
Baby, baby, baby
If you really want me
Honey, get some patience
Maybe then you'll get a taste
I'll be tasty, tasty
I'll be laced with lacy
It's so tasty, tasty
It'll make you crazy
T to the A, to the S T Y - fuckin' tasty
T to the A, to the S T Y - fuckin' tasty
D to the E, to the L I C I O U S
To the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the
I'll just spell it out for you!
All the time I turn around trolls gather round
Always sniffin' at me, wanna guess the
Color of my blood
I just wanna say it now
I ain't trying to round up any drama
Little fucker I just don't want
You to know
And I guess I'm coming off as
Just a little insecure although
I keep on repeating how the
Secret's fucking awesome
But I'm tryin' to tell, it's a secret that I just don't wanna tell
Terezi says I smell
Delicious (so delicious)
No, I don't do kismesis
And if you read any fanfics
All that shit is fictitious
I blow kisses (mwah!)
Don't matter if we're just moiraills
Trolls be lining down the veil for a chance to fill a pail
Four, three, two, fuck you
My body stays vicious
Zahhak's been feeling nervous 'cause I got down to business
Nepeta's my witness (meow!)
I'll even let her first ship sail
Just watch that kitten be the first in line to fill a pail
So delicious (eridan, see)
So delicious (you can trust me)
So delicious (I'll help you be)
I'm karkalicious, l-l-like candy, candy
It's so delicious (ay, ay, ay, ay)
So delicious (ay, ay, ay, ay)
So delicious (ay, ay, ay, ay)
I'm karkalicious, (she says my blood is like candy, candy)
T to the A, to the S T Y - fuckin' tasty
T to the A, to the S T Y - fuckin' tasty
D to the E, to the L I C I O U S
D to the E, to the L I C I O U S
To the D, to the E, to the, L I C I O U S, to the
D to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the E, to the
Now, wait just a motherfucking second!
Do I seriously have to spell this shit
Until the end of the fucking song?
I mean, whoever fucking wrote the original
Never had access to spellcheck, I guess
Because TASTEY does not spell tasty
Was this fergie douchemuffin illiterate or
What do you mean human rap artists
Are the only ones brave enough to write their own
Grammatical trainwrecks and call it music?
What the fuck even is Will Smith doing?
He doesn't throw down sick fires anymore?
Fuck this shit, I quit
ok alfie ok. okay.
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daeeeeeb · 1 year
the music in rwby
i feel like i could talk about rwby's ost for HOURS. not even like, how the lyrics represent a character and/or their situation (thats a whole other post) but how everyone composing them NEVER MISSES!! every song is just absolute banger after banger ranging from full on songs with vocals by casey lee williams to just scores that are used on the episodes of every volume (that you can just listen to!! and i think that rules.) every song in every volume hits the soft spot in my brain that makes me smile (bmblb from vol4), makes me cry (forever fall from vol6) and gets super fuckin hyped n pumped up (die from vol2, especially the part with casey just full on screaming the lyrics) and to be honest theres a lot of songs in the albums that fit those 3 criterias but those are the ones i could remember as of late i also love how much the casey has evolved as a singer (i've heard that she's been singing for RvB since she was like,6) from vol1 where she was, i think, 12 and her voice was plenty AWESOME to listen to already, then came vol8 and shit went DOWN. the opening kicking off with "we said GOOODBYYEEE" goes so goddamn hard its unreal. every opening in this series goes incredibly CRAZY and its not even funny like every second of the songs in the series are so damn well composed with the catchiest beats and best lyrics ever (specifically lamar hall, he raps so damn fast in big metal shoe, vol6) by the way, jeff HOWLING in some songs he is wonderful, like caffeine (vol2) or the vol3 opening. hell, songs where its just him doing the vocals are incredible too even if there arent that many, like bad luck charm in vol4 orr not fall in love with you in vol3! ill be honest, i dunno who composed what and who did this n that but im ASSUMING most of the guitar parts were just jeff, like the swell and heavy guitar in touch the sky, vol7, that ones gives me summer (not the character) vibes and it slaps. i love the solos sprinkled around the songs as well and im glad to see them still present and incredible as always in the vol9. (RED LIKE ROSES PART 3!! absolute PEAK. i listened to it for like 3 seconds on borrowed earbuds and it felt like heaven on my ears) the whole of volume 9 was incredible too, checkmate is incredible with the flow of the lyrics and the doots and the BASS, oh my god the bass. its really cool knowing martin de lima, from ok goodnight (the band casey sings in!! check them out, i need to listen to more of their songs aswell, awake sounds HEAVY and im all for it) composed some of the scores for vol9 and i hope there'll be more of ok goodnight in future volumes (greenlight vol10) didnt expect to have written so damn much but thats ok. what im saying is : music goes hard, goes cool and makes me happy. hope it makes you happy too :)
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squishykotetsu · 1 month
The Great "Squishy went to a Festival" Post
I wrote a thing for some friends but they said to put it online, so here comes:
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a little guide to the bands I watched at this years PartySan, written for people that don't know anything about metal, because more people should listen to metal :3
This is a list of all of the bands I watched, with a quick blurb about what they sound like, how the concert was, and a link to a song for checking them out!
Rope Sect BIG recommend, very chill groovy dark goth-y rock with nice gritty dirty production, I love their first EP to bits! The concert was wonderful and the guys are lovely. Give them a listen, even if you're not into metal at all! Track recommendation: Tarantist https://open.spotify.com/track/6lxekwquW2tnlvBNeIwGg0?si=c455db23e99a48ac
Mephorash very cool black metal (meaning there is screams n shid) - epic, kind of unconventional, makes you feel like there's some satanic fuckery afoot :D The concert was in the same vein, very ritualistic and mystical - good stuff Track recommendation: Sanguinem https://open.spotify.com/track/2JQQhdTBOhRV8knLclnF83?si=377bf940b41a441f
Left to Die they're a coverband, so I'll just talk about Death, the band that they're playing, cuz they nailed the sound (granted they do, I think, have some of the original members). Death were a huuuuugely influential band for the genre of, you guessed it, death metal absolute killer riffs - fast, catchy, groovy, technically and musically interesting and progressive, keeps you on your toes the concert had me honestly wondering what we've been doing these past like 40 years that we still can't top them Track recommendation: Left to Die https://open.spotify.com/track/0BO5g7FXNhZgQuC8xIORDm?si=5cf7cd9dea2e4da9
Ritual Death More "advanced", probably harder to get into if you don't already like black metal - they're still pretty new, but the black metal scene is keeping a close eye on them cuz they're interesting and weird. Musically very cool, more on the experimental side, but not too crazy. Just giving their own take on things. The concert was great, the frontman (guitar & vocals) was wearing this cool, tall mask/hood thing that hid his face completely, which made for an interesting experience in watching him sing - no visible mic, no visible face, only gestures and motions, very eery in a way that's hard to describe Track recommendation: Ancient Devil Worship https://open.spotify.com/track/0iVLWVXyoc1WABbtwpVfVh?si=b8984ed8165147a1
Darkend Nocturn Slaughtercult just really fuckin solid black metal - fast, evil, great riffs, lofi production, screeching vocals, blastbeats galore. Bonus: Female vocalist, always cool to see in this sausage fest of a scene (on te bands' side, the audience was fairly mixed) I sadly didn't enjoy their concert all that much cuz the sound was shite - the drums were drowning out the guitars completely. They do have an awesome stage presence though! Gonna try to catch them again somewhere else Track recommendation: A Sweven Most Devout https://open.spotify.com/track/4pkA0avPTHSA5QZz7dI3Op?si=50ab46fa9ffb412a
Schammasch I'd say it's post-black metal, so focussing on atmosphere and deeper lyrics rather than violence and just plain evil satan business - I really recommend checking out this song cuz it has exclusively clean vocals, might be a cool way to check out the other elements of black metal if you're usually put off by the screaming lol The concert was meditative, atmospheric and very moving - I nearly cried during one song :D Track recommendation: Metanoia https://open.spotify.com/track/3bj4gLDzAT8gTC8YdpOMRs?si=5eaeff94f32f4c96
Afsky really good example of a different common variant of black metal that isn't evil aggression: atmospheric melancholy. Wonderfully touching sad songs that use the harsh elements to bring voice to the darker parts of life, I love this kind of stuff The band impressively made these songs work under the 2pm sun, quite the feat Track recommendation: Altid Veltilfreds https://open.spotify.com/track/3dKyLNbYun1timBlPx3Wlp?si=dcce815edb2f456f
Batushka Do you have catholic trauma? This is the band to work it out to. It's black metal from Russia with orthodox male choir elements - epic, dark, mighty, really cool unique shit. Their theatrical, church-y performance was perfect to bring this sound to a live setting Track recommendation: Песнь 1 https://open.spotify.com/track/34FWlbZHTtjslQ9u07ghTY?si=643bec22ba684bbf
Non Est Deus again, just absolutely solid black metal. Good production, kinda lacking in creativity with the lyrics (church bad hurr durr), the guy's other project is much more impressive (they're called Kanonenfieber and they write about WW1) - still really good (epic, fast, dark), just not all that unique imo cuz I think they're too close to Mgła, who are just the best at this particular style of black metal. Bangin show though, you can tell these guys have been on a stage before :D Track recommendation: Thousand Years of Sand https://open.spotify.com/track/7CXCoEqwKrYnHnzAkpmt2Y?si=fb8029a4bd8e4122
Solstafir Kind of chill, kind of psychedelic, progressive blend of influences from within and without the spectrum of metal music - no two songs are really alike, so I'll just recommend a chill one that's easy on the metal bits and should be quite enjoyable for everyone. I used their concert for a bit of a sit-down to relax my back, have a beer and just float around in their soundscapes, so I can't say too much about the front and center before the stage experience. Sound was fantastic tho Track recommendation: Ótta https://open.spotify.com/track/2LJZE1yXy9SdglruufEDHG?si=f239271b14df4838
Konvent This is the heavy shit. The genre is called "doom metal" for a reason. Slow, hard-hitting, dark and unrelenting. A beatdown of a listening experience, but in the best way possible - these ladies don't fuck around. Probably the concert that I had the most physical experience with, I felt like I got run over by a steamroller (affectionate) Track recommendation: Puritan Masochism https://open.spotify.com/track/770HRSwohWkdbOOk6ByEeT?si=6e13a384cb8c451d
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber "watch humanity fall", fantastic french black metal - more on the dark and atmospheric than the enraged and evil side of things, but they keep it interesting, it's never formulaic - howling lamenting vocals, fast and straightforward but effective drums, nicely layered guitar harmonies that drive the mood of the tracks, is gud shit Very energetic live show, they really went all out Track recommendation: A New Order https://open.spotify.com/track/6eL3uPBHe6H23O9AcbhKJB?si=b9a4f709dc274b83
Unto Others Continuation of the 80s with modern technology. It's more rock than metal, but you can hear the influences. Absolute gods of the v i b e Catchy, groovy, but also melancholic and introspective at times, biiig recommend, again something that should be wayyy easier to get into than all that screaming insanity lol Track Recommendation: It doesn't really matter (that is both the song name and also just actual advice, all their stuff slaps lol) https://open.spotify.com/track/5uMml4h2o7eGfkqmXo2n7a?si=0310fa3faa924963
Sulphur Aeon My beloved, the band I was looking forward to the most - cosmic horrors made audible. Sometimes chaotic and fast, sometimes epic and majestic, sometimes slow and brooding, they're definitely conjuring something. Mostly harsh vocals with the occasional clean part. All-around highly competent musicians and songwriters They played a good selection of tracks and I had a blast! Shoutout to the guy from Bogota I stood next to who knew all the lyrics, you made an already awesome concert even better brother! Track recommendation: Usurper of the Earth and Sea https://open.spotify.com/track/0ZOCudJOOzIfV5P5JF0Cns?si=10c258aa203e4d00
Hellripper We're drunk, let's party! This is a crossover between black- and thrash metal, a very successful combination. Fast, virtuous, heavy, just a blast to listen to and to watch live - they bring the heat! It's the dirty sound of black metal without the depression, and the speed and ferocity of thrash without the shitty vocals lol (he scream tho). This is peak moshpit music and the concert was, accordingly, just pure insanity Track recommendation: All Hail the Goat https://open.spotify.com/track/79PE0a8VfZKSxhLVeUq3rd?si=f89cb77d2a8848be
Anaal Nathrak Death metal of the more modern variety. Very hard, very fast, but it's not just mindless brutality - they actually have very clever and effective songwriting - try to make it through the first minute so you can get to the chorus of this one, it's worth it! I didn't see much of the concert, it was another exhausted sit-down one, but they audibly enjoyed themselves and the vocalist was pretty funny in his between-song quips and stories about his own time at this festival as a fan some years back Track recommendation: Endarkenment https://open.spotify.com/track/2IUO6hWyrG7FYDkJZrFpQP?si=1240e071f87840bd
Paradise Lost this band has a huuuge discography, covering a plethora of metal subgenres, but they're probably most famous for their more gothic-leaning work. "Sway in the wind at a graveyard" type music - dark, melancholic, epic, atmospheric, clean but hard vocals. Excellent song- and lyrics writing, a bit more refined you could say. Not too out there tho, I find their music very approachable so it's another recommend to definitely check out if you wanna ease into the genre. The concert was phenomenal, you could tell the years and years of experience and mastery from everyone involved, including sound and light. Fun fact: you know the meme about how you can find the people with depression at a party by how loud they sing "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all" when Bohemian Rhapsody plays? I found the goth version of this at this concert, when this song played and we screamed "VANQUISH THE PAIN" in unison :D Track recommendation: Faith Devides Us - Death Unites Us https://open.spotify.com/track/5gOjvocmJZQ05QBSE9xIkR?si=9800cb39b7364b37
Sodom absolute titans of the genre, they practically invented German thrash metal. Simple, fast, hard, there's a reason that they're still so successful even though they're getting old. One of the most solid live bands you can see, they know how to light a fire in the crowd Track recommendation: Agent Orange https://open.spotify.com/track/3Ks3K2RmCxSUcXS6cOvd43?si=91c3c9df2afb43ee
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Okay Indigo, hit me.... show me what you got.
Closing out his 20s with a little angsty emo alt-pop R&B electric rock, Namjoon presents Indigo. Independent. Indulgent. Ingenious.
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Though I was unfamiliar with the Korean individuals collabing with Namjoon on this record, I did take a "pre-listen" to some of their work before Indigo's release so I could be familiar with their style.
Of course I knew who Erykah Badu is. Though very talented and respected musically, she is not without her own controversies.
And I know Anderson .Paak. I am a huge fan of Silk Sonic, his Grammy winning duo with Bruno Mars who I am also a big fan of.
So these are just my opinions after listening and learning the lyrics. These are my interpretations of the vibe of the songs...
Yun. It is hard hitting first-out-the-gate and I can understand why Joon put this song first. It's a statement: Fuck you, imma do what I want.
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Still Life, definitely love the R&B groove, love Anderson's vocals and the improvisation: "Joon: Shit happens in life...Paak: it's gonna be what it's gonna be brothah, you just have to do your thang." "Y'all can't lock me in a frame. I'm still life." The clever wordplay. A "still life" is typically defined as a tableau of inanimate objects such as flowers, fruit and other objects, arranged and then painted or photographed and framed. A still life. A moment in time. But in this song, I am seeing it meant as I am still LIFE, as in still living...you can't put me in a frame because I am living and breathing. So my take is this song says "let's keep it moving, never stay still, live life and don't let them define you by one frame of an image or one point or moment in time."
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All Day, yay finally experiencing TABLO, great song, nice fast beat. TABLO's delivery reminds me of Eminem... personally, I am not a big fan of Eminem, but in this song, that type of vocal from TABLO works well. The beat will probably get this song added to my "walking playlist." WE GOT DYNAMITE IN OUR DNA! Might be my fave song off the album.
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Forg_tful, an acoustic, laid back vibe, especially with the whistling... sort of John Mayer-ish? Very folk music-y and right up in the middle of Sawol's music genre kool-aid. Makes me want to order a caramel latte with a touch of almond milk at an independently owned hipster coffee shop. And I don't even like almond milk.
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Closer, nice little bubbly intro segues to smooth urban R&B. Love Mahalia's vocals. So. Most of this song is sung in English. Paul Blanco has a few Korean words and that's it. The lyrics are very sensual. I find it conveniently uncontroversial that it is Mr. Blanco singing about 'when our lips lock' and 'making her body go diddy diddy bop'. The lyric: "but you run away like a fish"... that one sticks in my head because it is so visual! I saw a small fish get scared and scurry away! Great song.
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Change pt. 2, unexpected electric riffs. Interesting that this song is entirely in English. I wonder who he is singing about? Harsh! Lol! Since its in English, it might be about the western music industry–as we know, they have to be spoken to in their language or they "just don't get it". Or it might be about a past significant other who did him wrong. "Some day a great grief will come for you." (That Miss Karma, she's the biggest fuckin' bitch I know.) "That's all I can say to you." (mic drop).
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Lonely, I'm so fuckin lonely... super emo alt pop rocker. Joon made this song and these lyrics sound like some sort of weekly Top 40 groove-fest banger. The hook is an earworm in the making. "I'm fuckin' lonely....so fuckin' lonely." And the bridge is big and awesome. This song is a masterpiece of chart topping geniusness songwriting.
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Hectic, with all its bright notes and beat, the gist of the lyrics say 'I been working my ass off, nothing glamorous about it, and people still say the same shit. Why am I doing this? What am I chasing? If doing this THIS way is a pain, how can I do it different?
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Wild Flower... a big sonic, soaring, epic type song. Youjeen's big vocals and lyrics give me Katy Perry Firework vibes. The MV visuals help push the "big" to me. It's just a big song. Big Namjoon asking "what is this big life I have? what does it mean?" The visuals of him standing on top of the mountain and being able to see the entire world and it's a dawning day...not gonna lie, I did tear up. Seeing Joonie like this, expressing his lyrics visually in a music video touches my heart for him. The stage surrounded by Army... him standing and then laying in the field of purple flowers (also Army), it's very emotionally stirring. But I have something to tell Joon... as time goes by, one still searches for who they are and sometimes we never really understand who we are. All we can do is live our truths as authentically as possible.
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No. 2, what a nice closing song to wrap it up. Don't look back anymore. There's nothing to prove. You've done your best. No lookin' back, no. The album ends and I'm smiling.
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Like everyone else, my heart swells with pride. Over all, the lyricism is off the charts of course. Joonie is a wordsmith. Thank you Kim Namjoon/RM for putting your soul out there, sharing your emotions and thoughts with us in such a poetically lyrical way. Well done.
My disclaimers: I am not a music expert. These are just my personal opinions. But I do have impeccable taste in music. 💜
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