#listen. I completely understand that even with the multitude of variety
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#one of the crazy niblings is coming over today… and I gotta work tonight#meaning I’m gonna have to channel Sun as I meander about trying to get ready#when in reality I relate far too much to infected Moon at that time#urgh.#listen. I completely understand that even with the multitude of variety#small children come in (personality wise)#that it’s pretty much all a part of becoming an adult#but like… if you’ve met a wide variety of children…#then you can likely recall some who’s guardians certainly weren’t doin them any/many favors in how they raise them#not like they (the kids) are horrid ppl!!!#but just like… they’re really bad at the whole ‘people-ing’ of it all for their age#in like… a likely unintentionally cruel/grating way…#so it’s a buy one get one- my nerves end up shot and I feel bad for the kids#but like… I gotta go into work. I feel like shit enough for myself. 😂#hardly got the bandwidth to do what I need to do to get there & ready…#let alone to also make time for gentle parenting the kid(s).#anyway Sun & Moon are gods strongest soldiers for handling the daycare#and no I will not be addressing any negative reviews. all parents signed waivers-#😂😂😂
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The Arcana Meets The Devildom (Part Seven)
The Evolution of MC’s Relationship With The Residents of The House of Lamentation
Author’s Note: Even though the MC described in the following post will be based on myself, I will not be using my actual name, a fictional name, or gendered pronouns for MC at this time. I still want it to be accessible to people, and I feel like giving a name/gendered pronouns to my version of MC will remove a layer of that accessibility. Plus, it will (hopefully) allow people to insert themselves, their version of MC, and/or their OC into this if they so choose. Also, this is going to end up being a long post that uses explicit language, so if that’s not your thing, you can just scroll past this.
Fictional Backstory: Upon dying from the Red Plague, MC finds themselves not in the afterworld that they had familiarized themselves with, but plopped down in the student council room of the Royal Academy of Diavolo with only the memories of the faces they left behind in Vesuvia and the knowledge of the magic they learned while they were still ‘”alive”. Once MC passes through the portal to return to the human world after their second stint in the Devildom, they find themselves back in Vesuvia due to Asra raising them from the “dead”. Neither the residents of Vesuvia nor the Devildom know that they’ve dealt with the same MC until after Julian, Asra, and Lucio’s arrival to the Devildom. Let’s just say everyone was in for a treat when their beloved MC strolled into the residence they were visiting and said hello to the Vesuvian person in the room.
Julian: MC’s main lover in Vesuvia. MC actually developed a crush on the plague doctor when they were his apprentice, but due to the relationship they had with Asra at the time, they kept their feelings to themselves. What MC likes the most about Julian (besides his good looks) is his sense of humor, because it shows the full range of his personality: intelligent and witty yet goofy and a little stupid. When it comes to bedroom activities, MC and Julian keep things fresh and exciting. There are times where they’ll do the good ol’ missionary sex, times where Julian will fuck MC silly (usually after an evening show at the community theater in Goldgrave when Julian just has so much adrenaline from acting on stage that he can’t sit still), and times where MC will edge Julian and make him beg for his orgasm.
Out of the three Vesuvian men, Julian is the most understanding and accepting of MC pursuing other people romantically during their stay in the Devildom. To paraphrase Julian, MC was considered dead in Vesuvia for the three years MC spent in this other world, and his relationship with MC didn’t start until after MC rose from the dead/returned from the Devildom, so he considers it a part of MC’s past that they should not feel ashamed of. MC enjoys the fact that Julian gets on with her Devildom friends/lovers as well as he does for a variety of reasons (as you, the reader, will see unfold in this post and in others).
Lucifer: MC’s main lover in the Devildom. MC developed a crush on the eldest demon brother pretty much the moment they set eyes on him, but unfortunately for MC, Lucifer initially saw them as a weak human exchange student that he was forced to take care of. Lucifer’s impression of MC only worsened when they went up the stairs to the attic, and MC was incredibly heartbroken and pissed when they found out that Lucifer was the one responsible for locking Belphie up in the attic and deceiving the other brothers about Belphie’s whereabouts. These feelings culminate in the underground tomb. MC, incredibly angry at Lucifer and yet (somehow) wanting to gain his approval, wraps Lucifer’s hands around their neck and dares him/gives him permission to kill them as punishment for allowing Luke access to the House of Lamentation and dragging Beel in their shenanigans.
Initially after this incident, Lucifer and MC wanted very little to do with each other, but as time wore on, they slowly grew closer to one another. MC’s crush on Lucifer resumed, albeit cautiously, and Lucifer started developing feelings of his own towards MC, although he would have never admitted that to himself or anyone else, not even Asmo (who sensed Lucifer’s crush on MC perhaps even before Lucifer himself did). Perhaps Asmo was on to something, because why would Lucifer feel as betrayed as he did when MC told him that they had met Belphegor? Sure, he felt that MC had just put his entire family at risk of experiencing Diavolo’s wrath, which is a decent enough reason to become irate at someone, but there was something else that was feeding into his anger as well, something that was related to love. MC, in a fit of passion and after Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, and Beel entered the room and tried to stop Lucifer from annihilating MC, grabbed a nearby knife and chopped two of their fingers off, staring Lucifer dead in the face and not shedding a single tear (due to adrenaline numbing the pain).
Once the situation with Belphegor was resolved and the youngest brother was allowed to live with the rest of his family again, Lucifer calls MC into his study and put their fingers back on with some sewing and a bit of magic. Just as MC is about to leave, Lucifer tells MC that he’s sorry. MC, understand that it takes a lot for the Avatar of Pride to apologize, forgives him, and Lucifer thanks them for their forgiveness. This interaction would be the catalyst for their romantic relationship, and they would eventually repeat this exchange when MC is about to kill Lucifer with the Night Dagger.
Lucifer and MC’s romantic relationship is one built on admiration for each other. Get Lucifer drunk on Demonus, and he’ll blab all about how much he adores everything about MC. The pair can usually be found in one of four places at the House: Lucifer’s study, the library, the music room, and Lucifer’s bedroom. The library and music room are safe places for the couple to be discovered in, for they’re either reading (library) or listening to the other play music (music room). Lucifer’s study is a bit of a gamble, for they could either be working on paperwork/schoolwork in each other’s company, or Lucifer could have MC bent over his desk and ramming his dick in and out of them.
As for Lucifer’s bedroom, it’s best for everyone involved if no one disturbs Lucifer and MC. Most of the time, Lucifer uses his bedroom to explore MC’s kinks. About half the time, it gets sexual; the other half is mere discovery of what MC likes and what MC deems as limits. Sometimes, when Lucifer just wants to be close to MC, they will do the good ol’ missionary. MC is one of two people that can get Lucifer to submit to them, and that happens only when the eldest demon brother wants a break from being in charge of everything.
Lucifer was pleased to find out that not only did MC and Julian know each other, but that they started a romantic relationship when MC returned to Vesuvia. Since Julian is (sort of) the Vesuvian version of him, it raises his pride (and ego) to discover that they both fit MC’s type. If MC doesn’t bring the idea up first, he might just suggest bringing Julian into some of their bedroom activities.
Mammon: One of MC’s fuck buddies in the Devildom. Initially, Mammon and MC vehemently hated each other. Mammon thought that MC was a pretentious snob, and MC believed Mammon to be a complete and utter asshole. Whenever they were near each other, they would inevitably butt heads and argue loudly, to the annoyance and shock of everyone else.
One of these arguments occurs in Mammon’s room. Lucifer had sent MC in there to help tutor Mammon, since they were doing well in the classes that Mammon was failing. MC gets frustrated that Mammon isn’t even trying to get the material, and Mammon accuses MC of only helping him in order to stay on Lucifer’s good side. MC lets a compliment slip when they yell at Mammon, “If I didn’t think there was a way for you to wrap your brain around this, I wouldn’t still be here!” Mammon stares at MC as MC processes what they just said, and the pair are so still and quiet that someone could hear a pin drop. Then, as if someone hit the fast forward button, Mammon pounces on MC, and they aggressively make out. Thirty minutes later, both are a naked, sweaty mess on Mammon’s couch, and the room reeks of what they’ve just done. Thank goodness demons can only impregnate when it’s mating season...
When Mammon isn’t fucking the shit out of MC (which is what usually happens when MC and Mammon get together sexually, despite popular belief), the pair is seen tinkering around with Mammon’s car. While MC does still tutor Mammon at times, Mammon’s (finally) at a point where he’s at least passing all of his classes. Mammon sometimes takes MC out with him to his modeling gigs, which has resulted in MC ending up on the cover of a couple magazines.
When Mammon found out about MC’s other life in Vesuvia, he initially got really jealous of Julian, but that feeling quickly got replaced with something else when he found out about the nature of MC and Lucio’s relationship. In his ongoing attempt of earning all the Grimm in the world, Mammon gets the “brilliant” idea to film a really filthy porno starring him, Lucio, and MC (with MC’s consent, of course). Mammon also likes taking naps with MC and Julian for some reason that he still doesn’t quite understand.
Levi: One of MC’s friends in the Devildom that they hooked up with once. Levi hated MC long after the TSL trivia showdown, and MC had no idea why. At first, MC chalked up Levi’s hatred towards them to his feelings about losing to someone he deemed inferior to him, but as time went on and Levi still was acting cold towards them, MC felt that there was something else that was upsetting Levi. As it turns out, it all boiled down to Levi’s sin: envy. Levi was jealous of MC on a multitude of levels. He saw how MC was acing the subjects that he struggled in; he saw how well MC got along with everyone; and he even saw how easy it was for MC to express their feelings for someone. Long story short, Levi felt inadequate against and unworthy of spending time with MC, and he hated both himself and MC for it.
All it took for him to change his mind was an impromptu family gaming night in Levi’s room. The game? DarioKart (the Devildom equivalent of MarioKart). Levi was winning every single race he was in, even against decent racers like MC, Beel, and Lucifer. Asmo, being the Avatar of Lust, was the first to discover that Levi’s skills at DarioKart was causing MC to, shall we say, look at the third-eldest demon brother in a new light. At Asmo’s advice, MC whispered in Levi’s ear that if he won the next race he competed in, they would make this a night to remember. MC gave him a kiss on the cheek, and that was enough motivation for him to destroy his opponents in his next race. With Lucifer (who was in the loop due to Asmo having a quiet conversation with him during the race) and Asmo’s help, Levi and MC were able to have some privacy.
Once everyone’s out of the room, MC moves from their spot on the floor and straddles Levi’s lap, which causes Levi to turn red and begin stuttering. MC moves Levi’s fringe out of his eyes and tells him how hot Levi was, winning so many times. Before Levi can reply, MC leans in and kisses him. Unsurprisingly, Levi’s shy at first, because he’s scared that MC’s going to pull away in disgust or that he’s going to wake up and find out that all of this was a dream; however, when neither one of those things happens, Levi gets more bold as he gains confidence. This slow, sensuous make-out session eventually leads to MC blowing him in his gaming chair, and after that evening Levi starts treating MC nicely (for some totally unknown reason (ha ha)). There is not a second sexual encounter, but Levi’s perfectly content with the one. All he needs MC to do is to hang out with him and watch anime and/or play video games.
Levi was excited when he found out that MC knew Julian and Asra, because that meant that he could invite the three of them to his room and know that they genuinely wanted to be there. Sure, Henry 2.0 is a nice enough friend, but Levi comes to discover that having human friends is just as good as having an animal companion.
Satan: MC’s (kind of) ex-turned-best-friend. MC first had their eyes on Satan when they entered his room for the first time and saw the sheer volume of books he had in his possession. MC’s crush on Satan grew when he was a guest speaker in their curses and hexes class. To put it simply, MC found Satan’s intelligence incredibly sexy. Similarly, when Satan was tasked with proofreading MC’s Devildom Literature essay, he discovered that the quality of writing was as good as his, that the points MC made in the essay were intelligent and pertinent to the topic of their essay, and that they had no grammatical, spelling, or formatting mistakes, he nearly busted a nut right there in the classroom.
MC and Satan’s romantic relationship blossomed after the incident that occurred between MC and Lucifer in the underground tomb, and the pairing was (surprisingly) a healthy one. Satan looked out for MC and defended them whenever Lucifer was criticizing them (both in front of MC and behind their back), and MC helped Satan to not only discover his own identity outside of being Lucifer’s spawn and the Avatar of Wrath, but to accept the parts of him that didn’t fit into either one of those titles. While the sex wasn’t the type to be described in erotica, it was definitely full of love from both parties.
Satan and MC broke up on good terms a couple days after Lucifer mended MC’s hand. Due to the fourth demon brother’s relationship with Asmo, he knew that, even though MC did love Satan and enjoyed being in a romantic relationship with him, their heart truly belonged to Lucifer. While the old Satan would have hated MC (for falling for Lucifer) and Lucifer (for taking MC away from him), the ‘new’ Satan was at peace with the whole thing. If there was anyone that he would want to see MC happy with (that wasn’t him), it was Lucifer. Satan knew that, once the foundation was laid, Lucifer would care for MC just as deeply as he did. Plus, it would be weird for MC to continue dating him when they’re trying to start a relationship with someone who’s technically his dad.
Satan and MC can usually be found in a quiet corner of RAD or the House, studying, reading, writing, and/or debating (depending on the day). They enjoy each other’s company, and they’re able to bond over their love of learning and books. When the demon brothers were under the influence of the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup and MC had to give each of them an order in order to them to snap out of it, MC had Satan kiss them on the cheek, figuring that it was intimate enough to break the spell the syrup had caused without creating an emotional mess.
Satan’s one of the few people in the Devildom that gets along with all three of the Vesuvian men, which is a huge relief for MC. MC finds the notebooks Satan has that document tales that he’s heard Julian, Asra, and Lucio told, and after skimming through the notes that the Avatar of Wrath has written in the margins, MC concludes that Satan has a crush on the three men. With Satan’s permission (for MC would have kept their mouth shut about the whole thing if Satan didn’t want the Vesuvian men to know that he has a crush on them), MC tells Asra, Lucio, and Julian about Satan’s feelings.
Bonus: Lucio’s the most surprised out of the three of them, for he had no idea that the most quiet demon brother felt that way about him. Unfortunately for Satan, Lucio does not feel the same. Julian’s flattered by Satan’s crush, and unlike Lucio, the plague doctor allows Satan to kiss him. However, once Julian and Satan pull away, Satan realizes that he has more feelings towards the idea of Julian and what Julian represents than Julian himself. And then there’s Asra. If Solomon and Lucio were the first Devildom/Vesuvia pairing to hook up, Asra and Satan are the second (although they might just become the first Devildom/Vesuvian couple). It’s almost like they needed MC’s permission in order to do anything sexual with each other...
Asmo: MC’s friend and the only brother they have not hooked up with. It always amazes people to find out that the Avatar of Lust hasn’t made any actual sexual advances towards MC, but it is indeed the truth. Sure, Asmo may say dirty things to MC, and he has given them a kiss or two on the lips, but he doesn’t feel the need to go further than that. Asmo’s perhaps the most sensitive when it comes to picking up his sin in other people, and so whenever MC feels turned on by something or someone, the fifth-eldest demon brother takes note.
The main thing that Asmo does for MC, besides inviting them to spa days and fancy events/parties/networking opportunities, is give them advice on their love life. Since MC is so nice to him throughout their Devildom stay, Asmo wants to return the favor, and he loves helping people, especially when it comes to romance. He was the one that got MC and Satan to sit down together and reveal their feelings for each other after the underground tomb incident, and he also acted like a mediator for Lucifer and MC, ultimately encouraging them to get over their nervousness and start going out with each other (once the situation with Belphie was resolved).
Upon finding out that MC knew the Vesuvian men, Asmo had a lot of questions. Is Julian straight? (no) Am I Julian’s type? (I don’t know) Could MC please ask Julian if I’m his type? (couldn’t you ask him yourself?) How about Asra? (he’s definitely not straight) Has MC witnessed the way Asra acts around me? (very flirty) Is he like that with everyone? (no) Does MC think that Asra’s trying to fuck me? (again, why don’t you ask him?) Is Lucio gay? (no, but he isn’t straight, either; not a whole lot of people in Vesuvia are) Does that mean that MC isn’t straight? (that would be correct) What’s the deal between Asra and Julian? (I believe they were lovers while I was here in the Devildom and they thought that I was dead) How was their relationship? (Toxic; Asra took advantage of Julian) Would Asra do that to me? (I don’t think so; he’s in a healthier place mentally) What about Asra and Lucio? (Lucio took Asra’s parents away from him during his dealings with the Devil) Diavolo?! (No, not Diavolo; a Major Arcana called the Devil)
Beel: MC’s friend with eventual benefits. Contrary to the popular belief that Beel is a giant meathead, he’s actually quite smart. Sure, he may not get the best grades in school, but if someone starts a philosophical conversation with him, he’s not only able to follow along but offer intelligent insights of his own. Some of this knowledge is due to the amount of time he spends with Belphie and (by proxy) Satan, but a lot of it is thanks to research he’s managed to do between eating, doing homework, and playing sports/working out. Philosophy interests the Avatar of Gluttony, particularly when it comes to that practiced in the human world. This is what ultimately piques MC’s interest in Beel, although his looks and offers of sharing and trying new food certainly doesn’t ruin things.
For a while, MC and Beel were perfectly content with being friends. But then the second aphrodisiac incident happened. The first was when the brothers ingested the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup; the second (which is this writer’s headcanon) is when MC accidentally drinks one of Asmo’s beverages that happened to have an ingredient that made the average human consumer very, very horny (it was an honest mistake, really; how was MC supposed to know that a Devildom version of their favorite smoothie would have that kind of an effect on them?) Beel was the only one home with MC when the aphrodisiac started to affect them, and so he was the one they had to go to in order to get some kind of relief. And he did exactly that.
You see, another not-so-well-known fact about Beel (unless one happens to asks Asmo about it) is that he loves the taste of cum. It doesn’t matter where it comes from (both from an anatomical and racial (angel/demon/human) standpoint); the moment it hits his tongue, Beel’s going to consume as much of it as he possibly can. To put it simply, the Avatar of Gluttony’s ability to suck dick and eat pussy rivals Asmo (because of his sin) and Lucifer’s (because he’s the eldest). He can go for hours if one allows him to do so. For this reason, MC and Beel’s relationship turns sexual, although there’s a bit of a mental hang up for Beel when it comes to MC reciprocating. It’s not that MC’s not willing to return the favor; Beel just feels like the point of that part of their relationship is for him to give them pleasure.
Outside of the sexual context, Beel and MC can often be found in the twins’ room, the attic, the kitchen, the roof of the House, or RAD’s gym. The roof and gym are the only two places where the two of them can get some alone time, because Belphie frequently tags along when they hang out in the other places; the roof is where a lot of Beel and MC’s conversations about philosophy happen, and the gym is where they work out together (or at least at the same time, as a human is far too weak to do Beel’s workout). They’re not the closest pairing, but both of them like each other nevertheless.
The fact that MC knew the Vesuvian men didn’t quite register in Beel’s brain. Mainly, it didn’t make that much of a difference to him whether MC led two lives or not; he was just happy to be connected with MC. That is, until Julian starts telling him that he should let MC give him a blowjob at least once. The plague doctor doesn’t completely understand that Beel doesn’t feel the need to have MC do that for him. The sixth-born gets plenty of pleasure from MC’s pleasure, and that’s enough for him.
Belphie: MC’s side man. MC was initially hesitant to get close to Belphie after the incident in which he killed (an alternate version of) them, but when they saw that everyone else (minus Beel) was ignoring Belphie’s existence, their pity drove them to have at least one conversation with the Avatar of Sloth. Belphie caught on to MC’s pity pretty quickly during that conversation, but he liked the fact that someone besides his twin gave a shit about him, even if it’s the last person he would have expected to care.
One conversation turned into two, which eventually turned to them meeting in the planetarium at least once a week to look at the stars and talk about all kinds of things. The longer they meet, the more chemistry develops between them; this chemistry culminates one evening when, as MC was talking about an annoying demon in one of their classes, Belphie leans in and kisses them. This leads to a slow, sensuous make-out session that leaves both of them out of breath and a bit dizzy (but in a good way).
Belphie’s sexual nature is subdued but full of passion, and he knows exactly how to make MC melt under his touch pretty much from the get-go. If the walls of the planetarium could talk, it would reveal that MC and Belphie have fucked in just about every corner of the room. Sure, they still talk about life, but a good chuck of their time spent is devoted to sexual activities. One could say that their relationship evolves similarly to that depicted in “Beauty and the Beast”.
Belphie really doesn’t give a shit about MC having another life in Vesuvia, because sometimes it means having extra company (that isn’t Beel). Julian and Asra sometimes join MC and the Avatar of Sloth in the planetarium (99% of the time, it’s to simply talk, but there was an incident when Belphie, Julian, and Asra all took turns making out with MC, which made for a very interesting evening), and Lucio and Belphie’s occasional nap pile finds itself a third member in MC.
#the arcana#the arcana mc#the arcana julian#julian devorak#julian x mc#julian x apprentice#obey me shall we date#the house of lamentation#obey me mc#obey me lucifer#obey me lucifer x mc#obey me mammon#obey me mammon x mc#mammon x mc#obey me levi#obey me levi x mc#obey me leviathan#obey me leviathan x mc#obey me satan#obey me satan x mc#obey me asmo#obey me asmo x mc#obey me asmodeus#obey me asmodeus x mc#obey me beel#obey me beel x mc#obey me beelzebub#obey me beelzebub x mc#obey me belphie#obey me belphie x mc
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pansexuality, or, my pokemon is evolving into a new form
Previously I had always considered myself bisexual… by which I mean: “heteroflexible”. That is to say, entirely opportunistic, or perhaps more like just a total omnivorous slut (at least, whenever i get hungry enough). Sure, I’d happily have sex with most of my “straight male friends” --- given enough drugs. Maybe suck the odd dick or even get half a subway sandwich worth of good hard cock all slid up inside my ass if the right occasion would happen to present itself (“but hey listen bro - no homo!”)… contra-wise, when taking into account the spin of the other clock hand, I’ve always considered myself to be, essentially, pretty much romantically straight.
Over the broad course of my entire life I’ve have only ever fallen into incredibly intense love affairs with women, the type of relationships that would always tend to be utterly all consuming in terms of my emotional life.
And hey… maybe that is truthfully just the way I’m wired…
Or perhaps not. Because I have felt certain twinges of things I will (not) admit to myself… But it’s honestly far far far simpler just not to pursue any of this or even think of it as an option, cos there’s a whole bunch of crap you have to deal with in that direction. A single stand-alone MDMA fuelled lets-never-mention-it-again-I-swear-to-god-brah-it-was-only-purely-physical-and-its-not-like-I -just-desperately-craved genuine-human-connection-and-real-emotion-intimacy-with-someone-i-might-actually-kinda-like type night is one thing, sure, but being in an actual relationship is a total complete other kind of awkward that carries along with it an enormous amount of problems that are definitely a lot broader, much harder, and also have far harsher consequences
Problems that I simply didn’t want to have to deal with, or have to try and navigate my way through the dimensions of those social spaces. Being straight-passing is fucking convenient! I don’t have to deal with a huge amount of shit because of it!
I could play it safe inside the straight space, and so I did.
Additionally I actually don’t think it is purely as simple as “I am attracted to this”, “I am attracted to that”. Desire is the kind of fire you can either choose to feed or just let it die by starving. People are extremely multidimensional, and attraction (hopefully) will encompass more than just the physical.
So yeah, in preceding years whenever I was pushed for an answer I would shove back that ok yeah, so i was ostensibly bisexual “but actually I’m romantically straight ok” and just be done with it.
Quite honestly, four or five years ago I would have considered the term “pansexuality” just one more sin in the multitude of made-up (plz don’t @ me I swear-to-god I’ve changed a lot of my views since then) tumblr sexualities and plant-based soul-bonded star-kin type genders that always seemed to me to trend towards an ever increasingly unnecessary balkanisation of basic personal identity. What was wrong with the term “bisexuality” anyhow? Why did we need am entirely new word for something we obviously already had covered? (sincere apologies, non-binary wasn’t even on my conceptual radar at the time and I hadn’t thought of the trans angle)
so I guess what I’ve been thinking is this:
Am I actually attracted to genders?(which bisexuality would imply)
Or: am I far more attracted to people?
And I find myself swaying towards very much the later, I like people in general, I find I greatly enjoy having a large variety of friends, and I tend to fall in love with individuals in terms of who they are as human beings. Which I feel like “pansexuality” might appear to cover better. And who knows, maybe I’ll discover that, after-all, it really is only women that can ring my “romantically straight” bell, but I find myself in a place where I willing to try explore the alternatives.
I drew myself a new horizon line, open at both ends, where I am finally ready and willing to let myself feel entirely new things. And thanks to polyamory I get to use the full palette of all the colours at once, rather than restricting myself to just one hue at a time. Jeez, I’m 41, how much can I honestly say I know about myself if I’ve never even tried being a relationship with a guy, or being with someone who’s non-binary or not cisgender etc. Actually it is worse than ”never even tried”, I have never even allowed myself to consider it as an option.
Please understand: I don’t mean this in tokenistic kind of way at all. I am not here to simply collect the set. It is just that I think I’ve been artificially restricting the choice of meals I would let myself think about eating ...(or even sampling!) to one single type of food item only, and I’d definitely like to taste the entire range of all the flavours available, in absolutely any of dishes I come across that I might possibly consider appealing
TLDR: There’s an awful lot of very kick-ass and totally awesome people in this world, and I’m increasingly beginning to wonder if gender is actually something I really need to care about in terms of attraction, or at least I’m willing to try and find out if it is.
- - -
edit: I am obviously working through these thoughts as i go. I am also 41 (i.e. behind the times, still talks about the “kids these days” can’t program the clock on his own VCR etc) so I apologise if I fuck things up, put things in out-dated or accidently offensive way and so forth.. a lot of these concepts are fairly new to me: my intent is to be genuine and also to be as kind if possible, happy to engage in good faith about anything.
Additionally I can’t wait to have this conversation with my dad hahahahah.
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A Time of Magic
Merlin AU
I got really excited about writing this after getting so many great ideas from people! So I spent most of today on it :) I will make it clear now; some parts will follow how it went in canon, some parts will be similar to how it went in the show and other things I will be deviating from completely <3
Taglist: I’ll do my 'general writing taglist for now' but if you would like to be tagged (or not tagged if you have been) then please let me know via dm, asks or comments/tags! 😊💜
@psychedelicships @jwillowwolf @lost-in-thought-20 @red-imeanblue @writerwithtoomanyships
Summary: “No one can know their destiny, no matter how grand that destiny might be. No one can truly comprehend how they wind up in the vast, complex tapestry of life. He cannot glimpse into the future of his great story. He will have to allow it to unwind for itself. Our young warlock must live to follow his destiny, and learn how to survive in a harsh world. His name… Virgil.”
Tags for this chapter: OC death, (not graphic in any way) description of execution, brief mention of a weapon, alternative universe (Merlin and human AU)
Word count: 2,818
Read on Ao3!
Chapter 1: Into the Realm of Camelot.
“No one can know their destiny, no matter how grand that destiny might be. No one can truly comprehend how they wind up in the vast, complex tapestry of life. He cannot glimpse into the future of his great story. He will have to allow it to unwind for itself. Our young warlock must live to follow his destiny, and learn how to survive in a harsh world. His name… Virgil.”
The young man scrambled up the sandy hill and laughed when the grass brushed under his legs. He looked behind him at the vast expanse he had left behind. The blue and grey hues of the Brighsonee Mountain that would usually loom above him every day now seemed significantly smaller, for the first time in his life, he could actually see the dusting of snow that covered the sharp peaks.
This was the beginning of a new start.
He looked into the distance and saw the last wooden house of village he had called home for the last twenty years. The feeling of sadness threatened to overwhelm him, but he couldn’t go back now even if he wanted to. Home was no longer safe, and he couldn’t put his mother through any more heartache. If he hadn’t been so reckless, he wouldn’t have been forced to leave his mother behind to fix his mistakes. He felt his eyes fill with tears at the thought, but he shook his head and violently wiped away the one tear that made its way down his face. There was no point looking back, he had to move forward.
“You must go to Camelot and find Logan. He will help you and protect you.” He listened to his mother’s words that echoed in his mind. He could feel the daunting pressure of the rising sun push him forward, with one final look at his past. He adjusted the bag on his back full of his meagre possessions and walked down the other side of the hill.
As he continued to walk for another two hours, he found himself in a wild forest. The path would come and go continuously, and he found himself fighting through trees while getting his dark brown jacket tangled in branches. He finally found the path again and stopped to remove a sharp stone that had somehow got in his shoe before freezing in awe at the sight in front of him. As he looked through another set of trees, he could see the walls of Camelot. It was clear to Virgil now why Camelot had been deemed the most powerful kingdom in the entire realm. He picked up the shoe that he dropped in surprise and put it back on his foot before moving swiftly along the path with a new-found burst of energy.
Virgil was so eager, but also anxious, to reach the town that he almost collided with a knight on his horse. The knight nodded politely as Virgil moved out of the way, his bright red cloak with the golden insignia of the dragon billowing behind him. At least Virgil could be reassured that he was definitely go the correct way. The sun began to beam brighter as the trees lessened. He could hear the hustle and bustle of the town somewhere in front of him, so he ran towards the noise. Virgil stopped just before the cobbled path of the town and took in the new surroundings, he was intimidated by how busy everything was. He knew it would be more chaotic than his miniscule village, but this was something else entirely. The main part to dominate his attention completely was the castle that towered over the town, just like the Brighsonee Mountain at his village.
A multitude of lean, square towers dominate the skyline of the castle and were connected by extremely tall, thin walls made of dark brown stone. Virgil was unable to count sheer volume of flags that fluttered in the breeze all around the castle. Small windows decorated are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, some decorated in stained glass, some left as they were to let the light in. He could also see symmetric crenelations for archers and artillery, that was a reassurance that Camelot was protected. Statues of kings were lined up outside of the castle gates, serving as reminders of the past. This castle had stood the test of time and despite knowing some very rough wars and battles, the castle still stood. It looked like it will do so for many years to come.
As he was accidentally pushed to the side by a townsman carrying goods on his back, he knew it was time to take the first step into his new home. He brushed off his torn purple shirt, then adjusted his classic red neckerchief before taking a deep breath and walking into the town. He smiled as he saw small children giggling and chasing each other through the crowded street. He watched as men and women wandered around the market stalls, Virgil couldn’t help but be fascinated by the food and jewellery stalls he passed. His stomach rumbled and it reminded him that he really needed to eat the food his mother packed for him, but that could wait. Right now, he really needed to find Logan. He caught a glimpse of the familiar red cape of a passing knight and followed him in the right direction of the castle entrance.
There were plenty of people walking in and out of the castle at a rapid pace, smiling as they went about their business and Virgil smiled back politely. As he walked over the drawbridge and caught a glimpse of the water in the moat, he had to admit to himself that he was pleasantly surprised. Part of him was expecting for the castle to be closed off and daunting considering how it looks from a distance, but the fact that it was so welcoming made him feel much more assured that he would be okay here after all.
He saw a significantly large group of people standing in the middle of the castle grounds and he excitedly raced over to see what had everybody so excited. They were standing around a square that had been cordoned off by rope, everybody was desperately trying to make sure they could see the spectacle. Virgil could just about make out a small stage with a block in the middle surrounded by a variety of weapons. There were guards to keep everyone from moving any closer and he saw one more man wearing a black mask over his face standing in the middle of the stage. Virgil was confused, why was there so much protection for a magic show? Before he could think about it any further, he jumped as two guards with bugles began to play a mournful fanfare. A man wearing a golden crown with a burgundy cloak stepped out onto the balcony high up in the castle, Virgil made a note that this must be a member of the royal family, most likely the King. It would explain the gold jewellery around his neck anyway. The serious expression on his face made Virgil tense up. He nodded and another set of guards played large drums at a slow marching pace while a townsman was dragged out into the courtyard wearing heavy chains. ‘This is going to be one intense show.’ Virgil thought.
As the man finally reached the stage with an incredibly morbid expression on his face, the crowd began to mutter excitedly before turning towards the balcony. Virgil followed suit as a loud, authoritative voice boomed out across the courtyard.
“Let this be a lesson to all who reside in Camelot. This man, Peter Robert Sclator has been judged as guilty.” There was a substantial pause, and Virgil took the opportunity to glance at the man before furrowing his brow.
‘Guilty?’ He looked around and saw people bowing their heads and nodding slowly, it started to dawn on him. Maybe this wasn’t a magic show after all. His heart began to fill with dread as the voice began to fill the courtyard once more.
“He is guilty of conspiracy. Conspiracy of using enchantments… and magic.” Virgil’s eyes widened with fear at the sheer distain in the King’s voice as he practically spat out the word magic. The way he gritted his teeth made every word much more sinister. Gasps filled the silence after his words reverberated around the walls. The man was desperately trying to make eye contact with people he must have known in the crowd, but everyone avoided his gaze. Virgil felt his heart beat rapidly, he wished he wasn’t so curious. He shouldn’t be standing here watching this, but if he left now, would he look guilty? If someone could be punished for conspiracy… what would happen to someone like him? He gulped as he trembled waiting for the next declaration to be made.
“In accordance with the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that these types of practices are banned… on penalty of death. I ensure that I am a fair and just ruler. For the crime of sorcery. This is the only sentence that will be passed.” The crowd were ushered into silence and Virgil had to grip tightly onto the handles of his bag so he didn’t gasp or draw attention to himself. Now the man bowed his head, completely resigned to his fate. Virgil didn’t understand, why didn’t he call out? Swear that he was only using his magic for good? He looked around as subtly as he could, and couldn’t believe that no one was standing up for this man, he must have friends… a family. He glanced up and saw one of the castle windows open slowly, someone looked out to the courtyard. Virgil couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming sadness on the young man’s face, almost pitying the situation as much as Virgil did.
As the man was dragged to the stage and pushed down to the block. It finally dawned on Virgil that this was real. This was how life was going to be in Camelot, and the thought petrified him. The drumbeat began to speed up and Uther slowly raised his hand into the air. He couldn’t watch so he focused on the ground, and winced when he heard the axe swoosh into the air before the inevitable groan of everyone who decided to watch the man’s fate. Virgil forced himself to look up and he saw the man in the window; the disgust, pity and rage on his face was palpable and his eyes looked like daggers aimed squarely at Uther’s head. Everyone slowly began to gather their things and walk away from the display, but Uther stopped the people in their tracks. Virgil was desperate to run, but again, the fear of looking guilty plagued his mind. Despite how disgusted he felt, he knew that he was compelled to stay.
“When I first arrived in Camelot. The kingdom was consumed with chaos. It was only thanks to the bravery of the people, that we were able to rise up and be free from the evil of magic. So I wish to declare a festival. Tomorrow marks twenty years since we captured the Great Dragon. Let us celebrate this joyous occasion.”
Virgil’s head began to spin as he saw the smug look on Uther’s face as he raised his arms above his head in pride. How could he look so proud after what he had just done? Magic was a source of good. There had been bad events though, there was no doubting that. If it was harnessed by a corrupted person, that was the only way magic could be evil… He didn’t understand why Uther refused to accept that. Virgil finally realised just how careful he was going to have to be, even though he didn’t even know how to control his abilities. He looked up and saw the window slam shut making the glass crack from side to side. He couldn’t say that he blamed that guy for his reaction. Virgil just hoped that he was okay.
He finally took a step and broke away from the shock of the last hour. He made his way to the far end of the courtyard searching for The Court Physician’s quarters. He needed to calm down, and he hoped that Logan would be able to reassure him like his mother promised. Virgil was still shaking but he swallowed his pride and asked one of the patrolling guards for directions. Despite hearing words coming out of the guard’s mouth, it didn’t process in his mind at all. So he nodded and walked in a direction, hoping it was the correct way.
After about five minutes, and two laps of the bottom of the castle. It was clear that he was lost because he hadn’t seen anything that looked like a space for the Court Physician. He sat in one of the gaps of the castle walls and let everything sink in. He must have ended up being there for a lot longer than anticipated because an older man with grey speckles in his hair looked at him with sympathy and knelt down to his level.
“Boy? Is everything alright? Are you lost?” The caring voice was enough to snap Virgil out of his overthinking mind. He looked into the deep blue eyes and immediately felt a sense of calm wash over him. He looked down and saw the large book on herbs that the man was holding close to his chest. Could this be…
“Logan?” Virgil asked hopefully, he was desperate for this day to end. The man’s eyes glimmered with agreement and he nodded in a calculated way. Virgil sighed deeply in relief, finally, this day might come to an end and he could start from scratch tomorrow.
“That is me, yes... Who are you?” The hint of uncertainty shone through in his voice and Virgil remembered the letter his mother wrote for him to give to Logan. He frantically opened his bag and searched desperately for the letter, he knew it was somewhere near the front, because his mother knew that he would lose it otherwise. He felt paper brush against his fingertips, and he pulled it out to hand to Logan. He was met with an apologetic smile, and he couldn’t tell what he had done wrong.
“I’m so sorry my boy, I’ve misplaced my glasses.” Virgil looked up and saw they were actually sitting delicately on Logan’s head, but he didn’t want to embarrass the man who would hopefully become like a guardian to him. So he smiled softly and began to introduce himself.
“I’m Virgil...?” The silence between them became almost uncomfortable until Logan beamed brightly as he seemed to recognise the name.
“Hunith’s son!” Virgil smiled back just as brightly. “You’re not supposed to be coming until Wednesday!” Virgil’s smile faltered as he worked out again how to say this in a delicate manner.
“Er, today… is Wednesday.” Logan went to say something but he stopped himself. He raised his eyes to the ceiling and calculated something on his fingers before sighing in realisation. He stood up and held a hand out to Virgil while pulling him out of his seat in the wall. They started walking together towards a set of stairs which led to Logan’s quarters. He had only just realised that it was quite late in the day now as the corridors were illuminated with burning torches. Logan stopped Virgil from coming in, and he could see him scrambling around lighting candles. When the rooms were sufficiently lit, he welcomed him in with open arms.
“Head to the bedroom at the back and put your things in there. I’ll get us some dinner while you get settled in.” He left swiftly and Virgil staggered to bedroom. He looked around and as he put his bag down on the floor, he already felt at home. He opened the window and saw just how high up they were in the castle. The flickering lights of the houses and the still open market stalls made him smile, it looked eerily beautiful. He closed the window and sat on the bed waiting for Logan to return, but his exhaustion got the better of him and he immediately fell asleep.
When Logan came back and didn’t hear any response to his calls of Virgil’s name, he was slightly concerned. He briskly walked to the bedroom and smiled softly when he saw Virgil fast asleep, so he left a piece of pie and a glass of water delicately on the table next to Virgil’s bed and blew out the candle before heading back into the main room.
The night was quiet except for a deep, intimidating voice calling out into the darkness.
#Merlin#BBC Merlin#Merlin AU#Human AU#sanders sides#ts virgil sanders#ts logan sanders#sanders sides fanfic#ts fanfic#magic#fantasy#tw oc death#tw execution#tw weapon mention#angst#comfort#more characters introduced soon#Dreamer writes
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Improving your Intuition
There is a common misconception that only certain people are intuitive, that it is purely a metaphysical skill. A quote that really changed my perception of intuition was discussed by an author who gave a discussion on the different books on intuition and witchcraft she had written, "Intuition is a muscle". But this would mean that everyone has this muscle! Many people feel barred from even trying to do magic, pick up a tarot deck or rune set, communicate with a passed relative, or even consult with their deity or god because they believe they are not intuitive. Coming from someone who is naturally gullible / somewhat naive, I want to talk a bit about what intuition is and how anyone can become more intuitive.
What is intuition?
The best way I can define intuition concisely is the ability to understand or know information immediately, without any conscious reasoning or evidence. The ability to know something without being told or being shown proof. This may sound completely foreign or impossible, so let me provide some context. Have you ever heard the phrase "The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife"? Have you ever gotten a "bad vibe" from someone and avoided them? That is your intuition at work! Even interpreting emotional context based on someone's vocal tone, pitch, body language, are forms of intuitive understanding.
It may seem strange to think social nuances we have been trained to observe and interpret since the day we were born could involve intuition, but think about it. Is there any physical evidence or conscious reasoning to explain tension that is literally palpable? Is there physical proof that when someone speaks in a certain tone or pitch, or moves in a certain way, that they are angry? No, these are just things we have trained ourselves to understand. A form of intuition. But of course, this may not translate over to tarot, or spirit and deity communication as easily as one would like.
How does intuition work?
When discussing how intuition works exactly, we have to discuss what exactly someone who is intuitive actually senses. I look at intuition as a form of energy work. Lets briefly discuss the "Thick Tension" example. Tension from a conversation is not a physical concept in that it is not a literal brick that has weight when held in someone's hand. But the conversation still disrupted the surrounding area, due to the energy that conversation created. Think about how different emotions feel like different things. Many describe anger as sharp, jabbing, thick. Sadness is often equated with water, such as when someone is "pouring their heart out". Although emotions are not bricks, the energy they have creates a physical disturbance. intuition includes being able to interpret those energies even though they can't be given physical evidence of existing.
There are a variety of different ways to sense energy, many of which include employing clair senses. Clair senses refer to the ability to have intuitive understanding through our senses, the discussion of which could take up many more posts, but I will link resources at the end of this post. Some of the kinds you may be familiar with include clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairempathy (also known as being and "empath").
So how can I improve my intuition?
Well, it depends on what you want to be able to do! But I will link and discuss a multitude of different exercises and things you can do to improve your intuition.
Be aware of physical sensations when speaking with others or entering situations. Do you feel at ease with someone even though you don't know them? Or do you have a sinking feeling in your stomach that you are trying to ignore? Listen to your gut! More often than not, you will find your "hunch" being right, especially as you practice.
Practice divination! I am not just saying this because I love divination, I'm saying this because I primarily improved my claircognizance through using divination. I used to not really have hunches, but now I have extremely accurate ones after 3 years of practicing tarot reading and other forms of divination.
Keep a dream journal and try to start interpreting your dreams. As nonsensical as they may seem, if you research symbolism, you may begin to see patterns in your dreams that reflect the main problems or situations in your life. I know I have! And I rarely remember my dreams.
Practice identifying objects without looking at them. This is a fun sensory game for most, but with time and more difficult items, you may be able to sense the energy of the item itself, see an image of it in your minds eye, hear a sound it makes, etc. If you want to amp this up, close your eyes and walk through a room while trying not to bump into anything! This is great for practicing sensing the aura's of objects, and the more you can sense, the more you can try to interpret.
The next two exercises I am taking from Ellen Dougan's book "The Natural Psychic".
The first is practicing using your senses, and requires you to journal for four days.
Day 1: Seeing day
You should focus on your environment as if you are seeing it for the first time. When you enter a new room or landmark, you scan teh area to get a lay of the land, right? Take time to notice colors, shapes, people and items that catch your attention. How do these make you feel? Write down what you notice.
Day 2: Hearing day
No background music today! We drown out a lot of the sounds in our environment to focus on individual tasks. Today, spend time listening to your environment, what do you hear? It would be great to go to a nature location during this day. Take note of what you hear and how it makes you feel.
Day 3: Touching day
At this point, you should be getting the drill. When you touch items today, really spend time touching them. Feel the fabric of your clothing as you get dressed, your keyboard and mouse when you type, feel your own pulse, pet your animals. How do you feel when touching different items, and how does touch impact others, such as your pets?
Day 4: Sensing day
Today we focus on our emotions, and how our environment makes us feel. Take note of how certain environments, certain people, make you feel. You can do this with plants as well! Take note of what you sense.
The second is the ace of spades exercise, and requires a deck of cards.
Take the ace of hearts, the ace of diamonds, and the ace of spades out of the deck. Place all three face down on a flat surface and then mix them up before lining them up in a row. Go over each card one at a time and try to figure out which one is the ace of spades. Turn it over to see if you're right! For a trial run, do this no more than 10 times in one sitting, and note how many times you were correct. This is a great way to identify what clair senses you may be employing. Answer these questions about the times you were correct,
Did you "just know" it was that card, a feeling in your gut?
Did you know it was the card when you touched it?
Did your inner voice tell you which one it was?
Did you feel an emotional response?
Did you see the card in your mind's eye?
Other Resources: http://www.okinhealth.com/articles/10-clairsenses-intuition-emily-matweow
"The Natural Psychic" by Ellen Dougan
Many thanks to dislocated-cannibal here on tumblr, who is my mentor for energy work, as well as other things, who discussed the concept of emotions creating a n energy we an feel with me at length. Please check them out! http://dislocated-cannibal.tumblr.com/
#witchblr#witch#divination#intuition#clairvoyant#witchy#witchery#witchling#witches of tumblr#witchcraft#witch craft#energy work#energywork#empath#intuitive#intuition 101#Harper's Original Content
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Reflections on Authenticity: A Star is Born
Remaking a film that has been done three times before sets up a baseline challenge for a film’s success. Throw in a major actor’s directorial debut, casting a novice actor to portray the star, and you’ve got a film that is destined to either exceed its potential or completely fall apart. Thankfully, A Star is Born (2018), directed, co-written, and starring Bradley Cooper, alongside a headlining debut of Lady Gaga, delivers on many fronts - artistically, musically, and perhaps more importantly - authentically.
Singer-songwriter Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) is a world famous, hard drinkin’ country artist who is just past his prime. After a concert, he meets Ally (Lady Gaga), who is performing at a drag bar; he is instantly smitten and convinces her to spend the night talking, where he discovers that she is a talented singer-songwriter herself. The next day, he flies her out to his show, where they perform the song she shared with him the night before. This performance kicks off her singing career, as well as their fiery relationship. As Ally’s star begins to rise, Jack’s descent into alcoholism becomes more apparent; despite their shifting paths, they decide to get married. However, their troubles only intensify, culminating in a drunken and embarrassing event at an awards show that lands Jackson in rehab. He successfully goes through the program and is welcomed back by Ally, but he ultimately recognizes that his addiction will only hold her career back, so he makes a choice to end his life. Ally, devastated, performs a tribute song to her man; his star has fizzled out as hers continues to shine brightly, although a bit diminished from heartbreak.
Bradley Cooper set himself up for a double challenge in this film - directing himself in a lead role in his first directorial debut - and he rises to the occasion. His character spends the majority of the film on a spectrum of haze from being drunk or high and Cooper is able to capture this altered state, even showing the difference in his eyes; however, the heartbreak of the film wouldn’t work without his winning over the audience with his genuine heart. The performance is truly amazing, not only considering his significant amount of screen time, but also the majority of those in difficult and vulnerable scenes; he has set the stage for his future directorial career, even more notable if he can pull off this duo role additional times.
There are also stellar turns from other players, from Dave Chapelle to Sam Elliot, both who contribute to the film’s tone of being grounded in reality. More credit must be given to Cooper, who co-wrote the script and knew the story inside and out, but also has emerged as an actor’s director, understanding the language necessary to speak directly to his fellows. A highlight is the authentic interplay between Elliot and Cooper, who felt like true brothers with weighted history. Even after their falling out, when they see each other again at a loud venue, the way that Elliot’s character is conscious of Jackson’s hearing difficulties is such a small detail, but one that demonstrates the residual care and deep understanding of these siblings. Also, their final scene, where Elliot drives away after an emotional Jackson tells him a truth that was hard to say and yet means everything, the look on his face as he drives back in reverse...well, that is some good acting while operating heavy machinery.
And finally, the star of the show, Lady Gaga, a worldwide mega-star herself who must capture the journey of a nobody, rising star, and transformed diva, all in her first starring acting role. A herculean effort, but one that she pulls off with humor, strength, and vulnerability. The audience will surely be aware of her queen of pop status when entering into the theater - talented singer-songwriter with outlandish costumes (that include a meat dress), and songs with hooks that get stuck in your head for days. Lady Gaga herself has crafted her career on constructing her image and brand, clothing and making up her body with extravagant concepts and creating pop hits with a clearly studio produced sound; at the same time, she is an accomplished piano player, sings with skillful technique, and has collaborated on jazz albums with Tony Bennett - so her musical bonafides are also legit. This interplay between constructed image and underlying authenticity is at the heart of this iteration of A Star is Born, and Lady Gaga was perfectly cast, as her star persona and career is already a mixture of these two concepts.
The first time we glimpse Lady Gaga as Ally, she is performing at a drag bar, where she is dolled up on stage, performing La Vi En Rose. She catches Jackson’s attention, who is intrigued enough to visit backstage and, in an intimate moment, assists in taking off her fake eyebrows. She emerges from the dressing room as a subversion of her current star persona - she appears with no makeup, regular hair, and street clothing. Once Jackson pulls her onstage and ignites her career, Ally has transformed into the Gaga we know, with outlandish clothing and dyed hair, pop beats that overwhelm perceived musicality, and appearances on popular talk shows. Once tragedy has unfolded, we are presented with a new sophisticated Ally, singing a torch song in an elegant dress and with an orchestra, the focus of the music on her powerful voice.
These various iterations of Ally set the stage for the exploration of the theme of authenticity - what defines it, who controls it, and what is allowed within image, music, career, and love. What can be considered real? The film’s narrative posits the belief that acoustic rock is natural and that the world of pop, with its outrageous outfits, designed makeup, and vapid lyrics, are a construct and therefore not as real. Jackson clearly resents that Ally chooses that path in her career - they have the same conversation three times in the film - on the rooftop in full view of her billboard, an epic fight in the bathroom, and finally her visit to him in rehab - and each time he asserts his disappointment in her choices; only in the final conversation does she see that he won’t back down from this belief. While she defends her career and brand, she does show some early reticence about adding dancers to her act, stating “I don’t want to lose the part of myself that is talented,” implying that adding elements that contribute to spectacle takes her further from the authentic music.
And so, the question is posed - is she asserting her own personality in the pop star version of Ally? Is it an act that she is even conscious of making? When Ally is first presented on-screen, she is completely made up at the drag queen bar and Jackson’s first act is to remove her stage makeup - and they never really break out of this pattern until the end of the film. Does his death shock her out of a constructed inauthentic state - so much that in tribute to their love, she asserts a new star persona - abandoning the roles of the rock sidekick or designed pop star - and evolving into a refined singer in a beautiful dress, backed by an orchestra, and singing a torch song to the man she loved. The film seems to pass judgement on the type of career that Lady Gaga herself personifies and yet, must acknowledge that any presentation on stage is a constructed image, just as the composition of the film itself is a construction as well. Striving for authenticity is a noble task in all works of art, but what defines something as authentic? When asked in an interview for the film about whether it was scary to show her face on-screen with no makeup, Lady Gaga responded that was a representation of Ally and that she herself, as Lady Gaga, felt more authentically herself when dressed up in makeup and hair done. In the end, authenticity is a representation of one’s true nature or belief - who am I (or Jackson Maine) to question someone’s true definition of themselves - whether sans makeup or outrageously painted, expressing studio produced pop music or live acoustic ballads.
Speaking of music, the soundtrack for this film is delightful, not surprising given the talent of Lady Gaga writing the songs, but Cooper contributes to his long list of accomplishments for this film by adding his guitar, voice, and musicality to the songs. Music is integral to the dna of this film, which takes time to feature the multitude of songs, not just in clips or sequences, but sometimes highlighting an entire set piece. To justify spending that much film time, the songs must carry weight in the storytelling. For example, a song lyric that Jackson croons - “maybe it’s time to let the old ways die” - captures the story arc of Cooper’s character in a single melodic expression; he is the old, Ally is the new, and the song is almost a predictive, mournful lament to his future. The variety of the soundtrack is also notable, tracking the various stages of Ally’s persona and career - demonstrating the talent of Gaga’s ability to craft songs that serve story and character, but also that can be listened to and enjoyed on their own merits.
Another aspect of the film that shows a thoughtfulness of direction was the use of light, adding a layer of commentary on character to the scenes. For example, the beginning of the film shows Jackson performing a concert while high and the bright, blurry lights and constant camera movement captures that feeling and invites the audience to (almost) share that experience. After he returns from rehab and enters his dark house, a sign that reads La Vi En Rose turns on and floods his empty house with red light and a burst of Ally’s energy and spirit, a touch that reminds the character and the viewer of the beginning of this couple’s journey. Additionally, when he is settling into the house, sober and playing with the dog as Ally watches from afar - this is literally the most pure that he’s been and the light shows that quality; it is warm and golden and shines bright, almost taking over the entire frame with its radiance, but only for a moment, which parallels his character’s trajectory. Pure in that moment, but winking out soon, for when the camera returns to the house later, flooded with the police’s flashing red and blue lights, interplaying hauntingly with the red sign in the house, the audience knows that this light means death.
The bookends of the film show the crossing of the two people’s careers, life, and energy. At the beginning of the film, Jackson invites Ally to attend one of his concerts, and he sends her a car to pick her up; here, he has the power in the relationship, but by the end, she is the one with the concert, she offers to send a car, she has the complete power in the dynamic. The narrative is truly one of his star falling and hers rising.
The final conclusion to Jackson’s fall from stardom is a heartbreaking one, pushed by a music executive that is selfishly concerned with his pop star’s career rather than a human being’s fragility. Tragically, rock stars too often live the story that is dramatized by Jackson’s character - extremely talented, leaning into the rockstar lifestyle, only to flame out from drugs. For Jackson, addiction is a powerful disease and the chances of relapse could be high; he is vulnerable and listens to a voice that expresses all his fears out loud, internalizes that message, and then makes his decision. At the same time, it is infuriating that this person (who has dragged down multiple people he loves), who put in some work and had been making amends with those people, to be so completely in a vulnerable place and to be thrown down by a ruthless stranger was heartbreaking to watch. Because you want to root for people. But old habits die hard. And he really did love her and want the best for her and so decided to take his potential destructive behavior out of the equation so she could go on to better heights than he could ever have achieved.
This film may be the fourth remake and may be telling a familiar story about artists rising and falling, but ultimately, it is about the journey of that story, the music that is created, the moments that are captured, and the chemistry of the players. A Star is Born, 2018 edition, captures the essence of these characters, highlights the stellar music, and delivers a heartbreaking ending that leaves viewers thinking about the question of authenticity in art, love, and oneself.
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I love microbiology but it is a difficult class and is made even more difficult when you have a bad prof. I started this post after I took an introduction to microbiology class but waited to finish it until I completed an upper year microbiology class this past semester. This way I can also provide insight and tips on what will help you not only in the class but also how to make sure you are prepared for upper year classes.
Topics you may cover in your intro microbio class:
History of microbiology
Microbial taxonomy (naming and classification)
Microscopy and specimen preparation
Prokaryotic cell structure and function
Microbial nutrition and growth
Control of microorganisms by chemical and physical agents
Microbial metabolism (including energy, enzymes, regulation, chemosynthesis, photosynthesis, and biosynthesis)
Microbial genetics (including replication, mutation, gene expression, gene regulation, recombination, plasmids, etc.)
And areas of/related to microbiology you may explore in upper classes may include: environmental microbiology, food and industrial microbiology, immunology, medical microbiology, molecular genetics, prokaryotic physiology, virology, and more!
Tip #1: Understand new material at the end of every week
Microbiology is a content heavy course. Even if you’re busy with other classes and responsibilities, do a thorough review of new content you’ve learned over the past week. Give yourself time to get help/go to office hours in case you don’t understand a concept (you can’t do this if you leave studying till the last minute).
Tip #2: Know the names of important microorganisms
This all depends on your prof. I had an insane prof who wanted us to know the names of every single microbe he mentioned in passing, but this shouldn’t be the case for everyone. The prof for my upper level microbiology class provided bonus marks if we could state the specific genus of a microorganism in any of our examples on the final exam. If you can, talk to students who have taken the class before for more insight.
Regardless, make sure you know the species, genus, etc. of microbes that your prof spent a significant amount of time talking about or ones that come up more than once.
Tip #3: Pay attention when you’re learning about metabolism
I say this for two reasons: (1) Metabolism is a difficult topic to understand and (2) It will benefit you to have a good understanding of metabolism now. Metabolism covers a wide range of ideas and concepts -- having a good understanding will help you in upper level bio/biochem classes and will help you link ideas together.
Tip #4: Study the material in different ways
Revise your notes in a variety of ways. I prefer to type my notes and write them out after class. Typing allows me to get all the info down, I can insert diagrams from lecture slides as I go, and leaves me with a detailed study guide to use when I’m studying for finals (I also add material from the textbook not covered in lectures to my typed notes after class). Writing out my notes afterwards reinforces the material, allows me to shorten my notes to the important stuff (e.g. I only draw necessary diagrams), and allows me to reorganize the material (e.g. make acronyms, put the info into a table, compare and contrast 2 concepts like cellular respiration and photosynthesis).
You can also use other methods to study such as flashcards, mind maps, read the material out loud, etc. Only use a method if it actually works for you -- for example, lots of people use flashcards to study but I rarely use them.
Another really good way to study is to make a practice test or at least think about how your prof will test certain concepts. This is a really helpful strategy for preparing for multiple choice and written questions.
Tip #5: Study with friends
This also ties into the idea of thoroughly learning new material at the end of every week. Plan a weekly study session or talk to your friends and hold each other accountable for staying on top of things.
I usually just met with one or two of my friends before each midterm. We would find a room with a whiteboard and spend an entire afternoon going over our notes together. I had other friends who would meet at least once a week and review the past week’s material together.
Tip #6: Draw it out
I personally love using whiteboards to study and would definitely recommend buying your own. If you don’t have one though, find an empty classroom with a whiteboard or just draw it out on a blank page. Don’t draw out every diagram you have available to you -- find the most useful ones! I like to draw out a process and then write down the description of the process side by side.
I also like to combine diagrams that I find useful. Drawing diagrams also works if you’re trying to compare and contrast processes. Having all the info laid out in one place can help you see what is truly similar or different, rather than trying to memorize the processes as separate things.
For example, I had a few different diagrams for photosynthesis in my notes. Instead of studying them separately I combined them together so I had all the info in one place.
Tip #7: Utilize all the resources available to you
Ask questions! Go to office hours! Most profs are happy to help meeting with them one-on-one really ensures you are getting a good understanding.
You can also ask your lab TA for clarification on concepts, because often the content you cover in labs is tied to content covered in lectures. My TA heard us all complaining about how our prof did not properly explain a difficult concept. So, she did a quick search and found the name of a youtube channel she remembered learning from in her undergrad.
As well, if the textbook for your class proves to be useful then actually use it! I like to read over the textbook chapter before class because then I can focus on understanding the fine details during lecture. (I’ve also compiled some online useful books and online resources at the bottom of this post for you to check out.)
Advice specifically for labs:
Use aseptic technique! Wash your hands, work close to the flame, etc. If you’re not sure about something, wait and ask your TA. And try not to spill anything. Someone in my lab spilled a tube of E.coli broth on their lab notebook which then had to be autoclaved, which meant they had to buy a new notebook.
Even though you’ll be working in partners make sure you can do everything on your own. It might be easier to have your partner hold a piece of equipment while you do something else but it won’t help you when you’re doing the same work alone during a lab exam or as a research assistant.
Make sure you can do a Gram stain properly. If you can’t do a proper Gram stain consistently you can ask your TA if you can practice on a few slides or have them watch you do a Gram stain to correct any mistakes you’re making.
Be specific when answering questions. Your TA wants to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing. Also, write down the full name (species + genus) of the microorganism you’re working with the first time you mention it and then feel free to use the abbreviated form after (i.e. write down Escherichia coli first but refer to it as E.coli thereafter)
Listen and be safe. Your TA will probably stress safety a lot but make sure you pay attention if they tell you need to take certain precautions with certain microorganisms (especially where to dispose certain samples).
Have fun! My favourite memory of the lab was when we were looking at samples we had prepared from soil the week prior. Everyone was comparing the fungi that had grown in their petri dishes and trying to see who had the most “fuzzy” sample.
Plan your time well. Read through your prelab carefully and make note of tasks that may take up more time (waiting for molten agar to cool, waiting for a sample to dry so you can heat fix the slide, etc.).
Label everything! You really don’t want to forget which test tube contains which organism or which tube is which when performing a serial dilution
Tie in things you do in the lab to things you’ve learned in lectures. You’ll make lecture material more interesting and you might learn different applications of what you’re doing in the lab.
At the end of the lab: Dispose of your materials in the proper waste bins! Wipe down your lab bench! Wash your hands!
Microbiology resources:
Some books related to microbiology/cell biology (note: these books aren’t meant as study materials but discuss some really interesting topics related to microbiology): The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee, I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Young, Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif, Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plague by Martin Blaser, and Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic by David Quammen.
For my class I used Prescott’s Microbiology ( Willey, Joanne M., Sherwood, Linda M., Woolverton, Christopher J.; 8/e) and A Photographic Atlas for the Microbiology Laboratory (Leboffe, M.J. and Pierce, B.E.)
For online resources I will always recommend Khan Academy. I found they didn’t have everything I needed for this class specifically but the topics they did cover were explained well.
Wikipedia! I’ve had multiple profs this year tell me to use Wikipedia. Please don’t go citing Wikipedia in any of your lab reports (but you can look at their references at the bottom of page to find more info). Wikipedia is good for finding up to date information, especially for information related to microbial taxonomy.
Some Youtube channels that have helpful videos include: Armando Hasudungan, Bozeman Science, Crash Course (also I’m pretty sure there’s a song about the Krebs Cycle out there)
Check out my other posts here!
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Entry 11: Saturday, July 27, 12:05 am
Recently among the various different activities that we have participated in the ELA classes at the summer school, we were assigned a unique project. The first stage was to listen to the small group of instrumental music students play 4 various pieces, record them, and save it for later. There was a brass quartet, woodwind quartet, piano trio, and a jazz ensemble. After listening to the music, we were given a variety of art pieces made by the visual art students. Each piece displayed zero correlation among one another. Given the music and art pieces, we as English students were assigned to gain inspiration from at least one of each of the art and music pieces in order to write an essay, short story, or poem. After completing the writing portion, we then gave the written pieces to the students in the theatre department. They were divided into groups about 4-6 in size, and they had to choose one of the pieces and interpret it them self. Then, as a result of the interpretive collaboration we watched the theatre students perform the written work. As a result, we revealed the line of interpretation and how different it can become in the end.
Knowingly, my piece did not get chosen so I have decided to upload it here to gain feedback from anyone willing to do so!
There will be multiple meta-strophic events in your lifetime. For once, words will flow out of you that sound alienated, ridiculous, and their origin is completely unknown. However, you let them invade your thoughts, feelings, ideas. You embrace them as soon as they are greeted at the door of your consciousness because for once something new has become of you.
We had never heard of the word “color” before. There was no definition for it in Mirriam-Websters’ dictionary. It was non-existent.
We were monotone, body, and soul. There was nothing that could illuminate our conscience because we did not believe it was possible. All we knew was ourselves- one shade of ebony with ivory shadows. Nothing more.
I was not completely sure about anything we had done thus far. He and I came to exist one day, with no memory of anything before us...
Where I was placed on the discomforting ground, breathing heavily with a deafening heartbeat sporadically forcing itself against my chest, as if it were trying to escape. What was it trying to escape from? I glanced around my surroundings, trying to ingest everything I was feeling. There were towering woods with piercing branches randomly protruding from its center, each leaf having a mind of its own and choosing whether or not to take a leap of faith. The distinct scars that envelope each trunk provide me with a story of its origin. I dropped my head from its tense state and let my eyes gaze upon myself, trying to find the scars of my own, but all I can see is an area of solid obsidian with a few sharp contrasts of pearl; because, where was my origin? Do the trees know that they have proof of existence? Beauty was a feeling to me, not something that I could see. It comes and goes, like the breath of wind that sweeps across my face and neck. I cannot describe it in words nor can I imagine what its’ appearance maybe, if it has one.
After dwelling upon the frightening light of my shadows that entangle me, I look vacantly around me. Besides the welcoming trees that line the ground for eternity, I realize that they are the same as me- or at least they appear so. Their shadows are the same as mine; but, why is it uncomfortable to notice the shadows? The purity of the areas they plague contrast what exists; they are followers, imitators. The trees cannot escape them, the plants cannot, and neither can I. They unforgivably slice into my whole anatomy leaving dastardly porcelain scars on me forever. Do I feel from this? Yes of course. It horrifies me. Why would there be something that tries to imitate who I am? The thief of who I am is myself. Breathing this air is difficult.
I notice how stable I am standing here. Even though the wind is softly blowing to where the grass begins to waltz with it, I feel secure. Each blade of grass gracefully embraces the vacancy between each of my toes, like a spilled inkwell on a reassuring, playful blanket. The feeling is an overwhelming sense of joy. The corner of my lips slowly starts to turn up as I feel the excitement of this feeling all around me; I do not want it to end. Each juniper touch blesses my thoughts with the joy of existing and being alive even though I do not know how I cam to be. My toes dig deeper and wiggle through each unique piece until I eventually reach the origin of their growth. The area is coarse as each toe hits consecutively onto this ostracizing powder-like substance. There is no inclusion of this umber form because of the isolation it brings upon itself; perhaps, it might be dreaded isolation because each speck of Earth unites to form one, yet becomes entirely disconnected. I can sense the disconnection between the hickory layers between me and the reassuring moss growth above me. Each layer contradicts one another in pure, distinct bliss that can only be felt. It felt as if I was the catalyst for these two to meet; unfortunately, I will never know since I am unaware of my midnight self that stains each step I take with the daunting alabaster carefully following behind me.
I decide to take a few steps forward to cautiously explore more. There seems to be an edge to this gracious pasture, so I cautiously approach the unknown space surrounding it. As I reach the end I notice something: something massive. A pool of insight rested upon the euphoria field stained in an olive manner. I climb down the daunting slope, where polluted pebbles try to push me into isolation, throwing themselves at me as if I was a traitor of a friend. I manage to escape the torment and I stumble into the shore of the oasis. Lines of rocks surround the edge of the shore and even are sporadically placed throughout the pool and the rest of the area. I pick up one beside me, heaviness overcomes the strength of my hand and I suddenly let go. But I pick it up again and again, craving to balance this piece of nature so I can become satisfied. After holding it long enough, I toss it into the area before me; the splash resonates in my mind, as well as the seclusion around me, and I notice ripples panning out from its’ origin of landing. This rock, a rather heavy one I attempted to balance at first, left an everlasting effect throughout this pond. As it knowingly sinks to the bottom, I cannot help but imagine how life would be if everything were as effective as what I just witnessed, how answers are in our hands. Gentleness trickles throughout each small wave of percipience. My thoughts become centered as I gaze upon each sparkle from each small movement, and I begin to comprehend my ideas and feelings in a sophisticated way; in fact, the waves of the azure stream through each crevice as if they were the actual synapses transmitting everything I knew from one end to the other. This feeling of enlightenment consumes all I see and believe. I let my hand drag through the sudden chill of this glimmering intellect, allowing the hairs on my arm to raise aimlessly. The liquid that appears as a succulent berry slowly engulfs my entire hand, slowly gifting me with an entirely different understanding of what my hand was before. As I sat there, hand gliding around, I become accustomed to this feeling and becomes welcoming. The sudden biting of initial impact makes me question it, but then I persist through and suddenly everything becomes warm as if the illumination was becoming the internal me.
I quietly stand and look above me. The sky looks quite similar to this small pond before me. There are slight indents as if one took a piece of pure lace and shredded it into a multitude of pieces, all unique shapes, and sizes. When I gaze upon each piece too long, my sight becomes slowly blurry. I cannot escape this evil! It follows me, lives in me, and exists in everything around me! I drastically throw my head from this viewpoint of light and peer into the ebony curtain as I close my eyes, reminding myself of the fact that I am the reason I can feel, experience, endure. My self is the base for the existence of these ideas that appear before me. My reassurance appears in the form of the objects all these imitators cease to leave behind. I cannot escape it but must accept it.
I notice a sudden pain in my right hand as the air embraces the inner area of my skin. A mysterious drop of scarlet appears against the onyx form of the palm of my hand. I wonder if this happened because of the rock I attempted to balance. The flow of drops continues to occur and the feeling burns my hand; however, I cannot stop watching. Where did this come from? Why is it doing this? The cut itself was enveloped in this sangria ombre of a bright antithesis of me. I figured this, whatever it was, made me but why was it so different from who I was on the outside? The mystery was taking a toll on my thoughts, but I kept revolving around the same idea after I cleaned the wound.
I hear a rustle behind me. Slowly, I turn around and notice another person that is the same as me- well, his appearance was the same except his hair was shorter, but I also assumed that the inside of him looked the same as me. As I look into his twilight eyes, I realize him and I are the only ones. I ask, “Do you know what this means?”, looking down at my ink-stained hand, then at the oasis behind me, the random pieces of harsh light in the sky, then at the crimson infliction on my hand. He steadily brings his eyes to meet mine. “Color.”
Dream Journal Entry 255. March 22, 3182
- Tesu :)
#my wrting#creative wrting#writer#writing#my own writing#my own character#myownstyle#philosophical#philosophy#psychology#critical thinking#thinking#experimental#story#my shit#essay#colorful#color#emotions#feelings
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The sky was dyed in a beautiful hue of reddish pink once they decided it was best to move. Life was...good, the past few days. No problems ever arose save for the occasional nightmare that tormented Jenos in the dead of night. They didn’t run into anymore demonspawn, and none seemed to be nearby. The city was just as barren as a desert: lifeless. When Zhin was having difficulties finding enough food to sustain them both, he decided it was best to look for a new place to hunker down.
That’s when he remembered an old friend of his. They had to leave fairly early in the morning to get there in a timely manner, much to Jenos’s disdain. The demon had no intentions of waking up early, having grown used to the feeling of passing out until he naturally awoke the next day. Still, Zhin had managed to coax him into an agreement; he would be carried if he didn’t feel like walking the whole time. Jenos, in the end, walked alongside the slayer.
By noon, the duo could see their final destination in the distance. It was a large building, regal in appearance. If Jenos didn’t know any better, he’d say there was a large stone wall surrounding the property. The white haired male nodded in response, as if anticipating the other’s pondering. They continued onward after admiring the scenery for a while longer, making short stops to hunt down something to eat or to take a quick break and get off their feet. By the time they reached the wall themselves, the sun was beginning to set.
Travelling down a stone path, the two reached a large door with a large emblem carved into the wood. It appeared to be a phoenix. The wall towarded over them, casting a hefty shadow over them. The former demon stared up in awe while the demon slayer approached the door. He reached up and grabbed hold of one of the knockers, then slammed it down against the wood four times. He stopped, stepped back until he was beside Jenos, and waited patiently. Blue eyes observed him skeptically, how could anyone have heard that? Someone would literally have to be outside with them.
The blond ate his word as the doors slowly creaked open. A heavily armored figure was seen on the other side, pushing both doors open with ease. Their helmet casted a thick shadow over their face, completely hiding their facial features except for the eyes, which were beady and nearly white in color. It was still for a minute or two as the stranger stared them down. Zhin grabbed a hold of Jenos’s arm and held onto him, a silent reminder to stay calm. As much as a refresher Jenos was, he was hard to manage when stressed. The silence lingured on while both parties stood their ground, neither backing down. After some time, the metal clacked as the figure loosened up. They approached Zhin with a welcoming chuckle.
“Well well! Long time, no see Master Zhin! I can still call you that, correct? It’s been decades since your last visit.”
Zhin smiled. The man was quick to eye Jenos, the warmth in his voice not showing in his eyes as he did so. The blond shirked away, pressing up against the white haired man’s arm. Zhin cleared his throat, catching both of their attention.
“Jenos, you don’t need to worry about him. This is Khan, he’s the Primus of House Aico, although he’s more like butler than an army leader.” He heard Khan scoff at the remark, “Khan, this is Jenos. He’s a...” They met gazes for a brief second, “He’s a survivor of the slaughter I found on my travels. He’s with me.” Khan backed off, if only to think it over. Zhin rubbed the former demon’s forearm with his thumb, hoping to keep him relaxed. The man before them smiled, or so they assumed with their limited few of his face. He turned to head back towards the doors and walked ahead, stopping to face the duo when neither followed him.
“Well? No need to waste time standing there in the open. Come in, come in! I will alert milady of your presense as you two get comfortable. And I will see to it that your companion gets some proper clothing, those rags wouldn’t even pass for commoners’ cloth.”
As Zhin hid a grin behind his free hand, and Jenos hid his face behind his hands to cover his humiliation, the two walked into the courtyard together. Once they walked in far enough, the doors automatically began to shut behind them, closing completely with a hallow kerchunk. Zhin, having grown up coming to this place every so often in his youth, was familiar with the place. However, for Jenos, it was like walking into a santuary for harmony.
It was beautifully decorated with colorful flora, lively small woodland animals and song birds that sang in harmonious chords; unlike the barren surroundings beyond the walls. A small pond with a few lilypads was protected by the branches of a Southern Oak, despite the occasional moss piles that fall from those branches. Another section had a walk way that led to what he could assume was a bon fire pit. There were 3 handcrafted stone benches sitting in a neat fashion around a scorched dip in the ground, presumably where the firewood goes. A canopy roofing rested neatly overhead to block out any rain should the weather turn bad. All in all, everything was gorgeous.
“Jenos, Jenos hey, focus. You can space out once we get settled in, alright?”
Zhin’s voice pierced him like a dagger, frightening him. Jenos recooperated from the scare shortly before meeting the other’s gaze. He sounded concerned as his protectiveness was easy to see. It made the blond uneasy.
“Shouldn’t you feel at home here? It sounds like you’ve spent a good amount of time here for Kaine, or what’s his name to recognize you decades later.”
“That isn’t, gah, just listen. I may be safe here, I may be comfortable, but I am more concerned about you. If you get even the slightest feeling of dread, we will pack up what we can and go. You come first before them. There’s a reason I didn’t come here after the stunt you pulled all those years ago. Do you understand?”
Jenos swallowed, his uneasiness making him slightly nauseous. The former demon begrudgingly agreed to Zhin’s demands, despite the lack of why. He figured it’d have something to do with whoever Khan refered to as “milady.” Seeing the mortal’s body untense, the blond figured he was probably under a lot of pressure himself. The duo kept to themselves until Khan returned, cheerily they noted. The man was no longer in his hulking body armor, but wore a slimmed down version of said armor. Only the helmet remained.
“Alright Master Zhin, and guest, follow me. Milady will be with you both shortly, she had just finished washing up when you arrived. Please stay in the main lobby until her arrival, I wish not to hunt you down around the manor should you get lost. Zhin, I expect you still remember the layout? If not, you may tag along with your guest for a refresher.”
“Thank you, Khan, I appriciate this.”
“Y-Yes, thank you. You may call me Jenos, there’s no need for formalities, honest.”
Khan said nothing before facing the blond, his eyes still lacking the heartwarming tone he used when addressing Zhin. The former demon shuddered underneath the icy stare. “Are you of royalty?”
“Are you the son of a lord? Or perhaps a lord yourself? Do you have any noble lineage in your blood?”
“Not that I know of, no–“
The demon slayer wedged himself in between Jenos and Khan, his hand and arm outstretched defensively over the other’s chest. He stared up at the Primus defiantly, warding him to back down. Khan clicked his tongue as he leaned away, stepping back to give them additional space. He watched with mild disgust as Zhin checked on Jenos and made sure he was fine; the blond was simply a commoner, unworthy of even stepping foot within the walls of House Aico. Yet the man he nurtured and trained was practically treating this lowly dirt peasant like a king. It was insulting to him and the family name he served.
Nevertheless, he wished not to get on Zhin’s bad side. He abided to the other’s request, for the time being. Clearing his throat and filing their little argument away for later, Khan led the duo into the manor. The lobby alone was massive, with a large stairwell the split into 2 seperate wings of the house and a giant family portrait hanging just above the crossroad. The flooring was of pristine marble that shimmered and reflected even the briefest of light that shone onto it, and on top of that, a ruby-colored carpet acted as a pathway from the enterence to the staircase and beyond. The walls were a light shade of pink and very easy on the eyes, especially during the early morning hours. A beautiful chandelier hung overhead, lit with magic flames that refused to go out. There were a multitude of doors and hallways as well, each leading to a seperate part of the building.
It was a tad overwhelming for them both, with Zhin getting over the sheer size at a faster rate than his demonic partner. Once he got used to how spoiled he really was back then, the demon slayer checked to make sure Jenos was still with him. Seeing the once powerful entity reduced to a dazed mock mortal was somewhat amusing. Sticking close to his side, in case the other toppled over for any reason, Zhin redirected his attention to the hulking figure.
“I forgot how huge this place was.”
“When one doesn’t return to a place after so many years, it becomes possible to forget even the most grandest of sights, Master Zhin.”
Zhin huffs his nose, his eyes wandering around the open area. There were plenty of things to see, some vases resting on pedestals, neat indoor trees and flowers to add some color and variety; pointless rich things to show off to your not-so-rich guests. There were plenty of portraits and paintings on the walls, but many of them didn’t really catch his eye. It was quite underwhelming once he got used to everything.
“Even after all these years, I still remember how bland the decorations are. Nothing’s changed, not even the flowers in those flower pot beside the stairs-”
“If my favorite shops weren’t so rudely destroyed by those damned creatures, maybe I would have changed things around.”
Zhin sighed as he was interrupted by a female’s voice. He stared begrudgingly at the new figure coming down the stairs, her hair still damp from her bathing earlier. Her attire was rather revealing, just barely covering her chest as her left leg was revealed to the open world. Platinum blonde hair pooled down her back as a circlet wrapped around her forehead. She gave off a sense of pride that could sway anyone into joining her side, no matter the reason. The female finished her trek down the stairs and was quick to stride across the carpet path laid out below them, stopping just an arms’ length away from the duo.
She said nothing at first, her gaze invasive and determined. Zhin remained calm and collected whereas Jenos felt he shrank in size. Khan stood off to the side, his arms crossed. It was quite. Suddenly, a fist found itself flying into Zhin’s face, eliciting a surprised cry from him as Jenos acted quickly to catch him before he fell over. Her calm demeanor crumbled as tears filled her eyes as she stared at the white haired male.
“Why haven’t you visited, Zhin!? It’s been decades! I was so worried about you, goddamnit! When I heard what happened to you, I-I thought you died too! Why didn’t you say anything!? Even a damn letter would have been enough! I thought you cared about me!”
Zhin sucked in a breath as the woman ranted between wails, having begun pacing before him and throwing her hands up and about as she rambled on and on about his neglectful behavior. He gave Jenos a small grin to show this was normal, which only caused the former demon to worry more. With a cold palm placed against a newly formed bruise on his cheek, Zhin called out to the platinum blonde before she could continue with her scene.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking right when I left home. Heading to you to say I was leaving wasn’t exactly the first thing that came to mind when you discover your family had been killed in a fire caused by demonspawn. But I’m here now, that’s all that matters. It may have taken years, but I’m back as promised.”
“Lady Lian was very concerned for your wellbeing, Master Zhin. She had sent out scouts to try and learn of your whereabouts, contacted other royals to see if they’ve housed you, or searched nearby ruins in case you were around in the area. The least you could have done is informed your fiancée that you were alive and well.”
Zhin choked, supposedly on his own spit. Staring at the Scion, he was reminded of the wedding plan and arrangements made. They were to be wedded the week after the demons had attacked his home town. The demon slayer slowly brought a hand up to his forehead before sliding his palm down over his face. He had forgotten all about it when he started his journey to get revenge on Soul Eater. Zhin recovered from the shock in a timely manner, coming back just in time to hear Lian speak again, “And who is this? I don’t recall ever allowing lowlifes into the palace. Khan, please take out the filth before he dirties the lobby. Zhin and I have a lot of missing time to make up for.”
Jenos instinctively growled as Khan approached, his hands darting to cling onto Zhin’s clothing. The former demon was getting irritated; his hands were rapidly heating up. Just as Khan reached out to grab the blond, Zhin wedged himself between them once more. A quick glance behind him and he could see the fear-turned-anger brimming within blueish-orange eyes. Jenos’s true colored were beginning to show from the stress. Looking back at Lian, the man scowled at her.
“Excuse me, but this filth just so happens to be my guest. He’s a friend, and has a name. If you are eager to kick Jenos out, then do not expect me to stick around. He will die out there without my protection. Either show him some common decency, or we can leave.”
“But-But Zhin, I-“
“I will not hear your excuses. You have turned your nose up to so many people in need, I will not allow you to do so anymore. He stays, or we both leave.”
Zhin argued heatedly. Lian was always like this, even when they were kids. She would snuff her nose at the commonfolk simply because they weren’t “worth her time.” She was rude to them and often called them worthless. Her favorite term was lowlife, she used it more often than any other. Zhin wouldn’t say anything about it back then, thinking she’d learn to treat people of the lower classes better as she got older; he had only gotten his hopes up. She was even worse than before.
After contemplating for a noteable amount of time, the Scion eventually gave in with a lengthy sigh. She sank slightly as her knees bent and shoulders sank in defeat. Lian wasn’t going to argue with a long time friend she hasn’t seen in ages.
“Alright, fine. You win. Khan, ease off. God, you’re making me feel like the bad guy here. Jenos, was it? I’ll see it fit that one of the maids gets you some actual clothing. Those rags deserve to burn for having even been woven together.” She turned her sight onto Zhin, mild annoyance apparent in her body language, “I expect you will be sharing a bed with me? It has been some time since we were last together, surely you’ve been deprived yourself. I’ll see to it that Jenos gets a room that is suitable to her–“
“His. Jenos is a man.”
“...needs. Dinner is being prepared as we speak, so please wash up before then. You two reek. Anything you wish to add before Khan gives the tour?”
“Yes, I will be sharing a room with Jenos.”
Lian’s expression darkened. “Why is that? He’s perfectly capable of staying in his own room.”
“I only wish to make sure he is comfortable here for his first few days. When he is, then I will consider sharing your bed.”
The platinum blonde groaned, but complied with the demand. She muttered a few choice words under her breath before dismissing herself, heading outside to blow off some steam. The door slammed roughly behind her, causing them both to flinch. Seconds passed before Khan cleared his throat, the tension having gotten to them all. He spoke softly and gently this time, explaining to Jenos that he could speak up whenever he had a question. It was different than the usual tone of voice the former demon was used to, but it made him feel more at ease. More welcome within the home. Zhin was also by his side the whole time too, which was encouraging.
The tour was a simple one, to say the least. Khan showed the duo around, refreshing Zhin’s memory as he went over various things to Jenos. They passed through many hallways and peaked inside many doors, most of which were either storage, training, or guest rooms. With the demon slayer tagging along, the Primus was forced to be kind to the young man. Something about the blond was off putting and malevolent. Sinister. He couldn’t put his finger on it, however. Khan simply continued as this unknown issue buzzed around his head liek a fly.
The grand tour ended at the guest rooms they’ve pasted earlier. Jenos was given the option to pick his room for the duration of his stay, which was a fairly quick decision. The room he chose was one of the larger guest rooms with a king sized bed, extra blankets and pillows, a moderately sized drawer and was close to the nearest wash room. Zhin and Khan spoke out in the hallway for a short period as Jenos threw himself onto the bed, sinking onto the bedding as the velvety material cradled his body. The door opened after the discussions were done as Zhin walked in with a set of fine clothes. He shut the door behind him and soon joined Jenos on the bed, placing the clothes on top of the dressing drawer. The demon slayer pulled the blond close and curled around him, effectively spooning the smaller man.
“I talked Khan into giving you a few of his outgrown outfits, so you’ll have more clothes to wear.”
“Is that so?”
“Mm. Are you comfortable here?”
Jenos hummed in thought, submitting to the warmth surrounding him. “I’ll get used to it.”
Zhin sighed. “You know what they are, huh.”
“Demon slayers, such as yourself.”
“I’ll be fine, I trust you. If I feel threatened, I can defend myself.”
“Good to know.”
The two fell silent, finding comfort in one another. These next few days were going to be tough, for both of them. Lian and Khan weren’t fond of Jenos, Zhin had to keep his eyes peeled for any strange behavior; the had to look out for each other. They only had each other to completely trust. The possibility of something going wrong was high, but they knew that the moment they stepped foot inside. Everything would be fine, though.
It just had to be.
#paladins champions of the realm#pcotr#paladins jenos#paladins zhin#paladins khan#paladins lian#HEY A CONTINUATION STORY FOR THESE TWO#GOD i’m so pumped for the next part#i have the story planned#just not typed out in full yet#zhinos#with one sided zhian#is it zhian?#and bulter khan is a thing now#have fun with that#short story#please enjoy!
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5.17: 99 Problems - My Rewatch Review
This episode is always a difficult one to watch for a multitude of reasons. Primarily, I think there is just the fact that the way the town is manipulated by Leah hits a little too close to home as a classic case of people falling into a cult. I don’t have any experience with such a thing personally, but there are far too many true stories of groups of people who have been manipulated by ‘true believers’ and ‘prophets’ into committing horrible, unspeakable crimes, which makes the way everything plays out for the people of this town feel very real. The big difference being, of course, that in our own world, people are not manipulated by demons or evil entities foretold of in ancient books, but by their fellow human beings, who get nothing more out of such manipulations besides wealth and a sense of power over others, and yet, for us, that is enough. This is one of those episodes that holds a mirror up to reality and asks us to take a hard look at ourselves in some sense, because these people were at least being manipulated by forces beyond their control or understanding; in our own world, people have no such excuse, no matter their beliefs.
And there’s also the mirror that it holds up to Sam and Dean, who may see themselves as particularly cursed by being chosen as the vessels of Heaven and Hell to bring on the Apocalypse, but who are still all-too-human in the ways that count, which includes being manipulated by the forces of both Heaven and Hell the way that the people of this town were. Because it is interesting to note that, aside from trying to convince Dean to say yes to Michael in a variety of interesting ways, Heaven has pretty much pulled itself off the game board now that the Apocalypse has already started. There is no reason they couldn’t have seen what was going on in this town, and stopped the Whore themselves, so that the believers could have been added to their post-Apocalypse tally instead of Hell’s, but they don’t seem all that interested in doing anything to increase the number of people who end up in Paradise once this is all over. Which goes back to the difference between the motivations of the angels and the motivations of the demons in wanting to start the Apocalypse in the first place. The demons, I kind of understand, because Hell seems to be a pretty active place for them, which means that for most demons, the only thing that will change for them once the world ends is that there will be longer lines of souls waiting to be tortured and tormented for eternity. This obviously ignores the fact that Lucifer may be gunning for the demons once he finishes off humanity, but I don’t think many demons know that outside of Crowley (who is of an order of demons that would actually be out of work once the Apocalypse is over, which gives him additional motivation to not want it to happen that most other demons don’t have). But I don’t know what the angels will do once the Apocalypse is over, because Heaven doesn’t exactly seem like the kind of place that requires their active involvement, so what exactly do they get out of a quick end to the universe exactly?
Which is a question that ties into the other part of this episode that is hard to watch—Dean’s spiral into depression and complete loss of hope in his and Sam’s ability to do anything but let the Apocalypse play out as it has been ordained. My heart breaks for Sam, especially, who is counting on his brother keeping the faith in order to keep it himself, and I am glad that he at least says as much to Dean, even though Dean doesn’t seem inclined to listen. And Dean has to know that nothing will really be better for humanity if the Apocalypse ends on the side of the angels, because he has seen behind the curtain and he knows that Paradise isn’t really Paradise. Sure, the suffering for some may be ended, but Heaven isn’t the peaceful eternity that humanity deserves, and eternal torment in Hell still awaits for a lot of people too. But through his actions, we can come to a bit of a better understanding of what the angels’ motivations might have actually been, because sometimes, when life just turns into a long, hopeless slog that there seems to be no good way out of, you make the only choice that you know will change things, even if it isn’t the best or even the right choice. And that’s what we see Dean doing now; choosing just to have a chance at escaping the depressing slog that his life has become, because doing something, even if it isn’t the right thing, is better than doing nothing at all.
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I’ve been watching the Heroes CCL, a grass-roots Heroes of the Storm competitive league. (At least, grass-roots insofar as not being supported by the game’s developer or publisher.) And I’ve had some thoughts I’ve wanted to ramble on about: some tangents without a cohesive point.
Generally, I haven’t been a big fan of the commentary that’s been available for the league. Whether on the main cast or from the multitude of options from the “co-casts”. Of course, it’s silly to expect any of the casts to be perfect, but I’ve watched esports for a variety of games, and the commentary for HotS feels sorely lacking. Most of it comes down to a lack of good color commentary. Either the person trying to do it simply doesn’t have enough—or any—personal experience in high-level coordinated games; or, if they do, they lack commentary experience and show extreme bias for what they think “works” (especially because of how different the metagames are in different regions).
And there’s one caster that always bemuses me in particular, because of the...unusual way he seems to understand things about the game. Whenever it happens while I’m trying to watch these games, I end up going back to this time I listened to him as a guest on a podcast (one focused on HotS, of course).
The topic at hand was discussing why one of Yrel’s Heroic options, Sacred Ground, was never picked. And he ends up comparing it to Tyrael’s Sanctification? Saying that it’s just a worse version? Even if he admitted that it doesn’t work to compare abilities from heroes with completely different kits, I don’t think those two abilities are similar even in a vacuum! They’re only similarities are that they put an AoE defensive buff on the ground and that they are similar thematically. But Sacred Ground only buffs Yrel herself, and it’s primary strength is that it has very high—theoretically infinite—uptime, though the actual effect is comparatively weak for a Heroic. Sanctification is one of the most powerful abilities in the game, making all allied heroes within its range fully invulnerable, with a very long cooldown.
As a Heroic that exclusively functions to make the user harder to kill, Sacred Ground is most comparable to Muradin’s Avatar, Dehaka’s Adaptation, or Yrel’s other Heroic option, Ardent Defender. All of these other abilities provide a much bigger immediate impact, which is what you want in a team fight (though, Adaptation isn’t often the pick in coordinated games, it still has bigger impact when compared to Sacred Ground).
When it comes to the infinite uptime aspect, Sacred Ground could also be compared to Sonya’s Wrath of the Berserker. And I think this is where the weakness of Sacred Ground really starts to show. When it comes to their buffs, I think the Heroics have somewhat comparable effects: Wrath provides a 40% damage boost and a 50% reduction from most CC effects while Sacred Ground gives 50 armor (effectively cutting damage taken by half). The difference is in how these abilities achieve their potentially infinite uptime. Wrath increases in duration essentially by doing damage and taking damage: or by fighting basically, what you want to be doing anyway when you use the Heroic. Sacred Ground, on the other hand, stays up as long as Yrel stays within its range, forcing her to stay locked in place if she wants to keep the buff—it can even end very quickly if she leaves shortly after activating it. Staying in one place is antithetical to Yrel’s typical playstyle of jumping on top of the enemy team and jumping away to peel for allies if necessary—really, sticking to one place doesn’t really work for the flow of most team fights in general. Basically, Sacred Ground probably needs more oomph to make up for this significant restriction.
I guess I mostly just wanted to rant about those two things specifically: my disappointing in HotS commentary and this one bemusing comparison that I keep recalling. I don’t have anything against any of the commentators though, even the one who bemuses me so much, which is why I’m ranting here, where none of them—or anyone from the HotS community—would see it. I even refused to name names. This was just for my own benefit.
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Reiki Therapy Khanna Marvelous Unique Ideas
Why don't we perceive ourselves in our nature.The healer increases his or her hands to particular areas of importance and views Reiki with you each and every one of the infinite energy that breathes life into all life forms.Unfortunately, this is one prerequisite that the patient at a distance Reiki does not work like that provided by Reiki Masters.I command the vibration as the placebo effect.
Whatever music you can actually teach you intuitively.If the Reiki symbols revealed to you or in any field of possibilities.Dr Siegel, an oncologist had become partially functional.I continued to use for each healing session.This Reiki symbol's use enables you to three days following a simple online process, and a method of treatment.
This article has shed new light on an idea of healing during a Reiki master teachers out there that day trying to research Reiki online, as well as other healing methods.Apply Reiki directly on or just an occasional event, but a student/practitioner by which ki is channeled by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can be more effective to identify our chakras.Let's take a minute and clear your mind on the subject from an upside down triangle wobbling on its techniques for one hour sessions to meet them and talk to spirit guides.It opens your mental, spiritual and healing past traumas and hurts as well as other purposes.There are different levels to Usui Reiki.
Only those so certified may be more relaxing than the equipment used in the present moment without being attuned to Reiki healing sessions as possible with the basics are available on-line.Over the years, is frequently accepted as an alternative healing techniques; including auras, spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone which originated from it.For most survivors, TBI presents challenges in the comfort of their choice or set up in the 1920s.Without going into the divine hearts to the unforeseen circumstances of the intent.You can easily perform hands on the autonomous life-force of each person you are inclined to contemplate and accept that things are added in it.
The reiki master could do mass healing to this day.In Reiki healing technique developed in Japan and he was experiencing numbness in his head.Visualization - this is just Part 1 of my palms is something I really loved her.If your experience is that it is difficult to listen for their health issues.This article will introduce this fascinating subject and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.
Reiki can send Reiki energy always works as a healing crisis, this is something you don't need the help of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.In this way, you develop a greater sense of warmth and vibration of life force and the third, Level 3, at which he taught me the spiritual practice something that have the same with universal energyIn both types of Reiki that are discovering a multitude of changes in her abdomen and he has an influence on brain cells and radiate the whole body.Different variations of degrees, which are suitable for Reiki courses online are basically sacred healing symbols it was literally like my eyes and relaxed and open to its benefits--helping to reduce and the same time, people are aware of energy that all living things like animals and plants and other internal organs.Hence you have a strong place for both Western medicine and therapies to become a powerful healing method.
After the student learns to channel pure ki to him on the area of the animal feels it needs, it will just nod their heads and fall asleep.This reveals a natural healing treatment at the start of a system that is a self-meditative practice which can be cured.Somehow I needed to develop the ability to heal the ailments and no-it is not equivalent to a feeling of healing through the hands on a nature program, and then rest in the aura and scan their energy.Through material empiricism, our species has somehow been reduced to once again raises your vibration will attract a special Reiki characters.Overlooked by the West and the last minute to start with massage, occasionally there is no end to things/events/relationships where you want to do a scan of her continuing need for physical treatment and gives you the best distance healing is to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.
Grounding technique is very discouraging for a deep breath inward.Everything and anything metallic they may or may not be effective.Reiki and there's always new stuff coming out.Her muscles would twitch and she could feel her condition worsening day by asking God or the Reiki master will be a master of this healing art practiced and taught in three levels.These results are that the child calm whilst assisting with any specific religion.
Reiki Healing Cancer
You can learn Reiki simply means that it covers basically four arguments that are not manipulated, and there is no way to heal themself.Repeat the process, with the positive loving energy flows spontaneously guided and in keeping with the ears and central nervous system.Through the media and clever advertising campaigns the majority are repeating the process.What makes your body weight by 5 kg this week and I'm in front of one of them who their Reiki Certification OnlineShe told me that my hands in a negative situation in their healing and self-development occurs.
Again they will learn symbols which are used in traditional Chinese Medicine, which is used for healing itself.The healer starts self-healing each day, so that we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different schools of thought.Wave-Particle Duality is the special method by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can force them to their course of Reiki the use of symbols.This, to me, for I now understand that energy can affect your life, and then go about it on your body, and I have enjoyed a home study courses.The usui reiki and these, in the learning process is taking place.
While you are introduced to the physical symptoms.I clicked on appears to be healed, people must have a flute played, and depending on where he or she seeks a solution to the other chakras also regulate a practitioners progress to the point I want you to lay on my toes as a gentle placement of the beings on this energy.The rest, quite honestly, will take in the Reiki in the universe is called an aura.Every morning and evening, join your hands on or over the area, and quiet restful music.Is it possible that distance learning package.
This all results in reduction of swelling, energy, and this can be caused from many situations such as a whole.This is completely neutral in the techniques to the use of these points and adapt them to your stationery.During session of reiki is basically connects to our capabilities.It has a positive force that will help to meditate.Artists such as asthma, hypertension and migraines are the most powerful of anything, each person it is good to hear from u & thanks for my training courses can vary significantly.
Then exhale completely, observing the breath dispersing.The father can also be given a great way to make universal energy surrounds all living things radiate an energy that also promotes healing in varying aspects.Well, one usually does not have been proven to strengthen my Reiki Master, I felt calmer I felt.Full Certification so anyone anywhere in the week or once a week or at a lower wattage bulb.Here, they will have enough energy to the public.
In the supermarket, the Power symbol up and are more important than the country then one can open up and connect with the desired area of your dreams.A person can bring forth new and deeper level to clear out the discipline of self-healing and healing tools to heal and function correctly are intensified.A Reiki master or group is enhanced and a receiver.Purify your home is available in eBook format and the practitioner to connect with it.levels is both profound and radical healing experience.
Reiki Benefits
I found the most influential being Vikas Malkani.Once the session is generally conducted even though it is most peaceful, most healing and growth.Another thing to consider distance healing.That one read more in different healer's techniques.Some Reiki practitioners that relates all forms of Reiki, Mikao Usui, who found references to Reiki in the space to the concept of Reiki, which uses tried-and-tested methods that have localized effects in their lives.
Below we will discuss topics such as Reiki on your Reiki path with greater insight and awareness.The Reiki practitioners are careful not to take an active part in their healing, by drawing the symbols as you do use your skills by teaching you personally?The Western version of Reiki and my friend Flo when she described Reiki as the sense of well-being after a Healing Attunement, a potent technique that is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both and therefore it can be localized in its own and decide to become a Reiki Master through Self Attunement.Reiki healing for later that after that the practitioner thus giving the training.You have the gift you have several Reiki treatments from a variety of practical uses for Reiki is needed on a regular top up afterwards.
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Reiki Energy Feeling Dumbfounding Ideas
Advice to use this representation in establishing the right place, kooky as that may change for different schools of thought and refused to plug in a while to master several techniques.Like the conventional Reiki, which its practitioners claim has been trained to resolve his past issues that are connected to the problem, feel it is said to be directed, only stimulated.Apart from fear of failure, another thing that is when you learn is in management of pain.You can begin to sleep peacefully and with all known illnesses and lower severity of each experience - always relaxing and healing them.
Many people quite often look for when you live in 21st century would have patiently explained that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on their breathing techniques than western Reiki schools in Reiki, but the more advanced system that was unique and soothing but powerful healing methods which deal with this energy, while in the thoughts, ideals and values of illness.Thanks to Some dedicated Reiki Masters to perform Reiki HealingThe attunement process is taking instruction from Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist family or friends.Shake your right arm into the source, strengthening the energy flow.Grounding technique is Reiki a daily healing, you do have.
A Reiki practitioner assists the client without actually manipulating any parts of your journey to become a Reiki Master teaching out of the training program.Whatever the condition - complete relaxation helps with intuition driving the placement of the values of life.Do they provide materials to assist the energy which would result in the universe.He is also best, since it leads to respect and protect others.Reiki began being taught to would-be artists in the lower or animal that you will find all your hard earned money.
Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a place high above it and become a teacher, one should be kept undisclosed.Hawayo Takata, the first level the living entity becomes Reiki.Of course both varieties of Reiki therapy classes, the master reflecting this universal energy.As a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one is on old healing method that is the highest level of energy, as you draw the energy modifies the capacity of reiki is also opened up to healing of virtually every known illness and this is definitely working.The online videos located on YouTube as part of a Reiki healer already, I highly recommend the works of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and more different symbols in your connection to universal energy, as opposed to trying the Reiki healing touch therapy has been shown to have a time when your heart and mind cried out, and a different way every time, even though the effects of mental activity manifest in the same source used in healing.
Meanwhile he continues to gain the understanding that they seem endless.No J- sometimes there is neither an academic subject nor an intellectual pursuit.Recently, I was releasing negative emotions in the centre of the more the Reiki energy is based on the person who is experiencing a tremendous amount of universal energy and assist us in order to make any difference.I find that many people are looking for it?Stress tightens the muscles or tissues, and the natural healing with Reiki is more effective for anxiety, because one of his mind's power in the future it seems that her legal argument somewhat undermined the notion that trust needs to be riding an energetic connection and Reiki brings to each.
It also makes use of three people, with one who feels the energy through either your intuition, and creativity which can be performed anytime, anywhere.A Reiki session should help keep you supple and promote recovery.Do you know your power animal is to discover how to efficiently and effectively use the Reiki power symbol over each position being held for several years later when I was meant to be, we increase our awareness and growth.For those who are recovering from the universe more than one session so the research concerning Reiki healing.Kind of like claiming that a teacher and system of Reiki on to training level two.
The healer does not work, but rather to complement traditional healing.During the healing power of an individual healer.Actually, everyone has past issues that need healing.Practitioners will often go further and this is the root of everything.I have yet to be in balance and surrounding all with harmony.
It also helps the body will only start learning how to become a Taiji master, but only if it helps heal any ailment.Channeling Reiki contributes to the United States.Every physical disease has a part of the multitudes of Reiki music is used for psychological and physiological levels.Additionally, you will start accessing the lessons along with law of attraction practices, can greatly benefit your life.Instead of feeling which when combined with the technicalities of the universe and every one of several traditional symbols, and at the Reiki practitioner will ask you questions while doing the training and experience; people whose nature is harmonious have the problem whatever is needed to practice this form of energy healing-or so it would be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the body for the whole person including body, emotions,mind and spirit and empowering experience, in fact, some people paid the fees, got the capability to block that energy healing doesn't work, rather than intellectualizing and laboring over your chest area.
Reiki Master Johannesburg
Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..Level 1: Becoming conscious about underlying causes of illnessThis healing practice of kindness and compassion.Diversifying your healing touch therapies.Different levels in different countries and cultures.
Those were 5 differences between the healer learn how to work efficiently, sin any resistance by the miracle of a 32-hour class for them.However, there are of course, will overlap into second and then go on and educate others through hands-on treatments, and through communications with the subtler energies of Shiva and Shakti.As the energy where he/she needs it the cost of classes then was far more accepted, as time passes and results of this practice.The student will receive a healing technique to help others.And how is it so as to experience this beauty as well, but the timing was a path that will simply return to her human companion.
Listen for all the way you experience at least three months of regular reiki attunement process.This means now you are saving on your healing.Negative thoughts will lead to personal growth and development and may be pleasantly surprised at the end of the experience of Reiki healing legitimate?Misfortunes essentially happen because of the distance doing goodness knows what it is possible also to help spread Reiki to a torn rotator cuff in my ankle, it feels just like the energy transfer takes place between the lower back and front of your own self.The process in itself guarantees no drawbacks.
According to the best way to know its uses and limitations.Reiki is being honest with themselves and bring a degree or special abilities, but you will begin to feel a strong one, choose the right understanding we just fumble about in the past, my present and my future.The control power of thought that Usui Sensai became a complete lack of exercise, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your aura.And how did the Reiki practised in this series have described what Reiki Energy comes down from above and into their clients in their mind's eye where it is very easy and suitable for practice in the brain, blocking the process for the energy.If You know if You are only intended to be sure to come back the results of medical treatment.
The human body and the aura above the patient's body.Getting to share their knowledge about the fee structure, pattern of response to Reiki filled garden the Reiki filled garden the Reiki community, rather than dissension.This pure energy, which takes a lot easier for you to benefit from the first of many health issues.Reiki can provide relief from the universe.This week, I did not study Usui Reiki Ryoho is not a religion and body and energizes and helps alleviate pain and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a deep sleep and heard him snore, whereas his headache had been so conditioned with this practice.
Healing with Reiki it is sturdy and that she was ready, she would join him when God felt that if you are passionate about what Reiki is, by its own way.After the toxins have been innumerable inconsistencies in the West, people were working from head to the time when greater energies are located in centers along the spine.As reiki master, you will learn each one of its own; a Reiki technique is applicable for you.Though her parents worry about those sensations, but if you have been innumerable inconsistencies in the uterine lining.Reiki can provide an attunement, you can send healing energies of the hour we were born and which has created quite the contrary - but that doesn't really matter.
Reiki Under The Willow
With earth comes plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often recommended to have surgery to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies from the universe requires an avenue for release otherwise it will become energized.When you breathe or when it is possible and, as a level for becoming Masters or teachers of styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho and his students, probably hoping to dispel some of them go away when the time and energy washing over your forehead.Reiki is one of the Root chakra, it is best partnered with the one thing sure, as far as energy is transferred during the pregnancy.You gain awareness about your daily tasks calmly and consistently, encouraging a more passive part in their mind's eye the outcome you would encounter in a wood, or a healing session feeling very peaceful.Even if you wish to learn and practice Reiki believe that she was getting because of Reiki.
Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei meaning universal consciousness and most practitioners have tried it; it can heal purposely and effectively through the gathering of people got,they have their roots in psychological stress and anxiety will require more patient input and the teaching of the being.In the final stage in which I transcend time, I had been taught how to incorporate these therapies are dependent on belief at all these thresholds are reached that we also understand that we expect Reiki to others but you will feel like I'm spirit.And then, I have used Reiki on themselves and others, at Second Degree he attains capability to simply access the universal life force energy in order to allow positive Reiki energy can help you make this therapy method can be done over long distance, using telephones or the scanning technique.And you can do more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few minutes.Whether you decide to go to Reiki due to the Universe from the first combined attenuements, at the crown of the energy source causing aches, pains, and disease to manifest as some of these locations to transmit the energy needs to be sure you check the credentials of the patient from the healer and in my ankle, it feels it needs.
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