#listen I’m just saying that if two characters
stary4ulx · 2 days
Megumi Head Cannons
#Feeding your delusions
(if you know me from school look the other way)
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Synopsis: Megumi Fushiguro BF Head Cannons!
Content: Pure fluff.
Notes: Some of these are mine, and some are from tt! I edited most of the ones from tt to make them longer and more interesting. Credits here: chosolos, @jjk_editzzz08 & @driderelle. In no way am I sexualizing this character!! I believe he is a very well written character who would do these things if you were his boyfriend. Anyway…enjoy!
POV: You’re a first-year, grade 3 Jujutsu Sorcerer, dating Megumi Fushiguro
-Listens to all of your girl drama and wouldn’t interrupt you while the both of you cuddle, and he brushes his hand through your hair.
-Prefers dates at home, but wouldn’t mind going out with you ever once in a while. He doesn’t mind, as long as he’s spending time with you.
-Will be there for you whenever you need him. No matter how late it is or what he’s doing.
-Prefers dates at home but wouldn’t mind going out with you every once in a while. He doesn’t mind, as long as he’s spending time with you.
-You always ask to FaceTime him and, he always accepts. You guys will talk and talk till you both ended up falling asleep together on FaceTime.
-Gets jealous easily, but won’t admit it because he thinks you might get mad at him for it. He does trust you 100%, but in the back of his mind, he worries that he’s not good enough for you.
-Always walks you home, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night. It doesn’t really bother him, as long as you get home safely.
-Shushes everyone when you’re sleeping or forces everyone out the room so you can sleep peacefully.
-Passionate about cooking, so he would teach you a lot of dishes. His favorite kind of dates with you are cooking ones.
-Gets flustered if you call him by his nickname, especially if it’s in public. He doesn’t really like PDA.
-At first, he was nervous and embarrassed to share a bed with you, but now he loves it.
-Loves secretly taking pictures of you and is a great photographer.
-Would help you organize your room the way you wanted it.
-Cherishes every memory with you, even if he doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it.
-Would say to you, “I told you it was going to be cold outside” when you’re freezing and didn’t bring a jacket, but he ends up giving you his jacket anyway.
-Embarrassed to eat in front of you, so he always looks away from your face whenever he goes to take a bite of his food.
-Would find you a blanket or a sweater if you fell asleep without one.
-Grumpy and never smiles in any pictures you take of him. You always have to beg him to smile. However, there will be some rare occasions where you’re both smiling, which he would have set as his lock screen.
-Will be by your side 24/7 if your feeling sick and will buy you any food, drink, medicine, or literally anything you asked for. He’d also take good care of you while you were sick.
-Was mesmerized when he saw you in a dress for the first time and couldn’t stop blushing and staring.
-Tells you he loves you every day and feels very comfortable around you.
-Always tries to go on missions with you just so he can make sure you’re safe. Also trains you so you can become stronger.
-When you two are planning on hanging out, he’d want to hang out at your place because Gojo might barge in and do something stupid or embarrass him.
-Likes academic rivalry between the two of you, but would feel bad if you did worse than expected, so he’d lie about his grade so that you wouldn’t feel bad alone.
-Will stare at you when you’re eating and just smile.
-Gets annoyed whenever you steal his hoodies, but secretly likes the thought of seeing you in his clothes.
-If you’re crying, he would wipe your tears and hug you tightly, and whisper in your ear, “It’s going to be okay; I’m here.”
I actually had so much fun writing and editing this! This is just part 1 of Megumi bf head cannons; I’m thinking of making part 2 later this week. Anyway, this was my first ever Tumblr post, so sorry if it’s a bit bad! Let me know if you liked the format of this, and thank you so much for reading!! 💕
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rozcdust · 2 days
I don’t speak to whores
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Pairing: Bonten x AroAce!GN!Reader
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 500ish
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, ooc, whore behaviour, NO ROMANCE, just reader bullying Bonten
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The breakfast passed with Kazutora stubbornly trying to get to know Kakucho better - no matter the man’s valiant attempts of evading Kazutora’s curiosity - the latter was a relentless chatterbox in hours even Sanzu would find ungodly early to try and speak.
By ungodly early, Kakucho means before 1 p.m.
He picked up on the fact that Kazutora was apparently an early bird, the habit of waking up at 6 a.m. sharp still heavily instilled in him, even if it has been nearly a decade since he got out of prison - today was an exception, considering the events of last night exhausted everyone present, but still.
Kazutora clearly perfected the art of being both a talker and an excellent listener, with a soothing smile and perfectly placed nods whenever the conversation demanded it, bright, amber eyes shining with more life than Kakucho has personally seen in years.
It probably said something depressing about his joyless excuse of a life.
Kazutora’s optimism and genuine desire to get to know him made Kakucho feel exceedingly small. Kazutora, even while knowing his background, seemed kind, gentle, lithe shoulders perfectly relaxed even in the company of a wanted criminal, silky smooth hair cascading down his back, back slightly slouched so his collar bones were revealed, showing off the end of his tattoo.
You seemed to ignore the conversation between the two men entirely, only offering brief, sarcastic commentary upon request, busy braiding and unbraiding a small section of Kazutora’s hair as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
The coffee was better than anything Kakucho has tasted before.
“So yeah, y/n loves to trash Fight Club, but they rewatch that damn fucking movie at least once every other month.” Kazutora smiled at your scowling face, only a roll of your eyes indicating your true annoyance as you proclaimed Kazutora a traitorous bastard, letting go of his hair only to take hold of it again.
“It is a homoerotic, satirical movie mocking toxic masculinity, and then dudebros salivate over Tyler Durden and call him an alpha male. That man is a peacock*. I’m not admitting I like that shit publicly.”
“I think Ran likes that movie, actually.” Kakucho remarks, tilting his head - he’s pretty sure Ran told him about it before.
You snort, shaking your head.
“Of course he does.” You clicked your tongue, “He doesn’t get it. Next you're gonna tell me he loves Clockwork Orange too."
“Y/n is a bit of a movie snob.” Kazutora took your hand into his - he glances up at you, silently asking your permission - upon a slight nod of your head, he smiled, planting a soft kiss on your wrist.
Such an innocent little gesture.
It has Kakucho's chest aching.
"I don't think he does." Kakucho tilts his head, scratching his cheek, "He mentioned how he hated the main character."
Your quirk an eyebrow, sipping your coffee.
"Well. Maybe he isn't a hopeless dumb bitch."
"He truly isn't that bad."
You choked on your drink, glaring at the scarred man - he shrunk under your gaze.
"Get out of my house."
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a/n: i'm alive. shockingly.
Taglist (i need to start a new one so please do say if you wish to be tagged):
@rinsie @r-xochitl @7rkx @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @sup-zfam @xashiui @hana-patata @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @winterv-black @astropheia @requiem-of-a-fool @kunikya
(rest of taglist in the comments, so sorry if i tagged anyone twice!)
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2neaky · 2 days
𓇼°₊.𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 ❀ 𝙵𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 🥭
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10.7k! Warnings: description of pubic hair on a character, oral (fem. receiving), overstimulation, cl*t spanking, use of pet names (Princess, Mama, Lil’ Mama), mentions of drinking, descriptions of character’s body (curvaceous/thick), use of the n-word (all characters & the writer are Black) original characters
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The sweet hum of a thousand and one conversations fill the atmosphere. Clinks of silverware against dishes are sprinkled in there too. 
It’s the perfect kind of white noise to lose your focus to. Just turn your brain off. And observe.
Booths and tables are filled with patrons—he’s surprised they were even able to get a table of their own off no reservation. Brunch is always a busy time for restaurants out here.
His ears pick up bits and pieces of conversations all around him, each one as mildly interesting as the last. And even if he can’t anchor on one, he’s fine with that.
“See? This nigga not even listening.”
He did, however, hear that. And the laughter that followed. But if it’s one thing he’s good at, it’s ignoring.
So he’ll continue to disassociate from the conversation at hand, steadily sipping on his drink and surveying the scene.
His eyes catch a couple a few tables away from them. They talk and smile over their food, leaning in closer as if their table isn’t already small.
That’s cute…
His gaze slides over to the man just across the table from him. The same man who’s waving a hand in his face.
Too annoyed to even ask, he raises a brow.
“You ain’t hear what I said, did you?” 
The man’s name is Mykel. Mykel who never goes anywhere without wearing a pair of shades over his eyes. Thinks they make him look “handsomely-mysterious” or some shit. Whatever he said.
Swallowing his drink, Ajani places his cup down with the shake of his head. “Nah.”
“I asked if you was doing that pool party again this year?”
“And the answer better be yes.”
That’s Boku. The nigga that walks around with a blunt tucked behind his ears at all times.
Personally, Ajani thinks he lacks couth. That’s just him though.
Both friends share a look of interest that only fills him with a sense of pride.
Ajani expects nothing less—he does throw the best functions. Shit, he’s the one with the best ‘Bnb connects out of the entire group. 
His shits are always a vibe.
His gaze bounces back and forth between the two, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Y’all want me to?”
“Duh, nigga! You know that shit goes hard,” Boku says, taking a Pita chip from the appetizer bowl at the center of the table.
“Real shit,” Mykel agrees.
Ajani’s lips twist in thought. “I’on know … shit got a lil’ outta hand last year.”
Sucking his teeth, he wears a pointed look. “C’mon.”
“Yeah, quit playing. It wasn’t even that serious,” Boku chimes in.
“I beg to fucking differ, nigga. Someone broke the window on the first floor!” 
And, of course, he had to pay that shit back. It’s a good thing his friend ain’t hold it against him.
“That wasn’t any of us.” 
Mykel’s eyebrows lift over his shades, and Ajani knows his eyes got big—in that usual way they do when he’s going on the defense.
“Yeah, it was one’a y’all’s people,” he points at the two. “If I’m doing the party this year, I’m doing it small. None’a that crazy shit.”
“Alright,” Mykel agrees.  
The loud crunch of the pita chip between Boku’s teeth makes him wince. “Shit not gonna be lit, though.”
He sucks his teeth, scrunching up his face. “Nigga, we don’t need a big party to be lit.”
“And it’s not gonna be lit,” Ajani stresses. “Just the group, a couple more people, and we good.” 
He brings his cup in for another quick sip. Swallowing it down, he tastes the traces of its fruity flavor on his lips.
“I just want a chill vibe. Nothing too wild. And the girls not gonna want that.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Boku nods, remembering the other half of their group.
“True. Especially Dia.” The comment had slipped out of Mykel’s mouth without a second thought as he scoops some salsa on his pita chip.
“Yeah, especially Dia.”
Simultaneous glares are thrown Boku’s way, catching the deep smirk on his smoker’s lips.
Ajani sucks his teeth.
“Don’t start with this shit, man,” Mykel says, shaking his head.
“You already got him started.” The dejected look on his face says enough.
“Wha—every time I bring this up, you act like I’m spreading false information,” Boku frowns.
Mykey laughs. “ ‘Cause you are.”
Kissing his teeth, Boku reaches for another Pita chip. “Shit, I might tell you a joke, but I’ll never tell you a lie.”
Ajani rolls his eyes, turning his head away to stare at that one couple he’d seen earlier. “Well, you being real facetious right now.”
Boku purses his lips. “Nigga, and you’re being diffident. Aah, see? We could all use SAT words.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Mykel cuts in: “Okay, but … I don’t see the purpose in bringing up this Dia-thing if ‘Jani don’t even wanna talk about it. You don’t even know if she see him that way—”
“Man, I’m tryna tell you it don’t. Matter,” Boku insists, his eyes growing wide as his passion for the topic blossoms. “He likes her, right? So, he need to shoot his shot. How the fuck else he s’posed to know if she likes him back?”
Fair point, Ajani thinks to himself.
He hates when Boku’s right.
“Okay, but you also have to go off vibes,” Mykel counters. “Has Diamanté been giving those vibes that she likes him back?”
If he thinks about it, he’s gonna be sick—because has she?
“No? Alright then.”
“Nigga you don’t know that!” Boku shouts, his face screwing up. “Diamanté is mad shy, you get max three emotions outta her—a-and that’s onna good day!”
A hopeless sigh leaves Ajani before he can stop it.
“Okay, but if she wanted to show that she liked him, she would.”
“So, what—you don’t think Dia likes him?”
“No! And I think you fucking delusional—“
“Aight, could we stop talking about her?” 
Irritation creases his face as he pushes his drink away, not even wanting it no more. Instead, his hand busies itself with tugging at his braids.
Looking over his friend with mild concern, Mykel throws his hands up. “My fault.”
“You need to tell her.”
Despite the serious look in Boku’s eyes, Mykel shoves his shoulder.
Putting a hand over his mouth, Ajani shakes his head. “Nah … I ain’t telling her shit. She don’t need to know. Shit, y’all niggas not even s’posed to know.”
He blames Boku for being the reason that Mykel even knows. 
One drunken slip up and Ajani had confessed to the idiot. Next thing he knows, Mykel is texting him the next day about it.
“So you just gonna suffer in silence?” Boku asks with a raised brow.
“Damn right. I’a get over it in a couple’a months.”
Except, no he won’t ’cause he’s liked her since junior year of high school.
So … there’s that.
His friends only laugh, not believing a word that came out of his mouth.
As they shouldn’t.
“Nigga said … nigga said a couple’a months!” Boku points across the table at him, doubling over in laughter.
“His dumbass.” Mykel shakes his head.
“What we laughing at?”
Heads whip to the left, seeing the female half of their friend group standing before them.
Heading the group is Aleya, the one who’d posed the question.
Ajani has never seen the woman in a hairstyle for more than a week. And being that they all hardly get the chance to meet up like this nowadays, she sports a shoulder-length bob this time around.
Behind her are Sevyn and Diamanté. The first of the two sporting a couple of small face tats and bleach blonde, boho braids. 
But that’s not who he’s really watching out for.
It’s been weeks since he’d last seen Diamanté. And this time, she’s got large knotless braids all the way down to her knees. They frame her small face so well.
He thinks she can pull off any style.
Her fluffy lashes are encased behind her large glasses frames. He teases her for them all the time. But in all honesty, they really do make her look cute.
“Yeah, what y’all niggas talking about?” Sevyn asks, a playful attitude laced within her raspy voice. 
Before waiting for an answer, she pulls up a chair to the table. Following suit, Aleya takes the empty seat at the head of the table. That leaves one more spot open: a chair beside Ajani.
“Hey guys,” Diamanté smiles. 
Her voice is soft, a bit high pitched, too.
As she takes the seat, his space is flooded with the sweet, floral scent that typically emanates from her.
He swallows the spit collecting in his mouth.
“So, what was yall taking about?”
“Facts, we wanna know,” Aleya agrees with Sevyn. “Ajani looked mad, so it must be good.”
“Right, this nigga barely shows emotion.” Sevyn points his way, her puff bar clutched tightly in her grip.
“Damn, yall don’t ever mind your business, huh?” Boku says looking at the two women.
“Well maybe if yall wasn’t laughing like a bunch’a idiots stuck on stupid, we wouldn’t be so curious. Like, damn, we wanna laugh, too.”
“Right,” Sevyn mutters right before enclosing her lips around the puff bar.
“Don’t worry ‘bout that,” Ajani waves off.
“Yeah, facts. What we need to be worrying about is ‘Jani throwing another pool party this year.” 
He’s gonna have to thank Boku for saving his ass like that. Shit, he hates owing that nigga.
“Oouu, yes!” Aleya claps excitedly. “That was mad fun.”
“Period, I just got a wax, too.” Sevyn sticks out her tongue, showing off the silver ball piercing its middle.
“Ugh,” Boku gags. “Put that shit back in your mouth.”
“Only if you take my dick out yours.” She brings her puff bar back to her lips.
“It’s ’bouta be small this time,” Ajani announces. “Not too much people—it’ll be a vibe.”
“Thank God,” Aleya groans out, rolling her eyes. “Smaller parties always been better.”
Diamanté nods in agreement.
She’s always enjoys Ajani’s kickbacks, even if she didn’t do much and only stuck to her friend group.
And since such a social setting actually makes her quite anxious, she’s really excited to attend this party.
“Yesss, I just got some new fucking swimsuits—“ Aleya gasps, eyes going wide. “And my new fucking tattoo!” She squeals and turns to Ajani. “When is it? Please tell me!”
Laughing, Ajani pulls his phone out. “I’m thinking in two weeks. Should be enough time to get shit together.”
“Period,” Sevyn says.
“I’ma let y’all invite a couple people—five at most. I don’t need the place packed with a bunch’a random ass niggas. And whoever you invite gotta be chill. This not no hype ass party, just a lil’ get together.”
“Just my vibe,” Sevyn says with a smile.
“That video of you when we went to the club last month says otherwise—“
“My dick, Boku—get off it!”
As everyone dives off into their own mini side conversations—sharing their excitement for the post and whatnot—Ajani notices the absence of speech coming from beside him.
Turning to his left, Ajani finds Diamanté watching all that’s going on around her. A content smile is on her glossed lips. 
Shit’s so cute.
“What about you?”
The question comes out before he can even overthink it.
Caught off guard by the sudden shift of attention on her, her usual shy smile spreads across her lips.
“You excited?”
Of course she is, it’s so obvious—from what he can tell anyway. She’s got that look in her face—like she’s repressing a shout of excitement.
Really, he only asked just to hear her speak. He could hear her talk for hours.
Shit, if it were possible, he’d binge hours of a podcast—consisting solely of her ramblings.
Too much?
“Mmh, yeah.”
He blinks back to reality, noticing how her smile only spreads. 
“Uh—what you most excited for?”
Diamanté looks off to the side, her shoulders rise and drop with a half-hearted shrug. “I don’t know,” she giggles. “Um … I guess hanging out with y’all. We barely see each other anymore.”
He’s trying to keep his cool, he really is. But, fuck, she’s so adorable. He’s never had to repress a smile as much as when he’s talking to her.
“You inviting anybody?”
She shakes her head, her long braids moving with her. “You know I don’t know nobody, Ajani.”
Ajani. He loves how she says his name. And the soft touch of her New York accent only makes it sound better.
“Mmh, that’s true. Your shy ass.”
Her only response is an eye roll. 
If she were Aleya or Sevyn, he’s probably get a harsh shove to the shoulder or a quick “suck my dick.” But she’s not either of them.
Diamanté really just keeps her hands to herself. She never really has an outburst of any kind. And he can’t even remember the last time he’s heard her curse.
So poised and polite. And he can’t tell why, but that shit was just always so attractive to him.
However, he often catches himself finding the dumbest excuses just to touch her. Just the occasional brush or the arms and knees, or the side hug.
He’s too pussy respectful to make a bigger move than such.
“Yo Ajani, who’s in charge of the drinks this time, ‘cause it better not be Boku. Selection was ass last year,” Sevyn scowls.
“Man, shut the fuck up! You like that old ass liquor, be drinking like somebody’s grandpa.”
“Ya momma.”
“Ya daddy.”
As the two devolve into yet another petty argument, Ajani has to force his attention off of Diamanté to bring order back to the group.
As usual.
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The day of the kickback rolls around far too fast. 
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 
Making his way around the AirBnb, Ajani finds himself touching up the tiniest of details around the place.
He just can’t keep still.
It’s a villa-style home, rather secluded from the other houses in this neighborhood. That makes this his favorite AirBnb spot out of all the others.
As he paces throughout the house, ensuring that everything is set up to perfection, a soft humid breeze blows throughout. His half-buttoned shirt billows in the gentle wind and his swim trunks cling to his legs.
Braids tied up in a pony-tail, two tendrils of braids frame his face. And they show off the diamond studs in his ears.
He’s for sure feeling himself. And when he gets in this mood it’s hard to take him out of it.
Finding a large mirror in the hallway leading to the backyard, he’s closely inspecting his image.
But, being the overthinker that he is, it doesn’t take long for Ajani’s mind to veer off of himself and onto something else.
Or someone else.
Introspection is his thing, so he wasn’t afraid of the realization that came to him days ago:
That he’s putting pressure on himself for this party to go so well because of her—Diamanté, of course.
Sure, he’s hosted parties and she’s come to them. But for some reason, this one feels different. Like, he’s actually trying to cater to her.
He’s not sure. He just knows that he wants her to have a great time at this kickback. Fuck it, he just wants this one to be the best one she’s ever been to.
So stakes are high…
Blowing out a breath, he scrubs a hand down his face. As he does so, the sound of the front door opening echoes throughout the house.
He picks his head up, hearing Mykel’s voice. Quickly, he travels to the front of the house, seeing his friend in his best pool fit—with a new pair of shades to match, of course.
In both hands are the first bottles of liquor.
It’s a good thing I made it BYOB.
“Life’a the party’s here!”
“That’s BK, actually.”
Mykel’s hands drop, as does his smile. “Yeah, whatever, fuck nigga.
“Where ya people at? You ain’t invite nobody?” He asks, making his way over to his friend. 
“They coming, they coming. Had their own separate rides, ‘cause I ain’t nobody’s chauffeur.”
“Yeah, aight.” He points to the bottles in his hands. “You could put those out back on the bar.”
With a quick nod, Mykel slips past him to get to the backyard. 
It doesn’t take long for Ajani to meet him outside, as he busies himself with trying to pick the perfect playlist for tonight.
“You think Brent Faiyaz is good or that’s too chill? Like it’s gonna bring down the vibe.”
“Mmh … depends on what songs you pick,” Mykel answers as he starts on his own drink for a little pregame action. “None of that Sonder shit—that’ll bring down the mood for sure.”
He scrolls through his playlist, brows furrowed in concentration. “So, pretty much only the songs that got popular on TikTok.”
Swallowing his shot, Mykel hums with a solid nod. “Exactly.”
Ajani releases a breath, one hand going to tug at one of the braids that hang in his face. “Aight…”
The small conversation dissipates into silence which Mykel doesn’t mind. But as he reaches for another bottle, glancing up, he finds Ajani nose-deep in his phone.
Concentration sits heavy on his brows and the corners of his lips, weighing them down. And the hand in his hair is tugging at a braid.
“Yo, you good?” Mykel laughs.
When was the last time he’s seen his friend that focused on anything.
“Huh?” Ajani throws him a quick glance before ultimately falling back into his phone. “Uh—yeah, yeah...”
“You look like you tryna find the cure for AIDS or some shit.”
“That’s not funny, AIDS is a very serious disea—“
“What the fuck are you so focused for?” 
“M’just tryna get this music right…”
Mykel rolls his eyes. “Okay, but why you can’t just play some random ass playlist you find. You curating a whole new playlist for this—I promise you, nobody’s gonna be paying attention that much.”
“I’m just tryna make it good. Damn…”
A short scoff leaves Mykel as he stares intently at him. “Right… And this don’t got nothing to do with Diamanté coming? Like … absolutely nothing?”
He doesn’t have to answer to that. And he won’t.
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Slowly, more bodies trickled into the villa. 
Boku and his friends had came soon after Mykel’s arrival. And after them, Mykel’s friends had showed up next.
For the time being, it was mostly guys filling up the backyard. There were about two women, but they mainly kept to themselves. 
Bottles crowd the outdoor bar’s tabletop, inviting anyone to come and take a sip. And that’s exactly what Ajani does for himself.
Humming along to the tune of a Summer Walker song, he pops open a bottle of reposado. 
“All drinks and no fucking snacks is wild.”
Furrowing his brows, he glances back to find the who was the one that had said such a thing—one of Boku’s people. 
What’s that guy’s name again?
Oh, right. Isaiah.
Hate this nigga, he thinks with a shallow scowl on his lips. He makes no attempt to hide it, either.
“You paying for eats?” He raises a brow.
“Nah,” he laughs—like a fucking idiot, too. “I’m just saying.”
“Aight, well, stop talking.”
Isaiah’s bushy eyebrows raise in surprise. “Damn, it’s like that?” He throws up his hands in defense. “My fault.” 
Ajani’s scowl only deepens as he watches him walks way from the bar.
Dense ass nigga … and I hate the way he fucking dresses.
He stews in his hatred for the other man a second longer before letting it all go with a deep exhale. 
Now, where was he? 
Oh right, pouring up—
“Yo, where the girls?”  Mykel saddles up beside him, holding a cup of his own.
“I’on know,” he says, tone despondent as he focuses on making himself a drink.
“It’s been damn near a fucking hour.”
He sucks his teeth. “You know they always late.”
And late they were. About two hours had passed before the girls arrived.
Sevyn and Aleya arrive with a couple of other women, bringing a more feminine vibe to the function.
A much needed touch.
Now that everything is in full swing, Ajani can relax, seeing as everything is going as smoothly as he hoped for.
Everyone seems to be getting along perfectly; There’s laughter and smiles all around, dancing—mingling. And his music selection is hitting the spot perfectly with everyone else. 
It’s almost perfect.
Now, there’s a noticeable hole in this space. Someone’s missing.
He expected her to accompany Aleya and Sevyn. Ride with one of them, at least. When they came through the doors, he half-expected her to be hiding behind them.
He even checked.
But, no luck.
Okay, no worries.
Until an hour had passed and he was a couple of shots into the night. He doesn’t want to get too tipsy, and he’s trying to hold off.
But there’s concern mounting in his system, and he’s about two seconds away from ripping out his own hair.
He needs answers. 
His eyes scan the scene for someone who can help, and he finds her.
Haste brings him over to a lounge chair close to the poolside. Sitting on its edge, Aleya watches herself in the camera as she takes a couple of videos for Instagram.
“What you want?” She doesn’t take her eyes off of her screen, fluffing the bouncy curls of her newest hairstyle.
“I can’t just come see how my friend is?”
Clicking off her phone, she drops the device in her lap to glare back at him.
She looks him over rather quickly, only to pick her camera back up again and resume taking videos.
“Fine,” he exhales. “Where Diamanté at? I thought she was coming.”
She goes hmph, a smug look on her face. “Knew it.”
He sucks his teeth, taking a seat next to her. “C’mon, ‘Leya.”
“I don’t know, Ajani. Damn.” Her face screws up with irritation. “She said she had to help her mom out with some shit.”
His leg begins to bounce. “Alright, but … we about three hours in. Like—she coming or not?”
“Why don’t you ask her?”
As she rolls her eyes, Ajani pays her no mind—he he pulls his phone from his pocket, going straight to his messages.
Jani: wya ??
Princxss Dia: omg I’m so srry
I been running around all day tryna help my mom out w sum stuff
And I had to get a new swimsuit last min
Jani: u gonna be able to make it?
Princxss Dia: honestly … idek :/
I don’t even have a ride
Leya and Sevyn were my only rides an they already left
I’m so annoyed . I was so excited for this but it’s like nothing is working out for me today
I’m sorry J I rlly wanted to come
He runs a hand through his braids, gripping them tight.
“Don’t pull out a couple strands now,” Aleya says, not even sparing him another look.
What can he do? He can’t have her miss this.
His lips pucker as he thinks. It’s only about a minute of contemplation that breeds the idea.
Aight, fuck it.
Jani: lemme get u a uber
Princxss Dia: omgg
Jani that’s gonna be so expensive 
Jani: idc
I just want u here 
With everyone 
We all waiting on u
Princxss Dia: I feel bad
Jani: I’ll make u feel worse if u don’t come .
Princxss Dia: ughh
But choose the cheapest ride pls!
Jani: 🤍
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The heavy crunch of gravel beneath the car’s tires only makes her heart beat faster. She’s finally here.
Her excitement had only been mounting the closer she got to the BnB. And now…
From inside the car, she can hear the faint rhythm of the party’s music. She hopes Ajani kept to his word and there aren’t too many people here.
Glancing around the front yard, she finds it packed with about five cars.
Considering they’re all the way in the hills, it makes her feel safer in assuming that there aren’t too many people at this party. 
She really hopes she’s right.
“Thank you,” she tells the driver.
As she climbs out of the black truck, she wonders if he even heard her. No matter, though. She slams the door shut before tugging down the legs of her biker shorts.
Damn, she thinks hearing the truck already backing out of the driveway. He couldn’t wait?
Speaking of, Diamanté just knows that ride was expensive. She shudders at the thought.
Walking up the stone path, she finds the front doors of the villa already open. Which is a blessing, because any conversations with people at the door is already too much. 
She’ll take her ass right back home.
But, Ajani doesn’t typically have door men at his parties, so that’s a relief.
She’s been to this villa too many times to know exactly where the main event is going to take place.
Despite the low lighting and the house’s warm, woody interior, her heart still hammers in her chest. And as strong as ever.
The faint aroma of burning wood enters her nostrils as she nears the backyard. Laughter and conversation only get louder, but it’s nothing too crazy.
Stepping out into the humid night air, she finally sees the intimate party setting. There aren’t too many people—still a sizable amount, though.
Only a couple of people are in the pool—three at most—one of them being Sevyn.
Everyone else either lounges on the chairs surrounding the poolside, stands at the bar or are scattered throughout the small yard.
“Dia’s here!”
Heads turn to see her and her face immediately grows warm.
“Hey,” she giggles, waving shyly.
“Hi, baby!” Alexa squeals, running over to the shorter woman with open arms. “So glad you came!” She sings, rocking them back and forth with tight arms surrounding her.
A perfect giggle falls from Diamanté’s lips. She pulls back from the hug, letting Aleya go so that she may be lead over to a spare lounge chair.
“Hey, Dia,” Sevyn greets her from the pool. 
“Hey,” she waves, taking a seat.
“Thank God, you came. That nigga was about to pop a vein from stress.” Aleya points over to Ajani, who is talking to two other women at the bar.
Her lips twitch.
Naturally, feeling a pair of eyes on him, Ajani turns in her direction, making eye contact. He smiles her way and turns back to the other women.
“He doesn’t look stressed,” she comments, more-so to herself.
But Aleya hears her anyway. “Girl, please. It’s all a fucking act, and you know it. That man was about to rip a hole in his head.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Anyway, how’d you get here? Your mom let you take her car?”
Dia scoffs. “Please, my mother would never let me do that.” She glances back over at him for a split second. “‘Jani actually got me a Uber.”
Aleya’s brows skyrocket and her mouth drops open. “Uh, excuse me?”
Now it’s her turn to look to her friend. “What?”
“He paid for a uber for you, up to the hills?”
“I know,” she pouts. “It must’ve been so expensive. I told him to get the cheapest ride.”
“And did he?”
“No. Girl—why did he get me a black truck?”
At this point, Aleya's eyes are practically bulging out of her head. “Girl what the fuck?” She lets out a groan. “Oh my God, please just get with the man already.”
Her head jerks back, brows furrowing deeply. “What? Why?”
“Diamanté, it’s so painfully obvious how much this nigga likes you. A black truck? Be forreal.”
She sucks her teeth. “‘Leya, I don’t even wanna have this conversation tonight.”
“Ajani is nice, but he ain’t that nice. What the fuck?” She laughs, an incredulous look on her face. “Please stop being delusional.”
“Okay, whatever,” she waves her friend off. “I just wanna enjoy my night so, I’m gonna get a drink.”
As she stands, Aleya grabs her by the arm to pull her back down in her seat.
“Wait, did you bring your swimsuit?”
She nods. “Yeah, it was the one I showed you on the phone.”
“Alright, when you get in the water, let me know. I need someone to go in with, Sevyn’s eager ass didn’t wanna wait.”
She blanches. “Uh … I don’t think I’m getting in.”
Aleya’s head jerks back. “So why you brought a swim suit?”
“Y’know,” she shrugs. “Just to match the vibe.”
“I thought you liked going in?”
She sighs before leaning in close. “I been so busy, I … forgot to schedule another wax appointment.”
Aleya stares at her for a moment. “So … you’re wolfing it right now?”
“I’m not wolfing it. It’s just … some hair. And I don’t want no one to say anything so I’m just gonna keep out the pool.”
Aleya shrugs. “Alright, girl.”
Diamanté stands to head over to the bar. As she walks, she tries to discreetly pull down her shorts, the damn things keep riding up.
At the table, she grabs a solo cup before looking at the many options. Spotting a bottle of Don all the way towards the back of the table, her eyes brighten. 
She checks for any chasers, growing even more excited at the sight of juice at the sides of the table. So, she reaches for the liquor of choice. 
However, she hadn’t expected it to be such a challenge to retrieve it. The bottle stands just an inch outside of her reach. Fearful of knocking down the other bottles in front of it—and ruining this party simultaneous to embarrassing herself—she accepts struggling in silence.
Being short is such an issue at times.
“Ugh … shit,” she whispers, grasping the edge of the bar table to give herself more leverage.
“You need help with that?”
Her body flinches, hearing the deep and unfamiliar voice—especially as it’s so close to her. It doesn’t help that she had been caught in such a compromising position: almost bent over just to get the bottle.
“Oh, uh … yeah.” Fixing her shorts, Diamanté steps back from the bar.
Finally seeing the owner of the voice, she realizes that she definitely has no idea who this guy is. One of Ajani’s friends maybe?
The guy’s taller than her by at least six inches. A trucker hat hides his outgrown line-up (but she can still tell). And his bushy brows stand out over the thin rims of his glasses.
“Whatchu you need lil’ Mama?”
She would mind the nickname a little less, if it weren’t for the way his eyes stick to her body rather than her face. And then he deicides to lick his lips—they weren’t even dry to begin with.
“Just the bottle of Don,” she answers, further backing away as she flips her long braids over her shoulders.
“Aight…” He reaches over the bar to grab it for her with ease.
“Thank you.” 
She’s intentional in grasping the bottom of the bottle, narrowly escaping the chance at touching his hand. She turns her back to him and pops the bottle open before grabbing a solo cup of her own.
That’s where their interaction should have ended. But, as she pours, she still feels his presence lingering behind her.
“Who you know here?”
She caps the bottle. “It’s my friend’s party,” she says softly. Her voice betrays the subtle roll of her eyes.
“Oh, okay,” he nods. “You got a name?”
What kind of question is that?
“Yeah…” Diamanté spins around just as she brings her cup to her lips for a sip. 
The man does a simple shake of the head, gesturing for her to go on.
She sighs into her cup. “Diamanté.”
“Diamanté,” he repeats, like an idiot. “I fuck with that. I’m Isaiah.” He holds out his hand for her to take.
Pulling her cup from her wet lips, she offers up a weak smile, mouth stretching awkwardly at the sides. It ends up being more of a grimace than anything else.
“Nice to meet you.”
As he notices that she makes no move to shake his hand, Isaiah chuckles with raised brows. “You scared to touch me? I don’t bite.”
Her “smile” only grows, the corners of her eyes gaining more wrinkles as they shrink into a tight squint.
“Aight,” he shrugs, dropping his hand. However, his eyes drops back to her thighs.
The urge to tug at her biker shorts once again appears. 
“How old you is?”
His gold grills are on display with the improvement of his smile. “Bet.”
Her eyebrows itch to pull together. Isaiah reaches into the back pocket of his baggy Evisu jeans to pull out his cracked phone. As he moves, she catches a whiff of weed and beer, the smell making her nose scrunch up.
His fingers dance across the screen as he undoubtedly tries to pull up some form of his social media. She wants to walk away.
“Yo, Dia!”
This voice sounds familiar. The call of her usual nickname has her turning her head—and Isaiah glancing up from his phone—to see Ajani strolling over.
His shirt is fully unbuttoned, and she catches sight of the tattoo work splashed along the right side of his abdomen.
“Hey,” she smiles, a real one this time.
Close enough, Ajani throws an arm over her shoulders to pull her in for a deeper embrace. As he encircles her upper half, his heart beats wildly in his chest when she, too, wraps both arms around his torso.
Diamanté relaxes into his hold as she inhales the fresh, crisp scent of his cologne. A light aroma that grants her nose reprieve from Isaiah’s odor.
Admittedly, the hug lasts for seconds longer than it should, but she doesn’t say anything about it, so neither will he. 
It doesn’t escape him how Isaiah sneaks a look at her backside. His arms squeeze her just a tad bit tighter.
No doubt, it’s sitting nice in those shorts. Even when he was farther away, Ajani could see everything—courtesy of the thin fabric. But he had been a gentleman, not staring too hard or even oggling her like this fucking bozo is doing.
“Your ride was good?” He asks, regrettably pulling away from her.
“Mhm,” she nods.
As he stands before her, she takes all of his focus. It’s visible—the way his eyes stare at her and only her. The almost-dazed grin on his lips.
“Whatchu doing right now?”
She shrugs before raising her cup. “I just wanted to come get a drink.”
“Come sit with me then.”
“You didn’t ask,” she laughs.
“I need to?”
She rolls her eyes, body leaning towards him.
Before he can even stop himself, Ajani reaches for her free hand, filling it up with his own. Her palm is so soft and warm.
Just before he leads her away, he looks over to Isaiah, seeing his dumbass still holding his phone. The blank look on his face is honestly priceless.
His chest swells with ego and pride. 
“You need something, bro?”
Kissing his teeth, Isaiah re-pockets his phone and shakes his head. “Nah you good.” He spares Diamanté one last glance.
“Oh, aight.” 
Ajani pulls her to the front of him, leading her away to a more secluded spot in the backyard.
“That was mean.”
He glimpses down at her face, seeing the pretty smile on her lips.
“I hate that nigga.”
She chuckles, begging the question: “Why?”
“He corny.”
She hums in agreement. “And weird.”
“I seen him staring,” he says quietly as they come up on a pair of empty sofas beneath a large umbrella shade. The cushions look plush, too; A perfect place to sit.
“You’re welcome for saving you by the way.” He takes the first seat.
“Didn’t ask you too … but thank you.”
He waves her off in an exaggerated manner. “I would’a done it anyway. It’s just what a good person does.”
“Please,” she laughs before taking a sip of her drink.
As she adjusts to sit comfortably, folding her legs beneath her butt, Ajani notices the way her shorts have rolled up yet again. And he just so happens to catch the print of her lips right as she sits down.
He quickly tears his eyes away, trying to focus on her. “So … why was you so late?”
“Oh my gosh,” she rolls her eyes. “It’s a lot.”
Leaning back in the chair, he half-shrugs. “I got the time.”
Laughing, she shakes her head. “Alright, well…”
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It’s nice, the villa at this time of night. Much quieter … more peaceful.
Everyone had packed up and gone home some time ago. She can’t even remember if Ajani had shut the party down or if people were naturally leaving on their own accord.
Either way, he had lowered the music down to a calm volume. Just something for the two of them.
Oddly enough, they had spent most of the party talking to each other about anything that came to mind. And that’s the thing about conversation with Ajani. Despite being shy, he always manages to bring her out of her shell. 
And while that can be a little nerve-wracking at times, she’s really thankful for tonight. It was a welcomed bit of peace in her hectic day-to-day life. She was so glad that he was able to get her a ride.
Which reminds her—
“Thank you for the ride here … I really appreciate it.”
Her voice is soft, yet it grounds him from the sounds of the bugs in the trees and the faint hum of the pool. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he says with a simple shrug.
A tiny gasp comes. “A black truck though?”
His lips press together, a timid smile fighting to be seen.
“I told you to get the cheapest one!”
“It was the only option!”
“You’re lying.”
He sucks his teeth, the corners of his lips naturally rising. She only shakes her head in response, turning away to admire the stillness of the landscape.
His eyes scour the side of her face, saving the image of her side profile in his memory bank.
Fucking perfect.
She turns back, catch his stare. He doesn’t even try to pretend that he wasn’t staring, which only makes her look away—her awkward self.
“Y’know I didn’t even go in the pool yet?”
“You should.”
Wordlessly, he stands to pull off his shirt. And—is it bad to admit that she took a peak or two at his body? He is right in front not her after all. Kicking off his slides, he makes his way over to the pool and slips in.
From the sofa she watches him, a scared smile on her lips. “It’s not cold?”
He stands still for a couple of seconds before turning back to her. “Nah!”
For a moment, he wades silently, feeling her eyes tracing his movements.
“Wha—in the pool?”
He shrugs. “If you want to! I’m not really tryna yell anymore, though!”
Rolling her eyes, she begrudgingly gets to her feet and makes her way over to the pool. Much like she’d been when she first arrived, Diamanté chooses to sit at the foot of a lounge chair closest to the edge of the pool.
“I’m here, so … better make it worth it.” Even as she jokes, she wears a timid smile.
In all of her awkwardness, Ajani will never deny her beauty. As he wades in the cool aquamarine water, staring up into her eyes, his skin grows warm.
Her gaze is a spotlight on him. His confidence is slipping through his fingers like sand by the second.
He clears his throat. “So—uh—how you like the party?” 
Diamanté shuffles to the edge of the lounge chair, leaning closer to the pool and him. “It was good, really chill.”
“Yeah?” His face brightens.
“Yeah, but, you know, your parties is always good.” She shrugs, trying to hide her growing smile with the purse of her lips.
He hums, trying to stop his own smile by biting down on his lip. “Better than the last one?”
She blinks slowly. Sucked in by everything about him, she doesn’t even notice how hard she’s staring.
It’s okay, he doesn’t notice it either.
“Yeah.” She rubs her lips together, reminded of the absence of gloss on them. “M’really sorry I came late. I didn’t mean for that to take long—”
“Don’t worry about it, you good. I’m just glad you came,forreal. Almost thought you wasn’t gonna make it,” he chuckles.
“You really saved me with that Uber.” Sitting up, she digs into pulls a tube of lip gloss out of her hoodie to reapply. 
And he never knew he’d enjoy watching someone put on lip gloss this much. He wonders what it tastes like.
Screwing the top to the tube back on, she repockets the item before leaning back on her hands.
And as her body moves, his eyes fall down its length. For the first time this evening—or tonight—he finally notices it.
The hot and moist air of the villa has him questioning the zip-up hoodie on her shoulders. And he guesses her biker shorts are saving her from a heat stroke, but who would want to be covered up in this weather?
Not that he’s complaining. The less people get to see of her, the better for him.
Another thing he noticed:
“I ain’t see you get in this pool not once—thought you liked the water?”
Her brown eyes look elsewhere, that nervous smile returning to her newly glossed-lips. “I do,” she drags out.
“So what’s up? You not hot in that hoodie?” he jokes, leaning his elbows against the ledge of the pool.
“I just …” she shrugs again. 
“What, you forgot your swimsuit?”
“No, I wore it, I just …” she releases a sigh.
Damn, she can’t even think of a good enough lie.
“You just…?”
They’d been friends for years—Sevyn, Boku, Mykel, Aleya, Ajani and Diamanté—since high school. They’re chosen family at this point. 
Their shared histories are filled to the brim with stories of embarrassment. Stories far worse than her small predicament.
And yet, it’s still so hard to say.
“These last few weeks been so busy, it slipped my mind. And I was running around today—“
“Woah, hol’on—D, what are you talking about?” Ajani’s face twists with confusion as he does a bit of a head tilt.
She feels like she’s about to melt into a puddle before him. Her hands itch to cover her face.
“I didn’t … get a wax.”
The pout on her lips in prominent as she rolls her pretty, doe eyes. Admitting it out loud only makes her feel silly.
Ajani stares up at her with a blank look. It’s making the skin on her face burn up.
She blinks.
“What’s wrong with that?”
And he’s genuinely confused, which … is making her confused.
“Wha—I haven’t … shaved—“
“So what?” He laughs, only to shrug after. “Why’s that a problem?”
She inhales, shoulders tensing up. “I just didn’t want people saying nothing—“
“Uh, I’on know if you noticed, but…“ He glances around them in an exaggerated manner that makes her want to laugh and groan at the same time. “Ain’t nobody here but me and you.”
She scoffs. “That’s not the point.”
“Dia.” He sucks his teeth. “I’m not gon’ laugh at you for something that’s natural. We all grow hair.”
Diamanté’s lips press into a thin line as she contemplates his words.
“We both grown. I’m not ‘bout to call you nasty ‘cause ya shit not bald, what the fuck?” 
And although he’s laughing, he’s dead serious. Ajani just hopes that’s enough to convince her. She’s always in her head about some shit.
“Look, just come in the pool. A missed appointment shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the water.”
She stares at him for a moment, as if trying to seek out any lies in his statements. 
He only stares back, silently pleading with her to let loose.
Fuck … she can’t believe she’s about to do this.
“Fine,” she sighs out. “Don’t look?”
Silently, he turns around. He doesn’t even fight to hide the large smile spreading across his lips.
From behind, he exudes an air of nonchalance with crossed arms as he leans against the pool’s wall.
“Y’know I’m gonna see it anyway.”
He hopes she doesn’t hear the excitement in his voice.
“Then don’t say nothing!”
He shakes his head, laughing to himself, as she goes silent. 
Toeing off her sandals first, Diamanté unzips her sweater second. It leaves her in her small swimsuit top. As her thumbs hook over the hem of her biker shorts, she glances at him.
His back is still turned. The sight brings her only an inch of relief.
With a deep breath, she pushes her shorts down her thick legs. It falls to a puddle around her jeweled ankles. 
Second thoughts blossom in her head as she stares down at her self. Wisps of young hairs peak out from the sides of her bikini bottom.
It hasn’t grown out enough to form curls as of yet—she’s diligent in upkeeping her wax. Or, she tries to be.
“Please don’t say nothing, I’m serious.”
He almost laughed, until he heard the pout in her voice.
“I won’t.” He keeps any traces of a humorous tone out of his voice.
Keeping her hands to her front, clasped before her, she steps to the edge of the pool. Slowly, she sits on the stone floor, dipping her legs into the cool water.
Her sharp hiss grabs his attention.
“I could look now?”
Her voice is even quieter than usual. Slowly, he turns, seeing her at the edge of the pool just a couple of inches from him.
“It’s so cold,” she laughs nervously.
“Just gotta get used to it. Jump in.”
Eyes wide, Diamanté scoffs. “Jump in? Are you crazy?”
“That’s the only way to get used to it,” he chuckles.
She kicks her feet, sloshing the water around. “I’m not getting in all the way, I’m fine like this.”
“Aight.” He’s just happy she’s decided to join him.
Unintentionally, he slips into a bout of silence as his eyes roll over her. 
And he takes his time, because truth be told, he’s always thought Diamanté had a nice body—he might even call it perfect.
She’s petite, naturally. He’s heard her complain about her small chest to Aleya and Sevyn more than once, and he’s confused everytime. They fit her body and … they’re cute, he’ll admit it.
But her upper half and height are about where the petite-ness ends. The smooth slope of her small waist spreads into wide hips. She’s got a tiny tummy pudge to match the fat of her ass and thighs. 
And looking at her now, there’s even more to love learn about her body. Stretch marks score down the sides of her hips—he finds himself wondering if they’re on her ass, too. And closer to the inners of her thighs, her skin dimples with cellulite. 
Without thinking, his tongue swipes over his bottom lip.
“Stop staring.”
His eyes flick up to see her frown. Her thighs squeeze together, the muscles in them flexing.
“My fault. I ain’t mean to stare … but it’s really not that bad, Dia.”
She groans out, actually hiding her face in her hands. “ ‘Jani, I told you—“
“Man—D’ I’m not really tryna hear all that. I told you I didn’t give a fuck,” he laughs, hoping to ease her mood. “It’s just me. C’mon. I’m not gonna expose you or nothing.”
Diamanté tries to steady her breathing. With a shaky sigh, she relaxes the muscles in her thighs, allowing them to fall open.
“See? It’s not bad.” But he doesn’t even try to hide the peak he takes between her legs.
“Alright,” she whines. “Now walk away!”
Amused by her small outburst, he wades farther out into the pool. As he moves, the water’s crystalline lines reflecting off of his dark skin.
“Water’s nice!”
She hums, leaning forward on her arms as she watches him.
“Should join me!”
“Not in a million years,” she giggles, still kicking her polished toes. Her feet had grown used to its temperature, and rather fast, too.
Still, that’s not enough to get her to jump all the way in.
“Are you staying the night here?” She asks, desperate to forget the memory of Ajani pretty much seeing her in such an undone state.
Though, she can’t forget how he stared at her—lust pooling in his eyes.
“Yeah,” he says, dipping low to cover more of himself in water. “Agreed to housesit for the weekend in exchange for the having the place for the party.”
She nods to herself wordlessly, forgetting that he can’t see her. 
“It’s not scary, staying here by yourself?”
He shrugs, playing in the water. “Not really.” His body twists to look her in the eyes. “Why? You wanna keep me company?”
His smirk makes her eyes roll. “I was just concerned for your well-being.”
“Mmh, yeah aight.” 
Silence encapsulates them again as he makes laps around the fairly sized pool. And all Diamanté does is watch, mildly entertained.
She’ll lie to him, but not herself—he really makes the water look good. Almost makes her wish that she could swim.
Then again, she doesn’t want to mess up her hair, so she’s good on that.
“It’s probably so late,” she begins, looking up at the deep-blue night sky. 
Is that a star?
“I hope my people don’t trip about me being out so late.”
“Your mom’s still mad strict?”
She comes back down to Earth to share a look with him. “Nah, she’s chilled.” She sighs out, remembering the days of having a curfew.
Anytime she’d break it, it was her ass. But, Ajani was always there to save the day, bringing her to her mother’s doorstep in one peace with a polished excuse for as to why she was thirty minutes late.
Her mother always felt safe about Ajani being the one to take her home—though it didn’t save her from a couple of scoldings.
She always thought he did it out of the kindness of his heart; Ajani’s a good friend like that.
That friend word; She frowns at the thought. 
Really, she can’t stand using that word to describe their relationship. But, that’s the reality of it all, right?
Why would he ever want to be with a girl who’s got a curfew and a bedtime? One who’s the quietest in the group and has got virtually no life experiences.
Everyone in the group has a story to tell. Everyone but her.
“What you thinking so hard for?”
Her head picks up, finding him much closer than before. He’s standing at full height again, just a couple of inches of water separating them.
If he were any closer, his head would be at her chest.
As for his question, she only shrugs. 
“You got that mad look on your face.”
She cracks a smile. “No, I don’t.” 
“Aah, see?” He says pointing at her. “C’mon, tell me. What’s up?”
She turns her head away to look at a nearby palm tree. It’s too easy to get lost in his eyes.
Breathing in, her chest tightens. “Help me get into the water?”
A smile spreads across his face, slowly revealing his pearly white teeth. 
“And don’t drop me neither,” she says as he makes his way over to stand in between her legs.
“Want me to carry you?” He looks up into her eyes and she can barely swallow her own spit.
She nods.
As he reaches out to grasp her thighs, her body tenses, realizing just how close they are. All she can remember is her small predicament.
His surprisingly warm hands softly grip her thighs, pulling her forward. “Jump.”
“Okay,” she whispers, throwing her arms around his neck and jumping into his arms. All the while, her worries remain at the back of her head.
With a grunt, he holds her up, letting her wrap her short legs around his waist. He lifts her by an inch, adjusting to hold her better. And as he does so, his fingers sink into the fat at the underside of her ass.
“You good?”
“Y-yeah,” she says, voice shaking with a mixture of fear and excitement.
He makes sure she isn’t truly submerged, protecting her from the cold water. Just the same as when was sitting at the edge, the water only reached her knees.
Ensuring that she’s safe, Ajani slowly backs away from the wall.
“Want me to dip you?”
She hugs him tighter, squeezing laughter out of him.
“I’m playing, I’m playing…”
As his laughter dies down, he notices that his face is pressed to her chest as she keeps him close. And his silence prompts her to notice the same thing.
She loosens her hold on him, her shy smile making a reappearance.
“It’s okay.” His eyes rake over her top half. For the first time, he sees the small tattoo on her sternum, right in the middle of her small boobs: 𝟓☆
“What?” She looks down at him, eyes widening with concern.
“I ain’t know you had a tattoo.”
“Oh … yeah,” she laughs. “I got it like … a couple weeks ago.”
He takes a swipe at his bottom lip before looking back up into her eyes. “It looks good.”
“Thank you.”
As they stare into each other’s eyes, Diamanté feels herself growing more and more timid. She wants to look away, but she can’t.
Ajani, on the other hand, feels a growth spurt in his confidence take root. 
Now or never.
“I’m really glad you came, D’.”
Her cheeks are hurting from how much she smiles.
“Y’know, I made the party small ‘cause … I just wanted you to enjoy it,” he confesses, voice soft with a gentle rasp. “More than the other ones.”
She hates to admit how nervous it’s making her. And how much she likes it.
Her eyes bounce back and forth between his. “I always enjoy your parties. I just—” she shrugs. “—like spending time with you.”
God, he loves this girl so much, he could just fucking kiss her.
So he does.
He leans up, pressing his lips into hers. No doubt, it catches her off guard. And he pulls back to gauge her reaction.
Her supple lips are parted, and her expression is open, doe eyes wide.
“I really fuck with you, Dia, on some real shit.”
Her face softens.
“And I want you, seriously. Not on no one-night shit.”
She blinks, brain stuttering. God, she doesn’t know what to say. All she knows is that she feels the same.
Her hand caresses the side of his face as she leans into gently kiss his lips. This time, he lets her lead. And he could faint. Her lips are like the softest pillows. Her kisses are so gentle and sweet and it’s making him dizzy with want.
Gripping the underside of her legs harder, he begins to kiss back. He sucks on her plump bottom lip. Her shit tastes like cherries, and her gloss isn’t sticky at all.
He moans into the kiss.
Her other hand comes up to hold his head. As she kisses him more, his mouth opens wider to let his tongue peak through. Twisting her head, she opens her mouth to suck on his tongue.
She can taste the drinks her had earlier—hours ago. 
“Fuck,” he whispers against her lips.
A centimeter of space separates them as they breathe in each other’s air. Diamanté hesitates for a second before granting herself permission to reach in and nip at his bottom lip. 
She barely pulls it, but the action excites him nonetheless.
“Fuck this shit.”
Hoisting her up higher, she lets out a tiny yelp. He takes them back to the wall of the pool. With ease, he rests her down on the edge, keeping between her thighs.
His lips crash back into hers, the kiss this time far more passionate than the last.
The wet smacks of their kissing makes her face heat up. And he can sense her shell coming back up. He holds her chin with the crook of his fingers, keeping her in place.
A soft whine catches his attention—it’s so cute.
He pulls away, granting her mercy.
“Stay tonight?”
She rolls her lips into her mouth, feeling them buzz as she presses them together. 
“Please?” He asks, pushing his face into her neck. He places an open mouth kiss there.
The sensation has her eyes fluttering. “Okay,” she sighs out.
He pulls back and she’s so thankful. She doesn’t think she could’ve handled any more of the neck kisses. Her heart might’ve beat its way out of her chest.
He leans back in, pressing a smooch to her lips. But it doesn’t take long for his lips to find their way to her neck.
One hand grips her small waist, the other slips to her left ass cheek. It pulls at the string of her bikini. He sucks a hickey deep in the skin over her collar bone.
A sharp gasp leaves her, back straightening.
He only goes lower, marking up her chest. So focused on claiming her, he sucks a bruise into her right breast, damn near pushing her bra tap out of the way. 
The purple bruise is positioned right next to her dark nipple.
Pulling back, he looks up at her with stars and fire in his eyes. “You do fucking pretty, Mama.”
She chews on her bottom lip to hide her smile.
The string of her bikini is pulled so taut it makes its way halfway down the globe of her ass cheek. “Body so perfect,” he rasps, letting the swimsuit go just to lay a heavy-handed smack on her ass.
“Stop,” she whispers, trying to hide her face in his neck.
The hand on her waist rounds her body to rub at her back.
“Nah,” he chuckles. “Been wanting to let you know that shit. Look at me,” he says, pulling away to get a good look at her.
Her demure look makes him want to ruin her—the sweet, innocent little Diamanté. The princess of the friend group. 
His princess.
His eyes are low, his gaze making her squirm in her seat. He rubs on her spread thigh.
“Lemme show you?”
Is this real?
Her heart almost stops in her chest.
A devilish smirk lifts his lips. Bringing his gaze low, he curls a finger over her bikini bottoms’ string. He pulls at it before releasing to let it snap back into place.
“And don’t start with that hair bullshit. We grown, Diamanté. I don’t give a fuck about a little bit’a hair.”
She goes quiet.
He grips her thighs, hands closer to the inner parts. “So you gon’ let me eat it or not?”
This can’t be the same Ajani that would drop her home on time. The one that would hold doors open for her and make it a point to always be so gentle with her.
She swallows. “O-okay,” she nods.
“You sure?” He raises a brow, looking her in the eyes.
She can see the veins standout in his arms as he wrestles her bikini bottoms down the fat of her hips and ass. She lifts just a bit to aid in the undress. 
When he finally drags them down her thick legs, he tosses her bottoms somewhere in the pool. And before she can close her legs to hide, he pulls them open to see her prized honeypot.
The hair suits her, but he hardly even notes it. Not when he’s too eager to get her in his mouth.
“Lean back.” He licks his lips, staring at it.
He looks up, seeing the apprehension clear on her face. 
“Does … does it look … bad?”
His face flattens and he sucks his teeth. “Be serious, D.”
“I am serious,” she whines.
“I told you already—“ He leans down to press a quick kiss to her tummy. “You fuckin’ perfect.” He kisses lower and lower, until his face is eye level with her pussy. “Now lemme get a taste.”
Cupping her ass, he lifts her closer—getting up close and personal. Instinctively, she has a hand on top of his head, mentally apologizing for probably fucking up his braids.
He plants a kiss on the pudge of her pussy. With ease, he tosses her legs over his wide shoulders before diving in to open-mouth smooch her clit.
Her fingers curl in his hair and her back arches, pushing her pussy deeper into his face.
He licks and sucks at her clit, stimulating the bundle of nerves. And all too quickly does Diamanté fall into an oasis of pleasure, blinded by it.
For a second, he pulls back to get a good look at her. With one hand, he pulls back the hood to get the perfect view of her engorged clit.
It’s not a tiny little bud, rather, a sizable button that is far too easy to find. And he wants to keep pressing it until she can’t handle it no more.
Hands hooked on her legs, Ajani slobbers her up. His tongue is focused on her clit. Sometimes it’ll dip lower to lick at her opening, but his main focus is what’s on top.
“Tastes so good, baby.”
Her hips shift back and forth, working against his face as her body begs for more. She never thought she’d enjoy dirty talk this much.
“So fucking obsessed with you,” he hums, the vibrations making her clench repeatedly.
She grips harder, head falling back to release louder moans.
“My favorite fruit.”
Her thighs tremble as he holds them up. She’s leaking like crazy, and he’s there to lick it up every time. The only reprieve she gets is when he pulls up for air.
“Why you hide this shit from me, Dia?”
She mewls, reaching a shaky hand down to soothe her overstimulated clit. Only for him to smack it away.
“What I just say?”
“S’too much, ‘Jani—”
“Too much?” 
She barely nods when a light spank is laid on her cunt, and she flinches with the gasp of a breath. 
Ajani watches her pudgy mound tremble, noticing how it leaks from the impact.
“I’on know, it seems like you like that shit.”
He smacks her again, just a little harder. The jolt of pleasure triggered a noticeably stronger stream to trickle out of her. His eyes are focused on her cunt, entranced by its sensitivity.
“Seems like you really like that shit.”
He lays one more slap to her pussy, only to override it with friction as he quickly rubs the rough pads of his fingers over her clit. 
Her body shudders and her face scrunches up. Mouth drops open and then—
Squirt sputters out of her before growing into a harsh spray of her fluids hit him. 
She tries in vain to grip his wrist to get him to stop. He only continues, keeping up his lightning quick pace.
As she only continues to spray, he watches her milky white cream dribble out of her clenching hole.
“Shit,” he whispers, watching it all.
When she finishes, he pulls his hand away to place a kiss on her clit.
She whines, trying to scoot back from his mouth.
“Uh, uh.” Ajani grips her hips, keeping her steady as he sops up a remnants of her cream.
When he finishes, he pulls back up to grasp her by the neck. He pulls her in to tongue kiss her nice and slow. She moans, tasting the sweet tang of herself on his tongue.
He pulls back, staring into her eyes.
“Swear I’ma have you coming like that the whole night.”
And her clit pulses just thinking about it.
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Banner: @strangergraphics
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whitehotwild · 19 hours
took a peek at amazon music’s The Boys character playlists (really just Butcher’s and Hughie’s… womp womp)… ohhhh old man Butcher my beloved.
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all i can imagine is being at Butcher’s apartment for one reason or another.
☆ maybe the team went out to a bar together, and as everyone turned in for the night, saying their goodbyes, you and butcher were the last ones there. For whatever reason, he refuses to send you off by yourself to your own apartment this late at night and tells you to just come over and spend the night at his, that it’s closer anyway.
you try to ignore the zip up your spine when he leads you into his apartment with a hand on the small your back. you try to ignore the soft flush of your cheeks when he teases you about snooping while you look through his one (barely filled) bookcase.
“what? you scared I’m gonna find your fuzzy pink handcuffs?” you tease right back, squatting down to flip through the vinyl records he has sitting in a milk crate next to the bookcase.
butcher rolls his eyes with a smirk, “mine ain’t fuzzy… d’you even know what those things are?”
you don’t react, but you do store that in the folder labeled ‘Useful Butcher Information’ that lives in your brain. ignoring his teasing, you let out a soft huff of laughter when you see a record you’ve only seen at your grandparent's house and in the back of a shitty thrift shop uptown.
“exactly how old are you?” you ask, pulling it out and showing him the record in question: Roy Orbison Sings Lonely and Blue (1961).
butcher walks over and takes the record from your hand, switching it for his beer. he had asked you if you wanted one when you two walked through his door, you had declined before, but have taken to stealing sips of his. it’s probably the closest you’ll get to kissing him tonight.
“old enough to know this is real music… not that Taylor Swift shite you force me to listen to in the car.” he snarks, slipping the record out of the sleeve, setting it on his cheap turntable.
you stand back up straight with a scoff, “you can make fun of my ‘brat summer’, but Miss Swift is where I draw the line.” the beginning of the record starts to ring softly through the room…
‘Only the lonely… (dum-dum-dum-dumby-doo-wah)’
“oh… you can’t be serious,” you smile softly and he holds a hand up as if telling you to ‘wait for it’. “…so corny,” you mutter shaking your head, still with that same smile.
butcher takes the beer bottle out of your hand, taking a sip before setting it on one of the shelves, “nope… classic.”
he lets himself be a bit softer around you, even if only for a moment. it’s only when you two are alone, usually late at night, usually after a few drinks that he lets the walls drop… only just a bit.
like now, when he pulls you into the empty space of his living room, placing your hand, the one that isn’t wrapped in his, on his shoulder, his free hand goes to the small of your back.
“so now you wanna dance?” you ask with a bit of snark.
butcher lets out a soft huff of amusement as you two start swaying, “what you lot was doin’ at the bar wasn’t dancin’… you was flailing about.”
“hm… whatever. least we were having fun, i mean… even M.M. got up!”
“‘cause he’s a sucker for ‘Earth, Wind & Fire’.”
“well yeah… who isn’t?”
you roll your eyes with a soft sigh, “suuure… stick in the mud.”
you’re both quiet after that, only the sound of old music coming through shitty speakers and gentle steps against his floor fill the room. he dances you through the whole a-side of the album, the hand on your back has snaked around your waist, your head rests against his shoulder, and he holds your intertwined hands closer to his chest.
you take as much of this as you can get from him, knowing these moments are fleeting. there are so many unspoken words between the two of you, you’re too stubborn to make a move, and well… butcher’s too… butcher. he thinks he’s much too undeserving of something as precious as you.
and maybe he’s right. maybe he doesn’t deserve you, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting you, it doesn’t stop you wanting him. so for now… the soft, fleeting, moments are enough.
it’s always strange when those moments end, though. the way you can see his demeanor shift in an instant.
like now, the music stops and he looks away from you when you look up at him. you can see the way his face changes, like he’s snapping out of a trance or he’s caught himself doing something he knows shouldn’t.
butcher pulls away from you, wiping his hands on his pants as if the feeling of you lingering on his skin has to go. he turns to put the record away and turn off the turntable.
the silence lingers for a minute before he speaks up, “think we should turn in. you take my bed.”
you try to protest, “the couch-“
“don’t fight me on it.” the command isn’t harsh, it’s not mean, it’s only a bit stern, but he just wants you to listen to him.
he just wants to do something nice for you.
you nod with a quiet sigh and thank him with a soft smile. you both retire for the night and you both know you’ll be gone in the morning before he wakes up. you both know you won’t make any mention of it when you're both in the office tomorrow.
but you both know that for now, the fact that it happened at all is enough.
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(divider by @/plutism)
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jjkamochoso · 17 hours
Quit Bugging Me
Sanemi Shinazugawa x gn!reader
You find Sanemi taking care of his Japanese rhinoceros beetles!
Warnings: descriptions of bugs, bugs crawling on characters’ bodies, light cussing and talk of violence
You walked along yet another stone path at your fellow Hashira’s house, intently listening for any sign that he was currently residing there. You would say you and Sanemi were friends (though he wouldn’t). Over the years you’d known each other, you became one of the only people he didn’t find incredibly annoying and that was a good enough relationship for you, though you wouldn’t be opposed to growing closer to him. It seemed like he now felt that way about you as well, surprisingly, since he periodically sent his crow to check on you and make sure you were doing alright. You never mentioned that gesture to his face, something Sanemi was extremely grateful for, because there was no way he’d be able to explain his reasoning behind it without his head literally exploding from embarrassment.
It was oddly quiet at his house with none of the screaming or fighting happening that you were used to hearing from the Wind Hashira.
“That’s strange,” you muttered to yourself, “he’s usually training in his time off. Where is he?”
Your crow had never led you astray with wrong information, but it seemed like this time she was mistaken—Sanemi wasn’t home. You turned another corner and decided to try one more path before leaving. This one was unmarked by stones but showed signs of frequent usage due to the way the plants had given up growing there, tired of being trod on. After many twists and turns, it eventually led you down into a clearing surrounded by large oak trees and a wide pond. You finally spotted Sanemi’s spiky white hair and you made your way toward him. He appeared to be kneeling on the ground, his attention solely focused on the task in front of him.
“Sanemi,” you called out, “it’s y/n. May I approach?”
You were trying your best to be as respectful as possible so you didn’t immediately enrage him. Sanemi raised his head at breakneck speed, his purple eyes almost bulging out of his head in surprise.
“Y/n?! What the hell are you doing here? Can’t you see I’m busy?”
You took a step forward, leaves crunching underfoot. “I just came to check on you. I hadn’t heard from your crow in many moons and I wanted to make sure everything was fine with you both.”
“I’m gonna kill that idiot bird,” he said under his breath before acknowledging you in a louder tone. “I’m good. Why did you waste your time coming here? You should be training.”
“Shouldn’t you be, too?” you asked, trying to hide your smirk at his now angry face. “Instead, I find you playing in the woods like a child. What are you doing anyway?”
So much for not riling him up; he was just too fun to mess with!
“Nothing! It’s none of your business. Get out of here.”
He turned his back to you once more but you both knew he couldn’t scare you off so easily. You kneeled next to him, his broad shoulders nearly brushing against your own. In front of him laid open containers, some empty while others held beetles of some sort.
“Japanese rhinoceros beetles,” he explained, shaking the container with the bugs ever so slightly to get them to move. “I raise them.”
He looked up and pointed to the left of you. “Which of those rocks is your favorite?”
“Huh? Um, I guess this one,” you said, indicating to a certain medium sized rock.
“Good choice. That’ll be the rock I use to bash your head in if you tell anybody I do this.”
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t tell anyone you’re an interesting person,” you teased, earning an eye roll from Sanemi. You two sat in comfortable silence as he continued trying to get the beetles to leave the container and explore their new home outside, but they wouldn’t budge.
“They’re just as stubborn as you, I can see why you like them.”
“Shut up.”
Sanemi then reached his hand into the box and plucked one of the beetles out before gently placing it on a tree. You smiled, enjoying seeing this sensitive side of him come out.
“Do you raise them from birth?” you questioned, wanting to know all about the process. It was a very unique hobby to have and you craved to learn more details.
“Sometimes. I’ve had a few mate and then I’ll raise the larvae until they’re adults and then send them back into nature. Other times I find older ones that are hurt so I keep them until their strength returns and put them back here as well. But don’t go thinking I’m getting soft or somethin’. I just think they’re cool, that’s all.”
You could tell he was feeling bashful about his hobby and the dedication he showed to his little friends by the way he wouldn’t meet your gaze. You tried your best to help him relax and show you weren’t judging him.
“That’s actually really neat, Sanemi. I think it’s amazing that you have the knowledge to take care of them in every stage of their lives.”
He picked another beetle up, this time letting it crawl all over his hand. “They’re simple creatures, ones that are easy to understand. They fight and reproduce, that’s it. There’s no need for feelings or other stupid things like humans. Must be nice.”
You hummed in agreement. “That’s true, but I don’t mind the whole emotions thing we have to deal with. It’s what makes us humans unique.”
“It’s what makes us weak.”
You playfully raised your eyebrows. “Ah, so you do have emotions like the rest of us, then?”
“I do. Like right now, the emotion I’m feeling toward you is great annoyance.”
“And the emotion I feel towards you is satisfaction,” you laughed, leaving Sanemi shaking his head. The truth was, he was feeling an opposite emotion than annoyance or his trademark anger. He was feeling excitement and a little bit of fear.
He was feeling love.
“Would you like to hold one?” he inquired, looking at you with such a rare sincere, almost hopeful, expression there was no way you could turn him down.
“I would love to,” you responded, feeling the tickle of insect legs in your outstretched cupped palms. You were so enthralled in the beauty of the beetle that you didn’t notice the way Sanemi was looking at you. As much as he tried, his eyes couldn’t pull away from your figure. Your kind eyes, your big smile, your relaxed body language around him—it was all so foreign to the Wind Hashira and he found himself intoxicated with your presence. Seeing you, the person he found himself head over heels for, having such a good time indulging in one of his most precious hobbies was a luxury he never thought he could afford and yet it was happening in front of him and he could barely believe he was this lucky.
“Like I said earlier, you’re not so different from them. Hard exterior but soft on the inside.”
Sanemi was pulled from his daydreams by the sound of your voice.
“You’re so weird,” he sneered, but he couldn’t bring himself to add any malice behind the words. You let out another laugh, the joyous sound being enough to bring Sanemi to his knees if he weren’t already on the ground.
“Hey, uh, Sanemi, the beetle is crawling up my arm,” you said, nervousness apparent in your tone. You were fine with the bug in your hands, but anywhere further up was too much for you. This time it was his turn to laugh, his arms crossed in front of his toned chest.
“He won’t hurt you, you know.”
“I know,” you said, trying to get your urgency across as the beetle raced up your limb, “but I’m getting really freaked out right now and I would love if you took your friend off me.”
Normally Sanemi would relish in seeing others get squeamish and scared, but not you—never you.
“Just relax, I got you.”
He quickly leaned over, grabbing your upper arm to steady it as he caught the beetle in his other hand. At first your heart rate calmed when you felt his large hand come in contact with your arm because you knew he would come to your aid. Then, when it registered that Sanemi just touched you, you felt your breath hitch in your throat and your heart beat faster. When Sanemi walked over to place the beetle on another tree, you took the time to breathe in deeply, trusting the fresh air to calm you.
“I’m glad to see you’re doing well, Sanemi, so I think I’ll take my leave now as I don’t want to overstay my welcome. Thank you for having me and sharing your hobby with me, I can see why those creatures bring you happiness.”
You didn’t want to leave so soon, but you certainly didn’t want him to get sick of you so you began to retrace your steps from earlier on the winding path.
“I’ll walk you out. I don’t want you to get lost.”
The scarred slayer had taken up a spot next to you, matching your walking pace. You both knew that was a lie since it was a fairly straightforward trek to the front gate, but neither of you mentioned it, wanting to soak up as much time together as possible. You were in the midst of a conversation about different fighting styles when all of a sudden, your foot caught on a gnarled root sticking up from the ground. You were ready to fall face first when a strong grasp appeared on your waist.
“Tch. Watch where you’re going, idiot,” said Sanemi, his hands not moving from their resting place on your body. You two locked eyes for a long time, no one daring to break the intimate moment you were sharing.
“Found them! Found them! Found the Hashira you care about!” cried Sanemi’s crow from above you. You both pulled away from each other as fast as possible, not wanting to get caught in a compromising position by the loudmouth bird.
“You good for nothing bird!” shouted Sanemi, throwing pebbles in the general direction of the crow. It just cackled at him, completely unbothered before flying away. You finished your ascent up to his house, an awkward silence falling between you this time.
“So, I guess this is goodbye for now?” you questioned, nervously wringing your hands together in front of you.
“I guess.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you later.”
You waved one last time, small stones flicking behind you as your feet hauled yourself away from Sanemi. You were doing so great in your mission to get to know Sanemi better and felt like you made huge strides today, but you assumed that after that strange interaction at the end, he’d never want to see you again. You couldn’t wait to get somewhere he couldn’t see you so you could hang your head in shame at the fact you ruined your chance at potential love. You had just reached the gate when you heard a yell from behind you.
“Hey! Y/n! Wait!”
You were shocked to see Sanemi jogging to you.
“It’s hot out here today and I don’t want to be responsible for someone finding your dehydrated body on the road. Come inside for a drink.”
Before you could answer, he quickly continued. “Please. If you want. Or don’t, I don’t care.”
He looked away, his arms once again folded in front of his chiseled chest.
“That sounds wonderful,” you answered, excited to spend more time with him, “I would love to. Thank you.”
His attention was on you again, not expecting you to actually take him up on his offer.
“Oh, yeah, uh, don’t mention it,” he said, and you could’ve sworn you saw a blush show up on his cheeks. As he opened his house door for you, you knew this would be the start of something good.
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satorusugurugurl · 5 hours
I Think He Knows: (Chapter Eight)
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he tell you how he feels when you leave him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,759
Warning: nightmares, mentions of character death, panic attack, night terror, blood, PTSD, suvivor guilt Language, suggestiveness, grinding, neck kisses, dry humping,
A/N: oh man!! We have three parts left after this update, maybe two. Still plotting out the last chapters!!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
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Suguru knew something was wrong with you. Something was up the second you both boarded your plane as you mindlessly stared at your computer screen. He wanted to believe that maybe something happened with your agent or you were stuck doing rewrites, but his anxiety told him you were beginning to regret your decision to come with him. He didn’t want to hold you back if staying in Tokyo with something you wanted to do. He wanted you to follow your dreams.
He just needed to figure out how to bring it up.
However, that seemed like a terrible way to start this trip. He should be elated, jumping with joy over the fact that he spent time with you. You were going to be living together for the next four months. It would be if there were any time to tell you how he felt now. If he could muster up the courage to do that, he would follow his friend's advice, preferably today or tonight, once you guys got to your condo.
Suguru was going to tell you how he felt finally. He was going to be upfront and honest. He didn’t want to be your friend anymore. He would much rather be your boyfriend if you would accept him.
If he continued to beat around the bush, there was a chance he would lose you. That was something he could not afford to do. Losing you would be like losing part of his soul.
For now, he just needed to keep things lighthearted and stress-free. Which would be easier if you weren’t mindlessly staring at your computer screen. Your eyes were slightly swollen, and your manicured nails tapped against the side of your laptop as the word seemed to evade you, seeing you were so lost in thought.
Without thinking, Suguru reached over and gently grabbed your hand, holding it tight, drawing you out of your fantasy world and back into reality. Your tired, swollen eyes glanced down at your conjoined hands, and for the first time since you boarded the plane, you smiled. It wasn’t the fake smile that you had put on since you both sat down. No, this was your genuine, honest smile.
Which made his whole heart sing.
“You okay?” Suguru asked as you pulled your headphones up to listen to him.
“Oh yeah, I have a nasty case of writer's block. I hope going to the beach when we get there will help.”
Hearing you speak so freely about the issues you were having lifted some of the tension on Suguru’s shoulders. Knowing that you were just stuck in writer's block and not regretting your decision to join him, he slumped back against his chair as his fingers slowly interlaced with yours. He was afraid if he moved any faster, you would disappear.
“I’m sorry, having a blockage like that sucks. Is there anything I can do to help?”
A flush crept across your cheekbones and over the bridge of your nose. “H-Here?” The shushed, almost reprimanding tone of your voice had your best friend smirking. “W-We’re in public! And people would catch us.” Suguru gave your hand another reassuring squeeze.
“I didn't mean like that. Is there anything I could do to help you get through your writer's block?”
“Oh,” your flush deepened in color, “right, yeah, you didn’t mean us fucking in the bathroom.”
You hadn’t noticed the word you had used, but your best friend did. None of your sessions thus far had gone farther than touching and dry humping. So, for you to outwardly say something like that, it was entirely out of left field. Suguru’s cheek flushed a rosey shade as you continued to ramble on about how there were no planes in your fantasy world, and you didn’t see how that would help with your writer's block but profusely thankful for his offer.
That word had been something he was familiar with countless times before. He had had his share of partners in the past, but you were different. You weren’t just some girl. You were his best friend, and you deserve the absolute best. Fucking, was something he never wanted to do with you. No, Suguru wanted to make love with you.
Love. Making love. That sounded so much better than fucking. Making love sounded like something you were so deserving of.
“Suguru?” Your free hand reached forward, touching his forehead with the back of your hand. “Are you okay? You look a little flushed.”
“Oh, yeah, I uh—it’s just a bit warm in here.” it sounds like a bullshit excuse because it is a bullshit excuse.
You just softly grin, dropping your hand down to cup his face. The gentle touch alleviates all the stress and thoughts continuously forming in Subaru’s mind. He finds himself in the back of your hand, leaning into your touch. Everything would be okay as long as he had you by his side.
He could return to Okinawa and paint a mural of a girl he had failed. He might be able to go back to the street where she had died eventually. And he would tell you how he felt.
All because you were with him.
Even though you were by his side, he found himself shaking as he looked out at the ocean as the taxi drove you both to the condo you would call Home for the next four months. Thoughts of Riko and Gojo playing with sea cucumbers on the beach and enjoying soba noodles at a restaurant just up the shoreline, there were a lot of memories in this place, ones that had been fueling his nightmares for years.
Before those dark thoughts could dig their claws into his arms, pulling him under, you leaned your body against his back, peering out the window with him. “Whoa, look at those waves!” Your breath fans against his cheek before you press your face against his. “We should go for a walk tonight once we’re all settled in!” As he had thought on the plane, you were doing exactly what he knew—making this whole excursion easier for him to process.
“Yeah, a walk sounds nice.”
Anything involving you sounds nice. The remainder of the ride to the condo is quiet. A peaceful, calm, serene, until you're dropped off at the condo building. That relaxed, tranquil feeling is replaced with a sense of excitement, especially when you both walk inside.
The condo was a one-bedroom, one-bath, one-bath condominium with a living room, kitchen, and balcony. What made it even better was that it was fully furnished with all the necessary furniture and necessities. Making it a perfect home away from home for the next few months. Suguru stepped inside, holding the door open for you, watching your eyes sparkle as you kicked your sandals off, running across the polished wood flooring. You made a beeline for the balcony window, your back straightened before your world around to face him as he shut the door.
“Suguru! We’re super close to the beach! We should go for that walk later tonight!”
The excitement planted across your face and thick in your voice had Suguru’s heart fluttering. “Yeah, weekend. I have to call the aquarium first and let them know we made it.”
“Hell yeah! I’ll go start unpacking!”
Suguru chuckled, watching as you carried all the bags to the bedroom. He quickly called his employer. Much like he thought this time in Okinawa would involve a lot of working and less playing. The aquarium Director wanted to stop in the office to discuss what they wanted and where the mural would be. They had also been kind enough to purchase all the supplies for him. Paints, brushes, ladders, everything he could want or need would be provided.
The director wanted Suguru to take the rest of the day off to settle in before you came in the next day, which was great—having a day off. Which meant he would be able to spend it with you. Maybe if things went right tonight, he could finally tell you how he felt because he was getting tired of hiding behind some bullshit excuse to ‘help’ you with your book.
“Hey,” Suguru tapped his knuckles against the door frame as he shoved his phone into his pocket. “So the aquarium said that we could—” When he enters the room, you glance up from your phone, and Suguru can see tears swelling in your eyes. His heart drops into his stomach as you quickly wipe at the falling tears. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m okay!”
“Please don’t lie to me.”
The talent of his voice leaves no room for arguments, which she’s anticipating you giving him. “Sugu.” But instead of arguing with him, you smile, blushing yourself off the bed before grabbing his hand. “I was just reading a fan someone wrote about Oaklynn and Ilsan!” You swallow hard, whiter as you squeeze his hand tight. “But what were you say about the aquarium?” Suguru knows there's more than just some fanfic behind your tears, but if you keep pushing, he’s afraid he’ll ruin the first night in the condo with you.
“They said we could take today to settle in.”
You both head to the store to get groceries to cook dinner together. The whole time, Suguru watches you with weary eyes. Knowing you guys were out and about, you seemed fine, but he also knew you. You were pretty talented at putting on a mask behind your genuine emotions. He signs that if you’re not doing better by the following day, he will bring it up again and confront you about what was happening.
The next day, you’re okay, and the following day and the day after that. He’s happy to see your smiling face with no traces of tears in them. He wishes his face mirrored yours. Instead of worrying about you, he’s beginning to worry more about himself. It’s not that being with you makes him sad or that living together for the last week hasn’t been what he has always dreamed about. Being with you was a dream come true. Waking up next to you, cooking meals with you, taking an evening stroll on the beach, and being with you were the best part of returning to Okinawa.
But it was the flashbacks he wasn’t loving.
Images of Riko on the beach, running down the sidewalk. Enjoying her life to the fullest, not knowing this would be the last trip she would ever take because of him.
The second night in the condo was when the nightmare started up again. The same ones he’d been having for years. Riko in the aquarium, the blue hue of the lights around turning red before he was lying down on the street, staring into her lifeless eyes, while her blood-stained mouth told him it was his fault. He hadn’t been fast enough and pushed you out of the way. He had chosen one over the other; those toxic thoughts were the source of the nightmares plaguing him. That also had him stirring in his sleep next to you.
You had been struggling to fall asleep. You and Suguru had been in Okinawa for a week, and you still hadn’t been able to break the news about the cottage to him. That was why you were so upset when you arrived and had been crying a week prior. Eventually, you knew you would have to come clean about it, but you couldn’t do that right now, not when he needed you.
Not wanting to linger on those thoughts any longer, you were about to turn onto your other side when Suguru gasped, yelling your name as he sat up in bed.
“Sugu?!”? You sat up with him, watching his chest. His eyes are brimming with tears. “Hey, I’m right here.” Very gently, you grabbed his thigh, squeezing him, grounding him. “I’m right here with you.”
Suguru breathed heavily and yanked your hand to his chest, holding it there as if he was afraid he would vanish if you didn’t touch him. Scooted towards him, sitting on your knees, watching the adrenaline coursing through his veins slowly settle down. His muscles relaxed, and he watched as the pulse in his throat slowed down. Once he calms down, you lean closer, copying your hand against his cheek.
Leaned into his lips against the palm of your hand. “Sorry.” He pressed another gentle kiss. “Did I wake you?” Shame and embarrassment clouded his eyes as they roamed over your face.
“No, I was already awake.” That seems to make his shoulders relax more. “Were you having a nightmare about me?”
“How did you—?”
“You screamed my name.”
Suguru averts his gaze, biting down on his bottom lip. “Sorry, I—I—uhm—“ your hand leaves his face quickly, grabbing his hand again and squeezing it.
“Talk to me, please.”
Suguru never went into details about his nightmares with you. He only talked about it with his therapist and had mentioned them to Gojo one night when he had been drinking. His therapist had said that it was his conscience. The guilt of what had happened was eating away at him. After increasing his meds, he had encouraged Suguru to talk to his friends about the nightmares, but he had never had the urge to.
Right this second, as he sat down in bed with you. Countless times, you had woken up alone, having to deal with the pain, fear, and memories in the dead of night. Now, it was different. You were with him held. This was why you had agreed to come with him to Okinawa. Even if the nightmares revolved around you, want to talk to anybody else about it
“I have nightmares about the accident over and over again. And it’s not just about Riko—it’s about you too.” Suguru went into details, telling you about the aquarium, Riko, and the street where she had died. In that dream, he described how Riko always blamed him for pushing you out of the way of the moving car. The entire time, you were silent, taking in his words, holding his hand, caressing the back of his knuckles with your thumb. You would give him a gentle, reassuring squeeze whenever his voice would crack or his gaze would linger on the sheets for too long.
You had known his nightmares were terrible, but you never knew how bad they were. Suguru had to suffer with them constantly. Of course, he would have insomnia! But there was one thing about the dreams that didn't make sense.
“Suguru, why do you think you pushed me out of the way?”
Your best friend blinked slowly, looking up from the bed to focus on your face. “Huh?” Confusion was etched into your features. “Be—because I did?” Suguru’s face contorted with confusion as you quickly moved forward, cupping his face in your hands.
“You didn't.” When he says nothing, you feel like your stomach is crawling up your throat. “Oh my god, Suguru, all these years, you seriously thought you had picked me over Riko?” His eyes go wide, and a mixture of relief and confusion swirls in the pit of his stomach. “Suguru, honey, I was across the street. Satoru stole my boba, so I chased him.”
“I—I don't remember that—”
“Of course you don't.” You stroked his cheeks with your thumbs. “You were crossing with Riko when the car lost control.” Images of that day flashed through Suguru’s mind. Him walking in front of Riko, grinning back at her on a perfect sunny day. “The second you saw the car coming, you turned around to grab her—” Your eyes watered as you could feel the heat creeping into his cheeks. “You wrapped her in your arms, shielding her. But her head hit the crib when you guys hit the ground.”
Hearing you tell him the truth, the details of what happened, brings the memories back. They were fuzzy and distorted, like a television during a horrible thunderstorm, but he could see the picture. You pouted, jumping up and down across the street as Satoru held your boba above his head. You were right; you were nowhere near him when the car lost control. It had just been him, Riko, and Kuroi.
He remembered the screaming and yelling as he heard the blaring car horn. Jumping into action, he grabbed Riko, pulling her into his chest, with his back towards the car. The hit hurt, but he tucked his body as he and Riko took the hit, slamming against the street hard. Everything hurt, and his ears had been ringing, but what mattered the most was that he and Riko were okay.
At least, that's what he had thought until he felt the warmth of spreading blood pooling beneath them.
The room felt like it was spinning as everything hit him at once. He hadn't pushed you out of the way. He tried to save Riko! He had shielded her. He didn't choose you over her.
“I—I tried to save her.”
“Yes, and it wasn't your fault that she passed. You did everything in your power to save her.” you brushed your thumbs over his flushed cheeks, watching as tears streamed down them. “It wasn't your fault.”
That truth, in a way, had set him free. Well, part of him, at least. That night, he lay there with you, watching you sleep, remembering how you screamed his name after he was hit, how you were the first person running towards him as soon as traffic stopped. You had been sobbing, stroking his hair back, holding his hand; you had been the one, holding his hand, sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed.
You, god, it was always you. How was it even possible for him to fall even deeper in love with you? He had to tell you how he felt, but he couldn't just blurt it out; he needed it to be perfect.
A week passed, and you were dragged down the sidewalk, grinning up at your best friend, who was holding your hand as tightly as he could. He was talking you to the aquarium to show you his work on the mural so far, which had been a vast improvement since he always dreaded going. But since last week, he seemed to be doing a bit better.
Just because he had realized that the accident itself was not his fault didn't mean he was going to heal overnight miraculously. It was more like he was a glass of dark water, and you had turned the faucet on, allowing clean water to start flowing in. Over time, the dark water would become more transparent and clearer. Riko and everything that happened here in Okinawa will always be part of Suguru, but thinking about it would be less painful over time.
“Come on, this way!” he grinned, pulling you through the halls and leading you to the area he’d been hired to work on.“I can’t wait to show you.”
“Okay! Okay!” You giggle, gripping his hand tighter as you enter the main aquarium you had been to when you were seventeen on your class trip.
The room had a certain blue hue as blue whales and other fish swam in the tanks around you. A wall on one side of the room had been zoned off with plastic covers, hiding what was going on behind the scenes. Suguru pulled the plastic cover back for you, and as you stepped inside. The second you���re both behind the fronted cover, Suguru turns on a light and points it to the wall.
There in all its well-sketched glory are Riko and the whales. You walk along the wall, fingers gently grazing over her sketched-out form, following the sketch. The wall had to be half a kilometer long, and seeing Suguru’s art on a wall like this was surreal. The pencil work was excellent to see it painted—you stopped in your tracks, taking in the wall.
It wasn’t just Riko, not anymore.
All your friends were there: Gojo, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara, Suguru, and you. Each of your friends was spread out, mixed in with different people, each other except for you and Suguru. The two of you were standing near each other. Seeing you on the wall near your best friend, depicting both of you grinning at each other, made your heart race.
God, you wanted to be with him so bad. You wanted to be more than friends. Especially now, seeing what he had drawn made you realize how badly you wanted to be his girlfriend.
“What do you think?” Suguru asked as he joined your side, his hand rubbing against the back of his neck. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Yeah? The aquarium staff seem to like it, too.” His fingers trace over the pencil markings on the wall. “I can’t remember the last time I had been so excited about doing a piece like this.” You watch with bated breath as Suguru runs his thumb over your drawing on the wall. “I have a pretty amazing muse and friend to thank for pushing me.”
You swallow hard, clenching your hands tight. Tonight, you would finally take Yuki’s advice and show him how you felt about him. You could do this!
While those thoughts were in your mind, you ran through different scenarios. Suguru was thinking about his plans. Tonight was the night he was going to tell you how he felt. He’s going to sit down with you and have an honest conversation about how much you meant to him. he wasn’t going to allow this façade to continue. Now was the time for honesty.
Honestly, it ended up with you kissing each other the second you made it back to the condo. Your hands tangled in his dark hair, and you kissed him with no remorse while he reciprocated with gentler kisses. You kicked the door shut, moaning into his mouth while he locked the door. You pushed him inside, turning into the bedroom, where you shoved him against the bed.
“Wh-whoa—“ he chuckled nervously, pushing himself on his elbows. “What’s gotten into you—mmhm!” You straddled his hip, kissing him harder, rocking eagerly against his crotch with whimpers and whines. Suguru groaned, hands twitching as he resisted the urge to grab your hips and rock you faster against him. “Y-You break that writer's bl—ahh fuck.”
“Mhmm.” Your pussy twitches against the hardening bulge in his pants. “Mmm~.” Gentle kisses are planted down Suguru’s neck, over and over, down to the collar of his shirt, where your teeth nip at.
“Princess—we should—“
“Shh, just relax.” You pull back, tugging your shirt over your head and throwing it to the ground before you do the same to Suguru.
Fuck, it was hard to relax with you being so seductive. Your perfect, beautiful body rocks and rolls against him, leaving Suguru wholly enamored by how gorgeous you look on top of him. His shaky hands gently grab your hips holding them, and you try with all of your might to rock against his cock.
You fight against his hold; you need him to know how much you care about him. You wanted to be more than just friends. Showing him how you felt was going to be your best bet. What better way to tell him you want to be more than friends than sleeping with him? If it worked for Yuki, surely it would work for you.
Reaching around your back, you unclasp your bra, allowing the flimsy fabric to fall to the bed, revealing your bare tits. They jiggle with each roll of your hips against his. You can feel his fingers digging into your hips before you slowly trail up the sides of your body. His fingers caress over your sensitive skin before inching further and further up until they cup your breasts.
As his hands gently massage them, your head rocks back while you rut your hips faster against his jeans. His cock throbs hard at your sensual rocking while his thumbs gently rub circles over your nipples, and his fingers knead at your sweet soft breasts. Out of all of the sessions you two had shared, this was by far the most sensual one. This felt real and raw.
Suguru felt it, too, as did how hot and heavy things were getting. He could feel how wet you were through your panties that hid underneath your floral skirt. He could see it in your face, the way your skin flushed, and your eyes rolled back as your hands gripped his pectoral muscles for support as you rolled your hips harder against his throbbing cock. That’s when he knew this wasn’t about your research; this was you taking control, taking what you wanted. He would’ve been happy for you to do that any other time.
But he didn’t want to be a one-time thing.
“Princess.” He began watching as you sat back on the heels of your feet, unbuckling his belt, the clanking of the metal deafening. “Princess.”
“It’s okay,” you pull the zipper to his jeans, tugging them down to his thighs.
“Hey—” his boxers are pulled down.
“Shh—” The Floral skirt is the next to go, flying across the room before your panties join it.
“I can’t do this!”
He shouted, sitting up completely and staring at your naked body as your eyes widened with shock. Did Suguru not want to take this further? Was all of this to help you with your book, like really help you, nothing more than that?
Your chest heaves as your hands cover your breasts while you quickly slide off of his lap. Embarrassment, shame, and Amy of other emotions settle in your heart and stomach as his words repeatedly replay in your mind. This is not what you had anticipated when you sent your plan in motion. You thought that maybe deep down inside, he felt the same way you did.
Your eyes and the inside of your nose begin to burn with tears that you’re trying hard to hold back. What were you even supposed to say in a moment like this? What was the proper etiquette for being turned down by your best friend you had fallen in love with over the years? The only thing you could think was to collect your clothes and leave.
Before you even have a chance to jump off the bed and grab your panties to slide back on, Suguru pulls you back into his arms. Your bare chest is pressed firmly against his. The sudden reconnection of your body makes you inhale sharply as his hands slowly down your back.
“I can’t hook up with you.”
“Yeah, you made that clear, Sugu—“
“Stop!” One of his hands rests against the smell of your back while the other grabs you by the back of your head, pressing your forehead firmly against his. “I can’t just hook up with you because I love you!”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
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51 notes · View notes
winwintea · 1 day
the last hope - lee mark
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PAIRING ▸ soldier!lee mark x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, angst, lots of angst, supernatural, wayyy too much angst
WARNINGS ▸ angst. and character death
SUMMARY ▸ [part of the last love series!] you've fallen in love with the mark, the soldier who wishes to protect the country. His life is a brilliantly burning flame, whereas yours is nearly completely, gone. no matter how much pain it causes, you'll never love another like him. even as he walks away to his main purpose in life.
WORD COUNT ▸2.8k (not proofread 😭)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ suffer pt 2
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Recently, your mornings-or more so, your afternoons had become quite a little circus. You hoped he might have woken himself up today, but he’s deep asleep, yet again.
Mark lay in his bed. Blankets upon him like snow drifts, burying him completely. “...Mark? Mark, it is afternoon. You must wake up.” There was no response from the pile to indicate anything was even alive under there. That’s fair. You’d learned by now that just calling his name wasn’t enough to wake him. You sighed in preparation for this trial, gripped his blankets, and yanked them up off him.
“Mmm? Oh… it’s you. Hi.” Mark just yawned, stretched, and grinned at you with an effortlessly charming smile.
“I swear I will send Ricky in to wake you up! He doesn’t seem to mind it.” “...I prefer you.” “What did you just say?” “I prefer when you wake me up. No matter how I slept, I always feel better when I wake up and see your face.”
“Is that so..?” “Yeah.” When he smiled, Mark was the sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees. There was an honesty to him that made you trust him. Which was how you knew he had somehow come to enjoy himself here. For he certainly didn’t smile at the beginning of his stay.
It was a surprise to yourself as well when Ricky lured Mark and the other humans here, hoping you might turn one of them. Out of all of our human “guests,” Mark was the most adamant about leaving. When you explained about the magic of this mansion and offered your sincerest apologies for Ricky’s actions- Mark accepted them. He began to let down his guard around you and gradually came to treat you as a dear companion. You hadn’t spoken so freely to anyone since you lost your family. With Mark, you felt closer to the self you lost so long ago. When Mark laughed and what a laugh it was- laughter crept out of yourself as well. His love of life illuminated the centuries old ennui that had wrapped itself around your heart. “Y/N? You’ve gone quiet.” “I’m sorry. My mind was wandering” You knew there could be no one in the world like Mark, just as he knew there was no one in the world left like me. “I believe I hear Ricky calling, I must go…”
“Wait!” Mark touched your wrist. “Will I see you tonight at our usual place?”
At your acknowledgement, he smiled. You left Mark’s room, touched your wrist where he’d touched you, and sighed. Humans are so warm. Or perhaps this is just Mark’s warmth you feel? You hadn’t expected it to happen, but it appears that after all this time, you’d fallen in love. You thought you knew better than to pine after mortals. And with no one else like yourself in the world, you sealed yourself off from ALL love. But love found it’s way to you. And it was both wonderful and confusing.
When the moon had risen in the sky, you headed towards “your usual place” to see Mark. “There you are, Y/N. I was wondering when you’d show up.” “I’m sorry. Did I keep you waiting?” “Only by about two hours”
"Two hours?! I did not! It's just barely sunset!"
"I'm teasing you! Let's sit down.” Mark was laughing at his joke; you looked at him wryly before sitting next to him by the window, here in your "usual place." While you couldn't provide Mark an exit, You’d given him full use of this garret. It had the view farthest outside the mansion… “What would you like to hear today?"
"I always enjoy your stories of the city."
"You're not tired of listening to me ramble on about it? ...Very well. It's your choice.” you watched the light in his eyes as he spoke animatedly about his home and life there. 
And you remembered your first conversation here..
"...You're still searching for an exit, I see. Why have you been in such a hurry to leave?"
"You ask me that, after trapping me here?!"
"I apologize again. But there's truly nothing I can do to release you until the month is up."
"…..But I must return. Somehow. There's something important I have to protect...My people. I am a soldier. I don't know how much news you get here, but the fighting continues to grow worse every day. ..The people live in terror. I have to protect them; to restore peace to this country. I know this country and her people will see the sun rise again. I believe in that. But I've also heard the whispers. I fear something horrible will sweep across the country before that happens. That is why I cannot remain stuck here while more innocents fall!” 
You felt the truth of his words; when he spoke, it was like you beheld that glorious sunrise in him. “Mark, I know this cannot atone for your entrapment, but I assure you, in a month, when the full moon comes- ...I will do nothing to impede your exit from this mansion; I will do all in my power to see you back safely to your home.”
“...Do you promise that?"
“I promise.” you were sure he would save his people-Mark, who burned bright as a flame. Your own flame was dying. To keep it going by feeding off of his-to take him away from where he needed to be-was wrong.
...It's funny to think back and realize. I'd fallen in love with him that very night.
"And as for the flowers, the old woman said-" You gazed at him, wondering how peaceful it would be if you could spend my last moments in his arms, listening to his voice…
“Hmm. Yes?” 
Mark’s hand came to rest upon your cheek. "Is something the matter?" As he touched your cheek, his pearl brown eyes gazed into yours.
"...No. Why do you ask?"
"You looked very sad for a moment.”
"You must have been imagining it." His hand drifted away. The more time you spend together, the more your feelings grow beyond your control. But it could not-should not be. You pushed your love for him down where you’d kept all the other precious memories from your life.
"The full moon is coming."
"..That's right. In just four days. "You don't need to worry, Mark. I haven't forgotten my promise. You'll go free and return to the city where-"
"What will happen to you?"
"...What do you mean?"
"What will happen to you once I and the others leave this place?" If you fail to turn a human by the full moon, your body will fail and you will die.
The knowledge of your fate would not change your decision. No. More than your decision and your beliefs, it was your love for Mark that rendered it impossible for you to turn him. You would want to uplift him, if it were possible. Not to expose him to the worst experiences of your own life.
"Why, nothing will happen." You waited a moment to see if the lie worked. "It will just go back to being Ricky and I, living here as we have for centuries. Oh, but I must make sure he doesn't get it in his head to lure anyone else here!” you cut yourself off there; anymore and it would feel like guilty rambling.
To your relief, Mark smiled. "...Nothing will change for you, then? If that's the case, then I will fight hard so that you, too, may continue to live in peace.”
"You'll fight...for me?"
"You might not be aware of the fighting going on right now, but that doesn't mean you'll be safe in this forest forever. But I will make sure that you and this mansion are protected, for as long as I am alive.” He carries so much already, yet he would add you to the things he wishes to protect? What a beautiful gift. 
"...Thank you, Mark..."
“You are welcome.”
Mark talked to you of his life in the world beyond this forest, until he felt your head touch his shoulder “..Y/N? Are you asleep?"
All he heard in response was your soft breathing. Mark touched a kiss to your brow. You continued to sleep peacefully, and he smiled gently at you. 
“...I had not imagined I would fall so deeply in love with you." His quiet voice melted into the night…
You had fallen asleep sometime during
Mark’s story. He woke you when the night turned cold. We bid each other adieu and you returned to your room, only to be greeted by Ricky.
"Madam, I did not expect to find you up and about so late”
"Do not fret. I'm on my way to bed. I fell asleep while talking with Mark."
"…..You fell asleep in front of him? How curious. You always shoo me off long before you're ready to sleep.”
"Yes. And I would do so to any other. You're right, it is strange that I slept in his presence.”
"...Or fortuitous. Madam, once more I implore you. With what little time you have left-!"
"Ricky, I cannot turn him. No matter how much I've opened my heart to him. No matter if I love him.”
“Then what is so wrong with extending his lifespan? I don't regret being turned. Except that I might live to see your end..” The ever stoic Ricky now pleaded with you.
 "I know you would rather see me live. …..That is how I feel about Mark. I would not force the sun to stay in the sky, day and night, until it burns itself cold. I wouldn't simply be ending his existence as a mortal, Ricky. Mark treasures his life. I would be destroying him!"
“My lady…”
"..Now it is late and we both should rest. Good night, Ricky.” It hurt to refuse Ricky, who had cared for you for so long. And it hurt to lie to Mark, whom you would soon say goodbye to forever… You hadn't expected after so many decades of sorrow you could still feel a pain this sharp..
Finally, the night came. The others had left as soon as the gates had opened… but you held Mark up for only a minute, so that you could give him a proper goodbye.
"The stables?"
"Yes, there's something I'd like to give you. A parting gift of sorts." You released your beloved steed, Suzanne, already saddled for a long ride, from her paddock. “I… want you to take Suzanne with you when you leave. She is yours now, Mark."
"Take Suzanne? I...cannot accept. She is too precious of a gift."
"That is exactly why I want you to have her."
"You have a long road ahead of you, Mark. Longer than the path out of these woods, and more treacherous." His eyes spoke his understanding "I fear for the injuries you may take; both the physical wounds, and the ones to your heart. I have seen many wars before retreating here. I know what they cost those who fight. And those who defend." He had told you much of his life; was he surprised to know we shared this? "Suzanne-she will protect you from all that would seek to harm you."
"...Thank you. I will take good care of her." You handed him the bridle. His hand stopped to rest on yours before the exchange. 
…That will be the last time we touch. This is the last time we’ll see each other.
Over a hundred thousand days accrued in your memory. You begged this moment to become one. "...You must get going. The magic of this place is fickle. You wouldn't want to be trapped here for another month, would you?"
"Yes, I understand." Mark looked at you, his pearl eyes catching the light of the last full moon. "…Will I be able to return here at some other point? To see you?"
“...I can't imagine sleeping as well without you to wake me up. And Suzanne will miss you...No, that's not at all what I mean to say-" Mark seemed bashful. “Y/N.” Finding himself, he met your eyes. "I do not fear the battles that await me when I think you might be here waiting for me at the end. I want to see you again. I want you to promise that we'll see each other again."
I am afraid...I cannot make that promise without tears in my eyes…
Your eyes stung with heat. You fought back the drops that threated to spill. You really should tell him to forget this place and never come back. But if you want him to be safe against all the dangers he will face, then perhaps this promise is the best way to ensure that? 
"...Unless, you do not wish-"
"I promise! I promise I'll see you again." 
Mark smiled in relief and took your hand. "Just don't break your side of the promise. All right?"
"And incur the wrath of this city’s greatest soldier? I didn't get to be the last eterni by being a fool, you know!"
"Is that so? I figured you were the last because you were so much scarier than the rest!"
I love you so much, my clever soldier.
Of all the years you’d lived, these few minutes on the last night of your life were the happiest. If you turned to dust now, you would not regret it. But for one thing “...I'd like you to promise me one last thing."
“..Live. Outlive everything that would try to harm you or put out your fire. Live as long as you possibly can!"
"I promise. I will live until I am old and tired and gray, and then I will live some more." We smiled at that. And then it was time to let go. We released each other's hands. "I will see you again, Y/N. Goodbye.”
“Yes. Goodbye…” Mark mounted up and gave you a last smile before riding off into the forest.
Your life was over. But you want all the happiness that you might have enjoyed, had you lived, to go to him. You watched until Mark was a distant shadow amidst the trees. Then you fell to the ground, your body collapsing as you did.
 ..This is...the end…
Weakly, you lifted your hand, thinking of Mark’s hand touching it as you did.
I wish...I could have…..kept…..our...promise…
..Many, many years passed. Mark, mighty soldier of the Regiment had become something of a legend among the people of the City. His success helped him rise through the ranks, and that, in turn, helped him to protect more people…
"I heard you'd barely said a word to your staff officers before running off. Did you go to your mansion in the woods again?"
"I might have.”
"And? Was she there this time?"
"…..No. It was empty as it's ever been. Like any old house that's been abandoned. I still don't know what could have happened..." 
Lee Donghyuck looked at his commanding officer and good friend and sighed. "Why do you still keep going, time and time again, year after year? Most men take their leave to find their reason to live. You come back from yours like you've just died.”
"Always so critical of me, Donghyuck."
Mark laughed a bright but somewhat tired laugh and looked up at the sky. "…..Honestly, it feels that way. That I'm being torn apart, piece by piece. But until the last piece of me is gone, I will keep our promise. I will see her again."
"What if she's truly gone?"
"…..Not while I remember her. Not while I believe. And not while I wait. I've never loved another like I loved her.. So I will keep searching. Until I am old and tired and gray. And then I will search some more.”
"I've seen you win fights with the worst odds, scraping together every ounce of life you could. You don't know how to waste” The two men exchanged a look of understanding. Just then, Suzanne raised her head and whinnied. Mark looked curiously at his horse, who seemed desperate to chase after something, though neither man could see what.
"...Donghyuck, I think Suzanne wants me to take her out for a little ride. I'II be back!" Mark let Suzanne guide the way. Running. Running toward some unknown destination… 
She stopped at a hillside. Flowers covered the grass like a carpet. Standing in the center of it all like the jewel on a crown was a lone girl. She had her back turned to Mark, not having noticed his arrival. Even from this distance, she looked so familiar. 
"...Pardon, miss.”
Slowly, the young woman turned around. 
But it wasn’t you. 
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perm taglist -> @lyvhie
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dollcherray · 2 days
I was wondering if you could do tadc x piano player 😋🙏 maybe morute too? plays a lot of songs by people like Bambi Baker, Cosy St. Jean, and Nicole Dollanganger:3 (totally not projecting…)
Erm I’m a gay bitch so pref femme characters pleaseeee🕷️
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♡ ๋࣭ ⭑PERVERTED ₊˚⊹♡
ᶻz Notes: Hey boo! Ty for the compliment <3 only did for these three because i hc zooble as non binary, so i did the canon girls 🫦 kind of short because im in a hurry to go study 😭😭😭 i apologize dearly.
♡ Type: Romantic, Fluff, Headcanons.
๋࣭ ⭑Song: Perverted - Elita
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۶♡ৎ RAGATHA ๋࣭ ⭑
۶ৎ Ragatha is a optimistic person, so she would naturally try to compliment any hobbie you have, doesn't matter how strange or creepy it is, expect lots of compliments directed at your playing piano hobbie.
۶ৎ She would find your style a little bit disconcerting cuz of the "creepy" vibe it gives, but she deals with it for you <3 however... its kind of hard for her to compliment it sometimes, but she tries!
۶ৎ Ragatha LOVES when you play your piano, can be for her or not she would appreciate how you play it, would probably fall in love with you again in moments like these, Ragatha is a hopeless romantic bro.
۶ৎ Finds your musical taste... unique, for lack of a better word, she doesn't really identifies with it but would try to listen to you rambling about them so she could try and discuss with you about it. (she secretly find the lyrics or the music's beat creepy sometimes...)
۶ৎ If you offer to do her outfit and makeup she would hesitate to accept at first, but how can she say no to you looking at her like a dramatic puppy? she eventually gives in. (omg morute Ragatha 🫦)
۶ৎ Play some of her favorite musics and she will go ballistic (in a positive way) she would be so happy that Ragatha will probably dance while you play <3
۶ৎ Is really fond of the idea of asking you to teach it but would go against it since she doesn't think she would be very talented.
۶ৎ Overall: shes kind of "scared" but supportive!
"You look so cute today honey!"
﹏ GANGLE ꒰͡ ͜ ı ͜ ͡꒱
๋࣭ ⭑ Oh my stars.
๋࣭ ⭑ She absolutely adores you and your style, i headcanon Gangle to be an art person so she really likes your hobby, so im allowed to say for you to expect her complimenting EVERYTHING about you when she is with her happy mask, but when she is with the sad one Gangle will be more shy about it </3
๋࣭ ⭑ Kinda like Ragatha's reaction when you're playing the piano, only difference is that she would probably sometimes drift to sleeping when you play it, she finds it soothing.
๋࣭ ⭑So yeah, Gangle would probably ask you to play your piano when she cant catch a glimpse of sleep, just play anything, she doesn't really care what you play, she just enjoys seeing you play and have fun with your instrument.
๋࣭ ⭑I think she would be more fond of your style than Ragatha would be and more comfortable when complimenting it, she would straight up say you look like a living doll.
๋࣭ ⭑Gangle would continue to curse her own digital body out because she wouldn't be able to let you dress her in your style (Frustrated Gangle screeching.mp4) but will be happy if you put a little ribbon on her mask.
๋࣭ ⭑She would want you to teach her how to play piano, i dont make the rules (i do) so she could play for you<333 imagine you two playing together your favorites songs.
๋࣭ ⭑ Supportive and loving 🫶🏼😭
"I really love you and your unique traits..."
・❥・POMNI ✮⋆˙
♡ Probably the most nervous and shy of them all, is really supportive but has way more trouble showing it than the other two, even if she doesn't really identify to your style of clothing.
♡ Finds your musical taste peculiarly peaceful, i feel like she would occasionally ask you to play it for her, probably would like Bambi Baker more.
♡ Really applauds your ability to play the piano since she knows that the average person takes 7 years to learn so you have to put alot of effort and patience into it and it honestly makes you more attractive to her how you have such a beautiful hobby.
♡ She doesn't really like the idea of you dressing her but Pomni says yes anyways when you ask her to please you (people pleaser) and then would continue to not dislike it when your done dressing her.
♡ Wouldnt have the patience to learn the piano 😭 sorry gurl but she would almost smash the piano in the 7th try due to nervousness 😔🙏🏼
♡ Pomni could listen to you rambling about your favorite singers but her short attention spam would not allow it 😿
“H-hey nice... um... hair?”
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halosdiary · 2 days
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somnolent | Mermaid!Choso x Fisherman!Reader | 呪術廻戦
a/n: Aww yeah! Plot twist and part 3! This is gonna STIIING.
contains: Choso being Choso, hypnosis, implied murder, obsession
wc: 2k
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You both were just staring at each other, in the middle of the town square. People were coming and going. It felt like time stopped between them. He looked at with those beautiful dead brown eyes. You feel like you were in those silly romantic scenes where the main character has a "love at first sight" scene. You snap out of at and looked at him curiously.
"You..I'm sorry, have we met before?"
The man looked a little hurt. He couldn't believe you didn't remember him. All he did was gently stroke your cheek. His hand was cold and wet, he loved the way you felt. But he couldn't blow his cover, for his family's sake, for his sake.
“No…we’ve never met.” He sadly answered you.
He continued to walk away from you. You stood there curiously, you can't shake that feeling of that mysterious man. You didn't see where he went, but it was like he disappeared. Choso looked back at you from the sea, his appearance changing more aquatic like. Unfortunately, this became an annoying routine for the both of them, you bump into each other, but avoid each other like the plague. This separation was driving then man crazy. Every second he was away from you was driving him crazy. He didn't realize it, but he was slowly growing an obsession with you.
Choso wanted to speak to you, but needed a little help. He LOATHED, seeing you just socialize with others like you. Potential dates? Nope, you'd find out they just vanished, but you did find some gifts left behind, for you. Theu were sweet, kind and from the sea?
You couldn't tell, but you felt like you've seen him before. But you don't know  where. You placed a finger on your chin, tapping it like you were thinking. All he could do was look at you.
"You just look..familiar to me." Was all you could muster.
“Maybe we were acquainted in a past life…” He says to you.
Past life? What did he mean by that? This was the only life you knew of, born on land, still living your best life. There was something off, about him. This man was a bit aloof, but you couldn't deny he was really cute.
"Maybe." You answered.
You two parted ways once again, the next time you two would meet. You'd talk would talk to him again. Funny enough, Choso didn't mind this at all. He was just in high spirits he's talking to you. A week passes back and you two meet again. The awkwardness had to end at some point. You slowly turn to leave,but he gently reached out to you.
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Choso asks you.
"Yes?" I look at him with curiosity in my eyes.
“Have you ever been in love?”
"...I have." You said honestly, with a bit of a sad smile.
You then look back at him, seeing as his eyes were very curious for me. You try to make the sad feeling go away, but he can feel it.
"Sometimes, it doesn't last forever. But that's just me."
He’s taken aback by your look of melancholy. Choso can’t help but wonder about the reason behind your sorrow.
“You still seem to miss whoever it is you loved.”
"Not really, only the happy memories. Before they became what they became. Something unrecognizable."
I clenched my sweater a bit, looking off into the distance. Those happy memories on replay in my mind, but I soon snap back to reality.
"I'm sorry, I'm guessing you wanna know what falling in love feels like?"
He studies your face, looking for any hint of deceit, but all Choso sees is a somber sincerity. He nods.
“Yes, I want to know what it feels like. Love and emotions in general are foreign concepts to me…so I’m merely curious.”
"That's alright." You sit by a near bench and offer him a seat.
"Falling in love, well? I don't really know how to put it." You say to him with a small laughter.
He sits down next to you, his gaze unwavering, and listening intently to your every word. He remains silent, inviting you to continue.
"I do know. It feels like you're flying. All you can really think about is that person and that person alone." You continued on.
"You feel your heart skip a beat whenever they're near by." You blush a bit.
You always remembered how this feeling was. It felt euphoric, blissful. I unintentionally lie my hand on top of his.
Choso flinches when you place your hand on top of his, the unexpected gesture causing his heart to flutter. For a brief moment, Choso’s eyes widen before he quickly composes himself, his expression returning to the stoic look he always wore. He felt something strange stirring within his chest, a mixture of confusion and surprise. He was trying extremely hard not to focus on your touch.
“And then what happens?”
"Well? That's up for you do decide. If the feelings mutual it's the most wonderful thing in the world. If not? It will hurt, but it won't damage you if you let it."
He slowly exhales, trying to keep his breathing steady as you continue to touch his hand. The flutter in his chest is only growing more intense each passing second, the longer your hand remains on his.
“And that’s it? Those are the only feelings associated with it? Feeling like you’re flying? Your heart skipping a beat?”
You nod at him. You didn't know this pang you were feeling. Again, something about this man was all too familiar. But he was really nice to talk to.
"It's like finding your other half. That other half making you feel whole."
Each of your words seemed to send a jolt through Choso’s body, as though your explanation of love was creating a physical effect on him. He couldn’t deny the strange reaction your words and touch was having on him. He suddenly wanted to remove his hand from yours, but something was stopping him. His eyes slowly traveled down to where your hand was resting on top of his. He tried to ignore how gentle your touch was, and how his own hand seemed to subconsciously curl into yours.
You finally realized you had my hand on top of his. You slowly removed it and apologized to him. This must've made him feel awkward. You didn't mean to make it weird. The absence of your touch seemed to leave him feeling colder than before. He flexed his hand once, allowing his fingers to spread out like yours previously had. He tried to ignore the strange pang in his chest as a result of the loss of your touch, and also the urge he now had to reach out for your hand again. But Choso kept his hand firmly planted on his lap.
“You don’t have to apologize…I didn’t mind it.” Choso stated.
It was silent, his did feel cold, but it also felt comforting. I could feel my heart skipping a beat. I slowly placed my hand on top of his hand once more. The instant your hand made contact with his once more, it took all the strength Choso possessed to suppress a shiver that wanted to run up his spine. He suddenly found it difficult to look at you, and a light pink blush dusted his cheeks. He slowly moved his fingers to intertwine with yours, his heart thudding so hard within his chest, Choso feared it would burst.
You giggled at how flushed he'd become. It really was a big softie, despite his melancholic look.
"Well, look at that. You're blushing." You teased him.
He scowls in embarrassment, trying to ignore the way your teasing made his chest ache. He wanted to pull away, but that would mean having to pull away from your touch again, and even just the thought of it made him hesitate.
“Shut up…I’m not blushing.” He retorted.
"Are you sure about that?" You raised a brow at him, along with giving him a smirk.
He refused to look at your face now that you were giving him that goddamn smile. It sent a jolt straight through him, and it had his stomach doing flip-flops. Choso let out a shaky exhale, attempting again to keep his breathing from becoming uneven.
“Yes, I’m sure.” He lied.
"Y’know despite these little run ins. It's really nice talking to you." I admitted to him.
He finally musters the courage to meet your eyes once more, though his cheeks had now reddened a bit more from your comment. He subconsciously tightened his grip on your hand, the feeling of your skin against his making Choso’s heart flutter. He tried to keep his breathing steady as he gave you a nod in response.
“I’ve enjoyed talking to you, as well.”
You look down at his hand as he holds onto it a bit tightly. You couldn't help but feel my face heat up as well. You could feel your heart flutter rapidly.
"Can you feel it?" You asked him quietly.
He couldn’t help but notice the color rising to your cheeks, finding it strangely satisfying to know he was able to make you blush like he had been. Choso was fully focused on you now, his gaze unwavering, as his thumb gently stroked the back of your hand.
“Feel what?”
"That floating feeling I told you about?" I asked him.
I didn't let go of his hand, gently rubbing my thumb on his hand. I looked in the distance, seeing trees and leaves being blown away by the wind.
Choso subconsciously held his breath as your thumb began stroking his own, his heart threatening to give out at the feeling. The fluttering in his chest had only increased from your touch, and he suddenly felt more than a little lightheaded. Even so, he didn’t pull away. He just allowed himself to feel the way he was feeling, though it was completely foreign to him. Choso swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice coming out a bit shaky.
“Yes…I feel it.”
"That feeling of feeling completely whole?" I continued to ask him.
He could feel the heat on his face burning up, no doubt causing him to look like a complete fool, but he didn’t care. Not when you were sitting here talking like this to him, while your hand was still wrapped up in his. The feeling of your thumb grazing his skin made every inch of him feel like it was on fire, and the way his heart was wildly thumping in his chest was enough to make him dizzy.
“Y-Yes…I feel it. It’s hard to concentrate when you do that, though…”
"Don't overthink it." You gently take his hand and looked into his eyes. For some reason, you couldn't stop smiling at him.
He couldn’t help but shiver from the feeling he got when you held his gaze. He was hyper-aware of every point of contact between the two of you, and the urge to reach up and touch your face was almost too much to bear. His face reddened even more, and he found himself returning your smile with a small but warm one of his own.
“I’m not…overthinking it.” He said in a shaky voice.
"Alright. I don't want you to feel pressured." You stated.
I continued to look in the distance. Still holding his hand, you slowly leaned on his shoulder.
His brain stopped functioning and his heart stuttered when you suddenly rested your head on his shoulder. Choso felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest, and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. But he quickly adjusted, and slowly relaxed the tension in his shoulders. He even let his head rest against yours, feeling a strange sense of serenity wash over his body.
“I feel anything but pressured…” He muttered to you.
This was his dream come true. They're both talking to each other. You're holding his hand, and even accepting his gifts. He looked into the distance as he smiled. Unfortunately all good things turn back, he wanted to love you. He looks into your beautiful eyes. Your beautiful hypnotized eyes.
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TAGLIST: @ryomens-vixen @littlemochabunni @littlemochabunni @bleach-your-panties @blkkizzat @buttercupblu
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the more posts I see that are like [immortal nonhuman character] is [nuclear family role] to [other immortal nonhuman character] (and therefore it is immoral to make them do anything less wholesome than father son bonding) the more I want to make them have the most bizarre and uncategorizable relationship dynamics possible. and also make them fuck nasty
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ricky-mortis · 2 months
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Sir John Herschel you will always be famous
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fujii-draws · 3 months
OKAY! Chatot rant in tags below! Read at your own discretion.
#okay starting from the beginning of where ppl usually dislike him. apple woods chapter.#he doesn’t give hero/partner the CHANCE to explain themselves despite them being relatively good recruits up until that point.#and that legit might be my only gripe with that chapter bc!!! stories need conflict! I LIKE the conflict in apple woods!!!#hero and partner being punished so something they didn’t do!#the misunderstanding! how team skull (Skuntank) actually outplays the main duo with a clever yet rotten trick. I LOVE that it segways into-#one of the more sweeter scenes of guild members looking out for eachother. I LIKE APPLE WOODS CONFLICT.#but chatot just. not giving them a chance. is so dumb.#I’d personally fix this by having a lil montage of hero/partner fucking up on jobs. A LOT. and chatot giving them a pass every time.#and let the perfect apple incident BE the one where he puts his foot down and doesn’t listen to them. bc he’d given them loads of chances.#and doesn’t want to hear any excuse.#but yeah. I legit dont mind him during that chapter except for that really stupid and frustrating moment.#NOW. CHAPTER 17.#UGGGGHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN#Him not believing hero and Partner about Grovyle and the future being in ruin? FINE. ACTUALLY GOOD. BC CHATOT WOULD BE SKEPTIC.#IT FITS HIS CHARACTER!!#BUT WHAT DOES SUCK. IS HIM GOING ‘Dusknoir isn’t the bad guy. he didn’t do anything wrong’#WHEN HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED HERO AND PARTNER RIGHT I N F R O N T OF HIM.#(​NO LITERALLY. HIS CHARACTER IS IN THE FRONT ROW WHEN IT HAPPENED.)#and him. having the GALL to tell hero and partner they must’ve been ‘seeing things’ and downplaying the HELL they went through.#despite them being missing for hours/days. his own guild recruits. and his angry sprite showing up.#like. I think that’s when I genuinely despised him.#that and him going ‘OH I BELIEVED YOU THE WHOLE TIME HEEHOO :)’ shit was so fucking annoying.#just playing it off as a joke the second the guild started to believe hero and partner.#IMAGINE IF HE W A S ACTUALLY TESTING THE GUILD’S TRUST. SHOWCASING HIM AS THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL RIGHT HAND OF THE GUILD.#and yes. Brine cave he saves hero and partner. but at that point I just didn’t care anymore.#he fucked those two over so much. that I didn’t care what ‘valiant’ sacrifice he had.#and he grills Team Skull for what they did OFF SCREEN. they couldn’t even give us THAT.#<<< THAT or him outright saying sorry would’ve been nice. IKIK his ‘actions’ or whatever but.#eughh again this is all imo. I’m not trying to make people hate him or change their mind.#I’ll get into positives in the second post cause I’m running out of tags
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
Part 1
Steve visits Eddie often. He loves being around the other man, loves how kind Eddie is, how funny he is for someone who rules the dead. He seems to love making Steve laugh and is always cracking jokes that send the goddess into giggles.
Honestly, Steve spends more time than he should in the Underworld, but Eddie has so many duties to tend to, it makes more sense for Steve to come to him than the other way around.
It’s nearly a year since he met Eddie that his joy is brought to an end. Steve is summoned to Olympus, is told that his visits are sending the world into chaos.
He didn’t know that traveling to the Underworld would cut the human world off from his magic, that the plants that bloomed with his presence would die off when the connection is severed.
Zeus bans him from visiting Hades, and Steve ignores the smug look on Ares’ face, the pitying looks from Hera and Aphrodite. Not all of the gods are here to witness his humiliation, but there are enough to make him flush with shame, to have him leaving as soon as he's able to.
Aphrodite catches him before he gets too far, her hair and robes both immaculate even as tears stream down her face. “Ares told them where you were going. I tried to stop him, but he’s… bitter. Jealous.”
She takes his hand, holds it between her own. “I can tell that your feelings are true, and that Hades feels the same for you. I wish I could help you, Persephone. You both deserve happiness.”
And like a stroke of lightning, Steve knows what must be done.
He thanks her and leaves Olympus, finds the nearest gate and descends into the Underworld. Cerberus is given three loving pets as Steve passes by, heading to the garden behind Eddie’s home.
The plants have been thriving thanks to Steve’s frequent visits, the flowers are in full bloom and the plants that can fruit are full and heavy with produce. He plucks a pomegranate from its branch, and stares at it as he remembers.
The goddess had found Eddie eating one on his third or fourth visit, and the older had stopped him when he’d gone to grab a few of the seeds for himself.
“You can’t eat anything grown in this realm. You’ll be stuck here if you do.”
Eddie had looked almost sad as he’d said it, and Steve had tipped his head to the side.
“Are you saying you don’t want me around?”
“No! I mean, I would-” Eddie stopped himself, took a breath. “You don’t belong down here. This place is far too dark, too bleak. It doesn’t deserve you.”
And Steve could read between the lines, could hear what Eddie wasn’t saying. He had ignored it at the time, let Eddie be right, but now? Now Steve knows that Eddie is the only one who deserves him.
Call him selfish, but no one has ever treated Steve the way Eddie does, has cared for him so, and he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days in the Underworld, side by side with the man he loves.
He tears open the pomegranate as a voice comes from the house.
“Steve? I didn’t realize you were here.”
Steve turns to face him, and Eddie’s eyes drop to Steve’s hands, dripping with red as he holds the fruit in his hands. His face pales and his eyes jump back to Steve’s.
“What are you doing?” he asks, taking a cautious step forward.
“Do you love me?” Steve asks in return. Just seeing Eddie has firmed his decision, and he stands, unwavering as he watches the other man pause at the question.
“I do. More than anything.” Eddie seems nervous, but his voice is steady, and Steve knows he's telling the truth.
“If I asked it, would you let me stay? Let me stand by your side for the rest of time itself?”
Eddie steps closer, now in arms reach. “I would. I would not turn you away, even if it meant my life.”
Steve’s eyes don’t waver from Eddie’s as he scrapes a handful of seeds from the fruit and shoves them in his mouth.
The juice is tart at first, but is followed by a delicious sweetness, something that reminds Steve of Eddie himself, and as he swallows, Steve can feel the shift within him.
Hands grab his face and the fruit falls to the ground as Steve grabs Eddie in return, both meeting in a desperate kiss. Magic flows between them, invisible threads tying them together in a bond so concrete, even the Fates themselves could not cut them.
They pull back after a moment, and Steve’s eyes drop to the red smear across Eddie’s mouth, something that is surely mirrored across his own.
“My wonderful little goddess,” Eddie mutters, awestruck as he places another kiss to Steve’s lips, more tender than the last.
“You're stuck with me now,” the goddess responds, sending them both into giggles, and yeah. It feels good to be selfish.
(Later, Steve will cut a deal with the rest of the gods. He will come back for half a year at a time and tend to his duties, leaving his beloved twin Demeter in charge while he’s gone, in exchange for Zeus’ blessing to have children. Zeus will have no choice but to agree.)
Tagging @stardustonpages because they respectfully asked for more <3
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aroaessidhe · 29 days
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2024 reads / storygraph
A Dark and Drowning Tide
gothic fantasy romance
a folklorist is chosen as the co-leader of an expedition to find a fabled magical spring for the king, along with 6 nobles
when her mentor, the other leader, is found dead on their boat in the middle of the night, she has to figure out who did it; while continuing the mission through the wilderness and navigating the potential political fallout
and the only one she can probably trust is her academic rival, a naturalist, who she hates
dark folktales & creatures
Jewish lesbian MC
arc from netgalley! out sep 17
putting both covers here because they’re both so beautiful!! (artists: Audrey Benjaminsen, & Erica Williams)
#A Dark and Drowning Tide#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#I really loved this! so atmospheric and full of things I like. Love the characters and folklore and the creatures…..#I think it was well balanced between the plot worldbuilding and romance -#though if you’re not into any of the elements it might all fall flat for you. but I love all these things. so I had a good time.#I did feel like some parts of the narrative/character relationships went a bit fast and I wanted a little more detail in between?#Plus the ending wrapped up easier than I expected. I wanted to get to know the side characters a bit more#and a bit more of the backstory/leadup (how they all knew each other; sylvia’s time in the war??)#I also couldn’t stop thinking about how taxing the environments they’re in would be on their bodies/gear..aghjs you mght have seen my post#I was getting distracted from the plot thinking about it. Not to say that it mentioned at all and I’m aware too much would have taken#away from the story. Lets take it as an indication of just how lush and atmospheric the writing was. I was having flashbacks.#I put the book down three separate times to draft three separate fanarts.#but listen. you stick two lesbians in a forest/mountain/cave and put a couple Creatures in there too and I will eat that up#one thing I did note is that I don't recall any non-white characters? I may have missed a description.#I try to take notice if a book has an entirely white cast bc like....does it need to#sapphic books
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thatgremlinkid · 8 months
Shipping your favs together is so funny because what do you mean I’ve been thinking about Diggers and Click going on scenic road trips in Diggers van and they occasionally stop so Click can take pictures of the wildlife and greenery just because I lobe them like what is wrong with me
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sevenines · 5 months
i’ve been listening to/watching many (many, many) reactions to steven universe (because that’s what you do when you become newly obsessed with something. see what everyone else thinks about it and drive yourself mad) and it’s so interesting to see all the unique ways people tackle it and the common threads between them all.
there’s podcast recaps (pressure to over-analyze) vs youtube reactions (pressure to overreact). everyone knowing the show (yay) vs fans guiding newcomers (interesting) vs everybody being blind (often disastrous). don’t mind silly fun? they love the first season and amethyst’s character. told about how ~deep~ it gets and expecting only that? they love pearl and have to be dragged through the beginning. even how they chunk the episodes affects things—in watching episode-by-episode, people go the most mad as they try to squeeze meaning out of episodes they can’t yet appreciate until later (or are just. bad at analyses.). in chunks of two, people assume su will have much more horror after watching frybo and cat fingers back-to-back. and chunks of 5 are completely different too!
this only skims the surface. i can watch any episode of su and point out which jokes usually make people laugh, what people pick up on, and how their opinion of the situation reflects on whether they have mommy issues.
#steven universe#the ‘thats what you do’ comment was a joke ftr#i love seeing yt comments be filled with the same people btwn diff channels#bc i know they’re on my journey too!#the most popular one is s/orta stupid reacts bc they are quite intelligent and respectful#s/putnik’s spyglass is fun bc u can tell the reactor got truly invested!!#g/allifrey gals gets so emotional even at the ‘silly’ episodes they’re my favorite ;-;#s/pilling the milk is stupid humor. but they genuinely love the show and will defend it ALWAYS#(though it’s more apparent if you watch their uncut reactions and watch them wrangle twitch chat)#podcasts have been more disastrous for me.. the hyper-analysis format for newcomers not only sets up unfair expectations for the show#but also are almost always all over the place which is the podcasters’ decisions!!#they can talk about their personal lives! i’m listening to it all for free#(also it’s funny bc 99% of podcasters say how no one is watching them meanwhile im there. watching them.)#but it’s just not as enjoyable. also they tend to have really annoying opinions srry.#had to listen to two guys seriously discuss steven and amethyst as a ship. without mention of the age gap WTF?#and in another some guy said how ‘he can’t consider su best television if they keep having silly episodes’#acting all pretentious like know your genre smh#oh and podcasters tend to be guys so i have also listened to guys be like sadie and amethyst r so ugly :/#and ‘when will there be male gems i can’t relate to any of the characters if they’re all girls#oh there’s steven? he’s a fat kid though’#<-none of these are exaggerations it’s really painful#for podcasts i recommend ‘the b/its su podcast’! they’ve watched it all before and everyone’s queer so it’s all great :)#it’s still ongoing too#now i sound harsh on podcasts bc i don’t mention the bad yt reactions ive seen#(and i’ve seen them)#but idk there’s not many good reaction podcasts#now you may be reading this and think i’m writing wayy too much on the topic of reactions random ppl on the internet have for a show#and you’d be right. BUT i’m like those little kids that get frustrated when a movie has no interactability#i have to listen to people say the s1 finale was underwhelming as i scream in my head how they’re watching the wrong order bc h/bo max sucks#yes i have gone crazy. i truly mean it when i say i have watched and listened to SO MANY of these
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