#list of tarot card
temothybrown · 2 years
Male Scorpio in Love
A Scorpio man who is in love tends to get overly attached and cling to his spouse. He believes that a relationship is either with "the one" or it isn't, and he will never settle for anything less than what he knows is best for him. If his lover ignites his heart, there is a greater likelihood that his love will turn to hate than that it would wane or vanish since his feelings are strong and difficult to change once they are there. He would approach you with intensity and frequently brush off the sensitive aspects of your feelings, as if it were expected of him to hide his vulnerability. Scorpio men are incredibly compassionate and intuitive when truly strong emotions are present.
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lorrainetraw · 2 years
21 Manifestations Of Aquarius Man's Love For You
You might want to research a man before committing to him if he is an Aquarius man. You may learn more about an Aquarius man in love from our post. He is wise and charismatic by nature, to begin with. He is frequently seen lost in his thoughts and doesn't hold back while expressing them. He occasionally might astound you with his original and forward-thinking outlook on life. Although it could take them some time to open up to you since they are serious thinkers, Aquarius guys end up being the best friends you could ever hope to have. Read on for the unmistakable indications that an Aquarius man is in love if you want to know what his intentions are.
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christianamigue · 2 years
They understand each other's requirements well; Leo needs to continually be cherished and complimented while Scorpio demands respect and to be wanted. They are both fiercely possessive of one another and incredibly loyal. Each partner in this love union is capable of providing for the other while appreciating the other's advantages.
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tulorom · 2 years
Relationship and marriage compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces
Even though they have opposing behavioral qualities, Capricorn and Pisces are incredibly compatible because those traits enable them establish a strong bond. Pisces is sensitive, artistic, and emotional, whereas Capricorn is practical, stable, and grounded. Capricorn is strengthened by Pisces, and Pisces is stabilized by Capricorn. They complement one another in a variety of ways.
However, their initial dedication to the bond will have a big impact on how well their relationship works out. If both parties are on the same page, it can only succeed. Their different ways of thinking can cause some friction and disagreement in the early stages of the partnership between Pisces and Capricorn. Only when they are willing to talk honestly and are willing to make some modifications and concessions for the relationship's sake will these tensions in the relationship start to lessen. We go into great detail on the love, friendship, and sex compatibility between Pisces and Capricorn in this post. Continue to scroll!
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kayeresperm · 2 years
Long-married but utterly detached husband and wife are having serious affairs and become increasingly devoted to their new lovers. A sudden and unexpected spark between them reignites their impetuous relationship just as they were about to call it quits. Their newly discovered affection for one another transforms into a moving commentary on contemporary marriage as they delightfully negotiate their infidelities.
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feterparker14 · 2 years
Top Online Psychics for Live Chat & Phone Readings at the Best Psychic Phone Reading Websites
Not so long ago, smartphones resembled futuristic sci-fi movies, and the majority of psychic readings took place in sleazy areas of towns and on circus grounds.
Let's jump to the present. Numerous people are turning to psychic phone readings as a reliable source of counsel and direction now that we are practically wed to our phones.
Here is a list of what we believe to be the best psychic reading websites where you can get affordable, accurate readings via the comfort of your smartphone if you're interested in psychic readings by phone.
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lunar-system · 30 days
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Edward Teach: The Star.
Adapted from the traditional Ride-Waite-Smith tarot, this version of the Star shows Ed kneeling down serenely by the spring of life, bare to the world, ready to heal after tumultuous events.
Stede as the Sun to follow, Izzy as the Moon can be found here.
Longer exploration of the card's symbolism under the cut.
The Star: Hope, openness, especially after a crisis. Renewal, healing, restoration.
Rachel Pollack writes: "This is the calm after a great change, whether it comes after a drastic planetary shift or a personal upheaval. There are still difficult times ahead, but the Star tells us to trust."
In the card Ed is depicted with a short, growing beard. Multiple personal upheavals and great changes have already happened, and he is settling into a new reality. Who is he when he is stripped from titles, uniforms and roles? In the space of the Star, he has enough trust to try and find out.
Pollack continues: "In Star, we find our inner strength and belief. The Star teaches us to accept whatever it is, to drop all our shields, to believe. The water poured out signifies healing, emotional and physical."
Ed as the Star is learning to shine his own light after witnessing Stede shine as the Sun. Trust and belief don't come easy, but as the Star he can be vulnerable enough to try again. The water flows from an infinite source, letting the emotions come and go.
Even though the Star opens up towards a bright future, Ed carries his history with him. His tattoos, pictures from other tarot cards, tell about his past:
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Chest: Three of Swords, the infamous card of heartbreak. "Trust no one."
Left side thigh: the face of the Devil from the Devil card. One of the largest tattoos he has, projecting his self-image. "I'm the devil."
Right side thigh: Lobster from the Moon card, a beast that lurks under the surface, in the unconscious. "I'm the Kraken."
Right side: wolf from the Moon card. In my depiction of the Moon, Izzy stands for the wolf. Here the loyal wolf is cast to the side, left howling after the broken heart.
Belly: Ram from the throne of the Emperor, a symbol of masculine power. The placement on the lower belly suggest a trans reading of the character.
Chest, around the heart: birds from Ace of Cups, suggesting new beginnings even for a broken heart.
With his past carved to his skin, Ed is kneeling at the edge of land. One of his feet is planted firmly on the ground while the other graces the water. In Tarot, earth is often connected to the material, such as the body, and the conscious mind. Water is the element of emotions and the subconscious. At the edge of the water, Ed is in balance, grounded both in his body and in his emotions, the conscious and the subconscious. The water he pours rejuvenates them both.
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TL;DR: After great personal upheavals, Ed as the Star is ready to heal and trust. He carries his past with him, but is ready to shine his own light and have faith in himself and for the future. He is vulnerable and at peace, and he is connected both to the ground and the water, nourishing them both with the water he pours.
Image source: Pamela Colman Smith, 1909, republished as Tarot of A. E. Waite, 2016, AGM-Urania, Germany
Text source: Rachel Pollack, A Journey of 78 Steps, 2011, as cited in the booklet for instruction and guidance of Tarot of A. E. Waite, 2016, AGM-Urania, Germany
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longreads · 5 days
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Untold Fortunes: A Reading List on the Creative Uses of the Tarot
Hilary Mantel kept a tarot deck in the drawer of her writing desk. William Butler Yeats wrote poetry with tarot symbolism. Today we bring you five great reads that explore the tarot in culture and literature. 
I hold the old New Orleans deck in my hands. It has a perfectly satisfying aspect ratio. The syncretic vodun artwork is stunning. All decks have 78 cards, 22 of which comprise the Major Arcana. This deck has one extra, a wild card called Les Barons. Top-hatted, dark-glassed, cigar-smoking Baron Samedi and Baron Cimetière walk up some stairs with Manman Brigitte (to the French Quarter Police Station, I’m told). All grinning skeletons wearing long coats and carrying the respective accoutrements of their works—a curved walking stick, a headstone, a cross—they make me smile. Eros and Thanatos, awful without a few laughs. I shuffle the cards, a rustling hush. I hear the Sanskrit root śam that says pacifying, extinguishing; the root śi that says sharpening, focusing. If it’s all a game anyway, wouldn’t you like a deck of cards? 
Check out the list. 
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theathiam1 · 2 years
Compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio
Isn't it intriguing to know that the person you are with empathizes with you equally? Undoubtedly, there may be differences, but when there is love, surely a way can be found? In fact, recognizing their differences can help them solve their problems and turn their relationship into a lifetime of happiness. Love compatibility can be much more simply understood when considering a person's horoscope sign.
Good, good, good! A purgative and therapeutic union is in store for the psychic Scorpio couples when they get together, or a catastrophic tragedy is on the horizon. To be honest, a Scorpio strolling alongside another Scorpio has the power to alter them for good. The energizing effect and the lessons acquired can reverberate for years even in the worst scenario of a breakup. Let's get started and see what these two water signs have in store for us.
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hortoncathleya · 2 years
The Zodiac Sign You Are Most Compatible With is Listed Here
Relationship success depends on your ability to connect with and share your partner's viewpoints. Although there are many aspects that determine compatibility, looking at the signs that are compatible with your zodiac sign is a fun and simple method to see whether you'll get along or disagree with someone on the surface level. The compatibility of zodiac signs according to astrology may even be a sign of a deeper bond, whether platonic or amorous.
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csteff496 · 2 years
Best Websites For Free Online Tarot Card Readings
Tarot reading has been practiced since the 15th century, when these ornate playing cards were merely a novelty. People began to see the possibilities in this elaborate deck as the years went by. The way professionals shuffled and analyzed the deck underwent a revolution as a result.
After hundreds of years, the market for mysticism has quickly been replaced by the internet tarot reading industry. The mystique of shuffled decks, whispered prophesies, and the potential for a miraculous awakening have captured the imagination of a new generation.
You may be pondering the authenticity of these encounters and whether or not virtual interactions live up to the hype. To learn the digital divination's secrets, keep reading this guide. We examine the four industry leaders in the mystic sector and provide you with an inside look at the inner workings of cosmic consultation websites.
Let's start!
Going online for a tarot card reading can be difficult, whether you're a novice or a frequent customer. By choosing well-regarded portals, the risk can be reduced. Look for websites that are extremely reliable and have verifiable client testimonials on hand for references. These elements demonstrate that these websites provide the top tarot readings online.
As a result, your due diligence protects you from phony websites and online fraud. Additionally, since the majority of top-ranking platforms provide free tarot card readings, you are less likely to pay a fortune for two-minute readings. They last three to five minutes. That provides you enough time to consult a reputable medium for an accurate prophecy.
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temothybrown · 2 years
Tarot Card Meanings for the Major and Minor Arcana
The major and minor arcana are the two parts of a tarot deck. The Fool's Journey through the Tarot is portrayed by the 22 major arcana cards. They stand for universal themes and life lessons, such as coming to a fork in the road or having faith in one's own talents. For instance, if you draw the Lovers from the major arcana, you can consider themes of togetherness and balance, but it can also signify having a choice. When a card from the major arcana appears in your reading, it always conveys a crucial message.
The 56 cards that make up the minor arcana set are used to symbolize lesser, more commonplace themes in life. There are four suits, each with 14 cards, and they are organized identically to a standard deck of cards. Each suit starts with an ace, then moves on to cards 2 through 10, then four face cards or court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. You can better comprehend a card's mood by knowing how each of the minor arcana's four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—relates to one of the four astrological elements. Wands correspond with fire, so you can think of these cards as being focused on action; Cups carry water energy, so they center around emotions and intuition; Swords are associated with air, which asks you to focus on logic and thought; and Pentacles are connected to the earth element, meaning they focus on the material world.
Each tarot card contains predetermined associations, but the interpretation depends on the themes that the reader is experiencing. In her book Tarot for Change, tarot reader Jessica Dore says, "When you're pulling cards, you'll have notions about what the cards imply, interpretations you adore, associations you'll be anxious to amplify." "But let's first take note. What sensations are you having physically? What recollections are coming to mind? As a starting point for understanding what the tarot cards you pull are attempting to tell you, use the professional tarot reader and expert interpretations of the meanings of the tarot cards listed below
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lorrainetraw · 2 years
Here are five strategies for luring a Cancer man based on his personality qualities.
Men with the astrological sign of the Capricorn are sentimental, intuitive, loyal, and kind. They are unwilling to do anything that will cause their loved ones distress because they are too worried about hurting them. Being a nurturing sign, they are compassionate and understanding of others.
Do you wish to entice a Cancer man to you because you like him? In that scenario, it is preferable to be aware of his personality qualities before making an effort to capture his interest. His zodiac sign can assist you with this. Cancer is a water element and has a season from June 21 to July 22
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christianamigue · 2 years
Aquarius and Gemini Love Compatibility
Both Gemini and Aquarius are independent thinkers that want a lot of room in a relationship. Since these two are avid inquirers, a whirlwind of stimulating activities begins. The seeds of love are planted when they get together since it's a meeting of two intelligent people.
For Aquarius, nothing is off limits, while Gemini is willing to give anything a shot once. Numerous experiments are then conducted in the bedroom and on dates as a result. Gemini's restlessness and inconsistent character are acceptable to Aquarius, who is drawn to the unusual.
The completely fresh ideas that flow out of Aquarius also captivate Gemini. Since each sign prefers to do things their own way, neither one takes offense. They appreciate the necessity for intellectual autonomy and will have a large number of distinct friends.
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tulorom · 2 years
Everyone places a high value on financial prosperity; we all want to experience financial security so that we can take care of our families and ourselves. But that isn't something that comes naturally, is it? Everything in life requires effort. Gaining financial prosperity requires a lot of effort and resolve; it is not an easy undertaking. These are the variables you can influence, but there are also certain uncontrollable variables, such as luck, that are crucial in determining your financial situation. Although luck is something you cannot control, there is a means to determine whether it is working in your favor or not: a tarot card reading.
Tarot card reading is a technique where the reader asks questions and then uses cards to reveal information about the subject's past, present, or future. People have a strong belief in it and have been using it for a very long time.
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kayeresperm · 2 years
5 Love Psychological Theories
Why does love happen to people? Why is it that some types of love endure while others are so transient? To understand how love develops and endures, psychologists and scholars have put forth a variety of theories.
A fundamental human emotion is love. But comprehending how and why it occurs is not always simple. In fact, many believed for a very long time that love was something too innate, enigmatic, and spiritual for science to ever fully comprehend.
However, many people have attempted to understand more about this positive experience. The five main hypotheses put forth to explain love and other types of emotional relationships are listed below.
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