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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year ago
The world is oftentimes such an ugly place, but sometimes it can be so beautiful.
Like, when two choirs, one from Croatia and the other from Zimbabwe, met on the opposite sides of a Lisbon subway station and both sang to each other.
I unfortunately do not know what the Zimbabwe children choir sang to them (although it was so beautiful), but the Croatian klapa Kastav sang 'Kuća puna naroda' (a house full of people).
And let my reward be a house full of people, my life, give me a voice, so I can embrace you with songs.
Video source: Irena Grdinić
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lisabonmodel · 1 year ago
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simajviews · 2 months ago
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Palácio Nacional da Pena , Sintra, Portugal 🇵🇹
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month ago
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Medjoola Date Day
Medjool Date Day takes place on February 4 yearly and serves the purpose of highlighting the benefits of the Medjool dates. Originally a Middle-Eastern fruit, Medjool dates made their way to the U.S in the 18th century, and since then, they have reigned in the hearts of the people. With a hint of caramel flavor, the dates are sweet, delicious, and one of the healthiest snacks on the market nowadays. They are also great for energy and can do wonders for people who are trying to cut down on the consumption of artificial sugar.
History of Medjoola Date Day
Medjool dates, like many other delicious fruits, have existed in this world for centuries. Though dates can be traced back to around 5000 to 6000 B.C., it took some time to reach different parts of the world. This was only possible with the technological evolution in transport, as the fruit was transported to different regions of the world. The Medjool dates, originally from Morocco, were brought to Nevada in 1927. From there, the plantation grew in abundance. Today, it is one of two date varieties grown in the U.S. And yes – people are really fond of this fruit.
Medjool dates were introduced into America by Walter Swingle in the 20th century. Swingle was assigned by the U.S government to identify some exotic crops around the globe, and after the researcher discovered dates, he transported them to America. During that time, however, not many were familiar with dates. This was, after all, a fruit they hadn’t heard of before. But as globalization happened and different cultures were brought to the forefront, people came to recognize dates for the delicious fruit they are. One of the main events that added to the popularity of dates in America was the annual date festival that started in 1921.
Today, dates are eaten by people of all ages, for their delicious taste as well as the numerous health benefits linked to them. A 2021 study reveals that Medjool dates are a good source of phenolic compounds.
Medjoola Date Day timeline
7000 B.C. The Fruit Delight
The Mehrgarh civilization cultivates dates in the Asian region.
3000 B.C. Reap What You Sow
Dates are grown in Mesopotamia.
2600 - 1900 B.C. Sweet Valley
The Indus Valley Civilization grows and consumes dates.
2019 Going Strong
Nine million tonnes of date fruit are produced.
Medjoola Date Day FAQs
What is the difference between Medjool dates and regular dates?
Medjool dates are more caramel-like in taste than regular dates (also called Deglet Noor).
Do dates make you fat?
Consuming a large number of dates can lead to weight gain.
Are Medjool dates healthier than other dates?
They may be healthier since Medjool dates contain more calcium.
Medjoola Date Day Activities
Buy some Medjool Dates
Share their benefits
Cook a dish
Honor the day by heading out to the store and buying some Medjool dates for yourself and your family. Don’t forget to serve them at the dinner table!
Since Medjool dates are good for health, it's only fair you share their benefits with other people too. Find some good articles and start posting on social media now!
Start the day well by cooking up some yummy date dishes in your kitchen. Some items you can attempt include date biscuits, puddings, and cakes.
5 Fun Facts About Dates
Dates are grown in California
Nickname of Medjool dates
Amount of fiber in dates
A perennial plant
Edibles made from dates
95% of the dates in the United States are grown in California.
It’s known as the ‘king of dates.’
It has 12% of the fiber amount our body needs daily.
The date palm takes four to five years to grow.
This includes syrup, alcohol, and vinegar.
Why We Love Medjoola Date Day
The fruit is highly nutritious
Its potential health benefits
It can be a substitute for sugar
Offering a significant amount of fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals, Medjool dates are a rich source of healthful nutrients. It also contains more calcium than other common date varieties.
Protection from disease, indigestion, and cell damage are a few of the many health benefits of Medjool dates. And compared to figs and prunes, it has the highest antioxidant content.
Medjool dates are a rich source of natural sugar. The stone fruits are especially good for people monitoring their blood sugar because they have a low glycemic index and do not cause large increases in blood sugar.
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grusik · 1 year ago
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Lisboa - street art work by carleendesozer & moami31, 2023 by jaime.silva
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mirtapersonal · 1 year ago
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slutkissgirl777 · 2 years ago
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e-kultura · 6 months ago
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Klub Lisabon ~ Najava 20-og Kids festa od 12. do 20.oktobra 2024.
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usemme · 3 months ago
Děkuji dnešní hodině zeměpisu za nápad vytvořit tento skvost:
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dresyprofotbal · 3 months ago
Di Maria skóroval dvakrát, Benfica stíhá lídra
V doplňkovém utkání 8. kola portugalské superligy porazila Benfica venku Madeiru Nacional 2:0 a pokračovala v silném výkonu. Zůstalo neporaženo 13 po sobě jdoucích kol, s 35 body, dočasně překonalo Porto, aby se dostalo na druhé místo, a od vedoucího Sportingu CP ho dělí jen 1 bod. V této hře se opět stala středem pozornosti 36letá argentinská superstar Di Maria v Benfica Lisabon Fotbalové Dresy číslo 11, která během pouhých 15 minut dvakrát skórovala a stala se absolutním protagonistou této hry. Letos v létě Di Maria v Fotbalový Dres Argentina oficiálně odešel z národního týmu poté, co pomohl Argentině úspěšně obhájit Americký pohár, soustředil se na klubovou scénu a nadále hrál za Benficu. I přes jeho věk jsou Di Mariaovy schopnosti, povědomí a zkušenosti stále nedostižné. V minulé sezóně nastoupil 48krát za Benficu, přispěl 17 góly a 13 asistencemi a jeho výkon je stále poutavý a úžasný. V tomto utkání sice Benfica převzala v prvním poločase iniciativu na hřišti, ale gól se jí vstřelit nepodařilo. Až v 58. minutě dostal Di Maria pokutový kop v pokutovém území a stabilně skóroval, čímž prolomil patovou situaci pro Benficu. V 75. minutě se znovu prosadil Di Maria, vychytal soupeřovu chybu ve vyklízení a v pokutovém území vystřelil na branku a pomohl týmu zvýšit skóre na 2:0. Po vstřeleném gólu si Di Maria nemohl pomoci, aby oslavil na kolenou a ukázal tak velkou touhu po vítězství. Po hře získal výkon Di Maria nejvyšší skóre 9,0 ve hře. Jeho dvojgóly, 3 klíčové přihrávky a 29 přesných přihrávek pomohly Benfice k zisku cenných tří bodů. Di Maria zatím nastřílel za Benficu v různých soutěžích 11 gólů a přispěl k 5 asistencím, čímž se stal ofenzivním jádrem týmu. S pokračující epidemií Di Maria se mezera Benficy oproti Sportingu CP zmenšuje a naděje na vítězství v šampionátu roste.
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trafficpan-ic · 1 year ago
None of my friends ask me to do a photoshoot of them or just take a picture of them when we going out feels like… your photos are Not good enough vibes lol
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sharedrm · 1 year ago
Beautiful-wish we had more of this
The world is oftentimes such an ugly place, but sometimes it can be so beautiful.
Like, when two choirs, one from Croatia and the other from Zimbabwe, met on the opposite sides of a Lisbon subway station and both sang to each other.
I unfortunately do not know what the Zimbabwe children choir sang to them (although it was so beautiful), but the Croatian klapa Kastav sang 'Kuća puna naroda' (a house full of people).
And let my reward be a house full of people, my life, give me a voice, so I can embrace you with songs.
Video source: Irena Grdinić
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lisabonmodel · 6 months ago
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simajviews · 2 months ago
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Tower of Saint Vincent (Belém Tower), Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months ago
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The citizens of Lisabon were celebrating the triumphal return of the explorer Vasco de Gama on September 9, 1499, complet
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grusik · 10 months ago
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Lisboa - street art passagem subterranea de Alcântara vários artistas, 2023 by jaime.silva
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