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lisablasstudio · 11 months ago
On view: April 12, 2024 - May 11, 2024 | "In Quiet Motion" | Helm Contemporary, NYC
HELM CONTEMPORARY is pleased to announce IN QUIET MOTION, a group exhibition featuring artists Kerri Ammirata, Lisa Blas, and Elise Thompson.
In Quiet Motion: April 12 - May 11, 2024
Collectively, these artworks vividly express the perpetual flow and motion of nature, capturing its transformative essence through the interplay of ambient light, reflections, and color. Infused with feminine energy, each composition celebrates the ethereal beauty found in atmospheric environments, drawing inspiration from elements such as earth, water, and space. The fluid gestures, intricate layers, and physicality of their surfaces create an immersive experience akin to a swell that recedes, gradually revealing the layers beneath—a stirring of curiosity that encourages viewers to explore both the visible and concealed moments within ephemeral atmospheres.
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aliamrose · 6 years ago
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“Threshold” @oygprojects 🤗💖 Ortega y Gasset Projects @ The Old American Can Factory 363 Third Ave Brooklyn, New York 11215 NOTE: ENTER AT THIRD AVENUE … [image description] My installation “Threshold,” a tunnel-like structure at the gallery’s entry with cage lights above. A paper and beeswax membrane with a quarantine glove is at the end of the entry hallway. Image is lit with only lights from the installation (no outside or gallery light interruption) #oygprojects #adamliamrose #brutalism #installation #sculpture #gowanusopenstudios #brooklyngallery #gowanusarts (at Ortega y Gasset Projects) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKClbBhupa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ip215jf8e2g0
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lisablasstudio · 1 year ago
Opening: January 24, 2023 | "Seeing Is Realizing There Is Always More to See" | Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York
Seeing Is Realizing There Is Always More to See
EFA Studios 323 West 39th St., New York, NY
January 24 – February 23, 2024 Opening Reception, January 24, 6 – 8 p.m. Hours: Tue – Fri 12 – 5 pm
Lisa Blas Sari Carel Clare Churchouse Billy Gerard Frank Beth Ganz Amir Hariri Tooraj Khamenehzadeh Lise Kjaer Joyce Yu-Jean Lee Negin Mahzoun
Curated by Sharon Kendrick
A screening of Billy Gerard Frank's film “Second Eulogy: Mind the Gap” will be held on February 22, 2024, from 6–8 pm. A closing reception will follow.
EFA Studios is pleased to present an exhibition of EFA-affiliated artists whose work reminds us that the act of perceiving can lead to the realization that there is a hidden depth or abundance of things yet to be seen or understood. The artists here perceive and share things that may be hidden in plain sight, suppressed, or living deep in their imagination.
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lisablasstudio · 2 years ago
Opening: April 23, 2023 | Lisa Blas "Pause (Play), Horizon" | 76,4 * Brussels
76,4 is pleased to announce
from 23/04 - 28/05/2023
Sunday 23 April, 16:00-19:00 
2020___suspended time___2023
Rue de Bosnie appears on Google maps at an angle. Walking north from 76,4 in Brussels, the street intersects with Rue André Hennebicq at the roundabout. Here, one finds the New Hollywood café. Point your imaginary compass due west, and Hollywood, California, will eventually appear in the mind’s eye – where the sun, horizontality of the landscape and light’s reflectivity are in constant oscillation. 
PAUSE (PLAY), HORIZON is the quadrant of two horizons, geographical and biographical — and two periods of time, April 2020 and April 2023. As if folding the page of a book you were halfway through, and finding it again three years later, the narrative is re-remembered. Meanwhile, the interstices of daily life played out. 
At 76,4, I exhibit a painting spanning 2 x 4 meters. The viewer encounters a tilted curvilinear form with an oculus at the center. Similar to the aperture of a camera, the oculus is the space linking interior and exterior, the spectator and the object in view. In March 2020, the oculus shape emerged for me while painting at dawn — the view through my apartment windows, weather conditions, the western sky meets the Hudson River, forming a horizon line with the New Jersey shoreline. Horizontal divisions of space eventually gave way to curvilinear forms with a lacuna radiating at the center. These daily viewpoints accrue in time and space, and in memory — color appears and disappears through an infinity zone. I define them as “afterchromes”.
24, rue de Bosnie
1060 Saint-Gilles, Brussels 
Permanently visible from the street.
Hosted by Michel François, Ekaterina Kaplunova, Juan Pablo Plazas and Richard Venlet.
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lisablasstudio · 2 years ago
Opening tonight: February 1, 2023 | "In the Studio : New York Academy of Art Faculty Exhibition", 6-8 pm
I am pleased to show recent work along with my colleagues at The New York Academy of Art! Please join us for the opening tonight, all welcome.
Opening Reception: February 1, 2023 | 6-8pm
On view: February 1 – March 5, 2023 Open Daily, 10am–6pm Closed February 20, 2023
New York Academy of Art 111 Franklin Street New York, NY 10013 212-966-0300
 For inquiries please contact [email protected]
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lisablasstudio · 3 years ago
Opening: July 23, 2022 | Re:Group "Fragments in Constellation" | Skibbereen, Ireland
Jamie Ashforth, Lisa Blas, William Bock, Hazel Cardew, Seiko Hayase, Sarah Iremonger, Tomasz Madajczak, Kate McElroy, Mary Sullivan, Mary-Ruth Walsh, Tommy Weir
Opening: Saturday, July 23rd, please join us!
Re:Group | Fragments in Constellation July 23 - August 1, 2022. The O'Driscoll Building, Levis Quay, Skibbereen, County Cork. Opening : July 23, 2022 | 12:00-2:00 pm. Artist talk: July 23, 2022 | 12:30 pm. Re:Group celebration: July 30, 2022 | 4:00-8:00 pm. Open daily: 12:00-3:00 pm, or by appointment. Visual Artists Ireland
Over two years ago, a group of artists were brought together on Zoom to meet and chat, via insightful programming @uillinnwestcorkarts, in response to the Covid-19 lockdown. Through our monthly meetings (11:00 am GMT / 6:00 am EST), and varied discussions, we found shared affinities in life and art — sensitivities to how the pandemic was unfolding for each of us, individually and collectively — from our disparate locations. We were, in effect, experiencing similarly challenging conditions, postponements, cancellations of work and professional activities. Amidst this backdrop of global isolation, eleven of us formed @_regroup — An international artist collective stretching across borders, oceans, and islands. We invite you to join us for the opening of "Fragments in Constellation", a collaborative space of installation, workshops and performance.
#regroup & #fragmentsinconstellation is supported by: @uillinnwestcorkarts @skibbereenartsfestival @corkcountycouncil @artscouncilireland
Re:Group: @jamie_ashforth @lisablas_studio @bockworks @hazelcardew @ricardseiko.art @sarahiremonger @tomaszmadajczak @kate_mcelroy_ @maryksullivanart @maryruthwalsh @tommyweir
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lisablasstudio · 3 years ago
Open Studio: July 16, 2022 | Lisa Blas | Routes to Oceania_fighte fuaighte | West Cork Arts Centre, Skibbereen, Ireland
Event by Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre Artist in Residence: Lisa Blas - Open Studio - Lisa Blas | Routes to Oceania | fighte fuaighte
Saturday, July 16, 2022 | 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm GMT
Skibbereen, County Cork, P81 VW98, Ireland Phone: +3532822090 | Email: [email protected]
As an artist-in-residence at Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre during June-July 2022, I am working on a site-specific body of work that draws upon the Irish language, local color, weather, light and the history of Irish landscape painting. On July 23, I will exhibit paintings in the group exhibition, Fragments in Constellation, as part of the artist collective, Re:Group. On July 28, Dawn Studio will be on site, at a special location in West Cork where the sky meets water. I will host a painting workshop beginning at sunrise, free and accessible to the local community. Further details on Re:Group’s exhibition and registration for my public engagement workshop can be found via Skibbereen Arts Festival and Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre.
Since March 2020, I have concentrated my artistic interest in the concept of the oculus, a portal of light connecting interior space to the outer environment. The shape emerged for me as I undertook Dawn Studio, an ongoing daily painting practice I commence at sunrise everyday. The paintings are made on mid-sized watercolor paper and aquaboard panels using watercolor, iridescent pigment, metallic ink and gouache, that inform larger paintings on canvas with acrylic ink, watercolor pencil, interference and acrylic paint.
In these early morning hours, I begin by looking out the windows at the changing light and color over the horizon and Hudson river: a meeting of sky and water that dramatically shifts through the seasons and weather. These views create multiple afterimages – residues of the morning light that remain in my eyes. Using fluid brushwork, I create curvilinear shapes with a glowing lacuna at the center. This gap, which I identify as an oculus, is an interior space that oscillates, attempting to merge with its surroundings. Its center is unstable, like the eye of a hurricane that changes shape or direction suddenly. These forms hover between abstraction and representation, yet refer distinctly to place.
Lisa Blas | Skibbereen, Ireland July 12, 2022
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lisablasstudio · 3 years ago
Artist-in-residence: Lisa Blas | West Cork Arts Centre | Skibbereen, Ireland | June-July 2022
Greetings to all on this day of the summer solstice!
I am currently Artist-in-residence, at Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre, Skibbereen, Ireland, June - July 2022. While in the region, I am working on a site-specific body of work that draws upon local color, weather, light, and the history of Irish landscape painting. Parallel to this research, I am thinking about the notion of islands that embody personal and communal origins, formal circularity and interstitial spaces on the periphery.
In July, Dawn studio will be on site, in a special location where the sky meets water. I will host a painting workshop at sunrise, free and accessible to the local community. Stay tuned for further details on my public engagements and Open Studio via Instagram and Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre.
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lisablasstudio · 4 years ago
Opening tonight: August 5, 2021 | Social Photography IX | Carriage Trade, NYC
Opening tonight! Social Photography IX, the ninth annual group exhibition of cell phone photography brought to you by Peter Scott and the team at Carriage Trade. Please join us for a celebratory night with peers in support of non-profit galleries in the Lower East Side!
Social Photography IX August 5 - September 30, 2021 Opening Tonight, 4-8pm
carriage trade
277 Grand St, 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10002 646-863-3874 Thursday-Sunday, 1-6pm
Online Sales: socialphotography.carriagetrade.org 1 print: $75.00 2 prints: $120.00 (use promo code: 2/$120 at checkout) 3 prints: $150.00 (use promo code: 3/$150 at checkout)
Now in its ninth year, Social Photography brings together cell phone pictures of participants from a wide range of disciplines, generations, and places. In the spirit of broad access to cell phone image making technology, the emphasis of the project leans toward sensibility and the anecdotal over skill and mastery of the medium of photography.
Taking advantage of technologies that allow for images to be sent from anywhere, which are then formatted, printed, and displayed in an in-person exhibition at carriage trade, the range of participants in Social Photography reflect both the gallery’s community in Lower Manhattan as well as those associated with it in other parts of the world. Linking the virtual with the physical through an online display that is then presented in print form, Social Photography IX might be seen as a counterpoint to the increased placelessness of remote exchanges normalized in the pandemic-era.
Spanning nearly a decade, the growing, informal archive of Social Photography cell phone pictures occasionally reflect significant local, national, and international events (Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd protests, U.S. presidential elections, pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong) existing side by side with the everyday, the personal, the urban, and the domestic.
About carriage trade :
carriage trade is a NY-based non-profit art space that was founded in 2009. Through presenting primarily group exhibitions, carriage trade functions not as a means to promote the careers of individual artists, but to provide contexts for their work that reveal its relevance to larger social and political conditions prevalent today. The exhibitions combine well known with lesser known artists, and historical pieces with very recent work, often integrating relevant found (archival) material as a means to broaden the scope of an art exhibition by positioning the "evidence" of everyday experience in direct relation to an artist's mediation of social conditions.
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lisablasstudio · 4 years ago
Now Open: May 1 - June 30, 2021 | Fit to Print | The Print Center, Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA, PA – (April 20, 2021) The Print Center is pleased to present Fit to Print, an online exhibition which explores the use of newspapers in art from the post-war era to the present day. It addresses how artists work with the medium of newsprint as a nexus where the studio, everyday life and current events perennially merge and collide. This exploration is particularly timely in an age when truth in news is fractured and suspect, due to the proliferation of sensationalist stories pitted against traditional sources of journalism.
Fit to Print features Lisa Blas, Jennifer Bolande, Chryssa, Laura Fields, Jef Geys, Beatriz González, Helena Hernmarck, Rita Maas, Dan Perjovschi, Donna Ruff, Soledad Salamé and Paul Thek. The works of these twelve modern and contemporary artists reveal slippages between everyday life and what is depicted and recounted on the printed, published page.
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lisablasstudio · 4 years ago
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🔑 Details travel! 🔑 Posted @withregram • @theprintcenter ✨Windows on Latimer ✨ “Lisa Blas: Dawn Studio (palettes on the run).” * Blas' installation features 14 photographs – distilled from over 4,000 – that chronicle fragments of the working process of her ongoing series "Dawn Studio,” which she began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Blas works on multiple paintings each morning, pausing periodically to photograph the surfaces of the works and their intersections. * Blas’ installation is on view through May 31, 2021. Tag #WindowsOnLatimer to share your experience. * #ThePrintCenter #printmaking #photography #phlarts #ContemporaryArts #artgallery #originalartwork #CloserLook #AbstractPhotography #PhotographyInstallation #OutsideArt #MuseumfromHome #ArtCanHelp #ArtKeepsGoing #WindowsOnLatimer #LisaBlas #DawnStudio @lisablas_studio (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-TFIjFxWj/?igshid=180r36omw7nt2
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lisablasstudio · 4 years ago
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📣 On view during the month of May in downtown Philadelphia! 📣 Posted @withregram • @theprintcenter 🙏🏽✨🙏🏽✨ ✨Windows on Latimer ✨ “Lisa Blas: Dawn Studio (palettes on the run).” * Blas' installation features 14 photographs – distilled from over 4,000 – that chronicle fragments of the working process of her ongoing series "Dawn Studio,” which she began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Blas works on multiple paintings each morning, pausing periodically to photograph the surfaces of the works and their intersections. * Blas’ installation is on view through May 31, 2021. Tag #WindowsOnLatimer to share your experience. * #ThePrintCenter #printmaking #photography #phlarts #ContemporaryArts #artgallery #originalartwork #CloserLook #AbstractPhotography #PhotographyInstallation #OutsideArt #MuseumfromHome #ArtCanHelp #ArtKeepsGoing #WindowsOnLatimer #LisaBlas #DawnStudio @lisablas_studio (at The Print Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-TBJ_FfwF/?igshid=1mssadaledwi5
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lisablasstudio · 5 years ago
Now Open: August 6, 2020 | Social Photography VIII | Carriage Trade, NYC
I am excited to participate with many friends and colleagues in Social Photography VIII, the eighth annual group exhibition of cell phone photography brought to you by Peter Scott and the team at Carriage Trade.
The rigorous programming at Carriage Trade continues to deliver thought provoking exhibitions and scholarly inquiries into the role of art and culture today. Please consider supporting this unique non-profit institution of the Lower East Side and the art community that sustains it. Carriage Trade 277 Grand Street, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10002 646-863-3874 Please Note: 
We're following the standard health protocols (masks, social distancing, etc.) and will limit attendance to four to five people at a time. Appointments can be made via See Saw. 
If you're nearby and want to know if there's room in the gallery please feel free to call us at 646-863-3874.
Social Photography VIII
Gallery Exhibition: Now Open August 5 - September 20, 2020 Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 1 - 6 pm Online Sales socialphotography.carriagetrade.org See details on purchasing below*
Carriage trade is pleased to present Social Photography VIII, the eighth installment of carriage trade’s cell phone photography show. While Social Photography is not guided by an all-encompassing theme, each year’s collection of pictures becomes an informal archive reflecting a range of recent social experience. Taking place in the midst of significant societal vulnerability and political conflict across the U.S., this year’s show presents an opportunity to recognize the importance of the ordinary or everyday in the face of the extraordinary, while also perhaps indicating a certain amount of resilience among the contributors, given the practical and emotional demands of a very uncertain moment.
Cell phones have become a kind of appendage for many, offering the ability to communicate, track, record, and archive every experience, then routinely feed the results into a social media stream. With its scrolling, "bottomless" format encouraging impulsive interaction, a perplexing mix of the anecdotal, the self-promotional, and the politically urgent coexist without perceptible context. Largely indifferent to codes of ethics or aesthetics, all content is subjected to peer rating systems and shifting algorithms that target the user based on their "stimulus patterns", while the split second experience of the social media image guarantees a short shelf life as it perpetually fuels the insatiable appetite of the attention economy.
As an eight plus year project, Social Photography has evolved with cell phone technology and in parallel with the development of social media. What began as an investigation of a novelty medium which simultaneously offered an alternative to the conventional non-profit benefit exhibition has become a kind of tradition, as it sustains and expands carriage trade’s community through its many participants, while helping support upcoming projects. While cell phone images are generally "unstable" through their constant movement within digital platforms, Social Photography links the cell phone picture’s virtual origins to an in-person gallery experience.
Providing a platform for a medium whose relationship to the history of photography remains unclear, Social Photography also exists as an expression of ambivalence towards the professionalization of the image, as well as the hierarchical codes that might restrict our reception of a photograph. While the exhibition has never been thematic and has instead maintained some detachment with respect to content, given the magnitude of current events, the 2020 iteration of Social Photography may reflect the tenor of the times more than most. Considering the degree of uncertainty and tension now present in many people’s lives, we wish to express our enormous gratitude to all who have contributed to this year’s show.
*Preview begins Monday, July 20 at 12 PM / Online sales begin Tuesday, June 21 at 2 PM
1 print: $75.00 2 prints: $120.00 (use promo code: 2/$120at checkout) 3 prints: $150.00 (use promo code: 3/$150at checkout)
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lisablasstudio · 5 years ago
October 2, 2019: Lisa Blas "Spectacular holes in clouds, spotted" | Artist talk | George Washington University, Washington, DC
Please join me tonight for my talk “Spectacular holes in clouds, spotted” at Smith Hall of Art, Fine Arts and Art History Department.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019 6:30 p.m.
George Washington University Smith Hall of Art 801 22nd St. NW Room: 114 Washington, DC 20052 Lecture organized by the Visiting Artists and Scholars Committee (VASC) GWU contact: [email protected] Further information: Fall Arts Guide:
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lisablasstudio · 6 years ago
Opening: July 9, 2019 | Social Photography VII | Carriage Trade, NYC
I’m thrilled to have contributed to Social Photography VII, brought to you by Peter Scott and the team at Carriage Trade!
Meet me tonight to see the work of many artists, friends, and support future programming for this non-profit gallery in the Lower East Side.
Opening: 6 - 8 pm | Tuesday, July 9, 2019 Carriage Trade, 277 Grand Street, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10002 Prints are available in the gallery and online: socialphotography.carriagetrade.org
“First presented in 2011, carriage trade's Social Photography exhibitions have become both a tradition and an ongoing survey of cell phone camera use. What began as a novelty medium seven or eight years ago now provides currency for the $100 billion picture mill of Instagram, which funnels 95 million images a day through its social media network via opaque algorithms that determine the order and context of what we see.
Unlike social media formats on our phones which encourage endless scrolling through a "bottomless bowl" of images, Social Photography cell phone pictures exist both online and in the gallery. Faced with a group of photographs in the exhibition space, any of which can draw one's attention or focus, accidental associations present themselves through proximity (their order is based on when images are emailed to the gallery) underscoring the alternative of seeing cell phone images in a physical setting free of social media filters.”
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lisablasstudio · 6 years ago
Opening: March 5, 2019 | Double Negative | ChaShaMa | New York, NY
Please join us tonight for the opening of Double Negative !       DOUBLE NEGATIVE | March 5 - 31, 2019      Curated by Darling Green    Opening: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm    Gallery hours: Thursday - Sunday | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm    ChaShaMa    320 West 23rd Street    New York, NY 10011    [email protected]    Readings, performances and screenings: Thursdays | 7:00 - 9:00 pm    March 7, 2019 | March 14, 2019 | March 21, 2019 | March 28, 2019
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