#lisa: the brutal
silasmushroom · 11 months
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lollich0p · 5 days
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CBS blingee from before the site shutdown
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
Do you remember Lisa Edwards' case? You have to see the conclusion. It is truly disgusting.
Here's my initial overview of the Lisa Edwards case, for anyone who doesn't know. But the short version is that she was an older woman who discharged from a hospital- Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center- despite still being in a medical emergency. When she refused to leave (because she was, you know, dying) she was forcibly removed by cops for "trespassing," arrested, and later had a stroke in the back of a police car. She died the next day.
Anyway, the news I found states that the hospital basically investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing. Because of course they did. But I wouldn't call this "the conclusion." It sounds like Lisa's family has lawyered up like I hoped they would. It won't bring Lisa back, but at the very least I hope they get a fat check and other hospitals won't dare try this shit again.
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butters-flower-mom · 4 months
what would be pepper's role on the hobbit episode
Lisa would have thought she and Butters were already dating, which would have made her even more reluctant to ask Butters out. Wendy would have clarified the two are just friends since Wendy's one of the few characters who doesn't assume Butters and Pepper being close means they're in love. Lisa probably would have gone to Pepper for advice on how to ask Butters out but a combination of her shyness and being uncomfortable with romance would have made Pepper pretty useless for that.
Since Pepper tends to only hear Butters' side of stories she probably would have also been angry with Wendy, thinking Wendy was being mean to Butters and insulting his celebrity crush simply because Butters didn't share Lisa's feelings. Pepper would have had no idea Butters had been so rude when he told Lisa he wasn't interested.
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(CW/TW police violence, death)
Her name was Lisa Edwards.
And on February 6, 2023 she showed up to at least one hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee, with a shattered ankle and suffering from a stroke.
One of those hospitals called the police on her for the supposed "crime" of not being able to wheel herself out of the hospital after discharge WHILE HAVING A STROKE.
And then the police proceeded to tell Edwards that she was "faking", ignore her calls that she was STRUGGLING TO BREATHE and manhandle her in the short period before Edwards died of a stroke in the back of a police vehicle.
This is not okay.
This is NEVER okay.
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love-of-words20 · 1 year
Man conservatives never fail to amaze me with their lack of humanity. I know I shouldn’t have but I scrolled through the comments on an article about what the health care system and the Knoxville police did to Lisa Edwards and Jesus Christ, most people were angry, most people had some effing sense but of course there were those special few, those brave men and women who had to find a way to back the blue. A 60 year old woman begs not to be taken from the hospital right before dying and is instead mocked and bullied, humiliated and dehumanized by the police. So many saying they were just doing their jobs. . . so many saying she should have complied. . . so many worthless pieces of garbage out there. 
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benbraeden · 1 year
tag drop ft. people.
#“     𝒊.     countenance     ﹕     bees hum funeral dirges in his wake.#“     𝒊.     character study     ﹕     heaven and hell are warring inside you‚ always brutal‚ always merciless.#“     𝒊𝒊.     dean winchester     ﹕     when the laurel grows heavy on your brow‚ where do you lay down the burden.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sam winchester     ﹕     you were never made a god‚ but you were remembered.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sarah braeden     ﹕     he feels sunlight in the warmth of her skin and trace mountains in the peaks of her spine.#“     𝒊𝒊.     gunchamber     ﹕     her laughter is the sound that makes flower bloom and her rage is is the thing that burns empires.#“     𝒊𝒊.     lily winchester     ﹕     how long can a heart survive without the head?#“     𝒊𝒊.     wailshe     ﹕     you’re the dawn that rises bloody and wrecks ships in its wake.#“     𝒊𝒊.     frankie shaw     ﹕     you’re all bronze and bite‚ all venom and fistfight.#“     𝒊𝒊.     fightforbetter     ﹕     there is only so much flesh and muscle can hold back before her divinity shines.#“     𝒊𝒊.     hallie anders     ﹕     you fight because it is the most intimate act you can think of.#“     𝒊𝒊.     rueben baker     ﹕     being ruined isn't a bad thing‚ it means that you're going to be a legend.#“     𝒊𝒊.     jamie walker     ﹕     you will grow back over and over‚ no matter how badly you are devastated.#“     𝒊𝒊.     odessa muyne     ﹕     she is the stuff of dreams‚ a shooting star that burns too bright.#“     𝒊𝒊.     lisa braeden     ﹕     i still see a constellation of you in the sky.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sarah miller     ﹕     as long as your heart beats‚ there's fight.
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ikeofnewt · 5 months
the background of the Monalisa but it rapidly got out of hand
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what happened
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carcosacurations · 11 months
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mona lisa exhibit two
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fatehbaz · 1 year
When you tag things “#abolition”, what are you referring to? Abolishing what?
Prisons, generally. Though not just physical walls of formal prisons, but also captivity, carcerality, and carceral thinking. Including migrant detention; national border fences; indentured servitude; inability to move due to, and labor coerced through, debt; de facto imprisonment or isolation of the disabled or medically pathologized; privatization and enclosure of land; categories of “criminality"; etc.
In favor of other, better lives and futures.
Specifically, I am grateful to have learned from the work of these people:
Ruth Wilson Gilmore on “abolition geography”.
Katherine McKittrick on "imaginative geographies"; emotional engagement with place/landscape; legacy of imperialism/slavery in conceptions of physical space and in devaluation of other-than-human lifeforms; escaping enclosure; plantation “afterlives” and how plantation logics continue to thrive in contemporary structures/institutions like cities, prisons, etc.; a “range of rebellions” through collaborative acts, refusal of the dominant order, and subversion through joy and autonomy.
Macarena Gomez-Barris on landscapes as “sacrifice zones”; people condemned to live in resource extraction colonies deemed as acceptable losses; place-making and ecological consciousness; and how “the enclosure, the plantation, the ship, and the prison” are analogous spaces of captivity.
Liat Ben-Moshe on disability; informal institutionalization and incarceration of disabled people through physical limitation, social ostracization, denial of aid, and institutional disavowal; and "letting go of hegemonic knowledge of crime”.
Achille Mbembe on co-existence and care; respect for other-than-human lifeforms; "necropolitics" and bare life/death; African cosmologies; historical evolution of chattel slavery into contemporary institutions through control over food, space, and definitions of life/land; the “explicit kinship between plantation slavery, colonial predation, and contemporary resource extraction” and modern institutions.
Robin Maynard on "generative refusal"; solidarity; shared experiences among homeless, incarcerated, disabled, Indigenous, Black communities; to "build community with" those who you are told to disregard in order "to re-imagine" worlds; envisioning, imagining, and then manifesting those alternative futures which are "already" here and alive.
Leniqueca Welcome on Caribbean world-making; "the apocalyptic temporality" of environmental disasters and the colonial denial of possible "revolutionary futures"; limits of reformism; "infrastructures of liberation at the end of the world."; "abolition is a practice oriented toward the full realization of decolonization, postnationalism, decarceration, and environmental sustainability."
Stefano Harney and Fred Moten on “the undercommons”; fugitivity; dis-order in academia and institutions; and sharing of knowledge.
AM Kanngieser on "deep listening"; “refusal as pedagogy”; and “attunement and attentiveness” in the face of “incomprehensible” and immense “loss of people and ecologies to capitalist brutalities”.
Lisa Lowe on "the intimacies of four continents" and how British politicians and planters feared that official legal abolition of chattel slavery would endanger Caribbean plantation profits, so they devised ways to import South Asian and East Asian laborers.
Ariella Aisha Azoulay on “rehearsals with others’.
Phil Neel on p0lice departments purposely targeting the poor as a way to raise municipal funds; the "suburbanization of poverty" especially in the Great Lakes region; the rise of lucrative "logistics empires" (warehousing, online order delivery, tech industries) at the edges of major urban agglomerations in "progressive" cities like Seattle dependent on "archipelagos" of poverty; and the relationship between job loss, homelessness, gentrification, and these logistics cities.
Alison Mountz on migrant detention; "carceral archipelagoes"; and the “death of asylum”.
Pedro Neves Marques on “one planet with many worlds inside it”; “parallel futures” of Indigenous, Black, disenfranchised communities/cosmologies; and how imperial/nationalist institutions try to foreclose or prevent other possible futures by purposely obscuring or destroying histories, cosmologies, etc.
Peter Redfield on the early twentieth-century French penal colony in tropical Guiana/Guyana; the prison's invocation of racist civilization/savagery mythologies; and its effects on locals.
Iain Chambers on racism of borders; obscured and/or forgotten lives of migrants; and disrupting modernity.
Paulo Tavares on colonial architecture; nationalist myth-making; and erasure of histories of Indigenous dispossession.
Elizabeth Povinelli on "geontopower"; imperial control over "life and death"; how imperial/nationalist formalization of private landownership and commodities relies on rigid definitions of dynamic ecosystems.
Kodwo Eshun on African cosmologies and futures; “the colonial present”; and imperialist/nationalist use of “preemptive” and “predictive” power to control the official storytelling/narrative of history and to destroy alternatives.
Tim Edensor on urban "ghosts" and “industrial ruins”; searching for the “gaps” and “silences” in the official narratives of nations/institutions, to pay attention to the histories, voices, lives obscured in formal accounts.
Megan Ybarra on place-making; "site fights"; solidarity and defiance of migrant detention; and geography of abolition/incarceration.
Sophie Sapp Moore on resistance, marronage, and "forms of counterplantation life"; "plantation worlds" which continue to live in contemporary industrial resource extraction and dispossession.
Deborah Cowen on “infrastructures of empire and resistance”; imperial/nationalist control of place/space; spaces of criminality and "making a life at the edge" of the law; “fugitive infrastructures”.
Elizabeth DeLoughrey on indentured labor; the role of plants, food, and botany in enslaved and fugitive communities; the nineteenth-century British Empire's labor in the South Pacific and Caribbean; the twentieth-century United States mistreatment of the South Pacific; and the role of tropical islands as "laboratories" and isolated open-air prisons for Britain and the US.
Dixa Ramirez D’Oleo on “remaining open to the gifts of the nonhuman” ecosystems; hinterlands and peripheries of empires; attentiveness to hidden landscapes/histories; defying surveillance; and building a world of mutually-flourishing companions.
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson on reciprocity; Indigenous pedagogy; abolitionism in Canada; camaraderie; solidarity; and “life-affirming” environmental relationships.
Anand Yang on "forgotten histories of Indian convicts in colonial Southeast Asia" and how the British Empire deported South Asian political prisoners to the region to simultaneously separate activists from their communities while forcing them into labor.
Sylvia Wynter on the “plot”; resisting the plantation; "plantation archipelagos"; and the “revolutionary demand for happiness”.
Pelin Tan on “exiled foods”; food sovereignty; building affirmative care networks in the face of detention, forced migration, and exile; connections between military rule, surveillance, industrial monocrop agriculture, and resource extraction; the “entanglement of solidarity” and ethics of feeding each other.
Avery Gordon on haunting; spectrality; the “death sentence” of being deemed “social waste” and being considered someone “without future”; "refusing" to participate; "escaping hell" and “living apart” by striking, squatting, resisting; cultivating "the many-headed hydra of the revolutionary Black Atlantic"; alternative, utopian, subjugated worldviews; despite attempts to destroy these futures, manifesting these better worlds, imagining them as "already here, alive, present."
Jasbir Puar on disability; debilitation; how the control of fences, borders, movement, and time management constitute conditions of de facto imprisonment; institutional control of illness/health as a weapon to "debilitate" people; how debt and chronic illness doom us to a “slow death”.
Kanwal Hameed and Katie Natanel on "liberation pedagogy"; sharing of knowledge, education, subversion of colonial legacy in universities; "anticolonial feminisms"; and “spaces of solidarity, revolt, retreat, and release”.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
Things That Are Canon About Raph x Mona Lisa in TMNT 2012
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Raph LOVES the fact that Mona Lisa is bigger, stronger and better at fighting than him. A fact that other people like Mikey assume Raph would find unattractive is the most attractive to him. Raph’s type is strong woman who can beat his shell.
Raph has indirectly told Mona Lisa that anytime her refers to her as such, he’s calling her a beautiful work of art.
Mona Lisa wears the pants in their relationship and Raph happily accepts that.
April and Mikey shipped them.
Raph gets very excited at the idea of Mona Lisa training him and teaching him some of her fighting moves.
Mona Lisa is able to recognize Raph from just hearing his fiery temper and angry screams.
Mona Lisa can genuinely calm Raph down whenever he’s about to explode just from her touch or her words.
Mona Lisa often uses her tail to pull (or push) Raph closer to her.
They wrote love letters to each other over the course of the season 4 space arc. We don’t know exactly what they wrote to each other, but whatever they said was enough for Dregg and Armaggon to figure out that they are romantically involved, so it’s safe to say the letters were flirtatious.
Mona Lisa is connected to Raph’s fighting spirit. During her betrayal Raph lost his will to fight, so heart broken he took a brutal beating from Armaggon, but when Mona confesses her love to him, his drive for battle returns.
When having his panic attack regarding his fear of bugs, Raph imagines Mona Lisa, wanting to run to her and be in the comfort of her arms. It’s safe to say that Mona Lisa is the light in his life, and brings him a sense of peace when he’s scared.
Raph talks about Mona Lisa to Chompy frequently.
Mona Lisa often gets lost in her imagination about Raph, thinking about him working out and such and being so distracted by her own thoughts that she’s unaware of her surroundings or her commander talking to her.
Mona Lisa gets genuinely flustered and kinda timid when Raph flirts with her. It catches her off guard, but she likes it.
They are now happily living on Earth together.
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ewingstan · 8 days
I do wonder how much the perception of cape culture in the fandom would have changed if Wildbow hadn’t made the story so Brockton Bay centric.
The story of Worm (and Ward to an extent) has alluded to the fact that Brockton Bay is notably an exception when it comes to cape violence and brutality, with Taylor shocked that a Ward she met had 3 fights in 6 months. And how several Wards and Rime had no idea what she was talking about in regard to “counting coup”.
We see this with Victoria too, when she’s shocked about the Majors not seeing any action in 6 years and Tristan being overwhelmed with the amount of violence in the Fallen Raid despite being a hero for a few years himself. Foil also mentions how most of her career was really calm until March would occasionally poke her nose in things.
Mal posted some Ward updates! While I understand her pov, I do disagree with her:ilebow has also stressed, pre-Ward, that Brockton Bay was not indicative of the wider cape scene as a whole but rather a domino of things going wrong due to outside factors.
If Wildbow had extended interludes to show the dynamics of other, average, cape cities or had Taylor be in a city where things were so much calmer that she found it disturbing… well, it’s hard to say how things would change, but I think it would have made it far more clear that Taylor and Victoria’s life experience should not be applied across the board.
Or maybe nothing would have changed. Just spitballing an idea based on your let’s read so far.
Brockton Bay may be exceptional to an extent. But maybe just in the sense that it had so much happen to it before it was abandoned. Madison and Ellisburg only needed one bad day. Several countries in Worm were just straight-up destroyed.
The Bay may have been a notably large hub of nazi capes. But they were part of an internationally-connected network of capes with similar agendas. Hell, the Fallen mostly operated outside of Brockton Bay. Most of the exceptionally violent groups like the Fallen, the Slaughterhouse Nine, Heartbreaker, the Teeth, etc. were roaming problems. Yes, Brockton was unique in that it was hit by all of them, but the world was full of those types of groups. There were similar groups of enough importance on a world stage to get an invite to the cauldron meetings that we only get the barest details of.
But the most important thing is that the low-level fights Victoria's specifically nostalgic for was itself always worse than she's remembering. It wasn't a bunch of kooky characters clashing with straightmen heroes. It was a bunch of very desperate people trying to survive in a system that found them either expendable or better off dead. Even without all the specific things that hit Brockton Bay, Rachel probably would've ended up in the birdcage. Victoria would've kept relying on Amy to fix up the crooks she broke, assuming she never ended up accidentally killing someone. Both of them would continue living under the crushing responsibility and isolation that came with their cape personas. Vista would've ended up as maladjusted as a marketable celebrity child soldier would always end up being. People like Dinah and Lisa would keep being hunted for their skills by more powerful forces. The Taylors of the world would keep getting bullied, the Mr. Gladlys would keep looking away. The rot would be same.
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vilebird · 2 months
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1) "I have been found wanting, Natalie thought; I have made myself unacceptable and am not worthy." - hangsaman, by shirley jackson
2) text: "meat must be beaten brutal into tenderness, that any body softens with violence, she grinds salt into the carcass, like a wound, a memory". image: a carcass of beef, cleaned, with the ribs on prominent display, painted in oils and rendered in thick strokes of red, orange, tan and white, on a plain dark red background. the text is cutouts on top, dark red text on light tan. - Family Portrait as Unfinished Meal, by Torrin A. Greathouse and Le Bœuf by Chaim Soutine. collage put together by @invisiblemonstrosity
3) a pale hand crushing ripe red strawberries, green leaves still attached, on a plain white background. - apparently by ouiloved on flickr, but they seem to have deleted.
4) bust photo of a tan person with a spotlight on them outside in the dark, head turned down, shoulder length messy wet black hair obscuring their face. their hand is raised to their chest and they are wearing a white tank top. fake blood is splattered and wiped around their chest and mouth. - i can't actually find this one all my attempts lead back to unsourced tumblr posts if you know where its from. help me
5: "You have no one who has any sort of consideration for you. You have had patience and endurance, and what have they done for you? Half-killed you." - carlyle’s house and other sketches, by virginia woolf
6: "try your whole life to be righteous and be good, wind up on your own floor, choking on blood" - sept 15th 1983, by the mountain goats
7: "such a waste of a girl, such rumination. i am obsessive. i contain nothing but the replay. i am blood and blood and replay. i am please don't go." - i put the coffin out to sea, by lisa marie basile
8: an image of a partially bald baby bird begging for food, drawn in the desaturated greens and black of a trailcam, on top, the text reads "i am asking you for something i need", on bottom, the text reads "why is it so hard to give it to me?" - trailcam baby, by @quezify
9: "was i raised without love? / or was i born unloveable?" - @psychwarded
10: "I, in my corner, with my monstrous needs." - As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh, susan sontag
11: "oh, i know that i'm not whole, and sometimes feel the flies swarming, like much of me is rotten." - roadkill ode, chad abushanab
12: a photo of a cut tree where much of the centre is rotted from fungus, accompanied by the text: "heart rot in pine. heart rot is the softening of a pine trees resinous heartwood, caused by an in-dwelling fungus. not all pines have it, but those that do make the excavation of a tree-hole next cavity easier for the red-cockaded woodpecker."
13: "rot made a home inside my body." - i know it's from "bloat" but cant find the authors name again. i think it starts with a c?
14: photo of an abandoned house in shades of brown and beige and orange, the walls are wet and scuffed and the drywall has been torn open in places, exposing the old lath. - abandoned, by @jaggedplains
15: photo of a mouldy strawberry, fading from bright red to grey-green fluff - Strawberry Gray Mold disease stock photo, by MediaProduction on gettyimages
16: "you ever feel like you were born with something rotten inside you and if people get close enough they're gonna find out" - tumblr post by @twoheadedfawnn
17: "we are meat, we are potential carcasses,' he once said. 'if i go into a butcher's shop i always think it is surprising that i wasn't there instead of the animal." - francis bacon
18: "you dangle on the leash of your own longing; your need grows teeth." - speeches for dr frankenstein, by margaret atwood
19: photo of a python hanging off a roof coiled around a black and white bird, poised to eat it - i heard some noise on the roof this morning, by candycane7 on reddit
20: "all that matters is that you want to hurt me. all that matters is that you want me." - when rome falls, by yves olade
21: "god told me i was forgiven and then he split me open" - god is made of hunger and i am made of dreams, by katie maria
22: "but this is not about love. once a pig is hung and cut straight, cut from rectum to neck, step inside her death like it is a room: that is how to touch her now. the lord said, you must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses. then came the end of the rib." - oh let's just be hogs, by gregory emilio
23: photo of a strawberry cut in half with its leaves attached. it is bright red, steel knife wet. the background is bright white and plain. - cut strawberry by liz west on flickr
24: photo of a handmade cloth sculpture of a dead autopsied pigeon, red zipper like an incision opening to its empty red interior, small cloth and thread organs arranged around it. - pandora: city pigeon, by jessica bartram
25: '"u need a therapist" actually i need to be euthanized' - tumblr post by deactivated user @122mg
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multific · 1 year
Small Kisses
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Vincent De Gramont x Wife!Reader
Warning: mention of toxic obsession and kidnapping (not done by Vincent)
Summary: You loved the tickle of his lips on your skin.
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Vincent loved to give you small kisses.
No matter the reason. He just loved doing it wherever you two were.
A formal event? 
A simple dinner?
A small date?
Or just staying in bed all day?
You swore the reason Vincent lived was to give you his sweetest kisses. A man so cunning and proud as him, yet he would be the proudest and calmest whenever he was with you.
You were his beautiful wife whom he loved with all of his dark heart.
But you didn't mind the blood, the murder and the insanity of it all.
Because every time he killed someone in the most brutal way, he would also come home to you, his gorgeous suit covered in blood, and give you such a sweet kiss.
It was honestly confusing rather than anything. 
Vincent was a very classy man. He enjoyed the luxuries in life. High-end products, and he always made sure that you lived in the same luxury.
On your last birthday, he gifted you an original Monét piece.
The painting is currently right above your bed.
If he could, he would buy you the Mona Lisa.
He would literally make sure that you are dripping in diamonds, much like how he did for his birthday when he got you a special gown, made out of diamonds.
Once he said: "I would change the Mona Lisa to a painting of you, you are far more beautiful, Mon Amour."
His sweet talking always worked.
No matter how angry you were because of something, he would always say the sweetest things and then give you a small kiss to your forehead.
“My Beautiful Wife, even stunning when she is mad at me.”
“I would kill any man for you, Mon Amour. You don’t have to ask.”
“I must apologise, I believe I have lacked in my duties as a husband, Mon Amour. I believe you forgot just how much I love you.”
He would always make sure that you are happy and protected.
Even when one time, he failed to do that.
Well, it was more like his men failed, not him. 
When you were taken, he was furious. Too furious to say or do anything other than rage. 
You were taken by a man. A man so insane, you never saw anything like this.
He kept on going on about how he knew you were in love with him, how he knew that you only married Gramont for the money and how now, you two can be together.
He scared you. 
His obsession with you was toxic, you could see just how crazy he was in his eyes. Every time he used the word 'love' it sent a shiver up and down your spine. 
When Vincent finally got to you, you were shaking in fear. The only thing that managed to calm you was Vincent's kisses.
The smallest little kisses he placed all along your body. He also spoke in French some calming words but you could only recall the tickle of his lips when he found a soft spot.
And when the next couple of days you woke up with a shiver, having nightmares about the man who abducted you, it was Vincent who calmed you down. 
It was he who kept waking up with you, never leaving your side, promising he would never leave or let this ever happen to you while placing kisses on your hands, knuckles and palm.
Vincent loved to give you small kisses on any exposed skin that you have.
But you loved the tickle of his lips on your skin even more.
His little kisses were the true proof of his love for you.
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Vincent Taglist: @l4venderia
Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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