#liquid level
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the-meme-monarch · 1 month ago
do you think Teagan had the tea in her immediately during creation or did it have to be poured into her?
yeah it was already there upon creation i would think. toons are ‘born’ with clothes on they can have Beverage out the gate also
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system-architect · 1 year ago
i desperately wish gw2 had more food-centric lore. i think about asura food more than is probably particularly reasonable. they're sort of implied to like molecular gastronomy in the lvl500 chef quests which is fitting and makes sense, but surely not every asura is eating bespoke Pea Spheres day in and day out right? i think my favorite angle on them is a sort of 50s-80s american-esque food style where there's a huge emphasis on things being Convenient and Scientific, so you'd get a lot of absolute slop tv dinners and canned items that have labels boasting how they were nutritionally fortified and contained your day's complete vitamin intakes and so on. a lot of jellied things. i do also fully believe they would have + eat soylent.
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cronagorgonzola · 4 months ago
Autism/ARFID life hack cooking for yourself actually makes food feel sooooo much safer it's kinda ridiculous. Like. I can cook and eat fried rice now cause i slowly built up a tolerance to peas and carrots to the point that i could mix them with rice and not get freaked out. I still wouldnt order fried rice at a restaurant but i can eat it if i cook it myself cause i get to decide exactly how it's cooked and see everything that goes into it. If i encounter a Weird Texture it's so much easier to not freak out cause i know exactly what im eating
Learning how to cook for yourself absolutely changes the game. I recommend starting with simple ingredients one at a time, figuring out what preparation makes them tolerable for you, and experimenting til youve found something you can actually enjoy
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mwagneto · 2 months ago
you people have no fucking idea how good you have it. first of all you have stores that are open 24/7. second of all you have stores that sell slushies like there's just a slushie machine. at the store. and you can fill your own cup with it which btw costs the same as in hungary but is 3 times bigger. third of all those two are the same store
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minloe · 3 months ago
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Had a really bad day today so I decided to play through the entirety of A Light In The Shadows again. Including both level packs. Sometimes you just need to avoid the color orange as a really really really sad glowing cat.
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shitty-yokai-watch-a-day · 9 months ago
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Day 162 – Slackoon
With a bonus smaller version, since I drew him small and then had to enlarge him:
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harlequinoccult · 5 months ago
Hey there! DnD anon here, I now have Cold's Custom subclass, The Arsonist! this one was very tricky to get everything worded in such a way where the mechanics made sense and weren't mechanically broken but I feel like I made it work..... maybe.... it's somewhat comprehensible at least lol, plus the abilities are pretty front loaded in complexity lol, the first ability was where most of the subclass identity comes from but enough preamble -----------
Arsonist Roguish Archetype It isn't uncommon for rogues to be…. cruel….. Some are thieves others are murderers or assassins, yet one thing all rogues share…. good or bad, is a strong desire to not leave a trace, Arsonist bring this to the extreme, after all what better way to remove every trace…. than to turn everything that could have been a trace into ash…. Including witnesses
3rd: Inferno At level 3, whenever you take a long rest you create an amount of flammable liquid equal to double your proficiency bonus, these will be referred to fuel charges, the liquid in these vials are made for potency not for longevity and thus only last until your next long rest. as an action you can use one fuel charges to pour creating a 10 foot radius pool at where you are standing or throw the vial up to 35 feet creating a 10 foot radius pool of the flammable liquid at the point of impact, if a creatures other than yourself are standing in the area of effect when it first is created also become coated in this flammable liquid, additionally whenever you make a sneak attack you can expend two fuel charge to splash the liquid at the person you attack, creating a 15 foot cone of the flammable liquid. the flammable liquid can be washed off by using water. When this flammable liquid is ignited it will deal fire damage equal to your sneak attack damage to any creature caught in the flame during the initial burn and they will take 1d6 fire damage at the start of their turn until they or a creature within 5 use an action to snuff the flame, all flammable objects will also be set on fire, however the liquid itself will only burn for 1 minute by itself, and the fire can be extinguished with water or magic
Finally as an action you can throw a match up to 15 feet, dealing 1 fire damage and igniting anything flammable it touches.
9th: Cloak of Flames at level nine you become immune to fire damage and whenever you would take fire damage you instead gain a +2 to AC until the end of your next turn.
13th: This Fffire the damage over time from your fire caused by your Accelerant ability increases to 3d6 instead of a 1d6, additionally if you hit a creature that is on or standing in fire, you can sneak attack creatures so long as you do not have disadvantage.
17th: Pyromania All fire damage you deal ignores resistance and the liquid pools caused by throwing or pouring is increased from 10 foot radius to a 20 foot radius and the liquid pools causes by splashing after a sneak attack is increased from a 15 foot cone to a 25 foot cone
-------------- Again, I'd love to hear what you and cold think! and for the rest of these I will not say anything about how they are probably unbalanced lol that should be obvious at this point
Pyromaniac rogue, somehow even fucking worse than a wizard with fireball.
since their route isn't out yet soon. There are some....intricacies that could be added when the whole of their method is revealed, but by and large, Very good. very very good. Cold is pleased with this. A little too pleased. Kind of weird about it actually.
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tethysea · 1 year ago
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Lego Cake Factory - Tomosteen
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darcyolsson · 2 years ago
the whole jace/sebastian-valentine/michael deal is literally still the most confusing thing i've ever read. so, okay, valentine took michael wayland's identity. the only explanation we get on how he managed to get away with this is "he was really good at it". he's an internationally known terrorist in a tiny country where quite literally everyone knows who he is but alright. moving on. there's also the fact that he only got to take michael's place bc he killed michael in secret. however, michael notoriously was magically connected to some other guy in a very specific way which means the other guy would immediately know if he died. this, too, is literally never explained in any way. and then there's the whole jace/sebastian thing???? they were raised separately in separate houses for years. yet valentine was a full-time parent to both jace and sebastian. jace even explicitly mentions he saw valentine 7 days a week, and he didnt know of sebastian's existence. how on earth is that possible. i thought none of this made sense in my head bc i'd forgotten some details but now i've reread these books it's only MORE genuinely confusing. anyway absolutely having the time of my life w this series 10/10
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year ago
Me, unleashing a sentence that I know will cause my bf so much psychic damage: "Well, I think I'm gonna mix up a liquid IV and then since I've already done my Neopets dailies I'll have a relaxing rest of my evening watching Swag Chan. :3" My bf: "Why are you like this"
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armed-saphire · 1 year ago
I feel sadder for liquid than I do solid snake because I just know during the whole final bit of mgs1 he was so unbelievably upset and pissed off and I do subscribe to this lifestyle and I do understand him to be so honest
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beyblaiddyd · 3 months ago
the difference between running around elden ring as a bleed build samurai and running around elden ring as a sickly little gimmick mage is pretty funny
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organised-disaster · 6 months ago
All my Snowbird playlists! The "rumi" one is the original "snowbird," but I decided to make snowbird the general one with rumi and sera combined
Ashamed to do this but tagging @randosfandos for the attention (they're the only person who'd be interested in this lol)
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emberdune · 1 year ago
how do i get the math folks to play signalis. psss psss it's got a mandelbrot polytechnic academy, the penrose interstellar explorer vessel, sierpinski facility. the whole game revolves around the numbers 6 and 2⁹. the logo is literally a tesseract hello are you listening to me.
also you get to kill euler so many times
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madmaryholiday · 3 months ago
in my quest to start wearing fun makeup again, i have purchased a tub of disposable sponge applicators. i know they're like a cardinal sin to use, but also i don't care?
i'm never going to be good at makeup, and i'm never gonna use a million different brushes to apply makeup. i use my fingers, currently, but the level of precision i can get with that is....pretty much zero, so i'm hoping this will be an improvement in that department.
basically, i have all this makeup, and when i look at all the fun colors and stuff that i have, i start thinking about what tools i'll need to get the best color payoff and the best blending and--
i would rather just USE the makeup than worry about it looking good, i guess is what i'm getting at. so we'll see if these shitty sponge applicators help me actually do that.
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mangled-by-disuse · 4 months ago
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This doesn't feel creative enough for the daily blog but I do need you all to know that I made a pork and apple stew with black pudding and cider and it is FUCKING DELICIOUS
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