resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
heavy themes, minors dni, homophobia, slurs?, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of death, mentions of sexual assault.
ten years ago, eddie left the safety of his hospital room and braved the outside world. see, hawkins was hell. not just metaphorically, small town america where the satanic panic was everywhere and people beat up queers regularly. but also, it was literally hell. the upside down was bleeding out into the real world, and after experiencing five minuets of being legally dead, eddie was fuckin out of there.
ten years ago, he rounded up the troops after graduation and fucked off to chicago, lived it out in a shitty little apartment and played whatever gigs he could get on his blessed sweetheart that wayne had thankfully saved before the rip.
ten years ago was the last time he had seen steve harrington, the town famous jock and ladies man that had selfishly stolen eddie’s heart during the hardest week of his life.
eddie left. and he didn’t look back.
over the years, his friends came to visit him, or he’d bump into them elsewhere. he ended up closest with nancy since she was living close to him for about six months back in ‘88.
that was the year corroded coffin got big.
like, really big.
like, playing at the garden and partying with mötley crüe, sex scandles and overdoses making the front page kind of big.
eddie was a star.
it was everything he had dreamed of.
when performing, he was in his element. when writing lyrics, he was in his element. when being chased down the street by a hoard of teenage girls just trying to touch his hair or get an autograph or even just trying to get him to look them in the eye, he was in his fucking element.
eddie had always been an attention whore.
in ‘91, the tabloids went off the charts when eddie was seen standing awfully close to another man in a dark allyway, both sharing a cigarette, and then another photo of them walking into an underground, invite only club together that was infamous for its suspected queerness.
christmas ‘92, eddie announced during a massive fucking christmas concert in new york, live streamed across the world, for all ages, that he was in a committed relationship with a man. and then he pulled said man on stage, and kissed him. really fucking hard.
his manager fired him the next morning, but that didn’t stop eddie.
his fame outweighed the queerness. plus, it totally boosted his popularity in that community and people started figuring out that a whole bunch of his lyrics were really queer coded.
eddie and his boyfriend broke up in ‘93. he got cheated on. right under his nose. his brilliant, punky boyfriend was fucking his pencil skirt wearing assistant the entire fucking time. turns out, punky boy was only with eddie for his money.
eddie loved him.
it hurt.
he developed a life threatening addiction after that, following in his mums footsteps. it started with the drinking. then it turned to coke. then he found heroine.
he ended up overdosing three times, he’s lucky to still have his life.
he did meet some really cool people in rehab though.
it took him till december ‘95 to make one month clean. he’d managed to stay clean. gareth threatened to kick him out of the band if he didn’t.
in ‘96, corroded coffin went on a short tour to their favourite places to perform. rocking the house out and showing the world that eddie was okay. that he could still party and perform and get caught up in several sex scandles, like the one with popular actor james rowan or the playboy model, eliza truman. that he was clean and nothing that bad had ever really happened.
ninety percent of being a rockstar is just lying.
eddie got home at three in the morning post tour. finally able to sleep in his own bed again, rather than the stupid tour busses or random hotels. eddie was glad to be home.
he’d bought himself a lavish place. he didn’t have much as a kid, so he wanted to have it all now that he could. he’d bought wayne a place too, though, it was a penthouse, wayne didn’t need a mansion. eddie was living down in LA too, by the coast. he had a private beach. he loved it.
he locked the door behind him, resetting the security alarm. that was always his top priority, after that crazy fan smashed his window and crawled into his bed in the middle of the night and tried to suck him off in his sleep.
eddie was kinda traumatised.
he walked through the downstairs area, grabbing himself a bottle of apple juice out of the far too big fridge in his kitchen, and walked over to check on his guitar room.
yup, they were all safe.
he walked over to the counter where his new assistant placed his mail when he was gone and shuffled through it.
he found an invite from hawkins high for the ten year reunion.
eddie never thought he would ever go to a highschool reunion, he hated highschool. and he hated everyone at highschool. but after some thinking and a bowl of kraft max n cheese, he decided he might go pay the old town a visit.
he knew the gates were closed, nancy told him that.
and there were less homophobes, robin told him that, though… it was still hawkins.
most people eddie hated (carver) were either dead, moved away, or had the most mundane jobs known to man. they all had pathetic lives. and eddie was a world famous rockstar.
freak, bullied, beaten and ridiculed his whole life, turned rockstar, egotistical sex symbol desired by all.
he bet he could make a few of those assholes jealous with a simple wink their bored wives way.
fuck it. let’s raise a little hell.
the reunion was as boring as he has suspected. dull, shit music, people that bullied him asking him for his autograph and having the audacity to say ‘i never thought you were a freak’.
it was an entire night of eye rolls for eddie.
he was ready to head back to cali the next morning, but robin begged him to stay. she was hosting a charity fundraiser to put more money into the schools for the kids. the town was pretty run down, and the schools were falling apart and the entire arts program was shut down and eddie’s money would be really useful. eddie was happy to give her some, kids deserved a good education, but he didn’t want to stick around.
but then she had told him all the kids would be there, and they’d want to see him, and it would actually be fun. because robin was fun, and so were her events.
so eddie gave in and stuck around for a few more nights.
eddie got all dressed up, per robins request. a smart black suit with metallic embroidery all over it. a black button up underneath, left partly unbuttoned so you could see the low hanging chains around his neck and the tattoo between his breast plates. a large sword pointing towards his stomach, woven with vines and very fantasy badass. he topped it off with his usual rings, some dress shoes, and his sunnies that he wore everywhere to hide his face.
when he got to the event, thankfully, there were no paparazzi. eddie thanked the heavens robin didn’t tell anyone of his attendance. he walked in and overheard a few murmurs, of course, he stood out. most men here were dressed in simple dress shirts and blazers with their short cut hair. some people recognised him from around town. some people recognised him for his music. some people recognised him from the papers. and some people recognised him as that murderous queer.
yeah, it suddenly felt a little hot.
there were a lot of older people here.
older people really didn’t like queers.
eddie pushed through, keeping his shades on for that extra protection.
when he found robin, she was dressed in lovely green silk and she looked devine. he took her hand graciously and spun her around before bowing down and kissing her hand. the photographer for the event - jonothan byers - snapped a few pics.
“lady robin.” eddie smiled, standing again.
she pulled hand back and waved it at him, “oh my goodness, world famous rockstar eddie munson! i’m never washing my hand again. defile me, please, i beg of you!”
“ha ha. your real funny, you know that?”
“i do.” she smirked and tapped his shoulder with her purse, “nance is over there if you wanna say hi. i’ve sat you at the table at the back over there with dustin, el, erica and argyle. is that cool?”
“cool with me.” he nodded, hands behind his back, “your the boss lady. i am here to simply follow along and throw all my money at you.”
“and you are a gem for that.” she pet his face a couple of times with a smile and hurried off, “catch you later.”
he saluted her before making his way over to nancy.
the night flew by, he got to catch up with dustin, el and erica whom he hadn’t seen in well over a year now. the last time was at dustin and els wedding, he just found out they were pregnant with their first. eddie tried his best not to cry. he also got reacquainted with argyle. he’d only met the guy once, seemed cool enough. he was cool now, had really awesome hair that eddie admired. and he was sorta cute and really gave off gay vibes. eddie spent half the night flirting with him until jonothan walked over on his break and greeted argyle with a kiss. safe to say eddie was embarrassed and he apologised profusely, argyle was flattered.
the food was good. like, really fuckin good. eddie was a little confused as to how rob could pay for it all, she was a primary school teacher, but apparently nancy scored some brilliant reporters gig and made stacks now, and they were together. eddie was proud of her.
then came the charity part of the night. there was a silent auction where people donated items amongst the art pieces the primary and middle school kids supplied. eddie won a bunch of things. he won a hand painted vase that ms henderson donated for two thousand dollars. he won a homemade candle set that he only wanted because it smelt like the tour van after their first concert, for eight hundred dollars. he won a canvas painting from a six year old of a pink dinosaur for five thousand. he won an attempted teapot from a ten year old that was painted like an enchanted forrest for eight thousand dollars. and he won a clay monster with nine arms and seven eyes and two mouths and a weird shaped figure created by some siblings aged thirteen and four, and eddie thought he could hang his rings on it, for twelve thousand.
when robin calculated the amount he had spent just from the auction, she cried. that meant she could put on a play this year.
eddie himself donated a guitar, an old electric that robin ended up scoring herself, she wanted to learn and be able to teach the kids.
the next charity event was a bet. people were drawn out of the crowd at random and forced to compete against each-other at random games, and guests could place bets on who would win or lose.
eddie bet on the losing side for all the jocks, and won almost every time. (all the winning money went to the schools). eddie was called up for a competition, and he was ready for it.
beer pong.
he had this in the fucking bag.
oh, and look who it was against… steve mother fucking harrington.
when eddie first locked eyes on steve, his heart raced. he still looked just as beautiful as he did ten years ago. all those horrible memories of unrequited love and his broken heart came flooding back. he’d lost a love he’d never had for no fault but his own. he was dressed in a smart black suit with a bow tie and shiny shoes and… by god, is that strawberry lipgloss? and blonde highlights?
yeah, eddie wasn’t making it out of here alive.
eddie stepped up to the table, droning out the oohs and ahhs of the crowd, he was used to it. he watched robin fill steve’s cups with beer and then watched her fill his own (secretly) with soda. thank the sober gods.
“are my eyes deceiving me, or is that king steve?”
steve laughed, “in the flesh. im honoured to grace your presence though.” he bowed, and god, he was an actual dork now. fuck dustin for being so influential.
“hmm.” eddie nodded with a smile, “love the hair. going for ‘ken doll’ or something?”
steve smirked, “insult me all you want, i get all the barbies i want.”
eddie tried not to laugh. apparently steve was not as slick as he used to be, “right… we shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
steve shook his head, and they both turned to robin.
“okay!” she announced through the mic, “how much are we betting on steve to win?”
people started voting, the money adding up. steve was the basketball champ and resident party boy back in highschool, so it made sense most people voted for him.
but no one had played beer pong with eddie back in highschool. and they were in for a treat.
“and who votes for eddie to win?”
a couple of people placed their votes, those being eddie’s friends who had played beer pong with him before. eddie looked at the boards, only three hundred dollars was casted his way, compared to steve’s five thousand. he looked back to steve with a smirk.
“i’d like to bet, robin.”
“uh…” she looked over to nancy with a questioning face, who just shrugged, “alright… i guess.”
“i bet…” eddie pretended to think, “ten thousand dollars that i win.
“oh,” steve laughed, “i can see someone’s not cocky just for show.”
“i have a right to be, don’t you think? i mean, you get it, stevie.” eddie grinned, “lotta money, fancy clothes, chicks love me…”
steve deadpanned him and picked up the ball, “suck a dick, munson.”
“oh, i do. quite often, actually.” eddie leant on the table as steve readied himself, “why? you interested?”
steve’s cheeks flushed pink and he terribly bounced the ball, and it missed.
eddie smirked, picking up the ball himself, tossing it, and landing it perfectly in the cup, “bottoms up, big boy.”
the game was over faster than it started, eddie sunk every single cup. the crowd groaned in annoyance, and steve seemed a little ticked off. eddie chucked him a devilish wink before finding his seat again. a few more bets were played before the final charity event of the night started.
“okay,” robin leant over into the mic, “this is entirely backwards of me, but the lovely ms butterscotch insisted we add this to the list. just for some light fun. so!” robin cleared her throat, “a little disclaimer before we start, you are not owed shit.”
the crowd nodded.
“okay, you lovely people with heavy wallets out there get to buy yourselves a date with some of hawkins most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. the deal is one dinner of your choice with the your partner and that is it! you are just buying a dinner with them!”
eddie laughed to himself. this was the type of shit you would see in movies.
“up first, we have the lovely ms butterscotch herself. who would like to take this lovely lady out for the night?”
a few younger guys, probably freshly graduated all placed their bets with charming smiles, wooing the sweet old lady. eddie thought about placing one just for fun, taking her out on the town for a night, but he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about his whole demonistic metal look.
“next up, we have the lovely ms jane hopper.”
there was a little cheer, and dustin started placing bets against mike and will. and he was losing. and eddie found it very amusing. so he placed a bet too, seven thousand dollars. he won. dustin death stared him down. when el approached the table with the date ticket for eddie, he took her hand and kissed it graciously before slamming the ticket down in dustin’s palm, along with a couple hundred dollar bills.
“take your wife out somewhere nice, a congrats on the baby or whatever.”
dustin smiled warmly and helped el back into her seat.
a few names went by, both male and female, most of them eddie didn’t know.
“and last, our most eligible bachelor, as all you lovely ladies out there know, we’ve got steve harrington.”
there was a cheer in the little crowd and eddie thought it was a bit much. but he also totally understood, steve was, and always has been, a total babe. the bet started off small, working its way higher and higher into the hundreds increasingly quick. it got to just two ladies bickering a dollar higher each time, both red faced and determined to get their date with steve. eddie was having a big laugh. steve was making faces with dustin the whole time, unable to believe what was happening.
“seven hundred and twenty.”
“seven hundred and twenty two!”
it was giving eddie a headache. he reached for his water and took a sip, looking over his glass at steve on the stage. he looked a little nervous, all flushed in the cheeks and fiddling his fingers. eddie noticed he was wearing a ring on his pointer finger. steve looked very well put together. and honestly, it had been making eddie feel a little hot under the collar all night. steve looked over his shoulder at robin wearily, and then back down at the ground. watching steve made eddie’s heart race. he missed him. the boy he barely knew all those years ago. he missed looking at the softness of steve’s eyes and feeling safe there. of never wanting to leave.
then he did the cutest thing.
he scrunched up his nose, trying to get his top lip to touch it out of pure boredom.
“fifty thousand dollars!” eddie slammed his hand down on the table without a second thought, not even processing that it was him who spoke at all, until he felt every single eye in the room fall on him.
“what?” robin choked out wide eyed.
eddie swallowed. well, he was in it now.
“i said, i bet fifty thousand,” he stood slowly, reaching his hands out and bowing graciously, “for a date with steve harrington.”
“jesus.” steve muttered.
“uh…” robin looked around the room, “has he got any competition?”
the two girls looked furious.
eddie smirked.
steve was bright red in the face, and robin handed him the ticket with a little wink. steve walked up to eddie’s table and handed the ticket to him.
“uh!” he shook his head, snatching the ticket, “i’ll be referred to as baby, or your highness from now on. whichever you choose.”
steve glared at him, “fine… your highness. i’m free tomorrow night.”
“wonderfull.” eddie smiled, chucking him a little wink as he looked down at the ticket, “i’ll give you a call.”
steve nodded as he began to back away, “i won’t look forward to it.”
oh, but eddie would.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
nah nah cuz HEAR ME OUTT, that lipstick kiss trend on tiktok with e42!miles and he would usually disagree but he loves when the reader kisses him so he gives in <3 (love your work, btw!!)
kisses for miles (e-42 miles x blk!reader)
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— besos para él💋
— ⚠️: reader talkin crazy, use of military time, cursing
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y/n: hey lol
mookie 💋: …yes u need sum?
y/n: can u come over please?
mookie 💋: what u tryna get into?
y/n: ur nasty 😒
mookie 💋: dgmt why am I coming over
y/n: baby pleaseeee just come over it’s a surprise
read 18:27
“nah I know he did not..” you said aloud. miles was always talking about not leaving him on read and now he wanna play games?
you swiped up on your phone, leaving the messages app to check Life360. he made sure to leave his location on at all times for you to find him, especially when he was in prowler duty. checking for miles location, you saw he was on the move to your direction.
rolling your eyes, you took a screenshot and sent it to him captioning it, “u coulda just said i’m omw.”
you rolled out of bed and put on some house slippers. before leaving your room, you threw your bonnet off and played around with your hair, putting the braids in a side part. walking to the living room, you heard a knock on the door; mind you, there was only ever one person who knocked on your door.
going straight for the door, you unlocked it so he could enter on his own. walking back to the living room of your house you yelled, “It’s open!”
you heard two clicks from the door, indicating to you that someone had opened and closed it.
“take off your shoe—!”
“I did.”
sitting crisscrossed on the couch, you looked behind you to the front door to find miles dropping his shoes off near the door. he walked over to you and grabbed you by both hands, pulling you up from the couch. still holding your hands in his, and your lips being mear inches apart he said in a low, deep voice, “so why you call me over here?”
you wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I can’t ask you to come over no more?” you asked, raising both your eyebrows with a small smile.
he reached for your back, tugging on your braids which lifted your head back and left your neck exposed to him. placing small kisses all over your neck, he smiled as he said between kisses, “of course you can esposa, but why so late is what i’m asking.”
“I wanna do something with you,” you said, pulling away from miles lips on your neck. plopping back down to the couch. miles joined you sitting down as you reached for your phone to pull up the video you wanted to show miles. once you found the video, you gave miles your phone and turned up the volume so he could hear it.
it was a video of a girl putting on lipstick, and “accidentally” smearing some of it under her lip. some random hand came and wiped the makeup off her face, and soon the camera panned to where the hand was coming from— a guy with lipstick stains all over his face and a dopey smile coming on screen.
miles re-watched the video again in silence, eyebrow furrowed to watch the video more intently.
“hell no—”
“but miles, please it’s gonna be so cute,” you pleaded grabbing his hand. you were slightly bouncing on the couch, your face decorated with a puppy dog pout. “you don’t even wear lipstick baby. so whatchu gon’ do?” he challenged.
“I can use lipglo—”
“hell no,” miles said again as he laughed. “that shit is sticky and a pain to get off. ion even like you kissing my lips with that on, let alone my face.”
“why don’t you ever wanna do cute couple stuff wimme?” you whined. miles pulled you onto his lap and kissed your lips again.
“what do you mean? we do cute couple shit all the time. I just don’t want gloss all on my face,” he reasoned as your head forehead came in contact with his chest.
miles remembered all the cute things you made him do with you as a couple; matching nails, the two of you baking, the cute arts and crafts you made him do with you— he remembered all of it.
if he was being honest, he enjoyed all the cute things you made him do with you. he would have never even thought of doing half the shit y’all did together, and now, he has a cute fungo pop that looks like you on his windowsill.
“think about how cute it will be; i’ll sit on your lap—just like i am now— and put kisses all over your face. that don’t sound like heaven to you?”
his hands gripped your waist as he slid them a bit under your shirt; he liked skin-to-skin contact with you. he looked at you with his head tilted to the side, like he was contemplating on whether or not to say yes. “aight, how bout this; show me how you’re gonna get that shit off my face when it’s over.”
you smiled as you scrambled off his lap to go to your room. going straight to your vanity, you opened the first drawer and pulled out a makeup bag with all of your supplies, as well as your micellar water and cotton pads. running quickly back to the living room, you found miles with his legs spread widely and his arms sprawled at the top of your couch.
“ew you look like a man,” you said as you approached the couch.
“you better talk to me nice ‘fore I get the hell up outta here—”
“ok ok i’m sorry!”
he smiled at your reaction as you placed yourself back on his lap facing him. placing the water down next to you, and opening the small pouch, you pulled out your red dior lip oil. “alright, so here’s what imma do; i’m gonna swatch some on my arm, and then i’m gonna show you how to take it off.”
opening the lip oil, you removed the wand and held up your arm. running the wand over your skin ripped a hole in your heart, feeling like this was such a waste of such a good product.
“what’s wrong ma?” miles asked as he saw the small pout on your face.
“i’m wasting my shit for this,” you whined looking pouty. miles raised your chin up to look at him and pecked your lips. “i’ll buy you another one ma, it’s all good,” he said.
whenever miles offered to buy you anything, you got a little shy and bashful, telling him he didn’t need to do that for you. however, he always does it anyway and tells you not to worry about it.
with a downturned smile, you averted your eyes from him and said a small, “okay.” turning back to what you were doing, you showed miles the two swatches of gloss on yours arm. picking up the bottle of micellar water, you told him that this is how you were going to take it off.
opening your box of cotton pads, you grabbed one and put some of the water on the pad. whipping off your arm, you showed him it was cleansed of the lip oil.
“see, good as new. that’s gonna be your face soon too,” you giggled. he grabbed your arm and felt where you whipped the oil off. it felt damp, but not sticky. he raised an eyebrow as if convinced and said,
“i’m still not letting you put that shit on my face mami.”
“Miles-uhh!” you said, dragging out his name.
“ay i’m kidding, relax! i’ll let you do your lil trend, aight?” he laughed as he slid his hands further up your shirt, hands caressing your back, and his face leaned into your chest.
“boy don’t play wimme,” you rolled your eyes and pulled his braids back, making him look at you.
“I am not the one.”
he smiled and leaned back into the couch.
“just put on the gloss and kiss me,” he laughed. you opened back up the lip oil and grabbed your phone. swiping left, you opened up the camera app and rubbed your lips with the wand. miles watched your lips intently as his grip on your waist tightened.
“don’t get too excited, i’m only kissing you.”
putting the want back in the tube, and your phone back on the couch, you grabbed miles face and started with a kiss on the cheek. then, a kiss on the chin. and then before you knew it, he had kiss marks all over his face.
you had to re-apply the gloss to your lips a few times, but when you saw miles entire face and neck smothered in remnants of you, you bit your lip and said, “you look sexy like this.”
“focus on the damn video mami,” said sounding annoyed. he obviously didn’t like the feeling of the gloss on his face because he was scrunching his face up every two seconds.
“what, you don’t like my kisses?” you said with a pretend pout.
“of course I do baby, but this feels so nasty on my face,” he said leaning his head back whining a little.
you grabbed your phone off the couch and told him to stop acting like a baby. going to tiktok and opening your favorite sounds, you clicked on the sound and started recording.
as you re-applied the lip gloss to your lips, you “accidentally” smudged the wand below your lips a little.
after miles reached and used his thumb to wipe the gloss off, you turned the camera to show miles with his head leaned back slightly, and kiss marks all over his face.
grabbing you by your neck, he pulled you in for a kiss just before the video ended. he gave you an opened mouth kiss which you happily returned before pulling back with a loopy smile.
“that wasn’t part of the video…” you said, still inches away from him lips.
“I know.”
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— lol I got a lil lazy so I don’t really like his this turned out
— I don’t think miles likes ur lipgloss (*´-`)
— however, e-1610 probably would. he would eat this shit up🤭
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cupidarrow10 · 5 months
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thank you for the tag @sugarcandydoll !!
blueberries or ♥︎strawberries♥︎
♥︎doves♥︎ or crows
♥︎gossip girl♥︎ or pretty little liars
red or ♥︎pink♥︎
♥︎long nails♥︎ or short nails
♥︎tulips♥︎ or hydrangeas
♥︎mountains♥︎ or beaches
♥︎childhood nostalgia♥︎ or teenage years nostalgia
♥︎webtoons♥︎ or fanfictions
tv series or movies
♥︎lana del rey♥︎ or marina
sunshine or ♥︎rain♥︎
houseplant or ♥︎flower bouquet♥︎
eyeliner or ♥︎lipgloss♥︎
♥︎books♥︎ or podcasts
sirens or ♥︎mermaids♥︎
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tags: @mayayaaaa @abordeanbeautyqueen @vampyangel @yayobabydoll @lovecorrin
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original questions:
blueberries or strawberries
doves or crows
gossip girl or pretty little liars
red or pink
long nails or short nails
tulips or hydrangeas
mountain or beach
childhood nostalgia or teenage years nostalgia
webtoons or fanfictions
tv series or movies
lana del rey or marina
sunshine or rain
houseplant or flower bouquet
eyeliner or lipglos
sbooks or podcasts
sirens or mermaids
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badteavee · 1 month
Annoyance of a Lifetime
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Tws / Cws : None
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 1,182
Paring : Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee
Veruca was in her storage room turned bedroom , sat at their over the top vanity. Her hair was wrapped in a silk scarf to protect her freshly done curls as they put on her usual makeup , fixing any inconsistencies so it’d seem like they have been doing her makeup on her own for far more than they actually actually have.
The second she put their eyeliner to her eye , her door that she swore they locked burst open , making her jump and make an egregious line of eyeliner going straight to their temple. They barely had to look to know exactly who it was.
“BAD NUT !” Who else would kick her door in other than that neon wearing short freak.
“What do you want , Tiny Teavee ?!” They scowled at him through her mirror , trying to rub off the eyeliner without taking off too much of her foundation.
“You’re shit at makeup.” Mike flopped onto the creaky old chair they make him sit on any time he decides to harass her , he’s forced to deal with it since she’s the only entertaining one of the ticket winners to bother. Veruca groaned and rolled her eyes as she meticulously applied the missing foundation.
“You startled me ! What was so important ?!”
“I found Captain Knuckleduster lost media.”
“That is not important !”
“Of course it is !? It’s the most important thing ever !!”
“That is the least important thing I’ve ever heard !” She hurdled their makeup towel at him , grumbling and going back to perfecting her makeup while Mike made disgusted noises , peeling the gross towel off and throwing it at their vanity.
“You don’t know how cool it is !” He proceeded to yap on about what he’d found , it was just an older poster that didn’t sell very many copies , she didn’t see anything super special about it but there was no shutting him up. Ever. They have tried. There’s only silence when that freak finally goes to sleep.
Veru stood in front of her floor length mirror , adjusting their light pink jacket to frame the text on her new shirt that read “A little bit dramatic”. They scanned over every bit of her outfit , did the black leather skirt really go with this outfit or should she change into the fabric one ?
Did the design on their sandals clash with the rest of it ?
Was this too showy or not showy enough ?
What about her lipglo-
“Veru !” She jumped out of her skin , huffing as they tried to gently wipe off the lipgloss smudged down her chin. She slow turned , eye almost twitching , to face that daily nuisance. “Don’t look at me like that ! You weren’t listening.”
She growled to herself , taking one last glance at the mirror to make sure this outfit wouldn’t embarrass them at the mall. What were they thinking before ? Fuck , she looks great. Like always. Mike , however. He looked horrid. Camo shorts and a neon orange Underarmour shirt ?? God , why does her father make them hang out. “You look disgusting.”
“I look great !” Mike ran a hand through his hair , sporting that stupid cocky grin as if anyone other than him would agree.
“You’re worse than the geeks.” Veru rolled their eyes , crossing her arms under her chest.
“It’s the mall , who’s going to judge me anyway ??”
“I will ! And my friends ! If anyone from school sees us remotely together , my reputation will be irreparably damaged.”
“Are you saying we’re not friends ??” He dramatically gasped , clasping his hand over his heart.
She scoffed , disgusted. They couldn’t help but flip out her phone and take a picture of how stupid he looked to print off later before snapping it closed , picking up her purse. “Let’s go , I don’t want to be near you for more than I have to.”
Elle slouched over her desk , it now being cleared of their usual mirror , makeups and perfumes to make room for the mountains of books and notebooks she needed. Her forehead rested on the palm of their hand as she twirled her fuzzy pen in their hand , trying her hardest to stay focused and keep studying. She needed to pass her LSAT.
They could hear some kind of commotion outside of he door but figured it was the girls partying with their frat boy spring flings , unfortunately something she couldn’t participate in. She almost didn’t register the clear chorus of ‘Hi Mike !’s until her door was swung open. Goddamn it.
They looked up to meet unimpressed eye to eye of her long term friend , his silly stubble and orange flannel making him look like a weak lumberjack. He still wore his cocky smile but it felt a little soft this time , not that he would be nicer when Elle was going through a breakup. Or anything.
Maybe Elle was a little grateful for the distraction.
“Yes , Micheal ?” She couldn’t help her accent slip , momentarily sounding like that annoyed twelve year old. But they found herself less annoyed with him nowadays.
“What are you doing ?” He sounded like a child asking that but he was genuinely curious about the sudden interest in reading. He picked up one of the books and snickered. “ LSATs for dummies ?”
“I’m trying to get into Harvard Law School.” She glanced back down at her open law book and notebook , god she hoped these notes were good enough.
“Harvard ? Why would you want to go to a smart school ?” He teased , setting the book back down and pulling up his designated chair that was lovingly decorated in orange and yellow stickers and gemstones by the Delta Nu girls to their desk. “Why not blonde in pink school ?”
“I have to prove that I’m serious !”
“And you’re doing that with.. law school ?”
“Don’t judge me , Micheal , you wouldn’t understand what people would do for love.” Mike made a jokingly disgusted face , they were both adults sure , but Elle’s love life ? Ew.
Elle smacked him in the shoulder while chuckling. “Don’t look at me like that either ! You should be glad I’m cooped up studying instead of bothering you.” Otherwise Mike would be dragged into the spring fling party. Again.
He stole one of her open books , reading over the pages , Jesus that was way too many words. How could she read this ? “Now I get to bother you.”
“Great.” She sounded a little annoyed but laughed it off with Mike , she couldn’t be too bothered with him anymore , even if he was hindering their ability to study. They could basically feel Kate being grumpy with her from the other room.
“Hey ! You never know , I could help you with this.” He chuckled as he spoke , he couldn’t possibly be much help but he didn’t want to leave now.
“Help… from you ? Please.”
Mike held up his arm , showing off his pink and white friendship bracelet that matched Elle’s yellow and orange one. “I’m legally your friend , I have to help you.”
They didn’t think that was a law in any of her books but at least Mike wasn’t ruining all of her things. She laugh-scoffed at him. “Sure , Micheal.”
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cosmic-muses · 10 months
Mango-orange lipglos—hey wait this isn't google
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yourfavmayosha · 7 months
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كل اما تعطل معاك اديها قرار no risk no fun و lipglos ورشة Perfume
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beautyandcareshopping · 11 months
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Orange Lip Gloss Matte Lipglos ... Price 11.73$ CLICK TO BUY
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im sooo excited for christmas !! <3
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from HERE
use code “ Joanna15 ” to get 15% discount
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hblhairextensions · 4 years
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Back to school 💋 $4 Lipgloss Don’t you just love a cute lipgloss ❤️ Shop our Lipgloss treats If your viewing 💛💕 Follow us @zoeyworld1 #lipglosskeychain #lipglossbusiness #totallifechanges #lipglosspoppin #lipglossaddiction #lipfiller #lipglossvendor #lipglossjunkie #lipglossaddict #lipglossline #lipglossaddicts #lipglosslover #lipglosspopping #lipglossmaking #lipglossstorage #lipglossjunkies #lipglos #lipglossmurah #lipgoals #lipglosssupplies #lipglossbase #lipscrub #lipglosschallenge #lipglosscollection #lipglossmaking #lipglosstubes #lipglossforsale #lipglossbundles #lipglosses #trappingseason #trapping (at Hblhairservices) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzD0o7H8QA/?igshid=cx20mmd48m3y
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hadascosmetics-blog · 4 years
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"Gloss on, worries gone." #lipglossmixing #glitterglosses #lipglosspopping #clearlipgloss #handmadelipgloss #lipoils #lipglos #lipglossjunkie #lipglosses Visit: www.hadascosmetics.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxK8RpDPAt/?igshid=1j2i6enc6hw2r
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liljerk77 · 7 years
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I’m finally 18 and wow this is weird!!
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chynnabelle-makeup · 5 years
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Part 3- Lip Sheen . I'm so excited that @charlotterusse announced that they're getting back into business! This is one of the looks I created with their makeup line! . . I recorded a video reviewing their makeup, but didn't upload it due to their going out of business. But ever since they announced that they're coming back, I have decided to upload a sort of video series to this account! They seem to be revamping their style, so as a sort of tribute (I've been shopping there since I've heard of them, and my mom has shopped there as well) and even a comparison between the old and new, I'll be posting snippets of the video throughout the week. I can't wait to start shopping there again! . . . . . #makeup #eyeliner #eyelooks #eyeshadowpalettes #makeupcommunity #eyeshadows #cosmeticslovers #liquidlipstick #beautyaddict #eyeshadowlook #makeupfeed #cosmetics #beauty #beautyhaul #facepalette #charlotterusse #charlotterussemakeup #lipglos #gloss #lipsheen https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJqcoZpXYw/?igshid=tbopxkmgg35
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rupasbeauty-blog · 6 years
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crown-queen-bambee · 4 years
Who doesn't like a good nude 👅
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Nudes and Browns
From top to bottom: 
- Southern Belle 
- Sweet Tea
- 94'
Price: $6.50 plus shipping (we ship International)
Note: Lipglosses are infused with Almond and Grapeseed Oil.
DM vintage_vanity_cosmetics on Instagram to place an order 💋
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tashtimeblog · 7 years
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Got a little dressed up today . . . #talktastime #tashtime #davidjones #smiles #beauty #fashion #makeup #h&m #beautyblogger #lipstick #lipglos #blushpink #blushrose #happy
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