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Ficlet prompt: buddie runs into one of their exes in public
ty so much for this prompt!! 💜 i literally cycled through all the exes in my head and it was really hard to choose tbh
(to anyone reading: these were meant to be quick scenes to help unblock me so please take them in that spirit. ie. this was written really quickly and without much editing. feel free to send me some more!!)
Buck, Blissful and Blasé [Buck/Eddie, G, ~1k words]
Eddie looks away for two seconds at most, he swears. Just long enough to scan the shelf for the specific detergent Buck always buys. He doesn't actually know the brand off the top of his head, but he knows it has a blue cap. So he scans the shelf for blue, finds the one he needs, and when he looks back down... Joy is gone.
His heart immediately races, but he only has to look down the aisle to spot her again, thankfully. She's just a few feet away, really, towards the other end of the aisle, and there's a woman crouched down to talk to her. Eddie all but jogs over to them, heart still a little in his throat.
"Hey, what did we say about running off?" he says when he reaches her, trying for stern but coming out a little panicked still. He reaches down and lifts her up into his arms and the woman she was with stands back up as well.
"Sorry, about that-" he starts to say, before he actually sees the woman's face, then- "Abby?"
She blinks at him from behind her glasses and he can almost see her mind whirring, trying to place him. It doesn't look like she's successful.
"Hi," she offers tentatively. "I don't- sorry, I don't think I-"
"Eddie," he offers, adjusting Joy in his arms and feeling supremely awkward. "Eddie Diaz. I used to be at the 118? We met when, uh-"
Recognition finally clicks in behind her eyes.
"Oh my God, the train collision," she breathes out. "You're the one who saved Sam's life."
Eddie huffs a little, looking away from her suddenly emotional gaze.
"That was all Buck," he says honestly, trying not to let the old frustration creep into his voice at the thought of it. It all happened years ago now.
He catches Abby smile a little at the mention of Buck, then she shakes her head slightly.
"I can't believe you remembered my name after all this time," she says. "You must really have a knack for that."
"Oh," Eddie says, somewhat awkwardly, "That's-"
He trails off, not sure how exactly to say, actually, I remember your name because my husband was still in love with you when we first met and he used to talk about you all the time.
He's saved - in a manner of speaking - from actually having to come up with a coherent response though. Because right at that moment, he sees Abby's eyes widen, and there's suddenly a very familiar voice behind him.
"Strawberry was on sale, so I got the six pack," Buck tells him, before easily taking Joy from his hands with a soft, "hey Sweetheart, come here."
Eddie gives him a beat, and then, sure enough-
"Abby? Oh my God. What are you doing here?"
He immediately moves to hug her - a little clumsily with only one arm free, Joy tucked between them - and Abby hugs him back, though she does appear slightly shell-shocked by his sudden appearance.
"We're in town visiting my brother," she answers his question, as Buck pulls back again.
The three of them just stand there for a moment then, seemingly at a loss for what else to say, until Abby glances between Eddie and Buck, and Buck catches the motion, jumping back in to make introductions.
"Oh uh, you- so I guess you remembered Eddie," he says, seemingly acknowledging the fact that they had already been in conversation when he walked up. "Uh, and- and this is our daughter, Joy."
Then, to Joy- "Joy, honey, this is my friend Abby."
Joy peaks her head back out from where she'd tucked it into Buck's neck as soon as he'd grabbed her from Eddie, and then tentatively smiles at Abby, who grins back at her.
"Hi Joy," she says. There's some sort of wistful emotion in her eyes when she looks from his daughter back to Buck that Eddie immediately - and probably irrationally - dislikes.
"Joy," she repeats again, still looking at Buck this time. "I love that."
"Yeah, well," Buck says, laughing a little and playfully tickling Joy in his arms to get her to laugh too, "we feel a lot of it, when she's around. So it's pretty apt."
"I'll bet," Abby replies warmly.
She watches them for a moment as Buck gets a little caught up playing with Joy and forgets he was having an adult conversation. Eddie's used to it. It happens... well. A lot.
"Well, I don't want to keep you guys," Abby says eventually, drawing Buck's attention back, "but it was so great to see you. We should get dinner while I'm in town."
"Yeah," Buck says, just as Eddie adamantly thinks, No thanks. "Yeah, definitely."
Abby pats his arm as she moves past him to leave and Buck watches her go with a look on his face that Eddie can't immediately interpret. It makes him a little nervous.
"We're not really gonna have dinner with them, right?" he asks, and it's at least enough to have Buck turning back towards him.
"What?" he says, like he didn't hear the question. But then before Eddie can repeat himself- "No, that's just- I'm pretty sure that's just something people say."
Eddie still can't place the emotion on Buck's face though, so he asks, a little tentative, "you okay, bud?"
The weird expression disappears as Buck finally looks at him properly, then down at Joy, tickling her again just to hear her giggle.
"Yeah, no, I just- that was so wild," he says. "I haven't thought about Abby in ages."
He tosses Joy up and spins her around so that she's riding his shoulders now, towering above the stacks, and they head off down the aisle again, already back to being preoccupied by which cereal to choose this week. Eddie shakes his head, watching them fondly for a moment before retrieving their neglected cart and heading off in the opposite direction.
He wonders what produce is on sale today.
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For the fic prompts - #39 for buddie?
I am so sorry this took me so long! 😭 Maybe these dorks will help you forgive me? 😁🩷
“This is more embarrassing than the time I fell down the stairs at the observatory,” Eddie’s patient, Maria, says with a self-deprecating laugh, watching as Eddie bandages her sprained wrist. In terms of embarrassing moments, a slip by the pool doesn't even make top thirty in the list of calls Eddie has seen. “My partner loves taking the kid there,” Eddie says in an effort to ease her embarrassment, realizing how the words sound a little too late. Buck's head snaps to him. Eddie resolutely does not look at him. “It’s so cute watching them geek out together, isn't it?” Maria smiles, a lovestruck look Eddie knows he wears regularly. “Yeah,” he agrees, recalling the many times Buck and Chris have returned home, excitedly discussing what they saw. “The gift shop bill, I could do without though.” “You try saying no to Chris' puppy eyes!” Buck protests. Maria chuckles. “Tell me about it. Axel has an entire shelf in his room of things he and his dad buy.” Eddie finishes bandaging Maria's hand and smiles. “I once came home to the entire dining table covered in stuff they bought.” “Again. Chris’ puppy eyes are my weakness! They're worse than your Bambi eyes,” Buck huffs good naturedly. Maria smiles at them. “Your partner?” Eddie clears his throat and Buck ducks his head. Eddie manages to smile and gives Maria care instructions for her hand and she thanks him before wandering away to find her family. Eddie can feel Buck staring at him. “Eddie,” he says slowly. “I know, I… slip of the tongue, that's all,” he waves off. “You… didn't correct yourself,” Buck points out, his voice carefully neutral. “I'm sorry,” Eddie says with a helpless shrug, “I forgot I was a single parent! But we kept talking and it… It felt so nice to act like…” “Like… what?” Buck persists. “Like you really were mine.” It sounds pathetic, and it is, but the warmth in his chest is worth it. To pretend, just for a moment, that he isn't living an almost of a life he really wants. “Eddie,” Buck says, his voice shaking. “I know,” Eddie says, zipping up the med bag. “We'll just… forget it, okay?” “I don't want to forget it,” Buck says, takes Eddie's hand before he can grab the bag and make a run for the engine. “I want to be yours.” Eddie looks at him so fast he thinks he gives himself whiplash. “You do?” Buck smiles and tugs Eddie closer. “I do. I have since… probably since you let me step inside with you; let me be your partner. On the job and at home.” Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever been rendered speechless before. Trust Buck to be the one to do it. He’s dreamt of how he’d tell Buck for years. Now he can’t seem to find the words. Instead, he takes hold of Buck’s turnouts and tugs him closer. “I love you,” he says softly, watches as a wide grin spreads across Buck’s face. “I love you too,” Buck says, and if Eddie wasn't clinging to his turnouts, he might just float away. Buck leans in with Eddie, cupping his cheek. The engine horn has them jumping apart. “Be disgusting later!” Chim yells, his head out the window. “No!” Buck yells back before dipping Eddie dramatically and kissing him senseless.
Send me a number!
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Buddie prompt: Buck helps chaperone one of Christopher’s dates (like instead of Marisol in 7x01). Realizations are had - maybe they get blindsided because the kid assumes Buck is the cool stepdad or something?
I'm so sorry that this took a week @linus-lucy ! And what a week it's been too! This fic got a little away from at the end and definitely leans a little on the crack side, but I hope you enjoy it!
“And here is your popcorn, good sir.” Buck bowed, placing the popcorn on the coffee table in front of Christopher and Penny. “We have an excellent selection of grape or orange soda, what would the lady prefer?”
Penny laughed, while Chris looked at him with eyes that were just begging him to leave them alone already. “Grape, please Mr. Diaz.”
“He’s Mr. Diaz, you may call me Buck. Grape soda, coming right up.” He said with an air of formality, turning back to the kitchen to grab the soda before joining Eddie on the other couch. Chris hit play on the movie, an Assassin’s Creed film whose plot Buck was unable to follow. Eddie elbowed him fifteen minutes into the movie, nodding his head towards where Penny’s hand laid on Chris’s arm. Buck rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Eddie in an attempt to bring his attention back to whatever was happening on screen.
“Calm down.” Buck murmured, leaning in a little closer so he wouldn’t get hushed by the teens on the other couch.
“We should have let them watch it by themselves, this is too awkward.” Eddie hissed back, catching side-eye from Christopher at the sound.
“This is too awkward? How did you handle giving him The Talk?”
“Dad.” Chris sighed, his full attention on them now. “Don’t you and Buck still have that paperwork to fill out?”
“Paperwork?” Penny asked, pausing the movie. Buck suppressed an eye roll, already knowing it was a losing cause to fight either Diaz on this.
“Yes! We do actually, firefighter paperwork, gotta get it finished by tomorrow. Come on, Buck.” He choked on a laugh as Eddie practically dragged him off the couch and into the kitchen. “Don’t wait for us, go ahead and finish the movie!”
“Smooth, Eddie, smooth. Almost as smooth as Chris’s ‘paperwork’ excuse.”
“I don’t care, there’s no way we were sitting through another hour and forty-five minutes of that.” Eddie derided, going to a cupboard and sifting through it before pulling out vanilla, baking powder, and salt.
“What happened to chaperoning?” he laughed, seeing where this was going and pulling out the chocolate chips and eggs from the fridge.
“We’re twenty feet away, you’re gonna poke your head in there every fifteen minutes and ensure nothing inappropriate is going on.”
“Me? Why not you?”
Eddie shrugged, digging out a mixing bowl from a different cupboard. “I don’t know, I chose at random and you were randomly assigned.”
Buck grinned, hip-checking him out of the way to start measuring ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. “Coward.”
Eddie merely hummed in response.
True to his word, Eddie kept aggressively nodding at the entryway to the living room every fifteen minutes or so, silently begging Buck to check on the situation, which he did dutifully.
The cookies had been out of the oven for a few minutes now, and Buck was torn on whether or not to interrupt the teens for some warm cookies or not.
He shouldn’t have worried, the credits were rolling and Chris and Penny were still sitting on the couch, a respectable distance from one another.
“Hey, Penny, your mom said she is gonna be here in about ten minutes. Do you guys want to eat some cookies we made while they’re still warm?”
“Dad let you use the stand mixer after everything that happened last saturday?” Chris quipped, following behind him into the kitchen.
“I did not.” Eddie smirked, glancing up at the ceiling before handing over the plate of cookies to Penny’s waiting hands. “Our ceiling will never recover from the muffin batter as it is.”
“See if I ever make muffins ever again. Do you see what I put up with, Penny?” Buck shook his head in mock pity as he stole a cookie from the plate. “The disrespect.”
“Buck, why would you pull up the mixer while it was still on?” Chris giggled.
“I wish my step-dad baked, my mom isn’t the best in the kitchen.”
“Neither is dad. I mean, he’s better than he used to be, but I’m still thankful that Buck cooks dinner most nights... No offense dad.”
“None taken.” Eddie mused quietly, eyeing Buck over the tops of their heads. Buck just shrugged, unsure what the look was for.
“Well, you’re lucky you have two parents that can cook. We eat a lot of takeout at my house.” Just then, there was a knock on the door.
“Must be my mom. Thank you for having me Mr. and Mr. Diaz.”
Oh. That was when it clicked for Buck. Penny thought-
“It was our pleasure. Chris, would you like to walk her out?”
Chris nodded, charging for the door before Eddie could take it back. Penny smiled and waved as she followed behind him.
“Now, see? That wasn’t so bad.”
Buck’s head snapped to Eddie, casually wiping down the counters. “Really? Mr. Let's-make-cookies-and-avoid-the-teens-at-all-cost?”
Eddie grinned impishly at him from across the counter. “I don’t know, doesn’t that also make you Mr. Let’s-make-cookies-and-”
“Stop, I heard it the first time. Did… did Chris tell her we were married? What was the deal with that?”
“No, c’mon, Chris wouldn’t do that. I think that was just the natural conclusion to come to.”
Buck’s face warmed at the comment. “Really? Mr. and Mr Diaz is just a foregone conclusion here?” He teased.
Eddie walked around the counter and stopped a few feet short of Buck. “Yeah. I think so, don’t you?”
Buck felt like all the air just got sucked from the room. “Eddie…”
A faint blush was rising on Eddie’s cheeks, but he barreled on. “I mean, let’s be honest here Buck, it’ll be a lot easier for you to change your name than for both me and Chris to switch to Buckley. We could always do Buckley-Diaz, but I kind of figured you wouldn’t mind dropping your parents-”
Buck didn’t let him finish, surging forward to claim Eddie’s mouth in a kiss, curling a hand around his waist to pull him flush against him. “You’re insane, you know that?” He breathed, pulling away just enough to rest their heads together.
“Hmmhmm.” Eddie quipped, a bright grin breaking out on his face.
“Hadn’t even kissed yet, and you’re already picking out china and monogrammed towels.”
“I don’t think we’re monogrammed towel people, Buck.” Eddie sighed, leaning in happily to steal another kiss or two.
“What type of people are we, Eddie?”
“Hopefully the type to get engaged before they’ve had a real first date?”
Buck laughed as Eddie kissed him again, too filled with love to care about the insanity of it all.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
#misha's prompts#buddie fic#buddie#fic prompts#they're unhinged but they're unhinged together#linus-lucy
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So. Buck’s real estate license. At some point does he try to use it as a sexy roleplay but gets so caught in the details that he actually starts pulling up LA houses on the iPad, talking them up for real. He gets stuck on one he thinks is perfect for Eddie & Chris. And Eddie just gives him that soft smile, says - might need two incomes at that price point though. And that's how buddie ends up living together.
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🩲🩲🩲 & 🎥🎥
thanks for the ask!! I'm actually loving playing this 'make me write' game!! 🥰
🩲🩲🩲 - boxer briefs
"And is that exactly what he said?" Hen asked. "'I think I'm gay'?"
Sitting back in her chair, Hen took a long sip of coffee before saying anything else. "Can I assume that instead of calling or texting him, you came straight to me?"
Buck curled in on himself slightly, nodding.
Hen rolled her eyes again and sighed.
"Well what was I supposed to say?" Buck asked desperately. "I don't even know if he meant to tell me! And he ran off so quickly I thought maybe he needed some space or something."
🎥🎥 - cinema
Eddie set his drink into the cup holder on his other side, then gestured for Buck to pass him the popcorn. Buck did so, then watched as Eddie tried to balance it on the cup holder between them.
"That's a recipe for disaster," Buck said with a grin.
"Fine, you can hold onto it then," Eddie said, smirking as he shoved it back into Buck's hands.
Buck took it without complaint, then watched fondly as Eddie slipped his phone out of his pocket to see if there were any messages from Chris.
"I doubt anything's happened in the two minutes since we left him," Buck murmured, nudging Eddie's shoulder.
#linus-lucy#make me write#boxer briefs wip#cinema wip#buddie wip#buddie#buddie fic#wips#disaster snippets
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This one might be lost to time (read it many years ago on ao3) but do you know a fic where Stiles masturbates with a dildo stuck to a mirror (or something similar)? I can't remember if he was specifically doing it to put on a show for Derek or if he doesn't know Derek is there at first.
(Sorry my first ask being filthy)
Hey! Not sure I remember this one.
Can anyone else help with some sexy sterek?
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"Yeah, coffee would be great." Eddie follows Karen to the kitchen. He sits at the counter and watches Karen move around the room.
🌹 = one random sentence from one random WIP
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Peanuts sketches!

In my Charlie Brown era I guess lol
#charlie brown#charlie brown comics#peanuts comics#peanuts#sally brown#linus van pelt#lucy van pelt#schroeder#snoopy#snoopy and charlie brown#comic art#comic sketch#character art#illustration#character illustration#character sketch#childrens illustration#pen drawing
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🔥 + bobby
answered here!
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For the author game:
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
oh godddd. this is one i think about every time i'm writing lmao. i have ppl 'huff a little laugh' allll the fucking time. i think a lot of it is stuff like that - just the way i describe ppl like. how someone's voice goes soft or the tension leaves their shoulders or some emotion claws it's way up their throat. i think i reuse the same phrasing for all that kind of stuff a lot. idk. what are some of the ones y'all notice from me???
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
all of my besties do actually! none of them are fandom people tho so it doesn't really mean anything to them beyond being another weird laura thing lol. also i recently outed myself to my (somehow still going!!) pandemic dnd group and now they always send me any 911 stuff they encounter which is actually very cute. the only irl person who ever (to my knowledge) actually read my fanfiction was my college girlfriend who was also a fandom person. if i ever had another irl friend/partner who was into fandom though i'd likely let them read my stuff
on the other hand. ppl i work with and blood family members don't even get a real answer to 'what did you do this weekend?' when said answer is incredibly mundane so. absolutely not
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#peanuts fanart#the peanuts#snoopy#Charlie brown#schroeder#shrucy#lucy van pelt#linus van pelt#lucy x schroeder#my art#peanuts comics
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Let’s spread a little sunshine ☀️drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy!
Thank you Lucy 🥰 I just finished an important therapy session, so this was such a lovely ask to receive 💚
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#peanuts#peanuts fanart#snoopy and charlie brown#snoopy and woodstock#snoopy art#lucy van pelt#linus van pelt#schroeder#charlie brown#snoopy fanart#charles schulz#schulz#doodles#art#my peanuts art
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Thoughts on Eddie’s taste in music? (Agree w/ you on Buck so much!)
hes a 2000s-2010s pop country guy to me. like think luke combs, kenny chesney, etc
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Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
Sorry for answering this so late 🙈
But thank you so much! 🥰
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I find it in Reddit, in r/AvatarMemes.
Man, Sokka is a Wonderful Linus!
#atla#avatar the last airbender#atla katara#atla sokka#katara#sokka#the peanuts#charles schulz#linus van pelt#lucy van pelt#crossover
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