#linksona au
linked-maze · 6 months
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More DnD moments with the Heros! right now in the DnD we are undercover on Tetras ship! acting like pirates! trying to find princess Zelda!
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captain link!! (introduced back in this comic but more info in tags)
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dreaming-of-lu · 5 months
cause it's me birfday eue decided to spoil myself with the soulmates au. A special surprise at the end 👀
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Normally, one would scream at the sight of a vast, wide open field of grass rather than their room being the first sight to see when waking up,
"Did I fucking die?" instead was the first thing that came out of your mouth. The wind was cool against your skin, lightly ruffling your bed mess hair. Miles around was knee high grass, no trees or civilization around. Just the green grass of mother earth and the blue skies with clouds that looked straight out of Ghibli movie.
"I died, didn't I?"
"I wouldn't necessarily say that-" a short yelp left your lips at the sudden voice appearing next to your ear. You scrambled back in shock, stumbling over yourself to get away from the mysterious, possibly stranger danger. Your eyes landed on the man that somehow happened to quietly sneak up on you, your words caught in your throat at the sight of him.
Long pointy ears, shoulder-length blonde hair, red and blue markings that framed his face, low brows lightly furrowed and...his right eye is shut due to a scar overlining it. Though his remaining eye made your breath hitched due to how blue it was,
"Yeah, I'm dead."
A soft snort left him before clearing his throat, "I promise you aren't, what is your name?"
"I-," you made a face at him, "why should I trust you?"
He lift his hand, pinching his arm that made your own sting, "Ow!"
"Because I am your soulmate."
The night seemed endless due to how long it was dragging on. With the ailed fragments of sleep begging for him to close his eyes, yet they held wide open to the stars of the night.
'Can't sleep, handsome?' their voice was like warm water drifting around him in a bath after a long day of hard work. A pleased, tired sigh left his lips, making his muscles eased from the tension his body felt. He weakly smiles to himself,
'Not without you by my side, that is.' The light snort that they gave him had his smile become more genuine, and heart pounding against his chest. The soft flush of heat burned his cheeks and neck as they softly laughed at his comment,
'Ever so the heartbreaker, my love,' they lightly teased.
'Maybe to others,' he huffs, 'though to you, my sweet, I shall carry it carefully as if it's a precious gem throughout the land, even when I meet you. It'll still be beside me.'
It's suddenly quiet, causing him to worry and flustered that he might've said something wrong to them. Only to hear a soft sniffle, 'That's...that's the sweetest, sappiest thing any one had said to me. You're too cute.'
His ears wiggled in delight. Goddesses, he felt like a school girl due to how giddy and mushy he felt, 'I'll shower you in them till you melt in them, my heart.'
They tearfully laughed, 'Okay, sap bucket, try and get some sleep, hmm?'
'Stay with me until I do?'
'Always, my darling.'
"Why this?" You blinked up from your book at the platinum blonde that took his place next to you on the sofa in the parlor room. He wasn't wearing the normal day to day werewolf shawl, instead, fortaking the shawl and adventuring attire to comfortable clothes to lounge around in. It seemed Aryll was put to sleep easily, since her moans and groans of pain used to distill the air of the house they both reside in.
The chain soft snores in the other room was definitely one to be jealous of due to how easily they knocked out. Though, you can't bring yourself to be angry too much, since the beds were soft enough to ease any ailments they might've felt throughout the day.
You shut the book, placing it aside on the table next to the sofa before turning your attention to him, "why what? did something happen?"
He gives you a flat look, grumbling lightly as he rolled his left sleeve to reveal dark ink marked upon his pale skin. He nods his head to it, "we share the same marks."
You stared wide eyed at the ink that lined his thick forearm; vines rolled around in swirls, flowers with fairies splattered here and there. The same picture that lined your own,
"I-I uhm-"
"While I don't mind the pretty ink, however, getting side eyed for it is not one that I want to deal with," He raised a brow at the shock silence that overcame your form.
"I...I think we're...yanno...soulmates?" you give him a sheepish look, grimacing when his stare hardens.
"...Well, that explains it," he leans backwards in the seat, "...could've chose a different place for it though."
"Asshole," you puffed, "I wanted something pretty to make me feel a little more confident and-"
You squeaked when his hand cupped your chin, he carefully maneuver you in laying position. His other hand came right down next to your head as his body hovered over you, he lowered his face, letting his lips ghost against yours. Gosh, was his eyes always this intense?
He smirked, "is this your way of saying we're married?"
"...you ass."
He snickers.
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m0sstrx · 2 years
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necroneol · 4 months
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rare frozen au necro ❄️
(pronouns are he/him)
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icywolfos · 5 months
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Tumblr has Crunched my boys so click for higher quality (hopefully)
@foooxobsessedperson our little guys are Too Powerful for tumblr smh
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four-eyed-nerd · 6 months
I love these two cuties so so so much! Peace (on the left) belongs to @awildsilver and he is such a sweetheart, like damn. I just wanna hug him, so that's why Juniper is! Best way WildSilver and I can explain their relationship is like, sorta father-figure-y? Juniper tends to latch on to any positive role models, so when the two met? Just, cuddles all 'round.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Take this cringe before I regret it LIFUGFIUPG
Warnings: Bad language and maybe flirting?? If you count that as a warning
Castle Town felt like a wasteland.
The lack of people was disturbing, and the many that did trek the streets looked so rugged. This new Link- The Hero of the Crypt, he had introduced himself and Crypt you had decided to name him- had spoken about the after affects of the curse, the following falling public and the epidemic of fear that had befallen the surviving few had left what was left of his country a mess. He had explained it as you walked, through that desolate, cold snow that blanketed the land as you approached civilization.
“Please, I understand that it differs from your lands but I ask of you not to look upon my people with pity,” The guards lowered the hulking gate that lead into the settlement. “They are strong, they had survived many hardships and they are used to the cold by now- we all are.”
The public looked upon you all with interest, people peeking from homes, children peering from behind their parents and more as they watched you all pass.
“Curious bunch.” Warriors muttered off handedly, watching another couple pause in surprise at your appearance. “Not many visitors, I assume?”
“The winter only brings death.” The words held such an ominous attachment it only made you feel more nervous about this Hyrule. “To see travellers just wander in with not much protective gear from the cursed tundra is something unheard of in itself- especially with a horse.”
“What does a horse have anything to do with this?”
“Unfortunately, many had to be…rationed when the winters first came- they have dwindled in population ever since. You can only find the rare herd nowadays.”
…Twilight stood a little closer to Epona.
The steed merely huffed.
Hyrule Castle, no matter the era, always stood so proudly. It’s intimidating towers, molded with hard work and stone, a beacon within miles in the surrounding Hyrule fields that people so easily hiked. Sure, with each timeline came differs but no matter what it still looked just as magnificent as the last, standing in the forefront against the Hylian skies. Yet now it looked…void. Dulled of it’s significance and scarred with the tragedies that doomed the nation.
It looked scary.
You didn’t reach the interior of the castle for about 10 more minutes, the soldiers also gazing at your group with a morbid curiosity that only made you sink further into Wild’s side, his arm around you protective as you continued on. Torches lined the walls, the abundance of colour compared to the shades of monochrome that was a constant right outside was almost a headache: the blood rest of the carpet, the orange glow of the embers, the blue of the guard’s uniforms- exhaustion was quick to hit you from the overload and suddenly the urge to sleep was almost too great.
The heat did not help.
It felt like a furnace once those shouldering doors slammed shut behind you. Happy to welcome it but not happy for the experience as you moved to take off the enchanted scarf that Legend had thrown at your earlier.
“It’s boiling in here!” Wind exclaimed, in a rush to tear off his own extra layers- everyone seemed to be. “I feel like I’m on fire!”
“The magic is just combatting the cold, you will feel better in a few moments.” 
God you hoped so.
“Sir,” A soldier approached Crypt, dawrfing in comparison to the giant man- he really was a giant, wasn’t he? “Queen Zelda and your, uh, brothers are currently within the throne room discussing plans.”
Queen? Not surprising the the least. Many of the Hyrules you had visited, the once title of Princess had now become the title of Queen. Whether their parent had gone through abdication or much more solem means, the throne laid bare and welcoming for the following sovereignty to take. They’d grown into their roles well. Their Hyrules had prospered with their attention and care.
You hadn’t missed the soldiers others words though.
“You have brothers.” Time stated, walking side by side with the dirty blonde. It was odd to hear of a Link with brothers, Koridai and Courage were the only known ones. Most had sisters.
“No.” His said with such a calmness it almost made you shiver. “They are only more men to introduce.”
The throne room held a majority of the heat. Enough to make sweat decorate you brow and pant from the strain, the urge to rip your remaining clothes from your body strong as you entered the main hall. Pillars of carved stone, lining lushious red carpet with accents of gold, held a vaulted ceiling hanging chandeliers of silver. Windows of stained glass brightened the room with an abundance of colour detailing the histories of the Hyrule- you noticed a hero of green on each, a familiar ruby crusted sword in the hand of one, another with hair of pink and blonde and lastly another blonde with a familiar looking instrument.
“Looks like he’s your successor, Rulie.” Your whisper was soft and Hyrule perked up at the words, glancing over to Crypt who approached the occupied throne. “Funny how you dwarf him in comparison.”
His blank look made you giggle- a first since stumbling into their Hyrule of frost.
The one in the throne sat tall, eyes like hardened emeralds that stared at you all with a stare colder than the snow. Her long brown hair braided brushed over her shoulder and falling to her feet, beautiful olive skin marred by the three jagged claw marks on the left side of her face. Dressed in robes of red, her dress a deep maroon with more accents of gold with red crusted jewels sewn into the fabric, she brough an air of authority around her, one that demanded respect. The crown on her head only added to it.
“Your majesty,” Crypt’s body moved to kneel, his hand grabbed hers and he pressed it against his forehead in respect. 
Crypt’s Zelda smiled slightly, turning to look at you all who wordlessly moved to follow his act of respect. After a moment you followed, roughly knocking Mecha’s side who huffed and dropped down with a mutter of “Kiss arse.” that you punch him for.
“Please, rise, you are amongst friends.” Her voice was smooth and strong, “I know you all bare the mark of the hero- I can feel it in your presence.”
A small squawk came from above and your eyes raised, catching the sight of the bird on it’s perch right above. It was giant, the size of a average dog with feathers of red, orange and yellows and eyes of gold, staring down on you all with a curious look as it tilted it’s head.
A furnix? No, it’s tail was too short- but it certainly resembled one. Maybe an actual Phoenix?
“You needn’t worry.” You looked back down, tensing when you noticed her eyes on you. “This bird is safe, she is the one who heats the castle.”
“It resembles a monster from my time.” Sky spoke, looking at the bird with a similar worry. “You were able to tame the beast?”
“It was said in the texts that she was born from the flames of our people’s perseverance to keep us safe with this almost eternal cold, more than five centuries ago.” The bird leaned down, Zelda’s hand coming to stroke her feathers. “I wouldn’t say she was tamed, a beast as great as her has no need to be tamed.” 
“What’s her name?” You found yourself asking and the Queen smiled. 
Vesta shook her tail feathers happily.
Crypt glanced around, “I was told the others were here.”
“Yes, they just went for a perimeter check-”
The side door to the throne was thrown open, all eyes turning with surprised hands falling to swords hilts as three people walked in.
Each blondes, hair all varying in length. 
The first was tall with short curls, fair skin with a few scars on his face- the most eyecatching being the one over his lips to his chin, a clean swipe and another running from his cheek to his nose, jagged and rough. Eyes of sky blue sparkling with kindness along with a great toothy grin as he laughed.
The following had was a similar height with the longest hair, pulled in a messy ponytail to free his face- covered in an intimidating mask of metal. Quite plain with the excepts of blotches of gold, brown straps securing it to his head. You were able to spot mossy green eyes through the mask’s eyeholes.
And finally came the last, the smallest of the other two. A wavy bob with the lightest hair of them all, darker skin with a scarred left cheek. Greyish blue eyes that glared at everything around him with a scowl to rival that of the Veteran’s.
“You’re insufferable.” The last spat, the first bursting into laughter.
“Oh, alchemist, you’re such a charmer.” ‘Alchemist’ threw his hands in defeat, an angered huff flying from his lips when the trio paused, “Oh, brother of ours, you’ve returned!”
The first blonde marched over, his hand coming to clap Crypt on the back with the same toothy grin he seemed to support. “And with a gaggle of guest! I would have fetched my finest suit with a fair warning.”
The shortest huffed once again, “You bubbling oaf- must you make a spectacle of yourself always?”
The masked man stayed silent.
“Alchemist, you won’t make friends by being such a brood.” He approached the nearest of your group, Time watching the exchange in interest when the blonde lent out his gloved hand. “My good sir, another brother in spirit I presume?”
Time’s hand carefully to grasp the others, relaxing just the slightest. “You catch on quite fast.”
“My own little magic!” He winked.
What a jolly man, smiling to freely and so easy to dismiss the other’s rude jabs. He was bright, almost blinding in your eyes and you felt the urge to cover your eyes to protect them from his shine.
“Your title? They call me The Hero of the Truce.”
“The Hero of Time.”
“Ah, what a wondrous title- you must be a great hero indeed!”
Truce went through all the heroes with introductions, that beaming smile still stuck to his face with words of honey falling from his lips. Uplifting each man, making friendly conversation while the other three men stood awkwardly in the background, Zelda’s amused smile in your eyeline.
“And who is this?” You stood taller, the blue eyes of the newest Link catching your own. “You don’t seem to share a spirit with us-”
“Back off.” Mecha’s hand caught his shoulder, Truce catching his eyes. “You don’t need to concern yourself-”
“Ah look at you! More of a giant than our resident knight!” Truce took Mecha’s hand instead, giving it a vigorously shake that even made the animatronic’s arm wobble. “With an armour more impressive than most! How fascinating!”
“I- it’s not-”
“Come now, lad, how is it not?” Eyes sparkled in fascination, Mecha seemingly shrinking in surprise. “I can feel it in your spirit, you’re an amazing hero and an even better man.”
Releasing his hand to approach you, Mecha stood still. Eyes blank, form frozen as he let the weight of those words fall heavy on his soul.
“Once again- who might you be?”
Who flushed at the attention, his smile and eyes kind as he held out his hand with invitation for you to do the same. You did, slowly with a quick few words “I’m (Name).” falling from your lips when he brought your hand to his lips, gently laying a kiss on the back of your palm.
“A pleasure.” He winked, more flirtatious compared to the other introductions. “Truly.”
You bumbled as he laughed.
A gag echoed through the group and Truce rolled his eyes. “Come now, alchemist, you’re almost like a child.”
“Keep you disgusting lips to yourself, who knows what arses you’ve been kissing.” 
Truce chuckled at that, looking over to the’ alchemist’ who had his arms crossed like an angsty teen. “Hero of Memory, you seem to forget you kiss many arses back in your own era- you did become the royal alchemist somehow, did you not?”
Memory- no, that seemed to lengthy- Mory’s mouth dropped before his hands flew out in a strangling emotion. “I hope you choke on your sickening words, you degenerate heathen!”
“Ah, don’t mind him, dear (Name).” He patted your shoulder gently, “The alchemist lacks outside perspective- being a shut in and all.”
“I’m gonna-”
“Enough.” Mory’s face tightened in anger but his mouth clamped shut at the masked man’s words, the other blonde sighing in defeat. “Must you babble like children?”
There was humour mixed with his exasperation.
“I mean to entertain- the alchemist means to insult, jeweler.”
“And yet, you both sound like infants fighting.”
Truce shrugged his shoulders.
‘Jeweler’ huffed and shook his head before slightly nodding his head in greeting. “I apologise for my silence- I am The Hero of Gilt, I have been given the nickname jeweler.”
Crypt, Truce, Mory and Gilt- so many new Links in one day, your head almost spun from the lot of it.
“I’m sorry to interrupt this lovely introduction sequence.” Legend sassed, near copying Mory’s attitude instead resting his hands on his hips. “But would I be correct to assume that the Shadow is the one that brought you here?”
“If that is what made those portals of darkness then your assumption would stand correct- Peony.” You could almost hear Legend’s eye twitching as a veined pulsed in his forehead at Mory’s snide jest. “What a lovely colour you have to your hair, like a flower in spring.”
The tension spiked.
“Cat fight…” You muttered, Truce snickering by your side.
First’s hand rested on the Veteran’s shoulder and the man relaxed, deflating with his unyielding glare towards the blonde as the older hero spoke. “If it was the Shadow that brought you here, then it is fate that we meet.”
“Agreed,” Spoke Gilt, stepping forward, “And as the heroes, we are to stop it.”
“So there’s no argument then?”
“Not from me!” Truce called, now leaned on your shoulder gently before sending you a wink. “If you’d be happy to have me?”
“I’m not arguing.”
Koridai and Courage grumbled from their spots.
“...if there’s no other option.” Mory puffed, “Larger numbers to fight these monsters seems best.”
Crypt paused, sending a look to his Zelda who nodded in understanding. “We’ll be okay, Link, the bugge are not what they once were- this could affect us more if not dealt with.”
He nodded his head again. “Thank you, old friend.”
“Then we are all in agreement.”
Zelda stood, “You are all welcome to stay in the castle until then- any rations you may need are yours.”
And with that it was settled, your once small group growing bigger once more.
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sciencelings-arts · 1 year
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Ah Sage, your name was chosen so perfectly for your new game
Fun (spoilery) fact: the arm isn’t Zonai, they lost that one, but they also lost their flesh arm. At least they can still summon a ghost arm sometimes.
unactivated arm under the cut (warning, they have an afab chest, happy pride!)
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idk i think i popped off with this one
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
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(modern au) just saying hi!
(pls reblog!)
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cwazytvthings · 1 year
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Fixed the pre-timeskip looks for my AU 🫠
Chapter 2 is in the works for the prequel fic
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linked-maze · 6 months
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I know it's not LinkedMaze but he is still Link I have designed! This is Post! he is a Link for a Zelda DnD where multiple heroes (sometimes just Zelda-related characters) from different universes come together and defeat evil! and right now he is on a quest to find his obese chicken, Taco! I'm definitely gonna post more of him in the future! and his friends!
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poleviklutin · 2 years
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Since I love to cook in Botw I made my linksona into a chef -
He started with a restaurant at the settlement near the Rito Village when some Rito guards found him, soon his food made his reputation in the village and Link was recruited to be the chef of his own restaurant among them.
A certain Rito warrior could be troubled to find an Hylian trespassing his territory… ?
This au takes place pre-Calamity !
— chef Link is kind of « moony » and « distracted », often found dissociating. He s really passionate about his work and has a real talent in founding rare ingrédients all across the regions for his recipes.
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ive been working on this for awhile off and on, and i realized how unrealistic the armor was so i redesigned it in this. i mean- its a fantasy setting so who cares really SPOILER: i care dammit.
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magpie-sherlock · 11 months
Link ran.
Hyrule Castle was in flames. And ice. Simultaneously. Somehow. 
Zelda, his cousin, was nowhere to be found. 
It had been just fine. 
They had been talking. Link was off duty, Zelda had finished her official work; they had both been sitting in Zelda’s room, making their way through a platter of assorted finger foods. A mysterious official –  Zelda said he had been from Hateno village, but had never heard of him – had given her a strange chalice. He had claimed it was magic; Zelda had waved it off, but showed it to Link. He filled it with water, joking that it would give him magical powers, and right as he was about to take a sip, ice erupted from the water. Within the blink of an eye, it had spread around the room, creating a wall between the cousins. Zelda screamed, then suddenly went silent. Link had tried to break through the ice wall, but then fire spilled from the chalice, which had been dropped on the floor, and the flames quickly spread. He ran. He should have stayed with her. He should have-
His foot catches on a rock and he stumbles, falling to the floor. Tears roll down his cheeks and into the puddle mere inches from where his face would’ve landed if he hadn’t caught himself. It had been raining more lately, to the point where the farmers had started to bring their worries to Zelda. He pushes off the ground, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. 
The puddle ripples. Link stares at it. It doesn’t match his world. The puddle shows clumps of snow on the ground, bare trees. That’s not what he sees on his side of the puddle. It’s late spring; the trees have soft green leaves, mud puddles. This side…
He tentatively sticks a foot into the puddle. It doesn’t stop where the ground is supposed to be. He takes a deep breath, puts a hand on his dagger – a birthday present from Zelda, he needs to save her – and falls through the puddle to a cold, wet world. 
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necroneol · 2 years
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(linksona Necro, pronouns are he/him)
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