#line where u go ‘I wish just once someone would say hello’ and she beams all sillies and goes ‘Hello :3’ and shadowheart saying the flower
toomuchdickfort · 9 months
Tbh I simply also just fucking love when the characters sillies!!!
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combat-wombatus · 4 years
Mirio "Would you Mind if I kissed you" please and thank you!
guess who’s back on their bs :’)
i have finished!! a fic!!
giving myself a pat on the back bc this
i deleted and rewrote the ending to this one like so. many. times.
anyways i love u for requesting!! *mwah* ❤️  here u go! (i hope it isn’t too trash adskljfhsadlkjh)
24: “Would you mind if I kissed you?” Character: Togata Mirio
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It was a quiet day at the Nighteye Hero Agency. The streets were unusually tranquil, especially for the usually bustling city of Tokyo.
Considering that it was New Year’s Eve, the streets should’ve been packed, crowded with people and people-watchers alike, those who were traveling to a specific destination and those who were aimlessly wandering through the city. But this year, it was all different.
Quarantine restrictions had some people on edge. Those who were social butterflies craved human interaction, desperately talking with friends online and hoping to regain a semblance of their previously vibrant social lives. Those who weren’t, well, they didn’t mind it much, as long as they weren’t stuck at home with their nosy families day after day. As for today, most people were just glad that this hellish year was over. They didn’t have the ability to revel in the coming of a new decade, nor did they really wish to. They just hoped that, finally, the next year would be as uneventful as possible.
Most people breathed a sigh of relief at the empty streets and noiseless festivities.
You were not most people.
As a sidekick working in one of the most respected agencies in the city, you were worried. You usually had a fairly accurate sense of…well, you would call it intuition. And today, you had a sinking feeling in your gut when you saw the state of the streets.
“Hey,” you called out to Bubble Girl. “Are you sure that there’s been no activity, whatsoever?”
Bubble Girl scrolled through her tablet. “Yes, (Y/H/N). None whatsoever. Lemillion is still patrolling, but he’s checking back in every five minutes, and nothing’s happened so far. Why do you ask?” Her brows furrowed in concern. You didn’t normally ask pointless questions.
“Just…a gut feeling.” You decided to say, not knowing how else to describe it. “I just get the feeling that someone’s planning something big today.”
“Something big…” She frowned in concentration. Suddenly, her face cleared. “(Y/H/N),” she called out. “This intuition of yours…is it limited to bad things, or do you get premonitions of good things too?”
You thought for a moment. “Well…one time when I was smaller, my parents threw a surprise birthday party for me. I had a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong, and then I got really scared when I went home and the lights were all off. I already had my phone dialed to the police, and when they all jumped out from behind the kitchen counter, I fainted. They had to take me to a hospital and I missed my birthday cake.”
Bubble Girl started laughing. “So…was your intuition telling you that you were going to have a surprise party, or was it telling you that you were going to faint and end up in the hospital?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t know. Sometimes, I think that my intuition unintentionally causes the bad things to happen because I’m always overcautious. But it’s hard not to be,” you added. “Especially when you’re in this line of work.”
She sighed. “Yeah, I suppose. But…for today, I think that your intuition is trying to tell you that something good is going to happen.”
You frowned. “And why is that?”
“Well…let’s call it my intuition,” Bubble Girl winked.
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Hours later, nothing had happened. No bombing, no murders…nothing. You supposed that even criminals needed a holiday once in a while. Still, the uneasy feeling in your gut never faded.
The front door to the agency crashed open. You sprung up in alarm, but relaxed when you saw that it was only Mirio.
“Hello!” He beamed at you. “Happy New Year’s Eve! Sorry about the door,” he added sheepishly. “I may have underestimated my kick.”
Mirio was holding a box in his arms. Slowly replacing the door with his foot, he set the box down on the ground. “Would you mind getting some blankets from the staff room, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, sure. Why?” You were beginning to get suspicious. “Mirio, what’s in that box?”
“N-nothing, (Y/N). I just picked up some supplies for Peder.” Mirio quickly covered the box with his cape.
You were beginning to think that whatever catastrophe you felt was going to happen, it was going to involve the mystery inside that ordinary cardboard box. Quickly heading to the staff room to supply Mirio with some blankets, you bumped into Bubble Girl.
She was holding a large sack of something in her arms, all of which landed on your feet when you crashed into her.
“Crap! I’m so sorry, (Y/H/N),” she apologized profusely. “I should’ve watched where I was going-”
Ignoring her, you were instead busy analyzing the contents of the sack that had spilled onto the ground.
“Bubble Girl, what’s all this?” You directed your gaze towards a bag of what looked to be…dog kibble?
“Oh! Uh, Peder wanted to try a new diet! He says that a nutrition expert suggested some vitamin supplements and such. For his specific constitution, of course.” She hastily scooped up the sack and hurried out to the lobby.
“…Peder’s supplements? In the lobby? She should’ve come up with a better excuse,” you shook your head. By now, your inkling of suspicion had been practically confirmed. You made your way to the staff room and grabbed the two fuzziest blankets you could find.
Heading back towards the lobby, you stopped at the doorway when you heard a strange noise.
“Woof!” The sound echoed through the room again, and you smiled. “Mirio…always doing things like that, aren’t you?” You murmured underneath your breath, leaning on the doorframe.
The man in question was holding out a tennis ball with his left hand, bouncing it up and down, much to the delight of an enthused puppy. Bubble Girl was crouching to the side, filling a dog bowl full of kibble. Your heart warmed at the scene.
“Hey Mirio, I brought the blankets,” you stepped into the room, startling both the puppy and Mirio.
“Thank you, (Y/N)!” Mirio held a hand to his neck, chuckling awkwardly. “Well…this was supposed to be a surprise,” he shrugged. “For New Year’s, you know?”
You giggled at his antics. “Well…it’s nice to know that my intuition can predict happy events too,” you passed the blanket over to him.
Turning to Bubble Girl, you raised your eyebrows at her. “Did you know? Was that why you weren’t worried this morning?”
“Yeah, I did,” she smiled. “I’m glad to know that I was right.”
You looked at the puppy bouncing around on the new blanket fort Mirio had made. “What are you going to name it?” You sat cross-legged on the floor, holding out your hands to fluffy ball of energy. It barked once at you, then leapt right into your arms.
“Well, I was thinking…Milo?” Mirio looked to you, cocking his head sideways. “Do you like it?”
Gently scratching behind the pup’s ears, you snuggled him even closer to your chest. “I love it.” You picked him up by his haunches and held him up to your head. He waggled a little paw in response.
“Welcome to the family, Milo,” you said softly, stroking his soft fur. He nuzzled even deeper into your warmth, resting his soft head atop your shoulder.
“He likes you,” Mirio noted, grinning widely. Shifting his weight to the side, he reached behind your back and shook out the blanket, draping it across your arms.
Bubble Girl took one look at the two of you, muttered an excuse about paperwork, and quickly left the room. You glanced at her hasty retreat with raised eyebrows. That wasn’t entirely normal either.
“So, uh, (Y/N),” Mirio started. He’d moved closer, and his broad shoulder was now pressed against yours. “I…I really like you. As more than a friend.” He blushed, his cheeks turning a rosy hue. “And…I, uh, I want to take you out to lunch sometime. Can I do that?”
You were fairly sure that you had heard him wrong. As your breath hitched in your throat, you turned to face him, eyes wide. “You…you like me? As more than friends?”
Mirio’s lips cracked into his characteristic smile. “Yes, (Y/N). As more than friends.” He confirmed.
A blush rose to your cheeks. “Then it’s good that we feel the same way, right?” You smiled back at him.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s very good.” Leaning closer, he cupped your face with a calloused palm.
“(Y/N) …would you mind if I kissed you?”
You tilted your face up and answered him with a kiss. Your lips met, and it didn’t take much prodding for you to open up to his adventurous tongue. Sighing into his mouth, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Mm…Mirio,” you mumbled against his chest when the two of you had come up for breath.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” Mirio rested his chin atop your head.
“Happy New Year’s.”
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Coco’s New Year Celebration 20-21
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x reader) pt3
hello and thank u so much for all of ur kind words on the last two chapters!! i hope you guys enjoy this one :) 
“Speak for yourself, Bolin,” grumbled Hasook, the only waterbender they could find to join their team. “You being distracted practically cost us the game.”
“It was only a few seconds,” Mako snapped, readily coming to his brother’s defense.
“That’s all it takes to lose.” Hasook walked angrily out of the locker room. When he was gone, (Y/N’s) bright eyes peered around the door frame.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,”
A smile curled onto (Y/N’s) lips. 
“Nice to meet you, Bolin,” She said, and Bolin felt his heart skip a beat. He liked the way her voice said his name. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing walking by yourself at night?” 
“I had just gotten off of work,” (Y/N) said with a sigh. “I got stuck with the late shift, so no one could leave until everything was absolutely spotless. And like, right as we were almost done for the night, someone spills a bottle of oil all over the floor! Waterbenders can’t pick that up!” She frowned. “Sorry, I’m just ranting to you at this point.” 
“Rant away!” Bolin said, his face excited. “Where do you work?” 
“I’m a waitress at Kwong’s Cuisine.” 
“Woah,” Bolin gapsed. “No wonder you were so bummed out about losing your food! That place is amazing. I mean, I imagine it’s amazing. The only thing I’ve had from there were leftovers from the garbage.” When (Y/N) furrowed her brows, Bolin started panicking. “I don’t eat from the garbage all the time! My brother and I used to when we were living on the streets.” 
“Oh,” (Y/N) said, her expression turning sad. She reached forward and placed her hand atop Bolin’s. “I’m so sorry. That must’ve been so awful.” 
“It wasn’t too bad!” Bolin, cheerful as ever, gave her a smile. “I had Mako, which was nice, but sometimes we could find really great things in the garbage. Once, I found a whole pie, just sitting on top of trash cans! Didn’t look dirty or anything! It was delicious. Sometimes I still think about trash pie.” 
(Y/N) laughed and Bolin reveled in the sound. “What about you?” She asked. “Why were you on the streets?” 
“Mako and I got into a little argument about money again. It’s fine though, because we’re gonna make our own pro-bending team and rake in all the cash!” An idea popped into his head and he leaned forward excitedly, their faces just inches apart. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to be a waterbender, would you?” 
“Unfortunately, no,” (Y/N) said and Bolin deflated back into his seat. “I don’t bend anything. My family’s full of benders but me? I am bendless.” 
“Hey, that’s okay!” Bolin assured her. “I know really great people who aren’t benders!” 
“I’m not very sad about it,” She said, playing with the straw that was in her drink. “But I do get just a teensy bit jealous. Like, when I’m watching probending and the teams do all these cool moves!” 
“You wanna talk about cool moves? You should see Mako and I! He’s a firebender, I’m an earthbender. We’re like a dynamic duo. Our first match is in two weeks from today, if you wanted to come!” 
“You have a match but you don’t have a waterbender?” Bolin waved his hand in the air dismissively. 
“We’ll find someone, I’m sure! Say you’ll be there?” He asked, his green eyes bright and hopeful. 
“I’ll try my best!” (Y/N) said, and Bolin could tell she really meant it. “It’s just, you know, work.” 
At that moment, their soup dumplings arrived. This both excited and disappointed Bolin. Excited because he was starving and disappointed because he knew once they were finished eating, he and (Y/N) would go their separate ways. 
After stuffing themselves full of soup dumplings, Bolin and (Y/N) practically waddled out of the restaurant. The streets of Republic City were nearly bare. “How about I walk you home?” Bolin offered. (Y/N) nodded, a blush gracing her cheeks. 
They walked side by side and talked about anything and everything. He found out that her mom owned Kwong’s Cuisine and expected (Y/N) to take it over once she was old enough, but (Y/N) wasn’t sure if she wanted to do that yet. She loved animals and preferred to be cold rather than hot, because when she’s cold she can just bundle up. Despite working for her mom, she lived on her own, since her mom didn’t have that much time to be around anyway. 
Bolin told her about how his parents died and what it was like living on the streets for so many years. He told her of the gangs that they had done work for and she looked at him with complete understanding and a lack of judgement. He told her about his best friend, Pabu, and how much he wished he had brought Pabu with him because he knew he would’ve made her so happy. 
By the time they had reached her doorstep, Bolin was feeling very sad. The odds of him ever seeing this girl again were slim to none and that was the last thing that he wanted. 
“Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?” He asked suddenly. (Y/N) nodded, stepping inside for a moment before returning with his supplies. He tore off a small piece of paper and balanced it on his knee, scratching his address onto the lines. “This is where you can find me.” She took it gingerly from his hands and looked at it. When she looked back up at him, she smiled. 
“Thank you,” She said, her voice soft. “I’ll definitely track you down. I have to repay you for the soup dumplings.” Bolin grinned. 
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” He walked down her front steps and nearly tripped. He turned around again to see her laughing at him. He smiled once more and gave her a small salute before walking off into the night. 
Bolin didn’t see (Y/N) at his next pro-bending match, or at the three matches after it. Each time he would look up into the crowd, past the bright lights and thousands of fans and search for the face that had been in his dreams for weeks now. Every night, he was disappointed. He’d put on his helmet and step onto the platform, ready to take his frustrations out on the opposing team. 
He had told Mako about the girl he had eaten soup dumplings with. Mako hadn’t really taken him seriously; Bolin always got distracted by girls for a few days and then found himself enamored by another one soon enough. But this one seemed to be sticking. Mako sort of hoped she’d turn up just so Bolin would stop talking about her. 
And then one night, she did. Bolin’s eyes scanned the crowd, just as they always did, and surprisingly they came to rest on (Y/N’s) face. She sat higher up, in the cheaper seats, but her presence was undeniable. Her smile seemed to beam down on him as she turned to her friend and pointed at the platform. 
“She’s here!” He turned to Mako, jumping on his feet. “She really came!” 
“Finally,” Mako grumbled, and the match started. Bolin didn’t seem to notice, his eyes trained on (Y/N) for the first few seconds of the game. This gave the opposing team the opening to hit him with earthbending discs, knocking him back into the second zone. 
Bolin groaned and jumped to his feet. Mako turned to him as he firebended, his golden eyes furious. “Either you get your act together or I’ll knock you off the platform myself!” 
Bolin nodded, holding his fists toward his face as he shot discs at the opposing team. He dodged their attempts at knocking him off his feet. If this was (Y/N’s) first match seeing him, then she’d see him at his best. 
The Fire Ferrets didn’t win the match, but they played a good game. The team was freshly made and it would take them a while to get in tune with each other. Bolin remained optimistic that they’d win the next one, and he expressed this to his team as they went back to their locker rooms. 
“Speak for yourself, Bolin,” grumbled Hasook, the only waterbender they could find to join their team. “You being distracted practically cost us the game.” 
“It was only a few seconds,” Mako snapped, readily coming to his brother’s defense. 
“That’s all it takes to lose.” Hasook walked angrily out of the locker room. When he was gone, (Y/N’s) bright eyes peered around the door frame. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” She said, and Bolin couldn’t stop the grin that rose to his face when he heard her voice. “I told someone that I knew Bolin and then they told me to come here?” 
“They’re used to Bolin’s routine of bringing back screaming fangirls,” Mako said, and Bolin gave him a harsh shove. 
“Former routine,” He grumbled, before walking over to (Y/N). He wasn’t sure if he should hug her or hold her hands or kiss her. The last option would probably be too much for the moment. “I’m so happy to see you.” 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner,” She said, an apologetic smile gracing her features. “I got scheduled for every night a pro-bending match was on. I had to ask someone to cover for me just to come here.” 
“Oh no! I’m sorry you had to take off work.” (Y/N) shrugged. 
“It was definitely worth it. You guys played an amazing game.” (Y/N) stepped further into the room, directing her attention toward Mako. “I’m (Y/N), by the way. Bolin kinda saved my butt a few weeks back.” 
“I’m Mako,” He said. “And I know. He hasn’t stopped talking about it since then.” Bolin’s face flushed a bright pink, but (Y/N) just laughed. 
“Can I treat you both to soup dumplings? I have to pay Bolin back for mine anyway.” 
“Dumplings sound fantastic!” Bolin grinned. “Right Mako?” 
“I won’t say no to free food.” 
(Y/N’s) stomach rumbled loudly. 
She sat atop Naga, her arms wrapped around Korra’s middle. The polar bear dog trotted through Republic City as Korra took her to one of her favorite spots: a little meat stand on the side of the street. “This place is amazing,” Korra called back to her. “I find the stands to be way better than actual restaurants.”
(Y/N) wasn’t quite sure if she could relate, but she was willing to try. They pulled Naga up to the stand to order their food. “You again,” The woman running the stand grumbled. “You actually have money this time?” 
“Yes,” Korra said, sticking her tongue out at the woman. “We’ll have two of everything.”
“Two of everything?” (Y/N) echoed in disbelief. “Korra, I-” 
“Relax,” She said as the woman put together their orders. “You and I will share and the rest is for Naga. She needs to eat lunch, too.” Korra rubbed Naga in between her ears. 
Once they had been given their food, Korra took (Y/N) to the park, where they ate on the riverbank. It was less cold than it was yesterday but (Y/N’s) Air Acolyte clothes helped keep her warm. She received many weird looks as people walked past them. 
“Do I have something on my face?” She asked. “Why does everyone keep looking at me?” 
“Oh,” Korra said, her mouth full of kabob. “Air Acolytes don’t usually leave Air Temple Island. And they don’t eat meat.” (Y/N) gulped. 
“I feel like I’m being blasphemous,” And while she wasn’t really joking, she made Korra laugh anyway. “Thanks for getting all of this food, by the way. I’ll find some way to pay you back in the future.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Korra said with a shrug. “Focus on getting your memories back.” 
“I wish it were that easy. Like, if I could just shut my eyes really hard and boom! My memories would return.” She looked at Korra, her eyes dazzling with an idea. “I know Kya said you can’t tell me anything shocking, but what if...what if you told me some of the small stuff? Like when my birthday was?” 
“I don’t really know things like that,” Korra admitted as she reached for a piece of food and tossed it to Naga. “I really just know about the stuff Mako has told me.” 
“Right, Mako,” (Y/N) mumbled. “My biggest fan.” 
“He’s just protective over Bolin, that’s all.” 
“Everyone keeps talking about Bolin when it comes to me. That’s the guy that was there the other night, right? Who is he?” Korra bit her bottom lip. She knew she had said too much. “Korra, please?” 
“Bolin was...your boyfriend.” 
“Was my boyfriend,” (Y/N) repeated. “As in past tense?” 
“Past tense is a pretty big part of it.” (Y/N) nodded. 
“Okay. I won’t ask you any more about it, I promise. Thank you for telling me.” But when she looked back down at her food, Korra could tell that she wasn’t thankful. The only thing her explanation had offered was more confusion, and she felt incredibly guilty. Guilty over going against Kya and Tenzin’s wishes and telling (Y/N) about Bolin, and guilty over not being able to give (Y/N) the truth. She was completely lost in the world: she deserved answers. 
“Maybe...maybe if we don’t tell you anything, but show you instead, we can get your memories back.” 
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” 
“What if we took you to places that had a big impact on your life and just see how you react to being there?” (Y/N) nodded excitedly. 
“I’ll try anything.” 
“Alright. But first we have to get Mako and Bolin on board.” 
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kjhmyg · 4 years
rough edges pt. 5 (m)
pairing: jungkook | (f) reader genre: college!au, badboy!jk warnings: mentions of drugs, implied sex, cursing, violence, alcohol, drinking word count: 10K
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / part 5 / 6
author’s note: hello everyone, i know there are lots of things going on in the world right now. i hope that my writing can provide, for those of you who need it, some form of temporary escapism. at the same time i have reblogged posts with info on how you can help if you wish to. anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter i’m sorry for taking so long heh. love u guys!
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Students bustle about the lawn, heading in different directions towards the booths that line the footpath. You’ve spent most of your day manning the track and field booth, handing out flyers to freshmen. Up until ten minutes ago, it wasn’t too bad. But as morning classes end, the area starts to fill up with the second years and above, probably with the excitement of having freshmen around. You try your best not to get pushed around as you scan the area for your boyfriend. 
“He’s all the way on the other side.” Sunhee says, having observed you for a while. “You know, where all the other frats are.”
“Oh.” You sigh. “Do you think I could slip away for a while? You have enough people here.” 
Sunhee looks around and thinks about it. Along with the two of you, other members are present as well, making sure all areas of the booth are covered. “But I wanna come with.” She pouts, knowing full well she can’t leave the booth, being in charge for today’s event.
“Ugh. Fine. But don’t be long.” She gives in, handing you a stack of flyers. “Pass these out while you’re there.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
“I’m coming with!” Hana chimes in, standing from where she was seated on the grass. She grabs you by the wrist and makes a run for it before Sunhee can object and you slow down to a stop when you’re far enough, giggling as you catch your breath. 
You scan the area again, keeping a lookout for familiar faces. Hana shakes her head. “You look like a kid about to meet her favourite rockstar at a concert.” 
“Shut up. I miss him.” You mutter, shoving flyers carelessly to people as you pass them by.
“You saw each other this morning. And last night.” She adds. You pause and look at her from the corner of your eye. “I heard you.” 
“You did?” She waves her hand, dismissing the apology that’s about to come out of your mouth. “I’m so sorry. We’ll keep it down next time.” 
“There’s no going back.” She sighs. “You’re whipped.” 
“Am not.” 
“Right.” She nodded, a smirk on her face. 
“Just because I miss him all the time doesn’t mean I’m whipped.” You defend yourself, though you realise how that doesn’t help your case.
“Alright, alright.” She resigns. She takes on a more serious tone right after. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.” 
“Sounds serious. What is it?” When you stop in your tracks, she urges you to carry on walking, checking her surroundings before speaking. 
“So I’ve been hearing lots of rumours recently...something about a faculty member involved with drugs.”
“What?” You stop again and she pulls you along. 
“I’m not sure who started the rumour or how true it is.” She looks at the ground as she speaks. “But I thought you’d wanna know. You know, cause…”
“Yeah.” She gives you a sympathetic smile. “I mean, there’s a chance it could be false.” 
“Could be.” You get lost in your thoughts. If the rumour is true, why would Jungkook risk dealing with a staff member? 
“Anyway,” Hana flings her arm over your shoulder. “Let’s just find him so you can exchange saliva and then we can get back to the booth before the other members realise we’re gone.” You pinch her side at the subtle remark she thought you would miss.
Soon you reach the area where guys and girls are on separate sides, making the most noise to attract future pledges. You try to ignore the obnoxious yelling, walking past the booths until you find the one with faces you recognise. A big grin appears on your face when you see him. 
You squeeze past groups of people in your way to get to him. He stands by his booth with a couple of girls from Eta Iota. They laugh at whatever he says and he revels in the attention he’s getting, as apparent from his big smile and creased eyes. But their conversation is cut short when he looks up and notices you, body suddenly on autopilot as he excuses himself and walks away from the girls, over to you instead. 
He engulfs you in a big hug. You ignore looks from the girls as they disperse. “I was just walking around. Thought I would drop by your booth.”
“Huh.” Hana interjects. “She practically begged to be able to leave so she could come see you.” 
“Shut up.” She bolts off before you can try and reach for her. 
Jungkook lifts your chin towards him and presses his lips onto yours in a slow, gentle kiss. The fabric of his shirt bunches up in your fists. He tastes so sweet. You just can’t get enough of each other. You almost lose yourself in the kiss till the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back. 
“Keep it PG guys, we’re still on campus.” Jimin says, arms folded with a look of disgust on his face. 
Jungkook’s lips glisten with saliva and you lick your own lips at the sight of it. So pretty and tempting. But heat creeps up your cheeks when you remember where you’re in the middle of an event with hundreds of students around you.
“Hey Jimin.” You greet him properly when you finally remove yourself from Jungkook. His hand remains on your waist. But Jimin’s eyes are no longer on you. A group of girls huddled around the sorority booth behind you has his attention for now. 
“Did you come all the way here just for me?” You turn your attention back to Jungkook. Of course you did and he knows it. 
“No.” You avoid his eyes. “I was just walking by and I saw you.” 
“What a coincidence then.” He taps the tip of your nose and your lips form a tiny pout. 
“Hey,” Hana appears next to you again, holding a little gift bag with a cookie inside and the Eta Iota logo plastered in the middle. “Maybe we should pledge. They seem kinda cool.” 
Jungkook snorts, earning questioning looks from the two of you. “What? You guys aren’t really the sorority type.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask.
“Well you know,” he fidgets. “Sororities do a lot socialising. And fun things. Not that you guys aren’t fun or anything. You are⎯ But you’re different⎯ You’re cool⎯”
“Smooth.” Jimin comments. “Anyway, I fully support this. If you join them, we'll get to spend more time together. We’re close with Etas."
"Oh. I'm out then." Hana says with a playful smile and Jungkook notes the way Jimin’s falter. 
“In case you change your mind, next week is rush week. So we’ll probably be hosting some parties.” Jimin says. “You guys should come. Get a feel of the greek life.” 
Jungkook’s phone vibrates just then and he pulls away from you after checking the screen. “I gotta take this.” He says, walking some steps away. 
“Speaking of which, are you guys coming tonight?” Jimin asks, turning your attention back to him. 
“For what?” 
“Jungkook didn’t tell you?” 
You look over at him, back turned to you. “Nope. You guys having a party tonight?”
Jimin calls out to Taehyung. He jogs over from where he’s standing and looks as happy to see you as he always is. “Hello!” He hugs you first and nods towards Hana, then goes back to Jimin’s side. “What’s up?”
“You didn’t invite them for tonight?”
“Oh of course you guys are invited!” He grins. “It’s my birthday party. We’re gonna head to the club that just opened downtown and have some drinks. Join us!” 
“Your birthday?” You squint. “Wasn’t your birthday four months ago?”
“Yeah but I didn’t get to celebrate it with you guys.” He shrugs. “Come out and have fun with us okay?” 
Taehyung beams, the excitement on his face apparent. Jungkook comes back shoving his phone away quickly. With a hand on your elbow, he pulls you aside. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later okay?” He pinches your cheek when you frown.
“You’re leaving?”
“There’s something I gotta take care of.” He grabs his bag, stored under the table at their booth. Surely, he isn’t going to work? You think it’s better if you don’t ask. “Love you.” He says, pressing his lips to your forehead before going on his way. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Jimin yells, when he realises this. 
Jungkook turns, walking backwards with a smile on his face. “Something came up, sorry!” His apology gets lost among the sea of people he disappears into, and you only manage to catch a glimpse of him running across the lawn as he goes. Jimin groans, walking off to complain to the others. 
“Is Jungkook coming tonight?” You ask Taehyung, walking back to him.
“Dunno. He knows about it. Not sure if he’d come though.” Taehyung shrugs, then walks back to his booth as he waves to the two of you. “See you later!” 
“See you.” You say. Your shoulders slump as you let out a sigh. When you turn to Hana, she gives you a comforting smile and hooks her arm over your shoulder again, offering you her cookie. 
You: you coming to celebrate Tae’s birthday tonight?
Jungkook: nah. 
You: I’ll be there 
You: don’t you wanna see me :(
Jungkook: i’ll pick you up after?
You: [IMG_0394.jpg]
Jungkook: what the fuck
Jungkook: is that what you’re wearing
You: idk how to act in this dress. You better be there to make sure I behave. 
Jungkook: are you doing this on purpose
You: yes
You: so i’ll see you there?
Your last message was sent five hours ago. Read, yet not replied. Sitting in the car you’re sharing with Jimin and the others, you check the chat once again just in case. “Bet you two shots of tequila he won’t show up,” Jimin whispers, leaning in close. You narrow your eyes at him. Hana called shotgun and is in the passenger’s seat while Taehyung drives. Unfortunately, you’re stuck at the back, in the middle seat no less because the middle seat makes me dizzy, said Jimin back at the house.
“You trying to get drunk quick huh?” 
“No, I’m trying to get you drunk.” 
“He’ll be there.” The confidence you attempt to display only has half its effect as Jimin rolls his eyes and looks away. 
Your attention turns back to your screen, waiting till the screen goes black. Turning to your left, where Hoseok is, you realise he’s already staring. You only manage a small, pressed smile before looking elsewhere, wondering if he had seen your messages too. 
“Has he said anything yet?” Suga asks directly into Jungkook’s ear. 
Jungkook maintains his composure. Judging by the smile on Mr. Kim’s face, it’s not so bad. At least he hopes so. “Well, he hasn’t said anything bad.” They exchange glances then turn back to their boss, sitting in the VIP section of the club on the second floor, designed for a little privacy or whatever the booths and translucent curtains can offer. 
They stand by the glass barrier which overlooks the dancefloor. It’s a good spot which allows them to keep an eye on the club while staying at a distance. Much less people up here too, which means more room to breathe. Suga rests his hands on the railing, looking down at the mass of people below. 
Jungkook taps his side urgently. Kim is getting ready to leave, gathering up his things and shaking the hands of his guests. A couple of ladies show them the way, down the stairs and out the back exit while their boss stays behind. Hands behind his back, he walks towards them with a satisfied smile on his face. 
“Pretty good.” He says. Jungkook and Suga nod respectfully. 
“The crowd should start to pick up soon.” 
“Oh I bet.” Kim chuckles. “If things go well, you can start bringing in the drugs earlier than planned.” 
He surveys the area for a while, walking to one end of the parapet and back to them. The wheels in his head seem to be turning but he doesn’t say much. Only a smile, before giving a rough pat on their shoulders. “I’ll be in touch.” His men walk in front as he follows along down the stairs and out the same exit as the others earlier. 
“I think that went well.” Suga grins and Jungkook snorts at the glee on his face. 
“You really got me all worried when you called.” Jungkook sighs, watching waiters and waitresses clear the empty booth. He joins Suga, resting his forearm on the barrier, eyes roaming the place. “We’re clear now. He probably won’t be back anytime soon. He rarely does spot-checks in person.”
“Didn’t you see the look on his face?” Suga wets his bottom lip. “I think he’s planning something.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know but be ready for anything.” His words are unsettling but Jungkook leaves it for now. Suga ruffles the back of Jungkook’s head like he does to a kid. “You can go now. I’ll handle things tonight.”
With a twist of his face Jungkook shakes his head. “I’ll stay for a while.” 
From the corner of his eye, Jungkook sees the slight surprise on Suga’s face. Usually, he’d jump at the chance to clock off early. Suga wonders if he’s finally going back to the old him. That is, until something, or someone, catches his eye. 
“Oh. I see why you wanna stay.”
He nods in the direction of the bar. A shimmery sky blue dress catches his eye. One that Jungkook recognises. 
“Oh this is nice,” your words insincere, “and loud.”
“It’s a club.” Jimin says, looking at you unbelievably. It’s been a while since you last stepped foot in one. Your hand is in his as he makes sure you don’t get separated from the group. Hana grabs on to your elbow as she follows behind. 
Finally reaching the bar, you find an empty spot, pulling Hana along with you. Among the crowd, you spot some people you know and some you don't; all of them friends of Taehyung. He then rushes over and wraps his arms around the three of you. “Just have fun tonight guys! Hoseok’s the designated driver so don’t be shy, drink up!!” He cheers, running back to where his other friends are, already downing some shots. 
“What’re you having?” Jimin asks. 
“Ooh, I’ll have⎯”
“Not you.” He tilts his head to the side. “You.”
You look behind you. Hana stares back blankly but you notice the tiny smile on her lips. She’s never been one to take interest in men like Jimin. He’s much too loud for her.
“Oh my god.” You laugh. “I’ll stay out of this.” You remove yourself from your spot and switch places with Hana. She gladly entertains Jimin, whispering to you that it’s only for tonight. 
You scan the shelves of bottles on display, hundreds of them, not making your choice any easier. You haven’t been to a club in a long time and the only way you would last the night in this atmosphere is if you had some alcohol in you. 
Someone slips in next to you, body brushing against yours as they squeeze between others. When a hand appears on your lower back however, you tense up. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone on a Friday night?” He says. Your grip his arm, wanting to push him away, until you spare him a glance. 
Mirroring the silly smile on his face, you shove his hand away anyway. “I’m not alone, I’m with my friends.” You point your thumb in the direction of the others behind you. 
“You look awfully lonely standing here while your friends are out there.” He gives you a once-over. “How about I keep you company?” 
“No thanks.” 
“Wanna go somewhere else? Somewhere with more privacy?” 
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.” 
He looks away to fight a smile forming. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” 
“Tempting...” With his back against the bar, he makes room for you between his legs and pulls you in. Your hands rest on his arm while he holds you by the waist. “You do look like the type I’d go for.” He’s distracted by the choice of lip gloss you have on, which seems to have a magnetic effect on his lips.
“Wow, you actually showed up.” Jimin hits his shoulder a little too hard and he glares at Jimin for ruining the moment yet again. “I guess I’ll have those two shots now.” He shrugs. 
“As if you weren’t going to have them anyway.” You roll your eyes as you watch him watch the bartender fix them up. He downs them in seconds, wincing as it burns but enjoying it nonetheless. 
“If you hadn’t shown up, she would’ve taken the shots.” Jimin lifts the empty glass in his hand as a toast. 
“Aw, that would’ve been fun.” Hana snickers. She turns to you. “I haven’t seen you drunk in a while. She’s a real gem when she’s drunk.” She directs the last part to Jungkook. 
“Oh I’ve had the pleasure of meeting that special lady.” Jungkook winks.
“Hey, no judging.” 
Hana raises her hands in surrender but she’s interrupted by Jimin’s hands snaking around her waist. You watch as they get into a squabble. The others have dispersed, most of them on the dance floor, Taehyung in the middle of it all. Watching him gets you stirred and you drag Jungkook with you through the dancing bodies. 
You find a spot in the centre and start swaying your hips against Jungkook. He keeps his hands on you as if to make sure every other person there knows you’re taken. With your back pressed against him, he leans down and captures your lips, tongue fighting for dominance as your hips grind against him. He has half a mind to take you right here in the middle of the floor. 
You turn abruptly to face him, disrupting his fantasy. “I know that look.” You say into his ear. “You pervert.” Those sultry eyes of his drops to your chest, openly ogling at your cleavage. Giggling, you push his face to the side and he laughs, kissing you again. You spend close to an hour dancing, or actually, grinding against him.
“I’m glad you’re here.” You say, back at the bar, thirsty from all the dancing. Your hands run up his chest. “I missed you.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “I’ve spent every day with you in the past week. Every night too.” He winks and you play with his collar. “You still miss me?” You nod and he holds you closer, bringing his lips to your neck where it tickles and your shoulders raise as a reflex. 
“Well, look who’s here.” 
It’s a voice you recognise. And one you weren’t expecting but also glad to hear. Jungkook lifts his head up from you. Suga nods in your direction, looking at Jungkook for just a second, then back to you. 
“Hi.” You say. “You’re here too?” You look at Jungkook but his face is impossible to read. He doesn’t seem surprised nor does he look angry. He must have been with Suga before this. 
Suga ignores your question but tells Jungkook he’s needed somewhere. “They’re asking for you.” Is all he says and you feel Jungkook’s chest rise and fall in a sigh under your touch. 
“Be right back.” He says to you regretfully, kissing your cheek. Jungkook grabs Suga by the arm as he moves to take the place next to you. They share an awkward look before he says, “Keep an eye on her for me.”
“I’d be happy to.” He smiles playfully. 
Jungkook slides between bodies till he disappears in the crowd. With an elbow resting on the bar, there’s a hint of amusement in the way Suga looks at you. 
“What?” You ask. 
“Nothing. I just didn’t think you’d be the clubbing type.” 
You’re not offended, but the way he smiles makes you feel like you should be. The judgement that’s apparent on his face challenges you to prove him wrong. Even though of course, he’s right. He calls the bartender over and orders himself a vodka. The bartender’s hands get busy but she keeps her attention on you. “And for the pretty lady?” She asks.
“Oh my bad. Can I get you anything?” Suga asks. “We have iced tea.” 
You ignore him and order a shot of tequila, much to his surprise. “Coming right up.” The bartender says, as she fixes up the drink. Suga watches as you down a single shot and immediately orders another. 
“Is that all you’re having?” You nod to the vodka in front of him. You’re reaching for some cash in your purse when he stops you. 
“It’s on the house.” He says, downing his drink. “And yes, I’m not trying to get drunk tonight. I have work to do.”
“On the house? Work?” Your face scrunches up. “You work here?” 
“Work here?” Now he looks confused and slightly offended. “You don’t know? Jungkook and I run this place.” 
It hits you like a slap in the face and you wish the alcohol would start to kick in already so you wouldn’t just be staring at him in surprise. “I definitely did not know that.” 
“Oh. I’m sure there's a reason he didn’t tell you.” 
Though his face remains void of any emotion, you can’t ignore the bitterness in his tone. You hesitate before asking. “You don’t like me very much, do you?” 
“What makes you say that?” He looks elsewhere, suddenly finding interest in the people on the dance floor. 
You think over your choice of words carefully. Getting close to Suga has been your game play from the start. But with Jungkook always keeping you at a distance from him, it set you back. Once Suga trusts you, it’ll only get easier from there. Since Jungkook won’t be letting you into the world of his secret life anytime soon, the only way in is through someone he trusts. 
“We could be good friends you know.” You smile.
He waits for you to convince him, a doubtful look on his face. “Really? What could we possibly have in common?” 
“Have a drink with me and maybe you’ll find out.” 
You hold out a drink in front of him. Your cheerful demeanour makes it hard for him to say no, even though he thinks it might be the alcohol getting to you. Suga lets out an exasperated breath, and takes the glass from you.
Jungkook groans, kicking the door shut behind him. He tosses the book in his hand on the table, knocking over a bunch of stationery. What he thought was going to be a short call, ended up being a trip back down to the HQ just to double check the inventory. 
He’s just about to let his butt touch the seat when there’s a knock on the door. “Please don’t come in.” He begs.
It opens and he sighs. The music travels inside now that the door’s open and he massages the front of his head, feeling a headache coming in. “Hey. Someone wants to speak to the manager.” Suga says casually. 
“What? Why?” Jungkook shakes his head and turns to face him. “You talk to them then, you’re the manager too.” 
“No, she wants the other manager.” 
Jungkook frowns. Suga keeps the door open with his foot and reaches over to the side. Jungkook watches as he struggles with the other person. They resist and pull away but Suga easily gains control. Jungkook sighs, preparing himself for what’s to come. 
“Stop! I said, I only wanna speak to the other⎯” You stand by the door leaning against Suga while you try to maintain your balance. Your eyes go wide when you see Jungkook and he looks back at you, perplexed. 
“The other manager.” Suga finishes your sentence. 
“Oh hi.” You fix your hair and dress before making your way towards Jungkook, stumbling a few times until he meets you halfway. 
“Um. Hi.” Jungkook says. 
“She’s had a few drinks.” Suga informs him. 
“A few?!” Jungkook guides you to his desk. 
“Don’t look at me. It was her idea.” Yoongi raises his hands in a surrender and slowly backs off, closing the door before he leaves. 
“Shh! I have a complaint!” You fail to stand on your own, needing Jungkook’s hands on your arms to keep you upright. He backs up, sitting on the edge of his desk, holding on to you while you rest your entire weight on him.
“Do you now?” He lets you lean on his chest. When you lift your head, he pushes away the stray hair. “What is it?” 
“I’m upset! You left me.” 
He laughs quietly. “I’m sorry. I had to go check on something.” 
“And why didn’t you tell me about this club?” You say in a tiny voice, pouting. “Is it because I’m not cool enough? Cause that’s what the other manager thinks...”
“Suga?” Jungkook asks. 
“Yeah him.” Your tired eyes focus on something behind him while you mumble, face a little swollen. “We’re friends now, you know?”
“That’s nice. But don’t listen to him okay? You are cool. The coolest girlfriend ever.” Jungkook kisses your forehead and you break into a giddy smile.
“Really?” He nods. “Then why didn’t you tell me about this club?”
“Because I didn’t know what you would think about it. What if you hated it?” 
“Jeon Jungkook.” You stand up straight. Or try to, at least, holding on to his arms before your hands cup his face. “I would never. I will always support you. You got that?” 
He chuckles, holding you tight against him. “You’re adorable.” 
“Also!” You push away. Your eyes roam over his body and you drag your hand down his front. “It’s kinda sexy...you being a manager.” 
“There she is.” Jungkook laughs, being reminded of the Valentine’s situation. “I knew you were in there somewhere.” 
“She missed you.” 
“Aw, I miss her too.” His hand finds the back of your neck to guide your lips onto his. The shaky sigh that comes from you as he grabs a fistful of your hair to tug on makes him smile. You hike your leg up on his thigh, trying to get whatever friction you can get. The tight dress makes it hard for him to slip his hand under, so he grabs your thigh instead, digging into your skin. “This damn dress.” He mutters, lips on yours. 
“You don’t like it?” You ask innocently. “Maybe I should take it off⎯”
The door slams open and Suga comes back inside. You separate from Jungkook with a gasp but then groan when you realise it’s only him. It’s like the two of you are invisible as he moves around the table to collect his things from one of the drawers. “What?” He stops when he notices your stares. 
“Do you mind?” Jungkook asks.
“Yes actually I do.” His eyebrows raise. “This is a shared table. I don’t want your nasty fluids all over.” He gathers his belongings, and puts on his jacket. Glancing at Jungkook, he nods to the door, “Come on, let’s go. The guys can handle things tonight.”
Jungkook turns to you. “I’ll send you home okay?” 
“No! I wanna go with you.” You whine, hanging on to his neck for dear life. 
“Y/N,” he tries to reason, prying your hand off him. You don’t budge, only clinging on to him tighter. “Fine but. We’re going to Suga’s apartment. Are you sure you wanna come?” 
“Yes.” You say, muffled. 
“Okay then. Let’s go tell the others you’ll be with me.” 
The unfamiliar setting doesn’t bother you much, thanks to the alcohol. Jungkook comes out of the shower to find you on the floor, between the couch and the coffee table, laughing at something your new best friend is saying. He sighs however, looking at the drink in your hand. He jumps over the back of the couch and picks it out of your hand. 
“Hey!” You frown. “Give it back! We’re playing never have I ever.”
“Y/N, he’s not even drinking.” Jungkook speaks to you gently, hooking his hand under your arm to pull you up on the couch. “He’s just messing with you.” 
You turn to Suga for confirmation. That’s probably why his glass has been full since the start. “Maybe he just has never ever all the never have I evers.”
“Stop it.” Jungkook holds back a laugh as he warns Suga who’s laughing quietly, finally taking a sip of his drink. He helps you up and you get comfortable next to him on the couch. He had left you with Suga and a glass of water to sober up, but came back to the glass still full and an opened bottle of whiskey on the table.
“You smell nice.” You mumble, rubbing your head against him like a cat. “Gimme kiss.”
He complies, leaning down for chaste kisses that has you breaking into giggles. But it’s not enough. You yank him by the neck and let yourself fall back onto the couch. With a hand on the cushion behind you, he pulls away and the sticky sound of your lips separating makes Suga wince. “What are you doing?” He mutters. 
“Okay. Can we kiss inside?” Jungkook glances in Suga’s direction and you tilt your head back. His hands slide down your side to your hips, making sure your dress doesn’t ride up any further. 
Suga smiles, sipping on his drink. “Just pretend I’m not here.” 
You laugh but Jungkook sits back up, pulling you along with him. “I think I need a drink too.” He sighs, reaching for your glass of whiskey still sitting on the table. 
“What’s wrong?” You cup his head and speak to him like he’s a child. “Is everything okay?” 
“It’s been a long night.” 
“Aw.” You embrace him, giving him soft pats. “I’m sorry Kookie.” 
“Kookie.” Suga repeats, pressing his lips into a thin smile. Jungkook drops his face into his hand and groans.  He can’t even be mad at you, not with how you’re looking at him lovingly with soft, glossy eyes and a tender smile. 
“Hey Suga,” you look around the place, suddenly curious as the paint peeling off the walls distracts you. “Why is your place so...ugly.” 
“See?” Jungkook snickers, licking his lips after a sip of the whiskey. “I’ve been telling you to at least get the walls fixed or something.” 
“Look, why does it matter?” Suga sighs. “I’m only here to sleep, shower and sometimes eat. I’d rather save my money for something else.” 
“Are you rich?” You ask, leaning your head against Jungkook’s arm. “Can you buy me a pony?” 
Suga furrows his brows then glances at Jungkook. “Why would I buy you a pony?” 
“Why not?” You say in a soft voice. “I’ve always wanted one. If you’re a real friend you’d get me a pony…” 
Jungkook breaks into a laugh, shaking his head as he squeezes you, kissing the top of your head. “Sorry. She talks a lot when she’s drunk. She’s not normally like this though.”
“It’s cute.” Suga shrugs, looking at you. 
“The last time you were drunk you wanted a navel piercing.” Jungkook says to you. “The next day you almost cried when I said I’d bring you to the piercing shop to get one.” 
Jungkook sips more of the vodka. You think about what he said for a second. “I know...I actually have been thinking of getting nipple piercings instead.” 
Jungkook chokes on his drink, coughing and clearing his throat as Suga whistles at your confession. You look at them confused. “Okay.” Jungkook sets the glass down and stands. “You’re done. It’s time for bed.” 
“Bed? Oh, bed.” You wink dramatically, with a light tone to your voice. Suga shakes his head, feeling somewhat endeared by you. You are adorable, he'll give you that. He kinda prefers you drunk than sober though. Before you leave, you turn to him. “You’re not joining us?”
“What?” Jungkook hisses. “Of course he’s not joining us.”
“Are you inviting me for a three⎯”
“You wish.” Jungkook spits out, lifting you over his shoulder. Suga sighs, swinging his legs over the side of the armchair, muttering a soft “kinda do wish though” under his breath. 
The bed you’re sleeping on tonight isn’t any bigger than yours, but it is older and squeakier. It’s in a guest room which Jungkook has spent many nights in, although he prefers the couch. After a quick shower, Jungkook lets you wear one of his spare tees for you to go to bed in. The shower seemed to have calmed you down a little, though he can tell you’re still out of it. He lets you snuggle up in his arms. 
“You’re cute when you’re drunk,” Jungkook says, patting your head. “But you really shouldn’t drink so much. I just know you’re gonna regret it tomorrow.” 
“I just wanted Suga to like me.” You pout. “I thought it would help us bond.”
Jungkook chuckles. “He does like you. I know it.” 
“Really?” You blink up at him. 
“Yes baby.” Jungkook smiles reassuringly. “You did good.” 
You giggle, very obviously proud of yourself. You wish to talk more, but your eyelids feel so heavy. Jungkook notices this and kisses you on the forehead while his hand runs up and down your back.
“You’re not gonna remember any of the shit you said tonight, are you?” 
“Probably not.” You hum, “but I remember that I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You giggle and let out a sigh after a while. He thinks you’ve fallen asleep until you speak again. “My boyfriend would be very sad if he knew I said I love you to someone else.” 
“He’ll be okay.” 
“Will he?” Your voice goes soft. You clutch his shirt a little tighter, burying your face into him. “I hope so…”
Jungkook frowns. He figured you were messing around, but it seems like the alcohol and sleep has you sleep talking. “What do you mean?” 
“Lots of trouble...lots..drugs.” Jungkook stiffens, feeling his heart leap in his chest. “...and like...the detective...mess.” 
He remains silent for a while. It’s not like he thought you were unaware of it all. But what were you saying about a⎯ “Detective?” 
“What detective?” You mumble, slowly drifting away.
Jungkook shakes his head and lets out a breath. “Must be the alcohol. Get some sleep, baby.” Stroking your head, he kisses you goodnight. He tries to sleep himself but he finds it difficult, mind going back to what you said. He reaches under his pillow, careful not to wake you, sleeping on his arm.
Jungkook: i think we have a problem.
“Everything sucks when you have a hangover.” You groan, trying not to drool against the counter. Hana replaces the cold coffee in your cup with a fresh batch. She transfers a blueberry muffin from the glass display onto a plate and slides it over to you. 
“Ugh.” You wince, lifting your head off the table from the sound. 
“I told you it was a bad idea.” Hana says, wiping the counter. Thankfully, you don’t have a shift today. “Was it worth it though?”
“I think he trusts me now, kinda.” You take a small bite of the muffin. “He said bye to me when we left his apartment this morning.” 
Hana gives you a displeased look. “What?” 
“The point is that he stayed with me the entire night last night, let me stay over at his place and Jungkook isn’t trying to keep me away from him.” 
“Okay so,” she gestures, “now what?”
“Now...we wait.” You take a sip of the coffee in front of you.
Hana eyes you down curiously. She steps away to attend to a customer, giving you some time to think. When she comes back, she leans against the other side of the counter and presses her lips together. “I don’t like that look on your face. You’ve thought of something.” 
You check your surroundings. The usual customers are around, scattered across the cafe, absorbed in their own work. You speak softly. “I think I’m gonna try and join his crew.”
“Are you crazy?” Hana snaps at you. She keeps her voice hushed. “Y/N, these are dangerous people.” 
“I know but Jungkook will be there to protect me.” You say it, but you don’t even believe it yourself. Sure, Jungkook’s there. And he would protect you, but to what extent can he do that?
“No. You’re not doing this.” 
“Okay wait.” You breathe out, rubbing your aching temples. “Okay how about this, I’ll see if they’ll let me work at the club. As a bartender or something.” 
“Dude no. You already have a bartending job.” She gestures around her. “Here.”��
“Hana you’re making this difficult for me.”
“Me?!” She gasps. “You’re the one joining a syndicate when you’re supposed to be getting your boyfriend out of it.” 
“This is how I’ll get him out!”
“How?” She folds her arms. “Tell me. How will joining them help you get Jungkook out?”
“Um…” You bite your lip and answer in a soft voice. “I haven’t thought of that yet.”
She shakes her head. You hate it when she does that. You sit quietly and sulk, a frown apparent on your face. “You’re getting yourself into trouble.” 
“We all know Jungkook’s very sensitive when it comes to this. Maybe if I’m part of his circle, he’ll get more comfortable talking to me about it.” You convince yourself as you’re saying it. “And then it’ll be easier to convince him to leave.” 
Hana is silent, just watching you. She leans on her forearms against the counter, moving in closer to you. “I don’t know much about these kinds of groups but, I don’t think it’s that easy. You can’t just leave as an when you want to. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” 
You let her words sink in as she goes back to work. You have nothing to say because she’s probably right, it’s not going to be as easy as you make it out to be. There are many other factors to consider. It’s not a solid plan, but you stand by it, thinking it might be worth a shot once you figure things out. You just don’t know where to start. 
An alarm goes off on your phone and your jump in your seat. You’d set one as a reminder to head to the campus library. The sound worsens your already throbbing head while you pack your things and take the last few bites of your muffin. You follow up with the coffee and groan softly, feeling your tummy protest. A small burp follows.
“Excuse me.” You say, glancing at the man standing nearby, waiting for his drink. 
He smiles back and the first thing you notice are his dimples. “Hangover?” He asks.
“Yeah. Is it that obvious?” 
“Not to be rude but,” he leans in closer to whisper, “you look like crap.” He winks after, so you know he’s kidding. 
“You’re lucky I’m not on my shift today, otherwise you’d be getting something else with that coffee.” He raises a brow at your weak attack and you close your eyes, sighing. “Sorry. That was meant to be intimidating but...it sounded better in my head.” 
“I get it.” He nods, smiling. “Hangover.” 
“Right.” You stand from your seat and sling your backpack over your shoulder. Hana comes over and places the stranger’s coffee on the counter top before turning her attention to you. “I’m gonna go.” You say to her and she nods with a smile before going back to work. 
“And I’ll see you around Mr….” You tilt your head slightly, focusing on the name scribbled on his cup. “Namjoon.” 
He nods again with an amused smile as he watches you walk swiftly out the door. 
You check the time on your phone and slot the book in your hand back in its place. You’ve lost track of time in the Fiction section and Jungkook will be coming to get you in an hour. You speed walk over to the References section and start scanning for a specific book. The lack of sudden, loud noises in the library is pure bliss to you. You had taken an Aspirin a while back, still waiting for its effects to kick in.
You gasp a little too loudly and jump at the sudden intrusion of your space. Hoseok holds his hands out before him to show he means no harm. “What are you doing?” You hiss. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry.” He scratches the back of his head. “What a coincidence, running into you here.” 
A towel hangs over one shoulder and a duffel bag on the other. He’s dressed in jogger pants and a basketball tee. “Is it a coincidence?” You raise a brow, eyeing his outfit.
“Okay, I kinda just wanted to talk to you about something.” He admits. He recognised you from across the library where he was printing some documents. 
“Is it about Jungkook again?” You ask. 
“Kinda.” He shrugs. “I don’t know if you’ve heard but⎯” 
“Something about a staff member?” You cut him off and watch his face twist. 
“You knew?” 
“I’ve heard.” 
“And you’re not worried? Why would he do something so stupid?”
You tense up over his words and he notices this with the way your body changes.  “He’s not stupid. Okay? And it might not even be him. The rumour might not even be true,” 
“How would you know?” 
“I don’t. And neither do you. We don’t know anything.” You roll your eyes and turn to walk away, having had enough of him. He grabs your wrist to stop you. 
“You’re not gonna do anything?” He asks, making you even more annoyed.
“Hoseok, what are you doing about it?”
He watches you silently. 
“Exactly. I said I’ll handle it so let me handle it.” You say. “Besides, my plan is working already.” That’s a lie considering you don’t have much of that plan. 
“What plan? Getting drunk and flirting with his drug pusher friend?” 
Does he mean Suga? You’re livid. Is he actually judging you for what happened the night before? Hoseok senses the change in your demeanour yet again. But it’s too late to take it back. His eyes soften though it doesn’t do much to calm you down. “Are we done here?” 
You turn to leave and he calls for you once again. This time you only stand with your back to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m really worried. For Jungkook...for you.”
“Me?” You turn back around. “You don’t have to worry about me. Jungkook would never let anything happen to me.” 
The corners of his mouth twitch a little. “Fine. But I haven’t been able to reach my friend. I’m starting to think they got to him. I don’t even know if he’s still alive.” 
“Don’t say that. I’m sure he’s fine.” You say softly, feeling sympathetic towards him. He must be really worried. “Why don’t you call his office or something.”
“I can’t because I’m not supposed to know about this investigation in the first place, remember?” Hoseok sighs, running his hand through his hair. “Look, just be careful okay? And let me know if you need anything.” 
You nod. “I gotta go.” 
He doesn’t stop you this time and you rush out of there without the book you came here for. You’d come back tomorrow perhaps. Just as you reach the exit, you hear a whisper of your name. Give it up Hoseok! You think to yourself. You pick up speed and consider running off. That is until a hand slaps onto your shoulder and tugs on it.
“Slow down.” Sunhee whispers. She notices the look of trouble on your face. “Calm down. It’s just me. Not Hoseok.” 
Of course she would know. “You saw us?” 
“Yeah. I saw you, Hoseok, and the tension between you two.” She looks back and Hoseok’s no longer there. “So what was that all about?” 
“I don’t know.” You shrug, feigning ignorance. “He’s kinda weird.” 
She narrows her eyes at you but doesn’t push you any further. You ask for her company, just in case he comes back, knowing he’d never talk about anything in front of someone else.  As you walk around campus, you realise that almost everyone you come across along the way says hi to Sunhee. She really does know a lot of people. It’s no wonder she knows everyone’s business before they even know it themselves. 
A guy dressed in a black tee and jeans walks in your direction and you make a bet with yourself that he’d know Sunhee too. He gets closer and you smile to yourself as he nods to Sunhee, greeting her. But then he greets you too. “Hey Sunhee. Y/N.” 
“Oh. Hi.” Your reply comes late. It took you a while to register that he had just said your name. But you don’t know him. “Who was that?” You ask Sunhee.
“That guy? That’s Jae.” She says. You turn and watch his back as he walks down the hallway. 
“I don’t think I know him.” You try to remember if you may have been introduced to each other before. “How does he know my name?”
“Pretty sure anyone who knows Jungkook would know your name.” 
“Oh so he’s friends with Jungkook?” 
“You could say that.” She presses her lips together in a thin smile. 
You slow down. “Fine. Everyone knows Jae gets his supplies from Jungkook.” 
“Oh. It’s that kind of friendship…”
Sunhee leans in close, her wide eyes staring right at yours. “Rumour has it, he saw Jungkook selling some drugs to a faculty member.” 
Your heart leaps in your chest at the thought of it being true. It’s one thing for it to be a rumour, but this person has actually seen Jungkook in the act. You grab Sunhee’s arm urgently. “I need to talk to him.” 
Before she can utter a reply, you’re bolting off in the direction you came from, towards Jae. He hasn’t gone too far so it didn’t take long to catch up to him. Sunhee trails after you, calling out your name to get you to slow down. You only do so when you close up on him and with all the ruckus, he turns and stops, glancing at you with a confused look on his face. 
“What’s going on?” He asks carefully, eyes darting to Sunhee finally reaching your side. She catches her breath and glares at you unbelievably. 
“I need to ask you something.” You say gently. “It’s about Jungkook.” 
The mention of Jungkook’s name changes the look on his face. His tall, confident posture turns fidgety and anxious. “I don’t really know Jungkook.” He spits out before turning away hurriedly, pulling his cap down to cover his eyes. 
You move to stand in front of him. “You get your...prescriptions from him don’t you?” He gulps, looking around. The hallway is empty. But that doesn’t mean no one’s listening. “You’re not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to ask you about the rumour going around. Is it true?” 
“I don’t know, I didn’t start it.” He huffs.
“That’s not what I heard.” Your eyes move to Sunhee who stands behind him. He follows your gaze. 
Sunhee stares back blankly and shrugs, “What? That’s what I heard.”
Jae closes his eyes in defeat and sighs. “Let’s talk somewhere else.” He says, checking the empty hallway again. Then he leads you both down the hallway. He stops at a staircase just as the hallway ends, extending left and right into another one. As it just so happens, that’s where the staff rooms are. You would expect to more likely be in trouble if any faculty members overheard you, so why would he bring you here. 
He climbs up a few steps and takes a seat, resting his arms on his knees. “I didn’t start that rumour.” Is all he says. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Look, all I said was that I get my supplies from Jungkook.” He starts. “The rumour had already spread by then, about a staff member.” He keeps his voice low and you look around the corner every now and then to make sure no one is coming. “The thing is, it’s not that this guy gets his supply from students. He’s the supplier.”
Sunhee’s jaw drops like you’ve just promised her everything she’s ever wanted. “Are you serious? Oh my god.” She bites her lip and quietens down when you give her a look. 
“So where does Jungkook come in?” 
“When the word spread about this guy, a few guys who usually deal with me came and asked if this other guy is legit. Of course I told them I don’t know anything about it. I’ve only ever dealt with Jungkook.” He shrugs. “As far as I know, Jungkook’s the only supplier. It’s kinda weird that this guy suddenly pops out of nowhere. And since Jungkook’s been kinda missing in action lately, I guess a lot of his buyers assume he might be the one supplying the new guy to replace him.” 
“Jungkook’s been missing in action?” 
“Well not completely.” Jae says. He gets up and brushes the back of his jeans. “He’s been kinda slow on the orders. Maybe he’s busy.”
“Right.” You nod, trying to put together everything you just found out. 
“Speak of the devil. That’s him right there.” So that’s why he chose to speak to you here. Jae looks over your shoulder, and along the hallway lined with doors that are staff-only accessible, he struts down with a book in his hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 
“No way.” You whisper to yourself as you watch him. He enters the admin room, tapping a card on a small machine next to the door which unlocks it. You keep your eyes on the door, blinking away, wondering if your eyes were playing tricks on you. “That’s him?”
“That’s him.” Jae confirms. He slips between the two of you. “I gotta go now. I won’t get in trouble with Jungkook, will I?” 
“Of course not.” You reassure him, “I just wanted to know about the rumour and who started it.”
“Cool.” He nods. “You know, I’m loyal too. I never switched over cause I trust him.” 
“Good to know.” You say with a hint of amusement in your voice. “I’ll be sure to let him know you’re a big fan.” 
He only smiles before walking away, waving to the two of you. Before Sunhee can leave too, you grab on to her arm. “Keep whatever you heard today to yourself.” 
A soft whine is her response and she looks at you with puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading. You stand your ground. “Not even one person?” 
“Not even one person.” You hold out your pinky in front of her. “Promise.”
“Which part though, the Jungkook part or the new guy or⎯”
“All of it. No one has to know anything.” 
“Alright, alright.” She groans but hooks her pinky around yours and you tighten your grip. “I guess I won’t tell anyone. What’s this all about anyway?”
She raises a brow when you don’t reply. “It’s nothing. I can’t tell you.”
“You’re as mysterious as your boyfriend these days.” Can’t tell if it’s a compliment, seeing as how she’s narrowing her eyes as though she’d be able to read your mind if she tries hard enough. “Probably for the best, you know I can’t keep my mouth shut anyway.” 
“If you can keep this quiet, we’ll go for rush parties together.” There’s a sudden sparkle in her eye. Who you go with is crucial in determining what kind of night you’ll have. Being seen entering with the right people, means you’ll probably be making lots of new friends. And being seen with you, a girlfriend of someone in the host house, will lead to lots of new socialising opportunities for Sunhee.
“Deal.” Is all she says, no further bargaining. Her body turns in the direction you were headed earlier before Jae, “You coming?” 
“Um.” You look around the quiet hallway. “You know what, I'll just take this exit. Jungkook’s picking me up anyway.”
“Alright. See you next week.” She winks and heads off. 
You text Jungkook, to let him know where you’d be waiting for him. While you wait, you scan the long board display between doors. Pictures of staff members everywhere along with their names and designated roles underneath each photo. By the end of the entire row, you hadn’t found him. 
Past the glass display, full of trophies and medals from inter-college competitions, you find a board plastered with information on new extracurricular clubs. An acapella group, self-defense classes, poetry⎯ wait, self-defense classes. “Led by special instructor Kim Namjoon...” 
You hadn’t realised when he appeared behind you but his low sounding voice makes you jump. “Interested?” He chuckles when you make a squeaking sound. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“So you work here.” You say the obvious. 
“Yeah.” Now he’s looking at the flyer on the board. “Not to brag but, I designed this myself.” 
“It’s cute.” You nod. “Self-defense instructor and a flyer expert. Truly a jack of all trades.” 
He laughs then looks down at his feet as his hands sink into his pockets. He wears a brown checkered v-neck vest over a light blue shirt. To think this is the guy everyone’s talking about. The one dealing drugs. “Are you waiting for someone?” He asks, looking around.
“Yes, yeah, I better go wait by the exit, he’ll be here any minute.” You check your phone. 
“I’ll walk with you.” He offers. With his arm stretched forward, he gestures for you to walk with him. “Was on my way to get some fresh air anyway. How’s the hangover by the way?” 
“Oh much better, thanks.” You’re reminded of the lame attempt at a comeback at the cafe earlier and wince. “So how long have you been working here?”
“Not long.” He faces forward as he walks. “The school only confirmed my classes like a month ago.” 
“I see.” 
“Will you sign up?” 
“Oh I don’t know.” You shake your head and laugh dryly. “I have so much on my plate already.”
“Well if you ever wanna drop by one of the classes, just let me know.” 
“That’s nice of you, thank you.” You smile and once again you’re distracted by his dimples. “How’s the response though?”
“It’s great! I might have to split the class into three and have them on different days of the week.” 
“Wow, really?” You ask, surprised. “That good huh.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting this either, honestly.” 
He shrugs, still wearing that cute smile on his face. You actually wonder if Jae might have gotten it all wrong. Maybe it wasn’t Namjoon. Maybe it was someone else, someone other than this big, huggable guy beside you. “That’s great though, I’m happy for you.” 
Late afternoon sun rays kiss your skin as you step out the doors. Down the steps, you see a familiar figure sitting on his bike. As it is, you get a text from Jungkook just then, telling you he’s here. “Is that your friend?” 
“Yup. I better go.” You say, one foot already down the step. “I’ll see you around. Maybe I will drop by for one of your classes.” 
“Please do.” He grins and looks so painfully handsome. “Oh and, I haven’t gotten your name.” 
“See you y/n.” 
You trot down the steps and towards Jungkook who watches your little exchange. He removes his helmet to give you a kiss before handing over yours. “Who’s that?” He asks as you swing your leg over the pillion seat. You wrap your arms securely around his torso. 
“That’s Namjoon. We just met. He’s some self-defense instructor.”
Jungkook watches him not so subtly, hands on the handles but head twisted, burning holes in his direction. Namjoon doesn’t care too much for it. When you turn, he’s waving goodbye cheerfully. You wave back before turning to Jungkook. “What’s the matter? You know him?”
“So is it true?” A haughty voice fills the room as the door barges open with a kick. Jungkook keeps his back to its owner and continues sipping on his martini. Suga, sitting adjacent to him at the bar, turns in his chair. “Heard there’s a new guy in town. Have you finally lost your touch, Ace?”
Back at the headquarters in the early morning, the bar is empty save for the cleaners, picking up trash and wiping everything down. They had been called in by the lieutenant for a short meeting. Unfortunately, so had the other runners from another district. One who constantly makes it known that he hates them.
“Dude, why’re you so obsessed with him?” Suga asks calmly. They’re so used to Hongjun and his buddies running their mouths by now. 
Hongjun scoffs and the two other guys behind him laugh. “Obsessed? You wish.” He sneers. “I’m just concerned.”
“Worry about yourself.” Jungkook spits out without even sparing him a glance. 
“Are you kidding me?” Hongjun laughs dryly. “I’m so much better than you. Always have been.” 
The stool scrapes against the floor as Jungkook gets to his feet. He steps up to Hongjun, getting all up in his face. “And yet, you’re not the one they call Ace.” 
The scowl on Hongjun’s face says it all. His lips tremble with anger and he starts swinging Jungkook’s way. He lands a punch to Jungkook’s side and Jungkook retaliates with an uppercut to his nose. Staggering backwards into his friend, blood starts dripping down his nose. “You idiot! You⎯”
“What the fuck is going on.” Lieutenant Kyun appears, eyes moving from Suga to Jungkook, to Hongjun and his bloody nose, and back at Jungkook. Kyun is always calm. But dangerous. You never know what he’s thinking. “Explain.”
“I was returning the favour.” 
“You’ll pay for that!” Hongjun yells again. One of his guys slips behind the bar to get some ice and a towel. 
“Shut up.” His deep voice echoes through the empty room. “Stop acting like a bunch of kids. And you, stop whining, it's just a little blood.” 
Hongjun sinks into one of the chairs and sulks, holding up the towel-wrapped ice to his nose. Jungkook moves back to his seat, giving Suga a fist bump that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other guys. 
“First of all, you three.” He points to Hongjun and his friends. “You have a whole key of crack missing. Your numbers don’t tally, I don’t know how you guys missed this.” 
“What no, that’s impossible.” One of them says. 
“Either find it, or fix your numbers then.” Kyun says. “You know every little amount is evidence, if it lands in the wrong hands. Boss is not gonna be happy when he hears about this so I’m giving you guys three days to sort it out. Otherwise, it’s out of my hands.” 
Jungkook looks in their direction and gives a thumbs up with a smile on his face. The most genuine smile he’s ever given them probably. He gets the finger from all of them. 
“And you.” The focus is now on Jungkook. The smile is wiped from his face and he takes on his usual serious look. “What’s with the dip in your sales? You have a forty percent difference from previous months. This is ridiculous, honestly.” 
Some faint snickering comes from the other guys. Jungkook stays silent. “Come on, you know he’s being watched.” Suga says in defense. “He’s just trying to be careful.” 
“You can be careful and still do your job.” 
Jungkook has nothing to say. Besides, he thinks it’ll only make things worse. It’s best to get his ass chewed now and get it over with. Kyun checks his phone and a while later the bouncer steps in through the front door, someone behind him. “Sir, this man says he’s here to see you.” 
“Just in time.” He smiles for the first time that night. “Come, join us.” 
All eyes are on him as he steps out from behind the shadows and into the light. Suga and Jungkook watch him closely, observing the slick jacket he’s wearing above a tight tee, with tapered pants and his hair slicked back. He looks like another one of those businessmen they deal with. He exchanges handshakes with the lieutenant and the dimple on his face stands out as he smiles.
“Guys, this is our new recruit. RM.” Kyun says. He looks at Suga and Jungkook. “He was dispatched to your district. We wanted to see if he has what it takes. And so far, he’s doing well, for a rookie. You sure you haven’t done this before?”
“No sir.” The new guy says with a smile. He has a deep voice that rivals Kyun’s.
Hongjun is the first to get acquainted with him, offering a handshake with his non-bloody hand. “About time we had some fresh blood. What with how lazy some people are.” He emphasises on the lazy bit, subtly nodding his head in Jungkook’s direction. RM looks at Jungkook who stares back.
“That’s enough.” Kyun says. “Go out back and double check your numbers. Talking about lazy when you lose a whole key...” 
When the rest of the men are gone, Kyun turns to Suga and Jungkook. “He’ll be joining you from now on.” 
“No offense but,” Suga chuckles. “We’re a duo. We don’t need an extra guy.”
“No offense but you do. He’s the only reason the numbers in your district, which is under your supervision, is still steady.” Kyun says, wiping the smile on Suga’s face. “Before I let you guys off, RM I need a word with you.”
The two guys watch as he follows Kyun to a corner. They give each other a look of disapproval. Jungkook looks over at RM again, giving him a once over. 
“Now listen here,” Kyun says, keeping his voice low. He knows the other two are watching, so he speaks carefully. “I want you to keep an eye on Ace for me.”
“The kid?” RM asks, raising a brow. 
“He hasn’t been performing as well as of late. And he’s one of our best.” Kyun fakes a smile, pretending as if he’s saying something nice. “Just make sure there’s nothing we need to be worried about. He’s sharp, so don’t make it obvious. Update me weekly.”
“Done.” RM nods, returning the smile. Kyun gives him another handshake and a pat on the back.
“You okay?” Suga asks Jungkook, patting him reassuringly on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about him.”
Suga’s goes on saying some nasty things about RM but Jungkook tunes him out, only nodding as a response. He doesn’t tell Suga that he’s seen the new guy just earlier today. On those steps, with you.
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alolowrites · 4 years
The Helpful Elf
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Summary: The Hippity Hop Cat toy is the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s. With the toy flying off the shelves, you desperately ask Mirio, the Helper Elf at Hazuki’s ToyLand, for help. And Mirio doesn’t give up, especially when it comes to you.
Author’s Note: Hello everyone!!! Real life is being a pain right now, but I’m so glad I managed to finish this story right on time! It’s pretty long (for me lol) and it’s my first with Mirio so yay!! I also wrote it for the BNHASanctuary discord server’s winter collab (first time I ever participated in any collab), so I’m very excited about this. I’ll link and share the masterlist once it’s up. I can’t wait to read everyone else’s stories :D 
Please enjoy!
Word Count: 2.5K+
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With October long gone and December in full swing, it meant one thing—the official start of the jubilant holiday season. Every year, Japan’s most iconic department store in Tokyo, Hazuki’s, transformed its ten floors into a magical winter wonderland. Around the country and around the globe, customers ushered through the doors to catch a glimpse of the glamorous store glittering with festive decor. 
Dazzling lights twinkled around the window displays that stretched around the block. Vibrant ornaments hung high above the ceilings like luxurious bubbles. And pine garlands peppered with red berries wrapped themselves along any rails that ran off forever. 
Hazuki’s was the place to kick start the holiday season and the one place to find everything and anything on one’s holiday shopping list. Especially the highly coveted toy of the year—the Hippity Hop Cat. 
Or so you thought. 
“Huh?” Said man’s elf hat jingled when he looked away from his display. His blue eyes beamed at the sight of you. Mirio chirped out your name as you rushed forward, nearly knocking him over. “Whoa, you alright?” 
“I need your help,” you blurted out, catching your breath at the same time; those pesky escalators were no use at all. Mirio offered to get water, but you waved him off. “No, no…no time for water. I need your help. It’s urgent!” 
“Uh, sure, what can I do?” 
“I need a toy, but not just any toy.” Mirio blinked when you suddenly inched closer to him. You scanned the area as though someone was lurking around to eavesdrop on your top-secret conversation. “It’s the Hippity Hop Cat, you know—” 
“The cat whose hops are out of this world?” 
“Yes, that one!” You clung to his shoulders like a desperate parent trying to find some shred of sanity in this chaotic store. Shaking the blonde man, you begged, “Please tell me you have one in stock?”
“Oh man,” Mirio scratched his forehead as he recalled the inventory from this morning. He glanced at your hopeless eyes and tight fists curling on his work uniform. There was no way Mirio could leave you hanging like this; it didn’t feel right. So he flashed you his famous smile that outshone the star twirling above you both. “Come with me. I’ll check in our system.”
“Gosh, you’re a lifesaver.” 
Mirio humbly rubbed his neck as he led the way to the backroom. You eyed the uproarious floor covered with thousands of toys that rivaled Santa’s Workshop in the North Pole. It was like walking through a child’s dream. Every toy imaginable—dolls, electric cars, robots, board games, you name it—was here. Hopefully, that stayed true with the Hippity Hop Cat. 
The door closed, muffling the sounds of frantic parents buzzing through the aisle. Mirio typed away on the keyboard as you paced behind him. You cursed yourself for procrastinating this long to buy the prized toy. Christmas was in less than two weeks!
“So who’s the gift for?” 
“Oh!” His deep voice pulled you back to the present. You walked forward with folded arms, anxiously hugging yourself. “It’s for Eri, a sweet little girl my next-door neighbor, Shouta, adopted earlier this year. She had a rough upbringing, but fortunately, she’s living with someone who cares for her deeply.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” 
“Yeah,” you smiled softly at Mirio, making his fingers freeze above the keyboard. That smile of yours took his breath away; he nodded but secretly tried controlling his heart that beat like a bass drum. It was difficult since you were so close to him. “This will be Eri’s first Christmas, and she wants the Hippity Hop Cat; I told Shouta I would buy it for her, helping ease some pressure off his shoulders.”
“That’s really thoughtful of you.” Mirio admired everything about you. He was absolutely smitten with you ever since you started working in the perfume department. Mirio sometimes strolled through the floor during his breaks just to catch a glimpse of you. After scrolling through the computer, the blonde man frowned. “Hmm…looks like we’re out of stock. And the next shipment won’t come until the twenty-first.” 
You groaned. “Man, that’s cutting it close; you think you can hold one for me? I can buy it during my break or after work.” 
“I’ll try my best.”
“Thanks, Mirio.” You squeezed his shoulder, and he shuddered at the touch. Glancing at your watch, you said, “I gotta go before Nemuri wonders where I am. But thanks for helping out!” 
“Sure!” He saw you slip out the door in a hurry; you throw an apologetic smile for good measure. Pushing the elf hat further up, Mirio chuckled, “No problem.”
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Okay, so maybe there was a slight problem.
Santa Claus was still around town, and Mirio was placed on “elf duty” to help out with the pictures. Don’t get him wrong, the sunshine man adored children as much as the jolly old man who lived in the North Pole. However, Mirio realized he couldn’t guard the Hippity Hop Cat for you. All he could do was pray that one miraculously stayed on the shelf until you bought it. 
A flash went off, snapping Mirio back to his job. He smiled brightly, guiding the kid off Santa’s lap and ushering the next one to the chair. Nearly every parent in Japan was here today, the line looping around the store. Other customers, not visiting Santa, shopped as well, making the place extra crowded today. Yet, none of them were you, and that worried Mirio. 
“Ho, ho, ho, it was nice meeting you, sweetie!” 
Oh right! Mirio needed to focus, but it was hard knowing you weren’t here yet. All Mirio wanted to do was make people happy, especially you. After the sweet story you shared with him, he was more determined than ever to get you that toy. His blue eyes glanced at the bearded man in the red coat—could he help? Who knows. 
As Mirio waved goodbye to each kid, you stumbled off the escalator, face flushed as though you ran fifty flights of stairs. You glanced around the packed floor, dodging an airplane that whizzed by and brushing against the sea of customers to find Mirio. The blonde elf locked eyes with you and flashed a relieved grin; the grueling wait was over. 
And so was his duty with Santa Claus, what luck! Mirio marched over to you, placing a gentle hand on your back and guiding you to the aisle. “I was worried you wouldn’t come.” 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a robot’s arm. “The perfume department was swamped with tourists and other people. I practically had to beg Nemuri to let me slip away for a few minutes so I could buy—” Turning the corner, you gasped in disbelief at the empty shelves before choking out, “—the toy.”
Mirio blew a low whistle; people were snatching these toys off the shelves like no tomorrow. Still, he wouldn’t give up just yet. “C’mon, maybe there’s some left in stock.” 
“You sure?” 
“Can’t hurt to try, right?” Mirio flashed you a boyish smile, blue eyes brimming with determination. You nodded and followed him through the elaborate maze of this chaotic toy store. 
However, just as you both passed by the cash register, someone bellowed out: “That’s the last Hippity Hop Cat, sir. Thank you for shopping at Toyland; have a nice day!” 
No! You screeched to a halt. Your eyes watched as the man grabbed his bag and left the store with an exhausted but relieved face. Without thinking, you slammed against the counter, scaring the young green-haired employee who clutched his uniform. Leaning forward, you desperately half-whispered, “Please tell me what you said wasn’t true!” 
“I-I’m sorry?”
“The toy!” You frantically gestured to the exit, the man now long gone. “Please tell me you have another Hippity Hop Cat for sale!” 
“U-Um, I, uhh, well,” Midoriya stammered until his eyes spotted a familiar face behind you. The nervous man sighed in relief, knowing he was saved. “Mirio!”
“Hey, Izuku, sorry about that,” Mirio bashfully chuckled and clasped your shoulder to calm you down. The blonde man quickly introduced you to his co-worker, adding, “They’re trying to buy the Hippity Hop Cat, but are you sure that was the last one in stock?” 
“Yeah, it was. I’m sorry.” 
“Oh…oh, okay…” Your shoulders drooped like a sad puppy; you were too late. After saying a quick apology, you numbly dragged your feet toward the exit as a gray cloud formed over your head. A warm hand stopped you from going any further, and you blinked up. “Huh, Mirio, what’s wrong?”
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” you dismissed his concerns, but he wasn’t convinced; your eyes told a different story. Still, you mustered a brave face with a faint smile. “Listen, I appreciate everything you did. I knew it was a longshot getting the toy, so don’t sweat it, really.”  
“I know, I just,” he sucked in a breath, “I just wished I could have helped you out more. Especially since you wanted to make Eri happy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get her something else.” You squeezed his bicep when Mirio opened his mouth to interject; he faltered slightly at the brief touch. “It’s fine, really. I’m sure Eri will love any toy for her gift; I promise.” 
Mirio nodded, watching you leave the store and disappearing within the crowd. You said everything was fine, but he knew that wasn’t true. That fake smile of yours spoke volumes. There has to be a way to get that toy, Mirio pondered, rubbing his chin and staring at the floor with furrowed eyes. 
Suddenly, an idea popped inside his head just as a jingle bell chimed behind him. A white smile stretched across Mirio’s face. The idea was crazy, maybe a longshot, too, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Mirio whipped out his phone and searched through his contacts until he landed on a specific name. 
The line started ringing...and ringing...and ringing when—
“H-Hi, Mirio.”
“Hey, Tamaki!” The blonde man beamed like the sun. He lowered his voice, cupping the phone for secrecy while walking away. “Listen, buddy. I know you’re busy and all, but I got a huge favor to ask…” 
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
“…you think you can do it?” A small puff of breath floated out of your lips as you stepped away from the revolving doors. You stood beside a colorful window display of tiny elves grinning from ear to ear, their eager hands holding toys for the good boys and girls. One elf balanced himself at the tippy top of Santa’s mountainous red bag, his green gloves clutching the pointy hat for dear life. 
You smiled, appreciating the creative design before saying, “I can close the following week...yeah...okay, awesome, thanks again!”
Crisis one averted. Crisis two was up for debate, mainly because you held a shopping bag with Eri’s gift. It wasn’t the Hippity Hop Cat, but a nice small plushy cat toy instead. You bought it just a few minutes ago after wandering through the aisles at Toyland. The plushy cat toy wasn’t a bad second choice; it was adorable and incredibly soft to the touch. But it wasn’t the toy you wanted to give for Eri’s first Christmas. 
Oh, well, you sadly thought, biting the inside of your cheek. You stared at the elves again, realizing that their costumes matched Mirio’s work uniform in Toyland, down to the funny little hat. Mirio somehow pulled it off well thanks to his bubbly personality and warm heart that could melt the North Pole's snow. 
At one point, you wondered if Mirio was even there since you didn’t see him at the store today. You assumed he was doing inventory, but Midoriya said Mirio took the day off after a last-minute “personal obligation” came up, and it was too important to ignore. Must have been serious, you sighed as the shopping bag rustled against the wind. 
You braced your coat, hissing as the cold air sliced across your cheeks. Yup, it was time to go unless you wanted to freeze out here. Shuffling away from the window display, you stopped when someone screamed your name. Glancing over, you saw Mirio running toward you with one arm waving high in the air. 
“Hey!” Mirio finally caught up to you, his face flushed and nose redder than Rudolph’s, yet he kept on smiling. “So glad I found you!” 
“Whoa, you alright?” Now it was your turn to be concerned, just like he was when you rushed into the store to ask about the Hippity Hop Cat toy. Mirio nodded enthusiastically, squashing your worries away. “Midoriya said you were busy with a ‘personal obligation’ today. Is everything okay?” 
“Oh yeah, everything is great!”
“Well, that’s, um, great.”
“So, listen, about the Hippity Hop Cat toy—” 
“Mirio, I told you not to worry about it,” you butted in, shaking your shopping bag with the plushy cat. “I went ahead and bought something else for Eri and—”
You went radio silent, staring in disbelief at the surprise. Sitting in Mirio’s hands was the one and only Hippity Hop Cat toy. The number one toy that was on every kid’s wish list, yet rarer to get than Willy Wonka’s Golden ticket. That toy was now only a few inches away from you. 
“B-But how?!” The words finally fumbled through your lips, flickering your gaze between the toy and Mirio while stumbling forward a bit. “It’s sold out everywhere!” 
“Let’s just say I pulled some strings with Santa’s workshop,” Mirio cheekily grinned like one of the elves from the window display. You choked out a laugh, dropping the shopping bag so you could hold the boxed toy; it felt wonderful in your hands.
You looked up with eyes softer than freshly fallen snow. Mirio continued talking up a storm, his arms flailing wildly like an excited kid who discovered something new. The delicate holiday lights flickered around you both, casting a lovely glow that was as bright as the joy twinkling inside Mirio’s eyes. 
They were always so welcoming that, without thinking, you gave him a crushing hug. Mirio froze, his arms hanging mid-air as he slowly processed what was happening. After a few seconds, his shoulders relaxed, and his strong arms eagerly wrapped around you, holding you in place. Even with that thick coat of yours, you felt very soft that his heart soared to new heights. 
“Thank you, Mirio,” you whispered near his ear, giving him another squeeze. But you didn’t stop there. A sudden urge came over you, and in a bold move, you planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. Pulling away, you bit back a laugh at his flustered face. “You really are the best Helpful Elf I know.” 
“Well, you know me,” he shot you a grin, “I’m always here to help.” 
“Is that so?” You tapped your cheek with your gloved finger. “Think you can help me gift wrap this toy, say tonight at my place?” 
“Luckily for you, I’m a whiz with wrapping paper.” 
Mirio’s hand wormed its way into yours, giving you a loving squeeze before joining you on your long walk home. The Hippity Hop Cat toy was the toy on every kid’s wish list this year, including Eri’s, whose first Christmas was officially saved. And it was all thanks to Mirio, the one and only Helpful Elf at Hazuki’s Toyland.
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Thank you for reading!!
FicMas Fest 2020 Masterlist
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fbfh · 4 years
hey, sailor - leo x daughter of poseidon
genre: a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, a lot of mermaids lol
word count: 2.4k
au: none really, you have mermaid powers as a daughter of poseidon if that counts lmao
pairing: Leo x Daughter of Poseidon
requested: yeeyee !! hope u enjoy xoxo
warnings: uh brief mention of your step dad leaving when you were younger, an interaction with your best friend doesn’t go as planned, percy’s grappling with rlly complicated feelings towards his dad and new sister 
summary: Percy, Annabeth, and Leo all get a little more than they bargained for when they bring Percy’s half sister back to camp Halfblood, and Leo remembers why he had such a huge crush on Ariel growing up. 
reccomended songs: hurricane drunk - florence + the machine, sinkin’ in - cody simpson, deep sea ambiance
a/n: as soon as i got this request my dormant mermaid phase woke up from a sound sleep 
requests r open uwu
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"...And you know what he said to me? He says, 'kid, I think it's time you met your sister'. I have a freaking sister, and that two timing piece harpy sh-"
"Okay, Percy, why don't you cool off a little before we leave. Come on, we'll grab a drink or something while Leo finishes getting ready." 
Annabeth takes her boyfriend's hand, and leads him to the nearest drink cooler. Leo turns back to the car they're going to take, and continues loading in the rest of the supplies. He, for one, is excited to meet Percy’s sister. His first thought was ‘hope she’s hot’, which he blurted out before he could stop himself, and was met with a killer glare from both of them. He’s not trying to be insensitive, finding out you have siblings you didn’t know about is kind of traumatic. I mean, hey, Leo’s family went from zero to sixty in one day - literally. Okay, not quite sixty, but only child to one of eight is still a pretty big jump. 
A little while later, they’re ready to go. Leo offers to drive, so Percy and Annabeth can sit in back and try to sort out Percy’s feelings. After a couple hours of driving and emotional conversations, most of which Leo just listened to - Annabeth seemed to have a good hold on this, and Leo didn’t want to overstep his bounds again - they arrived in Cape Cod. At this point, the gist seems to be that Percy knows if he should be mad at anyone, it’s his dad. They park in the driveway of the address Chiron gave them. They get out of the car, and look up at the house. It’s gray with white trimming, two or three stories, with a balcony porch on the upper floor - a normal, small town New England house, as far as they could tell. They seemed to take a collective breath, and approached the door. 
You’re breathing fast, trying to hold back the floodgates of emotion, when your bare feet hit the sand. You drop your bag, taking in the familiar, secluded stretch of the Cape. A big wall of jagged rocks to your left separates this part of the beach from the others. The old wooden stairs and their faded white paint that connected the low cliff to the sand below are hidden by plant life, so most people don’t even know this area existes. You’ve been coming here regularly since you were nine or ten. So many important parts of your life happened on these shores. You could just tell your mom ‘I’m going to my beach’, and she’d know right where you are. You finish pulling off your shorts and rush towards the water in your swimsuit. You’re met with immediate relief as soon as the water touches your skin. If it was possible to have an emotional support location, you did. 
You feel it happen as soon as you’re waist deep. Bubbles and sea foam collect around you from the hips down and your legs get tingly and numb. A moment later, it dissipates, leaving behind a life sized mermaid tail. It changes slightly with most transformations, usually based on your mood and desired appearance, and you’ve noticed over the years you can change how it looks more easily. You don’t care today, you just need to be in the water. This time it’s a big tropical fish tail, its purple, blue, and shimmery gray tones reflecting both your mood and the impending storm clouds rolling in. You dip below the surface, and let the tide carry you a little ways. You don’t worry about getting lost, you somehow always know where you are at sea. You don’t have gills that you can find, but you can definitely breathe underwater. 
You finally sink to the bottom, and stare up at the surface of the water. The patterns of light remind you of the night light you had as a child. 
Your mom had ensured you were comfortable with water and ocean life for as long as you could remember. She must know other people like you, because sometimes she would have long phone conversations with someone called the Director. You were pretty sure he had a weird name that started with a K or C, but you could never remember. He’s apparently sending someone to bring you to a ‘safe place’ today. It sounds like bullshit to you, but you trust your mom, and your mom trusts the Director. Since you might not be back for a while, she said you could finally tell your best friend Wes the truth. 
‘Oh god,’ you think, wishing the salt water would erase your memories of what happened today, but you can’t stop the onslaught of memories. Wes has been your best friend for years. You helped him when he realized he’s bi, he helped you when your step dad left, you could trust him with anything. Or so you thought. ‘It’s not his fault,’ you remind yourself, trying futilely to stop reliving what happened hours earlier. 
You brought him to your part of the beach to go swimming so you could show him. You can still hear his voice, asking if you’re sure you want to go in the ocean, you’ve always been afraid of water. Once you’d worked up the nerves to get in the water and transform, you showed him your tail. Your heart broke again every time you remembered what he had said. 
“That is... incredible,” your heart had soared, there was hope, “I can’t believe you got one of those silicone swimming tails just to prank me!” Ah, there it was. The other shoe. You tried to tell him it was real, but he said he could see the mold lines, and there the scales don’t quite line up, and there’s the edge of the zipper. You wanted to cry. 
“I’m not gonna lie, you almost had me for a second. I can’t believe you learned to swim just to prank me, but whatever works, dude,” he laughed like you were having a good time together. It was too much.
You let out a huge underwater scream, and thunder rumbles in the distance. You sink further down, wishing once again that the salt and algae would erode your memories from today. 
Annabeth knocks on the door for the third time. Thankfully, it opens to a middle aged woman in a shirt that said Brooklyn Nine Nine.
“Hello, what can I help you with?” she asks. She has a strong presence, and none of them want to be on her bad side. Percy is still too nervous, and Leo seems to be analyzing wires poking out of the doorbell, so Annabeth introduces themselves, and asks where you are. 
“Who wants to know?” she asks. 
“We’re her internet friends, we’re surprising her by visiting a day early.” Annabeth replies. The woman doesn’t seem convinced. She smiles, seeming to see right through them. 
“Are you from camp?” The shock on their faces gives her all the answer she needs. She smiles, and continues, “She’s down at the Cape, the quiet part past the rocks.” They thank her, but before they can leave she says, “Hey.” She looks at each of them intensely. 
“Make sure she gets there safely. Take care of her.” They agree solemnly, and head down the sidewalk. 
“And tell Chiron I say hi.” she says with a smile. They smile back, agreeing again. 
They get to the Cape, and it’s full of people. 
“Shouldn’t be any harder than a Where’s Waldo,” Leo says. Percy’s head snaps to the right, and thunder rumbles. 
“Did you hear that?” he asks. 
“The thunder? Yeah,” Annabeth says.
“No, no.. someone screaming.” 
“I don’t-” 
“This way,” he takes off towards a pile of jagged rocks. They manage to get over with only a few scrapes and Percy surveys the empty beach. 
“She’s here… She’s here somewhere,” he mutters to himself. The dark clouds part for a moment, and Annabeth points out to the water. Someone was there, pretty far out to sea. She could just make out their shoulders and head above the water. 
“Gods, Percy, can you get her to shore?” 
“Ah ah ah, uncle Leo’s got this one,” Leo pulls something out of his backpack. It’s bronze, and the size and shape of a deflated soccer ball. He throws it into the water. It starts to sink, then expands into a small bronze and wood speed boat. Percy and Annabeth’s jaws drop. He hops in, revving the engine to life.  They sail out over the water, Percy directing them around currents and waves. They can see the figure clearly now, and they’re sure it’s you. You’re looking away from them, out towards the darkening sky. The boat starts to slow down, and makes a whining noise. Their eyes dart to Leo.
“It’s probably just a sticky piston,” white smoke leaks from the engine, “... and I should check the coolant, too.” He opens up a panel, and starts to tweak a couple things. He sits on the edge of the boat to get a better angle, and reaches into his tool belt. He pulls out a wrench, and almost in slow motion, feels it slip between his finger tips, and into the water with a light plip.
“Shit!” He covers his mouth, worried he scared you off. Three heads turn to where you were a moment ago. Gone. He feels that familiar shameful heat creep into his stomach and cheeks. 
“Sorry guys, I-” 
“You dropped this,” He looks into the water, and you’re right next to the boat, handing him the wrench. 
“...Thanks,” he says, his heart speeding up. Your hair is wet and beads of water glisten on your skin. Your red bikini top sure isn’t doing anything to slow his racing pulse, either. Your hands brush as he takes the tool from you. You smile, and the clouds part - literally. A beam of golden sun shines behind you, making you glow. His heart is in his throat, and he knows he’s probably grinning and blushing like an idiot. 
Percy stares at your head, poking up over the side of the boat. Your hair is dyed shades of blue and teal and seafoam that blend right in with the water, but your roots are dark. He takes in your freckles, your tan lines, and your eyes… they look like part of the sea - shells, or waves, or something. He watches as Leo takes the tool, and a smile appears at the side of your mouth - the same smile he’s seen in the mirror, the same smile he’s seen on his dad. He sees all these familiar traits and knows it’s true, you’re his sister. The realization hits him like a truck, and he’s suddenly choked up. Annabeth sees this, and places a hand on his shoulder. She looks between Percy and an infatuated Leo, and takes the reins for the whole ‘the gods are real’ speech. 
“Hi,” she says, giving Percy’s hand a squeeze, “I’m Annabeth, this is Percy, and Leo. We were sent here to take you to a safe place for kids like us-”
“Ohmygod, finally,” the tension leaves your shoulders and you sigh in relief, “you have no idea how hard it’s been keeping all of this a secret, trying to be normal…” You push yourself up the side of the boat Ariel style, and pull yourself in, the edge of your tail draped slightly off the boat as you continue, “I seriously thought I was losing it for a while…” you trail off, watching them stare at your tail. 
“You’re not… you’re not merfolk, are you?” The confusion on their faces says it all. Panic rises in your chest as you start to dive off the boat. Before you can, Leo grabs your hand.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. We all have weird powers, it’s part of being a demigod.” He shows you his free hand, and flames suddenly dance across his palm. Part of your fear is replaced with confusion. 
“A what?” you ask. 
“A demigod.” you look over at Percy, who’s speaking since the first time since you’ve met him, “Our dad is Poseidon, god of the sea.” You scrunch your eyebrows, processing what he said. Annabeth smiles at the gesture, having seen her boyfriend do it a thousand times. 
“Wait… our?” He takes in a breath.
“I’m Percy, your brother.” 
The ride back to shore is a little awkward, to say the least. They had finished explaining about camp and the gods and monsters a few minutes ago, and it’s been pretty much silent since. Annabeth sits next to you, and hands you a water bottle. 
“He just needs some time,” she tells you quietly, “Poseidon’s not really supposed to have children, and Percy got a hard time for it when he was younger. He also… he thought his dad was really in love with his mom, so finding out he has a sister so close in age…” You nod in understanding. She pats you on the shoulder, and sits next to Percy at the back of the boat. You scooch up a little closer to Leo as gracefully as you can, which isn’t much, considering you have to drag along an almost 60 pound fish tail. Leo looks over at you from the controls. 
“Weird day, huh?” he asks. 
“So how long does it take to, uh,” he nods down and you flick your tail, “de-fishify?”
You laugh. 
“Once I’m dry,” you look up at the summer sun reemerging, a little surprised that it hadn’t stormed. Then again, if children of Poseidon really could make sea storms, it made sense that it had died down now that you and Percy were feeling better. 
“which shouldn’t take long.” you finish. You look over at Percy, who’s having a quiet intense conversation with Annabeth. 
“He knows I didn’t ask for this, right?” Leo looks back at them.
“He does,” he replies. 
“It’s so surreal finding out I have a sibling I knew nothing about,” you mutter, mostly to yourself.
“Try finding out you have seven,” he laughs, shaking his head at the memory.
“Seven?!” your head snaps up to him. 
“Oh yeah,” he tells you the story of when he first came to camp, and you feel so much better already. Leo has such a comforting presence, the pain from all your problems softens a little just hearing him talk. You have a feeling you’re going to get a lot closer.
Little did you know, the feeling was mutual - and correct.
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digitalcomfortspot · 4 years
The Vincent Saga - Chapter Two: First Impressions
Pairing: OC F/O Vincent x S/I Magnus Marswood
Rating: SFW (for now, later chapters may get less so)
Warning, contains: mentions of hypnosis, snake tail mention, nagas
"You two will definitely hit it off," June had said. "It'll be easy," June had said.
That’s the thought he kept repeating to himself as he walked up to the penthouse door. “It’s fine… You’ll be okay. He’s probably really nice, and if he isn’t, you know where the nearest exit is.” It took a moment of courage to try and knock on the door, but he gives pause when he hears… singing coming from inside the door.
“My holding you close really is no crime,
Ask the birds, the trees… And old father time,
It’s just to help the mercury climb,
La de da de da de dum, ‘tis Autumn~”
“‘Tis Autumn”, by Nat King Cole… Magnus blinks, confused. It stuns the human for a moment, the dulcet tones muffled through the door, warming his soul with the softness of it. It’s almost barely heard. It really was quite comforting… Then he remembers what he’s here for, and goes to knock at the door once more.
It swings open before he gets a chance to, and an older nymph woman comes out, smiling brightly. “Oh, excuse me! He’s right inside, if you have an appointment!” And then she’s on her way, with an unusual skip in her step as she adjusts her hijab, giving him a wave.
Magnus blinks, and looks inside- And goes stock still, freezing in place. Any calm he felt went out the window.
Snake. A long, ebony scaled snake body with dark green stripes winds throughout the ENTIRE apartment, thick and rolling along, easily making its way around what few furniture pieces lay in the living room. He couldn’t make out the type of snake it was, but he backs up very slowly, trying to make out who is inside with a serpent that LONG.
“Oh… Hello! Come in, come in, it’s drafty out there…” A deep, sweet voice beckons. “Being coldblooded can really be a curse sometimes.”
Magnus steps inside despite his better judgement, a bit worried. Maybe it was a pet of Vincent’s? “Um… E… Excuse me, your pet snake is ju-”
And then a man walks out of the back room. No, not walking… Slithering.
And suddenly Magnus understands why the bill is so high, why the apartment has to be this large, why the man rarely comes out in public. The ‘pet’ snake is actually…
“Oh!” Vincent Ferenze enters the room, smiling, tail following behind him.
His white hair is hastily pulled into a messy bun that sits at the nape of his neck, and he looks up, eyes meeting his guest's. They were a gorgeous viridian, seeming to capture his attention easily. He doesn’t look so intimidating in person, soft smile gracing his lips as he smoothes out a bit of his white button down, trying to get it to cooperate around his hips where the transition between man and serpent begins.
“No, that… That is me. I apologize if it gave you a fright, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to… Space myself out a bit.” He gives a hissing chuckle, holding out a hand. “I’m Vincent. It’s lovely to meet you. But I don’t remember an appointment scheduled for this time block… Are you a walk in patient?”
Magnus blinks, dumbly taking his hand and shaking it, before gathering his wits. “Oh, uh… No, I was sent by June? I’m Magnus Marswood, I heard you were looking for a roommate?”
The naga brightens a bit. “Oh! Yes, of course! They told me you were coming, hold on just a moment.” He moves at such a rapid pace that Magnus can’t quite follow Vincent’s movements.
Long, roiling coils are cleared away, and soon the human is sat down on a couch, one of the only furniture pieces in the whole apartment. “So! You wish to share my apartment with me, then? The naga looks quite sure of himself, settling down onto one of his coils in a polite sitting position.
“I… Simply wanted to meet you! I’m not sure about it yet, but I have been looking for a roommate for a while. And June has been-”
“Bugging you about me?” He finishes, smirking. That sly and playful smile sent a warm shiver down Magnus’ spine, though not unpleasant, and as he looks away he can almost feel that green gaze resting on him.
“Yeah, uh… I apologize if this is all sudden, or unwanted. If you want me to leave, I can. I just wanted to clear that up.” He looks back up to find the naga just a bit closer. “Uh… It seems you work from home?”
“Mhm. I’m a counselor and hypnotherapist. Listening to people’s problems and helping them solve them, or even just getting a good night’s sleep, that’s my job!” He beams, seeming quite proud of it, then stops when he sees the human’s face flushing a color that could shame even the brightest of rubies.
“O...Oh! June didn’t… mention… that last part.” He keeps his eyes down now, willing his blush to go away with as much determination as he can muster.
It didn’t work.
“... Aahh… I see.” Vincent chuckles, watching his guest squirm a bit. “And living with someone with this kind of profession… would that bother you?”
“No!” He answers too quickly, gaze shooting back up to his host as he clears his throat. “I… I mean, no, not at all. Your business is your business, and that’s fine. It’s really impressive, actually!” He gives a polite smile, looking back up and eyes going wide when he finds that Vincent is much closer, looking deep in thought, almost absentmindedly moving towards the human.
His scleras are now greying, eyes glowing just a little bit. They’re quite captivating, rippling through different hues of emerald... His head goes fuzzy for just a moment, nerves calmed and smoothed over as if covered with a warm blanket, and somehow he feels he could stare for hours... But when he blinks, he seems to gather his wits again and the spell wears off.
“U-Um… Can I help you?” He says, a bit weakly as his mind tries to shake itself back awake completely.
“Oh!” His eyes change back, and Vincent moves backwards, giving the human space. “I apologize… Sometimes my abilities get away from me when I’m deep in thought. I was trying to figure out a rent agreement, especially in my case. Are you alright? Oh dear...”
“Y… Yeah, just a bit tired now.” Magnus rubs his eyes, but when he looks back up, he finds he’s much more inclined to keep eye contact, even without the effect. And he doesn’t really mind…. Not one bit.
Vincent smiles softly, and they begin to talk. Before the afternoon is out, they’ve come up with a proper rental agreement. As Magnus leaves, he’s smiling and waving. “See you saturday, then! I’ll be sure to bring over my stuff. I don’t have much, don’t worry!”
“Have a lovely evening, Magnus. See you then!” The door shuts, and he skirts off to his car, still puzzled about how he’s feeling. June KNEW hypnosis was one of his special interests… That must have been why they wanted to set him up with the naga in the first place! Figures, he scoffs.
His mind thinks back to that split second, those glowing green ripples pulling him in, and he can almost feel that sweet, fuzzy feeling settling over him again, mind's processes gently slowing to a crawl as if almost asleep... His cheeks go red, and the more he tries not to think about it, the harder it is. Did Vincent install a sort of trigger by accident?
And did he really mind…?
He jumps when his phone blares, his usual ringtone going off in his pocket.
“Hello, Magnus Marswood speaking?”
“Soooooo~? How’s it going?” June. Of course. The vampire sounds all too eager.
“I… YOU, are trouble.”
“You knew he was a hypnotherapist...?!” He can feel his face flaring up red as he hears them laughing over the line.
“Yes, I did! That was the WHOLE point! You need to stop bottling up your interests, AND yourself. And Vincent is... Really persuasive~”
“You could have at least warned me, he got too into thinking about the rent agreement and he just ended up... You know... By accident! What if I end up zonked over the dinner table?”
“Then hey, that’s a YOU problem. You’re complaining buuut... You took the deal, didn’t ya?” he hates how much they truly know about him sometimes.
“I... I didn’t say NO...” He tries to save it, fumbling. “Listen, the rent agreement was pretty fair for the space he needs, and the room I’m staying in would be HUGE, and-”
“Aaaaand you might get some free hypnosis sessions out of it~” They tease, giggling.
“I can hear you smirking over the phone, you know.” He sounds less annoyed now, smiling a bit.
“I know, it’s a skill. SO! When should I help you move in?”
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zzizzigom · 6 years
The Stars | Hyungwon
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Characters: Princess!Reader x Hyungwon Genre: Fluff, sweet innocent fluff Length: 2290 words A/N: wow I actually wrote something I didn’t give up on two paragraphs in...and no this was in no way inspired by the waltz scene in the cat returns eep
You didn’t want to be here. Sitting at your throne, you leaned your chin onto your palm and heaved a heavy sigh. The mask on your face is uncomfortable but every time you reach for it your mother gives you an angry and pointed look. As much as you love your dress, you’d much rather be out of the lace and silks and snuggled into your plush bed.
A few ladies of the court scurry past while peeking over at you and giggling. Your upper lip twitches in annoyance. No matter who you are, people talk if you don’t dance at least once. It makes a person seem undesirable if they’re not invited to the dance floor. You have been invited a whole whopping zero times and the other party guests are starting to take notice.
“Darling, at least try to have fun,” your mother murmurs. “The men are back from the battlefields and want to have a good time.”
“I’m sure most of them would also be anywhere else. They’ve just come from war and are now expected to party? Shouldn’t we let them rest and take time for themselves?”
You’ve never understood this tradition. Though you’ve never been out on the fields, you don’t think you’d want to go directly to a party after fighting all day everyday.
“Some men want to forget the horrors they’ve seen,” your mother explains. “Let them do so without throwing a tantrum.”
“I’m not doing anything of the sort,” you point out. “I’m just not in the mood.”
“Please, Y/N,” your mother pleads. “I’m not going to make you do anything, but please just try to look somewhat pleasant.”
With that, your mother stands and descends the steps to join your father in talking to the guests. You sigh again and soon a lean shadow is cast over you. Peeking up you see Jinsoul grinning down at you.
She looks stunning, an iridescent blue-white gown with a mask that almost looks like it’s made of fish scales. Her long blonde hair cascades down past her shoulders in waves. She looks like a siren, here to collect the hearts of young men....
...Or maybe young women, you think as you spot another friend, Kim Lip, watching from across the room.
“Lip and I are sneaking out. We’re going to go change and then meet a bunch of friends out in the towns. What do you say, Highness?”
The temptation is there. Anything but this snobby party sounds fun at this point.  But...
“I can’t, my mother would murder me,” you roll your eyes. “Plus you know how paranoid she is. The whole royal police force would be on my ass in less than an hour.”
“Such vulgar language from the most beloved princess!” Jinsoul feigns a look of disbelief. It breaks into a bright smile when you reach up to shove her shoulder. “Fine, fine. Choerry’s staying too, I’ll send her your way to keep you company.”
“Don’t make the poor girl give up her evening for me. Just go. You all have fun.”
Jinsoul gives you a curtsy and when you move to swat her arm she dodges with a laugh and rushes off to Kim Lip. The two of them give you a parting wave before stepping out of the ballroom.
Left alone once more, you slouch as much as you can get away with and look out at the party. Citizens are chatting together, a few couples are dancing in the middle. You notice a tall figure in a navy blue jacket speaking to the orchestra. His dark, silky hair catches the light, looking like onyx.
You don’t know why he’s caught your attention, but even from behind you can tell he holds a certain charisma to him. The maestro nods to whatever it is the man is asking for before continuing his task at hand.
The man suddenly turns and meets your gaze straight on. Your head tilts curiously as he approaches. Under his navy jacket, he wears all black. His shirt is without wrinkles and tucked into his pants which are in turn tucked into his boots. Aside from a few scuffs, they look freshly polished. The mask on his face is black as well with a gold painted outline. It only covers the top half of his face, his plump lips in a visible half smile. This man came with a purpose.
You’re shocked to find your heartbeat getting faster as he approaches you, confidence almost rolling off him. Once he stands on the bottom steps, he pauses and gives you a polite bow. When he straightens again, his eyes pierce into your own and even with the mask blocking most of the light from his face, they seem to sparkle.
“Your Highness,” he nods his head at you and his smile brightens ever so slightly. “It’s an honor to be in your presence.”
Now that he’s standing before you and his husky voice has graced your ears, you realize there’s a familiarity to him.
“Do I know you? Have we met before?”
You catch a spark of shock in his eyes before it’s gone. “I’m afraid not, your Highness.”
Despite his words, you frown. “Are you sure?”
He seems to falter this time, you catch the motion of teeth biting the inside of his cheek. “U-um, no your Highness, I’m sure. I’d never forget meeting someone as lovely as you.”
Your eyebrow twitches at the cheesy line, but your lips also quirk into a smile. The man smiles back and takes this as encouragement to continue. “I would be very honored if you would give me one dance this evening. I noticed you seem uninterested in the celebrations and wish to put a smile on your face.”
“Uninterested may be too nice of a word to describe how I feel,” you say with a short laugh. “But I will accept the dance. You’ve piqued my interest more than anyone else at this party.”
“Why, I shall take that as a great compliment.” The man gives a small smirk and holds out his hand.
You giggle as you reach forward to take the stranger’s outstretched hand. His fingers are long and nimble and even through the gloves you’re wearing you can feel the heat of his hand on yours. There’s something strangely comforting in it and you can’t help but relax your posture at the feeling.
As the man leads you towards the center of the dance floor, people begin to notice that you’ve stepped off the throne. The chatter dims down to murmurs and you blush slightly at everyone’s eyes on you. But you’re also feeling a rush of confidence. You’re sure the two of you look stunning together, the contrast of your shimmering gold gown against the man’s almost all black outfit must be charming.
The dancers clear the floor for you and when you’ve fallen into position with the man, he nods towards the maestro and a new song begins. The intro to the song is short, but enough time for the man to step closer to you. When the beat picks up, you let the man lead you through the movements.
You peek up and met the man’s gentle, caressing gaze. He smiles at you and you’re once again struck by the feeling that you’ve met him before. Your brain runs through your memories, almost in a hurry. However it’s momentarily paused when the music gives a small crescendo and the man lifts you just enough to twirl, your skirt billowing out around you.
A startled laugh escapes your lips at the action and the man’s smile breaks into a grin. Another small crescendo sounds and with it another lifted twirl. You completely lose yourself to the joy that overcomes you. As he spins you and gives a small dip every now and then, you let yourself get lost in the man’s twinkling eyes.
The feeling of his hand in yours and the other at the small of your back gives you a sense of comfort and safety. His chest pressed to yours is lean but strong, and where your hand rests on his arm you can feel the muscle.
You’re hardly aware of the song coming to its end until there’s clapping around you and your movements cease. Still holding the man’s gaze, the two of you step away from each other. In sync, you give a curtsy as he bows. When you’ve both straightened out again, he smiles and holds out his elbow to you. Without hesitation you wrap your arm around his and let him lead you to the gardens.
The two of you silently walk down the stone path. The warmth of his body seeps into you but you still can’t help the shiver that runs through you when a breeze blows past.
The man looks over at you and silently pulls away to shrug off his jacket and drape it over your shoulders. Once the jacket is secure, he leads you to a bench and the two of you sit down.
Tilting your head back you look up at the stars and smile gently. “I’ve always loved it out here at night.”
“It’s like the stars are comforting you on hard days,” the man murmurs. His soothing voice seems to wrap around you as he speaks.
The memory just about knocks the air out of you.
“Your Highness, we can’t be out here. We’ll get in trouble!” Despite the words, you tug the lanky kitchen boy out of the castle and into the gardens. The night chill seeps through your nightgown and the dew on the grass is quick to saturate your silk slippers.
“We’ll be fine,” your younger self giggles. You tug the kitchen boy into a clearing in the garden and smile up at the night sky. “Isn’t it beautiful? It’s like the stars are comforting you on hard days.”
“Yeah it’s really pretty. But we really should go back inside now.”
“Relax, Hyungwon! Just a few more minutes.”
Hyungwon gives a worried look over his shoulder at the castle before relenting. You beam at his surrender and reach down to intertwine your fingers together.
Slowly you turn to face the man, but he keeps his gaze forward. Reaching out to cup his cheek you turn his face towards you. His eyes meet yours almost shakily and you’re so certain you know this man. Your hands reach behind his head and carefully tug on the ribbon holding his mask. As the accessory falls from his face, you suck in a deep breath.
“Hello, Y/N,” he replies sheepishly. “Long time no see.”
You swat at his arm, “Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”
“It’s easier to be confident while anonymous.” Hyungwon shrugs. “And I truly didn’t think you’d remember me. It’d been so long after all. I almost bolted when you asked if we’d met before.”
“I’d never forget my first love.”
Hyungwon looks up at you, eyes wide. You roll your own at his expression. “There’s no point denying what it was between us, Hyungwon. You know, it really sucked without you here. And you never wrote me like you promised!”
“I’m sorry.” Hyungwon’s voice is low as he reaches for your hand. You let him take it and hold it in his lap. “When I was recruited for the military, I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through. I was a young, lanky, kitchen boy. I figured it was unfair for you to wait on a dead man.”
“Well, I’m looking at a very much alive man,” you snap.
“I met some friends and I, uh, told them I had someone at home. They helped me train to make sure I could come back. But by then I felt guilty about not writing immediately...”
You sigh and give his hand a squeeze. “I’m just glad you’re back here. And where did you learn to dance!”
“If you haven’t noticed I grew into my gangly arms and legs, I’m much more elegant.”
You quirk a brow at him and he sighs. “Fine, one of my friends helped teach me.”
With a laugh, you scoot closer to him and he removes one of his hands from yours to wrap it around your shoulders. Silence envelopes the two of you as Hyungwon rests his head atop yours.
Since Hyungwon had left your side, you’ve felt restless in your own home. Your childhood friend was pulled from your grasp and loneliness took over. Of course you had the girls, Jinsoul and Kim Lip doing their best to keep you happy and Choerry being a shoulder to lean on. But no one could fill the special place in your heart that Hyungwon had made for himself.
Hyungwon leans away and faces you suddenly. You look curiously but cease movement when you see him reach for your mask’s ribbon. When he pulls it away from your face, you feel almost naked as his eyes take in your visage. He sets aside the mask and leans in until his forehead is pressed to yours.
Warmth from his hands seeps into your skin as he cups your cheeks. “I missed you so, so much.”
Reaching up you cover one of his hands with your own and turn your head slightly to kiss the palm of his hand. “I missed you just as much.”
Hyungwon leans away and looks over his shoulder. “We should go back. There’s no doubt the people have noticed how long you’ve been gone.”
“I’ll only return to the party if you’re at my side,” you reply.
Hyungwon grins at you, a light pink dusting on his cheeks, “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
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lgbtcyrus · 7 years
Between Two Worlds (A Jyrus Fanfiction)
Merry Mackmas Roni @andi-mackk! I hope you enjoy this fic I wrote for you!
P.S. I gave you a little cameo in the story, hope you like it ;-)
Prompts: Movie theatre, sunset, midnight
Cyrus Goodman sighed, running his fingers through his hair for the seventh time in the past two minutes.
“Honey, you look great,” his mom assured him, entering the thirteen year old’s bedroom.
“You have to say that, you’re my mom.”
“That’s true, but you really do look great.” She came up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders. “Besides, they’re just your friends. It’s not like you’re going on a date or anything.”
“I know, but we’re probably going to take pictures together at the movie, and I need to look my best,” he lied. Just then, a horn honked outside.
“You look fine, now get going!” His mom called as she left the room.
Cyrus ran his fingers through his hair one last time before grabbing his phone and sprinting downstairs. He collected his wallet, slipped on his shoes and coat, and was out the door. He shivered slightly in the early March weather, opening the door to Buffy’s dad’s minivan.
“Hi, Mr. Driscoll!”
“Hello, Cyrus! And how many times have I told you, call me Dan?”
Cyrus smiled. “Sorry, Dan,” he corrected himself as he took a seat in the back next to Buffy. They then began their drive to the local movie theatre, where they would meet up with Andi and Jonah, then go back to Andi’s apartment for a sleepover.
“Are you okay?” Buffy whispered so that her dad couldn’t hear, motioning to the leg Cyrus didn’t even realize he was bouncing.
“I’m fine,” Cyrus lied, but Buffy saw right through him, and glared suspiciously. “Okay, maybe I’m a little nervous.”
“Dark theatre…Jonah…”
Buffy nodded in understanding. “Right. How have things been between you two since…that night?”
She was referring to one week ago, when the four friends had been hanging out at her house…
They had been in the middle of an intense round of Twister, when suddenly, the power went out.
“Don’t worry everyone, it was probably just the storm!” Dan assured them. All four kids turned on their phone flashlights, but the room was still fairly dark, and not only was Cyrus scared of the dark, but he was also scared of storms. He whimpered quietly, so quietly that only the person next to him could hear– Jonah.
“It’s okay, Cy,” Jonah whispered. Just then, thunder cracked outside, and Cyrus jumped. Jonah reacted quickly, pulling Cyrus close in an attempt to comfort him and calm him down.
Cyrus’s breath hitched. He was so close to Jonah that he could smell his sandalwood shampoo. “Better?” Jonah asked. Cyrus could only nod.
“Thank you,” he whispered, looking up at Jonah. Jonah looked down at him. For some reason, neither of them could seem to look away. 
As if being pulled by some magnetic force, Jonah started to lean in, ever-so-slowly, and without thinking, Cyrus started doing the same. He no longer had control over his body as he continued to inch closer to Jonah’s lips. They were close enough to feel each other’s breath, their lips almost touching…
Suddenly, the lights came back on, and both boys jumped apart.
Cyrus sighed. He had told Buffy, and only Buffy, about the experience later that night. “For the most part, the same as before, which is a good thing I guess. I just wish we could talk about it, you know? Then again, it’s not like everything’s completely gone back to normal. Now he…does things.”
“What kinds of things?” Buffy inquired.
“Like, I’ll catch him staring, and he won’t immediately look away, he’ll maintain eye contact for a second. Or when we’re sitting in a booth at The Spoon, sometimes he’ll sit with our knees together.”
“And how do you feel about it?
“I don’t know! On one hand, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but on the other hand, does it really matter if he never actually brings it up? Plus, I feel guilty.”
“Because of Andi?” Buffy asked, and Cyrus nodded. “Well, it’s not like her and Jonah are dating. They’re just…doing whatever comes before dating, I guess?”
“It doesn’t matter. She likes him. And more importantly, he likes her! There’s no way he’d ever choose me over Andi.”
“You never know.”
“Trust me, I do,” Cyrus sighed.
Buffy offered him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.
“Okay, we’re here!” Dan announced, and both kids thanked him and said goodbye before climbing out and closing the car door.
“Are you gonna be okay?” Buffy asked.
“As long as I have you by my side,” Cyrus answered. Buffy smiled, linking their arms as they pushed open the cinema doors.
“Guys, over here!” Andi called, and they turned to see her and Jonah standing by the snack counter, one extra large popcorn in Jonah’s hands. They approached their friends.
“Hey, Cy-guy,” Jonah greeted him as he beamed his signature smile, and Cyrus felt his heart flutter. There he was, the real reason Cyrus had worried so much about his appearance tonight. The boy who made his heart melt with a single laugh, whose eyes were like two shining emeralds, who he lay awake at night thinking about.
“H-Hey, Jonah.”
“Someone’s hungry,” Buffy commented, motioning at the popcorn in Jonah’s hands.
“They were having a deal, one extra large popcorn for the price of a large,” Andi explained. “We figured we’d take advantage of it and me, Jonah and Cyrus could just share, since you don’t like popcorn.”
“Sounds good to me,” Buffy responded, and Cyrus nodded in agreement. The four friends then made their way to the ticket booth.
“How may I help you?” A girl whose name tag read ‘Roni’ asked as they reached the front of the line.
“Four tickets to Forget Me Not, please,” Andi requested. It was a new romance movie about Izzy and Charlie, a couple in their early twenty’s who were engaged to be married, until Charlie got in a car accident and woke up with amnesia. The doctors say he’ll never get his memory back, but Izzy, refusing to give up, tries to get Charlie to remember their relationship, or at least make him fall in love with her again.
“That’ll be forty eight dollars, please.” Each of them handed over twelve dollars, and Roni gave them each a ticket. “Thank you, enjoy the film!”
Once they were inside the theatre, Cyrus noticed his shoe was untied. He bent down to re-tie it, but upon standing back up, he realized his friends had already sat down. Buffy had sat next to a middle-aged woman, followed by Andi, and then Jonah. Cyrus’s eyes widened as he realized what this meant.
He would have to sit next to Jonah Beck.
Now nervous, Cyrus made his way to his friends, reluctantly taking a seat next to the green-eyed boy. Just then, his phone dinged, and he pulled it out to see a text from Buffy.
Buffy: I’m so sorry, I thought u were right behind me, and by the time I realized u weren’t it was too late! Where were u??
Cyrus: Tying my shoe. It’s ok, I’ll be fine
Cyrus looked over at Buffy to see her giving him a sympathetic smile. The lights dimmed, and Cyrus put his phone away as the movie started to play.
About an hour in, Cyrus was invested in the movie, watching as Izzy and Charlie pulled up to the beach in Izzy’s car. He reached into the popcorn bucket on Jonah’s lap. However, it turns out Jonah had had the same idea, as their hands brushed up against each other in the bucket.
Cyrus pulled his hand away quickly, heart racing. He glanced over at Jonah, and could just make out green eyes staring back at him in the dark. Andi, her gaze still focussed on the screen, reached out and took hold of Jonah’s hand, and yet, he still held eye contact with Cyrus. A few seconds later, the smaller boy finally forced himself to look away.
“Where are we going?” Charlie asked.
“On an adventure,” Izzy answered.
Cyrus noticed Jonah’s free hand now lay on the armrest between them. Slowly, he put his hand down on the armrest too, as far from Jonah’s as possible.
“We’re really high up,” Charlie observed as he looked at the ocean beneath him, now standing on the cliff Izzy had led him to.
“You took me here, two years ago. You told me to jump, but I was scared.”
Cyrus’s mind raced. Did he dare move his hand? What if he’d been reading the situation wrong this entire time? What if that night had meant nothing?
“You said that there was nothing like it. So I stood right there, on the edge.”
Cyrus took a deep breath, and inched his hand the tiniest bit closer to Jonah’s. Jonah’s hand did the same.
“My heart was racing.”
Cyrus moved his hand a little closer.
“My entire body was shaking.”
Once again, Jonah copied his movements, as if their minds were one, as if their hearts both beat with the same want.
“But I wanted so badly to feel the adrenaline in my veins, to feel like I was flying,” Izzy continued.
Their hands were next to each other now, pinkies just barely touching. Cyrus’s heart was in overdrive, as was his mind. He wanted so badly to hold Jonah’s hand, but was petrified at the thought of actually doing so. Was it worth the risk?
“So I jumped.”
Before he could second guess himself, Cyrus placed his hand over Jonah’s. He couldn’t move, couldn’t think, just waiting for this all to end horribly, for Jonah to pull his hand away in disgust, to call him a freak in front of everybody.
Except he didn’t.
“And you were right. There was nothing like it. It was the greatest feeling in the world.”
Jonah Beck let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Cyrus Goodman is holding my hand, he thought. Cyrus Goodman is holding my hand!
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember,” Charlie apologized. He kicked a rock into the ocean in frustration.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Izzy assured him.
“No, it’s not!” He suddenly exclaimed.
Jonah glanced to his left, at the beautiful girl laying her head on his shoulder. The girl who meant the world to him.
“I…I feel like I’m trapped between two worlds,” Charlie confessed.
Then he turned to his left, looking at the amazing boy who was holding his hand. The boy who meant the world to him.
Trapped between two worlds indeed, he thought.
Later that night, after the movie, they were walking back to Andi’s apartment, as it was only around a ten minute walk. Jonah was in between Andi and Cyrus, with Buffy next to Andi. Cyrus was dying to tell her what had happened in the theatre, but that would have to wait until they were alone.
“Guys, look!” Jonah exclaimed, pointing at the sky, which was painted with the most beautiful shades of pinks, oranges and purples. The colours seemed to blend together in perfect harmony, dancing across the sky.
“Whoa, nice sunset,” Cyrus observed.
“Really nice,” agreed Andi. “Like something right out of a painting.” She sat down on the grassy hill they were currently walking over.
“What are you doing?” Asked Buffy.
“Let’s enjoy this,” she answered.
The other three shrugged, taking a seat next to her. Andi yawned, laying her head on Jonah’s shoulder. Her yawning caused Cyrus to do the same, though he was also pretty tired. He felt so relaxed, sitting there next to the people he loved most in the world, watching the sunset, that he felt his eyes start to droop. Jonah noticed this, and tapped Cyrus lightly. When Cyrus turned to face him, he motioned to his free shoulder with his head. Surprised, Cyrus slowly lay his head down. The scent of Jonah’s sandalwood shampoo brought back memories of the week before. He closed his eyes, not asleep but also not fully awake, somewhere in between the dreamworld and reality.
Cyrus glanced at the clock, which told him it was midnight, causing Cyrus to groan silently. Everyone else was asleep, but he, despite being exhausted, was wide awake, his mind racing with thoughts of the boy snoring softly a few feet away. He analyzed the events of the day, not quite able to process them all.
He had held hands with Jonah Beck. He, Cyrus Goodman, had not only held hands with Jonah Beck, but had practically cuddled with Jonah Beck, all in the same day!
“Cy,” he suddenly heard someone whisper. He jumped slightly, before turning to the source of the voice.
“Yeah. Sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t, don’t worry. I thought you were asleep.”
“I was, but I, um…”
Jonah blushed slightly, and was suddenly glad the room was dark. “I had a nightmare.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Cyrus offered.
“Not really, if it’s okay. Thank you though. I’m just kinda shaken up about it.”
“Wanna just talk, then? To help you calm down, maybe distract you?”
“That’d be dosh. Only if you don’t mind, though.”
Cyrus offered him a small smile, though he probably couldn’t see it. “Not at all. I don’t want to wake the girls or Bex, though.”
“Not a problem. I’ve got the perfect place. Grab your coat,” Jonah said, standing up.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see. Don’t worry, we’re not leaving the building. Just trust me.”
And Cyrus did trust Jonah, would trust him with his life, so he quietly grabbed his coat and followed Jonah out the door. He lead him all the way down the hall, stopping at a ladder, which he started to climb.
“Jonah, are we gonna get in trouble?” Cyrus whisper-yelled.
“No, I’ve been up here before, it’s fine,” Jonah assured him. Cyrus sighed, but ultimately followed Jonah all the way up. Once he reached the top, he immediately breathed in the crisp March air.
“Whoa!” Cyrus exclaimed, mouth agape. They were on the roof, and the view was incredible. The buildings below looked so small, like Cyrus could crush them with his foot. The street lamps looked like small balls of light, just floating around, illuminating the city Cyrus had grown up in since birth, yet had never seen from this perspective. It was like an entirely new place.
“Like it?” Jonah asked, and Cyrus nodded.
“Love it!”
Jonah chuckled. “Yeah, Andi took me up here a few weeks ago.”
Cyrus’s face dropped. “Andi?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“It’s nothing, really. It’s just that, a few weeks ago, she mentioned something about you guys having a new ‘special spot’. Would this, by any chance, be it?”
Jonah seemed to consider this for a moment, looking out at the city below. “Well, I mean, sure, we talked about this place being special in general, but I don’t think it’s just ours. I want to share this spot with everyone special in my life.”
“I…I’m special to you?”
Jonah turned to face Cyrus. “Of course you are, Cy-guy,” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Because I’m your friend?”
“Yes, because you’re my friend. My best friend!” Jonah answered, smiling a little too widely. He continued to stare at Cyrus, looking conflicted. Then, he sighed, dropping his fake smile. “No, that’s…that’s a lie.”
“What do you mean? We’re not friends?” Cyrus asked, worried.
“Cyrus, be honest…” Jonah took a step closer to the other boy, repeating the same words somebody once said to him. “Were we ever?”
They stared into each other’s eyes, green into brown. Jonah started to lean in, and while he should have felt nothing but happiness, Cyrus just felt guilty. He knew he would kick himself for this later, but…
“Wait!” He blurted out, taking a step back, because he was a good friend, and could never hurt someone he cared about. Jonah stared at him with confused puppy eyes, and Cyrus had to remind himself that he was doing the right thing. “Andi.”
Jonah sighed softly. “Andi’s not my girlfriend, Cyrus. And honestly, ever since last week, I wasn’t sure I wanted her to be. I’ve been so confused. Didn’t you see it today? I held hands with both of you, at the same time. Cuddled with both of you, at the same time!”
“So you still like her, then,” Cyrus said, trying not to sound hurt.
“No, Cyrus, listen. All week, it’s been ‘Cyrus or Andi?’, on a loop in my head. ‘Cyrus or Andi? Cyrus or Andi? Cyrus or Andi?’ Even when I was alone with her, I was still trying to make that choice, still trying to figure out what, or who, I wanted. But right now, alone with you, the choice has never been clearer to me. My heart’s telling me what I want, Cyrus.” Jonah stepped closer again, cupping Cyrus’s face with his hands. Then, he closed the gap between them, and both boys closed their eyes as their lips met.
This is so much different than it was with Iris, Cyrus thought. Every part of him felt alive. He didn’t just feel the kiss on his lips, he felt it everywhere, all the way down to his toes. Jonah tasted like popcorn, and his lips were soft and warm, fitting against Cyrus’s like puzzle pieces.
When the kiss ended, Cyrus wasn’t ready to completely lose the moment, so he brought their foreheads together. His heart was beating out of his chest, and Cyrus thought that he’d never felt true happiness until this moment. Both boys smiled shyly at each other.
“I want you,” Jonah whispered.
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