#line art is finally finished after like 3/4+ hours and my shoulder HURTS
devilishdelights · 2 years
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dame mammon wip + first time drawing in clip studio paint
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skellebonez · 3 years
Hmmm how about MK and Monkie King with number 1 and number 45
I wanted to write a follow up to a certain fill that got some wonderful art recently too! But then the finale happened and now I made it depressing, sorry. Spoilers for... everything as this is set 3 days after the final episode. This also plays around with the “Sun Wukong is still super immortal and powerful but...” and other theories. (second prompt line is only used as inspiration in fill)
Do not give me that look./ You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
The moment MK's curse was lifted and he was re-aged from 4 years old to adult Wukong acted like nothing had happened at all. No understanding conversations about how his powers could hurt him, no cooking together, no video games, and no accidental couch naps. It was as if the entire day had been undone to the sands of time.
But MK remembered and when the literal next day Wukong announced he was going on vacation... let's just say he was not happy in the slightest. He had tried to voice his objections, citing the Spider Queen as a prime example for why they should be worried, but the immortal monkey just flashed him dual thumbs up with a “Monkey King Out!” and flashed off somewhere MK couldn’t follow.
And now he was back and while MK had been more than happy to get going at first, to push everything that happened deep down inside him and ignore it for as long as possible (why was he doing that, he needed to stop doing that, look where that got them he was a mistake a bad choice as a successor and now he’s barely a successor at all) there was only so long he could go before it became clear there was more wrong than what Sun Wukong was telling him.
There was more wrong with Sun Wukong himself that he refused to admit.
He tried to hide it as well as he could. Despite the heat outside and the fur covering his body he still wore full body clothing. Hiding away the gashes and healing scars that riddled his form now. There was a nick in his eyebrow that had never gone away, and when MK watched closely he could see his mentor sometimes place his hand too far to the left when grabbing something. He walked with a slight limp, though that had improved over the last few days.
And he was quiet. Yes, when someone was addressing him he was “yeah totally, we got this fam, onward westward!”, but when MK caught him alone... especially outside on the deck of the drone, watching the horizon, he was more quiet and still than the Monkie Kid had ever seen him before.
Or maybe he was always like this and now Wukong was too hurt or distracted enough or just didn’t care anymore that MK was finally seeing him.
It was hard to tell with how distant he had been the last three days. Distant in the same way the day after the curse was lifted, but quieter.
“We need to talk,” He said from behind his mentor, watching as Wukong’s tail jumped only a little. Maybe that was just surprise at the words themselves. “Alone. Please.”
He expected Wukong to brush him off, to say “aw bud, can’t it wait? look at the sunset!” despite the sun having set so far they barely had any light left or something else. But instead he straightened up (MK heard the slight crack of his back again, much softer than when he had first heard it after their crash landing, and he wondered how much his back had healed from whatever injury it had) and turned to his student with an odd expression. Somewhat soft and fond and somewhat worried and resigned. Like this was more than just 3 days coming (and it was).
“Let’s... get something to eat first, alright?”
MK didn’t mention that they had eaten just over an hour ago.
They sat in the kitchen of the drone, alone under the dimmed lights with cups of tea and sliced fruit between them (mostly for Wukong). Neither had said anything as they prepared the small snack, and neither said anything as they sat down and took sips of their tea.
MK had made it slightly too strong.
“What did you want to ask first?” Wukong started off, picking up a peach slice and biting into it carefully. Slowly. This was something else that was noticed. Before when eating the Monkey King would just shove whatever he was eating in his mouth and MK wasn't certain he tasted it. But now it was like he was trying to make every meal last as long as possible. “There’s... a lot. I can tell.”
“We spent an entire day together and then you left without telling me anything,” MK said firmly, gripping the tea cup in his hands. He squeezed harder, just to see what would happen. It should have shattered... it didn’t. “Why didn’t you just... say something?”
“... I thought I was protecting you,” Wukong admitted honestly, taking another bite of peach. “And the city, the others...  That if I acted distant you wouldn’t wonder where I went a-”
“Wouldn’t wonder wh- no!” MK interrupted, gritting his teeth. “No, Monkey K- Wukong.” The change in how MK addressed him made Wukong jolt, looking at him with wide eyes. He had never called him by his name before now. “We spent an entire day together. You took care of me, helped me when my powers went haywire, helped me make food! You never treated me like that before! You treated me like... Like I was...”
“My kid,” Wukong finished for him, now looking down into his tea cup. “MK... You’re an adult, I know that, but somewhere down the line I started to think of you as... I didn’t know till then I guess, and that terrified me. The idea of you getting hurt that day was the only thing that compared to admitting I got attached to you as more than just my student.”
Had this revelation come sooner MK might have been more surprised. More disbelieving. But after that day and everything that happened once the curse was gone...
“... you have a funny way of showing it,” MK snapped without thinking, eyes widening and jolting upright when he realized what he had said. “I-”
“Don’t,” Wukong said with a shake of his head, sipping his tea with a sigh. “You deserve to be angry with me. I talked to, uh... Pigsy? Sandy too. Tang.... Mei. Your boss in particular laid into me pretty hard after the excitement died down... Don’t know how I went 1000 years without knowing what a ‘lie by omission’ was.”
“... you abandoned me.”
“Yes... I didn’t mean it that way, but that doesn’t change that I did.”
“You didn’t trust me.”
“NO.” Wukong said firmly, voice raised for the first time in days. MK glowered at him. “No, that is one thing I will not back down on. Yes, I lied to you and left you behind and that was a mistake I will need to make up for over a long time, but it wasn’t because I didn’t trust you. I trusted you to take care of yourself, to teach yourself the lessons I left behind, and take care of the city. And you did! You did so much better than I even hoped for, and I hoped so badly that you would do as well as you did! I didn’t leave you there because I didn’t trust you, I left you there because I did... and because I thought I had to do everything myself...” He sighed, running a hand down his face. “I’ve been alone so long... I forgot I could do things with help on my end, I guess...”
“If... If Lady Bone Demon hadn’t finished what she was doing...?”
“Had the Lady Bone Demon not been working faster than I thought she was I would have come back with nothing less than even more trust in you as my successor.”
“... am I even still your successor without...?” MK trailed off, trying to keep his voice level. The tea cup still held strong.
“Yes,” Wukong assured, reaching out to put a hand on MK’s shoulder. MK noticed how he almost missed and corrected his hand. “The staff and my powers alone didn’t make you my successor. I picked you before those, remember? You’re still the Monkie Kid, MK. Nothing is going to change that for me.”
The young man went quiet for a moment, taking a shaky breath. He wanted to ask why he was chosen, what made him so special... but there would be time for that in the future. For now he had gotten at least some of his questions answered. But there was something much more pressing to touch on.
“,,, you’ve been lying to all of us,” he accused suddenly, reaching up and grabbing the wrist of Wukong’s hand on his shoulder before he could pull back. He looked his mentor in the face, watching as Wukong’s eyes widened in realization and horror. “Do not give me that look. Stop... please, stop lying. I’m not stupid, I can see you’re still hurt bad. You’re supposed to be invincible but you came back hurt and... and almost nothing can hurt you!”
Wukong didn’t meet MK’s gaze, looking down at their snack as he breathed heavily and shakily. He knew he was caught, that much was obvious.
“Please... talk to me, for once. I know I do the same thing, I lied to everyone else by not telling them about LBD or the calabash or Macaque coming back-” Wukong tensed at that, an odd sound escaping his throat. “-and look where it got us. We both need to talk. To everyone else. To each other.”
Wukong’s arm was shaking where MK held it, but he didn’t try to pull it back. Not until MK let it go. He sat back down, looking at the table like it held all the secrets of the universe before bringing his hand up to cover his eye. The one with the nicked eyebrow.
“Bud...” Wukong started, biting his lip. There was something wrong in his tone. “I... you were going to find out eventually. I can’t keep this up forever, not like Macaque can.” MK tensed at the mention of the other immortal monkey, watching as Wukong did not move his hand. “This takes a lot of focus. And... with my invincibility partly gone-”
“What?” MK asked, so soft he thought Wukong hadn’t heard him.
“... You didn’t get my powers from the staff, MK,” Wukong said. “And they don’t just duplicate. That’s not how they work. From day one I have been... siphoning my powers to you. Bit by bit. As you got better at controlling them I would give you more until I felt I didn’t need them myself anymore. When I locked away your invincibility I just undid what I had given you and slowed down the transfer... you’d been half invincible for weeks.”
“No...” MK started, slowly realizing what Wukong was implying. “No, no you’re lying again! This is a terrible, horrible prank!” Despite wanting to be quiet before MK found himself yelling. “Say you’re still lying!”
“No,” Wukong shook his head, looking down at the scar on his arm that was now visible as his sleeve had slipped down. “Most of this will probably heal eventually, except maybe one thing, and I’m still immortal! There’s no undoing that no matter what I do. I’m not dying any time soon. But my transformations? Cloning? My cloud...” He trailed off at that, breaking in a shaky breath. “You didn’t even get to use that... Lady Bone Demon took all of it when she took it from you. I still have some powers, some of my transformations and hair stuff and some invincibility... but I’m not the same overpowered Monkey King you met when you freed DBK...”
And as he trailed off, Wukong lowered his hand. Something flickered, something familiar. Too familiar. Reminiscent of Macaque’s shadows but brighter. And after there was something else reminiscent. In reverse.
MK had only seen it for a split second, when all of Macaque’s glamor magic had dropped. The milky white right eye and the scar over it that was left behind from his battle with Wukong 500 years ago.
And now Wukong looked at him with a similarly white left eye, a similar scar that wasn’t just a nicked eyebrow running down his face.
It makes sense in retrospect, much more. MK supposed that when you lose an eye you lose depth perception and it takes a while to get used to judging where things are.
“... what happened before you came in to save me?” MK asked quietly, watching as more of the glamor fell with a curse from Wukong. There was another nick on his cheek that was still healing, a piece of one of his ears had been ripped off too. No doubt there were more injuries under his clothes that Wukong hadn’t let anyone see.
“She has Macaque under her control,” Wukong said plainly, groaning as he held his head. “Damn, that... letting that down...” He groaned again and before MK could realize what was happening Wukong’s eyes rolled back into his head and he slipped from his chair to the floor.
“WUKONG!” MK shot up, rushing over to his side and yelling over his shoulder in the hopes someone would hear. “Pigsy! D-DADSY! Help, SOMETHING’S WRONG!”
When Pigsy rushed in with the others in tow Wukong hadn't regained consciousness.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
This chapter came out a little longer than usual. lemony teasing
Natsu’s secretary called her boss from the front office. “Mr. Dragneel, Mr. Avatar is here.”
“Thank you, Ms. Kinana. Send him in.”
Because no one in the organization was a computer whiz, he contracted with an independent IT person who was recommended by Yura. The guy, Jerome Avatar wasn’t skittish, didn’t care who he worked for as long as it paid well, and generally had a pleasant demeanor. As the accountant, Yura was in contact with Jerome the most, but for any major issues or changes, those had to be cleared with Natsu first. It was mostly quick, in and out of the office dealings.
Jerome shook Natsu’s hand over the desk before taking a seat.
“So,” Natsu questioned, “what brings you here today? Is there something I need to approve?”
“No, nothing new. I asked for this meeting because I came across some intelligence you might be interested in.”
“I learned that your rival Heartfilia had been in contact with a new cyber security client, Mikage Kaishā who’s into a lot of shady dealings with government contacts.”
Natsu shrugged his shoulders. “Sounds like just a typical client for her, probably has her launder money for them. I don’t really pay attention to her clients because we deal with different things. But I do appreciate you telling me.”
“Should I keep an eye on them?”
“That’s fine if you believe it’s worth it. And if you learn about anything that could hurt us let me know immediately. By the way, how did you find out this information?”
“A friend in the field told me about it, then I hacked into Heartfilia’s computers to authenticate the information.”
Natsu sat forward in his chair. “You hacked into her computer? I’m surprised her employee didn’t catch that, cause I know she’s good at this stuff too.”
The man grinned. “Well, not as good as me.” He pointed to Natsu’s laptop. “If you’d like, I can set it up so you can access her system from your computer too.”
“Oh, I don’t want to tamper with her company—”
Jerome waved a hand nonchalantly to stop him. “I wouldn’t advise it either, if you touch things, that’s what’ll get attention, but you can watch what’s going on. Keep an eye on her calendar, meeting dates, whatever you want.”
Natsu sat back, rubbing his chin. The offer was a very tempting one indeed. A chance to stalk his ex through cyberspace… someone must have mentioned to this Jerome guy their history. It wasn’t exactly hidden, but not something talked about either amongst lower ranking employees. This wasn’t the first time Jerome had brought them intelligence info, so maybe he was looking to increase his usefulness, climb the ladder so to speak? Being connected to a powerful Yakuza house was certainly handy, and what better way than to tap into such a personal subject.
“That could be interesting,” Natsu finally responded. “Alright, what do you have to do to set it up? And make sure it’s nothing I could screw up accidentally cause I really don’t want her to find out.”
Jerome looked at his watch as if calculating his options. “I could do it now. Might take me about an hour if you can go without the laptop for that amount of time.”
“You have to take it back to your office or something?”
“No,” the man shook his head. “I can do it right here, so I can explain along the way.”
“Perfect.” Natsu then called his secretary and requested she double his lunch order due to an extended meeting.
While the computer tech fiddled, Natsu just sat back with his meal, watching him work. Math wasn’t his strong suit— nor academics for that matter. Growing up, his father had always told him he would be next in line as boss, so he only learned what he needed to for that world. One needed strength, cunning, street smarts, not book smarts. Though he had to admit the things these hackers could do was scary when you thought about it. Lucy was lucky in that her best friend was just a wiz at language— including computer languages. It all looked like gibberish, but the woman interpreted it almost like a savant. According to Jerome, from what he’d seen so far, Levy was not yet at his skill level, but that could easily change with time and experience like he’d been through.
“Natsu you—” Gray paused his knock on the doorframe. “Sorry, I thought the meeting would be done by now.”
“It’s fine, Jerome is hacking Lucy’s system for me right now.” Natsu responded with a grin. “Now I’ll see what she’s up to in real time.”
Gray groaned and ran a hand down his face in disgust. “I’m not even gonna respond to that. But I will tell you I told you so when it blows up in your face later.”
“Tch. She won’t know, right Jerome?”
“She shouldn’t unless you touch something.” The man answered while continuing to type.
“See. It’ll be fine.”
“You’re an idiot. Anyway,” Gray waved a hand nonchalantly as he left, “call me when your free to go over the new orders.”
“It will be fine, right?” Natsu asked Jerome a second time with a bit of anxiety in his tone.
Jerome stopped typing. “As long as you just observe they shouldn’t see you, just don’t get excited and touch something.”
“I don’t plan to; not like I’ll know how to do that anyways.”
“I’m almost finished, but do you want me to turn on her web camera so you can see through it?”
“But she won’t see me?”
“No, for you it’ll just be like watching a one-way video feed with image and audio.”
After a momentary pause, Natsu’s eyes narrowed with a mischievous grin. “Do it.”
Being able to see Lucy every day and feed his addiction was just too tempting, ‘I’m turning into a junky.’ But Gray’s words entered his mind. What if the man was right, could this bite him in the ass later? Probably… Though how bad could it really be? He really had no plans to interfere with Lucy’s business, just her personal life— and yes, he knew it sounded horrible. What right did he have to stalk his ex? None. ‘I just worry about her, is that so wrong?’ Lucy’s tough, but she’s just a woman and their world didn’t always treat women fairly. His desire to protect her bordered neuroticism, but could anyone blame him considering the underworld they worked in. ‘I’m just doing it to protect her,’ Natsu justified it to himself. Guys like Gray who haven’t fallen in love yet, ‘they just don’t understand.’ If anything were to happen to Lucy, he didn’t know what he would do. Probably move Heaven and earth and kill any in his way for what they’d done.
It took just over an hour before Jerome finished installing the spyware and making sure the systems were still secured. Just a one-way mirror that Levy shouldn’t catch unless really digging for it. Another 20 minutes were spent explaining to Natsu how to do the accessing part, including pulling up the webcam whenever he wanted to. “Or just leave it running,” Jerome noted. “It’ll just show up in this window,” he pointed towards the screen, “and as long as you don’t log out completely from your computer it’ll stay open.”
“Who turns off their computers?”
“Actually, it’s a good idea to turn them off now and then so any software updates can be completed, but since I manage your systems, there’s not really a need to.”
“Great.” The two men stood up and shook hands. “Thanks, Jerome.”
“It was my pleasure.”
When Natsu arrived each day at headquarters, the first thing and last thing he did was check to see if there was anything new or interesting going on Lucy’s side. It was like being hooked on one of their products, because the high it gave sucked him right in. But so far, he also stayed away from the video feed. Looking through her calendar or emails were cold and impersonal, but maybe the video was too close, too real, too much of a moral dilemma in crossing that line of a peeping Tom. That didn’t mean his addiction may one day require more feeding…
October had rolled around, and the air outside grew crisp and cold. It was a beautiful time of the year with the color changing leaves, reminding that winter was soon upon them. How quickly the time sure flew. The Dragneel Yakuza clan had already started preparing for their end of year Bonenkai to happen in mid-December. This plus the Shinnenkai in January were the two biggest parties the clan threw for all their members. The first is to forget the stresses of the past year, while the other was to welcome a successful new year. Natsu spared no expense on the food and drinks to take care of the loyalty and hard work their members contributed. From the emails, he knew that Lucy’s group had also started preparing for theirs. ‘Maybe I’ll crash her party,’ he mused to himself. ‘Oh, what’s this?’ His eyes fell on a new email of an appointment reminder for the next day. It was for Lucy’s monthly massage at an upscale spa. Natsu checked his own calendar and noticed he had nothing booked, no meetings, no shipments arriving— a perfect opportunity.
The next day, Natsu went to the spa early and spoke directly to the owner, paying them a nice chunk of change to allow him access and to play along. Lucy was scheduled for 2pm and arrived right on time. So, as he waited behind the scenes, the receptionist acted like normal and directed her inside. She had a regular masseuse, something Natsu knew he couldn’t fake upfront, so that person stood inside the room to greet her.
“Welcome, Ms. Heartfilia. I’ll step out while you get ready. Please lie on your stomach like normal.”
“Thank you, Kenji,” Lucy smiled. She’d been coming here for a couple years and was aware of the routine. The male masseuse had strong, but gentle hands and knew her body well by now.
Natsu had to admit he wasn’t happy to find out Lucy’s regular masseuse was a guy but held back from lashing out. He didn’t want to do anything to mess up this adventure— and oh, he planned to have his own revenge. It wouldn’t be as sexual as the soapland incident but knowing many of her trigger points meant he could do a bit of damage well enough. Now, Natsu had noted that Kenji’s voice was a bit deeper than his own, which would be difficult to fake, but the man explained he didn’t do much talking while working and played relaxing music during the session. Perfect. Natsu could just hit play and not talk at all.
“Ready, Ms. Heartfilia?” Kenji called out through the closed door.
The muffled yes was heard, and the man stepped away, leaving Natsu to his business. He entered the room and immediately turned on the pre-set music, a light instrumental with Asian undertones. It was quite pleasing to listen to. And there Lucy was under a silk sheet to cover her naked body, with her arms up and crossed, head perched on the relaxed hands, and hair up in a loose bun, revealing her beautiful neck. Natsu almost shuddered at the sight and knowledge he would get to touch her skin… it was the one thing she didn’t allow him to do at Soapland— touch. His grin grew as he rubbed his hands together to warm them before making the first move.
He moved the sheet to uncover Lucy’s lower half, up to the thighs, then applied a film of scented massage oils to his hands with a few drops over the taut muscles along her long legs, chasing the dripping liquid along her skin to smooth them over. His hands glide through several passes to the swell of her ass, then back down again all the way to the ankles, fingers applying pressure against the tendons and ligaments to gently work out any tension it encountered. Lucy sighed wispily as his hands massaged each foot, squeezing, smoothing, paying attention to each digit and every curve. His thumbs applied pressure at the arches, kneading the tight knots there from wearing heels all day long. He stayed focused on the area, her toes curling and flexing as the mewls leaching from her show their pleasure, until Natsu felt the knots give and relax away.
“Mmm, you’re getting good at that Kenji,” Lucy purred with a little huskiness in her tone.
Natsu grinned to himself as he lowered the sheet back down, so she stayed warm and moved onto her supple ass. Using both hands, he took his time to knead each cheek through the silken fabric, using his fingers to follow the gluteus muscles, starting near the leg, and following the swell of her curve upwards, slowly riding the fibers looking for any knots or tense areas. One cheek, then the other paying loving attention to and listening to the sounds Lucy made to clue him in on where to go. Every sigh a notch in his belt, each mewling purr a win. Natsu grew bolder, fanning out his thumb each time it got closer to her thighs to touch…
“Oh, Kenji,” Lucy whined, “you’re being a naughty boy today— keep it up.”
‘What?!’ Natsu’s hands paused and tensed for a split second before catching himself. Does Kenji mess with her too?! He shook his head and finished up in the area quickly trying not to let such thoughts stop him. ‘Just focus…’ Natsu grumbled in his head.
After applying more oil to his hands, he moved the sheet down to reveal Lucy’s back and for a second time, Natsu paused on what it contained. Her tattoo… It symbolized… he took a deep breath and dropped more oil on to the skin, willing away the memories breaching his mind. He didn’t want to think about it, not now. It was too painful.
“You okay, Kenji?” Lucy questioned as if noticing the slight pause or tremble in the man’s hands.
Natsu mumbled a soft Mmhmm and dived into the massage so Lucy wouldn’t grow more concerned, missing the uptick in the corners of her lips. He slowly smoothed along the skin using the base of his palms for pressure, each hand following the muscles, moving out from the waist, up the center of her back, and flaring out towards the sides just below the shoulder blades, repeating the same movement, each time increasing the speed while lessening the pressure. Next, he targeted the upper back and shoulder blades, an area he knew Lucy held a lot of tension from carrying the weight of her voluptuous bosoms. With precise ministrations, Natsu applied careful pressure with his thumbs and follows the curve of the blades up and around to the top of the shoulder. He then searched with the pads of his fingers for any knots along her trap muscles, moving up along the spine and fanning out to the top of her shoulders.
“Oh, yeah, right there,” Lucy mewled when he reached a specific spot.
The area around her spine, between the shoulder blades held the most tension and knots from constantly holding the upright, flexed posture that wearing heels will create. Her wispy sighs signaled the release of her tense muscles, bringing another wave of pride swelling in him. Natsu continued onto her neck, his strong hands kneaded the supple flesh, fingers palpating and soothing all the knots. Her neck too, held a few tense areas, especially around the base of the head, so he did his best to melt them away. He worked through Lucy’s mewls and moaning sighs, almost sexual in nature, aroused and a little heated in the face knowing his handiwork brought forth such sounds. Ugh, how he wanted to hear more of it! Lucy putty in his hands and spread between his thighs, calling out his name…
“You’ve gotten better at this… Natsu,” the cocky teasing tone, snapped him out of his dream.
“Natsu?” He tried failingly to disguise his voice. “I’m Kenji, Ms. Heartfilia.”
“Uh-huh. You think I can’t tell the difference Natsu?” Lucy quipped back with a chuckle. “Kenji’s routine is very different. Plus, I knew the moment I smelled your cologne.”
“Tch. Well, if you knew it was me all along, why’d you let me do this?”
“Making you work is my payback.” She settled back down, relaxed on her arms. “Now, chop, chop, finish the job.”
This little minx! He was the one supposed to be torturing her this time, not the other way around! “Fine, kitten.” Natsu gritted out a smile and took hold of her neck again to placate and lull Lucy back into thinking he would go along. He massaged the sides with the tips of his fingers Both hands wrapped around, and his thumbs pushing up through her hair against the muscles on the back of her head.
“If only you’d taken care of me like this before,” Lucy mumbled.
Natsu paused and leaned over her ear. “Why not let me take care of you now?”
“You know the answer to that.”
“No, I don’t know the answer, that’s part of the problem!”
Lucy sighed. “Natsu, I don’t want to fight right now. I’m here to relax, not fight. If you’re done, then leave and send Kenji back in.”
“Oh, yeah. Why? Because he’s another one of your boy toys? He gonna be naughty again with you once I leave?!”
“Pfft, I said that knowing it was you, idiot.”
“I think you live to torture me, Angel. But you’re right. I don’t wanna fight right now either, so—” Natsu leaned down quick and latched his mouth onto the area between her shoulder blades, sucking hard.
Lucy squealed and reached back frantically trying to claw at his face, but he grabbed her hands, knowing if she struggled any harder, she risked completely exposing herself. He held her for a few seconds, and once satisfied he’d achieved his goal, let go.
“Natsu! Did you put a hickey on me?!”
“This Angel,” he trailed his fingers over Lucy’s tattoo as he spoke, “belongs to me. Will always be mine,” he whispered close to her ear. “You know it, I know it, and your boy toys will know it too.”
“I hate you.”
“Nah,” Natsu stood up and covered her back up with the sheet. “You hate that you don’t hate me. It’s okay. I still love you too. See ya around kitten.”
Natsu heard the woman’s sigh as the door closed behind him and smiled to himself. He knew she didn’t actually hate him, their relationship was just complicated at the moment, never love the actual problem between them… Though, it had been a dick move to give her a hickey, but that’s what Lucy gets for leading him on like that. She could’ve just stopped the massage immediately if she knew it was him all along, so to let him go through the entire process, it was tit for tat— and hey, at least it’s only temporary.
‘It’s your move next kitten…’
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kurosara · 3 years
Hongjoong x Reader
I didn’t proofread this or anything. I just wrote some middle of the night comfort I needed. 
Angst, sad
I felt my spine unconsciously shiver as yet another cool breeze fluttered heavily past me. A quick glance at my phone told me it was nearing 3 in the morning. The dim light of the screen faded, as my eyes cast back to the bare sky. It was a new moon tonight, and there weren’t many stars out either. There wasn’t anything interesting in the chilly fall weather, unless you counted the never slowing raindrops falling down my cheeks.
Why was I even crying again?
I couldn’t remember. I’d been crying that long. It hadn’t felt like it, but I’ve been sitting on the balcony of my bedroom, suffering in the chilled air, for nearly 6 hours. How long could such an overwhelming feeling last?
An eternity…
A cynical voice taunted me further with evasive thoughts similar to this. It’s dark, and lonely. I’ve whispered curses and wishes to no one. I’ve replied to… no one. Because all I could wonder was if anyone was really listening. The neatly decorated interior, fit with (f/c) furniture and various art pieces and large photos of me and my boyfriend hanging on the wall, felt eerily cruel the moment I walked in. The fleeting thought of my boyfriend stuck for a moment, like the breath hitching in my throat as I visualized his soft smile, a bit of nervousness from smiling at me for the very first time. The happy thought turned sour, the smile fading into a blank stare.
“I’ll be home late…”
The image dissipated with his words. I could barely taste the remnants of the ramen bowl I’d forced down before coming out onto the balcony. The taste was bitter and dry as I forcefully swallowed the growing lump of anxiety. My fingernails, or rather the remaining nubs since I’d chewed off all my nails earlier, felt sticky as they scratched nervously at the cold concrete I was sitting on. I could only assume it was blood from the scraping contact. The balcony’s railing taunted me similar to bars of a jail cell. But at least in prison there are other people.
But here? In this dark and lonely space I created for myself? There is no one. I’ve self-isolated. And every attempt to escape has never been followed through. If I unlocked my phone you’d see the contact pulled up where I’ve nearly called him. And before that a lengthy text that boiled down to one thing; I need you. The text was never sent of course. However, even now as I describe these feelings and sensations, I don’t feel them. They aren’t processed in my mind or my physical body. I simply sat in the corner of the balcony, knees pulled to my chest, staring into pure dark, as my body and the world continued past my racing thoughts of how this is where I should be.
I deserved to be alone.
Keys jingled in the background and it was painfully obvious the individual tried being quiet, but it wouldn’t matter. He could’ve kicked the door in screaming, and I wouldn’t budge an inch.
Hongjoong removed his shoes and hung up his coat on the nearby rack. His bag made a soft sound as he tried to gently slide it onto the couch, hoping his partner was sleeping peacefully, and trying not to disturb that. As he typically did when he ended up home this late, he trekked to the kitchen for a bottle of water to carry to bed. As he exited the kitchen, a cold breeze caught his attention.
Where’s that coming from?
Just like Hongjoong. He knew how much I hated being the slightest bit cold, so the house was always a warm temperature. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he gazed around the empty living room, noticing the cracked balcony door. Cautiously, he approached the door, peering out just the slightest bit and hoping there was no intruder lurking around.
Though he’d really hoped for that to be the case right now versus the sight he was met with.
His eyes barely made out my trembling figure in the corner, huddled against the wall. Immediately Hongjoong turned on the outdoor light and rushed to my side, carefully kneeling beside me.
“Y-y/n?” The worry was so thick in his voice, yet sweet. Like honey.
There he was. My boyfriend. Acknowledging my presence as he always does, yet I hadn’t heard a word. There was no light, though he very clearly turned one on. For a moment Hongjoong panicked. His eyes worriedly scanned my body, searching for any signs of hurt or reason for my being like this. He saw the bloody fingers and the tears still flowing. He knew what was happening, for sadly he’d seen it too many times even before they were dating. At least more times than I’d like. By now though, Hongjoong knew almost how to help. He adjusted his position to sit in front of me, his knees pulled up like mine. He touched his knees to mine, gently pulling my hands from the concrete as he rubbed soothing circles with his thumbs.
I felt the tingling of sensation from the touch, still all I saw was a never ending tunnel of darkness. Hongjoong brought my knuckles to his lips, placing gentle kisses on them before resting them onto our knees. His thumbs didn’t stop caressing the top of my hands as he simply stared into my eyes and mustered the kindest smile he could as he looked at my broken state.
“I know you probably won’t process what I’m saying right now, and that’s alright. Just focus on my voice ok?” He took a shaky breath, feeling his own tears well up, “You’ve been having a hard time lately haven’t you? I know you’ve been eating well and everything because I’ve seen it, but that doesn’t mean you’re alright. And it’s ok to not be ok. It’s not your fault.”
There was a flicker of light, like a shooting star passing across my vision. I swallowed another lump, feeling a bit of warmth from the original tingling sensation.
Hongjoong squeezed my hands, trying to urge warmth into your shivering body. Just the thought of how long you could’ve been freezing made him sick to his stomach. Nonetheless he continued to talk as calmly as he could.
“Just remember that there is someone here for you. I know you don’t always believe that, but it’s true. I am here. Right here.” A single tear rolled down his cheek unwillingly. “I’ll help you pick up the pieces you feel are broken and hold them together for you. I’ll be here to hold you steady when you’re shaking and keep you warm when you’re cold. I’m sorry I was late this time. There’s no telling how long you’ve been here.” Another tear. “But I’m here now baby. I love you.” He squeezed my hands gently once more.
Like a thread, his words formed a silver lining in the dark tunnel. My vision corrupted from pure black, to blurry shapes and images. The feeling of being frozen to my core was slowly warming in the places where his body touched mine. And finally, his beautiful, kind smile. So bright, and such a contrast to the dark space I’d been suffering in. There was a soft ringing that slowly got louder, as I realized his lips were moving. Hongjoong was speaking, yet I could only hear the ringing. Hongjoong saw the way my eyes scanned his face just the smallest bit. His smile grew a bit.
“There you are. It’s ok. Take your time.” He leaned forward, never breaking eye contact as he kissed the back of my hands lovingly.
I squeezed his hands gently, the feeling, or void of feeling, was quickly fading, and in its place a crushing weight on my throat and lungs. My chest heaved at my increased breathing pace, worrying Hongjoong as he realized the anxiety was setting in more than the previous emptiness. Without releasing my hands, he scooted to sit beside me. He let go of one hand to wrap his arm around my shoulder, leaving a gentle kiss on my temple as he whispered sweet nothings.
His voice trickled in like a small river, every other word registering before his kindness fully processed. My beating heart didn’t slow, but it became easier to breathe as I buried my head in the crook of his neck silently. He pulled me closer with one arm, resting his forehead on my hair.
“Do you want to go inside and get under the blankets?” The first full sentence I’d registered in my mind.
I absentmindedly nodded, but before I could attempt to move, Hongjoong was picking me up bridal style, careful like I was an expensive glass or diamond jewelry. Once in our shared bedroom, he placed me on the bed before tossing back the covers and tucking them around me like a child. With a reassuring smile he left the room. Although I knew where he was going, I gripped the covers tightly anxiously waiting for his return.
In a matter of minutes Hongjoong returned with two cups of hot chocolate with small marshmallows, and a pack of hershey’s kisses tucked under his arm too. He set one cup down and offered me the other, which I had to fumble from under the covers to shakily take the cup. The warm liquid felt comforting, with just a splash of caramel the way I loved it. A soft melody played as Hongjoong connected to the bluetooth speaker on the dresser, playing soft instrumentals he had been working on the days prior. Hongjoong climbed into the bed, careful of me and my drink, and opened the chocolates, feeding me one as he grabbed his own drink.
He took the drink gently from me, and pulled a small first aid kit from his pocket, beginning to tend to my wounded fingers. He tried to be as gentle as possible, though I couldn’t stop the involuntary flinching everytime there was direct contact to the broken skin. He continued mumbling soft apologies and comforting words nonetheless. Once he finished wrapping my fingers, he continued with his early motion of serving me my drink and feeding me hershey kisses.
I’m not sure how long we sat like that. Hongjoong rested his head against the headboard, one hand gently playing with strands of my hair, while the other held my own hand. Originally, he had alternated between feeding me chocolates and bringing his now cold drink to his lips. The time on Hongjoong’s phone read 5:52 am. I had long since finished my drink and passed out with my head on his shoulder sometime after 4 I think. Hongjoong hummed softly to the still playing music, like a soothing lullaby. He wanted to make sure I was fully asleep before deciding to move.
Hongjoong gently laid me on the pillow, going to turn off the lamp he’d had on and turning the music down a little more, before crawling back into bed. He cuddled me from behind, his warm chest pressed against my back as he pulled me closer to him in a tight embrace.
“Goodnight my love. Have sweet dreams. When you wake, I’ll be here. I promise. I won’t let you be lonely in the dark if I can help it. I love you. So I hope you use that love as a light. It’s not too late. So don’t give up, ok? We can do this. I love you.”
With a simple kiss to my head, he nuzzled closer, leaving me with floating thoughts.
It’s not too late. I’m not alone.
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weathergirl8 · 3 years
Master of Deflection - Part 5
My muse has finally cooperated in small helpings and I was finally able to finish this chapter. Here's to hoping it continues. I don't need any more WIPs hanging out in the dark depths of my brain waiting for attention. Also, the dark part of my mind doesn't need any help.
This is for you @ak47stylegirl and anyone else who enjoys Alan whump/smothering. Of course, there will be some extra Virgil in there too, because I just love the big guy.
@misssquidtracy - LOOK SQUIDDY!! AN UPDATE!
@gumnut-logic - Not much Virg, but still Virg :)
@willow-salix - Some smothering John if you'd like (also no beta on this one, 'twas a late night impulse post)
As a friendly reminder, I originally came from the TOS and TB 2004 era. I’ve tried to write a few TAG point of views, but my comfort zone is the previous. This will take place with Gordon as the redhead, and Virgil as the middle bro. Sorry!
Summary: Being the youngest of five is always hard, especially when they pounce at the slightest hair out of line. Sometimes the art of deflection can sting.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
John quietly pushed open the door to his youngest brother’s bedroom. Alan laid fast asleep under the strewn covers. The poor kid had clearly been restless. John laid the fresh glass of water on the nightstand and gently checked his baby brother’s forehead. Heat radiated from the eighteen year old’s skin, making the older blonde frown in concern. Pulling his hand away, he pushed a few stray strands of hair that stuck to Alan’s sweaty forehead.
The younger blonde began to stir, letting out a quiet moan as a cough erupted from him. John turned on the light from Alan’s ensuite and wet a washcloth. Returning to his baby brother’s side, John laid the cool cloth along his brother’s forehead.
Alan coughed once more and opened his eyes to the blurry figure leaning over him.
“Hey, Allie,” John smiled as Alan’s eyes slowly focused on him.
“Aww, man, Dad’s overreacting,” Alan groaned. “He pulled you from the station?”.
“Nice to see you too, Squirt,” John chuckled. “No, he didn’t pull me. Brains insisted I come down to give an extra hand while you’re laid up.”
Alan pushed himself up against his headboard, pulling the wet washcloth from his forehead. He reached for a kleenex to blow his nose. “It’ll be nice to have you around. Even if I am sick.”
“How are you feeling?” John asked as he handed his brother a glass of water.
Alan coughed as the water tickled his already irritated throat. “Like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
“You sound like it, kiddo. Anything I can do for you?” John asked as he took the water from Alan and laid it back on the nightstand. He didn’t like how congested Alan sounded. “Are you up to eating anything?”
Alan groaned at the thought of food as he let his head lean against his headboard. “Food doesn’t even sound appealing.”
“You’ve got to eat something, Allie. It’ll keep your strength up to fight this bug. How about some soup?”
“Okay, fine,” Alan agreed as he tried to move out of bed.
“Whoa, where do you think you’re going? I’ll bring it to you. You stay here and rest,” John ordered as he pushed Alan back down.
“Okay,” Alan sighed, only causing another coughing fit to erupt. He moaned as he rubbed his chest.
“You okay?” John asked worriedly.
“Peachy,” Alan croaked. “Chest hurts a little. Can you ask Virgil where the humidifiers are? Maybe that’ll help me breathe.”
“Sure,” John smiled in sympathy. “Maybe he can give you something that’ll help with that cough too, along with the congestion.”
“Yea, maybe,” Alan said as he laid his aching head back against his pillow and pulled a blanket back over him as a sudden chill filled his achy body.
“I’ll be right back,” John said, heading for the door.
“Mmm,” Alan muttered and closed his eyes as John left the room.
John quickly made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, his eyes set on exactly what he was looking for. Kyrano’s homemade soup generally cured any sickness that filled the Island.
Grabbing a tray, John waited for the soup to warm in the microwave. His mind wandered to the day's events. To the rogue Captain and how close two of his brothers came to being hurt.
A beeping sound erupted from the microwave interrupting his thoughts. Turning, the astronaut heard the sound of whistling. John immediately recognized the tune and smiled as Virgil entered the kitchen.
“Hey, John,” the middle Tracy greeted. “How’s the adjustment to Earth? Feeling okay?”
“I’m all good,” John replied, taking the soup out of the microwave and placing it on the tray. “I’m not the one we need to worry about.”
“Alan?” Virgil asked, concerned.
“I just checked on the kid,” John sighed. “He agreed to try some soup, but he complained of his chest hurting and having trouble breathing. He wanted me to check with you for a humidifier. I think he thought it would help.”
Virgil frowned. “Try and see if you can get him to eat, and I’ll meet you in Alan’s room. I’m going to stop in the infirmary and grab a few things.”
“Okay,” John nodded and headed back toward his baby brother’s bedroom.
Entering Alan’s room, the older blonde smirked as he noticed Alan had fallen asleep once more. Turning on the light on Alan’s nightstand, John frowned at how pale his baby brother looked. Rubbing Alan’s arm, John noticed a bruise had formed along the younger astronaut’s arm. Exactly where Captain Stern’s had grabbed him. Anger filled the second oldest but quickly dissipated as Alan’s groggy eyes peered open. “Hey, kiddo. How about we try that soup?”
“Okay,” Alan croaked as he pushed himself up. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he nearly smacked his head against his headboard before John steadied him.
“You okay?” John asked with worry as he helped Alan lean against his headboard.
“I’m fine,” Alan reassured hoarsely, coughing once more. The eighteen year old rubbed his chest in discomfort. Looking down at the soup on the tray John laid in front of him, he smiled. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Sure is, Sprout. Let’s hope it does the trick!”
Alan took a couple of spoonfuls of Kryano’s soup while John rewet the washcloth. A chill shivered its way throughout his whole achy body. Grabbing a blanket from the floor, Alan wrapped it around his body. “This sucks,” he muttered to himself.
“I would have to agree with you,” Virgil grinned as he entered the room. “Lucky for you, I come with presents.”
Alan rolled his eyes as John laid the cold washcloth against the back of his neck. “How the heck can I be freezing, but my body on fire?” he grumbled.
“Let’s check that fever, shall we?” Virgil smirked as he ran the thermometer across his baby brother’s forehead. As the machine beeped, the medic’s smirk dropped.
John peered over Virgil’s shoulder as 101.2 shined across the device, causing both brothers to meet each other with an uneasy gaze. A deep cough erupted from the youngest Tracy, causing him to hold his chest as several coughs followed.
“Alan, does your chest hurt every time you cough?” Virgil asked as he grabbed his stethoscope.
“Just about,” the teen wheezed.
“Okay,” Virgil nodded. “Take a few deep breathes for me if you can.”
Alan did as his brother asked but was quickly overtaken by another coughing fit. “Easy, Allie,” Virgil coaxed, trying not to let his concern show. “I don’t like the sound of that cough. Let’s try another round of meds, and I’ll get the humidifier hooked up to help with your congestion.”
“Whatever you say,” Alan moaned as he closed his eyes and leaned his aching head against his headboard once more.
John looked at him with sympathy. “Do you want to try to eat any more soup?”
“No, I just want to sleep,” Alan said, as John took the tray away and he collapsed back against his bed.
“Get some more rest, Sprout. I’ll come back and check on you in a couple of hours to see how you’re doing,” Virgil said, handing Alan his meds.
The teen gladly took the meds as he watched his older brother start the humidifier, the vapor mist filling the room. “Thanks, Virg.”
“Don’t mention it,” Virgil smiled as he ruffled Alan’s hair. “If you need anything, just reach out, okay?”
“Mmm,” Alan mumbled as he closed his eyes once more.
Virgil turned off the lights and followed John into the hallway, closing Alan’s door behind him. “Should we be worried?” John asked as he turned to meet his closest older brother.
Virgil rubbed the back of his neck as he noted the time on his watch. “Viruses are quick-change artists, Johnny. You know this. I’m concerned about that cough and the discomfort in his chest. I’ll check on him in a couple of hours and decide whether we should start him on a round of antibiotics. I’m hoping his body will start to fight it before we get to that.”
John nodded in understanding, his knowledge of medicine filtering in. “Should I loop Dad in?”
Virgil smirked, recognizing John’s need to play communicator even on Earth. “No, not yet. He worries enough as it is. Let’s not give him another reason. I’m hoping to keep him out of Allie’s room as much as possible before he sets up camp. I don’t want to impose the caffeine restrictions unless absolutely necessary.”
John chuckled. Jeff’s consumption of caffeine was well known across the Island in stressful situations. Something Virgil and Jeff’s cardiologist were particularly strict about. “Agreed, let’s not poke the bear.”
“Well, it’s nearly midnight. We better get some sleep before the next mission interrupts us. I’ll be up in two hours to check on the kid,” Virgil said as he headed toward his room.
“Keep me updated, will you? Don’t worry about waking me.”
“F.A.B,” Virgil replied and entered his room. The medic couldn’t help but feel a sense of worry creep its way into his mind. All they could do was wait. After all, it was just a simple virus, right?
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szamsson · 4 years
more bad boy sander pleaseeee
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Robbe stormed home, slamming doors on the way as if there was no one else sleeping. Once he got to his bedroom he was absolutely seething. He slammed the door with such force that he thought it might break off it’s hinges. After that he ripped his t-shirt over his head and his pants down his legs. They felt dirty, tainted, a reminder that tonight was real. So, he rolled them up into a ball and shoved them into the very back of his closet. His inner drama queen wanted to take them outside to the trash shoot. But he wasn’t quite gone enough for that. Once he was done shedding his clothes, he dived face first into his bed, covering his face with the two navy pillows lying there, just as flat and dejected as he was.
Without permission his eyes started to water, then he was crying, then he was sobbing and screaming into his pillow whilst punching the sides of his bed. He was being stupid, he knew that. But he had so much pent up hurt and anger he needed it released. Sander didn’t give a shit and why should he? They barely knew each other and Robbe knew what he was like and this wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to feel like this.
Eventually Robbe woke up the next morning, tears stuck to his face like glue, feeling groggy and defeated. Luckily, he had managed to set his alarm amongst the angst he as feeling last night, and eventually rolled out of bed, got ready and made his way to school.
“He—woah you look rough.” Jens greeted him as he breached the front gates of the school.
“Thanks,” Robbe replied dryly, knowing his eyes were so bloodshot there was no way he would have a chance of escaping his friends pestering.
“Are you okay bro?” Jens slung an arm around his shoulders, looking more serious than Robbe had seen him in some time.
“I’m fine,” Robbe mumbled, barely looking up, “I just didn’t sleep well.”
“Well we can see that,” Aaron added, clearly oblivious to the current tension in the air. Robbe didn’t have the energy to say anything more so they all walked silently to their first class.
The day was so long and so hard. It felt like 6 hours was dragged into 2 weeks and Robbe thought at one point he might have to excuse himself to pass out in the bathroom for a bit. Once his last class was finished, he hauled his bag back onto his shoulder and left the room, pulling his headphones over his ears until suddenly they were pulled off abruptly.
Robbe turned around the come face to face with Sander. Looking even worse than he did, deep purple bags under his eyes, hair greasy and all over the place. Sander’s eyes were dull and held no emotion as he stared back at Robbe. This made Robbe roll his eyes, all sympathy for the boy leaving as he shrugged him off and made a beeline for the front gate.
“Robbe, Robbe, ROBBE!” He heard behind him, forcing himself to keep his gaze forward. It wasn’t until a platinum blonde head of hair appeared, blocking his line of vision, and his route to the exit gates of the school.
“I’m sorry,” Sander said, trying to get Robbe to look him in the eyes, “I’m fucking sorry.” He sounded frustrated now. Not with Robbe, but with himself.
Robbe slowly looked up, and as soon as their eyes met, Sander dragged Robbe by the elbow into one of the art classrooms to their right, that was barely used. After dragging him into the room, Sander closed the one blind that showed access to the students streaming past outside and turned on Robbe.
“I was a dick last night and I’m sorry, you deserve better and I really really like you and I think that maybe—” Sander was cut of by Robbe’s harsh voice, which spat out like venom across the classroom.
“You think that what? I’m an easy tagert? Well fucking yeah Sander, you know I like you!” Robbe was so mad he couldn’t help balling his fists.
“And how stupid of me,” Robbe continued, he couldn’t control the words coming out of his mouth, he didn’t even believe them. “You’re a fucking slut Sander, everyone told me you were bad news, you couldn’t even stick to one school, Jesus Christ get you shit together Sander!” He was yelling by the end, didn’t even notice that he had crossed a line or that his volume had reached hella high levels.
Sander’s face conveyed about 10 emotions in half a minute. Robbe stared as the Blonde’s face went from offended, to heartbroken, to ashamed to sad to angry.
“Well at least I know what I want Robbe.” Sander said calmly, fire in his eyes. “At least I’m not hiding in front of my friends. At least I’m not climbing into someone’s lap and then judging them by their fucking reputation.” Sander had angry tears dripping down his face by the end of his speech.
“Bye Robbe.” Sander said finally, wiping his cheeks violently whilst walking away from the younger boy.
Robbe felt hollow and just plain empty.
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pkg4mumtown · 4 years
Welcome to Hawkins PD (Ch. 4)
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Chapter Title: Eyes n’ Thighs
Chapter 4 of 9?
Read Chapter 3 / Masterlist
AN: Would you believe that I did the art before I even wrote this chapter? Lol
Warnings: Cursing, Hopper trying to be a big, strong man, grumpy Hop, awkward touches
Summary: After one too many accidental shower incidents, you’re determined to hang some curtains.
Taglist: @kingphillipblake​
Lmk if you want to be removed or added from my taglist
After a couple more shower mishaps over the week, I finally decided it was time to hang some curtains in the bathroom. The mishaps, while humiliating on my end were also exhilarating considering they were all to do with Hopper. One of these included Hopper having to throw me my towel that I’d left on my desk, with me trying to cover myself in the tiny shower. If I saw a glimpse of his eye between his fingers as they covered his face, I saved him the embarrassment and didn’t mention it.
When my shift was over, I just about ran out of the station to get in my car and make it to the hardware store before they closed. I had found a drill and drill bit set that Hopper left in his trailer, so I counted my lucky stars that I didn’t have to buy one. I managed to find some hooks and curtains that should suffice for the bathroom. There was no way this quick job was going to be anything fancy.
I couldn’t have been gone from the station for more than half an hour, but when I pulled up, everyone’s car was gone except for Hopper's. The few days I’d been here, I noticed he tended to leave later than everyone else, but I didn’t bother pressing him about it. I hauled the necessary equipment into the bathroom, trying not to disturb him with too much noise as I did.
I set up the tallest step ladder I could find at the trailer, hoping my height would be enough. I unbuttoned my uniform shirt and shrugged it off, leaving me in my long sleeve undershirt, which would offer more mobility. I did the same with my duty belt and set both items out of harm’s way. I roughly marked, with a pencil, where I was going to drill the holes for the hooks before readying the drill. As I marked, I knew this wasn’t going to be safe as I stood on my tippy toes to touch the ceiling.
I slid on a pair of safety glasses I’d found, so as not to get anything in my eyes and started climbing the wobbly ladder with the drill in hand. I lined up the drill bit with the mark, trying to balance on my tippy toes to get enough pressure to push into the drill. Before I could press the trigger, a deep, surprised voice caught me off guard.
“What in the hell!?” I heard Hopper’s voice echo in the bathroom.
In my state of unbalance on my toes, the step ladder wobbled ominously as I jumped. Hopper leaped forward, grabbing my hips with both hands, and stepping on the bottom step to steady the ladder. I gulped, feeling his firm grip tighten each time the step ladder wobbled. I crouched down to lower my center of gravity, inadvertently pushing my ass towards his face which was confirmed by the grunt he made. As soon as I was steady, he released me and let me step down on to solid ground.
“Hey, Chief,” I stammered, still rattled from almost falling.
I faced him, seeing his arms folded tightly across his chest in annoyance at having to catch me.
“You could have asked for help, you know,” Hopper sighed loudly. “I don’t need you hurting yourself before the end of your first week.”
“I don’t need help, sir, I can do it,” I rolled my eyes.
Hopper quirked his eyebrow at me, having noticed the eye roll, making me look away quickly. I heard him grumble under his breath as his hands began to unbutton his uniform shirt and tossed it on the bench. My eyes were glued to his hands as he pulled his sleeves up to his forearms. Hopper stuck out his hand, looking pointedly at the drill. He took his hat off and tossed it on top of my duty belt before snatching the drill from my hand.
“That stool is in really bad shape, Chief,” I cringed as he climbed to the second step.
“It’s a good thing I don’t have to go as high as you, then, huh?” he grunted, angling his body so he could line the drill up.
“Oh, wait!” I stopped him before he pressed the trigger. I stuck out the safety goggles, which he stared at like I’d just offered him a steaming pile of shit.
“Men don’t wear safety goggles,” he looked at me in disbelief, like I should have known.
“Men who want to keep their eyeballs do,” I rolled my eyes yet again, earning me another warning glare.
“Uh-huh,” he dismissed me, looking back up at the ceiling and readying himself again. He pressed the trigger and squinted, making a hole in the plaster quickly.
Hopper made quick work of the hooks, having almost all of them up within a few minutes. As he drilled the last hole, he had to force the drill bit back out when he felt it get stuck. A frown worked its way onto his features as he yanked down on the drill and finally pulled it from the ceiling. As a result of the thread ripping through the plaster, particles came flying from the hole and flew directly into his face.
“Son of a bitch!” he yelped, his free hand immediately flying to his eyes as he took a hesitant step down the stepladder.
I ran up behind him, immediately helping him down and shoving him toward one of the two showers. He tried to plant himself before we approached the shower head, but I gave him one more shove, so he was under the metal protrusion. I turned the water on, not bothering to check how cold it was before pushing his upper back so his head would be under the spray. He let out a frustrated growl as the icy water hit his face, but let it wash over his eyes anyway.
“Fuck,” he groaned, rubbing his eyes slightly.
“Don’t do that,” I batted his hands away, getting my own hands wet in the process. I heard him take in a frustrated breath, clearly unhappy with the entire situation. “Open your eyes,” I murmured, trying to see around the water.
“Gee, I didn’t think of that,” he replied sarcastically through a mouthful of water. “I wish I could.”
I leaned around him, finally able to see his twitching eyelids, so I used a finger to push the skin below his eye down so that at least some water would help wash out the plaster. When he was through with my prying, he slapped the faucet handle and turned the water off abruptly. He yanked himself away from me and started stalking back to where his belongings were.
“Chief, wait! Just sit down,” I called after him.
“I’m fine,” he replied in a terse, annoyed tone, lifting his arm up to wipe his face with his plaster dusted sleeve.
“Jim,” I responded forcefully, gripping his wrist in a vice grip before his arm could touch his face.
His jaw clenched, his cheeks and ears red in what looked like anger but could have just as easily been in embarrassment. His eyes fluttered open slightly, the whites of his eyes turned pink from his not-so-gentle rubbing. His hooded gaze stared me down as he ground his jaw and inhaled loudly but relented and finally sat on the bench. He moved to wipe his face again after sitting, earning a slap on the back of his hand.
I quickly yanked open my locker an grabbed a clean washcloth to dry his face with. I strode back over to him on a mission, purposely bumping my knee against his so he’d spread his legs. I batted his hands away impatiently, feeling too much like I was taking care of temperamental child. I dried the skin around his eyes, then brought my thumbs to his face with the intention to gently pull skin away from his eyes so they’d open wider. He grimaced at the gesture and pulled his head away sharply, making me grab the sides of his face so he’d stop. I moved so fast that I leaned too far forward and nearly fell on him, only stopped by his hands grabbing the tops of my thighs and pushing slightly. I gulped and paused for a second, but when I realized he didn’t plan on moving his hands from me, I took a shaky breath and carried on.
I opened each eye carefully and examined it. ���Look up,” I murmured, feeling his fingers tighten around my thighs briefly. “Down,” I instructed, trying to ignore the tingle of his thumb brushing ever so slightly across the material of my trousers. “Good, all good,” I sighed, thankful nothing was damaged but also inadvertently responding to his touch.
“Yea?” he murmured, blinking a few times after I let go of his face.
I placed my hands on his shoulders, knowing I should just back away and hang the curtains, but I didn’t want to move. His eyes bored back into mine for a few tense moments before he realized what he was doing and dropped his hands. He cleared his throat and stood quickly, making me stumble back as his body straightened and pushed me out of his space.
“I’ve gotta go get my kid,” he mumbled, grabbing his belongings, and storming out of the bathroom.
I watched him go and gulped at all these feelings rushing through my head. I did not have feelings for my boss. I repeated this in my head over and over while finishing my task of hanging curtains. There was no way I could have feelings for this grumpy jerk, right?
Chapter 5
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Whumptober Day 15: Your Blood On My Lips
Summary: Written for Whumptober Day 15. Set in a Modern Vampire AU. A human/vampire relationship is taboo amongst vampires as it endangers the long-kept secret of their existence and as a result, humans simply don't survive these relationships for long. After spending the last five years with Astrid, it finally catches up with him, too.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Words: 4 204
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: "Magical Healing”
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: Written for the Whumptober prompt "Magical Healing" because that is technically what happens here, which is why it's not an actual death fic.
Was really excited to get this one done when I first started it, but then I suddenly lost motivation for it and finished it TODAY. Hopefully, it won't be too obvious. :'D
But hey! I reached the halfway point of Whumptober! That's exciting!
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Long after midnight, Hiccup is still up and awake. Having been working on an art commission at this hour, he straightens in his chair and stretches his back before following that up by rubbing the back of his neck.
He's so stiff and he shouldn't still be up at this hour as there is plenty of time for him to be working on this paid commission. It's supposed to be a digital art piece of a dragon that he'd promised by the end of the week.
But then again, that isn't the only reason why he hasn't gone to bed yet as there is still one other reason why.
He's waiting for someone, the love of his life, and she should be here soon.
As a matter of fact, she just got home. He can tell by the soft opening and closing of the front door of their shared apartment, but that is about the only way he can tell. And all because she wants him to know when she's home instead of sneaking up on him like some kind of intruder. Thankfully, those days are far behind them.
He doesn't hear her footsteps in the hallway or the door to their living room opening.
"You're still up." He just hears her voice and feels her hands glide down from his shoulders followed by a peck on the top of his head as she stands behind him.
"You're back!" Hiccup remarks happily and looks up to face Astrid, his girlfriend. His hands are on hers. Hers are quite cool while his are always warm, something she quite likes.
"I am. Not as early as I intended to be, but I'm here now." She tells him, smiling.
"You know you don't need to wait up for me."
"I know I don't, which doesn't mean that I won't." He tells her in return and a kiss is placed on his lips this time. He returns it because how can he not.
They break apart and smile. Her piercingly blue eyes that almost seem to glow gaze down at him while strands of her hair fall down from the sides of her face.
"You are adorable when you look at me as if you're lovesick," Astrid tells him, similarly as engrossed in his beauty as he is caught in hers. Her fingers run through his hair, playing with the wild locks. It's from the dragon-riding, though Toothless isn't allowed to leave the Dragon Sanctuary he lives on.
"As if?" He asks and takes her hand into his own.
Astrid smiles down at him, but then it falters just a tad bit as something pops into her mind, like a reminder. She bites her bottom lip, both out of growing excitement and a slight bit of guilt.
As they haven't changed position at all, Hiccup can't help but notice.
"Hey, I recognize that face. You know you can ask, right? I'm feeling better." He tells her, his neck starting to hurt from all it's been through this evening.
"And you know that I don't want to take more than necessary." She responds, reminding him of her vow to never take more than she needs to, though she hungers.
"But you need it. I can see that you do." His hand strokes her forearm, which is just as cold as her hand is, just as cold as the rest of her is.
She can't argue with him on that. She's been feeling a little weak, a little under the weather, and that means she needs to feed. She needs blood and Hiccup is always ready to offer up his own.
She's a vampire, has been at least for the past couple of decades, maybe a century. She doesn't really care how long it's been, she hasn't cared about time ever since she got turned. Not until she met Hiccup about five years ago when he was 20 years old.
"You're welcome to my blood, you always are." Hiccup tells her, encouraging her to take care of her needs.
"Okay, fine, if you're being this insistent." Astrid straightens and moves to his front. Her eyes never leave his as she walks with a look of both love and a deep desire in them.
Hiccup watches her with slight nervousness, never quite certain what to expect from her. He's been through this a million times by now, but it's still a little bit of a surprise every time. It's her method, that's what changes every time just a bit.
This night, she goes for the direct approach, climbing up on his desk chair with him and straddling his lap. She presses their bodies together and then their foreheads. She can almost feel his pulse against her unmoving chest.
"Thank you for always welcoming me." Astrid thanks him, more grateful than she can ever express.
Smiling, Hiccup wraps his arms around her.
"Of course, I love you." He shrugs, feeling like this is only natural. She'll always be welcome to their home and to him.
Astrid places a peck on his lips, another one he returns, and then she places a hand on his jawline while he cocks his head to the side at the same time. It happens so smoothly, it tells of how many times they've done this before.
Licking the front of her teeth and then her lips, her fangs grow in the excitement of what she's about to do. Bringing her mouth closer to his neck, she lets those fangs caress his neck, forcing him to take a deep breath.
Gently grasping his hair, Astrid pulls his head to the side and places feathery kisses on the side of his neck, taking her time before she bites down and makes her fangs sink into his flesh.
They dig into his neck and Hiccup's body naturally jumps at the pain. He's still holding onto her, hands on her hips to keep himself grounded, as his blood leaves his body to feed and strengthen her. He can feel it leaving him, can feel her draining him. He knows better than to fear for his life, but the instinct to escape from her remains.
He can't deny the rush this gives him, however. It's like jumping from a cliff without ever needing to leave the comfort of his own home. His heart is pounding, it's pounding so loud. But then, he's already full of bitemarks, so he's not unfamiliar with this sensation and he expects it, anticipates it.
There are more than one on the sides of his throat, one side having a few more than the other. One on a shoulder that was put there simply for fun during a moment much more intimate than this. His wrists carry a few of these marks, too, and there is even one mark on a thigh of his. That spot, like his shoulder, wouldn't provide Astrid with any blood either and had been put there purely out of lust.
She likes seeing those marks on him and they will probably stay there for the remainder of his life. They've taken to calling them lovebites and it isn't far from the truth.
Astrid's eyes closed, she can feel him trembling beneath her, can detect his quickened pulse, can hear the barely repressed moans of pain, discomfort, and enjoyment. Hopefully, the neighbors can't hear them like last time.
He doesn't have a bite kink, not quite, but there is still something he's getting out of this. Something only Astrid can give him.  There is something intimate about this, something only the two of them can have.
Once fed and back to her original strength, Astrid leaves his neck, and her tongue licks at the blood escaping from the bite mark. She can feel the rush in her body as her significant other's blood revitalizes her.
"Are you okay?" She asks, whispering in his ear, and feels Hiccup nod.
Pulling back, she gazes at his slightly paler complexion, the sweat on his brow, the shivering of his body, the blood running down his neck in a thin line and nearly reaching the collar of his shirt.
She's always liked seeing him this way, trembling beneath her and his blood staining his skin. But only like this, when it's something he has welcomed her to.
Seeing the look in her eyes, Hiccup lets out a breathy chuckle.
"You are such a sadist." He tells her.
"Hiccup, you know I don't do this without you telling me it's okay," Astrid responds with a laugh of her own. And then she leans down again and rubs her nose against his.
"Besides if this makes me a sadist, what exactly does that make you?" She asks, her voice low. Hiccup smiles up at her.
"Tired, for one!" Astrid returns it and moves off him.
"You need some help getting to bed?" She offers, holding a hand of his as she figures he won't be getting up when he feels so weak. Not with his prosthetic.
"I would like to get to the couch. It's movie night!"
"It's almost 3 am," Astrid argues. No way are they pulling another all-nighter, if he even makes it that far.
"Perfect time for a movie, then!" Hiccup insists on having one. There aren't a lot of things a vampire-human couple can do without drawing attention to themselves. So when a movie night arrives, Hiccup looks forward to having them.
Ah, dork. it's the only thing Astrid can think as she relents.
"Fine, movie night." She sighs, knowing he'll be out like a light in less than half an hour.
Knowing that vampires exist means knowing that there are vampire communities everywhere and that means knowing that the occasional dirty look he gets is from a vampire who knows he shouldn't even be alive. And since Berk has grown from a small fishing town to a slightly bigger fishing town, that means he knows they are here, too.
And seeing him, well, that just makes some of them so angry.
Because there is a reason why every living human still believes they are made up stories and that's simply because humans don't tend to live for very long after they find out. So why should he be any different?
At the very least, he can take comfort in the fact that he may very well be the record holder for "longest-lived human who knows vampires exist". Not the catchiest title, but a title nonetheless.
It's late one night when he's closing up Gobber's blacksmithing and mechanics shop that he feels like he's being watched. Though always on his guard, he doesn't have any reason to think that there's actually something there. All he has to go on is the tingling feeling of eyes watching his back and making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
He rolls the garage door down and takes a look behind him, seeing nothing but a streetlight and an empty field as Gobber's is quite isolated. Right next door, there is a gas station, probably the only one in the entire town, but that isn't too comforting.
Seeing nothing behind him, Hiccup decides to take a chance and crouches down to lock the place up with a heavy padlock before heading home for the night.
But then he stands back up and there is a man now standing there, under the light of the nearest streetlight and Hiccup jumps at the sudden appearance. He hadn't heard any footsteps at all.
It's a man, someone he only vaguely recognizes as being from around here. And a vampire, too. The unnatural silence in his sneak gives him away.
"So you're him?" The man asks, no greeting or anything. Never in his entire life, has Hiccup ever heard so much contempt be spoken in three simple words.
Two more people appear and Hiccup only vaguely recognizes them as also being from around here. They definitely dress the part of local vampire. So does Astrid, so maybe that's a vampire thing.
"Hi-him?" He asks, stuttering. He knows that there is no use hiding his growing apprehension from them, they can tell either way.
"Astrid's blood bag."
Hiccup stares at the three, unable to form any sort of meaningful reply. The insult, while on the more unusual side, is not appreciated. It makes him feel like a piece of meat and not as eye candy, but as one meant to be eaten.
Not taking his eyes off them, Hiccup attempts to back away, but hits the garage door and it rattles behind him. They've got him cornered.
"Are you scared?" The one left of him asks as the three stalk closer, nonchalantly approaching as if they aren't planning on ripping his throat out. That or sucking him dry of everything he has.
"When three complete strangers paler than my bleak life expectancy corner me in the wee hours of the night? Not at all!" Hiccup replies, inching towards the shop's door, which he hadn't locked yet.
"Oh look, this one's got jokes, fun." The woman on the right remarks.
"Ah well, what's the point of facing death if you're not going to have at least a little bit of fun? You know, before life flashes before my eyes and I take my very, very last breath." He reaches the door as he talks, planning on diving inside, locking it behind him, and hoping that'll buy him enough time to grab something to defend himself with.
It's not like he's completely unprepared, he's known since Astrid told him what she was that this day, or night, would come.
"Last breath, yes. But it'll take a while." The middle vampire says and as he licks his front teeth and his fangs appear, appear on all of them, Hiccup takes this as his cue that things are about to go down.
As all three of them hiss at him, Hiccup throws the door behind him open, hurrying it closed behind him and locking it. Safe for now.
When Hiccup is late that night, Astrid worries. It's not like he hasn't been late before, but knowing the taboo nature of their relationship and those who are against it, she can't help but worry.
She decides to check out Gobber's workshop first, knowing that was where he was supposed to work this afternoon and evening. Sometimes Hiccup can lose himself in a project or job and he needs someone to tear him away from it, she hopes that is what is going on here.
But then she arrives and sees the door to the shop broken open. And if her heart were still beating, it would've stopped.
"Hiccup," She mutters, panic setting in, and she rushes inside. Whether this is a simple burglary or her worst fear come true, she doesn't need to think of her safety. What worries her the most is Hiccup's.
Her worst fear is that vampires are here, that one or more have come to do what Astrid has been refusing to do; finish him off.
She enters the workshop and finds chaos as glass cracks beneath her feet. Not quite like someone ransacked the place in search of valuables, but still messier than she's used to.
"Hiccup?!" Usually, she wouldn't just call out like that, but she can't hear anything and can only conclude that, whatever danger has been here, has already gone.
Hiccup doesn't respond.
So he managed to get away? He's had to, right? Otherwise, this place wouldn't be so quiet and it would be crawling with live vampires.
Is it silly to hope that's what happened? That Hiccup got away and is on his way home now?
But then something catches the corner of her eyes and she looks over, spotting a pair of legs lying on the concrete floor.
The shoes and jeans, they don't look like anything her boyfriend would wear and so she knows that it can't possibly be him, but that only comforts her for so much.
She comes over, caring little for what she thinks can only have been someone with ill-intention, but still needing to take a look as the body may be able to tell her something.
And tell her something it does.
What's lying dead before her in the doorway leading to a small storage area is a male vampire, she can see the fangs and she can see the wooden stake. Though seeing one of the few things that can kill her stuck in another of her kind's chest can still send chills down her spine, what makes her feel cold the most is that only one person could've put that there.
After she told him what she was and that their relationship means others like her might come to kill him, she'd told him to keep a stake, garlic, any and all vampire repellants somewhere closeby. So when she isn't around, he can still protect himself.
He thought it was ridiculous at first, why would anyone be coming for someone as harmless as him? But it turns out he has listened to her concerns.
And clearly, it worked, clearly, he managed to take at least one down by his own hand before he was... So where did he go?
The sound of shuffling and something metal falling to the floor reaches her ear.
"As-Ast-trid?" A wheezy voice reaches her and only because her hearing is exceptional. It's so quiet.
She looks over, gaze traveling deeper into the storage area, and she finds someone lying in a pool of his own blood.
"Hiccup!" She shouts and hurries over, jumping over the dead body to reach him.
He's lying on the ground in a corner, curled up after having slid down from the shelves he was leaning against. She can tell from the red smeared on them.
She kneels by him, helping him when he makes a move to sit up.
"There-there were... There were vampires, three of them. I-"
"Shhh, we'll talk about this later, we need to get you to the hospital." As she's helping him up, getting him to lean onto her and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, she looks at the blood quickly covering her and her clothes.
This time it doesn't make her heart flutter in want and the urge to lick it up and savor every drop of his essence isn't there. Though she's a vampire, all of this blood isn't doing anything for her. As much as she likes the taste of him, this only disturbs her.
There's so much of it.
"Where are you hurt?" She asks, knowing they need to put pressure on the bleeding if they want him to survive. She searches and finds his hand clutching a completely soaked cloth to the side of his throat, exactly where she had bitten him last days earlier.
"Oh no," She gasps and doesn't dare remove his hand to take a peek.
He's not going to make it, she won't get him to a hospital in time. He's already on the verge of bleeding out.
Looking at his face, she can see him slowly blinking, struggling to stay awake.
She's going to lose him. If she doesn't do anything now, he's going to die.
"Hiccup, Babe, I need to hear you say it!" She tells him, reminding him that she can't do anything unless he invites her, too. She has bound herself to this vow after she was turned, she can never break it.
Hiccup gazes up at her, eyes glazing over as he's losing focus.
"Hiccup, you have to give me your consent!" She tells him again.
Slowly, despite his struggles to stay awake, he's going limp in her arms and Astrid watches on in horror, his weight becoming heavier, head resting on her shoulder.
She's losing him.
She's losing him!
But then finally, with his dying breath.
"You're-you're always... You're always w-welcome t... to me." He's giving her his consent. He's agreeing to stepping into this new unknown with her and that is all she needs.
His hand fruitlessly stopping the bleeding falls and his neck is exposed, the horrible wound there is revealed. Astrid leans forward and sinks her teeth into his neck, creating the last bitemark that will ever mark his body. This time not to drink, but to give him a little part of herself that will return him that twinkle in his eyes.
There is no reaction, he doesn't startle like he usually would. There is nothing left inside of him, nothing but the slowly dying embers of his life.
Though the living dead, there are still plenty of tears for her to shed.
Days later, they're back in their apartment.
That evening, Astrid managed to bring Hiccup back home and put him to bed after cleaning him, dressing him, and treating his injuries. Not the easiest things to do with a dead weight. She also succeeded in getting back to Gobber's shop and removing the dried blood after hours of intense scrubbing.
But now at home, she's sitting by him, watching him almost every hour of the night. The dark curtains have been closed to keep out as much of the sun as she can.
She has bitten him and this time not just to feed. But turning is a process and it always takes a while. It had taken her an entire week. He hasn't grown stiff yet and that means something has interrupted the decaying process. A good thing, it means that she now has to wait until he wakes up again.
Astrid strokes his pale face with the back of her fingers, caressing his cold skin and feeling guilty for being unable to protect him. They took every measurement they could take and Astrid couldn't stay with him 24/7, but though she knows this, she still feels responsible.
She dressed him in his nightwear as if he's just asleep and his throat is bandaged. She doesn't know how that wound will heal after he's turned.
His wrists, they're tied to the bed as you can never know how a newly turned vampire is going to react. He could be completely fine or he could be mad with hunger. Astrid vaguely remembers having lost control when she first woke up.
Then his eyes open and the moment of truth has finally arrived after five days of waiting. Astrid stands up from her chair to settle on the edge of the bed, leaning over him with a hand on the mattress.
"Astrid?" Though confused at first, his eyes find hers and he says her name.
Astrid is relieved and smiles. For a moment in that shop, she feared she would never get to hear him say her name ever again and she's been dying to hear it since.
"Hey there, how're you feeling." She asks and brushes his hair out of the way.
"I don't know... Weird? I thought I was going to die, but then again, I'm not really alive anymore either, am I?" He asks and Astrid doesn't miss the sad tone in his voice.
They both wanted him to live, but this didn't need to happen. He's going to grieve the loss of his own life. Astrid has been through the exact same thing, there's always a grieving process.
Pulling on his wrists, Hiccup finds them tied and he gives Astrid a look, who responds to with a smile before she unties them. So far Hiccup seems to be in control of himself, it's safe to release him.
"I'm sorry for tying you up. You can never tell how a new vampire is going to react when they wake up." She explains and Hiccup sits up, rubbing his wrists.
He thinks for a moment, hands stilling and ending up on his lap. He feels weird and is suddenly very aware of the lack of beating that's going on inside his chest. He's not breathing either, something he also just realized. He's talking without the need for air. Is there anything about vampires that makes scientifically sense?
"This is going to take some time to get used to, huh?" He asks, confused about his feelings concerning this sudden new life of his. Astrid quietly nods, knowing it will.
They've never talked about turning him before. Though they've had plenty of talks about vampires in general, they never talked about whether he would ever end up being turned or if he would get to grow old as a mortal human. He hasn't even given the matter any thought, so he doesn't know how to feel about this.
He does know something, though. He's grateful to Astrid for saving him.
He takes her hand and holds it in his lap, Astrid squeezes it.
"Thank you for saving me. No matter what happens from now on, I'll always be thankful. I wouldn't be here anymore if it weren't for you." He shares his gratitude with her, gazing at her with all the love his unbeating heart has for her.
They kiss and this time Hiccup's lips are just as cold as hers. She'll miss his warmth, but she also finds that she doesn't mind. He's still with her and that's all that matters.
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Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Welcome back, my beautiful readers!  We're sprinting towards the finish line.   There's a scene that gets a little spicy in the middle but nothing explicit...yet!  Hope you enjoy it! 
Summary: He would always have her first kiss. 
Orange Roses: Orange roses evoke energy, and can indicate enthusiasm, desire and excitement. Giving orange roses can symbolize your passionate romance and share your excitement of the relationship with your loved one.
“Stupid Forehead!”  Sai looked up from his painting watching as Ino paced back and forth in his room. Danzo had been working him like a dog for some art gallery. He missed his girl and was thankful that he wouldn’t be home till tomorrow. 
“No, she’s Forehead right now.” 
He didn’t quite get their relationship. He knew that at the core they were friends but times like this made it seem like they were enemies more than anything else. 
“Okay, what did Forehead do?” He asked after she placed her head in his lap. 
“She kept going on about her first kiss with Sasuke. Blech. Then she started saying that no one will ever want to kiss me.”  He nodded sympathetically his fingers threading through her hair. They were way too competitive.
Surprising him she sat up on her knees sending him a look he knew all too well.  She wanted something and damn if he didn’t already know that he’d do whatever she wanted. 
“I’m going to ask you something and I want you to keep an open mind.”
“Kiss me.”
“What?  If this is just to compete with Sakura that’s a pretty stupid reason.”  Did she realize what she was asking him to do? 
She looked away shaking her shoulders. “No, I just, well I want to know what it’s like ya know.  You’re my best friend and I trust you. Who else could I ask? It’s just a kiss.”
He had to.  He knew it wasn’t the best idea but he hated the idea that someone else would have her first kiss. “Fine.” Her eyes fell closed and he took a deep breath before softly placing his lips on hers. It was far too sweet and innocent, a product of youth and lack of experience. Yet Sai didn’t know if he’d ever been happier. He was kissing Ino.  It was a dream of his that he always kept closely guarded. 
They separated and her cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink while they smiled at one another. 
“Sai...I’ve been wanting to tell you something.”
He was surprised, she usually told him everything. “What is it?”
“I uhm well I’ve felt this for a while. I-“ A piercing ring shattered the moment bringing them back to Earth. 
“Damn it, it’s my dad. I was supposed to go straight home.”
Sai nodded in understanding but disappointed that she didn’t finish what she was going to tell him. 
“Thanks, Sai, you’re the best. I love you.” She grinned at his blush waiting for his response. Ever since they were little she’d taken it upon herself to remind him that he was loved and never let him get away with not saying it in return. 
“Love you too Ino.” 
Ino walked out of there with a smile still on her face. Take that Sakura! Her kiss with Sai was more than she could have hoped for and gave her the push she needed. She was ready to tell him how she felt. Tomorrow would be the day. 
Little did they both know that she’d have to wait years to get that chance. 
End Flashback
Sai rushed to class annoyed and upset.  He had meetings all morning regarding the last minute details for the gallery opening.  This was his first show not under the watchful eye of Danzo and it was more work than he anticipated.  He hated the business side of the art world.  All he wanted to do was create but this was a necessary evil to keep his name relevant. 
Thankfully he made it with just enough minutes to load his presentation.  He looked over towards his class.  Ino was in her usual spot towards the back of the room but this time her space was being invaded by one of her male classmates.  Sai felt himself digging his fingernails into his palm especially as he heard her laugh.  He knew that it was wrong to be annoyed. It was good that she was getting to know her classmates and yet the irrational side of him was winning.  While they continued to talk after dinner at the Yamanaka home neither was ready to discuss what their kiss at the doorway meant.  
“Let’s begin please.”  Fortunately, it worked well enough that he cut their conversation short.  
“Please look at the painting projected on the board.  It was discussed in last week’s readings.  Respond to the question below and turn it in.  You have 20 minutes.”  He knew that he was taking his poor attitude out on his class but he was far too annoyed by a million different things to care.  Perhaps if he knew where they stood, that she wanted to be with him just as much, maybe then he wouldn’t be so prone to jealousy. 
Once everyone turned in their quick write he launched into the content.  It was more dry and boring but right now he needed that kind of material.  For today he just needed to get through the class.
“Why were you being such a jerk during class?”  Sai looked up seeing Ino storm into his office. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”  He replied returning his eyes to the form he was reading over.  He wished that she had skipped office hours today.  He wasn’t quite ready to stop being upset. 
She moved so that she was directly in front of him.  “Stop pretending like I don’t know you.  What’s wrong?”  It felt like they had taken such a huge leap forward and now he was pulling away from her again.   
His mix of emotions came roaring back.  “Can you really not see how this is your fault? 
“How is this my fault?”
“Why would you wait so long to take a freshman art class?”  Jealousy and uncertainty was fueling him.   Even as he was saying it he knew how ridiculous it sounded.  If she had taken the class sooner they wouldn’t be in this situation. At least that’s what he’d been trying to convince himself of. 
She stood there stunned by the accusation. Fine, if this is how he wanted it to go down. “Because art took you away from me!  I did everything I could to avoid it as ridiculous as that might sound!” Sai stood there shell shocked as she broke into tears. 
“Do you know how hard that was? Everyone was so proud of you and impressed by your accomplishments but I had to stand there and pretend that I wasn’t devastated.  Chouji and Shikamaru had to stop me from burning all your drawings. I know that you had to go and you didn’t have a choice.  You had to follow your dreams but why couldn’t I have been a part of it?” She sobbed each teardrop creating cracks in his heart. He placed her face between his hands capturing her tears as they fell. 
“No Ino, you’re my dream. You always have been. If I knew then what I know now, how much it hurt you I would have never left. I would have stayed here with you and we could have been so happy.  I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”  He whispered regrets into her hair. 
“No, I don’t want an apology.  You didn’t do anything wrong. I just...Fuck. I just want my Sai back, I want my best friend, not the famous artist or my professor. I want the person that held me during a thunderstorm, hid drawings in my notebooks and gave me my first kiss.  It’s you, it always has been.”  With no more of an invitation, he had her pinned against the wall his lips hot and heavy against hers as she pushed his blazer from his shoulders. 
“Do you know how many times I wanted to fucking pin you against this wall?” He breathed as she continued to run her hands under his shirt.
She grinned her blue eyes beaming. “I’m here now. What are you going to do about it?” 
His lips devoured hers hungrily using the weight of his body to keep her up while his hands explored, touched and caressed her skin. Ino arched into him wanting to feel him against her.  Her legs tightened around him trying to bring him closer. 
His lips shifted to her neck kissing patterns all over her. The possessive side of him not caring if he left a mark. The smell of roses radiated from her skin. 
“Sai…” He shuddered hearing his name on her petal-soft lips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He breathed his lips tracing the crown of her head. She drew his mouth back to hers wanting to cement this moment into her memory. Her fingers tried to make quick work of his shirt before he stopped them. 
He took a deep breath before placing her down safely “We can’t do this here.” 
She pouted looking up at him her arms wrapped around his waist. “Sai...don’t you want me?”  
She used that look on him a million times but this time he kissed it away. “Fuck, of course, I do beautiful girl.”  His hands went to tangle themselves in her hair bringing her forehead against his. “I’ve dreamt about this a million times, but you deserve better. This weekend let’s go away together.” 
She nodded in understanding.  Despite her disappointment, she was happy to know that he’d been dreaming about this moment just as much as she had been. She also wanted to take her time to absorb the moment without fear of someone walking in. 
“Okay.  Did you get through my journal?”
“Most of it.”  
“Before Saturday can you read my last entry. It’s what I wrote before this semester started.” 
“I will.” 
She kissed him softly her lips wanting to imprint themselves against his “Sai if I haven’t made this clear I want this. I have for a long time. I just want to finally be with you.” He pulled her into his arms holding her tightly against his chest.
“Me too Ino. Your heart is all I’ve ever wanted.”
She clutched to him and it was finally starting to settle in that this was real. They had both been pining after the other for years and now they finally had a chance to make it work. 
Chapter 1: Roses
Chapter 2: Yellow Roses
Chapter 3: Purple Roses
Chapter 4: Pink Roses
Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Thank you again for sticking with me!  The next chapter will get smutty. I won’t be able to post the entire chapter here because I don’t want to get flagged so I will just post a link for it. Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive. I truly love and appreciate you all!
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escapingpost · 5 years
Five Things I Know About Cho Seungyoun
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1.) Text messaging is an art form. An art form he knows nothing about.
You were at Seungyoun’s house, a place that you knew too well. You were sprawled on his living room’s couch and he was on the floor praying to his phone. You peeked at him once in awhile and you could have sworn you saw the five stages of grief in all those times you looked at him. You click your tongue at him.
“What? What is it? Is there something wrong?” Seungyoun looked at you with a matter-of-fact expression. He held his hand out as if he were asking for you to point out all his flaws.
Which was exactly what you were going to do.
“You need to stop sending her multiple text messages. You’re scaring the poor girl.” You put down the book in your hands.
“Oh? What does your young adult fiction book say about text messaging?” He rolls his eyes.
You scoff at him. Maybe he needed someone to tell him that being desperate was not a personality trait. “Seungyoun, she’s not interested.”
He takes a deep breath and holds his chest, “You know? Your words hurt.”
You throw him a peace sign, “Only true friends.”
An alert sound comes from his phone and the both of you exchange looks.
Seungyoun opens the text message.
You wait for his reaction which came as a shriek.
“She said sure!” He shines the phone’s screen in front of your face.
“I can’t see. Its too bright.” You swat his phone out of your face and you cross your arms.
Seungyoun recites the reply from his future date, “Sure, Seungyoun. I’ll let you know.”
You rub your temples. So much for future date. “Hey, lets go to that new jazz bar in Itaewon.”
“Can’t I need my schedule as open as possible. I don’t know when she’ll get back to me.” Seungyoun gets up from the floor and shoos your leg off his couch. He sits down on the couch and you place your legs on his lap.
“Never, Seungyoun. She’s never going to get back to you. I’m sorry.” You pat him on the head.
Seungyoun groans and drops his phone. He covers his eyes with his arm.
Seungyoun always replied back to text messages in less than a minute. He wore his heart on his sleeve and did not play any of the push and pull dating games. 
If you two weren’t best friends, he would’ve been a perfect partner. The last thing you wanted was someone complicated.
Seungyoun was as simple as pie.
“So, Itaewon?”
Seungyoun nodded, “Lets invite Hangyul too.”
2.) He only does soju. He had a strict no vodka/whiskey/rum/tequila policy “just because”
What was suppose to happen was an innocent outing to a bar in Itaewon.
What actually happened was Hangyul decided that jazz was not his thing and opted for clubbing instead. Of course, dumb and dumber stick together so you become the third member, the idiot who followed.
The three of you stuck together for a good ten minutes until the crowds finally separated you and Hangyul from Seungyoun.
Hangyul yells your name to counter the loud bass of the music. You move closer to Hangyul in an attempt to hear him.
“Do you want to get a drink?” Hangyul points to the bar where less people crowded.
You nod and Hangyul grabs your wrist with a smile, “Follow me.” he mouths.
Finally out of the sea of people dancing, Hangyul buys you a drink. He considered it as an apology for changing plans so last minute.
You look around for the “dumber” member.
Hangyul moves closer to your ear, “Seungyoun went to the DJ to request a song.
You give Hangyul a side glare. He wasn’t suppose to invade your mind like that.
Hangyul chuckles and he receives a drink from the barista. He offers it to you.
The thing with alcohol was you always drank it with Seungyoun ever since the two of you entered college. This was probably the second time you weren’t drinking with him.
But, you take the drink anyway because you already made the mistake of following the two of them into a club. You sniff the drink. ‘Yup, smells like strong alcohol.’ you think.
Hangyul easily finishes his drink and you tilt your head to the side letting out a defeated laugh.
He has a small proud smirk and gives you a head nod to signal you to drink.
You give it one more sniff before letting the acidic liquid hit your throat.
Hangyul nods his head in approval and lightly pats you on the head. You were sure it meant, ‘Good job, you're able to drink something else other than soju.’
You playfully smack his shoulder and begin to take another sip when a hand appears from the bottom of the cup to pull it away from you. You quickly look in the direction of the hand and see Seungyoun, “Hey!” You yell.
Seungyoun looks at Hangyul’s direction and snaps back to you. He downs the rest of the drink as your mouth gapes open in surprise.
“That was mine!” You yell over the music.
3.) As far as he’s concerned, sleep is optional.
Hangyul scratches his ear looking at the scene unfold in front of him.
Seungyoun, on the other hand, is between being present in the moment and “I don’t know who that is. I came with the handsome guy."
“I just don’t need to deal with children.” You leaned on the metal pole like it was the only thing keeping you standing. “But, why is my best friend a big child?” You look down at your fingers seemingly counting a math equation.
“Look, it was just one drink. Could’ve ended with one drink. You just had to take it away from her.” Hangyul sighs deeply.
Seungyoun had nothing to retort. Hangyul was one hundred percent right. Maybe if he did not take that first drink, she would not have to prove a point and have five more glasses of alcohol.
Both guys look back at you and click  their tongues in unison.
It took exactly two hours to drop you off back home. That was with Hangyul tagging along and helping. Seungyoun was your pack mule because he decided that carrying you was faster. Hangyul was the designated person to apologize for the ruckus you were creating.
You did not remember mostly everything the next day and you were more than glad to forget the night, for the most part.
However, you did remember something about Seungyoun only drinking soju because he was a child or something like that.
Also, you ended up back at Seungyoun’s small studio because you had to escape a murder that was about to take place. Who knew being dropped off by two healthy boys in their twenties, completely wasted, and at two in the morning was such a criminal offense?
“You, get out of here.” Seungyoun answered the door with disheveled hair and last night’s eyeliner that you had forced him to wear.
You scoff at his poor attempt at being serious and slip through the door frame.
Seungyoun closes the door behind him and blows his bangs out of his face, “Do you know how much trust I lost from your mother?”
You take a seat on his couch and shrug, “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure your her favorite child out of the both of us.”
He says your full name in a low-tone, “This is serious!”
“Cho Seungyoun.” You copy his tone. “When are we going clubbing again?” You change your tone into a cheerful one. Too cheerful to be serious.
“I am so great to see you completely rested.” Seungyoun answers back with his own sarcasm and a lopsided smile.
It was then you realized Seungyoun’s eyes are slightly red on the rim. You look around his small studio and papers are scrapped all over the place, “Did you not sleep?” You get up to get a closer look and observe his face.
Seungyoun stares back at you and you hear his light breathing.
He slowly shakes his head side to side, “What am I going to do with you?”
4.) He does, in fact, need sleep.
Beep. Beep.
You peek from your phone, ‘Oh, its his phone.’ You look back at your phone, continuing what you were doing. To be honest, the silence was killing you. Yes, thee Cho Seungyoun was giving you the silent treatment. He had his headphones on, writing his "dumb” rap lyrics. Usually, he would have filled the room with beats that he was working on. Today, you were exiled from his music as punishment.
A few minutes later, you hear multiple text message beeps from his phone.
Annoyed, you avert your attention to him. “Can you silence your phone? I get it, you’re not talking to me, but someone else.” You snap at him.
Seungyoun looks at you and silences his phone, “There.”
You sit up on his couch, “What? What is it? Is there something wrong?”
Oh, how the tides have turned.
Seungyoun leisurely sits on his chair as his fingers tap on the arm rests. He has his chin up, looking down at you.
“010.″ He starts.
You squint at him as he starts to say random numbers, “What the hell, Seungyoun?”
“Hangyul’s phone number.” Seungyoun positions his hands so that all of his fingers aligned as if he was planning something.
You hold up your hand in confusion, “Okay, so?”
“You don’t want it?” His sentences are short and concise.
“Why would I want Hangyul’s” your words get quieter and taper off into silence.
“Well?” Seungyoun raises an eyebrow at you.
You think for awhile, “I don’t want his number through you.”
Seungyoun presses his lips in a thin line, “Interesting.”
“Tell him to come get my number himself.” you add.
Seungyoun’s mouth slowly opens in awe.
The tides change once more and everything was back to how it was suppose to be.
You let out a hearty laugh as Seungyoun grabs the nearest pillow to cover your face with.
Something about the heat in his small studio with no air conditioner had the two of you sleepy after a good few minutes of fighting (read: pillow fighting).
It was merely a cause of the heat.
Since there was only one pillow, you had no choice, but to fall asleep on his arm while he selfishly took the one pillow.
The two of you wake up at different times, but both of you continue to fall asleep even after that fact.
That damn weather.
5.) He has a problem.
There was definitely nothing more than friendship. Teasing each other, getting into petty fights, the childish banter, and all that happened every time you were with him. It definitely was not a feeling of love.
When Seungyoun hung out with his friends, it was the same question over and over again.
Are you guys dating yet?
The answer was the same every time. It became a default.
“Bull. Shit.”
Seungwoo reaches over to smack Dongpyo on the side of his head, “Watch your language.”
“But, hyung. They stick to each other like their life depends on it.” Dongpyo says as he massages the side of his head.
“That’s because, if they don’t, they might actually start missing each other. That would cancel all the denial they have.” Wooseok answers.
Dongpyo looks up trying his hardest to understand the situation.
Seungwoo lightly touchs Dongpyo’s hand, “Don’t try to understand it. None of us get it either.”
“Listen. I know for a fact that I can put all your suspicions to rest.” Seungyoun leans in.
“Oh yeah? Let me hear it. I’m ready for a good laugh.” Yohan scoffs.
Seungyoun ignores Yohan’s remark, “I gave her Hangyul’s number.” Seungyoun claps, “Boom.”
Seungwoo knits his eyebrows together and Dongpyo curses again, but he lets it go because it was actually called for.
“That’s not evidence. It’s just plain stupidity on your part.” Wooseok put his palms to his forehead.
Yohan looks at Seungyoun with pity in his eyes, “It wasn’t even funny.”
Seungyoun looks clearly offend at all of their remarks, “Damn it, guys.”
“I’m going to explain this to you slowly because you’re one of my precious juniors.” Seungwoo says softly.
Seungyoun has a sour look on his face, but continues to listen.
“You gave her Hangyul’s phone number so they could get to know each other, eventually date because, lets face it, Hangyul is a great guy.” He leaves out the part where Hangyul was not completely oblivious to his own emotions, unlike someone.
“And then, after they date, they’ll become official. Because Hangyul is the perfect package.” Wooseok makes sure to say his last sentence a little louder for the people in the back.
“Meaning you can see bye-bye to sleeping next to your “best friend” or getting into one of your fake fights because you guys have weird kinks like that.” Yohan continues.
“Hyung, I can take most of your bullcrap, but introducing her to Hangyul-hyung is really not it.” Dongpyo says.
Seungyoun looks around the table and slowly nods. Disappointed, he looks down at his lap.
The four boys exchange looks.
Yohan pats him on the back, “Its okay. Lets just see what happens.”
“I guess the only thing you can do is just do better than him.” Wooseok suggests. “I mean, you can sing, dance, and produce. You’re a great guy too, Seungyoun.”
Seungyoun looks up in realization.
That was it.
“So if I want to keep our friendship, I need to get her away from any type of relationship with any guy.”
“Huh?” Dongpyo widens his eyes.
“Relationships will only end in heartbreak, so I just have to stop her from seeing anyone, ever.”
“No. No. No.” Seungwoo repeated multiple times.
His problem was Lee Hangyul.
+1.) He knows too much about you.
“Hey, can you help me with my zipper?”
But he was going to carry that to his grave.
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the-silentium · 5 years
Wait for me to come home Pt.5
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Masterlist  Part 4
Pairing: Eddie Brock x Reader, Venom x Reader
Warning: Angst, fluff, swearing, mention of homosexuality
Words: 3900 Words
Eddie woke up to your sleeping form curled up on his side. Your steady breath on his chest tells him that you’re still enjoying some rest. He takes some minutes to admire your relaxed face and touch your delicate skin. He is still amazed that you gave them a chance. After bonding with Venom, he always thought that he would live his life alone with dead plants and boxes of chocolate. 
With each morning with you in their arms, they grow more confident of themselves. Eddie stopped fearing that you would finally crack and leave at every symbiote appearance. Which were rather frequent because the symbiote developed an addiction to your touch. Whenever you were near them, he would reach for you and wrap at least a tendril around your body. At home, you didn’t care much, you even seemed to grow fond of his constant touch too. It became a problem when even in public the symbiote wanted to be in contact with you. Sure, Eddie tried to hold your hand often to ease the symbiote, but sometimes, nothing could do. 
Your naked waist was wrapped in black goo, keeping you near them. Sighing, Eddie reached for his phone and checked the hour. 7:04. 35 minutes before he has to go to work. 
He would never be able to return the favor to his girlfriend. She got him a second chance for the job that was made for him and with it, he met a wonderful team. They would often play pranks on each other, but they know when to be serious. They always help those in need without judgment, which Eddie was very thankful for in his first days. Everyone has a different opinion on various topics and they respect it. Eddie never feared to lose his job even if some of his articles were raw. The Journal advocates the truth in all its forms, shocking or not, big fish or not. 
Eddie smiles when you take a deep breath and groan. Your eyes flutter open slowly, adjusting to the light in the room and finally, you find his gaze. 
“Good morning beautiful.” He moves forward to peck your forehead, moving you in the meantime. Venom gives you a light squeeze before starting to ondulate on your skin. He discovered that you tended to stay in bed a little longer when he did it. 
You smile and let out a pleased sigh. You close your eyes again and return on your spot, stroking your head on his side. “Good morning boys.“ 
Chuckling, Eddie strokes your hair while Venom forms himself on his shoulder. He puts his head down on Eddie’s chest and licks your left cheek. You giggle and reach for his head, patting blindly before finally finding him. You pet him like a cat and soon enough, the black symbiote starts purring. 
Eddie opens his mouth to tell you that they really need to get out of bed, but you cut him off. 
"Don’t say it.” Your tone is sleepy, almost pleading. “If you don’t say it, maybe I won’t feel bad about you being late.”
With a smile, Eddie reaches for your chin. You open your eyes and he found himself falling for you again. 
“As much as I want to stay in bed with you,” he says while turning on his side and getting on top of you, “I have to go to work.” He kissed you and had to resist the urge to roam his hands over your naked body. “I would be doomed if I lose this job." 
You sigh and smile at him. "I know.” You peck him on the lips and give a last pet to Venom’s smiling head. Eddie knows how much the symbiote craves the day you will kiss him again.
You kissed his head once. He loved the feeling of your lips on him. It lighted a spark in him he didn’t know possible. The deep feeling he experienced at that moment kept him wanting more, so he tried to reach your lips with his. Eddie felt so pleased every time he did it that he figured the feeling could only be better. But the sudden change of position and his sharp teeth scraping your lips made you flinch. He apologized profusely, afraid that he had crossed some line and you would go. But you stayed and promised him that you would kiss him too. You just needed some time. 
Eddie gets off of you and you follow him. You both get dressed and get to his small kitchen. He makes your coffee just the way you like and you prepare some eggs and toasts for the both of you. Well, more like the three of you. You hum a song that you are the only one to hear and move your head from side to side in a slow rhythm. 
“We love when she sings.” The symbiote’s purrs start again through Eddie’s body. 
“Yeah, we do.” He whispers, unable to remove his gaze from your form. 
Eddie finally regains control of his movement when you turn to him with two plates. He gets the forks and sits across from you. 
“So, what is your plan for the day?” He wondered after a bite. You opened your phone and read through your topic list of the day while eating your meal. You don’t look displeased at all. 
“Remember this museum that was robbed last week?” He nods and you continue. “They assured to the press that their security has been improved to a top-notch level and that this kind of event would never happen again.” The corners of your mouth twitch and Eddie knows there is something more to it. “An investor send them an ex con-man known for his talent to elude every security system. They wanted to know if the system was truly faultless. Turns out it’s not.” You chuckle at that. “I have to accompany Kyle to an interview with this guy and take pictures.” Then you text something to who Eddie think is Kyle. 
The excitation in your eyes would have made him happy but knowing you with an ex con-man made him uneasy. Venom’s head materialized from his shoulder and groans softly. He must have watched Eddie’s memories because protectiveness flooded in waves through his system. 
You frown at their faces and tilt your head a little. “Did I say something wrong?” Venom looked like he was going to take over Eddie’s body and have a snack. 
“You will meet with a bad guy. You could be in danger and we would not be there to protect you." 
You shake your head while swallowing a bite of your breakfast. You reach for him over the table with your free hand and as soon as your finger touches his gooey form, a dozen little tendrils wrap around your hand and wrist. 
"Ven, you don’t have to worry. The guy is an ex-con artist. He never hurt someone if not by stealing paints or pieces of art.” At their unconvinced face, you rolled your eyes. “He is also working as a consultant for the FBI for 3 years now in the white collar division. An agent is constantly by his side and he has to wear a GPS tracking anklet. Plus, Kyle will be with me. Is that enough to prove my safety?" 
Eddie scratches the back of his head. He doesn’t like the idea of his girlfriend in the company of an ex-criminal, but he must admit that if the FBI had their hand on the guy, he shouldn’t be that big of a threat. Right? She wouldn’t be alone with him and if he limited himself to stealing art, she shouldn’t be in danger. 
Eddie feels Venom rummaging in his thoughts and the low growl resonating through him made his opinion clear. If he could eat the man, he would. Ex-criminal or not. He pats the symbiote’s head in an attempt to calm him down. 
"We are just worried. We don’t like the idea of a criminal being around you. But if you are safe, that’s all that matters.” Your smile return at that and Eddie wishes he made the good decision letting you do this. 
“If anything happens, you have to call us, little one.” His tone let no place to argue, but your expression let them know that you knew the line was coming and you are okay with it.
“Of course Ve. I have my two favorite heroes on speed dial if I ever need them.” You get up and walk over to your boyfriends. You kiss Venom on the head and Eddie on his lips. You quickly grab your empty plate and put it in the sink. Eddie finishes his meal in two bites and follows your example. 
He then proceeds to put his boots on and grab his jacket. They weren’t paying much attention to you. They were silently arguing on the fact that they should or should not follow you on your trip to the museum. Venom wanting to be there and Eddie trusting you to call them if necessary. They didn’t notice when you get closer to them and cough a little to catch their attention. When it didn’t work, you just went for it.
“My brother is visiting me in the evening.” You blurted out.
That catches their attention. Eddie’s head was now dead silent. He slowly turns his head toward you. You look so small and ashamed. He doesn’t understand why and it troubles him. 
“I didn’t tell him yet about us.” Your voice is small and you avoid his gaze. 
Eddie reaches for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Thin tendrils wrap around your wrist and your gaze slowly meets his. 
He knows your brother is a very important person in your life. You two were inseparable when you were kids and now you couldn’t make a month without seeing each other. He has always been your best friend and you two shared a very strong bond. Eddie knew the moment you started talking about him that he needed to be in your brother’s good graces. Fortunately for him, you said that he would love him. 
“Babe, there is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m okay with it. We have been together for only a month.” A small smile forms on her lips. “If you want, I will stay he-" 
"No, I want you to meet him.” You cut him, frowning. 
“I’ll be there then.” He smiles. He was a little nervous about meeting your brother but tried to hide it. On the other side, if you wanted to present him to your family, then it was proof that you wanted Eddie and Venom to stay in your life. It alleviates his last fears and Venom is moving contently inside of him. 
“Good. He will show at 5 and I’ll be home at 2. You can show up whenever you like." 
He nods and pecks your lips. Keys in hand, he gets out of his apartment with you following behind. Like every day that you were teamed up with Kyle, said man is waiting for you on the sidewalk. Behind him is a cab, waiting for your appearance to go to the museum. 
"Good morning darling, Eddie.” He smiles at you as usual and nods at Eddie. “Ready for the day?” He moves closer to the door and opens it for you. 
In the last weeks, Eddie befriended the dark-haired journalist. He is talented, open-minded and a quite good company. He invited Y/N and Eddie to his place once for dinner. Never before did he ate such delicious homemade food. Eddie knew Kyle’s husband was a chef, but never did he expect the food to be this scrumptious. Even Venom wanted more despite the fact that the meat was dead. 
Kyle has a real talent to make people admit all their secrets so Eddie had to ask Venom to stay quiet around him. He doesn’t want to accidentally talk to the symbiote and be compromised. It seems that around Kyle, people start talking like he was their most trusted friend. Maybe it was his charisma or his good looks, Eddie didn’t know. 
With time, Eddie grew used to Kyle’s gentlemanly demeanor with his girlfriend. He would always be kind to the ladies; always complimenting them, opening the doors for them, help them when in need and offers them his charming smile. At first, Eddie seriously doubted what you said about him being gay. He got confirmation though at the dinner at his house, when Kyle kissed his husband and how he would look at him. This man definitely has eyes only for his beloved. 
“As ready as I can be!” You answer, excitation in your voice. You peck Eddie’s lips quickly, mumbling them a good day before getting to the open door. You sit on the backseat and Kyle carefully closes the door. 
“I’ll take good care of her. Good luck with your interview.” Kyle says while walking around the car to open the door on the other side. 
“Thanks. I would wish you good luck too, but I know you don’t need it.” Eddie puts his hands in his pockets with a smile at the corner of his lips. 
With a laugh, Kyle entered the car. You wave at Eddie one last time before the driver pulls off and blend with the other cars. Eddie puts a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner. Venom was stirring uncomfortably in his body cutting his breathing a little. 
“Ve, she will be alright.” He whispers while getting to his motorcycle. “Sam wouldn’t have sent her there if she would have been in danger.” He puts the engine on and pulls off. 
“We can’t bear the thought of our little one being hurt.” Came Venom low voice. 
“I know bud’. But she will be okay. We will have a nice dinner tonight and you will forget about it all. Don’t worry.” Eddie has to resist the feelings Venom is sending through him. Instead of the unease radiating from the alien, he tries to send him confidence and some calm vibes. It worked a little, but there is always a little nervousness lingering in the back of his mind. 
Eddie’s interview went pretty well. He got all the information needed and the guy slipped on his own lies. Easy really. He returned to the journal to start his article as soon as possible and finish his day early. 
At lunch, you send him a picture of you blowing a kiss to the camera. You soon texted him “Still in one piece” with a heart. He chuckles at your cuteness. 
“Want to answer to that bud’?” He takes a look around him and sure enough, he is the only one on the level still working. The others invited him to the café down the street but he declined, wanting to return to you early. 
“Yes.” Venom popped his head out of Eddie’s shirt and smile as best as he could to the camera Eddie is holding. 
Eddie snaps the picture and sends it to you with “We miss you" 
It doesn’t take long for you to answer. "Miss you two too. I’ll make a chocolate cake for dessert if it can make you feel better!" 
At the mention of chocolate cake, Venom projects himself to the phone, pulling Eddie’s upper body forward. He almost drops his phone when his ribs hit the desk. Venom is now chanting ”Cake, cake, cake.“ in his head and rubs his head on the device. 
The pain faded quickly and he answered you by stating that you broke the symbiote. You laughed it off and wished them a nice time lunch. 
”We can’t wait for tonight.“ He slowly returns inside his host. 
"We are almost done Ve. Bear with me a little more.” He smiles and takes a sip of his coffee. “Now, let’s get back to work.” He says returning to his computer and writing the rest of his article. 
Eddie finally finishes everything. He sighs and lay on his chair. He closes his eyes two seconds and opens them again to glance at his phone. 14:57. Wow, this article took him longer than he thought. 
“Hungry.” Comes the growled complaint. “I won’t say it again. I’ll just start to nibble on your liver.” As to put more weight on his threat, Eddie felt a stinging sensation inside of him. Very little, but still there. 
The journalist has been ignoring the symbiote’s complaint for 2 hours now. He is actually surprised he didn’t start to eat on his organs before. “That’s because our little one would be mad at us if we did. But now, I’m getting really really hungry.”
“Relax Ve. I’ll go grab some chocolate so we can make it home and see what we can grab there.” Eddie grabs his jacket, waves goodbye to his colleagues and exits the building. He stops at the café next to the journal and grabs 2 chocolate bars. 
He eats them quickly and drives home. 15:17. Perfect. He would have time to feed his alien before your brother arrives. 
The ride up the stairs allows them to smell the chocolate cake baking in what Venom hopes is your apartment. Venom tries to hurry Eddie up the remaining flight of stairs. He really hopes the cake is yours because if not, he is sure the symbiote will raid the apartment cooking it and steal it. 
Finally getting at your door, Eddie has his hand on the handle when he freezes. He stopped breathing at what he heard. 
“Last words?” The voice was strong and unknown. He didn’t have the time to move that your scream reaches his ears and Venom took control. 
Venom bursts in and take a quick glance of what’s happening. You are on the floor under a man, trying to break free. If only the boys would have paid a little more attention, they would have heard your laughter. 
Neither of you didn’t have time to turn toward the source of the noise that Venom takes the man off of you by his neck. The black symbiote is growling loudly and bring the intruder’s face near his. The man’s eyes are wide in fear and surprise. His hands try to lose Venom’s grip around his throat, not to avail. The alien’s emotions are amplified by Eddie’s. Both feared for your safety and thought that they were too late. They were too wrapped up in their panic to hear you shout at them to let go of him. Or to notice the similarity between you and the intruder. 
“You dare invade our nest and threaten our little one.” He growls. His grip tightens around the delicate throat and a whimper escapes his mouth. 
At that moment, you started to hit Venom. He ignored your pleas, you had to make it stop. You hit him with your fists. On his back at first, then his upper arm. You don’t get any reaction. You try to pull on his forearm, to remove him from your brother, but his strength surpasses yours by so much. You start to panic. Your brother will die by your boyfriend’s hand. 
“You will never do that mistake again. We will keep our little one safe.” Venom is scared he will lose the little spark inside him that you only ever brought to life. He needs to protect it, protect you. 
Venom opens his mouth wide to eat the intruder in one bite. A sudden pain surges through his arm. He screeches and drops his prey that crawls away from him, coughing. 
His clawed hand shots toward the source of the pain. Maybe there were more intruders. His hand stopped right before it gets a hold of you. Shock shakes Venom. In your shaking hand is a match and you recoil when he tries to reach you. Tears run down your face and you dodge under his hand to reach the man on the floor. You hug him and immediately the guy tries to hide you behind his body. He tries to push you as far from them as possible. 
Eddie is the first to link the dots. How the man tries to protect you with his body, how much you two look alike, the nerf bullets all over the floor. He is horrified when he realizes that this man is your twin brother and you were just playing a game. 
Venom doesn’t know what to do. Pain and fear are all over your face and he hates it. All he wants is to cradle you in his arms and search comfort in your warmth. But with the look you give him when he takes a step forward tells him that he fucked up. 
“Out! Get out!” You scream at him. You pat your brother’s back when he coughs again while keeping your eyes on your boyfriends. Were you still together? Eddie isn’t so sure anymore. You look like you don’t want to see them ever again. 
Venom catches his host train of thoughts and his eyes widen. “Little one we-”
“Get out!” You are crying at this point and their heart breaks at your broken tone. Venom reluctantly walk toward the door. He can’t stand to see you in so much distress. He gets to the roof and swings himself as fast as he can as far as he can. 
They are in pain. The thought of losing you makes Venom wail. They can still smell your fear on themselves and it repulses them. Eddie stays silent, not knowing what to do. He never imagined the evening would turn out like that. 
They are angry. Not at you or at your brother, but at themselves. They hurt you when they promised they would never. They broke your trust. They almost killed the person you loved the most. They lose you.
Venom stops on a roof, unable to concentrate. He feels the urge to get his anger out. Destroy things, kill bad people. But the sun is still shining. Nearly no crimes are perpetrated at daylight and Eddie said no patrol during the day. All he can do is scream to the sky and terrify everyone on the streets below. He feels like he needs more, but he can’t go on a rampage. You would not like it one bit. 
With any option left, the black symbiote makes his way home. Eddie’s home. He gets there in a matter of minutes. He climbs through the window and gets in bed. He is not hungry anymore. The only thing he craves is your touch. 
“We are sorry.” His voice is small, full of guilt. He returns inside his host who lay still. 
“We were scared bud’. I’m not mad at you. We didn’t know.” He replies turning on his side and closing his eyes. 
He hopes that you will forgive them. He knows that it is very unlikely to happen, but he can’t stop himself. He just wishes that if you can’t find it in yourself to forgive them, that you will not forbid them to ever approach you again.
A/N: Does anyone know who is the FBI consultant? Also, which serie would you like to have the next chapter first? Home or Unsteady? Thanks for all your support!
Tag list: @slither-in-a-half @a-frozen-bag-of-corn  @noshi-chan 
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fucking-zawa-sensei · 5 years
Riptide - Chapter 4: Fool in Love
Chapter Title: Fool in Love
Word Count:18k+
Rating: Explicit
He’d never been happier.
This is exactly why it hurts that much more when the rug is torn violently out from underneath him, when he’d just barely gotten his footing, just barely learned to walk.
The memory is abrupt and disturbing, cutting through his thoughts like the sharp edge of the sword he’d seen Nemuri use to slice expertly through the rope on deck.
This is a preview, you must read the entire fic on AO3 (too big for Tumblr)
Thank you all for your patience with me as I wrote this chapter. I know it has been many months since I posted chapter 3. I have a lot planned for this story and I assure you it is not being dropped, I am going to be updating as often as possible, but with each chapter being almost 20k, it is taking a lot of time. This one took a lot out of me and I am happy to finally be able to share it with you. I hope it was worth the wait.
There is an OC in this chapter named Bait who was created by my dear friend, Beth! Please go check her and her art out on Twitter and Tumblr. She has some fabulous drawings of Bait there to fill your eyes and soul with happiness. 
Read it on AO3 here
Fool in Love
The night’s chill feels harsher now than it did before. Logically, Shouta knows the temperature doesn’t fluctuate much in this area. It’s comfortably warm during the day and mildly cold at night.
Still, somehow, leaving the protective embrace of Hizashi’s cavern, resurfacing after the siren carries him through the tunnel again, makes him feel vulnerable and raw. It’s as though he’d just re-entered this world, reborn from another dimension, another universe, another existence.
Something has changed.
He is different now.
With a certainty that makes shivers run down his spine, Shouta knows that nothing will ever be the same.
More importantly, as Hizashi’s hand falls over his, where he holds onto the edge of the dinghy as he uses his long tail to propel them back to Shouta’s ship, he thinks…
I don’t want it to be the same.
As he looks down at Hizashi’s glowing green eyes, turned up into little slits as he grins at Shouta, he thinks…
I never want to go back.
It almost feels as if the world was a lie before Hizashi. In a way, he supposed it was.
He sees the dim lights lining his ship’s deck all too soon, knows it means he’ll have to say goodnight to the siren, be raised up out of the water and out of his embrace. They cross the remaining distance in a shared silence. The small boat gently bumps into the side of the larger vessel as Hizashi brings them to a stop.
Shouta looks up, sees Nemuri’s head pop over the railing. She gives them a little wave, which he sees Hizashi enthusiastically return in his peripheral, small beads of water spotting Shouta’s still damp clothes as they fly off the tips of his glossy fingernails and into the dinghy. Nemuri disappears, returning moments later with arms full of rope. She tosses it over, the ball unfurling as it descends down the side of the ship. Shouta catches the end and makes quick work of tying it to the dingy, his body moving on autopilot.
When he’s done, he pauses, holding his palm up to signal to Nemuri to not pull him up just yet. She moves her hands away from the rope, holding them up to show she understands, before crossing her arms over the banister and looking down at them, a smirk on her face.
He sighs, feeling her gaze on the top of his head as he turns back toward the water, where Hizashi is looking at him curiously, head tilted a bit as he bobs up and down in the slow current.
“I know the last time you uh…” he starts, before shifting his stare from Hizashi’s soft face to the long, dark shadow beneath him. “Changed…” Shouta continues, and Hizashi’s tail flicks a little more than usual below the water.
He looks back at the siren’s face. Hizashi’s eyes a little narrowed, eyebrows pulled together.
“I know that it didn’t go great,” he says. Hizashi looks to the side, a small frown forming on his lips as Shouta can only assume the blond is remembering his near death experience. “I know I...more or less discouraged you from doing it again, but...uh…” Shouta sighs, rubbing at the back of his neck. He tilts his head back and sees Nemuri above them, raising her eyebrow. She juts her chin out as if to say go on.
“But...would you want to...we have a couple weeks off right now. So I was wondering if you’d want to...uh...go into the market with me? Look around?” he finishes, looking back down at the bottom of the dinghy, thankful for the lack of real light down here.
Hizashi’s laughter is a comforting surprise. He jumps a bit when the sound bursts through the silence, looking back at the siren as the water around Hizashi ripples with his giggles.
“I don’t know what I thought you were going to ask, but with that dramatic face! I never expected you’d ask for a date!” Hizashi says, and his grin is back in place. He swims closer, coming up to rest against Shouta’s small boat. He reaches out his hand, little drops of water pit pattering on the wood.
Shouta answers the request, filling Hizashi’s hand with his, intertwining their fingers to the best of their ability, what with Hizashi’s webbing getting in the way. Shouta was surprised how quickly this was becoming normal, routine. He quite liked like the feeling of the soft fins against his skin.
“Of course I’d like to go with you,” Hizashi says, quieter this time. His smile is small, private, and Shouta finds himself matching this on his own face.
“You’re alright with…” Shouta uses his other hand to gesture toward the ocean, and everything below its surface. “Your other form?”
Hizashi nods, some of his hair falling over his shoulder and sliding down his upper arm.
“It’ll be fine. I know what I’m doing more now. I’m not scared,” he answers, and his grip tightens around Shouta’s hand.
He hears the silent message in that small movement.
I’m not scared with you.
It had only been a few months since Shouta had met the quirky merman, and yet the blond had rocked his very foundation. He’d always been a rather cautious, suspicious man.
Now, he can’t help but feel the same.
“Me too,” he says, squeezing his hand in return.
They only get a few seconds of comfortable silence together before Nemuri smacks her hand against the banister and shouts down to them, “Some of us want to sleep a little tonight!”
Hizashi snorts and Shouta rolls his eyes and as he lets go of the siren’s hand, about to move back to tug on the rope and let Nemuri know she can start pulling him up, he feels the small boat dip toward the blond. It has him stumbling a bit, quickly reaching out to steady himself on the edge of the dinghy, and he turns toward Hizashi just as the siren is pushing up further out of the water. He grabs Shouta’s still damp shirt, tugging it toward him, and Shouta goes willingly. Their lips crash together a bit harder than expected, what with them both falling into it, but it quickly softens out. It lasts only a few seconds before Hizashi drops back into the water with a gasp.
Shouta knows he’s grinning, knows he’s blushing. He reaches back and tugs on the rope and the boat begins to rock as Nemuri raises him up.
The whole time, he stares down at Hizashi, and the blond stares up at him.
As the creaking of the boards grows more distant, Shouta’s footsteps fading as he makes his way to his cabin, Hizashi begins backing away. He stares up at the large vessel, smiling as he watches the light from the lanterns spill through the gaps between the railings. He moves his arms gently through the water, pushing forward to drive himself backward.
He looks down to the water, where the glow is reflected on the calm waters.
He laughs, bringing his hands up to cover his mouth. He can feel his own lips spreading wide into a grin against his palms. His whole body feels airy, bubbly, like he could float up out of the ocean and right onto Shouta’s boat.
A kiss!
Our first kiss!
The notion feels childish, everything about this felt childish, his body and mind so giddy, as if this was the first kiss he’d ever had.
It was breathtaking, beautiful, just like the man it had come from.
His fingers move across his lip, touching it softly, reverently, quite unlike the hungry embrace they’d shared.
He wanted it to continue, he’d wanted Shouta to stay there all night. He wanted to wake up next to the other man like he had when he’d changed to his human form.
He wanted to spend every hour, every second with him.
His face feels flushed, he knows he’s embarrassingly smitten with Shouta, but he doesn’t care. Hizashi lets himself fall back into the water, his hair spreading out around him as he floats on his back, arms spread wide.
He stares up into the purples and pinks of the galaxy millions of miles away, the sky bursting with stars. It used to bring him awe, used to make him feel incredibly small, humble.
Now, he thinks the glittering novas above him feel miniscule.
He’d experienced something far more stunning. He shuts his eyes and laughs again.
It was unbelievable, this new feeling, his chest warm and full, so much so he feel like he might burst any second.
That’s when he hears it.
A deep, low hum, methodical...enchanting.
His ears buzz, goose bumps break out along his arms and back. His vision stars to blur around the edges, tunneling forward, focusing on the furthest point in front of him. He can feel his heartbeat slowing down, calming, almost as if he were on the brink of sleep.
He grits his teeth as he hears it, the hum drawing out, tilting upward in pitch, calling to him, and beckoning him.
He knows it’s miles and miles away, but it resonates all the same.
He understands the voice.
Come home.
The singer’s voice was strong, and if he was anyone else, he’d be diving under the surface of the water and headed toward it.
Hizashi wasn’t just anyone, though.
The fine hairs along the base of his neck stand on edge as he looks behind him, toward Shouta’s ship, probably just a few hundred yards away. He can still make out the lights along the deck, the last stragglers probably getting ready for bed.
He’d wondered, for a while now, how exactly Shouta thought Hizashi managed to live like this, in solitude.
He’d told the captain about the disapproving elders. He’d told them how all the other sirens feared humans, but he hadn’t told him everything.
Shouta had been wary in the beginning, and Hizashi hadn’t been oblivious. He’d seen the way the other man’s gaze had skimmed across the surface of the water, looking for lurking shadows waiting to strike. Shouta was right to assume there would be more sirens.
There were always more sirens.
No one else lived like Hizashi.
No one else got to bend the rules like this.
He’s nervous, as his mind breaks free of the haze and his pulse begins to race. He turns back toward where the melody is drifting on the air.
This close to Shouta and his crew...could he risk it?
He sucks in a large breath, expanding his lungs as far as they’ll go, and dives.
He swims, deeper and deeper, jaw locked tight, fins alight along his sides and back and hips, casting an eerie glow across the ocean’s floor when he finally reaches it.
Then, with eyes closed, he opens his mouth.
With an intent he hadn’t pulled forth in years, he sings.
It takes only a few belted notes for the buzzing under his skin to cease, the other siren falling silent. He listens closely when he stops, mouth closing into a frown. How far away were they? Had they figured out his location?
It was impossible to tell.
He’d have to be careful, keep to the depths, and not let anyone spot him, human or otherwise.
He couldn’t go back.
He wouldn’t.
Read the rest on AO3 here
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boymeetsweevil · 5 years
Another draft because FS is taking too long
Title: two wrongs don’t make a right (so what do two douchebags and a dweeb make?)
Douche/fuck boy Jimin and Jin, weirdo!OC
Jimin waits until the girl’s tiny frame disappears down the hallway in a blur of overly familiar stained sweats before turning to stare down a very sheepish looking Jin.
“You can’t tell anyone about this, got it?” He rakes a hand through his hair, mussing it and making him resemble a cockatoo.
“Dude, relax. I get it, you have a rep to maintain. Everyone ventures outside their type for a first time.”
Jin winces. He knows he’s known for being incredibly picky—only ever sleeping with 4.0 girls (the number referring to their maximum dress size and minimum GPA). Someone even did a story on it in the Hot Takes section of the school magazine. He’s still not sure if it’s a moment he should proud of.
“About that…” he trails off and tugs nervously at the throw blanket he hastily clothed himself with when Jimin burst into their shared living room only to catch him in a rather compromising position. With that girl of all people.
Jimin blinks slowly, trying to process the flurry of words and Jin’s ashamed tone. When what Jin said finally hits him, he grins darkly.
“Man, c’mon. Don’t joke like that about her, its not nice.”
“Jimin, I’m—,” Jin looks around the hallway suspiciously before dragging Jimin into the dorm and slamming the door shut. “I’m being serious, okay?” Jimin’s jaw drops and he begins to sputter.
“But…why her?”
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The first time Jimin encountered you was during a particularly late night in the stacks of the library last semester. The year was starting off hard and he was getting his ass kicked in one particular introductory psych class.
At around 1 in the morning, he had one more problem to finish on his take-home exam but was desperately stuck. He remembered seeing someone who he recognized from class sitting in the economics section. He thought it was odd initially. Usually no one sat there because the smell from the librarians’ bathroom often carried over. And no one wanted to study to the smell of coffee shits.
Taking a break, he grabbed his laptop and wandered around the stacks to find the classmate. When he found you, you were in the process of packing up, struggling to get your earphones into the headphone jack of your phone while also carrying a stack of periodicals and a burger from the campus grill, which happened to be leaking ketchup onto your already dingy tracksuit. He approached you carefully.
“Hey, you’re in Professor Kang’s class, right?”
His voice startled you and you lost your precarious grip on your stuff. The poorly wrapped burger fell to the floor and bled a little onto your white converse. The periodicals fluttered down around your feet.
“Shit, sorry. Lemme help you,” he offered as he put his laptop down. You gasped from your spot already crouched on the ground.
“No, please, it’s really okay. Please, I’m fine, I don’t need—“
But he already had one printout from the stack in his hand and automatically turned it over. When Jimin looks back on the memory, he thinks that this may have been the biggest mistake he’s ever made in his life.
He would later find out after a nervous google search that the paper in his hand, and probably 80 percent of the papers on the ground, were called fursonas. While a handful might have been somewhat decent, most of them were of overly buff rabbits with bubble butts raised for the viewer or tigers fisting weeping, veiny dicks over pastel backgrounds. The one he held was of a duck, or something, with a weight lifter’s body with an obscene expression on its face while tentacles swarmed it from all angles. The implications of what might be happening in the picture made Jimin’s head hurt.
“Oh my god, what the fuck. What the fuck,” he whispered. He was so stunned that he let you rip the page from his hand.
“It’s called fur-centric hentai and its art,” you hissed. The line sounded mechanical and well-practiced if you asked Jimin. He watched you gather the rest of your belongings quickly, burger included, before leaving him crouched in the economics stacks.
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Jin snaps his fingers in front of Jimin’s zoned out face only to have him be brought back to reality with a look of slight disgust.
“What’s your problem, fix your face,” Jin snapped.
“I’m just trying to figure out why you chose her, of all people. You remember that story I told you about the Econ stacks. I was so scarred, I got a C on that test.”
“Pretty sure you got a C because you didn’t realize there was a second page of the homework.”
“Well, if she hadn’t thrown her weird animal dicks all over the place, I would have realized there was a back and finished the assignment”
Jin sniffs and drops the blanket he was wearing, before walking over to the kitchen to get a drink, naked as the day he was born. Jimin follows on autopilot.
“Maybe you should stop trying to yuck my yum,”Jin says over his shoulder.
“Oh my god, don’t say it like that. I’m just saying, man. She’s weird. And gross. And more importantly not.Your. Type.” He enunciates each word with a poke to Jin’s bare back while he gets them some beers.
“You think I don’t fucking know that? That’s why I keep it discrete. Why do you think I told you not to come home every Tuesday and Thursday at until after 8:30?”
“You said you had lab.”
“How the hell could I do a lab in our apartment?”
“It…It could happen.”
“I’m a poetry major,” Jin pinches the bridge of his nose at his roommate’s stupidity, “Damnit Jimin.”
Jimin purses his lips when he realizes he might be even dumber than he thought.
“Wait a second, you’ve had lab,” he makes giant air quote gestures, “for, what, 2 months now? You’ve just been fucking her this whole time?”
There’s a beat of silence as Jin takes another swig from his beer. “Yeah,” he finally says. The matter of fact air of his response makes something glitch in Jimin’s brain.
“What the hell, dude? That’s a lot of repeat service. Does she have something on you? Is that why you’re doing this? Did you break an expensive-ass vase or something?” Jimin stops to think, his mind running wild with possibilities. “Holy shit, are you being pimped out?”
“No. God, would you just shut up?” Jin sighs quietly. “I’m sleeping with her so much because she’s the best I’ve ever had.”
Jimin takes a step back at the defeated sincerity in Jin’s tone.
“How? What about that time with that other girl--what was her name?” Jimin runs a hand through his hair trying to remember any name of one of many the girls Jin has had a fling with. “Oh! Irene or something? What about her?”
“I mean, Irene was fine. She gave pretty good head. But last Thursday I thought I came harder than I’ve ever come in my entire life.”
“You ‘thought’?”
Jin looks up wistfully somewhere behind Jimin’s head at the memory. “Well then she came over the following Tuesday and rocked my shit,” he smirks. “And then that was the hardest I’ve ever come in my life.”
“So she gives good head. Who cares? There’s plenty of girls on campus who give good head and also don’t draw furry porn for a living and wash their damn sweatpants.”
“You don’t understand, dude. It’s not just the head. It’s the head, and the handjobs, and the pussy. It’s everything.”
Jimin raises his eyebrows incredulously. “The pussy is better than the handjobs?” He has to try hard not to look impressed. Meanwhile Jin is smilng, almost relieved now that the secret is out and he can talk openly about the mindblowing sex he’d been having.
“The first time she jerked me off, I passed out immediately after I came and woke up late to the class the next afternoon.”
Jimin narrows his eyes but motions with a hand for Jin to continue.
“The first time she blew me I couldn’t even walk afterward.”
“Wait...was that the day you told me you thought you had a sprained ankle? The one that healed after 24 hours?”
The smug tone and the second stupid lie make Jimin want to rip his hair out. “Why do you lie so much,” he whispered, pain in his voice.
“I wasn’t lying, I really thought I had a sprained ankle.”
“From a blowjob?”
“That’s what I said.”
“What about the, uh, the pussy,” Jimin asks after realizing the FBI probably won’t come through the doors and snipe him for talking about vagina.
“The one time she let me hit it raw, I cried.,” Jin says, absolutely beaming.
“Oh, come on. You can’t be serious.”
“I am, though. I think she was gonna let me do it again today.” Jin closes his eyes and smiles softly while Jimin looks on, unamused.
“So? What happened today? She underperform or something?” There’s a hint of jealousy and a lot of curiosity in his tone, but Jimin would deny it if anyone asked him.
“No, asswipe. She got spooked because you showed up when you weren’t supposed to.”
“Well, sorry for ruining your lies,” Jimin snaps, cracking open his own beer.
“You think this is a joke?” Jin shoves Jimin in the chest roughly. “We didn’t get to finish because of you. Now I have to jerk off with my own hand. That’s pathetic”
“And what were you doing before you met her? Listen to yourself, she’s making you crazy. No one is that good in bed.”
Jin stomps over to the couch and settles down before turning and looking at Jimin over the backboard.
“You know what? You go and sleep with her 3--no--4 times. And if she doesn’t completely fry your brain, I’ll pay for any and all of your takeout for the next month. But If she does, you gotta switch mattresses with me and not come by the dorm until after 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from then on.”
“Dude, gross I don’t want your sex soaked mattress. It’s the same as yours anyway. Minus the ten gallons of old jizz on it.”
“No, it’s not. You have that, like, Tempurpedic thing.”
“True,” Jimin nods thoughtfully, “But don’t you think it would be weird if the roommate of the guy she was fucking started trying to get in her pants? Also, I could just lie and say she didn’t do it for me. Then you’d be forced to pay for my food and—Hold on. If she’s so good, why are you so willing to pawn her off to me?”
“Why do you ask so many stupid questions? First of all, she’s not mine just because I’m sleeping with her. I’m just telling you to go see if she’ll let you. I mean, there’s no guarantee. She barely even gave me a shot.”
“She barely gave you a shot? But you’re, like, the campus prince”, more air quotes, “How did this even happen?”
“Well, to make a long story short, we were both high at her sorority and I’d heard rumors about her from Wonho, so I went to…talk to her in her room.”
“Wonho is Wonho, though. He’d fuck anyone if the weed was good.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken, my friend. He has a diverse and sophisticated palate. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to weed and sex. Once I took him up on his suggestion and she said yes, I never looked back,” Jin says with a dreamy voice.
Jimin watches the back of Jin’s head loll on the sofa. When a soft sigh emerges from where the older man is sitting, Jimin recoils and runs out of the kitchen, away from the couch.
“Are you jerking off right now? Dude. Not cool.”
“Get the fuck out, then. It’s Thursday, which means I’m getting off by 7:30pm and I don’t give a rat’s ass who’s here when it happens.”
“Fine,” Jimin huffs and reluctantly stuffs his feet back into his sneakers where they lie by the door. “I hope your dick chafes.”
Jin purposefully releases another, louder moan and Jimin runs out of the apartment.
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“I’ll have an order of the half crispy, half spicy and a large coke. Thanks,” Jimin says to the clerk at the grill before checking his phone for the 8th time in the hour.
8:01 Jimin - Are you done yet?
             (8:10 read by Jin)
8:11 Jin - yeah but round two starts soon so
8:11 Jin - *middle finger emoji*
Jimin quickly shuts down his messenger app and opens up Flappy Bird while he sits at a table and waits for his order number to be called.
“Stupid asshole and his stupid dick, kicking me out of the stupid apartment. Fuck you, dickhead,” Jimin mutters to himself.
“What did you just say?” 
Jimin’s head whips up at the infantile voice coming from the seat across from him. Jeon Jungkook is sitting at his table, eating a veggie burger. Who the hell orders a veggie burger from a chicken place?
“Were you talking to me,” Jungkook asks again, pushing his bulky glasses up with a finger.
“Jeon, why would I be talking to you? A better question is why the hell are you talking to me?
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amyofasgard · 5 years
So I finally got this finished its been roughly 2 weeks I think, @sphynx-nightmare im sorry my friend but I finally did it. I've just been really busy but I've been desperate to post also @cenobxter might be somewhere in the story. one more thing there may or may not be some NSFW. Enjoy!
Amy and the rest of the Avengers were at the compound in Upstate New York. They had gone away for the weekend to train. Unfortunately for Amy, Loki had chosen to remain at the Tower, but it was probably for the best as the rest of the Avengers didn't know about their romance and their secret meetings at Amy's LA apartment had been nice and private. The only people to know where the people who shared her apartment block with; Casey and her daughter Lily, who Loki loved to make smile with pretty flowers and gifts and just his charming personality. She didn’t want anything from Loki except him, but he insisted that Amy was to accept a gift he had made for her, it was a necklace she wore, a gift from Loki, a rare Asgardian silver that held a tree with royal Asgardian Emeralds. Loki explained that it was Yggdrasil the World Tree, It was there in the beginning and it is Yggdrasil that the connects the 9 Realms and using the Bifrost is to travel on its branches, without Yggdrasil the Bifrost would not be possible and neither would traveling between the realms, this meant that Amy’s and Loki’s love would not be possible if not for Yggdrasil. Things had been getting pretty heated lately during Loki’s visits, but nothing had gone further than an extreme make-out session. Steve frowned seeing Amy lost in thought. "Amy?" He said, sighing softly as she didn't react. "Amy?!" he said louder this time, making her snap out of it. "What? Yes, sorry, just tired." She said A few of the others chuckled as a bright blush covered her face. Tony on her left nudged her with a cheeky smirk. "What's keeping you up at night this time Sabrina? Art? New gadget? Spells and potions?" Amy laughed. "Na just couldn't sleep much," she shrugged dismissively. Sam frowned, reading between the lines. "Nightmares worse than usual?" Amy sighed - they all knew about the nightmares. More than once, when Amy stayed at the tower, she'd cry out loudly and someone would come in to find her rolling around on her bed, caught in a nightmare and drenched in sweat before they snapped her out of it. After the third time Steve had come in and found her like this, he recommended she speak to someone about it and Sam, having experience in counseling, was available to talk. She dismissed it initially, but after the fourth time Steve talked to Amy's mentor, Dr. Steven Strange, and between the two of them they all but staged an intervention to convince Amy to open up to someone about what she was dreaming about. Amy didn't react well and left the tower angry and hurt, but a few days later, talking to Casey (one of the only people who knew what the nightmares were about) calmed her down and rationalized everything after she vented the frustrations. She felt bad, she knew her friends were worried about her and agreed to meet them at Avengers tower with Dr. Strange. After apologizing for losing her cool before, she agreed to talk to Sam about the nightmares, but she still wouldn't reveal what they were about to which Sam agreed as well, saying that she would open up about them when she was ready. Steve frowned at hearing she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep. "Amy, maybe you should sit this one out, after all it's a hard course and it'll take about 3 hours to complete especially with the rock climbing." Amy shook her head instantly dismissing that idea. "No, I'll be okay, I'm not that tired, I just need to tire myself out and when we get back, I'll go get some sleep, deal?" Steve sighed and nodded. "Fine, but if you get too tired you head back and that's an order, okay?" Amy sighed but agreed, after all, she really didn't wanna get sent back. Steve talked them through the natural terrain obstacle course. "Okay, so first off today we'll be starting with the Mud mini obstacle course, in which you will be required to complete 4 different stages that you would usually find in your average assault course. Afterward, you move on to the 150-meter swim across the natural river." Steve smirked saying this next one "Then there's 'A Floor is Lava' in the forest exercise, where if you touch the floor then you restart that area." A few whooped in excited enthusiasm, Clint and Amy with Nat just smirking, they knew they could do that easily and some groaned in defeat like Tony and Bruce. "And lastly, a rock-climbing exercise, first to the top and hit the button on the Quinjet that's waiting there wins. Got it?" they all nodded. "Okay good, now you all have a wrist band to keep an eye on you meaning no tech, no magic, no helping each other either. This will also let everyone know if someone’s in trouble or in need of help at any point. Now positions…" They all lined up, ready to go, and a buzzer went. Most of them all sprinted off immediately to get across the mud obstacle course, but Amy wasn’t stupid, knowing she’d need all the energy she could get for later. She took her time going through the mud obstacles and it wasn’t long until she was overtaking Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Rhodey and Scott before she hit the first obstacle.  Thor, Steve, and Bucky were fighting for first place halfway to the 2nd Obstacle while Amy, Nat, Clint, and Sam were just starting the muddy slope climb - a 7ft slope of mud - and if you make it up the top, you slide down into the thick muddy water below. Amy managed to get over before Clint and wasn’t able to hide her laugh as she heard him yelp, tripping and going face-first into the water. Amy pushed through the thick muddy water, it was cold, wet and tough to get through, but soon they were through it and trying to keep pace with each other. Soon they got to the next obstacle: a rope swing, only you had to grab onto another rope mid-swing to make it the rest of the way across. Amy and Nat looked at each other and instantly they both picked up the pace, racing for the rope first. Amy managed to grab it a fraction of a second before Natasha could and kicked off but accidentally jerked it as Nat grabbed it, sending her into the mud pool below as Amy got over the flew through the air on the swing, knowing she was leading the pack of non-altered heroes. As she got to her next obstacle, she looked over her shoulder seeing Sam not far behind her, with Nat and Clint where right up her ass. She couldn’t help but smirk seeing Tony and Bruce pulling themselves over the mud slope and cry out as they fell into the mud before she kept going. She got onto her stomach and had to army crawl through more thick muddy water and by the time Amy pulled herself out to the other side, she was caked in mud from head to toe. She ran to the last obstacle - Monkey Bars. Amy sighed, she hated monkey bars, it killed her arms and she knew she’d need all the arm strength she had to do the swim and the climb, so she decided to go a different way. After all, Steve didn’t say they had to swing from the bars. She ran to them and kicked off one of the thick support beams and used that to propel herself to the top of the monkey bars and run over the top of them, being careful not to slip. Amy ran to the river happy she was finally out of the mud, hoping beyond hope that the river would wash away most of it, she was absolutely Filthy after all that. Amy spotted Bucky, Steve and Thor in the middle of the river, she knew the chance of her beating any of them were slim but the wrist bands they wore suppressed powers, so their strength was depleted a bit and she could only hope that it also took away their enhanced stamina. While they were rushing full speed ahead, she could tell even Steve had forgotten that their stamina might be affected so she kept her pace faster than average but steady. Amy had been swimming since she was a kid so she had no problems with keeping a good pace and she didn’t need to push her body as hard as the guys in front did, and before long, she had caught up with the guys as they were trying to do the ‘Floor is Lava’ challenge. Amy stood for a second, watching in amusement and taking in the course. This part was in the forest area at the other side of the river, there were lots of steppingstones and some were wonky, some were moving, and some were even wobbly. The highlight came from Steve falling off a wobbly one, making one of the sensors that were over the floor go off. “Shit,” he mumbled, and Amy smirked unable to help herself. “Language!” she smirked, hearing Sam, Nat and Clint laugh. They were almost across the river now, Scott, Wanda and Rhodey were about halfway across and an exhausted Tony and Bruce were just walking to the river, not even stressing themselves about the challenge as they talked. The best reaction to her comment was Thor who fell off his steppingstone and landed on his ass, his great booming laugh echoing off the trees whereas Bucky simply chuckled before turning and continuing on. Amy smirked and realized who her opponent would be for winning place, she could really feel the exhaustion in her but she was determined to win, no one had said it but they all knew whoever won would get to pick 3 things tonight: Where they got takeaway from, what movie they watched, and what the next training session would be. Amy smirked, running towards the steps but doing exactly what she had done with the monkey bars, run and lever herself up onto the trees. All the branches were pretty thick, so she quickly made her way across them, just managing to get to the other side seconds after Bucky did. “You ain’t gonna beat me Barnes!!” Bucky chuckled but shook his head choosing not to say anything, they both knew he’d have an instant advantage because of his Vibranium Arm but Amy was smaller and a little faster when he was weakened by his bracelet. She hesitated as she got to the cliffside, feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded, but she shook it off quickly, it wasn’t that bad. She could make it to the top first, press the button, and then sleep until Tony and Bruce arrived…in a few hours. Amy looked at Bucky putting on his safety harness and an exciting thought came into her head. She had climbed smoother surfaces than this with no problem, so she started to climb, ignoring the safety harness to gain first place. Bucky was close behind and not giving up the chase, but it looked like Amy was going to win. Just as Amy got past the halfway point though, another dizzy spell hit her and she stopped, tightening her grip on the rock and trying to ground herself. Bucky noticed Amy stopped and stopped himself, knowing something was wrong. Steve, Nat, Clint, Sam, and Thor, who were on their tails, noticed too but before they could say or do anything Amy’s body went slack and crumpled as her body gave out, exhausted. She started to fall, Bucky jumped, trying to catch her, as did Steve, but just as they were both about to get to reach her she vanished, leaving them to crash into each other with pain-filled groans. Loki appeared on the base of the cliff holding Amy in his arms and cradling her gently, his hand glowing as he scanned the length of her to make sure she was okay. Steve picked himself up and came running over along with the others, minus Tony and Bruce who had no clue what was going on and only just about to finish the river. The Avengers looked shocked to see Loki “Brother? What are you doing here?” Thor asked, Loki looked up after finishing his scan “What happened?” he demanded angrily. In his head, they were responsible for protecting her, she was meant to be safe but instead he had been alerted because she was in danger, and he found her falling from a cliff face. She could have been hurt or killed!! Thor frowned, “She fainted, I think.” Bucky piped up after recovering from smacking into Steve. “Yeah she did, I looked over and she stopped, I thought for a second she needed a break but it’s Amy, she wanted to win, so she wouldn’t stop when she was in the lead…her eyes rolled back and she fell.” Sam nodded. “She did say the nightmares had been keeping her awake.” Loki frowned. “What nightmares?” Sam sighed. “I don’t know what they’re about, but she struggles with them.” Loki gently brushed Amy’s hair gently to the side of her face. “Why did you not tell me my fire? I could have helped.” he said tenderly forgetting who was around, but when he did, he looked up with a very visible blush on his face. You could all but hear everything clicking together in the Avengers’ heads. Thor looked shocked “You are courting Amy?!?!” Steve groaned. “I knew this would happen.” Nat smirked at Clint. “You owe me $500.” Clint groaned. “How did you even know she was in danger?” Rhodey asked. Loki looked up. “The necklace she wears, it’s a gift, but it will always keep us connected and keep her safe.” Amy let out a soft whimper in her sleep, making everyone fall silent. Loki held her close. “Shh my love, it’s all right, I’m here…I’m going to return her home and stand watch over her…I don’t think Casey will be pleased about this…” Loki picked her up and teleported away, laying her gently in bed before texting Casey about what had happened before laying down to watch over Amy in her sleep.
A few hours later Amy groaned starting to wake up a little trying to open her eyes she finds herself nearly blinded by the morning sun. She rolled over, burying her head in the soft pillow and sighing softly, feeling much better than she had during Steve’s cross country assault course. She frowned - come to think of it, she couldn't remember how it ended. She remembered climbing up the rock face with Bucky and then...shit. She groaned, remembering the dizzy spell she took and knowing she must have fell. Surely, she was in a hospital bed with a broken something and a looong lecture from Cap and Dr Strange waiting for her as soon as she opened her eyes, but she frowned, confused, as someone kissed the top of her head. She boldly looked up, ready to look danger in the eye, only to see soft and loving green ones gazing back at her. Amy couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face seeing Loki before pulling him into a kiss. “Hello Handsome….” She smiled happily. Loki smiled but she could tell it was a sad smile. “Why did you hide your nightmares from me my love? I could have helped…”. Amy sighed. “I didn’t want you to know, it’s something I’ve had for years but I’m okay now, it just gets to be too much sometimes. You being with me helps, knowing you’re by my side, my nightmares fade and I dream about us and our future.” A happy smile spread onto Loki’s face. “I’m here if you ever want to confide in me Amy…you don’t have to hide when you are hurting or if you need anything from me.” Amy bit her lip. “Anything?” Loki smiled. “Anything.” Amy smirked in a way that can only be described as the definition of Mischief. “Then I want you… every piece of you to join with every piece of me.” Loki went wide-eyed for a second before a smile spread onto his lips as he stood. “You don’t get a prince in bed that easy Amy, beg…” he smirked they had talked about kinks before, so he knew exactly what she liked. Amy whimpered wantingly feeling much more invigorated after a good sleep. “Please my King, I want you to take me as your Queen.” She didn’t get another word out before Loki’s lips met hers in a kiss whose passion burned hotter than 1000 suns. Loki pushed her back onto the bed making quick work of removing her clothes and kissing down her body, leaving the occasional bite mark. Until he got to her other lips and kissed there with just as much skill, making Amy writhe under his strong hold. He wasn’t letting her escape his grasp that easy. He wrapped his arms around her thighs as he held her gently, but firmly, in place causing Amy to moan. It wasn’t long before she was a panting mess and she had finished. Loki smirked clearly proud of himself. “Kneel Before Your King” he ordered, and instantly Amy was on her knees in front of him waiting for his member excitedly. It was an impressive length, just like the rest of him, and Amy took him in her mouth and started to pleasure him. It wasn’t long before Loki had finished too and that was just their starter. After Loki kissed her again pinning her against a wall his cock already hard at attention. He smirked before throwing Amy on the bed and sexily crawled up her body before getting to her and pushing in, moaning loudly himself. It was like their bodies were meant to fit together like 2 pieces of the same jigsaw. All night they spent together and in many different positions, Amy’s favorite being the reverse Cowgirl and Loki’s was when she was bound and under his control. After a long night of Passion and Pure love Amy and Loki cuddled happily together. The next morning, Casey all but kicked the door down and before she noticed what Amy was sitting on. “Wit the fuck wur you thinkin Amy!? You couldae been killed! For fuck’s sake… ya Pair of Filthy Bastards get some fuckin clathes on!” walks out “Elliot! Get the Bleach…then get in that fuckin bedroom!”
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fallintosanity · 5 years
someone help me i’m on an angsty chocobros roll
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
Despite how long Noctis had taken in the shower, only Ignis and Gladio were waiting when he got to the sitting area. Ignis sat primly at one end of the couch, dressed like Noctis in pajamas with a robe wrapped tightly over top, his damp hair slicked back and his visor missing. In the room’s warm lighting, the scars on his face were less stark, though he wasn't bothering to keep his eyes open anymore. Gladio sprawled across the rest of the couch; true to form he wore only pajama pants and an open robe, though to be fair the robe probably wouldn't have closed around his barrel chest. The old scar across his ribs from his fight with Gilgamesh had faded, but several newer scars marred the skin around it.
“Well, well,” Gladio said. “Look at you. Didn’t like the fisherman king aesthetic?”
“Shut up,” Noctis said.
The corners of Gladio’s eyes crinkled and his mouth curled in a faint smirk, the closest he seemed to get to laughing anymore. Ignis said, “Come now, Gladio, it can’t have been that bad.”
“Oh, it was that bad,” Prompto said, emerging from one of the bedrooms.
“Says the guy with the art student goatee,” Noctis retorted.
Gladio’s smirk widened, while Prompto leaned back with an exaggerated horrified expression. “Rude! My goatee is sophisticated!”
“It’s something, all right,” Noctis said, dropping into an armchair with a grin.
“You’re something,” Prompto shot back, and for a second it was almost like old times, the four of them joking around together. But the next second it was gone again, Gladio’s smile fading too quickly and Prompto’s eyes darting away from Noctis. An awkward silence fell over them, broken a beat too late by Prompto asking, “So… what do we do with our clothes? Does this place have a washing machine?”
“Drop ‘em in the laundry chute in the bathroom,” Noctis said. “The cleaning staff will take care of them.”
Prompto gave him an odd look. “The cleaning staff?”
“What?” Noctis asked. “We're here, we might as well take advantage of it.”
“We're just gonna give away our clothes?” Prompto asked uneasily. “What if Ardyn comes back?”
“It's highly unlikely,” Ignis said. “Even if he's capable of sneaking past the guards - and I’d not put it past him - he still must face the full power of the Crystal’s defensive magic within the Citadel itself.”
“I don’t like giving up my armor on the basis of ‘unlikely’,” Prompto said.
“C’mon,” Noct said, trying to sound reassuring. “We can kick his ass no matter what we’re wearing.”
“It’ll be fine,” Gladio added. “Relax, kid.”
Prompto hesitated a moment longer, but Gladio gave an encouraging little jerk of his head toward the bedroom door, and finally Prompto turned and disappeared inside. When he returned a minute later, he flopped onto the couch between Gladio and Ignis, leaning against Gladio’s shoulder and absently picking at his barcode until Gladio wrapped a hand around his wrist again.
Noctis curled deeper into his armchair, fighting against the urge to go pile on the couch with them. Before, he would have. Before, they’d shared a tent that claimed it slept four but didn’t account for someone Gladio’s size or Prompto’s tendency to sprawl. Before, Noctis and Prompto had spent hours shoulder to shoulder on the couch in Noctis’s apartment, playing video games. He and Gladio would get into playful wrestling matches on the training mat that always resulted in the two of them sprawled in a heap. He and Ignis would sit together at the table to review homework or meeting notes.
Now the three of them were the ones piled together, and Noctis was a king alone in his chair.
“Noct?” Prompto asked, and Noctis blinked, jolted out of his gloomy thoughts. “You okay?”
“Fine,” Noctis said quickly. He didn’t want them to know how much it hurt to not be a part of them anymore, wasn’t sure how to explain it even if he did. He faked a yawn and added, “Just tired.”
“It’s been a long day,” Ignis agreed. “What time is it now?”
Gladio glanced at the clock set over the fireplace. “Eight-thirty PM.”
“Feels later,” Prompto said, with a yawn of his own. “Maybe we should—”
A knock on the suite’s front door interrupted him and sent Gladio to his feet and half in front of Noctis before he caught himself. A woman’s voice called through the door, “Dinner service. May I come in?”
“I suppose food wouldn’t be amiss,” Ignis said quietly. He’d shot to his feet only half a beat behind Gladio, and didn’t relax despite his own words. “Noct?”
“Sure,” Noctis agreed.
Ignis called toward the door, “Yes, please come in.”
Noct didn’t miss that Ignis and Gladio both stayed protectively between him and the door, nor that Prompto had shifted on the couch to give himself a clear line of fire around them, as it opened to admit a middle-aged woman in a Citadel staff uniform. She pushed a large cart laden with covered dishes into the suite, and set them out on the table in the little dining nook with the briskness of long practice. When she was finished, she turned to Noctis and bowed neatly. “His Majesty the King hopes you enjoy the food. If you have need of anything, please ask.”
“Of course,” Noctis said politely. “Thank you.”
The woman bowed again and left. She wasn’t quite as subtle as Cor had been; they all heard the click of a lock turning over as she shut the door.
Ignis tilted his head toward Gladio, who was studying the dinner spread with a grim look. Noctis sighed, recognizing that expression from both of them. “You can taste-test if you want,” he said dryly. “But I’m pretty sure my dad isn’t going to poison us.”
That got a rueful smile from Ignis. “Until we’re more sure of our position, I’d prefer to err on the side of caution.”
Prompto rolled his eyes. “You were the one who said we shouldn’t have to worry here.”
“About Ardyn, and the possibility of a battle inside the Citadel,” Ignis corrected. “The rest of this situation…” He shook his head. “Perhaps it’s overcautious of me, but after the Belil incident—”
“Oh,” Prompto said. “Yeah, fair.” He rolled to his feet and ducked past Ignis to the table. “I’ll taste it. I’m smallest, any poison’ll hit me first.”
Noctis frowned. He didn’t know what the Belil incident had been, but he didn’t like seeing his friends so paranoid. “Prompto—”
Prompto glanced over his shoulder at Noctis and grinned. “What? You said we could, and that it’s probably fine. And this way I get to try everything before Gladio eats it all.”
“Har har.” Gladio finally broke from his protective stance in front of Noctis to reach over and give Prompto a shove.
Prompto danced away with practiced ease, a dinner roll in one hand and a fork with a slice of what looked like garula roast in the other. He popped both in his mouth, chewed—then his eyes fell closed and he swayed, moaning low in his chest.
Noctis was on his feet in an instant, but Gladio and Ignis beat him to Prompto’s side. “Hey, kid—” Gladio said, worried, and caught him by the arms.
Prompto opened his eyes and blinked in obvious surprise at them, then winced and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry,” he said. “That wasn’t poison or anything. This is just…” He glanced over the steaming plates of food, his voice going wistful. “I haven’t had food this good in years.”
Gladio snorted. “I’m demoting you from royal taste tester.”
“Good,” Noctis interjected. “I don’t need a taste tester. Let’s just eat, okay? Before it all goes cold.”
“I suppose we are being rather paranoid,” Ignis admitted.
“Yes, you are,” Noctis said. It came out sharper than he’d meant and he saw Prompto flinch, but made himself ignore it. Whatever his friends had gone through in the last ten years, Noctis wanted this… this respite, this whatever-it-was in the past, to not be tainted by it. Seeing them like this only emphasized what he was going to lose as soon as they returned to the present, and he wanted these last few stolen memories to be good ones.
“Well, let’s eat then,” Gladio said. He nudged Ignis toward one of the chairs, while Prompto rounded the table to take the seat opposite Noctis. They dug in, the strained silence soon broken by delighted exclamations about the food. Prompto was right; it was delicious. More than that, it tasted like home, a familiarity Noctis had thought he’d never have again after Insomnia fell.
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foolgobi65 · 6 years
Hey Maya! I was so thrilled to see that Chitrangadaa fic that I couldn't help storming into your Askbox. Can I please request a Hogwarts AU for Chitrangadaa if you haven't done it yet? Thanks! :))
ah im so glad u liked it!! please feel free to send me as many prompts as you want! also this is completely unedited and possibly quite terrible, and i decided to go with gay ulupi and chitrangada this time which is … lowkey canon anyway but still i really hope you like it! if you dont just send another prompt and i’ll try again lmao!
1. Chitrangada’s family is old, reputed, and cursed – every generation shall bare only one child to continue the family line. When Chitrangada is born, her father spares a brief moment to be disappointed that she was not a boy before kissing her forehead. After all, his grandfather was born of the Clan Mother and there are still stories that attest to her strength of will.
“My beautiful daughter,” he whispers and kisses her soft cheek once more, “Chitrangada.” 
2. Chitrangada enters Hogwarts the only daughter and heir to her family’s vast Welsh fortune. Traditionally, they are a family that has kept to themselves, far enough from the grip of London that they are easily forgotten amongst the high drama of the Sacred 28. Not for them are the vices that often plague the privileged – they cannot afford to lose an heir to liquor or grudge at the gaming boards. Even less do they suit the political intrigue of the English, the power plays and ideological warfare that has led to Kamsa’s 25-year iron grip. Chitrangada is raised safely in the family home, told to keep her head down and finish seven years without attracting any notice from those who might try to have her fight their battles. Courage too is just as likely to cull the lineage as stupidity.
“Gryffindor,” the Sorting Hat screams the moment it touches the 32nd in a line of Hufflepuffs.
3.“You know,” Chitrangada hears from somewhere in front of her,“there’s an easy fix to your problem.”
Chitrangada looks up, furiously brushing away her tears and attempting to pretend that she wasn’t just crying in an abandoned classroom.
“What do you know about my problems,” she asks the girl, a Ravenclaw by the looks of her robes, perhaps a year older than Chitrangada herself. The girl lowers herself to the ground, resting her back against the wall next to Chitrangada.
“You want to fight, yes?” Chitrangada bites her lip.
“It’s not so easy, you see my family–”
“I know about your family.” Chitrangada furrows her brow. “Then you know why my father won’t accept it.” She snorts. “And he would be right! I would be endangering everything my family stands for, for nothing!” Tears leak from the corner of her eyes and she buries her face in her knees once more.
“But you’ll do it anyway, won’t you.” It isn’t  a question. “Why?’
“Because things are so horrible, and I knew nothing,” Chitrangada says to the blessed dark behind her closed eyes. “I can’t go back to my home and spend the rest of my life reading obituaries and know that I did nothing to keep people safe!” She swallows.“I won’t run,” she says finally,“especially knowing how many people don’t have the option.”
The girl shifts closer and sighs, bringing her own knees up to her chest until they both sit side by side, shoulders a seam.“That’s as good a reason as any,” she says,“and so I’m going to help you.”
Chitrangada raises her head, and it is a moment that she will remember for all the rest of her days. The moonlight streams through a window, and it makes the other girl’s hair shimmer, brushes against the delicate planes of her face, nestles in the curve of her slight, faint smile.
But most of all, it lends a gleam to her eyes, iron that has turned into the steel of certainty. Chitrangada’s heart skips one beat, then another, and suddenly she feels like there is nothing she cannot do.
You only die if you lose,” the girl says,“so don’t. I’ll help.”
Chitrangada blinks. “Don’t lose?”
“Easy, right?”
Chitrangada smiles.
4. The girl, Ulupi, turns out to be a born researcher who for some reason has decided to focus her considerable energies into turning Chitrangada into a fighting machine. Ulupi finds books, pamphlets, old scrolls squirreled away in the recesses of the library, ranging from defensive spells to healing salves, battle theory and runes that turn one’s steps silent. 
The only thing Ulupi is not is a duelist, which means that Chitrangada by her fourth year is a master of theory, but only middling in practice. At night, she starts to slip out of the Common Room to practice stinging hexes at targets.
If practice is merely an excuse to drown herself in work, to have something to do when not with Ulupi than think of Ulupi, of how pretty and smart and lovely she is, and how she cannot give Chitrangada children,then no one but Chitrangada and her poor conjured dummies needs to know. Ulupi would conjure bubbles and remark that they are better training for reflexes, but Ulupi also prefers to be asleep between the hours of 12 and 8, so Chitrangada and her dummies are alone.Or, that is what she thinks, until she walks into her usual classroom and finds herself dodging a stunner.
“Protego,” she shouts instinctively when she feels the whiz of the next, without even the sound of an incantation for warning. It is the new moon, and the room is still pitch black.
“Lumos.” In the light, Chitrangada sees her attacker and gasps: Arjuna, two years her senior and said to be the most gifted duelist in generations stands with his wand out. He blinks.
“What are you doing here?” Chitrangada’s eyes widen.
“What are you doing here?”
His eyes move from her to the dummies spread around the room. “I was practicing.”
“In the dark?” And yet, Chitrangada looks and there are marks on the dummies that she knows weren’t there the night before. It is true: Arjuna has learned to duel in the dark.
An expression crosses Arjuna’s face, but he is too trained for Chitrangada to decipher its meaning.
Another stunner, and Chitrangada puts up a shield. He aims another, nonverbal the whole while, and Chitrangada is annoyed enough that she sends a stunner back. Arjuna’s shield is a work of art, his stance a mirror of the dueling text Ulupi had found last winter, and they begin to fight in earnest, trading spells until finally Chitrangada is panting, her wand in Arjuna’s left hand.
She will never be an auror, she thinks, and blinks away her hot, furious tears. She will die in the streets of London, ending the family line by 18. She will break her father’s heart.
“You’re good,” she hears from beyond the veil of her intense self-pity, “if a little unpracticed. Why don’t I know who you are?”
Chitrangada frowns. She is rich for sure, but Arjuna is a Kuru of London, one of the Sacred 28. Headmaster Bhishma himself is his Grandsire, and it is common knowledge that Arjuna has been trained as a duelist since three years of age. He attends classes to satisfy his elders but notoriously refuses to spend free time with his peers. Why would he know who she is?
“I’m younger than you,” Chitrangada finally offers when she realizes the question wasn’t rhetorical.“We don’t share any classes.”
“But we have people of all years in Dueling Club and I thought I knew everyone there.” Chitrangada’s eyes widen – the Hogwarts Dueling Club is a society for the elite, and while it is open to anyone in name, entry is usually based on invitation. Chitrangada trains in secret, in order to prevent word from getting to her father.
“I was not invited,” she says, and then when she sees Arjuna attempt to object, she adds–“My father would not approve.” Better he think her father old-fashioned than be forced to explain the family curse.
Arjuna’s eyes harden. “How have you trained so far?”
Chitrangada shrugs.“Books.” To speak of Ulupi is to think of her, her sweet smile, the way she smells of flowers, the brush of her fingers when she passes a pamphlet across their shared desk. Chitrangada ruthlessly crushes the thought of her best friend.
He exhales.“Books.” Chitrangada nods.“Then you are remarkable – to have lasted so long against me without proper training. Are you sure you won’t join the Club? We can be very discreet, and you are probably better than a fair few.”
Chitrangada smiles, heart light at Arjuna’s praise. Perhaps she might make it to 19 after all.“No,” she says,“as much as I might like to, I’m afraid it’s quite impossible.”
“Fine,” Arjuna shrugs, and Chitrangada tries not to feel hurt at how easily he brushes her aside. But then he moves back into the dueling stance and Chitrangada’s heart skips another beat. He smiles, tossing Chitrangada back her wand.“I’ll just have to train you myself.”
Chitrangada’s jaw drops. She is in love.
5.“You are not in love with me,” Arjuna says a year later when Chitrangada confesses her deep, abiding passion for her illicit dueling master.“I don’t know why you just won’t tell Ulupi.”
”Ulupi?” Chitrangada splutters.“If you don’t like me you can say so, there’s no need to make implications!”
Chitrangada managed to keep her midnight sessions with Arjuna a secret for an entire week before Ulupi came barging into their classroom, furious at being kept out of the loop. By the next week, she had drawn up a new schedule that allowed Arjuna and Chitrangada at least four hours of sleep and given Arjuna a tome about training to duel without the use of each of the five senses.
“I don’t need to make implications,” Arjuna says,“she’s already told me.”
“Told you what?” Chitrangada blushes crimson, reminding herself to breathe. Does Ulupi know? Chitrangada has tried so hard to keep her feelings to herself.
“That you think you need to be with someone who can give you an heir, and since Ulupi cannot you are convinced it is best to live in misery, hopefully marrying some man who will give you a child before you die in the Auror service.”
Chitrangada’s knees shake, and she feels herself sinking to the ground, her lungs tightening until she can’t breathe. She hears Arjuna calling out, and when she next opens her eyes it is to the horrifying sight of Ulupi’s face, one single tear running down her cheek.
“How could you be so stupid!” Chitrangada is not sure if this is directed to her or Arjuna kneeling behind Ulupi, wringing his hands.“I’m talking to the both of you!”
“Ulupi,” Chitrangada begins, but stops at Ulupi’s outstretched hand.
“Did you really think that after everything, I wouldn’t have a solution?”
“Does the Hogwarts library have books about…” Arjuna’s voice lowers.“procreation?”
Ulupi rolls her eyes.“It has books about sex too.” Arjuna flinches.“But no, I found this at a Muggle bookstore last summer. You’re going to be a sperm donor!”
“A what?” Arjuna and Chitrangada say this as one. Ulupi laughs.
“Well,” she says,“the muggles have figured out how to isolate what of Arjuna is needed to create a child, and so he will….donate –”
“Donate my –”
“Yes,” Ulupi says, finally flushing herself.“In a little bag. Then we will… insert that into Chitrangada, and she will have a child!”
A moment of silence. “A child,” Chitrangada whispers. Is it possible?
“My child?” Later, they will all laugh at the sheer amount of scandal in Arjuna’s voice.
Ulupi glares. “Well it doesn’t have to be your child if you don’t want it to be! The child will have two parents once Chitrangada and I marry, and even if she dies I will be a researcher and stable enough to satisfy the family.”
“Marry,” Chitrangada breathes, gazing at Ulupi as if it is again the first time. In a way, it is. She is, if possible, even more beautiful than that first night, all blazing eyes and steel certainty that even the stars will move to align with her vision for their future.
“Yes,” Ulupi says, turning to grab Chitrangada’s hands and bringing them up to her lips. “Easy, right?”
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