#lile jesus christ
cult-of-the-eye · 3 months
brooo it's literally impossible to be anything other than skinny during the summer
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inkyriot · 29 days
now that misfits and magic has sparked talk abt harry potter i get to talk abt how sick i am of how ANY media with magic gets compared to harry potter. like witch hat atiler.. its magic system is NOTHING like harry potter's, theres no school, no british ppl, NOTHING similar to harry potter and yet ive seen ppl say its lkle studio ghibi meets harry potter. like oh my god can we let hp die im SICK and TIRED
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vampiricmetalhead · 29 days
Mood board of how i feel when fanfic authors and artists portray the pines twins like actual kids
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chipped-chimera · 1 month
The feminine urge to commit carnage.
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abimee · 1 year
like even the nicest person would be at the end of their rope too if they lost the woman they had a crush on and after gifting her prized mask to her sister said sister twisted their arm into lying and saying she was the dead girl they had a crush on and make them keep up a glamour of a tattoo on her neck as she went around dressing, speaking, and acting like her in their presence. like id be mad as hell
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euclydya · 1 year
3 trillion things happening rn. hai
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pllanks · 2 months
You know? I got something on the tip of my tongue that I cannot put my finger on because I don't have gloves and that would be extremely icky and germy and I do not like germs. Germs make you sick sometimes a lot but not all the time there are also good germs but I don't think the germs on my tongue are good germs probably but I don't know because I am not a doctor that specializes in mouths or a doctor that specializes in germs. I am mostly just a guy who does stuff sometimes but not all the time because doing stuff all of the time would consume more energy than my body can produce because I am not made of electricity or uranium or petrol or coal or steam or little creatures that run around on a spinny wheel nor chlorophyll which is how solar panels work. They stole that technology from the plants wh
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beaniebitch69 · 8 months
i just dont like how stiff the viera emotes r comparwd to auras :( maybe shes too expressive but thats better than needing to be zoomed in just to see her turn her face away and smile sweetly
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truly do not know or care to know why noah kahn music hurts me so much but just
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oetscop · 1 year
fellers i dont remember what happened last night but BOY HOWDY I DO NOT FEEL WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if I could request bsd characters (you can choose, im sure you know what characters you’d like to write for best) with a reader who’s bad at numbers/maths and stuff like that
This is so silly I love it (excuse any mistakes I didn't proof read this one)
ofc I had to include Kunikida
as a former Maths teacher he gets so annoyed with you (in a very silly way) whenever you struggle with numbers.
you're supposed to calculate Ada's monthly expenses but just can't get the hang of it so he ends up doing it for you
if he's in a good mood he may explain you how it's done
"How do you not get this?" he groans for the nth time that afternoon "Jesus Christ how did you end up doing the accounts?"
"I dunno" you cry out, staring at the papers in front of you with a desperate look on your face. "Please help me Kunikida I really can't do this"
He only sighs in response, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he drags a chair from a nearby desk to sit next to you. He grabs the pen from your hand "Don't I always..."
he straight up side eyes you; may also call you stupid
doesn't even try to help you with Maths, he just does it himself
Fyodor's gaze follows you as you walk around the rows and piles of books in the store, carrying a stack of books.
"Fedya honey what was the budget again?"
He tells you the sum absentmindedly and sighs as he watches you stuggle to add up the money you were gonna spend so far. You check the price tag on the back of each book, brows quirking as you tried to calculate the sum.
"That's 2.800 yen myshka. You've got about 1.4k left" he points out, earning a smile from you.
You thank him in that cheerful tone of yours and he can't help but smile, the crease between his brows growing a little bit softer.
he doesn't really mind it as long as it doesn't inconvenience him in any way; in fact, he finds it amusing
but let's assume you're Fukuchi's assistant and you need to calculate the expenses for a month's missions and you just can't, so he has to stay overtime to help you
he's a bit pissed off about it but deep down he's happy he can help (we all know he's secretly a softie)
When Jouno found you in your office a couple of hours ago you were sitting at your desk with your face buried in the palms of your hands, crying lile there was no tomorrow. When he asked you what was wrong you started rambling on about how you were supposed to hand in the final report by tomorrow but you had forgotten your phone at home so you had no way of doing the Maths.
"Just do it yourself" he said plainly but you shook your head in disdain.
"I've always been shit at Maths"
"What do you mean? You've literally been hired to do the accounts" he commented, crossing his arms over his chest. Jouno could tell how embarassed you were by the sound of your rapid heartbeat.
"Yea... well, I never do it. The captain handles the accounts himself, I just make sure the papers are in order and you know, restock his alcohol supply when it runs low."
The man sighed, taking a seat next to you "Good lord, why am I even surprised. Alright, I'll help you out. Wouldn't want you getting fired"
𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊 (for the silly)
he's kinda bad with numbers too but he does his best to cheer you up
"Don't worry Y/N. I'm sure you've got this" the blonde smiled, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"No, Kenji. I can't do this right now" you sighd, discarding your fountain pen somewhere on top of the papers.
"I really wish I could help, but I doubt I'm the right person for that. Maybe you could ask Kunikida to help"
But of course you couldn't ask Kunikida to help; you weren't in the mood to get scolded again. Leaning back into your chair, your gaze skimmed over the room when you eventually spotted Ranpo at his desk. He was mindlessly flipping through a paper, sucking on his lollipop.
"Kenji, I bet you a gallon of milk that Ranpo's gonna this for me if I give him the slice of cake I bought for lunch"
Your colleague only smiled on response, nodding "I'm really sure he will"
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catboymoments · 5 months
love ur yeshua h. christ lile yeag that's him thats the guy ever. i picture the angels rolling out a red carpet and trumpets like hes a big celebrity and everytime he's like "come on guys we talked about this you dont need to do this" and he walks down on it in like. fluffy sheep themed sandals or something with a cup of wine walking down it and offering charlie n co at the end a drink of it.
"i thought drinking was a sin"
"nah. its bad if its not in moderation though -" he looks directly into the camera "- drink responsibility my children"
cause yeah of course jesus christ the all knowing should beeak the 4th wall tbh
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kusundei · 5 months
filled with loveee 💗 i hate how often i bounce back and forth between being okay and being evil but noooo im kinddd ^_^ i was filled with. soooo much dread earlier for no reason at all. as much as that cookie made me ill (im still ill.) maybe it gave me a little more energy. or it was ajax^_^ it was probably him. BUT NOOO. im feeling joyous^_^ i love my house when nobody is home iii feeel so happy and kind and at peace. like i can do something and be okay :3 ill bask in the joy i feel currently and pray to god i dont get lashed 💗
NO BECAUSE yesterday was. definitely. something. felt so much better after texting him liiiike. howd you know i was typing whaaaat. nooo he makes me feeel soososos much better and my mom was being kind after anyways… though the bathroom door may be gone. ILL SHOWER WHILE THEYRE NOT HOME…. but nooo she made champorado last night and iiiii ate it. despite my negative feelings. speaaaking of eating iii need to chill out. i cant say much today cuz im feeling ill but while im feeling hopeful and kind i need to. uhhh. stop doing this. AS IN BEING LIKE whats the point of eating i wont eat alot anyway… or my . i wont eat at school… or my. i hate eating in front of people and i share my food and etcetc. iii need to uhhh. calm down and advocate for myself because no its dumb when i think ab it but no i cant ezactly shake the guilty feeling i associate w it??? like how illALWAYS. turn down food. even if im hungry like nooo you sont need to know that… im just glad im not at the point of myyy. passing out low blood pressure point but nooo the knowledgement i mightve hit the 130s plagues me a tad. too scared to check and also they locked the door so i cant. I HATEIT BECAUSE i enable myself sometimes. lile i thought ab it last night and i was like jesus christ iiii doom myself more than anyone else. perchance i DOOOO CONDEMN MYSELF… maybe i am not a 7 on the pyramid. but nooo im kind and im tryinggg i just get evil sometimes 💗 alot maybe 💗
BUT I WONT THINK AB IT. im not hungry right now unfortunately but i am feeling sick. just a bit but not enough to worry me its just the knowledgement i tried to eat the cookie earlier and it made me feel THIS BAD i think says something. but oh welllll. ill hope and pray the world will treat me kindly tonight.. my mom especially. i will call sav while i have the ability to or try and lock in on my essay idk. i hope they stay out for a bit. illl waaaittt for my lovelyyy darling boyfriend and be happyyy :3 i’ll be okay .
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luxeberries · 1 year
okay no okay i love tara but holy shit she pisses me the fuck off with the dwight thing like yeah okay he murdered your gf of like a month or whatever but daryl was literally taken prisoner and locked in a room with no windows, naked, fed dog food once a day for a WEEK. STRAIGHT. he was systematically broken down, humiliated, and beaten until he finally escaped and he hasn't even begun to talk about the trauma he endured (BECAUSE ITS NEVER EXPLORED ASIDE FROM HIS EVIDENT ANGER. EVER.) and yet YOU are the one who should get to kill dwight??? lile i get it okay but jesus fucking christ it pisses me the hell off like it just comes off as so trivial. like girl your anger does not compare to daryls unpacked trauma. shut the Fuck up
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llycaons · 2 years
jesus christ I'm so stressed out. this woman is a nightmare to shadow lile she tells me to do things I KNOW I shouldn't and she just went out of her way to ensure I didn't take a full dinner break but she's also like not mean just a headache??
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lady-ika · 5 months
i just want to be the first choice and feel like I'm actually wanted like yeah my friends love me and i love them but thats not all the love i want
and im so sick of trying to date and i know dating climate is hell but jesus christ i just want to feel sorry for myself for a minute ik i always whine and whine on about it but its not the specific guy or that in particular its just that even with my closest friends i feel so unwanted and lile the second option or the third or the ninth
i just. im always the side piece or the second option or just what they think is an easy lay and i can grab their attention or their heart for a second but beyond that im unremarkable
doomed forever to never be a what if and a what couldve been and a piece of ass and never happy in love
a relationship and love wouldnt fix me but itd sure make things a lot more bearable
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