#lilah morgan
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gothamstreetcat · 5 months ago
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@kyliafanfiction asked: batcat or weslah
flames wouldn't be eternal if they didn't consume anything. but it means something that you tried.
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mycatismyfriend · 2 months ago
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Christmas References 1/? in Angel the Series | 2x11 "Redefinition"
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dailyats · 1 year ago
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ANGEL (1999-2004) “Calvary”
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joodeegemstone · 11 months ago
i am such a horrible little apologist for every buffyverse woman. they could drink my blood or sacrifice me to a demon or just fucking beat me up and i'd probably be into it
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ANGEL THE SERIES | 2.11 “Redefinition”
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genericaces · 11 months ago
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lawyer stuff
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year ago
yes tara willow and kennedy are amazing barrier-breaking representation and I adore them with my whole entire heart forever and ever, but also here’s just a friendly reminder that:
spike and angel have canonically had sex, as have darla and drusilla
lorne just straight up shamelessly asks angel out that one time (and is. you know. lorne)
I was gonna split it up into like ten different points but honestly just faith and buffy’s entire relationship you know exactly what I mean
also self explanatory, lindsey’s complete and utter obsession with angel that literally ends with his name being his last words. he is not normal about that old man like “it’s not me you wanna screw it’s him” “I wanna know the details, everything he did to you” UM HELLO WHAT
fred canonically has a crush on willow
buffy has a sexual and romantic relationship with a woman in the comics
lorne mentions picking up demon girls in pylea, meanwhile his mother has a whole ass beard and more testosterone than a bodybuilder (also he’s. you know. LORNE)
xander thinks having sex with spike is understandable because he is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well muscled
illyria exists outside the gender binary
the visions are canonically passed by what is essentially true love’s kiss, and will only transfer if the person romantically loves the other person. in a universe where cordelia didn’t join angel investigations, doyle gave the visions to angel. I am so incredibly normal about this fact
“recently I’ve been wondering what it would be like to share the slaughter of innocents with another man. that doesn’t make me some kind of deviant, does it?”
vampire willow is very intensely bisexual, and angel confirms that vampires hold the same attractions as their human selves
faith “doesn’t take the guys she has a connection with very seriously”
lilah is canonically attracted to cordelia
angel has no problem spanking men <3
so yeah basically hey don’t cry all your favs are raging bisexuals :)
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psicheanima · 14 days ago
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This is probably the most self indulgent thing I have ever created and you can tell it was in a fit of pure delirium
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artsying-ifer · 10 months ago
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setting myself a fun challenge called obserMAYtion where i only do observational art for the entirety of may everyone please cheer and clap for meeee
anyway part of the reason i decided to do this (other than desperately needing to get back on that observational drawing grindset in general 💪💪💪) is that I've been very not happy lately with how I draw the buffyverse guys and wanna do more sketches to try n get more of a handle on the likenesses so. here's how it's going so far. i like some of em, i don't like others, i will not be elaborating on which is which. will be updating you all with my progress as the month goes on
also ftr commissions are still open this month they are the one exception I am making for myself from this challenge aside from zine bash if I also end up doing that lol. info is in my pinned post as usual
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justafriendofxanders · 8 months ago
lindsey and lilah my beloved evil stooges. love a hysterical man and a repressed woman. they're so clownishly evil they only make sense with a tragic backstory that's made them this deeply jaded and cynical. all the other w&h employees appear to be slimy weasels but these guys have to try SO hard to be evil. everybody else is having a ball at evil inc, but these two fuckers are clocking in like every day is monday. they're foiled at every turn bc they're villains of the week and thus Cannot Win. they both fall in love with people who are in the middle of identity/moral crises with the conviction they can be on the same side at some point (not good or evil, but their own side), because no one has ever been on their side.
but also like. THEY chose this. tragicomic characters for the ages.
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gothamstreetcat · 10 months ago
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wesley & lilah + text
angel script "tomorrow" written by david greenwalt │ she drives me crazy by kelly quindlen │ d. h. lawrence, "the rainbow" │ emily palermo "love in the time of monsters" & josé saramago "cain" │love poem by megan fernandes │ if beale street could talk by james baldwin │ alexis denisoff, slayercon │angel script "home" written by tim minear │le cid by pierre corneille, tr. a.s. kline (edited) │ alexis denisoff, slayercon │insp
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starryeyesxx · 1 year ago
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Angel 2x10 - "Reunion"
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whatisyourchildhoodtrauma · 2 years ago
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"It's a survival thing. I made a lot of devil's bargains and I stuck to them. As a result, I live somewhat dangerously, and *quite* comfortably. My mother, who no longer recognizes me, has the best room at the clinic. I get up every morning, put on my game face and do what I have to."
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genericaces · 9 months ago
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remembered my doomed weslah(?) post-nfa au that i can only describe as "wesley is an unofficial third to a semi-retired frunn who are now hippies in portland and also lilah is there"
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wes grows a depression beard and gets really into building birdhouses. sometimes lilah, still liaison for w&h, shows up and together they're the most sexually tense couple at the farmer's market. (lilah makes him shave the beard)
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obviously lilah decides that she needs to insert herself into this non-throuple in order to make wesley jealous and admit that he cares about... something. other than birdhouses.
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anyways every visit inevitably ends with lilah being called back to work by the senior partners. she only gets to snag brief moments of freedom before she goes back to work, and every time wes has to say goodbye to her all over again he gets all morose and guilty about it.
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and i think it's ultimately about hanging onto guilt and loss past the point where it's helpful for you because it's your last connection to someone, even though it's keeping you from living your life in the present, because on some level the idea of being happy feels like a betrayal. and trying to figure out what moving on even looks like
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