#lil errors or weird body changes
I love being nitpicky
but not in the ways ya think
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rexthefox · 1 year
Just got hit with the best AU idea I've had personally so far. It's gonna be a long post so be prepared!
An au that combines both Murder drones and the dragon prince! Focusing on the characters from murder drones placed in the universe of the dragon prince because yes.
The disassembly drones already remind me of moon shadow elves, with the white hair and how most are trained to be assassins! And the worker drones are obviously humans, however absolute solver could be viewed as dark magic! You see where I'm getting at?...there's also the blood moon clan of moon shadow elves that drink blood so like
It depends on your preference for the au but elf vampires would be closer to canon!!
The plot and characters so far would be similar to both.
Uzi is a rebellious human princess who researches dark magic but believes it's wrong, her mother nori passed away due to over using it or got too corrupted or smth, maybe they could have a dark magic curse running in the family that horribly shifts their body after using dark magic too much, mayyybe a curse placed on several human family's by a specific corrupted Arch-Elf?~ (Cyn not aaravos.) I'd like to think Uzi would be lore like Callum in this case as she does take over that role, age adores stories about Xadia and primal magic and probably thinks the elf human war is bull crap
Her dad, Khan rules the kingdom of copper 9 alone, Uzi often sneaks our to town to cause mayhem or be free of her princessly duty's much to her father's dismay.
However everything changes when 3 moonshadow-skywing elf hybrids..(thinking about having them magically made that way due to several curses..and also arch elf Cyn.) Show up in town and start killing some people, Uzi ofc wants to stop this, but her dad ends up forbidding her from leaving the castle, she does it anyway leaves and meets N after he tries to kill her and she successfully over powers him via weird magical weapon her mom gave her, boom railgun knife wand. I'm working on that bit.
It goes about as well as the pilot, Ns vision gets blurred because she hit him in the head, he thinks she's another elf, patches up her hand he cut with his blades and they end up becoming weird friends before Uzi runs off back to the castle before J and V return.
I want to connect the dragon prince story points more to this au as well but I'm out of ideas currently- however some plot points I am considering are:
Uzi is more attuned to the star and moon arcanums at first and struggles with the rest
V ends up tagging along on her and Ns journey to find a way to stop dark magic and because Uzi wants to go to Xadia to learn about the weapon her mom had stolen.
N is constantly a sweetheart as always and tries to befriend humans several times while in disguise, much to Uzi and Vs dismay
Thinking Doll and Lizzy may be the Claudia and Soren In this au (But lesbians instead of siblings....plus like dolls parents are dead-) at least for the first half?? Doll obviously could be a dark mage.
I don't know what to do with Tessa yet but she would become important when J returns later on in the story
But hey if people have ideas feel free to give them to me! Or other feedback on this weird lil au!
I wrote this at 11pm so excuse my grammar mistakes and spelling errors if there are any
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auxiliuno · 2 years
I love how you wrote my last request so here's another. I feel manic but dogshit lately so please gib angst.
König and ex gf Y/N bump into each other again at a German cafe after so many yrs. Lil happy catch up over coffee (that Y/N prolly initiates bc knowing König). They had a good relationship but shit didn't work out as young peeps. She lives abroad now and just returned to town to visit family, so as much as the relationship was rly special, it's old and unrealistic and both are just happy to know the other is doing great.
Then days after, he lowkey wants a friendly chat again but finds out that she died in a car accident. Now König doesn't know if he wants to cry or not, and if he should visit (he prolly will). Gawd it's a whole level of sad when it fits upbeat music. Song reference? Alexa, play Never Forget You by Noisettes.
And thank you, have a good day.
Hello! Thank you for requesting from me again, I'm really happy you enjoyed my first writing! 💗 I hope you feel better soon darling :( ik how it feels to be in a bad place so I'm sending you lots of love! XOXO 💝
König x ex!reader
Tw: mentions of death and car accidents, funeral, crying, cursing
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How long has it been? 2 years, 3 years? No, definitely more than that
The time you spent with that boy washed away like sand on the seashore
Memories fade, as do old relationships
You just never thought you'd see him again
On a trip back to your hometown, to visit your family
You go to your favorite café, the one you always went to before you went to work abroad
The smell and atmosphere of the café brings back so many memories, of good and bad, happy and sad
Nostalgia is truly a weird thing
As if he knew you were nostalgic, he was sitting at a small table, in the back of the café, looking over it
That's when his eyes meet yours
Both of you freeze momentarily; time seems to stop
None of you dare to move, waiting for the other to initiate the first move
Like how it was, and always had been, you were the braver one
You started your way to him
He shifts, clearly startled by your sudden eagerness
"Hey, is this seat taken?"
Well then that's your que
You sit down across him; time seems to go by painfully slow. You both don't dare to look in each other's eyes, not knowing what to say. Having to take the lead again, you part your mouths to say what he didn't have the courage to say. "How have you been König?". He seems even more disturbed by your friendliness, shifting in his seat; he answers: "I've been fine, you?". A bit more comfortable now, you decide to be more open about what you've been up to, despite the fact that you both had history.
"Well, you know, just been working, doing the adult stuff....paying taxes and shit." You try to be a bit funny, but you think you sound awkward to him. He smiles, he missed this old you, you've never changed ever since you were children; that takes him back to his younger days, with you. You continue on: "I found a good job abroad, and it pays well. It's also a job that I've always wanted to have.". "I know, you've always been adventurous, wanting to get away from this small town.". You nod, surprised that he somehow still remembers that about you.
"What about you? What have you been up to? You ask curiosly. Truth be told, he had grown up and looked way different from the young boy you used to know, but his personality didn't seem to change much; his body was just a man now. A handsome man at that. You briefly wondered if he was seeing someone else know, but quickly remind yourself that it's not what you're here for. He's just an old friend you knew.
"I got the military job I wanted." Swiftly, he meets your eyes for a second to see any sign of admiration or fondness for his new job. He thought that maybe joining the army would make him more scary, more manly, less of the young and dumb boy he once was. Yet your expression never wavered, but you seemed proud of him. He was fine with that. "That's really great König! I can't imagine the hard and tough training you went through to join the army, I'm very proud of you." Your answer was so genuine and kind. It made his heart ache a little. Just a little... "Yeah, I'm happy you think that." Wow, what a conversation killer you thought. Seems like you still need to take the lead, even in a conversation.
"So...." You start slowly, pleading him with your eyes, to say something too. "So, why are you back here?" He asked, genuinely, he was curious; he hadn't seen you in such a long time, didn't hear from you either, and now you just suddenly show up? And he happens to see you? Fate must have set you guys up, again. Dumbfounded, you answer: "I'm just back to see my family, I miss them a lot, and this town, even if I acted like I wanted to get out of it. I never thought that I could miss it so much, or maybe I just missed the memories I made here." Wow. What a deep answer. Were you also thinking of him when you said the memories you missed? Does that mean you missed him? Part of the reason why he was in this particular café today was because he missed you.
He missed the memories you both made here, the numerous dates you guys had here. He just didn't expect to see you. Lady luck really smiled on him today, so why does it feel like he's fucking it up? What does he lack? What's wrong with him? Hadn't he grown into a better man now? Older and wiser, kinder and smarter? You break his train of thought when you suddenly tell him that it was time for you to go, you still had family to visit. He silently curses himself for letting you sit in silence with him, when he had this chance to talk to you again. He just mods politely, tells you that it was nice to see you again, and maybe you both should go out to catch up again sometime. You nod and agree: "Here's my number if you want to contact me König." Althought taken aback by your boldness, he eagerly takes your number. "Here's mine. See you here, same time, same place, in two days?" You agree and say your goodbyes to him, little did he know, he should've cherished this time better, as it would be the last time he ever got to see and hear you again.
The two days went by so slow. He was still processing the fact that he actually got to see you again. "Should I wear something nicer today?" He thought. "No, it's just a casual talk over coffee. Nothing special." He opted for a white button-up shirt and rolled up the sleeves, paired with dark jeans and leather shoes. At least he looked presentable enough. At the same time as yesterday, he drove to the café. He sat down in the sane spot as yesterday, patiently waiting for you. After he waited around 20 minutes, he decided to text you."Hey y/n, are you okay? I'm waiting at the café for you. If you are running late, it's okay, just lmk." Simple, yet to the point. He waited about 10 minutes for you to reply or call him, but there was nothing. Anxiously, his thoughts started to waver and think the worst. Maybe it was your plan all along, to get him to trust you, and then to hurt him like this. No, you wouldn't do that; you never were that kind of person. He knew he needed to stop being so insecure and worried, so instead, he decided to drive to your family to check on you instead.
It was a short drive, from the café to your family house, which he remembered was on a small but peaceful street. Driving by, he saw it; it was the same as he remembered in his teenage days; small yet cozy, you had a younger brother that most likely already moved out too. The house had all sorts of flora and greens growing outside of it. Your parents had a passion for gardening and always kept everything presentable. Parking his car on the side of the street, he got out and made his way up the steps of your family house. Nervously, he knocked on the front door a few times, anxiously waiting for someone to answer the door.
After a few minutes of worrying and anxious thinking, your mom opened the door, looking distraught and her eyes a bit red. "Hello Mrs.l/n, how are you? I came to check up on y/n after she didn't show up to our...catch up day today.". He was so nervous about talking to your mom again, fearing she would get mad and shut the door on him since you guys weren't a thing anymore. Instead, she looked a bit relieved, but tears started welling up in her eyes. "K-könig, it's so nice to see you again... It's y-y/n, she...she got into a car crash just half an hour ago. She told me she was on her way to see you." His heart dropped. "W-What, Mrs.l/n, are you sure? Y-y/n can't really be....gone? Right?" He was shaking now, stuttering through his words. "I wish I was lying too König, but we just found out too, after the police called us.". No!no! This can't be! After all those years of missing you, he got his chance to talk to you again, and now you leave again? It can't be true! "Would you like to come in and have a seat König? I'll make a cup of tea for you, " she sniffled. Still shocked, he nodded and went inside your house. The smell and feeling of your presence hit him like a train. He couldn't help but let tears well up in his eyes, nose starting to run. Your mom gently pats his shoulders as she leads him to sit down at the dinner table.
After he was seated, she started to make some tea in a kettle: "she had missed you a lot." She told him suddenly. Shocked, König looked up at her from his hands, "she did?". "Yes, she told me yesterday night about how she ran into you at her favorite café, and how you hadn't changed much. She said you reminded her of home." Fuck. He started crying harder now, after he heard what your mother told him. You really missed him? And all this time he was worried about what he did. You truly were a kind soul. Your mom turned around and gave him a hug. "I know it's hard König, I know you must have missed her too. Otherwise, why could you have come all the way to our house to check up on her?" He shifted, agreeing with what she said. "She would've been very happy to hear that you still care about her this much, after all these years.". He started bawling now. He didn't care if it was embarrassing. He didn't care if he wasn't manly anymore. All he wanted to do was to mourn for you, for the soul mate he lost. For the one who slipped from his fingers all the time.
Your mom continued: "After the police are done investigating who the driver that ran into her was, and after they...they gather her body... we will be having a funeral for her. We would be happy if you'd come." "Yes, yes, I will be attending her funeral, Mrs.l/n." "Good, she would have wanted you to. Would you like to stay here for tonight?" She asked kindly. "Thank you for the offer, Mrs.l/n, but I think I should go and think about everything." "I understand König, but you are welcome back here anytime okay?" He nodded, thanked her for the tea, and went about his way home.
On the drive back to his home, he couldn't stop the waterworks from coming. He was never the type to cry so hard, especially not over someone. But you, you had been different. You bad been someone special, someone he held dear.
Now that you're gone, he doesn't know what to do. He was probably going to drink his night away and reminiscence all the good times you guys had together.
The day of the funeral came back. All your friends and family were gathered together on a gloomy, cloudy day. The sky looked like it dared everyone to go home, for it would start storming anytime soon. Looks like even the heavens were downcast from your death. He stood alongside your mom for the rest of the funeral. He brought your favorite flowers and set them on your gravestone solemnly. Silently, he promised to himself that he would never, ever love anyone unless it's you again.
Omgggg this was one of the longest fics I've ever written 😭😭😭 I'm sorry it took kind of long, and I apologize if there are any errors in here, I was too lazy to go back and proof read it 😞😞😞 I hope you guys enjoy it tho!
Have a great day!💐
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letsatomicbanana · 1 year
Neurodivergent Ink hc’s? Ok!
Full-body stimming, gets up and runs/paces around a room when excited, jumps up and down/shakes himself to get energy out.
Speech pattern mimicking/fluctuating voice, the people he’s around and media he consumes can alter how he sounds at a given time and the contrast is jarring as hell
Hand-flappy stims with limp wrists, usually a sign of extreme excitement or severe stress
Ink doesn’t need to eat, as we know, but he likes to and while he is pretty chill with anything when it comes to art supplies, with normal people food he is such a picky eater. Like he is not gonna touch a salad, he’d rather die.
Mimicking as a stim and/or echolalia. Thing make cool/interesting/funny noise? He makes it too. And sometimes it just happens automatically. He hates having to explain that he’s not mocking people.
My dude’s rsd is off the charts a lot of the time, he is afraid of most slight indicators he’s not liked.
When he was younger (hell, even nowadays) he used to line up his toys specifically in rainbow order.
No words can describe his excitement when he saw Error expressing autistic traits, he literally shouted “Hey! Just like me!”.
Ink hyperfixates/gets special interests on other pieces of media us real people know and love.
He subconsciously personifies colors and other concepts/objects! Mainly colors, though.
Nightmare was actually the first one to point out that Ink’s traits were probably a byproduct of neurodivergence. No one else noticed given how differently he presents from others, but NM is pretty well-read on the subject. Idk why I necessarily have this hc, I just think it makes sense for those two to have a history for some odd reason.
Ink often needs to bite things to stim, it was a problem before the other stars got him some chewlery.
When overstimulated Ink will often “puddle” in a similar way that Nightmare is often depicted to, letting his body heavily liquify into ink and just kinda sitting there slouched with only his upper half visible while he calms down.
I hope those sufficed!
Oh boy big post. ( and messy)/Pos
I LOVE the concept of someone pointing ink's traits and stuff!! I'm very found in stories like that, where someone is seen as 'weird' and 'quiky' but someone actually realizes that *maybe* something's happening (I have this silly lil headcanon that Ink's fathers suspects something).
Adore the stimming part!!! (Love how you also used "extreme extress"! Stims aren't just for happy feelings you all). For me at least, ink's the stim king (change my mind), he would totally repeat sounds and voices he hears across the multiverse for that *Nice feeling*!
|I've always imagined Ink having RSD too!!! Combined that with his abandonment issues and you have a disaster in person.|
Ink being happy about other people sharing the traits that he says is such a good flavor (oh boy), he would feel "I'm not the weird one!" bc i often feel that Ink would feel very out of touch with NT people given how different he is in general, so when someone does something *he does* he's like "you're just like me fr!"
Ink is a mess in overatimulated tbh (he even vomits). Headcanon that he locks himself in the doodlesphere to calm down (It's his personal multiverse after all!)
| Just asking, but the "Ink personafies objects" actually canon? I mean, look at his paintbrush for example! He even canonically talk with it (pretty sure Broomie is not alive or anything like some say). Comyet even says he hugs it like a kitten! |
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havethetouch · 2 years
Do you have an OC with a funny/weird/unusual creation story? (not the story of the character itself, but the way the character happened / you suddenly got attached; any character you didnt plan on keeping around, but then kinda did?) Tell the story!
[FINALLY - I tried to answer this ask for days now but always had an error I thought it was just my ask in general but made a test and that worked but this ask would not so i had to edit my full answer in piece by piece and for some reason that worked but not posting the whole thing as is. XD But I am dedicated to answer so here we go.] Oh that one is easy.... tho I must say the one OC kicked off the creation of many more but let me explain...
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So... the character we gonna talk about is Taivo.
Oldschoolers might still remember her from the Animexx days and the one wolf comic I had, which only exists because of her. So it goes like this I'm what... 16 years old, I'm not doing so great because the times were rough and i happened to be in therapy at the time, group therapy to be exact with one dude and one girl who were in similar boats as me as for the reason we were there. There was a fourth too for a while but she wasn't ready and went back to solo sessions. Anyway, our lil group decided we hang out outside of sessions, try to support each other in our daily life and at some point after each session (which was in the evening) we went out together to a pub/bar that was in the area and kinda had some metal/goth/punk/scene aesthetics and clientele going on. There we enjoyed some companionship and mead and absinth and other stuff and tried to function like normal youths that weren't spiraling. (mind back then in my days the drinking age was down at 16, smoking age too) I was known for doodling random stuff to manage myself especially when I got sensory overloads and my companions understood and thankfully did not think hat I was ignoring them - sometimes when I was a bit tipsy they used to ask me about my art and stories bc sober you could not ask me to share such things without shying away thinking it was not interesting and/or would be torn down by negative reactions etc. etc. it was hard, mind you I was not well at the time, far from it actually and would be for a while. and on one such occasions when we were all drunk I was going back to my drawing pad and my male companion pointed out that there is no way i can draw or shit as drunk as I am and I took it as a challenge and drew the first sketch of Taivo, bent over the body of a dead pup. It looked great if I might say so, at least for my level at the time. And thus I had proven that even drunk I can fucking create. But then they were like "so is that one of your OCs or like.. random? New? Whats her deal? Why is there a dead puppy? What is going on?" And that was the point were I grabbed my notebook, held up a finger and said "give me a sec" And then i wrote down half of the plot of my wolf comic Eternal Winter which happens to revolve about Taivo and her whole story bc she is the protagonist and once I got going I made even more notes and started thinking about the cast and secondary characters and I was in a creation frenzy on steroids and I mean I had Absinthe that evening so maybe the green fairy suckerpunched me in the creative zone who the fuck knows? Either way the comic is on hiatus these days because given how old the story is it naturally evolved and changed and imma wait until I have everything back in order and maybe continue or write it out because the comic is really old and doing comics is hard and i like it but there are so many stories I wanna tell and things I wanna draw and short comics I wanna do that might be just some scenes I illustrate but that also takes time and idk if I can commit myself to Eternal Winter right now or the near future because.. even if I made a comic page each week which is absolutely doable it will still result in "only" 52 pages a year and given how the story grew and evolved and how much time I already "lost" in all the year is laid dormant I kinda feel like idk I don't want to right now? XD Going back to it and sticking to it would be some years of commitment and nah... my hyperfixations take me through my stories and it's hard to stay instead of stray ya know?
But yeah this is how Taivo got made! In some bar, upon a dare that wasn't even a dare but I took it that way and it took me to that wicked bitch and her origin / anti-hero story that resulted in a Comic and a shitton of wolf characters and kinda also lowkey inspired a Prequel story from characters that existed prior to Taivo that play a bigger role in Eternal Winter and were i was like "oh yeah origin story time lets make that a comic too" So... yeah, while almost each of my characters came about under different circumstances, Taivo came up bc I was hella drunk and nobody believed I was still coherent enough to do most things.
Also was not believed I could walk in a straight line, which I could, and I did, and my companions were loosing their mind bc apparently i was magic and actually despite all the shit it was a pretty good night :)
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Okokokokk so to the "he just doesn't hear music just to hear it"
I've had an idea for a while now. Works the same way with his goggles y'know? Protects his eyes (bc even tho his body is made up to "handle" his mutation, there's still some things un covered)
So that why he hears music every time he runs cuz hear me out this is another thing important to me even tho might not be accurate idk how speed and physics works Becausee he has to FIX UP the music to sound "at normal speed" when he is going at fast speed, right?? So what if one day he when ballistic or sm when he just got his mutation and got his ears hurt by how fast he went, again speaking of a young Peter y'know (hint back at the goggles thing too) so as a way to "fix" this Peter whent try and error with the music speed and pitch? until got the right speed on it. Like
"Okay, this is the fastest I can go for now" he knows that if he starts picking weird tones on the music (bc if he doesn't keep up with it he must be start hearing it in slowmo) knows he gotta slow down a bit.
Tho, Don't get me wrong, he does improves himself from time to time. Working his body, ears in this case (and changing his goggles too) to work up a Lil bit faster than last time, bc he obviously knows can do more. So that's how he works it up.
Idk if this makes sense to you lmao. But I live with that idea in my head. Thanks for ur time.
wait that's SO COOL like he uses it so he doesn't over exert himself?? could you imagine that in the movie and in the very end they're losing and we hear his music slow down, he realizes that this could be dangerous, makes a determined face, and speeds up even faster holy shit
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seerofmike · 3 years
okay so this shit is about to get PERSONAL because weiss is my daughter (real) ((emotional))
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THIS ? good. simple. i like her flared(?? idk words) sleeves. i like the red in her jacket and the lil black thing on her top for ruby and blake.
i like the blue and white and sparkliness of her design overall in 2d, which doesn't really get translated to 3d, but i think it looks fine. but in the early volumes when all the girls had that glowy effect to them, she was kind of unbearable to look at with all that white. that's where the red and black come in handy and i think a small amount of blue would've helped in 3d too.
also, her 2d design has little ice crystals on the end of her skirt that don't look as pretty in 3d--with all this in mind im giving her first outfit 2 separate rankings. 8/10 for the 2d design and 7/10 for the 3d model.
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volume 2 outfit: this one will be quick but this is like, fine. white and black works well for her and the peacoat is cute. not much to say though. 6/10
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mistral arc: i feel like i may be in the minority camp when i say this is, like, fine. its not horrible! i actually think it works rly well for where her character is at--she's at her father's house and her design isn't so bright white anymore, it's now gray. her open collar is now tight around her neck, and i think in the concept art her ponytail was straight back instead of on the side, which would've been a nice touch--she could've adjusted her ponytail back to the side after escaping, just that small show of rebellion--but ultimately its just, a side ponytail in the actual show. which is fine. wouldve been cool tho
its really not TOO different from her original outfit, and i think thematically it works fine. i like the jewels on her collar to spice it up a lil and give her more of that rich girl class.
which she had red and black back. also her boobs ? r bigger ?? 6/10
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here we FUCKING go. THIS is what you wanna hear about. THIS shit. this garbage!!!!!! THIS DAMN OUTFIT !!!!!
there's so much wrong. it changes her silhoutte so MUCH. why are her sleeves puffy. rwby we've established your puffy sleeves don't look good !!!!! AND THESE ESPECIALLY DONT LOOK GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!! why are they such a dark blue ?!?!?!?! why are they two DIFFERENT shades of blue ?! are her gloves and sleeves attached?! they look like it. why !!!!!!!!!!
her skirt looks AWFUL in 3d, it has none of that ruffled texture or folds or creases and it looks like a BLOCK. its so stiff in motion. the red is back but it's LOST because her dress refuses to move !!!! she looks so heavy ?!
she's top heavy with her huge sleeves and her GIGANTIC BRAID HOLY SHIT THAT THING IS A LETHAL WEAPON, and she's bottom heavy with all her layers of skirts. speaking of her hair WHY DID THEY CHANGE HER BANGS ??? THEY LOOK SO SMOOTH ?????? ITS WEIRD ?!?!??!?
also, the asymmetry in her skirts doesn't look THAT atrocious in the 2d concept art, but again, in 3d, its so stiff. it looks janky and unfinished. it looks like a modeling error !!!!
WHY IS SHE WEARING SO MANY BELTS ??? WHAT ARE THEY FOR. shes fallen into the "modern design now feels like fantasy" trap. also what the hell is the 3rd layer over her 2 dresses? the one around her waist ?
ultimately she doesn't look warm at all. and like, maybe she's used to it, and to be fair when she was in atlas previously she was wearing a much shorter skirt so maybe she's used to the cold but if thats the case WHY CHANGE HER WHOLE DESIGN SO DRASTICALLY???
but wait, lets not forget the other important part !!
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weiss has huge mommy milkers now !!!! she got a boob job !!!!! WHY DID THEY INCREASE HER TIDDY SIZE. all the girls just have the same boob size now but its especially noticeable on weiss because she was like..flat chested before, but now they all just....have the same body type. and its boring !! BORING !!!!!!
0/10. AWFUL job
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flower-zombie-rob · 4 years
Pros and cons ive encountered after getting a pixie cut
I've had very very short hair since November last year and i just want to prep people who plan to get s trim on some of the things to consider that you may not know.
Time taken in the shower is fast. And i mean really fast. Like, this is a criminally short time taken to wash this hair. 5 minute showers were one of the best pros to come from it
Learning to style it. Its super fun to get into all the new ways you can do your hair in a pixie. Like theres so many options and styles to chose
Shampoo and conditioner runs out a lot less frequently
Large lack of having to pull all the hair out of your brush every month
No split ends and a lack of heat damage and such in general, my hairs so healthy!
The wind getting hair in your lipstick has never been a problem with a pixie cut
Dont have to buy more than one pack of temporary dye because theres not loads of hair
Little-to-no knots in the hair so no painful mornings with the tangle teaser anymore
Lightweight and no more super sweaty necks in the summer
You can see jewelery and makeup a lot better, it just stands out so much more
It just looks fuckin rad ok i dont know what to tell you
It must be cut frequently, and i mean maybe more than twice a month if it grows fast. This can be very expensive
There are very high chances of regret and once its cut it takes a few years to grow back so make sure this is something youre 100% sure on
Cold. Necks. Winter is awful with no hair covering the neck or the ears so be prepared for that
It doesnt suit everyone. Face shape, body type, and even personality i find in general sometimes can make it look off or just not look good. Try asking for outside opinions first
You have to be very very specific when specifying the style you want it cut to. Use pictures, descriptive words and do your best to be as specific as possuble(i.e. i brought a photo of Anne Hathaway and used other images to indicate wht kind of style i wanted) There is no one-size-fits-all pixie
Side shaves stick out a lot when they grow and also the roots come through fast on dyed side/back shaves so be aware of that weird colour change
Styling and learning about it take a lot of effort and a lot of hairspray
Speaking of which, you will need to buy a lot more product, mouse, gel, heat protector, lots of spray, volume stuff blah blah blah and that can be costly
You will get long hair/ponytail/plait envy every now and again when your friends have lovely long locks they can tie up and you have lil shorty hair
You have to style it as you blow dry which can get tedious and can end badly if youre lazy with it or new to it. Theres a lot of trial and error
Mullets. Grow. So. Bad. Someones you have to cut them yourselves so be warned
In conclusion, do i think you should get a pixue cut? Who knows!! Thats for you to decide!! I just want to make sure a lot of young people are warned and educated on the effort that goes into maintaining short hair and dont just jump into it without realising the hard work going into it. I was usually very low maintenance with my long hair so short hair wasnt such a big change in routine, but it was definitly a change in the effort i put into it.
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chopper-witch · 4 years
Otherwise Undocumented (A Zuko x Reader fic)
Before you read this, please know I STRUGGLED with the summary. It is so hard to write it without giving things away but I believe in a good summary so here ya go. My shit attempt. Also probably some errors sprinkled in for extra spiciness.
Additionally, if you are tagged and don’t want to be, please either inbox me or reply to this post. If you are not tag and want to be, do the same! Tags below the cut!
Characters: everyone in A:TLA; you (reader); I add your parents to this due to plot and give them names (I think names are important and will only use a filler like (y/n) for reader); might add in random OCs later.
Pairings: Zuko x Female* reader; Mai tries to be x Zuko; all the other canon ships. (sorry, Mai. I do her justice, I think...)
Timeline: Mainly focuses on 88 AG (when I am making you start at the Academy) to 100 AG (just past the end of the war)
The first chapter is set in 80 AG-85 AG though. 
Genres: Angst (not sorry); fluff; PAIN (is that a category?)
Overall warnings: 
VIOLENCE (y’all, VIOLENCE);   I’m hoping some smut but I take my time;    swearing (not sorry, I just swear);   blood;   death;   abuse (have y’all read the comics?????? Ozai Was Not A Good Person, but then add some of my complete inability to not be cruel to characters);   VIOLENCE (I mentioned this, right?);   torture (this literally starts with a torture scene, so like, TORTURE); Azula does bad stuff to reader (VIOLENCE);   Ozai is a Bad Parent and Creepy Person;     PTSD (what do you expect???);   characters are technically underage still when I do get to the smut part so Ima be real with you 16-17 y/os have sex but if that bothers you this is Not The Piece For You;   oh, and as I say, “fuck canon” (I try to be as canon compliant as possible, but also, fuck canon, this is fanfiction); I Create Lore and Locations to Fit My Plot.
Summary: A legend almost long forgotten in the Fire Nation reappears in the body of a young girl, reappears in you. The Blood of the Dragon was last seen alive the day after Roku died, walking to be publicly executed for treason. A true legacy to live up to. Well, a true legacy to change. While it is a happy surprise for the Nation’s royal family and military that the Blood is back and malleable, your mother knows she should have known better. All the signs were there, all the omens. She should have taken you and run when she had the chance. 
Then maybe you wouldn’t have ended up in the capital, isolated from all of your family, being molded into a weapon for their use. Maybe you wouldn’t have spent your childhood practically locked inside the palace, repeating revisionist history while balancing on one hand. Maybe you wouldn’t be both a prize and a play thing. And maybe she could have saved just one more person. 
That’s not how fate works, though, is it? 
No, fate is twisted. Fate shows you what you want then tears it apart, expecting you to put it all back together somehow. The only way to cheat fate is to re-determine destiny; to rearrange your life so completely that you need to be dealt a new hand of cards. Force fate to part ways for you. 
So maybe, just maybe, being arranged to marry the youngest prince and biggest disappointment of the Fire Nation royal family ends up being the best decision someone else has ever made for you. 
Just not for themselves. 
A/N: All my fics have happy endings, so don’t worry! I mean, there is one that doesn’t but that is for good reason and every post about it warns people to get off if they don’t want to be hurt. Also, I know the title doesn’t make a lot of sense. It will, eventually. I promise!! 
*For long form fics, I usually do x female reader. I avoid physical descriptions as much as possible so anyone can be the reader, except in places where it matters (being a woman is unfortunately a big plot point in this, and I will not be changing that but there are not many descriptive moments about a female body). 
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holydrawerart · 3 years
What If..
Theres a way where some people get affected by Creepypasta 'Curse'. Like being into one of them.
[Dark Content.]
My drunked points:
First on those Curse. Curses are more like "become into a Demon/Monster/Ghost/Error/Entity..
Idk if this is a HC. Just Thinking.
Relate Life about the cursed. Literally they end badly. Like, if the true Creepypastas have a game when they can make copies in different/paralel Universes, choosing people, Can be just for fun, or evil issues.
What Weird Freaks and misterious entities want of Us? Why y happens..? Are they watching us?.. Where they come from?.
Symptoms, like a Devil Disease.
Isnt cool. Just imagine you would get "Ender Curse" . No funny. Your body will change, your face deleted. Mind, Thoughts, those black tentacles shouting up your back. Any of them, and youre just a lil human, weak, it kills and you feel it.
Offenderman Point: Sexual Life will rotten you. You're inside a custom. Weakly faster your body shocked and then your "human mind" just figure the atrozz acts youve made. Nobody loves freaks anyway.
Mistake. Ending like a Science Project. Doctors said that youre so pretty kind of necessary to do "it/that"/ , then they fucked your Life as worst could happen.
Other Entities: Dimensional Freaks. Someone is watching the TV. Little hostage, you Dont know the hands of Him is satisfied by a Show he invented. Laughing. You're the clown tonight.
Rake Point: IDK where he could from.. But sees too sad be a lonely nonsensed monster. Humans like tonInvestigates and catch.
People having some Proxy stuff. Not by Slenderman. Things made by Toby, for example; you will understand what kind of pain he has. He wont needs you in the team, fuck u. Just get a littlebit "Living Dead".
I cant figure hows could be Smiledog curse.. Be sorrounded by a red Husky... Hm, maybe just.. Idk soeownf.
Laughing Jack? [Possibly you be the Witness of a lot of Children Murders by LJ. And Clownshitty].
Respecting Sally: See her.
Ben Drowned: Ok. I like a lot his Creepypasta and how at many ways you can.. Be a Video Game Ghost. So, you live somethings to finally ends inna way to "Play the Shit". Ben turns you like a Pawn. You're the Ben Drowned but just him has the "Control" by your acts like a Game Avatar. (In this, your Home/House/City/World is affected, turned into a Virtual Simulation. Infernal Loops. Bloody Ways to participate with your friends at Madness Tours.
Ben: Theres a Lot of players overhere. Wonder, what can u do with a new ruled enviro.
'Cria Cuervos' Points: I have to say i made the-HC-done Origin of him. This Entity usually stole or "vanish" Children, usually; Girls. "Nobody know where the children are or what he did. If he harms them, eats them. They, dissapeared after he cames at the room on night, looking them. Getting closer.. Showing his flaming eyes and Skully Distorted Face.
Maybe hes looking for Margaret.. but, shes gone. Where? [I have an idea about It on my HC.] — Whatever, you wont be a Scarecrow, but you can fatigue with his trauma. Crows Over. He tell them what to do. Eyes Out. Be aware. This Entity isnt the same. Before be caughted by Frederick, usually children have nightmares when some "thing" sorround.
I Dont know exactly his thoughts now. But, he used to be a sad man who people hate. Margaret make him feel loved and "normal". He was too depressed, i guess. His older Brother, Santiago De Mendoza was the worst fuck on that Spanish "tale". Santiago hated Margaret's presence/company at their old house. He decided "something" about what to do with the House Debts, he "have to take out that stupid little girl. He doesnt care about.
Eventually, his actions and, he.. Killed Frederick and turned him inna Scarecrow which Margaret could saw by the window on kitchen. It was outside hanging..
What If: Creepypastas Analizyng. Scent.
A Way to be what usually we degree.
Fear Study. Human Behaviour. How humans affords problems? Can the fkn World save itself of It?. What about Apocalypse?.
God.[Wichever you believe for]. No, can not save World. This is a Lesson, lets learn mdkfs.
FREAÆKS DO YÖÜ‽. Oh. Yes. Humans HATES A LOT OF "MONSTERS". Not all, but theres a way to see Freak Points.
Guillermo del Toro knows. We know.
//Will post some ideas and a Headcanon called CTHW. I rlly want to work in some story about Pastas.//
[If you want, ask]
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radiantroope · 4 years
Ruins || Pope Heyward
pairing: pope x reader
mentions: john b x reader if you squint, jj, kiara
requested: no
summary: pope forces you to come clean about your feelings and his reaction isn’t what you hoped.
warnings: angst, a swear word or two, underage drinking
word count: 2.4k+
author’s note: don’t ask where this came from, i was in an angsty mood. there’s a lil fluff but it’s mostly angst. finally felt the urge to write and this was the result <3 i also haven’t edited this yet so sorry for any grammatical errors
masterlist | add yourself to my tag list
Pope Heyward was your best friend in the whole world. Sure, you had Kiara, JJ, and John B — but Pope was your person. He was a breath of fresh air when you broke the surface of the ocean’s waves. He was a cold glass of water on a hot Summer's day. He was your anchor when you felt like the weight of growing up was going to crush you.
The two of you had grown up together thanks to the close friendship of your mothers. You realized your feelings for him ran deeper when you were thirteen. 
It had been a day of surfing for the Pogues. Your board glided through the water effortlessly and you tried out some tricks you'd learned over the years. Though, the end of your board tipped a little too far and you were sent tumbling into the water. Everyone had laughed seeing you wipe out, until you didn't immediately resurface.
"Y/N!" Pope screamed, only seeing your board floating on the water.
The Pogues laid on their boards and paddled as quick as they could towards the lonesome object in the water. You would've thought Pope was in the Olympics with how quickly he moved through the saltwater, as if his life depended on it. Just as he reached the board, you broke the surface, desperately gasping for air.
"Y/N," Pope breathed, sliding off his board and helping you back into your own. The sea water momentarily blinded you and you were slapping the water trying to find it. "Breathe, you're okay," he muttered as you straddled your board and coughed harshly.
Once you had finally caught your breath and your coughing had subsided, you looked at your best friend. He was wading the water with one hand on your board, the other rubbing over your back in a soothing fashion. The utter fear in his eyes made your breath hitch as he stared up at you.
"You scared the hell out of me," Pope said through a small laugh but the concerned look never left his face. His hand lingered on your lower back and made goosebumps rise on your skin. He removed it only to grab your hand and squeeze it gently.
You smiled softly at him and returned the squeeze, whispering, "I'm sorry. I'm okay."
Pope gave you a small smile and brought your hand to his lips, placing a quick kiss on the top of it. After that, everyone decided to call it a day. You're incident had given them all a scare and they weren't going to risk something happening again.
That was three years ago. You'd gone three years harboring these feelings for your best friend that you couldn't shake. John B and JJ were no strangers to your feelings. They saw the way you looked at Pope, longing and desperate. A look that was never returned — instead given to the other girl of the group.
That's where you were now, sitting on the edge of the HMS Pogue as John B drove it through the marsh. The sun had started to set and you all decided to head back for the Chateau for some much needed dinner. You'd managed to scrounge up some money picking up shifts with Heyward and decided to order pizza.
Your sunglasses were pulled down over your eyes and you couldn't tear them away from the scene in front of you. Pope and Kiara sat at the back of the boat, shoulder to shoulder. The stunning brunette girl kept giggling at whatever Pope said, playfully slapping at his chest. Pope's eyes were fixated on her, a shining smile adorning his face that grew wider each time Kiara laughed.
Your jaw was set tight — lips pursed. Your eyes tore away from them when you felt a kick against your foot. JJ was laid out on the deck, leaning his weight on his elbow. He'd been watching you glare daggers into the other two for the last ten minutes.
"You okay?" JJ's voice wasn't audible, he simply mouthed the words. He knew the answer but he was hoping you wouldn’t lie to him for once.
The nod you sent him caused him to give you a look that said, I know that's not true. You looked away, instead watching as the Chateau came into view. You stood and moved to other side of the small boat to tie it off.
John B got up to assist you as you watched JJ, Pope and Kiara exit the boat. The curly haired girl shrieked as Pope hoisted her in the air and went running up the dock with her over his shoulder. You felt your chest tighten and looked down to focus on the knot your shaking hands attempted to tie.
"Y/N, maybe you should tell him," John B suggested, knowing the others were far enough away they wouldn't hear him. He was the only one you’d explicitly told how you felt.
"And ruin everything? Yeah, I'd rather let heartbreak eat away at me than be humiliated when he says he doesn't feel the same way," you scoffed and grabbed your backpack off the deck.
"How do you know he doesn't?"
You were standing on the dock now, typing the number of your favorite pizza place into your phone. You looked at John B incredulously and let out a humorless laugh, "Did you completely miss what happened all day? He's practically in love with Kiara, JB. He barely said a word to me cause he was so transfixed on her. I'm not going to let my feelings complicate things within the group."
Your snappy tone and the way you walked away with your phone to your ear signaled the end of that conversation. John B's lips turned down in a frown as he watched you go. He could see the pain in your eyes and it upset him that you were so hurt. The truth was, even he didn't know if Pope reciprocated your feelings. It really did seem like that boy was putting all his eggs in Kiara's basket.
You placed the order as you made your way into the Chateau and towards John B's bedroom to change. One large supreme, one large hawaiian, and two large pepperoni and jalapeño. When you got to splurge on eating out, you did it right — even if you didn't finish it all, eating cold pizza in the morning while nursing a hangover was heavenly.
You closed John B's door and changed into a sports bra and a hoodie. You put on a fresh pair of undies and slipped your jean shorts back on. When you stayed at the Chateau, you typically slept on the pullout with Kiara, but your things were kept in the Routledge boy's room, which he didn't mind. Seeing all of his friends things everywhere made him feel like he wasn't so alone, distracting him from the fact that his father was no longer there.
Twenty minutes later you were all crowded in the living room digging into the boxes of pizza littering the coffee table. Moans of satisfaction left each of your mouths and everyone thanked you for generously splurging on the feast. You waved them all off, insisting it was no big deal. It was rare for The Pogues to ever have this opportunity unless Mr. Carrera gave you scraps at The Wreck that would've been thrown out anyway.
You'd been nursing your second beer of the night for almost an hour while JJ and John B were well into their sixth. Kiara was on her fourth and Pope had barely taken a sip of one. You don't know if it was because of the alcohol but seeing the curly haired girl across from you offer a bite of her half eaten slice of hawaiian to Pope, that without hesitation he bit into, made your blood boil. Your brow furrowed and you averted your gaze your crumb ridden paper plate.
"Pope, stop! Just let me have a bite!" you heard Kiara whine, knowing the boy was offering her a bite of his supreme but pulled it away whenever her lips got close — something he used to do with you.
You downed your beer in record time, catching the attention of a curly haired brunette boy and a shaggy haired blonde. You got up from your spot on the floor and walked into the kitchen, slamming your empty can on the counter. You grabbed a new one from the fridge and exited the Chateau without a word to anyone. You weren't usually much of a drinker so it was a bit surprising to them all.
The hammock that was gently blowing in the wind was calling your name, despite how many nights you remember being curled up under Pope's arm on it. You flopped down and cracked open your beer, staring out into the darkness around you. All you could hear was the gentle sound of moving water, crickets chirping happily in the grass and leaves brushing together in the wind.
You didn’t want to be mad at Kiara or Pope. It wasn’t their fault you had these feelings that wouldn’t go away. It’s not their fault you couldn’t build up the nerve to tell Pope how you felt or how much it bothered you that he was always all over Kiara. But when you saw them together this overwhelming sense of rage filled your body, rage you’d never before experienced. Sometimes you wished you couldn’t feel anything at all and maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Hey,” you were pulled out of your daze by Pope’s voice.
You could see him walking towards you in the dark and you tried to muster a smile. He didn’t sit himself on the hammock beside you like he normally would, instead he stood in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. You took a sip of your beer and averted your gaze to your lap, feeling scrutinized by his amber colored eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head and bit the inside of your cheek as you mumbled out, “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. You’ve been acting weird all day,” the sharpness of Pope’s tone caused a pit in your stomach. He was always so calm and gentle with you, despite an outburst, but now he seemed upset. “You’ve been mean to Kie all day and everyone’s noticed.”
You couldn’t stop the roll of your eyes when he mentioned the other girl. To him, it’s all about her. Your jaw set tight and you didn’t answer him. Anything that came out of your mouth in that moment was only going to make everything worse.
“You swore you’d never lie to me,” Pope stated, a desperate tone to his voice now. “That’s our golden rule. You swore.”
Memories flashed in your mind, back to when you and Pope were only eight years old.
“We have to promise, no matter what, we won’t ever lie to each other. Lies tear friendships apart and I never want that to happen to us,” Pope’s voice was so innocent but his words were so powerful. His big doe eyes stared into your own as he held his pinky out to you.
“I swear i’ll never lie to you Pope. You’re my best friend in the whole world,” you sealed it by wrapping your pinky around his own, toothy grins on display.
The founding principle of your friendship was honesty — something that transcended with the other Pogues when you befriended them. Pogues don’t lie to Pogues. But you weren’t lying, you were just protecting yourself, him and your friendship with the others. Though, something about his words sparked something in you.
“I’ve been acting weird because you’re too god damn oblivious for your own good,” you desperately tried to keep your voice calm and level. “I’ve been mean to Kie because watching you throw yourself at her is ripping me in two and you don’t even see it.”
Pope stared at you, not knowing how to react to your confession. He blinked and waited for you to continue, knowing once you started you couldn’t stop.
“I’ve tried so hard to not let my feelings interfere with our friendship but I can’t pretend anymore. I cant pretend I haven’t been in love with you for the last three years, probably more, and that I don’t wish I was the one you were cuddled up with on the boat or sharing your pizza with. Watching you fall in love with someone else is more painful than anything I’ve ever known, Pope, and you’re blind to it.”
Hot tears were now running down your cheeks. You searched your best friend’s face for any sort of reaction. He had this look in his eyes that you couldn’t read and the pit in your stomach grew. He doesn’t feel the same way.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” Pope’s voice trailed off as he hugged his arms around himself tighter.
Everything came crumbling around you as you fought back the sobs in your chest. You got up from the hammock and tried to make your escape. He reached for your arm but you shrugged him off. She was giving you this look that said I’m so sorry, but you didn’t want his sympathy. It’s not his fault your feelings were one sided. You just couldn’t help but feel like you’d just ruined everything.
You burst back into the Chateau, tear stains on your cheeks and hot, fresh tears blurring your vision. You walked past the other’s who were still gathered in the living room. You tried to gather your things from John B’s room as fast as you could, shoving them into the backpack you kept in the corner.
“Hey, hey,” John B’s voice was gentle as he came up behind you.
“I told you! I told you it would ruin everything!” you wailed and fought against the boy’s grip on your shoulders.
You just wanted to leave but John B wasn’t going to let you in your current state. He pulled you back and collapsed on the floor, back against his bed as you fell into his chest between his legs. You curled into him and sobbed against his neck. Ugly, throat tearing cries left your mouth.
John B squeezed you close with one arm and the other held the back of your head. He shushed you gently and whispered empty promises that everything would be okay. He made eye contact with JJ who stood in the doorway, an uneasy look swimming in his cerulean eyes.
Deep down the three of you knew that everything was going to change.
tags: @ims0golden @jjmaybcnks @letsgofullkook @queenk00k @jjmbanks @sortagaysortahigh @jjsmentalpolaroids
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Oniwaka in the Mountains - Date scenario / fanfiction - PART 1
A slowly inclining path stretched before, as you slowly but methodically marched up. It was the first morning of your long weekend, free from school, with plans you made awhile ago. All of the guild members had similar ones like you: To relax and heal their mind and bodies. That was a direct order you have given as the Guild Master. After forcibly chasing Kengo and Hanuman away from fights and training rooms, you were able to finish packing yourself last night. Zao was your blessing since you mentioned you wanted some peace, he immediately suggested a mountain trek, not a long one, but enough to keep you active and then to help relax your body. The final destination was a lodge halfway to the peak overlooking a valley. Everything was created by world collision but Zao assured you it was perfectly safe with signs, supports and the lodge was well supplied. "It's my sanctuary on occasion and I trust it will be yours, my friend." It was exactly what you needed, especially since the last few weeks had you flustered physically and mentally exhausted.  With the changing seasons, the weather was warmer, thanks to the world collision you could experience spring and autumn at the same time, climbing the stone stairs and passing under bright orange torii's marking another milestone on the path. Even it being early morning, the sun was already high, with no breeze, the days before you were expected to be warm and pleasant. There was an odd sweet fragrance in the air, something fruity or woody, very familiar yet distanced. You thought it's probably the mountainous flowers that were plentiful at this time of the year, together with the petrichor from last night's rain. Soon the stone steps were enveloped by a forest of young, bright green foliage. With the wind gently swaying the tree branches, and birds singing between each other. When you passed the lush greenery it turned slowly into a valley clearing covered by grass and shrubs. The odd perfume kept following you, and then you heard a branch snap ever so quietly. Without stopping you grabbed your sword and turned around skilfully on the heel to face whatever was following you. Or who. "Shhhees calm it down, right?!" Oniwaka waved his hand barely having the time to touch his weapon. Your sword was less than a few inches away from his flustered face. He looked rough like he didn't sleep well for a few days, with drips of sweat on his forehead and a bad case of being unshaved. He slowly reached out his hand like he was trying to calm an animal. "It's ok... It's only me, yeah?" He said but you didn't lower the sword even an inch. "What are you doing here." You ask with a mumbling voice, feeling your face getting red. Oniwaka looked at you confused, but his body was tense with the other hand softly touching the polearm artefact. "What do you mean, what am I doing here, have you got your head? I'm here to make sure you are safe. You are climbing a mountain by yourself. You have zero self-preservation! Someone needs to take care of you." He grumbles looking at the same way he always would, that slightly challenging manner, there is a tease in his eyes, a taunt. "Really?! Now? After three weeks?!" You cry out angry. Oniwaka took a step back shocked. "What the hell are you-!?" "Three weeks! Three long weeks! Messaging you! Calling! Worrying sick something may have happened to you with zero response! " Oniwaka's bewildered expression feels like someone is adding olive to fire for you. The last weeks were tormenting for your heart and soul, after spending so much time together with Oniwaka, laughing together and arguing, even finally kissing and seeing his softer side he suddenly decided to disappear. No words of explanation at all. You sent him messages, you tried calling, nothing, even Lil' Salomon wasn't able to help you. You couldn't go to his place because you didn't know where he lived. There were evenings and nights you felt extremely bad, Zao was one of the people who noticed and suggested this excursion. Of course in a vain pathetic attempt, you sent one last message to Oniwaka asking if he is ok and if he wants to join you. But the App showed none of them were read. "Have I said or done something wrong?! I know... I know I can be an annoying, overbearing brat sometimes but I need to know. " You finally drop your sword exhausted from the whole situation, trying not to show any other signs of frustration and emotions than a flaming red face. "What... What are you... -!" Oniwaka started mumbling, only to stop and with a weird nervousness reach to his phone. "There was nothing... Nothing?!" He kept mumbling to himself. His huge hands gently trying to operate the battered device with visible scratches. His fingers in panic opening the app. "There is nothing here..." You hear his voice again. Then it stops suddenly. "What do you mean error?! Refreshing?!" But you are already angry and sad and tired and turn around and trying to calm down your breath walking. "Just walk you, idiot." Keeps pounding in your head. Oniwaka looked at you walking away in panic and then back at his phone that just finished refreshing after the error in the app. His heart sunk as deep as it could when the screen showed multiple missed phone calls through the app and even more unread messages. First, they were simply sweet nothings like I miss you, How are you handsome, then to change into Are you ok? I'm worried. Please call me. I'm really worried I can't sleep. Until the last message being an invitation to the mountains. But the words seemed almost lifeless. Immediate Oniwaka remembered because he would sneak to the school to check up on you, seeing you cry and getting angry on whoever has done that. He thought the silence was because something was wrong and you needed time. Only now to realize nothing was wrong, that every time he saw you upset, angry or crying it was his fault. The one person who he promised to protect and wouldn't make him cry. And he has, within the first week after his promise because of his own stupid, stupid thick Oni jarhead. Thinking everything is going to be well by itself somehow. Oniwaka in an angry determined panic slipt the phone back in his pocket and run to you, jumping straight in front of your body. His hand immediately reaching for your shoulder to stop you. But you didn't want to look at him because there was something in your eye and... "I am... I am sorry!" He cried out with a cracking voice. Only to immediately drop down to his knees with a sigh and envelop your waist with his huge arms. This huge Oni was so tall that his head was burrowed in your chest. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I'm an idiot! Worthless, stupid, arrogant idiot! My lord! My... My... My beloved." You can hear Oniwaka mumble the same words, the same plea over and over. Because of his tight grip, you can't move even if you wanted, and the material of your t-shirt stared getting wet as the Oni started crying. It took you more than a few minutes of mixed emotions and shock to move your hands, slowly inch by inch unsure what to do. It was such a shock to see this always angry and arrogant villain Oni attempting to be good, in tears and on his knees. Not spouting something with a double meaning for you to guess. You gently placed your hands on his shoulders feeling Oniwaka twitch under your touch, his muscles getting tense. Taking his hood off, gently playing with his hair and then slowly leaning towards his head and kissing it. Your heart was beating like mad all this time and you felt short of breath. But you suddenly the mountain in front of you got up from his knees and immediately reached to your lips. Oniwaka's hands enveloped your back and held your head. His lips felt dry and rough mixed with the saltiness of his tears, but there were so much heat and passion coming from him you suddenly felt dizzy. He pulls away only for a moment looking at you. "Please forgive me, my beloved lord. I...am so stupid. I... I will do anything." Only to reach back for your lips. You can feel your own eyes burning when that horrible itch you had finally came out. "You... You idiot...you need to stop crying!" He said under his breath not sure if he was talking about you or himself... When you two finally pull away from each other many minutes later his hands are still holding you as if he were afraid you would disappear once he does. You can see he didn't shave at all today and yesterday and slowly touch his rough jaw. Oniwaka leans his face into your hand for a moment only to be interrupted by a loud hungry grumble. "I... Am sorry... I didn't eat anything today. I got up early to catch you in time. You still managed to leave way ahead of your schedule." Oniwaka drops down his head ashamed. "You were trying to catch me in time?" You rephrase his words into a question surprised. He immediately flashes you a cocky grin. "Yes, I meet your friend, the weird one who climbs mountains." "Zao." "Yea, him. He told me everything about your mountain trip." "Why would he-?" You start confused. "Listen... Please, let me spend this time with you... I know I'm an idiot and you probably hate me... I'm worthless even being a bodyguard or anything else.. " "Oniwaka Houzouin, please shut up!" You burst suddenly. "But!" You aren't having any of his protests and before he even manages to slip a word. "I asked you in the first place to join me. Remember?" Oniwaka shifts his weight moving from one leg to another making his typical unsure face, squinting both eyes. He saw it but was unsure how to even start the conversation, how to admit to just being afraid and hoping things will just happen by themselves. "But since you caused me headache... I'm ordering you. Not asking, ordering." You finally say. Oniwaka laughed nervously moving away from you, releasing his hands. "You are ordering me to come to the mountains with you?" "No, I'm ordering you to spend the next few days with me alone and try to make amends." Oniwaka tried to put on his angry and challenging face only to be interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach which made you laugh. "Sorry... I need to grab something to eat. Somewhere." He sighed in a deep voice thinking out loud. To his surprise, you grabbed his hand and said. "Come, let's discuss the terms of your defeat over a breakfast. I made food before I left this morning." Oniwaka squeezed your hand pulling you off the path to a set of large stones. "You made food for me?" "Zao told me he saw you... I was hoping you will come..." You sit down on a larger stone and placing your backpack between your legs, you look within. Oniwaka sits down too, piercing you with a curious gaze, setting his polearm aside. "What? Zao is very curious and cautious. If something doesn't sit right with him he will tell me straight away." After a few long seconds, you present to him in your hands a bento box with his name written on the cover. The Oni smiles slightly trying to hide it by clenching his jaws and opens the box. Inside there is a various mix of foods with rice balls shaped into fluffy animals resembling those that Oniwaka collects as keychains. You are pretty sure you heard him grumble something that sounded like "I'm not a child" followed by "This is too cute to eat". But all of that was silenced by the sounds of happy scoffing coming from the Oni. Seeing how fast he ate the contents of his box he must have been starving. "This was... good! Thank you!" He gave you back the empty box, stretching his body after eating. He smiled for a moment only to look directly into your eyes after a second. "You don't need to make a special effort for me, you know that. I'm enough trouble as it is. I am the one who needs to look after you." You consider his words for a second and clean a bit of rice from his chin with your hand, replying. "Yes, but you are my trouble." Oniwaka immediately blushes and averts your gaze. With so many battles and things happening you learned forgiveness was always one of your most important strengths, but not stupid blind forgiveness, no. You would learn from your mistakes, thinking about what you could do better. Every time, therefore right now you didn't trouble your head with how and why, no you wanted to make the best of the time both of you would spend together. "Ugh... You are so stubborn..." You then took out a jar of something dark brown from your backpack. "Do you want to try something that I and Choji made in the kitchen? I'm particularly proud of this one." Oniwaka lifts his brow studying you for a second and nods without a word. The Oni takes a spoon from you and scoops a bit of the dark buttery muss. As he does it you keep talking. "I saw this show on an old foreign channel and they made fruit butter. So we did plum, apple and pear with some winter spices and i..." You stop seeing Oniwaka throw away the spoon and stick his two fingers into the jar greedily. By the time you managed to get the jar back of him more than half of the fruit butter was gone. "You need to keep stuff like that away from me. It's deadly" You laughed at him while he continues to lick his fingers with a pleased grin. Half of his face was now covered by sticky fruit residue. Handing him a damp tissue you said. "As your punishment, I would like you to spend the next few days with me. Probably alone. Not using any forms of violence." You add casualty while packing the dishes into your bag, then handing Oniwaka a small bottle of water. There was a strange expression on his face, one you saw only a few times - a mix of determination and embarrassment. He reached out for the bottle touching your hand. "I made my promise to protect you and be your shield, and I've messed up. I need to man up and take responsibility. I will be there for every minute. Also, you have no self-preservation instinct, and who knows what evil could carry you away into the forest. There is so many wild Oni running around with bad intentions. Those monsters can mess you up pretty bad if you aren’t careful. " Oniwaka gets up and extends his arm. "Take my hand and don't let go until we get there." Your cheeks turn slightly pink. It's a long 5-mile walk, that's a lot of hand-holding especially for this stubborn Oni who is always shy of public displays of anything but aggression. "It's only to keep you safe and protected." He grins slightly turning his head away as you two cut through the grass back to the path.
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clydesgod · 4 years
The coming
Feat. Richard, Vitalis, Krista
(This is just a lil drabble so, there shouldn’t be any major themes to worry about. just enjoy. Sorry if I there’s some grammar or spelling errors hehe)
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As the sun rose from it’s concrete horizon, Richard let out a large yawn as he struggled to put his shirt on. He had been trained on how to do it without anything getting caught on his horns, but it was awfully hard when you took into consideration that Richard hardly remembered much, especially when he just woke up not even half an hour ago. Not only was he changing his shirt, he was also cooking. Fried eggs, soaked in olive oil. Hardly a healthy option but it was one that got him in a good mood in the morning. Well, minus the fact both of the yolks had burst. He didn’t care either way. Sort of.
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As he finished cooking them and moving them onto a plate, he couldn’t help but feel a slight hint of dread loom over his shoulders. Was it the hangover? No, couldn’t be. Sure, he felt like trash in a landfill, but he never felt like something awful was about to happen.
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“‘Scuseeeeeee me,” asked the shorter demon as he pushed past Richard and his plate so he could open the fridge and raid it, like every morning. “Do we still have any leftovers from last night?”
Richard scoffed, picking up his plate and moving towards the main living room with an almost ragged couch and a plain looking coffee table. “Chinese for breakfast? I’d hardly say peking duck with a side of spring onion is the best choice of food to start the day with.” He commented, sighing somewhat as he looked down at his rather sad looking fried eggs. They’d be good for now anyway. He could easily go to the store later.
“Sorry for being so unclassy mr ‘ramen at 4am’,” Vitalis spat, closing the fridge as he then began to raid the other cupboards. “Surely there have to be some pop tarts here or something. You didn’t throw them away did you?”
“You mean the ones that went out 3 months ago?” Richard replied.
“Yeah. The strawberry ones.”
“Yeah I threw them out.”
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The shorter demon groaned, collapsing to his knees and looking down at himself. “I’m going to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarve!” He moaned  in a very monotone voice. He was always an actor, even to the very end. “I always knew this would be how I’d die. With an empty stomach and whilst my favourite cousin  eats in front of my face.”
Richard, who hadn’t even taken a bite, rolled his eyes and held the plate towards him. “You want these ones then?”
Dropping his sad act, the shorter demon looked up, squinting as he looked over at the plate. “Bleh, as if. Those are the saddest eggs I’ve ever seen.”
“Suit yourself, more for me...I guess.”
“Are you really going to not get me something? Like order a McDonald’s maybe?”
“No. Wait-”
“Aww common. I know you want one of those sausage burgers, or even the pancakes.~”
Richard put his plate and cutlery down, letting it clank against the coffee table. “Wait-”
“Boooooo you’re no fun. I’ll order some but that means I won’t be able to pay for rent for a whil-”
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“Shut the fuck up! Didn’t you hear what I said?” Richard turned, his expression which previously looked like he just woke up 5 minutes ago, now looked like he realised where this strange sense of dread was coming from. He stood up, looking around the room as Vitalis started to pick up what he was feeling. He felt it too, through his hunger.
A creak was heard, as if someone was walking right outside the apartment. That shouldn’t even be at all weird, they hear people moving past this place all the time. Why was something off now? Was it the sound of their heels? The way they were moving slowly? No. Something about this person’s aura was ringing alarms in the demons’ heads. Vitalis moved quickly, hiding behind the couch as Richard attempted to follow suit.
A knock was heard. Was this a trick? Surely someone was trying to break in, no? That should’ve been the reason for this strange sense, surely. Richard slowly turned, facing the door. He looked back at Vitalis, who shrugged.
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“I ain’t answering’ that fucking door!” He whispered loudly, pointing over behind him. “You go and do it! It’s your apartment!”
Richard gulped, turning his body around as he stared at the door. Why was this feeling familiar? It was like he forgot something and was about to face the consequences of that action. Why though? He sent a birthday card to his granddad last month, what could he be forgetting? He kept moving forward, his hand hesitantly reaching over at the locks as the doorknob fidgeted slightly. Someone wanted to get in.
Another knock. Richard recoiled a bit, but carried on moving on towards the door, undoing all of the security chains and latches he had installed when he first moved in. He was told it was a safe area...but you can never be so sure.
Vitalis had dived down behind the couch, hands covering his head as he awaited a possible fight, maybe a huge explosion? He didn’t know what Richard usually got up so it really could’ve been anything. Maybe even a dragon? Or worse, the landlord. Him and Richard grit their teeth, preparing for anything as the taller demon slowly turned the handle on the door. Who was it? What could he possibly have forgotten? Slowly, he opened the door when-
It stopped. Oh no. The door was jammed, whoever was outside was trying to trap them from the inside. That had to be it. It was one of the villains he had to deal with every day and now they were here to seek revenge and kill-
Oh. Wait. No. Richard looked down, realizing he forgot to undo the last latch to the door. “A-Ah. S-sorry. One second.” He nervously said, unsure as to why he would even let someone know about his current predicament. He quickly undid the last lock, slowly opening the door now. Why did he feel like he had to urgently open this door all of a sudden? As if he didn’t want to disappoint whoever was on the other side.
As the door opened, Richard began to ponder quickly on whom it would’ve been. He thought about all of the emotions and feelings leading up to this point. Dread, forgetfulness, worry, haste, urgency, disapointment. He gulped once more, knowing there was one way to find out.
The door opened. Richard had his eyes closed as he had braced himself for whatever was behind there. Strange though, he wasn’t being beaten around at all. That’s what he was sort of expecting. He opened his eyes, slowly at first but then quickly as he recognised that face anywhere.
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“W-What are you- how did you even know- how- I- What are you doing here?”
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“Did you really think you could get away with that?”
Richard took a step back, gulping before he replied. “G-get away with what?”
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                                       Getting away 
                                                                                        without saying...”
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“Hello!” Said Krista, who at this point had just thrown her arms around Richard, trapping him in a hug. She was taller than Richard, but that was mainly thanks to those heels she wore. She hugged him for a while, with Richard trying to push away from her.
Eventually she let go of him, allowing the wrath demon to stumble back and fall onto the couch.
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“Mom??? What do you mean??? Since when were you visiting?” He asked, not raising his voice so as to not fear her wrath.
“You didn’t need to know that,” she replied back, closing the door behind her as she entered the apartment, having a look around at the state everything was in. “Oh my goodness, you left this place in a better state than your bedroom at home.”
“Speaking of,” she looked back at Richard, her gaze piercing as she squinted and frowned her brow. “Me, your father, your siblings, and your grandparents, sent you a lot of lovely St David’s day messages on your phone. And what do we get? Nothing. I asked your father, he received nothing. Rhys? Nothing. Gwyneth? Nothing. Your father’s parents? Zilch! And what do I get? An ungrateful son who doesn’t even ask how his dear mother is doing.”
She huffed, crossing her arms as she looked away from her son. Richard, at this point, was looking almost terrified.
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“Aaaaaaa-I swear I forgot! I-I had a bit too much to drink last night so the texta sort of went over my head. I was going to reply to them but I just, sort of-”
“Oh don’t you bring up that ‘forgetfulness’ thing again,” she interrupted, looking back at Richard with a huff. “This would never have happened if you stopped drinking like we asked you to do! It’s so unhealthy!”
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“...But Rhys is allowed to smoke-”
“Did I say you had permission to interrupt me?”
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“I-I mean. S-sorry mom.”
“As I was saying,” she continued, pacing around the room, looking about at everything. “Your dear mother was so worried for you, I decided I just had to pay you a visit. It didn’t help that I had to knock about 3 times. You made me worried sick!”
“I’m so sorry!” Richard replied, clasping his hands together and looking up at his mother as if he was begging for his life. “I don’t mean to make you worry! I swear I forgot. I swear! I promise I’ll reply to every text I get from you and dad!”
Krista stared at Richard for a while, eyes squinting as she loomed over Richard. She looked furious...until her expression suddenly changed as she closed her eyes and let out a brief giggle.
“Alright. I forgive you lil Dewi,” She reached over, patting his head as she moved over onto the couch, sitting herself down and placing a brown paper bag onto the coffee table. “Those are some sad looking eggs dear, so I hope you can forgive me for bringing fast food for you. I know you always love those McMuffin things with that round egg in them.”
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“Did someone say McMuffin?” Vitalis said, popping his head up whilst keeping a safe distance away from Krista.
“What did your mother teach you Vitty?”
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“...Hello Mrs Clydesgod may I please have some breakfast please and thank you.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached into the bag and brought out a wrapped meal just for him. She reached on over, letting him take it so he could slowly sink down behind the couch.
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“Where did you even get that from?” Richard asked, who looked on over at the bag as well. “Er- may I have one too...please.”
“A rather long way to say ‘please’ don’t you think Dewi?” She joked, handing him his own meal. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve already eaten today.”
Having his question unanswered, Richard simply unwrapped his meal and dug in. He was used to being disappointed by the amount of answers his mother was good at not giving him. She wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon, wasn’t she.
“I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon by the way.”
“You haven’t spoken to any of your family for quite a while and I think that should be changed. I’m sure your father would agree.” Krista stated, resting her hands on her lap as she looked over at Richard.
“There’s no way Rhys and Gwyneth are going to stay here. There’s no room and I’d rather die than be in the same room as Rhys of all people.”
Krista gasped, placing a hand on her chest as her brows arched upwards. “How could you say such a thing! About your eldest brother too! I thought you and Rhys were good friends.”
“We were until he dated my crush, knowing damn well she was my crush ,15 years ago.”
“Tut tut tut, that’s no good reason as to not interact with him at all.” Krista crossed her arms again, a move that always made goosebumps appear on Richard’s arms. “I will not force them to come. But knowing them, they’ll find their way over here eventually. There’s nothing much you can do about that.”
“Yeah...I know.” He carried on eating, enjoying the breakfast she had brought for them silently.
“Let me know if you need any money for your rent, Dewi.” She added, standing up and taking the brown bag with her.
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“W-wait. You’re going already?” He asked, almost choking on a bit of sausage in the process of asking.
“Why, yes! I’m still yet to check into my hotel room! I’ll text you where I’ll be staying if you want to see me or to introduce me to any of your lovely friends!” She made her way towards the door, opening it and pausing at the door way. She looked back, her eyes squinting ever so slightly as she spoke. 
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“I do expect a reply this time dear.”
Richard gulped, with Krista closing her eyes and letting out a little giggle. “Hwyl! Bore da!”
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“Bore...da...mam…” Upon her closing the door, Richard was left dumbfounded, his mouth somewhat agape as the feeling of dread began to return.
Vitalis peaked up from behind the couch, looking at the coffee table.
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“So...are you going to eat those eggs?”
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Richard looked back, trying to resist the urge to slap him before resting his head back against the couch and rubbing his face with both hands.
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
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moonlightsolo · 5 years
bête noire
summary: Now that the twins are born, everyone is coming to visit you in the med-bay. Your motherly instincts have taken charge and you love caring for your children. Your mind can’t help but think about Kylo and if he is aware his children are here.
pairing; kylo ren x female reader
warnings: looooots of emotion
wc: 2.5k
note: get ur tissues :) also if there's any errors in my writing just ignore it
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Most new parents are a wreck trying to learn how to take care of their tiny humans. You enjoy it though, the crying and changing the dirty diapers. You couldn’t be happier right now. Although, if Kylo could be here with your tiny family that would make everything perfect.
The doctors ordered you to stay overnight in the med bay for a few days. Thankfully the twins are pretty docile in the middle of the night. A nurse droid helps you take care of them, mostly because one of your arms doesn’t work and you can’t take care of them both at the same time.
Rey, Finn, and Chewy come to visit you. Rey’s upper arm is bandaged up from the graze of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber. She gives you a tight hug then Finn and Chewy join to make it a group hug.
Rey coos over the little babies, they’re so much more active now with their eyes open too. Rey holds Ani and Finn scoops up Ellie. They take turns until Chewy, he holds them both in his fuzzy arms.
You can’t help but think about Poe. He must feel so guilty and honestly, you are upset with him. Who wouldn’t be?
The trio can’t get enough of the babies. Especially Chewy, he speaks softly and quietly around them. He definitely has grown an attachment to them both. You know they’ll love him as they grow up.
Rey walks up to you as Finn infatuates over the twins in Chewie’s arms. “How are you? Are you doing okay?” Her hand comes up to touch your uninjured shoulder. You glance at the babies then sigh, “Yeah, I’m doing good.” You smile wide.
Your eyes go to the bandage on her upper bicep, “How’s that feeling?” You tilt your head to make a gesture towards it.
She looks down at her arm then back at you, “Better. I barely notice it’s there.” She laughs.
Leia comes into the conversation, saying something about how you need to get your own bandages changed and it’s time to go. You hug everyone as they leave, seeing the twins are now in their cribs sleeping.
Your last night in the med-bay is going to be easy, you’ve gotten into a routine now. Thankfully the nurse droid is coming with you to your quarters tomorrow to continue helping out until your arm is healed.
Just as you’re getting changed into a new hospital gown after a shower and bandage change, everything goes silent. The droid is tying up the back of the gown so it doesn’t slip off your body. You quickly dismiss it as you look around for him When your eyes meet his, you smile so big. Tears are already threatening to spill onto your cheeks, it hurts to see him.
You take large steps towards him and he instantly pulls your body into an embrace, his back quivers gently and you can tell he’s getting emotional but he’s trying to hold it back. Your fist grips the fabric of the long-sleeved shirt he’s in as you silently cry into his chest.
He lets out his emotions too, he’s sniffling and his chest is shaking every time he takes in a deep breath. His hands are holding onto your body like he never wants to let go. His face is hidden in your shoulder, your wet hair tickles his face. You can tell he’s crying.
It’s like an unspoken passion between you and him. You miss each other so much. You wish you could be with him right now with your children.
He slowly begins to pull back, his face is red and his eyes are wet. You bring your hands up to his face, your palms rest on his cheeks and your thumbs wipe under his eyes. His eyes closed as he leans into your touch, “Come see your babies.” You mumble out, his eyes open to stare at you and a smile erupts on his sad face.
You grab his hand to pull him over to the cribs, their sleeping faces are so precious. He glances between you and the babies, “We made these cute kids?” He laughs, his hand goes up to their faces to touch their soft skin.
“What’s their names?” He asks, his eyes never leave their faces. “Ellie and Anakin.” You lean into his side. He looks down at your face in shock, “Like my grandfather?” He asks, getting choked up again. His arm lays across your shoulders to pull you closer, his head falls as his bottom lip quivers.
“Kylo...” You croak out with a frown, you bury your face into his side. “I’m just happy. I’m so... happy.” He says with a voice crack, he clears his throat.
“Me too. I want to be with you.” You mumble into his side, but it’s muffled.
“What did you say?” He asks, he has an idea but he wants to hear you say it again.
“I want to be with you... and our children on a peaceful planet where they can grow up and we can grow old together.” You lift your face as you spoke, although your eyes are trained on the ground.
“You don’t know how badly I want that too. But this war, I need to stay in it. I’m the leader of the First Order.” His voice is tough now. His hand moved to your cheek to pull your face up. You just nod, you know it couldn’t happen until the war is over.
The nurse droid beeps behind you, “Time for bed.” The robotic voice speaks out, Kylo and you turn your heads to look at it. “Is that who keeps you company now?” He almost laughs but he holds it back.
“Who is this?” The droid asks as it walks over to you both.
“This is their father.” You look up at Kylo then back at the droid.
The nurse droid looks between you both then the babies, “The boy looks like him.” It speaks. It doesn’t recognize him as an enemy, thank the stars.
The droid then proceeds to back up and tend to your hospital bed, folding the sheets back so they are ready for you to climb in. Your hand reaches up to Kylo’s face, your thumb runs over his scar as you stand up on your tippy-toes slightly to kiss him. “Come sleep with me tonight.” You say against his pink lips.
Kylo nods and smiles as he pulls away and lifts you up easily. He walks over to the bed, laying you down in it before climbing in with you. “I won’t be here in the morning.” He says as he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“I know. I just want to lay with you for a little. Like old times.” You yawn, laying your head on his chest practically on top of him as you close your eyes. You listen to the gentle thump of his heartbeat, it feels like he is actually with you as you fall asleep.
He was right. When you wake up, he isn’t there. Your legs are tangled in the hospital sheets, your arms are wrapped around a pillow. The droid is already tending to the children, feeding Ellie while Ani coos in his nursery bed.
You slowly sit up and stretch, making a weird noise which made the droid turn to look at you. “Everything okay?” It asks and you nod. You gently slip out of bed, your slippers are lined up so you put your feet into them.
As you make your way to the crib, you can’t help but smile. Ani’s hat is off and his hair is wavy, thick and dark. You lean over the crib to kiss his little belly over his clothing, then you kiss his neck and smell his baby scent.
You gently pick him up after swaddling him, supporting his neck as you rock your body back and forth.
Rey appears behind you and watches how you both interact. “It’s time to go home to lil babies.” Her accented voice speaks.
A human nurse rolls a wheelchair up behind you, a bag hanging on the handle full of your belongings. You sit down in the leather seat as the droid transfers Ellie and Ani into different cribs with wheels.
You wish you could hold them both but your other arm is still in a sling. Rey proceeds to wheel you out of the med-bay.
She wheels you down different hallways until you come upon the door where you have been living. You take a deep breath before Rey rolls you in. Everything is normal like how you left it.
The droid rolls both the bassinets into your room next to your bed and begins to unload the baby supplies and put them on top of your dresser.
You stand up once you’re close enough to the bedroom, waddling over to make sure Ellie and Ani are okay. You take another deep breath as you look around, everything is becoming a reality. It’s a bit surreal.
The droid folds your clothing and puts it away for you in the drawers. “Thank you.” You tell them and it nods.
Rey comes up behind you, her hand clasps yours in support and she gives you a sympathetic smile. “It will be okay. I promise. If you want I can stay the night. I’ll sleep on the floor.” She looks at you then at the droid who was looking at her.
“I really appreciate it, Rey. I think I’ll be okay though. I got some help.” You laugh as the droid goes back to its job. Rey nods then look back at the door. A fist knocks on the already open door, your eyes instantly widen. It’s Poe.
Rey steps back from you but doesn’t leave your side. “Is it okay if I come in?” His deep voice speaks. You slowly turn yourself around to look at him.
His dark hair is disheveled, sunken eyes and quite a bit of scruff has grown on his face. He hasn’t shaved. He was in some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt with slippers. He looks a bit rough.
You nod, gulping as he takes a step forward. “Look, I just want to say how truly sorry I am. I didn’t want to lose my temper like that. Especially hurting you in the process. I didn’t want any of this to happen.” He looks down at his feet in shame.
You look over at Rey and you nod at her so she can give you guys some space. “I’ll be outside.” She sighs as she slips past your bodies.
Your arm comes up to squeeze his bicep and he looks up with tears in his eyes. “Poe. I’m not happy about what happened but all I can say is that my babies are okay. That’s all I care about right now. My arm is healing and it hurts but I’m okay.” You smile softly, “I forgive you.”
Once those words left your mouth, his jaw quivers as he holds back his emotions. You pull him into a hug with your arm, he’s gentle as he wraps his arms around your waist instead of your shoulders to look out for your wound.
You comfort him but rubbing your hand up and down his back, his hands grip your lower back as he buries his face into your neck. His tears are wet against your skin, sniffling as he pulls back to look at you.
“Wanna meet them?” You ask as you grab his hand to pull them over to their cribs. He looks over the babies, gasping in awe as he stares at them. “They are so beautiful.” He sighs happily. “I’m proud of you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.” He backs up and runs his fingers through his knotty hair.
The droid is in the corner of the room preparing bottles for when they wake up later. “It’s okay.” You yawn then smile at him. “I should go. I’ll let you get settled.” He pats you back softly before he leaves the room.
Rey takes his spot to explain what she’s doing today and how she’ll come to check up on you between breaks. She leaves you alone with the droid then Ellie wakes up.
She softly coos then it turns into a cry. Your head whips around as you scurry up to her and scoop her in your arm. The droid hands your hand in the sling the bottle so you could feed her yourself.
Your day goes by quickly, you nap and the droid takes over and then you take over with its help of course. Rey does come to check up on you and to bring you food. You obviously tell her that she doesn’t need to wait on you but she ignores it.
You miss Ren. Your heart is aching to see him again, to see him hold his children in person. You don’t want to turn your back on the Resistance but they turned their back on you first when they left you on Crait. Suddenly, the memories come flooding back into your brain. All of the pain and anguish you had to endure during your time as a prisoner. Kylo is your hero. He saw potential in you and he took a risk to take you under his wing. Why did the Resistance leave you to die?
The droid interrupts your thoughts and you ease back into reality. You didn’t even realize tears were freely falling down your cheeks. “Are you okay? I can call for help.” The droid goes to push a button on its chest but you stop it. “No-no-no. No need for that. I’m okay. Just wrapped up in my thoughts.” You nod in reassurance.
“Just thoughts.” You sigh as you focus in on your sleeping children.
tags: @officiallpeterparker @funnysadshit @ymariejp @attorneyl @fangirl570 @trinityrud20 @kylos-sassy-cousin @delicatelyherdreams @fizzywoohoo @savvy7392 @angelias134 @that-girl-named-alex @cas-backwards-tie @glimmering-darling-dolly​ @glitterypinkkitty​ @blxkstar​ @his-snow-white-queen​ @elsasshole​ @smiithys​ @nanocoool​ @deathbyarabbit​ @alex-skr​ @theholycakehole​ @averillian​ @crazynocturnalkiki​ @arcanebabe​ @tinydancer40​ @superduckypower​ @thomasscresswell​ @butterfly-writes​ @thatintrovertedbisexual​ @fangirlanotherjust​ @somekindofroger​ @nicci442​ @little-girl-who-dream-too-much​ @boba-bliss​
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sparkmender · 4 years
Fill out & Repost ♥ This meme definitely favors Canons more, but I hope OC's still can make it somehow work with their own lore and Lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tagged by: @ifthearmorfits -- thank you opo!!
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au (...in-canon au, because transformers) / canon-divergent / fandomless
(I will be getting into spoiler territory with this, but given that you all are following this blog, you’ve probably stuck around long enough to already see what’s up haha.)
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. (evidently a lot of people have it bad for the nerd but I don’t do NSFW on tumblr, so lol)
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
are they underrated?  YES / NO.
were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO.
are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (Given Rung’s quantum forgotten status WHO KNOWS)
Putting it bluntly: Functionist alt. dimension Rung has a whole lot of plot holes. Swiss cheese boy. I’ve made liberal changes here and there so that he can play with a majority of muses in the MTMTE/LL community, but I’ve also taken a lot of free reign giving Rung’s general lack of backstory in-between spoiler/plot beats :P
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
Rung is a very rare type of character, being an ostensibly ‘masculine’ character (in regards of a human binary lens) who prides himself on empathy, understanding, and caring for others’ physical and mental wellbeing in ways that often linger in more ‘feminine’ realms (again, in approx. to the human binary); it interests me to be able to explore such concepts in a territory where, considering lore and implied history, there’s no societal concept of (human ideal culturally-imposed) gender. He’s a creator ‘deity’, he literally produces souls, but nothing about his design is meant to emphasize a human sense of reproduction/fertility/etc. Most people would never look at him and conclude who and what he is. There’s also the fact that he’s been methodically documented, experimented on, taken apart, and then tortured for approx. 2 million years and yet he refused to let that break him. Rung is unflinchingly kind, willing to reach a hand out to anyone who needs a shoulder to lean on even when he has nothing of his own to offer. Hell, he studied medicine and philosophy so he could build the foundations for the Cybertronian method of behavioral psychology because even without memories of being Primus, Rung wants to take care of his creations. ...And then you add in how absolutely adorable it is to watch this old man dodder about with his puzzles and models and big googly glasses and I love him so much okay--
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
To be honest, Rung can be kind of a Mary Sue/over powered character in some people’s eyes. Like, what, this random character who’s new to the franchise and made specifically by the author is actually Transformers God who suffered amnesia? And is friendly and polite to everyone but also has a streak of keeping a grudge and survives literal untold horrors because his body can just heal itself?? And he spits out crystals that make up sparks??? OH AND HE’S MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD AND DID I MENTION HE’S GOD SOMEHOW AND THEN HE STRAIGHT UP JUST DIES TWICE IN CANON, WOW
H,,,, Him round,,,,,,,, No really I just loved his design that much. Him round. Also both my mom and my granddad are shrinks so I have, like, a basic grasp on psych stuff after reading through their textbooks and watching my granddad’s old research films and study tapes, so it was familiar territory I settled on writing Functionist!Rung in specific because I sympathize with having weird + painful medical shit inflicted on you all the time and because the idea of someone so genuine and careful being the core of a revolutionary movement is really,,, makes my heart squeeze.
hell if I know I’m just kinda here forever lmao
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. needs more weird eldritch tech woogies but I’m terrified of alienating people
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (mostly as they get yoinked by the fandom at large and then my notifications break my phone)
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES (to an extent because I write a lot of different muses and I’m constantly making/doing/playing something to keep my hands busy, so it’s inevitable) / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Criticism is the best way to grow as a creator, tbh, but I will say I think the biggest complaint is just how goddamn slow + forgetful I am hahaha,,
Sure! I have a tags specifically for weird Cybertronian biology quirks and for Rung just rambling about things, and it’s fun to get to reveal bits and pieces of the backstory I’ve created for him.
........I mean lmao you can tell me why you disagree but at the end of the day this is my personal portrayal of a specific version of a character who only shows up for like three issues of a 70+ issue long comic series.
There are several other fantastic Rung writers out there each with their own interpretations and understandings of the character, so like. Godspeed. Go, find the god your heart desires, and whatnot.
Do you hate my portrayal of Rung, or just Rung in general?? I know a few people who just straight up dislike any version of Rung at all, so there’s that.
English hard, hebrew and yiddish and spanish and romanian and german only. More seriously I was raised in an extremely weird house where English was the primary language but I was being taught by older people who never remembered which language they were using at the time. My first word was Mickey Mouse. I don’t know what’s happening. I went to art college. Please be gentle with me, sir.
Oh most likely. There’s only like... one or two things I will go out of my way to discourage or avoid + I’m generally just kinda here to make other people happy haha
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
💥🌺💙💗 for Zander and co (sorry if that's too many!)
Ohoho this was fun,,, under a cut since it’s a lil long tho (And don’t worry, It’s not too many! I love doing lots!)
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Zander: Zander doesn’t know how to deal with grief. He was never given a chance to properly grieve his father, which was really the first very personal death he’d experienced. He had no choice but to push the feeling down and ignore it which ultimately will not benefit him in the long run.
Wren: Wren absolutely hates feeling embarrassed or humiliated, which is unfortunate because those are some of Cain and Vanessa’s favorite things to make someone feel. Also unfortunate, because his terrible anxiety has him convinced that every move he makes is something to be horribly embarrassed about
Cain: Cain hates having to feel guilty. It was a feeling that he was constantly told was unnecessary, unimportant, useless, and made him stupid to even feel the slightest bit. Unfortunately, Cain feels guilt very easily, constantly even, and it makes him angry, which makes him do more things he’ll feel guilty about. On some level, he hopes that eventually he’ll desensitize himself to the feeling, and continue his various atrocities guilt free. 
Vanessa: Vanessa has probably never felt this in her life, but she wouldn’t exactly know how to handle feeling remorseful. I don’t have Vanessa as worked out as everyone else but I can guarantee 1. She’s never felt bad for anything she’s done in her life and 2. If she was to start feeling bad she would assume that there is something terribly off about the world. She probably wouldn’t even realize that she’s feeling bad. 
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Zander: Zander would want fangs, sharp sharp fangs so that people can learn the hard way to stop fucking with his mouth and his teeth, because apparently a normal bite isn’t enough to drive the point home ohoho the irony here be careful what you wish for
Wren: Wren’s is very simple and very average- The poor boy just wants to be taller. Even like just a few inches. Just a bit. It is very unfair that he is as short as he is and he absolutely hates it. (I think I’ve projected a lot on to Wren oops)
Cain: Cain is probably the only one who wouldn’t really want to make any additions, maybe at most some freaky colored eyes to scare people but that’s about it (thinking about the black with red pupil look)
Vanessa: If she had to change anything or make any additions, she’d go all out with horns, wings, fangs, a tail, that whole sexy demon/succubus look is Very attractive to her
💙 How important is this OC to you? Are they a character that’s helped you through some pretty tough times or could you scrap them without feeling a thing?
Zander: My boy,,,, my baby boy,,,, I wouldn’t say he's helped me through any tough times but I could never scrap him because I love him so much i’m so sorry I considered killing you, Zander
Wren: Look,,,,, he’s me okay,,,, we’ll leave it at that
Cain: Cain is honest to god one of my favorite bastard characters. He’s fucking horrible and I could never get rid of him, can’t even bring myself to kill him off
Vanessa: i probably should get rid of her but uhhhhh no,,,, again, not a character who’s helped me through any tough times I just fucking love her
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Zander: I don’t know why THE FUCK Zander got so loved. I don’t even know why I loved him so much. He was not supposed to be this important of a character and I did not expect love Zander disease to be a thing. I don’t even know what it is that does it to people, something about Zander is just,,,, like that
Wren: Wren does not get the attention he deserves and that’s 100% my fault. I have so many plans for him but I got hooked on Zander, especially when it comes to side pieces, but I swear, there’s some serious Wren whump coming
Cain: I can’t even talk about my favorite things about Cain I need to just,,,, write them. I love him and I have so many things planned for him I’m super excited for, and I really want to delve a bit more into his relationship with Zander because it’s,,,, a bit more complicated than either of them would like to admit
Vanessa: I,,,, love Vanessa probably more than I should. When I made her she was supposed to be a little weird, but ultimately well meaning and ready to see the error of her ways, maybe even a potential love interest for Zander- actual love interest, not the way she is now. She was supposed to be like that and I literally changed it mid-writing the first piece she appears in and I have only one (1) regret and it’s making her hot. 
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