zoldyyks · 20 days
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since trimax vash always used to feel nai using his plant powers, I wonder if he felt his brother using them for the very last time...
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zoldyyks · 30 days
me with my quilava
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zoldyyks · 2 months
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god forbid 5000 year old girls do anything
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zoldyyks · 2 months
A gothic horror story where a gentleman from a good family gets haunted by something monstrous, which follows him around and keeps killing people around him at utter random, in cruel and horrifying ways. Specifically within circumstances where the protagonist has no alibi, and everything indicates that he committed the murders.
But the real horror is not that he would find himself accused of the murders, but that the people around him naturally assume that he did do it, but genuinely do not care, because the victims are never people that the society around him considers "important". The scullery maid of his household is found brutalised beyond recognition in a room where even the ceiling has been splattered with blood, and a constable of the local police brushes it off as a case of household discipline gone wrong, being horrifyingly casual with the assumption that the protagonist severely beat a girl in his service to death, and will dismiss it as an accident. The street urchin that the protagonist was seen talking with - wanting to help this poor little orphan - is found decapitated, severed head in the protagonist's fireplace. This, too, is calmly swept under the rug.
After every horrifying murder, the protagonist tries to seek help, to present the crime to authorities in hopes of getting some semblance of help, or at least clearing his own name of this, but every time it's brushed off. "These things do happen", he is reassured, like it's perfectly normal that a mansion of that size has a secret garden of unmarked graves in one shady corner.
The real horror is the ever-encompassing implication that this is perfectly normal.
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zoldyyks · 2 months
yknow how I said learning to draw was a mistake??
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This is the reason,,,,
It's kinda a panel redraw?? But I gave up and didn't do the background
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Fun fact! One of the markers I was using to color his coat was called geranium! 👍 (I am unwell)
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zoldyyks · 2 months
you guys Need to start seeing bugs as animals im not even joking anymore. the second u start seeing them as tiny animals the more your world opens up and the more you accept different types of life Into that world. youll begin accepting that even life you cant understand is still worth living. and itll legitimately make you a better person. fuck
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zoldyyks · 2 months
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This Vash
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zoldyyks · 2 months
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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zoldyyks · 2 months
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together we sit in this room, together we listen to birds
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zoldyyks · 2 months
they hate me because i :3 no matter WHAT
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zoldyyks · 2 months
*kicks a large rock sadly but it was actually a geodude and you watch me fight for my life as it mauls me*
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zoldyyks · 2 months
current fan creation landscape is kinda like if you went to a party with a homemade cake and everyone takes a slice and silently thumbs up at you with no attempt to start a conversation except for occasionally some guy sits in the corner with a tape recorder critiquing the cake as though he was a restaurant critic and another guy is handing the cake to an uber driver like "yeah i need you to find a restaurant that makes cake like this so i can have more of it" and the only person that's talked to you in 30 minutes is a very sweet little guy who was like "hey i liked your cake" and then ran away apologizing for bothering you the moment you said thank you.
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zoldyyks · 3 months
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I had that doodle sitting around in my folder for a while, so I decided to doodle some more on it. :D Bullet-riddled coats are my new favorite thing to draw. 
Prints and Commissions Twitter - deviantART - Insta - Kofi - Mastodon - Artgram
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zoldyyks · 3 months
Cats are great because they just accept that being Bothered by you is like. Part of the social contract.
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zoldyyks · 3 months
my best friend linen my brother in arms cotton my partner wool my beautiful sister silk
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zoldyyks · 3 months
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The ox cart scene 🍁
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zoldyyks · 3 months
What's that bro? You began interacting with a media from a different country than yours and/or was made in time period different than the recent present day? Haha that's sick bro! Keep expanding your horizons bro! You're remembering to take into account that sociocultural norms, gender roles and genre expectations are different from what you are used to and meeting the story halfway, instead of forcibly superimposing your ideals into the story, right bro? Right? Right?
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