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xoeynon · 4 months ago
anyone know some new buzzwords to incorporate into my tumbles
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puntoelineamagazine · 2 years ago
Foto di scena: Il dio bambino – Fabio Troiano © Likeabee Con Fabio Troiano Testo e musiche di Giorgio Gaber e Sandro Luporini regia Giorgio Gallione scene e costumi Lorenza Gioberti disegno luci Aldo Mantovani produzione Nidodiragno/CMC con il contributo di Comune di Barletta/Teatro Curci in collaborazione con Fondazione Giorgio Gaber e Teatro Pubblico Pugliese Teatro Carcano Milano DAL 13 AL 16…
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eric-sadahire · 3 years ago
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Muhammad Ali: Float like a butterfly 
Jellyfish: Done
Muhammad Ali: sting like a bee
Jellyfish: I’m nailing this
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firmatadiaz · 3 years ago
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L'essenza della vita
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eddy-clio · 6 years ago
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LAMBORGHINI CENTENARIO #lamborghini #centenario #car #supercar #rare #legend #classic #iconic #hypercar #carofinstagram #carinstagram #lamborghinicentenario #supercarsunday #yellow #likeabee https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnd1vMTA69D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11bxakl5qgjuv
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hellforo · 5 years ago
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#bee #fungi #likeabee #flybug #insect #bug #meadows #forest #home #stayhome #yomequedoencasa #spring #nature #shot #nofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5iQoRnkNe/?igshid=skl2dkmjy1vk
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serhatozpercin · 6 years ago
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quibscollage · 5 years ago
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arohabyeol · 4 years ago
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[210310] Astro Twitter Update! 🐝
윙~~ 윙윙윙🐝
글쓴이 엠벌
#꿀벌처럼 #달콤한하루 #보내세요 #윙
Written by M-bee
#likeabee #havea #sweetday #wing
Cr: arohabyeol
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micastories · 7 years ago
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Alayna Citrin, Like A Bee
“Like A Bee is a series of educational tools dealing with the disappearance of honeybees and their vital connection to our food system. In the past several years, honey bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Scientists have not been able to pinpoint the main cause of honey bee death. However, loss of habitat, pollution, pesticides, genetic modification, immunodeficiencies, malnutrition, changes in beekeeping practices, and other human initiated factors are possible and likely causes. Honey bees are incredibly important to our food and our lives. They pollinate the majority of the produce that we eat. If bees completely disappeared, most of our fruit would vanish. Apples, almonds, berries, squash, melons, stone fruit, and more would all be gone within the first year without any bees. Over time, many other plants would not be pollinated and would cease to reproduce. Food prices would skyrocket, food shortages would be commonplace, and our meals would consist of some grains and processed foods. Like A Bee is made up of three sections that address this problem by teaching the audience about the issue, asking them to engage with the cause, and prompting them to take action. These three approaches are titled Work Like A Bee, Swarm Like A Bee, and Sting Like A Bee. This project builds upon previous ideas of sustainability’s role in both the content and creation of my work. Some questions I have asked myself throughout the duration of this project include How do you get people to care about and invest in a cause? How can graphic design represent sustainability through both its content and physical embodiment? Are there alternative forms of thinking and production that can bring about a more sustainable world? What does designing like a bee look like? How can bee behavior influence how I ask people to think and act?”
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if-isabelfreire · 8 years ago
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#gmorning #bomdia #bonjour #buongiorno #buenosdias #gutenmorgen #goedemorgen #goedmorgen.... everyone!! #busy #likeabee 😂😂🐝 #craftythings #craftlovers #craft #handmadegifts #handmadewithlove #papercraft #reciclepaper #havefun #dowhatyoulove
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wilabesworld · 4 years ago
Hi Everybody 🌱 Let's help #children feel #hope and experience #happiness again. On November 1st 2020 (my 🎈birthday), I'm celebrating my #passion for kids and animals by reprinting my revised 4th edition activity-coloring #Wannabee Book 📖 i wrote and illustrated and self-published (1998) and will be available on #Amazon and right here on #Facebook and everywhere too! #ouiyay WiLaBe's 🤗 WaNnaBEe's a #gift of Inspiration that Never Expires and filled, cover to cover, with Endless Opportunities and Infinite Possibilities. iBelieve, the Coronavirus must NOT delay Kids from becoming their best at whatever they Aspire to be. So Let The Fun BEegin ... Again! #Blossom2021 🌻Sincerely Excited #likeabee
William Wilabe Richer
#wilabedna 🐝 #feelthebuzz
#WhatDoYouWannabee ⁉️ ToBEeContinued ...
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angelondelune-blog · 6 years ago
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PROCESSUS CRÉATIF . Même si je pars d’un croquis, qui me donne un objectif, un cap, je n’ai pourtant pas d’idées préconçues concernant l’œuvre finale. J’essaie de me détacher au maximum du résultat, préférant me concentrer et trouver la joie dans le processus (le voyage créatif 💗🖌🌈). . Je peux pour assurer que lorsque l’on se concentre sur le processus créatif plutôt que le résultat, on évite toutes sortes de déconvenues (expérience personnelle à l’appui!!) . C’est en peignant que les idées viennent… oui! L’action ouvre la voie, l’énergie afflue et les surprises aussi 😇 . Le processus créatif n’est pas un chemin tout tracé, figé... Au contraire c’est un chemin vivant, qui se ressent, qui s’expérimente… C’est là que que la magie opère ! . Lorsque j’ai commencé ce tableau, j’avais juste un croquis sous les yeux et je sentais que j’allais m’ouvrir à l’inconnu... je ne savais pas comment mais j’avais confiance que les réponses allaient affluer pendant que le processus créatif... L’idée du pyrograveur a été très vite une évidence : resté des années dans les placards, il attendait patiemment ce jour... où j'ai eu envie de graver des colombes dans le bois... . Cette peinture n’est pas encore terminée, je ne sais pas vraiment a quoi elle ressemblera à la fin (qu’importe...), je suis sure d’une chose : elle sera parfaite et elle portera en elle le fruit de mes réflexions, de mes échecs, de mes succès, une part de moi... un morceau qui parlera à beaucoup... j’aime transmettre de cette façon, une part de mon essence 💗 . . . #art #atelier #studioscenes #artprocess #panneaux #peinture #oilpainting #arbres #fleurs #vegetal #colorful #creative #creativeliving #artwork #creativehappylife #nature #natureinspired #inspiration #aartistic_dreamers #colombe #bird #artistepeintre #instaart #likeabee #patterndesign #pyrogravure https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwuq7eojTzh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rpebk9749hp0
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fale-fatiferga-la-fida · 7 years ago
Likeabee :c
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hellforo · 5 years ago
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#bee #likeabee #flybug #insect #bug #meadows #forest #home #stayhome #yomequedoencasa #spring #nature #shot #nofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5iDWpn2QJ/?igshid=urszrsaj4qic
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