#like.....I know yanan is in some sort of other show but
midnightmystical · 1 year
@ Cube Ent Can we please have Yanan back
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adachicuto · 2 years
hugs with pentagon
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a/n: honestly, some of these are probably ?? and i probably said the same things over and over lol
↳ jinho: hugs that would feel like he could protect you from anything. like, i could see him gently pulling you into a protective hug if you were feeling down and he’d whisper that everything would be fine and that he would try his best to make things better for you. you’d always look forward to his hugs and how they would positively affect your mood and help turn a bad day around.
↳ hui: the always excited to see you type of hug. like you know how golden retrievers are so excited when they see their owners, hui would be the same. he’d excitedly pull you into a hug and you’d sometimes forget what you were saying or thinking moments before because his hugs would melt away your worries. it’d be like coming home to your very excited golden retriever puppy.
↳ hongseok: warm, bear hugs that leave you slightly breathless because you wouldn’t realize how badly you’d need one of them. especially if you had a rough day and hongseok’s hugs would help some of the pressure of your day leave your body so that you could relax. even before he’d pull you into one of his hugs, you wouldn’t be able to help the wide smile that pulls at your lips.
↳ shinwon: random hugs every chance he’d get. shinwon’s hugs would be light and playful that would never fail to put a smile on your face. his hugs would always manage to brighten your day. his hugs would perfectly balance out serious moments. like, if you were feeling under the weather, his hugs would be that something that was missing and would make you feel better.
↳ changgu: changgu would also give the best hugs where he’d rest his head on your shoulder. i think his hugs would feel a lot like entering your home or any place after being out in the cold and it’s be perfectly warm. his hugs would be perfectly lighthearted and would serve as something that you’d look forward to every day and he’d be more than happy to cuddle you.
↳ yanan: idk how to explain it but his hugs would basically show how much he loves you and that would be deeply. yanan’s hugs would be comforting and gentle. i think at times he would be a little shy to hug you around others but there would be those moments where you’d be in your own little bubble and he would not care who’d be around. if he wanted to hug you, he would.
↳ yuto: shy hugs. even if you’d be together for years, yuto would always be somewhat shy to hug you, especially in front of others. as much as his hugs would be comforting for you, they would also be comforting for him. you would look forward to yuto’s hugs after a long day and he would be more than happy to provide you with warmth and a moment of calm through hugs.
↳ kino: he’s such a touchy person that there would not be a moment that passes where he wouldn’t be hugging you. it would not matter where you are, he’d pull you into hugs just because he can and there would be no complaints from you. hyunggu’s hugs would be very difficult to explain because they’d be that amazing and would probably always leave you a little speechless.
↳ wooseok: the kind of hugs where he thinks that he’s not as tall as he actually is (sort of like giant dogs thinking they’re super tiny) and he’d wrap his arms tightly around you but not too tight where it’s be uncomfortable. his hugs would be just right for you. i could see him awkwardly rubbing your back to soothe you but you’d appreciate it all the same and he’d be proud of himself.
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soundofseventeen · 3 years
Miracle (Lee Jihoon)
Happy birthday @peachy-hoon​! A million thank yous will never suffice but I can always give you this! I’m sorry for any mistakes; I literally uploaded this as I finished. And you know, it’s not my best work, but alas.
Word count: 2645
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“And that’s a wrap!” Jihoon spoke into the mic to let Wonwoo know he was done for the day and without waiting for him to leave the recording studio, removed his headphones and stuffed his sweater and whatever he could fit into his backpack and ran out of Universe Factory, the door wide open and leaving his confused, but amused friend to tidy up the small room. In his rush he literally ran into Jeonghan, who ended up throwing all the papers in his hands, and Jihoon, although didn’t like running behind schedule, stayed to help pick up the mess he made.
“Where are you going in such a rush?” The older boy teased, checking the papers he had in his hand to make sure they were all in order and ready for presentation.
“Home.” Not bothering to check the pages, Jihoon handed them over and let Jeonghan sort them out.
“It’s still early, don’t you think? Soonyoung said he still has to go through the choreography and Seungcheol wanted everyone present for the meeting.” The impish smile had formed on Jeonghan’s face before he finished his sentence.
“Soonyoung said he’d record it for me and Seungcheol already told me everything I need to know.” Jihoon searched for his cellphone, groaning internally when he realized that he had left it in the practice room when he dropped the towels off for his clingy friend.
“Aren’t you gonna help me put these back in order?” Jeonghan asked when he saw him walking away.
“You have that handled well enough.”
“I’m missing the first page, and I had it before you knocked me over.” 
“Don't do this to me right now Jeonghan.” This time, the groan he let out was external. “I have plans that I can’t break.” Well, he could if he wanted to, but he wasn’t gonna.
“You’re not going anywhere until I find it.”
“It’s under your shoe. I’ll grab it for-move Jeonghan. I need all the time I can get.” Jihoon crouched to pick up the piece of paper.
“Why not just invite Y/N over so you stay a little longer and then you can leave together.” Jeonghan not so subtly moved his foot along with the paper so he wouldn’t take it so easily.
“I don’t think so.” He pushed his older friend, momentarily making him lose his balance and successfully retrieved the paper, squinting his eyes to read it and looking confused. “How is this our fault?”
“It’s not. The CEO is already talking to Jun about it and we’re supposed to see what measures we can take from happening again.”
“Then shouldn’t we talk to Yanan about it? I don’t know why they thought squawking every time their ringtones went off and unnecessarily texting each other throughout the day is our fault.” And both of them were messaging both groups, but he didn’t need to add that part. Instinctively, his hand went to his pockets, ready to make sure his phone stayed on silent, but he remembered he didn’t have it.
“If it gets the CEO off our backs, I don’t care what we have to do.” Jeonghan took out his own mobile device, shutting the noise off as a safety precaution. “I dreamt Yanan was part parrot twice already.” He shuddered at some memory.
“Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bright and early and not a minute more. I have a song for you and Mingyu to go through.” He was ready to step past him when Jeonghan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back slightly.
“Do you really have to go though? This hyung hasn’t eaten lunch and it’s your turn to buy.”
Woozi let out a deep sigh, took out his wallet, smiled briefly at the picture he had of you, and pulled out his debit card, along with the loose change he had. “You know my pin number and this is literally for anything else. ‘Bye.”
“Will Y/N be okay with you staying longer?” 
“Yes, but I won’t be.” He turned the other way to head over to the practice room, only instead of seeing Soonyoung, he found Chan in the middle of a choreo practice. “Sorry, I’m just here for my phone.”
Chan hit the pause button on the remote, and gratefully took the towel Jihoon provided. “Oh, uh, I haven’t seen it. Maybe Hoshi hyung took it when he left?”
“Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow then.” Although he wasn’t thrilled to be phoneless the rest of the day, he figured that no one important would try to get a hold of him and if he managed to convince you to turn it off, then it’d be foolproof. 
“Hyung, what are you today with Y/N that you’re not staying here with us?” Chan wadded up the towel and threw at him when Jihoon shook his head.
“Nothing, for real. I just wanna go home and take a nap on the couch.”
“I don’t believe you, but go ahead and leave us to suffer with our evil CEO and Joshua hyung.”
“I don’t know what you did but I’m glad you did it. Now Bumzu is in charge of getting the chorus done before you leave ton-stop looking at me like that. I’m not abandoning you.”
“You’re leaving us for Y/N.”
“I already had these plans.” And not even his best friends would hold him up. 
“Okay fine, don’t tell me what super fun, cool thing you’re gonna do while we just slave away here.”
Jihoon began walking away, backwards and slowly. However, he couldn’t hold back the smirk on his face. “We aren’t doing anything or going anywhere. I’d ask you guys to come over after work to see for yourself, but I don’t wanna.”
“Ever since you and Y/N started dating, you’ve changed.” The fake sniffle Chan let out almost sent Jihoon to the floor but he managed to reach the door and once he took a bow, walked out.
Jihoon let himself in quietly, just in case you were asleep or on the phone with someone important to you, but he was greeted with a Stray Kids song coming from the living room. He smiled while he watched “Back Door”, nodding to himself when he saw Bang Chan. He admired the leader, and respected his choices regarding his group, but if anything, it was how much you fawned over him that made him petty. (Not in the sense that whenever you argued, he’d tell you to be with him, but rather he thrived on the idea that if he was with you in public and you came across Chan, Jihoon could always be satisfied in knowing that you were on his arm, and bragging about him.) 
He did make a note to remind himself to tell the boys  that your friend wanted Seventeen to do the choreo and if he could just remember it one day, it’d be great. 
“Jagi?” He called out so he’d know where you were.
“I’m not home,” was your response and with that, followed the sound of your voice that led him into the kitchen. “You’re early.”
He placed a kiss on your hair and let you finish the dishes while he checked the mail you left on the table. Bills, spam, a few unknown addresses written to you and he could only assume you found more photocards and you’d show them to him later. “How was work?”
“They wanted me to stay a little longer but I told them I couldn’t.”
“So just about the same as me.” He tore up the junk mail, and threw it in the trash. “What’s that smell?” He asked, wrinkling his nose.
“I might have burned the first batch of cookies, while I was in the shower. But don’t worry, thes ones in the oven are almost done and they’ll be good for dinner.” You turned around to wave at him, but he stood up, opened a pack of peach gummies for you and fed you one. “Speaking of, what sounds good?”
He wrapped his arms around you, back hugging you while you resumed your chores. “I’m not hungry right now. How about you throw these in the dishwasher and we can just watch movies and we’ll make food later?”
“Vacuum the living room first and then I’ll go meet you there. I have to clean the bathroom after this and dust my shelves and-” you sighed, “-so much to do.”
“But you’re not working tomorrow. Can’t you do that?”
“I have plans tomorrow and I won’t be home until late.”
“Fine, I’ll help you do our chores so you can finish and then we’ll watch something that Wonwoo swore was good.” 
He kissed your cheek, only to jump slightly when you yelled out, “Ateez present!”, followed by, “Turn the TV up. I love this song!”
He nodded but didn’t say anything else, instead running around the apartment with the vacuum cleaner and you occasionally scolding him because you couldn’t hear your favorite songs, and after that, collecting all the trash to throw out so you wouldn’t have to go outside and lose whatever motivation you had. He liked when you had energy like that; it usually made him wonder what other things you had done, like the fact you changed the bedsheets this time, washed his clothes, and baked some dessert. You worked extra hard today and he couldn’t wait to have you sit next to him and watch something that you wouldn’t focus on, but you’d have a good night’s sleep if that happened. He wished he could do what you did in the short amount you’ve been home.
You somehow managed to finish at around the same time, but he could see you weren’t tired because you were teasing the cat with all its toys. (The cat he said he didn’t want when you bought the apartment, but for some reason couldn’t bear parting with the stray so now, he was an active member of the family, but he wasn’t complaining. The feline kept you company when he was gone and it strangely put Jihoon at ease.) “Haha, you’re too slow. Come grab it now.” You picked him up, trying not to wince when one of the claws came out. “Come on pretty boy. You’re gonna watch a movie with us tonight.”
Jihoon was already waiting for you, your favorite blanket ready to be claimed and the snacks ready to be eaten. “Come on Jagi. You don’t know how long I was waiting to do this with you.” He extended his arms wide enough for you to fall into them, and when you did, wrapped them around you, sighing contentedly. “You know I can stay like this forever, right?”
He kissed your forehead when you nodded, and you could feel the tiredness creeping in. He always made your long days a little better and you often wished you could be the beacon of energy he needed, and you tried really hard to be that. Your work’s complaints could wait for another day, but this couldn’t. “Thank you for coming home early.”
You could feel yourself falling asleep a little into the movie, not because you were bored, but because you were so warm and comfortable and you didn;t wanna break your little bubble. Jihoon played with your hair, further lulling you into a slumber and when he placed random kisses on you, you just silently asked for more. So it surprised you when the doorbell rang and you looked at him. “Did you order dinner?”
“No. Did you?” Then came the hard knocking and you recognized it immediately, and you let out a laugh.
“They didn’t,” Jihoon groaned. “I told them no. Just ignore them and they’ll go away.”
“Is that why you turned my phone off earlier?”
“Yes. I don’t always get this time with you.”
“Should I just let them in? You know they won’t stop until we open the door.” You didn’t know how long you stayed liked, but you reluctantly got off of Jihoon and opened the door, him muttering profanities and threatening to put them through hell the next time they were due to record.
“Y/N, you’re here!” Seungkwan pushed through everyone to hug you. “How come you don’t visit us? Don’t you love us anymore?”
“Dude, I’ve been so busy lately. I’m sorry.”
“WAIT!” Chan cried loud enough to wake your neighbors so you put a finger to your lips to quiet him down. “So Hyung was telling the truth when he said you weren;t doing anything?”
“We literally just cleaned the house and we were gonna watch a movie until bed.”
“Wow, you’re not fun.”
You counted all the heads, multiple times, frowning a little when you counted the 12. “I haven’t made dinner and we were just gonna have noodles.”
“Oh good! We’re starving.” Someone pushed Wonwoo and they all rushed inside, quickly making themselves at home. Jihoon shot you an apologetic look and you smiled at him. You enjoyed Seventeen’s company, but Jihoon shook his head, trying to look annoyed at their presence, but the smile he tried to hide was confirmation enough to have them here for a little. 
“Everyone is having ramen form the packet and if you don’t like it, then you can go and get your own food.” Your eyes widened when you saw the time on the stove. It felt so much later than it actually was.
“I just wanna know why you guys are here and not at home.”
“Hyung, you invited me earlier, remember? While I was working on the choreo and you were looking for your phone.”
“That reminds me. Catch Woozi!” Soonyoung fished the phone out of his pocket and threw it at his best friend, snickering when he failed to catch it.
“I didn’t invite you. I said I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”
“Well, we’re already here and Y/N said we could stay.”
“But please not so late; I’m working tomorrow. But later this weekend, you can go nuts.”
“I thought you weren’t working,” Jihoon asked after the unexpected guests left.
“I’m not, but like you said, we don’t always have time to do this.”
“You’re the best. Go play the movie; I can finish right here. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Not kicking them out. You could’ve done that.”
“They were already here.” You shrugged. “I guess you guys still need each other sometimes.”
“Still, I appreciate that.” He lightly pushed you to the living room, though you couldn’t actually sit down. There was a small mess you could’ve ignored, but you were already up and you didn’t know how long it’d be until Jihoon finished. Plus it wouldn’t take long, especially since your favorite boy was sound asleep on his tower after Jun and Vernon chased him around. 
And you also also had to change Netflix accounts so no one would be confused about anything. Luckily, no one touched your stuff, so you were able to find your spot fairly quickly and Jihoon came by just in time, with two of your cookies in his hand, and handed one to you.
“I love you, you know that?”
He nodded. “Let’s finish watching this, so we can go to sleep.” He flopped on the couch, once again extending his arms to you, where you met him with small pecks and flushed cheeks. 
You finally pressed play again, hoping for no more interruptions until the next day, quickly falling into your previous state of almost falling asleep right then and there. “I love you Jihoon,” you mumbled to him again.
He shut his eyes in his euphoric state, letting your words warm him up before he responded to you, quietly enough that not even your favorite boy could hear.
“You are my miracle.”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
We Got Married! First Date - Yanan
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❧ Genre: fluff
❧ Words: 907
❧ Tag List: @chanyeolol , @mashtons-unicorn , @brbkpop
❧ A/N: lmao it’s been 84 years since I’ve written for this series but I’m back!! I actually got some requests for this series and I will be doing those once I finish this first date part for each member
We Got Married Masterlist~
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As the fountain got into your field of vision, you stopped. You started getting cold feet, too nervous to keep going. You heard your phone chime.
? - I’m waiting for you, wife~
You kind of let out a squeak, the text catching you off guard. You siked yourself up enough to walk over to the fountain. You didn’t see anyone when you got there. You walked around, seeing if there was someone sitting on the other side. You spotted someone dressed in a suit on the other side sitting with a bouquet of flowers. You gasped quietly as they got up, recognizing them right away.
“Oh! Hello,” you said shyly
“Hi there.”
Stood before you was the Prince of Shanghai himself, Yanan of Pentagon. It was evident that he was nervous, the slight sheen on his forehead and the way he wouldn’t look you in the eyes made that very clear. He extended the bouquet of flowers towards you and you happily took them. 
“Thank you,” you smiled, “I’m Y/N of Y/G.”
“I’m Yanan of Pentagon.”
“I know. i’m actually a fan of you guys.”
Yanan’s eyes widened clearly taken aback by that admission. A soft pink blush appeared on his cheeks as he said a simple thank you. You both stood there for a moment in awkward silence. After what felt like forever, Yanan finally spoke up and suggested going to a cafe down the street that he knew about. You happily agreed, letting him lead the way.
The two of you left the park and headed towards the cafe. It was a rather quiet journey, neither of you talking on the way. You just chocked it up to nerves. You arrived at the cute little cafe a few minutes later. You sat down at a table in the corner of the cafe that was a bit away from the other patrons. Yanan asked for your order then went up to the counter. He came back a few minutes later with a drink for both of you.
“Thank you,” you said as you sipped the drink
“You’re welcome.”
You both sat and sipped on your drinks in silence. You could tell the producers were starting to get a bit antsy because of how quiet you both were being. Can they blame you though? This whole thing was rather intimidating and nerve wracking. One of the producers spoke up to clear the silence and start some sort of conversation between you.
“What would you be doing for a job if you weren’t an idol?”
You thought about it a moment. You hadn’t been asked that before and weren’t quite sure how to answer. Yanan, on the other hand, had an answer ready.
“I’d be an air steward.”
“Really?” you looked at him in surprise, “I would’ve never guessed that.” 
“I know it seems a little out there,” he giggled 
Seeing that smile paired with that breathy giggle made your heart flutter a bit. You mentally slapped yourself for actually getting charmed by him. This was just a show and he was just doing this for the publicity not to actually get into a relationship. You took another sip of your drink to calm yourself. 
“What about your love lives? Have either of you dated before?” the producer asked 
“I actually haven’t dated before,” Yanan admitted, “I was too busy with school and training to date.” 
“That’s very admirable. I was never good at studying. Then again, I didn’t like it very much,” you laughed 
“I never liked studying either.”
The rest of your time together was rather nice. The producer didn’t need to step in anymore to start conversations. The two of you were more than able to keep the conversation going on your own. You even forgot you were filming for a while. It wasn’t until the director called cut that you remembered you were filming something. You and Yanan were shuffled off to your cars and headed to your next destinations. For you that would be your dorms as you were done with your schedule for the day. You barely got to say goodbye to Yanan before you were being carted back to your home. As you were pulling up to the dorms you got a text. A small smile spread across your lips as you realized it was from Yanan. 
Y - Hey Y/N 
Y - I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I get nervous in front of the cameras
Y/N - Hey, no worries! I get it. 
Y/N - I was rather nervous myself 😅
Y - I really enjoyed today, by the way
Y/N - I did too ☺️
Y - ...
You watched the little three dots disappear and reappear on your screen. Even though it made you nervous to watch him continue to type and delete something it was also kind of endearing to see him nervous, like he was trying to impress you. You mentally smacked yourself again trying to get the idea of being something real out of your head. 
Y - I can’t wait to see you again
Your heart fluttered when you read the simple text.
Y/N - I can’t wait to see you again too 
You shut off your phone and shoved it into your coat pocket. Your mind was a whirlwind of mixed emotions as you walked up to the building where your dorms were located. What have you gotten yourself into? 
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chiveburger · 3 years
I really feel like 90% of you who are not into kpop or pentagon want to unfollow me so fucking bad nowadays because of how every post I make is related to them, but I can’t help it... I love this group so badly. I always talk about it but yanan’s letter to kino during their forest series makes me cry so sadly. I really think it’s one of the most simplistic yet emotional episodes they’ve ever had and it gets me every time. I feel that way because they’re really not a group that comes off as pretentious or seems capable of faking scenes like this, and it’s touching to see them do regular friendship things like write letters to each other. It also makes it that much more relatable to see them choke or tear up while reading these because they’ve experienced so much of their adolescence with one another. It’s fairly obvious that pentagon’s journey to having even just some sort of palpable success was not easy, and they’ve had to rely heavily on each other to continue making music and promoting altogether. pentagon members are always crying, but if they weren’t comfortable enough to be vulnerable and open with each other they wouldn’t... they also wouldn’t stand in a line to hug each other just for moral support. they could really just shake hands like regular emotionless men. I definitely think there are touching and stirring stories within kpop, even when the industry itself is at times just a facade made for the public. however, nothing has quite moved me as much and as many times as pentagon’s relationship has though. cube clearly isn’t a no name company, they have funds and they didn’t create pentagon as a life raft to keep them afloat, but god knows pentagon didn’t have it easy either. maybe I myself am a whole sap, which is why I feel so deeply for this group and their interpersonal dynamics but I refuse to believe that they don’t illicit the same emotions of true happiness and sadness in others as well. even if they are just celebrities, even if they are just performing for show. you can sense when people like each other, respect and care for each other, you can see when they like being together... I see that in pentagon every time I watch them. I love them.
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ladyelainehilfur · 3 years
I like how almost no one in Pentagon fits the description that comes to mind when you look at them face value 😂
You'd think Wooseok was this giant, cute maknae dude who tucks in on himself to look smaller even though it doesn't work and you'd be completely correct 🤧 he's giant 6'3 cute af dude who's super good at rapping and who has phenomenal stage presence.
Kino looks like an absolute fairy twink of a man, because he's constantly laughing (and crying in a surprisingly pretty way, how's that possible). He's dying his hair pastel pink and blue and he just flits around, singing his silly little bops and dropping the best soundcloud tracks.
But he's also the same person who pushed for Dr.Bebe's sultry concept and danced to Taemin's "Move" with so much sex-appeal intent like the absolute criminal he is!! It should be illegal to be that two sided!!
Yuto looks like this big tough Japanese guy with his deep fricking voice and dark eyes and he's just physically b i g. But he has the tiniest personality-- I cannot pass a gif set of him in close range with the other members where he's not hugging them, or holding their hand or something!! He will cuddle anything with 10 feet of him!! That's adorable.
I had a whole year to guess what Yanan was like since he was on hiatus when I got into the group, so based of pictures and videos, I just guessed he was this...generic friendly dude who got pulled into their hi jinks. Like, an emotional conductor of sorts. And is like that, but he's also goofy and apparently the most innocent member?? According to the members themselves?? And he's multitalented too, he's always jetsetting back to China to film this drama or that drama lol.
Yeo One looks like a puppy personified. Literally the friendliest person you'll ever meet. I like to describe him as the cute guy next door. But he is not!! I mean, his face says that and some aspects of his personality show that. But this dude is just as bad as Kino. Arguably even worse, because I had to click out a tab that moment I saw him on the fricking cover of Men's Health Korea magazine!! How dare he downplay how much of a gym rat he is?? Like, that man never hops onto vlive unless he feels pretty that day!!! The ultimate betrayal 😔
Shinwon was my bias from day one so I feel like I know him the best. He is the clown he was the day I set eyes on him in the Shine music video and he is more. He is extremely caring, creative af, equally adventurous and resourceful. He's a tall person and he knows it haha.
Hongseok has the face of a maknae and the body of....a Men's Health Korea cover model 😭 Really, he does nothing to hide his insane enthusiasm about being healthy and working out and having abs, but aside from Dr. Bebe, he hasn't had that many chances to show them off and I'd sit through another comeback like that so he could wear as many crop tops as possible 😂 okay, but he has a surprisingly squishy personality (and the cutest pout ever geez) and his continued work toward being a better actor is inspiring.
Hui...Hui. He looked every inch the stressed leader he is 💀Not that he looks physically tired but he works nonstop. During, what, Daisy era, he was hopping from studio to studio covering songs and promoting Pentagon. Like, he just looks like a guy who works hard, if that makes sense. He's also sweet but it's somehow harder to discern what concept he likes to embrace the most.
Aaand Jinho. Tiny king. Vocal legend. Looks like a teddy bear, is a teddy bear. End of story :D
(and fine, okay, I could predict he'd simultaneously be the baby and the parent of the group, but that just comes with the territory of being the oldest).
So, there's Pentagon, my initial thoughts and after almost 3 years of stanning, my opinion of them individually. Happy 5th anniversary, Pentagon!
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Bells in the Distance (Part 1)
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Words: 2.9k
Pairing: Onew x Winnie (OC) (feat. Amber Liu, Monsta X’s Joohoney, and ROMEO’s Minsung)
Raiting: PG
Genre: Fluff, angst
Warnings: intense in some scenes, some peril
Summary: Since being home from the military, Lee Jinki is over the moon to be home with his wife Winnie and son Owen. They grew closer together, but Jinki can’t help but feel as if he failed as a husband and father by being away from his little family for so long and not connecting with his son as he would wish. On Christmas Eve, he’ll take a journey to a place he knew only in legends and maybe learn something from St. Nicholas. Inspired by the film The Polar Express.
Tags: @ezralia-writes​ @queen-of-himbos​ @romeorussia​ @barnesbabee​ @daybreakx​ @fairyofdusk​ Let me know if you want to be tagged.
December 24, 2020
“But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight— ‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night,’” Winnie finished the story.
“Read it again, Mommy,” the four-year-old boy begged.
“But if I read it again, Santa might not come,” his mother warned in a gentle voice. “All of those cookies we made for him will go to waste, and you decorated them so beautifully.”
“Even the ones with lots of icing?”
“Those are his favorites.”
“Okay, Mommy,” the boy sighed.
Winnie chuckled. “Sweet dreams, baby.”
Jinki watched as the light in his son’s room was switched off, and his wife’s footsteps were heard trudging down the hallway towards his and her bedroom.
Earlier that evening, Jinki and Winnie had gotten into an argument. Ever since he had returned from military service back in July, he felt he had missed out on much of his son’s life. He wasn’t feeling as connected with him as he used to be. Winnie argued that Owen always wanted to be with his dad, and now that he’s home all Owen wants to do is spend time playing with him. The ordeal led them in a heated argument, which led to each of them saying hurtful words to each other. Jinki hated himself for it, so he decided to sleep on the couch in the living room for the night in order for the two of them to cool off until morning. Seeing Winnie cry killed Jinki inside. She was four and a half years younger than him, but he always wanted to be gentle with her feelings, especially now that she was pregnant with number two. He wanted to run up there, snuggle her, and rub and kiss her swollen belly; but the last thing he wanted to do was make his beloved wife upset.
After a glass of water, Jinki tiptoed upstairs to check on his little boy. Peaking into his bedroom, the child was fast asleep while snuggling his fox plushie. The only light in his room was his galaxy projector giving a green light show. Once he shut the door as quietly as possible, his foot carried him towards his and Winnie’s room; but something told him not to go in. Was it guilt? A sixth sense? Was something going to happen? He wasn’t sure, but he listened to his gut and returned to his self-made couch bed.
Jinki then turned off the kitchen light after refilling his cup and headed back to the couch. Gently, he set his drink on the cork coaster and rested his head on his pillow. However, he still had to get up in the morning to set out Owen’s gifts from “Santa,” so he set an alarm for 7:45AM before lying down again.
Silence and darkness engulfed the house, the ticking of the grandfather clock near the TV, its hands reading 10:20, was the only noise that broke the dreary silence. Moonlight shone through the windows as snow fell, the Lee’s Christmas tree illuminated by the silver glow. As Jinki closed his eyes, the ticking seemed to grow louder and louder as he drifted. It was only after a few seconds, the ticking stopped at the sound of sleigh bells in the distance, and it was silent again.
When he opened his eyes again, Jinki looked at the clock.
How did the time fly so fast? Jinki wondered. He figured it was only because he was going in and out of sleep.
A ripple in his water cup caught his attention. Then, the family pictures began to rattle, and the Christmas tree began to dance a little. Jinki could feel his whole house begin to shake nearly violently. Earthquake, he thought. As he was about to jump out of bed to get his wife and child to safety an old train whistle blew loudly. Through the living room windows, pale-yellow light illuminated the living room, and Jinki could hear a train chugging by. What was going on?
In a haste, Jinki grabbed his military coat from the coat closet, ripping the garment in the pocket as it got caught on the door handle. He slipped on his black boots and dashed outside into the cold night air. In front of him was an old, black locomotive stopped in front of his home. It wasn’t a subway train that he was used to seeing, but a steam powered train that he had only seen at museums and read about in school. Stretched across two cars, gold lettering read “POLAR EXPRESS.”
Just as he moved to check it out, a man’s voice called out, “All aboard! All aboard!”
Jinki turned around to see the owner of that voice standing by an entrance on one of the train cars. As he marched through snow closer, he noticed the man carried an electric lantern, wore a dark blue suit with a hat that said “CONDUCTOR” on gold lettering, square-framed glasses, and a dark brown mustache sat perched on his top lip.
“Well, you comin’?” the man, now identified as the conductor, spoke after a few seconds of silence.
“Where?” Jinki shrugged.
“Why to the North Pole, of course!” The conductor near-shouted as if he should have known ahead of time. He then motioned to the train. “This is the Polar Express.”
“The North Pole?”
The conductor made a “tsk” sound, and gave a curt nod. “I see. Hold this, please.”
He handed Jinki the lantern to hold before pulling out a clipboard from inside the car. He turned it around and asked, “Is this you?”
It was a profile of Jinki with all of his statuses including marital, parental, and career.
“Yeah,” he confirmed.
“Well,” the conductor looked at the profile, “it says here that you’ve had doubts this year, are lacking a sort of confidence, and even got into an argument with your wife this evening. Sounds to me like this is your crucial year. If I were you, I would think about climbing on board.”
Jinki couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A train shows up in his neighborhood, no one else seems to notice nor care about the ruckus noise of the whistle, and now he’s told the train is going to the legendary North Pole. It existed, of course, but the aspect of Santa’s North Pole was just a legend. That’s what he knew. It was too much to wrap his head around, so he shook his head and backed away.
“Suit yourself,” the conductor shrugged as he took the lantern back. Once he stepped onto the car, he waved his source of light, and the train whistled in response. The train lurched forward and began to chug away. Jinki’s mind began to race as he thought about why the train showed up in the first place. It must have been a sign for something, and he had that gut feeling earlier telling him to wait down in the living room. This train had to arrive for whatever reason, so with a change of mind, Jinki jumped on before the locomotive could pick up speed.
Looking out into his neighborhood, he passed his house, and he silently promised to return in a while.
Jinki didn’t notice the conductor standing behind him until he cleared his throat. He turned around and saw the conductor holding the compartment door open for him. When he entered, the interior of the car was stunning. Beautiful red moquette covered the seats, the floor carpet was a dark green with a holly print on it, a light colored wood framed the entire compartment, and large windows were wiped crystal clear with the exception of ice leaving their thumbprints on the outside.
There were already a few passengers inside. Most of them were people who didn’t know, but there were a few idols he recognized or was familiar with: Yoohyeon from DREAMCATCHER, Moonbin from ASTRO, San from ATEEZ, Red Velvet’s Yeri, and even Yanan of PENTAGON. They were all joking around or speaking with the other passengers, but he wasn’t sure why they were on the train in the first place.
Jinki just took the first seat he saw. The seat was comfy, at least.
“Onew?” a woman’s voice sounded from his left.
Turning his head, he found his former labelmate Amber sitting across the aisle from him. Her hair was still in its iconic short cut but dyed a velvet red, and she was dressed in a sweater and comfortable, heather grey pants. Her tattoo sleeve peaked from beneath the long sleeves every now and then.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, sitting up a bit straighter.
“I should be asking you the same thing.”
“Did the train just show up at your house?”
“Yep. As it did everyone else here.”
“Do you know what kind of train this is?” another voice chimed in. Joohoney of Monsta X was sitting in front of him.
“A magic train?” Amber replied sarcastically.
“I know it’s a magic train. Actually, it’s a Baldwin 2-8-4 S3-class steam locomotive, but in 1931 at Baldwin Locomotive Works.”
Someone’s been doing a lot of Googling, Jinki thought.
He leaned in towards Amber and asked her, “Are we really going to the North Pole?”
Amber nodded. “I didn’t believe it either, but trust me, the conductor has been telling the truth.”
“Tickets, please!” the conductor announced.
Everyone scrambled back to their seats as he began to check for tickets. Jinki was the first person he came to and asked for his ticket, but he shook his head. He wasn’t informed of any tickets beforehand.
“Try your pocket,” instructed the conductor.
Jinki checked his right pocket, but it was empty with the tear from earlier. It was about two fingers wide, and he would have to fix it soon.
“Try your other pocket.”
When he inspected it, the feeling of something paperlike caught him by surprise. Pulling it out, he was holding a shining, golden ticket that had a picture of the train on the front. The ticket was about the size of a football, and the gold reflected the light at every angle. Jinki had never seen anything like it.
Still stunned, he handed it to the conductor, who snatched it up with a thank you. Using a hole punch, he began making holes in the ticket at such a rapid pace Jinki thought it was automatic at one point.
The conductor gave him back the ticket before thanking him and moving on to the next passenger. Jinki’s ticket had the letters “H” and “R” punched into it. What kind of train was this?
“That guy sure likes to show off with his ticket punch,” Joohoney scoffed as he held up his ticket. “Look what that wise guy punched in my ticket. ‘L’ ‘E.’ What the heck does that mean?”
The conductor made an announcement over a PA system, stating the train would be making another stop at an address.
“We’re heading for the other side of the tracks,” Joohoney whispered to someone.
Jinki rolled down his window to see what was happening. The train had stopped at a beautiful white house that was two stories high. It was decorated for the holidays with a wreath hanging on the door and multicolored lights wrapped around two columns. A small snowman in a purple bonnet seemed to greet the train, and the front porch was covered in snow. Through a large window on the first floor, Jinki could make out a Christmas tree that was illuminated by white lights.
The conductor stepped off the train to greet a tall, young man standing outside and dressed in warm pajamas and a black robe and slippers.
“It’s just another pickup,” Joohoney said before turning to Jinki. “That’s weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one.”
Jinki was paying attention to the scene outside. The conductor gave him the same speech to the young man about where the train was going and all, but just like Jinki, the young man got cold feet and backed away.
“Suit yourself,” said the conductor. He hopped back onto a car and waved his lantern. The train whistled and began to chug, the center of gravity forcing the passengers back a little.
As the locomotive passed the man, Jinki seemed to recognize who he was as they got closer. He had jet black hair, idol-like features, and was about five feet and eleven inches tall. His dark eyes looked up at Jinki, and the older man gave a small wave.
Minsung, it clicked in his mind. Minsung of ROMEO. Minho had appeared in one of their music videos a few years back, so that’s where he remembered him from. He looked the same, but a tad bit older.
To Jinki’s surprise, the young man began to run after the train. However, despite Minsung’s long legs he was lagging to catch up to the train. The snow was making it difficult for him, and it didn’t help that the train was beginning to pick up speed.
“We have to stop the train,” Jinki concluded as he pulled himself back into the compartment.
“I don’t know how to stop a train,” Amber panicked.
“Pull the emergency break!” Joohoney pointed to a red, stirrup shaped object hanging in a cylindrical cavity in the wall.
Without a second thought, JInki rushed over and ranked on it with both hands. Almost immediately, the train halted to stop, but the force pushed the passengers over. Jinki, Amber, and Joohoney all were thrown to the floor, the wind being knocked out of the older man for a few seconds.
Once he caught his breath, he stood up again. Minsung’s head appeared on the other side of the car door’s round window. He looked in at everyone else, but turned the other way to enter the caboose. Jinki concluded he was just shy. Jinki was about to go invite him to the other car when another door slammed open.
“He did,” Joohoney tattled as he pointed to Jinki.
“You.” -The conductor furiously marched towards him- “In case you didn’t know, that cord if for emergency purposes only!” -he moved over to the open window to signal to the driver of the train- “And in case you weren’t aware, tonight is Christmas Eve. And in case you hadn’t noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule.”
The train whistled as the conductor got close to Jinki’s face.
“Now, Mr. Lee,” he lowered his voice. “Christmas might not be important to some people, but it is very important to the rest of us!”
Jinki tried to explain, but Amber stepped to defend him. “He was just trying to stop the train so that guy could get on!” she raised her voice.
The conductor looked out to where she was pointing and saw Minsung taking a seat in the caboose. “I see. Mr. Lee, is that what happened?”
Jinki nodded quickly.
Smacking his lips, the conductor calmed down, and told them, “Let me remind you, we are on a very tight schedule” -he checked his golden pocket watch and nearly had a heart attack- “And I’ve never been late before! And I am certainly not going to be late tonight.” He then rushed to the front door of the car and instructed everyone to return to their seats.
The Polar Express began to move again. Picking up the microphone for the PA system, the conductor announced, “Your attention, please. Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?”
Everyone who was a passenger shot their hands in the air. The conductor slid the door open, and about eight waiters dressed in black vests and pants with white clothes wrapped around their midsections came tap dancing into the car. Music started to play as every other seat was turned towards the ones behind them, creating a sort of booth with at least three or four passengers sitting together. As the waiters and conductor sang about hot chocolate, the white clothes were tossed into each booth and made a sort of floating table. A few chefs entered on a trolley cart and began to toss out cups and saucers to each waiters’ tray. Jinki was surprised none of the dishes shattered upon impact despite being made of porcelain.
Some more chefs entered with a giant, bronze pot that was steaming with some boiling substance in it. A lever was pulled, and shots of the burning brown liquid landed in each cup. The beverage was then passed to each passenger, and as soon as Jinki tasted his, he couldn’t believe how delectable it was. He wished his son was there to try it as well, but he hoped to try to find something similar to make for him.
As soon as everyone was finished with their first round, they were giving a second cup as the waiters gave a gymnastic type performance. Then, once everything was picked up, the waiters jumped onto the tables, pulled the clothes as they back flipped back into the aisle, and then tap danced back out of the car as the seats were turned back into their original positions.
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Puzzle || Ink Prints JohnKun Chapter 2
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Fandom(s): NCT (127 & WayV)
AU: Soulmates AU
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Relationship: Johnny x Kun
Language: English
Status: 5/5
Chapter WC: 2,548 words
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Bruises (someone falls of a bike), Divorce.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
Kun had spent the whole night second guessing himself, wondering if he had actually made the right choice of coming to Korea. All the certainty and security he had felt during dinner with his group had vanished as soon as he had been left alone with his thoughts.
<< Previous Chapter || Ink Prints Masterlist || Next Chapter >>
Tagged: @queen-of-himbos​
Kun took notes of everything he was hearing, but his heart wasn’t really there. He had slept terribly the night before, and the bed had felt unfamiliar under his back. He had spent the whole night second guessing himself, wondering if he had actually made the right choice of coming to Korea. All the certainty and security he had felt during dinner with his group had vanished as soon as he had been left alone with his thoughts.
This conference was about the grading system. It was quite different to what he knew, so he was doing his best to take notes of everything. However, a quick look at his notebook revealed a mess of scribbles and smudges. So much for trying to copy the presenter’s every word. He sighed and closed the notebook. He would try to ask Handong for her notes later, as she seemed to be the most responsible one, and if that failed, then he would try to ask Johnny for the presentation. 
He propped his head on one hand and watched the rest of the presentation without listening. His eyes burned with the lack of sleep, and he told himself that he would get a nap as soon as they got free time. It was a bit disappointing, though, because it seemed like he was just going to miss another day in Seoul due to his recklessness. Not that he wouldn’t have enough time to explore once he moved there with the start of the semester.
“And now, we’ll present the big event for the day!”
Kun perked up, recognizing the familiar voice. Johnny was standing at the front, holding something in his hands. He unfolded a little white flag with the Seoul National University’s crest and raised it over his head, so everyone could look at it properly. Kun put his hand down and paid close attention, he was very interested in those prizes Johnny had mentioned before. He was most definitely not the only one though, because even the students that had looked bored to death before were sitting on the edge of their seats.
“Yesterday, your peer mentors gave you a tour of the campus,” he explained. “We hid around a hundred of these flags around the central area of the campus. You have an hour to look for them. Once the hour is up, you’ll get prizes according to how many flags you got!”
Handong raised her hand in front of him.
“Is there a way to get hints? The central area is pretty big…” She asked as she put her hand down.
“There will be peer mentors all around,” Johnny smiled, putting the flag away in his pocket. “To get a hint, you must do something they tell you to do, simple as that. Any other questions?” 
The room was silent. All the foreigner students looked at each other and tried to determine who represented a bigger threat. Kun caught Handong’s competitive glare and swallowed hard. He suddenly didn’t feel like getting those prizes was all that important.
“Well then-” Johnny checked his watch- “you can start now!”
The mentors accompanied all of them to the central area before distributing themselves and leaving them to their own devices. A whistle let them know they could begin. Kun observed as some of the other students ran full speed away from the ‘start line’ and began searching. He was far more hesitant. The sunlight made his head hurt since he had barely slept, so he covered his eyes with one hand and began searching.
He did want the prizes, but he was nowhere near as competitive as the rest. More than anything, he wanted to go back to his dorm to sleep and pretend he was not second guessing his decision of coming there. Still, he never half-assed anything, so he dirtied his hands as he searched among bushes and trees. At some point, he found Junhui sleeping beneath a tree. He at first thought it was a dead body, so he let out an unflattering scream before falling on his butt.
“You could have woken me up more gently,” Junhui muttered in their mother tongue after seeing who it was.
“Why are you sleeping here of all places?” Kun grumbled, letting out a huff.
“I gave up on the treasure hunt,” he closed his eyes again and put a hand on top of them.
“Huh,” Kun nodded. “Do you perhaps have any flags?”
“You’re too late, already gave them to Yanan,” Junhui smiled a little. Kun sighed.
“Unfortunate,” Kun shrugged and stood up. “I’m going back to searching.”
“Don’t hurt yourself, pretty boy,” Junhui nodded.
Kun left to continue searching. He made it to seven flags before giving up and sitting down on a bench. Kun closed his eyes and rubbed circles on them, gently, regretting all of the decisions that had brought him to that moment.
“Giving up already?” Kun opened his eyes to find Johnny sitting next to him.
“Yeah,” he sighed, “I refuse to continue putting myself through this torture. It’s too hot.”
“Understandable,” Johnny nodded. “How many flags do you have?”
Kun pulled out the handful of fabric and counted the flags.
“If you get three more, you can get a coupon book for all sorts of meals.” Johnny grabbed the flags, folding them neatly and returning them to him. “There’s still plenty of flags out there.”
He looked at Johnny with a carefully blank expression. He was interested in the coupons, because he doubted he would have much time to cook for himself once the classes started. However, he also knew that Johnny was just trying to get him to do something. He sat straight and nodded. He could do three more flags and then get himself back to the dorms. 
“What do you want me to do, Johnny-ssi?” Johnny clicked his tongue and gave him a reprobatory look.
“Hyung, I’m your hyung.” Johnny corrected him, and Kun nodded, a bit embarrassed.
“What do you want me to do, hyung?” Kun repeated the question, trying not to react at Johnny’s satisfied smile. It was kind of cute.
“Hmm,” Johnny seemed to consider it for a moment. “What do you think of ten push-ups?”
“I value myself more than those coupons.” Kun shook his head. There was no way he was doing ten push-ups in that weather.
“Okay, then why don’t you show me your talent?” Johnny chuckled, giving in easily.
Kun thought it over for a second before he began singing. It was a Chinese ballad, because he didn’t really know any songs in Korean well enough to sing them with confidence. He was far more confident in his cooking, but it was not like he could suddenly materialize a kitchen anyway. He sang without looking at Johnny, a bit embarrassed about having an audience. But once he was done, he looked up. Johnny was looking at him with his mouth open and stars in his eyes. He looked away.
“What major are you in?” There was unspoken praise in his voice, and it made him feel embarrassed.
“Business?” Kun’s voice sounded all wrong in his own ears.
“With that voice?” Johnny shook his head.
“I can always do a second major.” Kun shrugged, still unable to look at Johnny.
“There’s still a bunch of flags by the fountain,” Johnny replied instead. Kun turned to look at him and smiled brightly.
“Thanks hyung!”
Kun dropped the coupon book on top of his suitcase and plopped on his bed. He was exhausted, but at least he had found the flags where Johnny had told him. As soon as he had gathered the ten flags, he had sat down to wait for the hour to be over. He had stopped caring about the flags right after singing. He was so embarrassed, actually. Not of his singing, because he was quite confident in it, but of Johnny’s reaction.
The oldest had been so earnest in his reaction, which clashed with his lack of ability to take compliments. It had made him feel a little good, though. But it was still very embarrassing and he just wanted to hide under his blankets and pretend it hadn’t happened. He did as much, and soon enough he had fallen deeply asleep.
The constant vibrations of his cellphone woke him up a couple hours later. Kun groaned, patting around his bed until he found the damned device. Someone was calling him, but he couldn’t open his eyes enough to see who it was, so he simply answered and hoped it was not a scam call. Were scam calls common in South Korea?
“Hello?” His voice was groggy with sleep.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” Kun had to hold back a groan when he heard Johnny’s voice at the other end of the line, simultaneously holding the urge to hide deeper into his sheets. He pulled the phone away to check the time.
“It’s almost ten.” He sat up on his bed and yawned. “And I’m not a princess.”
“Sorry,” Johnny chuckled, and Kun could perfectly visualize his smile in front of his face. “Would you like to come to a party?”
“A party?” Kun stepped off his bed and went to turn on the lights.
“I sent a bunch of messages on Kakao but the others already said they had plans and you weren’t replying,” Johnny explained as Kun put him on speaker and opened the chat. There were certainly a lot of messages there.
“So you decided to call me?” Kun raised an eyebrow, not understanding the connection.
“You slept the afternoon away, I’m worried you’re missing out on city life.”
“Are you supposed to do this as a peer mentor?” Kun still didn’t think that was related to anything.
“If not, then I’m doing it as a friend,” Johnny cleared his throat.
“Oh,” Kun was genuinely surprised. A pleasant warm settled on his stomach.
“Will you come?” Johnny asked again. Kun nodded, although it was mostly to himself, since the other couldn’t see him.
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
The taxi dropped him in front of a house. He could feel the thrumming of the music as he walked closer to the door. It made him a little nervous to be in a party full of strangers. On the door, there was a sign telling him to go to the back and enter through the backyard. The house was pretty big, and Kun figured this person probably had money, which only made him more nervous.
There were a lot of people at the party. Before he could even retreat, one of the seniors spotted him and pulled him inside by the arm. He was suddenly well aware of the hoodie and jeans combo he was wearing, because he hadn’t even thought of changing before leaving the dorms. It didn’t take long to find Johnny, who was towering over almost everyone else there.
“You did come!” Johnny exclaimed, smiling openly at him. Kun nodded, a bit embarrassed.
“You asked me to,” Kun shrugged, “as a friend.” He didn’t know why he felt the need to specify that, but he did anyway. Johnny nodded and someone else pushed a glass into his hand.
“Don’t drink that if you don’t want to have a hangover tomorrow,” Johnny scrunched his nose. “Jeonghan really likes drinking heavily.”
“Oh, okay.” Kun left the cup on the first table he found, and then followed Johnny around the backyard.
“These are all people from the university, most are from my year though, sorry for that.” Johnny smiled sheepishly, taking a sip from his own glass.
“It’s okay,” Kun shrugged it off. “It’s better if I get to know people before the semester starts anyway.”
“You’re sounding like a businessman already,” Johnny teased. “Relax a little.”
“Still clung to my career choice?” Kun frowned, crossing his arms.
“Sorry, sorry,” Johnny raised his arms in defeat. “I just really think your singing voice is really pretty.”
“Thank you,” Kun said a little begrudgingly, convincing himself that the blush on his face was out of annoyance and not embarrassment. 
“Ah, here, meet the host of the party.” Johnny guided him towards a group of people that were standing close to the sliding doors that went into the house. A man in the center of it was waving at them.
“Youngho! Who’s your friend?” The cheerful man asked, putting his glass aside and approaching them.
“This is Kun, my… protegee?” Johnny looked at Kun, who was frowning at him. “I was assigned as his mentor.” He explained.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Jeonghan!” He put a hand forward and Kun took it. “Feel free to take anything you need. Bathroom is inside, first door to the right.”
“Is this your house?” Kun looked around. “It’s really… big.” Johnny snickered next to him, and Jeonghan laughed too.
“It’s my family’s house, yeah.” Jeonghan smiled. “I’m in the same year as Johnny, and I’m a business major.”
“Really?” Kun opened his eyes wide. Jeonghan was not what he had expected other business majors to be like. Johnny smiled knowingly next to him, and Kun kind of wished he wasn’t looking at him while smiling like that. “I am too.”
“Nice!” Jeonghan grinned widely and wrapped an arm around Kun, who immediately looked at Johnny for help. “Feel free to ask for help if you need it!”
“Jeonghan, please.” Johnny laughed. “Let the poor man go, you just met him.”
“My bad.” Jeonghan snatched his arms away. “I might be a little bit drunk.”
“It’s okay.” Kun shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, though, I’ll make sure to ask if I need help.”
“I’ll return to my soulmate before he gets whiny,” Jeonghan smiled, “enjoy the party! Oh, and Jisoo is by the pool!”
Jeonghan went back to the circle of his friends. Kun observed with curiosity as another, slightly taller man wrapped his arms around Jeonghan’s waist and made an upset face. Jeonghan laughed and patted him on the back, convincing him to let go of him. Kun thought it must have been nice to have already met your soulmate. He sighed and followed Johnny to the pool.
“Who is Jisoo?” Kun asked, a bit curious as to why Jeonghan would have mentioned him.
“Oh, that’s Jeonghan’s boyfriend,” Johnny explained, “he is also from the US, although he’s lived here longer. But he was part of the committee for foreign students and we became good friends.”
“If he’s Jeonghan’s boyfriend, then what about the man over there with Jeonghan?” Kun asked, visibly scandalized.
“Oh, that’s Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo’s soulmate.” Johnny’s smile grew as did the confusion in Kun’s face. “Ask them about it later, I’m sure they’ll love to tell you the story.”
They had already arrived at the pool. There were some people in there playing volleyball. Kun looked at them without paying attention, thinking of what Johnny had told him about Jeonghan, Jisoo and Seungcheol. He turned around to ask Johnny a question but his stomach dropped as he lost his footing and fell backwards. He saw in slow motion how Johnny reached to stop his fall, grabbing his hands. Right before the two of them fell into the water, he managed to see a red panda jumping onto the Clydesdale’s back.
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astralsweetness · 4 years
ive seen a few other blogs doing this recently and it made me want to ask you lol: pair up your mutuals with the pentagon boys
!! Okay, this is really cute but I literally have no idea who my mutuals are, or like... I haven’t talked to many of them much or don’t know them well 😅 And yes, I did it platonically, I’m boring I know. I know you aren’t really into KPop anymore Tanisha, but bear with me here for this lol
Shinwon: @pasteljeon Kura, you’re very similar to Hui in that you work constantly, always think you need to be doing more than you are, and you sell yourself WAY too short. >_> Shinwon would be able to run this delicate line between supporting you and reminding you to take care of yourself, just like he does for Hui. Your sense of humor also lines up incredibly well with his own aside from your darker moments lmao and both of you are sort of the epitome of “idk what i’m doing but i’ll be damned if i don’t do it well”. ..Honestly maybe this pairing is a bad idea, you two would be so powerful if you combined forces..
Hyunggu: @pinkchubbiebunnie Hyunggu is the type to throw himself headfirst into your interests, whatever they may be - he’s pretty artistically inclined on his own (fashion, drawing, music, etc) but he’s never once had a problem stepping outside of his comfort zone to try new things either. He’s also an insanely good listener dude literally had his own radio show that was basically just talk therapy and will 100% focus explicitly on you, he wants to hear all of whatever it is you’re going to say. He also brazenly supports whatever he wants without worrying about what those who disagree with his opinions will think... honestly, I’ve seen your selfies you’re so pretty 🥺 and the amount of hype he’d give you over them would be insane
Wooseok: @kittaebrat Wooseok is half confused chaos and half brilliant talent lol - he’s endlessly supportive but he’s also the type to support... just about anything you want to do, which means your good ideas AND your bad ideas. Even if he doesn’t really understand the appeal to one of your hobbies you know he’s just going to hype you up for it anyway. He’s a hard worker himself, but he knows the importance of taking care of yourself and would make sure that you were taking care of yourself in between everything you had to do. you have too much to do, btw
And for those I feel like I don’t know very well... I’m just gonna go with the vibes I get from you, and no, I refuse to explain myself 😂 Some of you don’t follow me, actually, but we talk all the time, so 🤷‍♀️ I’m counting it
Jinho: @sub-hoshi-enthusiast
Hui: @kpoppwriter
Hongseok: @antihongseok-network i couldn’t resist lmao
Changgu: @allyreactions
Yanan: @soft-pentagon i’m constantly in your inbox and you haven’t blocked me for it yet so that counts, right lmao
Yuto: @gwentoryfics
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neverknewgrey2016 · 4 years
Pentagon and their Hogwarts Houses
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Hui: Hufflepuff
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Okay, hear me out now
Softest bean, 
A lot of people thought/think Gryffindor, but he pushed Wooseok in front of him and said ‘me first’ in the haunted house to get away from the ax murderer
That being said, he also stuck by Wooseok so
Always ready to stand up for and with his friends and those he holds close
Very protective
Hufflepuffs aren’t the leftover of the houses, they can fit in any house, so Hui does show the signs of other houses
But to me, he is a Hufflepuff
Jinho: Slytherin
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I feel like people may agree with this??
Slytherins are determined and ambitious
Jinho trained for years, 8, if I am not mistaken before he debuted
Although it says ‘tendency to look after their own’ I take that not as just Slytherins but their friends in general
Also, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins?? Some of the cutest friendships
Tell me you don’t see Jinho ready to fight anyone who hurts his Hufflebuddy
Slytherins aren’t inherently bad, it is all how they were raised
Idk something about Jinho screams Slytherin to me
Hongseok: Ravenclaw
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Okay, yes he muscly boi
But his biggest muscle is his brain
Hongseok enjoys learning and being right
Literally from Pottermore, it says “when it comes to academic success that they are known to backstab each other… in order to get top marks”
I’m sorry, do none of you remember how competitive Honk is? Wouldn’t let Kino answer a question despite being way ahead of everyone and Kino having no points
Ravenclaws also house a lot of eccentric individuals
Honk can be weird, don’t lie, him and Shinwon?? In pictures together? Yeah, I rest my case
Plus he always has to be right, Honk is a Ravenclaw
Hyojong: Slytherin
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So, I was torn on Hyojong
I was going to say Hufflepuff, mainly because of his love of plants
But something told me Slytherin??
Idk, let me explain
Hufflepuffs and Slytherins actually have a lot in common
Friendships are strong with each of those houses, they protect each other and are loyal
They can have a tendency to be like Gryffindors and not know when too far is too far, but their self-preservation tendencies can protect them from that 
IDK, he is also full of duality, so he could be called ‘cunning’ - I JUST SEE IT OKAY
Shinwon: Hufflepuff
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Hear me out for this, alright??
Shinwon stayed because of his loyalty to his members
He went out of his way to find a cake for Hongseok and got him cookies when the cake was not being sold that day/out of stock
Some Hufflepuff shit right there
He cares for his members and friends so much
Also, Hufflepuffs aren’t all shy or always soft, they can have resting bitch face and will tell you how it is
They also have strong work ethics
You can fight me on this one, but I won’t budge
Changgu: Gryffindor
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Okay, so, another I was torn on
So everyone in Pentagon could be sorted into Hufflepuff, and Changgu could be the poster child for the house, however, idk, let me try to make sense of this
So, in the haunted house thing, he seemed to be one of the least scared out of the group
Also, his blood type is B, and in Korean culture, Blood type B usually are moody, and Gryffindors are hot-tempered
So, Gryffindors are often popular, and tell me this boy wouldn’t be a prefect and like, captain of quidditch and just good at everything all around
A big trait for Gryffindors is Chivalry, and tell me Changgu wouldn’t run and hold the door open for people
Also, Neville Longbottom could have easily been a Hufflepuff, but he was marked as a Gryffindor
Idk, okay, I just, felt it, also, can’t have everyone being a Hufflepuff, wouldn’t be as fun, also, bravery can be marked as stupidity, and in the words of Jinho “He is an idiot”
Yanan: Ravenclaw
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Alright, for one, tell me he would not look good in blue
Also, as I stated earlier in Hongseok’s part, Ravenclaws can be eccentric and weird, think Luna Lovegood, and Yanan can be random
He is also very artistic
Ravenclaws have wit others dream of, and boy is witty and savage
He is skilled in piano and other musical instruments
Ravenclaws are noted for their intelligence as well as their acceptance for others and their weird characteristics
He may be sarcastic towards them, but he accepts the members for all that they are
Yanan = Ravenclaw
Yuto: Hufflepuff
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Fucking fight me on this one
He just, loves his members and his friends so much okay?
Soft babie
Quidditch captain!Yuto? I think so
But much like this house, he is fair and kind
Yuto would be another Cedric Diggory, and would easily become head boy, kind to everyone, and so, so, so, so, soooooo accepting
Work ethic, loyalty, trustworthy, -- all describe Yuto
There are few things I am sure of in life, and this is one of them
Hyunggu: Slytherin
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Alright, my babie, the love of my life, a Slytherin
Now, Kino could literally fit in literally all of the houses, but DUALITY aka Cunning
Also??? So hardworking, loyal
AMBITIOUS, the boy does so m u c h 
Slytherins have close and strong friendships, and again, like Hufflepuffs, are loyal to their friends and care for them dearly
Slytherins are also so smart, and Kino literally picked in the top spot for an arts school
Slytherins strive to be the best, but they don’t leave their own behind, so, like when PTG plays games and someone else wants to answer, he will allow them to and help them if needed
Also, I saw Kino in a green tie and I needed Slytherin Hyunggu in my life
Wooseok: Gryffindor
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Okay, so, how do I explain this
I keep referencing it, but in the Haunted house thing they did, although Wooseok was scared, he still took the clue/task from the ax murderer person
Being brave isn’t being fearless, it is doing something despite having those fears
Wooseok is also kinda impulsive?? 
Ready to try new things, 
Also, his blood type is O, which in Korea implies the person is well-rounded and stubborn, which could fit Gryffindor as well
Also, like, so passionate!!!
Tell me you couldn’t see him being like the Weasley Twins (which btw, I rewrote the ending and Fred does not die >:[ ), my case is rested.
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
So, I recently was binge-re-watching Avatar and was wondering how you'd place the SVT members in terms of benders plus non-benders. Vernon really seems like a water bender to me because he's so chill but that also makes me think he'd be Gucci as a non-bender. But Jun as air and Minghao as fire?
AHHHHH omg this is SUCH a good question and i hope you’re ready for the whole ass analysis under the readmore bc i have many Thoughts on the subject 😂 honestly though arguments could be made for any, since i think they all have traits that could fit in with multiple elements!! but anyways longass rambling ahead lmao ❤️
definitely a firebender in my mind, no questions asked, but i could also see the argument for earth
this kind of comes out of his character of being such a great leader
on one hand he has such a passionate and ambitious personality, which is the main reason why i see him as a firebender
especially on stage you can really feel his energy explode
his loyalty also runs soooo deep and one of the things i really admire about him is the lengths he’ll go through to do what’s best for his members. he really does take care of them
so on the other hand, that’s why i also see the argument for earth!
again making him such a great leader, he has a lot of patience and stability
it’s clear that he’s a rock that the others can rely on during turbulent times, and that steadiness is definitely a trait i associate with earthbenders
but overall i think his own personal aspirations and drive make him more suited as a firebender
waterbender! there is a trait that water benders are versatile and adaptable to situations, which i can DEFINITELY see with jeonghan
i mean obviously we speak loads of his cleverness (cheating) and how good he is at speaking out of his ass on the fly
at the same time though i also kind of see him as a flowing river
as in he’ll flow and move in any direction he wants, and is definitely open to change if he is willing to
but god if you try to force that change out of him he is absolutely immovable; he can also be pretty stubborn and relentless sometimes!
and also with rivers how there’s always a destination for it; jeonghan is completely not afraid to do whatever it takes to achieves his goals, which to me is a lot like a river steadily rushing on towards the ocean
even if there are obstacles he’ll do whatever it takes to overcome them (even if it means cheating lmao)
at the end of the day though he’s definitely a healing presence for other members, considering how much they confide in him, which is another property i associate with water 
now with joshua i’m not entirely sure. i could definitely see him as an earthbender or nonbender
my rationale for earthbender is that he’s just very... grounded
while of course he can be really goofy and playful at times, i think in general he’s very down to earth 
like in interviews and stuff he obviously isn’t the one always reaching for the microphone
and his answers are honestly pretty standard most of the time, i haven’t really seen him try to answer in an outrageous way, especially compared to someone like, say, hoshi lmao
even in going seventeen he seems more content to literally just sit back and enjoy the show, only speaking up when he really feels like it
he just gives off super reliable vibes as well; i mean that’s probably half the reason why he got that gentleman nickname lmao
it’s also this difficulty of pinning an element to him that i could see him as a non-bender??? 
i’m not really sure what traits drive home for a non-bender but that’s just my gut feeling lmao. if he was an earthbender he’d be an incredibly chill one
ahhhhh my boy is definitely an airbender!!
i keep thinking back to that interview where the members were asked something along the lines of whether they had worries or something? i can’t remember the exact wording
and like jun (and maybe vernon?) said no and the others were like “that’s just because he forgets” lmao
he is suuuuch a go with the flow type of dude, and his playful nature really plays in well with the aspect of freedom that’s tightly associated with the element of air
another reason i kind of associate him with airbending comes from the show itself, namely aang’s own personality and how much aang would stand his ground to defend his own beliefs and morals
i always come back to jun’s selfless attitude in cyzj when he had to perform without yanan, specifically the stage where he performed with two microphones to represent that he was still thinking of yanan in that moment
like even if he seems all over the place at times, when it comes down to it he’s really going to do what he believes is right, and can be incredibly stubborn about it too
but at the end of the day jun is a lover not a fighter and just wants everyone to have a good time and god i fucking love him for that
what else could our resident tiger be but a firebender
again, the main thing i associate with firebending is high energy and passion and BOY DOES HOSHI DELIVER
but his outrageous outbursts aside i also think there’s a lot to be said of his work ethic that i think really fits into firebending
from the show there is a lot of discipline and hard work that comes with firebending, as fire is often seen as difficult to control
while all the members are obviously hardworking, a lot of them have pointed to him and woozi being the hardest working of them all
hoshi is definitely the kind of dude that throws himself into his work with everything he’s got
and of course the fact that it’s what he loves only helps push that drive and determination even further
i also often think of how hoshi mentions he basically feels possessed when he’s dancing/on stage lmao
but i think that can be attributed to the overwhelming passion he has for the art; it consumes him like an overwhelming flame
for me wonwoo definitely feels like a waterbender
again with the idea of water being adaptable, wonwoo is really good at adjusting to the energies of the others even if he’s not naturally super outspoken himself
he can easily go from low to high just like the tides (haha get it), and if the other members are being super excitable it’s very easy for him to join in on the fun
but on the flipside he also has the capabilities of just completely shutting them down lmao kind of like how he cuts people off in debate night
not to bring astrology into this but he’s also the one helping bring some water into this air-dominated group lmao
so yes, versatile, adaptable, but also really good at literally dousing out the flame when needed
if jeonghan was a river i see wonwoo more as a vast like, in that even if he’s somewhat quiet on the surface there is so much more going on underneath
there’s just something very tranquil about his energies that i think make him very suitable for waterbending
honestly woozi is another one that’s hard for me to place, but i’m going to go with firebending on this one, although i can also see earthbending
i know i’m sort of sticking to the same traits for these lmao, but woozi is kind of that perfect combination of being super well grounded and stable vs just sooo so passionate about his work
he’s always throwing himself into his music like never has anybody questioned his absolute passion and determination for it
as such it sort of makes me lean towards him being a firebender, but a more like... aloof one i guess??
kind of like uncle iroh, except instead of tea it’s music lmao
and if you hurt the people he cares about it’s going to get SERIOUS because how DARE you
but that sort of distance is also sort of why i see more earthbending traits in him; he’s more comfortable with sticking with what he’s used to, and isn’t as inclined as others to go outside his comfort zone
and why he facepalms so much when the other members do stupid shit lmao
seokmin i actually have no idea
if i had to pick an element i’d say either water or air, but somehow neither of those completely fit either. so maybe even a nonbender???
like for water, i see it through his kind and healing soul and heavily relate that to the healing properties of water
he’s also just so expressive, which honestly to me can be represented in the many different forms of water there are
like he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve, and i feel like that is something that could be reflected in waterbending
for air, i see it through his playful and joyful personality and the childlike innocence he embodies, like a playful breeze on a warm sunny day
like jun he’s completely a lover not a fighter, and if he had bending it’d be more about mediation than confrontation
but at the end of the day i think he’s more grounded by his emotions which is why i feel slightly more inclined towards waterbending, but honestly it’s still pretty 50/50
he’s also one of the members i can definitely see being a nonbender; i don’t have anything to back this up but it’s kind of just a gut feeling lmao
interestingly enough i kind of see both firebending and waterbending for him, and kind of like seokmin i’m very 50/50 on the two
for firebending i actually literally associate him with fire, and my nickname for him is also spicy red hot chili pepper lmao
i also see fire with him because almost everything he does is done with extreme eagerness and curiosity
for me he almost encapsulates the tantalizing allure of playing with fire, and how he wants to try his hand at experiencing many different things as quickly as fire spreads from one interest to the next
for waterbending though it’s kind of for the exact same reason
i keep preaching about the versatility and adaptability of water, and what better aspect to associate with mingyu’s continuous curiosity for trying new things? 
so it’s a mix of the two due to the passionate determination behind his desire to literally get his hands on everything
and there is no end goal, it is just an all consuming fire that is hungry for more until there is none left
okay i see minghao as a firebender as well and also this is a slight nod to the minghao = zuko agend LMAO
but kind of in the same vein where iroh/zuko used elements of waterbending in their firebending, i think minghao would also have a lot of the more fluid waterbending techniques in his firebending
like where traditional firebending is perhaps more of a hard, fighting style, minghao gives me a much more fluid vibe
this also comes out of his artistic style with contemporary dance and abstract art, and his passions with developing it
i’m not totally sure how to explain this but to me his artistic expression has a lot of fluid movement in it in which the driving force isn’t the necessarily the user/artist (minghao) but more about where those energies want to go themselves
compared to hoshi where i said the fire consumes him (in a good way), minghao’s fire is more directed at releasing the energy where it needs to be released and not forcing it
i think that’s also why minghao finds a lot of stress release in drawing and art
so still very passionate, very hot, but fluid, like a dancing flame
seungkwan i see mainly as an earthbender but maybe with some fire as well!
a lot of this comes with just how extremely disciplined he is with pretty much everything
even if he is extremely witty and incredibly funny on variety shows i think a lot of it comes out of him just being extremely socially aware, or like aware of his surroundings if that makes sense??
one of the key elements of earthbending is sort of taking in the environment around you and waiting for the right moment to strike
and for seungkwan i think he just has so much natural wit and knowledge that he is able to always come up with the right thing to say at the right time
but i also see some firebending in him because he also gets easily frustrated lmao
like how he gets so easily flustered when he does say the wrong thing at the wrong time and it doesn’t get the reaction he wants
he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve a lot like dk but tends to also act on them, which to me is aspects of firebending shining through
personally for vernon i very much see air bending!
again a huge association i have with air is also the element of freedom, and kind of literally doing whatever you want, which i think suits vernon SO well
we always talk about how he’s just simply vibin’/off in his own world and for me there is no element more suitable for that then airbending
he has the kind of energy where everyone else is forced to go at his own pace; you can’t really force it
to throw another pun in here it’s literally like trying to fight the wind: completely useless
but it’s not necessarily met with resistance; vernon has his own ideas but he’s definitely extremely open minded to others and could be swayed given a good discussion
like while jeonghan also goes at his own pace, it’s often feels like it’s towards some directed goal, again like a flowing river. but with vernon, i feel like he’s literally just kind of doing whatever, in the same way that the wind never has a destination or specific course
it’s more about exploring the possibilities and just straight up enjoying life
dino is definitely a boy of the earth for me hahaha
while he is definitely just as passionate about things as his other members, his energy comes off more of a really steady and powerful determination
there’s this sort of strength and endurance with dino that for me makes him extremely suitable for earthbending 
like i think a large part of it comes from the fact that he has very clear goals and a steady mindset way of achieving them
like if he says he’s gonna do something then he’s going to do it, and also the way he always stands his ground when it comes to confrontation
he’s the guy who’s gonna absolutely speak his mind but at the same time be really open minded to other opinions
like he obviously gets teased a lot as the maknae but he takes it all in good stride and then throws it back with just as much force you know lmao although maybe not as much in recent episodes where woozi has just completely obliterated him with the razor
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urkpoppsychic · 4 years
Pentagon messages/personality + lovelife + career reading
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Pentagon 9/25/20 my first pentagon reading! I didnt include E-dawn but i will make a reading about him and Hyuna.
Reminders it is reading is for entertaining purposes and for my own personal growth it might not be 100% accurate just move on. thanks and enjoy ✨💝
Hui: prideful, He likes to plan things with friends and family but is not attached by high expectations. He would rather avoid disappointing situations. He is loyal, generous, when it comes to emotions and social relationships. He is financially stable, and a stable mindset. 
Lovelife: He might be single right now, he gets on dates like blinddates or dating sites, and with no intentions. He likes to meet people.  He is not really looking for a commitment right now but he wants to take romantic situations light and fun. 
How he feels about his career now?: He feels hurt, being stabbed in his back. With an argument or any sort of conflict. It's about his position, it might be disharmony and disappointments have been part of the issue. 
Jinho: He might feel fear of abandonment, rejection and betrayal. Thinking about the worst scenario. He might not always stick with one idea or opinion. He might change it anytime soon. He is being on guard and might overwork himself. Loss in control. 
Love life: He might be in a romantic relationship, where there is no independence, he relies too much on his lover, but luck is on his side cus the person seems to be a good partner for him and that will bring a lot of new challenges and new offers. Teamwork will balance their relationship to the positives. 
How he feels about his career now?: He might also feel a little hurt but he has recovered from it and there is a new passionate beginning for him. He still has passion for his job.  What had hurt him in the past was something that was beyond his control. He is depending on his agency. He is trying to forgive and move on from it. 
Hongseok: This person has an introverted personality, he loves to be alone but still hates to be lonely. He is a very competitive and hard working person. When he is overworking he might isolate himself quickly because he has the urge to solve and do everything on his own. He might not be used to someone's help. He might be also a bit messy when it comes to his room.
Love life: I see that he is single, He is thinking and daydreaming about having a girlfriend. Interest in this kind of idea and want to forget all the past experiences and forgive and want to make room for a new opportunity for love. He might have a crush or interest in someone from the same agency. 
How he feels about his career now?: He struggles at the moment and might have now lack of vision about his career. He might feel things aren't clear, no honesty. Only exciting thing for him is that he might see his crush at work. 
Shinwon: He fears for failure and is stuck with the thoughts of ruining it. He might be worried a lot these days. He might feel anger towards his entire team and work environment he is thinking of breaking away from it. He is being on guard and cautious. He is a child at heart and a fun person to be around. He is creative and sweet. But maybe emotional immature. 
Love life: He is in love with someone who is known as an elegant, very charming and attractive woman. It could be someone in the music industry. Someone who might be older or the same age. It could also mean that the relationship is moving forward and that the person might live in a different city. Or even different countries. He is charging the relationship and he is hoping to commit with her very soon.
How he feels about his career: I might have a feeling he is thinking about to leave the company. He might want to do something different, he might have new dreams and want to use his creativity. 
Yeo One: He is confident and stable, he has a lot of talents and might be playful rather than serious. He might have some authority in him and is working on his self-growth. He supports other members when he sees someone is in struggle. He wants to see the best in everyone and he is someone who will wake up from ur daydreams and focus on reality and give you a warm speech to not giving up.   
Love life: He might feel his effort to her was not enough, he feels disappointments and lack of passion. He feels defensive and might not like the idea how it turned out. The woman is taking it for granted but he is not enough. He wants the truth and honesty. He will end this very soon. 
How he feels about his career: He might feel trapped in ideas of expectations. He might choose something that he might be in fear of regretting it. . Feeling stuck in crossroads. No big actions.
 Yanan: This person has a clear mindset, he doesn't have any worries, he has a lot of freedom to move.  He is not a slave of his own thoughts. He might run a lot away from reality in the past but he understands that he can't always force himself to avoid mental challenges. He feels bored and dissatisfied. He is looking for an opportunity, a choice no matter the path he will choose, it is good and it ends well. 
Love life: indecision, He doesn't know if what he will choose is going to turn out well. He is slowly taking his time to know this person, He sees home and family with that person. The lover could be he or she and is a social butterfly, full of energy (active). Yanan might be a traditional person when it comes to dating. If he is thinking about dating he also thinks further like marriage. 
How he feels about his career: I see that he still has a passion for the member / someone from work  who shows a bit of negative traits. Manipulative? Laziness? Insecurities? Feeling left out in the cold by that person. 
Yuto: He stays with the same ongoing cycle, he refuses to change.. He might be bored as well and a bit jealous. He might come over bold and bad mouthed but he is actually very gentle and stable, He might be a good father figure. But he might feel a little jealous about others and feel dissatisfied.  
Love life: IZONE Member :O
How does he feel about his career?: He analyzes his challenge, he is smart with it, he is quick with ideas. Ambition, misalignment with the values. He might have to deal with a secret relationship. 
Kino: He might feel like giving up, he might feel overwhelmed by criticism and responsibility. He is perfectionistic A mentor or someone who he looks up to isn't really honest and unclear with helping him. It dissatisfied him and he might not feel to work hard. He is cautious and feels to distance himself from the situation. 
Love life: single, focus on other things. 
How does he feel about his career?: He wants to stay positive and optimistic. There is maybe somebody involved with their team that might cause some trouble. The road for his career looks stagnant. It caused hurt in the past but he is trying to forgive and recover from it. 
Wooseok: He has strong willpower, confidence and is competitive. He might stress and carry burdens on his back. He really wants to keep going and it will make him work hard and burden and stress grows. The music that was driving him, a desire that helped him, no longer is the sound of your mission. He might just be going through the motions and getting through the day. He is honest, intelligent. Nurturing and having love for nature. 
Love life: He is love sick, totally in love with someone, he will put her on a pedestal, The energy of that person feels to me very popular and famous and attractive and a great personality. He might be a bit younger and a bit immature but he is willing to take a romantic offer for her. He is losing his control of his emotion. He can no longer hold it back. G-idle? 
How does he feel about his career: Feeling dependent on the agency, feeling bored and dissatisfied, wanting a bit more action and passion. But he stays open minded with objective thoughts. He seeks professional advice. He feels corrupt.
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gwentoryfics · 5 years
pentagon imagine: boyfriend habits
i was just doing a little bit of thinking about what habits each of the guys would develop as your boyfriend, so here we are.
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- jinho always looks at you longer than he should, but he just can’t help it because he thinks you’re so beautiful. besides, he likes the way you blush when you catch his eyes on you. - he picks up small gifts for you frequently because he always comes across things that make him think of you. he spoils you with your favorite candies and snacks, and frequently purchases cute stationary to encourage you to write him letters. - he also enjoys sharing food with you, so that you can feed each other. he likes to be taken care of just as much as he enjoys taking care of you.
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- he’s the kind of guy who rests his hand on your lower back to guide you. He lets you go first so he can keep an eye on you, not wanting you to ever feel left behind. - he’s also touches you every time he laughs, either grabbing your arm, hand, leg, basically whatever is available to him at the time. extra grabs if you’re the one making him laugh. - he’s always anticipating your needs by getting you a glass of water in case you’re thirsty or a blanket in case you’re cold. you don’t really have to ask for anything because he can always tell what you need. - he has a verbal habit of immediately and consistently saying “we” instead of “me.” the two of you are a package deal now, and he’s not afraid to let everyone know it. - he’s constantly asking if he can help you with things, whether it’s cleaning, cooking… you know, little domestic things. it’s not because he thinks you’re not capable - it’s because he wants you to know that he’s there to support you in all ways, always.
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- no such thing as getting a regular hug from hongseok. he always has to pick you up and swing you around in a show of his strength (and to make you laugh). - he’ll pinch your cheeks whenever he thinks you’re being cute, which is basically all the time. - he’s a big time hand holder. absolutely loves holding hands, regardless of whether or not your fingers are intertwined. as long as he can feel your palm against his, everything is alright. - he’ll hold your hand while walking, driving, sitting, cuddling… you get the picture. - he’s a cup-your-face kinda guy, for sure - and the wink-at-you-from-across-the-room type
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- obviously he’s a real snuggle bug - he probably likes to touch your hips a lot, no matter what size you are. I just feel like he’s probably drawn to that specific area for some reason lol - like he sneaks up behind you, rests his chin on your shoulder, and rubs your hip bones with his thumbs - or puts his hands on your waist to move you whenever he needs to squeeze past you - since he’s so touchy, he definitely appreciates and compliments you on your super soft skin - freshly shaved & moisturized legs are his vice - he plays with your fingers when you’re just sitting around, especially if you’re reading or playing a game or otherwise not giving him attention
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- you can’t walk anywhere with this man without his arm draped over your shoulders. and he fully expects your arm to be around his waist. together, you two become masters at synchronized walking to avoid that awkward ‘bump’ of out of sync steps. - he absentmindedly plays with your earrings and clothing when you’re just hanging out. especially if you’re wearing long, dangly earrings or a hoodie with strings. - whenever you two go anywhere together, he’s always quick to get out his phone or a camera to snap a cute picture of you, so he can preserve just how cute you look that day - and his phone is full of videos he secretly takes of you while you’re singing in the car or goofing off. he knows you’d be embarrassed if you knew about the videos, but you’re just so precious that he can’t help himself.
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- yanan is so honest, almost painfully so, about literally everything between the two of you. which is a good thing because it leads to all sorts of deep conversations that wouldn’t happen otherwise, but he does come off as a little too blunt sometimes - but at the end of the day his brutal honesty means that literally everything he says and does is genuine, so when he gets (inevitably) sappy, you know it’s from a place of truth - he’s all about words and communication, so expect him to say all sorts of sweet things that are maybe a bit mushier than they should be - like he’s the type to say “the only thing i want to change about you is your last name” and it wouldn’t even be cheesy coming from him - also the type to give you little pats on the head when you do well (although bigger accomplishments would certainly warrant a bigger celebration)
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- yeo one likes touching your hair. he tucks it behind your ear, or gently plays with your curls. he’s the kind of guy that actively asks to braid your hair and wants to practice on you all the time after you teach him how. - he also seems like the kind of guy who orders extra food when you say you don’t want any, because he knows you’ll change your mind and want some anyway. - always gives you bunny ears whenever the two of you take selfies - likes to shop for and wear couples outfits because why wouldn’t he want to match the love of his life?
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- BACK HUGS - yuto would be a fan of kissing the top of your head. since he’s so tall, it’s a discreet way for him to show affection without being too lovey-dovey. especially in conjunction with BACK HUGS. - he frequently shows up at your place unexpected because he misses you, although he’ll never admit that’s the real reason for his visit. - he leaves little surprises for you to find when he’s not around, because he’s too shy to give gifts to you directly. - like you find a cute little plush on your bed and you’re all like, how did that get there? - and eventually your roommate spills and tells you that yuto asked her for a favor - and when you bring it up with him he’s all like, i’ve never seen that thing in my life - DID I SAY BACK HUGS
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- your pockets are his pockets and there’s nothing you can do about it. his hands will find their way into your hoodie pockets, your jeans pockets, your dress pockets. - even if it’s just casually hooking a finger or two into the front pocket of your shorts while you’re talking, he just loves that it gives him an excuse to be close to you. - he definitely, 100%, without a doubt, is the type of guy to text you goodnight every single night, even if the two of you are fighting. and you bet your little patootie that you’re getting a good morning text as soon as he wakes up. - also the type to call you when he knows you can’t answer, just to leave you a cute voicemail
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- back scratches for dayyyyssss - literally any time the two of you are snuggled up together, his hand is gonna be running up and down your back, either as a light caress, a rub, or a full scratch. you’re like a little puppy to him and he loves the way you sigh happily whenever he pets you. - also, he lives to see you in his oversized sweatshirts. he’s all about those sweater paws. - he habitually lays his head in your lap because receiving head scratches from you is his absolute favorite - gives you piggy back rides literally all the time
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chiveburger · 4 years
hi candice i’m a relatively new universe and i was wondering if you would be willing to explain your view on pentagon’s group dynamic as in which members are the most extroverted and which members do you think support the others the most behind the scenes etc basically who acts as who despite their age/position in the group/outward personality or appearance i’m trying to get to know the members’ personalities better and thought who better to turn to than the infamous universe chiveburger
alright, if it’s not sickly obvious pentagon is a pretty shy group. hui has mentioned that even though some members are more talkative and extroverted than others, when they all group together the general feeling that comes from pentagon is that they’re shy. when they’re amongst other people at least, but when they’re together they won’t ever shut up or stay quiet. the following are how I’ve viewed the members after watching them, (this shit is going to be so long)
jinho; one of the most reliable, emotionally available and mature members of the group. he is the oldest, and often times he acts exactly that way. a lot of members look up to him and consider him the pillar of the group. someone who has grown to express his feelings more openly, but is rarely the first one to show them. he has his childish moments too but, easily one of the most dependable, mentally strong and grounded members in pentagon. eats everyone’s food and tears up when he sees food he likes so kino says he likes watching him eat.
hui; the leader of pentagon and has all the qualifications and mindset to be, but he’s also one of the most playful, and quick to cry members. If he’s happy, or his condition is good he’ll turn crazy. he’ll scream, he’ll try to climb the walls like spider man, he’ll jump off a balcony with an umbrella. hui’s infamous for all his baby noises and rowdiness even though members say he’s not like that normally. despite that, he’s one of the most integral members of the group and works day and night writing, composing and remixing songs for pentagon. he’ll stay in his studio all day, sleep crooked on the tiny sofa or cancel plans just to create music. he protects and mentions his members very often, never once calling them or being the leader a burden. says none of his members are disobedient and acknowledges that he’s changed into a much more mellow person because of them. always professional and respectful, and he’ll sit there quietly if he’s on a show without the members. If he has to speak about them seriously, he will cry immediately. the backbone of pentagon.
hongseok; probably one of the more talkative and extroverted members of pentagon. evil. he’s had a few scandals under his belt that can give off negative connotations but in the 3.5 years he’s been with pentagon he has continued to be careful with his words and actions. he expended a lot of effort to fit into pentagon when they first started training together, and would insert himself in all their activities because he joined when the group was already set. he’s dramatic and competitive, but he’s been working hard for the team. I think because of his past he’s happy to have fans who still love him, and members who care for him. he likes to be included and if members don’t mention his name he’ll get mad. he may have changed since his trainee days, but he’s still a freak 
shinwon: easily one of the most caring and warm people in pentagon. even when he pranks the members consistently he’s always the one who monitors their activities, even if he’s not in it. he'll physically go to their movie premieres, musicals, concerts, promotional activities, and everything in between just to support them. he knows all of hui, kino and jinho’s songs whether they’ve been released or not. he streams all their music, and joins in all their vlives because he’s always watching them. when jinho and hui were hosts on idol radio he watched every single one and left comments for them every time. he’s not quick to anger, and rarely gets mad. hui has mentioned that shinwon is the nicest person he has ever met, and he can’t believe someone like him exists. he’s always joyful, compassionate and the first one to run to the members if they need help. one of the most overlooked members in the group for many many reasons. 
yeoone: deathly unfunny, and the members remind him of it every single waking moment. however, he is one of the kindest, consistently cheerful, and tender people in pentagon. even though he knows he’s not funny, the reason why he cracks bad jokes and does cringe shit is to get the members to laugh. he loves making them happy and shinwon has mentioned that he sees the wholesomeness and sincerity in him when yeoone does that. he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s actually quite extroverted. he’ll go out of his way to talk to people that are outside of pentagon when the rest of the members huddle in a corner. he takes care of his younger members well, and contributes a lot to the small elements of their singing and dancing. idea bank of pentagon. 
yanan; I’ll be honest it’s always been a bit hard for me to write in depth about yanan because I only became a universe during naughty boy. since then I’ve only ever seen him in one comeback. however, it’s obvious to me that the members all adore him. they all love him, shower him with compliments, wooseok calls him his soulmate, and they want him to come back. from the short period where I’ve watched him he’s quite reserved. he doesn’t speak as often as other members especially when all 9 of them are together. however, he says and does a lot of weird shit if he’s alone or with 2-3 members at a time. he’s gotten mad at wooseok for putting ketchup on a corndog wrong. during his current hiatus, he’s always updated universe on how he’s doing. he even uploaded a group photo a couple weeks ago so he’s been the beacon of light for universe who wish to see ot9 soon. he’ll write happy birthday to his members, like their content on weibo and has been reassurance to a lot of fans. 
yuto; I have a whole blog dedicated just to yuto so I think that in itself is evidence enough that he’s one of the most amazing people not even just in pentagon, but in this galaxy. flexible and easygoing. nobody in pentagon has ever listed out any of his flaws or said negative comments about him because he’s never said or done anything of the sort. he loves all his members, and often plays around with them even if he doesn’t understand just so they’ll be happy. he considers his teammates as his family. he takes care of his older members a lot, even though he’s one of the youngest. calls everyone cute, never fails to show them affection and allows them to say or really do anything to him without complaining. all his members call him soft and sweet, even if yuto doesn’t think so. he worries for his members if they’re injured or sick, even saying that his happiest most anticipated moment during their release of humph! was that kino could finally join them in promotions again. he loves and cares deeply for his members, and he’s always shown it through his actions
kino; sensitiveness and empathetic. one of the most loved members of pentagon easy. some of the words he says embody sunlight and he’s positive and sincere like nobody else. kino may be steadfast in his decisions but he would never do anything to hurt pentagon. he wishes for all of them to be happy, and he believes that they’ll be able to continue as a group for a long time. he prays for them before every performance and acts tough even when he’s the youngest. shinwon even says that he purposely carries a lot of weight for the team and he wishes he wouldn’t, hoping he’d stay as a kid forever. he’ll become upset if things don’t go as planned, but his anger and sensitivity stems from wanting to be the perfect version of himself. even though members tease him all the time and purposely annoy him he has always said he loves his members. he knows and often feels that they all love him back an incredible amount. 
wooseok; alike kino, a lot of the older members tease him and play with him but he likes being with them and acts like a child around them. he even prides himself on being penjelbe (pentagon’s most baby). he gets sulky really often, but he’ll forget about it the next day. even if he looks intimidating he’s anything but, he doesn’t mind when the oldest members climb him like a tree or bother him during his v lives or puts him in a choke hold. his onstage presence is completely different than who he is off stage and alike the entire maknae line he’s very emotional, often crying if he sees the other members cry. personable, sentimental and optimistic, always saying that if someone doesn’t like they’re music then he’ll work harder to create better songs. so so cute you won’t believe it. you can literally tell by the way members treat him and the way he responds that he’s their baby
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gamerwoo · 5 years
I've seen a lot of the what Hogwarts house would Seventeen be in going around again, so what's your take on it?
I know I’ve done this like a couple times at least, but I always change my answers, and some I’m still torn on anyway. And since people get heated over HP, I’d also like to state this is just my opinion so don’t come telling me I’m “wrong” (but if you think they’d be something else, that is valid and I respect it!! but if you just straight up tell me what I think is incorrect or whatever, u gotta chill), and also I’ve only seen like the first 2 HP movies so I’m not like, an “expert” or whatever. I did look up like the main traits or whatever just to be more accurate but again, it’s just my opinion okay nobody could be 100% correct on this unless maybe they took the official quiz or whatever idk (and I know like Josh or smth ???? said he thinks he’d be in a certain house but a: that’s still just his opinion, and b: this is my opinion) ((take a shot every time I say opinion lmao))
Seungcheol – Gryffindor. Hands down. I think everybody sees Cheol as a Gryffindor so I won’t even explain lmao.
Jeonghan – Slytherin. I feel like the main characteristics of a Slytherin just fit him, and like a Slytherin, will do anything to get his way (and I also started rewatching ONF Japan so that might have something to do with it too lmao).
Joshua -- He’s harder to place because I could see him fitting in both Slytherin and Ravenclaw. I know people still see Josh as the “perfect gentleman” that he was played up to be a lot, but personally, I see him a lot like Jeonghan where he looks very sweet but can be a little mischievous, y’know? I do feel like he’s less of a sort of “perfect” Slytherin like I see Jeonghan being, but I really can’t decide tbh.
Junhui – To me, he’s a Hufflepuff, but I do see a little bit of Gryffindor in him, too. Jun’s just so sweet and it definitely took courage for him to leave his home, but I feel like hard work and patience and loyalty stand out a lot in him. Like, the work he had to put into learning a new language, and when he was on that show with Yanan he was super patient with him and was very loyal even when Yanan wanted to leave. So he’s definitely more of a Hufflepuff to me.
Soonyoung – I want to put him in both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff because I think both traits could fit him?? I do think that as somebody who has choreographed dances for Seventeen though, his hard work definitely shines through. Like you can tell that he puts in a lot into everything he does, which is a trait that Hufflepuffs value, but my heart is leaning toward Gryffindor. It really could go either way, though.
Wonwoo – Ravenclaw. Like, I think everybody puts him in Ravenclaw, I don’t even have to explain. 
Jihoon – I’ve seen him put in Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and honestly, I can’t choose between the two for him. He seems to embody all traits from both houses so I genuinely can’t pick. He’s an in-betweener like Joshua lmao.
Seokmin – Another member that I can’t exactly place. He’s somewhere between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor for me, honestly. However, I think he embodies traits of a Hufflepuff more, so I’m going to go with Hufflepuff for Seok.
Mingyu – Mingyu just feels like a Gryffindor to me, but that might just be because everybody puts him as one. After reading over the characteristics, I do kind of see a little bit of Slytherin in him, but I definitely don’t think it’s enough to make him one. I think Gryffindor does suit Gyu.
Minghao – I could see him being in any of them. I think Minghao has characteristics to match any of the houses, but overall I’d say maybe Hufflepuff or Slytherin. I wouldn’t say Minghao would necessarily do anything to get what he wants like Jeonghan would, but I do think he’s cunning and shows leadership and ambition. However, Minghao is also a person who seems to always want to do the right thing and he’s always patient with the others just like they’re always patient with him (like the video where he was trying to read Korean and he was a lil slow and they let him take his time). Honestly, I can’t give a solid answer for Hao. He could be in any house and I’d be like “yeah, that makes sense”.
Seungkwan – Maybe this is controversial,,,but Ravenclaw. If there’s anybody who’s witty, it’s Seungkwan. He always has some sort of sharp comeback ready. I know he’s typically placed in Hufflepuff, and I can still see that, but Seungkwan is witty, creative, and he may have his moments but I still see him as somebody who’s intelligent. So I’m sticking with Ravenclaw.
Hansol – Another member who could fit into multiple houses imo. I don’t see him as a Slytherin, but I can see any of the other three. I’m more bouncing him between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but I genuinely can’t decide with him.
Chan – Despite being the youngest, I can see him going to either Gryffindor or Slytherin, honestly. I can see the other two houses as well, but for me, the houses he mainly fits imo are the two I mentioned. It might be because I’ve been rewatching ONF Japan and he did most of the translating for them, but I’m kind of leaning toward Slytherin currently. But honestly, it could go either way. He is truly Harry Potter lmao.
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kpurereactions · 6 years
Pentagon reaction to you kissing their neck
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Hui let his eyes roll to the back of his head and his moans ring out once he felt your lips on his neck. He moaned as he felt you sucking a hickey on the sensitive skin by his collarbone and moved his hands towards your thighs, rubbing them encouragingly. When you had noticed how tensed up he was you stopped and told him to relax, in a sultry voice followed by a slow and sensual kiss until you feel his muscles relax back to normal. You give him a quick smile before looking down at the purple bruise forming on his neck.
"I left quite a big one on you this time, Hui." You say apologetically. You know his stylist is gonna want to beat your ass when she sees this.
"I don't care. You could leave as many marks on me as you want." He said as he pulled you in closer by your legs and connected your lips. His stylist was for sure gonna beat your ass tomorrow.
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Jinho would smile at you sweetly after you pecked his neck, the skinship making his stomach twirl and his cheeks redden. But he noticed your cheeky smirk and his smile faltered a bit; realizing what you were hinting at. You crawl onto his lap and rub your hands across his chest, feeling his heartbeat rapidly pick up. You dipped your head back down to his neck and started to kiss near his ear.
"W-what's the matter, sweetheart?" He'd stammer.
"Nothing. Just wanna make you feel good."  You said in a seductive voice as you kissed his jawline. His face grows hotter as he leans his head to the side
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Hongseok smirked as you started crawling onto his lap and rub your hands on his chest. He knew what you wanted, but he wasn't going to give it to you so easily. That would ruin all the fun.
"What do you want, princess?" He asked in a soft voice as he made eye contact with you.
"I want you, Hongseok." You responded as you leaned your face closer to his. Hongseok moves his face to the side, denying you the kiss that you were looking for, and smirked to himself.
Then he felt your lips on his neck. His whole body gave in to you and he moved his head so you can have more access. Your lips sucked and kissed over as much neck as you could before you felt him grab you waist. You pulled back and felt him move your hips and rub yourself against his growing hard-on; moaning from getting what you want in the end.
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Hyojong would pretend he didn't notice the small kisses you were planting on his neck, acting as if he was more interested in what his CEO was talking about at a CUBE dinner party. He kept his calm as you whined in his ear and pouted beside him, but the moment the music started to play and the chattering began, Hyojong would pull you towards the bathroom. He locked the door behind you and pushed you against it, watching your startled reaction as he chuckled to himself.
"If you wanted me so badly, you could've just asked." He said before connecting your lips in a sloppy and rushed kiss.
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Date night with Shinwon is always something lowkey and private, tonight being no other exception. Takeout food sprawled across the coffee table and reruns of 'The Office' (I'm sorry I love this fucking show) playing on TV. The only difference tonight being how you were feeling. Needy. You were laying on his chest, tracing your fingers up and down his arm in a relaxing manner, before you started to place small pecks where his shoulder meets his neck. He hummed lightly and rubbed his hand across your back.
You took this as the sign to continue. You re-positioned yourself a bit before placing your hand on one side of his neck and your lips on the other, sucking and kissing till you could hear how strained his breathing was. You drag your fingernails down his neck lightly, enough for him to moan, and you smirk.
"Enjoying yourself?" You pointed out as you noticed he wasn't even watching the show anymore; not like you were either. He looked down at you for a fleeting second and quickly pulled you into a hasty kiss. You reciprocate and melt into his arms in a second, loving where this lowkey night was headed.
Yeo One:
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Yeo One would melt under your lips. He absolutely loved when you would kiss his neck; loving the bites and the marks that he'd see the next day. He would moan out his encouragement as you trailed his jawline and wouldn't be able to sit still. You would feel him moving beneath you and let out a small moan in response to his actions. But, as much as he loves your lips on his neck, he's rather impatient and would want your lips on another part of him.
"You just love to tease me, don't you?" He questions seductively as his hand starts to slide into your panties, making you gasp. "Two can play at that game."
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Yanan stirred from his slumber as he felt the familiar sensation of your lips on his neck. He moved his hand to where he knew your head was and felt your cheek against his palm. He smiled to himself.
"Isn't it too early for something like this?" He murmured in his raspy sleeping voice.
"Too early for what? I'm just showing my boyfriend some affection." You whisper innocently in his ear before placing more generous kisses on his neck. He groaned but ended up moving onto his back and allowing you more access to his neck. He laid there, half-asleep half-awake, just feeling your lips travel all over his neck and face. You would run your fingers through his hair or down his chest comfortingly and he would do the same on your back. Occasionally, he would let out a soft moan from your movements and your stomach would curl with pride. If you were trying to make him horny, then your hand would make its way down to his pants, but most of the time this was as far as you two went. Just being in each others presence was calming and pleasurable enough.
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Yuto watched as you dropped the silk robe from your body and strode over to him in your new lingerie set; his eyes never leaving your body. You crawled onto his lap as he sat on the couch, the TV show he had previously been watching was instantly forgotten and reduced to background noise. He looked up at you as you placed your hands on his shoulders and made yourself comfortable on his thighs. His hands went to your hips and you smiled as you felt him slowly rub up and down your sides.
"Like what you're seeing?" You ask as you moved your face closer to his, kissing the corner of his lips. His breathing was labored and you continued to trail kisses down his neck; paying more attention to his the spot behind his ear that you knew he liked. You heard his soft moan in your ear and your stomach rolled in satisfaction. You loved the way he reacted to you.
"The things you do to me, baby." He rasped out as he squeezed your hips.
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Kino was turned on the moment you walked into the room. His shirt loosely hanging off your shoulder and your lacy underwear peeking out every so often with your movements. He would glance back at you multiple times while he tries not to burn the pancakes he was working on. You walk behind him and encircle your arms around his bare torso. You moved up on your tiptoes and kissed the back of his neck softly and slowly; not knowing the effect it had on him. Kino let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and flipped the pancake; some pancake batter splattering along the edges of the pan.
"Thanks for making breakfast, babe." You say in a sleepy voice while trailing your hands along his biceps. Kino turned off the burner on the stove and turned around to face you, quickly backing you against the kitchen island. You gasp and grab onto his shoulders for some sort of grip.
"You have no idea the effect you have on me." He says as his hands start to wander up your thighs and under his shirt. 
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Wooseok was cocky; practically everyone knew that. There wasn't much you could do that would phase him. But kissing his neck so out of the blue like you did, definitely caught him off guard. Your soft lips nibbling on the skin beneath his ear was enough for him to crumble. His eyes widened and he grabbed onto your arm, pushing you away so he could look at you.
"Babe, the members could walk in at any time." He said in a nervous whisper; although his hand that was traveling up and down your arm told you he wasn't very opposed to the risk.
"Then we'll just have to be quiet." You counter with a sly smile. You hover your lips back over his neck and softly start to trail kisses down towards his collarbone. You felt his grip on your arms tighten, then release when you stopped, and you just smiled before continuing down to the collar of his shirt.
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