#like. this was so funny are you laughing too I want to see you laugh let me witness your joy
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starry--eye-s · 2 days ago
Yaaaay thank you for taking the time to answer :) I LOVE the "you wanted me to be perfect" too, it's such a powerful moment. It is so good when character escape our control and write on their own :)
I am also praying very hard Tzila will indeed get those laugh wrinkles. Come on she's tough she's a survivor now, she will make it!
It's funny I had a similar discussion with someone else that indeed, despite the death and hardship of Midst, it leaves you full of hope for the future of character who made it, making you want to write in turn :) But alright now on to the new questions !
4) I think my characters sigh a lot XD To be fair, they're going through a lot of stuff, and it's something I do a lot in my life so it bleeds into my stories ^^
18) I have only 1 WIP, because I am restraining myself and forcing myself to finish it before starting a new one. We'll see if it works!
28) So recently my bain expanded on the theory that Phineas could be a fold-baby. Since he's from the delta but has no marking nor mutation, there's a possibility he was actually spawn from a tearror because Jonas was there, terrified adsecla teenager, inthe worst place of the cosmos, desperataly needed someone to love him uncconditionnally. A bit similar to the Fiona/jacob situation. And I was thinking that if during their Sequester/Lazaretto therapy Phineas and Jonas would discover that ¨Phin was brought to existence for Jonas by the fold, that would be quite juicy. Are his feelings for Jonas real? Or are they just tearror-born? Jonas get some extra guilt on top of your already existing one! Anyway ^^ Don't know if I would ever actually write this, but sounded like a few chapter of absolute angst :p
30) Oh boy, you made me dig up my decade-old one piece fanfic from the time I was on fanfiction.net and, uhm... Yes, yes it did, thankfully. The rythm was there, but I was describing non-important stuff too much, and some character really feel flat. I also had a tendency of always trying to make some character say "cool lines" just because I thought it would be cool XD Biggest change has probably been switching to writing in english instead of my motehr tongue though, and hopefully I'll keep at getting better at that too :)
Alright, I'm not done yet :p
@sadmushroomgoblin play with me? You have so many!
Could you do 8 (from wasted potential and from your favorite fic), 10, 19, 31, pretty please?
Fanfic/Author Ask Game
Write a scene from [insert fic] in another character’s POV
Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
What’s something you learned while researching a fic?
Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
Coffee or tea while you write?
What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]?
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Is there a character or ship you'd love to write for, but haven't yet?
What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
What do you struggle with most when writing?
What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
How many WIPs do you have and how many do you expect to finish?
How do you get over writer's block?
Share your favorite kiss scene from [insert fic]. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
What stops you from writing more in your free time?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Which scene/theme was the inspiration for [insert fic]?
Are there any moments in [insert fic] that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given the chance?
Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Are any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
A character you enjoy making suffer.
A character you want to protect.
What is your favorite fic to get comments/messages on?
Wild Card: Ask me something else!
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dreamauri · 3 days ago
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♪ — 𝗜𝗙 𝗜 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘 max verstappen x  fem! lawyer! reader (angst) fic summary . . . when max meets with a lawyer to try and fight back against the FIA for getting community service fines, he discovers he might have accidentally swapped dreams with someone (704 words)
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( requests )
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The restaurant was dimly lit, the kind of place that was meant to look expensive without actually trying too hard. Max shifted in his seat, fingers drumming against the table as he watched you skim through the document in front of you, your brows slightly furrowed.
This was awkward.
He wasn’t sure what was worse—the fact that he had been fined for swearing in a press conference again or the fact that the FIA had thrown in community service hours like he was some reckless teenager caught speeding in a school zone.
Lando had laughed when he found out. "You’re gonna need a lawyer if you wanna fight back, mate," he had grinned, not even trying to hide his amusement. "I know someone. She’s brilliant. I’ll send you her number."
And now here you were, sitting across from him in a restaurant in Monaco, having driven over from Nice to help him deal with his punishment.
"So," you finally said, flipping the page. "Two hundred thousand euros and twenty-five hours of FIA-approved community service before December 31st."
Max exhaled through his nose. "I only said one bad word."
You looked up, amusement flickering across your face. "As soon as I went into qualifying I knew the car was fucked . . .  Max, you swore at your own car."
"Because it was fucked." He reasoned, shrugging at the topic like it was the most obvious and normal thing.
You chuckled, shaking your head before jotting something down in your notes. Max watched, taking a sip of his gin toic, not quite sure what to say next. He wasn’t used to lawyers. He wasn’t used to needing lawyers.
"You know," he starts, voice low, almost swallowed by the hum of the piano in the background. "If my dad hadn't pushed me to stay in karting, I think I would've been a lawyer."
You huff a laugh, one that tastes like irony. "Yeah? If my parents hadn’t forced me to finish school and go into law, I think I would've been a driver."
Max blinked.
Your sour words made him look up from his glass. His blue eyes—fierce in every race replay you've ever forced yourself not to watch—are softer here, dimmed under the low lights of a restaurant that neither of you belong in. "Seriously?"
You nod, taking a sip. "Yeah. I wanted it. The speed, the competition, the whole thing. Wanted to move up into single-seaters, F1 eventually, you know? The dream. But my family . . .” You exhale. "They thought racing was a hobby. Law was the real future."
“I’m in Formula One,” Max stated, looking at you with his head tilted. He felt it was as if he stole your dream.
“I can see that, Max,” you chuckled, lifting the file the FiA had given him as proof.
Max leans back, shaking his head with a smirk that's more tired than amused. "Funny. My dad thought law was stupid. Racing was the real future."
The piano plays on, and neither of you say anything for a moment. It’s not awkward. Just . . . heavy. Like you're both listening to ghosts of the past, telling you how things should have been.
"You still watch?" he asks eventually, his voice careful.
You shrug. "Not really." A lie. You watched enough to know his career, his wins, the way he makes magic out of machinery. "You still read about law?"
His lips press together, considering. "Sometimes." A lie. You bet he still thinks about it when he reads contracts, when he argues with his team, when he wonders if he could've been just as ruthless in a courtroom as he is on a track.
"Do you ever think about it?" you ask. "If you'd had the choice?"
Max smiles then, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "All the time."
The music plays on. The waiter refills your glass. Outside, the world moves forward, fast as ever, like it never had to choose between two lives. But here, in this quiet little nowhere, you and Max sit with your what-ifs, sharing a quiet conversation about what to do moving forward and how to get rid of the fine and community service fine, the ghosts of who you could've been watch over your shoulders.
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klausysworld · 2 days ago
Hiii I absolutely love your oneshots. Can you please do one with Elijah mikaelson. Similar to your klaus one shot about the reader having a lack in height.. Elijah is OBSESSED. Reader could be like (4’10 to 5’1?)
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Uncontrollable Love
It shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did.
Just looking at her made him stir. 
It had gotten to the point where even Niklaus was teasing him about it all.
Whenever Y/N would leave the room Elijah’s eyes would follow and someone would snicker. 
He hadn’t realised quite how tiny she was the first couple times, Y/N always seemed to be sitting the first few encounters so when he had been too focused on sorting out his cufflinks and bumped into her, he didn’t realise who it was.
Not until she spun back around and called out his name with a smile on her face.
“Oh..” He breathed, Elijah hadn’t remembered the last time he’d been at such a loss for words but looking down at her he was. Y/N barely reached his chest, let alone being at eyeline. Her head was tilted all the way back, looking up at him with such a sweetness that it made his dead heart thump quickly. His head shook a little, trying to urge his thoughts back. “Y/N.” He nodded, “Forgive me, I wasn’t looking.” His throat cleared, he felt like he sounded funny. Did he sound different? Was his voice too high? Too deep?
He wasn’t so sure and he could feel the bead of sweat on his forehead.
“That’s okay, neither was I.” She smiled, holding up her phone as if to show him what she had been looking at. Her expression shifted, a slight frown and it made him worry more. “Oh did I mess up your tie? I’m sorry, I must've knocked it somehow.” Y/N reached up as she said so, her arms stretched up to straighten his tie. 
Her fingers were so close to him, almost touching him. Usually he was very possessive of his belongings, especially his extensive tie collection but he couldn’t help but want her to stroke every inch of fabric he owned.
He couldn’t take it, just watching her. It was straining him.
Without a word he had left the room, leaving her confused but she simply shrugged it off and went on her way.
From that day he couldn’t help but imagine her with him all the time.
Wondered how she’d look snuggled up against him, gods he’d be able to wrap his body all the way around her. 
He’d imagine her sitting on his lap, straddling him. Her thighs stretched open as she looked up at him with her big eyes. It made him throb.
Every morning he had to reach over her, grab the cereal and pass it down to her and every time he couldn’t help but let himself press against the back of her. 
At lunch he’d get too nervous that she might slip and slice her finger off when she cut her sandwich in half so he’d hastily make his way down the stairs and grab the knife before she could. She’d laugh, such a bubbly laugh that would make his heart clench and she’d tell him that she wasn’t a small child but he could always see the level of comfort and enjoyment she took when he sliced her sandwich into two triangles and shifted them onto a plate for her. 
Once dinner rolled around he’d be all over her in the kitchen. He’d lift her onto the counter, watching her legs swing back and forth as he slid the herbs across to her when she asked for them. 
She’d talk so much to him then, and he would always listen of course. It was impossible not to pay attention to her, her voice was addictive. But he also couldn’t stop himself from admiring her. He just wanted to hold her, feel her, know that she was his.
Pure and utter joy would fill him when his brother announced another event they were throwing.
It meant Y/N would be held against his chest, letting him lift her off the ground and dance her all around the room like she was just a petal in the wind. In addition to that, at the end of those events, Elijah was almost guaranteed a kiss from her. 
He’d walk her back up the stairs, her dainty hands clutching his bicep as she spoke to him about how lovely the evening had been. Once they got to her bedroom he’d clear his throat, a faint smile creeping on his lips but he needed to keep it back.
Y/N would tuck her hair behind her ear, a nervous habit Elijah had discovered, and look up at him through her lashes. 
“Thank you for being with me all night.” She’d whisper, her foot sliding in and out of her heel, another habit, before she’d reach up to wrap her fingers around his tie. Elijah would always have to hold his breath so he wouldn’t let out a groan.
She’d tug him down and he’d eagerly lean so that their lips could meet. 
Always soft and innocent but would linger slightly too long for it to mean something casual. 
His hand would hold her waist, he felt as though he could fit her in one hand. 
“Goodnight Elijah.” Her voice would utter before she disappeared into the confines of her room.
Elijah would have to sit as quietly as he could in his reading chair, his hair damp as he stroked himself like a desperate animal. His hips would jump as though somehow he’d lost the control over himself that he had trained himself to have over centuries. 
It took him an embarrassingly long time to finally cave to his feelings and bring her to his bed. But once he had her, he knew she’d never be able to leave him. 
Elijah was in a state when her legs wrapped around him, his hands traced the short length of her body over and over and she knew how much he loved her size. Especially once her fingers were trying to wrap around his cock, the contrased made his hips just. Watching her pretty pink lips stretch around the head made his hands tangle in her hair, he just couldn’t believe what was happening.
Even once he was deep inside her, he couldn’t help but watch as his cock disappear inside her over and over, he could feel her pussy stretching around him. He looked so big between her legs.
Y/N moaned and whined like a needy whore and it made him crazy.
“Just desperate to be split in two by my big cock, aren’t you baby?” he would taunt against her ear, relishing in the way she would clench around him. 
Once she finished around him, he would pump her full of his cum, not once tearing his gaze away from how it all spilled out of her.
Elijah was a carer, that much was evident just with his siblings but with Y/N he was even more so.
He never wanted her walking, holding her tight instead, needing her legs around his waist all the time and arms over his neck. He needed her to need him, to cling to him like his soul would cling to hers.
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akawifeyy · 2 days ago
silly girl | smau (LN4)
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description: the life of a comedian is full of laughter, but the biggest punchline? your experience with love.
tropes: chaos galore, he's obsessed with her, sunshine x sunshine, age gap (23 and 25), comedian!fem!reader
face claim: faith collins
trigger warnings: suggestive content, some mature jokes, swearing
| note: hehehe i love this fic 🫶
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@ yourusername: dallas was incredible, i had the best time laughing with you all! a recorded video of tonight's show is posted at the link in my bio if you couldn't make it. see you next weekend in austin 😘
tagged: @ standupcomedy
comments (2567):
@ user1: Amazing shows! I went to Night 2 and I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard. Wish I bought tickets for the other two nights.
-> @ user2: sooo real, i got to see her in miami and i felt like my heart was going to explode from laughing
@ user3: Incredible job, so proud 💖
@ user4: Mother has fed us during this tour, I never want it to end
@ yourbffusername: SCREAMING CRYING, I love you SO much Y/N
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@ f1: Just 3 more days until COTA! How are you gearing up for the Grand Prix?
tagged: @ mclaren, @ mercedes, @ redbullracing, & 6 more
comments (49584):
@ landonorris: Can't wait to be a cowboy again 🤠
@ user6: so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ user7: No because I'm actually a second away from crashing out because I just realized @ yourusername's show is at the same time as the Austin GP
-> @ user8: wait nonono you're joking 😭 i bought tickets too
10/19/25 at Y/N's Show (Transcript):
Y/N L/N: I feel like if I don't bring this up, the masses are going to come at me with pitchforks. (clearing throat) Today's a pretty big day in Austin. Um, Formula One is having its COTA Grand Prix.
Audience members: (whooping)
Y/N L/N: Yeah, looks like we have quite a few F1 fans in here. I'd kind of consider myself one, but please don't ask me what DRS stands for off the top of my head or what Ferrari's strategies are during races, because I wouldn't be able to tell you. But anyways, I found out that I scheduled this show at the same time as the GP.
Audience member: (loud yelling noise)
Y/N L/N: (breaks down laughing) Yep, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't realize. But I totally get it. Seeing a bunch of rich, hot men drive around in circles? Like, aw man, where did my pants go? I swear they were just on. (continues giggling) Seriously, though, some of those drivers? It should be illegal how attractive they are. Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris. Oh God, don't even get me started on Lando Norris.
Y/N L/N: (eyes widen dramatically) I never liked brunettes or Englishmen, but he might just make me change my mind.
Interview with Lando Norris (2025):
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Interviewer: Have you seen the clips from Y/N L/N's most recent comedy show here in Austin?
Lando Norris: (laughs) Yes, I heard about it!
Interviewer: Thoughts?
Lando Norris: She's very funny. I like her sense of humor. But as for relationships, I have to focus on my racing, so I can't get distracted. Sorry!
10/20/25 at Y/N's Show (Transcript):
Y/N L/N: So... Yesterday's show. (makes popping sound with lips) Some of y'all, I feel like I need to ban you – and before you boo, let me explain why. I made jokes about Formula One drivers, and how hot they are, and a select few of you decided to out me? (mock gasp)
Y/N L/N: Yeah, I know! Fucking Lando Norris was interviewed about me! Isn't that insane? This ultra-rich motor sport driver was asked about some redhead girl who yaps for a living. And he called me funny? I need to put this on my resume.
Audience member: You two need to date!
Y/N L/N: The matchmaking is insane. Oh God, wait until my mother hears about this, then I'm actually cooked. I'm 23 years old, I have a lot of biological time left, but you're vultures! When is it going to end? And don't say, "When you get married to Lando Norris", because it's not happening. Sadly.
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@ ynupdates: Contrary to popular belief, Y/N did have a boyfriend! This was way back in 2019 to 2022. His name is Emmett Ellgren, and they dated for three years until their mutual split. Since then, Y/N has poked fun at the relationship, but no substantial details have been released about their break up.
tagged: @ yourusername
comments (2942):
@ user9: HELP i forgot about emmett he's such an npc 😮‍💨
@ user10: emmett is no longer relevant to the lore
-> @ user2: The real man we should be paying attention to is Lando Norris
-> @ user8: i know omg 😭
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comments (3842):
@ user11: They're both silly gooses, I'm scared to see the havoc they'll wreak together in McLaren 🥲
@ user12: i'll believe it when i see it
@ user13: Lando is too immature to have a stable girlfriend
-> @ user3: which is why Y/N's perfect, they'll be immature together 🥰
-> @ user4: This just proves you've never watched one of Y/N's shows before lmao
Y/N's Instagram Story (2025):
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comments (8521):
-> @ user14: I'm so glad I get to be alive during the LandoY/N era
@ user12: It'll be so funny if this turns out to be from Oscar or something 🙃
-> @ user15: HELP
Text Messages between Y/N and Lando (2025):
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@ landonorris: P3 in Mexico! Awesome results
tagged: @ mclaren, @ f1, @ yourusername
comments (64312):
@ user13: guys i'm actually gonna combust 🫣🔥
-> @ user17: They're together, it has to be
@ yourusername: nice sombrero 😋
-> @ landonorris: Thank you!!!
Text Messages between Y/N and Lando (2025):
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@ yourusername: hola mexico 🇲🇽
tagged: @ landonorris
comments (3846):
@ yourbffusername: Looks so fun!
-> @ yourusername: yes it was incredible
@ user10: laaandoooo i see you 👀
@ user18: How does it feel to be living my dream
@ landonorris: So glad you could make it, had a lot of fun talking to you
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@ f1gossip: It is rumored that comedian Y/N L/N and McLaren driver Lando Norris are together, after Y/N posted a photo of her receiving paddock passes, and the pair responded to one another's posts about the Mexico Grand Prix.
tagged: @ yourusername, @ landonorris
comments (1293):
@ user9: i'm waitinggg
@ user10: this is worse than the wait for reputation tv
-> @ user18: clowning so hard i know 😖
Lando's Deleted Instagram Story:
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comments (235):
@ user21: my eyes are not deceiving me, this is y/n
@ user5: Y/N IS THAT YOU 😳
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@ landonorris: OK OK yes I give in, we are together. Happy one month, @ yourusername, I love you to the moon and back!
tagged: @ yourusername
comments (34852):
@ user21: classic Lando accidentally posting the wrong thing and outing himself
-> @ user22: idk what else we would expect from chaos incarnate 😭
@ yourusername: love you too, muppet 😘
Interview with Lando Norris (2025):
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Interviewer: So, you've just recently announced that you're dating Y/N L/N!
Lando Norris: Yes, I'm really happy about it.
Interviewer: Any plans to bring her to the next race?
Lando Norris: Maybe, we'll see. (laughs and smiles) The paddock is a lot cheerier when she's there, so hopefully, fingers crossed. I'm very, very lucky to call her mine.
─── ୨୧ ─── THE END ─── ୨୧ ───
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fairyhaos · 2 days ago
❖ kiss your heart // xu minghao
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minghao x f!reader, 1.1k+ words
tags: established relationship, both xmh + yn are RICH rich, fluff, kissing, marriage/proposal talks, minghao is literally so in love omfg
warnings: pet names (angel, sweetheart)
notes: literally me rambling about rich + devoted minghao with absolutely no direction planned and i think it's super obvious HELPP but it does not matter !! ur honor i luv these 2 theyre so sassy smitten and it devastates me
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“you’re actually the worst person i’ve ever met.”
you glare at your boyfriend as he gets out of the driver’s seat, walks around the front of the parked car and opens your door for you. he’s still smiling that faintly smug smile that’s been on his stupidly handsome face ever since you left the restaurant, and you hate it.
“sweetheart,” minghao says, taking hold of your hand and helping you out of the car, “it’s really no big deal.”
you scoff, rolling your eyes. releasing minghao’s hand, you deposit your purse into his waiting palm and flounce away, across the car park and to the apartment building doors.
minghao struggles to hold back a laugh as he trails after you. “y/n. you’re not truly mad, are you?”
“of course i’m truly mad,” you huff. “you said i could pay for our date this time.” 
during the five years you’ve been dating minghao, he’s taken you on a whole variety of incredible dates. from the impromptu long weekend to paris to the days where you just go to the restaurant down the block for dinner, minghao has never failed to take care of you and always pays for your meal.
any other person would be flattered to have such a rich and devoted boyfriend. and really, you adore that about him, too.
but, well. you’re rich also. and sometimes, you want to be the one to dote on your boyfriend.
you punch in the building code unnecessarily hard and stomp through the automatic doors before minghao can catch up with you. from behind, you can hear him laughing, and it makes you whirl back around to look at him, pouting extravagantly.
“i don’t see why that’s so funny. you promised, hao,” you whine, and minghao just laughs again.
that night had been just a normal date night, nothing more than the two of you dressing up to go to that one upscale chinese place that you both love. and so, it seemed like the best day to finally start paying for your dates—if it was any big occasion, minghao would’ve definitely protested against the idea, insistent that he wanted to treat you on such a special day.
and at the time, it seemed like it would work.
minghao had smiled at you, adjusting the pearls around your neck, and agreed.
you’d felt ridiculously satisfied, excited at the fact that finally, you’d have a chance to pay for your boyfriend. but oh, how wrong you were.
“i’m sorry, angel,” minghao says now, brushing a finger over your cheek fondly before pressing the ‘up’ button for the elevator. “it just so happened that i’d already paid for our meal before we’d even got there. i didn’t want to burst your bubble by telling you so, but i guess that made it even worse, hm?”
you whine again in frustration. “hao, that’s not even a thing! you can’t pay for a meal in advance!”
“i can when i know exactly what we’re going to order,” minghao grins.
“what?! i swear, that must go against restaurant etiquette! that's actually crazy behaviour. i can't believe you did that."
the elevator arrives then, and minghao gestures for you to get in first. you do, still arguing with him over restaurant rules and whatnot. even as you do so, supposedly very upset over his behaviour, you still hold onto his arm and lean against him to take off your heels, and then pass them over to him once they’re off your aching feet.
minghao smiles amusedly, terribly smitten. 
“—going to get you back for that stunt one day, xu minghao,” you say, stabbing an accusing finger into his shoulder. “gonna book out the entire restaurant. no, wait, the entire street! we’re going to venice one day, and i’m going to close down a whole road for us only. just you wait.”
the elevator doors open with a ding, and he trails behind as you continue talking, dreaming up big plans on how to treat your boyfriend sometime in the future.
it’s devastatingly endearing. he knows it was maybe a tiny, tiny bit mean to advance-pay the bill tonight, but in his defence, he does that most nights anyway. plus, he likes seeing how pouty you get over it, knowing you're not actually upset, but still insisting you are because you can pay for your own meals, without minghao's card, thank you very much.
and you very much can—he hasn’t run the numbers in a while, but he’s pretty sure you’re richer than him right now—but he likes paying for you. likes taking care of you like this.
he inputs the keycode to the apartment, chuckling as you continue to rant.
“okay, alright,” he finally concedes, opening the door and letting you enter first, taking off your wool coat for you and hanging it up by the door. “in which case, how about a compromise? i pay for our ordinary dates like these, and you can pay for special occasions.”
your eyes light up at his words. “wait, really?”
minghao laughs. “yes, really.” he puts your purse on the dresser by the door, your shoes in the shoe cupboard and then takes off his own. “except for valentine’s day, white day, our anniversary, and your birthday. i’ll be paying for those.”
“what?” you complain. “hao, you’re leaving me with nothing!”
“you can pay for my birthday.”
“come on, that’s a given. i would do that anyway.”
you’re giving him those big, sad eyes again, and minghao can’t help but smile even wider. lord, you’re just so pretty and you love him so much and he’s never been more grateful for that because he loves you so much too.
“well,” he says, pretending to think, “we don’t have an engagement or wedding anniversary yet. so if those things ever happen… then maybe…”
your eyes widen, little sparkles appearing in your irises even as your entire face softens, gentle and hopeful. “you’re… you want to marry me?”
minghao can’t take this anymore. he walks over, takes your face in his hands and kisses you, once. and then again, deeper, softer, for good measure. just to get his point across.
“of course,” he murmurs against your lips when he pulls away. “i love you.”
you lean in and peck him on the lips once more. “i love you too,” you say, and then pull away so he can see the mischievous glint in your eyes. “hey. if i propose to you, then i’ll definitely get to pay for every engagement anniversary we have, right?”
minghao laughs, pulling you back into his embrace. “sure, sweetheart. that’s only if you propose to me first, however.”
“are you trying to start a proposal race, minghao?”
“maybe. will you join in, y/n?”
you laugh, looping your arms behind his neck and bringing his face close to yours again. “oh, it’s on.”
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @kellesvt @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect @dokyeomkyeom @suraandsugar @tulsa24 @melodicrabbit @dokyeomkyeom @hopeless-foolery
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yours-truly-q · 3 days ago
Even when he's running late, Caleb will never forget your kiss <3
1k words, sfw, no warnings, for those who want to know this was based on the 24 hour schedule that was released for Caleb [:
<3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆ <3 ☆
Caleb's late because you asked him ONCE that morning for him to stay a bit longer in bed with you and took that as an invitation to just spend another hour-ish in bed with you.
Now he's late because he just couldn't bare to leave you that morning
"Fuck!" You hear Caleb swear along with a thud. You huff, amused at his obscenity, while debating whether you're going to get up now to see what happened or just wait to ask him later. Grumbling, you shift in the bed and curl up, thinking about your options. As you curl up in the comfortable warm of the bed another crash resounds through the house and you sigh.
Groaning you tiredly sit up, clumsily pulling your blanket around your shoulders. With what felt like momentous effort, you haul yourself to your feet, waiting a moment to stabilize yourself before shuffling out of yours and Caleb's bedroom and towards the sound of profanities and the clattering objects.
Standing in the doorway of the bedroom, you look down the hallway before you see Caleb rush haphazardly from one room to the other, a repeating rant of "shit, shit, shit" following behind him. Curious, you glance from the room Caleb just entered to the clock on his nightstand and 'oh, it's 7:40 am' so not only did he miss his morning physical training, but he's going to be late getting to the fleet. You snort and slowly let your tired eye gaze back to the room Caleb is in.
"Pipsqueak?" Caleb's smooth voice calls out in a questioning tone, then a moment later, his head pops out from the side of the door. The moment his eyes lock onto your form, a bright grin slips onto his face.
"Are you...laughing at me being late?" Caleb asks, slowly strolling towards your form in the doorway like he has all the time in the world and isn't incredibly late. You roll your eyes and nod, fighting back a yawn.
"Of course I was, the feet space Coronel of all people is late. Plus as well seeing you skid around the house in a panic is kinda funny. " You explain, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
"Well, if I remember correctly, the only reason I'm late is because someone wouldn't let me go when I tried to get out of bed." Raising an eyebrow, Caleb lets a knowing smirk pull at his features.
"In my defence, I don't need to get up today aaaaand you should've just... got up." You mumble your weak argument as you glance away from Caleb, your eyes naturally falling on the ticking clock.
"Anyway, don't you have to leave, like, right now?" You change the subject, eyes still fixated on those ticking hands. Caleb frowns at the reminder while he lets his hands reach out to hold your hips, thumbs rubbing at the fabric of your sleep clothes.
Then suddenly Caleb clears his throat, causing you to gaze at him inquisitively, before he states in a slightly mirth-filled voice, "I do, but before I rush out the door like a mad man-"
"You are a mad man-" You add on quietly under your breath, but Caleb's pointed expression tells you that he heard that. You grin cheekily.
"...I have one last thing I need to do." He mumbles in a low tone as you feel his fingers flex over your clothing.
Then he leans in, a soft kiss pressed gently against your forehead, warmth immediately spreading from the area, leaving a sense of comfort in its wake. A smile tugs at your face, your eyes slowly shutting as you try to savour this feeling. The feeling of being so loved and cared for on this average, early morning.
Caleb's affectionate arms slide around your back, resting on your waist, and subsequently pulling you closer into his kiss and his warm embrace. Then all too soon, Caleb's lips have pulled away and you can feel the small pout that starts to pull at your face.
However, before you can open your eyes, another kiss is pressed to your cheek, the same amount of love pouring off of the action, then another to your cheek, then your nose, and before you know it, Caleb starts to drown you in his affections. His lips (that are now curled into an adoring smile) press clumsily into any patch of skin it can find, filled with so much burning passion that it almost puts you into a daze. The ticklish feeling of his mouth dragging across your skin (dragging because you both know he hates the idea of parting with you more that anything) causes you to squirm and push against and away from him. His arms only tighten around you.
You laugh, throwing your head back as a result, and try to pull yourself away again. That only leads him to kiss from your shoulder all the way up past your neck and to your jaw, leaving the skin tingling and warm.
"Caleb!" You manage to squeal out while another giggle ripples through your body. This doesn't deter his violent assault in the slightest, though.
"You're gonna be even more late!" You huff out between laughs, then you finally find that his kisses slow to a reluctant stop.
He sighs as he looks at you, his head resting on your shoulder. As you look towards this man's face, you find a smile that holds so much love paired with eyes that glimmer with joy, stare back at you in adoration.
"Fine, I'll go, but just one more before I leave." He mumbles, eyes glancing down to your lips before he leans in again. His mouth pushes gently against your own while his fingers rub tenderly into your back. Then, after a moment passes, he pulls back unwillingly because he knows if he doesn't leave now, he won't leave at all.
Even much later, when he's writing some reports at his desk, his mind will think back to that morning you two spent together and he won't be able to hide that longing smile that tugs at his face.
He was SO late that morning but he didn't care one bit because he got to spend those few moments that he'll cherish forever with you. You think I'm joking but I'm not, he won't ever forget that day because of how domestic and silly that morning was. It was everything he wanted and more
He just loves you
This was supposed to be a short drabble, but then I started writing and now it's a 1k fic. I don't think I've written so much before in my life 😭 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and if you see any mistake, no you don't (Pls tell me in all seriousness though!!) [:
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 days ago
How’d they take to you trying to eat raspberry jelly without a spoon. (Totally not based on the stupid shit I just did, that’s embarrassing)
Dick Grayson
Joins you for shits and giggles.
He’s had a tough day and so seeing you try to do the impossible made him want to do it too, mainly because it’ll be something funny to look back on together, most specifically how determined you were to prove that eating jelly without a spoon was plausible and that you alone could do it.
He’s trying not to choke on his jelly when he watches you fail so hard, only getting a little bit of jelly between your teeth somehow, while also poorly trying to use your tongue to dig out the rest through sheer determination. He almost spits out his portion of jelly as it travels down his throat when he points and laughs at you, making him cough it back up in an attempt to not choke.
Poor Hayley wonders why her human parents are dumber together than they are apart as functioning adults with big jobs.
Damian Wayne
Looks at you disappointedly and gets you a spoon, wanting to put an end to the misery of having to suffer in watching you try, and fail to eat jelly without a spoon.
And even when you’re given a spoon, you’re dropping about half of the damn thing all over the floor, which is somehow even more embarrassing for Damian then watching you try to eat it without the spoon.
Alfred the cat is judging you while Ace and Titus are wondering what you were eating and if it was edible for them to eat. It’s most likely not, which is why Damian made sure none of the dogs -and Jerry- would try to get into the room you were in to attempt to eat the pinkish coloured jelly, warning them that their human parent is a dumbass. (Affectionally)
Jason Todd
Thinks Roy has put you up to this because only he would find this remotely funny to do when bored out of your wits. So instead of helping, he’s watching you from afar as you fail spectacularly and glaring at the pot, as if it was the inanimate objects fault you suck at eating jelly without a spoon.
It does in fact prove to be funny, though Jason would never admit that to Roy. Ever. However he couldn’t help but chuckle at how hard you were trying to prolong the need for a spoon, one of which he had held in his hand for the opportune moment to really rub salt into the wound.
Jason just watched you being a dumbass and thrived off of the fact that he no longer came home to a cold home, but more of one of warmth and stupidity that will be remembered for a long while when he needed it most, especially when missions get to him. Even long after he decides to pities you and gives you the spoon, he’s left highly amused when you drop half of the contents onto the floor and curse under your breath.
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 day ago
The Weight of Saudade - Lewis Hamilton
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genre: fluff with hints of angst
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Brazilian!Reader!
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Axé inspired fic because I'm missing Brasil. If you want to check the song it's Nobre Vagabundo sung by Daniela Mercury.
a/n 2: Axé is in iorubá (african language), it means the light in every living being, and it's used in a few parts of Brasil as a greeting. But it's also a brazilian rhythm with some of the most angsty gorgeous lyrics on love, even with its upbeat feel (my favourite cup of tea tbh)
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Time never asks if you’re ready as it goes on.
It just slips through your fingers, quiet and indifferent, moving forward whether you’ve had enough of the moment or not.
Ironically, I’ve spent quite a while thinking about that; how much of my life is spent watching the clock, counting down days until Lewis comes home, then counting down again until he has to leave.
It’s a cruel kind of math, measuring love in stretches of time apart instead of time together.
London is dull this time of year. Grey, drizzly, the kind of cold that seeps into your bones and makes you feel like you’ll never be warm again.
Lewis, though, is warmth is human form.
His weight is solid against me, the heat of his skin seeping through the thin fabric of my sweater where his head rests on my lap. His braids tickle my fingers as I absently trace circles at the nape of his neck, just over the tape covering his muscles, stiff from testing.
It’s been nearly a month of him in Maranello, and sure, I flew out when I could—weekends, stolen days between meetings—but it wasn’t the same.
I felt it every time I left, the cold settling each time I packed my bag to fly back. And now that he’s finally here, draped across me in the soft, lazy light of a London afternoon, I don’t want to move.
Outside, the rain taps soft against the soil. I watch it run down the glass, curling my toes under the blanket spread over us.
Without even thinking, I start humming, letting a familiar melody slip past my lips.
Lewis shifts slightly, one hand resting on my thigh as his phone buzzes against his palm. He doesn’t say anything at first, just listens, and I’m halfway through the chorus before I feel his fingers slide over mine.
“What’s that you’re singing?” His voice is thick with the sleepiness of finally being back in his own space after too long away.
Damn. I was not prepared for a pop quiz on my own nostalgia
“It’s, uh—” I clear my throat, buying time. How the hell am I supposed to translate this? It’s axé. You don’t explain axé; you feel it. “It’s a song,” I say, extremely helpfully.
Lewis laughs, turning his face slightly so I can see his smirk. “Yeah, babe, I figured that much.” His thumb is still sweeping over my hand, coaxing, patient.
I groan. “I mean, it’s—okay, hold on.” I take a breath. “It’s kind of about time. And love. And—” I make a vague gesture with my free hand— “you know. Life.”
He tilts his head up to look at me. “That’s vague as hell.”
“Because it is vague as hell,” I huff, but he just waits, smiling like he knows I’ll give in. Which, fine. I always do.
I hesitate for a second. Not because I don’t want to tell him, but because some things always sound different when you strip them down to another language.
More vulnerable.
And It’s funny—if I were talking to someone who knew the language, I wouldn’t even have to explain. They’d just get it. But here, with Lewis watching me so intently, I feel like I have to get it exactly right.
“Alright” I shake my head, but my fingers are still in his hair, softening the edges of my reluctance as search the song on my phone and let it play.
I start translating it as the song plays in the background. “How much time do I have… to kill this saudades?”
His brows draw together slightly. “Saudades” He rolls the word around his mouth like he’s tasting it again.
I nod. “My love, this jealousy—it’s just vanity. If you run away, time will soon bring anxiety. To breathe love, aspiring freedom.”
I peek at him, half expecting him to be confused, but he just nods, his expression open. So I go on, the words thick in my throat.
“I have a crazy life… and try to lead the world. I live from deep love. I perish in time. And I live for a second. Forgive me, my love, for being this noble vagabond.’”
Silence stretches between us for a moment, just the hum of the song, rain and the city outside.
And the quietness makes me feel absurdly self-conscious. I mean, I just translated a whole damn song in a overcast London afternoon to a man who knows about 5 words in Portuguese.
Lewis, as always, doesn’t let me sit in it too long. He squeezes my hand gently. “That’s beautiful” he murmurs.
I exhale, rolling my eyes a little, but he doesn’t let me dodge.
“It’s on wanting time to slow down” I say after a moment. “So you can actually be in it. So you don’t have to spend half of it missing what’s not even gone.”
Lewis watches me, his gaze steady in that way that makes me feel like he sees through my ribcage. “Yeah?”
I nod. “It’s one of the many meanings of saudades.”
His lips curve. “One of my favorite words I’ve learned from you.”
I smile, tilting my head. “Yeah, and what’s the second?”
His fingers tighten slightly over mine before answering in the most Rio de Janeiro accent you’ve heard in years. “Gostoso” (hot as in attractively hot)
And you can’t help the chuckle that escapes you as he smirks “Oh, shut up.” I flick his forehead, but he just laughs, eyes crinkling.
His face then softens, and he nods like he gets it. Like it makes perfect sense. “It always gets me how y’all manage to fit the deepest feelings in two paragraphs.”
I laugh, breathy and real, shaking my head. “It’s a skill.”
Lewis’ gaze darkens, his thumb stroking along my skin. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “But I get the feeling.”
I glance down at him, not even letting the words settle before I say them “I’m already with saudades of the time I’ll have to be away from you.”
But as soon as I say it I can’t the sigh, shifting slightly underneath him. “It’s stupid, right? We’re here. You’re home. And I’m still thinking about the next time you’ll have to leave.”
Lewis turns fully onto his back now, looking up at me. “It’s not stupid.” His voice is quiet, firm. “I think about it too.”
I don’t say anything for a second, just run my nails lightly over his scalp. “Ferrari’s making you happy, though,” I say, because it’s true. He’s been buzzing about it for weeks, despite the grueling testing schedule, despite the stress. And I love that for him. I do.
A small smile tugs at his lips. “Yeah. It’s been good. Crazy, but good. The car feels promising. And Maranello’s…” He trails off, exhaling. “It’s a dream, honestly.”
I smile, brushing a braid back from his forehead. “See? Worth it.”
His fingers find mine again. “Yeah. But still.” He lifts our joined hands slightly. “I always feel saudades of being away from you.” His smile tilts. “Did I use that right?”
A soft laugh escapes me before I can stop it. “Almost.” I brush a finger on his cheek. “But the feeling is right.”
Lewis hums, pleased with himself. His other hand slides up, pressing against my ribs, a slow, absentminded caress. “So what do we do about it?”
I sigh theatrically. “Dunno. Run away to Brazil. Hide out somewhere warm.”
His grin is immediate. “Sold.”
I roll my eyes, but his fingers tighten at my side, tugging me down slightly. “I’m serious,” he murmurs, voice lower now, lips brushing just beneath my jaw. “Just me and you, yeah?”
My breath catches for half a second.
God, this man.
I tip my head, letting my nose brush the top of his ear. “Just me and you” I whisper.
Lewis hums in agreement, tracing lazy circles on my wrist with his thumb. Then, after a moment, he tilts his head back at me, smirking “You’re gonna have to translate funk to me one day.”
I snort, shaking my head. “Yeah, not a change.”
I tilt my head, watching the way his lips twitch like he already knows where I’m going with this. “But I can show you.”
He lifts a brow, amused. “Yeah?”
I wink. “Yeah.”
His laugh rumbles against my skin as he sit up and looks at me like a kid who’s been told there’s candy.
The warmth of the moment muffles the biting cold, and for now, just for this moment, it’s more than enough.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj @bebesobrielo
@hiireadstuff @f1-football-fiend @unlikelystay @thesizzler
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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hrrtshape · 17 hours ago
PLEASE talk about your gossip girl dr you mentioned and young coryooo🥺🥺🥺🥺
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things that my boyfriend does in my better cr that....truly warms my heart ( aka emma yaps about coryo )
finished writing this up in maths class, and i just know my teacher thinks i’ve lost the plot….... why are you side-eyeing me? let me giggle in peace.
he carries (one of) my lip glosses in his pocket and acts like it’s the biggest inconvenience but pulls it out instantly when i ask.
sharing airpods in class like it’s a lifeline but he always gives me the one that’s fully charged while he suffers with the dying one.
taking pictures of me when i’m not looking and making them his lock screen. which. ugh. cutie.
he lets me draw on his arm with a pen during class and then complains when it doesn’t wash off before dinner with his parents.
matching hoodies but we pretend it’s not on purpose.
dumb little inside jokes that make absolutely no sense to anyone else. he texts me "frog incident" in the middle of a test and i have to physically leave the room because i’m laughing too hard.
he always ties my shoelaces for me if they come undone, even if it means getting on one knee in the middle of the hallway like a loser.
doodling on my notes in class and writing things like property of coriolanus snow just to get a reaction out of me. weirdo......cringe lowkey. no i love him.
him randomly biting my shoulder when he’s bored.
me (!!) biting his bicep when i'm bored.
he always waits for me outside my last class leaning against the wall like he’s in a music video.
wearing my scrunchie on his wrist because i “left it in his car” (he did NOT have to keep it on).
fell asleep on each other during long drive and woke up to find he’s holding my hand in his sleep.
we made dubai chocolate, and thank god i know my baking cause he curdled the only chocolate we had.
taking me to the gym (ew), but not for like any malicious reason, actually i was the one who suggested it because this man *exercises*!!!!! like ok miss productive at a gym at five am.
matching the maison margiela tabi shoes, it's such a small detail, but i absolutely adore it. he'd be wearing lace-ups and i'd be wearing ballet flats.
driving me to school every morning.
i just have to mention this one part cause it’s so GRAH but i was walking out of my apartment complex and he was leaning against one of the pillars smoking and i came outside and he like wrapped his arm around my shoulder and continued smoking with his free hand. like okay..........
picking me up from the airport at 1am a few days before new years because i got out of the holiday family meetups just a bit earlier to see him.
when i got drunk on soju during the lighting of the tree at rockefeller centre and he was trying to heat me up.
he pinches my cheek. and that’s so evil. like. what the fawk. cherubicusm is NOT A FUNNY THING.
if he’s tired or annoyed or just being an absolute menace, he hooks a finger through my belt loop and just tugs me where he wants me. like i’m a thing to be dragged around. (and maybe i like it a bit....)
late-night drive-thru runs where he insists on ordering for me even though i could do it myself, just so he can say “and a chocolate milkshake for my girl” like we’re in a 1950s movie.
he keeps a lipstick-stained napkin from a dinner date in his wallet and pretends it’s just in there by accident, but he refuses to throw it away.
when i do my makeup in his room, he sits on his bed and watches.
he always puts my hair behind my ear when it falls in my face. not even thinking about it. just automatic.
when i fell asleep on his shoulder during a flight, he stayed awake the whole time just so my head wouldn’t move.
he let me paint his nails, but only clear polish, and only if i promised not to tell anyone.
he never lets me carry my own suitcase. ever. even when i argue.
when we go to stupid parties, he always keeps an arm around my shoulder when we’re moving through crowds, just so we don’t get separated.
he untangles my necklace chain when it gets knotted. just takes it from my hands and fixes it like it’s nothing.
i didn't respond to his texts once and he sent me a picture of my own house like “i know you’re in there.”
this is the mooooost miniscule but ungodly detail that made me want to marry him, but, having soy milk in his fridge. mind you, he lives with his family (he's 18 and we're still in school) and i visit 7 times max per week (every day....). and. wow. ugh.
every time he borrows a pen, he returns it with the cap bitten.
when i was complaining about my hands being cold, he took them in his and blew warm air on them.
when i’m walking ahead of him, he loops a finger through my bag strap and tugs me back. like...... not so fast. like.... where do you think you’re going?
we hook our pinkies together when walking. monster.
he adjusts my necklace when it gets twisted, gently brushing his knuckles against my throat. no acknowledgment. no reaction. just fixes it and moves on. (like a freak.)
if we’re arguing and i cross my arms, he just reaches out and tugs my wrist free, uncrossing them with this calm, effortless little motion. LIKE??? HELLO??? I NEED THAT BACK, ACTUALLY???
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shinhyunjin · 7 hours ago
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── .✦ little white lies.
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⟢ pairing: hwang hyunjin x female!reader
⟢ genre: fluff, non-idol au, established relationship
⟢ word count: 1.9k
⟢ summary: the one where a street interviewer asks the story of how you met.
⟢ author’s note: hello, everyone! i don’t really know what this is, but i clearly got the idea from @/meetcutesnyc on tiktok. i feel like i could maybe turn this into a short series and write one for the rest of the members if you like this one enough. anyway, this is my first fic on this blog, so if you enjoy it please do show it some love<3
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“Excuse me, are you two a couple?”
You stop in your tracks at the question, staring at the stranger that was now blocking your way, as he stood in front of you and your boyfriend—a small mic in his hand and cameraman behind him recording the scene before him.
Your first instinct is to look up to Hyunjin, who is already tightening the hold of his hand on yours and pulling you closer to him.
“We are” he doesn’t hesitate to answer.
You find the confused yet protective crease between his eyebrows particularly cute right then, so you smile.
“Would you mind telling us the story of how you met?”
“Oh, you’re that guy?!” You jump in excitement.
Hyunjin’s frown only deepens for a moment, feeling like he is missing a chapter—or a whole book—when the guy in front eagerly nods his head and laughs at your sudden enthusiasm.
One look at you, however, and a glimpse of the smile lighting up your face, is enough for him to go with whatever it is happening right then.
“Baby, they make videos on TikTok asking couples how they met” you explain to him nonetheless, caressing the back of his hand with your thumb to ease the small tension he felt after seeing you interact so comfortably with another guy—a stranger one at that.
“Oh,” Hyunjin lets out, suddenly feeling embarrassed over how defensive he was until then. “We met at an art gallery” he tries to redeem himself by kindly answering the question.
“It was actually kinda funny” you add with a small giggle that has all three guys smiling at you.
“If that’s your way of saying we were one second away from committing a crime, then—”
“Oh, hush” you playfully shut him up, enjoying all too much the dramatic roll of eyes he gives you in response. “It wouldn’t have been a crime. I think”.
Your last addition earns a quiet chuckle from the cameraman, and you wonder if that’s making it into the final video.
“Long story short,” you begin. “I was admiring one of the sculptures, minding my own business, when out of nowhere someone bumped into me. I was caught off guard, of course, so I inevitably lost my balance and bumped into the base that was holding the sculpture” you can’t help but give your boyfriend an accusatory look. “I saw my life flash before my eyes when it started swaying in front of me”.
“I was fast enough to hold it in its place before it fell, though” Hyunjin chimes in before the blame is fully thrown at him. “And thankfully there were only, like, two other people in the room with us and they were too busy checking out the paintings on the walls, so after exchanging panicked looks with this cutie right here, we rushed out of there before we got scolded”.
“We laughed it off as soon as we were in the next room and we couldn’t care less about the stares we got” you explain amidst a small laugh. “It was kind of odd, in a good way, because it felt like we knew each other already”.
“Yeah, it was weird in the best of ways” Hyunjin agrees with an adoring smile. “I obviously wanted to get to know her after that, and I just happened to have an extra ticket to a paid exposition within the main one that day, so I offered it to her in order to apologise for bumping into her and she luckily said yes”.
“And then after that I invited him for coffee to thank him for the ticket”.
Hyunjin chuckles. “And then I asked her out for dinner that same night”.
“So it’s fair to say it was love at first sight?” The guy asks with a grin.
“Definitely” the two of you answer in unison, locking eyes at the realisation and smiling in a way that was hard to tell whether you were aware there were other people in the world.
“We pretty much got together that same day” you admit with a shy smile.
“How long have you guys been together?”
“Four years,” Hyunjin replies.
“Four years and two months” you specify, just for the sake of teasing him.
He smiles and bites his tongue not to add ‘and eleven days’, because that would only lead to you doing the math and figuring out the amount of hours as well, and then him having to figure out the amount of minutes if he wanted to win.
It is a battle you had gone through more than once already, and he refuses to go down that road again—not when there is a camera pointing at you and your whole interaction would be posted on the internet.
“Wow, that’s a long time” the man in front interrupts Hyunjin’s train of thought, bringing the mic closer to you. “What’s your favourite thing about him?”
“Oh, I don’t think I can choose just one” you timidly let him know, looking up to Hyunjin and feeling your cheeks burn as his chocolate eyes are already focused on you, awaiting for an answer. “I really love how sweet and attentive he is. He is always there for me and helps me get through my hardships, even before I even have to ask for his help”.
“And what is your favourite thing about her?” He now asks your boyfriend, who finds himself smiling brightly over your wholesome words and struggling to take his eyes away from you.
“Everything” Hyunjin replies truthfully once he manages to divert his eyes from you—just like you, finding it hard to choose just one thing he loves the most about you. “She’s the most caring and selfless person I’ve ever met. She’s always checking up on me and my family, making sure we’re all okay. And I also need to mention her smile, because whenever she smiles my day is immediately made”.
You give his hand a gentle squeeze and lean your head on his shoulder for a brief moment, unable to hide the emotional pout forming on your lips, as his answer managed to warm your heart.
“So what is the next step in your relationship?”
“Moving in together” Hyunjin answers in a heartbeat, and you are grateful that it doesn’t come off as a surprise, for you had talked about it before—otherwise your heart wouldn’t have been able to take the news of his upcoming plans with you. “We needed to figure a few things out before doing so, but…” he looks down at you, smiling sweetly when your eyes lock and you nod your head, encouraging him to go on. “It’s about time we finally start properly making our life together”.
“And your names are?”
“Y/N” you’re the first to answer.
“I’m Hyunjin” he says.
“Well, thank you so much for your time, Hyunjin and Y/N” the interviewer wraps it up with a smile. “I’m glad you guys are going strong and didn’t end up in jail that day”.
The two of you laugh, and you lean into your boyfriend when he lets go of your hand and gently places his arm over your shoulders instead.
Exchanging goodbyes after being informed that the video would be up the next day, you resume your walk to the all too familiar café around the corner—the one you were heading to before the impromptu street interview took place.
“So those are the kind of videos you’re watching all day…”
“Some of them,” you nod. “I’ve sent you a few here and there. Good to know you don’t actually watch them”.
“I do” he fights back, almost offended you believe he would ever disregard something you showed him. “I thought they were all staged, though. Didn’t know people actually got interviewed on the streets out of nowhere”.
“Is that why you were so defensive when they first approached us?” You laugh.
He huffs, making his bottom lip slightly stick out and having you internally fighting not to kiss him right then. “I thought he was asking if we were a couple in hopes of us not being one, so he could ask you out”.
“Asking me out out of nowhere when I’m walking hand in hand with a guy that is clearly my boyfriend, all while there is a whole cameraman recording us?” You tease with a tilt of your head.
“Hey, who knows?” he defends himself. “Can’t control what kind of weirdos are out there chasing after online views”.
“You’re so cute” you laugh breathily, pressing a soft kiss on his jawline. “We look too much like a couple, if you ask me. They would look stupid to even try”.
“Yeah… I think the hand holding and matching outfits give it away too well” he nods with a teasing smile, motioning to the colour palette you chose together that day.
“Thank God they caught us on a good outfit day” your relieved remark earns a laugh from him. “I can’t wait for the video to be up now, I love the way we met”.
“I know you do,” he softly rubs your hand with his thumb. “Which is why I was surprised you didn’t tell them the whole story”.
“What do you mean?” You frown.
Hyunjin amusedly shakes his head, remaining silent as you reach the café and he holds the door open for you to go in first.
When you’re invaded by the strong yet pleasing scent of coffee and reach the—thankfully—short line to order, he adds, “You left out the part where later on I admitted I intentionally bumped into you just so I could talk to you”.
You laugh at the memory.
It wasn’t like he wanted you to lose your balance and make you almost drop a sculpture that you would be paying until the end of your days, had it actually fallen down and smashed on the ground.
He was just going for a little shove on your shoulder with his own, just enough to make you turn around and allow him to apologise right after. But you were too pretty, and he was too nervous—that alone making him miscalculate the distance between your bodies and slam into your shoulder harder than he had intended to.
He came clean one month into your relationship—the guilt of almost getting you in trouble just because he wasn’t able to earn up the courage to go up and talk to you like any other normal person would, was becoming too much for him to keep a secret for any longer.
You were already in too deep by then to even care, though. If anything, you were flattered that he wanted to get to know you so bad that he ended up coming up with the most stupid—and risky—of ideas in order to do so.
“I thought you weren’t holding back when it came to embarrassing me” he confesses.
You chuckle, shaking your head in both amusement and embarrassment, before pulling him forward in line with you as the people in front do so as well.
“Well, if I did mention that, you would’ve told them about how I already had a ticket to the private exposition and lied about not having one just so I had a reason to stick with you, so…”
Hyunjin’s lips part into a beaming smile, pulling you to him and pressing a kiss to your temple.
Little white lies could sometimes be beneficial; especially when they led you to the best relationship you ever had—the one you were sure would last for the rest of your lives.
“You’re right” he agrees with a smirk. “The internet doesn’t need to know how desperate we both were to get to know each other”.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 days ago
lone stars
for @steddiemicrofic prompt 'ride'
rated m | 453 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: cowboy/western-ish au, eddie is a sweetheart, getting together, first kiss, lowkey horsegirl steve harrington
He's sipping on the last of his broth when he hears it.
It sounds like a group of people, heading right for his spot near the river. He didn't expect to get interrupted this late in the evening, most intelligent travelers knowing better than to continue walking in the forest after sundown.
He stands and starts to mount Grit, his horse since childhood, but is interrupted by a hand on his leg.
"Stay quiet."
The shadow of a person is standing close to him, long hair tied back in a low ponytail. His eyes are glowing, but nothing else about him stands out. He must be wearing all black.
That's never a good sign.
"Let go of me. I'm not standin' around to see if they're friend or foe," Steve whispers as he tries to jerk the reins so they can ride off into the night.
"They're neither, but they'll bother ya for days if they see ya," the man whispers back.
Steve pauses. "You got a horse to get outta here?"
The man shakes his head, and he's becoming a bit clearer as Steve's eyes adjust.
"Hop on. What's your name?"
"Eddie," he says as he hops up behind Steve. Grit huffs, but seems to understand that he shouldn't make any other noises. He's always been an attentive horse. "Where ya headin'?"
"Not sure yet. You?"
"Anywhere you're goin'."
Eddie's hard to shake.
Steve doesn't really try too hard.
They ride together for a few weeks, getting to know each other. Eddie's past is dark, but so is Steve's in its own way. They're both loners trying to find a place to call home, maybe find others to help them feel a little less lonely.
Eddie's funny, and charming, and tactile. He's unlike anyone Steve's been around before. Even as a child, his friends were more of the burly boys who didn't hug type, but Eddie always finds reasons to touch him, to reach out to comfort or keep him warm or show him joy that can't be contained in a smile or laugh alone.
Steve doesn't know why he does it. The fire is warm, the stars above are stunning, and Eddie looks like the sun.
He kisses him.
Eddie hesitates. Steve thinks about being killed here, hopes Eddie will at least care for Grit.
"You too?" Eddie asks, voice shaking with what seems like fear.
"I s'pose so," Steve shrugs.
Eddie kisses him, he strips him down, covers them both up with the sheet they picked up at a general store a week ago. They push and pull, touch and kiss. They find each other and themselves.
"Want this every night," Eddie gasps.
"Take it, then," Steve bites his shoulder.
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jadegrey711 · 1 day ago
Please I love your Wally smut
What about like giving Wally head for the first time as he watched you already before you died
And either a first time blow job or Wally fingering you for the first time (ifykyk) whatever you feel like writing moreee
Thank you for the compliment Dear Anon. Enjoy. You can check you my other Wally Clark x Reader fics on my masterlist on @jadegreywriting
As always 18+ ONLY
*Not my GIF*
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Wally had watched you for the longest time. He'd love watching your meets as you would dive gracefully into the pool. As an athlete himself he was in awe of how fast you were once you hit the water. He didn't know if the Olympics were your dream but he knew you could make it if you wanted too. But that wasn't in the cards for you, instead it was a drunk driver, who pulled out of the school too fast and didn't see you as you were walking out to your car after a game.
You couldn't understand what was happening as you watched the ambulance pull away from the school, kids huddled together and crying.
Wally watched as you tried to get anyones attention. But no one could hear or see you. He was nervous as he first approached you, putting his hands up like you were a wild animal and he was trying to keep you calm.
At first you were relieved someone was talking to you, but then he broke the news. You had been hit and you were already dead when the ambulance pulled away from the school.
You were in denial for a long while, and Wally watched as you would just sit on the curb for hours, watching as everyone pulled away from the parking lot. Watching as the flowers that were laid down on your school parking spot, slowly rotted and blew away.
Wally would spend those days, sitting right next to you, and he waited. Waited until you were ready to talk, and when you finally did, you felt the damn break loose. You told Wally everything you were feeling, how sad you were, how angry you were at how unfair this all was. You told him about your life that he didn't get to see outside of school. How much you loved to read, how going to the lake every summer felt like a recharge for the rest of the year, when you first knew you loved swimming.
And in kind Wally told you about his life, what kind of music he listened to, how he wanted to travel when he got out of highschool and that he wasn't a big reader when he was alive; which made you chuckle.
After that day, you and Wally felt inseparable, being with him felt like the sun. Warm and comforting, he always made you laugh and you did the same to him; surprising him with how funny you were, he didn't know that about you.
You still like going to Group; Mr. Martin was a bit creepy and you always had issues with authority figures. But Wally liked coming to the group so you sat there and participated here and there. You never shared anything personal with the group, well anything that was real. You saved that for your time with Wally.
Which often felt like this one, where you would go into the pool and do laps, or float on the surface of the water, while Wally watched on the edge of the pool. He loved watching you do flip turns, amazed at how fast you were, how fast you could cut through the water.
You came up from under the water and smiled at Wally, who was floating in the pool next to you, watching as you would flip and do handstands in the shallow end of the water. When you came up again, you saw Wally had made his way over to the steps of the pool, he sat there and watched you. His smile was contagious as he watched you.
"What are you looking at, Clark?" You asked, flicking water towards him.
"I think it's some kind of pool nymph." He teased.
"A pool nymph?" You chuckled.
"Yeah, and she's mesmerizing."
"Mesmerizing huh?" You asked, as you swam closer to him.
"Oh yeah. Just one of the many adjectives I'd use to describe her."
"Oh? And what are these other adjectives that you'd use? I know you're not a big reader, so this will be fun to see how many you actually know."
"Hey! I think my vocabulary has increased immensely since I met you."
"Thank goodness for that! I don't think I could handle you saying "Rad" for the rest of eternity."
"As if, "Cool beans" is any better!" He huffed before flicking his fingers in the water, splashing you in the face. 
"Hey!" You scowled, grabbing his bare thighs and bringing your face close to his, but stopped inches in front of his face.
Wally tilted his head, his brown eyes holding yours. "Hey what?" He smiled. His eyes moved to your lips.
"I-" You stuttered, feeling your cheeks heat as you remembered where your hands were. “I don’t actually remember what I was going to say.” You chuckled, before leaning in and gave Wally a quick kiss on the lips, intending to give him a quick kiss and then swim away. But Wally had other ideas on the matter, before you could turn your body away he grabbed your hips and placed you so you were sitting on his lap. His large hands wrapped themselves around your waist bringing you back in for another kiss. 
“I wasn’t done telling you about the beautiful pool nymph I saw.” He smiled against your lips.
This wasn’t the first time you and Wally kissed, not by a long shot, there were so many times where the two of you would sneak off when Wally was supposed to be in Group, kissing in the locker room. Sometimes you two would get really hot and heavy, but before anything could happen there was always something that had you two breaking apart. Whether it was Charley or Rhonda catching you two in the heat of the moment or someone else barging in, sometimes it was really hard to get a moment alone with your hot boyfriend in your own afterlife. 
But, you had a feeling that this time would be different. 
You let out a small little moan as you felt Wally’s tongue dance with yours. His large hands roaming down to your backside and giving you a little squeeze. You pulled away from the kiss, earning a groan from Wally. “You didn’t finish describing this pool nymph to me.” You grinned. 
“Well I told you that she was mesmerizing and beautiful. I would dare say graceful as well.” 
“Graceful huh?” You smiled leaning in to brush a kiss to the edge of Wally’s soft lips, before pressing another one to his jawline earning a low moan from him. You made sure to pocket that reaction for that spot in particular for later. 
“Y-Yeah graceful.”
“What else Wally?” You teased, sucking on that spot at his jawline, before moving down to his neck, placing a soft kiss to his carotid, before sucking on the spot where his pulse point would be. You chuckled as you heard Wally stutter, losing his words and losing them fast as you sucked and kissed your way down his neck. 
“Breathtaking.” He moaned out.
As you kissed Wally, making sure to pay attention to the other side of his neck like you did the first, you could feel him grow hard underneath you. “What else Wally?”
“Baby. Please.” 
“Please what Wally?”
“Stop torturing me.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just listening to all the ways that you’re describing this beautiful pool nymph.” you mumbled against his skin, taking your tongue and dipping it into his collarbone, before taking that golden chain necklace into your mouth and sucking on the pendant there. 
You looked up at Wally’s face and smiled. He looked so tense, his hands were gripping noticeably harder on your ass as he looked down at you. 
“Unless you want me to stop?” You asked, placing a quick kiss to the center of his chest. “Do you want me to stop Wally?” You asked and placed another kiss on his chest. 
“No.” He ground out. 
You gave him a wolfish smile. “I didn’t think so.” You purred, leaning your head back down so you can trace your tongue around his nipples. Wally leaned back, letting out a low groan. 
“You’re so sweet to me Wally.” You said softly against his skin as you traced your tongue down his stomach, and dipped in his belly button, earning another deep moan from Wally. You looked back up to him, your body now on the step just below him, your hands poised on top of the waistband of his boxers. “Can I be sweet to you?” You asked him innocently. 
Wally’s eyes went wide. “Baby.” He said his voice came out breathy before he let out a small cough to clear his throat. “Baby, are you sure?” He asked his hand coming out to brush a small piece of hair out of your face. 
“Yes Wally. I want to do this for you.” 
Wally let out a breath that seemed to be a mix of desperation and relief. His hands were reaching for the waistband of his boxers and you took that as your sign that he wanted this as bad as you did. You helped him pull his boxers off and let them float off in the pool, before leaning back down to Wally. Running your tongue down the soft “V” on each side of his hips, earning a low whimper from Wally. 
You looked up at Wally, as you ran your hands up and down his thighs, while taking in how hard he was for you and you smiled up at him. “All this for me?” you teased. 
“Yeah baby.” He said breathily. “Only for you.” 
You were in control in this situation but you grew wet at Wally’s words, surprising yourself at how just those simple words of admiration had you growing slick in between your legs. “Only for me huh?” You said reaching for him, giving his cock a slow pump with your hand, earning a stuttering lift of Wally’s hips for you. 
You smirked, biting your lip. “So sensitive.” Leaning down to run your tongue around the head of his cock. Wally let out a low moan, as you took him deeper into your mouth letting your tongue trace around the head of his cock, and relaxing as he slid deeper for a moment before having your hand join the efforts of your mouth. 
“I love it when you make those little moans, Wally.” You whispered, before continuing to pump his cock with your hand as you took him back into your mouth. 
You didn’t have a lot of experience doing this, but you were an avid reader and Wally seemed to love it when your tongue did this particular motion. You smiled to yourself as you felt Wally’s hands find their way into your wet hair, gathering the wet strands in a messy clump and fisting it in his hand. You felt Wally’s hips jerk every now and again as he fought the urge to pump his hips and thrust his cock deeper into your hot little mouth. 
You hummed in satisfaction against his cock, and that seemed to have Wally taking a ragged breath. 
“Baby.” He breathed. “I’m really trying here.” 
You hummed again, the vibrations seeming to send Wally closer to the edge. You popped your mouth off of his cock and looked up at him, taking in the tensed way he pulled his eyebrows together and how he bit down on his bottom lip, making it a darker pink. 
“Trying to do what?” You asked innocently, as you rested your head against his strong thigh, your hand still pumping his cock. 
“Trying to not, fuck your mouth.” He breathed out. “I know you haven’t really done this before and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You hummed again, he really was the sweetest boy you’d ever met. You’d never thought you actually like sucking dick, but with Wally, as he whined and moaned above you, letting you bring him closer and closer to orgasm. You didn’t think you could actually get enough of this, of him being this vulnerable for you, you felt drunk off of the way his puppy eyes looked down at you, awestruck. 
“Wally.” You said breathily. “I have your cock in my mouth and I am so fucking wet for you right now. And if I’m uncomfortable, I’ll just give you a little nip.” You chuckled and leaned back down and licked up the shaft of his cock before taking his head back into your mouth. 
His hands, delved deeper into your hair, and his hold felt a little tighter, as he bucked his hips to your mouth still holding back, but not as much as he was before. 
“Oh baby.” He moaned. “God you look so pretty like this. Your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock. I wish I could take a picture of you right now.” 
You moaned, at his words, feeling yourself grow wetter between your legs, and started to pump him faster, your mouth and hand working in time together to bring Wally closer to release. 
“God damn it, baby.” Wally groaned, his hips increasing their speed, just enough that you started to feel water in your eyes, but you didn’t want to stop not when Wally was so close. 
“Fuck, baby. I’m not going to last much longer if you keep that up.” 
That was your cue, you squeezed Wally’s cock harder with your hand before sucking him down again and felt him come inside your mouth. You pulled away, unable to fully swallow Wally’s release, and continued to pump him through his orgasm. You watched his hips shake as he finished coming, Wally’s moans were audible enough for anyone who was walking past the double doors of the indoor pool could definitely hear him. 
You dropped your hand away from him and looked up at the totally ruined expression on Wally’s face. His hair that was usually so well kept, was sticking up in places he ran his hands through and some of it still stuck to his forehead from when he was swimming with you. 
“Such a good and sweet boy.” You smiled, pulling yourself up by his thighs and giving him a kiss. Wally seemed to preen at the compliment and deepened the kiss; tasting himself on your lips, earning a low satisfied moan from the both of you. 
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wqlfstqr · 9 hours ago
◟𖥻 sleeper build : percy jackson
▰▰ pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader
Four times Percy showed off his strenght and had y/n swooning over him.
mari talks! i'm so weak for sleeper build sorry i literally woke up to write this.
warnings: slight mention of percy being taller than reader, use of petnames, protective!percy, use of y/n, i think that's all.
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the time he moved her bookshelf
It's not like she didn’t know that Percy was strong, she wasn't dumb. Of course he was. She had seen him wield Riptide like it was made of air, lift entire pieces of debris off wounded campers and, you know, survive and come victorious out of battles against gods.
But somehow, she always saw him as just Percy. Cute, funny— infuriating sometimes, but undeniably cute. His messy dark hair and those ridiculously pretty sea-green eyes, the way of carrying himself that made him look effortlessly cool and how he always had had a comment that never failed to make her laugh. That was what made her fall for him.
But she had never stopped to think about his strength outside of those battles, on his day to day he was only percy, who sometimes tripped over his own feet and wore hoodies and tshirts that hung loosely on his frame. It was hard to think about him any other way.
That is, of course, until she asks him for help to move her bookshelf.
"Are you sure you don't need help?" She asks, still shy about having to bother him.
"No, I've got it." He sends her a small, reassuring smile before crouching to grab the bookshelf.
Still, she is about to offer her help when he suddenly hoists the entire bookshelf up like it weighs nothing. And y/n—
She forgets how to breathe.
Because she is suddenly aware of how strong he is, not only because he is carrying that damn bookshelf as if it's nothing to him, but also because his forearm flexes, his biceps pulling against his sleeves, the shirt that is supposedly loose on him now seems too small for his arms.
"Where do you want to put it?" He asks but— gods forgive her, she is not thinking about where to put that bookshelf at all.
He must have noticed her lack of answer, because he looks over his shoulder to find her gaping at him, he raises an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"
She doesn't reply, simply blinking at him. Oh, the gods are being cruel with her. His shirt has ridden up slightly and she's able to see his toned stomach and those arms. He looks like one of those Greek statues on Mount Olympus, all effortless strength and power. Not fair at all.
"y/n?" he tries again, actually worried because she has gone pale white and is definitely not breathing.
"Yes?" she blinks dumbly at him before she realizes he is waiting for an answer. "Oh! um— I wanted to move it to that corner."
Oh. she is dooomed.
the time he picked her up
She's in the weapons closet, trying to pick up a bag of arrows that's on the top shelf. She can usually reach things herself, but the last person to clean the closet was clearly taller and didn’t stop to think about putting the damn arrows so high that she couldn't reach.
"Need any help, doll?" She would've been scared if she didn’t recognize Percy's voice right away, and turning her head, she found him resting against the doorway and smiling at her.
Going back to looking at the shelf, she shakes her head. Ever since he helped her with that bookshelf, she has been avoiding him because the only thing she can think about when looking at him is him carrying that bookshelf and the way his shirt hugged his arms. Gods, she's probably red already.
In her sudden distraction, she doesn’t notice Percy stepping towards her until suddenly he's hoisting her on his arms, his hands wrapping around her waist as he raises her without any effort, and— yes, she can die already.
"Well? can you reach what you wanted now?" He asks, as if this is an everyday occurrence.
She's short-circuiting, and it takes her a long minute to actually remember what she was trying to get on the shelf before she finally reaches for the bag of arrows.
Then Percy sets her down on her feet again, she's afraid he'll be able to see how flustered she he is, but if he does, he doesn’t show it as he simply smiles at her. "Alright, need anything else?"
And when she shakes her head, he simply nods and walks away, not even noticing that he left her speechless and blushing furiously while she hugged the bag to her chest.
the time he used her for push ups
it's briefly after they start dating, and she has pretty much forgotten about the other two incidents, or at least she has tried to. Sometimes, it's hard to stop herself from shamelessly checking him out, especially when he's training.
Right now, when she finally finishes with her training, she goes to find him and he jogs towards her once his eyes find hers, pressing a kiss against her temple when he's close. "Hey, pretty girl. I'm almost finished here."
she nods, and she's about to suggest they go do something together after training, when Clarisse's voice cuts through the moment. "Hey, Jackson! whoever does push-ups for longer?"
They do this often after training, always competing against eachother in whatever way they can think of. So it's no surprise when Percy immediately accepts. "Oh, You're on."
And then, he's dropping into a plank position with ease, as if it's just another part of his training routine.
y/n rolls her eyes playfully while Clarisse and him start doing push-ups at an absurd pace. But she goes to sit down with the other campers that are watching, her eyes never leaving Percy— totally not paying attention to the way Percy's shirt sticks to his back or how his arms flex everytime he pushes himself off the ground. Nope. Not at all.
Clarisse is strong, she's probably the only one that's able to match Percy's energy, so she manages herself just fine for a long moment. But being exposed to that much sun and the pace of those push-ups, it's no wonder her arms start shaking slightly even if she's still not giving up.
But Percy notices she's growing tired and he smirks, barely winded. "Honestly, La Rue, this is way too easy." He tells her, and y/n knows he's already plotting something just by the look of amusement on his face.
And that's when his gaze shifts to her, and she's already looking at him because— come on, of course she was looking at him while he did those stupid push-ups, can't blame her.
But Percy's smirk widens when he notices the way her eyes drop to his arms as if she can't help it. She really can't.
Clarisse, completely oblivious to this exchange, snorts while she tries to push herself up again. "What? are you going to do them one-handed?"
Percy's sea-green eyes are fixated on y/n, twinkling with something very dangerous as he briefly replies to Clarisse. "Have a better idea." and then, he supports himself with one hand to pat his back with the other. "Come here, pretty girl."
She blinks rapidly, suddenly surprised. "What?"
"You heard me, doll, I need the extra weight." He replies simply, patting again as if he doesn’t find anything odd with his request.
This man is about to make her combust, she's sure of it as she takes a sharp breath and moves to straddle his back. Because, let's be honest, there's no way she can say no to him.
Percy barely reacts to the added weight. Like at all. Even Clarisse is surprised, panting and trying to keep up with the push-ups. "What the hell, Jackson?"
And y/n? she is losing her mind.
And Percy knows this, because he simply laughs, voice enterely too smug. "Impressed, doll?"
She's, in fact, extremely impressed but she won't admit it. "No."
But obviously, she remains impressed through the whole thing, especially when Clarisse finally drops to the ground and he's able to do five more efortless push-ups before he finally stops.
Yeah, she's definitely impressed. And flustered.
the time he scared some boy away
Even months after, after they had finally started dating, she still finds herself utterly surprised in those moments where he shows his strenght. She just never got used to it.
Right now, for example.
They are spending their day at Central Park. She's chatting with Piper while they wait for the guys to come back with their coffee orders, when a guy suddenly walks towards them.
"Hey." he smiles confidently at her, not even acknowledging Piper. "You're very pretty and uh- I was wondering if I could get your number."
Alright, straightforward— she blinks at him, surprised while trying to process his words. He's at most decent-looking, tall and broad shoulders but he is no Percy. And her only interest is Percy.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." and of course the dude looks at her in disbelief, as if he's expecting her to say she's lying. She fights the urge to roll her eyes at him as she points at Percy.
The guy follows her hand towards the coffee cart where Percy stands, chatting with Jason while they wait for their orders. Her boyfriend is casually slouched against the cart, looking effortlessly relaxed with a cap over his messy hair and a loose shirt he had thrown on in a hurry in the morning.
Gods, he's so effortlessly handsome.
Piper has to actually nudge her with her elbow because she's already so distracted staring that she forgets about the weird dude trying to get her number.
"That guy?" He sounds almost pitying, y/n can almost see Piper rolling her eyes. "Come on, pretty, you surely can do better than that"
She immediately furrows her eyebrows, Who does this guy thinks he is? he did not just—
Before she can even think about a surely offensive reply, a familiar arm wraps around her shoulders, tugging her back against a solid, warm chest. Percy. She knows him by scent alone, and when she tilts her head back to look at him, she's able to catch the glint of amusement in his beautiful eyes.
"Everything good around here, pretty girl?" He asks, pressing a kiss against her temple before he looks at the guy in front of her, an underlying shine of challenge on his eyes.
And, oh— oh! he's flexing.
It isn't too obvious, but she can feel it, the subtle kind of flex that makes the veins on his forearms stand out a little, the fabric of his sleeve tightening slightly as the firm biceps wrap around her shoulders, his other arm sneaks around her waist. She could die happy right there.
The stupid guy in front of her definitely notices too, because his eyes drop towards Percy's forearm curved protectively around her, his smirk slowly disappearing as Percy's own grin only gets bigger.
"Need something, man?" Her boyfriend asks, acting completely innocent as if he doesn’t know exactly what he's doing.
The guy barely manages to shake his head before he's walking away in defeat, his friends are already waiting for him while they snicker and tease him about his fail on getting her number.
"Percy, man, I think I've fallen in love with you." Jason tells him, blinking at him in amusement.
y/n is inclined to agree with him, but she's not going to admit it out loud, instead she turns to him with an almost accusatory look. "You did that on purpose."
Percy shrugs, passing her a cup of coffee as he tries to hide his mischievous smile. "Maybe, a little."
She groans, covering her flustered face with her hands. "Gods, you're so hot." she admits quietly, only for him to hear.
Percy chuckles delighted, wrapping his arm around her waist again, strong arms pushing her closer to him as they walk behind Piper and Jason.
"I think I need to sit down. My legs feel weak." she tells him before she can process her words.
"That's the caffeine hitting, doll." he presses his lips against her temple once again, sweet and comforting.
"No, that's your fault."
Percy only laughs, and yes, she's definitely blushing.
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bowtiepasta · 7 hours ago
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HEAVEN IS A BEDROOM “sleeping naked tonight, open door at your own risk!” are the sort of notes you find taped to your door when gojo satoru is your roommate. of course, there are many pros and cons. but either way — ‘roommates’ doesn’t really cut it for what you two are. ❤︎
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INDULGING: sfw and suggestive at worst, modern/college au, petnames ‘princess’ + ‘sweetheart’, touchy, banter, domesticity over plot, he’s got a fat crush on you, f!reader, some language
ROMY’S NOTE: art in header is by mongsanghwa on twitter, divider by strangergraphics. this one’s been marinating in the drafts for way too long omfg. written for marley hehe ! love you
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the only reason you live with gojo satoru is a clerical error. some system glitch paired you two as roommates even though mixed gender dorms weren’t an option (in 2009 japan? absolutely not).
you argued, demanded a reassignment, but the university was already overbooked. all remaining single dorms were full and, no, there were no other available options unless you wanted to couch surf for the rest of the semester. the housing office’s compensation? a rent discount. a big one.
a financial miracle, honestly. living near campus for dirt cheap was a deal you couldn’t refuse, even if it meant putting up with him: a loud, arrogant, 6’3 headache.
which is how you ended up here — standing between the beds in your mismatched socks, coffee mug in hand, digging in his ‘pile’ to see if you can find this week’s language arts assignment.
he leaves his cups in the sink unwashed, clothes strewn over every empty surface, cologne bottles all over the (shared) bathroom counter, and sunglasses in every drawer despite owning only one pair of eyes.
sure, there are benefits. he pays for takeout more often than not, usually without asking for reimbursement. he’s weirdly quiet when he knows you’re studying. he’s clearly very popular, yet weirdly never brings anyone home. and even though he’s a shameless flirt, never crosses any real boundaries with you.
still. he’s annoying. which is why you don’t feel particularly bad when you steal his clothes.
“princess, do you know where my hoodie is? I- oh.”
you look up mid-yawn to find gojo standing in your doorway, hair damp from the shower, towel hanging loosely around his neck. shirt on, thankfully.
he’s blinking at you, lips quirking into a grin that you don’t trust in the slightest.
“well, well, well..” he drawls, crossing his arms. “we’ve got a thief in the house. should I call housing?”
“it was on the couch,” you defend, mirroring him. his hoodies are big, practically swallowing you whole, sleeves covering your hands completely.
“huh. that’s funny,” he says, tapping at his chin theatrically. “because last tuesday, when I simply touched your blanket, you threatened to kill me.”
“that’s different.”
a beat, then a knowing hum from him.
“looks better on you anyway,” he says, not without a certain smugness. “you smell like me.”
you toss a pillow in his direction, rolling your eyes. he dodges it with ease, laughing.
eventually, he stops leaning against the doorframe and stretches, shirt riding up just slightly as he yawns too — a not so subtle trail of white hair peeking out.
“..wait,” he tilts his head, “is that my stuff?”
your mouth opens, then closes. you’re caught.
“I-” you clear your throat, trying to recover. “I was looking for the homework.”
“in my laundry?” he walks over.
“yes,” you say, scoffing as you back away. “because someone likes to throw things around.”
gojo hums, stepping into your space like he’s seriously considering the accusation. then he grins at eye level with you. “could’ve just asked, y’know.”
“yeah, because that always goes well. ‘hey gojo, have you seen my-’”
“nope!” he interrupts, mimicking you. “I am but a humble, devastatingly handsome man. how could I-”
“oh my god, do you ever shut up?”
he laughs, grabbing your wrists when you swat at him. before you can retaliate, he plucks the very notebook you were searching for out of the pile, casually flipping through the pages like it was never lost to begin with.
“wow,” he muses, dragging out each syllable. “can’t believe you doubted me.”
you deadpan. “you’re the one who put it in there.”
“ah-ah,” he wags a finger, stepping backward towards the door. “don’t forget I have what you want.”
“gojo,” you warn.
he hums innocently.
“..give it back.”
“admit I’m handsome.”
you groan, throwing your head back as you plop onto your bed. “I would literally rather die.”
“okay, princess,” he says, clicking his tongue as he tucks your notebook into his elbow, lays down next to you. “guess you don’t need it that bad, then.”
you lunge for him, but he’s faster. not by much, yet enough to be annoying. he holds it over his head.
“gojo,” you warn again, narrowing your eyes.
“hmm? what, sweetheart?”
“give it.”
he pretends to think. “I don’t know, this new arrangement is growing on me. maybe I should hold onto it. for.. safekeeping.”
you glare. “safekeeping? oh, you mean like how you ‘safekept’ my charger for a week? or my textb-”
“that’s unfair.” he pouts, “those were borrowed with a hundred percent full intent to return.”
you huff. “they were in your bag. at school. for a week.”
gojo waves a hand dismissively. “semantics.”
you take advantage of his distraction and jump. it’s a desperate move — probably one you should’ve thought through, but you can’t turn back now.
what you don’t anticipate is how instead of letting you take the notebook like a normal person would, gojo decides to catch you. one arm easily wraps around your waist, and suddenly, you’re way too aware of how close his face is to yours.
“oh?” he says, smug as ever. “if you wanted to be in my arms that bad, you really could’ve asked. I think we need to work on our communication methods.”
there are no words in the japanese, english, nor any language in the world to be exact, to describe how pissed you are at him right now. “let go.”
“but we’re having a moment,” he says, hand to his chest. “the tension is unreal.”
“what do they call this in books?” he pulls you closer. “an almost kiss?”
you scowl. “it’s called me pistol-whipping your ass with this straightener if you don’t let go now.”
gojo laughs, but he does let you go — gently, even. but then, the notebook gets tucked back under his arm. “what was that about my ass?”
you glare, holding out a hand., growing impatient. “satoru.”
he whistles, considering. “I think I’d be more inclined to give it back if you ditched class with me.”
you reach for your phone to check the time, but it slides right off the nightstand, sending a small pile of papers tumbling. he picks it up for you, fingers brushing yours when he does.
you take a deep breath, trying to remain composed, but you know you’re about to cave. “..to where?”
his eyes light up like a kid at christmas. who, to be fair, would probably have a higher mental age than he currently does. he slides the notebook out from behind his back, still not handing it over. “just here.”
you sigh, unimpressed. “just here?”
gojo smirks, arms casually folded over his chest. “yep. just here. way better than whatever you're about to do.”
you raise an eyebrow, “you mean go to class.”
he shrugs like it's no big deal. “potato potato.”
you make a face as you look over at him. before you can answer, he careens over, a quick, soft kiss landing on your cheek. you freeze, brain taking a second to catch up.
“stay here with handsome, yeah?” he says, his voice dipping as he waits for a green light.
you blink, staring at him, face heating up. “god, you’re ridiculous — you know that?” you mutter, heart racing in spite of your efforts.
he nuzzles into your shoulder, not giving you a chance to protest, “come on, princess. don’t make me beg.”
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romy 🐰 is typing… college aus are probably among my favorite settings? scenarios? tropes? of all time. they always hit. and I eat them up every. single. time. lmk if you want to see it with anyone else (obv not dorms again. probably sports?). rugby boyfriend kuna is calling to me. brb making a draft
© bowtiepasta: do not copy edit or repost anywhere
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meelusinee · 1 day ago
Is it cheeky to ask for more of that Mattheo and love potion thingy 🦎
of course not anon! i especially enjoyed writing this one
word count \ 908 | not so fluff | slash / mattheo riddle / fem!reader
in which mattheo figures out the lasting effects of amortentia
minor cw & tw: use of amortentia (which is considered drugging) & manipulation
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Mattheo felt his face’s temperature rising as he looked at the scene currently unfolding, teeth clenched together so hard he felt they might snap out from his gums. He could hear the blood running through his veins, could listen to the laughter of his best mates next to him if he focused hard enough. 
“What are you laughing at?” he spat.
Theodore was stood next to him, arms crossed against his chest. “Your face is funny when you’re jealous, you know that?”
Mattheo rolled his eyes before he heard Lorenzo’s voice from behind, most likely behind the bar that he was leaning again. “Why are you so worried anyways? She’s your girl, you know.”
“By potion.” Theodore hummed and nudged Mattheo. Mattheo huffed at that.
Theodore and Draco often reminded him of the fact that you were only won over by a love potion, joked that he wasn’t good enough to charm you naturally. He knew that was true, at least to a certain extent. He was too broken for you to love naturally.
So he had to add a bit of incentive for you.
He could hear Blaise and Pansy walking to the bar, Pansy’s hand squeezing his shoulder from behind his back. “What’s got your panties in a bunch?”
“Some Ravenclaw is talking to his girl.” Enzo snorted.
And wasn’t that a crime? 
Some guy talking to you. You, his perfect angel that could never do any wrong. Those innocent eyes peering into whoever was talking to you with a dazed expression. You didn’t know that they were trying to trick you, to get you away from him. Your actions were so precious to him that he was tempted to scoop you up and place you into a blanketed cocoon with no escape. 
“You do realize she can’t escape the Amortentia anymore, right?” Blaise asked blankly. His voice was always rather deadpan.
“Course she can,” Pansy muttered confusedly. “Doesn’t it run out?”
Mattheo looked over at Blaise confusedly as well, eyebrows furrowed together. He was running on the same notion, that the potion would run out. He always made sure to bake you a batch of chocolates every week or so, wanting to make sure that you always had Amortentia in your system.
“How long have you been giving her Amortentia?” Blaise asked Mattheo.
“Almost six months.” Mattheo muttered.
“Well there you go.” Blaise shrugged simply. “Most things usually build tolerance in people’s brains, but Amortentia works in the opposite kind of way. You’ve probably doubled it so much that she won’t even react to an antidote anymore. That combined with the extra effort you put in your potions?” he said, chuckling quietly. “Her mind is fucked.”
“What, so she’s stuck like that?” Theodore asked. Lorenzo was howling laughing at that, but Mattheo’s attention was focused solely on you.
Blaise shrugged again. “The chocolate might run it down a bit, but she’s probably too gone now.”
Mattheo could feel his ears ringing at that. Did you need to take the potion directly? Would you take it willingly, or would he force it down your throat.
He was willing to find out.
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You felt your wrist burning slightly as your body landed on Mattheo’s bed, shivering at the anger you could feel radiating off of him.
“Matty?” you asked quietly, sitting up to look at him confusedly. You didn’t know why he was mad. Even still, you wanted to help. He was your boyfriend, and you liked seeing him happy.
He was currently digging through drawers, obviously trying to find something. “Yes?”
“Are you okay?” you asked him quietly.
Mattheo found what he was looking for before walking over to you, kissing you as roughly as he could. “I’m just in a mood today, love.” he said.
“Can I help you?” you asked him, glad that it wasn’t anything you had done.
Mattheo smirked devilishly at that, kissing you breathless over and over again. He had a heart-shaped bottle of something in his hand, though you weren’t sure what it was. 
“What’s that?” you asked.
“You want to help me, right love?” he asked.
You nodded at his words, the need to help him overrunning your curiosity for him. “I do.”
“Then you’re gonna drink this for me, ‘kay?” he asked, holding the bottle up to your lips. His hands gripped at your chin so you couldn’t escape, fingers stretching your mouth open. You could feel drool running down the side of your face as he poured the liquid down your throat, eyes shut tight.
You grimaced at the taste before you started panting, looking at Mattheo with eyes in the shape of hearts. “Mattheo?” you panted confusedly.
“Did you like the taste of that?” he asked.
You looked at the bottle before nodding again, leaning your head forward with your tongue sticking out for more.
“Oh, you want more?” he asked, still keeping his grip on your chin as he poured more down.
Mattheo kept pouring, pouring the drink until there was nothing left to pour. He placed the glass down on the nightstand, the clink echoing in your mind as you looked up at him. “Mattheo.” you whined.
“Y/N.” he said with a small smirk on his face.
Your eyebrows furrowed confusedly, trying to figure what that was. “What was that?”
“Just a drink.” he whispered, kissing your neck up and down. 
You found yourself believing him.
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a bit shorter, but mattheo nonetheless! i also like the idea of his friends knowing what was going on but not really saying anything, since we all know the slytherin boys can really be toxic guys and gals (and yet we love em still)
AS ALWAYS - please like, comment, and reblog! have a lovely day!
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fou4summer · 3 days ago
New Student
yoo jaeyi × fem!reader
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Synopsis: First day in your new school. You just wanted to blend in and get through the year unnoticed. But Yoo Jaeyi, the school's top student with an icy reputation, seems to have other plans.
Warnings: drugs, bullying, i don't think there is any beside those.
Genre: Fluff
You were determined to keep a low profile at your new school. The last thing you wanted was to attract too much attention. As a new student, your focus was getting through the day without any drama, and just getting used to your new environment and classmates. They were actually pretty decent, not everyone of course. On that day you went in the uniform of the previous school cause you didn't know where to get the new one. Guess they found it too funny. Especially one girl, Na-ri. Or atleast you think that was her name. She was getting on your nerves, cause after you got the uniform from some random seller online she ruined it by pouring a drink on it "by accident". You went to the bathroom to wash off the red stain on your uniform and you bumped into the person you never wanted to talk to, Yoo Jaeyi.
She seemed like a problem. It was obvious she was rich and spoiled. But you didn't know why she asked you to sit with her on your first day or why she helped you escape the principal the other day. She was suspicious and you just wanted to avoid talking or even being near her. After bumping into her she apologized, bowing slightly towards you. You looked at her confused but you said that its fine and walked past her. She turned around to look at you while smiling.
You were now cleaning the ruined uniform when someone hugged you from behind. "You fit perfectly in my arms." The person behind you in a calm voice. You knew who it was so you jerked away. As you turned around, Yoo Jaeyi was standing there eyes wide cause you pushed her away. She was holding a white shirt that goes under the dark green uniform. "So...we're about the same size. I always keep a few extra shirts in my locker in case I get them dirty, which I can't stand." She chuckles in the end before handing you the shirt
"Thank you, but I don't need it." You said continuing to wash your clothes in the sink. Yoo Jaeyi went quiet for a bit, and then she sighed. "You can't wear wet and dirty clothes, come on wear thi-" She was cut off by you turning around and throwing the shirt she gave you. "Listen Jaeyi, I'm not like you. Not rich, and not gonna wear those. Even if my clothes are ruined I will still wear them. Do you not understand when I tell you that I don't need it, why do you keep insisting? Not everyone appreciates your kindness." You raised your voice at her as she remained quiet but shocked by your sudden change. Then her face went to her cold state again as she looked directly at you.
"Alright. Do as you wish." Jaeyi looked away from you walking towards the exit. At the same time she threw the shirt away. The moment she walked away you felt bad. Really bad. Cause she was the only person who actually talked to you normally without teasings and laughs about your uniform, or your past. You let out the breath you didn't even know you were holding before getting dressed. As you stepped into the classroom everyone's eyes were on you and your see through shirt. You sat in your seat before opening the book.
"I think I feel bed for Y/N, Na-ri went too far." Choi said while walking home with Jaeyi and Yeri. They were all super rich but they never found bullying interesting like other classmates. "Wait Na-ri did that to her?" Jaeyi shot back with a serious tone. Yeri chuckled looking over at Choi who just nodded. "Did you guys know she's on drugs?" She then added while fixing her makeup. Choi looked over before looking back at the other girl. "Who in our class isn't, come on." Jaeyi stated before calling her dad. Not so long after three girls parted their ways.
Over the next few days you felt like someone was always watching you, but whenever you turned around there was no one. Actually what you didn't know it was always the same person, Yoo Jaeyi. She followed you everywhere. One day she was with one of the classmates having dinner. She told her that Na-ri had bought drugs from her and she can use it against her, so she did. When Na-ri was just minding her business in the girls toilet someone pulled her hair. She yelled but she instantly apologized when she saw who it was. Jaeyi smirked before zooming in the camera. "Do you want the whole school to know our Na-ri is on drugs, hm?" She told her while laughing. The other girl got on her knees and begged her to delete the video. "Na-ri! Who told you to touch what's mine?" Jaeyi whispered after ending the recording on her phone.
Next couple of days Na-ri didn't come to school and everyone got confused until our homeroom teacher told us she transferred schools. You were smart but you would never guess that Yoo Jaeyi did it. I mean why would she? She probably transfered cause of family problems or something like that. Until you got told what actually happened. Choi never really talked to you unless it was something about school meetings or studies but now she was telling you why the girl actually moved to another school. "It was Jaeyi, she made her do it." She told you while scrolling through her gallery to find the video she got sent. After handing you the phone you were terrified. Why would she be so obsessed with you? What are you to her to do somrthing like this for you?
"I gotta go, I'll see you tommorow. Thank you for telling me the thruth." She looked at you confused but waved a goodbye, then you ran home. This can't distract you from studying. So you took the pills you stole and swallowed them with a glass of water. You studied the whole day, until you actually felt hungry. You didn't feel like making something, so you went to the closest convenience store. On your way there you were thinking about everything and how it was draining you slowly. You were just sitting at the bench, lost in your thoughts. You didn't even feel the rain start, but someone else did. That someone was now standing in front of you with an umbrella. When you looked up you saw her.
"Jaeyi..." She smiled before helping you get up. You were just staring at each other until she finally spoke. "You will get sick like this, how about you come over so I can give you some dry clothes." She was speaking just above her average tone because of the hard rain. "No I'm fine, my house is not far away." You lied, and she knew that. "It is far awa- I meant my house is closer, yeah." She cleared her throat and you wondered how does she know you lied about it? In the end you were too tired to argue and you remebered that you have to confront her about Na-ri so you went with her.
Her house was huge, like a mansion. When you entered her room her dog barked, making you flinch. She laughed and started playing with him. You calmed down and ran your fingers through his white fur. Her room was also huge and she had skateboards on her wall. Didn't know she was into that, you thought. After her dog got tired of playing you guys sat on her bed. "Why were you alone there...?" She asked looking into your eyes. Your thoughts came back, thinking about everything at once. She placed her hand over yours and you quickly pulled away. She came closer and took both of your hands in hers. "I'm sorry Y/N. I know you are mad at me about Na-ri, but I did it because she bullied you. Isn't that nice? Shouldn't you thank me?" She now caressed your hair, and worst of all you didn't mind it.
"I don't care what you do, just don't pull me into your shit." You sighed before standing up, getting ready to go home. You were getting too comfortable with her. You had to leave before she notices your red cheeks. "Y/N, your phone is dead and it's late. Why don't you spend the night and you can go in the morning?" She asked holding your wrist. You turned around looking down at her. Maybe here you can figure out why was she so obsessed with you. So you stayed. But it didn't really go like you planned...
Cause now you were in her bathtub waiting for her. Then she came in with a black bathrobe. She took it off staring at you and you covered your eyes. She chuckled before stepping in the bath. You stared at each other for a few seconds which felt like hours but then she came closer. "Y/N why are you flustered?" She asked you before placing her hand on your cheek. You could just shake your head as a no but she didn't take that as an answer. "Have you ever tried this?" She asked and you looked at her confused. "Tried w-what?" Your heart was beating so loud that you bet she hears it. "This..." She brushed her finger against your lips before leaning in, inches away from your lips. "And this..." She looked you in the eyes for the last time for any signs of discomfort. But there wasn't any. So she closed the distance inbetween. The kiss was slow and sweet, but Jaeyi turned it into a messy make out. She was kissing your neck and leaving marks after sucking the spot for too long. It felt too good, and you never wanted to stop. When her hands went down your chest and stomach tou grabbed her wrist. "Jaeyi...let's go to bed..." You mumbled against her ear. You wanted her just as much as she wanted you, but you couldn't let yourself have your first time, when you didn't even know her too well. She nodded not arguing but you could see on her face that she wanted to continue.
After getting dressed you two went to bed. You were staring at each other, your faces close. "I want to love you and not just watch you from afar..." She whispered before kissing your lips again. You were shocked by the sudden words but you kissed her back. The kiss didn't last long cause you were both tired. Eventually you both fell asleep but you couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Your plan did fail but maybe, just maybe this was way better. You in her arms knowing that she will protect you from anyone who doesn't like you.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first ever post on here, so if anything is bad or I should fix something please let me know:) Also you guys can request me who do you want me to write for next from Friendly Rivalry or maybe other kdramas.
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