#like. i love this show and these characters an unreasonable amount and i care so much about what's going to happen to them in the end
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hawkinslibrary · 3 months ago
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Stranger Things 4 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback | 4.09
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angelltheninth · 29 days ago
When Arcane Men Get Jealous
Pairing: Viktor, Jayce, Ekko, Vander, Silco, Finn, Marcus, Loris, Steb x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, jealousy, possessive behavior, being protective, kissing in public, biting, holding hands, public display of affection, canon typical violence, suggestive
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A/N: Would die if they were jealous over me. Melt into a puddle. Gone.
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When Viktor gets jealous he gets a bit more withdrawn than he usually is. Not that he was ever a social butterfly, however he was always more open and happy to talk when it was with you. So his behavior is odd, he even seems to get quieter whenever you walk into the room. Like he's trying to remove himself from you with silence.
"I am not avoiding you. Look, there has been a lot to do for the past week, I'm sorry if you got a bad impression but I was simply busy. If you want more company, go ask Jayce, or Skye, I'm sure they will be more than happy to entertain you, darling."
Viktor is short with his answers, saying as little as possible to minimize the amount of time he spends talking to you. Not because he doesn't want to talk to you, he loves talking to you, but if he keeps talking there's a chance he might say something he's going to regret. And end up hurting you.
"There you go again with these ridiculous accusations. You won't leave it alone will you? So now it's my fault that your project is running late? I would have been happy to help but someone was too busy talking with... you know what, nevermind. You're right, we both have a lot to do, so let's just drop this conversation and focus on work."
If you keep getting in the way of his work, Viktor will eventually come to a breaking point. Him not being able to work is only adding to his emotions, and he's never been the best at dealing with them. While he doesn't exactly yell at you, it's very rare that he ever raises his voice there's a notable frustration in his words, and pain, fear that you'd leave.
"If I'm being so unreasonable then leave. Go. Have fun. I know it's not idea to be cooped up in the lab all the time. There are so many more things to do out there. if you... want to go with other people I suppose I can't stop you, nor can I stop my own jealousy. How am I being even more unreasonable? I know you wouldn't leave me without talking about it. Look... I do not... want you to leave, working is more fun with you. But am I truly all that you want? Me? This lab? Because you're all I want. All that I can think of."
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When Jayce gets jealous he keeps invading your personal space when you're around the person or people he's jealous of. His behavior is nothing innapropriate or pushy. It's just his arm around your waist, just him bringing you that drink you wanted, just him bragging about you a bit too loud and saying how much he loves you.
"You really are great, babe. How in Runterra did I ever find a beauty like you huh? What's that bashfulness for now, I always praise you, and I'm never gonna stop. You're my girl right? I can be a proud boyfriend and talk you up every once in a while."
Physical affection a big deal to Jayce and a way he shows he cares but also a giveaway to his jealousy. He holds your hand longer, his eyes flicker between you and the one he's jealous off, his smile is a bit more nervous when he has to leave you alone. Then there are his kisses, not as gentle, not a little, quick peck on the edge of your lips but a real kiss, lips pressed against yours until you let him know you need air.
"Got a bit carried away there. Ah, sorry, I can't resist you sometimes. All the time. Do you expect me to when you wear lipstick like that? Makes your lips look like they're made to be kissed. By me specifically. I'd kiss you all night long, for the rest of our lives and never get tired of it."
Jayce keeps denying that he's jealous when you bring it up in a teasing way. Logically there's no reason to get jealous, everyone knows your relationship is doing great, in fact you're hardly ever fighting and even when you are it doesn't last too long. How does he turn that part of his brain off? How can he not get jealous when all those people look at you the way he looks at you?
"They're always looking at you. How can you not notice? It's so obvious. You don't notice because... you're only looking at me? That doesn't even make sense! Of course they're looking, you're breathtaking everywhere you go. I just hope that wherever you go, you'll always take me with you, because I want to be by your side forever."
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Ekko often jokes about being jealous so you don't pick up on him actually being jealous. A little jealousy is fine but not when it's getting in the way of his missions and operations with his team. He'd been a bit distracted in the past, by one of the Firelights flying too close to you, so he pushed his way between you two.
"It was the formation! Which you would have remembered if you weren't too busy chatting. Come on, Firefly, get your head in this. Otherwise you're gonna make your leader jealous. Wouldn't want that right? What if... what if you get demoted for it? Hey! Ow! I wouldn't demote you, who would listen to all my plans?"
When you have free time together Ekko makes sure to spend as much time with you as possible. If you're together all the time there's less chance that someone else will swoop in and flirt with you. He would never describe his behavior as being clingy, all he wants is to spend free time with his girlfriend. That is perfectly normal behavior.
"What do you say we go out to get some food? We don't have to spend all our time here. Not like the tree is gonna burn down if we're away for a couple of hours right? Besides it's been a while since it was just you and me all alone. Miss being alone with you. Don't you miss it too?"
If the person he's jealous of ever puts you in danger in any way Ekko will go off on them. Harder than he scolded others in the past. He might let some of his jealousy show then, but he storms off, well flies off before you can talk to him. As much as he wants to be alone he also makes room for you on his hoverboard when you float down next to him.
"Shouldn't have went off on them like that. I know, you don't gotta say it, I'll say I'm sorry. Let cool off a bit. You'd think that if they were flirting with you that much they could have been looking out a bit better. I'm always looking out for you. Maybe a bit too much. Sorry if I've been weird about it lately. Would you forgive me if I took you on a romantic hoverboard ride?"
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No one wants to piss off a big man like Vander by flirting with his wife. Everyone values their life and their bones too much. But... they stare at you. Quite openly actually. You see it, and you bet he sees it too. He sees everything that's happening at his bar and he won't stand for someone ogling his wife, even if he has to get aggressive about it.
"It's my damn bar, I've got the right to break the table with their heads when they're looking at ya like that. Tell ya what, a lot more people would avoid this place if I started beating up every asshole that looks at ya wrong. Only reason I don't is cause I don't want ya to be mad at me after."
He hasn't banned anyone from his bar in a very long time. Vander knows he tolerates a lot, this is Zaun, and some people don't have the best manners, that's not exactly their fault. But on the other hand if they start something with him then he will finish it. When he tells them to stop looking at you like you like you were one of Babette's workers and they get in his face he will pick them up and throw them out.
"Bastards had it coming. I tried to be nice, then they had to go and call ya names. Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna let anyone insult my wife. Not here, not on the streets, not anywhere. I went there and I wanted to talk to them, tell them to fuck the hell off, they were the ones who started getting violent. So I responded in kind."
Vander calls you over to the bar a bit more often if he sees a particular table is trying to monopolize you. He carries some of the drinks over, the food plates too, or he simply walks up behind you when one of the guys is getting flirty. Seeing his imposing, huge frame behind you, his muscles bulging, is enough to get most to back off you.
"See, darlin', I can talk things out just fine. When people are being smart about it that is. Might have to stop selling so much booze in this place, then they won't be so bold with ya. Ya are a pretty sight, I can't say otherwise. But ya are a pretty sight for me, not them, ain't that right? Mhm. I know, I'm all yer's too."
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Silco never ever says he's jealous of anyone. He is the most powerful man in all of Zaun, everyone is scared of him and with good reason. As the Eye of Zaun he knows when people are looking, talking too, and might even try to touch you. Those people are often payed a not so nice visit by his men.
"I did hear about that gang, yes. It's very unfortunate that they don't know how to keep their noses where they don't belong. It's not that big of a loss on our end. There are a hundred people who can do their work, and better. All that matters is that they won't even have to think about not touching you again."
He rarely has to get his own hands dirty when he gets jealous. All it takes is him saying who the target or targets are and he makes them dissapear from Zaun. That doesn't always have to be deadly, but if they're really dumb it is. If Silco feels that you're in some kind of danger then he will keep you close by. He tries to distract you from seeing he's jealous.
"All I'm saying is that we could take a break from work. Sevika and Jinx can handle a week of it. And you and me can lock ourselves up in our home and not come out. The bedroom works perfectly fine too, if you'd rather spend our time in there. And what is it that I'm doing, darling? Jealous? You are an observant one. I wouldn't want you any other way."
The only time Silco will threaten someone in person is if that someone is bold enough to flirt with you in front of them. He can scare people within an inch of their life just by talking to them, he's not just a good businessman, and some people tend to forget that. He has Zaun in the palm of his hand, and everyone in it.
"He did not actually piss himself. Did he actually. Hm, I wasn't look at him anymore to be honest. He was spineless, surprising given he talked to you like he did. Guess he was thinking with his other head a bit too much for his own good. Why are you looking at me that way? Ah, I see. Looks like someone enjoyed watching me put a scumbag into his place a bit too much."
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Since Finn isn't someone who would take anything lying down he will be damned before he sees someone coming onto his woman and not do anything about it. He might have a certain charm about him but that doesn't mean he's not ready to makes heads roll the moment when someone crosses any kind of line with you. Imaginary or otherwise.
"Hah, did you see that doll? As soon as I threw one punch he went down. All his buddies ran like rats. Left him all alone there. After all that tough talk and he couldn't even defend himself. Serves him right. He's lucky all I did was break his nose when he flirted with you. I wasn't even that far away."
Finn will make out with you in front of who ever he is jealous of just to prove a point to them. And while he has you moaning, has your head buried against his neck and your body running hot he will look at the other person and stick his tongue out at them, right before making a V with his fingers and putting his tongue between them. He's vulgar but it gets the point across very well.
"All these people looking at what's mine. Now, I can't have that right? I love that you're showing off your body, it's a great body, you know how much I love it. But sometimes I want to keep you away from prying eyes. And if I can't the least I can do is give them a show. Make them know I'm the only one who can touch you."
His jacket is a signature part of his outfit, but Finn will let you wear it. Hell, he will walk over and drape it over your shoulders while not even looking at whoever you're talking to. Sometimes they're not worth looking at when he can look at the pretty way you blush as you touch his hand that's lingering on your shoulder.
"Thought you looked a bit cold there. Keep this on all night. Later on I'll help you warm up my way, a much more fun way. Don't even worry about your perfume getting all into this, love having your scent all over me. And by tomorrow you're gonna be wearing all of my marks."
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There are a lot of people in the Enforcers who tease Marcus about having such a pretty wife. He knows you're pretty, but he doesn't like that the department is noticing it so much as well. Not that there's any way for him to hide it, or that he wants you to hide it, that would be a real crime.
"I was not pouting. That is so childish. I was glaring at them. Well, they were the ones who stared first. You visit me at work, like that's such a big deal. We're married, honey, I pick you up from work too. Why is it such a big deal here? I think they're just trying to get a rise out of me."
Won't deny that he's feeling jealous or shy away from showing it. When Marcus notices any of his men flirting with you he makes them work extra hard that day, he gives them more paperwork, something that everyone hates there, or assigns them to the toughest jobs that he knows will take them days to complete. He can't help but chuckle when you visit again and they're too tired to flirt with you, they just say hello.
"What do you mean I'm picking on them? Of course not. You know how hard it is to deal with all these extra cases. Someone has to take on a few more. No, the fact that it's the same Enforcers who gave you flowers that one time has nothing to do with it. You think it does? And do you have evidence of this accusation?"
Marcus isn't shy about kissing you in front of the whole department. If that's what it takes to send them all a clear message to back off. It's always perfectly chaste kisses, but he does make sure that everyone hears him say he loves you when you leave. He smirks when eyes turn to him and he wishes them all a good rest of their day.
"Now you call me petty. All of these accusations and you still don't have any evidence. That's not a very good way to have a case. You've been keeping count have you? Oh. You... actually have been keeping count? I'm guilty? Fine, you got me, you got me. Maybe... that was a little petty of me, but I'm not sorry."
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Every time Loris is jealous it's almost impossible for him to hide that fact. He's a big guy, nothing about him is easy to his, not even his emotions. And he's loud, so every time he huffs, mumbles something, or grunts you hear it. Your eyes meet and he looks away, his hand grasping yours and running his thumb over the back of your hand.
'They were staring at you a bit too much for my liking, pretty girl. If they were as tough as they pretend they were they should have held their ground more. Proves they were all bark and no bite. People like that really get on my nerves, and then they talk to my girl like she's single."
Loris invites you to have lunch with him quite often, even more often when he gets jealous of someone who works with him. Dealing with them in any other way would be unprofessional of him, and might get him in trouble. This way he gets to avoid that, avoid them, and spend a nice lunch date with you. No matter how you look at it he's the real winner here.
"Looks so good. But if you keep looking at me like that I might get hungry for something else besides the food. Just try shifting the blame on me when you know exactly how you're looking at me right now. I wouldn't risk it at work, but... if you showed up with a few hickeys on your neck it might get the rest of the department to stop flirting with you."
As much as he tries to make his jealousy go away it's not easy. Loris knows he should be an example for others, after all he had been an Enforcer for a long time, he can't just let his emotions get the better of him. Hard to keep those emotions down when they concern you. If nothing else works he will intimidate people. Easy enough for him. But he would rather that be a last resort.
"If he wasn't ready to throw fists and words at me then he shouldn't have thrown flirty words at you. He should be able to back himself up if he's gonna be saying stuff like that. All I did was pick him up and throw him outside. Hey, I might get in a bit of trouble for it, but at least he'll leave you alone from now on. I'd risk my badge for you if I have to, you know that."
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Since he is the quiet type Steb shows his emotions and jealousy is one that he works hard to surpress. Every time he notices that someone is standing a little too close to you he walks over and looks at you, lovingly, then he looks at the other person with a glare, a deadly one. All the while he's standing shoulder to shoulder with you.
"Come now, angelfish, they weren't even worth your time. We both know they only had one thing in mind when they were talking to you. I could see it in their eyes. I don't appreciate that they looked at you like that. And I know you don't either. So I felt like I had to step in."
He is very physical with his jealousy. Steb lets his eyes and touches linger a few moments longer when he wants to make a point to someone. While he knows you don't hate it he also doesn't want to come off as too jealous or too possessive over you. You can take care of yourself and he loves that about you, he's watched you put people in their place often, but there are times where he can't hold himself back.
"I could feel your fingers interlocking with mine. You wanted me to stand close to you when they weren't leaving you alone. Would you have raised your voice if I hadn't walked over? It would be amusing to see it. But I think those kisses we shared also sent an equally powerful message. You didn't have to bit me though."
Steb nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck when he's feeling really, really jealous of someone. He makes it look less possessive than it is, pretending like he's overhearing something you have to say, and then pushing himself just a little bit closer. His cold lips make contact with your neck, sending shivers down your body before he brushes your lips with his thumb and leaves with a smirk.
"That ought to be enough. I could have done more but marking you in public might have been a step too far. We can enjoy things like that in private however. I enjoy being close to you in any context, and if it makes others realize you're not looking for anyone because you've already got a man then I enjoy it even more."
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calliecopper · 2 months ago
Ian Gallagher Being His Own Person, and Why That's Controversial
A meta about Ian's story during his time away from Mickey, and the hate his character receives for it. Inspired by @dazzle02 :)
How many times have you heard somebody say that they skipped season 8 of Shameless because Mickey wasn't in it? How many times have you heard somebody say that season 7 is only good during Mickey's episodes, or that the story is boring without Mickey in it, or that Ian's S6-8 arc was boring without Mickey? How many times have you heard somebody proclaim that Ian wasn't a good partner to Mickey?
Mickey is undeniably THE fan favorite character of the show, and with that comes a tendency for fans to defend him tooth and nail, even when he is in the wrong, and refuse to see any other points of view. Characters who go against Mickey in any way receive a harsh amount of criticism that sometimes is not fully justified. This applies even to Mickey's main connection to the story: Ian.
During season 5 and onward, some fans hold Ian's actions against him very harshly when I feel he deserves a bit more empathy. Of these, there are three main things people criticize his character for during seasons 5, 6, and 7 that I feel are not given proper analysis and thought by fandom.
Disclaimer before we get in because people feel very passionately about these two: Every interpretation of a character is entirely unique to each individual viewer, and these are just my opinions. This is in no way an anti-Mickey post, so as you read, keep in mind that any criticism toward him is not meant to make him out to be a bad character. Don't bite me.
Season Five: The Breakup of All Time
I think a large part of why people get so upset with Ian for the breakup is because of the growth Mickey experienced in seasons 4-5 leading up to it.
Mickey in seasons 1-3 is in extreme denial of being gay, and when he grows feelings for Ian, he lashes out and treats Ian like shit. Seeing Mickey's slow growth starting in season 3 brought interest to his character, and in season 4 with his major growth during his coming out, he becomes very compelling to a viewer. After all the angst that it took to get Mickey to finally open up, there's a natural desire to see that positive growth and relationship development continue. When Ian throws a wrench in that by breaking up with Mickey in season 5, people get upset, and they're going to direct that toward Ian because he is the easiest to blame.
There's the sentiment of, "Mickey came out for Ian, took care of Ian, and supported Ian when he needed him most despite his faults. Why is Ian leaving Mickey in the dust when he now needs him most?"
This is honestly not an unreasonable thing to feel when looking at things from Mickey's perspective.
But, when you take a look at Ian's character, and you really think of his motivations in that moment, his decision to break up is actually very understandable. Ian didn't break up with Mickey because he thinks Mickey is a bad partner or because he doesn't love Mickey enough. He broke up with Mickey because he thought that's what was best FOR Mickey.
I think comparing the breakup to their fight over marriage in season 10 to be an effective way to understand Ian better.
In season 10:
"How do you know you love me? Huh? How do you really know? I'm bipolar, right? I don't know who I am from one day to the next, and I can't guarantee shit. So why do you wanna spend the rest of your life with me?"
- Ian to Mickey, S10E9
Compare this to this conversation during the breakup:
"You used to love me. Now you don't even know who I am. Shit, I don't know who I am half the time... You don't owe me anything."
"I love you."
"The Hell does that even mean?"
- Ian and Mickey, S5E12
I feel that Ian's mindset is pretty similar in these two moments. In season 5, he is still grappling with his diagnosis, and he has no frame of reference of how a healthy life with bipolar can look. Everybody has been comparing him to Monica, and he himself seems to oscillate between thinking he is like her and not like her, so in his mind, he has nothing to offer anymore.
Then, in season 10, in his mind he proved himself right. He tried to get his shit in order, lived happily and found peace with his diagnosis, and then he fucked it up. He had an episode, and he lost everything he fought so hard to have. He has practically ruined his life because he DID what he FEARED he would:
"I hate the meds. You gonna make me take 'em?"
"You get fucking nuts when you don't."
"Are you gonna want to be with me even if I don't?"
- Ian and Mickey, S5E12
That conversation isn't Ian saying he isn't going to take his meds, given how in season six, he IS taking his meds. I interpret his above statement to be a warning to Mickey. Because Monica has tried to get on her meds before, has tried to get better, and has failed many times. IAN has gone off his meds willingly twice now. This is him telling Mickey, straightforward, "I do not like the meds, and there will always be a risk of me deciding not to take them."
And in seasons 8-9, he does exactly that. He goes off his meds, and he destroys everything he built for himself. That's part of the reason why he hesitates to marry Mickey in season 10, and part of the reason he breaks up with Mickey in season 5.
Ian views himself and his disorder to be a burden on the people he loves. He believes that Mickey will be better off without him.
"I don't want you sitting around, worrying, watching me, waiting for me to do my next crazy shit."
- Ian to Mickey, S5E12
Because Mickey HAS been doing that. Ever since he was diagnosed, Mickey has been watching Ian like a hawk, acting like a nurse, which frustrates Ian.
"Fuckin' nurse now?"
"I'm sick of your whiny, pussy crap. I don't need a fucking caretaker, alright? I need the shit-talking, bitch-slapping piece of Southside trash I fell for. Where is he? The fuck is he, Mickey?"
- Ian to Mickey, S5E10
But, of course, Mickey doesn't see it that way. To Mickey, Ian is anything but a burden he wants to unload.
"It means we take care of each other. [...] It means thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit."
- Mickey to Ian, S5E12.
Mickey would do anything for Ian. He confronted his worst fear by coming out, stayed with Ian even after the infidelity, defended Ian after he kidnapped his son, and tried his best to understand a mental illness he had no prior knowledge about. Yet, Ian still won't commit to him. After everything, he still isn't good enough.
"I'm not saying never!"
"No, you're just saying you don't love me enough now."
- Ian and Mickey, S10E9
And Ian, meanwhile, thinks that HE isn't good enough for MICKEY. He has been diagnosed with a lifelong condition, one that he has seen ruin lives firsthand, something that will be a part of him for the rest of his life, and he doesn't wanna tie Mickey down to that life.
It's all one massive miscommunication.
Finally, I think the part that is the most confusing to fans regarding Ian's mindset during the breakup stems from his moments with Monica in S5E11 and S5E12.
Specifically, the parallels between these two conversations.
"Ian, there's always gonna be people that are gonna try and fix us. And you can never make those people happy. Like it breaks their heart just to look at you."
"Yeah, um, even Mickey now."
"He's your boyfriend, right? [...] I'm sure he means well, but you need to be with people who accept you for who you are. And they're out there. You should never apologize for being you."
- Monica and Ian, S5E11.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Too much! Too much is wrong with me. That's the problem, isn't it? Too much is wrong with me, and you can't do anything about that. You can't change it. You can't fix me, 'cause I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed, okay? I'm me!"
- Ian and Mickey, S5E12.
Monica's interpretation of the relationship seems to paint Mickey in a negative light. "He means well, but he doesn't get it," or something along those lines. Based on her previous experiences with the diagnosis, she has come to the conclusion that people like Mickey or Fiona, who try to get them to take medication and are saddened by the diagnosis, are being controlling, and do not love them for who they really are. That's why she always went back to Frank; he actively tried to get her to NOT take her meds or get better, and did not encourage her when she DID try to get better. So, to her, being off her meds IS the TRUE version of herself, and the people who can not accept that do not accept her.
But I think, while Ian's lines parallel Monica's, that he does not think the same way that she does.
Toward the end of season 5, Ian seems to do a complete 180 from his previous statements on his similarities with Monica.
"You flushed your pills? You get thats a full-on Monica move, right?"
"I'm not Monica."
- Ian and Fiona, S5E8
" [...] Cause they all say how alike we are."
"That's probably not a compliment."
"Uh... No, I think it is."
- Ian and Monica, S5E11
This happens in the wake of his arrest, after Ian's siblings talk about him to the military police. Many of their comments seem to hit Ian in a way that makes him feel misunderstood or like a burden.
Debbie: But he's been acting crazier for longer than that.
Lip: Yeah, at least this past year.
Officer: How would you characterize his behavior?
Debbie: Compared to how he used to be... He's different.
Lip: He'll go back and forth from, you know, being depressed, to, you know, incredibly wound up. I mean, he ran off with a baby for no reason.
Debbie: He almost hit me in the head with a baseball bat.
Fiona: Our mother was bipolar, so we know what it looks like. She put us through Hell, and- I'm not saying you put us through Hell, but when they're manic they can be destructive.
Officer: In your opinion, does he require medication?
Fiona: Yes.
Officer: Is he unable to care for himself?
Fiona: Sometimes, yes.
So, when Ian talks to Monica when they reconnect, Ian expresses loneliness and a feeling of isolation.
"I'm really glad you came, yknow? I just... I needed someone to talk to who... gets it."
- Ian to Monica, S5E11
When Monica tells Ian to not be ashamed and that she loves him for him, she is kind of acting like his Frank. The meds have been taking a toll, and recovery is so difficult that running with her and getting validation from the only other person who could "get it" is an easy choice to make. I think the combined factors of Mickey treating him so delicately, his siblings laying out his flaws so plainly, and his mother's open acceptance creates a feeling of bitterness or shame, and Ian is hoping to find comfort in his mother.
But it doesn't go the way he expects it to.
At the diner, he thinks that Monica is going to prostitute herself for money, and is relieved when she doesn't. It's likely he was thinking of his own stint at the Fairytale in this moment.
Then, he recalls a moment from his childhood that he does not look upon fondly, only for Monica to refer to it as "good times."
He meets Monica's partner and discovers he is an aggressive teenage meth dealer that she is helping to sell the meth.
I think Ian has a true moment of clarity during this. He had thought that he was vindicated, that everybody else was wrong, that they didn't understand, that Monica was right, and that he was perfectly fine just the way he was. But then he sees what Monica considers to be "a happy life."
"Ian, I'm finally happy. People like us, we can be happy. I love him, and that's the most important thing, to find somebody to love, right? Who loves you back for who you are. I want that for you. I love you. We're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."
- Monica to Ian, S5E12.
Monica's perception of life is warped. What she considers a good life is living in a trailer selling meth. Good memories are traumatic memories for those around her. True love and support is an aggressive teenage dealer, or Frank Gallagher.
A simple drive to Ian was a horrifying kidnapping to Svetlana. Doing a porn that was no big deal to Ian was a betrayal of trust to Mickey. Joining Monica and ignoring the calls of his well-meaning but ignorant family to Ian was a painful and worrisome disappearance to them. Ian's perception HAS been warped, and he's crashing back to reality, realizing that he has run off with MONICA, realizing that he can't continue down the same path as her, and needs to go home.
He's come to accept that he is bipolar. He's internalized what his family has kept repeating, that he is just like Monica, and looking at her living like this, believing that she is living well, is terrifying to him.
So he goes home, believing that he is just like his mother, and he's doomed to be a piece of shit. He goes back, and he breaks up with Mickey. Because he doesn't think that people like him can be happy, and he doesn't think he'll be okay. And that isn't something that Mickey can change. Too much is wrong with him, and Mickey can't do anything about it.
Really, it's just a matter of Ian operating under the "if you love them, let them go" mindset, and Mickey interpreting it as a rejection. It's the two of them both believing they are not good enough for the other and internalizing it instead of properly communicating.
TL;DR: Ian's breakup with Mickey in S5E12 is not done in a healthy OR selfish mindset. To him, he will do nothing but drag Mickey down, and in his unmedicated and clearly altered state of mind, he thinks the best thing is to let him go.
Season Six: Dating Caleb and Other Blasphemy
The first time we see Mickey in season six, it's behind a pane of glass in an orange jumpsuit.
Mickey had tried to murder Sammi, Ian's half-sister, and had been sentenced to prison for 15 years. It's established that Ian has not been to visit Mickey much and is trying to move on past that time in his life. But, upon being bribed by Svetlana, Ian visits, and during this visit Mickey asks Ian a question:
"You gonna wait for me?" - Mickey to Ian, S6E1.
And when Ian shows hesitation:
"Fuckin' lie if you have to, man, eight years is a long time." - Mickey to Ian, S6E1.
So, Ian replies:
"Yeah. Yeah, Mick, I'll wait." - Ian to Mickey, S6E1.
Before even meeting Caleb, fans absolutely tear into Ian for his decision to not commit to Mickey in this moment. They call it selfish, or out of character, or unfair to ice Mickey out when he is going through this difficult time.
But, let's look at it from Ian's position.
Ian has dealt with abandonment issues his entire life, with both Monica and Frank being unstable and infrequent providers during his adolescence. Throughout his relationship with Mickey, they had been separated on three separate occasions, one of which was entirely voluntary on Mickey's part. Now, due to committing a major crime, Mickey has been sent away for up to fifteen years. They would both be in their thirties by the time Mickey would be released, or close to it if he got out early, and that's not even considering that he was actively taking part in jobs / activities that could extend his sentence, like stabbing people.
Ian has dealt with recurring disappointment and abandonment his entire life, and throughout their time together, Mickey hasn't really established himself as stable.
Now, before you bring out the pitchforks;
"But Mickey was there for Ian and supported him through seasons 4-5. He grew as a person and proved he IS reliable."
Yes, that's true. He did undergo massive development that allowed him to be a better partner and more reliable person to Ian. But, canonically that period of time only takes place over a few months.
Mickey, for the better part of 2-3 years, was NOT a good partner to Ian. Multiple years of an unsteady situationship is not so easily forgotten. Yes, Mickey 1000% had valid reasons for acting the way he did. It's made very clear in S3E6 and S4E11 why Mickey hides his sexuality and lashes out when forced to confront it. But that isn't an excuse. His reasons for acting in a negative way towards Ian the first three seasons is understandable, but he went about it in a bad way.
Not to mention that, despite his growth, Mickey has just been sent to PRISON. No matter how you spin it, his decision to go after Sammi was NOT justified and does not necessarily bring forth confidence in his reliability and stability.
It's not unreasonable for Ian to not want to wait for over a decade for a man who has not always been the best for him. It sucks as a viewer who is invested in them, but Ian was not in the wrong.
Beyond (justifiably) selfish reasons, Ian also already thought that he was bad for Mickey, was worried that he would ruin his life, and with Mickey's justification for his torture attempt being that he did it FOR Ian, that Sammi had it coming because of what she did TO Ian, Ian probably felt responsible for that as well. There was probably a level of guilt in Ian from the whole situation, both for Mickey being in prison and for leaving him there.
But from his point of view, it's better for everybody to try and move on.
What really bothers me about this criticism toward Ian is the sense that he OWED Mickey his time and loyalty. Because Mickey had given and sacrificed so much for Ian during seasons 4-5, it's like people think Ian is then obligated to return that for Mickey, no matter what Mickey did. It's a very transactional way to view the situation, and it just leaves me with an icky taste in my mouth. Nobody owes anybody anything in that situation. Ian does not owe Mickey companionship, and Mickey did not owe Ian support when he got put in prison in season 9. Returning to Ian was Mickey's decision to make, and not a decision Ian was obligated to make in season 6.
Now, onto the actual "dating other people" part of the conversation.
For months, Ian has done nothing but get his meds on track while working at Patsy's, then at the janitors job on Lip's campus. During this time, Ian expresses having a very low sense of self-worth.
"He as smart as you?"
"Yeah, he's smart."
"Lip is the genuis of the family."
"So that gives you an excuse for not finishing [high school]? You seem plenty smart, and Dav's uniform doesn't really suit you."
- Ian, Lip, and Professor Youens, S6E3
"This is it for me, Lip. This job. This is where I land."
- Ian to Lip, S6E3
Which Lip comments on in a very concise way:
"Yknow, he thinks... Being bipolar means he's doomed to be a piece of shit like our mother."
- Lip about Ian, S6E3
Ian feels no sense of purpose during these months. He feels he has no worth and that he is doomed to work a dead-end job and have no happiness. He thinks he is just like Monica.
That only changes when he witnesses an accident on the highway, and he saves a woman's life by pulling her out of a burning car.
This leads us to Caleb.
Now I'll admit, this is where I take issue with the storytelling, because this would've been a PERFECT way to segue into Ian's EMT arc, but regardless of what I personally think would've been better, the way it plays out in canon does actually still make sense for Ian's character.
After saving the woman from the burning car, Ian collapses due to smoke inhalation and exhaustion. A firefighter on the scene provides Ian with oxygen, thus saving his life. Ian immediately fixates on this particular firefighter.
Now, Ian has a very complicated relationship with feeling his emotions post his diagnosis. In season five, when he is numbed by his meds, the only way for him to feel again is through pain, via self-harm or starting physical fights, and sex. In fact, sex plays a major part in many aspects of Ian's life.
From the age of fifteen, Ian had been consistently subject to sexual abuse. He's been used for his body by countless men throughout his teenage years and has been oftentimes reduced merely to his sexuality and what he can provide to his partner. Even Mickey, in season 2, tells Ian as such in a panicked rage.
"You think we're boyfriend and girlfriend here? You're nothing but a warm mouth to me."
- Mickey to Ian, S2E8.
(No, I'm not saying Mickey sexually abused Ian. But he did contribute to the way we see Ian default so heavily to objectifying and sexualizing himself.)
So, due to this recurring trauma, Ian has a tendency to default to sex as the primary way of getting satisfaction, be it emotional or physical.
So, when Ian gets a rush of adrenaline from the crash, after months of that numbness, he chases the emotions in the most effective way he knows how.
Ian goes to the firehouse with cookies to give as thanks to the firefighter who saved him, but with a clear ulterior motive of getting laid. When he finds out that the particular firefighter (who happens to be part of the "gay shift" which is an odd writing choice) he saw on the highway is married, Ian meets Caleb. In this scene, they speak all of one line to each other when Caleb invites Ian to a firehouse softball game. The next time we see them on screen together, Ian acts very flirtatious toward Caleb, which sets forth their relationship.
"You ever pitch?"
"... Usually, but I'm open depending on what you're into. Where we doing this?"
"Follow me."
"Wait, we're actually playing softball?"
- Ian and Caleb, S6E5
I think Ian receives hate for this simply because he's expressing interest in a guy that isn't Mickey. Fans get the impression that Ian is moving on too fast or that his interest in Caleb is sudden or rushed. However, I think the rushed nature actually works to show Ian's intentions. In this moment, Ian is not really looking for a full-on relationship. Given how little they interacted thus far, the fact that Caleb wasn't even who Ian was originally interested in, and how Ian's comments consistently err on the side of sexual, its safe to say Ian was just looking for a hookup. In fact, it's Caleb who pushes so hard FOR the relationship.
Mickey, in a deleted scene, hooks up with an inmate right after talking with Ian. If Ian's relationship with Caleb had only been a fling or hookup, I don't think Ian would've been as heavily criticized. As it is, fans get upset at this relationship because it IS a relationship. They go on dates, Ian starts staying with Caleb, and really they seem to be very domestic.
But I don't think Ian was as dedicated to the relationship with Caleb as fans make him out to be.
From the jump, Ian seems uncomfortable with the quick-moving pace of it. At first he only seems interested in sex with Caleb, but upon the negative reaction that provokes, Ian conceded to going on a date with Caleb (which is a bit of a slap in the face to Mickey fans after Gallavich's ruined date.)
"[...] I was hoping to get my hands on your hose."
"Is that what this is to you? A fuck?"
"You say it like it's a bad thing. Come on, let's get out of here."
"No. I knew you were younger than me, but I thought you were a grown-up."
"Fuck. Okay. Okay. Hey, I'm into you, alright? I thought you were into me."
"I am."
"Then what's the problem?"
"I don't stick my dick in just any guy."
"What do you want, then?"
"Seriously? Do I have to spell it out for you?"
"A date."
"With, like, flowers and chocolate and shit?"
"No, we could skip the flowers."
"Okay. You're on."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E5
(Side note, pulling a "is that all this is to you" after two non-romantic interactions is not just quick in terms of hookup culture, which Ian is more attuned to, but is quick in any terms. More on that later.)
During this date, Ian is visibly very uncomfortable. Some would chalk this up to him having never been on a date before, and the writing even seems to imply that,
"Okay, look, I have no idea what I'm doing. My last boyfriend wasn't much of a talker, his idea of a conversation was to insult me a bunch and then punch me right before we banged."
- Ian to Caleb, S6E6
but that's actually not true, DESPITE the writers forgetting that.
"You know, Mickey and I never went out on dates. Ned never took me out, Kash and I fucked in the back of a convenience store, and I don't think jerking off strangers in a nightclub counts, so..."
- Ian to Lip, S6E6.
He actually HAD gone out on a "date" with Ned in season three, where he was visibly less uncomfortable than on his date with Caleb. He also went to many loft parties during his time dancing at the club, wherein he blended in very well and was able to sorta chameleon himself with the northside crowd. I think the show wants us to believe his discomfort is from him "never having been on a date before" or being unfamiliar with a "slower" pace, but I think his discomfort actually would stem from him just genuinely not being interested in Caleb in a romantic way, and thus feeling awkward on a date that's in a more romantic setting (compared to his one with Ned, which was undoubtedly more sexual.)
I also think his discomfort stems from being completely out of his element. Ian has taken a massive hit to his confidence since his diagnosis, so his Southside roots bring about a bit more hesitancy in him than it might have before, and he may be less confident in his ability to chameleon. That's why, during the date, Ian shows discomfort with Caleb when he shows more "class" than Ian.
"Usually, I get a bunch of apps to share. You good with that?"
"[Uncertain hum] ... Appetizers! Sure, yeah, big- big fan of apps."
"You seem like a very pensive kinda guy. You an only child?"
"Uh, no."
"Brothers and sisters?"
"A bunch, yeah."
"Older or younger?"
"What about your parents? Both still alive?"
"... Yeah."
"... Fantastic. I'm learning so much."
"Where I'm from, people communicate with their fists."
"Where's that?"
"Mmm. Hands of steel. Okay, so you're a street rat. A brawler."
"Is that a problem?"
"Only if you make it one."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E6.
Then, beyond their first date, we have the actual relationship to dive into.
Throughout his scenes with Caleb, Ian seems to oscillate between neutrality, discomfort, or mild enjoyment in the situations he finds himself in.
There's this interaction, for example, where Ian lets Caleb take charge in defining their relationship:
"So what are we doing?"
"Whatever you want, I guess."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E7.
Or this moment:
"What are you smiling at?"
"I like having you over here. What are you smiling at?"
"I like having a purpose."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E8.
Or when Caleb invites Ian out with his friends, and we see Ian slip into his chameleon persona, mirroring the petty mannerisms of the most vocal participant of the conversation, as well as avoiding diving too much into his personal history.
"You haven't told me which one is your ex."
"Old guy, pink sweater."
"How'd you know?"
"Ooh, a redhead, Caleb? Does his carpet match his drapes?"
"You're a good sport."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E8.
"If we had known you were bringing a middle school student, Caleb, we wouldn't have come to a place that cards."
"Oh, no, it's cool, I don't drink. I hear it makes your skin old and leathery."
"That's-that's how we're playing this?"
"Hey, you threw down first."
"Where you from, kid?"
"Back of the Yards."
"Local boy. What's your story?"
"Who you are, what you do, how did you meet this chocolate bundt cake?"
"Met him at the firehouse."
- Ian and Gregory, S6E8
"We like this one, Caleb. Don't we, Gregory?"
"I mean, If young, beautiful, and kind of a smartass is something to like, sure, fine, I guess we do."
- Caleb's friends about Ian, S6E8.
OR, in a deleted scene where Caleb expresses frustration at Ian keeping the distance between him and Ian's family, as well as Ian's lack of communication, while Ian seems unbothered or even perplexed by Caleb's frustration.
"So, where'd you sleep last night?"
"Home. Got done at three, told you I'd be late."
"Yeah, like nighttime late, not next day late."
"Well, I didn't wanna wake you, and I had to go back there to grab some stuff: clothes, towels..."
"Where's there?"
"Home, you mean?"
"Back of the Yards."
"Right. You did mention that once. I still don't know where it is or who I'd call if there was an emergency?"
"Uh... my brother, I guess? Or my sister."
"Brother or sister. Okay. I'll just track down Ian Gallagher's brother or sister on the internet."
"I'll... put their numbers in your phone."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E11 deleted scene.
OR any of the follwing:
When they go to get Ian tested for STDs, he is visibly uncomfortable having Caleb in the room with him.
He is only comfortable revealing his bipolar disorder if it is done in exchange for another secret from Caleb.
He isn't very comfortable sharing his past, only references his previous relationship in a lighthearted manner, and he only reveals his sexual history upon feeling pressured to do so, which he purposefully presents in a callous way.
To me, the entirety of Ian and Caleb's relationship reads as Ian's desperation for validation through sex, which leads to him putting up with a relationship he isn't entirely comfortable in or commited to or ready for. To me, it seems like he's truly just looking for companionship in any way he can get it.
Out of everything, though, I think what really gets to fans most about this storyline is the constant comparison of Caleb to Mickey as a means of demonizing Mickey.
Throughout the entirety of Ian and Caleb's relationship, there is a constant comparison between the two relationships, seemingly with the intent of painting Mickey as a horrible partner.
When Ian tells Lip about his upcoming date with Caleb, he remarks that he never went on dates with Mickey, which comes off as an unnecessary jab.
During his date with Caleb, Ian talks about his lack of effective communication skills, which reflects negatively on Mickey, to the point Caleb brings forward the idea of domestic abuse.
During the wedding that Ian attends with Caleb, Ian mentions Mickey's marriage to Svetlana, and he uses a tone that comes off as belittling the situation and how difficult it was for Mickey.
There's this line, when Caleb asks Ian to kiss for the first time:
"Can I kiss you?"
"I thought kissing comes after you've had sex a bunch of times."
"Ian, kissing comes whenever you want it to. Even now."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E6.
Then, there's Mandy stating that Caleb was better than Mickey.
"A hot black fireman. Also an artist."
"Upgrade from my brother."
"I miss Mickey, but uh... This new guy's nice."
- Ian and Mandy, S6E9
These near constant comparisons to Mickey are frustrating to fans, because it can often feel like Ian, or even just the writers and the narrative, are trying to belittle Mickey's character and reduce him to a one-note toxic ex, which completely spits in the face of the development that he went through. THAT is what is most frustrating to fans.
Because it's true that Mickey was not always the best partner. In real life, Mickey would be a walking red flag, and Gallavich would be undeniably toxic. But that applies to EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in Shameless. That is the entire point of the show. None of them are particularly good people. They all do shitty things, but they all have compelling reasons for doing it. That's why we can look at these characters and feel connected to them instead of just absolutely hating them.
It's a really odd writing choice for a show that focuses on morally gray characters, or the idea that nobody in the show is really a good person, to decide to play moral high ground in this particular instance, and have Ian suddenly turn his nose up at Mickey's behaviors.
But is this really how Ian feels?
Because, as established, Ian is VERY good at playing chameleon. He is good at shaping himself into whatever a partner wants him to be. He mirrors his partners mannerisms, beliefs, and attitudes.
And Caleb, for all that the story wants to make us believe he's better than Mickey, is actually not the best partner either. Not just for cheating on Ian in season seven and then gaslighting Ian about it; he shows some toxic behaviors in season six as well, including being lowkey judgmental about Ian's Southside roots.
Take, for example, Caleb implying that the Southside is trash, but that he can see the beauty in Ian despite being from the Southside:
"That's my latest. I love to find the treasure inside the trash. Trying to find the secret life in things. What it wants to be instead of what it is."
"Is that what you're doing with me?"
"Good question. Can I kiss you?"
- Ian and Caleb, S6E6
(Which, funnily enough, this line from Caleb goes pretty against the sentiment that Monica had in season five, of Ian finding somebody who loves Ian for who he already is, as Mickey did.)
Or, for another example, Caleb judging Ian pretty heavily during the softball game for being "not grown-up." Simply because Ian expresses sexual interest in him above romantic.
"Cmon, let's get out of here."
"No. I knew you were younger than me, but I thought you were a grown-up."
- Ian and Caleb, S6E5.
Which, as I pointed out before, is really strange behavior. Participating in hookup culture isn't something that Ian needs to be shamed over. There's a sentiment of "Hooking up is beneath me, it's immature," to Caleb's tone, which is unfair. Now, he has reasons for this, that being his experience with getting HIV from a hookup who lied to him, which draws a pretty interesting parallel to Ian.
"Don't worry, guy I did the scene with said he was clean."
"He didn't use a rubber? Are you out of your fucking mind?"
- Ian and Mickey, S5E5.
"Guy in college. He lied to me."
- Caleb to Ian, S6E8.
(Which I actually find to be a very interesting plot point and is actually a pretty good scene.)
So, while Caleb was not wrong to put forth a boundary by not hooking up, he was wrong for acting as if IAN was the problem in the situation. Not to mention, his behavior at the game is very strange when taken into account how little they've interacted thus far. He had understandable reasons for his negative reaction, but he went about it the wrong way. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Anyways, I could talk about the relationship between Ian and Caleb more, but that's not what the point of this is.
The point I'm trying to make is that Caleb, however covertly, expresses a negative or biased view toward the Southside lifestyle. And Ian, being the type to mimic his partners, follows along in that.
Ian already fears that he is going to be left. He is afraid that showing Caleb who he really is and not being the idealized version of himself will lead to Caleb breaking up with him.
"I'm enjoying it while it lasts."
"You think he'll dump you?"
"Well, I've told him I'm bipolar, and my family's screwed up, and he took it pretty well. But it's one thing to hear it and another to live it, so... We shall see."
- Ian and Mandy, S6E9
So, he chameleons. He makes himself the treasure in the trash. He distances himself from the image of a brooding, Southside street rat.
Because, after so long of constant pain and numbness during and post his diagnosis, Caleb is the first good thing he's found.
"I haven't been this happy in a long time."
- Ian to Caleb, S6E8.
And really, everything that I just talked about doesn't matter when you think about it that way.
No matter how dedicated or invested Ian was in his relationship with Caleb, it still provided him with companionship and validation, which as we know, is something that Ian has an unhealthy dependence on to find self-worth.
And I don't think Ian was wrong in searching for that connection simply because that connection wasn't with Mickey. He could've been well and truly in love with Caleb, and he wouldn't deserve some of the hate he receives for his canon actions.
It's easy to look at Ian's relationship with Caleb and get frustrated because of all the time that was put into Ian and Mickey's relationship. But beyond the instinctual negative feeling that comes with seeing Ian with anybody other than Mickey, his relationships outside of Mickey deserve to be analyzed and observed for what they actually do for HIS character, and not just immediately cast aside as unnecessary or ooc.
So, to summarize:
Firstly, Ian wasn't selfish for not waiting 15 years for somebody in prison. Whether he was serious about Caleb or not, Ian was under no obligation to dedicate himself to Mickey. Ian did not owe Mickey anything simply because Mickey was there for Ian when shit got tough. If they had been together, sure, Ian would've been a lot shittier for leaving Mickey alone. But as it was, they were broken up, and even if they hadn't been, Ian would've had every right to not want to continue seeing Mickey after his decision to harm Sammi, just as Lip was justified in not wanting to be with Mandy anymore after she ran over Karen.
Secondly, Ian dating Caleb wasn't bad for his character. In fact, I think their relationship in season six was actually a very interesting way to progress Ian's character and get more insight into his mind and how he operates.
Thirdly, Ian and Caleb's relationship deserves to be analyzed for what it is, rather than what it isn't. Just because Ian is not with Mickey doesn't mean that he doesn't undergo some huge development in this season, both in and outside his relationship with Caleb. Furthermore, Ian entering a new relationship gives us the opportunity to see more sides of his character, and as such the relationship should be analyzed as it's own separate entity, and not just as a hurdle in the way of Gallavich.
Fourth, Ian was not just waiting to cast Mickey aside to jump on the next dick possible. I've seen this criticism before, and when looking at his actual arc at the beginning of S6 and analyzing his general character, that's just simply not true. Entering a new relationship is not equal to immediately disregarding Mickey.
TL;DR: The hate Ian gets from this season mainly stems from "Ian date somebody aside from Mickey, bad Ian" without any further thought behind why he enters the relationship and what the relationship actually means to him. There is no separation in the minds of fans between Ian and Mickey, and therefore, Ian having experiences and an identity outside of Mickey is negatively perceived.
Season Seven: Putting His Own Wellbeing First
This one will be less long winded than the previous one, because I have less to say on it, honestly.
During the entirety of Ian's bipolar arc, it is pretty clearly shown that to maintain mental wellness, Ian needs stability.
When Mickey shows up and asks Ian to run away with him to Mexico, that's threatening to uproot every amount of stability Ian has managed to secure the past two seasons of the show.
I honestly don't see as much hate directed toward Ian for his decision to leave Mickey at the border as I see for his previous decisions. I'd say the main thing I actually see directed toward this season is just that Ian's story is boring without Mickey in it. Mostly because he enters another new relationship with Trevor after his relationship with Caleb, which really just follows the cyclical Shameless cycle of, "Don't know what to do with a character? Give them a new love interest!" But because I talked about the judgement for non-Gallavich Ian relationships above, I don't particularly feel like doing a deep dive into the Ian and Trevor relationship in this meta.
What I want to talk about relates to the Mickey Mexico storyline, though, and that's the hate other characters recieve for trying to dissuade Ian from going.
After finding out that Mickey escaped from prison, Fiona and Ian have the following conversation:
"What are you doing up?"
"Couldn't sleep. You ever, uh, think about about what would've happened if you'd run off with Jimmy-Steve?"
"Lying sociopath Jimmy-Steve? My life would be a nonstop psycho-thriller. I definitely dodged a bullet with that one."
"What if nothing ever gives you that same thrill again? Still feel like you dodged a bullet?"
"I don't know. Probably. Where's this coming from?"
"Things have been weird between me and Trevor since Mickey got out."
"You mean since Mickey busted out of prison and has got half the Chicago Police Department circling the Southside looking for him."
"Can't get him out of my head. Just trying to stop myself from doing something I shouldn't."
"You turned your life around. Mickey would set a match to it. You've done really great without him, and I'm really fucking proud of you."
- Ian and Fiona, S7E10.
I've seen this conversation criticized many times because of how "unfairly" Mickey is treated in this scene. But I truly think that nothing said in this scene was wrong, and Fiona was 100% right.
In the past, Fiona has definitely shown a prejudice against the Milkovich family before. Specifically with Mandy, Fiona seems to look down upon her and disapproves of the relationship between her and Lip. This on its own is unfair treatment and is annoying to witness.
But in this particular case, absolutely nothing she is saying is wrong or biased simply because Mickey is a Milkovich.
People take the line, "Mickey would set a match to it," and compare it to his behavior in late Season 4 through season 5, where Mickey is taking care of Ian, and say that Fiona is being untruthful or hypocritical. If Mickey had never been sent to prison, or even if he had just been released legally, and Ian was simply thinking about cheating on Trevor and getting back with Mickey instead of running away with him, then the criticism toward Fiona would be more justified. But as it is, Mickey is a wanted fugitive, and Ian running away with him would make Ian a fugitive as well, and WOULD effectively set a match to the life Ian had spent the past two seasons working toward. He would be giving up a career he worked hard for and fought to have, he'd be living in stressful conditions on the run, he'd have no support system, and he would have less ease of access to his medication. Running with Mickey would have been the wrong decision for Ian's wellbeing, and honestly, Mickey should never have asked Ian to go with him.
I think that many people have rose colored glasses on when it comes to Gallavich, specifically with Mickey, and that makes it harder to view these moments unbiased. But, looking at it objectively, Mickey was so wrong for asking Ian to come with him to Mexico. He KNOWS that Ian needs stability with his bipolar diagnosis, and he KNOWS that this would be a stressful life he'd be forcing Ian into.
Simply put, he's acting selfishly in that moment. Having your own interests in mind is not always a bad thing, but in this specific case, Mickey would have thrown a huge wrench into Ian's life is Ian hadn't made decisions in HIS best interest.
Again, I have less to say on this as I did other subjects, because to me it feels much more cut and dry. Mickey was in the wrong here 100%, Fiona was not being wrongfully judgmental toward Mickey, and Ian was not in the wrong for not going with Mickey.
After so long of seeing them apart, it makes sense to want to see them together again. So when Ian, again, is the one making the decision to end their relationship, fans are going to lash out at him and those around him.
But it's important to put aside biases and allow your favorite character to be in the wrong occasionally. Mickey is not perfect, and criticism against him, both from characters in the show and fans, is not unfounded nor unjustified.
TL;DR: Mickey was wrong for asking Ian to uproot his life and run to Mexico, and calling that out isn't defamation of his character.
To End This Yap Session:
Ian is by no means a faultless character, and he is not exempt from criticism both inside and outside of his relationship with Mickey. However, I often feel that the criticism he faces is for the wrong reasons, and not much contemplation or exploration is done on him as much as it is for Mickey.
I love Mickey. He's an amazingly complex character, and his relationship with Ian is one of my favorite parts of the show. But in being a complex character, he is also an imperfect character.
I feel that many fans get very protective over their favorite characters, to the point that anything that goes against that character's interests is labeled as bad, and any criticism toward his character is disregarded immediately.
In this particular case of Gallavich, I feel that post season three, fans often see things from Mickey's point of view without looking at Ian's as much. This meta was simply to give my own thoughts on Ian's most "controversial" moments among fans. Obviously this is mostly condensed to season six and his relationship with Caleb, which I feel is the biggest example of jumping to conclusions and only seeing the surface level of his character.
However, I would like to acknowledge that Ian is also an insanely popular character in the Shameless fandom. While he is misunderstood in many instances, he is given much more sympathy and understanding than many other characters in the show, especially many of the female characters. This long-winded meta is only focused on the concerning tendency for fans to link Ian's identity to Mickey entirely without allowing him to be an individual, but a majority of the time he is still a beloved character who is treated favorably by fans. Compared to a character like Debbie, Ian sees much more support, and I feel that the energy I put toward this meta and trying to understand Ian should also be applied to (almost) EVERY character in the show.
Anyways feel free to leave thoughts.
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
The way Boeing just showed up in the last 3 episodes and started MASSIVE amounts of shit jfc, he's in everyone's business and I hate it that he's not in MY business 😭😭 anyways I love him and he's an unhinged god that's all I wanted to say thank you
Anon, let me honest here. I wanted Fluke Gawin to play Boeing. Half of Tumblr was rooting for Mix. Yet we got Mond, and everyone rejoiced.
And you wanna know why?
Because it's Mond.
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I just don't love Boeing. I love Boeing because he is played by Mond.
When episode ten ended, I thought, "who could have played Boeing like this?" Yes, the character is written this way, but what actor would have made me *this* happy to watch Boeing do all he did in forty minutes?
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Because he is shipless. If Mix would have kissed Book's character, folks would have been in their feelings. If Fluke Gawin would have asked First's character to get back with him next week, people would have cheered for First to leave Khaotung because DANYOK! Mond ain't kissed no homies yet, so even those of us in our GramYok feels want them to kiss, but we aren't opposed to Mond stopping there.
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Because we want him to kiss all the homies. Mond has always been *so* close to the homies who kiss (Waterboyy, Kiss Me Again, Not Me, P.S. I Hate You),
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Yet is never really one of those homies, so there is an unreasonable amount of people invested in this man kissing a homie.
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Or eight homies.
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Oh, and Mond plays morally fucked up very well.
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So well, in fact, that he has you feeling bad for his crazy ass.
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And the reason you feel bad is because you were cheering for him knowing darn well he was choosing violence every single day, but he made you not care! *fun fact - his character's name is Badz here
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So, yeah. It's Mond. Khaotung makes everyone cry around him. Gun makes everyone shippable with him. And Mond makes unhinged god work for him.
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Does that power lie in his big brown eyes? His beautiful plump lips? His earth shattering abs? I have no clue, but as six people wrote in the tags for my last post - #I NEED (HIS CHARACTERS) IN A WAY THAT IS CONCERNING TO FEMINISM
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This man got me all the way fucked up.
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And I like it.
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alwaysaslutforfic · 2 years ago
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Tsukki Headcanons ❤️ - NSFW
Just some musings on my favourite Sendai Frogs middle blocker ☺️
Warnings: nothing super explicit. Mentions of sending nudes, hair pulling, and oral sex
Minors keep away from the cut and DNI!
Beta readers? Pft
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Listens to any and everything but with a purpose 👌🏾. Ask him for a recommendation in any genre and he’ll give you a top 5 tier list. Has playlists arranged by mood, genre, vibe and occasion (he even has one for you that he will literally never tell you about but plays often. He just tells you it’s his favourite mix). Dude is highkey a music snob. Like he’ll listen to a song in any genre but it better be a fucking ✨S tier song✨ or he will Judge. Will never concede the aux cord.
Meanest tutor ever. Will have you crying at the kitchen table asking the same question till you get it right. “If Johnny has 5 apples! 😤” typa tutor. But his notes are amazing and he’ll always lend them without question.
We already know how I feel about clingy Tsukki. But let me reiterate: this man is obsessed with being in your personal space. Like ”I’m gonna go take a shower.” ”….. without me? 😒”
But he also respects your space when you need it. Just don’t be gone too long or he’ll get lonely. He’s highkey touch starved.
An impeccable driver. And unreasonably hot while doing it. I’m talking hand on thigh, arm on headrest when reversing, will do your seatbelt HOT. And you’re his favourite passenger princess. Tsukki refuses to let anyone adjust your seat. If they’re feeling cramped they’re more than welcome to sit in the back, or even better, walk.
A great cook. He lets you be the taste tester when you cook together. If you can’t cook this is the one time he has an amount of patience teaching you. He is, however, a horrendous baker. Tried to make you valentines day chocolates and you had to throw out the tea towels cos they somehow ended up singed. You laughed till you cried he’d have been hurt about it if you weren’t so beautiful
Likewise, his actions speak louder than his words when it comes to affection. Obviously he compliments you and tells you he loves you, but only on special occasions like birthdays, christmases and blowing your back out ten ways till sunday. But mostly he’ll show you how much he cares by treating you like royalty. Carries your bags while calling you weak, says ‘no’ every single time you ask for a favour but does it anyways, takes you for walks to your favourite ice cream shop and pays for both of you while you bitch about a character in your dumb show that he hates (read: binges with you and gets invested in)
A slip it in while you watch a movie kinda dude. At this point the Netflix subscription is for show. There is literally no point in trying to watch something with him because your legs will be over his shoulders way before the halfway mark.
Much like his actions speaking louder than words, he’s willing to try anything once if you suggest it. This has led to a very interesting bedroom life. There were obviously things that you both decided weren’t for you, but Tsukki would do anything to please you even if he’d never confess it. Once you asked for a personalised dildo so you could have his dick whenever you wanted as a joke. It was there by next week.
Loves fucking you in public. You guys are banned from THREE different lingerie stores. You’re 65% sure he only takes you out so much so he can find somewhere to fuck you, since it’s how most of your dates end. The Karasuno gang clocked you two on a club night when Noya and Tanaka took a badly timed trip to the bathroom. They are constantly embarrassed when you two go missing for half an hour and return dishevelled.
Send. Him. Nudes 😩 Especially when he’s busy. He sends them back and holy shit are they art personified. He heard “don’t send dick pics, send cumshot vids with the sound on” and boy did he run with it in the best of ways. Has a password protected folder for all the filth you send each other.
Speaking of nudes, his dick is so pretty. He doesn’t even manscape. It’s just long and slightly curved with just the right amount of hair. Also so much pre-cum. He was actually a little embarassed by it until he saw how much you loved licking him clean.
Pull his hair and listen to him moan. If you pull it hard enough when he’s close he will just cum. He definitely wasn’t embarrassed the first time it happened. Now it’s sort of a game to see if you can use it to get him off when he’s going down on you.
He’s reconciled with the fact that he has a volleyball brain. Seeing you at his games, and feeling your eyes on him as he jumps blocks is like foreplay to him. It’s always a race to see how quickly he can get you naked and under him after a match.
I will undoubtly have more thoughts on this, because I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about Tsukishima Kei
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bonefall · 1 year ago
post/734733274896809984/do-you-ever-worry-your-own-writing-might-come-off that makes sense. i was asking because i'm afraid of accidentally writing misogyny myself and i kind of admire what you do
Hmm... I wish I had better advice to give you on this front, but honestly, the only thing I can tell you is to consider the perspective of your female characters.
Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings of their own, so like... just let them have their own arcs. A lot of the worst misogyny in WC comes from the way that the writers just don't care about their girls (or, in the case of tall shadow, actually get undermined and forced to rewrite entire chapters), so they're not curious about their lives, or WHY they feel the way they do or what they want, or any direction for their character arcs.
Turtle Tail as an example. She'll often just end up feeling whatever Gray Wing's plot demands. She's gotta leave when Storm dumps him to make him feel lonely. She shows up again to love him in the next book. Lets her best friend Bumble get dragged back to Tom the Wifebeater, but is sad enough about her death to be "unreasonably angry" with Clear Sky, and then calms down and accept Gray Wing is right all along.
And then she dies, so he can have his very own fridge wife.
In this way, Turtle Tail's just being used to tell Gray Wing's story. They're not interested in why she would turn on Bumble, or god forbid any lingering negative feelings for how she didn't help her, or even resentment towards Clear Sky for killing her or Gray Wing for jumping to his defense. She isn't really going through her own character arc.
She does have personality traits of her own, don't misunderstand my criticism, but as a character she revolves around Gray Wing.
So, zoom out every now and then, and just ask yourself; "Whose story is being told by what I wrote? Do my female characters have goals, wants, and agency, or are they just supporting men? How do their choices impact the narrative?"
But that's already kinda assuming that you already have characters like Turtle Tail who DO have personalities and potential of their own. Here's some super simple and practical advice that helped me;
Tally the genders in your cast. How many are boys, how many are girls, how many are others?
And take stock of how many of those characters are just in the supporting cast, and compare that to the amount you have in the main cast.
If you have a significant imbalance, ESPECIALLY in the main cast, fire the Woman Beam.
It's a really simple trick to just write a male character, and then change its gender while keeping it the same. I promise women are really not fundamentally different from men lmao. You can consider how your in-universe gender roles affect them later, if you'd like, but when you're just starting to wean yourself off a "boy bias" this trick works like a charm.
Also you're not allowed to change the body type of any girl you Woman Beam because I said so. PLEASE allow your girls to have muscles, or be fat, or be old, or have lots of scars. Do NOT do what a cowardly Triple A studio does, where the women all have the same cute or sexy face and curvy body while they're standing next to dwarves, robots, and a gorilla.
Or this shit,
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If you do this I will GET you. If you're ever possessed by the dark urge, you will see my face appear in the clouds like Mufasa himself to guide you away from the path of evil.
Anyway, you get better at just making characters girls to begin with as time goes on and you practice it. It's really not as big of a deal as your brain might think it is.
Take a legitimate interest in female characters and try not to disproportionately hit them with parental/romance plots as opposed to the male cast, and you'll be fine. Don't think of them as "SPECIAL WOMEN CHARACTERS" just make a character and then let her be a girl, occasionally checking your tally and doing some critical thinking about their use in the story.
(Also remember I'm not a professional or anything, I'm just trying to give advice)
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pythagoras180 · 1 year ago
Why I Hate Adrien
So a few people have asked me why I hate Adrien so much. I've given it some thought, and I've realized that my hatred comes from 3 sources:
1. Adrien is a passive, useless character and a waste of screentime.
Adrien is a very passive character. He doesn't really have goals that he works towards outside of romance. He doesn't feel like a real person with a real life. He's just an object for the actual main characters to fight over. And to be clear, not every character needs to be active or well developed, but thei screentime should correspond to this. Adrien takes up a massive amount of screentime in the show. And since he ended up being worthless, I feel like he personally wasted my time by appearing so much. His screentime could have instead been used to develop the other characters.
2. Adrien is a creator's pet.
While Adrien doesn't really do anything in the show, I think I still may have felt bad for the character if I felt like this was because the writers didn't like him or something. Thing is, Adrien is the complete opposite, as the writers are clearly biases *for* him at every turn. He's almost always portrayed as right, even in situations where he clearly isn't. "Chameleon" clearly portrayed his "advice" about Lila as good, even though anyone with basic respect for their peers wouldn't be okay with letting them be lied to. There's episodes like "Kuro Neko", where Adrien is very clearly in the wrong amd being unreasonable, yet he's still clearly framed like we're supposed to feel bad for him. Part of the reason he has so much screentime is because the writers love to insert him in every situation they can. Even his status as a passive character can be considered as the writers favoring him. They think he shouldn't have to do anything because he's such a precious boy, so everyone should just do everything for him. I'm not inclined to like a character that I feel is getting special treatment just because of who they are.
3. Adrien does horrible things.
Those last 2 points definitely provide potential for me to dislike a character, but I don't think it's possible for me to actually do so if that character hasn't done anything wrong. Well, despite what the writers want you to believe, Adrien has absolutely done a lot of horrendous things. There's the fact that he continued being friends with Chloé despite her remorseless bullying of Adrien's "friends". He keeps trying to date Ladybug despite her repeatedly rejecting him, to the point where it's straight up harassment. This culminates in "Kuro Neko", where he quits his job of protecting the city because he keeps getting rejected (again, this is portrayed as sympathetic). Like I mentioned before, he tells Marinette to let Lila continue lying to everyone else. And why does he do this? I honestly don't know, and neither does anybody else. There's no rationalization for this moment. But the point is, Adrien put Lila above everyone else for some reason. He also emotionally cheated on Kagami, hurt her feelings, and barely cared afterward. He didn't have to do anything to make up with her, that just worked out on its own. He tried to Cataclysm multiple people despite knowing that it can be fatal, and the only time he displays real remorse over it is when Monarch is on the receiving end. Oh, but he only feels bad for like a minute, then he's fine (I believe that that was just to make Ladybug's exposition about not being able to fix it fee more natural, he wouldn't have shown any remorse if that wasn't necessary). Oh, and then there's that one moment in "Passion" where he pretends not to know what the consequences of making a wish is and tried to convince Ladybug to let him make one. If she said yes, he would have sacrificed somebody else to heal Nathalie. The show has made it clear that this is morally wrong. To me, this is the moment where Adrien became irredeemable. Also, in the Paris Special we find out that Adrien became a mass murdering supervillain in an alternate universe because he's sad that his mom died. He didn't have any grander plan, not scheme to bring her back like Gabriel did. Nope, he just killed people because he was sad, that's how they presented it. I know that this is technically a different person, but the alternate characters from tbe special are meant to be pretty close to the originals, just with different circumstances. So I think this shows who Adrien really is deep down. So yeah, I think Adrien is one of the most despicable "good guy" characters ever.
So that's the reason I hate Adrien, in 3 parts. I wouldn't hate him nearly as much if it wasn't for all 3 components. Kind of a perfect storm really, and I don't think I'll ever hate another character this much, for this reason.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 months ago
The Legend of Vox Machina: Vexations (3x03)
I have a feeling people are going to have VERY strong opinions about a couple of things in this episode!
I want to start with a small thing that I haven't seen people talking about, but that bothered me probably an unreasonable amount. When the gang is together in Draconia and they're discussing their trip to Hell, they decide to split up so that someone can be on the other side to guard the pathway back out. Kima, Allura, Vex, and Percy end up staying while the rest of Vox Machina go through the portal. And this moment of separation featured no significant looks or goodbyes or angst or worry at all, really! I can't believe Vax didn't have parting words for Vex, or anything. It was a strange moment because it's ultimately a small detail, but I really noticed the lack of ceremony given to it. It kind of downplayed the dangers of Hell, how casual they were about separating and going there.
This is another small thing, but I feel like "Kiki" is being overused as a nickname this season, by Vax especially. I feel like Kiki was always kind of a cutesy name, but she was called "Keyleth" 90% of the time, especially in serious moments. So having Vax call her "Kiki" in moments of angst just landed slightly awkwardly to me.
Okay, let's talk about the romances: I'll have a lot of positive stuff to say in a moment, but I want to start here. I remain validated that the flipping of motivation between Vax and Keyleth feels very strange to me! And I think it does a disservice to both of their characters as I understand them from the original campaign. For Vax, I think him having angst and doubt about his relationship to the Matron of Ravens is an important part of his story, and I can totally understand why those feelings getting tied up with his romance with Keyleth would happen. But, here they have him presenting it as not really anything to do with his relationship to his goddess, and more to do with the lifespan angst of Keyleth living on without him? Which... okay... I understand him being concerned about that for her sake, sure, but she's saying it's okay with her and she knows the risk, and he's still trying to be all noble about it? That's not... Vax.
And in my opinion it does an even bigger disservice to Keyleth's character. It's like she's skipped a couple of steps on her character journey without us getting to see it. Her coming to the conclusion that joy today is worth pain tomorrow is such a beautiful sentiment, but for me, at least from my memory of the campaign, she has to fight to come to that realization through the process of coming into her own as a leader, as well. What was so endearing and realistic to me about the Vax and Keyleth romance in the stream was that it was a story of two people who really cared for each other but who were mismatched in terms of where they were in their emotional development. Keyleth is nervous and inexperienced and not ready for love when Vax suddenly declares his love and plants a kiss on her in the campaign. She's wishy-washy and kind of hurtful for a while, getting close and pulling back, as she tries to work out what she wants and what she's ready for. But here, in the show, they start the arc that same way in Whitestone, but then in season two it seems like Keyleth is ready to give it a try but Vax rebuffs her by being too caught up in Matron Angst. Then here in season three, Vax kisses her, promises to have her back, fails to have her back, and then basically breaks up with her. It's not a good look for him, and it does this weird 180 reverse on the expected dynamic between them.
All of that to say, I like that the Vax/Keyleth romance is plagued by this very earnest angst and insecurity, I like that they have a lot to work out between them and that they have all these little false starts along the way. But the framing of it feels wildly off from what I would have expected!
Now onto Percy and Vex: I think I'm going to ultimately end up very happy with the romance and how they portray it in the show, but I will admit to a moment of flabbergast and disappointment when I first saw Percy pacing in the hallway outside of Vex's room holding those glasses and that bottle of wine. I said, out loud, "What?! Now?!" I kept thinking about Glintshore, and the resurrection ritual, and the talk in the woods, and Percy going in for the kiss - such a wildly different way that their romance is cemented in the stream, vs. what we see here. I think this is a perfectly valid story and it doesn't feel out of character for either of them, honestly, but there was this initial reaction from me that was a little bummed out to see it shifted so dramatically. Now, I assume we're still getting Glintshore and we're still getting certain confessions, as we would want to see them from the stream. But the context sure has shifted! I'm just a tiny bit wrong-footed by it, in a way that I think comes from my attachment to Percy/Vex as a ship in its original form!
Okay, that was a lot more time spent in the "cons" section than I usually do for these reviews. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I still thought this episode kicked ass. I'm so willing and in fact so excited to see how the show adapts the romances that I've just discussed. I think we'll end up with stories that are different from the stream, but not inferior. It's a different story, and when I frame it that way, I feel like there's plenty to be hyped about here.
Starting with Percy and Vex, I am just in love with the hardcore flirting, Vex shooting her shot, Cassandra pushing Percy down the stairs to go to her room... there was the moment when Cass accuses him of being smitten and he immediately replies "so what if I am?" That was so refreshing, to skip right past any suggestion that Percy's going to be in denial about this. And then the sex scene - it's so funny, for the most part when I watch this show I'm swept up in the story and I don't think about the Critical Role cast saying these words exactly, but hearing Taliesin and Laura make sex noises actually made me flustered, I was like "those are good pals Laura Bailey and Taliesin Jaffe pretending to have orgasms! Aghh!" So that was funny.
But I honestly thought the scene was great, I thought the juxtaposition between their raunchy night together with no proper talk to speak of, and then Vax breaking Keyleth's heart down the hall, was honestly great framing to set up these relationships moving forward. It puts Vex and Vax on this parallel path, where even though they're coming at these romances from different angles and with different perspectives, they're grounded by similar core insecurities. Vex has always been afraid of letting people too close because of how bad she's been burned before, and Vax has always held on too tightly to the people he loves out of fear of losing them. Both of them are having those insecurities play out in their romance arcs, which I do like - setting aside all the stuff I said about Vax/Keyleth above.
And there were great moments for both sets of romances during the rest of the episode, too - The heartbreaking innocence of Keyleth's response when Vax says they can't be together: "But, we kissed." It was just so sweet and tender and I felt so much for her. I really, really liked the moment when Vax asks Keyleth if she's okay, and Keyleth replies: "I have to be." That's... giving me a lot of Campaign Three Keyleth feelings, I must say. It kind of feels like that's the place she's in for a lot of her life, and it's so sad!
And the Percy/Vex of it all, it really is murdering me. Vex saying "call it a tryst, call it a mistake, call it whatever you want" is like... ouch, girl, you've got a big storm coming! But Percy, whose arc this season is about moving forward from the guilt of his past and embracing what he wants from his life, is being the sweetest most darling perfect gentleman! Him running to her and holding her on the ground at the end, and then Vex giving her speech about how they can't be anything serious because she's afraid of losing him, and Percy kissing her on the forehead and saying "as you like"... seriously that's some romantic-ass shit, de Rollo, congratulations on being so hot.
I don't want to forget the awkward failed Scanlan and Pike kiss, oof, that was painful to watch but in the best possible way. I loved Scanlan just immediately apologizing and backtracking and saying "what is wrong with me". The angst setup with this character is just so exquisite, I'm beside myself about it to be quite honest. Also just want to note the beauty of the animation in that moment, Pike with her hair down, the gnomes in the moonlight...
One thing that I think makes this episode quite stellar, despite my specific qualms, is that they really just lean into the romance drama from every possible angle. Right alongside all these Vox Machina entanglements and difficulties, we've got established-relationship badasses Kima and Allura along for the adventure to Draconia, and turns out they've got bitter lesbian drama with one of their former party members! We love to see it!
For reasons obvious to long-time CR fans, the Draconia arc here has quite different connotations than in the original stream. Whereas before, Vox Machina had an emotional tie to the place through Tiberius, and they honored that in the story even through the difficulty with you-know-who, here in the animated show there's no such complicated tie to this new location. So, much like with Gilmore and Ank'Harel, they chose to give some other popular NPCs an emotional tie to Draconia through Dohla. She's a dragonborn who used to run with Kima and Allura, had unrequited feelings for Kima, and then felt embittered when the two of them got together and got all the credit after locking Thordak away in the Fire Plane, leaving her on the outside of the glory. 
It was fun to get these glimpses of backstory for these characters. I loved how awkward Kima was about the whole thing. I also loved that Vorugal killed Dohla; it was such a shocking an unexpected moment in the episode, and you really felt for Allura as she cried out and tried to save her. Despite Dohla's betrayal, that was a former beloved friend and party member! And of course as our episode ends, Kima has fallen off the cliff edge and we don't know where she's at, Allura and Percy and Vex are trapped in a cave, and the rest of Vox Machina is off in the Hells! The stakes get higher and higher every week, don't they!
Small details I don't want to forget: I didn't mention last week, but we got yet another mention of Zerxus in this episode as the contact they're looking for in Dis, and I am SOOOO pumped! I assume Luis is going to be voicing him? Is this one step closer to my dream of getting a Calamity mini-series? Can you imagine? And then they can do a Downfall one... I'm greedy, but I want this whole Exandria saga animated, please and thank you! Also just to mention, loved the animation of Hell, already got so many creepy and interesting details, such good color and gore. I'm sure we'll see more of that next week. And same with Draconia, what an amazing location design.
I can't believe I have to wait a whole additional week to see what's next! But at the same time, I can't believe it's going to be just a few short weeks until the whole season's over... curses! I have to dock this one a little bit more because of my questioning of the Vax/Keyleth plot in specific, but I'm still wildly entertained and excited by what I'm seeing.
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crownedtargaryen · 2 years ago
modern!got/hotd. - character building
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(a/n): this is my own interpretation of modern!au got and hotd. if you disagree with me on some ideas, I truly do not care. this post can be used for story ideas and references for modern!au fics. if you’d like me to add a specific house, I will do so! this can be changed into a college!au as well. all notes are appreciated. tag list: @hopelesswritergall @twizzy123 @daenerysapologist @clairacassidy
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The Stark family is well known for being extroverted and friendly individuals who love outdoor activities, sports, and almost anything that gets their blood pumping! They're known to show unreasonable amounts of loyalty to their passions, peers, partners, and family; sometimes being described as almost dog-like. They're proud owners of the Winterfell Wolf Sanctuary, where they teach the wolves who cannot move out into the wild to adapt to humans, their new environment, and even other animals. Each Stark is bonded to a wolf pup at age 10, raised alongside the beast and learning to love them as family and not just a pet.
main characters.
Cregan Stark, Jock: Adopted Cousin, taken in by Ned Stark. Co-Captain and proud defense player of the Iron High hockey team alongside Jacaerys. He's often been described by his peers as ambitious and family-focused, very territorial and defensive of his blood. (Demiromantic, Demisexual)
Robb Stark, Jock: Star quarterback of the Iron High football team. He's often been described by his peers as a playful and tough-loving individual. He shares his territorial sense with his cousin, Cregan, defending his name with pride while also befriending anyone, no matter how different they are from him. (Demiromantic, Demisexual)
Jon Snow, Middle-Grounded: Step-brother to the Starks, apart of the Iron High poetry club. He's often been described by his peers as mysterious and mildly-aggravating. To be honest, he dances around clubs and tries to find an after school activity that "speaks to him." He knows nothing about poetry, but he continues to go to the meetings merely to seem edgy, “deep”, and mysterious, which pisses off Aemond Targaryen. (Straight)
Brandon Stark, Nerd: Organizer of the Iron High eSports team. He's often been described by his peers as self-reserved and passionate. After losing his ability to walk, he needed to feel involved in something. He Twitch streams in his spare time, mostly practicing for tournaments with his friends on the team. He grows insecure over his loss of feeling in his legs and feel mildly pathetic, but can't bring himself to admit it. (Straight, Demisexual)
Arya Stark, Sporty: Star batter of the Iron High softball team. She’s often been described by her peers as competitive and passionate. She finds herself making small things a competition, urging to win and prove her worth to those around her. Though, underneath it all she’s struggling with romantic feelings, trying to identify her true sexuality and self. (Bicurious)
Sansa Stark, Popular: Running for student body president against Rhaena Targaryen. She’s often been described by her peers as sociable and kind. Though under her kind facade, she can be quite judgmental and catty when it comes to certain people. Definitely two faced on occasion. (Straight, Asexual)
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The Targaryen family is well known for their sly and intelligent bloodline, that also ties into the Velaryon line. They’re a mix between sociable and lacking desire for social interaction with those around them, tending to go about tasks that test their smarts rather than their athletic capabilities. They’re said to start arguments that they know they can win and play games of wits to get what they please, which causes them to butt heads with the Lannisters. They can be seen as almost snake like. Each Targaryen child owns their own reptile, mostly based on personality. Their parents saw it as an outlet to keep responsibility and build emotional connections since most Targaryen children are neglected by their parents, and they can be seen as undesirable from time to time, which makes them lack friends.
main characters.
Aemond Targaryen, Mildly Popular: Though he isn’t apart of any specific activities or extracurricular activities, he can be seen with his siblings on most occasions. He’s often described by his peers as sly and cocky. People think they’re friends with him, but he truly as no interest in them and doesn’t remember their names. You can find him with Helaena, helping her with tutoring students, or with Aegon as his designated driver. He spends his time studying when not looking after his blood. When he was younger, his cousin had accidentally cut his eye while they were hunting, which had sent him into a entirely different personality, and Lucerys into disciplinary action and house arrest though the action was not intentional. (Demisexual, Demiromantic)
Aegon II Targaryen, Player Jock: Left-Wing hockey player on the Iron High hockey team. He’s often described by his peers as flirtatious and manipulative. He was hit the most by his parent’s neglectful ways, drowning himself in sexual relations and alcohol at they parties he goes to. You can often find him feeling up women at college parties, kissing on their necks and trying to get in their pants to feel some sort of relief in his life. Though, he holds terrible commitment issues and leaves the men and women he messes with immediately after getting what he needs from them. (Bisexual, Demiromantic)
Helaena Targaryen, Popular: Hosts tutoring for those who need it at Iron High. She’s often described by her peers as shy and gentle hearted. Her fascination with the outside world and aesthetics is both strange to most but can also be seen as admirable. Though she doesn’t go out of her way to talk to those around her, she seems to have accumulated an abundance of friends in the years of attending school. (Biromantic, Demisexual)
Daeron Targaryen, Social Butterfly: Though he has no true social status at Iron High due to being in the shadow of his brothers, sister, and cousins, he’s still known by quite a few. He’s often been described by her peers as exciting and adventurous. He holds deep insecurity for his lack of popularity like the rest of his family, but he continues to try to be open and exciting. He loves to go out with his sister, Helaena, during lunch and feed the small bugs pieces of fruit. (Biromantic, Asexual)
Rhaena Targaryen, Popular: Running for student body president against Sansa Stark. She’s often been described by her peers as kindhearted and easygoing. In her days of making friends, she tries to involve herself with every group without discrimination. She’s very well known for her genuine kindness and playfulness. (Straight, Demisexual)
Baela Targaryen, Sporty: Proud member of the Iron High pole vaulting and weightlifting team. She’s often been described by her peers as prideful and feisty. She is openly bisexual and close with her cousin Helaena and Arya Stark. She’s very open about herself and presents herself honestly, a powerful and passion driven young woman. (Bisexual)
Daenerys Targaryen, Popular: Distant cousin to the Targaryens, she’s well known for her beauty and kindness in competition to Cersei’s. Her peers often describe her as emotion driven and a pacifist. Wildly loved by all, but spited by some, her kindness spreads within the walls of Iron High and her aspirations drive her and others toward their future goals, attempting to motivate and befriend those around her. (Demiromantic, Demisexual)
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The Velaryon family is well known for their ambition and balance in situations, enjoying the outdoors and physical activities unlike most of their cousins. They’re very kind souls, open to new things that’ll test their limits. They tend to become competitive at times, striving to please and be the best they can, though sometimes they can’t control themselves and sometimes people can get hurt. You often see them around the Stark kids, usually play wrestling with one another. Though, the Velaryon boys are products of a cheating scandal with their mother and a man named Harwin Strong, who soon ended up becoming their stepdad. Though, she holds a love for another who most speculate is Daemon Targaryen.
main characters.
Jacaerys Velaryon, Studious Jock: Co-Captain with Cregan and goalie on the Iron High hockey team. He’s often described by his peers as easygoing and loyal. A dedicated man to his work, you can often find him studying in his cousin’s study group to try to balance his grades with his sport. Though, occasionally he’s at parties trying to find a relaxation point between his schooling and constant training. That dedication makes him a ladies man, even though he’s merely kind to them and hasn’t intentionally tried to make anyone swoon. (Demiromantic, Demisexual)
Lucerys Velaryon, Extroverted Sporty: Goalie for the Iron High soccer team, he’s not very passionate about the sport he’s pursued in and is hoping to join his brother on the hockey team once the season rolls around. He’s often described by his peers as exciting and innocent. Girls tend to flock around him since he’s quite the small cutie, and he doesn’t seem to enjoy the attention too much. He’s very focused on his brother and protecting him from the other people who are eyeing him down, not understanding completely why so many girls take a liking to the two. (Straight, Demisexual)
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The Lannister family are well known for their pride and riches, their children spoiled rotten and blessed with beauty as well. Though they aren’t very physically active, they make up for it with their manipulative and convincing personas. It’s known that if you challenge an Lannister to a battle of wits and cleverness, you will come out a loser. That is, unless you’re a Targaryen. It’s hard to match the passive aggressive personality of a Lannister as well as their ability to masterfully lie to those around them. Though, the Lannister children face abandonment issues and a craving for their father’s approval after their mother’s passing. So, it leaves them lashing out on those around them.
main characters.
Cersei Lannister, Popular: Not involved in many activities after she had stopped cheerleading due to suspicions of her and her brother Jaime being TOO close, she’s mostly seen painting her frustrations away in the art room during lunch. She’s often been described by her peers as two-faced and defensive. She has many friends and is well known for her beauty within the school, but no one is safe from her rumors. No matter how close you think you are to her, she will never find you desirable and will talk lowly of you at any moment. (Bicurious, Demisexual)
Jaime Lannister, Jock: Linebacker for the Iron High football team, he’s very passionate about the role he plays in this school. He’s been often described by his peers as “the good Lannister” and awfully cocky. Some people find his self confidence bothersome and distasteful, while others find it endearing. Though, he spends quite a bit of his time near his sister, which makes people raise questions on how close they REALLY are. (Bisexual with female preference.)
Tyrion Lannister, Party Animal: Much like Aegon, the drinks and women are a way to bury his deep feelings. He’s often described by his peers as witty and sly. When short guy season comes around, you’d be surprised by the amount of women that are on him. Though he tries to remain humble, as he puts it, by keeping his body count a mystery. (Straight)
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aprillikesthings · 1 year ago
I have the house to myself because people are at a sportsball party
So what else would I do but keep watching spop amiright
s1 ep8 lez go
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Oh, that explains why (in a muuuuuuch later episode) there's that little ideal future and they're at Scorpia's ball (iirc)
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Catra: I NEED TO BE IN CHARGE Scorpia: party!
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Poor Scorpia
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Catra: giving a passionate-if-faked pep talk to Scorpia (like I get she's manipulating Scorpia here into going to the party, but it's still the kind of thing Scorpia should hear!) Also Catra: still real mad about Adora!!!
I cackled, y'all. CACKLED.
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I mean she's...not wrong...
Okay I know it's just how this kind of show works and isn't important but it implies the Ball is known about for years in advance, but the invites only actually go out like a day or two before?? IRL that would be such a disaster because they don't even know the theme until they get the invite. The sheer amount of logistics/planning attending something like this, including the outfits...
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This was intended to be Lolita fashion and you can't convince me otherwise
Also CATRA. They intentionally made her look so, so gay and hot.
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Same, Catra. Same.
Adora (to the weapons-check person): be careful with it, don't lean it on something with the other swords or it might get confused!!!
Poor Adora. I suppose if I had an object that made me both popular and nearly invincible I'd be upset and worried to be separated from it, too.
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It's Molly and Nate!!!
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🎶Just like the viiiiine🎵
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I love that we know these characters enough that they can just say a couple of lines here and imply a ton more. Anyway Mermista's outfit is great.
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This is literally their entire dynamic. They're clearly together, Sea Hawk is loud about it, Mermista is (mostly) pretending to hate it.
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Sorry this is shot is just great
Glimmer's jealousy (over Bow coming to the ball with Perfuma) is SO ANNOYING and I know that's on purpose but boy do I hate most "jealousy makes them obnoxious" plots
ANYWAY one small note: you can tell their budget for this episode is just not very high, because the characters in the background are so often not moving or only moving like one thing.
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Oh hey, Netossa and Spinerella! (...and Molly again lol)
"Bow isn't the type to just leave his old friends behind, and neither am--" *Scorpia and Catra walk in*
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I can't screenshot this bit but it's so good:
Catra, in her most fake-gentleman voice: I love rules and obey them all the time Adora in the most high-pitched voice possible: YOU DO NOOOOT
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🎶Every move you make And every vow you break Every smile you fake Every claim you stake I'll be watching you🎵
...I'm showing my age again. But also I'm looking at the lyrics and ngl they nearly all fit. If I knew how to make fanvids, I could make a vid that like ten people would watch.
Instead I'm working on a fic like ten people will read, heyoooo
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is there crack-y pwp of this please say yes
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Once again reminded of that fanvid of every time they say each other's names in the first two seasons
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Literally cannot see Adora opening that without the "bah-dm tsh!" sound affect in my head from watching that video so many fucking times
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Bow is so delightfully emotionally intelligent
Entrapta: have you met my new assistant? She brought snacks.
When Entrapta said "assistant" Catra's ears literally did a wiggle. Oh my gooooood
"she stole my food and asked me to spy on people with her,
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once again whether the sword is actually sharp-edged or not is entirely dependent on plot
Scorpia is unreasonably hot sometimes
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im gonna chew my fingers off ghgha;lksdhka;
I remember the screenshots/gifs of this scene hitting tumblr--that moment when every hopeful sapphic fan watching the show when it released went OKAY WAIT we're not making shit up this time are we??? ARE WE???
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Also at least one person working on this show likes period dramas where tons of emotional plot happens during extremely formal dances where everyone is barely touching
there's nearly a billion gifs of that scene from one of the versions of Pride and Prejudice, but also:
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once again proving my advanced age, this movie came out when I was 17 and side note I'm the same age as Claire Danes, anyhoodle
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Has Adora been dancing Lead this whole time
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EXTREMELY UNDIGNIFIED NOISES Adora literally has one thigh between Catra's gghngng
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i want to EAT IT
I'VE HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT FOR THIS POST LOLOL i don't wanna cut any out imma post this and then reblog it
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sincapjelly · 4 months ago
I have a new gen Ninjago au that I think is kinda cool... but I'm kinda shy about actually writing it. Basically the "main" main characters are Cole's daughter (it's kind of an Anakin situation) Liann, and Jaya's older child, their son Jamie/Jaemin as the co-leaders of the new ninja team, under tha monastery that is now taken care of by Arin and Sora. What I LOVE about this au, is doing what I wanted to see them do with Cole, with Liann. Let me explain!
In the beginning, despite books mentioning this and making what is implied by the show clear, like I said, the show only implies the pressure Cole puts himself under. The leader position he naturally gets himself in, and all the already existing mental health issues he had at the time. That never became a plot device in the show, but I'd love to see what expectations of a whole ass ninja team can shape the way you see yourself being told on Cole. I wanted to see him break down, I wanted to see his heart break and hurt turned into rage. That's what I wanna do with Liann.
Liann, being Cole's daughter, and living both in the Ninjago City and Land of Lost Things, was involved with the building of the Lost community. So she has the natural leader instincts that Cole is also known for. She was also the first to unlock her true potential, she started her ninja way already an EM. This sorta made the team see her as a role model, too good, much better. But Liann was constantly trying to make them rely less on her, and not assume she has all the answers. Even being co-leaders with Jamie, Liann was under this pressure of being the perfect hero the team assumed her to be.
This leads Liann to being unable to crush their view of her after some point, realising they will always stand behind her, looking at her mouth for answers. She knows they rely on her, she can not crush that. Well that is until, she no longer can.
You see, the whole story starts with Liann breaking the balance of the elemental power magic, by reconnecting Cole to his element to save his life, because at this point only the super healing of the elemental powers can save his life. Liann, being 14 and desperate, uses a long forgotton magic, to reconnect Cole to his element. (He can't use the powers anymore, but is healed by the small amount he still has in him.) What happens after that is that this imbalance of the magic, caused by two people using the same element, which means unusal amount of it being present, causes many new villains and corrupted magic to awaken. So a few years after this initial event, a new ninja team is formed and the new adventures start.
During the story, Liann slowly starts to realise all of this is because she broke the balance years ago. She denies it at first, not being able to accept she is the one reason that so much was harmed, but later she gets so scared to tell the team, let alone the whole world. She fears of crushing the way people see her, she doesn't want to be seen as an evil person, she fears no one will care about for what reasons she did it, and will only look at the conclusion and blame her.
The bigger reason why she feels that way, is because Liann herself blames herself for all that too. It only gets worse over time. She starts to push herself to her limits each time, almost like punishing herself. This is the part I said I would love to see with Cole too. The unrealistically perfect image everyone has of Liann, despite her efforts of trying to show them she is as human as all of them, leads her to having the same unreasonably high expectations of herself. And she punishes herself with doing more than she is capable of as a result. This action of her even leads her to get her powers corrupted at some point, but hiding it as the team counts on her to end the mission and she thinks she has to be in the very front in fight. She harms her body with this action, using her powers despite the corruption.
The climax of this whole arc happens when things start to fall apart, Jamie learns about the fact that it's actually Liann's fault. He first feels betrayed, but exactly because of anything else, but because it took her so long to be honest to him. Despite his initial shock, he keeps being on her side. But in the end, one of their teammates, who I named Max, sacrifices, despite Liann saying she should be the one sacrificing and not him, and during all that the rest of the team also learns about it all. Which results in the image of Liann in their head to CRASH completely.
All this results in the team breaking apart, Liann's guilt getting bigger in her as she blames absolutely anything on herself despite Max opening her eyes before his sacrifice. He does help her by this, but she still has a long way to go. Most of the team eventually gathers together again, this time taking great weight off of Liann's shoulders and realising she is as in need of support as they are.
ANYWAY! This is my silly idea of an au! If you guys wanna, uh, hear more about it I'd gladly talk about it...
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hondoohnakasrankings · 2 years ago
4. Episode I: The Phantom Menace - D tier
This is the first instalment in the Prequels Trilogy. Although I gave it a D-tier rating, I do enjoy this movie, do not get me wrong! I think this movie is severely criticized unjustly for some aspects. I gave it this rating because on its own it could be better, but knowing other background knowledge and if there were less borderline racists instances it would deserve a shining B tier rating.
We get introduced to some great characters like Jar Jar Binks, Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidal and Qui Gon Jin. Unfortuneatly one of the reasons this movie gets flack is Jar Jar's aloofness, which I can agree is a bit much at times
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But I would go as far as arguing that this is the entire point! JAr Jar is comedic relief in a movie for children. He falls, he gets in weird situations and talks weird: what else could kid want? In the clone wars, he remains just as silly, but he does gain some layers, showing himself to be a good leader at times, even under pressure of being discovered by Genreal Grivieous in episode 4 of season for called "Shadow Warrior". But the actor that plays this goofy character got an unreasonable amount of hate for his portrayal of the character and for...his skin color? That's right, in an interview with Vanity Fair, Ahmed Best retells his experience with the toxic Star Wars fan calling him "every racial stereotype you can imagine" to a point where his performance made him contemplate suicide. He plays an animatronic as much as Chewbacca and yet that's what the people on the internet decided was wrong with him, and that just goes to show how toxic fandoms can get with sequels. But the actor, even after swearing he would never return to this Universe, came back as a Jedi Knight who saved Grogu from order 66 in the third season of the Mandalorian! I am personally happy for him and hope he gets the love he deserves.
Another character we meet is pre Darth Vader aka Anakin Skywalker as a kid. He is an upbeat young man, even when he is kindof a slave, and he already loves to invent and fly ships..
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He meets the Queen of Naboo and quickly falls in love in a, its true, cringy way, but he is also around the age of 9 so it should be understandable! She is nice to him when no one else apart from Shmi ever seemed to care.
Certainly Watto never cared. A despicable character who has the Skywalkers as slaves. The Toydarians' first appearance as since been changed but his shady trader's attitude, greediness and physic are reminiscent of vile antisemitic stereotypes. At least he has a purpose to the story, he's the origin of Anakin's dark side in a way. The design of the species was edited in the Clone Wars in order for them to be more neutral looking but it still fells wrong for many. https://www.chsglobe.com/43852/commentary/star-wars-a-tale-of-racism/
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In the same vein, there is the members of the Trade Federation who are money driven also. They are harsh on the depts of the planets and are rather shown as cowards. They also wear cloths reminiscent of ancient Chinese royal clothing and also "Yellow Peril" characters popular in shows like Flash Gordon, an inspiration of George Lucas'. Creating aliens is one thing, but basing them on hurtful stereotypes that are embedded in society is another.
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We get introduced to another of my favorite villains of this universe, is Darth Maul, he gets his first live action appearance until Rogue One as the Leader of the Shadow Collective, his crime syndicate. He is rather silent in this instance of himself compared to his crazier Clone Wars self.
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Overall I did enjoy this movie, and the additional lore from the Clone Wars I think only makes it more enjoyable!
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skarabrae-stone · 4 months ago
Yeah, I think with Cattermole it's less class snobbery than like... suitability snobbery? Intelligence snobbery? I think Cattermole's class sounds similar to that of other students, but she's clearly not SUITED to academia, and therefore doesn't deserve to be there. Like, her mind isn't fit for it. And I think that fits in with the sense of bio-essentialism that I definitely get from Sayers-- Gaudy Night has a lot of discussions of women's nature vs man's nature, but there's also very much a sense of intelligence as an inherent quality that you either have or you don't, or that you only have a certain amount of. When Harriet is talking with the Dean about Mary Stokes/Attwood, the Dean says that Stokes "had a head like a day-old chick. Very precocious, but no staying power"-- as if Mary had a certain amount of intelligence that she basically used up and ran out of. I definitely agree that the "provincial university" statement is meant to be demeaning, and show that Cattermole isn't in her proper place.
I think the "one's proper job" is another aspect of combined classism/bio-essentialism, but I also think Sayers has a point if you don't carry it too far. I certainly don't hold with the idea that there's one job that a person is fitted for by birth/class/intelligence, and I also think the idea that you can't make a fundamental mistake about your "proper job" is foolishly simplistic. But I also think that there is merit in the idea that you can't force yourself into liking or being good at a role simply because you want to like it/be good at it, or because you think you ought to. Plenty of people make themselves unhappy by trying to be someone they're not (again, not in the class sense, but in the sense of trying to change who they are as a person in order to mold themselves to someone else's expectations)-- which obviously is not the whole of what Miss De Vine is getting at in that conversation, but it's the part I actually agree with. :D
The class thing is also interesting to me because at the same time that Sayers has a horror of social climbers, she also has Parker marry Lady Mary, which would definitely have been seen as social climbing by outsiders. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my impression is that police of that time were considered more working class-- and though Parker is Chief Inspector, I seem to remember that he worked his way up the ranks, rather than being appointed. I guess maybe it's different because we know that Parker is doing it for love rather than status?
And then there's Bunter, who is extremely important to Wimsey, but is of course still "just" the valet-- but he's obviously intelligent, and Harriet and Wimsey both clearly have a lot of respect for him. Wimsey seems like he doesn't care very much about class at all, and there are several times when he jokes about Bunter being the one who insists on the formalities due to their respective ranks. Gerald and Helen are much more precious about rank than Wimsey, and are portrayed as being unreasonable and snobbish. So it seems like there's a certain level where Sayers thinks the classes SHOULD mingle, and there's no problem with it-- but then obviously, the Annies of her stories aren't included in that.
I wonder if Sayers' background would lead her to see those of her own class as more or less equal with the higher ranks, whereas she might have seen those in the classes below hers as more markedly inferior. Or maybe she intended an anti-classist message through characters like Parker and Wimsey, but her own biases might have blinded her to the prejudices she was reproducing through the way she portrayed side characters.
Edit: I almost forgot Sayers' hatred of socialism/communism, which is more apparent in some of the other books (I think Clouds of Witness and Strong Poison)-- so that's another aspect of the whole "people should know their proper place/do their proper jobs" thing.
I just re-read Gaudy Night, and it's interesting how it feels very relevant and very dated at the same time. There's so much discussion about a woman's "place" and whether a woman can (or should) still have an intellectual life/job outside her husband if she's married, and it seems like many of the academic women in the story feel on some level that they have to choose one or the other. On the one hand, this debate, again, feels very dated in an era where most women do have jobs regardless of whether they're married or not. On the other hand, women still are frequently expected to put their families before their jobs, while men are usually not; and women are still frequently expected to sacrifice their own careers and interests for the sake of their families, while men are usually not.
The "question" of whether women belong in academia no longer seems to be a question in mainstream culture, but women in academia still don't get the same amount of respect or opportunities as men. And while British and American society no longer demands that unmarried women remain celibate, I think there is still a great deal of discomfort at the idea of women who choose to remain single, and with the idea of voluntary celibacy in general.
It's also interesting that the Senior Members of the college (all women) seem to more or less jump to the conclusion that the college "poltergeist" is expressing some kind of psycho-sexual frustration born of celibacy and academic isolation, when in fact it's someone seeking revenge. It seems like even though these women have been in academia/running the college for decades, they still harbor some insecurity over the legitimacy of their profession and lifestyle.
And then, of course, there are the casual mentions of eugenics and the one woman who thinks execution is wrong and that murderers should be used for scientific experiments instead (because that's more humane somehow??). There's also the instance where one of the porters (who is otherwise very likeable) says that Britain needs "a Hitler" who will put women in their proper place. Interesting times...
Idk, Gaudy Night fascinates me because there's SO MUCH going on in it that even on my second read, I think there's a lot that I'm probably missing. The various philosophical debates in it make me really curious about what Dorothy Sayers' own views were.
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opinated-user · 2 years ago
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LO just doing her usual verbal abuse to her audience on the form of guilt tripping and acting like a dissapointed emotionally abusive mom. "i had great things to show you, i think you'd have loved it, but since i know you won't appreciate them i had hidden them away and it's all your fault. you should have thought it any better!" taking out of the way that this is 1. likely a lie, she doesn't have that kind of self restraint, and 2. her new TSR documents includes things like grooming and even more erasing of Rey's as an actual character so whatever else she wrote about would probably be more of the same... did she seriously said that anyone should pay her for writing fanfiction? artists who want credit for their pieces of art being used are entitled divas, but waiting to be paid for using a universe already made with character she didn't create is not? is LO that disconnected from fandom that she lost the memo that everyone in fandom is doing things for free, simply because they enjoy it? MO's illustrating her pokephilic comic for free, pressumably to make her wife happy, but LO somehow doesn't understand doing anything just because, there has to be some compensation in the end. but just for her! everyone else should just give her free labor out of the goodness of their heart and if they expect compensation then they're the divas, not LO who exploits people without giving them nothing back. i'm... so grossed out by this. you'd think that with everything i know about her i wouldn't be surprised by this anymore and yet, here i'm. it's not just that some of her audience is going to read this and actually feel guilty even though they did nothing to deserve, or that at least some portion of them are going to bite the bait and give LO all the attentions she craves, but LO plainly said that just artistic expression can never be enough, the normal amount of positive attention she gets is never going to be enough. she'll always want more and more and it's the fault of everyone around her for not giving it to her. just for the record, LO treats her friends the exact same way. there's no difference between innocent audience members who watch her casually or friends who have their own lives to take care of. everyone should drop whatever is they're doing to give LO what she wants without even expecting a thank you or any reciprocation afterward. on top of that... there's nothing for the friends or fans can do about "let me be buried under a deluge of harassment"! that's is an extremely unreasonable point to make at all and to use against them, as if they had any power to "let it happen" or stop it in the first place. LO could block the people who harass her. LO could not respond to their messages. LO has the absolute control over what appears on her blog or not, not her audience, but she'll blame them regardless of it because she's that spiteful and emotionally abusive.
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gregorovitch-adler · 2 years ago
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I really love this scene from No Más (S3, E1).
Instead of pulling the soap opera shit -
Skylar strolls around the living room, a large bag catches her eye, she opens it and finds a huge heap of cash. The coffee mug from her hand falls down, is shattered into pieces and the coffee spills across the floor. Just then she lets out a loud gasp. Unbelievable!
or something along those lines, they let her have a normal conversation with Walt where she just tries to put two and two together.
Hmm, let's see. My husband leaves the house for unreasonable amounts of time, doesn't care to explain his absence, is suddenly conveniently able to pay for his own chemotherapy (without asking a dime of money to Gretchen and Elliot or even his own mother for that matter) when for the whole time we've been together we weren't so well off at all. He's a high school chemistry teacher. We can't even afford to fix the lukewarm water-heater for God's sake. So, he's obviously up to some illegal shit. Now what would that might be? Given his previous interactions with that Pinkman kid, drug dealing is the most probable answer.
Now that's such a realistic and reasonable way for her to draw that conclusion. This scene in particular was quite impressive in that way.
Skylar initially comes off as quite naïve sometimes but as the show progresses further, she becomes strangely astute, time and again.
I really don't get the Skyler White hate. She's such a realistic character. That's exactly how any normal person would react if they were placed in the same situations as her. I know she can be quite hypocritical sometimes but that's how a realistic human being is like, honestly. We're all flawed. Nobody is perfect. I for one really liked the way she was written throughout the show.
Anna Gunn was perfect as Skylar White and so was everyone else in the Br Ba cast as their respective characters. I love this show so much.
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darcyfangirlsfrequently · 2 years ago
My thoughts and reactions while watching 16.10
Spoilers below
Damn, we starting with ANOTHER flashback? Wait, is this one gonna be Krystall's funeral? I'm gonna cry
Wait no it said 2020, and she's still alive, is this when she tells him she's sick? I will cry
it's gonna be the last time you celebrate your anniversary at all
This scene is pulling all my heartstrings THIS ISN'T FAIR
Ah shit is Rossi gonna run out of air? Is the air being poisoned?
A profiled delivery scene!!! Have we had those yet this season? I don't think so. I feel like this is a square on someone's bingo card
Did Luke just call Rossi the Unit Chief??? Rossi got demoted in like... episode 3 and is currently supposed to be suspended
Garcia is losing her mind and I know Luke is going to comfort her and I know I'm gonna cry
Is Rebecca going to get her job back> Are they going to try to put Tebecca back together? I don't know how I feel about that
Emily is going off on EVERYONE in this episode and I am here for it
Oh Bailey is so gonna die
"You're definitely the one who likes the gold star" is that what the CME Instagram Bingo was talking about????
Wait, gold star means something. Tf does it mean???
Luke with his hand on the back of Garcia's chair just like old times 😭😭😭
"Why don't Penelope and I coordinate from here" I'm getting Garvez CRUMBS but I am living for it
"extralegally speaking" 😂😂😂
The AG, Bailey, and Rebecca working together? I don't like this, although it feels like the AG is manipulating Bailey and Rebecca
Luke filling up her water bottle for her besties i am so unwell
Tyler's only going into surgery now??? That was the big reaction??? Huh???
So far this episode Luke and Garcia have only been calling each other "Luke" and "Penelope" and idk what it is but it pulls on my heart every time it happens
The way he kneels down and takes her arm... it reminds me of "Saturday" 😭😭😭
"Penelope, I don't know, I'm just... but maybe if we lean on each other, we'll have the strength to get through this together." ARE YOU KIDDING ME. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. THAT IS THE MOST ROMANTIC SHIT EVER. I'M ACTUALLY CRYING. HOLY SHIT HE'S SO IN LOVE.
Well, I can cross "Luke initiates a hug" off my Garvez bingo
I'm sorry, if someone looked at me like that, said those things to me, and then held me like that, I would be falling in love and potentially proposing marriage
"Yeah, we can do that, I want to do that" this sounds like every "I still love you" Garvez fic any of us have ever written
"Me and you." I'd love that, actually STOP PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS
"Have some tea, careful it's hot" LUKE ALVEZ THE WORLD DOES NOT DESERVE YOU
This is going to be a scene I come back and watch an UNREASONABLE amount of times. It added YEARS to my life and soothed a part of my soul I didn't realize was hurting. That might have been the most romantic Garvez scene... I think ever. It's going right up there in my favorites with the asking out scene and the entirety of "Saturday"
"His heart is in the right place" ma'am he's a serial killer
Okat, so Sydney's seen Voit on his phone now, so she knows something is up
Shiiiit she found the dog collar
Go OFF Rossi!!!
Rossi, wtaf are you doing????
Did Rossi set up a bomb to break himself out? If so, legend
Ohhhhhhhhh nevermind, this might have backfired
The fury in Emily's face... Paget's acting is SLAYING this episode
Luke and Tara playing off each other and building on each other's ideas.. I AM SO HERE FOR IT
Krystall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I knew she was coming, but I still love to see her. I still do kind of hope she's not the missing character cameo, but if no one else shows up, I will be using her to cross it off my CME bingo
"I've missed you so much" goodbye I'm c r y i n g
Rossi being so accepting of death 😭😭😭
Voit used his mother's maiden name as the new last name for his wife, this will probably end up being key to finding them
Every time I see Garvez working together... goddamn I love them so much
Ooh, we got the whole Voit background
Okay yeah we were all right when we said Will and Bailey are going to get shot and Bailey's going to die. I'm positive of it.
Ah shit Voit just snapped at his wife
Oh shit's about to go DOWN. The cops have arrived and Voit's brandishing a gun AT HIS FUCKING FAMILY
Okay so we have JJ, Will, Luke, and Bailey at Voit's house... and two of them are getting shot. If Luke gets shot I'm going to sob uncontrollably, and if these are my death options, I am also going to sob uncontrollably
Bailey, the best boy in the world (Luke Alvez) warned you, and you didn't listen to him. You should always listen to him. He's always right.
I am stressinggggggggggggg
Luke/Will/JJ is not a trio I realized I needed
"Are we sure Bailey and this cat Voit don't have some history together?" I was wondering the same thing, Will
There are 20 minutes left and still so much needs to happen, idk if there's the time
Oh, Will's getting shot for SURE
Yep, Bailey just got shot, and if I saw correctly: in the head. He's dead. I think we all knew this was coming.
Ah shit, Voit grabbed Sydney before she could escape. Idk if she's making it out of this alive.
Aaaaaaaand there goes Will.
So you're telling me the only reason Sydney is still alive is because Voit used all his bullets? GodDAMN
I completely love that it was Luke who ended up arresting Sicarius. I'm so glad the writers finally gave him his big moment. I would still like to know his backstory, though
Is Voit Mirandizing HIMSELF? Why does that make me laugh?
Tara is doing the I'm-so-mad-my-hair-is-moving power walk and I am HERE FOR IT goddamn she's so stunning
Rebecca I'm going to need you to shut the FUCK UP with your "I feel for you" and just tell Tara what she needs
"I didn't ask for any of this!" Do you think anyone did??????
So are just never going to learn what Gold Star is???
I frankly have no idea how they're going to get Rossi out of this on time
Not how I thought I'd get to cross "a dance scene" off my CME bingo card, but I'll take it.
I am not well
Luke's overjoyed, "DAVE?" and his fucking smile I'M CRYING
Greencia breakup??? Greencia breakup????
"is this heaven" *gag*
"Where we keep hurting each other. Or... where I keep hurting you." GOOD. ADMIT IT.
Okay, I am really glad that she is realizing that Tyler is bad for her and is ending things.
GREENCIA BREAKUP!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luke placing his hand on the back of Penelope's shoulder as he guides her out of the elevator 😭💗 WAIT I CAN COUNT THAT AS AN ELEVATOR SCENE ON MY GARVEZ BINGO
ROSSI HUGGING PENELOPE AND KISSING HER ON THE CHEEK 😭💗 HE MISSED HIS DAUGHTER (and, okay, @penelopeminded, I will admit that the Rossi/Emily hug scene was also very cute, but I still stand by the fact that Penelope is his favorite)
BAU group hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Them toasting Bailey 😭😭😭
garvez scene at the end of the episode??? maybe???
If I hadn't already crossed of "they have a conversation about their feelings" last episode with the date flashback, this scene would have totally qualified
Okay if you try to tell me Penelope wasn't at least a LITTLE heart eyed when she was looking at Luke as he poured them drinks, you're lying. It's getting crossed off the bingo card
"The heart wants what it wants, or else it doesn't care" are we about to get a Garvez confession right now??? Because he said that looking SO IN LOVE WITH HER
"You know Emily Dickinson," she's so impressed (and a little heart-eyed, fight me)
"I know that quote" HE'S STILL IN LOVE WITH HER
Dammit no confession, but he's still in love with her
I'm sorry... they show Garvez... then Willifer... then Tara and Emily??? Are they hinting at something here???
"I don't mean to intrude" ROSSI SHIPS TEMILY
So, I'm guessing "Gold Star" is going to be the plot of the next season
"Oh, WHAT???" (my actual, out-loud reaction to seeing swat people or whoever they are storm the BAU)
Are they breaking Voit out???
Oh god the missing character is about to open that door aren't they
Okay, so I'm DEFINITELY going to be watching the next season. I am losing my mind /pos
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