#like youll get cavities
python333 · 1 year
I am in need of more Dad Price! I love your how you write the relationships between 141 and the reader.
carry me to bed, please — python333
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synopsis the 141 base is cold-- luckily, price had told you that his office is always open to you, since it's far warmer in there than the rest of the base. cue some comfort no hurt (???? i think this counts as that) and so much fluff it will give u cavities.
relationships platonic!cap. price & gn!reader.
characters cap. price.
word count 2.2k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [code name/call sign], maybe one or two pet names used.
note tysm for the req anon!! and yes omg i agree i think we all need some more dad price :3 so heres some dad price for everyone, he carries u to bed because i say so and totally not because i miss pretending to be asleep in the back of my dad's car after a late night drive and forcing him to carry me to bed. totally not haha. stop looking at me like that. anyway!!! i hope u enjoy this fic, its short & sweet and is literally just so fluffy i loved writing it sm!!
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Price’s office has always been warmer. 
A majority of the 141 base was incredibly cold, especially the training rooms. You could see why, there’s a bunch of people sparring or whatever. It's more useful for it to be colder there, and that’s all fine, but it really gets on your nerves sometimes. 
Especially because you were doing target practice in those same rooms more than actually sparring people, which would always end with you walking out of that same room a mere hour later, freezing your ass off and heading to the showers to turn the water to the hottest setting and defrost yourself in there. 
And almost immediately after you were done showering and putting your clothes back on, the cold 141 air would hit you again, and you’d slowly freeze all over again.
This was a fairly known issue among the other soldiers, a majority of them teasing you for your obvious shivering throughout the day. Price, however, after hearing about your small issue, went about it in a completely different way. 
You remember just a month ago when he had first heard about it, he had gone around base trying to find you and eventually found you in the recreation room, just scrolling through your phone. 
Covering every inch of your forearms up to where the short sleeves of your shirt ended were goosebumps, and the slowness of your thumb as you scrolled through your phone almost perfectly showcased just how cold you were. 
He’d walked right up to you, one of his jackets with a fluffy interior bundled up in his hands, and he’d waited for you to notice him before talking. In short, he mentioned how he’d heard about how you had an issue with the cold temperatures of the base, and decided to give you one of his jackets. 
You had gratefully accepted it and had it on for the rest of the day, a few others who recognized Price’s jacket had teased you for it but you didn’t really mind that—you were more focused on how much warmer you felt. 
So then, just a few days later, after seeing you in his jacket every day after that initial conversation, Price had walked up to you again and offered something else. He’d told you about how his office was generally warmer than the rest of the base, and he had an extra chair in there for you to sit on. 
Naturally, you let him know of your appreciation of his offer, and just after dinner, when you knew you had nothing else you needed to do that day, you knocked on the door of his office and let yourself in after he granted you permission to do so. 
He must’ve known you would’ve been wanting to enter his office, because when you walked in a chair was already pulled up right next to his behind his desk, as well as a small blanket. You’d immediately spotted the chair and blanket and quickly walked over there, your immediate interest in it making an amused smile grace Price’s lips as he watched you pick up the blanket and sit in the chair, unfolding said blanket and throwing it over yourself. 
You vaguely remember drifting off to sleep in that very chair and waking up in your own sleeping quarters. You never really asked Price about the specifics of what happened, but you’ve always had your suspicions that he’d carried you there—well, not really suspicions, since that’s the only logical thing that could’ve happened, but you never know. 
You can’t really imagine Price carrying you to bed, like some dad who had to carry his kid to their bed because they pretended to fall asleep in the back of his car while driving home, but you can’t think of what else could have possibly happened. 
So while you walk to Price’s office now, arms crossed to conceal the goosebumps formed on your arms, you think about the warmth you’ll finally feel once you get to his office. You had made the dumb mistake of leaving the jacket he’d lent to you in your sleeping quarters and hadn’t had the time to go back for it all day. 
Sure, you could go back to your sleeping quarters now and just put on the jacket to warm yourself up, but you had a whole room open to you that was warm even without a jacket, and if that wasn’t enough, it had a blanket in it as well for you to use. So in your mind, it was only logical to go there instead. 
Plus, you enjoyed being in Price’s presence, finding it oddly calm, but that’s not the point. 
You eventually reach Price’s office and uncross your arms to knock on the door, a little bit surprised at how quickly he calls out, “Come in!” 
You open the door wordlessly and close it behind you once you walk into his office, and see the chair still by his own with the same blanket you use neatly folded on top of it. Price looks up from his computer and smiles and nods at you before going back to his work, leaving it up to you whether or not you wanted to just be left alone or chat with him. 
You immediately walk over to the chair and do what you usually do, picking up the blanket and sitting down on the chair, then unfolding the blanket and throwing it over yourself. The room was warm enough for you to go without a blanket—but the blanket was just so much warmer and more cozy, you don’t think you could really go without it.
You toe your boots off and bring your knees up to your chest, bringing the edges of the blanket over your legs and holding the two ends of the blanket together with one hand, the other grabbing the arm rest of Price’s chair for a moment to roll your chair closer to his before letting go and letting your hand retreat back into the blanket. 
Price spares a glance at you once you’ve rolled your chair closer to his before taking one of his hands off of the keyboard of his computer and reaching over to wrap it around your shoulders. It’s significantly harder for him to type this way, but he can’t bring himself to care, not when you hum contently at the physical contact and lean your head to the side to rest it on his shoulder. 
“Why didn’t you have your jacket on?” It takes you a moment to realize he’s asking about the jacket he lent to you. 
When you do realize that’s what he’s asking about, you respond in your tired-raspy tone, “Forgot it in my room.” 
“And you went here instead of going back to your own sleeping quarters to get it and put it on?” Price asks, both somewhat amused and flattered. 
“I did,” You hum, before asking, “Is that an issue?” 
“No, no, not at all,” Price quickly says, squeezing your shoulder gently for a second, “I’m flattered that you decided to come to me.” 
You don’t respond verbally, instead simply letting out a tired huff through your nose, watching as Price types up an email to someone on his computer—to whom, you can’t tell. Your sleepiness and the warmth of the room, the blanket, and Price’s arm around your shoulders causes your eyelids to droop a bit and as a result your vision blurs just a bit, making you unable to read who Price is emailing. 
You can faintly hear Price mumbling, reading out the email as he types under his breath, and the sound of his soft voice gently lulls you to sleep. It’s never been this easy to fall asleep, You realize, I’ve been here for what, a minute? Two minutes? And I’m already falling asleep? 
You aren’t complaining, of course. You let yourself fall asleep, faintly hearing Price’s soft chuckle once he sees that you’re falling asleep, and for a good hour or three you have some uninterrupted rest. 
That is, until you’re awoken by some small movements near your head. 
You don’t open your eyes or anything yet, instead simply waiting to see what happens. You feel the shoulder you were resting your head on move out from under your cheek and before you can even mourn the loss of your pseudo-pillow, you feel gentle hands peeling the blanket you’d been using off of you and hear it being tossed somewhere else. 
Then, you feel a hand snake behind your back, and one goes under your knees. You manage to keep your body relaxed as Price picks you up, hearing him give a soft grunt as he lifts you up from the chair, and he stands in place for a moment—presumably to make sure he has a good hold on you—before beginning to walk away from the chair. 
You hear the soft thumping of his boots against the floor as he carries you over to his office door, and he reaches the hand that’s under your back out a little farther to twist the knob on the door before retracting his hand and kicking open the door. 
He walks out and kicks the door closed behind him, making sure to readjust his hand so that it’s more secure under your back, before continuing to walk down the hall towards your sleeping quarters. You continue to remain relaxed in Price’s arms, but just to fuck with him a little bit, you shift a little in his arms and turn your head so that it leans against his chest.
He stops in his tracks almost immediately and you can feel his eyes on you, and you can feel him grip onto you tighter before continuing to walk down the hall. 
“Thought you were clingy enough when you came into my office instead of going to your own sleeping quarters,” Price muses quietly, his breathy voice just loud enough for you to hear, “But no, apparently you’re clingier in your sleep, always needing to be closer to me. You’re lucky I don’t mind.” 
You hold back an amused huff at his hushed comments and instead remain silent, and in just a few more steps Price is at the door of your room, extending the hand below your back once again to twist the knob on the door then retract his hand and kick the door open. 
He walks in and doesn’t bother to close the door behind him, instead simply walking over to your bed and gently setting you down, much to your disappointment. You can feel him still standing there even after he’s already set you down, and he sighs to himself before bringing the covers up and over you, basically tucking you into bed. 
Tucking you into bed. The thought of it is enough to make you have to fight the urge to smile, trying to maintain the pretense of you being asleep. 
Even after Price has tucked you in, he still stands there for a moment, as if thinking of anything else he has to do while in your sleeping quarters, before suddenly you feel him leaning closer to you and feel him press a soft kiss to your forehead just a second later.
“G’night, lovey,” Price murmurs against your forehead, before pulling back and sighing down at you. Then, he finally walks away from your bed and leaves your room, closing the door quietly behind him. 
Oh. You blink your eyes open once you’re sure he’s left and find yourself staring up at the ceiling, slowly blinking up at it, not sure what to think. Huh. 
So that kind of… confirms that he carried me to bed that night, You think, Which is making me more emotional than it should be. 
You sigh and turn onto your side, closing your eyes again, your thoughts beginning to loop until it’s basically just, He carried me to bed, he kissed me on the forehead, he called me lovey, he carried me to bed, he kissed me on the forehead, he called me lovey— 
For whatever reason, your brain is particularly stuck on how he’d carried you to bed. Not the other things that, to you, seemed far more affectionate. But for some reason, the fact that he carried you to bed gets you all warm inside, almost as warm as his office. 
Maybe it’s because of the gentle way he cradles you as he carries you to bed, or the quiet musings he’d spoken under his breath while he thought you weren’t listening, or the fact that he’d never mentioned that he carried you to bed after you’d fallen asleep before and had just left you to either guess or forget about it—whichever reason it is for why your brain is stuck on the fact that Price carried you to bed, all you know for sure is that it’s enough to reduce you to a soft pile of mush even just thinking about it. 
You eventually fall asleep after a few minutes of forcing yourself not to think about it too much, and the next morning, when you see Price, you don’t say a thing about anything that happened the night before.
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buggybuggs · 7 months
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Mmmmm.... Ly posting.... it just feels right...
For those insterested, Ly updates -
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pic was made intentionally to include a shot of Ly's chest cavity, usually it's blocked by the diamond shaped plug usually inside of their chest. I decided to increase the rot found within Ly's face, less of the skull portion is seen but you can still see the dead socket and the hole in their skull. The rot has a neat texture now that ive been experimenting with, and i ripped the stretched lobes on its right ear since like, well Ly you had gauges and im sure within the "event" that caused it to shave its head and cut its ears could have lead to them pulling their lobe apart too. im hoping to finally start writing the whole thing with Ly/Linipi, Maltha, Mari and the rest. they deserve it by now and i should write! writing is fun! maybe? idk. im simply a bit nervous to start something big. i also need a new name. I should talk about the whole thing, i havent zoned out and went Ly-Brained in so long... its so nice to just brain explode..
i like how edgy ly is i love it so much *gives a kiss gives a kiss and gets punched*
also do you like how the dead eye looks here? sometimes i make it an X because its like XwO dead eye. but i went with this one so it looks like, creepy? freaky?
i love ly, you love ly too, youll always love ly
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starb3rrys · 1 year
Ranpo with a tooth cavity
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You had told Ranpo time and time again to make sure he watches how much sugar he eats since it could have a bad effect on him.
But the prideful detective just disregarded the advice and just took it as you being a worry wort.
In the office, you would see him munching away to his hearts content from morning to noon.
You would see him take out all types of sugary treats; chocolates, donuts, cupcakes, candies, you name it he had it.
Seeing the amount of sugar he ate in just one day worried you, you cared so much for him and he knew that. He tried to reassure you that he’d be fine and told you not to worry so much.
“Some simple sugar cannot hope to defeat the worlds greatest detective!” He said proudly. You smiled at his dorky confidence.
Looking back, that sentence he said ended up being very ironic.
“OWW!” You look up from your computer to see Ranpo touching his cheek.
“Ranpo are you okay?” Junichiro asks with a concerned expression.
“Yeah im fine just a sharp pain on my back molar, not sure why” Ranpo says.
“Sounds like a tooth cavity to me, all that sugar has finally caught up to you” Dazai says looking at Ranpo.
Ranpo jumps up from his chair slamming his hands on the desk leaning forward looking at dazai. “Impossible! I havent eaten nearly enough sweets today?!”
“You’ve eaten 5 cupcakes, 2 bags of chips and 3 soda pops since we started working,……we got here 20 minutes ago” Atsushi said with a (٥⁀▽⁀ ) expression.
“….that’s irrelevant” Ranpo says sitting back down with a pout and arms crossed. “Youll have to schedule a dentist appointment to get that checked Ranpo, if you don’t it can get worse.” You tell him with a worried yet pleading expression.
He’s hesitant to agree but he knows you’re right, which is why its so hard for him to agree with you. (Stubborn ass mf istg-) He sets up an appointment for the following day.
The day of the appointment
You had offered to go with Ranpo to the appointment to accompany him. (And to get that sweet “i told you so” moment). You waited outside in the waiting room for the checkup to be complete. About 45 minutes later Ranpo finally came outside.
“How did it go?” You ask. He looks down avoiding your eyes with a pout visibly on his face. “You had a cavity didn’t you” you say catching on. He just silently nods his head. “Did they have to fill it in?” You ask.
He looks at you and sighs, “yeah they said it was because i eat too much sugar and told me to try and take a small break from it or atleast try to cut some down.”
“Mm” you say looking at him.
“I know youre gonna say it so just let it out” he says.
“I told you so” you say looking at him with your arms crossed.
“I know, and im sorry for not really listening to you” He opens his eyes and looks at you “I was in the wrong, i just thought you were worrying too much and over exaggerating, but you were right and im sor-“ his words get cut off by your arms wrapped around him in a tight hug.
“Whats the hug for?” He asks a bit surprised.
“Its not everyday you hear the worlds greatest detective admit they were wrong” you say with your head resting on Ranpos chest.
“Hey now, don’t get too used to it!” He hugs back, hell never admit it, but he loves it when you call him “the worlds greatest detective.”
“Now how about some snacks to eat!” He says with stars in his eyes.
“Ranpo..” you say with a confused yet disappointed face.
“Im just messing with you love!~” he says smiling.
Whew! First ever story made by me, I hope I did okay, feel free to leave any feed back! All is appreciated! <3
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semper540deinceps · 5 months
You broke that bond, now when i come to think of you, my feelings I had before just simply become shattered and nonexistent. You let your selfish ways come in between a true love. You play with my heart like it’s just a endless game and not show love consistently? I put my life on the line, you wouldn't take that sort of risk for me Your fucked by choice, fuck I wish I could delete all our memories I feel so strongly, every single time you decide to give into your decadent act of cruel licentiousness you willingly take upon, against a pure love that you had found and forever wanted, will never forget and sadly will never ever again be found.
I lost all faith while drowning my sorrows in this whiskey bottle ,hoping it takes away my misery and pain you so ruthlessly placed in side the empty cavity of where a magnificent magical heart used to be. I got a dead soul now. From believing in all the horrendous fabled lies you so strongly made me believe. I’ve been staring vengefully in the mirror at my greatest enemies you somehow managed to bring out of me. Emotions bottled up, I don't know what's wrong and it's literally fucking killing me!!
My heart is now so dead and cold, every time she now says B My mind steadily racing on the thoughts of all the different meaningless hands coursing through your body that once was so heavenly to me . Yeah I have been overthinking, when I feel you getting used and torn from what you could have been, what we could’ve been, i don't get no sleep when feeling your internal intense satisfaction you constantly receive ,from all those men who greet there cocks in that once sweet magnificent pussy and beautiful winky asshole I once so highly admired , loved and so immensely desired . All the while it was just a heinous illusion you portrayed me to believe while I always felt and seen through your lies and deceit that pussy the image I once admired and cherished so immensely is viciously mutilated and demoralized of indecency and self cruelty to the fact you’re the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You don't understand how hard it is, I swear this shit beyond so deep. I’ll make it to the top and you will look up in disbelief. Youll hate that I'm doin' better, regretting so much that you got rid of me and the love you’ll never have the chance to find again I will flex with no regrets ' remember how you so willingly and easily showed me no sympathy I came a long way but I ain't as far as I'm going to be I promise I'ma die a legend, I'ma make sure that you fucking remember me V !!
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ahurumustdie · 3 years
its so hard watching this the second time around bc i know everything thats going to happen so it makes everything hit harder and now im crying over Mikhail and Yuliy again
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doebt · 4 years
Ok im crying all over again bc my grandad has been consuming like all of my special sugar free sparkling waters
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baby-prophet · 3 years
someone gonto the dentist for me I do not want to
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Woo!! Can I have HCs of Alucard's s/o comforting him after a nightmare? I've recently rewatched the whole series and ultimate and that one scene-- y'know which one I mean-- made me feel stuffs, now I just wanna cuddle him...
here we go Anon! I admit, this whole idea kinda made me melt, so be prepared for cavity-inducing fluff! Hope you like it (I may have gotten a little carried away with this... My headcanons are usually quite short!!)
It's no big secret to you about his nightmares, but depending on how long you've been together dictates how he will handle them around you.
Now, if he hasn't been with you long, the likelihood is that he won't tell you about them and will probably take himself off somewhere away from you-- or anyone really-- and sort things out himself. He does not, under any circumstances, want you seeing him so apparently weak. 
Don't try to follow him, youll probably regret it.
Though it may take time, its best to wait until he's comfortable enough to come find you himself...
When you two have been together for some time, enough time for you to gain his trust that is, he will almost certainly come to seek comfort from you when he has a nightmare.
Just be gentle with him. Please.
Though he seems like a tough badass and like he has everything together the man is, in actual fact, pretty badly broken inside and 100% needs your love and reassurance.
Hold. Him.
He rarely, if ever, asks for hugs, but this doesn't mean that he doesn't need them. Please give him hugs. Don't make me ask again.
If you wrap your arms around him after he's sought you out after a particularly bad nightmare, he will melt into you.
Being a vampire, literally if he feels really relaxed around you.
He will cling to you tighter than a limpet.  There will be no moving until he's ready to let you.
word of advice? if you're not already, become nocturnal. That way you'll have the same sleeping patterns as him and it will be much less disruptive to your routine; just make sure that your bed is large enough to accommodate one over-sized cat vampire as well as yourself.
Also, be warned, if sharing a bed with him becomes a regular occurrence, you will become his personal body pillow. No Exceptions.
Up sides to this, I hear no one ask firstly, HIS NIGHTMARES ARE NOW ALMOST NON-EXISTENT! congratulations! you have mended one (1) borderline damaged nosferatu! Secondly, you now have your own personal vampiric heater! (He's surprisingly warm, believe it or not.) 
expect to get woken up fairly regularly by him. He won't say anything, just crawl into bed with you and situate himself as close as he can, wrapping around you like the lanky noodle he is, his face buried in your hair.
on the occasions that a nightmare was particularly bad, he'll want to stay awake with you for a while just for the reassurance that it wasn’t real and you are there with him, alive and, above all, safe.
That’s it for now... I could go on, but I'd be here 'til next Christmas if I did! 
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foulserpent · 4 years
Hi.... can I ask you a question about covid, based on your experience? It’s just, I’ve had symptoms and several doctors have said that I should get tested. But I’m so so scared of the test that I’ve put it off. Could you tell me what it’s like?
you absolutely need to get tested asap. a minute (not even that long) of discomfort is better than having a potentially severe disease undiagnosed
also afaik most current tests are no longer going as deep into the nasal cavity, so its a lot less of a pain than it could be (and that procedure isnt that bad either just really uncomfortable, ive had it done before)
if you have access to a car or someone willing to drive you (and youre in the US), CVS is doing drivethru testing in some states and they have you do it yourself, so youre in control of the test. and yeah you pretty much stick a q tip into your nose about an inch, its really not bad. the worst thing about it is it triggered me to go into a sneezing fit due to the irritation + me being sick with COVID. 
though you will probably get results faster from a clinic (mine via CVS took 3 days, my parents via a clinic got theirs the next day) . but yeah im serious go online and look for testing locations, and if they do online appointments (CVS does) make one now. youll feel better once its over!
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parchmints · 6 years
JuLance Day 28 - BIRTHDAY!
Check out my thread on twitter to see all the prompts at once (the tumblr app messes with formatting so I recommend twitter if you’re using mobile)! All prompts connect together to form one overarching story!
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day 28/31 - BIRTHDAY!
Lance’s last day of his week visiting Cuba. 
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANCE!! Here’s my bday fic for the BEST boy. Hope you all like as we get near the end of this fic! Thanks to @angst-in-space for the beta!)
It’s Lance’s last full day in Cuba and there’s a knot in his stomach that just won’t go away. He knows he’ll still be able to visit while they’re on Earth, but he’s really liked spending all day with everyone. There’s a part of him--a very small part of him--that wants to take his mamá’s offer and hang up his blue helmet, stay in Cuba forever, but he can’t. He won’t.
“You’re getting all mopey again,” Marco says, snapping Lance out of his daydream. They’re side-by-side, grocery bags in hand, and walking along the pier to the path that leads to their house. Mamá had asked Marco to buy some groceries for tomorrow night (which was admittedly odd--she usually goes grocery shopping once a week and gets everything at once) and Marco had dragged Lance along. Normally, Lance would have resisted, but he’s happy to spend some time with his brother.
Being present has proven difficult, however, as Lance is constantly thinking about his departure tomorrow.
“Oh. Sorry, Marco. I’m just--”
“Sad you’re leaving?” Marco asks, his usual smirk faltering.
“Well, I mean, you’re gonna come and have dinner with us all the time, right?”
“And you’re probably gonna have some time off too. You said it was probably gonna take a while to build the castle, so we have time.”
“No, yeah,” Lance says, frowning, “I know. I’m just...it’s been a really great week, y’know?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
As Lance and Marco sink into silence on their evening walk, Lance’s cell phone vibrates in his jacket pocket. Lance slips the grocery bag handle from his hand to his wrist and fishes out his phone, already fairly certain who’s contacting him.
Keith <<5:54 PM>>
Hey, Lance. Don’t want to interrupt your time with your family, but I know you’re probably pretty bummed since it’s your last night in Cuba and I thought I’d check in on you.
<<5:54 PM>>
!!!! awww!!! babe!! that’s so sweet ur so tjoughtful <3 <3 <3
Keith <<5:55 PM>>
Ugh. Stop.
<<5:55 PM>>
Keith <<5:55 PM>>
<<5:56 PM>>
:P youll learn to like it
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Well, I’ll let you go. Have fun. I’m excited to see you tomorrow.
<<5:57 PM>>
thnx!! me too!! love you xox
Keith <<5:57 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Love you too.
“Ugh, oh my god, stop! I can feel you being gross from over here,” Marco says, groaning. “Put the phone away before I get secondhand cavities.”
Lance’s cheeks heat from Marco calling him out, but the dopey grin that plastered itself on his face since he saw the text is still firmly in place.
“Shut up,” Lance says, slipping his phone back in his pocket, his mood ten times lighter.
“Nuh uh. Until I get myself a cute girlfriend, you’re fair grounds for teasing, bro,” Marco says, swinging his grocery bags back and forth. “But it’s going well? You and Keith?”
Lance’s eyes stray to the ground at the question, his grin fading into a smaller, softer smile. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s going well.”
In fact, it’s going very well. Kind of better than Lance’s wildest dreams, if he’s honest. It’s only been a few days since they confessed to each other, but it already feels like they’ve found something good. Something that will last.
After they got together, they both agreed Keith should stay in Arizona while Lance finished his vacation with his family. They both knew they’d distract each other and Lance still has a lot more time Keith when compared to the time he has in Cuba, so they both thought it was for the best. It’s been a little hard because now that Lance has a boyfriend he wants to see him all the time and do all the fun boyfriend stuff he gets to do now, but he reminds himself that there’s a time and place for that.
And now isn’t that time and Cuba isn’t that place.
Cuba is for family.
Lance has been spending the past couple days hanging out with everyone--facials with Veronica, early morning fishing with papá, guitar practice with Luís, practicing his French with Marise, arts and crafts with Diana, Hilario, and Ana, and of course, big family dinners every night.
He’s going to miss those the most. With everyone so busy all the time, it’s the one place they all get to be together and it’s something mamá insists upon. No matter what, the McClains eat their dinner together.
Lance has never been more grateful for that rule.
Finally, they reach home, the sun starting its descent towards the horizon and Lance feels a pang of loneliness shoot through his chest. Tonight’s his last dinner with them all for who knows how long and it weighs heavy on him.
They climb the porch steps to the front door and Marco nods for him to go ahead. Lance does so without question and opens the door.
There’s a flash, a series of loud popping sounds, streams of color, the whir of kazoos, and Lance is very, very confused.
He blinks rapidly trying to absorb the scene in front of him, but it’s all so overwhelming.
“Oh man, look at his face!” a voice says. Pidge?
“Oh, we totally got him. We got him so good!” another voice answers. Hunk?
After a few seconds, Lance finally understands what’s happening--his entire family is in the hall with the entire team and they’re all looking at him with big smiles and mischievous eyes. In the back of the large group is Hunk and Luís holding up a large banner that says “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEANDRO!” in finger paints and Lance can tell it was made by Hilario and Ana with Diana’s supervision.
“I--it’s September!” he says, incredulous and they all laugh at him.
“Oh, we know, we know,” his mamá says with an unbothered wave, “but we missed two of your birthdays while you were in space so we wanted to make up for lost time.”
“Aww mamá, you didn’t have to do that.”
“We wanted to!” she says, coming over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, mijo.”
Lance smiles at her and then looks to his team members. “How did you guys get here? I didn’t see a Lion.”
“We all took Green and I put on cloaking while we rode in and parked far away,” Pidge says, looking smug. “I’m a genius.”
“Seriously?! Who even told you guys?”
Marco steps away and walks over to Keith, casually leaning his arm on Keith’s shoulder. “Keith and I coordinated the whole thing! We missed twice the birthdays so we need twice the people to make up for it.”
Lance beams at Keith and sends him the biggest smile he can manage, which Keith returns. He quickly looks away, however, as they haven’t told the rest of the team about their relationship yet and they don’t want it to be exposed before they’re ready to tell them themselves.
“Aww, you guys! That’s awesome, I’m so happy. It’s so cool that you’re all here,” Lance says, beaming at them.
Shiro roughly puts his hand on Lance’s shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. “We wouldn’t miss it, Lance.”
“Yes! Plus, Hunk informed us that your household’s cuisine is to be revered which I am glad to hear because so far, Earth food has been...not what I expected,” Allura says.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’ve been eating standard issue Garrison food,” Hunk says. “I’ve only ever had Lance’s mom’s home cooked empanadas the day after and man, I dreamed about those puppies for weeks.”
“Oh, Hunk, you’re so sweet,” Lance’s mamá says, blushing at the praise.
“Yeah, they’re really good,” Keith agrees.
“Alright, alright! Enough!” Veronica says with a sigh. “Let’s eat them already before they get cold.”
Dinner is...an experience. They’re all crowded onto the McClain family table, elbows bumping elbows, plates only centimeters apart, and every extra chair in the house being squeezed in. There’s so much conversation happening, Lance can hardly follow it. Hunk is talking to mamá about her family recipes, Shiro is talking to Luís and papá about his arm, Pidge and Marise are prattling away about genius stuff, and Coran has Marco, Veronica, and Allura swept up in a story about the former Paladins. Marco and Veronica listen to him with rapt attention, but based on the identical line between their brows, they’re also very confused.
Lance sits at the center of the table, talking and chiming in to as many conversations as he can, while Keith sits beside him. They’re all so squeezed in that no one notices that they’re holding hands and that Keith is gently brushing Lance’s thumb underneath the table.
And it’s a bittersweet feeling. He’s not sure if he’s ever felt happier, surrounded by both his blood family and space family, but there’s a subtle sadness to it because he’s not sure when this will ever happen again, this incredible clashing of his worlds. Soon, he’s going to have to leave one family to be with the other, but all he wants is to just live in this moment forever with all of them.
Don’t worry about that now, he thinks. Enjoy it while it lasts.
There’s cake--of course, there’s cake. Luís brings it out with a big grin and it’s probably the ugliest, greatest cake Lance has ever seen in his life. It’s two-tiered but the layers are uneven, so it slants and it’s covered in baby blue icing with little icing doodles of the Red and Blue Lions on the sides. The amount of candles on the thing is probably illegal and they’re a glittering mess of sparklers and regular wax ones. It’s a total mess, but if Luís baked it, Lance knows it’s going to be delicious.
Hilario whoops and yells, “CAKE!” as soon as he sees it and the rest of the adults “ooh” and “ahh” as it comes in. Luís places the cake right in front of Lance, squeezing himself past a long line of chairs, and Lance can feel the heat of the lit candles radiating from it.
“Alright!” Luís says, clapping Lance on the shoulders before grabbing a guitar he tucked away in the corner of the room. “Let’s sing Happy Birthday to Lancito before we burn the house down.”
Luís strums his guitar and starts the song, his full-bodied voice filling the room, and the rest all jump in. Nobody’s on pitch (as it should be) and they’re not quite in sync as Allura and Coran are learning as they go, but Lance is grinning just the same. And as awkward as being sung to may feel usually, today it just fills him up with so much happiness, so much gratefulness, so much love that a lump forms in his throat.
Oh my god, no. You are not gonna cry, you sap, he tells himself. Luckily, his body listens to him and he’s able to swallow down the emotion. He feels Keith give his hand a squeeze under the table and Lance flashes him a quick smile. Keith’s eyes are soft and sweet when they catch Lance’s and his whole torso flutters at the sight of them. When he turns back, Shiro is wearing a knowing smirk, and, embarrassed, Lance quickly looks back to Luís as he finishes the song.
Of course, Keith told Shiro, he thinks, a little annoyed, but the feeling passes quickly.
“--Happy birthday to youuu!” they all finish with hollers as Luís strums his guitar erratically. Hilario has started listing all the birthday channel additions he remembers--”and a big fat lady on channel 80! And Scooby Doo on channel two!”--and Lance’s papá pats his shoulder next to him.
They all watch Lance as he halfway stands from his seat to reach the candles and with a brief moment of introspection, Lance closes his eyes and makes a wish.
I wish...I wish that I’ll get to spend the rest of my life with these people.
Lance takes an exaggerated, cartoony inhale and with all the power his lungs can muster, he blows out the ridiculous amount of candles on the cake. The sparklers don’t go out, but all the wax ones do and from all sides of him Lance hears cheers and clapping.
He sits back down and he’s met with dozens of bright eyes and happy smiles staring back at him.
And it’s in this moment that Lance’s eyes water--he’s too overcome with the weight of his gratefulness to be here, to be surrounded by the most important people in his life, at least for one night, that his emotions get the better of him.
He’ll never forget this night--the one where he was surrounded by all the people he loves most in the world--the universe--and the people who love him back just as much.
And there’s no better birthday present than that.
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niamh222 · 3 years
writing a diary entry post. I feel the need to check p on myself. Therap has made me realise that im
-avoidantly attached
and these labels are good, i mean i feel like that is why i went into therapy in the first place- to find the words for why i was feeling the way i was feeling,
But maybe there is overlabeling. There was a phase im my sexuality and gender where i wanted to cramp myself into boxes. It was validating to have labels that others could define me as and I could then define myself as. Like the blueprint s of personality. Byt as i grew older and matured though my sexuality i realised i didnt need these labels, in fact they were limiting my ability to identify and act freely. So i ditched them, and while i still think of myself as Bisexual, its not a big part of my paige. I feel like thats where im headed with these new labels- i feel a need to validate myself with these identities but maturing and growing freely from them will also be helpful.
It will come with time. As i remove shame and meet my emotional needs. It’s just work. That’s the worst thing, maintaining mental health is work. Like brushing your teeth- ive heard that somewhere but it really is. It’s something you have to do ad its boring and it sucks but if you dont youll have mental cavities and youll use mental fillings to fix them.
Depending less time on my phone and being present is proberbly a good place to stat - but idk, its tricky. I kinda need these coping mechanising. I wish i could just, go for a walk, or paint or play music . But smoking weed and scrolling on my phone seems easier and more instantly rewarding.
There’s also my friends. I’m fluxuating between wanting to be close to my friends and showing them a more authentic self and feeling like i need to isolate myself from them. Treat them mean keep em keen. I really took that to heart- so now when i feel myself becoming too reliant, or too close, too vulnerable with a friend . I want to cut them off for a week or two, just reconnect with myself and my inner loneyness, make sure i dont get too wrapped up in the excitement of being ne’er someone.
If your too close you mix with someone. You create a new thing, a part of you is lost and they fill that hole. I dont want that to happen , so i gotta disconnect.
tired now, gn
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travellerfufi-blog · 5 years
4 Kid-Friendly Costa Rica Adventures
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It might shock no one that Costa Rica offers some stunning open doors for explorers What you cannot deny is that it is additionally a perfect spot for a family excursion
Theres an exceptionally basic word that springs up when individuals hear family get-away and that word is cant As in we cant take our children and we cant do that on the off chance that we have children with us
In case youre stressed that your children wont most likely keep up wont have a ton of fun or wont welcome the lavish scene as much as you have no dread! Theres bounty which makes a Costa Rica family get-away vivacious improving and energizing for all ages
One of the best fortunes of Costa Rica is its normal excellence Regardless of whether its crossing through a thick wilderness or climbing a mountain all who adventure into the regular world there are certain to experience sensational scenes of nature taking care of business In case youre concerned your children arent up to a difficult climb theres a lot of child benevolent trails and ways that are similarly as astounding as the more troublesome treks Attempt Poas Volcano which is a generally manageable climb up to one of the most profound and most breathtaking cavity lakes on the planet
Remain vigilant for uncommon creatures for example parrots and monkeys!
Costa Ricas characteristic magnificence doesnt simply exist ashore A standout amongst the best things about this Central American heaven is its unmistakable sea waters making swimming a perfect action for all ages
The sum and decent variety of marine creatures living off the coast are probably the most otherworldly on the planet Take multi day outing to Tortuga Island off the shoreline of the Nicoya Peninsula for an astonishing swimming knowledge that even youthful children can appreciate! related post
In case youre feeling extremely bold (as are your children) you can likewise go scuba plunging Numerous spots that offer swimming likewise offer scuba plunging Whatever you pick youll have an incredible time in the completely clear waters
Zip Lining
On the off chance that youve never attempted zip lining through a rainforest youre passing up a great opportunity This action isnt just child inviting its energizing and ground-breaking to unquestionably take off through the air in a thick rich wilderness This is my preferred movement and one your children are certain to appreciate!
Children taller than 311 can appreciate zip coating visits from Sky Trek picking visits in either Monteverde or the grand Arenal Volcano
Natural life Tours
You cant have a Costa Rica family excursion and NOT complete a natural life visit! The entire nation is a tropical rainforest and accompanies the absolute most different untamed life anyplace on the planet Reptiles iguanas the chestnut-mandibled toucan the white headed capuchin monkey insect eating animals three-toed sloths thus considerably more all twist here - more than 500000 distinct species actually numerous extraordinary to this nation Its an action that is anything but difficult to do and is certain to satisfy everybody included previous post
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spidergvven · 7 years
tips for dealing with depression and suicidal ideation
given todays news i thought some people might need this, all of it is based of my personal experience w depression and mental illness so here goes:
things that are easy for everyone else will be insurmountable obstacles for you, people will definitely make you feel bad for this whether they intend to or not, look in a mirror and say “fuck them!” say it again, yell it as loud as you can, FUCK THEM!
you probably haven’t showered in a week and thats ok, baby wipes and dry shampoo are your friend
feeling grimy and gross will make you more depressed though, if you can get up and brush your teeth and splash water on your face you will feel better if only because you accomplished something (if you feel like brushing your teeth isn’t an accomplishment go back to tip one, it is and you are doing great!)
take care of what you can when you can, remind yourself to not feel bad for not doing what you cant today
your room/apartment/house is probably a mess, thats ok. don’t try to clean up everything at once, you will not be able to do it and you will get more depressed when you don’t succeed. clean up one (1) thing and i truly do mean one, put a dirty item of clothing where your dirty laundry goes (not a pile on the floor, get a hamper/basket/cardboard box anything that will help your brain file it as organized instead of clutter) put one cup from your room in the dishwasher. the magic of this is once you do one thing you start to feel a sense of accomplishment and the bigger tasks don’t seem as scary, before you know it all the dishes are clean or you’ve done all the laundry.
reward yourself for doing the hard stuff, even if thats just getting through another day. you do not have to suffer a certain amount before you deserve nice things that make you feel good.
get some vitamins. depression destroys whatever healthy eating habits you may have had and honestly no one is getting enough vitamins these days anyways. vitamin b and d deficiency can contribute to fatigue, chronic pain and depression. 15 minutes in the sun gets you your daily dose of vitamin d, so get a sun lamp or just sit outside once a day, you don’t have to do anything, except maybe drink some water since its july. vitamin b supplements are pretty cheap, they taste like candy and give you an immediate energy boost. a multivitamin w iron will help your body get the nutrients it needs and give you more energy as well. no vitamins wont cure mental illnesses but when your body feels physically like crap along with your mind it makes everything that much worse.
exercise if you can. the catch 22 of depression is that everything that will make you feel better is almost impossible to do when you’re depressed. the reason exercise is always recommended though is because it does help release those happy little chemicals in your brain as well as helps you form a routine. which means anything that gets your heart rate up and that you can commit to doing on a regular/semi regular schedule counts as exercise. dont think you have to become a gym rat or someone who loves running to get this benefit. anything you can do to get your body moving is a good thing.
square breathing and mindfulness will reduce tension in your body and mind (it should be noted that if you are prone to dissociation traditional mindfulness can make that worse but you can also practice a modified mindfulness while doing a task to keep you present and in your body) for square breathing- sit up straight or lie on your back and breathe in through your nose to the count of four, hold for a count of four, breathe out through your mouth to a count of four, then hold for a count of four and repeat. if you cant do a four count three or two is also fine, the idea is simply that you are breathing in and out and holding for the same count. breathe as deeply as you can from your diaphragm, since so many of us spend so much time hunched over devices and computers you may need to use a back roller or a particularly firm pool noodle to open up your chest cavity and breathe properly. (this will also help your body not feel like crap because so many people have alignment issues without even realizing it, straightened out your spine and and tailbone can affect your brain patterns so much it’s almost unbelievable) its laughable when you’re supper depressed and people try to ask you “well have you tried meditation/yoga” but yoga breathing techniques and practicing being present and feeling your body and the sensations you are experiencing is actually helpful. theres a reason yoga is such a culturally important practice that has existed for centuries and its only now that western medicine is starting to recognize the science of treatments that have long been dismissed as homeopathic folk remedies. most of my physical therapy exercises now include yoga breathing and square breathing to retrain my body’s neuromuscular patterns and they always leave me feeling better emotionally too. how you breathe really does affect your brain waves.
being present in your body is hard but it helps, turn on a fan and lie in front of it, concentrating on how the air feels on your skin, the sound of the fan that you hear, your hair moving in the breeze, reconnect with your senses and surroundings. also you get the added benefit if lying in front of a fan when its hot as hell which is always nice.
dont feel bad for wanting to hurt yourself because it will only make you want to hurt yourself more
snap a rubber band against your skin or hold ice in your hand to simulate the feelings and relief of self harm without doing permanent damage buy cheap dishes from goodwill and smash them all to relieve the impulse to destroy without hurting yourself (dont do this if youll be tempted by the sharp edges of of the broken dishes) write everything you hate about yourself, your life, and the world down, then destroy it, rip it up or burn it and breathe. imagine letting it all go. you wont let it all go but it might feel a little lighter and thats good too.
make a list of reasons to stay alive, like not some philosophical big deep reasons for living, just shit you want to do. really love marvel and cant wait to see the movies they’re releasing next? thats a reason to live. cant go to the premiere of infinity war if you’re dead.
despite what some might say feeling suicidal absolutely can be triggered by other peoples actions. this doesnt mean other people are responsible for your mental health but you don’t deserve to be treated badly because your depressed and if you’re in an abusive environment you dont deserve how you’re being treated at all, you deserve to live happily and safely.
if none of these tips work for you it’s not your fault. you’re not broken. this is what ive found helps me but treatment and recovery look different for everyone and you’re not a failure bc a list of tips didn’t cure your depression. you are trying and thats what counts. please keep trying, try someone else’s tips, try therapy, try some shit that you just made up because it hurts no one and helps you even if it feels silly. just keep trying because you are worth it.
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lorandunnrealtor · 7 years
Save the Bees: Best Plants for Pollinators Native to Sacramento
Why all the buzz about bees? Bees are one of the natural worlds most industrious pollinators. Honey bees are responsible for around 80 percent of pollination worldwide, and various other species like bumblebees and carpenter bees handle much of the rest. Bees are a gardeners best friend, ensuring that flowers will continue blooming every year and pollinating garden crops especially fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Native flowers especially rely on the native bees they evolved alongside. Unfortunately, honey bee populations worldwide are crashing, and many native bees are struggling, due in part to habitat loss, pesticides, nutrition deficiencies, and more. Luckily, theres things you can do if you want to help save the bees, and in turn, help your local gardens grow and thrive! You can buy local honey from small farmers who practice sustainable beekeeping, minimize the use of chemical pesticides when possible, and plant a bee garden to help along local bees. A bee garden can range from a couple of window boxes with a few bee-friendly flowers to a full-blown wildlife sanctuary, so theres something that just about everyone can do regardless of space considerations. Whats more, many bee-friendly flowers will attract butterflies. And bees love most flowering herbs and vegetables, if you want a vegetable garden as well. More than 80 of Californias over 1,600 bee species call Sacramento their home. The most common native bee groups in Sacramento include cuckoo bees, leaf-cutting bees, long-horned bees, and mining bees. Sustainable Gardening Whenever possible avoid man-made pesticides and herbicides, especially when plants are in bloom. Instead, rely on natural methods like companion planting, which encourages beneficial predatory insects like ladybugs, and weeding. When planning your garden, try to stick to plants that are native to your region, since invasive species can quickly grow out of control and overrun your plot. Also, think about getting your garden certified as a wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. The Federation can provide a wealth of information and tips to help you make the most of your plants and the environment you make for local bees. Shelters All bees need a place to take cover and raise their young. Most native species are burrowers, and need a patch of bare soil or sand that isnt tilled or mulched, and that will be safe from local foot traffic. You can either leave a bare spot in your yard or garden, or have a barrel with a mixture of soil and sand. Other species use pre-existing cavities for their homes, and need something like a wooden nesting box or a bundle of dried sunflower or bamboo stems. If you do set aside space, be sure to make it an area that is barricaded off and away from curious children or pets stumbling onto a bee hive can be extremely dangerous for everyone. If your garden doesnt have room for a shelter, thats okay you can still provide food and water for nearby hives. Water For a complete bee garden, youll need to provide a source of water. A well-maintained pond, [...] The post Save the Bees: Best Plants for Pollinators Native to Sacramento appeared first on Homes.com.
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25 reasons to get skinny
1- you will have a lower weight class in wrestling
2- you will have a defined jawline and cheekbones
3- the outfits you wear will look much cuter on a skinny body
4- brandy melville will finally fit you correctly and not snugish like it does now
5- you will fit in those brandy jeans that you have that are too small now
6- flat stomach!!! less pudge and pregnant looking
7- graham will finally think ur hot enough to date
8- no more mean comments from mom
9- no more backhanded compliments or blatant lies about your weight from friends
10- less sweat
11- faster in athletics
12- compliments from family in cyprus!
13- look normal in europe when you visit
14- less cavities from less sugar
15- glowy skin
16- no longer overweight so no more side-eye from doctor
17- more boys will like you in high school
18- weight loss will be a huge change and will make you more popular because people will be intrigued 
19- ur room is always cleaner when you're restricting
20- able to give away clothes to friends when they get too big
21- grades are always better when restricting
22- more time to do things you love when ur not eating
23- wont be seen as the token fat girl when you get to high school next year
24- people wont look at you when they mention being overweight during health and CMA
25- youll finally be happy with who you are
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qdoinvent6-blog · 5 years
5 Ways You Can Get More Replacement Window Companies While Spending Less
THERE are 4 kinds of Home windows made for residential residences: sliding windows that go from side to side; casement windows that swing open up on hinges, awning Home windows that swing out from The underside (multipaned Jalousie windows absolutely are a variation of awning windows) and double-hung Home windows. Most properties have double-hung windows.
Double-hung windows have two sashes that move up and down in channels within the window body. Balancing mechanisms during the window aid in elevating and decreasing the sashes, and stop them from sliding downward when introduced. In older Home windows the balancing mechanism is made up of counterweights connected into the sash. The weights are hid in cavities (referred to as side jambs) on the sides of the window. Increasing the window lowers the burden and vice versa.
Some double-hung windows could have tubular-form spring harmony or possibly a spring-tape stability mechanisms to manage the sash motion. The tubular harmony has a spiral spring encased in a long metal tube. The tube is attached at The underside of the sash and near the best with the window frame. Tension preserved while in the spiral spring counterbalances the load with the sash. The spring-tape balance has a flexible steel tape encased in metallic box. The box is about inside the window frame and the top on the tape is attached to the sash. Given that the sash is raised, the tape winds into your box and retains the sash in position.
More recent double-hung Home windows can be crafted from wood, steel or Wooden clad in vinyl or metal. Nevertheless these units are frequently upkeep no cost, the sash can stick in position or be tough to move if dirt or grit is while in the window channel. Cleansing the channel and applying a lubricant, like silicone or paraffin, should really right the difficulty.
Occasionally the problem could possibly be extra critical. Windows in newer homes may perhaps adhere if excessive insulation is packed during the window jamb. That more insulation can compress the window body from the sash, rendering it tough to open or close the window. The window also can turn into distorted when your house settles.
To diagnose why the window is sticking, remove the molding to expose the jamb and framing. If your jamb has become overfilled with insulation, take out the excess by digging it out using a screwdriver. Examine the window using a framing sq.. If its warped, you might be able to straighten it by wedging blocks amongst the studs and window. A seriously warped window should really get replaced.
More mature windows generally adhere right after painted. The paint kinds a seal across the sash and body and practically glues the sections in place. To totally free the sashes, utilize a utility knife to cut the paint movie within the edges with the end molding adjacent into the sash.
Future, power a wide, stiff-bladed putty knife within the seam between the molding and sash. This tends to Cleveland Ohio Window dislodge any paint which could have seeped in to the hole. It might assist to employ a hammer and Carefully faucet the knife cope with Hence the blade will penetrate for the window channel. Operate around the complete perimeter of your window, getting careful never to mar the window floor. This technique need to totally free the sash so you're able to shift it.
Sand or scrape the area of your window sash to eliminate the dried paint ridge. Seal any bare wood with primer then repaint the sash (don't use primer or paint to the perimeters on the sash). As being the paint is drying, periodically transfer the sash to circumvent a completely new paint seal from forming.
For stubborn conditions youll have to remove the cease molding across the window body. Utilize the stiff putty knife to pry the molding far from the window body. The stop molding on more mature windows is apt to be dry and inflexible, so lift cautiously on the nail places to prevent breaking it.
When the window provides a sash weight, youll really need to detach the chains or ropes before you decide to can established the window apart. Tie a knot while in the cord or slip a nail in among the chain inbound links to maintain it from slipping back again into your jamb cavity.
Windows which has a spring-tape stability could be detached by unscrewing the tape in the sash. Keep the tape when you eliminate the screws, then let it to coil back again in to the steel box a hoop at the end allows you pull the tape out later. Tubular-type spring stability mechanisms are little trickier to detach since the spiral spring is apt to become underneath pressure. Removing the retaining screw will release The strain and trigger the spring to snap all-around, so maintain a grip to the steel tube and permit the spring to Carefully unwind.
To totally free the higher sash, youll have to remove the parting strip involving the two sashes. In contrast to the halt molding, that is nailed on the area of your body, the parting strip is inset into a groove from the window frame. To eliminate it, grab it that has a pair pliers and gently pull it free. Utilize a hook scraper to get rid of all particles in the channels, then use paraffin or silicone lubricant. At last, reinstall the upper sash molding.
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