#like you're taming a feral dog or cat
ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 months
Nettles's story matters because of her lack of privilege. Because of the place she comes from. Because her heritage is left up in the air. The valyrians were shepherds before they were dragonriders and there's an inherent power to this person who was a nobody taming a wild dragon in a way the valyrians first could have attempted when they discovered dragons. She tamed Sheepstealer the way anyone might try to tame a wild animal, feeding and building a bond with him gradually. It can never be given to another character and have the same effect, especially if said character is the highborn daughter of two powerful families. She was literally just a girl and she tamed Sheepstealer and that story loses all of its power when it's Daem on's trueborn daughter whose own dragon hatching for her was meaningful in its own way, imo.
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Random things Michael would do being with you
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Author's note: Just random headcannon for a tamed Michael (78)
Would be napping on the couch or in the shared bed
Just watch something on the TV or see the birds out the window
Randomly will find and hold you as his form of love
His love language is sweets
Bit rough but can be gentle with you
At first, he was acting like a feral animal, and over time, he grew warm towards ypu
Would touch foreheads as his other form of love language
Hunts sometimes
If you live away from Haddonfield (Michael must have walked away from his hometown) and no one those who he is, it's possible to have date nights in the town/city you living
Michael snores softly one day and loud the next
Sleeps on his back or stomach in the bed or on the couch, spoons with you to be close
Kissing Michael would be a challenge depending on if he's wearing his mask or if he is avoiding one to be a difficult challenge
If you have a Cat, he's bonding with them as he please. (Finds Orange cats Stupid due to their one brain cell)
If you have a Dog (A XXL breed), He's going to have to get used to being with one (he's not a dog person). Example: Great Pyrenees would lay on him when he's on the couch. St Bernard takes up most of his space in the bed like a wall, eventually him falling off the bed. Newfoundland Slobby kisses on his face that he's going to have to clean afterwards. Alaskan Malamute, Hairs everywhere, and a dopey face to look at. Mastiff, chills with him when napping
If you have a Bird, he's going to be shocked when the Bird calls his name
If you have fish, he's going to be wondering if you're raising them as food or what? Example Exotic Fish, in awe of the Koi you own
Bathing habits are not regular. You may need to get him into the shower or tub with you
Other love language of his, light bitting, tracing hearts and words on your skin, hugs of his way (a bear hug), and butterfly kiss your lips
Didn't know what Chamomile tea was till you gave him a cup in the afternoon, then burning his lips on it. But letting it cool before he sipped it, afterward, he started to feel sleepy and then plodded in bed
Kissing every inch of you and giving tongue even when love making
If you ask him if you could kiss for an hour without breaking the contract, he'll try, and after the hour is up, he wants more
He didn't know that he was good at making love until his first time with you. He blown his own mind and yours in the process
Much prefer a quiet night in than out in the club (Too much for him)
Mimics things you do around the house, cleaning and laundry and not trying to break anything in the process
One too many beers, he's sick the next morning (he's a lightweight)
First HC Post of 2024, and it's with my hubby Michael
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justporo · 8 months
Hello! Good morning/night/(whenever you see this)
I wanned to ask if you please could do some headcanons of astarion with like some kind of feral female tav?
Like she is super friendly and nice, but her strong part is like live in the woods, and like have very animalistic ways of say stuff like she call him her mate, not her boyfriend and stuff like that, I think it would be funny since he is so fancy dating someone that is like dirty, willing to do manual labor and don't mind mud and stuff
Good day to you too, Anon!
I love this - wanna know why? Because this is pretty close to my own Tav who's a former thief and grew up on Baldur's Gate's streets (so I'll shift it a bit to that). She's literally a feral street cat that the Nautiloid snatched directly out of the gutter. So, I already have quite some thoughts about this
Headcanons for Astarion and a feral, female Tav
Most of Astarion's and Tav's discrepancies only show after their adventure because as much as Astarion might moan about it: during their travels he had to get used to a lot of uncomfortable behaviours
Tav meanwhile is used to make scraps work: "What do you mean, you need to sew this, Astarion? Is it falling off your chest as you're walking? No? Then where's the godsdamned problem?"
Astarion notices that she's kinda lacking in taking care of herself pretty quickly and probably is pretentious about it; but then again he quickly has to make do without his usual habits and desires for luxury
The way Tav doesn't hesitate to go get into the trenches, get her hands dirty and bloodied kind of dispells him at first but he's also admiring it quite a bit because he rarely can get over himself with these things; it still leads him to scrunch up his nose in distaste often though
Especially when he observes her drinking habits (like a town drunkard), her swearing (like a sailor) or her eating habits (gnawing off the bones like a dog)
But it's really after the dust has settled when Astarion realises that Tav and him had very different upbringings (not that Tav had any actual "upbringing" to speak of)
So he goes to teach her a few things, not to tame her because he indeed loves her wild energy, but there's a few things he feels like she deserves to learn
That means taking care of herself: "Darling, if you don't take out these braids anytime soon, I am sure your hair is just going to fall right off." "So? Time for a sick sidecut then!" Astarion looks at her pleadingly: "Love, please, let me take them out for you, detangle and rebraid them, you can't be serious." You just shrug because you don't understand why it's such a big deal. But later when he has you in a nice hot bath sitting between his legs while he massages your scalp and rubs different nicely scented things into your hair, you have to give him that you could get use to all this.
Astarion figures that some of the wild, swashbuckling behaviour Tav has, has come from how she couldn't show any weakness growing up on the streets; and that that oftentimes also means she doesn't allow herself to be taken care of, lots of insecurities because she had no real upbringing and the deeply rooted fear of nothing good ever lasting
Meanwhile he admires her resilience, her stubborness and her skills to always make something out of nothing; so they do have good opportunities to learn a few thing from each other
Astarion also affectionately calls her his "little feral street cat" sometimes (which always gets him an elbow to his rips and a snarled "posh prick")
And lastly: we all know who's taking care of getting rid of bugs and spiders in this relationship, don't we?
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fili-urzudel · 10 months
Fifty(-One) Follower Celebration
Oh my goodness, 50 followers?! Thank you so much! I never expected this blog to get too much attention and the fact that fifty of you out there like my writing enough to follow me really means a lot. I am currently working on answering my first request, but I'd love to have more! As a little celebration, here are fifty-one prompts I've come up with (and a few I borrowed with credit).
Can be platonic or romantic--platonic scenarios can involve multiple characters
Will only be PG-13
Any character from LoTR or The Hobbit is fair game, but for romantic scenarios I prefer male characters
Don't be afraid to combine prompts!
Physical Affection
1. Hugs that last a little longer than they should
2. Palm kisses
3. Hair ruffling
4. Play wrestling
5. Hair washing
6. Cuddling in hot weather
7. Sleeping in a dog pile
8. Pinky holding
9. Forehead touches (please please request this one)
10. Piggyback rides
11. Kicking each other
12. Dancing
13. Sitting together/saving seats
14. Hand holding
15. Sharing a blanket (potentially violent)
Dialogue prompts
16. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep after that."
17. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
18. "You always end up looking like you're going to fall asleep when I play with your hair." / "Yeah, it's relaxing." (These first three were from a post by @thelonelyempath)
20. "Don't you know who I am?" or "I don't even know who you are."
19. "I can't sleep without you next to me." (I've seen ones like this before, but I think the concept with other characters would be quite interesting)
21. "What do you have behind your back?"
Activity Prompts
22. "Is it so hard to believe that I genuinely want to hear what you think?"
23. Friendly breaking and entering
24. Shopping together
25. Teasing over fears/phobias
26. Crafting together
27. Taming feral cats/other animals
28. Pajama party
29. Battle training
30. Tree climbing
31. Stargazing
32. Swimming (lessons?)
33. Fake proposal
34. Walking into the wrong tent/room
35. Board/card/road trip games
36. The iconic trapped in a snowstorm
37. Getting matching tattoos/jewelry
38. Cooking together
39. Playing instruments
40. Staring contest
Meet-cute Prompts
41. Considerably less friendly breaking and entering
42. Not having enough money to cover the bill
43. New horse rider is Bad at riding horses
44. In need of medical attention
45. Boots are falling apart (reader is a cobbler)
46. Weapons are dull (reader is a blacksmith)
47. Stealing food from a field
48. I work retail and begged Gandalf to let me come along on an adventure
49. Throwing rocks into a body of water and didn't notice until too late that there's a boat
50. Need a fake partner immediately
51. I'm an artist you hired to do a mural/mosaic/stained glass window
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Head Canon - My favorite TR bois as cats:
White feral stray. Can be somewhat tamed with treats. Won't let you pet him, EVER. Even when he's fully domesticated and regularly sleeps in your bed. Will bite you to blood, just for fun sometimes. Constantly licks and grooms himself. Will disappear on you for days, but always comes back. He may hiss and scratch with his bladelike claws if you try to touch him, but regularly leaves dead animals at your doorstep as a tribute. If you happen to have any other pets, like a bird, or fish, he'll start from them tho.
Orange. Lazy. Sleeps 25/8, and if he happens to be awake, demands treats and pets, and won't stop until you yield to his wishes. (Good thing he's the cutest thing in the universe, so no way to tell him no!) All the dogs in the neighborhood are scared of him. And yet, mice could walk all over him, and he wouldn't move a whisker! Will go for the prey bigger than himself tho, like chickens or rabbits, and will attempt to hunt down a cow if he sees one, as well. The worst part? He could easily succeed.
May lord help you if you pick this black kitty! Lemme just tell you one thing, neutering him doesn't help with his behavior! He'll have the most violent zoomies at 3 am, so better say goodbye to your furniture even before you adopt him, cause if it can be scratched up, it will be scratched up! He doesn't stop trying to bite on anything and everything he sees, either, from all random objects in your house, to any people who aren't you. Affectionate and cuddly, tho, has the cutest purrs ever!
A tabby, obviously. This one loves, and I mean, LOVES pushing things off tables, countertops, beds, etc. Bonus points if it's made of glass and it breaks, it amuses him to no end. Will follow you to bathroom, and if you don't let him in to watch you take the #2, he'll meow and wail and scratch on the door until you give in! Always finds his way between your feet when you're walking, you trip over him on a regular basis. Sleeps on your face or not at all. Boundaries? Personal space? Never heard of those! NO BELLY RUBS THO!
Tuxedo cat. Majestic. Graceful. "Catwalk" was named after his fabulous strut. Looks down on the world with condescending attitude. He will rather starve than eat normal cat food, you have to go out of your way to order some "premium" shit for his expensive cat taste! Also, order some hypoallergenic litter while you're at it, cause he refuses to use normal one! Will occasionally bring in a small half-dead tribute to show his gratitude, and he LOVES sleeping in your lap. Scratch him behind the ears, and he'll purr for hours, so going bankrupt for him may even be worth it!
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i....would love to hear some of your animal's names if you're up for it :)
I am always up for it.
I adore my babies so much that I will talk for ages about them.
If I don't want to talk about them, you know there's something wrong with me.
So here are some of them (not all, but some):
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This is my baby girl Juniper Ann "Junie": She is nearly 3 years old (birthday is August 17th). I met her as a baby when she was red colored and took care of her. When I got home, me and my sister worked to try and get a pen set up for her because we could've taken her home if we wanted. But, only a few months later, we were able to bring her home for a decent price. The owner couldn't bring himself to butcher her. Anyway, she was wild when we got her and quite big. It took me a whole summer to tame her and now... words cannot describe how much I love her.
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Ivy Anne: this is Junie’s daughter. She was born big and was running within three hours of birth. She was born huge too! Sadly, her destination is butcher, but she is gorgeous with black stripes lining her whole body (didn't have them in time of photo). Mama Cow Junie was not agressive towards us at all which is awesome because she was a first time mother.
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Icky: Formally Echo, then Ecky, then finally Icky. This three year old hen is a Delaware hen and boy IS SHE LOUD! Anyway, this girl with amazing confirmation took home a blue in showing (a second blue, not first so she didn't qualify for champion, but dang is this chicken the stuff!)
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Pyper: She is the baddie. I don't even count her as living for she is never around. She is brooding currently, but before she got broody she was stellar. I saw her this morning, caught her, and proclaimed her presence to my family. She was show material, even though she wouldn't ever compete for champion for this two year old is Whiting True Green which is in the crossbred egg type class.
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Tabitha: Or "Tabi" as she is commonly called. She is three and since she was a pullet (hens under a year old) I've been trying to get a good show out of her. Third her first year, then second (small class, so no competition) because when Speckled Sussexes molt, they get more speckles. I was relying on her to molt, but of course she didn't. I only recall her having 1 molt and they should molt every year. Chickens sometimes...
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Zack: Isn't he cute? He is one year old, and like a foot and a half long! But he is kind of skinny, which is probably because of his age and the fact that he hasn't filled out yet. Before his first birthday, he weighed 10 pounds. 10 pounds for an active, outdoor cat! And now he weighs even more. Slender, yes, he is so big that he walks around with a hunchback. In a couple years we are going to have a monster. But, said monster, is scared of two pound kittens and ran up a tree when he saw a feral cat.
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Clover: This is my oldest cat at five years. As pretty as she is, she is the crankiest princess ever. Even when she got sick (yesterday we took her to the vet, it was just a cold) she was still growling and hissing. Clover has this "I don't care" attitude about everything and just states her presence and goes to take a nap on the couch. If you touch her, be warned she will tear your arm off. Unless she is in a sweat mood, then you may be lucky.
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Leo: I have talked about him before. He has been in rehab since April. Everytime I get somewhere, he relapses. The dumb horse rolled down a hill and hurt a ligament in his right stifle and it doesn't help that he has arthritis everywhere (it is manageable, just irksome at the moment). A couple days ago, he bucked when my sister was leading him and kicked her hands. He broke one and gave her a couple hairline fractures on the other. Months ago, he bucked me off and I broke my rib (that was in November 2020, I still have problems with it) Other post here.
Anyway, that is just a few of them. I also didn't know if you wanted a full list of them or not so I did that too.
Chickens (in age order):
Allyberries (White Crested Black Polish)
Black Diamond (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
BDH (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Sweet Baby (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Pearl (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Misty (Brown Laced Leghorn)
Sugar Moon (Brown Laced Leghorn)
Diann (Cuckoo Maran)
Snowflake (Cuckoo Maran)
Patricya (Cuckoo Maran)
Tiffanie (Welsumner)
Daffodil (Welsumner)
Icky (Delware)
Felicity (Delaware)
Tabitha (Speckled Sussex)
Lilac (Sapphire Gem)
Pyper (Whiting True Green)
Joey (Light Brahma)
Cheep (Whiting True Blue)
Peep (Whiting True Blue)
Thundercluck (Blue Laced Red Wyandotte)
Super Chow Wen (Blue Laced Red Wyandotte)
... all are female
Other Poultry (in age order):
Night Bagoo (Guinea Hen, female)
Dr. Sausage (Silver Appleyard Duck, male)
Mrytle (Silver Appleyard Duck, female)
Cats (in age order):
Cows (in age order):
Juniper (Brown Swiss)
Skylar (Scottish Highland)
Lucy (Scottish Highland) here
Rocky (Holstein)
Gypsy "Wee" as she is mostly called (Angus)
Alice (Scottish Highland) here
Vikki (Scottish Highland)
Ivy (Hereford/Brown Swiss x)
... all are girls but Rocky
Leo (American Paint gelding)
Luke (Saint Bernard/Greater Swiss Mountain Dog x)
Pigs: currently six, but only one is named (Winston) because all but him look similar. I have raised 19 in my whole life and all but five have been named.
Wild Animal Friends:
The Toad: she lived in the basement for as long as I remember and she still does
The Pheasant: poor guy can't get any ladies so he courts my hens. Let's just say that Pearl was not interested....
The Hummingbirds: every year we get a flock of hummingbirds. It started with Harmony and Hank and now the flock has grown.
There aren't too many, but I love them all and it is a perfect sized hobby farm!
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discofaery · 4 years
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Hey so a little update on those feral cats I was saving money for!
We managed to get two of them fixed in time before covid-19 hit and now they're snuggly lap cats (they've been fixed and inside for a while so this update is long overdue). Turns out though that one (the one above) is a boy! Oops!
We've been having a really hard time catching the third one and so
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We're a little late. BUT we still have the money set aside and once we trap her (which will hopefully be easier now that we have her babies safely inside) and this quarantine lifts, we're getting her spayed ASAP.
Also the picture of the kittens sucks because we've known about them for only a few days and only just caught them today, so they're still too scared of us to get good pictures but I'll likely post more later. They're also currently in our quarantine cage so they can feel safe and so the other cats don't bother them. Once they're a little older and more able to defend themselves (and more used to people), we'll turn them loose indoors.
The babies are about four weeks old so we have kitten formula on hand for while we try and trap the mother.
And before anybody criticizes us for bringing them in early, we live by a trailer park that shoots cats, as well as has dogs roaming around freely. In addition, we live kind of out in the country with foxes and coyotes and on a busy road, etc. SO it was imperative that we brought them in before they started wandering off and something got ahold of them or they got hit by a car. Rest assured we are working around the clock to reunite these babies with their mom in a safe way, as stress-free for all of them as possible, while also socializing the kittens so that when they're old enough, we can find them nice, indoor homes where they will be loved and pampered.
I'd also like to say that I've been working with trapping and taming feral kittens for 16 years and have saved over 60 cats/kittens in that time, so I know what I'm doing. Please, unless you know what you're doing, do not mess with feral kittens or their mothers without first calling your local TNR or kitten rescue group. And PLEASE if your female cat is outdoors (or even if she isn't) GET. HER. SPAYED.
Thank you so much for everyone that has helped us out with getting these cats taken care of, we couldn't have done it without you!! 💖
I'll likely post more updates on the kittens as we socialize them and get them homes. In a little bit, I'm going to set up an Amazon wishlist with cat stuff on it, if anyone wants to aid in our fostering experience and get these kittens taken care of! (Because kitten formula is expensive)
Again, thank you all so much!!
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rjalker · 5 years
I don't know what to tell you, if you can't provide you are pets with safe and healthy and Richmond, you shouldn't be owning pets. You shouldn't be running any animals, period.
Either you are willing and able to provide everything you are animal needs, or you shouldn't own that animal.
There is no excuse for keeping cats, domesticated, invasive animals, outside to fend for themselves and to destroy native animals and Native ecosystems. If your so-called "excuse" for it is that they're bored inside and they go stir crazy?
That means you are just literally not taking care of that animal. You should be playing with your cat. Your cat should have plenty of toys available to play with and things to keep its interest.
And if you're unable or unwilling to do that, and you are fucking solution is to abused at animal and allow it to destroy an ecosystem it is not a part of, you should not own that fucking animal, and you're an idiot.
I don't give a single fuck if your cat cries at the door to go outside.
Just because it wants to go outside doesn't mean it should.
Would you let a toddler run around the neighborhood unsupervised just because they want to? Would you let a dog run around the neighborhood unsupervised just because it wants to? Would you let literally any other kind of domesticated animal run around the neighborhood unsupervised just because it wants to?
If your cat wants to go outside so desperately, there are a million things you could be doing to allow that to happen without putting your animal in danger, and without endangering the lives of native species.
Set up a freaking fenced-in porch. Or just completely fence in your yard so that your cat can wander supervised throughout your yard without getting out where it will be in danger and where it will be endangering native animals.
Or how about this. Train your Gods damned cat to walk on a leash.
Forcing cats to fend for themselves outside against cars against humans against the elements against other cats against predators, is animal abuse.
Allowing cats to decimate native animal populations, is shity and should probably be illegal, and if somebody kills your cat because your cat is going into their yard and killing birds in their yard or even just sitting in their yard, guess whose fault that is?
If your cat gets eaten alive by coyotes or foxes or even just a neighbor's dog, guess whose fault that is?
If your cat gets run over by a car, or tortured by a human, guess whose fault that is?
If anything bad happens to your cat while it is outside, fending for itself, guess whose fault that is?
Forcing cats to live outside is not only animal abuse for your cat, you are also personally contributing to the destruction of your fucking environment of which your cat is not a part of. There is literally nowhere on this planet that domesticated cats are native to. They cannot just be dropped back into the wild like we took them out of it yesterday. Cats are not tame, they are domesticated. They are no longer suited for any environment that is not literally the inside of our homes.
Oh, but you're probably thinking, but there are colonies with 40-plus cats in them! Obviously, they're doing okay!
You realize that kittens that are 6 months old can get pregnant right? You realize that with no other options available, cats will breed with their own children and parents and siblings, right? You realize that kittens as young as six months old are getting pregnant and then the kittens that they have are also getting pregnant at 6 months old and so on and so on and so on.
Feral cat colonies do not have population explosions because these cats are living well and thriving, their populations explode because their literal babies are capable of having babies, and cats don't have morals like humans. An adult cat will impregnate a 6 month old kitten. That kitten's father or brother or mother or sister will breed with it.
The reason there are so many feral cats is because they breed like crazy, and they don't care about things like inbreeding, or the fact that they are breeding with a six month old kitten. They are animals. They are driven by their instincts. Instincts that demand that they breed, the demand that they hunt.
Do not keep cats outside. You are abusing that animal, and you are allowing it to destroy the environment it is in.
Because guess what, fuck face, cats are an invasive species literally I don't fucking care where you live. They are an invasive species. Domesticated cats are not native to your fucking area, there is no ecological niche that they fit perfectly into. There are no checks to keep them in Balance. Native animals have no defense against them.
Either keep your cat inside, or shut the fuck up and don't you dare complain when your animal is killed or if it fucking disappears one day and never comes home like 99% of the fucking people who keep cats outside have stories about.
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leychin · 3 years
Crepuscolo Sul Mare
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fanon soft Dabi is all well and good but MAN canon asshole selfish Dabi is even better uhhh cw: dubcon if you squint
Dabi did not dance.
He didn't have the time for it, nor did it bring him any enjoyment. The way you had to move your feet and hips to convey such a simple message that he could just say out loud.
He was blunt, rude, and just overall horrible to anyone who took his words at face value.
But there was a dance that Dabi flourished in, one that he had mastered and plans to dance with you when he gets the chance.
The dance of tongue.
Dabi was a smooth talker when he wanted to be, a silver tongue to match his silver piercings and sharp attitude towards everyone but you. He wasn't shy by any means, but he loved dancing around the truth with you, he had already caught you, but he was a cat who enjoyed toying with his prey. 
"Why do you bother me so much? I haven't done anything to you and if I have I'm sorry."
"Never said you did anything to me."
Not a complete lie, he didn't say you did anything to him. But he did follow you around like you were chained together, and if you were then he wouldn't complain. Somehow he would have the last seat available and force you to squeeze uncomfortably tight next to him, or pat his thigh and invite you to sit on it.
Cats are cunning, smart, calculating. But the resemblance with cats and Dabi end with the cat and mouse game he likes to play.
Dabi is much more like a dog. He's a brute who doesn't stop at getting what he wants when he wants it. He's feral and can't be tamed, and it would be better to just let him have his way with you. 
But a mouse never dies without a fight.
"Can you stop touching me so much? Its weird."
"It's only weird if you make it weird." 
He was technically right, maybe it wasn't as weird as you were making it out to be. Being co-workers in an office is a lot different from being in the league of villains. Of course they're going to be more touchy with each other, half the time there wasn't enough space for everyone to sleep comfortably. 
Maybe it wasn't so weird that Dabi would actively make sure you didn't get enough space to sleep on your own. You both have known each other for so long that it feels weird to not sleep with him close now, your body had grown accustomed to his own increased body heat that when you finally got a chance to be alone, you refused.
This was a dance that Dabi could do with his eyes closed, he knew all the steps and it was just a matter of getting you to fall into a rhythm with him. Whether it be getting you used to his touch so you wouldn't flinch when he grabbed your ass, or asking if you're sure about everything so you turn to him for every little decision.
So close, yet so far.
A mouse doesn't quit until it's dead. You still kept that fighting spirit, you still had the guts to tell him 'no' when whatever he was doing made you uncomfortable. You haven't learned that it's never been about you, it's always been about him and how much he could take from you before you break. 
"Dabi, what are you doing?"
He didn't reply, instead continuing to roam his hands where they shouldn't. You didn't shake him off, when months ago you would've detested even getting that close to him. Yet there you were laying with him in a secluded corner of an abandoned warehouse because 'you were cold' 
Again not a lie, but its because you had grown to seek out his heat when he wasn't there. 
"Dabi, this isn't right we really shouldn't."
"Why not? Who's gonna know?"
"I will, and-" 
"You're gonna blab your pretty little mouth and tell everyone that you're whoring around with a colleague?"
That got your voice to falter, and doubts to be planted in the back of your head about your own judgment. Dabi always knew best. He always led you to the right conclusion. It would've been stupid of you to go telling everyone that Dabi just got a little handsy, it was nothing you couldn't handle so it shouldn't be anyone else's problem but yours.
"What do you want from me?"
"Nothing. Just lay there and look pretty."
And then you fell into his rhythm, a dance he understood and could perform well. He would lead you through it, making sure you didn't step on his toes, bite his dick off or falter. 
You often doubted your morals, or decisions, but that's why Dabi was there to guide you. 'Don't hurt your pretty little head thinking, leave that to me' he would put it. Because he's supposed to lead the dance, that's what the "big strong man" is for.
Maybe you should've seen it coming, no dog brings gifts without expecting anything in return, and feral ones are so much harder to please.
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