#like you knew i was talking about hannibal the cannibal?
Every couple months I think, “hey, let me info dump about this fandom to my mother, it wont be that bad this time” and every time it is.
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multific · 7 months
Two Sides of The Same Coin
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Hannibal Lecter x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Cannibalism, Smut, Murder +18!!!
Summary: You two were so different, yet still the same. 
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"Mrs Lecter?" 
You turned and smiled at the woman. "Yes?" you asked with a soft tone when in reality you were fuming.
How dare she just come up to you out of the blue?!
How dare she interrupt your perfect evening?!
"Hi, My name is Lucy, and I'm a huge fan of your books." of course she was, your books are brilliant. "I truly believe you are a pioneer in the genre of horror-romance."
"Thank you very much." Of course you were, no one was as good as you.
"I was wondering if you could sign my book please?"
"No problem at all." you smiled so sweetly. Why would she even have the book with her?! You are in a restaurant! You quickly signed her book and she thanked you, with your smile still present you turned back and lifted your glass to your lips.
"No need to be angry, Darling." your husband chuckled as you looked into his eyes.
Reading the other as if you were open books was something that came to both of you naturally. 
"I'm here to celebrate our anniversary. Not at a meet and greet."
"Of course, but you have to indulge them a little. Make them think they are important so they keep coming back. You mastered that one, My Love."
"I believe it was you rubbing off on me. After all, it is 30 years we have known one another."
"And I knew you were trouble from the second I saw you. Cunning, manipulative, narcissistic, egoistic, psychotic. And yet you are stunning and mine." Hannibal lifted his glass as you clicked yours against his.
"Only yours." you smiled at him, this one, was not fake but a genuine one for your husband.
On your way home from the restaurant, it began to rain, you let out a long sigh as Hannibal was driving.
"Rain always makes me nostalgic," you said as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. He stopped at a red light and you looked at him. "When you killed my stepfather... for me. It was also raining."
"He had it coming, he abused you and murdered your mother. I gave him a merciful end. One he didn't deserve."
"He deserved to suffer like I did, but it was not what I meant, Hannibal."
"Please, elaborate then."
"You killed him because he was about to kill me, you became my saviour, but it is not only that. I remember you tore him apart, you kept on cutting and breaking his bones. I should have been disgusted, yet all I could think about was the way your muscles tensed and the grunts you let out."
"So, I turned you on." he spoke as he turned a corner. "I figured, from the way you acted after."
"I never got naked so fast in my life. We made love in that pool of blood in front of the fireplace. I remember we were young and unsure. It was so hot, I could taste blood on your lips." you could recall the way he moved his hips, so amazing, he reached such depths inside you that you weren't even sure existed. 
But he could also recall the way you completely submit to him. You only ever done that to him, no one else gets to have control over you, but him.
"Why are you bringing this up now? It has been a very long time ago."
"Because I want you to do the same tonight. As my gift for our wedding anniversary, I wish to watch you hunt, break and cut and then, I want you to fuck me in the blood."
"We are very similar, My Love." he stopped the car, your eyes never leaving him. "I was thinking almost the same." he smiled as the window behind you rolled down.
"Hi there, I like a three-way, 500 for an hour." the woman behind you talked and you finally turned to look at her.
Prostitutes disgusted you, the way they looked at your husband made your blood boil, but you smiled at her. 
"How about a thousand and I get to watch?" Hannibal replied and you smirked.
The woman agreed and got into the backseat, having no idea what she was in for.
"Happy anniversary."
"I love you." you said as he began to drive again.
The next morning you wake up in your bed, under the warm sheets with the smell of food filling the air.
You slowly woke up as the blanket fell down your naked body.
You rolled out of bed, and got dressed in one of Hannibal's shirts before heading to the kitchen.
"Good morning." you said as he had his back turned towards you. You rounded the kitchen island and hugged him.
"Morning. I made your favourite for breakfast. Bacon with eggs."
You looked at the meat sizzling in the pan before looking up at Hannibal as he leaned down to kiss you.
"She truly was a pig." 
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Taglist: @castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad @groovyqueer @lilliumrorum
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pesky--dust · 3 months
Do you remember Freddie Lounds' articles from the show that came out during the Red Dragon case?
If no, then here they are, because I would like to talk about them for a moment:
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In the series, Will seems furious that he “had to justify himself to an eleven-year-old”, but in the book, Will was not happy about it either, as he would rather talk to his stepson (in the series: Wally, in the book: Willy) on his own terms about his past, which means killing a man (G.J. Hobbs) and being in a mental institution, but Lounds made this impossible for him.
However reading these articles, I think the questions Wally asked Will aren't the worst.
Here is the orginal script, which is also very much the same in the book:
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Given that Freddie Lounds had been involved with Will's “case” from the very beginning, knew that Will and Hannibal were Abigail's surrogate fathers, that Will had followed Hannibal to Europe, and even called them “murder husbands”, Freddie could remind all of that in these articles if she wanted to, but she didn't.
If she did, the questions Wally asked Will were always could be worse, like “Dad, why is the press calling you Hannibal the Cannibal's murder husbands? And what does it mean that you had a child together????”.
Be grateful for that, Will.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 4 months
Different Universes (Hannibal)
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Description: Y/N ends up in the Hannibal universe and Hannibal falls for her
Warning: Smut, Cheating (sorta)
Word Count: 2,526k
Request: could you write a fanfic where the reader is a big fan of the Hannibal series, just goes about her day normaly,falls asleep and then wakes up in the Hannibal universe. She tries to figure out where she is (without knowing that she is in an alt. universe) and witnesses an actual murder, but manages to escaped unscathed with her knowledge of the Hannibal universe. After that she is contacted by the FBI, who want to interrogate her and this is how she ultimatly meets Dr.Lecter, who will be her therapist.(with her realising who he is).He quickly gets intrigued with her and wants to get to kniw her. Would it be possible to end it with some smut? Sorry, if this a really odd request.
Author’s note: I changed some things up but I really like these sort of requests. Also I work all day tomorrow so I will post two fics today.
Being married to a celebrity had it’s pros and cons. Cons being that fans were everywhere and so was paparazzi. You could never get a break. But the fans are what made Y/N’s husband who he is today and his talent of course. Pros being that the one person everyone thirst for on the internet you have. They love you and that it makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world. And of course when you see them on TV it’s like watching your husband. Oh wait, it is. Y/N and Mads have been together for 5 years, married for 1. They were 20 years apart but that didn’t mean anything to them. Y/N is a fan of Hannibal and watches it all the time, like right now.
She always wondered what it would be like to be in the show. It was something that crossed her mind often. She even read fanfic about her husband’s character. She would give anything to be in that universe even for a day. So When she wakes up outside Hannibal’s house, she isn’t too upset. At first she didn’t realize where she was, but it looked familiar. It took a minute but she gasped so hard she started choking once she realized it. She was outside Hannibal Lecter’s house. She looked around in awe, she couldn’t believe that she was here.
She walked around his house for a little bit, exploring the place. “Can I help you?” She heard it was her husband’s accent. She turned towards the voice and gasped. It was Mads except it wasn’t, it was Hannibal. “You look lost.” He stated as she looked at him in awe. She couldn’t say anything, too shocked. “Can you talk?” He asked after a while of silence. “Yeah I uh yes.” She said, making the man chuckle. “Are you okay?” He asked. “I don’t know.” She answered, she really didn’t. “Come inside. I’ll make you something to eat.” She got excited at first but realized that Hannibal was a cannibal.
“Uh I’ll just take some tea.” She said as they walked in his house. His house looked like it did on the show. He poured the tea and she watched him. “Can you tell me why you were outside my house?” He asked as he handed her the tea. “I actually don’t know. One minute I’m on the couch in my house watching TV, the next I’m here.” He hummed at her words. “So you sleep walk?” He asked. She shook her head, “No.” He looked at her as she drank from the cup. She was beautiful and he felt like he knew her. “I feel like you do and don’t realize it. Have you ever woken up in a weird place before?” He asked, she shook her head. “No. This is a first.” She said.
He got up and walked upstairs leaving her there in her thoughts. Moments later he returned with a notebook. “I thought I recognized you. You’re my new patient. Y/N.” She looked at him confused. “Patient?” She asked. “Jack Crawford assigned you to me after you witnessed a murder.” She had no memory of this. “Um okay.” She said still confused but realized that she had woken up in this universe and this wasn’t a dream. She was a part of this show. Though she had no memory prior to waking up outside his house. “Right. Sorry I just forgot.” She lied. He nodded and opened the notebook. “I guess we can start our session now. Wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.” He said. She looked at him as he wrote some things down. “Okay Ms. Y/N tell me what you remember about the murder.” She was fucked.
After the session was over she realized that she probably couldn’t stay here even though she hadn’t had a place to go. “I will see you next week.” He told her as she walked out of his house. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She had no memory of anything that he said. So she certainly doesn’t remember where her home would be. As she left his house she thought of what she could do. Thought of going back and falling asleep by his house but what would she do for a week? She huffed as she walked back to his house and rang the door bell. He answered and she sighed, “Can I stay the night?” 
It was beyond her why he agreed without explanation. She sat in the bed that he gave her and just thought. Thought about how crazy this was and how apart of her wants to go back to her universe. As she sat on the bed thinking she heard a knock. “Come in.” She said and Hannibal walked into the room. He saw how distraught she looked and he sat by her. “You okay?” He asked, concerned in his eyes. She looked at him, god he looked so much like her husband. She knew that he basically was but he wasn’t. “I don’t know.” She whispered. “Is this about not having any memory at first?” She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him the truth, that she wasn’t from this universe and that she’s married to his actor but he would probably think she’s nuts. But she couldn’t live in this world alone.
“I’m gonna say something and it’s going to sound crazy but I need you to bare with me.” He nods. She lets out a sigh and looks away from him. “I’m not from here.” She says. He looks at her confused, “What do you mean?” “Like this universe. I’m from a different one and in that universe this is a tv show called Hannibal. If i’m not mistaken given what you’re wearing this is season two and Will Graham is in prison for crimes he did not commit. You committed them but don’t worry I won’t tell. And your actor is my husband Mads Mikkelsen.” His jaw dropped and he looked at her in shock. He wasn’t quite sure he believed her. But how did she know that he was the killer? “Mads Mikkelsen?” He asked. She raised an eyebrow at him.
That’s really what he got out of all of that. “Yes that’s my husband, that’s you just in a different universe.” He didn’t know what to say, she sounded crazy. “I know I sound crazy.” “Well I wouldn’t say that.” He tried, she rolled her eyes. “But i’m telling the truth. That’s why I don’t remember anything from here like the murder or the FBI.” “But you told me the story.” “I lied.” He nodded. “I’m sorry Hannibal. I know this is a lot to hear.” “I’m a TV Show character and my actor is married to you and you are well aware that i’m the killer.” He summed up what he could.
She looked at her hands, “You have to believe me.” He looked at her. She had to be crazy, none of it made sense. Though he could read people very well and she didn’t seem like she was lying. “Do I ever get caught?” He asked. She looked at him, “Yes but you escape.” He nodded. “With Will. I mean you two are basically in love.” He gave her a weird look. “I’m not in love with Will.” She looked at him with a “really?” look. “I’m not.” He said. She shook her head, “yeah whatever you say.” “Does he love me?” She chuckled at the question but nodded. “One might say he does but you guys don’t get together. You almost kiss but that’s it. You might be together after the show ends. There isn’t a fourth season.” She tells him. “This is unique.” He told her and she laughed. “I know but it’s all true.” “So since the man you call Mads? Plays me do you find me attractive?” He asked. She looked at him, red in the face.
“I mean yeah. Of course I do.” She said. “So then if I kissed you, you’d be okay with it?” Her jaw was on the floor. “I uh I mean yeah. Yes, I would like that.” She said. He leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked that it came down to this moment but she wasn’t complaining. She kissed him back and cupped his face. Their lips moved in sync as thoughts were racing through both of their minds. This was all crazy. She got up and straddled him, pulling him closer. His hands were placed on her hips as she deepened the kiss. Her hands ran through his hair. “Have you always wanted to do this?” He asked against her lips. She nodded out of breath. “Yes.” He smirked and ran his fingers over her lips. “Have you thought about having sex with me?” She nodded and pushed him down so he was laying on the bed. His hands went under her shirt and she pulled it off her body revealing a red lace bra that she had on. His hands immediately went to her boobs. “You’re so beautiful.” He tells her and removes the bra.
She lets it fall off her before she throws it with her shirt. Her hands travel down his white shirt that he was in. He looked so good in PJ’s. “Take this off.” She tells him. He leans up and takes the shirt off, throwing it with her things. He didn’t have abs per say but he was still the hottest man she’s ever seen. She gets off him to remove her panties and he removes his PJ pants and boxers. She straddles him again and looks down at him. He looked up at her like she was his whole world, in her universe she was. His hands pulled her hips closer to where she was almost lined up with him. She looked down and saw his hard dick. Same size and thickness as her husband. He watched her as she lined herself up and slowly sat on his dick. He felt her walls taking him in like they were made for each other. She let out little moans until he was all the way in her.
His hands held her hips again and she began riding him. She went slow at first building up the pleasure. They didn’t break eye contact as her jaw dropped. It felt so good. He could feel her walls clenching him and it made him groan. How was he supposed to be in love with Will when she was here? Her hips started moving faster and faster making the pleasure more intense. Both of them making noise now, enjoying the moment. She leaned down and kissed him, silencing her moans. Their lips moved together in a sloppy kiss. It wasn’t a neat kiss, it was tongue and teeth and everything was put into it. Hannibal’s hands gripped her back as he felt himself getting closer. She gasped into his mouth as she felt her high near. Her eyes rolled back as her hips went faster.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her face, it was like a pretty painting that he longed to see. She was so close she could taste it. “Are you going to cum, pretty girl?” He asked her. That’s all it took. She was cumming all over him with whines of his name. Seeing her cum, made him cum even harder. With a groan of her name he released inside of her. Her hips slowly move to ride out their orgasms. Her moans die down and her hips stop. She looks down at the man still shock that he’s Hannibal fucking Lecter. He stares back at her with a look in his eyes she knows all too well. It’s the same look her husband gives her. Is this man in love with her? 
She had to get back to her universe. This was so nice but she didn’t belong here. She belonged with Mads not Hannibal but since Mads plays Hannibal she does love him. But the time she has spent with him has been amazing and she didn’t wanna leave but she also wanted to get back to her life. Hannibal was a killer after all. She knows how this story ends and she truly thinks Will and him are meant to be.
As much as she loves him she doesn’t wanna change that. But these past few weeks have been amazing. She laid her on Hannibal’s chest as they just talked. “Is your universe different from this one?” He asked. It kinda was in a sense that the issues going on in this universe were the only focus and in her universe they aren’t just main focuses like that. Everyone has got their own problems. “It feels the same but from watching it on TV no.” Will’s powers that he has as well. “And Will’s visions.” “Now I definitely believe you.” He joked and they both laughed. This was nice. Not having any actual problems besides to get back to her universe. “When does Will get out of prison?” He asked. She shouldn’t tell him. “Soon.” Was all she said. 
She sat at the table as she watched him make dinner. It was like a routine. She loved doing it but as she watched them cook, she realized that this was the stuff that her and Mads did. They had a life together and this reflected that. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together, Hannibal.” She said with a smile as she drank from her wine glass. He smiled and gave her a plate. “I have to.” Her smile dropped slightly as she looked up at him. “I uh wish I could stay.” She said. “You can.” He told her. “I can’t though. I have a husband and life to get back to.” She told him. “I’m your husband though. I mean technically.” She looks at him and sighs, “You are but you aren’t. My husband isn’t a cannibal. He just plays one on TV.” “So I’m just a TV character to you.” That knocked the wind right out of her.
That was something she never thought she’d ever hear. She loved fictional characters so much and they were so much more than that but hearing that question made her sick. “No Hanni you’re not you’re so much more than that but you gotta look at it from my perspective this wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t even know how it happened.” She told him. “To you it wasn’t. But this to me was a blessing.” He took her hands. She looked up at him from her seat. “Stay with me, Y/N. I can give you all he can.” But he couldn’t and they both have different endings that don’t include each other. “Hannibal you’re amazing but we aren’t meant to be together.” She said. “Then how come you’re here?” She didn’t have an answer for that. She truly didn’t know. Luck? She didn’t have an answer to his question but all she knew was that she had to get back to her universe
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
No pajama party for you, Mr. Graham.
Will Graham x fiancee! fem! reader
Summary: Will gets his fiancee drug along into his twisted games with Hannibal, leading to her now restrained body in the chair across from him at Mason Verger's dining room table.
Words: 1,513
Warnings: Mason is gross. Inappropriate comments about the reader from Mason.
Genre: angst?
Author's note: slightly boring, but I like it. Also, I don't own pretty much any of this, but my insertion of Y/N and some added lines. And not my GIF. Enjoy :)
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Will’s greatest fear was coming true.
Here she was, his fiancee, tied up in the chair across from him. Her hair was seemingly done and her outfit was a decently revealing dress. Will lets out a deep breath as if holding himself in. He sneered at Mason, who sat in his chair at the head of the table happily. 
“Well, if Jezebel was right with the risen Jesus, the Riz would have provided her with a new face, as His has provided mine.”
Will’s eyes slowly moved over to look at Mason in confusion. Mason simply stared back at him, raising his eyebrows as if mocking him. Mason takes his silence as a sign to continue. 
“The transplants surgery is extremely skillful, which is why Cordell here will be performing the face-off.” 
As he says so, Cordell walks into the room with another plate of food, backing down to set it on the table, then swiftly standing back up. He turns and stares at Will with a happy expression, before his voice utters a simple, “hello,” as if we was talking to a child. And with that, he disappears into a back room. 
Y/N's eyes flicker between Hannibal, who sits at the foot of the table, and Will as if she’s trying to read their feelings, but like most things with Hannibal, he is unreadable. In fact, as of now, he seems rather happy. She tries to not let expressions show. 
“You boys remind me of that German cannibal who advertised for a friend and then ate him, and his penis before he died,” Mason said. Hannibal gives a grin at this as he continues to eat his food. “Tragedy being, the penis was overcooked. Go to all that trouble to eat a friend, and you overcook his penis!” Y/N at this point has a ruddy shade on her cheeks as she avoids eye contact with everyone. “They ate it anyway. They had to, they committed. But they didn’t enjoy it.”
Hannibal keeps a cheeky smile on his face throughout Mason’s entire monologue. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what the doctor was thinking. Hannibal was often like this. Sometimes, that look could mean that he finds your company rather enjoyable, and other times he was wondering how you would taste over a side of rice. Perhaps now, he was thinking both. 
Will takes this time to look around the room and the table. A cooked pig sat at the center of the table, with various sides surrounding it. His eyes flicker up to his fiancee’s, but she’s looking at Hannibal with a confused expression. He wished he could get out of his restraints to let her go. God, she deserved anything but this. Two years of dating and this is what she gets. And Will has no idea why Mason wants her.
“I’m committed to enjoying every bit of you,” Mason continued as he stared harshly at Lecter. 
Will interrupts him, a tinge of anger and confusion in his tone, “You’re going to eat him… with my face?” He now stares at Mason, not knowing if he wants the answer.
Mason looked to Will, his eyes squinting, and his voice strong. “Yes. I got a taste for it after you two had me eat my nose.” Will looked down, contemplating the disfigured man’s words. He knew he was getting into the wrong crowd, but now, not only was he in danger, but he brought his beautiful girl into it as well, and for that, he couldn’t forgive himself. He also couldn’t help but blame Hannibal, but now was not the time to be pointing fingers. 
Mason continued, his eyes staring at Y/N, “and then I’ll eat her…” Y/N's head perks up to look at him in fear. He cheekily raises his eyebrows, “…in a different way, of course.” His gaze wanders up and down her body like a hungry lion looks at its prey. 
She looks down at the table, her cheeks a consistent shade of red throughout this entire dinner. But Will had heard too much, in his opinion. Of course, that's what he wants with her. It seems that the expression, 'you are what you eat,' is proving itself to Will now because he's looking at the pig on the table and the man sitting at the head of it. He pulled on his restraints harshly, his voice almost a growl, “Don’t fucking-"
Hannibal immediately cuts in, “You must be terribly proud that you could bring this off.” He eats his food as if he’s not in a dangerous situation with a man that wants to eat him, kill his friend, and mate with his friend’s fiancee. “It’s dangerous to get exactly what you want.” He looks up to meet Mason’s eyes, a confident glow in them, “What will you do after you’ve eaten me?”
Will stares at the table, his eyes slowly moving up towards Mason again. His voice was fairly confident and steady, but inside his blood had begun to boil. “You could wreck some foster homes and torment some children.”
Mason is now tormenting Will, “No, I’ll drink martinis made with tears.”
“But where, Mason, would the hard-core fun come from?” Hannibal chimed in. He didn’t like people messing with things that were his, such as Will and Y/N. But, of course, he would never let that show. 
Mason clicks his tongue at him. “It’s foolish to dilute such an ecstatic time as this with fears about the future,” he said as his eyes wandered back to Y/N's face. She was a pretty little thing, after all.
He smiles as much as his disfigured face allows him to at the sight of Y/N's fears. "Don't worry, girl. It'll be just like how it is now. Will's face will be the only one you'll see when making love. It's as if nothing will change."
Her face turns to one of disgust. Her voice finally chirps up quietly, though her eyes remain on the table, "I'd rather die."
Mason gives a quiet chuckle, "People will die today, but none of them are you, sweetie." He quickly scans the room before his gaze settles on Will. “Uh, Cordell, Mr. Graham is looking very dry. A little moisturizer, please.” Cordell nods and quickly leaves the room. 
Will stares at the table with multiple emotions going through him. Both Y/N and Hannibal know that look. They have seen it consistently. It usually means he’s going to do something rash, if he can come up with the plan for it. His eyes are beyond an angry glare as if he could murder someone in cold blood with a glance. If that were so, the fork on the table would be a puddle of melted metal.
The doctor pretends to take no notice, still seemingly enjoying himself. “I’m curious- what will be the first cuts of me you’ll serve?”
Cordell interrupts. “The first course, of course, will be your hands and feet,” he says as a matter of fact. Y/N feels a shiver go down her spine at his words, worried for the psychiatrist. He continues, “sizzling on a Promethean barbecue.” Will looks up in concern, staring at the two as Cordell describes how he’ll cook the man. “The coal is white and very hard. It makes a clear ringing sound when struck.” 
Y/N can’t recall a time she’s seen Lecter look so pleased. His gaze shifts back to Mason with a smile- a real smile, “You’ve thought of everything.”
Mason hums, “And after that, we’ll have a little pajama party, you and I. You can be in shorties by then.” At this point, Cordell is approaching Will with the moisturizer. “Cordell is going to keep you alive for a very long time.”
Cordell bends down slightly to study Will’s face before dipping his finger in the small tin of moisturizer. As if you’d miss it in a blink, Will moves his head toward Cordell’s face, biting into his cheek harshly. The cook lets out a scream of pain, and Hannibal lazily looks over, unfazed. Y/N grips the arms of her chair tightly, letting out a small shriek at the sight. The tin of moisturizer is dropped on the ground and Cordell steps back, letting out grunts as he holds a hand over the bleeding hole in his face. Will makes a disgusted look on his face and spits the chunk out on the table, blood now staining the tablecloth and Will’s face. He then leans back, slightly pleased with his handiwork. Mason looks at him with no emotion.
“Well, no pajama party for you, Mr. Graham.” Will takes long deep breaths. He looks up to see Y/N's horrified expression, then turns slightly to look at Hannibal, who is smiling proudly at him. “We’re gonna feed you to the pigs as soon as Cordell has removed your face- in a much more civilized fashion than you just tried to remove his.”
He looked back to Y/N, realizing he may have fucked up.
I may continue with the storyline :)
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contains major spoilers, let's start!
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how about we start with episode 7, hmm?
i must say, before the episode were released I had a theory, that alastor could make a deal with charlie and try to get her soul to(following the theory about lilith having alastor on a leash) try to exchange charlie's soul for his own BUT it did not happen, and I cannot say it's disappointing for me
as hannibal fun and an expirienced cannibalistic-joke maker it feels like a personal win to have cannibal town being one the most comfortable places in hell with cannibals being really wholesome and polite guys
and of course the diamond of the crown - rosie
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she was amazing in this episode. she definitely has the vibe of this rich auntie who visits you once a year and gives the best gifts and advices. she actually gives amazing advices, that's for sure. and i love her friendship with alastor, i bet they meet every weekend and share gossips
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all of us should be proud of charlie and the way she becomes leader and takes responsibility for her people. this is THE character development
here we are slowly coming to episode 8 also known as the finale of season 1!!
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it was a bright culmination of all of the season 1 and it turned out amazing
but dear readers, i'm sure all of you have already watched it (maybe even 2 or 3 times, right?), so why don't i just say a few words about my favorite moments
the scene before big battle, where everybody is just spending time with other is exactly what shows how much are this lost souls now bonded. they realise they have no idea what is there, waiting for them in tomorrow and that's what make this scene
and let me just say it: huskerdust
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it is a big joy to know this actually happened
i also might say that the victory wasn't easy nor unreasonable. think about the fact that nobody knew how to defeat angels is the exact reason hazbin's crew won. indeed the more power you got the less carelessness you should have.
and i'd really enjoy to share some of my highlights of this battle if I do say so
here wee goooo:
sir pentious kissing the girl he loves than heroically dies and goes to heaven. absolutely nailed it
charlie's demon form. and shall we not forget ruzzle and duzzle in their dragon form.
that absolutely iconic show up from lucifer and him in the whole battle
niffty killing adam. i'd say this is hilarious
alastor being beaten, afraid and panicked. yes, i WAS talking about it. it was important to show he can feel real emotions and fear and loss are one of them
three vees watching battle for hotel and living their best lives(i still hate val, just to be clear)
what is really natural about the battle that they don't just celebrate victory. they mourn pentious, and charlie feels guilty, but they still go on, rebuild hotel singing one of the best songs for the whole show
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i am intrigued by what the season 2 has to offer for us, my dear friends and I surely will be waiting for it
now i'm just about to thank you for reading this and wish you a pleasant day!
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carnallysm · 7 days
The Hunger.
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Media Liaison Jennifer Jareau / Psychiatrist! Dark! Reader helping at the BAU. (Inspired by Hannibal NBC).
Settled in earlier seasons, but doesn't necessarily follow canon events strictly.
This is an AU.
Beware of typical in canon content such as: murder and cannibalism mentions, overall dark content. There's also some smut towards the end!
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— Summary: "Jennifer Jareau is no profiler. She can't tell, like the rest of her team (except Garcia), what exactly means if someone socks are unmatched.
But she understands people, in her own way. A more natural one. A more consuming one.
You, the BAU's new hired psychiatrist to help the members with their mental health, will be the most consuming person Jennifer ever met."
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It wasn't a wound, much less a profound one that Jennifer Jareau felt her heart had. Instead, each and every string that formed her heart was intact.
No one ever truly saw it, what's within her. Jennifer herself is sure she doesn't want to know what hides beneath the mask she's had plastered on her face since so many years.
What she knows is there's a hole in her heart; a bottomless black hole that she's been trying to fill for just as many years as she has been wearing a mask wherever she went to.
Nonetheless, Jennifer is happy with her life. It's the kind of life she had to live, for her family back then and for her family now. The BAU gave JJ that: a family. One that was always there, unlike her mother. Unlike her sister...
Thoughts about death must be inevitable in her job, that's what Jennifer thinks. Seeing, catching, interviewing, chasing serial killers all up and down the States would have an effect on everyone.
She thought so until she met you.
Carrying yourself with an air of gracefulness, and yet easy to talk to. There was something about you that simply made JJ uneasy. You never even flinched at the bodies — and even so, you were unbelievably gentle with the victims, offering them sessions of therapy for free.
What about you was what made a cold shiver run through her spine whenever your eyes met?
Her blue eyes reflecting your appearance, always formal at job while at the same time not enough to seem too snob. Every time she talked with you, it was like her heart opened; for better and worse.
"I don't find you that interesting." Jennifer didn't exactly lie, because more than interesting alone, she found you interestingly terrifying.
Because you opened her heart, tired apart all the strings that protected it, and filled the hole that was there the same way she did to you.
Your heart, that you felt so cold and alone. You always knew you were alone, despite all the people who praised your work. None of them knew you, your deepness — or the deepness of your hollowness. That was filled by Jennifer Jareau, someone so kind and yet so frustratingly unaware of her own self.
"You will." You responded to her with a small nod, before taking a piece of sausage you made for breakfast for both of you. An special one, even if Jennifer was unaware of that as well.
It was only the beginning of the love, the first person you didn't want to consume physically, but emotionally and completely. Someone to consume with, perhaps. JJ, you were sure, was the only person who would understand.
But first, you had to pull her where you wanted her. Made her realize things, realize everything about death and love.
"My parents died when I was very young," You confessed in one of your therapy sessions with Jennifer, being the psychiatrist hired for the BAU members. "Taking care of my sister wasn't easy, but I loved her."
You immediately took account of JJ's softening features, the curves of her mouth frowning into a saddened expression. She understands, you know, even if you're not fully being honest with her.
But Jennifer understands loss the same as you.
"My sister died when I was eleven, and..." JJ had to take a couple of seconds to have a deep breath, faintly shaking her head to clear the few tears gathering in her eyes. "I froze when I saw her in the bathroom. That's why I swore to never freeze again."
She raised a hand to softly, almost barely actually touching and more like caressing the necklace she was wearing, the one that used to belong to her sister.
That's all she had left of her sister, and for the first time in God knows how much, you felt sorry for her. You carried your sister everywhere, while Jennifer had to conform with a simple necklace.
It was simply pitiful.
Meanwhile, you kept doing your work both at day and night, and serving the pigs that your victims were to your teammates. They didn't know, of course. But it was delicious to see how they all, unknownly so, enjoyed and cherished your dishes.
It speaks on its own.
To love is to consume, in some way or another. You consumed the reminiscences of your sister for love, and now you take pigs down for their rudeness.
That's love, too. The more pigs you haunt and eat, the less criminals there are that could kill like they killed your sister. It's all about love, at the end, and you only ever felt such thing for your long-time sister forming part inside of you now, and for Jennifer.
You never felt actually lonely before. You were sure you couldn't find someone who would chain you to this despairing world. Now Jennifer Jareau became your tether to life, and you became the same for her. She made all the cracks open in you, all the cracks that craved with never-ending hunger to be known, seen, loved.
Even if JJ can't accept the love, the violence that it's love between the two of you, because for sure it's inconvenient, you don't doubt what you two feel for each other for even a second.
Because right now, when her lips are devouring yours, you can feel every single thing that's inside of her.
There's no need for words.
She craves you — you, who are everything she always stood away from. Who are what she swore she'll always fight against. Who she hates loving, but who made her feel whole, finally complete in ways she couldn't understand.
She bit your lower lip, and blood spilled from it like a fountain with the statue of an angel pouring water in a scenery, except it was the blood of you, the devil who caught the deer and showed her a different way to love.
And Jennifer licked your blood, as if a starving wolf licked the guts of the rabbit he just ravaged.
When your back met the wall of JJ's room, you felt her hand forcefully tearing off your blouse as her lips never left yours; you were desperate for air, and so hungry for her at the same time you couldn't think straight.
Rather, your mind was focused on the pain and pleasure combining in an explosion of the only thing you ever knew: blood. Blood, in this moment with JJ was passion for you both, and frustration for her as well.
Her lips made their way down with deep bites alongside your jaw and collarbone as she pulled down your slightly bloodied underwear, exposing your breasts.
And as she pinched one of your nipples with one hand, biting harshly the other one, more blood came from you. Not much, but the trail of it falling from your breast to your stomach was as heated as JJ's touch was.
"You're so warm." It was a mere murmur in between all the chaos, probably never even meant to be heard, but it heightened your pleasure.
Warm. You were never called warm, no matter that people liked you. This is how love feels to you, warm. And to Jennifer, is the same. Warm, as in blood, as in guts, as in viscera and intestines.
She still doesn't even know what you do, but she'll find out soon. When that happens, you're dying to know JJ's reaction to it.
But for now, you're enjoying her hand sliding under your pants and pulling them down with a clear urgency; the urgency to be one, to be seen for what was also part of her. To see you, who was now part of her.
Her fingers found your damped underwear easily, circling around your clit for some moments. Your breath grew heavy, and you wondered if this is what felt like dying. Losing your breath, your control, your everything at the hands of someone or something surrounding all of you.
Once Jennifer's fingers fully and roughly pressed to your clit through your underwear, a louder whine escaped your lips before she made you quiet by kissing you once more. It was still as harsh, abrasively so, and it felt like fire was consuming the two of you.
The coolness of the wall was no more effective to keep your mind somewhat straight, not like you wanted to when JJ almost savagely pulled down your panties, and her fingers traced your wet entrance for a single second, before pushing two fingers inside you without warning.
Your hands were holding tightly on JJ's shoulders, as your head moved back in pleasure with a whimper, your back arching for more of that pleasant sensation.
The more you felt her, the more you understood her.
JJ, who always lived up to the expectations of others, was free for the first time in her life. Throughout your therapy sessions with her, you were able to conclude that, proving you wrong, someone out there was the same as you.
Someone living a lie. Someone who had potential to be your equal. Someone to whom death and love were hand in hand.
JJ's two fingers stroking and pumping inside of your throbbing cunt as you came only made you further sure of that.
All the time spent preparing JJ for this very moment was worth it, because she finally accepted herself. And she accepted you. She accepted her own twisted mind and yours.
"I have a very special dinner for us," You spoke in between heavy panting, barely calming down from your orgasm. "You'll see me, and you'll see yourself. Who we are. Together."
What was waiting in your basement was an unsub you couldn't put in jail for not having enough proper evidence. The meal to ultimately conclude your love with Jennifer Jareau.
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Note: I will probably write more fanfics about this idea, such as JJ's past therapy sessions with reader and how it developed.
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I’m rewatching the show for the 473858393929th time and I don’t have anyone to soundboard off of so I pose you this question: When do you think was the first time in the show that Hannibal understands that he has real feelings for Will? I’m at the end of season 1 and I feel like it hasn’t quite hit him yet but there are inklings.
On the other end of the question, when do you think is the first time Will understands his feelings for Hannibal? It’s very obvious that it’s always there but like….when in between seasons one and the last episode of season two does it really happen in your eyes?
I think Hannibal seeing Will in "Aperitif" is the closest to love at first sight that I have seen. As far as him realizing/accepting his love for Will, I would say that happens in "Fromage". Hannibal is very much a "fuck around and find out" at someone else's expense. He sent Will to a known serial killer. He probably assumed a GJH 2.0 would happen, and that Will would come back needing more therapy/comfort from another fatal encounter.
But when Budge showed up at his office alive, there is a noticeable panic on Hannibal's face. He had no way of knowing that Will was accompanied by two officers, so when Tobias says he killed two officers, Hannibal's first thought is that Will is dead. And that hurts. More than he anticipated. He has killed plenty of people, but hasn't felt this level of loss and sadness in a long time.
When the ordeal is over, his expression and heart nearly shatters when seeing Jack come in, eyes begging that Will would follow. For a few seconds, his fear that Will was actually gone encompassed him. He visibly relaxes upon seeing Will actually alive. Hannibal saying "I was worried you were dead" was genuine; he really thought Will was killed and he was hurt.
That love continues to develop, making Will's betrayal that much more painful in Mizumono. Hannibal loved Will, and opened himself up to him, something he had never truly done with someone else. Yes, Hannibal framed Will for his crimes and sent him to prison in his stead, but that doesn't mean Hannibal didn't love Will. But Hannibal is very "preserve self at all costs". I think it is something he regretted, but also something he believed had to be done. Going to prison was not an option for him, and he knew Will would survive. Even the way Hannibal commits violence against Will is distinctly different than how he commits it against others, because he does truly loves Will.
Will's situation is a lot more complicated. I think in the back of his mind, deep down, he loves Hannibal somewhere in season 2. He cares for Hannibal, which is why he told Hannibal to run, why he still went to Hannibal's house, why he leaned into the knife and let himself be hurt and held. But I don't think he really acknowledged that love, not until s3. He called Hannibal his "friend" to Jack, which is true. He did consider Hannibal his friend, but it was so much more than that, too much for words, and not something he would want to admit to Jack. (hi, sorry boss, i love the cannibal teehee <3)
He forgives Hannibal in the catacombs, and I do believe that to be a genuine forgiveness. He even tells Hannibal they are blurred, and he isn't sure they could survive separation. That is a pretty roundabout way of saying "I love you". However, I think Will may not want to love Hannibal in that moment. Will makes an attempt on Hannibal's life, and I think Will associates love with violence. If he killed Hannibal, it wouldn't be out of malice, but a desperate attempt to free himself from Hannibal. Perhaps even to fulfill the promise of intimately killing him with his hands (knife is cheating, but shh). And the violence+love connection is perpetuated when Hannibal saws his head open to eat him, because to cannibalize is to love. Hannibal was planning to kill and eat Will even before he knew Will was planning to kill him, because that is how he knew how to love (apparently talking about your feelings isn't a possibility lol).
But still.... I don't think Will really acknowledges his love for Hannibal until near the end of the show. Because I think part of accepting his love for Hannibal is realizing Hannibal loves him, too. And once Will understood Hannibal loved him, his own love for Hannibal burst forth, unable to be contained.
And once Will realizes this, he gives Hannibal the best thing he can, given the circumstance. He pulls them both off the cliff, to be together, unified, into death or into the next life. Truly blurred and beautiful.
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devouringbodies · 2 months
Hi there! Love your blog, love your tag system, and was wondering if you could share a bit about #mylimacore and your version of Mischa? I'm so intrigued! (Sorry, of course, if this has already been asked and I simply missed the post. Oops) 🦌
I was so excited to get an ask like this you have no idea. Please if anyone has questions about my tags or actually bothers to look through them ever please tell me cause I could talk about them all day haha. So thank you! I'm sorry in advance for the incoming essay 😂.
cw: cannibalism(obvs), familial abuse and incest
So the vague concept of my AU Mischa has all practically been built off this post originally, some aesthetics and ideas I've brewed on since then, as well as an Amazing conversation I had with @mortuaryboyfriend
A few key things to keep in mind to justify my thought process:
i. How would Mischa, if she lived, go on to process her trauma that she shares with Hannibal?
ii. "No one who survives Hannibal remains morally pure" - thank you to Peter for this statement it has lived in my head rent free since 🖤
Mischa has no characterization, in the novel, nor the film Hannibal rising, she is a faceless, blonde little plot devise that drives Hannibal's motives, but she also, in every sense of the word, haunts Hannibal's entire narrative. So she is basically a blank slate as far as characterization goes, but that's where the fun can happen, as we only have Hannibal to compare to, and the theories on how the experience they share would impact them if they had each other to lean on.
Hannibal has said that he "forgave" Mischa her influence on him. What "influence"? Well, in the novel, Mischa is the only thing Hannibal ever loves, he knew he was different since he was young and she was the first thing to make him feel literally anything. Bedelia in the show references the association Hannibal has with love, comparing both Will and Mischa, how it's an influence and its connotation is it makes him feel betrayed by himself, as if these feelings are a burden. So I imagine Mischa and Hannibal growing up together, with Hannibal having this ever growing resentment, but simultaneous unconditional love for Mischa. On the flip side, I imagine Mischa, a child praised and adored and perceived perfect in every way, who would grow and eventually sense her brother's torment. I see them forming an extremely codependent relationship in the wake of their trauma, and Mischa, so desperate to keep her brother, would quite possibly forgive him all his trespasses, actions, and love him for his inner monster all the more, cause he's hers, he protected her.
It's in this vein that we grow her character from here. I see her ultimately as morally grey/teetering towards evil. I'm unsure if she would ever have Hannibal's appetite, but she would love and support him regardless, I see her as being bemused by his games, but viciously protective and vengeful over him. Hannibal loves to play his games with everyone, and she would go along of course, but I think she would have difficulty with restraint if anyone got too close, and would lash out and murder without hesitation if Hannibal was threatened. Hannibal often says she's "ruining his fun". But there's a degree of spoiledness she can't help, she's his doting little sister after all.
It's also in this vein of fierce protectiveness of each other combined with their trauma-born codependency that I truly think they would spiral into something incestuous eventually. They would never, ever let another person get close to the other, and they would fulfill all of each other's needs I think. They both would be capable of living without romance or sex for their entire lives I'm sure, specifically and especially Hannibal, but I can't see them having that moral boundary personally, so for them I imagine it would just be an inevitable step.
Now diving into some of my own personal headcanon's for Mischa.
I think she would share Hannibal's love for the arts, though she would grow bored of the historic gab about it Hannibal favors quickly. I think she'd be more physical. I see her as a dancer, particularly Ballet, or into high theater arts, Shakespeare and classical tragedies.
I see her as this almost dual pointed sword of a character. She is so perfectly revered as a child forever in canon-Hannibal's mind, so I love the idea of this juxtaposition of her as this pure, innocent beauty, who often in reality is sensuous, cruel and violent. Hence my swan/black swan motifs. She lives in this spectrum of perceived innocence, but has brambles and thorns bubbling up inside her.
I made this post and decided that swans was my own personal visual motif for her, as black swans are mentioned on the Lecter estate and brought up a couple times throughout the book Hannibal Rising. The way that white swans represent innocence and purity vs the temptation and depravity of the black swan. It seemed fitting.
When thinking about Mischa in-canon narratively, as I mentioned, she seemed to haunt Hannibal's story. So when I stumbled across the concept of "black swan theory" - a metaphor that means "something that isn't supposed to exist, an impossibility," when applying that to my AU, where Mischa, who's character is a ghost in every sense, but made real against the odds, changing both everything and nothing, it felt extraordinarily apt.
Speaking of, as far as "how she survives" to quote Hannibal, I'm vague on those details lmao. BUT I know it involves cannibalism because it has to. It always has to. Whether some miracle sickness or woe befalls the brutal men who hold them captive and the children must eat them, or they get dispatched some other way and Hannibal has to start cutting his fingers off for Mischa and him to gnaw on (he starts with that extra one of course 😂) I know that it still involves cannibalism in some way.
So that's basically it! Again she's still mostly kinda just this vague blob idea in my head that has very specific Vibes. But hopefully this explains it a bit better. So sorry that this is way more than you asked for, but I get carried away lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you for the wonderful ask though! Have a great day 🖤
Also here are a few mood pieces from my Mischa Pinterest board too, just for funsies. Cause this post isn't long enough already, obviously.
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Also linking my other previous posts that mention her cause tumblr has apparently ate my Mischa lecter tag </3
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rottngdeer · 2 years
Bloodsuckers — 2
Pairings || Hannibal Lecter x Vampire!Female!Reader
Part 2/?
Contents/Warnings || Blood drinking, manipulation, talks of cannibalism, murder, and starvation
Part 3 is here
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Hannibal took notice of Will's behaviour around you. He was attached; especially attentive when you spoke, stood by your side wherever you went, eyes on you constantly. He decided that he would invite the two of you to his latest dinner party to observe a little closer. He needed to see if Will knew about tour secret, or if this was something else he had to deal with. The two of you arrived together around 7. Will was wearing one of his grey suits, looking uncomfortable being around so many people already; and you, wearing black heels and a long black dress that hugged your body just right.
“Always nice to see the two of you outside of work,” Hannibal approached. Will didn’t say anything, too busy looking around at the food with a look of faint disgust. You smile at Hannibal, “Same to you.” You and Hannibal hadn’t been alone since a few nights ago when he declared that he knew your secret, and he confessed that he was the Chesapeake Ripper. You wondered if he invited you to this party to talk to you about what he wanted to do next. Unfortunately you didn’t get much time to speak to him since several people approached you to say hello and have small talk throughout the night.
But Hannibal was watching you. Will didn’t leave your side, and you did the usual mingling and pretending to eat solid food when in reality you just mushed it around and only took small bites to not seem suspicious. When Will walked off eventually to use the bathroom and you were finally alone, Hannibal took his chance.
You felt his hand on your lower back, “Is Will aware of your… age?“ He asked quietly in your ear from behind, asking the question in a simple way in case anyone heard. You sigh in reply, “As far as I know… Will thinks I’m turning 33 next month. 33 and no older. Then again, you found out and I didn’t know until you told me.“
“Do you plan on telling him?”
“Do you think I should?”
“No. But judging by the way he doesn’t leave your side, I wouldn’t be surprised if he found out somehow. Are the two of you dating? I should be aware of any relationships you may have. “
“No, and you have no right to know about my— “
Hannibal cuts you off, “We can’t let anything effect our arrangement.“
“I barely know what our arrangement is. You haven’t exactly explained much yet.”
“I will explain it soon enough.” With that, he walked off to talk to other guests. You set down your plate of food and walk upstairs, knowing no one else would be there. Will had just come out of the bathroom and saw you, so he immediately went after you. You had found and sat down in an empty room and stared out the window. What the hell did you get yourself into?
“Are you okay?“ Will asked as he closed the doors behind him.
You sigh, “I’m fine.“
Will sat down beside you on the small couch, thigh to thigh touching. “You can talk to me about anything, you know.”
You smile weakly at him, “I’m fine. Just… stressed I guess.”
“Because of Jack pushing us about the Ripper cases?”
“Yes,” You lied, “ I’ll be fine, I'll probably just go back downstairs and get some food. Whatever weird French thing Hannibal whipped up.”
“We both know that neither of us really like that stuff.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can tell you only push around your food no matter what it is. You just poke around with food so it looks like you did. And if you actually eat some, you never seem to like it.”
You smiled a little, “ Yeah, I guess that’s true. I’m… picky.”
Will nodded a little, “Right.”
“Well… we should head back down before anyone misses us.”
Will followed you back downstairs, and the two of you mostly just wandered the party talking quietly to each other until people trickled out.
“I’m going to stick around for a little while, I need to speak to Hannibal about something,” You told Will.
“Do you want me to wait outside for you?”
“No, I’ll be fine. I don’t know how long it’ll take anyways. “
“See you soon then?”
You nodded and gave him a small smile before he left. You let out a small sigh as you walked into the kitchen, finding Hannibal pouring himself a glass of wine.
“I have something for you,” He said, without even looking up at you. You watched as he took out a bottle of crimson red liquid. As he opened it and poured it into a wine glass, your pupils dilated and your senses heightened. Blood.
Hannibal walked up to you holding his wine and your blood. “Enjoy it,” He handed you your glass. You took the glass, taking a shirt sniff of the blood before drinking it. You eyed Hannibal as you did. When you finished a few gulps, you stopped. “Thank you… for whatever kind of bribe this is.”
“It is a small look into what I could give you all the time.”
“You think I can’t feed myself.”
“No. But I also know that you can’t keep swiping people off the streets or you’ll get caught. Especially if you leave the bodies around and don’t hide them properly.”
“Would you rather I set them up like art pieces as you do?”
“I’d rather we work together finding people— and you help me with my little ‘art pieces’. And in return you get your fill of blood as I get my fill of meat. There’s less of a possibility you get caught if you work with me.”
“Why do you suddenly need help? Seems like you’ve been doing fine all on your own.”
“I can see something in you. There’s more urges that you hide behind your basic instinctual need for blood. I want to help you, you just have to let me.”
“What if I don’t agree to any of this?”
Hannibal gave you a small smile, “Then you can guarantee the next time the Ripper kills, you’ll be framed for it. I’m sure you’d be very bored in prison. And I’m guessing eventually you may die of starvation. If you were to survive the entire prison sentence people would be suspicious on how you haven’t aged. Then you’ll spend forever as a science experiment, wasting away. Unless of course, you agree to help me.”
He took a sip of his wine while keeping eye contact with you, waiting for your agreement.
“When do we start?”
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I'll Plant You A Cherry Blossom (Hannigram S2) - Shortfic
Explicit // M/M // Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham // Tags: season 2, AU-ish/Canon divergent-ish, Will knows, established relationship, manipulation, game playing, references to murder, references to cannibalism, Will is in BSHCI, tree man tableau, hand jobs, Will is turned on by murder, dirty talk, coming in pants.
Hannibal may have helped put will in BSHCI, but that doesn't mean he isn't still courting him.
Latest installment on my @hannibalbingo card: The Tree Man Tableau
I'll Plant You A Cherry Blossom (1k):
“You know, you don’t make this any easier.” Will scolded through the bars.
“In what way?” Hannibal asked, looking up from the pan where Councilman Sheldon Isley’s heart sizzled in Will’s mind.
Will’s look was as flat as his mood and he ignored the slight smirk pulling at the corner of his lover’s mouth. “You wanted to play this game, wanted to put me in here. I can’t exactly pretend I don’t know who you are, what you are.” Will paused and took a breath, exasperated but also starting to get a little hard. They had been playing this game for a while and it was forever escalating. Now he was in Chilton’s care only able to see his lover infrequently and fantasise that they were back together in Hannibal’s home. “I have to play along with Jack too, but I also don’t want you to go to prison, and some days those two things come into conflict.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Hannibal offered, with no apparent sympathy as he turned the slices of heart over in the pan.
Will huffed a sigh and then resorted to what he knew would get under Hannibal’s skin. “I warned Jack that you’d be hosting a dinner party the next time the Ripper kills. And here we are.” He could almost smell the scent of the meat cooking.
“Here we are, indeed,” Hannibal drawled darkly, before looking back up at Will. “Sheldon’s heart will make a perfect dinner tonight.”
“Yes, but the rest of poor Mr Isley is in the fridge awaiting a dinner party,” Will accused, accurately he knew. He knew Hannibal better than anyone ever had or likely ever would. They knew each other intimately.
“You need to be more careful. At the moment I’m doing a very good job of convincing everyone that my accusations about you are wholly unfounded. We discussed this Hannibal, I was meant to throw them off the scent, give a way for you to clear your name. But then you do shit like this,” he gestured between the stove top and the fridge. “I can’t suddenly say I don’t think it’s you, but if you’re not careful, people will start to believe me.”
“Hmm,” Hannibal hummed his agreement but there was no remorse there. A slight tone of amusement if anything. “Tell me, Will, what is it you are seeing right now.”
For a moment the pendulum swung and the scene before him shifted from Hannibal in his kitchen to Hannibal outside the barred cage Will had been placed in for Hannibal’s visit. Just as quickly he was back in Hannibal’s kitchen.
Continue reading on AO3!
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copias-sewer-rat · 1 year
Drabble: Cannibal Secondo x FBI agent reader [GN]
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I start my new job tomorrow... Won't be able to give you chapters from my fics each week from now on (I think) but I wanted to leave you with something before I become an inconsistent mess. This is based on the “if you want to get really close to someone you should try eat that person” monologue from Secondo because it had Hannibal NBC vibes and I live for that show (also that video lives in my head rent free), this drabble is also based on the show itself so spoilers ahead.
tags and content warnings: cannibalism ahead, seriously, pretty disturbing stuff so please be aware if you don’t tolerate cannibalistic imagery or gore or anything of the sort, also NSFW, minors get out, go to bed!!! (Sorry for any mistakes btw, haven’t proofread much).
- Secondo is your therapist. He is also secretly obsessed with you (you are pretty oblivious to it at first though…). He seems very cold and distant but in reality, he is very easy to talk to, or at least you think so.
- He is also a cannibal that debates between eating your organs, keeping you away from his intentions and nature so you are not harmed, or eating you out and make you moan and squirm for him and keep you all to himself.
-As an FBI agent you have been investigating various crimes related to a criminal that collects their victim’s organs as trophies to then eat them.
-Secondo is clever, elegant and very strong. He wears the most beautifully tailored suits and he puts a lot of effort into his appearance.
-The passion of his life is to cook, to find what flavours match, creating the most delicious dishes. It is a pity that he also loves to eat human flesh and that he finds it so very delectable (and he also wants to feed it to people without them noticing).
-His love language is acts of service, so he starts cooking for you as your friendship develops (and his obsession/crush too). He gave you human meat a couple of times, telling you it was pork or something of the sort.
-Seeing you share his ‘hobby’ in such a way made him extremely hard and after you left his house he had to jerk off to your image eating human flesh. You had told him that it was delicious and he wanted to taste you there and then (in any way he could). He resisted the urge though, clenching his napkin so tightly under the table that his knuckles turned white.
- His final goal is to make you realise your true potential. He can see (or wants to see) that you are just like him, that you would be perfect together.
-He had manipulated you, he knew what would nudge you into the direction he wanted, but that also made you fall in love with him.
-He would linger close to you to smell your scent, hold your hand to feel the blood flow under your skin, anything to satiate his hunger for you just for a bit.
- When you finally discover that he was the cannibal that you had been looking for he injures you pretty badly but he knows you will survive, he has made sure of it by not hitting any vital organs or an artery.
- While you are laying down, bleeding like a sacrificed animal, he kisses you very gently and disappears from your life, having tasted your blood for the first time. He would think about that taste for the years to come.
-After a few years of him being missing you find him, he was hiding out in Florence. He made sure that you could find him of course, that you would realise that you are made for each other. You cannot lie to yourself either, you have missed him so very much.
-When you finally meet after so long, your feelings are so exposed and visible for one another that you cannot keep your hands or mouths away no longer.
-He fucks you like you have never been fucked before. He is gentle and careful with you, but also so ruthless and animalistic that tears of pure pleasure fall from your eyes.
- While fucking you, he bites your shoulder and he tastes your blood for the second time in his life, his canines piercing your soft skin, imagining your beautiful and perfect flesh in one of his dishes. He cannot take it and becomes undone by the taste of your blood alone.
-He had tried to remember the taste of you for so long, cuming into his hand as he pumped himself into pleasure thinking it was you who was taking all of him, hearing you cry his name, digging your nails on his back and drawing his own blood. He imagined you tasting it from your finger nails, it mixing with you saliva and then tasting his own metallic crimson blood from your own precious mouth.
-His grumpy facade does not exist with you. After being so ruthless with you in bed he takes care of you as you are the most important thing in his life.
-If you decide that you don’t want to eat human flesh he will respect your decision.
-But if you fulfill his desires and become what he thinks you should become he is more than thrilled. He feels that he has found in you his other half, his equal, someone who understands him.
- Whatever you decide he will spoil you rotten with gifts, meals, escapades, books, whatever you may ask. He just wants you to be happy, but always by his side.
- He would not take you leaving him in a good way to say the least. If he cannot have you as his equal, he will have you as a meal, feasting on you, together forever inside of him… (that is if you don’t kill him first).
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Title:the podcaster and the cannibal (rough draft)
Premise: Miriam is a true crime podcaster she been trying to solve the ripper case for awhile, always seeming a step closer to, always seeming like she gonna solve it, but when she gets a little to close to it…a surprising fan happens to come in the way of her getting closer to solving it.
Relationships: Clarice Starling/Ardelia Mapp, Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Song: https://open.spotify.com/track/1Jmqubf9kGkWeYQXQKImL5?si=kwP_JQ91SAC9OUvw62MAEA
(Editor note: this is a rough draft idea i have and I wanna see what you guys think about it first, i kinda wanna make it kinda like a 90’s or early 2000’s horror movie but a bit different. Also thank you to @k1ngl30n for editing this for me i really appreciate it hope you guys enjoy)
(What i believe college age Miriam would look like in this)
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The podcaster and the Cannibal.
How did she end up here? Why was she here? It was dark, quiet…too quiet. And she hated the quiet. She needed noise, something, anything to fill the silence in her head.
But the worst part was easily that she couldn’t feel one of her arms.
*One year earlier*
Miriam woke at the sound of her alarm, groaning and not wanting to be up so early, but she knew she had to be up for class soon – not to mention that she had an episode of her podcast to record today. Miriam was honestly kind of excited for today's episode: it was a case that was big in her hometown, and, well, the entire state she lived in.
The Chesapeake Ripper case…she’d learnt about it in her first year of college, but she’d first heard about it when she was growing up. The adults of Miriam’s hometown always told the kids to behave or the Ripper would come after them…but it was actually the other way around. The Ripper only killed adults, never children, and at some point the kids caught on and stopped believing the “fairy tale” that the adults told.
“Mir; you up? An hour before class starts..?” called Clarice, one of her roommates, knocking on her door.
She sighed. “Yeah, I’m up!” Miriam yelled, before getting out of bed and running to get dressed.
“I’ll be home early after class today, so don’t worry about dinner tonight,” Miriam said to Clarice and their other roommate Ardeila, who was Clarice's long time friend and now girlfriend. They both nodded as Clarice handed Miriam a cup of coffee. She looked a little stressed from what Miriam could tell, but before she could ask what was wrong, Clarice spoke up:
“Ardelia and I were talking about moving into a different room,” Clarice said. Miriam stopped lifting her cup to her lips, putting it back down instead.
“As in – you two are moving out?” Clarice nodded at that. Miriam knew she wasn’t the easiest person to live with, and she could be a little bossy at times, but she had tried – and now she was going to have to find new roommates, or a single room, which was a much greater deal than she’d thought she’d have to think about that morning. “Ok… when?” she asked. This time, Ardelia was the one who spoke.
“In two weeks’ time. We found a place and thought you should know before it’s final.” Miriam nodded – finding new roommates or moving would suck, honestly – she didn’t really have many other friends and she didn’t exactly like living alone…
…Especially with the paranoia from all the cases she researched and talked about. Miriam had left shortly after with a quick goodbye, wondering what she was going to do. All through her classes, she couldn’t stop thinking what would happen after Clarice and Ardeila moved out.
Although, after school, Miriam headed back to her apartment with the only thought in her head being her weekly podcast episode. At some point through the day, it replaced the alarming thought of her friends moving out.
“Hey all – welcome back to Sinister! I’m your host, Miriam Lass, and welcome to part four of the Ripper of Washington! If you’re new here on Sinister, we talk about the world’s sickest serial killers; if you missed the last three episodes, I would suggest going back and listening before finishing this one. I’d also suggest catching up on the Chesapeake Ripper case series. The script is looking like a 10 part series so far – so welcome, or welcome back; on today’s episode, we will be talking about more victims and getting more into the profile of the Ripper, as well as my own profile on the Ripper. So – enjoy!” Miriam said, before beginning to read what she found on the case.
Unbeknownst to her, a special guest had been listening to her podcast the entire time. The Ripper loved hearing the thoughts people had about himself, especially Miriam’s, as she was smart. Her profile on him was closer than the FBI’s, and it impressed him to no end – but, of course, no one could impress him more than his dear husband, Will Graham. No one was as smart as Will either, which would be why Hannibal found him to be the perfect soulmate and partner. Will understood him to the point that they were like water; blurred together.
Hannibal listened intently. He took in every piece of information Miriam had and he was frankly impressed at how well she knew him, how perfect her profile was and how…cocky she seemed. It was like she knew everything about him – but she didn’t, and Hannibal didn’t like how close she was to the truth. He would have to fix that.
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yonpote · 5 months
I need to know why and how you were anti-phannie from 2014-2016
alright here we go i get to talk about THIS shit now.
i was generally anti-rpf at that point, and honestly? i think it was for fair enough reasons as some people were a bit too eager about showing (general) youtubers stories they wrote about them sucking and fucking their friends. i think i was also pretty high and mighty about being a somewhat oldhead phannie tbh, like ugh do these gaming-channel-only people even know about dan being super edgy and offensive 🙄 and lowkey it was a lot of subtly misogynistic "i'm not like other girls" type shit like i was sooo much better than yall cuz i hadn't watched that video (yet.)
i was generally not into these sorts of fandoms to begin with. i wasnt on the superwhopotterlock side, i was on the homestuck/dangan ronpa/anime of the month side of tumblr, if that gives you an idea of what i was like lol. around 2014-15 i was very much in a community that is kinda similar to what you might see on twitter now, where if you had any interests in media that portrayed anything problematic, that means you are in full support of that problematic thing. if dan howell said something racist in 2010, it doesn't matter that he wasn't being racist in 2015 he's still racist and liking him makes you a racist etc. and of course, rpf is included in problematic topics. if you ship real people, even if said people say they don't mind it, you are a sick pervert and you should be in the loony bin for being so depraved. and if you write or read any fiction that has immoral acts, it means you support those acts in real life too and you are trying to normalize abuse and SA (yknow as if whitecishetpatriarchy hasnt normalized that enough) and you're a danger to children and you deserve to rot in prison (yknow as if a queer person writing stories about queer people hasnt heard that one before)
now here's the real kicker. in 2015-2016 i ran a game grumps fan blog where i did talk about shipping the grumps. "wait how were you anti-rpf if-" well have you ever heard of this thing called Lying? or perhaps even, Cognitive Dissonance? i HAD to run a separate blog for this interest, because if my friends knew i consumed slashfic about arin and danny they would stop being friends with me and think im this evil horrible monster etc. genuinely that was where my brain was at, and is a little bit the reason i decided to this day, to make my phannie accounts completely separate from my main accounts.
nowadays, none of my non-phannie friends actually give a fuck and i do occasionally talk about dnp being silly gay white boys w them! at this point i dont post about em on main just out of respect like "hey im sure you dont actually want to hear about british yaoi constantly regardless of our level of friendship so i'll keep it over here okay?"
also, yeah i grew out of thinking consuming media with deplorable acts makes me deplorable. my favorite tv show is hannibal. i know its shocking, but i dont actually support serial killer cannibals. i will say, i dont fuck with "pro/anti" language with regards to what is considered "problematic" or having that be an identity marker. i think that people are free to write fiction as they please so long as its all properly tagged for people who dont enjoy that kind of content to avoid. but i also think there can be and often are problems in the way these stories are written, and yeah if all the romance stories you read growing up involve some sort of force or danger, that CAN normalize this sort of action as inherent to romance stories/real life romance. but i think thats an issue with like, society at large, and it's not on an individual fic writer to be educating teens who read their dead dove fic despite the explicit rating and tags.
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ok everyone. Sit down and shut up. Cos nothing as amazing as what just happend will ever happen again.
this is hannibal related. For the sake of this story, I'll mark all the hannibal related bits in red.
So I just saw the human versions of hannibal and will and I'm not even kidding shut up listen to this.
This story is 100% real btw, I didn't make anything up.
So I was walking with my mom in the town were staying at in Italy. Two men and a dog walk past us. A moment later one of the men turns around and walks over to us. He's wearing a suit (with no tie though). His hair is a dirty blond, and very neat. He stop us and asks "excuse me, sorry for bothering you, but are you Israeli?" My mom and I say yes, we are (and were pretty shocked, too. We werent speaking hebrew or anything, we werent doing anything particularly Israeli). We asked him how he knew, and he said "oh, im not sure. It was just something about you. Your body language and general air. Sorry, im used to analyzing people more than i should. It happens automatically, i cant really turn it off." He then called the other man who was walking with him, who had already moved on. And, I SHIT YOU NOT. this is the name he called out. "William! William come here, look, these two are Israeli". William comes over and brings the dog with him. "This is my partner, william." The other man said. William was a bit shorter than him, he looked a bit scruffier, and he was wearing a wool hat. He had darker hair. He was wearing jeans and a corduroy jacket (i think) over a t shirt. He sighed and said "you know i hate that word, it makes it sound like i work with you in the clinic or something. Im his husband." I asked what happend to their dog (he was missing a leg). William said he was out fishing a few months back and took the dog with him, the dog went wondering off into the woods and got into a fight with a wild hog. "Luckily," the other man said "William is a vet. And kino (the dog) is fine now" There was an awkward pause. "Now, if youll excuse us, it was very nice talking to you but we have a lunch reservation and a client waiting." The other man said. "Yeah. That meat isnt going to eat itself" William said.
"That meat isnt going to eat itself" sure hun are you talking about lunch or your husband's fucking client.
Fucking gay cannibals walking around Italy with their 3 legged adorable dog. Oughhhhhh
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collapsingchurches · 4 months
would you be willing to talk about hannibal's desire for a family, how he chooses the prospective members of that family, and what family means to him? 😘
I have been mulling over the right way to talk about this, so I'll undoubtedly reblog and add to this post, but Hannibal wants domesticity. It's something he never had. He was a baby aristocrat, and people in that kind of class don't have domesticity. He went from the castle to the orphanage to boarding school in Paris. He had no sense of genuine connection to most people -- his aunt by marriage seduced him when he was a teenager and then rejected him as inhuman because he killed people. Not exactly breakfast nook conversation.
The first moment when I realized Hannibal had this quality one might associate with family-feeling was in S1E1 when he says to Will, "Finish your breakfast." It's the way he says it. It's an intimate thing to say to a person. Not just overfamiliarity or manipulation. The kind of thing you say to your kid or maybe a spouse when they're being a wiseass but you aren't mad about it, you think it's cute.
He chose Abigail because he knew what her father was hunting, and that she was her daddy's girl. He might have been stirred to rescue her because the sight of Will soaked in adrenaline and blood and cordite was hopelessly appealing to him -- or maybe that exquisite sight was why he paused? But he left Will behind, got in the ambulance with that girl, and held her hand all the way. He slept in a shitty hospital chair with her blood still on his sleeves. A fastidious man like Hannibal. He didn't change his shirt. There was a chance that this cannibal hunter's child would be someone who could understand him, and he wasn't going to let her go.
Putting Will into the frame of mind where he had a responsibility to Abigail was, of course, a way of getting him closer to his side. He wanted the handsome prickly man too. Breakfast for everyone.
I'm up way too late but I've been writing about Hannibal stuff all day it seems, and I'll add more. Would love to hear your thoughts as well, gorgeous.
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