#like yes hide from the cameras bby.
starsinthesky5 · 2 months
thinking about this photo at the moment
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simpinberry · 2 years
costar reader and bella messing around on set of tlou?
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costar! reader, platonic and romantic, gnreader!,
i adore this idea <3 making this for some of us who just wanna be friends with bella.
i know damn well everyone would be looking for you guys on set just to find y’all in a corner making tiktoks. i can’t be the only one who thinks bella would 100% be down to make funny tiktok dances with you. lmaoo i can see them doing the “my blickyyy uponnn the dresserr” trend.
boredom is something you and bella have banished from set. you have a 2 hour wait in the middle of the woods. y’all are picking up sticks and fighting each other. playfully obviously but someone’s definitely gonna get hurt in the end. it’d start by you finding a big stick and challenging bella with a “HUSSAH” and she’d immediately match your energy, running off to find her own stick. y’all would get told off for getting ur clothes dirty (you end up rolling around in mud and dirt). bella simply shrugs it off reminding them you’re both literally on the set of the last of us. bless ur stylists fr
the perks of being on the set of tlou is that you guys get to shoot in some really cool places. when bella can she rlly loves using the camera you got her for their birthday. always makes you lose in front of the pretty views with big mountains in the back. has embarrassing an embarrassing video of you spilling down a hill and getting your entire ass handed to u. you’ll get her back by sneaking photos of her and pedro sleeping with their mouths open lmaooo. you two are always sneaking photos and documenting the whole experience, smth everyone will be grateful for later on.
although you both try to remain as professional as possible and not let ur relationship get in the way of ur actor duties. you guys r the cheesiest and cutest mfs on set. will steal kisses right before director yells “action” (can u guys tell ik nothing abt being on a set lmaoo) you guys are famous for taking ur naps together when you have time and are exhausted. two idiots, sleeping in their chairs, hand and hand.
giggle attacks. i know the crew is SICK OF YALLLL. you’ll say one stupid joke and you’re both GONE. cut the show, end it, done for the day yall r menaces. bella will try her best to hide her giggle into your shoulders but it’ll just make u laugh even more. will shush you, finger to her lips. tries everything she can think of to get u to stop. puts both of their hands on your face and tells you to take a ‘deep breath’ and whilst making eye contact. YALL WERE ROLLLINGGG ON THE FLOOR.
if you forget a line, even once, you’ll never hear the end of it from bella. they’ll find it the funniest thing on the planet and will tease you relentlessly for it. silent treatment mode activate‼️‼️ will genuinely beg for ur forgiveness once u don’t budge “babe no pls i’m sorryyyy, cmon tell me what will make this better? cmon how can i get you to forgive me hmm?” lots of pouting they’re soo cute. but you’re STUBBORN. “hmm how bout some kisses?” boom you got her exactly where u wanted her. she’ll attack your face with kisses until you break out in giggles. will continue to do so until you pry her off you. “yeah? my prtty bby likes kisses?” you give her one big long kiss before pulling away. “yes idiot, i do like your kisses but istg stop making fun of me now”
bella is so gf it acc makes me blush deeply sometimesss. i love writing about how it would be like to be around cuz they seem so fucking lovely
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dira333 · 6 months
As always, here with a request for my bby Asahi for your plotbunny game❤️❤️
For you, my love, something special:
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The Muse
Recently I've been thinking about Asahi as a muse. Yes, yes, I know he's the designer. But think about it. He's into fashion, he's going to dress well.
So you spot him in the streets, trenchcoat following him like the cape of a superhero or the trail of a wedding dress, and his hair, swallowing the sun, dropping from his head like Molasses. He's so strikingly beautiful that you just stop in the middle of the sidewalk and take pictures.
And of course, you can't just post these like that, you have to know if he's okay with that, so you run after him, reach him, finally, at the door to a coffee shop, and he doesn't hear you at first, your breathless mumbles over the noise of the people inside and the people outside, and all the cars rushing by.
"I'm so sorry, do you need help?" He asks, leaning closer, his breath washing over your face and you want to take another picture, like that, his face so close, his eyes so dark you fear you're going to drown in them.
"You're really pretty," you manage to get out, "I took some pictures for my blog, can I... can I post them?"
And then there's laughter, the heavy slap of a hand on his shoulder that almost pushes him into you, face into face - and maybe lips on lips?
"Did you hear that, Asahi? She thinks you're pretty. Why's no one taking pictures of me, huh?"
"Stop it, Suga!" The man, Asahi, it was - mumbles, his cheeks pink.
"Come on," Suga's grin is all sharp and teasing, though his eyes are warm and confident. He reminds you of a lioness or a crow. intelligent, though never with ill intent. "Sit with us. Show us the pictures."
Asahi agrees, over cups of overpriced coffee and your camera passed around, that you can post the pictures. He can't get enough of them, too, picking up the camera again and again for another look, pulling out a notepad to sketch something until he remembers he's got company and puts it away again, flustered, blushing up to the tips of his ears. He's incredibly cute and you want to do it gain, this, drinking coffee with him and his friends, but also that moment outside, when you'd seen him and time stopped, maybe permanently.
The next time is at the park.
You asked for his number and he asked for a chance to show you his newest collection.
You arrive a little early, get lost in the sea of fresh green and budding flowers. You spot him by accident, lying halfway behind a bush, trying to get a picture of a camera-shy squirrel.
He's standing in a circle of trees, their arms outstretched as if they are praying to him. Asahi's well dressed and while your followers are probably going to appreciate the outfit inspo on the picture, you can't stop snapping pictures of the way he looks up, face angled in a way that leaves his neck open, vulnerable... kissable.
Later, after you've climbed out of your hiding spot, the squirrel forgotten, after you've gone through his designs, you go through the pictures together.
Your heart beats painfully in your chest at each shot that appears on the screen. To you it's painfully clear, but you wonder if he sees it, the adoration seeping through.
He goes back and forth again, looks twice, three times over all the pictures, ignores the sound of his phone in his pocket.
If you hadn't been looking for it, you might have missed the redness spreading over his skin. You might have missed the way he leans into you as if trying to communicate over touch.
"You can post them... if you want."
"I won't do it," you tell him, voice soft and almost breathless. "Not all of them, I mean. Some are too... personal, to me."
Asahi smiles, soft and warm, like hot cocoa. The back of his hand knocks into yours and you grab it, eagerly, greedily, as if you'd been longing for it all of your life and only just now realized it.
"Can we do this again?" He asks on the way out of the park, hands swinging between you too. "I have some more designs I want to show you."
You think of them, how they had resembled you more than his usual stuff - because of course you googled his work the moment you said goodbye at the coffee shop - how your pictures had been more of him than fashion, and you nod.
"Yes. I'd love that.
When you step into the Genkan of your new apartment, there's a picture hanging on the opposite wall. Many visitors have commented on it, though you like to smile secretively when they ask what it's about.
A river of dark brown running over a canvas of milk? Brown silk over Linen? A painting, resembling your favorite colors?
They all get it wrong.
It's Asahi's hair, running smooth and heavy over his skin, his exposed temple, the side of his face that you kissed just moments prior. He'd been sleeping and the sunlight had hit him just right and the camera had been there and...
After all this time, he's still your favorite - perhaps only - muse.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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mllebabushkat · 2 years
☀️ Warrior Nun S2E4 🌙
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NO when I asked for more bea cam interaction it wasn’t like this TAT
oh ava dear 🥺
^recurring face cos my children are in danger
uhhhh taraskS 👀
angry woman yelling VINCENTTTTT counter: 2
spider bea 😂😂😂
"i'm god's vengeance" FINE he might be growing on me
people who have offered vital "i can help you stop him" info to ava this season counter: 2
also wait wait wait miguel THE OTHER SIDE??
ava: casual badass phasing
me: that's my girl <3
on today's episode of team super cam:
cam + spanish = heart eyes :D
car chase????? in MY warrior nun? more likely than you THINK
yasmine bbyyyyy ahahahaha she is adapting well bless her heart
quick detour-
raya's blood? WHO
lilith is such a bad liar imo surely she's hiding smth right,...
did i mention yasmine bby aww
she is the moment i love her so much
the whole time superion was taking him out back i was like pls pls pls kill him,, for shannon,, 😭 pls
kudos for the editing to make it seem like it was his last moments!
but,..,, I GUESS i understand it is not in her nature to do so :///
let it be known i'm not happy abt this decision he's just gonna come back to wreak more havoc
uh also "suzanne" omg???
(btw love the shot of the delicious red lighting from the van *kisses the crew*)
poor jilian her business bitchboy is a backstabbing bastard what a surprise
back to the main show :)
beatrice + spanish = heart eyes motherfucker
i love!!!!! the multilingual roots!! of this show! so much !!!
oh darling beatrice 🥺
hallucination!ava bellowing "i know what you are!" no 😭
her greatest fear being ava exposing her sexuality and hating/mocking her for it nooOOOO
also her fbc guard takedown?
that's gameplay straight out of a hitman level LMAO
not to mention ava's finally met her match in punch-first-tell-my-friends-about-the-plan-later in miguel hahahah-
so uhhh he's already possessed by a blue demon? divinium demon? isn't that a tarask? confusion????
all i know is that was a full on angels vs demons lookin ass spectacle
"you should look in the mirror mate" please he's so british 😂😂😂
hold on lemme pause right there-
CULT DRUMS (from the priest preaching scene) fade to end in time with the team ko body thud, beat of silence, HYPE SONG ([Shock Out] for reference) TO THE ONE AND ONLY BEA ENTERING
i'm such a slut for satisfying ost/sound design
ugh and 10/10 fight + camera choreo *even more kisses for the crew*
avatrice reunion!!!1 the way they lurched into that hug it looked like they were abt to kiss-
ahhhh their hands 😍 and bea's eye contact 😍
bea: "let go"
ava: "hang on"
(their synchronicity in battle, their willingness to embrace each other's values, all that mutual growth and understanding in so few words-)
hold on HOLD ON i need a moment please
unfortunately necessary interlude:
what the hell is going on with lilith???
adriel gives a weakass "you’re my destiny" speech, fires off a cheapass parlour trick?
and that's enough??? to change her mind?????? tf-
ok back to our regularly scheduled avatrice
so now there's a tarask and it's fighting the demons? more confusion
AVA FLYING?????????
terrible news: ava paralysed without halo confirmed 😭😭😭
[Darkest Hour] ost slapsssssssssss
sandwiching the episode with this song? 2 steps forward 1 step back vibe loving it
next ep let's gooooooo
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ham-st4r · 1 year
bby pls it’s a crime to put “trash” and any of ur fics in the same sentence 😞💗 i finally had time to read it andddd ‼️‼️ honest feelings it was intriguing and omg i felt so bad for yn cuz hee own family was the one hurting her the most her mom was a poor excuse of a human. a waste of resources in the world 👹 and like wtf how could u look at hee and be like “meh imma js use him and then leave” I WOULD SLAP MYSELF OKAY? like what’s wrong with the mom 🫥
the whoep storyline was like soooo good aaaaaa they things they did behind the mom’s heehhehehe so hot. but when hee “broke it off” omgg my heart broke for them. not them both hiding the fact that they were hurting sigh the angst hit hard BUT IT WAS THE RIGHT AMOUNT CUZ WE GOT TO SEE JEALOUS STEPDADDY HEE AHAHAHHA he’s so possessive i love like imagine being called “my princess” “my girl” and he fucking claimed her pussy and her whole being essentially ‼️ (toxic behavior for irl men but it’s hee soooo we can turn a blind eye heheheh) and i loveeee how u made yn pretend like that disgusting bully was actually her bf js to make hee jealous ehehehhehhe they’re so silly i love them
however…there were some parts i feel like u could’ve elaborated or written more? BUT THATS JS CUZ I WANT TO READ MORE OF UR AMAZING WRITING 😣🫶🏻
oh and also one last thing (sorry) when hee said he had cameras all over the house so that they have evidence of the abuse and stuff 👀 so…he basically also has footage of yn and him fucking…all over the house…in all sorts of positions 👀 AAAAAAAA I SQUEALED IDEK IF THATS TRUE BUT IF IT IS IDK THATS KINDA HOT
Ok i’m done for now i js wanted to express how much i liked it 😞🫶🏻‼️💗
ily muah pls take care of urself 💞
Why do I lowkey like the mom tho? Lmao 😂 I mean she’s a bitch of course but the way she treated hee was like ?? I think I went overboard 😭 especially with the whole “you’re not her real dad” her to toxicity was off the charts
But then hee is kinda stupid for staying with her for so long but the poor man was so in love and just wanted his little family to stay together even if she was treating him like less than trash and giving him zero attention 😞
And same I had to take out so many parts cause the dots just weren’t connecting I still think I could have done a bit more of a backstory but by the time I tried I was too far into the story so I just had to go with it and do the best I could
The first sex scene was so so different from the initial one but I think the one I used was better
That being said though y/n has been through the mud ☹️ and the part where hee broke things off that’s what I wanted to go into more detail about but i couldn’t word it better to save my life (real) and I still can’t even describe it 😐
But overall I’m glad everyone seemed to enjoy it I’m just a little bit disappointed with this one 🫤
Thanks for the feedback I really do appreciate it you’re one of a kind 💙 hope you have a good day today!!!!
Btw yes them fucking is on camera too 🫣
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Dodger’s First Egg Hunt
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: You and Chris set up an egg hunt for bubs :)
Warnings: none, but I came up with this in the shower
A/n: Has anyone done this before? Heavily inspired by Jenna Marbles’ video of her doing an egg hunt for her dogs😌 Happy Easter to all my bbys that celebrate it🐰🐣💖
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“Are we considered crazy dog parents for this?”
“No.” Chris scoffed, shooting you a playful look over his shoulder. “In fact, we should be considered the most fucking amazing dog parents in the world because we’re doing something to make our child happy.”
Chris stopped shoving dog treats into one of the colorful plastic eggs to look at Dodger, “Ain’t that right Dodge?”
Your shared fur baby looks up from the stuffed bunny toy he was chewing at the mention of his name. He lets out a single bark, resuming his activity at hand—or at paw.
Your boyfriend of three years turns back to you; his mouth curved into the proudest smile, the ends of his eyes crinkled, and the corners of his lips squished into his cheeks. He looked like the most happiest man on the planet and you adored it. Happiness looked good on him.
“See, our child agrees. This is completely normal of us as dog parents, baby.” He reassures you, sending a wink your way in the process. You shake your head at his antics, although the idea of hosting a little egg hunt for Dodger made you feel all warm and fuzzy. Dodger was like your first child, but you couldn’t help but imagine how it would be like to have an egg hunt with your and Chris’ future children.
Snapping you out of your thoughts, Chris pecks your lips, “Well don’t just stand there, help me fill up the rest of these eggs.”
- 🐰💕🐣 -
Much to Chris’ dismay you guys couldn’t fill up every single one of the Easter eggs. Since you and Chris were hosting Easter this year, it meant that you were also throwing the egg hunt for all of the kids in your families.
You and Chris decided to let Dodger have his own Easter egg hunt outside in the backyard. Because he was a dog, you both agreed to ‘hide’ the eggs in very obvious spots, making it easier for your fur baby to find them. Before Dodger can enjoy his own festivities, you all dressed up in your Easter outfits. You wore a beautiful spring dress that stopped a little bit above your knees and paired it with white slip on Vans (you weren’t wearing heels, you were at home). Chris wore a pastel blue button up and khakis. And of course Dodger had his own get up—Chris attached a bow he found at Target onto Dodger’s collar. It was light blue and had different colored Easter eggs all over it.
You guys took some pictures as well; it was mostly you and Chris taking pictures of Dodger on both of your phones, but you two managed to snag a few selfies with each other and Dodger. Growing antsy at having to sit still for the past 15 minutes, Dodger practically bolted out the sliding doors when Chris opened them. The two of you trailed behind him, excitedly waiting to see Dodger find an egg.
The first thing Dodger does is pee, an essential obviously. He sniffs around the trees and bushes, his fluffy tail wagging as he trots around the yard. Unlike you, Chris impatiently waits for Dodger to find an egg. He mumbles things like, “That’s not even close” and “Can he not smell the treats? Why is it taking so long for him to find them?” under his breath while he watches Dodger from across the yard.
“Babe, he’s a dog, I don’t think he understands the concept of an egg hunt yet.” You comment, an amused look on your features. Chris’ brows knit together in thought, “How do I get him to understand how an egg hunt works?”
You approach Dodger, who’s tail wags even faster when he sees you coming towards him, “We could show him how it works.”
You and Chris spend at least 10-15 minutes demonstrating how an egg hunt works for Dodger. Yes, it probably looked like the most stupidest thing in the world, but it meant a lot to you, Chris, and Dodger. You filmed as Chris pretended to find eggs with Dodger trailing behind him. He would enthusiastically point out the egg, crouch down and pick it up, give it a good shake, and open it to reveal a treat. When Dodger seemed to get the gist of egg hunting, he began to spot some of the eggs on his own.
The first time it actually happened, Chris looked at you and gasped, “Please tell me you got that on camera?!” The two of you celebrated Dodger’s first find with a bunch of belly rubs and kisses.
“Such a smart boy, bubba! Let’s find some more, come on!” You cooed, leading him towards an area with more eggs. Chris took over the camera and was now admiring the interactions between you and Dodger. Just like your thoughts earlier, he also couldn’t help but imagine an egg hunt with your future kids. He knew you were on board with having children together, despite not being married, you’ve told him one night when the topic of your relationship’s future came up. You’ve expressed your doubts and fears of becoming a mother, but in Chris’ eyes you were going to be an amazing one, out of this world amazing.
He chuckled when you cheered, you find his eyes and yell, “He found another one! Oh—he’s even opening it on his own too!”
That last bit caught his attention and he was already jogging to where you were. He glanced down at Dodger and you weren’t lying, he really did figure out how to crack the eggs open.
“Oh, wow—you were serious.”
Chris ends the video and slips your phone into his back pocket along with his. He gets down to Dodger’s level and scratches the back of his dog’s ears. Dodger has his mouth open, happily hanging out his tongue. His tail is still wagging, never faltering. Though he couldn’t talk, you and Chris knew he was enjoying all the attention he was getting.
“You really are a smart boy, huh?” Chris mumbled, rubbing the parts of Dodger that he can reach. He presses a kiss onto Dodger’s head, “I’m so proud of you, bubba!”
The three of you continue Dodger’s egg hunt, not realizing the time that was passing. You still had to set up the egg hunt for the kids and make sure all the food was perfect, but that slipped both your and Chris’ minds. The two of you were too occupied experiencing the moments of your dog’s first egg hunt. The two of you were so indulged in the moment, that you didn’t notice Scott entering the backyard.
He stopped when he heard cheering, his eyes spotting you and Chris further into the backyard jumping and clapping. Scott found slobbery Easter eggs scattered around the yard causing one of his brows to raise, “What did I just walk into?”
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mango-bango-bby · 4 years
♡ Not a Big Deal ♡
(A/N: No one requested this but I was really inspired by a thirst post I made on my spam soooooo I whipped up this little thing!! Hope you enjoy <3)
Summary: Dabi is horny while away on a trip for the league. So he asks his cute little darling for nudes however you aren’t into it right away (Yan!Dabi x Fem!Reader
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(⚠️Warning: Nudes, NSFW, dubious-consenting of sharing nudes, manipulation, and Dabi being a perv⚠️)
Dabi hates leaving you. He’s always hated leaving to help the league. Yes, he did really want to destroy Endeavor but if Dabi had it his way Endeavor would already be gone and he could spend all day and night with you. So, when hand-man said the league’s next mission was to kill Endeavor, Dabi was over the moon. Except he had to spend about two days away from you.
Dabi’s really bored. He moves his head back to lean against the grimy wall of the motel room, that he threatened the desk lady to give him. Dabi, knowing that he was going to be gone for at least two days, made sure to put out all the things he knew you needed. Dabi loves taking care of you and doing everything for you, so he left your clothes folded out on the dresser and your food in containers in the fridge for you.
Dabi lets out a bored sigh before pulling his cracked phone out of his pocket, while taking a long drag of his cigarette. Recently, he had given you a phone. One that he had a hacker villain baby-prof so you couldn’t have internet access or call the police or anyone but him. So he decides to text you.
Dabi scrolls through his phone and messages until he’s met with the contact with the name “Babygirl♡” before going to his phones keyboard to text you,
[Dabi] hey bby. u still up?
Dabi puts his phone down on his chest, waiting for you to respond. Only for his phone to buzz almost immediately.
[Babygirl♡] yes
A short and sweet response on your part. Despite being you Dabi’s hostage for almost three months, you were still pretty shy around him. Much to Dabi’s dismay. But, he loves that you answer him, you’re always such a good girl for him.
[Dabi] what outfit did u decide wear today?
Dabi normally loves picking out your clothes for you, but because he was gone, you got to pick out which outfit out of the three Dabi had laid out for you. He laid out your undergarments as well, he’s curious which ones of those you picked out as well.
[Babygirl♡] the pink dress
Dabi smiles, he loves that dress on you. A beautiful pink dress he had stolen from a random shop he robbed. Lace under the dress, a white collar with a pastel blue bow accenting the rest of the pastel pink, the short dress only barely reaching your thighs. The dress revealing your panties and ass when you bend over the right way. Damn, he loved that stupid dress.
[Dabi] o rly? send me a pic, doll. u better not being lying to me
Dabi has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll but he always loves receiving cute photos from you. You don’t even mean to be so cute in the photos you send him, you just are. Ever since Dabi gave you that phone, he’s been making you send him photos of whatever you’re doing while he’s gone. Monitoring your daily activity’s and what you’re wearing and eating.
[Babygirl♡] Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi smirks clicking on the image you sent him. The picture is fairly simple, it’s you standing in front of the full body mirror in the bedroom, showing off your outfit. One hand holding your phone while the other lifts up your skirt slightly in a ‘curtsy’ style way.
You look so beautiful, you wear matching white stocking with lace at the top and a cutesy pink collar that Dabi laid out for you. He quickly saves the image to his phone before zooming in on the photo you blessed him with. Zooming in enough and straining his eyes enough, he can see your bra underneath your dress.
[Dabi] take the dress off
Dabi can practically see your face while reading his message. You’re probably hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment. After about two minutes Dabi checks his phone again, only to be met with the ‘read at 9:27pm’ at the bottom of his screen.
[Dabi] i know princess isn’t ignoring me, is she?
Dabi watches his phone, waiting for your response. Normally you’re so good for him, so he’s surprised you left him on read. Watching the three dots appear before your message is sent to him.
[Babygirl♡] but i don’t want to..... you won’t show anyone right??
Dabi lets out a chuckle, blowing some of the smoke from his cigarette out of his mouth when he does so. You’re so cute. Worrying about your friends and family seeing your nudes when you’re probably already dead to them and the world.
[Dabi] aw buttercup. it’s ok, it’s not that big of a deal. it’ll be only for me ok?
Even from this grimy motel room, Dabi can hear the gears in your head turning. It’s not like Dabi hasn’t taken a picture of you nude before, he has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll where you’re covered in his cum. But, this would be completely different. You’d be sending this willingly, if not with a little bit of encouragement on his part.
[Babygirl♡] ok.... Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi opens the image faster than he can imagine, he thinks his favorite part of the image is your flustered face looking away from the camera in embarrassment. Now, every pair of panties and bras you own are pretty scandalous. Seeing as Dabi always gets them for you.
It’s another mirror selfie, this time the short pink dress disregarded on the floor. Although, you’re still wearing the thigh high stockings. You’re wearing a recently new set of undergarments that Dabi had gotten you. Being a simple panty and bra, pink, sheer, with lace around the edges, and embroidered cherry’s all over. 
Dabi stares at the image, allowing his eyes to run over every curve of your body. Oh, if only he was home with you right now. But for now, he could deal with a cute mirror selfie. He can’t stop his eyes from gazing over the photograph, going from the curve of your neck, down your breasts, down your hips, and to your thighs. You were so fucking sexy.
[Dabi] oh babygirl. u have no idea what u do to me
Dabi takes another drag of his cigarette, looking at the photo again. Allowing his eyes to wander all over the screen, noticing the slick between your thighs when he looks close enough. How naughty of you. Already getting so wet from just him asking to see a picture of your body. Naughty, naughty, naughty. Although, he’d be lying if he wasn’t aroused to right now. The straining of the crotch of his pants proved that.
Dabi doesn’t even think before he hits the green call button completely ready to tease you about how aroused you are. He wants to help you with it, well, kind of.
Dabi will direct you on how to please yourself properly. He’ll make sure you end up feeling like he’s there with you. Although, you’ll have to wait to cum until he gets back home.
(Part Two possibly coming soon 👀👀)
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ crush on you - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | fluff | 1.4k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, idol au, love at first sight au, mature language/cursing, westernartist!reader, mark is a shy bby, soft!mark, lowkey shy!reader bc lol, ANOTHER REQUEST YAY!!
REQUEST | “love your writing! do you mind taking a request of mine? it’s where mark sees a western artist at an award show or function and he has a crush on her and wants to get with her before nct goes back to korea… thank you” - anon <3
SUMMARY | his little heart has a crush on you :)
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “crush on you” by soul fro and dum di dum! IM SO EXCITED THIS IS ANOTHER REQUEST!! THANK YOU ANON ILY <3 hopefully this meets your expectations :) i actually don’t know how award shows in the states work even though i’m literally from america so this might be slightly inaccurate lol. anyways thank you for supporting me crappy writing ahfkjdh i love you <33
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mark had no idea what it was about you that captured his fragile little heart. you, the tiny first time nominee at the ama’s.
nct 127 was once again nominated for an award at the western convention, the team touring around the area as well. the red carpet was flooded with cameras, flashes and intense yells for attention was the only thing mark could hear.
but the moment you started walking down the silk road, it was like all of the sound buzzed down to a silence.
❝ my heart has a little crush on you ❞
you were the only thing the boy could see.
your soft pink gown clashed with the intense red on the floor, the pretty floral print around the chest and waist of the dress all the more brought out your skin tone. your hair was left in pretty curls and mark could’ve sworn he saw a pink flower pin somewhere in there too.
the shy smile you let out the moment the paparazzi noticed you made mark’s heart race, hearing them ask you how you felt about your first ama’s since your debut.
so she’s a newbie, mark thought knowing that was the reason he’s never seen you before.
“how does it feel to be nominated for your first award?” a man asked, flashes all around you. your heart was racing with fear.
don’t fuck up now, you thought to yourself before smiling.
“if i’m being honest, i’m terrified.” you answered truthfully, watching as the group of people in front of you nodded in understanding. “but i’m super excited and grateful to be here, so the nerves don’t really matter.” you awkwardly continued as some cooed at your shyness.
“now i must say that’s a beautiful dress you have on.” a woman with a microphone said causing you to blush.
“ahh thank you!” you gushed, turning to her with warm cheeks. “i was scared it might be too much but my stylist insisted i wear it.”
“well you’re stunning.” the woman winked before a certain group of boys caught her eye. “good luck today y/n! hopefully this will be your first win.” she said before floating to the korean boys a couple feet away.
“thank you!” you called out, watching her go to the group of boys ahead of you.
curiosity struck you knowing you had no clue who they were. once you made it past the runway, you sneaked a look at the group only to have your breath taken away.
they were gorgeous, especially the one in the front.
his big brown doe eyes were shining under the lights and even though they were all wearing the same back suit and tie, this boy seemed to stand out to you.
❝ so immature but these butterflies they keep me laughing ❞
“hey lauren?” you nudge your manager. “who’s that?” you secretly point, not wanting to draw attention.
“oh that’s mark lee from nct 127. they’re the korean boy group that’s nominated for an award.” your manager replied.
she then pokes your sides as she smirks. “don’t tell me you have a thing for the canadian dude!” she says and you yelp from the impact.
“HE’S CANADIAN TOO?” you whispered-shouted to the girl, a little taken aback. so he’s handsome and most likely knows how to speak english?
“it’s always the damn canadians.” you grumbled under your breath as your manager laughed knowing this might be the start of something new.
“hyung remember that girl from the runway with the pink floral dress?” mark asks one of their managers. the man nods, a little confused by the question.
“how can you not?” the man jokes, mark nodding with a small smile.
“do you happen to know her name?” the boy asks as
his manager gives him a look. “where is this going mark?”
“no where i swear i just want to know who she is.” mark said, holding his hands up in surrender.
“hmm okay well i’m pretty sure her name is y/n.” his manager responds before being asked by another staff member for something.
“y/n.” mark said hazily, liking how your name sounds on his tongue.
mark was in love. there was no other way to describe this feeling. while waiting in their waiting rooms for the show to start, mark took the time to look up your music.
and god was he mad he didn’t know who you were before.
your songs were incredible and your voice held a certain fragility that made mark wanna give you a hug.
she better win, he thought to himself as they were ushered out of the waiting room and into the award show.
“oh my god oh my god oh my god.” you whispered to yourself as your heart raced. the award you were nominated in was about to be called and you wished you could hide in a hole and disappear from the crowd.
your manager sensed your nerves and squeezed your hand, silently letting you know she’d be there for you through anything. you softly smiled as you felt your nerves subside.
“and the winner is…” the man called out, purposefully slowing down a bit to create suspense.
mark knew this was the category you were nominated in, and the moment they were about to reveal the winner he held his breath.
please be y/n, he thought in his head as the announcer took another breath.
“y/n!” and if it wasn’t for his self-strength, mark could’ve sworn he would’ve jumped up in joy.
❝ my heart wrote a little song for you ❞
mark couldn’t keep his eyes off you throughout the entire award show. in fact, he was a little worried someone would notice because of how painfully obvious he was being.
but it’s not like you were any better. whenever mark would look away, you’d be looking at him.
“just talk to him.” your manager lauren complained, sick of the heart eyes you’d send to the boy.
so oblivious, she thought rolling her eyes. even she had seen the way he’d sneak glances at you as well.
“shhh.” you hushed her, looking around. it was nearing the end of the convention but you didn’t want to risk anyone over hearing her.
“i don’t know laur, he probably hasn’t even noticed me.” you quietly sighed feeling a bit down.
why would he? you’re just a newbie while he’s been in the industry for years.
“oh you’d be surprised.” the girl responded, shaking her head at your stupidity.
“are you y/n’s manager?” a man asked, stopping the woman. raising an eyebrow lauren motioned you too keep walking backstage to your dressing room.
how odd, you thought walking away.
“yes i am. why what’s going on.” lauren replied hesitantly.
the man let out a sigh of relief before continuing. “i’m one of the managers for nct 127 and let’s be honest,” he said letting the woman relax. she saw where this was heading.
“mark and y/n are head over heels for each other.” they both said at the same time.
“you noticed mark’s glances?” he asked in surprise.
“duh who wouldn’t?” she replied causing the man to laugh.
“y/n wouldn’t.” he said back causing them two to formulate a plan.
“y/n i have someone i’d like to introduce to you.” your manager said walking into your dressing room. you sat lazily on the couch still in your dress, your toes aching from being in those heels for hours.
“what’s up lauren?” you asked looking up from your phone.
“meet mark from nct 127.”
and just like that your heart jumped.
❝ won’t you take a listen ❞
the two of you stood awkwardly in front of each other not really knowing what to say. your managers had set you up, playing off the fact that they themselves have gotten along quite well and would like for their artists to meet.
you both started at the same time. you immediately flushed rushing to let him go first.
“uh you can go first.” you timidly responded.
“no you.” mark replied just as embarrassed.
“good grief just ask for each other’s numbers.” the two managers hollered in unison, cringing at the awkwardness in the air.
“y-you wanna get lunch sometime soon?” mark asked with sudden confidence.
❝ and dance with me to the rhythm ❞
you smiled causing him to smile back. “duh.”
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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enchantedtomeethyun · 3 years
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——Namjoon A to Z +18——
Requested by one of my friends! Here ya go hehe
Song rec of the day : the lakes by Taylor Swift
A- after care
He would be shy I think but In a confident way. Like he would laugh for being embarrassed and smile and look down to hide his face but only because he knows he looks good. He would want to make you dinner or something. Read a book to you. Chill out pretty much.
B- body parts
Thighs. He knows his thighs are awesome. He likes curves I think so he would like to see the curve of the body on his partner even if his partner isn’t curvy. He just likes to see your outline. He finds it beautiful. Sometimes he sketches it in paper when he’s writing in his journal.
C- cum
He’s a safe guy. Uses protection always. Never catch him slipping. He will ride his bike to the store if he sees he’s out of condoms and make you wait on his bed. No cumming inside. Sorry bby. But. He will want to have a serious talk about having kids eventually and plan shit out on a calendar.
D- dick
Ok it’s not small but it’s not big. I think it’s more wise then long. So maybe 4 flaccid and then 5.5 erect. Flesh tone and the tip is a lil pink. He’s fun.
E- experience
He didn’t get any pre debut. I just know. He’s all talk. But I think recently maybe he’s had a few small flings but I see him as a serious dater. He won’t go very far with someone if there is no connection.
F-first time
Probably with a girl he was dating for like a few months and then they broke up cause he’s so busy. Was Probably a little after debut. His job is his priority. But when he is older he will be more open to love.
H- hair
He grows it out because he’s like ah no one is seeing this anyways. Then panics when you come over ans is like umm lemme take a shower I just went to the gym and trims himself up a bit. He doesn’t care if you shave or not tbh. I’m sure he thinks that the hair is pokie tho when it starts to grow back but it’s only the feeling he doesn’t like. When you have your leg hair longer he won’t care cause it’s soft according to him lol. His thing is “ you do you baby”.
I- intimacy
He would ride his bike to the Han river and write in his journal about you and then take pics of the trees and send them to you. He’s very close to those he loves but he feels a bit shy at times you have to pull it out of him. Like how he is with jin. He’s like that with you.
J- jerk off
He is so stressed I bet lmao. Probably every other day in the shower cause that’s the only please he can be alone. For him it’s to relieve tension. He doesn’t seem like a sex crazy dude.
K- kinks
My boy is a bit soft I feel. Like everyone is all like ohhh daddy Namjoon but nah. That would freak him out a bit. He likes connecting with others. So I think his kinks would be very much pleasing his partner. He likes to eat you out and talk to you. Talk you to your high. He has a way with words hehe
L- location
He’s a private person. He wants to keep his love life private and will prefer if you have sex when no one is around. Only the bedroom. Maybe the bathroom if he’s feeling risky. But he doesn’t feel the need to show off. He did have a dream once about you two in a field of flowers under a willow tree. After that he asks if you want to go camping. Please say yes. He wants to fuck you in nature baby.
M- mystery box
Camera. He likes taking pictures of your intimate moments. Nothing very dirty, just your bare back with his hand holding yours. Kisses on lips. Your arms around his torso sleeping. He keeps pictures in a locked box under his bed with other memories you two have shared like a movie ticket from your first date. ( you have no idea about this box shhh don’t tell him I told you).
N- no!
His no no’s are anything you aren’t comfortable with as well as anything he isn’t comfortable with. He doesn’t like hurting you and makes him feel like a bad man. He thinks “ how can a woman consent to pain from her lover” it bothers him so much. Nothing super weird like peeing on eachother ya know. He’s a respectful man and will always treat you like you matter. Because you do ;)
P- positions
Ok this is when he gets a little wild. Like when an old lady who goes to church all the time says the word shit and thinks it’s the craziest thing. Doggie( I hate that it’s called that) would be his favorite because he gets to see your shape and he likes how he can position himself. Also the sound kind of turns him on. He can do anything you want tbh you just gotta ask.
Q- Quickies
Eh. Not his thing. He likes to make it like an after dinner thing. Or like a day off thing. He wants to spend time with you and take his time. Maybe play some music and dance around. Drink some wine. Ease into it. No rush.
R- risk
See location for details. Hehe
S- secret
He accidentally stained your fave blanket one time cause was jerking off when you were in the shower and wasn’t paying attention and his wrist knocked over his coffee lmao.
T- Tempo
He has a weird rhythm but it works. Ok. Just trust me. You’re gonna be confused but you’ll be fine. I promise.
U- unfair
The only thing that’s unfair is that you know he will treat you so well that after you’re like damn he better be my husband. He laughs when you say that.
V- volume
I see him as a talker and a grunter. Moaning when he cums ya know. It’s obvious when he’s having a good time ya.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 3]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, anal play, panty stuffing, toys that have fake cum, a bit of drunk ‘n dom!seungcheol, masturbation, daddy!kink 😳😏 yall! and we are back! I’m sorry we had to take a pause from last week but hopefully we won’t have anymore issues! 😭😭  this chapter is about 6.5k so strap in for the ride yall! and as always, thank you all soooo much for the support and love on my fics T_T it means so much to me! 💕 I hope yall have a good weekend bbys!! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - ?
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dom.cheol has donated $250
angelhan: :( i still cant believe i missed ur morning show…
chwenon: me too, i wouldn’t have stayed up til 6am had i known lol
sleepy_wonu: tbf, i couldve gotten kicked out of lab if i got caught watching… worth it tho
dom.cheol: i was at work but anything for u, baby.
You can’t help but pout at the camera reading the comments; knowing that some of your viewers were working or in class when you had done your surprise show. “Aww, m’sorry… I know it was so out of place for me but… You guys probably get it too, right?” You pause, sliding off of the pillow you were sitting on top of. You’d done a short show tonight; doing a strip tease for the camera before mounting a pillow and grinding against it until you came; fingertips gripping onto the silk as breathy moans spilled from your lips.  
“Y’know? When you wake up and you’re just so needy.”
hoshi_tiger_xx: all the time, baby!
gentleman_josh95: literally me this morning ;(
“Right? See you guys get me!” You giggle. The sound of donations and comments sound off in the background as you zone out for a second.
It had already been a couple days since then and this was your first show back. You and Seungcheol had texted sporadically; a little bit of awkwardness on both ends if you were completely honest. He seemed genuinely shy which was not what you expected at first but you also knew it must’ve been weird for him to suddenly have unrestricted access to you. Seungcheol seemed to be unsure of what he was able to ask you or talk to you about, even though you had assured him that you wanted to get to know him just like regular friends.
In your case, Seungcheol was undeniably hot and seemed to really like you which sent the butterflies in your stomach soaring each and every time your phone pinged.
kitty_junjun: hey can i ask a weird question
You tilt your head, eyes blinking cutely at the camera. “Of course!”
kitty_junjun: do u think you’ll ever have a show with someone else? Like a guest or sth? I know we’ve asked before but i’m just curious since your anniversary is comin up again...
Biting your lip, you watch as the others chime in, asking the same question. In truth, you had considered it maybe once or twice. But that came with risks. Not only would you have to find someone who was okay with being on camera with you, but you also ran the risk of losing viewers if they weren’t happy with who it was or how it turned out.
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Seungcheol bites his lip reading the comments; he’d thought about it too.
He thought about if he’d be jealous, which he convinced himself he wouldn’t be. He would.
And whether or not he would pay to be the person to join you on cam and fuck you in front of all your viewers.
He definitely would.
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“Mmm… I mean, I definitely thought about it before? But wouldn’t it be weird to see someone else on my shows? And, like, an actual… guy?” You watch the comments fly past, donations getting lost in the flurry of comments saying that you should do it.
universe_WZ: and miss the chance of seeing u getting fucked and put in ur place like a good girl?
universe_WZ: i will pay top dollar
alphagyu97: same
artist8hao: also same
dom.cheol: you already know how much we’d all love to see your cute lil cunt getting filled up with a real cock, sweetheart.
You bite your lip in thought, glancing at the camera with a coy expression. “Hmm, okay! I’ll keep thinking about it… I really want to but it’s gonna take some time to find the right person and make sure they’re okay with being on cam with me too~”
j__min: u should ask me, i cam sometimes too… we should collab ;)
Trying to hide the awkwardness, you laugh it off, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Oh? A camboy that watches me? That’s interesting~”
There were usually only 13 of your viewers who you considered to be your ‘regulars’ and you knew them all by their usernames. Of course, there were others who seemed to comment here and there and lots of anonymous donations and comments as well. But the newcomer seemed to be very interested in you and you weren’t sure how to take it just yet.
“Hmm~ Okay! I think I’m gonna end the show here! It’s getting kinda late now, huh? I ended up staying and chatting too long again~”
dom.cheol has donated $300
universe_WZ has donated $100
dom.cheol: it’s okay baby we like talking to u :)
sleepy_wonu: agreed
You stick your tongue out, winking at the camera before you say your goodbyes and last few thank you’s.
“I’ll see you guys next time~ Sleep well and dream of me!”
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Seungcheol takes a deep breath, rolling his computer chair away from his desk as soon as you go offline. You’d been as cute as you normally were, but this time he felt like your lust filled eyes pierced the screen a little harder than usual.
He reaches for his phone, opening your text window before typing a quick response. ‘Great show tonight, baby. ;)’ Pausing, he wonders if it’s a little too weird to text right after you’d finished a show; but instead hits send. The read receipt shows up immediately after which alerts Seungcheol you already had your text window up when he messaged you.
babygirl 🍒 : i was just about to message u!! hehe, how are u?
Seungcheol bites his lip. Would it be too much to call? He ponders.
‘Hey, is it okay to call? If ur busy, it’s okay. Just figured it’d be quicker than typing.’ He hits send before he can regret it, watching as the read receipt shows up under his message again.
In a few seconds, it’s his phone that rings, your display name at the top as he accepts your call.
“Cheollie!” Seungcheol’s heart threatens to beat out of his chest at your nickname for him, hand clutching the phone tightly as he tries to calm himself down. “Hey, sweetheart. Sorry, you must be tired? I just thought this would’ve been quicker.” He chuckles, standing from his computer chair as he makes his way towards his bed.
“Oh, not at all! I’m just tidying up so I have you on speaker right now~ If that’s okay?”
“Mm, of course, baby.”
Seungcheol takes the time to lay in his bed, a deep sigh escaping him as he relaxes into the sheets. “Everything okay, ‘Cheol?” Your voice is soft and gentle; music to his ears as he stares at the ceiling.
“Yeah! Just… the comments have been weird, huh?” He ends it with an awkward laugh, hoping you knew exactly what he was talking about.
“Oh, are you talking about people asking me to invite someone or the new guy in the comments?” Seungcheol doesn’t know which he wants to talk about first. “I guess both?” He inquires, hoping that it’s not too prying.
You make a humming noise on the other end, deciding which one to address first. “Mm, I mean… I would love to have someone else on the show with me but I don’t know… Don’t you think it’d be weird? I feel like I’ve been doing my show for so long by myself but maybe I should start trying other stuff…” You trail off, leaving it open-ended for Seungcheol’s opinion.
“It’s ultimately up to you, sweetheart. But---But if you do, just promise me you’ll make sure everything with this person checks out, okay? I mean--I just want you to be safe, don’t let it just be some weirdo off the internet.” Seungcheol blushes, words leaving his lips in a hurried mess. Sometimes he hated how overprotective he was of you. “And--and make sure they take a STD test and stuff, y’know?” Your giggles pour out of the phone receiver as Seungcheol hides his face in one of his pillows.
“Is this in reference to the ‘j__min’ person offering their services?” Yes.
“No…” Seungcheol mutters, somehow already knowing that you didn’t believe it.
“‘Cheol~ don’t worry. I’m not gonna get into cahoots with someone I don’t know. And honestly, it kinda weirds me out how he came out of nowhere… Makes me wonder if he was some anonymous viewer or donator this entire time and then decided to have a name.” There’s a pause on your end; Seungcheol hearing the washing machine going off.
“And anyway, if I were to do a cam show with someone else, I think I’d want to know them really well, don’cha think? Like a friend, maybe?”
Seungcheol lets you go to sleep after 15 more minutes of chatting; making sure you down a glass of water and get some food delivered before he lets you go for the night.
He places his phone down onto the nightstand, tugging his shirt off as he stands. But his phone pings not a second later, confusion crossing his features as he picks it up.
‘Hey hyung, don’t forget we’re going to that new diner across town tomorrow after work!!! I’m gettin me some disco fries baby!!!! - ggukie’
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Seungcheol ends work 30 minutes later than he should the next day and Jeongguk watches from the concession stand as Seungcheol trudges over, fingertips running through his silvery-blue hair as he sighs.
“Some kid fuckin’ puked in the restroom and nobody wanted to clean it up so guess who did.” He complains, leaning his head onto the cool countertop as Jeongguk pats his head comfortingly. “Not my job but you should’ve called someone else. Where was Yoongi-hyung?”
“Gone, as per usual. We both know he clocks out 30 minutes early.”
The two laugh half-heartedly, making sure they have their things before they leave for the night. The night shift crew had already checked in just a few minutes prior; Taehyung and Hoseok waving them off as they leave.
They hop into Seungcheol’s car; Jeongguk already fiddling with the radio controls as Seungcheol puts in the address for the new diner that had opened up. “I hope this place is good. It seems to get a lot of good reviews for a place that just opened up, like, two weeks ago.” Jeongguk nods, settling into his seat as Seungcheol pulls out of the parking lot.
“We live in a city that’s straight out of an episode of Riverdale. I mean, we work at a roller rink? And there’s diners all over? But we’re in the present day with present day technology? Soon we’ll be Archie and Jughead. Except I want to be Jughead since I have the tattoos so you can be Archie. Or we can both be, like, from the Serpents but I still want to be Jughead.”
Seungcheol raises a brow at Jeongguk’s references.
“I don’t know that show so all of that just went over my head.”
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It takes approximately 30 minutes to get across town; the huge neon lights from the diner welcoming them into the parking lot as Seungcheol parks the car somewhere near the entrance.
“God, was it just me or did that take a long time? I’m fuckin’ starving.” Seungcheol mutters; hopping out of the driver’s seat. “I think you’re just hungry, hyung.” Jeongguk offers, jogging up to the other male as they make their way to the doors.
Thankfully, the place seemed relatively empty for a Thursday night, a lone male standing at the front of the diner in a pastel coloured uniform.
“Hey! Welcome to Dynamite, my name’s Jun! Table for two?” Seungcheol nods slowly, eyes narrowing at the male who, for whatever reason, seemed familiar.
Jun picks up two menus, guiding them to a booth in the far corner of the diner. “We’re just a little understaffed tonight so I’ll also be your server tonight! Can I get you guys some water to start?” The two nod as they sit in the multi-coloured booth. “Hey, can I ask you something?” Jun blinks, nodding slowly as Seungcheol peers up at him from where he’s seated.
“I feel like I’ve met you? It’s weird. I’m pretty sure we’ve never met though…?” Seungcheol trails off, confused eyes meeting Jun’s. Jun wracks his brain, unsure, but feeling the same way. “I dunno, I feel the same but I’m pretty sure we never met. Maybe a past life thing?”
Jeongguk laughs, eyes too focused on the menu in front of him. “Oh, that’d be weird as fuck.”
“Anyway, I’ll come back with your water!” Jun walks away, leaving Seungcheol and Jeongguk to go through the menu.
“Hey, Seungcheol-hyung?”
“I know you said you’re usually busy on the weekends but I’m doing a PUBG stream on Saturday and was wondering if you wanted to hang? I asked Yoongi-hyung too and he’s coming over to drink and hang out.” Seungcheol’s lips press into a firm line, eyes burning holes into the menu in front of him.
Jeongguk was a video game streamer sometimes and his streaming schedule lined up with yours which is why Seungcheol almost never had a chance to watch or be a part of Jeongguk’s. “Um, what time is it at?”
“I’m thinking of streaming from like 6PM to midnight or somethin’. But you don’t have to be there the entire time! Just thought it’d be cool to hang out on the weekends for once.”
Seungcheol nods slowly, glancing up at Jeongguk who’s already staring back at him. “I can probably show up for a bit? I need to leave by 10 though, I, uh, sleep early sometimes.” He knows Jeongguk doesn’t buy it, but a smile paints itself onto the younger male’s face in an instant.
“Cool! Wow, didn’t think you’d say yes actually.”
The older male nods, a tight smile on his lips. Your cam schedule was almost always on time; Fridays, Saturdays, every other Monday, and every other Wednesday at 11PM. Sometimes you’d have surprise shows, like before, but you often kept to your schedule unless something important came up. “I know, I get so busy on the weekends, y’know?”
Jun comes back with their waters, setting them down on the table before fishing out a pad and paper to take their orders. “What are you doing on the weekends anyway? I feel like I’ve never asked directly but you never return my calls on Fridays and Saturdays.” Seungcheol freezes mid-order, hands gripping the laminated menu. “Um, and a cherry coke, please, thank you. And I told you ‘Guk, I… I just like to unwind on the weekends, I like to enjoy my quiet time so--so sometimes I just turn my phone off, y’know?.”
Jeongguk puts his order in with Jun who runs their order back before he walks off again. “Is working at the roller rink that bad? I know it can get wild sometimes but… are you thinking about quitting?”
In truth, Seungcheol had thought about it before when he was first starting out at the roller rink. But he also knew it paid too well for him to leave just yet. “Nah, just… it gets loud, y’know? I end up doing jobs around the place that I’m not qualified to do. And with Namjoon-hyung gone still, we’re shorthanded. I thought about picking up another job for some extra cash, but with what time?” Seungcheol grabs his glass of water, lips puckered around the plastic straw as he takes a sip.
“You should cam!”
Water sprays all over the table as Seungcheol sputters, choking on the liquid. “The---what!?” Jun runs over with a stack of pink tissues, helping to wipe up the water as Jeongguk stares from across the table with a wide grin. He waits until Jun leaves again; eyes fixated on Seungcheol and the crimson blush that coats his cheeks and ears. “It’d be easy money for you. You’re not exactly ugly, and you can cover your face!”
“Why exactly are you suggesting that!? Why’d you go straight for that!?” Seungcheol screams under his breath.
“Let’s be real, it’s crossed my mind so it’s probably crossed yours too. You can always just game too, but if you need cash quick y’know… And hey, I have some extra equipment so…” Jeongguk trails off, wiggling his eyebrows at Seungcheol suggestively.
Seungcheol had actually thought about that too. Maybe once or twice.
But after he’d spoken to you and found out just how difficult it really was to keep your viewers engaged and how difficult it was trying to find new ideas to bring to your cam show, he knew it wasn’t as easy as most people thought it’d be. You always put in extra effort in your cam shows and it was a whole production with effort and ideas. Sometimes it took you days to even come up with a theme for a show and sometimes it didn’t do as well as you’d hoped.
“Um, if I ever do, I’ll let you know ‘Guk.”
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Saturday comes sooner than Seungcheol knows and he’s antsy. He could barely even enjoy your cam show from the night prior knowing that he had to haul ass back home after Jeongguk’s stream. He plots out the drive home; times it just perfectly so he still has some spare time to relax before your show starts.
For a second, he wonders if it was the right decision or if he should’ve just stayed home like he normally did. But he quickly shakes the thoughts out of his head; glad to get out of his apartment and spend time with his friends on the weekends for once.
He makes it to Jeongguk’s place on time, a box of beer tucked under his arm when he knocks on the door. Shockingly, it’s Yoongi on the other end who greets him; a lopsided smile on his face as he ushers Seungcheol inside. “‘Guk was setting up so…”
“I brought more beer! He said you were spending the night on his sofa so drink all you want, hyung.” Yoongi nods, plopping back down onto the sofa as Seungcheol makes his way towards Jeongguk’s PC room.
The entire room is lined with LEDs, posters of anime and various video games lining all the spaces between the soundproofing pads that Jeongguk haphazardly attached to the wall.
“Yooo, how’s the setup coming?”
“I’m almost ready!”
It takes 20 more minutes of Jeongguk fiddling before he sits in his expensive gaming chair; Seungcheol close behind as he watches the younger male pull up the loading screen. “You’re not drinking, hyung?”
Seungcheol shakes his head, legs crossed as he leans back in the spare desk chair. “Nah, I drove here. Gotta be responsible, kid.” Jeongguk shakes his head, placing his headset and mic on before starting his stream.
“Hey guys! Welcome back to Golden Closet Gaming! I’m doing a PUBG stream tonight and one of my closest friends is here so if you hear him on the mic, that’s definitely not a ghost this time!” A concerned look crosses Seungcheol’s features but he laughs lightly. “Hey guys, I’m Seung---I’m, uh… I’m---SCOUPS!” He blurts out in a hurry; using his gaming username instead.
“And I’m your main player, JK!”
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Watching Jeongguk game so seriously is interesting for Seungcheol. They take a break an hour and a half into Jeongguk’s streaming session to get food and drinks; immediately going back to the PC room right after.
But it makes Seungcheol wonder what it was like on your end to always be alone filming in your bedroom to thousands of people in such an intimate setting. For a second, it makes him sad, wondering if you ever felt lonely after your shows were over. Or if you were so tired and could barely take care of yourself.
I would’ve gladly been the one to take care of you after your shows, he thinks.
“Fuck you too, asshole! Get the fuck out!”
Jeongguk’s screaming brings him out of his sad thoughts; a brow raised as he peers at the screen. How the younger male had the energy to game for so long was beyond him sometimes.
“Uhhh anyway comments are asking what I should stream next week? I dunno, give me some ideas? Not the SIMS again though...” Jeongguk mutters. “Oh, j__min said I should play The Last of Us?”
The name has Seungcheol perking up in an instant, leaning over Jeongguk’s shoulder as his eyes dance over the comments.
j__min: bro u were supposed to stream that like 4 streams ago, wtf 
seokGENIE: its a good game tho, id be interested in seeing how badly u do
j__min: actually yea me too lmao
Seungcheol’s eyes narrow slightly. Surely it couldn’t be? He thinks. The typing style wasn’t the same at all but the username was, which sent Seungcheol’s mind into a frenzy at the possibility.
But unfortunately for Seungcheol, Jeongguk launches into another match which means he had to wait another time to ask about it. He notes it mentally, making sure to get answers as soon as he can.
10PM comes sooner than Seungcheol expects and he lets Jeongguk know when it’s 9:50PM and while they’re in the middle of a break that he needs to go.
“Damn, where did time go? But okay, hyung! Sorry we didn’t really talk and I just gamed the entire time but maybe next time we can actually do something else? Go out for drinks maybe?” He shoots the older male his best puppy eyes until Seungcheol sighs and gives in, nodding as he fishes for his car keys.
“I’ll see you at work, okay?”
Seungcheol waves at Yoongi still glued to the sofa; a tiny wave of his own as he wishes Seungcheol a safe drive home.
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He makes it home at exactly 10:32PM, toeing his shoes off before shucking off his jacket and tossing it onto the back of the sofa. He shuffles to the kitchen and grabs a few beers out of the fridge; already downing two entire bottles before he even makes it to his PC.
The buzz feels good when he sits down, taking a swig of his third bottle as he boots up his computer. In the meantime, he checks his phone, scrolling through apps and deleting notifications.
A text pops up at the top of his phone’s screen.
babygirl 🍒 : see u soon :)
Seungcheol smirks; ego inflated knowing that he was the only one getting that text message.
He checks the clock, 10:56PM, and loads up your profile, simultaneously finishing off his third can of beer since he’d gotten home.
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For whatever reason, you’re nervous when you finally sit down in front of your camera setup tonight. You adjust your baby pink lace bra that Seungcheol had gotten you; a cherry blush on your cheeks as the giddiness pours over you.
Checking the clock, you notice it’s already 10:59PM, finger hovering over the ‘rec’ button before pressing it.
It takes a second before the comments already start flooding in; the sound of donations and comments flying across the screen in an instant.
“Whoa~ You guys are so eager tonight, huh? Already so many donations! Thank you!” You shift slightly onto your side, biting your lip. “We’re already so close to the minimum donations for me to start… what’s up with you guys?”
tangerine_kwan: I’m so glad to see u, yesterday was not enough
therealchan99: fuckin talk abt it dude, i almost quit my job im stressed i need to see u princess
dom.cheol has donated $500
dom.cheol: fuck, baby i need to see your pretty lil pussy already i’m so fuckin hard
Your eyes go wide with Seungcheol’s massive donation. He usually waited until you were mid-show or towards the end to donate such huge amounts of money and yesterday he seemed relatively quiet during your show. It threw you off slightly, but you just assumed he might’ve just been going through some things at the time. “Seems like you guys had a rough week, huh?”
xcaliburDK: gOD u dont even know, ur literally my stress relief, beautiful
kitty_junjun: yea i just started working at a new place and its… weird, just glad to be off today
Pouting at the camera, you lean in a little closer. “Hmm, guess I should start then, shouldn’t I~? Since you all seem like you need a ‘lil escape~”
gentleman_josh95 has donated $45
sleepy_wonu has donated $70
sleepy_wonu: please put us out of our misery, baby
You can’t help but giggle, sliding the bra straps down your shoulders before you unhook the material and toss it to the other side of the bed. “This cute setup didn’t last very long this time! Should I upload some pics later to my private room?”
alphagyu97: plz
chwenon: yes yes yes lewds plz
“Okay~” You pause, fingertips hooked onto the sides of your panties. “I actually… wanted to try a new toy…” You murmur, shyness taking over as you slowly slide your already wet panties down your thighs. Sitting back down, you slide them off completely before you place them next to you, glancing at the comments as you cross your ankles.
artist8hao: wait was that…
universe_WZ: i think so
hoshi_tiger_xx: plz plz plz let us seeeeee
dom.cheol has donated $200
dom.cheol: spread your legs, sweetheart. Let daddy see.
You clench your teeth at the arousal that pools in your lower abdomen; shaky legs parting towards the camera. Squirming slightly, the plug that you had eased into your ass shifts, making you mewl at the feeling. You’d tried using your fingers in the past, but by far, the toy was the biggest you’d used yet.
“I--I… I bought this toy m-myself ‘cause I wanted to… wa--wanted to… start learning how to t-take cock in my ass too…”
The way you sit on the bed has the toy fully seated inside of you, toes curling against the bed sheets as your hazy eyes flit to the camera. “I dunno how long I’m gonna last, it feels so good~” You moan, grinding against the sheets underneath you.
angelhan has donated $150
angelhan: i’m begging please, panty stuffing
You bite your lip, eyes dancing over to the lace material sitting next to you. “Hmm~ I don’t think I’ve ever done that on my show before… Should I try it?” You ask cutely, flashing the camera a cheeky smile. The donations pour in like rain; the pinging making your stream lag for a second as it tries to keep up.
dom.cheol has donated $400
tangerine_kwan has donated $100
dom.cheol: fuck, sweetheart lets see you get those panties fucking soaked
universe_WZ has donated $200
“Guess we have our answer?” You laugh airily, reading a few of the comments that were basically begging you to.
Spreading your legs as wide as you can, you maneuver yourself against your pillows; grabbing the lacy material. You quickly adjust the camera with a remote, zooming in until it’s focused on your soaking folds. “Ngh, I’m already so fuckin’ wet… this plug is really making me feel so full~”
dom.cheol: i bet your cute lil ass could barely take my fuckin cock huh
“Mmh, is daddy gonna fuck my ass and make me cum nice and hard?”
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yes, yes yes, god yes!
Seungcheol could die right now and be happy.
He wraps a hand around his cock, hips shallowly thrusting up into his closed fist as he watches you run your own fingertips through your wet folds before you sink two of them into your tight pussy. His eyes flutter shut, the image of himself fucking your tight ass as you whine and beg for his cum dancing behind his eyelids.
The alcohol in his body has him on edge even quicker; the grip he has on his cock loosening so he doesn’t cum as quickly.
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“A-ah… g--guess it’s time to try this…” You whisper, reaching for the lacy panties. You drag the material up your thigh teasingly, swinging it around your wet fingertips before you place it against your entrance.
You take a deep breath, slowly pushing the panties into your pussy.
tangerine_kwan: oh my god oh my god
alphagyu97: fuck thsts so hot fuck
angelhan: spread your legs more, please god
Your lust filled eyes glance towards the comments, shakily spreading your legs as far as they can go. “O-oh god it--it feels suh--so good…” You mewl, pressing the material further and further into your pussy.
“It’s d-different but… but it’s--it’s--mmh!” 
You’re cumming before you know it, toes curling against the sheets as you cum around the toy in your ass and your fingers and panties deep inside your pussy.
Your legs threaten to clamp shut in an instant, which you fight off; the sound of donations and coins clinking flooding your eardrums. “I--fuh--fuck, I--I didn’t know I was gonna c-cum from that!” You let out a breathy laugh, moaning as you continue to push the panties inside of you until the fabric is completely gone from the camera’s view.
chwenon: now will u sell those
hoshi_tiger_xx: please once again i am begging I AM BEGGING
“Aww~ I wish I could… but you guys know my rules~” You pout; body warm and fuzzy after your first, unexpected orgasm. “God, I didn’t… I really didn’t know that’d make me cum so easily~”
dom.cheol: fuck sweetheart, your cute lil cunt cums so fuckin easily
“I know~ I have such a greedy pussy… Always want something filling me up…” You wink at the camera, reaching for a toy that was out of view. “I have another toy~ hehe, tonight is just full of new things, huh?”
You show the toy off to the camera, shifting so that you're on your knees instead. “It looks like a regular dildo right? But it’s full of cum! Not real cum anyway, but cum lube… It’s not the same but it’ll have to do for now~”
therealchan99: oh fuck oh god
sleepy_wonu: aww is the princess gonna let it cum in her cute ass?
artist8hao has donated $75
kitty_junjun has donated $50
dom.cheol: lets see that ass fuckin take all that cock baby
dom.cheol: let it cum in ur pretty lil hole
dom.cheol: fuck
You zoom your camera back out, turning to your side enough so that you could still see your monitor but also still be in frame. “Yeah? Does daddy wanna see how a good girl takes cock in her ass?” Moaning, you reach behind you, fingers on the end of the plug as you slowly pull it out. The stretch makes your back arch slightly; legs trembling when the larger part of the toy finally breaches past the puckered muscle.
The sudden emptiness only makes you reach for the dildo faster, covering it with lube before you place it against your ass. “D’you think I can take it?”
tangerine_kwan: i kno u can baby
sleepy_wonu: yes eys yes
dom.cheol: daddy knows u can, sweetheart
You place the toy at your puckered hole, biting your lip and telling yourself to relax before you slowly start easing it into your ass. “O-oh fuck…” You had made sure the toy was on the smaller size since it was your first time but the stretch of it still had your body tensing up almost immediately.
It takes a long and torturous minute until the toy is fully seated in your ass; body buzzing at the sensation. “G-god it--fuck, it feels even better than the plug~” You whine, maneuvering until you were sitting down on the toy completely.
You let your body adjust to the new feeling for a moment before you’re bouncing on the dildo, loud cries and garbled moans spilling from your lips. The new feeling has you chasing your high insanely fast; tuning out the comments and noises as you focus on your own pleasure.
Your mind can’t help but imagine Seungcheol again; his hands roaming your skin and his deep voice growling filthy praises into your ear as he fucks you from behind. You clench around the toy and the panties still in your pussy, wrecked sobs on your lips at the thought.
Before Seungcheol, you always imagined nameless hands on your body or even resorted to thinking about other videos you’d seen to help get you off. Some days it was harder and some days you were cumming in under five minutes. But now that Seungcheol had a name and face to you, it was impossible for you to imagine anyone else fucking you.
“Shi---it, I--I wanna cum!”
dom.cheol: already? Fuckin greedy lil ass
dom.cheol: cum, sweetheart. Let daddy cum in ur tight ass too
universe_WZ has donated $100
alphagyu97 has donated $75
You alternate from bouncing on the dildo to swiveling your hips; reaching a free hand down to rub circles around your swollen clit. “Already? Can I cum?” You whisper, mind already a puddle of goo now that you were so close.
kitty_junjun: cum
xcaliburDK: cum
chwenon: cum
dom.cheol: you heard them, sweetheart. Cum. Now.
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Seungcheol’s grip on his cock tightens after he sends the comment; growls spilling from his lips as he watches you bounce on the toy. His cock throbs in his hold, already feeling himself just as close to his orgasm as you were to yours.
“Fu--fuck I’m cumming! D---daddy!” You cry, slamming yourself down onto the toy as you cum hard. Seungcheol bites his lip to keep in his own screams; streaks of cum landing on his shirt and jeans as he works himself through his own orgasm.
He tries to keep his eyes focused on you in the midst of his orgasm, watching as you squeeze the base of the dildo until the cum inside starts to pour into your ass. “O--oh god!” You mewl, still thrusting the toy into your ass.
Seungcheol’s mouth goes dry when you reach a shaky hand between your legs, fingertips dipping into your pussy and pulling the soaked lace until half of it is in view of the camera. His grip on his cock tightens, moans on his lips when you then slowly start pulling the dildo out of your ass; the fake lube immediately spilling out of your ass and onto the bed sheets and sliding down onto the panties.
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universe_WZ: oh my god oh ymg f
xcaliburDK: eyeeeeeee
kitty_junjun: i
You push the fake cum out, soft cries on your lips as the last bits of your orgasm roll through your body. The fake cum feels slightly cold which sends a shiver up your spine as it drips down your legs.
“Mmh… god that---that was intense…” You mumble, upper body slumping against the sheets.
You reach a hand between your legs again, making sure you’re in the camera’s view when you tug on the panties again; this time pulling them all the way out as you groan.
alphagyu97: if ur not selling those can it be a giveaway
alphagyu97: make it a raffle
You toss the soiled fabric to the side, mindful of the puddle of fake cum soaking into the sheets as you readjust your tired self in front of the camera. “You guys really want these, huh?” You laugh, responding to a few other stray comments asking for the soaked material. Your entire body is tingling from all the new sensations, mind going a mile a minute with the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Slumping forward, you thank your viewers again, yawning as you stretch out. “I think I need a bubble bath now~ ‘m so messy!”
hoshi_tiger_xx: we love a messy girl ;)
therealchan99: fuck yea we do
Letting a few more viewers leave donations, you start saying your goodbyes; wishing everyone a good weekend before you blow a kiss to the camera and sign off.
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Seungcheol sends one last donation of $550, jaw clenched and cock still throbbing.
He reaches for his phone on instinct, opening your text window. Pausing, he grins. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system but he opens his camera app, flipping it so that it’s on him as he snaps picture after picture of his cum covered torso and his free hand still wrapped around his hard cock.
Smirking, he opens your text window again, thumb dancing across the keyboard with renewed energy.
‘fuck, princess. your fuckin show got me so hard. those panties were fuckin soaking from how much u liked getting ur ass fucked huh? I bet i could get u to cum just from me fuckin your cute lil ass... probably wouldnt even need to touch ur clit or fuck your cunt to get your tight walls cummin for me. but ur a greedy lil thing arent u? probably would still want a toy to keep that pussy nice n sated. fuck, im still hard even tho i already came once.’
He hits send before he thinks twice, quickly attaching a few of his own pictures before he locks his phone and tosses it onto his desk.
Seungcheol’s body is sensitive from his first orgasm still, but his hips thrust up into his closed palm again; head leaning up against the headrest as he lets out harsh breaths. His eyes flutter shut, eyelashes tickling his skin.
This time his imagination runs wild; hands tangled in your hair while he tugs on it, forcing your back straight against his chest as he fucks into you hard and fast. He imagines your sweet voice begging him to let you cum, walls tight around his cock when you fall apart on it.
“Fuck!” He cums hard, body rigid as his free hand digs into the armrest and the air is knocked out of his lungs.
Seungcheol vaguely hears his phone pinging in the background; mind hazy as the waves of his orgasm wash over his body.
When he starts to come down, he slumps against the chair, sleepiness already taking over with his two orgasms and the alcohol still in his system. He mentally makes a note to get rid of his soiled clothes another time, tiredly reaching for his phone.
He stares at it through his blurry vision, barely making out your name before he blinks the tiredness away enough to read your message.
babygirl 🍒: hehe~ does daddy want my panties then? i’ll gladly give them to u if u want them~ 😚
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549 notes · View notes
vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track nine
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
Eden arrived in New York in the biggest coat she could find in a store in Los Angeles, which came equipped with a furry hood and enough stuffing in it to make her resemble the michelin man when she climbed into the car. 
She leaned back against the headrest of the seat with a sigh, an iced coffee in each hand. Her eyes closed for a minute, like she was trying to find her inner peace, and then she sat up and passed a cup to Indy in the driver’s seat.
“Vanilla, oatmilk right?”
“Always,” Indy laughed, taking a sip before putting it in the cupholder. “So uh, I love you and all, but are you finally gonna tell me why you changed your flight and made it so much earlier?”
“Drive to your place, and I’ll explain.”
Eden waited until she got out of the majority of the traffic.
“So, I had my original ticket and I was just gonna rent a car and show up, you know this, we planned it. But then I had the brilliant idea to come early and kidnap you,” she grinned, sipping her coffee.
“You’re kidnapping me?”
“Kinda. Well, reverse kidnapping I guess cause I’m forcing you to host me. You told the boys you were Christmas shopping like I said right? So you’re clear for a few hours?”
“Well good, cause we’re having a girls moment, because you need me.”
“I need you?” Indy laughed. She could never imagine possessing the confidence that Eden manifested every day, but she hoped one day she could have a fraction of it. 
“Yeah, because you’re surrounded by Dolan twins, not Dolan twins girlfriends. And I’m sure neither of them have shut the fuck up about everything going on, right?”
Indy sighed, which Eden took as a yes. The two had been talking more and more, but especially since the absolute blow up on social media. Eden had been the first one to text her that day with a simple message.
Been there, I know how much it sucks but it’ll pass. Call me later when you’re up for it
Indy hadn’t called. She didn’t want to be a burden, didn’t want Eden to think she was weak. Instead she’d gone onto Eden’s instagram, tried to see how she handled things, and from the first few scrolls on her feed it was blatantly obvious that she didn’t give a shit. Just a few weeks prior she’d posted a picture of her and Ethan in the mirror dressed up for a date, his hand fully grabbing her ass with the caption miss you bby. Indy scrolled the comments, blood boiling at some of the shit people said to her. She wondered if she’d ever get to the point where she could even stand to reopen her own instagram, much less post with reckless abandon. 
“We love men who think they know what it’s like to be a woman,” she teased, shaking her head as they continued down the road. “They’ve got such a protection complex, both of them, but Gray especially. Don’t get me wrong, I love it most of the time. Actually, it’s kinda hot. But holy shit does it get annoying when they underestimate you.”
Indy had experienced it first hand in the last week, and she couldn’t disagree. It was like she was on lockdown. Gone were the days of Grayson meeting her in the lobby of the building, or waiting for her outside of Jets. When he came to her apartment he was in sunglasses and a beanie, sometimes even a scarf pulled up over his mouth in an attempt to hide from any cameras he couldn’t see. He relaxed marginally when he got inside, but the only time he really seemed to catch his breath was when the sun set and they were tangled in each other’s arms, or when they were off the interstate on the back roads to Jersey. His shoulders would sink a bit, and his grip on her hand would relax when they took the exit. Something about the trees, still coated in snow, made him feel safer, made him feel like he could protect her somehow. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air to walk into her lobby with someone by her side. There were no cameras, but Eden wouldn’t have cared even if there was. She held her hand and walked in as if she’d done it a thousand times, though she had to wait for Indy to hit the right elevator button. 
When they got inside the apartment, Eden plopped herself down on the couch with a smile and patted the cushion beside her. 
“Alright, spill. Give me all the details, how’s it been going?”
Indy started to talk, and then she couldn’t stop. It spilled out of her like water, every single thing that had happened since her graduation date. Eden listened intently to each detail, from the way they’d changed their walking path to the hospital to the fact that he was looking into a new paint job for the truck to make it less recognizable. 
“And he’s just so paranoid, and I mean I guess I am too in a way, cause I like my privacy too. But it’s like he thinks I’ll die if a picture of me gets out or something, like damn, I’m a little sensitive sometimes but I’m not that fucking fragile.”
“You should have seen Ethan when the pregnancy rumors started for me. One big lunch at Monty’s later and all of a sudden I’m 3 months pregnant and I don’t know which twin’s it is,” she rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee through her straw with a smile.
“No fucking way.”
“I thought he was going to actually murder the dude from Hollywood Fix for that one. We burned through two Relax candles that week. Wild.”
“Jesus christ.”
“But hey, you already got the engagement rumor out of the way, so pregnancy is probably next. To be safe though, never even look in the window of a wedding dress store, and definitely don’t go to the baby section anywhere.”
Eden said it all so casually, as if making sure to avert your eyes from a wedding dress in a window was a totally normal thing to do. Indiana’s breathing picked up at her words, afraid that somehow she’d accidentally start a rumor about herself that would come back to bite Grayson.
“Isn’t that exhausting though? Being worried about that shit all the time?”
“You get used to it, and you adapt. Like the topaz ring for Lisa. That’s from Ethan and Grayson together, but they decided to send Gray in because if Ethan got spotted in a ring shop there would be an article about our secret wedding on DailyMail next week. Of course, that plan didn’t work out for Gray so well either, as we now know. Why the fuck he didn’t think about that is beyond me, but whatever,” she laughed. 
“No one was supposed to know about me,” Indy said, and her words didn’t resonate until they hung in the air. Was that what it was? The sudden shift in him being so damn worried about someone possibly seeing them together? It made her palms sweaty and she rubbed them on her pants before she spoke again.
“When did Ethan get over it?”
Eden scoffed. “He’s not over it. Still makes him want to lose his mind when someone says some shit about me. He broke a knuckle last year punching a wall cause a news outlet got pictures of me in a bikini while we were in Hawaii and said I’d gained weight.”
“That’s… absolutely fucked Eden, I’m fucking sorry.”
“I put it on my instagram story and laughed it off.” She shrugged her shoulders, as most women do when they have to accept unsolicited opinions from strangers. But something about the confidence she exuded when she said it made Indy believe that, somehow, she really had just brushed it off for the most part. 
“Is it hard to do that? Laugh it off?”
“Sometimes.” She sat up, getting more serious as she looked at Indiana. “But here’s the thing babes. Someone is sitting in an office somewhere, probably in their little house, with a bunch of clutter on their desk writing shitty articles about me. Meanwhile, I’m living in a nice ass house in LA with my hot ass boyfriend who bought me that bikini and took me to Hawaii. So who's actually winning?
“People talk shit about you when they wish they were you, that’s just how the world works. It’s shit, but once you accept that it changes your perspective on a lot of things. I mean honestly Indy, who gives a fuck what dolantea with 7 a’s the end has to say on instagram when you have Grayson fucking Dolan in your bed every night?” She raised her eyebrows, happy to see the smile she got out of Indy. “And if you ever tell him I said that I’ll put Nair in your shampoo.”
“My lips are sealed,” Indy teased, suddenly filled with a boost of confidence. “You have a very interesting perspective on the world Eden, I like it.”
“Coming from the college grad, I take that as a major compliment.”
“Believe me, there’s plenty of dumb people with college degrees. Doesn’t mean much at the end of the day.”
“But it gets you into a career that means something,” she mused. “I mean, being a doctor is a big deal, you’ll help a lot of people.”
Indy chewed on her lip. Every intrusive thought she’d had in the last few days that didn’t revolve around Twitter had to do with her imagining herself as a doctor, but it always faded into something else. It was her at a patient’s bedside, her helping them get to their feet, her sending them home with their family. Things that nurses did, not doctors. 
“Yeah. I hope so,” was all she could say. 
“That wasn’t very Indy of you.”
She quirked an eyebrow at Eden and waited for an explanation.
“You always keep a convo going, and you let that one drop, which means you probably don’t want to talk about it. But I’ll listen if you want to get it off your chest.”
“I don’t know… it’s just. The more I think about it, the more I realize that maybe being a doctor isn’t exactly what I thought it would be.”
“Oh. Well, then don’t be a doctor.”
It was Indy’s turn to scoff. “It’s not that simple Eden.”
“Isn’t it though?”
Indiana couldn’t come up with an answer. So instead, after the silence became too much, she deflected, making Eden walk her through the plans for the day.
A few hours later, once they’d gotten ready, they headed out to Jersey for the early birthday surprise, which Lisa was in on. She had ordered a massive vegan cake from one of the bakeries in New York that Indy picked up on the way, making Eden hold it for the majority of the ride. But when they got to the start of the driveway, she pulled over and had her counterpart climb into the trunk of the SUV, sticking a shiny blue gift bow on top of her head while she held one hand on the cake box to keep it steady.
Grayson appeared on the porch at the sound of the gravel crunching, cocking his head to the side when he noticed that Indy was backing in. He jogged up to the window when she put it in park, waiting for her to roll it down so he could lean in to kiss her. She hummed and smiled at him.
“Happy Birthday.”
“It’d be happier if you were out here,” he mused, leaning back to pull on the door handle, frowning when he realized it was still locked. 
“Go get Ethan for me, tell him I need help getting the cake out of the trunk.”
Grayson turned to do as she asked before he did a double-take at the very cake shaped box in the passenger seat.
Indy repeated her sentence with a tight smile, but he still just frowned.
“Is that not the cake? Mom let it slip that she ordered one, I can just get it, cause Ethan is grumpy.”
Eden’s yell was so loud that Grayson jumped, putting a protective hand on Indy’s shoulder, though he didn’t know what he was protecting her from until he peeked into the car.
“Oh thank god,” he laughed at the sight of her, half hidden by the back row of seats. “He’s been moping for like three days!”
“Oh believe me, I know. Now go get him, I’m getting a fucking leg cramp back here.” 
Gray grinned, already feeling his brother’s happiness somehow as he bounded into the house, yelling incessantly until Ethan finally came trudging down the stairs, muttering profanities as he stepped out into the New Jersey cold.
“Bro, be nice, Indy worked really hard to make this birthday nice for both of us, even if Eden couldn’t be here. Just help me carry the cake,” Grayson said, doing his best to keep his voice steady.
Ethan took a deep breath and nodded.
“Dee, open the trunk babe!” Gray called, having to turn away to hide his grin. But he looked back quickly, not wanting to miss his brother’s face when the door lifted and revealed his girlfriend, sitting adorably with a bow on her head. 
Ethan just stared for a moment, mouth hanging open so wide that it made Indy laugh as she watched in the rear view mirror.
“You little shit!” He finally said, closing the distance and pulling her into his arms and out of the car, spinning her around for a moment before peppering kisses all over her face. It was like he couldn’t let go. Every time he went to pull back he caught sight of her face again and pulled her back against him until they were both shivering out in the cold, wind whipping at their exposed hands and ankles.
Grayson helped Indy out of the car, warming her lips with a welcoming kiss before they moved to unpack the car, letting the lovebirds have their moment. Lisa greeted her as soon as she made it in the door and sat the gifts down, her hair smelling like she’d just put on hairspray. Eden and Ethan trailed in moments later hand in hand, with Ethan yelling about how Li had been in on it the whole time.
In terms of birthdays, it was a chilled out evening. The twins birthday used to be a huge event, full of laughter and excitement. Now, there was a blanket over the scene, a silent understanding that one person was missing from the table - one who should have been a year older just a few days prior. But they made the most of their time together, eating the cake first gathered around the table before moving into the living room and starting on presents. 
Grayson kept a hand on Indy’s knee unless he was unwrapping, looking over at her with a warm smile any time that he could. Lisa’s gifts were first - new sweaters, Ethan’s red and Grayson’s green, a bottle of shampoo each, specific to their hair texture. They gave each other such an incredulous look that Eden and Indy couldn’t help but laugh, only growing louder when Lisa leaned over to smack their heads lightly. They got individual gifts too - a new helmet for Ethan for his longboarding trips and a nice drill that Grayson had asked for. They both stood up to kiss her cheek in thanks before they settled back down to open gifts.
Indy was let in on the tradition that Ethan always opened first because he was older, and she was more than happy to lean on Grayson and watch his brother open his gifts. He started with Eden’s, eyebrows shooting up when he pulled out an odd arrangement of things. A bottle of sparkling cider, sunscreen and a pair of swim trunks that were adorned with a pattern made of a picture of Gizmo. He checked the bag for anything else before looking back at Eden and waiting.
“Read the bottle.”
He held it up to his face, reading aloud. “Passionfruit Cider. Made and bottled on Maui. Oh shit. Oh SHIT! Are we going back to Maui?”
“We’re going in March cause that’s the only time when I could put two weeks together where we both don’t have work.”
Indy sunk down even further despite already being on the floor while they celebrated. She looked at the tiny box she’d brought for him, wanting to reach out and hide it behind her back.  
She didn’t get the chance to, because Ethan had already grabbed it, reading the tag. 
“Indiana you didn’t need to get me anything,” he said, and his sincerity made her feel a fraction better.
“Well, it’s no trip to Hawaii, so don’t get too excited. And your mom helped.”
He unwrapped the box carefully, opening the lid and staring down for a moment. 
“It’s a key,” he murmured, reaching in and pulling out the necklace, a silver key which sat on a matching chain horizontally.
“It’s a copy of the key to your house here, but as a necklace. I know you really miss home while you’re gone, and you wear necklaces sometimes, so I thought I could make you a little reminder.”
“You made this?” He looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah! It’s not much, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it's perfect Inds. Seriously, I love it, thank you so much.” 
Indy blushed anyways, not really believing his words but trying to accept them as he leaned over to hug her, grateful for the change of subject when it was announced that it was Grayson’s turn. 
He started with Eden’s, smiling wide at the tool belt that he pulled out, yelling when he realized it was customized with his name on the side.
“You can use that to build that side table you keep telling me you’re gonna make me,” Eden teased, which devolved into a moment of playful bickering. Indy used the time to line up the boxes in the right order, biting her lip when she handed him the first one.
“That’s way too many gifts,” Grayson said, frowning at her a bit.
“It’s really just one, it’s like a - well they go together - just, just open it.”
He did as she asked, pulling the paper off and unboxing the first one.
“A fucking nutcracker! Fuck yes!” He yelled, starting to look at it a bit closer. “Wait. WAIT. Is this Cudi?” 
“What!?” Ethan piped up before Indy could even answer.
“Bro it looks like Man On The Moon End of The Day cover, look at the fucking colors, and the moon.” He pointed to specific parts on the body of the doll, showing his brother who leaned over his shoulder.
“Open the next one,” Indy laughed, passing him the box.
He was quicker with that one, yelling so loud that Gizmo started to yell in the kitchen as he recognized the album art from Man On The Moon II, all tans, blacks and stars. 
“Holy fucking shit these are so fucking cool! Give me the next one, holy fuck.”
Indy passed them along, laughing when each reaction was just as dramatic as the first. The Indicudi was Indy’s favorite, with the mixture of reds and oranges. The collection started to take shape as he sat them out next to one another, adding the simplistic Satellite Flight nutcracker next, followed by the neutrals of Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven. Passion Pain and Demon Slayin’ matched well with the bright colors of Man On The Moon III, and Grayson was so excited by the end of the six that he had to stand up and run a lap before he came back and pulled Indy to her feet. 
“You like them?”
“You got me Cudi’s discography in fucking nutcracker form. I fucking love it, and I fucking love you.” He kissed her like no one was in the room, her heartbeat so loud in her ears that she didn’t even hear Lisa’s ‘awe’ from behind them.  
“I love you too,” she murmured against him, letting him hold her for a minute before he dropped back down to his knees to look at the collection, dissecting every detail like a six year old with a brand new toy. 
Ethan was just as enthralled, and she wished she could be as chilled out as Eden seemed as she sat and watched them. But instead, she was running numbers in her head, trying to calculate how much a trip to Maui for two would cost with airfare and lodging put together. 
She’d thought she’d gone overboard with the $300 collection of nutcrackers. For her, it was anyways - she’d timed her showers for two weeks and left them lukewarm in an attempt to save some money on her utility bill to justify it. Her mind spun for a moment as she thought about the little stack of Christmas presents hidden under her bed. A sweater for Lisa, a roll of film for Charlie to go with the new camera Dev was buying her. Fuzzy socks and a candle each for Eden and Cam that she’d found on a good sale. The thought of them sitting next to big extravagant gifts she was sure would arrive on the 25th made her deflate, so much that Grayson sensed it enough to pull himself away from his new toys.
“Hey, where’d you go?”
“I’m here,” she said, giving him a smile that didn’t make it to her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was have him worried about her on a day that was supposed to be about him. He returned one in hopes it would lighten her mood, but he knew not to push it. In fact, he didn’t bring it up until they were back at Indy’s apartment, in their pajamas after eating extra cake that Lisa had sent home with them. 
“Did you have a good birthday?” Indy asked, tracing H-A-P-P-Y-B-D-A-Y on his chest.
“I did. Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah! Yeah, it was good. But today was for you, it doesn’t really matter what kind of day I had.”
“It always matters what kind of day you had,” he countered. “You seemed kinda upset when we were giving presents.” 
“Oh, yeah, it was no big deal. I just didn’t feel like I got you guys enough stuff. 21 is a big birthday.”
He leaned back enough so he could see her face, frowning down at her. 
“First off, it’s only a big birthday because you can drink, which doesn’t matter to me. Second, you gave us both more than enough, I have no idea why you think that.”
“Eden got Ethan a trip to fucking Maui.”
“I got him a key. On a chain.” 
“Which is probably the most thoughtful gift he’s gotten in a really long time.” 
“It cost $20.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you can buy people whatever you want.”
“We’re just in different life stages,” he said. “You’ll be making bank once you’re out of school, you just have to get to that point. And even then, it doesn’t matter what you buy people for gifts. They only care that you’re there with them.”
Indy resisted the urge to repeat her words back to him again. She didn’t really expect him to understand where she was coming from.
“Yeah, I hope so.” She ran her hands down over his ribs under the covers, smiling when she felt him sigh under her. “By the time I pay off my loans Ethan and Eden will probably have three kids, you’ll have to spot us for all the baby shower presents.”
It was Grayson’s turn to fall quiet. He could see it - see Indy in a little pink sundress out in their LA backyard, celebrating a new baby on the way, talking with Eden and Lisa, helping Adele organize tables. And he wanted it. But he held her in his arms and thought about all that would come for her before that time came, and his heart tightened in his chest when he realized that he wouldn’t be there to see it.
“Tell me about school.”
She sat up a bit, running her hands through his hair.
“That’s what you wanna do with the last hour of your birthday? Hear about school?” 
“Yeah. Just wanna hear you talking to me,” he said, ignoring the tightness in his throat. 
She did as he asked, talked about the classes she had left and what order she’d have to take them in, the application process, the in’s and out’s of medical school as he tried to memorize every inflection of her voice, her laugh, and the feeling of her pressed up against him. 
When they woke up, it seemed that the holiday season had fully taken hold overnight. Suddenly, the days were flying by in blurs of Christmas lights and shopping. The pair were together 24/7, attached at the hip every moment that they could get away with. When Grayson was recording the podcast, Indy was just out of sight on the floor listening. While Indy was clearing out her laptop from the semester, Grayson was sitting behind her on the bed braiding her hair. Before they knew it they were trying to fit Bekah’s presents, and the cookies they made for the nurses into an already packed backseat of the truck on Christmas Eve.
A blanket of snow still rested in the city, muffling the city sounds it seemed as they drove. They were bundled up enough that Grayson wasn’t worried about them being recognized in the short walk to the hospital, and they shed their layers once they were inside the warm walls. They took the elevator, not minding the slow climb up to Bekah’s floor. But when they got to the desk to sign in, the nurses looked weary. Indy chucked it up to having to work the holiday and hoped that the cookies would lift their spirits when she left them on the counter. 
Bekah’s room had a small tree in the corner, covered in colorful lights and generic silver and red ornaments that were identical to those in every other room of the hospital. Bekah hardly reacted when she saw the duo enter in, though she tried. She sat up as much as she could but ended up back flat on her bed. 
“Hey Beks, hold on, let me help.” Indy rushed over to her side, fumbling for the buttons to raise the back of her bed up so she could sit up and see the room. Grayson held up her stack of presents with his biggest smile, the one Indy loved where he would clench his teeth. Bekah lit up, grinning wide at the two of them. Her skin was pale, and they could tell that she’d lost weight, but her smile was just the same. 
“Earrings, you double as Santa on the weekends or something? They already give the sick kids pity presents, you didn’t have to go so hard.” 
“These are from Indy actually,” Grayson said. Indy bit her tongue. She’d picked them out, but Grayson had footed the bill.
“They’re from both of us,” she corrected. “You feel good enough to open them now?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” 
And she was good. But she wasn’t great. Just unwrapping the boxes seemed to zap out the small energy store she had left. Indy wished she’d had the foresight to package them in bags instead of boxes, make it a bit easier for her to open. But the excitement was enough for her to make it through opening the new Christmas blanket, which was covered in cats and dogs in festive sweaters, a Harry Styles crewneck and new fuzzy socks. The last box was an Among Us shirt, with a little purple crewmate peeking out of the pocket - Bekah was notorious for how many hours she spent playing (Gray and Indy would sometimes hop on and play a few games with her when they weren’t there). 
“You guys are the best,” she said, letting the pile of presents rest on her bed. She yawned, so hard she leaned back and her beanie slipped off her smooth head. Grayson watched as she reached for it and winced, and suddenly he was watching his dad there in the bed, trying to get to his phone on the bedside table, wincing in pain. His breath caught in his chest and he blinked hard, trying to come back to reality.
And then Bekah closed her eyes, and laid perfectly still. It was quiet in the room for a moment, and a wave of nausea rose in Grayson, so strong that he raised his hand up to his mouth.
“Beks?” He choked out.
“She’s okay, she’s okay.” Indy rushed to reassurances. “Look, look at her monitor.”
The blips on the heart monitor line meant much more to Indy than they did to Grayson, but he recognized them enough to catch his breath.
“Sometimes, when someone is exhausted like that, they lapse in consciousness for a little while. It’s a defense mechanism, she’s okay.”
“For a second I thought - fuck,” he huffed, running his hand over his face. Indy moved beside him, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles one by one.
“What the fuck.”
They both turned to the bed, where Bekah’s eyes were open again. But they were unfamiliar somehow, none of that usual Bekah charm that warmed the dark pools of brown in sight. 
“Bekah-” Indy tried, but she was cut off.
“You two are dating? Seriously? What is this, community service date night?”
“Beks-” Grayson spoke up.
“I never ask for much, but fuck you two. Fuck you.”
“Bekah, hey.” Indy took a step towards her bed, and Bekah recoiled.
“I try. I try really fucking hard not to think about how fucked up and shitty my life is. I’m 15, and I’m dying. I’m never gonna go back to school. No prom, no graduation, no wedding. Not even a fucking boyfriend before I die and everyone forgets me. The least you could do is not rub it in my fucking face.” 
“Bekah, you can’t think like that. You’re gonna get better, you’re gonna get all those things,” Grayson said, blinking through the tears that had formed without warning in his eyes. They fell down his cheeks in uneven droplets, hot and unfamiliar. 
“Yeah? Just like Emma was gonna get better right? Well, her funeral was last week. She’s never going to play hide and seek again, much less anything else. What about Damion from my last radiation rotation hmm? God was gonna come down and heal him too right? Then why is he dead, huh? Where’s God in all this? Where’s my fucking happy ending? I’m gonna get the inside of a box, that’s what I’m gonna get, and no one will fucking admit it because I’m a kid, and I’m supposed to be here longer than this! I’m supposed to have more time! I’m supposed to get to do stupid shit in college, and grow up, and find my person but no. I’m never going to get those things, so fuck you both for throwing it in my face.”
“Bekah-” Indy’s voice broke on the word.
“Get out. Both of you, out.”
“Bekah please.”
Her yell was loud enough to alert a passing nurse in the hallway, and she stepped inside.
“You two need to step out of the room please.”
The sobs didn’t take hold until they were in the hallway. They ripped out of Indy without warning or grace, and Grayson did all he could to hold her pieces together as she started to shatter. 
“Shhh, Dee, hey, it’s okay, let’s go outside,” Grayson tried to comfort her through his own tears, leading her towards the doors.
A hand caught his shoulder and he turned his head to see Jessica in her scrubs, coming out of another patient’s room.
“What did she say?”
Indy perked up from where her face had been buried. 
“What did Bekah say?” She asked again
“She’s agitated, talking about how her life is being cut short, how she’s dying. She told us to leave.”
Jessica sighed, looking down at her shoes. 
“We’re on our last resort. A final round of chemo and radiation. If this doesn’t work, we’re out of options. And it’s going to be brutal, it’s spread to her brain. You’ll have to be patient with her, she’s probably going to go through some personality shifts. She’ll be more emotional, more irritable. Sometimes she might be disoriented. This type of cancer, when it’s in the brain, it’s unpredictable. One minute she could be fine, the next she could be completely unrecognizable. Give her a few days, wait until after the holidays when everything is back to routine, and give it another try okay? Hopefully it’s better when things are a bit more normal.”
“Yeah,” Indy sniffled. Jessica put a hand on her shoulder.
“Indiana her face lights up when you two walk in that room. She talks about you guys non stop when you aren’t here. She’ll come around from whatever it was, okay? Just give her some time. We’ll be here to take care of her, don’t you worry.”
Indy wasn’t sure why, but she pulled Jessica into a hug. The woman was surprised, but she reciprocated anyways with a squeeze. 
“Sweet girl. It’ll be okay,” she murmured, which only made the tears flow even more when she let go. 
Indiana transferred from one set of arms to the other, back into Grayson’s strong grip which only loosened when he pressed the button for the doors. When they made it to the ocean hallway, it all hit at once, and her legs gave out. She caught herself on the support bars as Grayson lowered her to the ground. They came in waves that she couldn’t control, not for want of trying. 
“I’m s-s-sorry,” she stuttered, trying to force air into her lungs. Someone down the hall pulled a door closed quietly. 
“It’s okay, hey, it’s okay. Breathe baby, just breathe,” Grayson murmured, running his thumbs under her eyes to try and wipe her mascara, which was running down her red cheeks in dark streaks. He waited until she was able to take a few solid breaths before he spoke again. 
“C’mon, let’s go to Jersey. I’ll take you to Jersey.” 
She put most of her weight on him while they took the stairs out into the cold streets. It had begun to snow again, and the cold only added to the stinging in her eyes as he led her to the truck. She wondered in that moment how many times he’d had to hold her together, and her stomach twisted in guilt for a moment at the thought. Even still, she huddled into Grayson until he opened her door for her, immediately moving over as close to him as she could, pushing the middle console up to make it a bench seat and scooting to the middle when he climbed in.
His Dad had once told him it was important to be a confident one handed driver - you never knew what you’d have to hold in your passenger seat, he’d said. At the time, he was referring to the four large pizzas that ended up leaving a permanent grease mark in his jeep seat. But Grayson was thankful for the advice as he maneuvered the car out of the spot and out of the parking garage with an arm still around his girl.
The roads were quiet, and he questioned it until he remembered that it was in fact Christmas Eve. He slowed down when they got to the Jersey neighborhoods, looked at all the lights, all the families he could see in the windows, huddled around their bright trees. He could remember those nights like they were yesterday, him and Ethan sneaking to the top of the stairs to try to catch a glimpse at the big man with the red sack. When they were five they’d seen him and ran to wake their sister. They’d all watched in amazement as he placed presents under the tree and ate the cookies they’d left.
He’d found the santa suit in a box in his dad’s closet when they went through his things after his funeral. 
“Does your family have any Christmas traditions?” He asked quietly, running his arm quickly over Indiana’s arm in a bid to keep her warm as he drove. The cool wind that was whipping the snow around seemed to be outrunning the heater in the truck. 
“We did. We would watch Elf the night before, cause it was mom’s favorite. We did the cookies, the stockings, all that stuff too. But we always had grilled cheese and soup for dinner too.”
“Grilled cheese and soup?”
“Yeah. That was mom’s idea too. She always said we could leave extra room for a good Christmas morning breakfast if we ate grilled cheese and soup. So we always ended up in the living room with our plates and bowls and Christmas PJs watching elf. Turns out, warm soup was always her trick to get us to go to sleep early. Made me and Charlie tired I guess. She told me it worked like a charm every time. What do the Dolan’s do?”
“Ours is more Christmas morning. We do the whole giant breakfast thing. We open stockings first, and Santa presents, then we do breakfast and then we do the rest of the presents. Used to drive us crazy when we were little, cause all the presents would just be waiting for us. But Mom said it was so we were grateful for our food too, cause it was a gift that we had it on our table at all.” 
“Li is a good mom,” Indy sighed, resting her cheek on his shoulder. Her eyes were tired, the kind where your eyelids feel like they weigh ten pounds a piece, but she fought with them and won, still awake when they made it to the house. She hopped out and moved to the backseat, but Grayson caught her.
“I’ll carry the stuff in. Go get cleaned up, take a hot shower and relax. Mom will be worried, she always knows when someone has been crying, it’s like a sixth fucking sense.” 
For once, Indy didn’t argue. Instead, she went in the house as quietly as she could, grateful that even Gizmo didn’t seem to note her arrival. She snuck up the stairs to Grayson’s closet, grabbing an old thick flannel and a sports bra that she’d left, plus some sweatpants, considering she’d left her bag in the truck.
She had never been so thankful for a shower. She lost track of how long she let the warm water wash over her head, closing her eyes and focusing on the feeling of the stream against her skin. It was peaceful, but surreal in a way. She thought about where she’d imagined herself on Christmas Eve night at the beginning of the year, and it looked so vastly different than where she was, on the cold tiles of a New Jersey shower with her boyfriend carrying in gifts downstairs. The thought of him waiting for her gave her enough motivation to get cleaned up, though she had to resort to using Grayson’s shampoo and bodywash, which was an unlabeled Wakeheart sample he’d been testing out it seemed. It smelled fresh, with a vanilla mixture that was reminiscent of Jet’s.
Indiana was in higher spirits when she sauntered down the stairs, and her heart swelled a few sizes when she heard a familiar song in the background - the title screen of Elf, waiting on the TV in the living room. She checked rooms until she found Grayson, standing in front of the stove with two pots and a skillet going. She didn’t have to ask. Instead, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. 
He spun around, spatula in hand until they were chest to chest as he watched the stove over her head, holding her close to make sure she didn’t get burnt. He nuzzled into her wet hair, and then sniffed harder.
“You smell like me,” he noted.
“Had to use your stuff. I like that body wash though, which one is that?”
“Can’t remember. Let me see.” He reached around and caught her arm, smelling her skin.
“Ah. That’s Polis.” 
She looked up at him. 
“Polis? Like… Poland?”
He chuckled against her, flipping over a grilled cheese.
“Polis as in the end of Indianapolis. A smell that makes you seem put together and professional with a sweet note at the end. Vanilla. Like your lattes.”
As he often seemed to, he rendered her speechless enough that all she could do was press a kiss to his chest and wrap her arms around him, under his sweatshirt to trace on his back.
He kissed the top of her head and stirred the soup. 
Ten minutes later and they were cozied up on a makeshift palette on the floor under a few blankets, with soup and sandwiches in hand. Grayson had made himself three vegan grilled cheese and tomato soup, and caved and given Indy the last can of chicken noodle in the cabinet because he knew it was her favorite even if it wasn’t vegan, though her grilled cheese was vegan as well. They watched Elf play, laughing and noting all the familiar NY scenery. Indy swore the man in the red jumpsuit had come into Jet’s before. They sipped their soup out of the bowl, and Indy listened to Grayson talk about the cinematography, trying to follow all that he was saying. 
Once the bowls and plates were sat aside, they found themselves wrapped in each other’s arms, and Nicole’s old trick seemed to work, considering Indy was asleep before the end credits. Grayson carried her upstairs and put her to bed before going back down to clean up.
Though he tried to get into bed without waking her up again, he didn’t quite manage it, his weight moving the mattress just enough for her to stir and open her eyes. 
“Sorry baby, it’s just me. You fell asleep.”
“Hmmm. C’mere,” she murmured, opening up her arms. He laughed, knowing that if he laid on her the way she was asking that he’d press all the air out of her lungs. Instead, he pulled her on top of him and slotted their legs together, revealing in the feeling of their skin pressed together. She was warm for once since she’d been under the covers, and he hoped his fingers weren’t cold as he began to trace patterns against her back. 
“I love you,” she hummed, tracing a swirl over his ribs lazily.
“I love you too.”
“Hmm?” He asked.
“I’m going to love you forever. I can feel it. I’m yours forever Grayson Dolan, and don’t you forget it.”
He pressed a kiss to her head and felt her finger against his ribs. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
“I’ll love you forever too Indy. Forever.”
The tears returned.
Grayson was the first up the next morning, after a restless night of sleep - or so he thought. Lisa was in the kitchen, watching the snow continue to fall outside. It coated the trees outside and muffled the woods in a blanket of white. Lisa turned to greet her son, and frowned. 
“Have you been crying?”
He hadn’t shed a tear since the night before, but he should have known she would know. A mother always does.
“Just some stuff with Bekah. She’s not doing well, and I feel bad cause I won’t see her again until next time we come visit after we leave.”
“You can always call, and she’ll have Indy. She’ll be okay love.” She stood and ruffled his hair as she passed, headed to pour him a cup of coffee.
“It’s not as good as Indy’s, but it’ll do,” she smiled, rubbing her hand over his shoulder. They sipped in silence for a moment as the world woke up.
“Do you remember the year Dad dressed up for Christmas? When we were five?”
“Oh yeah. That was your Poppy John’s idea, he did it for Sean when he was little. Said it made him believe in Santa for a few more years. Your dad wanted to keep you guys kids as long as he could, and he knew Cameron was going to figure it out sooner than later. He also knew you two would be spying. You tried it when you were four, but you both fell asleep on the stairs before you could see any action. He told you Santa must have carried you to bed when you woke up that morning.” 
“Holy shit, I remember that.” He paused for a moment, reflecting. “You all always went all out for us on the holidays, I never really thought about it. Thanks.”
Lisa smiled the warm smile that only mom’s could really give, and patted his hand on the table. “I just hope you’ll do the same for your kids one day. I know you will.” She paused for a moment, and then she smiled. “You remember what he told us, on that last Christmas? About what he was gonna do?”
Grayson could hear his father’s voice in his head for a moment, and it made his throat tight.
“Yeah. Said he’d give us white Christmases for the rest of our lives if he could.”
Lisa lifted her mug towards the windows.
“Merry Christmas Sean.” Her words hung in the air, and Grayson swallowed the lump in his throat, watching the snow fall. 
Eventually he went back to bed to coax Indy awake about an hour later, smiling at her bedhead when she rolled over.
“Merry Christmas Dee,” he said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. Her eyes widened a bit quicker than normal.
“It’s Christmas!”
“Yep,” Grayson laughed, brushing her hair out of her face. She caught his hand and pulled him down over top of her, the covers wedged between them as she kissed him.
“Merry Christmas,” she said against his lips, and he melted into her. He couldn’t think of how many Christmas morning’s he’d woke up wishing to have someone there with him. It brought a new kind of excitement that quieted his mind for the time being, and he happily scooped her up and sat her on her feet so they could go wake up the other duo of the house. 
By the time they convinced E squared to arise - which took jumping on the bed, a promise of lattes and the threat of cold water - Lisa was already halfway done with breakfast.
Grayson hadn’t exaggerated - there was a huge assortment of fruit, pastries and coffee to get everyone started. 
“Stockings first! Well, coffee, then stockings!” Lisa clapped her hands and passed out mugs. Indy channeled her Jet’s days to make the lattes quickly, funneling in behind everyone as they headed to the fireplace to grab their stockings.
She melted when she noticed the I. 
“Lisa, you didn’t need to do that.”
“Oh hush. Okay red E is Ethan, white E is Eden…” she trailed off as she passed them out, slightly confused when she watched Ethan reach underneath the tree to pull out a stocking for his mom that the boys had filled. 
Indy was let in on the stocking tradition when she opened it. Everyone got essentials - a new toothbrush, socks, chapstick, lotion. She also threw in each person’s favorite candy and a giftcard to a local ice cream shop in town with vegan options. Lisa’s stocking was more extravagant, with some of her favorite high-end hair products, a certificate for a free massage, and lots of bath bombs that were Wakeheart testers. She hugged her boys necks when they all stood up, up on her tiptoes so she could reach. Everyone funneled into the kitchen after that, the boys in charge of the vegan meat options while Indy and Eden helped with the biscuits and cinnamon rolls. They ate around a full table, laughing and telling stories of Christmas. Eden won the most interesting story with one about her holiday with her extended family back in the Philippines, in which they’d spent Christmas using buckets to get water out of the house from a monsoon that had made landfall, a rarity for that late in the year. 
Time seemed to fast forward as they moved to open presents. The boys spoiled Lisa, as they always did. A new iPhone, expensive tennis shoes to help her back while she worked. New signs for the garden beds that Grayson built and Ethan painted, a canvas print of the picture Charlie had taken from Thanksgiving. They saved the topaz ring for last, knowing it would make her cry. Her tears were enough to get Ethan’s eyes prickling - forever the mama’s boy, who just hugged her while she let it out, Grayson joining in a few moments later. She opened her sweater from Indy, complimenting the color, and a new set of Airpods from Eden, seeing that she’d lost her first set. 
They moved on to Eden next. She also got a new phone from Ethan, which she smacked his arm for buying considering she knew how expensive they were, ignoring the fact that her phone barely held 20 minutes of battery anymore. Grayson got her a new sketchbook with a set of top line pencils and markers for her to sketch out her work designs, and Indy bought her a pair of Nike’s that she’d had her eyes on. Lisa got her a gift card to her favorite restaurant in LA - a non vegan one that she proposed could be used on a girls date when Lisa came to visit.
Indy was next. She had always hated opening gifts in front of people but she swallowed her un-comfort and proceeded through the boxes. Lisa bought her a nice blow dryer, remembering that she’d complained about hers once and raved about the one that she let Indy borrow. Eden bought her a new outfit - it was a bit out of Indy’s comfort zone, with the patterned pants and bright top, but she hoped she’d be able to pull it off. Both Eden and Gray assured her that she could. Ethan bought her a print of the state of Indiana, laughing at the way she tried to pretend that she loved it. 
“Read the back.” 
She flipped it over, squinting to try to read his messy handwriting that told her to check behind the tree. Sure enough, she found a box with a stethoscope in it. Top of the line, one of the more expensive brands.
“Every doctor needs one of those things, at least that’s what google told me. It’s got your initials on it too, cause apparently people try to steal them.” 
He dismissed her claims that it was too much, and instead urged her to open Graysons gifts. The first was a speaker, because ‘Cudi needs to be played loud and well’, followed by a bag full of clothes. She pulled the first piece out and gasped.
“You bought me scrubs?”
“Yeah. I know you were stressed out about them being expensive, and I knew you’d use them. I bought five sets, I hope that’s enough. And I asked the nurses at Frazier what the best brand was, but if you don’t like those I have the receipt.” 
“I’m sure they’re perfect. Thank you bub, I love them.”
She knew that Grayson had held back, and she was appreciative, especially as they got closer to his gifts. Luckily, Ethan was born first and therefore got first dibs. He got a custom longboard from Eden that she’d designed with all his favorite things, including a thermal painting of a very scandalous picture of her on the bottom that she’s covered with a piece of paper so Lisa didn’t see. Grayson got him an envelope with three tattoo appointments that he’d managed to get with their favorite artist in LA, who was usually booked up for months in advance. Lisa bought him a new jacket and boots, while Indy bought him a pair of headphones designed for the inside of a helmet, so he could listen to music while he skated. 
Grayson was the last to go. Eden got him new sweatshirts since he ‘wore the same ones all the time’, while Lisa bought him a sweater and jacket. Ethan bought him extra organizers for his closet and a minimalistic nutcracker, though he admitted it didn’t stand a chance of taking the spot of one of the Cudi nutcrackers, which stood tall on the mantle. Finally, he opened his bag from Indy, smiling when he pulled out a few things. The first was a journal, made of recycled paper and bound in a dark green cover with his name on the front in gold. The next was a Jet’s gift card, a small inside joke between the two of them. The final one was a picture frame. It was simple, black with flecks of gold along the edges. Within it, the first picture they’d ever taken together, in the mirror of Indy’s room where half his body was covered in her writing, labeled muscles. 
“Can’t lie, I spent most of my budget on your birthday. But I have a matching picture to put on my shelf, so I figured you might like it.”
“I love it,” he reassured her, kissing her cheek quickly, a sweet moment before the bustle of clean up began. The afternoon flew by with movies playing in the background and the snow continuing to fall outside. The boys cleaned off the cars, and after sunset, they appeared with a duffle bag each and a mischievous look on their faces.
“C’mon, we’ve got one more gift to show you guys.” 
Lisa waved goodbye from the front porch as both couples climbed into the truck, the girls in the back.
“Do you know what this is about?” Eden whispered.
“No idea.”
So they waited patiently until they finally put the pieces together - it only clicked when Ethan got out and opened the gate.
The trail looked different from the seat of the truck. Partially because it had been cleared out, but mainly because they weren’t on the back of a quad, with the wind whipping in their faces.
Hidden away in the snow covered clearing, the tiny homes were covered in snow. The lights inside were glowing a warm yellow, inviting them in from the cold. Grayson parked halfway between the two, coming around to get the duffle bag before turning around, a sign for Indy to climb on his back.
She didn’t argue, considering he had the advantage of snow boots over her, and climbed on, hugging onto him tight as he trudged through the snow to the front door. He kicked the snow off his boots on the small front porch and then opened the door, the draft of warm air already enticing. 
The inside was more beautiful than Indy could have imagined it would have been. She remembered trying to visualize it when Grayson had explained where everything would be - it felt like years ago, that warm fall day. But the kitchen was exactly as he had said it would be, minimalistic with dark wood that looked black in the dim light and white cabinets. The stairs were beautifully done, and Indy found herself climbing to the loft to find the queen size bed that awaited them, with the triangular window that looked out over the trees. 
“This is incredible,” she mused, looking down over the balcony at him. He beamed up at her, taking her in. Her skin glowed in the warm light, her hair washed yellow in a beautiful tone as it hung around her shoulders. He found himself kicking off his shoes and climbing the stairs to meet her, abandoning his plan of giving her a full tour in favor of exploring her instead. 
She followed his movement like water in an ancient stream, cut out and formed just for her to flow along, and they ended up on the bed with her back against the soft mattress.
“Are we christening the house?” Her words were muffled by his lips, which were eager and hungry against hers, a feeble attempt to drown out his thoughts. He kissed her incessantly instead of answering, pressing all her buttons to make her melt for him. The heater was small and nestled downstairs, goosebumps rising in the cold air as they lost layer after layer, chasing the heat of each other.
He held her as close to him as he possibly could, blocked out the cold and the doubt as he bit onto her shoulder and rocked her in sync with his hips, watched her head fall back and his name sing from her lips as she came undone over and over again until she was putty in his hands. He came so hard he saw stars, slowing down with her still in his arms.
She was in such a daze that it took her a moment to come to her senses and remember that she needed to go downstairs to pee and get cleaned up. As soon as she was out of his sight, the realization of what he’d just done came crashing down on Grayson. The guilt crushed his lungs as he finally admitted to himself that he knew he was hurting Indy. He knew she deserved to know where his mind was at, where it had been ever since Ethan had brought it up. He’d been selfish, and cruel, and as he sat there naked he’d never felt more ashamed in his life. He scrambled to get his clothes back on before Indy came back up. 
She was still blissful, her legs a bit wobbly as she tried to navigate the unfamiliar stairs. But she frowned when she saw his winter coat. 
“Those aren’t pajamas.”
Grayson jumped at the sound of her voice.
“Yeah, uh, Ethan texted me, he said their heater isn’t working, asked me to come look at it.” 
“Oh. That sucks, you want me to come help? I can hold a flashlight or something,” she offered.
“No, no it’s cold, you just stay here and relax, I’ll be back. Might take a while, but I’ll be back.”
“No promises that I won’t be asleep,” she teased, climbing under the covers. “This bed is better than mine I think.”
“Get some rest, I’ll be back soon.” 
“Okay. I’ll save a spot for you. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
He headed down the stairs, slipping his boots on as quickly as he could and choking back his sobs until he was out of the door. He trudged blindly across the yard, only guided by the lights from the windows, and he knocked on the door.
He couldn’t imagine what he looked like when Eden opened the door. But it was bad enough that she didn’t say a word. Instead, she simply turned and called for Ethan, who took one look at him and pulled on his coat, following him out into the snow towards the truck. 
Safe inside the cab and in the presence of his brother, Grayson fell to pieces. Ethan could only remember a handful of times that his brother had cried so hard, and he held him tight in his arms as best be could, shaking with him as the sobs ripped their way out of him. 
Ethan didn’t even attempt to talk, only to console as best he could until Grayson could finally breathe. He pulled the extra inhaler out of the glove box and made his brother take a few puffs when he started to wheeze, holding the canister up to his lips.
“Breathe Gray, c’mon, you’ve gotta breathe so you can talk to me. You gotta tell me what’s wrong so I can help. Hey, I’m right here, it’s me. You can tell me, it’s okay.” 
Grayson finally caught his breath enough to calm down, with his hands gripping onto Ethan’s jacket collar like his life depended on it.
“I’m gonna break her E. I’m gonna destroy her and it’s all my fault. I love her, fuck, I love her. What am I supposed to do?”
Ethan sucked in a long breath through his nose, looking over at Grayson’s house.
“You haven’t told her.” It wasn’t a question.
“I wanted to, I fucking can’t. Every time I think I can tell her I just think about what it’s gonna do to her. What it’s gonna do to me. I don’t know what the right thing is here E, you gotta tell me.”
“You know I can’t do that.” 
“Fuck that, you’re me, we’re each other, you know me better than I know me. Tell me what to do.” 
Ethan could barely see his brother’s face, but the little bit of light from the moon showed enough pain in his eyes to have Ethan’s stomach twisting. He put a hand on his brother’s shoulder and squeezed.
“You know what I’m gonna say.” 
Grayson’s breath hitched once, and then a new wave of sobs took over. He shook so hard that Ethan was convinced the entire cab was shaking with him. Ethan held him, willed himself to absorb some of the pain, as much as he could, anything to help. 
“If it’s the right thing why does it hurt this bad?”
“I don’t know Gray. I don’t know.” 
“I love her.”
“I know.”
“She loves me.”
“I know.”
“Then how is this the right thing?”
Ethan paused for a moment, holding steady on Grayson’s shoulders.
“What would dad say? If he was here with us, right now, what would he say?”
Grayson pressed into his eyes with the heel of his palms and sniffled.
“He’d say that it wasn’t fair. He’d be mad that I hadn’t told her yet, and he’d say that she’s a good person who shouldn’t have to give up on her dreams for mine. He’d tell me to do what’s best for her, I know that. God, FUCK!” He smacked the dashboard so hard that Ethan heard something crack. He wished there was a way that he could protect his brother in that moment more than anything. Usually, he could step up, take the heat, take the attention off him if he needed. It was one of the few times that he felt truly helpless.
“You don’t have to do it tonight. You still have a few days. Just think about what you want to say, and bring it up whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m never gonna be ready, Ethan. That’s the love of my life, and I’m just supposed to walk away? And what’s she gonna say, when she finds out I’ve been thinking about this for weeks, and I haven’t said shit, huh? She’s not gonna want anything to do with me. She’s not gonna love me anymore, Ethan, and I can’t live with that. I can’t.” His voice cracked, and Ethan’s heart cracked with it.
“If it’s meant to work out, it will somehow. We’ve always believed that.”
“How?” It was a plea more than a question.
“I don’t know Gray. I don’t know.” 
Grayson didn’t know how long they sat in silence. They didn’t need words, just the comfort of each other’s presence as he ran through line after line of what he was going to say. He had to do it then, there was no other option. He had to tell her as soon as he got back, or he was afraid that he never would. But every time he closed his eyes to think, his mind was flooded with her, a kaleidoscope of memories and moments that he couldn’t imagine not making more of. He thought of the way his soul ached every time she cried, and he couldn’t fathom how much worse it would be when he was the cause of it. 
He threw the door open without warning, stepping back out into the snow. It took Ethan a few steps to catch him, but when he did he pulled him into a hug, a real one, and pressed his face into his shoulder. 
“I love you bro. We’ll get through it. You’ll be okay.” 
Grayson always knew when his twin was lying, but he tried his best to believe it. The cold wind stung on his wet cheeks as he went back to the house, kicking off his boots. He took the stairs one at a time as slowly as he could, his panic growing with each one. 
When his foot cleared the final step, he saw her.
She was asleep, curled up under the covers in her New York sweatshirt, hands folded underneath her face. He just stared at her, tried to memorize every feature on her face.
He could have stood there for hours, but she stirred only a moment later. Her eyes peered open just enough for him to see the blue, and then they closed again, a small smile stretching across her lips.
“Come to bed baby. S’warm.” 
Every cell in his body screamed at him, tried to pull him back as he slid out of his coat, out of his flannel, stepped out of his pants. His brain called him every name in the book, told him he was pathetic, weak, manipulative.
But his heart beat just a bit slower at the thought of being in her arms, even if it was just for a moment, the familiar home he’d made for himself comforting enough to let him drown the rest out and climb under the covers and over to her, pulling her into his arms as he pressed his lips together and let his eyes fall closed.
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satangrins · 4 years
ʚ 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞! ɞ
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𝙿𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂⌇ : kenma kozuma x gn! reader
𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴⌇ : headcanon, fluff, pre & post timeskip
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶⌇ : very SHITTY WRITING! lots of minecraft and gaming related.
𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃 ⌇ : 1694
꒰ 💡 ꒱ 𝚂𝚈𝙽𝙾𝙿𝚂𝙸𝚂 ⌇ : in which kenma is in a long distance relationship with a gamer from america
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you and kenma meet through a mutual gaming friend, it was in a minecraft server that your friends use to play together.
he was ENCHANTED with your minecraft skills that he felt drawn to you right away. not to mention that the two of you were a lot alike when it comes to video games.
the language barrier between the two of you was quite big, but you somehow made it work.
kenma already knew some of the basics, and for a while he was ok with that. he was ok with just playing video games online with you and not having to talk.
until he saw you in a full on conversation with someone, which was a rare sight for him to see. it unleashed an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. jealousy.
when he got hit with jealousy, he asked kuroo why it was happening. he had a crush on you.
he went through two stages. first denial and then acceptece.
he just wanted you as a friend, or at least someone to play video games with every now and then.
but then he started seeing his feelings for you in a positive light. being ‘around’ you felt different. it felt good, perfect almost. he felt at peace when he just say your gamer tag or when he sees you join the server.
so he started to learn a little bit more english, just enough to have small talk with you at least.
you were learning japanese, so you can talk to him.
you caught feelings for him a week after he realized he had feelings for you, and how you realized your feelings, is a bit childish.
you were playing minecraft and he ‘jokingly’ gave you flowers, which you know use for you bee farm, and asked you to be his minecraft gf.
although, might not sound much, he had set a romantic atmosphere and for the first time, called you by your real name. it made you feel a tiny bit special.
but not knowing he was lowkey deadly serious, you said no and said that if he wanted you to be his minecraft gf, he had to built you a MASSIVE base.
which lead up to now.
he’s only been online when he KNEW that you were asleep or was at school, and whenever he was online, he would build the base little by little. and during all that, he also was learning more english, he was glad that he’s a fast learner.
he wanted to confess to you and ask you out in your language, all while he was showing you the minecraft base, which was now finish and he stared counting down the days.
when he did ask you out, although you were a big surprise you of cause said yes.
a few days after the two of you guys started dating, you both noticed some major changes.
kenma started to get a lot more confidence, you started to speak up more.
the first ‘date’ you both had was a discord call while you guys were playing animal crossing and visit each other islands <3
since the relationship is still new and in the honeymoon phase, you guys haven’t fought yet. but even if you weren’t in the honeymoon phase, you still wouldn’t fight. since kenma hates arguing and he was too baby to even argue with.
in the minecraft server that you both play in with other friends, you two share a minecraft house together, which you both spend a lot of time on.
he taught you japanese and you taught him english, aka how to pronounce the words and what they mean.
he already knew your friends but you never met his friends, so on one of your anniversary, he let you meet them.
on a discord call, he let a few friends (aka hinata and the nekoma team) join the call you two already had and you all played minecraft together with your friends, obliviously.
you became best friends with hinata, you even taught him some english too since he was failing too.
kenma was glad that you got along with his friends and that they didn’t mind the language barrier.
they also loved you and can clearly see that both of you guys care for each other.
you guys slowly got out of the honeymoon phase but the feelings just grew.
you guys even met each other parents, his parents love you for making him more motivated and your parents love him for making you happy.
your parents even met his parents, and without you knowing, planned a vacation together so you and kenma can finally meet in person.
when you both were out of school for vacation, you both were clueless and didn’t connect the dots that you both were going on vacation on the same day.
after all, where you were going is unknown. so ofc you didn’t connect the dots.
you guys were kinda upset that you won’t be able to talk to each other since both of your parents said not to bring any phones on the trip.
but when you guys got to your destination, you both were in shock for a few seconds before you made the first move and rushed towards him, pulling him in a huge hug.
kenma wasn’t very fond on physical touch, but after dating you for so many months without being able to touch you occasionally or being touch by you, he was very fond of it right now.
he hugged you back right away while your parents coo over you guys and took pictures <3
you both were very emotional at the moment.
you thought that he obviously had a low quality camera when you guys facetime because he was a lot cuter in person.
after that trip, he made a promise to himself that he would spend the rest of his life with you.
a few months after the trip occurred, he you a promise ‘ring’.
you didn’t know that it was a promise ring and the ring was actually his hoodie and a few of his favorite things.
you sent him things back, like an oversized shirt that you tend to wear a lot and your favorite snacks and a fake succulent. along with a stack of hand written letters so that he can open whenever his feelings sad and you werent around.
he also water the fake plant for so long until kuroo point out that it was fake
the first time you guys said i love you to each other was a day that kenma would remember forever.
you both were in a video call, you were asleep and he couldn’t help but admire how peaceful you looked as you slept soundly. that’s when he just blurt it out.
he was hiding his face in his sleeve, face bright red when he heard you said it back.
although the moment got ruined by him panicking and ending the call, it was a time to remember.
a few years later, you guys were still dating.
to be honest, none of your friends expected you guys to last so long since we all know what they say about long distance relationship.
but nonetheless, they were glad that you guys were still talking.
you were there whe he made his youtube channel, made his first video, got his first youtube play button, and first paycheck.
and he was there for you as well, since you too made a gaming channel.
since most of the fans are his, he is extremely protective over you when you get hate every now and then.
for example; you were MIA for a while and he was getting new fans. when you came back those new fans were furious over the fact that he was dating someone and started to send you hate.
luckily, the situation was handled in a mature like manor. not. the fans went off on the people who were sending you hate and kenma made a whole 2 hours stream and many tweets.
shortly after that, you had moved to japan.
this was the first time you met hinata, kuroo, lev in person. plus many more people.
if you used to play volleyball in college, you and hinata would play for hours when you both had time.
if you were a science nerd like kuroo, the two of you would create a sibling bond, all while throwing insults at each other that would only make sense to people who know a lot of about science.
since you’re absolutely ATTRACTIVE; you, lev, and alisa would throw mini photo shoots. which you felt kinda imitated since they were both models and you weren’t.
moving back to you and kenma tho
you guys started a shared channel and started to vlog your everyday life.
this is when fans started to wonder, why aren’t you guys married yet. yes you guys might still be young, but you’ve been dating for ages now.
which led to kenma thinking.
this smol bby loves you to the point where he puts you before gaming and he already knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
so he proposed.
he wanted to make it special so he recreated you’re first date. this time in real life, luckily he recorded it since he wanted to look back on it in the future.
and since you started living with him, you were mostly speaking japanese. the only time he heard you speak english was when you’re recording for your gaming channel or when you’re talking to your parents over the phone.
but you rarely spoke english around him or towards him. so he wanted to propose in english.
when the day came and it was time for him to pop the question, he started to get nervous to the point where his hands were sweating.
but he push through it and asked the question.
first you were shocked that he was asking it in english but when the question registered in your mind, you were hit with a lot of emotions.
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꒰ 🥟 ꒱ 𝙵𝚄𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝚃 ⌇ : the first date was a cute little “picnic date” and he recreate the picnic and he cooked your favorite foods
꒰ 👼🏻 ꒱ 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺𝚂 ⌇ : i know that this ended with a cliffhanger but i didnt wanna drag this on longer than it already was. but u can make up ur own ending! 
꒰ 🏷 ꒱ 𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 ⌇ : @emoashveil​ 
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“a one shot of a soft date with bby kenma :((( where they take a pure bath together :((( x2 and then their normal skincare routine together 🥺🥺 and after she watches kenma play a game while applying a face mask on him 🥺 and their wearing those iconic pink headbands to hold their hair back and have matching sleepwear >:((((((“
FORIRIKTFJ SO CUTE FIRIRI I tried my best!!!! okay this was kinda messy PLEASE FORGIVE ME I HOPED YOU LIKED IT!!!!!
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it’s days like this where you’re thankful to be alive, because only then could you have met Kenma.
because you’re alive, you’re able to meet this sweet man that smiles at you as you rub the soap onto yourself, and shoots you a grin as you help him to lather the shampoo into his hair.
it ignites this warmth that spreads through your heart, when you meet those eyes of his as he helps you to rinse the bubbles off your hair, being careful not to let any water touch your eyes.
you’re thankful, because you’re just smiling this silly grin on your face as you tell him which face wash to use on his face, when the both of you step out of the shower, the heat clouding up the bathroom mirror.
he chuckles softly as he intentionally chooses the wrong one, and that makes you groan and grab the correct scrub to use against his skin.
he finds you adorable, and dabs the towel gently against your face after you’ve washed the scrub off your face.
you’re taking a seat next to him and preparing an avocado face mask for him while he sets up the equipment for his livestream.
he shoots you a wary look as the spoon clinks around the bowl, and you shrug your shoulders at him with a sneaky smile, because sue you for being invested in your youtuber boyfriend’s face condition!
the livestream starts and Kenma’s fingers fly skillfully across the keyboard, and he occasionally answers the comments that start to flood in into the sidebar.
he pushes back the chair and takes a quick stretch as he readies himself for the next game, and he sighs when you take the opportunity to smear the face mask onto his face.
when he pulls the chair back to the table, green chunk stuck onto his face thanks to the honey that you’ve added into the mixture, you let out a giggle at one of the comments that pop up in the sidebar.
“hey, Ko? this guy said that he respects you for being a simp.”
Kenma lets out a loud laugh, and grins into the camera set up right beside him.
“that’s right. i’m a simp for my girlfriend.”
he grins even wider when his eyes scan down the sidebar, and you laugh as he points at a few of his favourite comments.
“yes, for all my new subscribers, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend.”
you smile as you offer a quick wave to the camera.
“yes, i allowed (Y/N) to put a face mask on me.”
you laugh, and smile cheekily at the camera,” his skin wouldn’t be half as glowy without me!”
he smacks you softly on your head, and turns back to the computer, the smile on his face still present as the match starts.
he lets out another sigh when you pull out two headbands from the drawers, and rolls his eyes at you as you pad quickly towards him.
“aren’t the matching pyjamas enough?”
he’s standing up and frowning at you as he glances down at what he was wearing.
the “onesie” he and you were wearing, was gifted to the both of you by his dearest friend, Kuroo, who saw it while he was shopping one day and bought it for Kenma just for laughs.
Kenma planned to stow it away deep in the closet after he whacked Kuroo, but before he could do it, you had caught sight of it and fell in love with it.
could he bear to hide the “onesie” when you looked so excited as you turned back to him to enthuse about how cute it was?
the answer was no.
so that left him wearing a onesie as the both of you got ready for bed, and trying his best to fight the smile threatening to emerge on his face as he eyes you in your onesie.
“hey, Ko!!!! wear this!”
you jump up to loop the headband around his head, and he sighs as he watches the smile on your face widen as you place a similar headband on your head too.
he reluctantly adjusts it, but he realises that it’s all worth it when he realises how happy you look as you whip your phone out to take a picture.
he makes you get into the frame after you take a few pictures of him, and he smiles as he stares at the picture sitting prettily in your camera roll.
he secretly unlocks your phone to send the picture to him while you’re in the bathroom, and he makes the picture his wallpaper.
when you plop yourself down onto the bed, curling up next to him, you feel so contented and that warmth blooming across your chest when he leans forward to brush a stray hair away from your face.
“sleep tight, Ko.”
“sleep well, baby.”
and when he wakes up that night, blinking blearily at your peaceful face as you snooze quietly in your sleep, he smiles and pulls you closer to him and closes his eyes to fall back asleep.
you’re thankful to be alive, because that’s the only reason you’ve gotten to meet Kenma.
but what you don’t realise, is that Kenma’s thankful to be alive, because that’s the only reason he got to meet you, too.
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dazaily · 4 years
todoroki bringing his s/o to an amusement part
my first bnha work... kinda nervous posting this cuz like bnha(?) idk,, but for my manz, i will pull through!! hope u enjoy ^^
description: you and todoroki have been dating for awhile now, but recently he realised he never initiates dates, and so he planned and invited u to an amusement park for a date. 
warnings: gender neutral! reader. fluff. clichéd. i wrote this at 4-5am.
* ·      ˚  +     ·    *  ˚ 
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my manz is innocent, like lbr, he aint gonna know shiz abt dating..
sooo, the first few weeks into ur relationship(?) he was alr facing his first crisis.
he felt like nothing changed, despite having transitioned from a platonic to romantic relationship.
and so, being the sweet and clueless lil bean he is, he went to seek for advice from his one and only bestie bakugou, midoriya.
“hey, midoriya, what does one do in a relationship” why am i making him talk like someone from the shakespearean era tf
“oh, um todoroki?? are u asking for y/n? if so, i don't think im not the right person u should be asking,, i mean ive never even been in a rela--”
“well, u were my best choice” 
midoriya notices the absolute chaos they are surrounded by in the 1A dorm 
“ok i may be the best choice.” said in tiny.
so after a discussion that dragged for way longer than it had to be 2 days, todoroki settled on the idea of bringing u on a date to the amusement park.
cute idea right? yes. there's no twist, like i said this is a fluff. 
n e ways, he was an awkward lil bby asking u out, cuz he's not used to receiving or giving affection,,,, he's trying his best.
“um, y/n, are u free this sunday..?”
“sunday, hmm i think i alr have smtg planned..”
“oh, um, well then, its fine, its nothing important..”
if u weren't hit by a pang of guilt, idk what type of monster u are.
“nah, that was just jokes, so whats up?”
and that was how y'all ended up in universal studios japan. usj
endeavour’s bout to be big mad when he realises the missing money from his wallet.
“sHOUTOOOOO!!” >:[
n e ways..
so ur date started with u dragging shouto around the entire park, with the goal of riding every single ride 
ofc he was fine with it, he was happy as long as he got to spend time with u. a simp.
but since u guys went on a weekend, there were way more people than u guys originally expected, like wHOA,,, 
the park was basically filled with people from all over the world, even though it wasn't holiday season..
so ur dreams and hopes of riding eery single ride, may be impossible..
ur manz got u the express pass.
the one time ur grateful for the existence of his father.
so yall spent the first 2-4 hours just riding every single ride u could possibly find. 
shouto’s probably the type that is willing to try anything, i don't think he’ll be scared of any rides in particular. 
in the contrary, i feel like there'll be rides that he's lowkey excited to ride on, since he never had the chance to enjoy these events and places as a child. cuz of his sh*tty father.
he would ofc try to hide his excitement, but after being by his side for awhile, uve learnt how to differentiate his different emotions, despite his general nonchalant self. 
him being excited, makes u happy, cuz its rare that u get to see these sides of him.
omg pls protect him at all costs,, he needs it,,, he's so precious,, shower him with all the love in the world.
so y'all be running all over the place, until hunger slaps u in the face like that isekai truck that ive been waiting for. 
and so its food time!
“hmm, since were in an amusement park, we should get some hot dogs, churros, oMG and cotton candy!!”
“..what? c-ch-churros?? what are those?”
“holy sh-- u don't kNOW WHAT CHURROS ARE!? we’re getting churros right now.”
“but, i want soba... the cold one”
u ended up getting both. cuz it isn't todoroki without cold soba.
and it was back to running around the entire park riding everything.
but instead of running yallz were walking hand in hand, as if u guys were an old couple taking a stroll in the local park
and instead of the entire park, y'all were just in the harry potter section..
don't judge, its cute. and the food did some numbers to ur stomachs, so u were avoiding some rides till u digest ur food. 
while walking around, the sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery. 
wanting this to be a lasting memory, u convinced todoroki to take a photo together. 
u wanted to take an aesthetic couple photo to show off to other people who were trying to steal ur hunk of a man. 
at first u had asked random passerby to help yalls take a photo,, but being the attention-starved lil bby he is, he felt awkward posing in front of random people. 
which led u guys to just set up the camera on a small ledge with a castle in the bg. 
it was then, todoroki had experience a flashback to the conversation that him and midoriya had. 
“hmm, wikihow says that every date has to end in a kiss, for it to be called successful..”
“is this website trustable??”
“it should be.. anyways just do it.”
coming back to reality, todoroki suddenly felt a sense of urgency, the date was coming to an end, and he hasn't kissed u yet,,,,
at that moment, as the timer of the phone camera was reaching 0, with u and ur wide smile posing for the camera
todoroki gently turned ur head to face his, and he had kissed u, for public display.
ur face immediately turned red, but u eventually returned the kiss, after getting over the shock. 
after separating, todoroki was silent, slightly scared and worried of ur reaction(?)
“why didn't u tell me u were going to kiss me~~ u should've told me so i can at least look good in the photo~~”
“..huh? well, um, i just had he sudden urge to do it?” kinda ooc
he was flustered, confused, embarrassed and giddy all at the same time
but the hugest wave of relief came over him, as he began to relax. 
“well we can just take another photo if u don't like it--”
“nO, i like this photo. but im always open for another kiss.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
getting over ur prior embarrassment, u tried flirting with him, returning the bold action he had pulled off earlier. 
“well, i wouldn't reject an offer like that would i..”
surprising u by picking up on the offer u suggested, todoroki gave u another kiss, easily taking ur breathe away.
well, ig this just confirms that wikihow is reliable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can't believe i ended a fic with a kiss,, this is the most cop out ending ive written but im way too tired to write properly rn,, 
˚  ˚ . ·     *   ⋆  *  
a/n: hihi, so im kinda nervous posting this, cuz thus far i have only done haikyuu works so like??? i feel like i have an overall better understanding of haikyuu characters and their dynamics, but i wanted to write something for my precious icyhot <3 if this piece does well, ill try and write more about bnha characters. hope it was good!!
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kbandtrash · 3 years
N.F Idol GF (Hweseung)
~Megan (feat a little Rachel)~
Content: established relationship, secret dating, fans find out you're dating (non-traumatic), fluff, silliness
Word count: .6k
He’s a simple man
And boy does he put the simp in simple
He’s the epitome of “I just think they’re neat” when he’s on camera
To the rest of the world it just looks like he really likes your group
Because that’s like not even suspicious sometimes idols are just like that
He has signed copies of all of your albums that he has displayed on a little shelf in his HaMa space
What is not displayed are the love notes you always leave on the inside of the front cover
He’s a sucker for that
Once you commented on his vlive (with your secret account that only he knows) that he looked handsome
And he read it and just
His hands snapped up to cover his face but then he tried to play it off as just squishing his cheeks
And so you comment again “oh so cuuute”
By now he’s addicted to your compliments
So he does everything he can to earn sweet comments from you
He sings one of your songs; you comment the sweetest little “you did so well bby <3”
So he talks about one of his newer songs and how he tried so hard on it
And of course you tell him he did such a great job he sounded flawless
He’s just so happy
He doesn’t realize that he’s only been reading your comments
As soon as he does he’s back to reading a million other random comments to hide it
No one really notices much
One time he’s showing off your albums and talking about how the whole group is so cool
But he looks a little bit too excited about how he has gotten a photocard of you in every album
And then during breaks you would hang out and cuddle or facetime for so long the members would complain
Managers would try to stop you but
Secretly they rooted for you because dang aren’t you guys the cutest little kids on earth
And then there was the time you accidentally commented on his instagram post from your official account
Oh man was that trouble
As in nfias were all over the place
“Are they together??” “This is so wholesome” “don’t be afraid, make it official”
After that they might’ve begged the company to let the two groups on a show together
You and Hweseung might’ve had one too many interactions
You might’ve accidentally fangirled too much
“Oh my word he’s so handsome”
He might’ve held your hand on accident
And while nfias were theorizing
You were both hanging out after the shoot
“What if they don’t approve”
“What if the fans hate us”
You were always the one to reassure him with some sweet words and a big hug
Hugs were almost constant honestly
So the day after the show fnc released a statement that, yes, you two were dating
Nfias seemed… happy??
Your fans had mixed feelings because you were such a new group
But the majority were fine with it
Fans: Collab collab collab collab collab
You and Hweseung: collab collab collab
The boys would sometimes bring you guys up and just. “AHHHHH I KNOW THEY’RE SO CUTE !”
And so finally you two released a duet together
Every promotion was just
“My Hweseung did such a great job ! !”
“My Y/N has the perfect voice!!”
“He killed it, right????”
“You’ll regret it if you don’t praise them”
And fans were ecstatic
On shows you two were like two idiots
Two lovefools
Basically you plus hweseung equal chaos
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